Instructional Technology Assignment: Text in Video & Teaching

Name: Cisilia Sinta Rahayuningtyas
Student Number: 2020002002
Courses: Instructional Technology
a. Watch the video and answer some questions.
b. Answer the questions after watching the video.
1. What is the definition of a text in video?
2. What did she suggest on teaching your classroom?
1. From the video I watched, the meaning of text is all information or anything that we
can read and interpret. Text is not only about written sentences, but can also be
photos, pictures, audio, visuals, or videos. The information that we get, both from
printed text and in the form of images and so on, is text that can be known what it
contains, and thus we get information that what the picture or writing is trying to
2. The speakers in the video give suggestions to us as prospective teachers to be more
creative in teaching students. Don't just teach by relying on books or printed material
that contains only theoretical sentences. Students will feel bored in learning if the
teacher only relies on books. We can vary the text that we want to convey to students
in other ways or methods. This is our challenge as prospective teachers who will have
to rack our brains and find other ways to show a text to students so it won't be boring.