Uploaded by Collin Kipchumba

Cybersecurity Project Proposal: Zero Trust & AI

Cyber-Security Intervention/Innovation and AI
Project Proposal
Due: Sun Oct 22, 2023 11:59pmDue: Sun Oct 22, 2023 11:59pm
Ungraded, 100 Possible Points
Please refer to the Table 3 & 4 of the following article to learn more about potential
cybersecurity intervention/innovation strategies.
Rowe, B., Halpern, M., & Lentz, T. (2012). Is a Public Health Framework the
Cure for Cyber Security?Links to an external site. CrossTalk, 25(6), 30-38.
(Table 3 & 4 at page 36 provides a taxonomy of cyber-security intervention
strategies Download a taxonomy of cyber-security intervention
strategiesbased on the public health framework.)
Intervention and innovation in cybersecurity can be closely related to artificial
intelligence (AI) in several ways include different assessments, analysis, detections and
Your intervention/innovation project should be related to the topic “Zero Trust.” Zero
trust was first coined by John Kindervag in 2010. The main principle behind the zerotrust security model is "never trust, always verify." This means that even if the device is
connected to an approved network such as a corporate LAN, it should not be trusted by
default. Zero trust also ensures that all users, whether on or off the corporate network,
are continuously validated for authentication, authorization, and security configuration
and status before being granted or retained access to applications and data.
The purpose of the final project is to help students learn and understand how and why a
cybersecurity intervention/innovation was initiated/designed, how the
intervention/innovation works while "AI" is around, and what impact it has generated.
The project also aims to motivate the students to learn how to apply and connect
relevant concepts from different modules to analyze the implementation of the Zero
Trust (principles or architecture) as an intervention or an innovation in cybersecurity
related to AI, and if there is a new way to do so. You can select any two of the following
CISSP CBK domains based on your previous experience, current research interests, or
future career goals. Please choose at least five cybersecurity concepts from any two
domains to analyze and explore the relationship between the zero-trust
implementation and related concepts listed in our textbook (The Official (ISC)2 CISSP
CBK Reference, 6th Edition).
Module 1 (CISSP CBK Domain 2): Asset Security
Module 2 & 3 (CISSP CBK Domain 1): Security & Risk Management
Module 4 & 5 (CISSP Domain 3): Security Architecture and Engineering
Module 6 (CISSP CBK Domain 4): Communications & Network Security
Module 7 (CISSP CBK Domain 5): Identity and Access Management
Module 8 (CISSP CBK Domain 6): Security Assessment and Testing
Module 9 (CISSP CBK Domain 7): Security Operations
Module 10 (CISSP CBK Domain 8): Software Development Security
In this project you need to focus of four components: Cyber security
intervention/innovation, "AI", Zero Trust, and two domains(five cybersecurity
concepts from each of chosen domain).
Each group should choose two of the domains (mentioned above) they want to
explore/investigate in terms of zero trust project. In your project proposal presentation
(in the first slide) and report (in the first page), after the title of the project, you need to
emphasize to your chosen domains. You need to choose the suitable/preffered titile for
your project.
Please submit a Project Proposal (850 words minimum and maximum of 1000
words) on Canvas. Proposals should be clear and direct. Unorganized or hard to read
proposals will be penalized. The elements/questions you need to cover in the proposal
are listed as follows.
What would be the name or title for your project? (You need to choose the
suitable/preffered titile for your project.)
What is the motivation of choosing the two focused domains? Please
provide background information of the zero trust along with the relationship
with the selected domains.
How does the project align with your research interests or career goals?
Which industry or sector would you choose to concentrate on if there is
Locate at least three academic papers for each member of the group
(published in the year assigned to your group) that address the "AI", zero
trust intervention/innovation and the domain concepts. Please briefly
discuss what you have learned from the papers and what you would like to
study to advance your understanding about the zero-trust implementation
and the focused domains.
Group proposals should clearly list the names of each group member. All group
members assume equal responsibility for the quality and content of the proposal and
final project. All members within a group will receive the same grade, except under
extenuating circumstances. Group work should be collaborative and issues regarding
participation/shared work should be resolved within the group. The instructor should
be notified immediately if an issue cannot be resolved within the group. Do not wait
until the project is due or after the end of the semester to inform the instructor of group
To help get the thought process started, you can review the project sample
document Download project sample documentwhich provides an overview about
zero trust and its connection to the related concepts in eight domains.
Please use your own words and cite the works and/or use direct quotes
based on the APA 7th style if you need to use any statements from others.
Format reference(s) in APA 7th edition style.
Submit the assignment (MS word format) via Turnitin Assignments.
Note: Late submissions will not be accepted unless the instructor has been