nnp-ftfrir Total No. of Questions I 5l SEAT No. F-38{}3 : ["t'otall Nu. erl'P:.rgce : 3 02 [6s 4 F. GC-02 : O OI\AL BEHAVIO ) (Semester r) (1fiz) (20 Time:2% Wrswrsf LIBRARY ..t t {fr{*x. tu{ayks : S{} Iwstt wctions to rlA crswEtu{s*ry. 2) L e rigkt i*tl,icwi* fitl! w*yks. '= SfJ .',2".,) Answer an,t;''s (2 marks eacle) [1{}] : l tt Ot] a) Qe,ffihe b) Write c) What are the cotnp*ne*ts of d) What is Pelception? e) Expiain Locais of"con f) \\rh;rt is consfi'uct,i cv\ Write ,lfi,v f\\/c h) Name 2 contents of th$.grtes of Viotivation? of ,* lution of O"B 3fi1r 1*13 names of, crlntrib *teXligence? gr{rups. # L i" ..., ..% flZ) Answer (any 2) L5 marks eachl : a) Explain Joleari Window with neat diagram. b) Expl;rin 3 componertts ol attitucle. c) What are {he 5 sfi;rges of gloup '._ tt{} l an exampt*. []tX i.l''' #3,) a) l::;,*" b) u-' effect in perception affect 1ri3"}9; E T.O. 0_pLg #A) a) Explain Aulocratic h4octrel oi OB and discuss u,here can we !lse" l-1S1 oH;l Compare and Contrast Managp;s V s Leariers *;' .i GSj anv 6fuE:3r can be a; {' of Change Management anctr discuss whe,ro t10l OR h) What Managers are using to manage a stress, emptroyees S Marcir'l 1{1 r",i-q trtrtr , \.j i'*].\ ,' IISRARY '/. ls02sj-102 o. * 2 * ' :: :;, L