Uploaded by Rosi Gancheva

How do you want the world to see you

How do you
want the
world to
see you?
How important
is your image to you?
Do you think
the world nowadays
is too obsessed
with image?
Do you try to present
yourself in a certain way
in certain situations?
(at work, on social media,etc.)
If someone sees you
out of the usual social
environment (e.g. a colleague
from works meets you at a
club), would they see the
same person?
match the words to the definitions
Are the following situations
considered appropriate or
acceptable in your opinion?
Arriving half an hour late
to a social occasion.
Dropping in at someone’s
house uninvited.
Doing things on your phone
while socializing.
Touching people when you talk
to them.
Couples kissing and hugging
in public.
Swearing and showing
frustration at work.
Arguing with or criticizing
someone in public.