NAME Session 1 SESSIONS Set/Reps Rest Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Session 2 Set/Reps Rest Incline Bench Press 3 x 8-10 A1 3 Second Iso Hold Chest Supported DB Row 4 x 10 120 A1 B1 DB RDL 4 x 12 30 B1 B2 TRX Row 4 x 6-15 90 C1 Inverted Row C1 Press Up 3 x 8-20 0 C2 Trx Hamstring 3 x 10-20 Curl C2 Lying 3 Second Iso Hold Reverse DB Fly 3 x 10 90 D1 BB Curls 3 x 15 0 D1 Anti Rotation Alphabet With Band x2 60 D2 Banded Tricep Pulldowns 3 x 20 90 Session 3 Set/Reps Rest Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps 120 Squat Variation 3 x 10-12 120 Session 4 3 x 10-20 0 90 Set/Reps Rest A1 6 Second Negative Split Squat 3x6 120 A1 Chain Press 3 x 6-8 120 B1 1 X Deep Lunge ALAP (record time and beat next week) x1 N/A B1 Rack Deadlift 3 x 8-10 120 C1 Seated Cable Row 4 x 12-15 0 C1 Dips 4 x 8-10 120 C2 Y-T-W 4 x 10-15 seconds 90 D1 D1 4 Minute Push Test (beat next week) x1 E1 Reverse Crunch 4 x 15 60 1-4 Standing Lateral 4 x 8-12 Raise 0 D2 45 Degree Dumbell Curl 4 x 8-12 90 E1 RCK Plank 2 x (2 x 10s) 60 #BETHEMAN NAME Session 5 SESSIONS Set/Reps Rest Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Session 6 Set/Reps Rest Incline Bench Press 3 x 8-10 A1 3 Second Iso Hold Chest Supported DB Row 4 x 10 120 A1 B1 DB RDL 4 x 12 30 B1 B2 TRX Row 4 x 6-15 90 C1 Inverted Row C1 Press Up 3 x 8-20 0 C2 Trx Hamstring 3 x 10-20 Curl C2 Lying 3 Second Iso Hold Reverse DB Fly 3 x 10 90 D1 BB Curls 3 x 15 0 D1 Anti Rotation Alphabet With Band x2 60 D2 Banded Tricep Pulldowns 3 x 20 90 Session 7 Set/Reps Rest Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps 120 Squat Variation 3 x 10-12 120 Session 8 3 x 10-20 0 90 Set/Reps Rest A1 6 Second Negative Split Squat 3x6 120 A1 Chain Press 3 x 6-8 120 B1 1 X Deep Lunge ALAP (record time and beat next week) x1 N/A B1 Rack Deadlift 3 x 8-10 120 C1 Seated Cable Row 4 x 12-15 0 C1 Dips 4 x 8-10 120 C2 Y-T-W 4 x 10-15 seconds 90 D1 D1 4 Minute Push Test (beat next week) x1 E1 Reverse Crunch 4 x 15 60 5-8 Standing Lateral 4 x 8-12 Raise 0 D2 45 Degree Dumbell Curl 4 x 8-12 90 E1 RCK Plank 2 x (3 x 10s) 60 #BETHEMAN NAME Session 9 SESSIONS Set/Reps Rest Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Session 10 Set/Reps Rest A1 3 Second Iso Hold Chest Supported DB Row 4 x 10 120 A1 B1 DB RDL 4 x 12 30 B1 B2 TRX Row 4 x 6-15 90 C1 Inverted Row C1 Press Up 3 x 8-20 0 C2 Trx Hamstring 3 x 10-20 Curl C2 Lying 3 Second Iso Hold Reverse DB Fly 3 x 10 90 D1 BB Curls 3 x 15 0 D1 Anti Rotation Alphabet With Band x2 60 D2 Banded Tricep Pulldowns 3 x 20 90 Session 11 Set/Reps Rest Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Incline Bench Press 3 x 8-10 Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps 120 Squat Variation 3 x 10-12 120 Session 12 3 x 10-20 0 90 Set/Reps Rest A1 6 Second Negative Split Squat 3x6 120 A1 Chain Press 3 x 6-8 120 B1 1 X Deep Lunge ALAP (record time and beat next week) x1 N/A B1 Rack Deadlift 3 x 8-10 120 C1 Seated Cable Row 4 x 12-15 0 C1 Dips 4 x 8-10 120 C2 Y-T-W 4 x 10-15 seconds 90 D1 D1 4 Minute Push Test (beat next week) x1 E1 Reverse Crunch 4 x 15 60 9-12 Standing Lateral 4 x 8-12 Raise 0 D2 45 Degree Dumbell Curl 4 x 8-12 90 E1 RCK Plank 2 x (4 x 10s) 60 #BETHEMAN NAME Session 13 SESSIONS Set/Reps Rest Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Session 14 Set/Reps Rest A1 3 Second Iso Hold Chest Supported DB Row 4 x 10 120 A1 B1 DB RDL 4 x 12 30 B1 B2 TRX Row 4 x 6-15 90 C1 Inverted Row C1 Press Up 3 x 8-20 0 C2 Trx Hamstring 3 x 10-20 Curl C2 Lying 3 Second Iso Hold Reverse DB Fly 3 x 10 90 D1 BB Curls 3 x 15 0 D1 Anti Rotation Alphabet With Band x2 60 D2 Banded Tricep Pulldowns 3 x 20 90 Session 15 Set/Reps Rest Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Incline Bench Press 3 x 8-10 Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps 120 Squat Variation 3 x 10-12 120 Session 16 3 x 10-20 0 90 Set/Reps Rest A1 6 Second Negative Split Squat 3x6 120 A1 Chain Press 3 x 6-8 120 B1 1 X Deep Lunge ALAP (record time and beat next week) x1 N/A B1 Rack Deadlift 3 x 8-10 120 C1 Seated Cable Row 4 x 12-15 0 C1 Dips 4 x 8-10 120 C2 Y-T-W 4 x 10-15 seconds 90 D1 D1 4 Minute Push Test (beat next week) x1 E1 Reverse Crunch 4 x 15 60 13-16 Standing Lateral 4 x 8-12 Raise 0 D2 45 Degree Dumbell Curl 4 x 8-12 90 E1 RCK Plank 2 x (5 x 10s) 60 #BETHEMAN NAME Session 17 SESSIONS Set/Reps Rest Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Session 18 Set/Reps Rest A1 DB RDL 3 x 10 120 A1 Goblet Squat Challenge (30-50% BW) B1 Lat Pulldown (Iso Hold Max for last rep) 3 x 12-15 0 B1 Floor Press 2 x 6-8 180 B2 Cable FacePull 3 x 30 90 C1 Flat DB Chest Press 3 x 8-10 120 30 D1 E1 Static Plate Hold C1 Lying Cable 3 x 15-20 Hamstring Curls C2 Trx Row 3 x 15-20 90 D1 Iso Dynamic Lat Raises 2 x 10 0 E2 D2 Cuban Press 2 x 10 0 E3 D3 L Raises 2 x 10 120 Session 19 Set/Reps Rest A1 3 Second Iso Hold DB Chest Press 3x6 120 B1 Reverse Goblet Lunge 4 x 12 C1 5 Second Negative Push Ups 4 x 8-10 Bent Over V Bar C2 Row D1 DB Curls (15RM) Banded Facepull E1 With Ext Rotation E2 Leg Raise Variation 4 x 20 1 x 50 Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps x1 N/a Seated DB 3 x 12-15 Shoulder Press 3 x 30 seconds Chest Supported 3 x 15-20 Row Session 20 Set/Reps Rest 120 B1 Hip Thrust Variation 4 x 10 30 0 B2 One Arm Row 4 x 15 120 1 x 10 1x AMRAP 90 D1 Tricep Rope Pulldown (20RM) 1x 75-100 20 E1 Slam Ball/ Burpee/Plank/ Mountain Climber 8 x 20 seconds 10 4 x 10-15 90 Set 4 Set 5 Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Reverse DB Fly 3 x 15-20 120 120 0 Set 3 0 3x6 4 x 20 Set 2 0 A1 20 Set 1 20 DB 3 Second Iso Hold Split Squat 120 17-20 Goblet Squat 1.5 C1 Rep #BETHEMAN NAME Session 21 SESSIONS Set/Reps Rest Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Session 22 Set/Reps Rest A1 DB RDL 3 x 10 120 A1 Goblet Squat Challenge (30-50% BW) B1 Lat Pulldown (Iso Hold Max for last rep) 3 x 12-15 0 B1 Floor Press 2 x 6-8 180 B2 Cable FacePull 3 x 30 90 C1 Flat DB Chest Press 3 x 8-10 120 30 D1 E1 Static Plate Hold C1 Lying Cable 3 x 15-20 Hamstring Curls C2 Trx Row 3 x 15-20 90 D1 Iso Dynamic Lat Raises 2 x 10 0 E2 D2 Cuban Press 2 x 10 0 E3 D3 L Raises 2 x 10 120 Session 23 Set/Reps Rest A1 3 Second Iso Hold DB Chest Press 3x6 120 B1 Reverse Goblet Lunge 4 x 12 C1 5 Second Negative Push Ups 4 x 8-10 Bent Over V Bar C2 Row D1 DB Curls (15RM) Banded Facepull E1 With Ext Rotation E2 Leg Raise Variation 4 x 20 1 x 50 Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps x1 N/a Seated DB 3 x 12-15 Shoulder Press 3 x 30 seconds Chest Supported 3 x 15-20 Row Session 24 Set/Reps Rest 120 B1 Hip Thrust Variation 4 x 10 30 0 B2 One Arm Row 4 x 15 120 1 x 10 1x AMRAP 90 D1 Tricep Rope Pulldown (20RM) 1x 75-100 20 E1 Slam Ball/ Burpee/Plank/ Mountain Climber 8 x 20 seconds 10 4 x 10-15 90 Set 4 Set 5 Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Reverse DB Fly 3 x 15-20 120 120 0 Set 3 0 3x6 4 x 20 Set 2 0 A1 20 Set 1 20 DB 3 Second Iso Hold Split Squat 120 21-24 Goblet Squat 1.5 C1 Rep #BETHEMAN NAME Session 25 SESSIONS Set/Reps Rest Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Session 26 Set/Reps Rest A1 DB RDL 3 x 10 120 A1 Goblet Squat Challenge (30-50% BW) B1 Lat Pulldown (Iso Hold Max for last rep) 3 x 12-15 0 B1 Floor Press 2 x 6-8 180 B2 Cable FacePull 3 x 30 90 C1 Flat DB Chest Press 3 x 8-10 120 30 D1 E1 Static Plate Hold C1 Lying Cable 3 x 15-20 Hamstring Curls C2 Trx Row 3 x 15-20 90 D1 Iso Dynamic Lat Raises 2 x 10 0 E2 D2 Cuban Press 2 x 10 0 E3 D3 L Raises 2 x 10 120 Session 27 Set/Reps Rest A1 3 Second Iso Hold DB Chest Press 3x6 120 B1 Reverse Goblet Lunge 4 x 12 C1 5 Second Negative Push Ups 4 x 8-10 Bent Over V Bar C2 Row D1 DB Curls (15RM) Banded Facepull E1 With Ext Rotation E2 Leg Raise Variation 4 x 20 1 x 50 Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps x1 N/a Seated DB 3 x 12-15 Shoulder Press 3 x 30 seconds Chest Supported 3 x 15-20 Row Session 28 Set/Reps Rest 120 B1 Hip Thrust Variation 4 x 10 30 0 B2 One Arm Row 4 x 15 120 1 x 10 1x AMRAP 90 D1 Tricep Rope Pulldown (20RM) 1x 75-100 20 E1 Slam Ball/ Burpee/Plank/ Mountain Climber 8 x 20 seconds 10 4 x 10-15 90 Set 4 Set 5 Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Reverse DB Fly 3 x 15-20 120 120 0 Set 3 0 3x6 4 x 20 Set 2 0 A1 20 Set 1 20 DB 3 Second Iso Hold Split Squat 120 25-28 Goblet Squat 1.5 C1 Rep #BETHEMAN NAME Session 29 SESSIONS Set/Reps Rest Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Session 30 Set/Reps Rest A1 DB RDL 3 x 10 120 A1 Goblet Squat Challenge (30-50% BW) B1 Lat Pulldown (Iso Hold Max for last rep) 3 x 12-15 0 B1 Floor Press 2 x 6-8 180 B2 Cable FacePull 3 x 30 90 C1 Flat DB Chest Press 3 x 8-10 120 30 D1 E1 Static Plate Hold C1 Lying Cable 3 x 15-20 Hamstring Curls C2 Trx Row 3 x 15-20 90 D1 Iso Dynamic Lat Raises 2 x 10 0 E2 D2 Cuban Press 2 x 10 0 E3 D3 L Raises 2 x 10 120 Session 31 Set/Reps Rest A1 3 Second Iso Hold DB Chest Press 3x6 120 B1 Reverse Goblet Lunge 4 x 12 C1 5 Second Negative Push Ups 4 x 8-10 Bent Over V Bar C2 Row D1 DB Curls (15RM) Banded Facepull E1 With Ext Rotation E2 Leg Raise Variation 4 x 20 1 x 50 Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps x1 N/a Seated DB 3 x 12-15 Shoulder Press 3 x 30 seconds Chest Supported 3 x 15-20 Row Session 32 Set/Reps Rest 120 B1 Hip Thrust Variation 4 x 10 30 0 B2 One Arm Row 4 x 15 120 1 x 10 1x AMRAP 90 D1 Tricep Rope Pulldown (20RM) 1x 75-100 20 E1 Slam Ball/ Burpee/Plank/ Mountain Climber 8 x 20 seconds 10 4 x 10-15 90 Set 4 Set 5 Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Reverse DB Fly 3 x 15-20 120 120 0 Set 3 0 3x6 4 x 20 Set 2 0 A1 20 Set 1 20 DB 3 Second Iso Hold Split Squat 120 29-32 Goblet Squat 1.5 C1 Rep #BETHEMAN