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BSN Completion: Goals, Concerns, and Success Strategies

Discuss why you have decided to complete your BSN at this time, and the concerns you
have about completing your baccalaureate degree. Based on the readings in the course
materials, what strategies can you implement to be a successful student?
Obtaining a bachelor’s degree allows expanding both mind and thought process. It also
helps to expand the role as a nurse and better serve patients. This educational experience would
provide be more knowledge that will empower me to enrich current practice and efficiently
handle complex situations in future. Personally, I hope this program would make me equipped
enough to be part of health care teams that work to enhance patient outcomes and upgrade the
quality of health care. Even hospitals are encouraging nurses to obtain BSN degree. Additionally,
BSN programs help to obtain nursing skills and strategies for NCLEX preparation that enables
nurses to engage in a broader educational perspective. Even though this is a beneficial endeavor,
this is my first online learning experience, of which I am a little concerned about. Writing up
assignments and submitting online on the given date and time is one of the current concerns. As I
cannot type easily, using computer for writing assignments is a worrisome task.
For now, the priority is to concentrate on academic writing. Academic writing involves
analysis of the material and expressing understanding of it in a clear and informative manner by
appropriately acknowledging the sources (Hammond et al., 2019). Information literacy is vital
for designing a framework for success in baccalaureate programs. Learning to use databases,
identifying peer-reviewed articles, understanding the content of the articles and ways in which
they support the writing are the major strategies that can help students to be successful (Brettle &
Raynor, 2013). Learned and in-born characteristics are needed for becoming a successful
student. In-born features like intelligence and cognitive skills are vital for a student; however,
excellence in academics requires several other features also. A combination of intellectual
capacity and successful behaviors and attitudes are inevitable for a student. Taking responsibility
for one’s own education, actively participating in classroom activities, setting clear cut
educational goals, continuous knowledge seeking, working with teachers and classmates for
mutual success, and proper time management are some of the most important characteristics a
student needs in order to attain academic excellence. By learning more about the process through
tutorials, beginning to work on the assignments early, reading the rubric and lectures thoroughly,
and prioritizing the tasks, I hope this course can be pursued successfully. My primary plan is to
set achievable and realistic goals that call for specific actions. This characteristic is vital as it
functions as a road map and directs through the journey of learning and enables reaching the
destination on time (Mind Tools, 2021).
Hammond, L. D., Flook, L., Harvey, C. C., Barron, B., & Osher, D. (2019). Implications for
educational practice of the science of learning and development. Applied Developmental
Science. Retrieved from
Mind Tools. (2021). Personal goal setting. Retrieved from