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Module 1
Introduction to Database Management
Friedrichsen, Ruffolo, Monk, Starks, Pratt, Last, Concepts of DB Management, 10th Edition. © 2021 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Learning Objectives
• Examine JC Consulting (JCC), the company used for many of the examples
throughout the text
• Define basic database terminology
• Describe database management systems (DBMSs)
• Explain the advantages and key factors for a healthy relational database
• Prepare for a career in database administration
• Review Pitt Fitness, a company used in a case that appears at the end of
each module
• Review Sports Physical Therapy, a company used in another case that
appears at the end of each module
Friedrichsen, Ruffolo, Monk, Starks, Pratt, Last, Concepts of DB Management, 10th Edition. © 2021 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
JC Consulting Company Background (1 of 5)
• JC Consulting (JCC) is a digital development and consulting business
• JCC’s services range from building websites and web apps to back-end
database conversions and programming
• Initially, Jacqueline kept track of her clients and project bids in a spreadsheet
• Homegrown project estimator program
• The company’s recent growth means it is no longer feasible to use those
• Data redundancy is one problem that employees have with the project
estimates spreadsheet
• Higher frequency of data errors and inconsistencies
Friedrichsen, Ruffolo, Monk, Starks, Pratt, Last, Concepts of DB Management, 10th Edition. © 2021 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
JC Consulting Company Background (2 of 5)
• Difficulty accessing related data is another problem that employees at JCC
encounter with their spreadsheets
• Client’s address is not currently stored in the project estimates
• Spreadsheets also have limited security features to protect data from being
accessed by unauthorized users
• A spreadsheet’s data-sharing features prevent multiple employees from
updating data in one spreadsheet at the same time
• Spreadsheets have inherent size limitations
• Eventually force the company to split the project estimates into multiple
Friedrichsen, Ruffolo, Monk, Starks, Pratt, Last, Concepts of DB Management, 10th Edition. © 2021 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
JC Consulting Company Background (3 of 5)
Friedrichsen, Ruffolo, Monk, Starks, Pratt, Last, Concepts of DB Management, 10th Edition. © 2021 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
JC Consulting Company Background (4 of 5)
Friedrichsen, Ruffolo, Monk, Starks, Pratt, Last, Concepts of DB Management, 10th Edition. © 2021 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
JC Consulting Company Background (5 of 5)
• The problem facing JCC is common to many businesses and individuals
• Store and retrieve data in an efficient and organized way
• JCC is interested in several areas of information such as employees, clients,
estimates, and tasks
• The difficult question is how to manage the lists of data and the relationships
between the lists
• Besides being interested in client and project estimate information, JCC
also wants to know which clients have received more than one project
• Which employees are assigned as the lead to which projects and which
tasks are most commonly added to which projects
Friedrichsen, Ruffolo, Monk, Starks, Pratt, Last, Concepts of DB Management, 10th Edition. © 2021 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Selecting a Database Solution (1 of 4)
• A relational database is a structure that contains data about many categories
of information as well as the relationships between those categories
• The JCC database, for example, will contain information about employees,
clients, project estimates, and tasks
• Ability to retrieve a particular project estimate and identify which client and
tasks belong to that estimate
• Using a relational database, JCC can use the data to produce a variety of
regular periodic or ad hoc reports
• Summarize and analyze the data in an endless number of ways
Friedrichsen, Ruffolo, Monk, Starks, Pratt, Last, Concepts of DB Management, 10th Edition. © 2021 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Selecting a Database Solution (2 of 4)
• Some terms and concepts in the database environment are important to
• Entity
• A person, place, event, item, or other transaction for which you want to
store and process data
• Attribute
• A characteristic or property of an entity, and is also called a field or column
in many database systems
• Relationship
• An association between entities, for example a one-to-many relationship
Friedrichsen, Ruffolo, Monk, Starks, Pratt, Last, Concepts of DB Management, 10th Edition. © 2021 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Selecting a Database Solution (3 of 4)
Friedrichsen, Ruffolo, Monk, Starks, Pratt, Last, Concepts of DB Management, 10th Edition. © 2021 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Selecting a Database Solution (4 of 4)
Friedrichsen, Ruffolo, Monk, Starks, Pratt, Last, Concepts of DB Management, 10th Edition. © 2021 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Storing Data (1 of 4)
• A spreadsheet that is used to store data, often called a data file
• Typically stores data as one large table
• Also referred to as a flat file
• A relational database, however, not only stores information about multiple
entities in multiple tables but also identifies the relationships between those
• Within each table, a row of data corresponds to one record
• A record is a group of fields (attributes) that describe one item in the table
• The relationship is established by using a common field in the two tables to
tie the related records together
Friedrichsen, Ruffolo, Monk, Starks, Pratt, Last, Concepts of DB Management, 10th Edition. © 2021 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Storing Data (2 of 4)
• In general, tables that contain more than one piece of information per
attribute (column or field) create several problems
• That can be eliminated with a proper relational database design
• Warning signs that your entities, attributes, and relationships are not properly
• Need to enter more than one value in a particular field
• Asked to enter two or more pieces of information in a field
• Asked to enter both values and units of measure in the same field
• Find yourself adding new columns to handle multiple values for the same
type of data
Friedrichsen, Ruffolo, Monk, Starks, Pratt, Last, Concepts of DB Management, 10th Edition. © 2021 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Storing Data (3 of 4)
• Entity-relationship (E-R) diagram (sometimes referred to as an ERD)
• A visual way to represent and analyze a database
• Rectangles represent entities and display their attributes
• Lines represent relationships between connected entities
• The number 1 indicates the “one” part of the one-to-many relationship
between two entities
• The infinity symbol (∞) at the end of a line indicates the “many” part of the
one-to-many relationship between two entities
Friedrichsen, Ruffolo, Monk, Starks, Pratt, Last, Concepts of DB Management, 10th Edition. © 2021 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Storing Data (4 of 4)
Friedrichsen, Ruffolo, Monk, Starks, Pratt, Last, Concepts of DB Management, 10th Edition. © 2021 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Identifying Database Management Systems (1 of 3)
• A database management system (DBMS) is a program through which users
interact with the data stored in a database
• Access works well for JC Consulting
• Only a handful of trusted users will be simultaneously using the
• All located in the same building
• Access is mostly limited to those situations
• If the requirements for your relational database application exceed these
basic requirements, other relational database management systems can
handle a larger number of users and data
Friedrichsen, Ruffolo, Monk, Starks, Pratt, Last, Concepts of DB Management, 10th Edition. © 2021 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Identifying Database Management Systems (2 of 3)
• A software stack (also called a solution stack or technology stack) groups
several software components
• Commonly used to build a new application
• Often includes a programming language such as C#, Java, PHP, Ruby, or
• Framework that provides tools to help write code and applications
• Database management system to organize and store the raw data
• Some stacks include operating systems, web servers, and other hardware
and software components
Friedrichsen, Ruffolo, Monk, Starks, Pratt, Last, Concepts of DB Management, 10th Edition. © 2021 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Identifying Database Management Systems (3 of 3)
• The database design phase is the process of creating the entities, attributes,
and relationships between the tables of data
• The database developer creates forms
• Screen objects used to maintain and view data from a database
• Employees then use these forms to find, enter, and edit data
• Employees can use the form to enter a new task; to view, change, or delete
an existing task; or to print the information for a task
• Form development tools provided by Access
• You can create the form without having programming knowledge
Friedrichsen, Ruffolo, Monk, Starks, Pratt, Last, Concepts of DB Management, 10th Edition. © 2021 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Advantages of a Properly Designed
Relational Database (1 of 2)
Better information is provided
Data and information are shared
Multiple business information requirements are addressed
Data redundancy is minimized
Data consistency is applied
Referential integrity is enforced
Security is increased
Productivity is increased
Data is freed from individual applications
Friedrichsen, Ruffolo, Monk, Starks, Pratt, Last, Concepts of DB Management, 10th Edition. © 2021 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Advantages of a Properly Designed
Relational Database (2 of 2)
• Key factors for a healthy relational database
• Design
• If the entities, attributes, and relationships are not correctly identified and
created, it is difficult to enter, edit, find, and analyze data
• Security
• Security and backup processes and protocols need to be established
• Talent
• A business must commit to either hiring or training individuals that can
successfully manage these important responsibilities
Friedrichsen, Ruffolo, Monk, Starks, Pratt, Last, Concepts of DB Management, 10th Edition. © 2021 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Big Data
• Companies have access to more and different kinds of data than ever before
• Big data describes the large volume of data produced by every digital
process, system, sensor, mobile device, and even social media exchange
• Big data may be structured, unstructured, or a combination of both
• Structured data
• Traditional in its retrieval and storage DBMS, similar to the data in the
JCC database in this module
• Unstructured data
• Not organized or easily interpreted
• May involve metadata
Friedrichsen, Ruffolo, Monk, Starks, Pratt, Last, Concepts of DB Management, 10th Edition. © 2021 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Preparing for a Career in Database Administration
and Data Analysis
• Database administrators (DBAs) manage and maintain database
management systems and software
• Manage the physical aspects of the database such as installing,
maintaining, and testing hardware and software
• Design and improve the database to provide efficient and effective access
to the information
• Data analysts use tools and algorithms to mine a database for answers,
information, trends, and insights
• Generally have a college degree
• Command a healthy annual salary
Friedrichsen, Ruffolo, Monk, Starks, Pratt, Last, Concepts of DB Management, 10th Edition. © 2021 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Introduction to the Pitt Fitness Database
Case (1 of 3)
• Pitt Fitness is a chain of three fitness centers
• Offers classes to the residents of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
• The centers design the classes for all ages and do not charge a monthly fee
• Clients enjoy the concept of paying per class
• Result is a lively revenue stream with this model
• The managers at Pitt Fitness use a database management system to record:
• Customers
• Instructors
• Classes
• Class reservations
Friedrichsen, Ruffolo, Monk, Starks, Pratt, Last, Concepts of DB Management, 10th Edition. © 2021 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Introduction to the Pitt Fitness Database
Case (2 of 3)
• Each instructor is identified by a unique InstructorID
• Two letters and two numbers
• Each class has a ClassID, which is a unique identification number
• Each customer is identified by a unique customer number
• Each reservation is identified by a unique number that uses the last two
digits of the current year followed by a five-digit number
• Incremented sequentially as each reservation is received
• The table also stores the number of the class, date of the class, price of
the class and any fees, and finally, the unique identification number of the
Friedrichsen, Ruffolo, Monk, Starks, Pratt, Last, Concepts of DB Management, 10th Edition. © 2021 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Introduction to the Pitt Fitness Database
Case (3 of 3)
Friedrichsen, Ruffolo, Monk, Starks, Pratt, Last, Concepts of DB Management, 10th Edition. © 2021 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Introduction to the Sports Physical Therapy
Database Case (1 of 4)
• Sports Physical Therapy provides evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation of
all types of acute and chronic injuries
• Both athletes and non-athletes
• The highly skilled, certified therapists use their background of biomechanics,
sport mechanics, and clinical experience
• Provides one-on-one comprehensive rehabilitation for all types of injuries
• The company stores information about their patients, therapists, therapies,
and sessions
• Each patient is identified by a unique, four-digit patient number
Friedrichsen, Ruffolo, Monk, Starks, Pratt, Last, Concepts of DB Management, 10th Edition. © 2021 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Introduction to the Sports Physical Therapy
Database Case (2 of 4)
• Sports Physical Therapy records information about each of its therapy
• The fields of data are stored in the Session table
• A session record will have:
• A unique number
• Session date
• Patient number
• Length of the session
• Therapist number
• Therapy code
Friedrichsen, Ruffolo, Monk, Starks, Pratt, Last, Concepts of DB Management, 10th Edition. © 2021 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Introduction to the Sports Physical Therapy
Database Case (3 of 4)
• In the Therapies table, each kind of therapy is identified by a unique number,
which corresponds to the medical physical therapy code sent to insurance
companies for reimbursement
• The TherapyCode, a description, and the billable unit of time, if any, are
included in the table
• Time-based therapies are billed in groups of minutes
• Service-based therapies are billed per service
• No time is listed in the table
Friedrichsen, Ruffolo, Monk, Starks, Pratt, Last, Concepts of DB Management, 10th Edition. © 2021 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Introduction to the Sports Physical Therapy
Database Case (4 of 4)
Friedrichsen, Ruffolo, Monk, Starks, Pratt, Last, Concepts of DB Management, 10th Edition. © 2021 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Summary (1 of 2)
• JC Consulting (JCC) is a digital development and consulting business
developing a relational database.
• Define basic database terminology such as entity, attribute or field, and
• A database management system (DBMS) is a program through which users
interact with a database.
• DBMSs may also have development features that help you create queries,
forms, and reports to enter, view, and analyze the data stored in a database.
• A healthy relational database offers many advantages.
• Key factors for a healthy relational database system include design, security,
and talent.
Friedrichsen, Ruffolo, Monk, Starks, Pratt, Last, Concepts of DB Management, 10th Edition. © 2021 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Summary (2 of 2)
• Database administrators (DBAs) manage and maintain database
management systems and software.
• Data analysts use tools and algorithms to mine a database for answers,
information, trends, and insights.
• Pitt Fitness is a company whose requirements include information about the
following entities: customers, instructors, classes, and class reservations.
• Sports Physical Therapy is a company whose requirements include
information about the following entities: patients, therapists, sessions, and
Friedrichsen, Ruffolo, Monk, Starks, Pratt, Last, Concepts of DB Management, 10th Edition. © 2021 Cengage. All Rights
Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.