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Adobe Fireworks CS6 Classroom in a Book

Adobe® Fireworks® CS6
classroom in a book®
The official training workbook from Adobe Systems
Adobe® Fireworks® CS6 Classroom in a Book®
© 2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated and its licensors. All rights reserved.
If this guide is distributed with software that includes an end user license agreement, this guide, as well as the
software described in it, is furnished under license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms
of such license. Except as permitted by any such license, no part of this guide may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise,
without the prior written permission of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Please note that the content in this guide
is protected under copyright law even if it is not distributed with software that includes an end user license
The content of this guide is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should
not be construed as a commitment by Adobe Systems Incorporated. Adobe Systems Incorporated assumes no
responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in the informational content contained in
this guide.
Please remember that existing artwork or images that you may want to include in your project may be protected
under copyright law. The unauthorized incorporation of such material into your new work could be a violation of
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Any references to company names in sample files are for demonstration purposes only and are not intended to
refer to any actual organization.
Adobe, the Adobe logo, Adobe Muse, Adobe Reader, Acrobat, Bridge, Classroom in a Book, Dreamweaver, Edge,
Fireworks, Flash, Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe
Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
Apple, Mac OS, and Macintosh are trademarks of Apple, registered in the U.S. and other countries. Microsoft,
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Adobe Systems Incorporated, 345 Park Avenue, San Jose, California 95110-2704, USA
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Printed and bound in the United States of America
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Throughout this title you will see references to lesson or resource files on a disc.
Please note that these files are available to eBook readers via high-speed download.
Please click here to go to the last page in this eBook for the download location and
Adobe Fireworks CS6 Classroom in a Book includes the lesson files that you’ll need
to complete the exercises in this book, as well as other content to help you learn
more about Adobe Fireworks CS6 and use it with greater efficiency and ease. The
diagram below represents the contents of the lesson files directory, which should
help you locate the files you need.
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Lesson files
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Adobe® Fireworks® CS6
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Each lesson has its own folder
inside the Lessons folder. You
will need to download these
lesson folders to your hard
drive before you can begin
each lesson.
o r p o r a te d . M a c i n to s h i s a
of A
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em s Inc
rk s
© 2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated
All rights reserved. Made in the USA.
ISBN-13: 978-0-321-82244-4
ISBN-10: 0-321-82244-7
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Online resources
Adobe Press
Find information
about other Adobe
Press titles, covering
the full spectrum
of Adobe products,
in the Online
Resources file.
Links to Adobe Community
Help, product Help and
Support pages, Adobe
certification programs,
Adobe TV, and other useful
online resources can be
found inside a handy HTML
file. Just open it in your Web
browser and click on the
links, including a special
link to this book’s product
page where you can access
updates and bonus material.
About Classroom in a Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
What’s in this book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x
Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x
Installing Adobe Fireworks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x
Starting Adobe Fireworks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .xi
Copying the Classroom in a Book files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .xi
Additional resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
Adobe certification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .xiv
Lesson overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Getting started in Adobe Fireworks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Using the Tools panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Using the Properties panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Configuring panels and panel groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Working with multiple documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Lesson overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
About pages, layers, and states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Getting started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Importing pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Working with layers and objects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Working with states. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Co n t e n t s
Lesson overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
About bitmap images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Cropping an image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Managing images on the canvas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Importing images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Improving appearance using Live Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Improving appearance using the bitmap tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
WorKInG WIth BItmaP seLeCtIons
Lesson overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Understanding bitmap selections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Protecting original art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Selecting and modifying with the Magic Wand tool . . . . . . . . . 71
Converting a selection to a path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
WorKInG WIth VeCtor GraPhICs
Lesson overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Understanding vectors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Basic vector drawing techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Understanding paths and the Pen tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Editing paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Making mountains out of vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Creating an icon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Working with Auto Shapes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109
Lesson overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .114
About the project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .116
About masks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .116
Designing the banner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .118
Creating and editing masks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
Lesson overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130
Text basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Adding the banner heading and tagline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Flowing text around an object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140
usInG styLes anD the styLes PaneL
Lesson overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .146
What are styles? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .148
Applying style presets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .149
Editing styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Updating styles applied to objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Exporting and sharing styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
usInG symBoLs
Lesson overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .158
What are symbols?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .160
Graphic symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Button symbols. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .168
oPtImIzInG For the WeB anD moBILe
Lesson overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Optimization basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .184
Optimizing a single-image file. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .189
About the web tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Creating and optimizing slices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .196
Exporting a single-page design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .204
Creating a sprite sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .208
About Fireworks and CSS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Lesson overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .224
The prototyping workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .226
A review of the Pages panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .226
Comparing wireframe pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .228
Adding pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .230
Delivering the wireframe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
Lesson overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .246
Reviewing the finished prototype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .248
Fleshing out the prototype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Completing the prototype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .268
Lesson overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
Using document templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .284
Working with Adobe Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
Thinking ahead: future-proofing your projects . . . . . . . . . . . . .298
Using Fireworks files with Photoshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
Customizing keyboard shortcuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
Lesson overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S2
jQuery Mobile theme creation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S4
Creating a custom theme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S7
Customizing jQuery Mobile skin in Dreamweaver . . . . . . . . . . S12
Updating the design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S16
Using Fireworks extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S17
Integration with other Adobe Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S19
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Adobe Fireworks® is a professional imaging application that combines vector
and bitmap imaging technologies and techniques in a single graphics application. This unique approach to imaging is due to the specific focus of Fireworks,
which is creating and manipulating screen graphics for the Web or for other
screen-based tools, such as mobile applications or Adobe Flash® products.
Fireworks is a tool that lets you quickly and easily create, edit, or alter graphics
and designs. And it’s a blast to work with, too!
With the release of Adobe Fireworks CS6, the program has gained even more
distinction as a unique application for rapid prototyping. The built-in flexibility
of Fireworks and its “everything is editable all the time” mandate have been
present since it was created. When you’re creating mock-ups and prototypes,
when client requests or design changes can come fast and furious, this type
of flexibility is very important. Features such as multiple pages, Photoshop
integration, CSS3 properties extraction, and jQuery Mobile workflows make
Fireworks an essential tool in the design process.
about Classroom in a Book
Adobe Fireworks CS6 Classroom in a Book is part of the official training
series for Adobe graphics and publishing software developed by experts
in association with Adobe Systems. The lessons are designed to let you
learn at your own pace. If you’re new to Adobe Fireworks, you’ll learn the
fundamental concepts and features you’ll need in order to begin to master
the program. And, if you’ve been using Adobe Fireworks for a while, you’ll
find that Classroom in a Book teaches advanced features, including tips and
techniques for using the latest version of the application and for creating
web and application prototypes. Although each lesson provides step-by-step
instructions for creating a specific project, there’s room for exploration and
experimentation. You can follow the book from start to finish, or do only the
lessons that match your interests and needs. Each lesson concludes with a
review section summarizing what you’ve covered.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
What’s in this book
This edition covers many new features in Adobe Fireworks CS6, such as CSS3
properties extraction, jQuery Mobile theming, enhancements to the Properties
panel, the Common Library, templates, and the Styles panel.
An overview of the Adobe interface is covered in the first lesson, where you will
learn how to configure the panels and document windows in Fireworks to suit your
workflow. You will learn how to edit bitmap images and work with vector paths to
create web interfaces. You will learn how to create and edit symbols, a powerful
feature of Fireworks, and how to use such rapid prototyping tools as Master pages,
shared layers, pages and states, styles, and Common Library symbols while you
work on a wireframe for a tablet app and a high-fidelity prototype for a website. In
addition, you will explore the art of optimizing graphics for the Web, striking that
perfect balance between file size and image quality.
As you progress through the lessons, you will discover the many time-saving
features Fireworks offers, such as the Batch Process Wizard, the Import command,
and the Export Area command. Plus, you’ll learn how Fireworks integrates with
other Adobe CS6 applications like Photoshop and Bridge.
Finally, you will test out new Fireworks CS6 features, such as the CSS3 Properties
extraction panel. You’ll learn how to customize a jQuery Mobile website by using
the new jQuery Mobile Theme command, and see how both these mobile-focused
features work with Adobe Dreamweaver.
Before you begin to use Adobe Fireworks CS6 Classroom in a Book, you should
have a working knowledge of your computer and its operating system. Make sure
that you know how to use the mouse and standard menus and commands, and also
how to open, save, and close files. If you need to review these techniques, see the
documentation included with your Microsoft Windows or Macintosh system.
Installing adobe Fireworks
Before you begin using Adobe Fireworks CS6 Classroom in a Book, make sure
that your computer is set up correctly and that it meets the necessary system
requirements for software and hardware. You’ll need a copy of Adobe Fireworks
CS6, of course, but it’s not included with this book. If you haven’t purchased a copy,
you can download a 30-day trial version from www.adobe.com/downloads. For
system requirements and complete instructions on installing the software, see the
Adobe Fireworks CS6 Read Me file on the application DVD or on the Web at www.
Fireworks and Bridge are installed separately. You must install these applications
from the Adobe Fireworks CS6 application DVD onto your hard disk; you cannot
run the programs from the DVD. Follow the onscreen instructions. If you chose not
to install Adobe Bridge, you may want to go back and install it from the DVD that
Fireworks came on.
Make sure that your serial number is accessible before installing the application.
starting adobe Fireworks
You start Fireworks just as you do most software applications.
To start Adobe Fireworks in Windows:
Choose Start > All Programs > Adobe Fireworks CS6.
To start Adobe Fireworks in Mac OS X:
Open the Applications/Adobe Fireworks CS6 folder, and then double-click the
Adobe Fireworks CS6 application icon.
Copying the Classroom in a Book files
The Adobe Fireworks CS6 Classroom in a Book CD includes folders containing all
the electronic files for the lessons in the book. Each lesson has its own folder; you
must copy the folders to your hard disk to complete the lessons. To save room on
your disk, you can install only the folder necessary for each lesson as you need it,
and remove it when you’re done.
To install the lesson files, do the following:
1 Insert the Adobe Fireworks CS6 Classroom in a Book CD into your CD-ROM
2 Browse the contents and locate the Lessons folder.
3 Do one of the following:
• To copy all the lesson files, drag the Lessons folder from the CD onto your
hard disk.
• To copy only individual lesson files, first create a new folder on your hard
disk and name it Lessons. Then, open the Lessons folder on the CD and
drag the lesson folder or folders that you want to copy from the CD into
the Lessons folder on your hard disk.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
additional resources
Adobe Fireworks CS6 Classroom in a Book is not meant to replace documentation
that comes with the program or to be a comprehensive reference for every feature.
Only the commands and options used in the lessons are explained in this book. For
comprehensive information about program features and tutorials, please refer to
these resources:
Adobe Community Help: Community Help brings together active Adobe product
users, Adobe product team members, authors, and experts to give you the most
useful, relevant, and up-to-date information about Adobe products.
To access Community Help: To invoke Help, press F1 or choose Help >
Fireworks Help.
Adobe content is updated based on community feedback and contributions. You can
add comments to content or forums—including links to web content—publish your
own content using Community Publishing, or contribute Cookbook Recipes. Find
out how to contribute at www.adobe.com/community/publishing/download.html.
See http://community.adobe.com/help/profile/faq.html for answers to frequently
asked questions about Community Help.
Adobe Fireworks Help and Support: www.adobe.com/support/fireworks is where
you can find and browse Help and Support content on adobe.com.
Adobe Forums: http://forums.adobe.com lets you tap into peer-to-peer discussions,
questions, and answers on Adobe products.
Adobe TV: http://tv.adobe.com is an online video resource for expert instruction
and inspiration about Adobe products, including a How To channel to get you
started with your product: http://tv.adobe.com/product/fireworks/.
Adobe Design Center: www.adobe.com/designcenter offers thoughtful articles
on design and design issues, a gallery showcasing the work of top-notch designers,
tutorials, and more.
Adobe Developer Connection: www.adobe.com/devnet/fireworks.html is
your source for technical articles, code samples, and how-to videos that cover
Adobe Fireworks.
Resources for educators: www.adobe.com/education includes three free curriculums that use an integrated approach to teaching Adobe software and can be used
to prepare for the Adobe Certified Associate exams.
Adobe Education Exchange: http://edexchange.adobe.com gives you access to
a wealth of free resources, including course projects, tutorials, and lesson plans
and also gives you, as an educator, a chance to collaborate and network with other
Adobe Marketplace & Exchange: www.adobe.com/cfusion/exchange/ is a central
resource for finding tools, services, extensions, code samples, and more to supplement and extend your Adobe products.
Adobe Fireworks CS6 product home page: www.adobe.com/products/fireworks
Adobe Labs: http://labs.adobe.com gives you access to early builds of cuttingedge technology, as well as forums where you can interact with both the Adobe
development teams building that technology and other like-minded members of
the community.
Also check out these useful sites and links:
• Community MX (www.communitymx.com): Additional free and commercial
tutorials and samples
• Fireworks Zone (www.fireworkszone.com): Tutorials, art, and news on all
things Fireworks
• Fireworks Guru (www.fireworksguruforum.com): Community forum where
Fireworks enthusiasts share ideas, artwork, and solutions to design challenges
• John Dunning (http://johndunning.com/fireworks/): Prolific creator of
Fireworks extensions
• Matt Stow (www.mattstow.com): Fireworks extension developer
• Aaron Beall (www.abeall.com): Fireworks designer and extension developer
• Darrell Heath (www.heathrowe.com): Fireworks evangelist
• Fireworks Interviews Hall of Fame (www.fireworksinterviews.com): In-depth
interviews with more than 20 Fireworks designers
• Webportio (http://webportio.com): Free graphics for Adobe Fireworks
• FWPolice (http://fwpolice.com/): Free resource for Adobe Fireworks, including
PNG samples and tutorials
• Adobe Fireworks Team blog (http://blogs.adobe.com/fireworks/): The latest
news from the people directly responsible for bringing you Adobe Fireworks
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
adobe certification
The Adobe training and certification programs are designed to help Adobe
customers improve and promote their product-proficiency skills. There are
four levels of certification:
• Adobe Certified Associate (ACA)
• Adobe Certified Expert (ACE)
• Adobe Certified Instructor (ACI)
• Adobe Authorized Training Center (AATC)
The Adobe Certified Associate (ACA) credential certifies that individuals have the
entry-level skills to plan, design, build, and maintain effective communications
using different forms of digital media.
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GettInG to KnoW
the WorKsPaCe
Lesson overview
In this lesson, you will get up to speed on the Adobe Fireworks CS6
interface. You’ll learn how to do the following:
• Set up a new document
• Draw a vector shape
• Get acquainted with the Tools panel
• Use the Properties panel to change attributes of a selected object
• Customize the workspace
• Open an existing document
• Work with multiple documents in Tab view
• Combine different files into one document
• Save a file
This lesson takes approximately 60 minutes to complete. Copy the
Lesson01 folder into the Lessons folder that you created on your hard
drive for these projects (or create it now, if you haven’t already done so).
As you work on this lesson, you won’t be preserving the start files; if you
need to restore the start files, copy them from the Adobe Fireworks CS6
Classroom in a Book CD.
Fireworks shares a similar interface to Adobe
Photoshop, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Flash,
Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe InDesign. This
common user interface makes it easy to switch
from one application to another without
feeling lost.
Getting started in adobe Fireworks
Fireworks is a creative production tool, and sometimes with a creative tool, the
hardest thing is figuring out where to start. We’re here to help! Let’s begin the
process by creating a brand-new web page design and exploring the interface as
we go. As you work through this exercise, refer to the figures on pages 5 and 6 to
locate the main parts of the Fireworks interface.
1 Start Fireworks.
2 Choose Create New > Fireworks Document (PNG) from the Welcome screen.
If you’ve previously changed your Preferences so that the Welcome screen does
not show on startup, choose File > New.
P Note: Fireworks
ships with several
predesigned starter
templates, and you
can even create your
own custom templates.
You’ll learn more about
templates in Lesson 13.
lesson 1
3 Set the width to 960 and the height
of your document to 600 (pixels).
Make sure the resolution and
canvas color are at the default
settings of 72 Pixels/Inch and
White, and then click OK.
Getting to Know the Workspace
The New Document dialog box closes and a new blank document opens in
the Fireworks work area, as shown in this screen shot of the Windows version
of Fireworks.
Main Toolbar
(Windows Only)
Tools Panel
Application Bar (Main Menus, Scroll and Zoom Tools,
Workspace Switcher, and Help Search Field)
Properties Panel
Panel Dock
Document Window
The preset workspace in Fireworks for Windows consists of the Application
bar and Main toolbar at the top of the screen, the Tools panel on the left, and
open panels in the panel dock on the right. By default, when you have multiple
documents open they appear as multiple tabs in one document window, but
you can float individual documents by dragging their tabs away from the main
Document window.
By default, the Mac interface is organized a little differently when compared to the
Windows interface. The initial workspace for the Mac version is similar, except
the Application bar is separate from the Menu bar, and there is no Main toolbar.
The panels are grouped into a floating panel dock. In Windows, all the panels and
windows that belong to an application are contained within a rectangular frame
that is distinct from other applications you may have open. The area within the
frame is opaque, completely obscuring any application windows that may be
behind it.
P Note: The Fireworks
user interface is similar
to the ones used in
Adobe Illustrator, Adobe
Photoshop, and Adobe
Flash, so learning how
to use the tools and
organize panels in one
application means that
you’ll know how to use
them in the others.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
You can create a similar appearance in the Mac version of Fireworks by turning
on the Application Frame, which is disabled by default. To enable the Application
Frame, choose Window > Use Application Frame (Control+Command+F). On a
Mac, however, the Menu bar is always attached to the top of the screen and can’t
be moved, so it’s not part of the Application Frame.
The default setting, for both Windows and Mac, is that multiple document windows
display in a tab view. This means that only the active document (tab) is visible at
any given time. To edit or view a different open document, just click on its tab to
bring it to the front. If you want to detach a document window for side-by-side
viewing, simply drag the tab away from the tab bar to view it in a separate, floating
document window. You can also dock numerous documents above and beside each
other, enabling you to see multiple files at one time. (To use this feature on the
Mac, you must have the Application Frame enabled.)
Menu Bar
Application Bar
lesson 1
Getting to Know the Workspace
OS X Desktop
What is the right resolution?
Pixels per inch (ppi) was traditionally a unit of measure relative only to the print
world. But with the growing popularity of high-resolution tablet devices and
smartphones, PPI is taking on a new relevance. When dealing with most screen
graphics, your concern should be the pixel dimensions (640 x 480, 760 x 420, and
so on). The default resolution Fireworks begins with is 96 ppi (72 ppi on a Mac), and
it can be left as is, unless you’re specifically creating graphics for higher-resolution
devices such as the iPhone4 or the BlackBerry Playbook.
If you are planning to use Fireworks for a print project, ask your printer what resolution you should be using. A general guideline for print is 300 ppi. Be aware, however,
that the strengths of Fireworks lie in screen graphics, not graphics intended for the
printed page. For example, you cannot change the rulers to display inches—only
pixels matter on the screen, so pixels are all you get for the rulers. Likewise, Fireworks
does not understand or use CMYK color or printer profiles, so your end result may not
print accurately.
On the plus side, Fireworks supports PDF export, so printing your designs, for
example to show to a client, has become a bit more predictable.
Preparing the canvas
You should set (activate) a couple of features before you start working. These features
will remain set from this point forward when you create or open a new document.
1 If the rulers are not visible, choose View > Rulers (Ctrl+Alt+R in Windows,
Command+Option+R in Mac).
2 Choose View > Tooltips (Ctrl+] in Windows, Command+] in Mac) to turn
on tooltips.
Turning rulers on makes aligning objects on your canvas much easier; this is
especially helpful when your work gets complex. Enabling tooltips provides you
with extra information at the cursor position for the tool you’re using.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
using the tools panel
The Tools panel in Fireworks is separated into six labeled areas: Select, Bitmap,
Vector, Web, Colors, and View. This arrangement helps you to quickly and easily
identify the appropriate tool for the graphic object you plan to work on or create.
The Select tools let you select, crop, and even scale or distort objects. The main
selection tool is the Pointer tool ( ).
The Bitmap tools are used for editing or creating new bitmap objects. You can
make bitmap selections with any one of several bitmap selection tools, such as the
Magic Wand or the Marquee tool. You can do basic photo editing by using the
Rubber Stamp (also known as the Clone tool) or selectively sharpen, blur, lighten,
darken, or smudge pixels that are part of a bitmap image. You can paint or draw
bitmap objects using the Brush or Pencil tool. The only caveat is that you can’t use
Bitmap tools to alter vector objects.
The Vector tools let you create or edit vector paths and shapes. As you saw in the
first exercise, you can draw vector shapes on the canvas quite easily. You can use
the Pen tool to create your own custom shapes or paths. Of special note is the
Text tool ( ). Some people don’t realize this, but text is actually a vector—be
it in Photoshop, Microsoft Word, Fireworks, or many other applications. Not
surprisingly, you can’t use vector tools to edit bitmap objects.
The Web toolset is not large, but it contains two important tools that are mainstays
of Fireworks and its ability to create interactive documents and optimize graphics for use on the Web. You can create interactivity such as hyperlinks with the
Hotspot tools, or take things further by creating interactive visual effects such as
rollovers or tap events, using the Slice tool. The Slice tool also allows you to optimize specific graphics for the Web, ensuring the best possible combination of file
format, image quality and file size for a sliced graphic. The other two tools simply
show or hide these web slices and hotspots on the canvas.
The Colors tools let you control Stroke and Fill colors. Remember, the roots of
Fireworks are in the vector world, so you will not see Foreground and Background
color options, as you would in primarily bitmap-editing software such as Photoshop.
You can sample colors from anywhere on the desktop using the Eyedropper tool,
or fill a bitmap selection with color by using the Paint Bucket or Gradient tool. You
can also swap the fill and stroke colors or reset the fill and stroke to their defaults.
E Tip: Hovering your
mouse cursor over any
tool in the Tools panel
brings up a tooltip,
indicating the tool
name and keyboard
shortcut for that tool.
lesson 1
Last are the View tools. You can toggle among three views: Standard, Full Screen
with Menus, and Full Screen (no menus or panels visible). The Zoom tool and
Hand (scroll) tool are at the bottom of the View toolset. You can also toggle
between views using the F key.
Take some time and check out the various tools. Remember, you can’t break
Getting to Know the Workspace
more tools than meet the eye
Take a closer look at the icons in the Tools panel.
You will notice several icons have a small triangle
in the bottom-right corner. This triangle indicates
that multiple tools are available from within that
square. To access the other tools, click and hold
the icon.
Click and hold the Rectangle tool to see a flyout
list of other vector tools. The three shapes at the
top of the vector tools list (rectangle, ellipse,
and polygon) are vector primitives, or basic
shapes. Everything below the dividing line falls
into the category of special vectors called Auto
Shapes; they are controlled “under the hood”
by JavaScript and are great for creating many
common but complex vector shapes without the
need of any drawing skills. You’ll draw an ellipse
in your document.
What’s a primitive shape?
The word “primitive” borrows the same definition used in many 3D modeling
applications: a geometric form or expression from which another is derived. In other
words, the Fireworks primitive tools provide a start toward building shapes of
your own.
Drawing a vector shape
Creating shapes will be an important part of almost any Fireworks project. The
canvas is the visible working area for your designs. Objects that extend outside the
canvas appear clipped, but the image information is not lost; just drag the object
into the canvas to show the full object.
1 Select the Rectangle tool from the Vector section of the Tools panel.
2 Click the Fill color box—the one with the small paint bucket to the
left of it—in the Colors section of the Tools panel to set the fill
color for the rectangle. The fill color is the one that will be inside
your object.
3 Using the eyedropper pointer that appears, select a medium
light gray (hex value of #BBBBBB) from the Fill Color pop-up
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
window. After you select the color,
the color picker closes automatically
and the new color displays in the
color box.
4 Bring the cursor over to the canvas.
Note the small gray bubble, displaying
X and Y coordinates. This is the
Tooltips feature at work, giving
you the pixel-precise location of
the cursor.
5 Hold the mouse button, and drag
down and to the right for at least
100 pixels. The tooltip follows the
cursor, displaying the current size
of the rectangle.
6 Release the mouse button when you see the coordinates reach approximately
100 pixels in height and width.
The rectangle will stay selected after you release the mouse. With most objects on
the Fireworks canvas, you can tell an object is selected by the presence of a light
blue border around the object and the small control boxes at each corner. The
rectangle is a special, grouped vector object, however, so you won’t see the blue
border when it is selected (more on grouping objects in Lesson 2).
P Note: You can also
choose File > Save As to
display the full Save As
dialog box. Fireworks
gives you many more
file format options to
choose from when
you choose Save As,
including JPEG, GIF, and
Flattened PNG, as well
as Photoshop PSD.
saving the file
Before going any further, it’s a good idea to save your work.
1 Choose File > Save.
2 Browse to the Lesson01 folder.
3 Change the filename to webpage.fw.png.
4 Click Save.
resizing a rectangle numerically
You can resize objects using a variety of tools such as the Scale tool or even
the Pointer tool, but for accurate, pixel-level control, use the dimension fields
in the Properties panel, which, along with repositioning the object, is what you
will do now.
1 Place your cursor in the Width field of the Properties panel.
2 Select whatever value is currently in the field and replace it with 180.
3 Press the Tab key to move to the Height field and change its value to 400.
lesson 1
Getting to Know the Workspace
4 Press Tab again to move to the X field. This field controls the distance of an object
from the left side of the canvas.
5 Replace the existing value with 20.
6 Tab once more to the Y field and
set a value of 140.
rounding off the rectangle
Remember that the rectangle is a special vector object? With rectangles, you can
easily and symmetrically alter the corner radius of each corner with one action.
Try it now.
1 In the Properties panel, locate the Roundness field
and change the value from 0 to 20.
That’s it. The rectangle now has four round corners.
Quick and easy, right?
Duplicating and customizing the rectangle
Creating duplicates of existing objects is also easy to do, and like many things
in Fireworks, there are several ways to do it. One of the fastest methods is using
keyboard commands, which you will do next.
P Note: You can
lock the proportions
of your objects from
within the Properties
panel by clicking on
the small square to the
left of the Width and
Height fields. This helps
you to scale objects
proportionately. If the
small square linking
the width and height
is hollow, proportions
are not constrained.
Clicking on the square
makes it solid and adds
solid connecting lines
between the Width and
Height fields, locking
the proportions of the
selected object.
1 Make sure the rectangle object is still selected (look for the blue control boxes
on each corner). If the rectangle isn’t selected, use the Pointer tool (upper-left
corner of the Tools panel) to select it.
2 Press Ctrl+Shift+D (Windows) or Command+Shift+D (Mac). While it’s hard to
tell at the moment, you’ve just created a copy of the original rectangle.
3 If it’s not already active, select the Pointer tool and drag the new rectangle
toward the right. As you do so, you should see a red dashed line appear at
the top of the rectangle. This is a Smart Guide,
and it’s designed to help you align objects in
relation to each other or to the canvas. Notice
that the Smart Guide helps you keep the new
rectangle aligned to the top edge of the original
rectangle. If you move too high or too low, the
Guide disappears. If you get within 3 to 5 pixels
of the top edge of the first rectangle, your new
shape snaps to that location.
4 Drag the rectangle until the X value of the tooltip shows at or near 220. Don’t
worry about being precise; you’ve already learned in the previous exercise how
to reposition an object at the pixel level, using the Properties panel.
5 If you couldn’t get the rectangle to position itself at 220 pixels, use the X field
in the Properties panel now to set that value.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
6 Change the width of the rectangle to 720 pixels, using the W field.
7 Save the file by pressing Command+S (Mac) or Ctrl+S (Windows).
more about the Fireworks
PnG format
Like many applications, Fireworks uses a native format that gives you access to all
the creative options within the program—in this case, a modified version of the PNG
format. As you add objects, effects, layers, or pages (to name a few features), this
information is stored within the Fireworks PNG file so that you can open and edit
the file easily at any time.
Occasionally, this causes some confusion for new users, because there is also a
standard, flattened PNG format common to many graphics applications. When
you’re saving files, Fireworks differentiates between these “flavors” by indicating
Fireworks PNG or Flattened PNG in the Save As Type field. If you just choose Save,
Fireworks assumes you want to save the file as a native Fireworks PNG file, by
default, and doesn’t normally give you the option to choose a file type.
Fireworks CS6 augments the file name of any file that contains editable objects,
adding a .fw extension prior to the true PNG file extension. You saw this when you
saved the file you’ve been working on. This optional .fw extension is present only
when you choose Save or Save As for a file that contains editable elements.
Although the .fw is not required as part of the file name, you will find using it makes
differentiating editable Fireworks PNG files from flattened PNG files easier. In fact, for
years, many Fireworks designers would add the .fw to an editable PNG file by choice.
using the Properties panel
The Properties panel is context sensitive, so the contents of the panel changes based
on the active selection on the canvas. As you select different tools, the Properties
panel updates and displays editable attributes for the selected tool.
As you saw in the first exercise, you can easily find and add a rectangle shape and
change its fill color using the Tools panel. When a shape is selected, you can change
many other vector attributes in the Properties panel, was well.
1 Select the Pointer tool from the upper left of the Tools panel.
2 On the canvas, click on the left rectangle to select it.
3 In the Properties panel, click Gradient Fill icon.
The rectangle fills with a default linear gradient,
and the gradient editor opens, allowing you to
edit the gradient colors. The long vertical line is called the Gradient Control
Arm and lets you adjust the length, position, and angle of the gradient.
lesson 1
Getting to Know the Workspace
The top swatch sliders (little black boxes) control the opacity of the gradient.
The swatches underneath the gradient allow you to change or add colors.
4 Click the leftmost color swatch and use the eyedropper to select the gray hex
value of #BBBBBB.
P Note: If you want to
7 Choose Edit > Copy from the main menu bar. Make sure that the smaller
rectangle is still selected.
add other colors, just
click the mouse directly
under the gradient
preview bar and choose
a new color for the
new swatch. Feel free
to experiment with the
other Fill categories,
but remember to come
back to the gradient
style and colors
indicated earlier.
8 Select the larger rectangle, using the Pointer tool.
P Note: In the
5 Click the right color swatch and change it to a dark gray, like #333333.
6 When you’re done, click away from the Edit Gradient pop-up window to close it.
The other rectangle needs the same treatment, but rather than go through all
those steps again, you’ll save time by using the Paste Attributes features.
9 Choose Edit > Paste Attributes. The larger rectangle takes on the same fill as the
smaller one.
10 Save the file once again, by pressing Ctrl +S (Windows) or Command+S (Mac).
Gradient Editor you
can quickly reverse the
gradient direction by
clicking the Reverse
Gradient button.
Quick access to fill types in
the Properties panel
The Properties panel in Fireworks CS6 has made many features more discoverable.
You’ve already seen how easy it is to add a gradient fill to a vector shape, but that
gradient fill type is only one of four quick buttons on the Properties panel.
You can quickly change the fill of a vector object by choosing (from left to right)
No Fill, Solid Fill, Gradient Fill, or Pattern Fill.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
Configuring panels and panel groups
Your computer monitor is one of those places where you’re always trying to make
more room. No matter what size the screen is—or how many we have— we designers always want more room to build our designs. Panels take up a fair portion of
the Fireworks interface by default, but you can carve yourself a little more room by
customizing them. Panels contain controls that help you edit aspects of a selected
object or elements of a document. Each panel is draggable, so you can group panels
in custom arrangements.
Many panels are visible by default in an area on the right side of the interface called
the panel dock. A dock is a collection of panels or panel groups displayed together,
usually in a vertical arrangement. Resizing the docked panels is one way to quickly
make more room for your design.
You can group and ungroup panels by dragging them into and out of the existing
panel groups docked to the side of the screen.
The first time you start up Fireworks, the dock is in Expanded mode, in which the
foremost panel in each group is fully expanded so you can see its features. Collapse
individual panel groups by clicking once (or double-clicking on a Mac) on the
empty area of the gray tab bar.
Click (double-click on Mac) tab or panel
bar to collapse panel group to tab view
Drag panel tab to undock
panel from group
Drag panel edge to expand
or shrink all panels
Click to collapse all panels
to icon view
Panel options
Right-click (Controlclick on Mac) on tab
bar to close panel or
panel group
In the Application bar you can see the current workspace configuration in the
Workspace Switcher. You can quickly reduce the dock width by choosing a different
1 Select the Workspace Switcher, and choose Iconic Mode. All panels collapse,
and the dock narrows to display only panel icons.
lesson 1
Getting to Know the Workspace
2 Click any panel icon. The panel group
expands, and the chosen panel
becomes active.
3 Click the panel icon (or the doublearrow icon) to return the group to its
collapsed state.
4 Position the mouse over different icons to
see a tooltip that shows which panel each
icon represents.
E Tip: You can also
collapse the Properties
panel by doubleclicking on the empty
area of the tab bar.
Double-clicking again
returns it to visibility.
5 Choose Iconic Mode With Panel Names
from the Workspace Switcher. This setting
makes the docked panel groups wider, but
not nearly as wide as the default Expanded
mode. If you want to free up desktop
space but aren’t sure what the panel icons
symbolize, this mode might just be perfect
for you.
E Tip: You can also
quickly collapse the
entire panel dock by
double-clicking on
the dark gray strip at
the top of the dock.
Customizing panel arrangements
In addition to taking advantage of the existing preset workspaces, you can
configure the workspace specifically to help you work the way that’s best for you.
It’s easy to arrange the panels and panel groups in a configuration that helps you
work faster. For example, some designers like to be able to see both the Pages and
Layers panels at the same time. In this exercise, you will separate the Pages panel
from its current panel group.
1 Switch back to Expanded Mode.
2 Drag the Pages panel tab just above the panel
group. A blue highlighted drop zone appears.
P Note: You can
3 Release the mouse button; the Pages panel
forms its own group, just above the Layers
and States panel group.
access all the available
panels in Fireworks by
choosing the desired
panel’s name from the
Window menu. In some
cases, these panels will
appear floating above
the design.
4 Drag the States panel tab to the right of the
Layers panel tab. Notice how easily they just
slide across each other.
Creating custom workspaces
When you create a workspace that suits you, you then save it so that you can
quickly switch from a preset, compact mode to a dual-screen mode or even just
a custom panel view that holds the panels you would use most often.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
E Tip: Be aware that
in Mac OS Lion, the
Library (not the user
Library, but the main
library for the hard
drive) is hidden from
you! In order to show it,
you have to go to Go >
Go to Folder and type
~/Library in the field,
then click Go.
To create a custom workspace, set the panels you wish to see at their desired size
and visibility.
1 Select the Workspace Switcher.
2 Choose Save Current. A dialog box
appears where you can name the
new workspace arrangement.
3 Name the workspace and click OK,
or click Cancel if you don’t want to save the configuration. If you save the
workspace, it will appear in the Workspace Switcher from this point on.
Deleting a custom workspace
Although you can easily make a custom workspace, deleting it isn’t so easy. There
is no way to remove a custom workspace within the Fireworks interface. You can
overwrite the workspace by changing the panel setup and then saving the new
workspace with the old name, but you’re still stuck with the workspace.
To remove a custom workspace, you need to go to Application Data\Adobe\
Fireworks CS6\Commands\Workspace Layouts in Windows or ~/Library/Application
Support/Adobe/Fireworks CS6/Commands/Workspace Layouts/ (where “~”
represents your Home folder) on the Mac. Then delete the JSP and XML files
associated with your custom workspace.
Working with multiple documents
Before we finish this lesson, let’s have a look at the Fireworks CS6 document
window features. Fireworks offers a variety of ways to view open document
windows, and knowing how to customize the views can speed up your workflow,
such as when you want to drag an object from one file to another.
When you have more than one file opened, the document windows for each are
tabbed and easily accessible.
1 Choose File > Open, and browse to the Lesson01 Folder from the CD.
2 Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac) to select the canoe.jpg and
logo.fw.png files.
3 Click the Open button. If
you haven’t changed your
Preferences from the defaults,
all three files are now open
in Fireworks and you can access each one by clicking on the appropriate
tab at the top of the document window.
lesson 1
Getting to Know the Workspace
Creating a floating document window
Tabbed documents function much like the tabbed panels. You can drag them to
change the tab order. You can even drag a tabbed document out from the tab bar
to float it.
1 Click and hold on the canoe.jpg tab, and drag it away from the other tabs.
When you let go, it becomes a floating window, independent of the other
document windows.
The document-arrangement options don’t stop there, however.
2 Drag the logo.fw.png window to the right side of the main document window
until you see a blue highlight (thin blue line) appear between the panel dock
and the document window, much like you saw when you were moving the Pages
panel. To make things even more obvious, the window you are dragging turns
P Note: If you
have chosen not to
use the Application
Frame on the Mac
(Window > Use
Application Frame),
your document
windows will still open
in tabs, but you won’t
be able to use the
docked viewing mode
described in Step 2. In
the classic Mac view,
you can either have
documents tabbed
together or floating, or
a combination of both.
3 Release the window; you now have two sets of docked document windows.
You can have as many files as you like docked in this manner.
Both floating and docked windows support tabbed documents.
4 Select the logo.fw.png file, and drag its tab over to the canoe.jpg window.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
5 Move the file so the cursor appears in the tab bar. The entire bar highlights,
indicating you can dock this image with the canoe.jpg file.
6 Release the file; it is now tabbed with the other document window.
Dragging and dropping between docked windows
With the webpage_final.fw.png now separate from the other two files, you can
easily drag and drop the canoe and logo images onto the canvas area of the web
page design. In any design where you need to combine elements from different
files, this workflow can be helpful.
1 Select the Pointer tool (black arrow) from the upper left of the Tools panel.
2 Click to select the artwork in the logo file, and drag it over to the web
page design.
3 Position the image at the top of the design, near top left. It will overlap the small
rounded rectangle, but that’s fine for now.
4 Release the mouse button.
5 Select the canoe.jpg file, and use the Pointer tool to drag the canoe photo from
its own canvas to the web page canvas. Place it near the middle left. Don’t worry
about overlap.
6 Close the canoe and logo document windows, by clicking on the small x to the
left of the file name. If prompted to save the files, choose Don’t Save.
The webpage_final.fw.png file expands to fill the available desktop area.
lesson 1
Getting to Know the Workspace
scaling objects
This time you will use the Scale tool, in conjunction with the Tooltips feature,
to resize the new images.
1 Select the logo image by clicking on it with the Pointer tool.
2 Choose the Scale tool (
E Tip: The default
). A bounding box appears around the logo.
3 Click the bottom-right corner of the bounding box and drag upward until
the tooltip reads W: 90, H: 90.
4 Release the mouse and press the Enter or Return key to lock in the
behavior in Fireworks
is such that selecting
an object on the canvas
makes it active, unlike
in Photoshop where
this direct selection
option must be enabled.
5 Use the Properties panel to numerically position the logo 20 pixels from the
top and left of the canvas, or the Pointer tool to drag it into place. You pick.
Live dangerously.
6 Use the Scale tool to resize the canoe photo down to 160 pixels wide. If you
scale from any corner, you will proportionately resize the selected object.
7 Double-click within the bounding box or press the Enter/Return key to lock
in the new size.
8 Select the Pointer and position the canoe photo at X: 30, Y: 420. The tooltips
will help guide you and, as always, you can use the Properties panel to make
pixel-perfect adjustments.
P Note: Because
Fireworks moves so
seamlessly between
vector and bitmap
artwork, you probably
didn’t even realize
that the logo file was
a vector object!
adding placeholder text
Just to make things look a bit more complete, you’ll add some placeholder text to
the larger rectangle before ending this lesson. First, you’ll set your text options with
the Text tool, then you’ll add the text using a Menu Command.
1 Select the Text tool (
) from the Tools panel.
The Properties panel updates, displaying options for working with the Text tool.
2 From the Font Family drop-down list, choose Arial.
3 Set the Size to 16 pixels.
4 Set the Color to White, by clicking on the Fill Color box and choosing white
from the color picker. (Select the Solid fill icon from the color picker, if
necessary, as Fireworks remembers the last used attributes for a given tool).
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
With the exception of Fill and Stroke, Fireworks will remember these text
attributes. The next time you select the Text tool, the values you set in the
previous steps will reappear in the Properties panel.
Fill and Stroke attributes are also tied to the vector tools (remember that text
is basically vectors), so if you were to create or edit a shape and change the fill
properties, those values would overwrite any text properties for the fill and stroke.
With these settings in place, you will now add some text.
5 Select Commands > Text > Lorem Ipsum.
A paragraph of text appears in a text block on the canvas.
6 Use the Pointer tool to position the text block at X: 240, Y: 150.
Note that when active, the text block has a blue bounding box, indicating
its size. The bounding box has control handles at all four corners and in the
middle of each boundary line.
lesson 1
Getting to Know the Workspace
7 Using the Pointer tool, drag the bottom-right control handle to the right, until
the text block size is 680 pixels wide. You can fine-tune this dimension using the
W field in the Properties panel, also.
8 Double-click inside the text block. Your cursor changes to a text I-beam.
9 Click and drag to select all the text.
10 Press Ctrl+C (Windows) or Command+C (Mac) to copy the selected text to the
11 Place the cursor at the end of the paragraph and press the Enter/Return key
12 Press Ctrl+V (Windows) or Command+V (Mac) to paste the paragraph.
13 Press the Enter/Return Key twice to paste the paragraph in one more time,
filling the rectangle area.
14 Save the file.
When you’re done, compare the result to the figure below.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
undoing steps
The ability to reverse your actions is an all-important feature of imaging software.
Fireworks gives you a couple of ways to undo an error.
Undo is, of course, the tried-and-true, familiar method:
Ctrl+Z (Windows) or Command+Z (Mac) undoes the last action taken.
To go further back, keep pressing Ctrl+Z or Command+Z.
Ctrl+Y (Windows) or Command+Y (Mac) reapplies the last undone step.
Your other option is to use the History method. Select the History panel from your
grouped panels, or choose Window > History. Dragging the History slider (left of
the panel) up takes you back in time. Dragging the slider down moves you forward.
The default number of history steps you can undo is 20. You can change this
number in the Preferences panel (discussed later in this book), but we recommend
not exceeding 50 steps to maintain stability in the application.
lesson 1
Getting to Know the Workspace
review questions
1 What is the importance of the Tools panel?
2 How do you collapse panels, and why would you?
3 If you can’t find a panel in the workspace, how can you locate it?
4 How does the Properties panel help when you are working on a design?
5 How can you quickly add placeholder text?
review answers
1 The Tools panel is where all the selection, editing, and creative tools are located. From cropping an
image to scaling it, whether retouching or building vector objects or adding interactive elements,
everything you need begins in the Tools panel.
2 You can collapse panels by choosing a different workspace or by clicking on the dark-gray bar at
the top of a panel group. This can free up a significant amount of room in your workspace, letting
you see more of your design without having to zoom out as much.
3 To open a panel, choose Window > [panel name], or press the panel’s shortcut (listed in the
Window menu).
4 The Properties panel is a context-sensitive panel, changing its options as you select different tools
or various objects on the canvas. The Properties panel provides one handy location where you can
easily alter tool and object attributes.
5 To insert a paragraph of Lorem Ipsum placeholder text, select Commands > Text > Lorem Ipsum.
The text takes on the last text attributes that were set in the Properties panel.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
the PaGes, states, anD
Layers PaneLs: FunDamentaL
WorKFLoW tooLs
Lesson overview
Layers are probably the most important workflow and design tool you
have in Fireworks. Simply put, they add structure to your document.
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to do the following:
• Import new pages
• Create new layers
• Create sublayers
• Change the stacking order of layers
• Rename layers
• Protect layers and objects
• Access layer options
• Edit content on different states
This lesson takes approximately 90 minutes to complete. Copy the
Lesson02 folder into the Lessons folder that you created on your hard
drive for these projects (or create it now, if you haven’t already done so).
As you work on this lesson, you won’t preserve the start files. If you
need to restore the start files, copy them from the Adobe Fireworks CS6
Classroom in a Book CD.
Understanding the relationship between pages,
layers, and states is probably the most important
concept to grasp in Fireworks. These elements add
structure to your document.
about pages, layers, and states
A Fireworks document can contain multiple pages, layers, and states. At its simplest,
a brand-new Fireworks document begins with a single page (Page 1), a single state
(State 1), and two layers (the Web layer and Layer 1).
The ability to add multiple pages to a Fireworks document means you can create and
store multiple designs of different dimensions and resolution inside a single file.
This is a real productivity booster, because you can store several unique designs for
one project all in the same file. For example, you can mock up an entire website or
the horizontal and vertical layouts for a smartphone or tablet application design
within a single file. You can then link pages using hotspots or slices to create a truly
interactive experience for testing and proof of concept.
Each page can hold multiple layers and states.
Master Page
Selected Page
Blending Mode
Layer Options
Delete Page
Navigator Counter
New/ Duplicate
Selected State
Onion Skin Marker
State Delay (Timing)
lesson 2
New/ Duplicate Layer
New Bitmap Object
New/Duplicate Sublayer Add Bitmap Mask
New/ Duplicate State
Onion Skinning
Lock Icon
Distribute to States
the Pages, states, and layers Panels: Fundamental Workflow tools
Layers help you organize and group your artwork, as well as specify which artwork
is visible and how objects are stacked (overlap). Each layer can contain multiple
bitmap, vector, and text objects.
With a simple design, you may be able to place all the objects in a single layer. As
you add more objects to a design, however, keeping everything in a single layer
becomes problematic; it becomes harder to locate specific images or text areas
because you have to scroll through a very long list. Consequently, staying organized
becomes a lot harder.
Layers allow related design objects to be independent from one another. Used
properly, they impose a sense of order in your document. You can add or remove
layers, or the objects within them, without affecting other elements in the design.
You can change how objects within layers interact with other layers by changing
the stacking order of layers. As you change the order of layers, objects overlap
differently. You can move objects from one layer to another as well.
You can hide layers from view to make it easier to select or work with other objects,
and you can lock layers so they will not be selected accidentally. You can even share
layers across specific states or specific pages in a design.
States are useful when you need to:
• Create frame-by-frame animation.
• Show the different states of an object, such as the normal and hover states of
a website navigation button.
• Control the visibility of objects based on user interaction. For example, hovering
over a button displays a new button state, and then clicking that button displays
new content elsewhere on the page.
Every page contains at least one state. A design requiring no interactivity may need
only a single state. If you require interactivity or frame-based animation, you simply
add new states. Each state represents the visibility, effects, and position of objects
on each layer in that particular state, of the selected page.
P Note: The
interactivity described
for states is controlled
by adding special
objects—slices or
hotspots—to a special
layer, called the Web
layer. Regardless of
your plans for the file,
you cannot delete the
Web layer. To learn
more about hotspots
and slices, read
Lessons 10, 11, and 12.
P Note: Web layers
and regular layers can
also contain sublayers
that help you further
organize your design.
You will learn more
about sublayers in
this lesson.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
Getting started
In this lesson, you’ll be editing a mock-up for a smartphone application. You’ll
reorganize the file by working on the layers and adding pages for the mock-up
created by another artist, as well as add a new state to show a tap event.
1 In Fireworks, choose File > Open and select the file localpicks_320x480_start.
fw.png in the Lesson02 folder.
2 Click OK.
Remember that in Lesson 1, you
separated the Pages panel from
the States and Layers panels.
Separating the panels will help in
the coming steps.
3 Select the Pages panel. If necessary,
drag the bottom of the Pages panel
lower in the panel dock, so you can
see all the pages.
P Note: As you
change the order, the
sequence numbers of
the affected pages also
change. By default,
Fireworks automatically
changes the page
numbers based on their
stacking order, from
top to bottom. To turn
off numbering, choose
Numbering from the
Pages panel menu.
lesson 2
4 Select the second page from the page
list. Notice how the design changes
on the canvas.
When you select a page, all you see
on the canvas are the contents of that
particular page.
5 Drag page 09 (Meridien_back) below the page named Meridien_front. This puts
the pages in a more suitable order for your next task.
You can change the order of pages in a document by dragging a page above or
below another page.
the Pages, states, and layers Panels: Fundamental Workflow tools
Importing pages
Next you will add pages to this mock-up. Make sure the Merdien_back page is
still selected.
1 Choose File > Import, and open localpicks_320x480_restaurants.fw.png.
2 Choose Open, and the Import Page window appears. The document you’re
importing contains four pages, which you can preview by using the drop-down
list at the top of the window or the navigation buttons below the preview image.
You need to import the Gabel_front page first, so make sure that is the page
currently displayed.
3 Select the Insert After Current Page option.
This option creates a new page in your open file rather than importing the
artwork onto the currently active page.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
4 Click Insert (Windows) or Open (Mac).
5 Click Ignore when a warning message asks if you want to overwrite existing
styles. This message appears because both files include the same styles. Styles
are prebuilt combinations of special effects that can be added to vector objects.
Fireworks adds a new page and uses the same page name as you saw in the
Import Page dialog box.
6 Select the Gabel_front page, if necessary.
7 Repeat steps 1–5, this time importing the
Gabel_back page.
8 Repeat steps 1–5 for the final two pages of
the restaurant file. Remember to make sure
the last page of the main file is active before
going through the import steps.
9 Choose File > Save As. Name the file localpicks_320x480.fw.png .
Photoshop and multipage
Fireworks files
Although you can save a Fireworks document as a Photoshop file (PSD), doing so
saves the currently active page only, because Photoshop has no way of interpreting
multiple pages within a single document.
If you need to return to Photoshop, you can do one of the following:
P Note: Fireworks
includes Photoshop
Live Effects primarily so
you can continue to edit
Photoshop layer styles
in Fireworks. However,
the Photoshop Live
Effects dialog box isn’t
as robust as the Layer
Styles dialog box in
lesson 2
Export pages to files: Choose File > Export, and choose Pages to Files from
the Export List. This produces a flattened PNG of the first state of each page.
Save as a Photoshop file: Choose File > Save As and choose Photoshop from
the Save as Type menu. This produces an editable, layered Photoshop file of
the currently selected page and state.
Doug Hungarter has written a free extension called Convert Pages to PSD, which
allows you to export all the pages in a Fireworks document as separate PSD files.
To learn more about this extension, visit the Adobe Exchange: www.adobe.com/
the Pages, states, and layers Panels: Fundamental Workflow tools
Creating a master page
A Master page is a useful tool for sharing design elements that need to appear
consistently on all pages within a design and in newly created pages. Although
a powerful timesaver for designs that use consistent elements across multiple
pages, a Master page is not always needed—or preferred. For this design you will
designate a Master page to handle a couple of common elements: the smartphone
status bar at the top and the inactive page indicators at the bottom of the screen.
1 Select the Background elements page (Page 01).
2 Right-click (Control+Click on Mac) the page to
access the Pages panel options.
3 Select Set As Master Page. It’s that simple.
After you set a page as the Master page, the look
of its page object in the Pages panel changes
slightly. The page number disappears, and
Fireworks adds the additional text “[Master
Page]” to the page label. A small (admittedly
too small) icon displays on the left, denoting
this page as the Master page.
4 Select other pages in the design. The status bar appears in all of them, as do the
inactive page indicators.
5 With any page except the Master page
selected, scroll to the bottom of the
Layers panel.
As you can see, Fireworks added a new
layer called the Master Page Layer. By
default, this layer is added to all pages
in the design, appears at the bottom of
the layer stack, and is locked. You cannot
unlock the layer to edit the objects in
the Master page. If you need to change
Master page elements, you must select
the Master page itself and edit the objects
within the page.
6 Save the file.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
Panel options
Like many panels in Fireworks, the Pages panel has options for configuring the
panel, adding new pages, renumbering pages, exporting pages, and setting a
selected page as a Master page. In addition, with the Thumbnail Options setting,
you can increase the size of page thumbnails to make the pages easier to recognize.
You can access the Pages panel’s options by right-clicking (or Control-clicking) any
page or by opening the Layers panel menu in the top-right corner of the panel.
P Note: To learn
more about pages and
creating links between
them, read Lesson 10.
Among other options, you can increase the size of thumbnails by selecting
Thumbnail Options to make the pages easier to recognize.
You will learn more about using a Master page in Lessons 10, 11, and 12.
Working with layers and objects
In this and the following sections, you’ll continue to work with the
localpicks_320x480.fw.png file. The name of the game is organization. You will be
naming individual objects and layers with meaningful names, making it easier to
locate and select elements within your design. You will be altering the stacking
order of layers to make the layer hierarchy more visually understandable, and you
will learn some time-saving workflow tips in the form of sharing layers to pages.
naming objects
The number of objects in a Fireworks design can grow quickly as you build your
design. And many objects may be quite small, especially if you’re designing an
application layout, making them hard to identify from the thumbnail view in the
Layers panel. Fireworks helps you by highlighting independent objects in red as
you move the mouse over them. This highlight indicates the independent object in
that particular spot; you can then click to select that specific object. You can help
yourself identify objects by giving your objects meaningful names, which is what
you will do now.
1 Select the HomeDay page, and then switch to the Layers panel by clicking the
Layers tab.
2 To see more of the Layers panel, and to minimize the need for scrolling, collapse
the other visible panel groups by double-clicking the gray tab bar next to the
panel names in other (non-Layers) panel groups.
lesson 2
the Pages, states, and layers Panels: Fundamental Workflow tools
3 On the canvas, select the red icon near the upper-right corner of the design.
Fireworks highlights an object in the Layers panel.
4 In the Layers panel, double-click on this highlighted object called—none too
descriptively—Group: 2 objects.
5 Rename it Info button: 2 objects.
6 In the Layers panel, click the object below the Info button. Check the canvas,
and you will see the Move button is highlighted, denoted by a small blue square
at each corner of the button.
7 Double-click its name in the Layers panel, and change it to Move button:
2 objects.
8 Repeat this process for the remaining objects (the final three buttons and
the background group.) You can select the objects on the canvas or just click
on them in the Layers panel. Rename the other objects, from the top down,
as follows:
• Live button: 2 objects
• Enjoy button: 2 objects
• Eat button: 2 objects
• Day background: 7 objects
E Tip: To more easily
move a number of
related objects around
the canvas at the
same time, you can
temporarily group
objects, so that their
position in relation
to each other is not
affected when you
move them. You’ll learn
how to create groups
in Lesson 3.
E Tip: When renaming
grouped objects, be
sure to indicate that
the object is still a
group. Including the
number of objects in
the new name makes it
very obvious. If you’re
unsure how many
objects are in a group,
check the object name
in the Properties panel.
If the object is really a
group, you will see
a number surrounded
by parentheses. This
value is the number
of objects within
the group.
P Note: In the rush to create a file, you may overlook object naming, but it’s an essential part of
structuring your document. When you pass a file on to coworkers, they may find a document full
of unnamed objects and layers very hard to navigate and understand. On the other hand, they’ll
definitely appreciate a document with descriptively named objects.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
P Note: Just as layers
are above and below
each other (top-most
layer being well, on
top of all the other
layers, for example),
objects within layers
behave in an identical
manner. Changing the
stacking order in the
Layers panel doesn’t
affect an object’s X and
Y pixel location, but it
does affect its position
in the Z-index (the
top-down or vertical
location of objects in
relation to each other,
essentially changing
how an object may
overlap other objects
in the design. Altering
an object’s position in
the Layers panel may
also make it easier to
match a selected object
on the canvas with the
matching object in the
Layers panel.
E Tip: Dragging an
object to the top of
a layer can be tricky;
if you need to put an
object at the top of a
layer but can’t seem
to place it, try Cut and
Paste. Cut the object
(Command+X for Mac,
Ctrl+X for Windows).
Select another object
in the layer and paste,
(Command+V for Mac,
Ctrl+V for Windows).
The pasted object will
always appear above
the selected object.
rearranging objects in a layer
Notice when you selected the Enjoy button that its position in the layer stack is
different than the visual appearance of the buttons on the canvas.
To better match the linear display of objects between the Layer panel and the canvas,
let’s reposition the layer in the Layers panel.
1 Select the Eat button object in the Layers panel.
2 Drag it upward until you see a bold black line
appear between the Enjoy and Live button
objects in the Layers panel.
3 Release the mouse. The stacking order of the objects now matches the visual
appearance on the canvas.
4 Choose File > Save to save your work so far.
adding and naming layers
Things are a little more organized now. To help structure the file even more, you
will add a new layer to the Layers panel for the HomeDay page.
1 Click the New/Duplicate Layer button at the
bottom of the Layers panel. A new layer,
appropriately called Layer 2, appears above
the existing layer.
2 Double-click the new Layer 2 in the Layers
panel, and change its name to Main buttons.
3 Create one more layer above the Main
buttons layer. Rename the new layer
Info button.
4 Double-click the original Layer 1 name, and
rename it Cityscape BG.
moving objects from one layer to another
Now that you have new layers, you can fill them with—you guessed it—content.
1 In the cityscape BG layer, click the Info button thumbnail object.
lesson 2
the Pages, states, and layers Panels: Fundamental Workflow tools
2 Drag the object on top of the empty Info button layer and release the mouse.
You can move single objects or multiple objects in this manner.
3 Select the Move button in the Layers panel.
4 Hold down the Shift key and click on the Enjoy button. All four main buttons
are now selected in the Layers panel.
P Note: You can also
cut selected objects,
select a new layer, and
paste the objects, or
you can click and drag
an object (or a series of
selected objects) to a
different layer.
When you select an object, not only is it highlighted in the Layers panel, but
an indicator icon fills in as well. You’ll find this indicator at the right side of the
layer name, and it looks like a radio button.
5 To move the selected objects into the Main buttons layer, drag the radio button
from the Cityscape BG layer onto the radio button of the Main buttons layer.
Now all the content is in its own layer for this page. Things are much more
organized. Most of this work has been done already for the other pages, but you
still have work to do to complete the mock-up.
sharing layers to pages
Earlier, you created a Master page to share some common elements among all the
pages in the design. Sometimes though, a Master page may be too rigid an option.
Perhaps you want more flexibility to share content between only a few of your pages.
E Tip: To select
objects that aren’t
directly above or
below each other,
press Ctrl (Windows)
or Command (Mac)
as you select them.
When you have content that needs to appear in the same location on multiple,
but not all pages, sharing layers can be a real timesaver. Normally, you might copy
and paste content from one page to another, but this can cause workflow issues;
the positioning of the pasted elements may not be exactly the same, so the objects
appear to jog around from page to page. Or perhaps you need to make changes to
one or more objects. If the objects were independently placed on numerous pages
in a mock-up, you would have to locate and edit each individual object. Not a very
efficient use of your time.
A better solution is to share a layer between pages. With this method, you can edit
objects in a single shared layer and those changes propagate instantly across all the
pages that use the shared layer. You will do this now by sharing elements on the
One-Ton front page with the newly added restaurant pages.
1 Select the Coupon background layer. Select the Layers Options menu (upperright corner of the Layers panel) to drop down the menu.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
2 From the Layers Options menu, choose Share Layer To Pages.
The Share Layer to Pages dialog box appears.
3 In the left column of the Share Layer dialog box, select One_Ton_Back.
4 Hold down the Shift key and select the last page in the list, Pierre_Back.
5 Click the Add button to move these pages to the right column.
6 Click OK.
lesson 2
the Pages, states, and layers Panels: Fundamental Workflow tools
Move through the pages now, and you
will see that things look different—and
not in a good way. All the restaurant
pages are covered up by the background
When you share a layer to another page,
Fireworks automatically adds that layer
to the top of the layer stack, which in this
case is not the desired placement. The fix
is easy enough, though.
7 Select the One_Ton_Back page.
8 Expand the Layers panel by dragging the
bottom of the panel downward or by
collapsing other panel groups.
9 Drag the shared layer (Coupon
background) down so that the solid black insertion line appears between
the Master Page layer and the Location Dot layers, and then release the layer.
10 Repeat this process for the other restaurant pages.
11 Save the file.
sharing the main and Info button layers
The pages that visualize how the app will behave at different times of day also have
several common elements: the buttons. To give you more practice, you will share
those layers now.
1 Select the HomeDay page.
2 In the Layers panel, select the Main buttons layer. Right-click (Control click on
the Mac) the layer and choose Share Layer to Pages.
3 In the Share Layer dialog box, select the other time of day pages: HomeDawn,
HomeDusk, and HomeNight.
4 Click the Add button, then click OK.
The default insertion for this Main buttons shared layer doesn’t require any
changes from you.
5 Right-click (Control+Click on Mac) the Info button layer from the HomeDay
page, and choose Share Layer To Pages.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
6 In the Share Layer dialog box, select HomeDawn, HomeDusk, HomeNight,
and Info.
When a layer is shared, a new icon appears within the layer label in the Layers
panel, so you can easily see which layers are shared to other pages.
7 Click the Add button.
8 Save the file.
E Tip: You can easily
expand or collapse
the individual layers
in the Layers panel
by clicking on the
expansion triangle
beside a layer name.
Now the main interface pages all have an information button in the upper-right
corner. With these few simple steps, this file is far more organized.
Creating sublayers
For additional structure in complex files, you can use sublayers to organize related
content within a single layer. This has already been done in your working file. Take
a look: Select any of the restaurant pages, and expand the Coupon layer. Notice
additional sublayers inside the Coupon layer, each contains its own elements.
To create a sublayer, make sure you have a main layer selected.
1 Click the New Sublayer button at the bottom of the Layers panel to add a
sublayer, The sublayer name will be slightly indented when compared to the
main layer name.
2 Create, drag, or paste new content into the sublayer just as you would a regular
main layer.
Protecting layers
When a layer is locked, no object within it can be selected or deleted by accident.
1 Select the HomeDay page.
2 Click the Lock column in the Main buttons
layer. This column is just to the left of the
layer name.
3 Expand the Main buttons layer by clicking on
the expansion triangle. Notice the ghost of a
lock appears beside each object.
4 Try to select one of the objects in this layer
or on the canvas. You can’t, because they are
all locked and protected.
lesson 2
the Pages, states, and layers Panels: Fundamental Workflow tools
If your concern is only to protect certain objects rather than the entire layer, you
can do that, too.
5 Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac) the layer in the Layers panel, and
choose Unlock All from the context menu.
6 Lock the Eat button.
7 On the canvas, hover over the Move button. Red highlights indicate this object
is selectable.
8 Hover over the Eat button. No red indicators appear. This object is locked.
9 Unlock the Eat button by selecting the lock icon beside the object name or by
selecting Unlock All again from the Options menu.
10 Save the file.
Layer options
The Layers panel has many contextual options for configuring the panel, adding
new layers or sublayers, and determining how a layer interacts with other pages
or states within a Fireworks design.
Access the Layers panel’s options by right-clicking (or Control-clicking) any layer or
by opening the Layers panel menu in the top-right corner of the panel ( ).
Among other options, you can also enable single-layer editing. Enabling this option
limits object selection on the canvas to objects in the currently active layer. To select
objects in other layers, you would first have to select that parent layer from the
Layers panel. This may be helpful with complicated layouts with many layers, but we
recommend leaving it in its default disabled state until you need it.
Working with states
States are an important part of Fireworks. You can use them for mocking up website
interaction (rollovers, Ajax emulation), for example, or to show how an application
may change based on user input. States can include completely different content,
or they can just indicate changes to certain elements that appear in both states. For
example, a button may display a glow or drop shadow in a second state.
The local_picks file you’ve been working on is a mock-up of a planned smartphone
application, and it needs a separate state to show what happens when a user
taps on certain areas of the application. This design is still in its early stage—the
interactivity has yet to be added by using slices or hotspots—but you will add a
second state to the HomeDay page to represent one of the tap effects.
P Note: States can
also be used to create
simple, state-based
animations that can be
exported as animate
GIFs or rasterized
SWF files.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
Duplicating and naming states
The second state of the page will mirror the original interface but with a few
alterations. The simplest way to add the necessary parts to the second state is to
duplicate the existing interface from State 1.
1 Select the States tab.
2 Drag the State 1 to the New/Duplicate
state icon near the bottom right of the
States panel. This creates a duplicate
state, including all the assets and layer
3 Double-click on the State 2 name, and rename it Tap.
4 Rename State 1 to Up.
Changing content on states
You’re going to change the look of the Info button on the Tap state.
1 Select the Layers panel.
The currently selected state is displayed at the bottom-left corner of the
Layers panel.
2 Click the Up state and choose the Tap
state from the pop-up menu.
3 Use the Pointer tool to select the Info
button on the canvas.
There are several effects applied to
the Info button (gradient fill, stroke,
and drop shadow), but they are not
obvious in the Properties panel. The
button is actually a group of objects,
so the Pointer tool isn’t going to help much with accessing those attributes. You
could ungroup the objects, but instead you will drill into the group with the
Subselection tool.
4 Select the Subselection tool ( ).
5 Move the tool over the Info button, and notice the two objects within the group
are independently highlighted now.
lesson 2
the Pages, states, and layers Panels: Fundamental Workflow tools
6 Select the circle.
The Properties panel updates to show attributes for the vector object.
7 Click on the Gradient Fill box to edit the gradient.
8 Click the Reverse Gradients icon to change the direction of the gradient.
9 From the Layers panel toggle back and forth between the two states. See how
one simple change can make a big difference to an object’s appearance?
extra credit
As a Web or interactive designer, you will use these Fireworks elements on a
regular basis, so a little practice is a good idea. Investigate the various layers and
objects and see where you can improve the organization by updating object names.
Experiment with the main buttons and the Tap state to create a different look for
the Tap state. Try changing the fill color or type, for example. Don’t forget that the
buttons are grouped objects, too.
P Note: To learn more
about Web slices and
optimizing graphics,
read Lesson 10. To learn
more about states
and interactivity, read
Lessons 11 and 12.
Locate the Navigation layer on the One_Ton_Front page and share it to the other
restaurant pages. Be sure to check the Navigation layer’s position in the layer stack
and adjust it if necessary.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
review questions
1 What is the importance of layers?
2 What special layer does every Fireworks document have?
3 Name two benefits of using pages.
4 How do you move objects from one layer to another?
5 What are states used for?
review answers
1 Layers add structure to your document. As you add more objects to a design, locating specific
images or text areas becomes more difficult, because you have to scroll through a very long list.
With objects sorted into multiple layers, you can quickly collapse layers to see your main design
structure or expand a specific layer to select an individual object. Layers also allow objects to be
independent from one another. You can add or remove layers or the objects within them without
affecting other elements in the design. You can change how objects within layers interact with
other layers by changing their stacking order.
2 Every Fireworks document has a Web layer. This is where interactive elements called hotspots and
slices are stored. The Web layer does not have to be used in a design, but it cannot be deleted.
3 Pages let you create a variety of designs within a single file. This improves asset management,
because you can store multiple unique designs for one project all in the same file. You can also
link pages using hotspots or slices to create a truly interactive experience for testing and proof
of concept.
4 You can move objects in one of several ways within the Layers panel:
Cut and paste a selected object from one layer to another.
Drag a selected object or objects from layer to layer.
Select an object or objects within one layer, and drag the associated radio button from the
original layer to the radio button on the target layer.
5 You can use states to create simple frame-based animation or to show changes in the appearance
of interactive elements, such as buttons. States can also display completely different content
within the same page.
lesson 2
the Pages, states, and layers Panels: Fundamental Workflow tools
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WorKInG WIth
BItmaP ImaGes
Lesson overview
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to do the following:
• Use a variety of methods to crop images
• Set options for selected tools using the
Properties panel
• Use guides to help position and align images
• Import bitmap images in Fireworks
• Use various bitmap tools and filters to adjust brightness, contrast,
and tonality of bitmap images
• Correct images using the Rubber Stamp tool
• Align objects on the canvas using the Align panel
This lesson takes approximately 90 minutes to complete. Copy the
Lesson03 folder into the Lessons folder that you created on your hard
drive for these projects (or create it now, if you haven’t already done so).
As you work on this lesson, you won’t be preserving the start files; if you
need to restore the start files, copy them from the Adobe Fireworks CS6
Classroom in a Book CD.
Everyone enjoys surfing through a good-looking
website or using a professionally designed interface.
Adobe Fireworks includes a solid set of tools for
creating and editing bitmap images for websites
and mobile applications.
about bitmap images
Everyone enjoys surfing through a good-looking, organized website or using a
professionally designed interface. The building blocks to any effective website or
app are bitmap images, and Adobe Fireworks gives you a solid set of tools for
creating and editing them. You’ll be more effective with those tools, however, if
you understand a bit more about the structure of a bitmap.
In computer graphics, a bitmap, or raster graphics image, is made up of a finite
rectangular grid of pixels, each of which is mapped to a specific position and color
in the grid. Bitmap images are stored in image files of various formats such as JPG,
PNG, TIFF, and GIF. The number of pixels in a bitmap is determined at the time of
capture or creation.
A bitmap is characterized by the width and height of the image in pixels (600 pixels
by 400 pixels, for example) and by the number of bits per pixel (referred to as color
depth), which determines the number of colors it can represent. For the Web, you
typically deal with images containing 32, 24, or 8 bits per pixel. An 8-bit image,
for example, can display a maximum of 256 unique colors. GIF images and 8-bit
PNG files are good examples. A JPEG file is a 24-bit image, which can display
up to 16 million colors. A full-color transparent PNG file has 24-bit color (so it’s
photographically realistic) and 8 bits reserved for opacity, allowing for translucent
images or drop shadows that blend with any background image or color.
Unlike true vector images, raster graphics are resolution dependent. This means you
can’t scale up to a higher resolution without loss in image quality. Vector graphics,
on the other hand, easily scale
up with no loss in quality. At
100% magnification, you don’t
normally see the pixels in a
bitmap image. They become
obvious only when you print
the image at an incorrect resolution or when you zoom
into the image on screen, as
seen here in the image of the
canoe and a magnified segment of its bow.
resolution and file size
Image resolution and file size are directly related to each other. The greater the
number of pixels in an image, the larger the file size will be. We’re not talking about
the physical dimensions of the image on a printed page; we’re dealing specifically
lesson 3
Working with Bitmap Images
with the number of pixels that make up an image and how it relates to storing and
downloading the image. For example, many current digital cameras will capture an
image consisting of 4000 pixels horizontally by 3000 pixels vertically (or greater).
Do the math, and you’ll quickly see that an image with this resolution contains
12 million pixels in total and weighs over 40 MB. The higher the capture resolution,
the larger the file size will be.
Thinking another way, when is the last time you visited a website that sported
4000-pixel-wide images? Even background images for web pages are not this large.
Larger file sizes mean much longer downloads to a desktop or mobile device, but
it’s also more than a matter of patience; bandwidth consumption costs money,
especially on mobile data plans. As web designers, we’re regularly tasked with the
balancing act of efficient file size versus acceptable image quality. You will dig deep
into this topic in Lesson 10.
Image resolution versus
image quality
Resolution and quality are two different things; you can have a high-resolution
image that doesn’t look very good, due to poor quality in the original scan or heavy
image compression that might be set on a digital camera. Resolution refers to the
actual number of pixels that make up the image, not the empirical or subjective
quality of the image.
tips for working with bitmaps
Good-quality graphics are key assets to many professional websites. The imageediting and layout tools in Fireworks give you the freedom to do most—if not all—
of your bitmap work without leaving the application.
That said, you should keep a couple of caveats in mind:
The maximum canvas-creation size in Fireworks is 6000 x 6000 pixels. You can
work on existing files that are larger than this, but 6000 x 6000 pixels is the
largest that you can create within the program.
Fireworks was designed to work with graphics destined for screen use, and that’s
where its speed and flexibility really shine. Although you can open and work on
very high-resolution files in Fireworks, you may find the application begins to
get sluggish over time. And you may not want to have several of these files open
at the same time.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
Cropping an image
Cropping is a common way to remove extraneous detail, letting the viewer focus
more exclusively on a specific part of an image. Cropping makes images smaller,
too, removing excess baggage from your images in terms of download and storage
efficiency. In this exercise, you will remove surrounding detail in a photo to help
focus on the main subject.
1 Choose File > Open, and browse to the file marley.jpg in the Lesson03 folder on
your hard drive. Click Open.
2 Select the Crop tool (
) from the Tools panel.
3 Click and drag the Crop cursor so that a bounding box surrounds Marley the dog.
4 Press Enter or Return to crop
the image.
Hmm, looks like we got a bit
too close; we’ve lost all the
context for the image. We’d
better go back.
5 Press Ctrl+Z (Windows) or
Command+Z (Mac) to undo
the crop.
6 Making sure the Crop tool is still selected, draw the crop one more time; click
where Marley enters the bottom of the frame and drag the crop cursor up and
to the right. You want to exclude the empty image area on the left, as well as the
upper half of the trees at the top of the image.
lesson 3
Working with Bitmap Images
7 Press Enter or Return to commit to the crop. Much better!
8 Save the file as marley_cropped.jpg, and close the file.
Cropping a single bitmap image in a design
Cropping single images is fine, but what if you need to crop an image that’s already
on a layer in a design? Fireworks offers a way to do this as well. And with the Tooltips
feature active (View > Tooltips), you get pixel-level accuracy as well.
1 Open webpage_start.fw.png from the Lesson03 folder.
Since you last worked on the file, a new image has been added and the objects
have been organized into layers in the Layers panel. Take a few minutes to
examine the Layers panel before proceeding. Note that content has been placed
into logical layer groupings: header, content, footer, and background.
2 Double-click on the Zoom tool in the Toolbar to view the design at 100%
3 Use the Pointer tool to select the sunrise image by clicking on the image on
the canvas.
4 Choose Edit > Crop Selected Bitmap. Crop marks will appear around the
sunrise image.
5 Drag the top border of the crop until the tooltip’s height (h) value is 150.
6 Drag the bottom crop border until the tooltip reads h: 120.
7 Press Enter or Return to commit to the crop.
P Note: The small
square boxes at the
corners and middle
of each crop line are
control handles, which
let you alter the crop
dimensions before
committing to it.
E Tip: If you change
your mind about
cropping at all, you can
press the Escape key to
cancel the action.
8 Save the file.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
managing images on the canvas
When you have more than one image or object on the canvas, Fireworks gives
you a variety of ways to work with those images, from showing and hiding objects
to multiple selection and positioning to grouping objects for simplified asset
management. You’ll find that steps you take in the following exercises are a
common part of most design workflows.
adjusting the sunrise image position
After cropping the image, it’s obvious that the sunrise photo is not in the correct
location. Because you are dealing with a web page design, pixel precision is important. Image dimensions and X and Y coordinates may likely be needed for the true
web page’s Cascading Style Sheet. The goal of a mock-up design such as this is to
be an accurate representation of the true HTML web page. You will use a couple of
different methods to reposition the photo.
1 Select the Pointer tool, and click on the sunrise photo.
2 Tap the Up arrow key once. The image shifts position upward by a single pixel.
3 Hold down the Shift key and tap the Up arrow key once again. The image shifts
by 10 pixels this time.
E Tip: You can also
change a selected
object’s position by
entering new values
in the X and Y fields in
the Properties panel.
4 Locate the Align panel (Window > Align).
In it, click the Relative To Canvas icon, so
that objects align relative to the canvas.
5 Click the Align Top Edge icon. The sunrise
snaps to the top of the canvas.
6 Save the file.
Locking objects and layers
As more elements get added to the canvas, you can unintentionally select the
wrong object on the canvas or add objects to the wrong layer. You will now lock
some elements to prevent this from happening.
1 In the Layers panel, locate the header layer.
2 Lock the entire layer by clicking the empty box beside the eye icon.
3 Do the same for the footer and background layers, so you don’t accidentally
place objects in those locations.
You will be working with the content layer in the coming exercises, so the
layer needs to remain unlocked; but to avoid accidental selection, the rounded
rectangles should be locked.
4 Find the canoe, mainContent, and sidebar objects in the content layer, and lock
the empty box beside the eye icon.
lesson 3
Working with Bitmap Images
Working with guides
In this exercise, you will use guides to help ensure an exact position for some
thumbnail images you will be importing. Guides are great tools for aligning and
placing objects on the canvas.
1 If rulers are not visible, choose View > Rulers.
2 Move the cursor to the ruler at the left
of the document window.
3 Click and drag toward the canvas. A
vertical guide appears. You will also see
a tooltip appear beside the guide, with
an X value. (If you don’t see the tooltip,
choose View > Tooltips.) This value is the
horizontal position of the vertical guide.
4 When the tooltip displays near 700, release the mouse. The guide drops at
that location.
Exact positioning of guides can be very important when you are aligning
multiple objects. If you can’t seem to get the exact pixel location by dragging
a guide with the cursor, Fireworks gives you that control with the Move Guide
dialog box.
5 Place your cursor on top of the guide. When you see a doubleheaded arrow, double-click the guide to open the Move Guide
dialog box.
6 Change the current value to 750 pixels, and
click OK.
The guide jumps to the desired position.
7 From the top ruler, drag a horizontal guide
down to a Y value of 150.
Importing images
A very quick way to add existing images to a design is to import them onto the
canvas. Importing gives you the ability to scale the image proportionately when
you add it to the canvas. There are four key benefits to importing images:
• You can scale an image dynamically to fit a desired space in the design.
• You do not have to deal with another document window.
• You bypass the need to copy and paste or drag and drop an image from another
window into a destination document.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
• When importing a multipage Fireworks PNG file, you choose which page you
want to import.
You will add additional thumbnails on top of the mainContent rectangle by
importing images.
E Tip: A quick
way to get to 100%
magnification is to
press Ctrl+1 (Windows)
or Command+1 (Mac)
or simply double-click
the Zoom tool in the
Tools panel.
1 Zoom to 100% using either the Zoom ( ) tool
in the Tools panel or the Zoom Level menu in
the Application bar.
2 Select the content layer from the Layers panel.
3 Choose File > Import. Browse to the Lesson03
folder, locate the kayak.jpg file, and click Open.
E Tip: When
Back on the canvas, notice that the cursor has
changed to the import cursor, which looks
like an inverted L shape ( ). With the import
cursor active, clicking and dragging the
mouse draws a marquee. When you release
the mouse button, Fireworks imports your
image at the dimensions you created via the
marquee, based on the height-to-width (aspect) ratio of the original image.
P Note: By default,
If you simply click the mouse button without dragging, Fireworks imports the
image at its full height and width, placing its top-left corner where you clicked.
importing, if you click
the mouse button
without dragging,
Fireworks will import
the image at its full
height and width,
positioning the top-left
corner at the import
cursor’s location.
the import cursor
automatically snaps to
the nearest guide, so
even if you are a couple
of pixels away from the
guide, the import cursor
begins the marquee at
the guide location.
4 Place the cursor near the intersection
of the two guides and drag toward
the right. Release the mouse when the
width value in the Properties panel
reaches 180.
Check the Layers panel, and notice
the new bitmap image has been added
to the content layer.
5 Rename this object as kayak in the
Layers panel.
6 Create a column of images beneath the kayak shot by repeating steps 3 to 5 for
the image files superior.jpg and marley_cropped.jpg.
Don’t worry about the distance between each image. You’ll adjust that next.
7 Rename the new objects to lake and dog, respectively.
Creating even space between images
A web design is usually a pretty structured layout. The Align panel makes it easy
to create and maintain an organized layout in your design. For example, using the
lesson 3
Working with Bitmap Images
Align panel, you can automatically add a consistent amount of space between your
newly imported thumbnail images.
1 Select the Pointer tool.
2 Drag the cursor over all three thumbnail images.
3 Because you locked the rectangles earlier in this lesson, you can select only the
photos when you drag your cursor over them.
4 Open the Align panel and make sure it is set to Relative to Object.
5 In the Space field, set a value of 15.
6 Click on the Space Evenly Vertically icon.
Fireworks automatically spaces the three
images evenly.
7 Change the stacking order of the layers in
the Layers panel so that the kayak image is
at the top of the stack, and the dog photo
is beneath the lake photo. While not a
mandatory step, it helps visually to match
the visual hierarchy in the design.
E Tip: To make it
easier to move the
layers, first click
the mouse outside
the canvas area to
deselect everything.
8 Save the file.
Grouping objects together
The canvas is starting to fill up with several graphics. You’re going to make your
life a little easier by grouping the column of thumbnails together. Grouping temporarily turns a series of selected objects into a single object, making it easier to
manipulate them.
1 Make sure the three thumbnails are still selected. If the images are not selected,
be sure to select them all again.
2 Choose Modify > Group, or press Command+G (Mac) or Ctrl+G (Windows).
3 In the Layers panel, you will see that the thumbnails are now part of the same
object, with a new name of Group: 3 Objects.
4 Rename the group to thumbnails: 3 objects.
The column takes up a fair amount of space, with little space on the right
side. You will scale the group using the Constrain Proportions option in the
Properties panel.
5 Click the hollow square to the left of the width and height. The square becomes
solid and you have now constrained the proportions of the group.
6 Type 170 into the Width field, and then press the Tab key. Fireworks automatically scales the height for all three images to proportionately match the width.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
7 The Constrain Proportions option is sticky, so be sure to disable it when you no
longer need it.
8 Select the Subselection tool.
E Tip: You can also
choose Modify >
Transform > Numeric
Transform, to scale by
percentage, resize by
exact pixels, or rotate
an object or group to
a specific angle.
Even though these photos are grouped, you can still select them as individual
objects by using the Subselection tool ( ). You will use this tool now, so you
can tweak the spacing between the photos.
9 Click on the photo of Marley the dog.
10 Release the mouse and then, while pressing the Shift key, tap the Down arrow
key one time. The photo moves down by 10 pixels.
11 Use the Subselection tool again to select the lake photo.
12 Tap the Down arrow key five times.
Distortion-free bitmap scaling
Scaling objects in one direction—whether they are bitmap images or vector
shapes—can cause unwanted distortion. But Fireworks has a great feature called
9-slice scaling that can minimize distortion when scaling bitmaps. The trick is that
this only works with images containing an area with little detail, such as a photo
with a solid blue sky, for example. To learn more about 9-slice scaling, be sure to
check out the Fireworks Help files.
Importing the background image
Our web page background is a little on the lackluster side, but you will fix this by
bringing in a background image using the Import command again.
1 Lock the content and header layers in the Layers panel, and then hide both
layers by clicking the eye icon.
2 Unlock the background layer.
3 Press Command+R (Mac) or Ctrl+R (Windows) to launch the Import Image
window. This is a bit faster than choosing File > Import.
4 Locate and open the web_background.jpg image.
5 Position the import cursor at the top-left corner of the
design and drag across to the right edge of the design.
Make sure the Width field in the Properties panel reads
960 before you release the cursor.
6 Rename the image to background.
lesson 3
Working with Bitmap Images
Improving appearance using Live Filters
The background image you’ve imported adds a nice visual touch to the design, but
it’s a bit low in contrast and saturation, lacking visual impact. You will use a Live
Filter to adjust the contrast. Live Filters are nondestructive effects you can apply
to most objects (vector, bitmap, or symbol) within Fireworks. The great power and
advantage of Live Filters is that you can always edit the effect at a later time. If you
feel the filter is too harsh, or too subtle, just click the “i” icon to edit the filter properties. (Note that this icon becomes available once the Live Filter has been added
to the Properties panel.)
Increasing contrast and saturation
with the Levels Live Filter
Here you’ll start by applying the Levels Live Filter to the background, then tweak
its effect.
1 Ensure the background photo is selected
(look for that blue bounding box), and then
click the plus sign (+) in the Filters area of
the Properties panel to add any Live Filter.
2 Choose Adjust Color > Levels. The Levels dialog box appears.
The histogram (graph) in the Levels dialog box shows you the distribution of
tones in the selected image; you use it to alter shadows, midtones, and highlights. Directly below the
histogram are the input level
sliders: shadows on the left,
highlights on the right, and
midtones in the middle.
In this image, you’ll notice that
there is nothing displaying in
the histogram for the highlights
or shadows.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
3 Drag the left slider to the right so that it almost lines up with the beginning of
the histogram chart. The Input value should read about 32. Click OK.
The Levels Live Filter now appears in the Filters list in the Properties panel.
The result is definitely an improvement, but now things are too dark overall.
You will reopen the Levels filter and make further adjustments.
4 Click the “i” icon next to the Levels filter in the Live Filters category of the
Properties panel. The Levels dialog box reopens.
5 Change the highlight input value to 224 by typing the numbers into the leftmost
input box above the histogram.
6 Change the midtone value to .95 in the middle input box. Click OK.
P Note: If you research
Unsharp masking,
you’ll often read that
it should be the last
adjustment you make
to an image. Typically,
this is true for images
intended for print, so
the image sharpness
can be customized for
a specific printer. We’re
not printing this image,
and the only edit being
applied is the Unsharp
Mask. Most importantly,
because we’re using the
nondestructive, alwayseditable Live Filter
version, you don’t really
need to worry about
when the filter
is applied.
lesson 3
7 Press Ctrl+S (Windows) or Command+S (Mac) to save your work.
sharpening with the unsharp mask Live Filter
Most images benefit from at least some sharpening, and this is especially true when
you resize an image smaller than its original, as you did with the three thumbnails
you imported. Fireworks, like most graphic editors, removes pixel data from an
image when reducing its dimensions. This process, called downsampling, tends to
make the image softer. You can regain some of the original crispness of the photo,
however, by applying the Unsharp Mask filter, as either a permanent filter or as a
Live Filter.
The Unsharp Mask filter identifies pixels that differ from surrounding pixels by the
threshold you specify and increases the pixel contrast by the amount you specify.
In addition, you specify the radius to control the degree of unsharpness the mask
image will have.
Working with Bitmap Images
For the greatest flexibility, Live Filters are a better option. Try it now on the three
thumbnail images.
1 Unlock the content layer, make it visible again, and select the thumbnail group
from the Layers panel.
2 Press Ctrl+1 (Windows) or Command+1 (Mac) to zoom the design to 100%.
3 Click the Add Live Filters icon (+ sign) in the Properties panel.
4 Choose Sharpen > Unsharp Mask to open the Unsharp Mask dialog box.
The default properties are a bit extreme for a low-resolution file, so we’ll
alter one slightly.
5 Change the Pixel Radius to
a value of 1.
P Note: Live Filters
will affect all objects in
a group, whether vector
or bitmap. Standard
bitmap filters (Filters
menu) affect bitmap
images only. If your try
to apply a standard filter
to a vector, Fireworks will
prompt you to rasterize
the vector object.
6 Deselect the Preview option
to see the images without
7 Enable Preview again.
Notice that there is slightly more contrast between light and dark areas and the
images appear crisper. This is because Unsharp Mask increases the contrast of
edge pixels only (the place where a dark and light pixel meet).
8 Click OK to apply the filter.
unsharp mask properties
Generally, higher-resolution images can handle (and sometimes need) higher
amounts of unsharp masking than low-resolution images. The three controls for
the Unsharp Masking filter are the following:
Sharpen Amount: This property controls how much darker and lighter the edge
borders become. Sharpen Amount can also be thought of as how much contrast
is added at the edges.
Pixel Radius: This property affects the size of the edges to be sharpened. A
smaller radius enhances smaller-scale detail. Higher radius values can cause
halos at the edges (a highlight around objects), making images look unnatural.
Fine detail needs a smaller radius value. Pixel Radius and Sharpen Amount are
reciprocal; reducing one allows more of the other.
Threshold: This property controls how far apart adjacent tonal values have to
be before the filter does anything. The threshold setting can be used to sharpen
more pronounced edges while ignoring more subtle edges. Low values have
a greater effect because fewer areas are excluded. Higher threshold values
exclude areas of lower contrast.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
Improving appearance using
the bitmap tools
Fireworks is not Photoshop. There—we’ve said it. If you have large, high-resolution
images or images that require major manipulation, chances are you should do that
kind of heavy-duty work in Photoshop first. Every job has a correct tool. That said,
Fireworks comes with a decent set of standard retouching tools, including the
Dodge, Burn, and Rubber Stamp tools. These tools can handle most basic retouching requirements, without the need to jump back and forth between applications.
adjusting brightness with the Dodge and Burn tools
Sometimes a photo has good general exposure, but a few areas in the image are too
light or too dark. To give these areas some local adjustment, you’ll find the Dodge
and Burn tools come in handy.
The Dodge and Burn tools are part of the bitmap-retouching toolset; their effects
are permanent (sometimes called “destructive”) in that the tools completely alter
pixel values. Don’t let this deter you, however; just take these steps to protect your
original image before experimenting with Dodge and Burn.
1 In the Layers panel, unlock the canoe image.
This image is in pretty good shape, but the horizon is a bit overexposed and
the photographer cast a shadow on the water. In the next exercises, you’ll use
the Dodge and Burn tools to correct these problems.
2 To keep your original safe, make a copy of the photo by dragging its thumbnail
down to the New Bitmap Image icon in the Layers panel.
With one copy of the image safe, you can always get back to the original should
your adjustments not go as well as you envision.
E Tip: When you
select an object and
zoom, Fireworks uses
the active object as the
central zoom point.
lesson 3
3 Double-click the word “Canoe” next to the selected image in the Layers panel,
and rename it Retouch. This will help you to differentiate between the two
images with a quick glance at the Layers panel at any time.
Working with Bitmap Images
4 Press Command+(Mac) or Ctrl+(Windows) twice to magnify the photo to
about 200%. It’s a small image, so you’ll start seeing pixels pretty quickly.
Now you’re ready to delve into the different uses of Dodge and Burn.
Lightening with the Dodge tool
Dodging is an old photo darkroom term for making specific areas of a photo
brighter. In Fireworks, you can lighten local areas of an image by painting over
those areas with the Dodge tool.
1 Select the Dodge tool from the Tools panel. The Dodge tool is part of a collection of pixel-editing tools. You can quickly get to it by pressing the R key several
times. When you see the icon that looks like a black lollipop ( ), you’ve got the
right tool.
E Tip: Another option
is to use the Zoom
tool to drag a marquee
around the area you
want to magnify. When
you release the mouse,
Fireworks automatically
centers the selected
area on the canvas, and
you’re ready to go.
P Note: The pixel
editing tools are found
at the bottom left of the
bitmap tools section of
the toolbar.
2 In the Properties panel, change Size to 13. Make sure Edge is set to 100 (for a
soft-edged brush) and Exposure to 20. For Range, choose Midtones, and click
the circular icon for Shape.
3 Carefully paint over the shadow area without releasing the mouse. Avoid
painting over water areas outside the shadow.
4 To compare the original with the lightened version, press Ctrl+Z (Windows)
or Command+Z (Mac) to undo the editing and view the original, then Press
Ctrl+Y (Windows) or Command+Y (Mac) to reapply the dodging.
5 Toggle back and forth between before and after a few times; the effect is subtle,
but noticeable. Make sure to end with a Ctrl+Y or Command+Y to keep
the dodging.
After Dodging
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
P Note: Each time
you release the mouse
and then paint again
over the same area,
you will further lighten
an area, so it’s good
to apply Burning or
Dodging incrementally,
at low values, then
toggling the visibility
of the retouched
version to compare
with the original.
6 If you find the bottom of the shadow still too dark, try setting the Exposure to
10 and painting over that smaller area once again.
Remember, you’re using a copy of the photo, so if you make mistakes, you can
either undo the steps by pressing Command+Z or Ctrl+Z, or you can just delete
the retouched version and make a new copy.
Darkening with the Burn tool
The Burn tool does the exact opposite of the Dodge tool; it darkens the specific
areas where you apply it. For example, the horizon (sky and tree line) in the canoe
photo is a bit too bright, but you can correct this quickly with the Burn tool.
1 Switch to the Burn tool, either by pressing the R key until the tool appears, or by
clicking and holding the Dodge tool icon in the Tools panel until the tool flyout
list appears.
2 In the Properties panel, change Size to 20 and Exposure to 30. Leave Edge,
Shape, and Range the same (100, Circular, and Midtones, respectively).
3 Paint over the horizon area in one direction only, being careful not to move the
cursor into the water. Painting right to left or vice versa doesn’t matter, so long
as you do not release the mouse. If you release the mouse and start again, it’s
like adding another coat of paint to the wall.
Burning adds exposure, here making the sky and trees appear a bit darker and
richer in color.
As before, if you feel the result is too subtle, simply paint over the area again.
4 Set the Zoom level to 100% again.
5 Hide the retouched version by clicking its eye icon in the Layers panel, and
compare the original with the altered image. Although each of the changes
you made was small, the overall effect on the image is quite substantial.
6 Click the eye icon again to redisplay the retouched image and continue to alter
the image if you like, or simply save the file by pressing Ctrl+S (Windows) or
Command+S (Mac).
lesson 3
Working with Bitmap Images
After Burning and Dodging
repairing areas with the rubber stamp tool
The Rubber Stamp tool ( ), also known as the Clone Stamp tool, copies pixel
detail from one location in a bitmap image and pastes it into another (presumably
damaged or unsightly) area. Maybe there is a scratch in some packaging or a
flyaway thread in some clothing. Maybe you need to smooth out skin tones in
a photo or remove an unwanted highlight in a shiny object. These are all good
examples of when to use the Rubber Stamp tool. Here are the general steps for
using the Rubber Stamp tool:
1 Select the Rubber Stamp tool.
2 Option+Click (Mac) or Alt+Click (Windows) an area to designate it as the
source (the area you want to clone from). The sampling pointer becomes
a crosshair and a circle covers the retouching area. This is the stamp (or
clone) cursor. The circle represents the size of the brush being used to do the
3 Move to a different part of the image, and drag the cursor. As you drag the
cursor, pixels beneath the sampling are cloned to the area beneath the brush.
Now you will test this process by cleaning up the shadow area on the canoe photo.
1 Zoom in, as described earlier
in the chapter, to focus in on
the canoe. When retouching,
it’s always good to get close to
your subject matter.
2 Select the Rubber Stamp tool
from the Bitmap tools area of
the Tools panel.
Notice that the Properties
panel updates, displaying
attributes for the Rubber Stamp tool. You can set the brush size and the edge
softness of the brush (100 is soft, 0 is hard). You can also decide whether you want
to keep your brush aligned with the original source of sampling and if you want to
sample from all the layers/objects in your document, or just the active object.
E Tip: Depending on
the brush preferences
you selected, the
painting cursor is
shown as a rubber
stamp, a crosshair, or
a blue circle. You can
change the cursor
display for many
editing tools by
choosing Edit >
Preferences (Windows)
or Fireworks >
Preferences (Mac) and
then selecting the
Edit category. Select
or deselect the cursor
options to change
how the cursor is
3 In the Properties panel, set your brush size to 10 pixels, the edge to 100%,
and Opacity 40. Lowering the opacity will help blend the cloning.
4 Deselect the Source Aligned option to ensure that the sampling always begins at
the same source point, no matter where you begin your actual rubber-stamping.
5 Locate an area on the canoe that is even-toned and red. Hold down Alt
(Windows) or Option (Mac), and click to sample the pixels from this area.
6 Move the cursor over to the shadow area.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
to source align or not to source align
When enabled, the Source Aligned option forces the sampling cursor to continuously track the position of the stamp cursor. Basically, the tool cursors are always in
step with each other. If you release the mouse or move the stamp cursor somewhere
else on the image, the source cursor appears at exactly the same distance and angle
from the stamp cursor as when you clicked to make your original sampling point.
If you disable the Source Aligned option, the source cursor always resets itself to
the original sampling location when the mouse is released, regardless of where you
place the stamp cursor.
This is a context type of option; depending on what you are cloning, you may find it
easier to achieve your goal by enabling or disabling Source Aligned.
P Note: You are
cloning pixels onto
a bitmap object, so
if you let your cursor
slip outside the edges
of the photo, you will
add pixel data to an
area that was originally
transparent. If this
happens, either undo
the step or use the
Eraser tool later to clean
up the unwanted pixels
outside the photo area.
P Note: To designate
a different area of
pixels to clone, Alt-click
(Windows) or Optionclick (Mac) another
area of pixels.
lesson 3
7 Click and hold the mouse button, and then begin painting carefully over the area.
Continue painting until the large shadow is gone. Take care not to let your sampling cursor stray into areas like the black gunnels of the canoe. Some variation in
tone is fine; you want the retouching to look as realistic as possible. If necessary,
release the mouse button and repeat the process to get blend the edges.
8 Save the file when you are happy with the results.
Before Cloning
After Cloning
Rubber-stamping can take a bit of practice, which is another reason to perform the
retouching on a separate or duplicate object. If your results aren’t as good as you
would like, you can just delete the bitmap object by selecting it and then dragging it
to the Layers panel trash can icon.
Working with Bitmap Images
retouching an empty bitmap object
Cloning is a permanent (destructive) process; you are literally replacing pixels in one
area with pixels from another. If you save and close the file, those changes become
a part of the image. This is why we created a duplicate of the canoe image earlier in
the lesson; the original image remains untouched.
Many professionals prefer to do this type of retouching on a separate layer. In this
way, they avoid the potential for permanently ruining (or even just changing) an
original image. Fireworks lets you do this kind of work in an empty bitmap object,
even in the same layer as the original artwork.
An empty bitmap object is an area containing no pixel data. It gives you the
opportunity to add new pixel information as a separate, unique object. Once you
create this object, you must add pixel data to it in your next step, or the object will
be removed from the Layers panel. You might use this object if you are planning to
use the Brush or Pencil tools to add colored bitmap lines.
You create an empty bitmap object by selecting the New Bitmap Image icon in the
Layers panel ( ). A transparent (empty) Bitmap object will appear in the panel,
above the previously selected object.
You might also notice a blue rectangle appear on the canvas, surrounding the
retouching work. This is how Fireworks indicates a selected object.
Layers and objects? Why?
Because the roots of Fireworks lie in the vector world—much like Adobe Illustrator—
each layer can contain multiple objects. This concept may seem a little disconcerting
if your experience is primarily with Photoshop, which is a layer-oriented application,
but in fact, this object-oriented approach gives you much more control and flexibility
over your designs. You can also create sublayers within a layer, which emulate the
layer-groups workflow of Photoshop.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
review questions
1 What is the maximum canvas size in Fireworks, and how can this affect your workflow?
2 What is the process for cropping a specific bitmap object in a design?
3 What options do you have for adjusting the tonal range of a bitmap image?
4 What are the advantages of Live Filters over traditional filters?
5 How do you use the Rubber Stamp tool, and what is a recommended workflow for using it?
review answers
1 The maximum canvas size you can create in Fireworks is 6000 x 6000 pixels. If you have a very
large file that you want to use in Fireworks, consider scaling it to more suitable dimensions before
opening it in Fireworks.
2 Select the bitmap object, and then choose Edit > Crop Selected Bitmap. This will ensure that
you’re cropping only one object rather than the entire design.
3 If the entire image is too dark or too light, you can use the Levels dialog box to alter overall
brightness and contrast. If you want to alter specific areas in the image, you can use the Dodge
tool to lighten an area, or the Burn tool to darken an area.
4 Live Filters are nondestructive and completely editable at any time. Live Filters can also be applied
to both vector and bitmap objects, whereas traditional filters can be applied only to bitmap objects.
5 The Rubber Stamp tool can be used only on bitmap objects, and is designed to copy pixels from
one location to another, for the purpose of correcting defects or removing unwanted elements
within a photo. You must first sample the area you want to use as a source by pressing Alt (Windows)
or Option (Mac) and clicking on the desired area. Then you can move the cursor to the problem
area and paint over it. Ideally, this type of retouching should be done within a new bitmap object,
so you do not alter the original source image.
lesson 3
Working with Bitmap Images
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WorKInG WIth BItmaP
Lesson overview
Making selections on a bitmap image is an important component of
working with bitmaps. Bitmap selections isolate a specific area for
alteration, protecting all other areas from being affected. For example,
you might want to brighten a dark part of an image. By delineating a
selection, you can ensure your change in pixel brightness is applied to
the desired area only, not the entire photo. In this lesson, you’ll learn
how to do the following:
• Create a selection with the Magic Wand tool
• Adjust the edge of a bitmap selection
• Apply corrective filters to a selection
• Make complex selections using the Lasso and Magic Wand tools
• Modify a bitmap selection
• Save a bitmap selection for future use
• Convert a bitmap selection to a path
This lesson takes approximately 60 minutes to complete. Copy the
Lesson04 folder into the Lessons folder that you created on your hard
drive for these projects (or create it now, if you haven’t already done
so). As you work on this lesson, you won’t preserve the start files. If you
need to restore the start files, copy them from the Adobe Fireworks CS6
Classroom in a Book CD.
Making selections on a bitmap image is key
to working with bitmaps regardless of the
software application.
understanding bitmap selections
The bitmap selection tools enable you to isolate a specific area of an image for
alteration. Before you begin this lesson, though, you must also be clear on the
difference between selecting an object and making a bitmap selection.
When you click an object in the Layers panel or use the Pointer tool to click an
object on the canvas, you select (or activate) the entire object. You can then move,
copy, edit, or cut that object from the design, without affecting anything else on
the canvas. A bitmap selection differs in that you select a specific part of a bitmap
image rather than the entire bitmap object. After you make a selection, you can
copy or edit only the area within the selection border. The bitmap selection tools
work on bitmap images only; you cannot use these tools on text or a vector object.
Bitmap selection tools: a primer
The selection tools in Fireworks include the Marquee and Oval Marquee tools,
the Lasso and Polygon Lasso tools, and the Magic Wand tool. Each has its own
strengths, and you’ll need to choose the selection tool most suitable for your job.
Magic Wand
For example, choose the Marquee ( ) or Oval Marquee ( ) tool when you need
to select regularly shaped areas. Simply click and drag to draw out one of these
selections after choosing the appropriate tool. Holding Shift constrains the
rectangular marquee to a square and the oval marquee to a circle.
One of the Lasso tools (the standard Lasso ( ) or the Polygon Lasso ( )may be
better suited to select irregular areas when you make a freehand selection. The
standard Lasso tool allows you to draw a selection on the canvas using a mouse or
stylus. With the Polygon Lasso, you outline the selection by clicking to plot points
around the area you want selected. You can hold down Shift to constrain Polygon
Lasso marquee segments to 45-degree increments. To close the polygon selection,
either click the starting point or double-click in the workspace.
If the area is primarily similar shades of colors, the Magic Wand tool ( ) may be
your best choice to quickly create a selection. The Magic Wand tool selects pixels
based on color. If you have an area of similarly colored pixels in your image (a blue
sky, for example), the Magic Wand can quickly select that part of your image. You
lesson 4
Working with Bitmap selections
start the selection by clicking the wand cursor on an area of your image. The wand
selects contiguous pixels of the same color range, based on the Tolerance setting
in the Properties panel. You can decrease the tool’s sensitivity by changing the
Tolerance setting to a higher value.
selection tool options
Most of the bitmap selection tools have the option to set the selection edge to
Hard, Anti-alias, or Feather. A Hard edge gives you a jagged, pixelated selection.
Anti-alias blends the selection with the area outside the selection. Feather creates
a softer, less accurate, blended-edge selection. Unlike with the other two edge
settings, you can apply a pixel value to Feather to increase the blend between the
inside and outside of the selection.
Hard Edge
Anti-Aliased Edge
Feathered Edge
If you choose the Rectangular or Elliptical Marquee, the Properties panel offers you
additional options:
• Normal creates a marquee in which the height and width are independent of
each other.
• Fixed Ratio constrains the height and width to defined ratios.
• Fixed Size sets the height and width to a defined dimension, in pixels.
select menu choices
The Select menu helps you further refine your bitmap sections. You can expand,
contract, or smooth any active bitmap selection by choosing the desired action
from the Select menu.
For example, the Select Inverse command toggles between the active selection and
the unselected area, because sometimes selecting the unwanted part of the image is
easier. Suppose you have a photo of a city scene with a clear sky in the background.
You want to do some levels or filter adjustments to the city area, but using the
Magic Wand tool to select the evenly colored sky will be easier (and faster). Then
you can choose Select > Select Inverse to reverse the selected areas, making the city
scene the active selection.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
With any bitmap selection, choose Select > Select Similar to add to the current
bitmap selection, based on colors within the active selection. Anywhere the colors
within the selection appear throughout the image, they will become part of the
new selection.
using Live marquee
The Live Marquee feature is available for all five bitmap selection tools. By default,
it is active (selected) in the Properties panel. Live Marquee gives you immediate
control over the edge of your bitmap selection after you draw it. You can choose
Hard for an aliased, hard-edged selection; Anti-alias for a softer, slightly blended
selection edge; or Feather for a very soft blend. When you choose Feather, you set
the amount of feathering you want. This amount will gradually blend any effect
applied to the bitmap selection on both the inner and outer edges of the selection.
Protecting original art
Think back to our web page design from Lesson 3. Most websites have more than
one page, and in this lesson, you’re being tasked with cleaning up a few more
images for the website, as well as showing off your creative flair. The bitmap
selection tools, filters, and even the Commands menu will come into play.
Applying a bitmap filter to a bitmap selection permanently changes the pixels in an
image, however, so take a moment to protect your assets. When you plan to apply
permanent changes to a bitmap object, you should always work with a duplicate of
the image so that the original is not damaged. In this exercise, you’ll use keyboard
commands to create that duplicate.
1 Choose File > Open, and browse to the Lesson04 folder.
2 Select bigsky.jpg, and then click Open.
Notice how bright and pale the sky is; that’s what you’ll be working on shortly.
3 Select the Pointer tool, and click on the image to make it active.
4 Press Ctrl+Shift+D (Windows) or Command+Shift+D (Mac) to create a clone of
the image. You now have two identical bitmap images in the Layers panel. You
can also access this command from the Edit menu (Edit > Clone).
5 In the Layers panel, double-click the bottom
bitmap image name, and change it to
6 Lock the original image.
7 Double-click the top image, and rename
it Retouching.
lesson 4
Working with Bitmap selections
Clone or Duplicate?
What’s the dif, dude?
Accessed from the Edit menu or keyboard shortcuts, the Clone and Duplicate commands accomplish the same basic task: create a copy of an object. Their difference
is one of positioning. The Clone command creates a copy with exactly the same
X and Y coordinates, much like dragging an object to the new/duplicate bitmap
icon in the Layers panel.
The Duplicate command also creates an exact copy, but offsets the new copy by a
few pixels from the location of the original, making it easier to differentiate between
the two or to select either image right on the canvas.
selecting and modifying with
the magic Wand tool
The original image is safe. In this section’s exercises, you’ll use a variety of selection
tools and techniques to modify specific parts of two images. The Magic Wand tool
will play a big role in making these selections. You will also adjust the selection with
the Live Marquee and apply bitmap filters to improve the scene, and in the case of
one image, completely change the look of the photograph.
Creating and adjusting the selection
First, create the selection using the Magic Wand tool.
1 Select the Magic Wand tool ( ) from the Tools panel.
2 Move the cursor over the cloud portion of the image, and click once. As
illustrated here, a selection appears, but areas are missing from the selection.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
3 In the Properties panel, make sure Live Marquee is enabled and then change the
Tolerance setting to 100.
4 Press the Tab key to apply the change. The entire sky is now selected.
5 Zoom in to the horizon, and notice that Fireworks also selected some edge
pixels from the hills. The changes you are about to make will have a detrimental
effect on the image if this is not corrected.
6 Choose Select > Smooth Marquee, and set
the value to 1 pixel. This will have a very
subtle result, but it will smooth out the
bottom edge of the selection a bit without
altering the other selection edges.
7 Tap the Up arrow key once, to shift the selection 1 pixel higher. The selection
edge now sits at the horizon rather than in the hills.
8 From the Select menu, choose
Feather and set a value of 4 pixels.
Feathering blends the pixels on
either side of a selection edge,
making for a smoother, more
natural result.
lesson 4
Working with Bitmap selections
A value of 4 pixels means that the edge will be blended 2 pixels on either side of
the selection. It’s not a lot, but you are dealing with a fairly low-resolution image.
On higher-resolution images, this value would probably need to be higher.
9 Zoom back to 100%.
applying bitmap filters
You will apply two permanent bitmap filters to the sky to punch it up. When
working with bitmap selections, you must use bitmap filters instead of Live Filters.
You may even notice that there is no option in the Properties panel to apply a Live
Filter when a bitmap selection is active. Live Filters work at the object level only,
which means that you cannot apply them to selected regions.
1 To see how our alteration blends with the rest of the photo, choose View > Edges
(or press Ctrl+H on Windows or Option+F9 on Mac). This hides the selection
from view but still lets you perform actions on it, such as applying filters.
2 Choose Filters > Adjust Color > Levels.
E Tip: On a Mac
laptop you also have
to hold down the fn
key when using the F
keyboard commands.
3 Set the Midtone (Gamma) input value to 0.7. You can do this by typing into the
Input box or dragging the middle slider.
Minimum Intensity
(Shadow values)
(Midtone values)
Maximum Intensity
(Highlight values)
Output levels
4 Toggle Preview off and on again repeatedly to see how the cloud definition has
changed, and then click OK to apply the filter.
One more filter needs to be added, to increase the saturation of the sky.
5 Choose Filters > Adjust Color > Hue/Saturation.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
6 Change the Saturation value
to 15. Any higher, and things
start looking a bit strange.
E Tip: Sometimes
the marquee itself
can get in your way.
You can quickly
show or hide the
marquee by pressing
Ctrl+H (Windows) or
Option+F9 (Mac). You
can also select View >
Edges to hide or show
a selection.
7 Toggle the Preview option off
and then on so you can see
the difference, then click OK.
saving a Fireworks PnG file
The file you opened was a JPG file, but since opening it, you have created a
duplicate bitmap object. So saving the file at this point presents a couple of choices.
Fireworks recognizes that this altered image has properties that are not supported
in a flat JPEG file, so you will see
a dialog box asking you for a
decision about which type of file
you’d like to save.
If you choose to save the file as a
JPG, it will be flattened to a single
layer and you should rename it so
you don’t overwrite the original
image. If you choose the option Save Fireworks PNG, the file retains its editability
(both bitmaps are retained) and Fireworks automatically appends .fw.png to the
file name. The .fw is not mandatory, but it’s a great, simple way to differentiate
between Fireworks PNG files and standard, flat PNG files.
1 Choose File > Save.
2 Click the Save Fireworks PNG button and accept the default name.
3 Close the file.
using the magic Wand tool with keyboard modifiers
Because the Magic Wand tool selects based on contiguous pixel color, areas you
want included may not always become part of your original selection. Changing the
Tolerance setting helps, but might not get you as accurate a selection as you want
without some trial and error. Another alternative is to use modifier keys to add to
the selection.
In this exercise, you are going to use the Magic Wand in conjunction with the Shift
key to select multiple areas. You will also learn how to save a bitmap selection, and
invert—or reverse—the selection.
1 Choose File > Open, and browse to the Lesson04 folder.
2 Select sand_river1.jpg, and then click Open.
lesson 4
Working with Bitmap selections
This image is fairly flat, or low in contrast and saturation. The maple leaves
in the foreground are a dull red instead of a vibrant reddish-orange. That’s one
of the changes you will make. While this file is open, you will also desaturate
the background of the scene to further enhance the leaves and create a more
artistic result.
3 Select the Zoom tool, and draw a box around the leaves. This zooms you right
into the area you will be working on.
4 Select the Pointer tool, and click the image to make it active.
5 Press Ctrl+Shift+D (Windows) or Command+Shift+D (Mac) to create a clone of
the image, and rename this duplicate Retouching in the Layers panel.
6 Select the Magic Wand tool from the Tools panel.
E Tip: You might want
to change the name of
the original image to
7 In the Properties panel, set the Tolerance to 40.
8 You hid selections from view in the last exercise, and this setting is sticky.
Choose View > Edges (or press Ctrl+H on Windows or Option+F9 on Mac)
to restore the visibility of the selection edge.
9 Move the cursor to the middle of the top leaf, and click once. A selection appears.
The section is also called a marquee due to the apparent blinking and shifting of
the visible selection edge. The not-so-technical term is the marching ants.
Your first selection may be a little different, depending on exactly where the
Magic Wand was when you clicked the mouse. Regardless, you see that there
are areas not yet selected by the Magic Wand. No worries; you’ll be adding to
the current selection next.
10 Hold down the Shift key, and click elsewhere on the red leaves, where there is
no selection.
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P Note: The modifier
keys—Alt (Windows),
Option (Mac), and Shift
(both)—work with the
Rubber Stamp, Lasso,
Marquee, and Oval
Marquee tools.
11 Continue this process of Shift-clicking until you have the leaves selected. You
may need to spend a bit of time on this, experimenting with tolerance settings.
If you create a particularly complex selection, such as the one you’ve just done,
it’s a really good idea to save your efforts as an alpha channel in order to reuse
the selection at a later time. See the sidebar “Saving and restoring bitmap
selections.” (Your file is currently a perfect fit for this.)
saving and restoring bitmap
Once you’ve created a complex selection, you can save it, giving you the option to
deselect it, work on other parts of the image, and come back to that selection later.
These functions are available regardless of the selection tool you’ve used in the first
place. To save a selection, you first need to have an active bitmap selection.
1 Choose Select > Save Bitmap Selection.
P Note: If you have
more than one saved
selection, you can
choose the correct
one from the Selection
menu in the Restore
Selection dialog box.
P Note: Creating the
leaf selection took some
time, so it’s wise to save
the selection as you
did with the previous
document (choose
Select > Save Bitmap
lesson 4
2 In the Save Selection dialog box, change the name to leaves. Leave all other
settings as they are.
3 Click OK.
Once a selection is saved, you can then call it up any time you need it during
your session. If you save the file as a Fireworks PNG file, the selection remains
with the file and can be restored even after the file has been closed and
4 Press Ctrl+D (Windows) or Command+Shift+A (Mac) to deselect the bitmap
selections on the canvas (so that you can see how to restore it).
5 Choose Select > Restore Bitmap Selection.
6 Click OK. The selection reappears on the canvas.
Working with Bitmap selections
oh no! I selected too much!
Sometimes the Magic Wand selects areas that you don’t want as part of the
selection. Welcome to the fine art of bitmap selections! Usually, you do not
have to start over. You can first try undoing the last step (Ctrl+Z/Command+Z)
and making the selection again at a lower tolerance.
If that is not successful, use the Lasso tool to subtract from the selection.
Subtracting from a selection is a common action when making complex bitmap
1 Zoom in to the area by pressing Ctrl++ (Windows) or Command++ (Mac).
2 Holding the Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac) key, click the area you wish to
remove from the selection.
Remember, the Shift key adds to a selection. The Alt or Option key subtracts
from the selection.
adding saturation
It’s finally time to make those leaves pop, using
yet another bitmap filter.
1 Hide the selection by choose View > Edges.
2 Choose Filters > Adjust Color >
3 Set the Saturation value to 70. Yes, pretty
extreme, but those are pretty dull leaves!
4 Click OK.
Before Saturation adjustment
After Saturation adjustment
5 Save the file. Again, Fireworks prompts you about the format.
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P Note: If you had
chosen File > Save
As, Fireworks would
assume you want to
save the file as a JPEG.
There’s a warning
message in the Save
As dialog box; pay
attention to it! Some
people don’t notice
the warning and later
reopen the file only to
learn the edits have
been flattened and
the original unaltered
image has been lost.
Make sure you click
on the Save As Type
options and choose the
format you prefer.
6 Choose Fireworks PNG and accept the default file name when the Save dialog
box appears.
Desaturating the background
To make the leaves jump off the page even more, you will use the bitmap selection
and the Command menu to convert the background to black and white.
P Note: If you don’t
see the selection
appear, make sure that
the marquee is not
hidden by selecting
View > Edges.
1 Choose View > Edges to bring back the selection you hid in the last exercise.
You’re doing this only to see how the selection changes on screen. Although this
step is not required to complete the effect, you’ll be able to see right away if the
selection has been removed. If you accidentally removed the selection, use
Selection > Restore bitmap selection to bring it back.
2 Show the entire image by pressing Ctrl+0 (Windows) or Command+0 (Mac).
3 Choose Select > Select Inverse. This reverses the selection, so now the leaves are
protected and the background can be edited.
4 Hide the selection again.
lesson 4
Working with Bitmap selections
5 Choose Commands > Creative >
Convert to Grayscale. Remember,
this is a permanent change at
the pixel level, not an editable
Live Filter effect.
6 Now, hide the retouch object from
the Layers panel, so you can see
the original image again. I think
you’ll agree, this image has come
a long way!
7 Make the retouched object visible
again, and save the file.
Converting a selection to a path
In Fireworks, you can easily convert bitmap selections to vector paths. Paths can be
easier to edit than bitmap selections, in part because you aren’t as likely to delete
an entire path by accident. If you are adjusting a bitmap selection and forget to use
the Shift and Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac) modifier keys, you can easily delete
the entire selection. By converting a selection to a path, you eliminate this danger.
To edit the shape of a path, you can use the Subselection tool ( ) to drag individual
control points in the path. Path objects are also scalable, unlike bitmap objects.
In this exercise, you will work with another image.
1 Choose File > Open and locate the trash_sign.jpg file in the Lesson4 folder.
2 Select the Magic Wand, set its tolerance to 32, and click on the stick figure on
the sign.
3 Hold down the Shift key and click on the circle.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
4 Choose Select > Convert Marquee to Path.
The selection is removed, and in its place is a new path object, filled with
the last attributes used for vector objects. Depending on how much you’ve
been experimenting in Fireworks, the fill and stroke of your path may be very
different from what is seen in the example figure.
5 Select the Pointer tool, if it’s not already selected.
6 In the Properties panel, set the fill to white, and if necessary, set the stroke
color to No Fill.
7 In the Layers panel, rename the path to figure.
8 Select the Magic Wand again, and click on the waste bin shape.
9 Convert this selection to a path as well (Select > Convert Marquee to Path).
Note that the bin takes on the fill and stroke properties of the stick figure.
10 Rename this object to bin.
lesson 4
Working with Bitmap selections
repurposing paths
You will need each cube as a separate path, but rather than making selections for
each cube, you will use the Marquee tool to draw a perfect square and then clone
the shape.
1 Zoom in to the three cubes that are falling into the waste bin.
2 Select the Marquee tool.
3 Position the cursor at the upper-left corner of the bottom cube.
4 Hold down the Shift key and drag down to the
bottom right corner of the cube. A 60-pixel square
should do the job.
5 Choose Select > Convert Marquee to Path.
6 Select the Pointer tool.
7 Hold down the Alt or Option key and drag the path
up toward the next cube.
8 Repeat step 7 for the third and final cube. You should now have three
vector squares.
9 With the top cube still active, select Modify > Transform > Numeric Transform.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
10 Change the transform option from Scale to Rotate.
11 Set the angle to 45 degrees, and click OK.
12 Repeat steps 9 through 11 with the middle cube.
13 Use the Pointer tool and the arrow keys to reposition the rotated cubes
if necessary.
14 Rename the cube shapes to red, green, and blue, from top to bottom.
15 Select each cube using the Pointer tool, and from the Properties change the fill
to the appropriate color, based on the object names.
16 Double-click the Layer 1 name and change it to vectors.
17 Move all the new paths to this layer. The fastest way, you might remember, is
to select the objects in the Layers panel, then drag the proxy icon from the
background layer to the vector layer.
lesson 4
Working with Bitmap selections
18 Save the file as a Fireworks PNG file.
You will learn much more about working with paths in Lesson 5.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
review questions
1 What is the difference between selecting objects and making bitmap selections?
2 What are the five bitmap selection tools in Fireworks, and what are their functions?
3 What does the Tolerance setting do when you’re using the Magic Wand tool?
4 What are the two keyboard modifiers you can use in conjunction with the bitmap selection tools?
5 How do you create a clone of a bitmap image? Why would you do this?
review answers
1 When you click on an object in the Layers panel or use the Pointer tool to click an object on the
canvas, you are selecting (or activating) the entire object, allowing you to move, copy, edit, or cut
that object from the design, without affecting anything else on the canvas. A bitmap selection
differs from this in that you are selecting a specific part of a bitmap image rather than the entire
object. Once you’ve made a selection, you can copy or edit only the area within the selection
border. The bitmap selection tools cannot be used on vector objects.
2 The Fireworks selection tools are the Marquee and Oval Marquee tools, the Lasso and Polygon
Lasso tools, and, finally, the Magic Wand tool.
Typically, you use the Marquee or Oval Marquee tool to select regularly shaped areas, and the
Lasso or Polygon Lasso tool to select irregular areas. You use the Magic Wand tool to select pixels
based on color.
3 The Magic Wand tool selects contiguous pixels of the same color range based on the tolerance
setting in the Properties panel. You can increase the tool’s sensitivity by changing the Tolerance
setting in the Properties panel to a higher value.
4 The Shift key is one of the keyboard modifiers you can use with bitmap selection tools, and the
Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac) key is the other. Both of these modifiers work with the Rubber
Stamp and freehand Lasso tools, as well as the rectangular and elliptical marquees. Holding
down the Shift key lets you add to an existing selection. To subtract from a selection, hold down
Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac).
While drawing the initial selection, holding down the Shift key constrains the marquee tools to
symmetrical objects (squares and circles) and the Polygon Lasso tool segments to 45-degree
5 To clone a bitmap image (or any other object), press Ctrl+Shift+D (Windows) or Command+Shift+D
(Mac), or choose Edit > Clone to create a clone of the image. Creating a clone of your original
image lets you edit and retouch a copy without damaging the original.
lesson 4
Working with Bitmap selections
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WorKInG WIth
VeCtor GraPhICs
Lesson overview
You can draw almost any shape in Fireworks by using vectors. In
this lesson, you’ll work on vector graphics for both the Near North
website project from Lesson 3 and the Local mobile app you were
introduced to in Lesson 2. You will also use the Properties panel and
Subselection tool to modify vectors you’ve created. In this lesson,
you’ll learn how to do the following:
• Draw simple vector shapes
• Identify the differences between vector and bitmap images
• Use the Compound Shape tool
• Create paths with the Pen and Line tools
• Edit paths with the Pen and Subselection tools
• Create a custom shape
• Use Auto Shapes
• Customize the fill and stroke of a vector shape
This lesson takes approximately 90 minutes to complete. Copy the
Lesson05 folder into the Lessons folder that you created on your hard
drive for these projects (or create it now, if you haven’t already done
so). As you work on this lesson, you won’t preserve the start files. If you
need to restore the start files, copy them from the Adobe Fireworks C65
Classroom in a Book CD.
Vectors are a powerful component of Fireworks,
giving you the flexibility to create unique custom
shapes or call on the many prebuilt vectors that
are part of Fireworks.
understanding vectors
Computer drawings that use mathematical equations to draw lines and fills onscreen
are known as vectors. A vector is simply the path between two defined points on the
screen, with properties such as color and thickness applied to the path.
Fireworks comes with a range of prebuilt vector shapes, most of which are found in
their very own section of the Tools panel. The Shapes panel also contains a series of
special vector-based Auto Shapes that you can use and customize.
The most commonly used vector tools are the Text, Shape, and Pen tools.
Vector shapes are often used as masks for bitmap objects, too.
With a bit of practice, you’ll be creating your own custom vector shapes and masks
before you know it. For now, start off simply by re-creating a logo for the Near
North website.
Bitmap and vector graphics:
What’s the difference?
The intrinsic ability of Fireworks to move back and forth between vectors and
bitmaps—and even combine both graphic types—makes it a powerful creative
tool. But it’s important to understand the differences between these two types of
graphics, so you know which to use in any situation.
Bitmap graphics (also referred to as raster graphics) are made of a specific number
of pixels “mapped” to a grid. Each pixel has a specific location and color value. The
greater the number of pixels, the higher the resolution of the image and the larger
the file size. If you resize a bitmap image, you are either adding pixels to or taking
pixels away from the image, and this will affect image quality and file size. The initial
number of pixels in a bitmap image is set at the time of capture.
Vector graphics are mathematical equations describing the distance and angle
between two points. You can also specify additional information, such as the color
and thickness of the line (stroke) and the contents of the path (fill). Unlike bitmaps,
vectors can be resized up or down with no detrimental impact to the vector
shape itself.
One example of the differences between vector and bitmap is this: A photograph can
accurately depict a physical scene in a single image layer, but its resolution is a fixed
size. Scaling the image impacts image quality because as you scale an image, you’re
basically asking the software to generate pixels that didn’t exist in the original.
On the other hand, producing similar “photo-like” realism in a vector illustration
could require hundreds and hundreds of vector shapes stacked on each other. But
you could scale this image as often as you like with no reduction in image quality.
This is not to suggest that bitmaps are better than vectors, or vice versa; both of
these main graphic types are integral to visual communication.
lesson 5
Working with Vector Graphics
Basic vector drawing techniques
The Tools panel contains several basic vector shapes, including the Line tool, the
Ellipse tool, the Polygon tool, and the Rectangle tool, with which you worked in
previous lessons. To create one of these shapes, select the appropriate tool, and
then click and drag on the canvas. You can then scale, skew, and distort shapes
using the Transform tools in the Tools panel, as well as use the Properties panel
to change the fill and stroke and even add a texture for a more realistic look.
Paths, shapes, and composite paths
Much like basic geometry, a path is simply a line that starts in one place and
ends in another. It has a minimum of two control points (or anchors) that define
those starting and ending points. Adding additional anchor points to the path
allows changes in direction or even curvature of the path.
When a path has more than two anchors, the distance between any two points is
often referred to as a path segment. Paths are created with the Pen or Line tools.
A shape is a closed path, meaning that its start point joins with its end point to
close the path. In the context of Fireworks, the term “shape” usually refers to a
prebuilt, closed vector path that can be drawn easily with a vector tool, such as
rectangles, ellipses, and polygons.
A composite path is the result of merging two or more shapes or paths into a
single path.
In the example below, the rectangles on the left are standard rectangle shapes.
On the right, those two paths (shapes are paths, remember) were combined using
a command called Punch; the smaller rectangle merged with the larger rectangle
by punching a hole, making the background gradient colors visible.
Two separate rectangles
Composite path created
by combining paths
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
In this first exercise, you will add two ellipses to a brand-new document to begin
the logo. In the next, you will cut out, or punch, a hole to turn the ellipses into a
single hollow ring. Finally, you will add a water effect to the logo. Remember that
at any time, you can refer to the final version of the logo, logo.fw.png.
1 Choose File > New.
2 In the New Document dialog, set Width and Height to 400 pixels each,
Resolution to 72ppi, and a canvas color of white.
3 Choose the Ellipse tool from the vector tools.
4 Set the fill type to solid, using the appropriate fill-type icon in the Properties
panel, and set the color to #0000FF.
5 While pressing the Shift key, draw the cursor from the top-left corner of the
canvas to the bottom right. The final circle should be as large as the canvas,
400 x 400 pixels, centered vertically and horizontally within the canvas.
6 Make sure there is no color applied to the stroke. If there is a stroke color,
choose No Fill from the color picker.
7 Create a Clone of this ellipse by pressing Ctrl+Shift+D (Windows) or
Command+Shift+D (Mac). Cloning places the new ellipse in exactly the
same X, Y location as the original. You will be using this cloned ellipse
to punch a hole through the original ellipse, creating a hollow ring shape.
lesson 5
Working with Vector Graphics
8 Constrain the Proportions in the Properties panel, and set a width of 350 pixels
for the new circle.
9 Press the Tab key to proportionately resize the ellipse.
10 The smaller ellipse needs to be evenly
centered on top of the larger ellipse in order
to get the intended result. To align the
smaller ellipse to the center of the canvas,
open the Align panel and select the Relative
To Canvas option.
11 Click the Align horizontal center and Align
vertical center icons.
Punching a vector shape
The smaller ellipse will be used to punch a perfectly centered, round opening in the
larger ellipse, creating the ring shape.
1 Select the Pointer tool and then drag
the cursor over both ellipses to select them.
2 Select Modify > Combine Paths > Punch.
You now have a ring. Because two shapes
have been altered and in a way merged
together, the end result is no longer an
ellipse shape but a new path called a
composite path.
3 In the Layers panel, rename this new composite path to ring.
4 Rename the Layer to ring, and lock the layer.
6 Save the file as logo_working.fw.png.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
adding the water
The water effect is created by using a half circle, a custom gradient fill and some
lines to give the water a bit of texture.
For the first stage of the logo’s water effect you’ll draw an ellipse, then use the Knife
tool to cut it in half.
1 Create a new Layer by clicking the New/Duplicate Layer icon in the Properties
2 Name this new layer water.
3 Select the Ellipse tool.
4 While pressing the Shift key, draw the cursor from the top-left corner of the
canvas to the bottom right. You should end up with an ellipse that is 400 x 400
pixels in size, centered vertically and horizontally on the canvas.
Zoom to 200%.
6 Select the Knife (
P Note: If things don't
appear to be working
as expected, save
your work and restart
) tool from the vector tools.
7 Place your cursor (which turns into a knife icon) over the left-center control
point for the ellipse.
8 While holding down the Shift key, drag straight across to the left past the
center-right control point, and then release the mouse.
As you can see in the Layers panel, you just
split the ellipse into two half circles.
9 Click off the canvas to deselect all the
10 Select the upper half circle in the Layers
panel and delete it.
Cutting the path with the Knife tool created
a half circle, but the path is technically open,
which can cause issues. For example, if you
wanted to add a stroke to this path, the stroke
would only follow the actual path of the half
circle. The straight edge across the top would
not be stroked. Next, you will close the path.
lesson 5
Working with Vector Graphics
11 Choose the Subselection tool.
12 Click on the left-center anchor point to
select it. The white anchor turns blue.
13 Hold down the Shift key and click on
the right-center anchor point.
14 Open the Path panel (Window > Path).
15 From the Edit Points section, choose
Join Points.
16 Rename this object to water.
Creating a custom gradient
To create the look of water, you will change the solid fill to a custom gradient.
1 With the half circle still selected, change the fill
type from Solid to Gradient.
2 Click the Fill Color box to launch the Gradient
3 Select the first color stop (colored box under the gradient bar) at the left edge of
the gradient bar. The Location Of Stop field should read 0.
Opacity Stops
Gradient Type
Gradient Preview
Angle of Gradient
Color Stops
Location of Stop
Reverse Gradient
E Tip: The Location Of
Stop field is measured
in percentage, from
0 (starting point of
gradient ramp) to
100 (ending point). You
do not need to have a
color stop at the 0 and
100 markers, but you
must have at least two
color stops to make up
any gradient.
P Note: If the colors
in your gradient ramp
don't match the figures
shown here, don't
worry; just select the
color swatches to
change the colors.
4 Place your cursor to the right of the first
color stop. A black arrow and plus sign (+)
icon appear. This is the new color stop cursor.
5 Click the mouse. A new color stop
appears. Its location also displays.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
6 In the Location Of Stop field, set the value to 12.
7 Click on the new color stop to launch the color picker.
8 Type a hex value of #12006F into the HEX
field, and then press the Enter key.
E Tip: If you acciden-
tally add a color stop,
simply drag it away
from the gradient
preview to remove it.
9 Add another color stop, and set its location
to 36.
10 Change the color of this stop to #3333FF,
and press the Enter key.
11 Select the final color stop at the right edge,
and change its location value to 56.
12 Set the color of this stop to #66CCFF.
You should now have four colors in your
custom gradient.
#0000FF #12006F #3333FF
13 Tap the Enter key to close the Gradient Editor.
14 Select the Pointer tool if necessary, and then click on the “water” object.
A black control arm appears on the shape. This “arm” controls the location,
direction, angle, and length of the gradient fill. The arm has a circle control
point at one end and a square control point at the other. The circle controls
the position/starting point for the gradient; the square controls the angle and
lesson 5
Working with Vector Graphics
length. By default, the linear gradient runs from top to bottom, the full height
of the object.
The custom gradient looks OK, but you might
notice it isn’t very smooth or continuous. You
can smooth the appearance of linear gradients (such as this one) or radial gradients by
using the Gradient Dither option.
P Note: New CS6
15 In the Properties panel, click the Gradient
Dither button ( ).
The “water” looks a little smoother now.
16 Save the file.
adding water lines
To add a bit of texture to the water, you will use the Line tool to draw a few
horizontal lines of varying length.
options in the Gradient
Editor include the
Location Of Stop and
Gradient Angle fields.
These two settings give
you pixel-level control
over the starting point
of a gradient color
(location) and the ability
to numerically set the
angle of the gradient.
As mentioned earlier, a line is the most basic of paths. It consists of an origin point
and an end point. Point A to Point B—basic geometry. The stroke properties you
set in the Properties panel determine the look of the line (thickness, texture, color)
between those two points.
Study the finished version of the logo (logo_finished.fw.png). You need to draw
several lines of varying length and position on the water shape.
P Note: The Line tool
1 Deselect all objects and then select the Line tool ( ),
and in the Properties panel, set black for the stroke
color, set Tip Size to 4, and choose Pencil > 1-Pixel
Soft for Stroke Category.
2 To draw a line, click and hold the mouse to set the
origin point of the line.
3 Drag the cursor to a different location on the canvas, and release the
mouse button.
Congratulations, you’ve just drawn a line! To maintain perfectly straight lines,
hold down the Shift key as you draw each line. Make sure you release the mouse
button before you release the Shift key.
4 Continue this process of drawing lines,
comparing your work to the finished art. The
exact lengths do not need to match the final
sample, but all the lines should be horizontal.
is the vector equivalent
of the bitmap Pencil
tool. Instead of drawing
bitmap lines that get
rasterized into the
nearest bitmap layer
though, the lines
created by the Line tool
remain as individual
vector paths, making
them easy to edit and
reposition. The Line tool
creates a single path
and has attributes for
the stroke only. There
are no Fill attributes
applied to a path.
5 Save the file when you are done.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
understanding paths and the Pen tool
The next phase of the logo project is to add the mountainscape. You will be creating
these shapes using the Pen tool. A very powerful vector tool, the Pen tool lets you
create custom shapes and paths by drawing with the mouse or a stylus. You can
also use it to edit existing shapes by adding anchor points. Unlike the Pencil bitmap
tool, with which you basically just click and drag to draw a bitmap line, using the
Pen tool involves clicking the mouse to set a straight line between two anchor
points (a place where the path can change direction) or clicking and dragging to
create a curved section of a path. Every time you want to change the direction of a
path, you move the mouse to the desired position and then click to set an anchor
point. Before you try to move mountains, try some practice work.
1 Create a new document that is 500 x 500 pixels.
2 Set the Canvas color to white if it isn’t already, and click OK.
3 Select the Pen tool ( ).
4 Make sure a stroke color has been applied, so you’ll be able to see and select the
finished path later. Black is fine.
5 Click once near the left side of the canvas and release the mouse to create the
first anchor point.
6 Move your cursor near the middle of the canvas. A line follows your cursor.
7 Click again to set another anchor point. A blue line (the actual path segment)
appears, connecting the two points. Depending on the thickness of your stroke,
you may also see the stroke itself. With a thin stroke like this, you won’t really
see the stroke until after the path is deselected.
8 Move the cursor to the right side of the canvas.
9 This time, instead of just clicking the mouse, hold down the mouse button and
drag. This pulls out curve control arms for that section of the path, so that you
can change the path segment from a straight line to a curve. As you drag the
mouse, you’re pulling the curve arms and the curve increases.
lesson 5
Working with Vector Graphics
10 When you have drawn a curve to your satisfaction, release the mouse button. As
you move the cursor to add more anchor points, Fireworks continues to display
the path outline in blue.
To end a path, you have to disengage the Pen tool, otherwise the path just keeps
following the pen cursor all over the canvas. To disengage the tool either:
• Close the path (create a shape) by clicking the original starting anchor point.
• Double-click the last anchor point to create an open path.
E Tip: If you see a
crosshair cursor icon
instead of the Pen icon,
check to see if your
Caps Lock key is active.
other vector tools
This lesson won’t use all the vector tools that Fireworks has, so here is a breakdown
of the other tools available and what they do:
Vector Path tool ( ): Draws paths in a more organic manner. You’ll get the
best results with Vector Path tool using a stylus and drawing tablet, due to the
precise control and varying degrees of pressure that a tablet allows, but you can
also use a mouse to draw these independent paths. Think of the Vector Path tool
as a freehand version of the Pen tool or the vector equivalent of the brush tool.
Redraw Path tool ( ): Gives you another way to edit a vector shape or path
without having to use the Pen and Subselection tools. Like the Vector Path tool,
you use this tool in a freehand manner. Unlike the Vector Path tool, its primary
use is to edit an existing, active path by connecting the active path to a segment
drawn with the Redraw Path tool, changing the original path’s shape. The trick
with this tool is that it must begin by intersecting part of an active path or vector
Freeform tool ( ): Lets you bend and reshape vectors interactively instead
of altering anchor points. You use this tool to push or pull any part of a path,
and Fireworks adds, moves, or deletes points along the path as you change the
vector object’s shape.
Reshape Area tool ( ): Pulls the area of all selected paths within the outer
circle of the reshape-area pointer. Think of it as a smudge tool for vectors, but
instead of smearing pixels, it alters a path’s shape.
Path Scrubbers ( ) ( ): Alter the heaviness of the stroke, which is applied to
the path, either adding to or subtracting from the stroke, depending on which
version of the tool you use. They affect the stroke only in the areas you paint
over with the tool. This can give the stroke a bit more of a hand-drawn look.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
anchor point basics
Anchor points have two states: straight and curved. You can convert a straight
point to a curved point by using the Pen tool to click and drag out the curve
control arms, also known as Bezier control arms.
To convert a curved anchor to a straight point, just click on it once with the Pen tool.
Click a second time to delete the anchor point entirely.
If you want to delete a straight anchor point, select it with the Subselection tool,
and press the Delete key.
editing paths
Creating paths and shapes is empowering (and fun!), but it’s only half the battle.
Knowing how to edit vectors—that is, being able to customize them—is equally
adding points with the Pen tool
P Note: If you
add a point to a
curved segment, it is
automatically a curved
anchor point.
You can add anchor points to an existing path using the Pen tool. Try it with the
path from the previous exercise.
1 Make sure the path is active by selecting it with the Pointer tool.
2 Select the Pen tool.
3 Position the cursor on the straight segment of the path; note the plus sign (+)
that appears next to the Pen tool’s cursor. Click once to add a new anchor point.
The length of the path doesn’t increase; you’ve just added a new point where
you can change the path’s change direction with the Subselection tool or the
path segment’s curvature using the Pen tool.
P Note: The exception
to adding points to
a path is if you are
working with rectangle
shapes. These must
be ungrouped before
you can add additional
anchor points to them.
lesson 5
4 To disengage the Pen tool, double-click the last control point in the path. This
frees up the tool to draw a new, separate path.
Working with Vector Graphics
editing paths with the subselection tool
P Note: To use the
) to select and alter
the location of individual anchor points, thus changing the shape of the path.
The Subselection tool works similarly to the Direct Selection tool in Photoshop
or Illustrator.
1 Select the Subselection tool from the Tools panel.
2 Move the tool to the middle anchor point of the first practice path you created
with the Pen tool. If the vector is no longer active (highlighted in blue), click
anywhere on the path to activate it.
3 Click and drag the middle anchor point lower on the canvas. The path redraws
when you release the mouse.
Subselection tool
on Auto Shapes or
on vectors created
by the Rectangle
tool, you must first
ungroup them by
choosing Modify >
Ungroup or pressing
Ctrl+Shift+G (Windows)
or Command+Shift+G
(Mac). They will
lose their unique
characteristics: Auto
Shapes will lose their
yellow control handles,
and you will no longer
be able to change
the corner radius of a
rectangle from within
the Properties panel.
P Note: Many designs
Feel free to practice more with the Pen tool, but there is no need to save this
practice file (unless you really like what you created, of course). You’re going
to make use of the Pen tool in the next exercise.
making mountains out of vectors
The Near North logo has some symbolic mountains on the right side of the shape.
You will create that mountain range with the Pen tool.
To help you with this first foray into creating a custom shape, you will set up some
guides first.
adding guides
include objects to
visually “contain” other
objects such as text and
graphics. Think back to
the website mock-up
from Lesson 3, where
you used rectangles to
define the sidebar and
main content areas.
When standard shapes
aren’t enough, you can
turn to the Pen tool to
create your own custom
vector shapes or paths.
P Note: Text is also
a vector, but you’re
focusing on shapes and
paths in this lesson.
Guides are great tools for aligning and precisely placing or drawing objects on the
canvas. By default, the Pen tool automatically snaps to the nearest guide. To help
draw the mountains, you will put several guides in place prior to using the Pen tool.
1 Switch back to the logo image by clicking on its tab.
2 Make sure that the Rulers and Tooltips are enabled (View > Rulers, View >
3 Select the Pointer tool.
4 Move your cursor over the left ruler.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
5 Click and drag toward the canvas. You will see a vertical guide appear. You will
also see a tooltip appear beside the guide, with an X value.
E Tip: If you want
a higher degree of
accuracy, double-click
on the guide and
then set the location
E Tip: If you find the
guides getting in the
way, you can hide them
temporarily by pressing
Ctrl+; (Windows) or
Command+; (Mac), or
by choosing View >
Guides > Show Guides.
You can clear the guides
completely by choosing
View > Guides > Clear
6 When the tooltip displays x:206, let go of the mouse. The guide drops at that
7 Place six more vertical guides at these X values:
263, 282, 308, 337, 365, and 395.
8 From the top ruler, drag down five guides at the
following Y locations: 48, 53, 87, 98, and 246.
Drawing a custom vector shape using guides
This array of lines may seem confusing at first, but because you’re new to working
with paths, and you want a fairly accurate reproduction of our original logo, the
guides will be very handy.
1 Create a new layer and call it mountains.
2 Choose View > Guides, and make sure that Snap To Guides is selected.
3 Select the Pen tool from the Tools panel.
4 In the Properties panel, choose Black for the stroke color, set Tip Size to 1, and
choose Pencil > 1-Pixel Soft for Stroke Category.
5 Set the fill color to #4D8E3B, a medium green color.
Now, these next steps might sound a little confusing as they describe cursor
positions, so be sure to check out the figures that go along with these steps. It
really is easier than it sounds!
6 Place the cursor where the left-most and bottommost guides intersect and click
once to set the origin point.
lesson 5
Working with Vector Graphics
7 Move the cursor up to the intersection of
the next vertical guide to the right and the
second-lowest horizontal guide.
8 Click the mouse to set a new anchor point.
9 Move the cursor down and to the right, where
the third vertical guide intersects with the third
lowest horizontal guide.
10 Click the cursor again to set a new anchor point.
11 Move the cursor up and to the right, where the topmost horizontal guide
intersects with the next vertical guide, and click the mouse again.
12 Move the cursor down and to the right, where the fourth lowest guide intersects
with the third from the right guide, and then click the mouse.
13 Move the cursor up and to the right, where the third lowest guide intersects with
the second-from-the-right vertical guide, then click to set the anchor point.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
14 Move the cursor down to where the right-most vertical guide intersects with
the bottommost horizontal guide, then click and drag the cursor to create
a curved path.
15 Drag the curve control arms far enough
down and to the right that the curve of
the mountain matches the curve of the
outer edge of the blue ring of the logo.
Release the mouse button. Don’t worry
if you’re a few pixels off; this can be
fixed by editing the point later on.
Once you are happy with the curve, you
need to change the path back to
a straight line.
16 Bring the cursor back to the anchor
point you just created and click on the
anchor once. This changes the path back
to a straight line for the final segment
of the path.
17 Move your cursor over to the original anchor point. When you see the closepath cursor, click the mouse a final time.
The path closes and fills with the solid green color you set back in step 5.
18 You’ve done a lot of work here! Save your file before you go any further.
lesson 5
Working with Vector Graphics
extra credit
All right, you’ve learned how to create custom gradient fills, and the basics of
working with the Pen tool. The logo still needs a gradient fill added to your first
mountain range and, based on the finished version, also needs another set of
mountains in the foreground.
Study the finished file and see how well you do at adding a new custom gradient
as well as creating another set of mountains using the Pen tool. Remember, you
can unlock the objects in the finished file to learn more about their properties.
Creating an icon
There’s been a request to add some iconography to the navigation buttons for the
Local mobile application mock-up and to include that icon in the summary page
for each category. You’ve been charged with creating a martini glass icon for the
Enjoy button and for the Enjoy summary page
of the mock-up.
You will use the Compound Shape tool for
everything except some of the bubbles. You’ll
use another trick to create most of those.
Found in the Properties panel, the Compound
Shape tool lets you temporarily group vector
shapes together, making it easier to create complex
vector shapes from simpler vector objects. You can
subselect vectors that are grouped this way and
edit them as individual objects, or you can use the
Pointer tool to reposition the entire group at once.
When you are happy with the work, you can combine the group into a single compound path.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
The Compound Shape tool consists of six controls: Normal, Add/Union, Subtract/
Punch, Intersect, Crop, and Combine. Normal is the default setting; each drawn
shape is a single independent object. When you draw a vector shape such as a
rectangle, ellipse, or polygon, or use the Pen tool, you can use the other controls to
group shapes together in different ways.
Subtract / Punch
P Note: The
Compound Shape
tool becomes visible
only when a vector
tool or vector object
is selected.
Combine into single
composite path
Before you begin adding shapes, take a moment to prepare your canvas:
1 Create a new document that is 500 x 500 pixels.
2 Set the canvas to white.
3 Make sure that Smart Guides and Tooltips are still active (View > Smart Guides >
Show Smart Guides, View > Tooltips).
4 Make sure the Properties panel is expanded so you can see the Compound
Shape tool at the right side of the panel.
adding the shapes
Glassblowers may be able to create stemware in one piece, but you’ll assemble your
martini glass from three distinct shapes: the bowl, the stem, and the base. Each
uses a slightly different vector technique, but they are all combined together using
the Compound Shape tool.
the bowl
To create the bowl of the glass, you’ll use the Polygon tool to draw a triangle.
1 Select the Polygon tool.
2 Set the fill color to red and the stroke color to No Fill.
lesson 5
Working with Vector Graphics
3 In the Properties panel, make sure the shape is set to polygon, the sides to 3, and
the angle left at Automatic.
4 Draw the triangle, aiming for a horizontal width of 250 pixels. The actual
drawing is a little tricky because as you draw, the triangle rotates as well. Try
to get the top part of the triangle as horizontal as possible, but don’t stress too
much on this detail. You can use the Subselection tool later to tidy things up.
This will be the bowl of the glass.
5 Reposition the triangle so that it’s centered left to right. Smart Guides will help
with this.
6 Choose the Scale tool.
7 Hold down the Alt (Option) key and drag the left- or right-center control handle
until you have a satisfactory width for the bowl of the glass.
8 Press Enter to commit the change.
9 If you need to straighten the top edge of the triangle, choose the Subselection
tool and click on the control point you want to change. Use the arrow keys to
alter the control point location one pixel at a time.
E Tip: If you can’t
seem to get the top
of the bowl perfectly
straight, drag a
horizontal guide down
from the top ruler so
that it lines up with the
top of the bowl. Zoom
in on the anchor point
and drag the point to
the guide. You may
need to do the same
thing to the opposite
anchor point to get a
razor-sharp line.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
the stem
Adding the stem is next on the list. You’ll use the Compound Shape and Rectangle
tools this time.
1 In the Properties panel, select the Add/Union icon of the Compound Shape
tool. As you mouse over each icon, Fireworks will display a tooltip to tell you
what the icon represents.
2 Select the Rectangle tool and draw the stem for the glass. The stem should
overlap the bottom of the triangle and be relatively narrow (around 40 pixels).
3 Select the Pointer tool, and then click on either shape; you’ll see that both
shapes become selected. Now you can move them as a single object with the
Pointer tool.
4 Choose the Subselection tool, and click on the rectangle.
All four points for the rectangle become highlighted in blue. The bowl of the
glass has black control-point outlines. The blue indicates the subselected object.
5 To taper the bottom of the stem, the rectangle must first be ungrouped, so press
Ctrl+Shift+G (Windows) or Command+Shift+G (Mac) to make the corner
points editable. Alternatively, you can use the Skew tool to narrow the bottom
of the rectangle.
6 Bring the bottom corners toward the center by about 10 pixels, either by using
the Subselection tool and dragging the bottom control points, or by selecting
the Skew tool, and holding down the Option/Alt key while dragging either
bottom corner point.
P Note: Remember
to name your objects
appropriately as you
build your design. When
the main compound
shape is finished, name
it martini glass.
the base
Finally, you’ll add the base: an ellipse joined to the glass with Add/Union.
1 Select the entire object with the Pointer tool, and make sure the Add/Union
icon is still selected in the Compound Shape tool.
2 Select the Ellipse tool, and draw an oval to act as the base of the glass.
3 Use the Subselection tool to reposition the oval so it is centered left to right.
Next, you need to alter the base of the glass so it has a more cone-like appearance.
4 Select the Pen tool, and click once on the top control point for the ellipse. This
converts the point from a curved point to a straight point, which makes your cone.
P Note: When the
main compound shape
is done, don't forget to
save your hard work.
Use the file name
5 Hold down the Shift key and press the up
arrow once or twice to enhance the profile
of the cone. If necessary, select Modify >
Canvas > Fit Canvas to make the canvas
extend to contain the entire object.
The main compound shape is finished.
lesson 5
Working with Vector Graphics
a fizzy Cosmo, please
To add some fizz to the glass, you’ll try a couple of different techniques. The first
one relies on the Compound Shape tool again, and while it takes a little longer to
do, the bubbles are more controllable.
method 1: Punching circles
Remember the steps you did for punching out the ring in the logo artwork? Not
too complex, but imagine having to do it over and over again like you might for a
bunch of bubbles. The Compound Shape tool makes short work of punching holes
in vectors, and they remain editable after the fact.
1 Select the Ellipse tool from the Vector toolset in the Tools panel.
2 Press the Shift key while drawing a small circle, somewhere in the bowl of
the glass.
3 Select the Subselection tool and click the circle, which will be filled with the
same color as the glass.
4 Click the Subtract/Punch icon in the Compound Shape tool. This punches the
circle through the main shape, showing the white canvas.
The cool part about this is the flexibility of punching in a compound shape.
Normally, this process alone takes several steps, and the result is permanent.
Not so with the Compound Shape tool.
5 With the Subselection tool still active, click and drag the ellipse. See how easy
it is to reposition the punch effect?
adding more bubbles
Now, one bubble just isn’t enough—obviously. Rather than draw more, however,
you can duplicate the existing one.
1 With the bubble selected, press Ctrl+Shift+D (Command+Shift+D) to clone it.
2 Use the arrow keys or the Subselection tool to reposition the bubble. Create a
few more and position them as you like. Note that the punch effect remains for
each ellipse.
3 Clone and reposition a few more bubbles.
Now, with all these bubbles scattered about, it’s unlikely they’d all be the same
size, right? Right.
4 Select any of the ellipses using the Subselection tool.
5 In the Properties panel, constrain the proportions by clicking on the hollow
square between the width and height.
6 Type a new width and press tab. The selected ellipse changes in size uniformly.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
7 Select another ellipse. Note that the constrain proportions lock remains. This
setting is not object-based. It’s a global setting for the document.
8 Continue in this manner, resizing the bubbles on the right side of the glass, until
you have something you like or it matches the example file.
method 2: using a Custom stroke (optional)
If you want more randomness (or just a faster way to create a bunch of bubbles),
you can draw a path and apply a custom stroke. This option should not become
part of the compound shape though; the Compound Shape tool requires shapes
(closed paths), and it will force your path to become a shape if you attempt to
include the path.
1 Click away from the martini glass, off canvas, to ensure nothing is selected.
2 Choose the Vector Path tool.
3 Set the stroke style to Unnatural > Paint Splatter.
4 Choose white for the stroke color, set the size to 15, and set Edge to 1.
5 Choose the Edit Stroke button.
lesson 5
Working with Vector Graphics
6 Increase the Spacing to 101%, set the
Edge Effect to None, and then click OK.
7 Click the Save Custom Stroke icon in the
Properties panel to save this as a custom
stroke, and call it Bubbles.
8 Now use the Vector Path tool to draw
a curved “S” path on top of the martini
glass. Instant bubbles! This is a pretty
random effect, so don’t expect the bubbles
to exactly follow the contour of the path.
9 Save your work.
If you feel the bubbles are still too clustered,
choose Modify > Alter Path > Simplify and
set an amount of 10. This will reduce the
number of bubbles and spread them out.
The first time doing this did take a few steps,
but now you have a custom stroke that you
can use anytime you want.
Working with auto shapes
Auto Shapes are vector art that have additional diamond-shaped control points
that let you alter visual properties, such as corner roundness, corner shape, or the
number of points in a star. Behind the scenes, JavaScript logic redraws the shape
based on your changes to the control points. Most of these control points also have
tooltips that describe how they affect the Auto Shape. You will now add an Auto
Shape to surround the martini glass.
1 Choose the Rounded Rectangle tool from the Vector section of the Tools panel
(click and hold the Rectangle tool to see the other tools available).
2 Hold down the Shift key and drag out a square that is 550 x 550 pixels.
Yes, this is larger than the canvas. When you release the mouse, you’ll see the
yellow diamonds in each corner. You might also see that the shape takes on the
properties of the last vector, which can make for a pretty busy-looking design,
with all those bubbles floating about.
3 In the Properties panel, choose Fit Canvas. The canvas expands to hold all
the artwork.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
When you alter the canvas in this way, Fireworks automatically (and perhaps
annoyingly) selects all the artwork on the canvas.
E Tip: Dragging layers
up and down in the
Layers panel moves
them away or toward
the front of the canvas,
respectively. You can
also choose Modify >
Arrange, and then
choose one of the four
options to alter the
stacking order of
selected objects: Bring
to Front, Bring Forward,
Send Backward, and
Send to Back. If you use
this feature frequently,
memorizing the
keyboard shortcuts
(Ctrl+Up/Down arrow
for Windows, or
arrow for Mac) will be
a great time-saver.
4 Select the Pointer tool, and click away from the canvas so that nothing is selected.
5 Reselect the rounded rectangle.
6 Change the fill color to No Fill and set the stroke color to the same red as the
martini glass. Do this by moving the cursor over the glass after you invoke the
color picker.
7 Change Stroke Category to Felt Tip > Dark Marker.
8 Set the stroke size to 10 and the Edge to 0.
9 In the Layers panel, rename the new shape border, and adjust the stacking
order so that the border is below the martini glass.
10 Use the Pointer tool and Smart Guides to reposition the glass so it is centered
under on the canvas.
11 Drag any one of the four corner control handles to alter the corner radius of
the rectangle.
P Note: To use the
Subselection tool
on Auto Shapes or
on vectors created
by the Rectangle
tool, you must first
ungroup them by
choosing Modify >
Ungroup or pressing
E Tip: The Auto
panel (Window >
They will
Auto Shapes)
contains a
their unique
of even more
complex shapes.
will loseother
can download
from the
you will
at no
able to change
corner You
to sign upfrom
first, within
lesson 5
Alternatively, you can open the Auto Shapes Properties panel (Window > Auto
Shapes Properties) and numerically adjust the radius by choosing the Rounded
Rectangle icon. Just make sure the Auto Shape is selected before opening the
Auto Shapes Properties panel; otherwise, you will end up creating a new shape.
With the border created, this icon could also visually work as a button if desired.
12 Save and close the file.
Next, you will import the martini glass file into a mobile app prototype.
Working with Vector Graphics
Importing and resizing a vector object
The martini glass is larger than necessary for the mobile app, but it was easier to
create the icon at this size rather than very small. And, because you were working
with vectors, scaling larger or smaller has no real impact on the overall image
quality. You’ll import the icon now into the mobile app mock-up and then scale it
to fit the design.
1 Open localpicks_320x480_icons.fw.png.
2 Select the HomeDay page, and locate the icons subfolder. Note that this
subfolder has been added to the Main buttons folder, which is shared across
multiple pages. So, any objects added to the subfolder are also shared to the
same pages.
3 Select the icons subfolder.
4 Choose File > Import, browse to your completed martini glass and click Open.
Because this is a Fireworks PNG file, you will get the Preview window first. Just
make sure Insert After Current Page is not enabled, and click Open.
5 Place the Import cursor near the top-right edge of the Enjoy button, drag to the
bottom edge of the button, and then release the button.
6 The style of the other icons doesn’t include the border you created earlier, so
locate the border in the Layers panel and delete it. If you created the second
batch of bubbles, using the custom stroke, you can delete them as well, as
they’re a bit small to be recognizable.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
7 Check the size of the martini glass in the Properties panel. If it’s taller than 37
pixels, enable the Constrain Proportions box, change the height to 37, and press
the Tab key.
8 Set the X and Y position to 258 and 414, respectively. It should fit inside the
button and not hang out at the top or bottom.
P Note: When
importing images in
Fireworks on the Mac,
you may have to click
once on the canvas to
make it active, then
click a second time to
import the image.
9 Save the file.
This has been a big lesson, but vectors are a large part of the creative toolset in
Fireworks, and it’s important that you get comfortable with the tools. Although we
did not work with the Auto Shapes panel, we recommend you have a look at the
panel and check out the prebuilt vector shapes that are included with Fireworks.
lesson 5
Working with Vector Graphics
review questions
1 What is one of the main differences between bitmaps and vectors when scaling is applied?
2 What command flows text with a path shape, and where is it located in the menus?
3 What are Auto Shapes, and where can you find them?
4 How do you edit the control points of a regular vector path or shape once it has been drawn?
5 What is the Pen tool used for?
6 What does the Compound Shape tool do?
review answers
1 Vector images do not degrade in quality when they are resized smaller or larger, and bitmap
images do.
2 The command to flow text within a vector shape can be found at Text > Attach in Path. Both a
vector shape and the text must be selected on the canvas before this command will work. The text
and the vector shape remain editable after this command has been invoked.
3 Auto Shapes are objects that include additional diamond-shaped control points that let you alter
visual properties, such as corner roundness. Dragging a control point alters the associated visual
property. Most control points have tooltips that describe how they affect the Auto Shape, too.
Basic Auto Shape drawing tools are found in the Tools panel; more complex ones are found in the
Shapes panel.
4 To edit the control points of an existing vector object, select the Subselection tool, click on a
control point, and drag the control point to reposition the paths connected to it.
5 The Pen tool lets you create custom shapes and paths by drawing with the mouse or a stylus. It
also allows you to add anchor points to existing paths. Using the Pen tool involves clicking the
mouse to set a straight line between two anchor points (a place where the path can change
direction) or clicking and dragging to create a curved section of a path. Every time you want to
change the direction of a path, you move the mouse to the desired position and then click to set
another anchor point.
6 The Compound Shape tool lets you create complex vector shapes by temporarily grouping
other, simpler shapes together, while maintaining the ability to edit each individual shape. You
can quickly and easily experiment with various vector effects such as punching or intersecting,
without having to walk through a series of destructive steps.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
Lesson overview
Masking, combined with strokes, live filters, and gradient fills, is a
key technique for creating and editing imagery without permanently
affecting images. Fireworks lets you work with both bitmap and
vector masks easily and seamlessly. In this lesson, you’ll learn how
to do the following:
• Create a bitmap mask from a selection
• Edit a bitmap mask using the Brush tool
• Create a vector mask from a vector shape
• Edit the vector mask and change its properties using the
Properties panel
• Use the Auto Vector Mask command
This lesson takes approximately 90 minutes to complete. Copy the
Lesson06 folder into the Lessons folder that you created on your hard
drive for these projects (or create it now, if you haven’t already done
so). As you work on this lesson, you won’t preserve the start files. If you
need to restore the start files, copy them from the Adobe Fireworks CS6
Classroom in a Book CD.
Masking opens up a world of creative options and
adds flexibility to your designs because you are not
permanently deleting pixels—you’re merely hiding
them from view.
about the project
P Note: All photo-
graphs in this and other
lessons featuring the
the fictitious Near North
website were created
by Jim Babbage and are
free to use for personal
or educational use.
In this lesson, you will work with masks to create a new banner image for the Near
North Adventures website. Along the way, you’ll have a chance to brush up on
importing images and using the Pen and Subselection tools.
Before you get into that, however, you need to understand the differences between
the two types of masks and to take a look at the finished artwork to give you an
idea of where you’re going.
1 Open the near_north_banner_final.fw.png file from the Lesson06 folder.
In this file, masks have been used on the inset images. In many cases, the mask
fill has been changed to a gradient to provide a more realistic fade into the
If you check out the Layers panel, you will see
that beside each bitmap thumbnail is another
thumbnail, representing the mask. You can
switch between editing the mask and the
image by clicking on the appropriate
The chain link icon between the two
thumbnails indicates that the two objects are
linked. This is important to note; when an
object and mask are linked, both objects will
scale together and move as one object.
You can unlink the objects by clicking on the
icon, letting you scale or move each object
independently of the other.
2 Close this file, or keep it open for reference as you progress through the lesson.
about masks
In a nutshell, masks hide or show parts of an object or image. At their simplest,
masks are a nondestructive way of cropping objects in your design, without permanently deleting anything. A mask can be edited or discarded at any time. You can
also permanently apply a mask, flattening it to the image being masked. There are
two basic kinds of mask: bitmap and vector.
Bitmap masks
Bitmap masks hide bitmap image data using a pixel-based mask. You can create
bitmap masks using other bitmap images, selections, or the Brush tool ( ).
lesson 6
Bitmap selections
To create a selection for a mask, you can use any of the bitmap selection tools
(Marquee, Oval, Lasso, Polygon Lasso, or even the Magic Wand). Decide on the
type of edge you want for the selection (Hard, Anti-alias, or Feather) using the
Live Marquee settings in the Properties panel. Then, just draw your selection.
Bitmap selections can create masks for other bitmaps only.
Brush tool
Using the Brush tool, you can easily create or edit the mask live on the canvas,
just by painting. Black hides, white reveals, and shades of gray produce semitransparency. (We’ll remind you of this important basic concept later in the lesson.)
If you set your brush color to a shade of gray, the pixels you paint over will be
Creating a bitmap mask with
the Brush tool
Creating a bitmap mask can be as easy as clicking on the Add Mask icon in the
Layers panel and painting with the Brush tool.
Original image
Beginning to paint a bitmap mask using the
Brush tool and black for the brush color
The final masked
E Tip: You can use
the grayscale values
of one image to mask
another. Simply select
two bitmap objects that
are in the same physical
location, and choose
Modify > Mask > Group
as mask. The topmost
image is converted to
grayscale, and those
values determine what
is visible in the bottom
image. The darker tones
in a photo used as a
mask will hide areas
on the image being
masked. Lighter tones
will reveal parts of the
masked image.
Vector masks
Vector masking is one of the most powerful features in Fireworks. Like bitmap
masks, vector masks are a nondestructive way of cropping, but unlike bitmap
masks, vector masks can be applied to vectors, bitmaps, groups, or graphic symbols.
Compared to bitmap masks, vector masks tend to have a higher degree of control
and accuracy, because you use a path, not a brush, to create them. It’s easy to
change the fill or stroke of a vector mask. Generating the same type of effect with
a bitmap mask can be more time-consuming.
Vector masks use one of two modes: Path Outline or
Grayscale Appearance. You can change the mode in
the Properties panel.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
In Path Outline mode, the vector mask acts like a
cookie cutter, using the shape of the path to act as
the mask.
In Grayscale Appearance mode, any bitmap information in the vector fill gets converted to a grayscale alpha channel. Grayscale Appearance uses the
pixel values of the vector’s fill, its stroke, and the
vector shape itself to create the mask. If your vector
mask has a range of tones in it, such as a gradient
fill, the image will be hidden or revealed based on
those tones. Just like with bitmap masks, black hides, white reveals, and shades
of gray produce semitransparency, as in this example, where a linear gradient has
been used to fill the vector shape.
The convenient Auto Vector Mask command works in this way as well. You’ll try
that out later in the lesson.
You can easily apply a shape as a mask, whether you drew a vector shape using
a shape tool or used the Pen tool to create a custom shape.
Designing the banner
The banner you build in this lesson has many elements to it: imported assets,
masks, gradients, text, layers, and so on. It will give you good practice with bitmap
and vector masks, as well as reinforce some of the techniques you learned in
previous lessons.
lesson 6
Creating the document
Start by creating the new, basic document to hold all your further work.
1 Choose File > New.
2 In the New Document dialog box, set the dimensions to 960 pixels wide by
120 pixels high.
3 In the Layers panel, change the default layer
name to background.
4 Create two more empty layers, and call them
text and collage. The text layer should be at
the top of the layer stack.
5 Lock the text and collage layers.
6 Save the file as near_north_banner.fw.png.
adding the background
The background for the final banner is not just a flat color; it’s a photograph, and
you will add it now.
1 Make sure the background layer is selected.
2 Choose File > Import, and browse for the bluesky.jpg file.
3 Place the Import cursor at the bottom-left corner of the canvas, and drag to the
right edge of the canvas. The imported image will be taller than you need, but
that’s OK. It gives you some flexibility on what section of the image to use.
The finished banner uses the bottom portion of the sky image; however, feel free
to reposition the image vertically and pick an area pleasing to you to use as the
E Tip: On the Mac,
you may have to click
once to bring the
canvas back into focus,
then click a second time
to import the image.
4 Lock the background layer.
Creating the collage
You’re ready to import the five scenic images that will act as the collage. You
will import all five images before applying any masking. This workflow is not
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
mandatory, but because most of the masks will blend visually with each other,
it will help as you apply the masks to each image.
1 Unlock the collage layer by clicking the lock icon beside the layer name.
2 Choose File > Import.
3 Open the loon.jpg file in the Lesson06 folder.
4 When the import icon appears, position the cursor outside the left edge of the
canvas. Drag until the width is approximately 410 pixels. Remember, tooltips
do not appear when you are scaling an imported image, so keep an eye on the
Properties panel.
5 In the Properties panel, set the X and Y coordinates for the photo to –183 and
–68 pixels, respectively. This places the loon itself near the left.
6 In the Layers panel, rename the object loon.
7 Choose File > Import, locate the highfalls.jpg file.
8 Drag the import icon until the width is approximately 215 pixels, then release
the mouse.
9 In the Properties panel, set the X and Y coordinates to 141 and –18 pixels,
10 In the Layers panel, rename the object waterfall.
11 Import the joe_kayak.jpg file.
12 Release the mouse when the width reaches approximately 330 pixels. Set its
X and Y coordinates to 237 and –42 pixels, respectively.
13 In the Layers panel, rename the object kayak.
14 Import the final two images: white_river.jpg and tracks.jpg.
15 The white river image should be imported to a width of 214 pixels with
a location of X: 495 and Y: –8
16 The train tracks shot should be set to a width of 104 and a location of X: 665,
Y: –22.
lesson 6
At the moment, things aren’t looking too great. But all that is about to change,
as you apply a variety of different masking techniques to create a polished
banner graphic.
using the auto Vector mask for quick fades
You’ll do more complicated masking shortly, but for the loon, the Auto Vector
Mask is just the feature to use. It not only creates a mask quickly, but lets you
preview the effect. This command can be used on vector or bitmap objects.
E Tip: Remember,
importing files into
an open document
saves you the time of
opening, copying, and
pasting one image into
1 Hide all the images except for the loon and the background image.
2 Select the loon in the Layers panel or on the Canvas.
3 Choose Commands > Creative >
Auto Vector Mask. A dialog
box appears.
4 Choose the horizontal linear
gradient, solid to transparent.
P Note: The green
squares indicate the
four corners of the
mask. The Auto Vector
mask uses a rectangle
shape for the mask, and
because this is a special
shape, you don’t see
the bounding box on all
four sides. If you create
a mask manually with
the Pen tool or Ellipse
tool, or ungroup the
rectangle shape, you
will see an outline of the
vector shape when the
mask is selected.
5 Move the dialog box so it is not
covering the loon and you can
see the effect previewed on the
6 Click the Apply button.
This command creates a vector
mask that covers the entire
dimensions of the original image,
regardless of how much of the
image is visible on the canvas.
As you can see, the fade effect is
starting too early, as a sizeable part
of this photo is not on the canvas.
E Tip: Thanks to
the Live Preview of
the Auto Vector Mask
effects, not only can
you see the result of
your choice before you
apply it, the Properties
panel also shows you
what type of gradient
is being used to create
the effect.
7 Select the Pointer tool.
8 Drag the round control handle so
that it is centered on the loon. You
might need to zoom out to see the
9 Drag the square handle to the left
so that it terminates the fade just
inside the right edge of the image.
The photo now blends seamlessly with the background image. You’ll apply
a different Auto Vector Mask to the waterfall.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
10 Lock the loon image, and make the waterfall image visible again.
11 Choose Commands > Creative >
Auto Vector Mask again.
12 Select the Ellipse shape gradient,
and click Apply.
13 Use the Pointer tool to adjust the
length of the two control arms. The
vertical control arm should end just
before the top of the image; the
horizontal control arm should be
dragged to the left until there is no obvious hard edge on either side of the photo.
E Tip: Once a mask
has been added, you
can reposition the
image being masked by
dragging the small blue
control icon ( ) in the
middle of the image.
This icon is visible when
the image object, rather
than the mask, is active.
14 Activate the Gradient Editor by clicking on
the Fill box in the Properties panel.
15 Select the White color stop, and change its
location to 33%.
16 Press the Enter key to lock in the change.
The center part of the waterfall is now much
more solid.
17 Save the file.
Creating and editing masks
You’ve now come quite a long way with the banner, and a lot of the assets are in
place. You will use custom masks to hide most of those backgrounds and blend
the other images into the collage.
Creating a vector mask
The Auto Vector Mask is very handy if you want to quickly mask an entire object,
but often having more control over the size and shape of the mask is very important. You’ll create a simple custom mask in this next exercise.
lesson 6
1 Make the Kayak image visible again.
Comparing the completed version with your working version, you can see that
the kayak shot in the finished file is showing much less area.
2 Select the Rectangle tool from the Tools panel.
3 In the Properties panel, change the
edge from Anti-alias to Feather,
with a value of 20.
4 Select the Solid Fill icon, and set
the Fill color to White.
5 Draw a small rectangle on top of the kayak photo. The size should be 210 x
99 pixels. You’ll adjust the location shortly; for now, just make sure that the
rectangle is roughly centered over the kayak photo.
6 Select the Pointer tool.
7 Hold down the Shift key and select the kayak photo to select both objects.
8 Choose Modify > Mask > Group As Mask.
The rectangle now masks the photo and
gently fades out to the background on
all four sides. The feathered edges of
the white fill create a soft blend. The
small blue handle in the center of the
masked image allows you to reposition
the image within the mask, by dragging
with the Pointer tool. As with our
other two images, you will see the
mask thumbnail beside the image
thumbnail in the Properties panel.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
Changing vector mask attributes
Although the rectangle is nice, you will kick things up a bit by using the Skew tool
to alter the shape of the rectangle into a parallelogram. You will also ensure the
mask is in the correct location. To do these things, you must break the link between
the mask and the photo.
1 In the Layers panel, click the chain link icon between the kayak and the mask.
While remaining grouped, the two objects are now independent in terms of
position, size, and shape.
2 Click the mask thumbnail in the Layers panel to select it.
Notice that the mask object has a green highlight around it in the Layers panel.
Additionally, the mask icon appears beside the object name. This indicates that
the mask—and not the image—is active.
Mask Icon (displays when mask is selected)
Bitmap Image
Show/Hide Object
Vector Mask (selected)
Link/Unlink Object and Mask
3 In the Tools panel, choose the Skew tool, which is found within the Scale toolset.
A bounding box appears around the mask.
If you see a much larger bounding box extending beyond the height of the
design, it means you probably selected the photo rather than the mask. Just hit
the Esc key, select the mask in the Layers panel and then re-select the Skew tool.
4 Move your cursor to any of the top control handles of the bounding box.
5 Keeping an eye on the dimensions in the Properties panel, drag a control handle
to the right. You want the width to end up at 235 pixels, so just drag a little,
release the mouse, and check the width. If you need to drag more, go ahead
lesson 6
and do so. If you overshot the width, drag the other way. When the size is right,
press the Enter key to lock in the change.
6 Use the Pointer tool or the arrow keys to reposition the mask (not the photo), so
that things are fairly balanced on both sides. In the example, the final location is
X: 298, Y: 11.
7 Enable the link between the image and the mask, lock the object, and then save
your work.
editing a vector mask
When a vector mask is made active from the Layers panel, you can use the
Properties panel to change the Fill Category and Edge settings, as well as those of
the stroke (category, size, and edge).
You edit the vector shape itself by choosing the Subselection tool and repositioning
the vector control points, just as you would with a regular vector shape. You can
even add points by using the Pen tool.
If you have used the Rectangle tool, Fireworks will prompt you to ungroup the
shape before using the Subselection tool. Ungrouping the shape discards any
special properties that shape may have had.
For more information on editing vectors, refer to Lesson 5.
adding Live Filters to a masked image
Although this chapter is all about masking, it doesn’t mean we have to limit
ourselves to just masking. The white river image is a color image, but you will use
a command to convert it to a black-and-white image, and a Live Filter to further
improve the tonality of the image. These effects can be applied before or after you
add the mask, so you will mask the image first.
1 Make the white river image visible from the Layers panel.
2 Select the Rectangle tool again.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
3 Set the color to White if necessary, and change the edge to a feathered value
of 10 pixels.
4 Draw a rectangle that is 200 x 99 pixels, but before releasing the mouse, tap the
Up arrow key ten times to instantly round off the corners of the rectangle.
5 Use the Pointer tool to center the shape over the image.
6 Hold down the Shift key and select the image. Now both the rectangle and
the photo are selected.
7 Choose Modify > Mask > Group as Mask.
8 Choose Commands > Creative > Convert to Grayscale. In the Filters list of the
Properties panel the Hue/Saturation Live Filter appears.
9 Click the plus sign (+) above the Filters list, and choose Adjust Color > Levels.
10 In the Input Levels fields, set the Minimum Intensity (Shadows) to 13, Gamma
(Midtones) to 1.13, and Maximum Intensity (Highlights) to 246. Click OK.
This filter adjusts the overall tonal range for a more pleasing effect.
lesson 6
Creating a bitmap mask
A bitmap mask can give you a more natural, organic-looking mask than you might
be able to create with a vector shape, especially when you draw the selection
freehand with the Lasso tool.
1 Make the Tracks image visible.
2 Select the Lasso tool (
3 Make sure the Lasso edge is
set to Feather with a value
of 10. The Live Marquee can
remain selected.
4 Zoom in on the tracks image, and draw a loose selection around the tracks
themselves, emulating the S-curve of the railway. Precision is not necessary
because the selection will be feathered anyway.
5 Click the Add Mask button at the bottom of the Layers panel. The background
disappears from around the tracks.
editing a bitmap mask
It is important that the mask remain active while you are performing these next
steps. If at any time the mask is deselected, just click on it in the Layers panel.
Take a look at the mask. The color black has replaced the nonselected area of the
image. Remember that the color black, when painted on a bitmap mask object,
hides pixels. White, on the other hand, reveals pixels. You will adjust the mask as
needed using the Brush tool.
1 Zoom in to 200%.
2 Select the Brush tool.
3 Press the D key to set the brush color to black (the default color).
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
4 Make sure the Stroke Category is set to Soft Rounded. (If necessary, choose
Basic > Soft Rounded from the Stroke Category pop-up menu.)
5 Change the Tip Size value to 20 pixels and Edge to 100 pixels. The Texture value
should be 0%.
6 Paint over any additional areas of the
background that you want to hide.
Apply this technique outside the
visible area of the image, painting
inwards. If you start inside the
mask, you’ll be hiding parts of the
image that should remain visible.
Do this in a subtle manner, just
bumping the edge of the brush
against the contour of the mask.
If you overdo it, not to worry.
7 Press the X key to switch the brush
color to white.
P Note: If you didn’t
make any mistakes
while creating the
selection, you can still
test this technique by
painting over part of
the background. The
area under the brush
reappears when you
paint with white, and
disappears when you
paint with black.
8 Find an area that was masked by accident or that you feel needs to be more
visible. It may just be a subjective question of rounding the edges of the mask.
You may find it necessary to set a smaller brush size. Paint from within the
visible area, outwards. The mistakenly hidden pixels are revealed.
If you end up revealing areas you don’t want, switch back to black and paint
over those areas.
You now have a pretty good-looking banner, but no indication of the website! In the
next lesson, you’ll add the website name and a tagline while learning how to use the
Text tools.
Changing colors quickly
When working with bitmap masks, you may want to switch from black to white
to gray to customize the mask. To do so quickly, use these shortcuts:
lesson 6
Press the B key to switch to the Brush tool.
Press the X key to toggle the current colors between stroke and fill.
Press the D key to set the color boxes to their default colors (black for stroke,
white for fill).
review questions
1 What are the primary differences between bitmap masks and vector masks?
2 How do you use the Auto Vector Mask?
3 How do you create a vector mask?
4 How do you create a bitmap mask?
5 How do you edit a bitmap mask?
review answers
1 Bitmap masks are made using selections or the Brush tool. Using the Brush tool, you can easily
edit the mask live on the canvas. Bitmap masks can be applied only to other bitmaps. Vector
masks tend to have a higher degree of control and accuracy because you use a path, not a brush,
to create them. It’s easy to change the fill or stroke of a vector mask. Generating the same type of
effect with a bitmap mask can be more time-consuming. Vector masks can be applied to bitmap
or vector objects.
2 The Auto Vector Mask can be applied to bitmap or vector objects. Select the object on the canvas,
and then choose Commands > Creative > Auto Vector Mask. Choose the type of mask from the
dialog box, and then click Apply.
3 To create a vector mask, draw a vector shape, then hold down Shift and select the object to be
masked. Choose Modify > Mask > Group as Mask. You can select the mask in the Layers panel,
and change its fill, edge, and stroke properties. You can also use the Pen tool or Subselection
tool to edit its shape.
4 You create a bitmap mask in one of two ways:
Draw a bitmap selection, select the object you want to mask from the Layers panel, and click
the Add Mask button in the Layers panel.
Select the object you want to mask from the Layers panel, and click the Add Mask button in
the Layers panel. Select the Brush tool, setting the brush color to black, and then paint on the
canvas. As long as the mask object is selected, painting with black will hide pixels from view.
5 To edit a bitmap mask, select the Brush tool then select the mask object in the Layers panel. Select
a suitable brush size, stroke category, and edge softness. On the canvas, paint over the area of the
mask you want to change. Use a black stroke color to hide more of the visible image, or a white
stroke color to show more of the masked image.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
WorKInG WIth text
Lesson overview
Working with type can be a fun and creative part of your design.
Fireworks includes many text-formatting features normally found
in desktop publishing applications, such as kerning, spacing, color,
leading, and baseline shift. You can edit text any time—even after
you apply Live Filter effects. Because Fireworks CS6 uses the same
text engine as Photoshop and Illustrator, you can move or copy text
between these applications easily. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to
do the following:
• Create both fixed-width and auto-sizing text blocks
• Import text from a .txt file
• Edit text properties
• Use commands to alter text
• Scale, rotate, and distort text
• Attach text to a path
• Flow text within a vector shape
This lesson takes approximately 60 minutes to complete. Copy the
Lesson07 folder into the Lessons folder that you created on your hard
drive for these projects (or create it now, if you haven’t already done
so). As you work on this lesson, you won’t preserve the start files. If you
need to restore the start files, copy them from the Adobe Fireworks CS6
Classroom in a Book CD.
You don’t need to settle for dull text. Fireworks
includes text-formatting features that help you get
the look you want. You can make your text pop off
the page with Live Filters, masks, and strokes, or
even make a block of text flow within a custom
vector shape.
text basics
Typography is a big part of web design, especially now that most modern web
browsers support nonstandard fonts using CSS and a font service like TypeKit
or Font Squirrel. Even if you’re not mocking up a website design, you might be
designing a banner ad or creating a prototype for a tablet or smartphone app.
No matter the circumstance, Fireworks CS6 offers a variety of tools to help you
get the look you want.
Text in Fireworks always appears inside a text block (a rectangle with handles).
Text blocks can be either auto-sizing or fixed width.
Faux Italic
Faux Bold
Font Family
Kerning or Tracking
Leading Units
Paragraph Indent
Horizontal Scaling
Font Style
Space After Paragraph
Space Preceding Paragraph
Font Color
Font Size
Blend Mode
Auto Kern
Anti-Aliasing Level
auto-sizing and fixed-width text blocks
When you click on the canvas with the Text tool and just start typing, Fireworks
creates an auto-sizing text block, which expands horizontally as you type. Autosizing text blocks expand vertically only when you press the Return or Enter key.
The block automatically shrinks when you remove text. Auto-sizing text blocks
typically get used for short single lines of text, such as titles or headings.
Auto-Sizing Text
Handle Indicator
Fixed-width text blocks allow you to control the width of wrapped text. As you
add more text, the box expands vertically, rather than horizontally. Fixed-width
text blocks are created when you drag to draw a text block using the Text tool.
lesson 7
Working with text
More often then not, you’ll use fixed-width text blocks with paragraphs or columns
of text, generally for mock-up purposes.
Fixed-Width Text Handle Indicator
When the Text tool is active within a text block, a hollow square or hollow circle
appears in the upper-right corner of the text block. The circle indicates an autosizing text block; the square indicates a fixed-width text block.
Double-click the hollow control point to change a text block from a fixed-width
block to an auto-sizing block, or vice versa.
adding the banner heading and tagline
The Near North website has a pretty good-looking banner. The artwork is already
in place, including a newly added logo (you can thank us later); you just need to add
some text elements: a heading and a tagline. For the heading, you will make use of
the default, auto-sizing text block.
1 In Fireworks, choose File > Open, browse to the Lesson07 folder, and open the
near_north_banner.fw.png file.
2 Unlock the text layer.
3 Select the Text tool.
4 Select the following settings in the Properties panel:
Font Family: Georgia
Font Style: Bold Italic
(do not use the faux B
or I icons )
P Note: Fireworks
Font Size: 26
Color: White
Tracking or Kerning: 30
Anti-aliasing: Crisp Anti-Alias
5 Move the cursor to the remaining sky area at the right of the banner.
6 Type The Near North.
remembers the most
recent fonts used by
the Text tool, even
after you’ve shut down
and restarted your
computer. They appear
at the top of the font
family list. You can
change the number
of recent fonts
displayed by editing
the Type preferences.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
attaching text to a path
Attaching text to a path lets you put text on an angle or even follow a curve. You
will do this now.
1 With the Pen tool, click to set a starting point, about one-third of the way up
from the bottom of the tracks image.
2 Bring the cursor near the upper-right corner of the banner and click again to
set an end point. (We’ve hidden the text in this figure so it’s easier for you to
see the path.) The color of the stroke is not important.
3 Double-click on the end point to disengage the Pen tool.
4 In the Properties panel set the Width, Height, X, and Y values as indicated in
the figure to the left.
5 Select the Pointer tool.
6 Hold down the Shift key, and select the heading. Both the path and the heading
should now be selected.
P Note: If you have
more text than can fit
inside a vector shape
(or on a vector path),
Fireworks hides the
extra text and displays
the Text Overflow
indicator ( ). In
order to see the extra
text, you must either
increase the size of the
vector, or reduce the
size of the text.
lesson 7
7 Choose Text > Attach To Path. The text follows the
angle of the path (and remains editable).
With the text on an angle, the vertical angle of the text
is not visually appealing. This is easy enough to fix.
8 With the text object still selected, choose Text >
Orientation > Skew Vertical. The vertical elements
of the text are now perfectly straight.
Working with text
adding more depth to text
Another way to change the angle of text and add more depth is to use the Skew
tool and Distort tools. You will use these to make the text larger at the beginning of
the heading and then taper off as the heading reaches the top corner of the banner.
This is not an exact science. Although the goal here is to get something similar to
the final sample, don’t worry if your version isn’t an exact match. Hey, you may
even like your version better!
1 Select the Skew tool (hidden beneath the Scale tool) from the Tools panel.
2 Move the cursor over the upper-left control handle of the selected block of text.
3 Click and drag the cursor upward until you roughly match the angle in the
figure below.
4 Release the mouse, and then select the upper-right handle.
5 Drag the cursor down until you match the angle of the figure below.
These transformations may shift the text out of the canvas on the right side. You
can reposition the text even while making edits like this.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
6 Move the cursor within the text area. The cursor changes to a move cursor (four
arrow heads).
7 Drag the text block so it is visible on the canvas.
8 Press the Enter or Return key to lock in the changes.
9 Switch to the Distort tool (also part of the Scale toolset). Unlike the Skew
tool, the Distort tool lets you move any one of the eight control handles
independently. There’s more freedom of movement, hence more opportunity to
distort the object.
10 Drag the left-middle control handle farther to the left by at least 100 pixels, and
press Return or Enter.
P Note: Remember,
you are dealing with
text, which is essentially
a vector. You can distort
the text over and
over, and it will still
maintain its quality.
Also remember that the
text is still live; at any
time, you could use
the Text tool to edit the
text itself.
lesson 7
Based on the final sample, your version may not be running at the same overall
angle, because the various distortions you added can affect the angle of the
original path. You can rotate an object while any of the scaling tools are active
by moving your cursor slightly away from any of the four corner handles. The
cursor changes to a rotate icon, and you can spin the object as much or as little
as you want.
Working with text
adding a drop shadow
For a bit more separation from the background, you will add a drop shadow to
the heading.
1 Select the Pointer tool.
2 In the Properties panel, add a new Live Filter by clicking on the plus (+) sign;
choose Shadow and Glow > Drop Shadow.
3 When the Drop Shadow properties dialog box appears, accept the default
settings by tapping the Return key. The shadow appears.
4 Use the Pointer tool to reposition the text block to what you feel best suits your
banner. Feel free to further distort the text if you like.
5 Save your work.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
adding the tagline
The tagline helps to set the mood for the website. It’s brief and smaller in size than
the site name.
1 Make sure the website name is not selected, by clicking off the canvas with the
Pointer tool.
2 Select the Text tool.
3 Make the following settings in the Properties panel:
Font Family: Georgia
Font Style: Bold Italic
Font Size: 18
Color: #D6D6D6
Kerning/Tracking: 110
Anti-aliasing: Strong Anti-Alias
4 Move the cursor near the bottom of the banner.
5 Type Adventures in Camping.
6 In the Properties panel, add a new Live Filter by clicking the plus (+) sign;
choose Shadow and Glow > Drop Shadow.
7 When the Drop Shadow properties dialog box appears, change the settings to:
Distance: 4
Opacity 80%
Softness: 3
P Note: As of this
writing, you may
experience text issues
when opening a file
created in versions of
Fireworks earlier than
CS4. Text must be
updated when
opening a legacy file
to minimize issues.
lesson 7
This adds more contrast to the smaller text, making it easier to read.
8 Press the Enter key to lock in the new settings.
9 Use the Pointer tool to reposition the text block to X: 698, Y: 94.
10 Save the file—you’re done!
Working with text
about anti-aliasing
Text anti-aliasing controls how the edges of the text blend into the background
so that text—large or small—is cleaner, more readable, and more pleasing to
the eye. Fireworks examines the color values at the edges of text objects and the
background they are on. It blends the pixels at the edges based on your anti-alias
settings in the Properties panel.
By default, Fireworks applies smooth anti-aliasing to text. Small font sizes, however,
tend to be easier to read when anti-aliasing is removed or at least reduced. This is
why you changed the anti-aliasing settings to Crisp Anti-Alias earlier. Anti-aliasing
settings apply to all characters in a given text block.
Fireworks provides four preset anti-aliasing levels and a custom setting from the
Properties panel:
No Anti-Alias: Disables text smoothing completely. Text is not blended, and
anything but horizontal or vertical lines are noticeably jagged. Although not
ideal for large text, it can actually make text at small sizes (8 points or less)
easier to read. At large font sizes, the text tends to look poorer in quality.
Crisp Anti-Alias: Displays a hard transition between the edges of the text and
the background. Some blending occurs, but text still appears sharp.
Strong Anti-Alias: Creates an abrupt transition between the text edges and
the background, preserving the shapes of the text characters and enhancing
detailed areas of the characters. Text appears almost bold in comparison to
Crisp Anti-Alias.
Smooth Anti-Alias: Creates a soft blend between the edges of the text and the
background, and is the default for text pasted into Fireworks.
Custom Anti-Alias: Applies the settings you specify with the following options:
Oversampling: Sets the amount of detail used for creating the transition
between the text edges and the background.
Sharpness: Sets the smoothness of the transition between the text edges
and the background.
Strength: Sets how much the text edges blend into the background.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
typography terms
To help you get the most out of the Text tools, you need to be familiar with some
basic typography terms:
Auto Kerning: Adjusts the space between letters based on character pairs.
There is strong kerning (more space) between the letters V and A, for example,
and no kerning between the letters S and T. You can enable Auto Kerning in the
Properties panel.
Kerning or Tracking: Tracking adds equal amounts of space between all
selected characters. Fireworks combines manual kerning and tracking settings
into one field. If you select a string of text and enter a value in the field, you are
adjusting the space equally between multiple characters (tracking). If you place
your cursor between two characters, you can adjust the gap between the two
letters adjacent to the cursor (kerning).
Leading: Controls the amount of vertical spacing between lines of type and is
also known as line spacing. The word “leading” comes from the lead strips that
were put between lines of type on a printing press to fill available space on
the page.
Horizontal Scaling: Adjusts the width of each selected character or characters
within a selected text box.
Baseline Shift: Controls how closely text sits above or below its natural baseline.
For example, superscript text sits above the baseline. If there is no baseline shift,
the text sits on the baseline. To adjust baseline shift, select the actual text (not the
text box) and input a value into the Baseline Shift field in the Properties panel.
Paragraph Indent: Sets the amount of indent for the first line in the paragraph.
Paragraph Spacing: Sets the amount of spacing before and after a paragraph in
a selected text block. Any value set here is respected by all paragraphs within a
text block.
P Note: This file
contains real text, so
depending on your
operating system and
the fonts available,
Fireworks may display
a message that the
fonts are not available
and prompt you to
either replace the
font or maintain its
appearance. For this
exercise, simply choose
Maintain Appearance.
The fonts will not
change unless you
attempt to edit the text
using that missing font.
lesson 7
Flowing text around an object
In Fireworks, rather than having rectangular blocks of text, you can contour a text
block to a custom shape by using a vector path or shape. This mimics the type of
effect you can create in programs such as Adobe InDesign, where text can wrap
around photographs and other objects.
You will do this in the next couple of exercises, adding text to the Enjoy page of the
Local mobile prototype, creating a custom shape using the Pen tool, and then using
a Text command to make the text appear to flow around the martini glass.
1 Open the localpicks_320x480_wrap.fw.png file.
Working with text
2 Select the Enjoy page from the Pages panel.
A block of text needs to be added to this page, and it must follow the left
contour of the martini glass.
3 In the Layers panel, select the text layer.
4 Choose File > Import, and locate the one_ton_text.txt file. Yes, a text file.
The Import icon appears on the canvas.
5 Position the Import icon near the left side, below the dividing line for the
heading, and click to import the text.
E Tip: Another way
Font Family: Chaparral Pro
to add temporary
placement text is
to use Commands >
Text > Lorem Ipsum.
This command
automatically places
a paragraph of text on
the canvas, using the
current font properties.
Font Style: Regular
P Note: If you don’t
The text appears, and Fireworks uses the default font settings for imported text:
a fixed-width text block, set to Myriad Pro, Regular, 12 point, Black.
6 The text block type (fixed-width) is fine, but change the font settings as follows:
have Chaparral Pro,
choose a similar font
such as Georgia,
Regular, at 15 points.
Font Size: 16
Color: White
Creating the custom path
Much like you did in Lesson 6, you’ll be using the Pen tool to create a custom
shape, but this time your shape will follow the left contour of the martini glass.
1 Hide the newly imported text.
2 Select the Pen tool.
3 Place the Pen cursor near the top-left edge
of the glass, and click the mouse to set your
origin point.
4 Move your mouse down, following the angle
of the glass. Where the bowl of the glass
changes to the stem, click the mouse again
to set a new anchor point and change
5 Continue moving the mouse and clicking to set anchor points for a custom
outline on the left side of the glass.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
6 When you get to the bottom of the glass, set an anchor point, move the cursor
near the bottom-left edge of the container, and click again. (If you hold the Shift
key while dragging out to the left, you get a perfectly straight line.)
7 Move the cursor up, and click again to set an anchor point just below the
header’s dividing line.
8 Finally, bring the cursor back to
where you started, and when the
cursor changes to the close path
cursor, click again to complete
the path.
Your path may get filled with a color.
This won’t affect what you’ll be doing
next, but if you find it distracting,
click the No Fill icon in the
Properties panel.
9 If you need to tweak your shape (straightening a top or bottom path segment,
for example), use the Subselection tool to select individual anchor points, then
tap the arrow keys to reposition the anchor.
Wrapping text in a path
Here’s where the magic happens. Both objects need to be selected in order for the
text wrapping to work.
1 In the Layers panel, make the description text visible again.
2 Hold down the Ctrl key (Windows) or the Command key (Mac) and then click
on the path you just created.
lesson 7
Working with text
3 With both objects selected, choose Text >
Attach In Path.
The two objects are grouped, and the text reflows
within the confines of the shape!
The appearance of custom-flowed text within the finished page gives the mock-up
that extra bit of polish.
Don’t forget to save your hard work!
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
editing text
Text in a path can still be edited, as it is still real text. Simply double-click in the
text area to enter standard text-editing mode. Likewise, the path is also editable;
just choose the Subselection tool, click on an anchor point, and you can start
changing the shape of the path. If you make significant changes, the text will
reflow to fit within the edited shape.
1 Select the Pointer or Text tool, and triple-click anywhere within the paragraph.
The entire paragraph is quickly selected.
P Note: When you
edit a text block, each
change during that edit
session is considered a
separate step, making it
easy to undo individual
2 In the Properties panel, set the Tracking or Kerning value to 20 to make the text
a little more readable.
3 Save your work.
review questions
1 What are the two types of text blocks you can create, and how do you create them and switch
between them?
2 What is anti-aliasing?
3 How do you flow text within a path?
4 How can you quickly select a single paragraph in a text block?
5 What typographic attributes can you control using the Properties panel, and how do these
elements affect text?
lesson 7
Working with text
review answers
1 You can create auto-sizing and fixed-width text blocks. Auto-sizing text blocks are created by
default when you select the Text tool, click the canvas, and begin typing. Auto-sizing text blocks
expand in width as you add more text. Fixed-width text blocks are created by dragging out with
the Text tool on the canvas before typing. Fixed-width text blocks allow you to control the width
of wrapped text. As you add more text, the box expands downward. To switch between the
two text block types, make sure you are in an active text block, with the text tool selected. Then
double-click the hollow circle (auto-sizing) or hollow square (fixed-width) control handle in the
upper-right corner of the text bounding box.
2 Text anti-aliasing controls how the edges of the text blend into the background so that large text
is cleaner, more readable, and more pleasing to the eye.
3 Draw a vector shape using the vector shape tools or the Pen tool. Select both the vector shape
and the text, and then choose Text > Attach In Path. Once text is attached in a path, it still remains
editable. (Note: If you create a shape with one of the Auto Shape tools, you will first have to
ungroup the shape before you can attach the text within it. Select the Auto Shape, and then
choose Modify > Ungroup to do this.)
4 You can quickly select a single paragraph in a text block by triple-clicking anywhere inside the
5 Kerning, Tracking, Leading, Horizontal Scaling, Baseline Shift, Paragraph Indent, and Paragraph
Spacing can all be controlled from the Properties panel:
Auto-Kerning adjusts the space between letters based on character pairs. You can turn Auto
Kerning on or off in the Properties panel.
Manual Kerning or Tracking adds equal amounts of space between all selected characters,
or the space between two, nonselected characters.
Leading, also known as line spacing, is the amount of vertical spacing between lines of type.
Baseline Shift controls how closely text sits above or below its natural baseline. To adjust
Baseline Shift, select the actual text (not the text box) and input a value into the Baseline Shift
field in the Properties panel.
Paragraph Indent sets the amount of indent for the first line in the paragraph.
Horizontal Scaling adjusts the width of each selected character or characters within a selected
text box.
Paragraph Spacing (two settings) sets the amount of spacing before a paragraph (preceding)
and after a paragraph in a selected text block.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
Lesson overview
A powerful but often overlooked feature of Fireworks is the Styles
panel. Working with styles can improve productivity, because you
can apply a series of preset effects for text, vectors, and, to some
extent, even bitmap images. You can then save that same series as a
style and use it as often as you want without having to rebuild—or
match—the complex effect from scratch. In this lesson, you’ll learn
how to do the following:
• Apply prebuilt styles
• Edit styles
• Update styles applied to objects
• Create custom styles
• Export and share styles
This lesson takes approximately 45 minutes to complete. Copy the
Lesson08 folder into the Lessons folder that you created on your hard
drive for these projects (or create it now, if you haven’t already done
so). As you work on this lesson, you won’t preserve the start files. If you
need to restore the start files, copy them from the Adobe Fireworks CS6
Classroom in a Book CD.
Styles can speed up your design workflow
and allow for the use of consistent effects
on team-based projects.
What are styles?
P Note: For more
advice on working with
CSS sprite sheets, see
Lesson 10.
Styles are to Fireworks what Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are to HTML, or what
styles are to a Word document: a way to quickly, reliably, and consistently apply
specific effects to an object. How can styles help? Imagine you need to create icons
or buttons with a consistent look and feel for a CSS sprite sheet or to test out text
styling for CSS style sheets. Now imagine a ten-page application mock-up where
the button effects need to be changed on all pages. Fireworks can save you time in
all these scenarios. When you use styles, you can make changes to the styles of one
object on one page, then cascade those changes through the entire mock-up.
Styles are an editable collection of Live Filters and other object properties that
you can quickly apply to a selected object. Fireworks ships with a large collection
of prebuilt styles (presets), found in the Styles panel. Think of those presets as a
launching point toward creating your own custom special effects.
Font properties, fills, strokes, and Live Filters (effects) can all be saved as part
of a style.
You will take a look at how to create and work with styles in the upcoming
lesson 8
Using styles and the styles Panel
applying style presets
Before working with styles in the example files, you should take some time to
familiarize yourself with the Styles panel and how to apply styles.
1 Choose File > New, and create a new document
that is 500 x 500 pixels, with a white canvas color.
2 Select the Rounded rectangle tool from the vector
toolset of the Toolbar.
3 Draw a rectangle that is 200 pixels wide by
50 pixels high.
E Tip: If you don’t get
the dimensions you
want when drawing
the rectangle, open the
Auto Shapes Properties
panel (Window > Auto
Shapes Properties) and
set the dimensions and
corner radius you prefer.
Do not use the W and H
values in the Properties
panel, as doing so can
actually distort the
corner radius.
4 Open the Styles panel (Window > Styles, if you
don’t see the Styles panel tab).
The default panel display is Current Document.
If no styles have been applied, this view will
be empty.
5 Click the Current Document drop-down list to see the several categories
of styles available.
6 Choose the Plastic Styles library.
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7 In the top row of styles, select the third style
from the left (Plastic 003). Note that in
the bottom-left corner of the Styles panel,
Fireworks displays the name of the style that
your cursor is hovering over.
8 Take a look in the Filters section of the
Properties panel and note that automatically,
several Live Filters have been applied to
achieve the matte blue effect.
If you don’t like the blue, don’t worry:
Changing the look of the button is as simple
as clicking on a new style.
9 Choose Plastic 004, the style just to the right of the blue style you chose earlier.
10 Try out a couple other styles, but when you are done experimenting (it can be
a little addictive) make sure to reselect Plastic 003.
11 From the drop-down list, switch to Current
Document. Every style you tried is listed in
the Current Document window, even if it
is not in use. If you do a lot of testing, this
can make for a crowded panel of undesired
styles, but Fireworks can help you clean
things up quickly.
12 From the Styles panel options menu, choose
Select Unused Styles. All styles not in use in
the document get highlighted.
13 Click on the trash can icon in the Styles
panel. Fireworks will prompt you to confirm
you want to delete the selected styles. Click
OK. You are only deleting the styles from
the current document, not from the Plastic
Styles library.
lesson 8
Using styles and the styles Panel
editing styles
Remember, preset styles are a starting point for creating your own custom styles.
You might find a style that is almost what you want, but not quite. Maybe you want
a drop shadow applied, or an inner glow, or even just a minor change to the fill
color. Editing a style and then applying that change to all objects using the style is
a real time-saver, and it is what you will do next.
1 Use the Edit > Duplicate or Edit > Clone command to create a copy.
2 Press Ctrl+Y (Windows) or Command+Y (Mac) twice to create two more buttons.
3 Press Ctrl+A (Windows) or Command+A (Mac) to select all the buttons.
4 Open the Align panel, and choose the Align Left Edge icon.
5 In the Space field of the Align panel, type a value of 10.
6 Click the Space Evenly Horizontally icon. You now have a perfectly aligned
button bar!
7 Select a single button and in the
Properties panel, click the Fill box.
Then change the main fill color to
a value of #73FF73.
This doesn’t change all the blue hues in the button; many of the Live Filters applied to
this style also have blue as their main color. Often, some of the most dramatic effects
of a style are created using Live Filters. Feel free to see what each filter does for the
style by toggling the Enable/Disable icon next to each filter name in the Properties
panel. For the purposes of this exercise though, changing the fill color is enough.
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updating styles applied to objects
Notice that the only object to change was the selected button. Because all the
buttons are using the same style, however, you can quickly update the other objects
in a couple different ways.
method 1: redefining a style
This method is very quick and will update all objects in an open document using
the current modified style.
1 Click the Redefine Style icon in the Properties
panel, just below the document style dropdown list.
Immediately, Fireworks updates the other
three buttons, applying the changes to this
document’s version of the Plastic 003 style.
For quick changes, this method works just fine, but the updates to the style are not
permanently part of the preset plastic style. For permanence, you can save a new
custom style.
method 2: saving a new style
When you make changes to a style that you may want to use again, it’s a good idea
to save the updated style with a new name. This way you can make the style name
more relevant and easy to reuse because the style is no longer linked to the preset.
1 Select any of the buttons.
2 In the Styles Panel options menu, choose
New Style.
3 Name the style Blue green button, and
click OK.
4 Select all the buttons and in the Styles panel,
click the newly created style. You won’t see a
change in the look of the buttons, but if you
check the Properties panel, you will see that
the Blue green button style has been applied.
5 Remove the now unused Plastic 003 style.
lesson 8
Using styles and the styles Panel
Creating custom styles from scratch
Method 2 is also the way to create a style from your own, homegrown effects. For
example, maybe you styled some text to represent the CSS styling for a web page
heading, an H1, for example.
With the text selected, simply follow the steps in Method 2 to create a text style that
you can quickly apply to other text blocks in your design.
exporting and sharing styles
Creating styles can certainly speed up your workflow, but these styles are
document-specific to the current file, on your hard drive. This means that if you
open another document or create a new document, these new styles usually won’t
be available in the Styles panel. Likewise, if you work as part of a design team, the
other team members won’t have access to your customized styles without opening
the original document themselves.
So what happens if you or your coworkers want to use these great new styles in
other documents?
The answer is to create a custom style library. Just like the preset style libraries,
a custom style library is available to any document, new or old, unlike the
Current Document styles. With a custom style library, you can share the styles
you create with the entire team. This further improves design consistency for
any team-based project.
P Note: If you have
multiple documents
open, you can select
styles from other files,
if they have any styles
as part of the document
structure. This is the one
exception to document
styles not being
available to other files.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
You will learn how to export, share, and access a style library in the final exercises
of this lesson.
1 Open the localpicks_320x480_styles.fw.png file from the Lesson08 folder.
2 If necessary, open the Styles panel.
3 Choose the Current Document view.
This document already contains four styles,
each one representing a different button style
for the main navigation.
4 From the Styles panel options, choose
Save Style Library.
Fireworks automatically opens a save box,
targeting the Fireworks styles folder. If you
plan on making your new styles available to
any Fireworks document on your computer,
you must save the library in this folder.
5 Name the library local button styles, and
click Save.
lesson 8
Using styles and the styles Panel
In the Styles panel, the local button styles library is now the active library. In the
custom styles folder, Fireworks has saved a special file with an .stl extension.
sharing styles
To share these styles with others, you could drill down into your computer’s hard
drive to locate the new library, but honestly, it’s faster and easier just to save the
library again, this time pointing to your desktop.
1 From the Styles panel options, choose Save Style Library.
2 When the Save dialog box appears, browse to your desktop.
3 Name the library local button styles if necessary, and click Save.
Fireworks creates a new STL file containing the new styles on your desktop.
To share this library, simply email it or place it on a file-sharing site, such as
the Adobe Creative Cloud, DropBox, or Box.com.
Importing a style library
What if you receive an STL file from a teammate and you wish to use it for a
current or new design? Doing so is pretty straightforward. We’ve included a sample
STL file in the Lesson08 folder for you to work with.
1 From the Styles panel options, choose Import Style Library.
2 Browse to the Lesson08 folder, and select the sample button styles.stl file.
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3 Click Open.
The library is now imported and available for any document at any time.
styles galore!
You’re not limited to the style libraries that come with Fireworks. A quick Google
search for fireworks style libraries yields hundreds of results. The wider Fireworks
design community is a friendly place filled with skilled professionals who love to
share with others.
Loading styles for a current
There may be times when you only want a new style library associated with a
specific file. If so, follow these steps:
1 Select Load Style from the Styles panel options menu.
2 Select a style library (*.stl) to load to the current document. The styles loaded are
available to the current document.
lesson 8
Using styles and the styles Panel
review questions
1 How do you apply prebuilt styles?
2 How do you edit applied styles?
3 How do you update an edited style that is applied to multiple objects?
4 How do you create custom styles?
5 How do you export and share styles?
review answers
1 You apply prebuilt (or preset) styles by first selecting an object. Then you open the Styles panel,
and click on the drop-down list to choose a style library. Once you have a library selected, simply
click a style in the panel to apply it to the selected object.
2 You use the Properties panel to edit styles applied to objects. Select the object that has a style
applied to it, and then change the various attributes in the Properties panel to alter the look of
the style. Don’t forget that very often the most dramatic aspects of a style are created using Live
Filters. It’s important that you inspect the filter properties to see what each filter is doing to the
style. To view filter properties, select one of the applied filters in the Properties panel and click on
the (i ) icon next to the filter name. You can also toggle the Enable/Disable icon to see what effect
each filter has on the style.
3 To update a style that has been edited at the object level, click the Redefine Style icon in the
Properties panel. This will update the style in the Current Document styles window and force the
edits to be applied to any objects that are using the existing style.
Alternatively, you can save the edited style as a custom style. This breaks the link to the original
preset style, but gives you a unique style. You can then give the new style a more relevant name
and edit it further without affecting objects that use the original style.
4 You create a custom style by applying properties (fill, stroke, filters, font attributes) to an object,
then choosing New Style from the Styles panel options menu.
5 To export styles for sharing with others, choose Save Style Library from the Styles panel options.
If you save the new styles to the custom styles folder of Fireworks, the library is available to all
documents, new or existing, from the style library list in the Styles panel. If you plan to share this
library with others, you can either browse to the .stl file’s location within Fireworks or simply resave
the styles to a more accessible location such as your desktop. Then it’s just a matter of emailing
the file, or uploading it to a file-sharing site.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
usInG symBoLs
Lesson overview
One of the great productivity tools in Fireworks, symbols have been
around since the beginning of the application. Symbols can contain
multiple objects within a single asset while still giving you quick
access to editing those objects. They are a great option for reusing
common graphical elements, such as logos and buttons, in a design.
Symbols can contain text, vectors, and bitmaps, each with its own
Live Filter attributes.
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to do the following:
• Add symbols from the Common Library
• Add symbols from the Document Library
• Create and edit a graphic symbol
• Create and edit a button symbol
• Save a symbol to the Common Library
• Preview rollover effects
This lesson takes approximately 60 minutes to complete. Copy the
Lesson09 folder into the Lessons folder that you created on your hard
drive for these projects (or create it now, if you haven’t already done
so). As you work on this lesson, you won’t preserve the start files. If you
need to restore the start files, copy them from the Adobe Fireworks CS6
Classroom in a Book CD.
Symbols are great to reuse and share for common
graphical elements, such as logos or buttons.
What are symbols?
A symbol is a master version of a graphic or of a collection of graphics objects. It
can include vectors, bitmaps, and even text. A symbol is essentially a self-contained
document within a document. You have all the editing capabilities at your fingertips
that you would have for a complete design, but all the assets of the symbol itself are
kept together. You can access symbols from two panels: the Document Library panel
and the Common Library panel. Symbols in the Document Library are available to
the currently open document only. Symbols in the Common Library are available
to any document.
When you place a symbol on the canvas, you’re actually placing a linked copy of the
symbol, which is known as an instance. When you edit the original symbol object,
the linked instances on the canvas automatically change to reflect the edited symbol.
You can also edit any symbol instance on the canvas, changing size, color, or
opacity, or adding Live Filters, without altering the original symbol. For example,
you might have a fairly large image of a company logo. If you convert that image
into a symbol, you can simply drag an instance onto the canvas and scale it down
without affecting the quality or size of the original large version.
Another advantage to symbols is increased productivity. Instead of having to locate
the original file each time you need a logo, you can turn it into a symbol and make
it quickly available from the Document Library panel. This is a big advantage if you
regularly reuse objects.
Although you can build your own symbols, Fireworks also comes with a wealth of
predesigned symbols that you can use as part of your designs or for jump-starting
your own creative talents. These prebuilt symbols are found in the Common
Library, organized into folders.
Three main types of symbols are available within Fireworks: graphic, button, and
animation symbols. There is also an enhanced graphic symbol type referred to as a
component symbol. In this lesson, you will be creating and editing a graphic symbol
and a button symbol.
You’ll be working with the Near North website mock-up again in this exercise,
turning the logo into a graphic symbol and button symbols for navigation, as
well as also creating what we call a “hi-res symbol.” Rather than a specific symbol
type, the hi-res symbol is more a workaround that can help with potential bitmap
scaling issues.
lesson 9
Using symbols
Graphic symbols
A graphic symbol is a commonly used asset in Fireworks. It is a static, single-state
symbol that can be used over and over again throughout a document (or in multiple documents as well, depending on how you set it up). Use a graphic symbol if
you do not require built-in animation or multiple states.
Creating graphic symbols
In this exercise, you will convert a simple logo graphic into a graphic symbol.
1 Open the file called nn_webpage.fw.png.
2 Make sure rulers and tooltips are active (View > Rulers and View > Tooltips).
3 In the Layers panel, unlock the header layer and expand the layer.
4 Select the logo: 11 objects group.
5 Choose Modify > Symbol > Convert To Symbol.
6 Name the symbol near north logo.
7 Make sure Type is set to Graphic, and leave the options deselected.
8 Click OK.
In the Layers panel, note that in the bottom-right corner of the thumbnail, a
new icon appears, indicating the logo is now a graphic symbol. On the canvas,
you will notice a faint blue plus sign (+) in the middle of the graphic. This
indicates that the graphic is a copy—or instance—of the symbol.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
9 Click on the header-layer title to select all the objects in the header layer,
including the symbol.
10 Choose Modify > Symbol > Convert To Symbol, and name the symbol near
north banner.
11 Make sure Type is set to Graphic, leave the options deselected, and click OK.
12 Lock the header layer so nothing is accidentally selected.
You now have two symbols (one nested within another). You might be wondering
why you didn’t create one symbol in the first place. The reason is that you need
access to the logo symbol separately from the banner.
adding a graphic symbol to a document
It’s all well and good to create a symbol, but far better to make use of it. You will
use this new symbol to create watermarks for the photos on this page.
1 Open the Document Library panel. The new symbol is displayed here. You can
drag the logo symbol onto the canvas as many times as you want, changing the
size, opacity, and location of each instance without affecting the symbol itself.
2 Unlock and select the Content layer to make it active.
saving to the Common Library
The Convert To Symbol dialog box contains a tempting option: Save To Common
Library. The advantage to selecting this option is that the new symbol becomes
available to any document you work on, not just the current document. This
advantage, however, comes with a somewhat unexpected side effect: When you
create a new symbol, saving it to the Common Library in this manner also removes
the object from the canvas! You need to locate the newly created symbol in the
Custom Symbol folder of the Common Library panel and insert it back into your
A better choice is to leave this option off, and simply click OK to save the symbol to
the Document Library. You can always add a symbol to the Common Library after it
has been created; for details, see the section “The universal Common Library.”
lesson 9
Using symbols
3 Drag the logo symbol onto the canvas, and position it in the upper-left corner
of the kayak photo. You will convert this instance to a watermark using the
Properties panel.
4 In the Properties panel, lock the proportions of the instance and set the new
width to 70 pixels.
5 Tab to the Height field, and the image scales proportionately. Notice that the
instance within the banner image does not change.
6 Set the Opacity of the instance to 40%.
7 While holding down the Alt or Option Key,
drag the instance down to the next photo.
Let the Smart Guides help you align the
instance copy in the second photo, or
move it elsewhere on the photo.
We think the watermark should be obvious, but not cover up important details
of the photo, so in our finished file, we’ve
placed the watermark to the right on the
second and third images.
8 Repeat Step 7 for the third photo.
Now the feature images have been
9 Save your work.
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a vector symbol is still a vector
The symbol creation process does not change the properties of vector objects.
You can drag this symbol on the canvas and resize it 10 times larger (or more),
and it will not lose any image quality. If anything, it probably looks better.
The same is true if your symbol is made of bitmaps. Fireworks still treats the objects
as bitmaps. Bitmaps are resolution dependent, and scaling them larger than their
original size will cause a breakdown in image quality. To counter this problem, we
use a special technique that we like to call the “hi-res symbol.” You’ll learn more
about it later in this chapter.
the universal Common Library
P Note: Once a
symbol has been copied
from the Common
Library, it becomes part
of that file’s Document
Library. Dragging the
symbol a second time
from the Common
Library will prompt a
warning message from
Fireworks stating that
one or more library
items already exist in
the document.
When you create a symbol without adding it to the Common Library, it is
linked only to the document where it was created. If you open or create another
document, you won’t see your newly created symbol in the Document Library.
After you have gone to all the trouble of creating those symbols, you may want
them available for use in other designs, without having to first open a file, copy the
instance on the canvas, and then paste it into a new document. This is where the
Common Library comes to the rescue. The Common Library makes symbols easily
accessible for any design.
1 In the Document Library panel, select the near north logo symbol.
2 Choose Save To Common Library from the
Document Library options menu.
A Save As dialog box (or Save dialog box on
the Mac) opens, and points to the Custom
Symbols folder, where all user-created custom
symbols are located by default. This folder
displays automatically in the Common Library
panel, so it’s a good idea to save your new
symbol there.
P Note: The Common
Library does not
become populated
with symbols until a
a new, empty one—
is open in Fireworks.
There is a specific structure to symbol file
names, starting with the symbol name and
appended with the symbol type (graphic,
animation, or button), preceded by a period.
3 Click Save.
editing graphic symbols
As you have seen, some attributes (size, opacity, blending mode, and Live Filters)
can be applied to individual instances on the canvas. Changes to a selected instance
lesson 9
Using symbols
do not affect other instances on the canvas. Editing the symbol, however, changes
properties in all instances of the symbol.
In this exercise, you’re going to make a small edit to the logo symbol.
1 Using the Pointer tool, double-click on
any of the watermark instances.
Everything but the instance fades
slightly, and a breadcrumb bar appears
above the document window. You are
now in a symbol-editing mode called
Edit In Place (a feature that has been
available in Adobe Flash for quite some
time). You can also enter this mode by
choosing Modify > Symbol > Edit In
Place. The breadcrumb trail tells you
how far you have drilled down into a
symbol. Changes made to a symbol in
this mode are instantly reflected in all
the linked instances on the canvas.
You can exit in-place editing and switch back to the main design by clicking
on the top-level breadcrumb (Page 1) or by double-clicking anywhere on the
canvas except the active symbol.
2 Select the Subselection tool.
Remember that originally, the logo was a group of 11 objects. Turning the logo
into a symbol has not changed this. So you need the Subselection tool to access
one vector element in the group.
3 Select the background mountain.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
4 In the Properties panel, click on the Fill color box to open the Gradient Editor.
5 Reverse the direction of the gradient
fill by clicking on the Reverse
Gradients icon.
All logo instances on the canvas
change to the new gradient fill,
including the logo that is part of
the banner symbol.
6 Click on Page 1 of the breadcrumb
trail to return to the main design.
7 Save the file.
Isolation mode
Another option for editing symbols is referred to as isolation mode. This is the
default mode for any symbol to which the 9-Slice Scaling Guides option has been
applied. You can access isolation mode for any symbol, though, by choosing Modify >
Symbol > Edit Symbol. The symbol remains on the canvas, but all other objects are
hidden from view. If you have a full design, this mode may make it easier for you to
edit aspects of symbols without any distractions.
adding prebuilt symbols from the Common Library
The Common Library holds a wealth of prebuilt symbols you can use for your
designs or as a starting point for your own symbols. To familiarize yourself with
this useful feature, you will add a mock-up of a search box using two prebuilt
symbols. But first, you need to add some breathing room for the search field.
1 In the Layers panel, click on the content layer name to select everything in the
content layer.
2 Hold down the Shift key and tap the Down arrow three times. This opens up
some space for the search field and for the site navigation.
3 Create a new layer in the Layers panel, and call it navigation.
4 Drag this layer to the top of the layer stack,
if necessary.
5 Make sure the new layer is selected.
6 Open the Common Library panel (Window >
Common Library), and scroll until you see
the Web & Application folder.
lesson 9
Using symbols
7 Double-click the folder icon (Windows) or click
the disclosure triangle (Mac) to open the folder.
8 Locate the Search symbol, and drag the
symbol—either the graphic itself or its name—
onto the canvas.
The instance of a magnifying glass is fairly large
and needs to be resized.
9 Lock the Proportions in the Properties panel,
and set the width to 20 pixels.
10 Tab to the next field, and the instance updates
on the canvas.
11 With the Pointer tool, reposition the magnifying
glass to X: 930, Y: 130.
adding a component symbol
A component symbol has a higher level of functionality than a graphic, button, or animation symbol,
because JavaScript controls some of its properties.
You don’t need to know JavaScript to take advantage of these properties though; you can make all
the available changes using the Symbol Properties
panel. By default, Fireworks displays the Symbol
Properties panel as a tab beside the main Properties panel. You’ll first add the new symbol, then
make some changes to it.
1 In the Common Library panel, locate the
HTML category, expand it, and select
the TextField(mac) or TextField(win)
2 Drag this symbol to the left of the
search icon.
3 In the Properties panel, deselect Constrain proportions and set the width to 160.
4 Reposition the text field as needed. Our final settings were X: 768, Y: 127.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
5 Open the Symbol Properties panel by clicking on its tab (or choose Window >
Symbol Properties).
While the panel may have been logically grouped with the Properties panel, it
generally has more information than is visible at the default height of the panel.
6 Move your cursor to the divider between the Properties panel group and the
document window. When the cursor changes to a double-headed arrow, drag
upwards until you see all the properties for the symbol.
For the text field symbol, you can change a variety of properties such as the field
label and many font attributes, including family, color, style, and size. You will
adjust the field label. Note there are two columns: Name and Value. You can edit
the values but not the names.
7 The very first name/value pair controls the label for the text field. Select the
word “Text” in the Value column.
8 Replace Text with Search, and press the
Enter/Return key. The text field updates
with the new label.
You now have a mock-up of a search bar.
9 Save the file.
Button symbols
Button symbols serve a specific purpose: making the various button states for navigation buttons. This could be mouseover events on a desktop screen or even tap events
for mobile devices, although that second option requires a little creative thinking.
Button symbols are an efficient way of generating up to four visible states for a
button (Up, Over, Down, and Over While Down) and adding a hyperlink to that
button. Almost any graphic or text object can become a button. After you create a
single button symbol, you can reuse it again and again for navigation. Each instance
lesson 9
Using symbols
of a button symbol can also have its own custom text label, URL, and target without breaking the two-way symbol-instance relationship.
A button instance is self-contained. The slice object, graphic elements, and states
are kept together, so if you move the Up state of a button on the main canvas, the
other states and the button slice move with it.
When you export a button using the HTML And Images option, Fireworks
generates the JavaScript necessary to display the rollover effect in a web browser.
In Adobe Dreamweaver, you can easily insert JavaScript and HTML code from
Fireworks into your web pages or into any HTML file. It’s recommended, though,
that you use the HTML And Images export only for prototyping a site design, not
for a final website.
More and more, the HTML And Images workflow is being overlooked in favor of
just a straight image export workflow, where the graphics are later coded into the
CSS as background images, with HTML text being used directly in the web-page
document. Where the HTML And Images export still shines, though, is in creating
realistic prototypes.
Creating button symbols
You can create a button from any object, but usually the button starts out as a vector
shape or a bitmap object.
1 Make sure the nn_webpage.fw.png file is still open.
2 Still on the navigation layer, select the Rectangle tool and draw a rectangle that
is 100 pixels wide by 20 pixels high.
3 Use the Pointer tool or the Properties panel to position the rectangle at X: 650
and Y: 130.
4 Open the Styles panel, choose Plastic Styles from the Styles list, and then choose
the style Plastic 099 to give the rectangle a deep, blue style.
5 Choose Modify > Symbol > Convert To Symbol.
6 Name the symbol navButton.
7 Change Type to Button, and click OK.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
You’re now back on the main canvas. Fireworks automatically adds a green slice
to a button symbol, because button symbols are mainly used for rollover effects,
and a slice allows for both image optimization and image swapping to other
button states.
To maintain a good-quality gradient, you will
set the export options for this file to PNG 24.
8 Open the Optimize panel and, if necessary,
choose PNG 24 from the Export File
Format list. PNG 24 will do a better job of
maintaining crisp text than the JPEG format
for a mock-up, and even though PNG files
will be larger in file size than JPEGs, the
small size of these buttons should not add
too much weight to a final page.
editing a button symbol
At first, a button symbol (like a graphic symbol) only has one state. Buttons also
need text labels. The slice created by Fireworks tries to include all visual properties
of the button, some of which are not easy to see. You will add text to the button,
and add another state.
1 Double-click the button slice. All objects other than the button are grayed out.
2 Select the Text tool.
3 Make the following settings in the Properties panel:
Font Family: Arial
Font Style: Regular
Font Size: 12
Fill Category: Solid
Color: White
Text Alignment: Center Alignment
Anti-aliasing: Strong Anti-Alias
lesson 9
Using symbols
4 Click right on top of the rectangle, and type Gallery.
5 Select the Pointer tool, and drag over both the rectangle and the text block to
select them.
6 Open the Align panel, and click the Align
Horizontal Center and Align Vertical Center
icons to position the text within the rectangle.
7 Click away from the button using the Pointer tool to get ready to create a
rollover state.
8 In the Properties panel, choose Over from the State menu. The button
P Note: If you need
a refresher on the
concepts of pages or
states, refer back to
Lesson 2.
P Note: For
9 Click the Copy Up Graphic button. This adds a duplicate of the Up state to the
Over state.
production sites,
most designers tend
to create the rollover
effect using CSS and
background images,
rather than JavaScript
and inline images.
Button symbols,
however, can’t be beat
for creating interactive
HTML prototypes.
E Tip: The expectation
10 Select the rectangle using the Pointer tool.
11 Open the Gradient Editor, and choose Reverse Gradients.
12 Click the Page 1 breadcrumb to go back to the main canvas.
adding more buttons
Most sites need more than a single navigation button, so you will add a few more.
1 Make sure the Pointer tool is selected and the button slice is active.
2 Hold down the Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac) key, and use the Pointer tool to
drag the button to the left, until it snaps to the right edge of the original button.
(Remember, holding down Alt/Option creates a copy of the selected object.)
Let the Smart Guides help you position the new button directly next to the first
with button symbols is
that you will be creating
one or more graphical
navigation buttons,
with different visual
appearances to reflect
the state of the button.
So it is important to
determine what the
longest string of button
text will be, in order
to set a font size that
will allow the various
button-text strings to fit
comfortably within the
button shape.
3 Select both buttons, and then repeat step 2 twice. You have six buttons.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
All six buttons currently have the same text labels. That’s not much help!
4 Select the leftmost button. The word “Gallery” appears in the text box in the
Properties panel.
5 Change the text to Home, and press Enter or Return.
The button text updates.
E Tip: Using a
consistent prefix for
each slice name (such
as “button_” in this
exercise) makes it
easier to find groups
of similar graphics in
Windows Explorer, the
Mac Finder, or even in
Dreamweaver’s Files
panel, as this is the
name Fireworks will use
when you export the
P Note: The red lines
you see appearing as
you add button symbols
are Slice Guides. This is
Fireworks telling you
how it will slice or cut
up the design if it is
exported as HTML And
Images, or if images
are exported using
the slices. They’re not
very important at the
moment, so if you find
them distracting, you
can turn them off in the
View menu: View > Slice
6 Select the second button, change the button text to The Journey, and press
Enter or Return.
7 Select the third button, and change the text to The Campsite.
8 Change the text for the fourth button to On the Water and the fifth button to
Take this time to rename the slices as well. For organization’s sake, take the time
to adjust the layer hierarchy to match the nav bar’s visual order.
9 Click on the Home button, and in the Properties panel, change the button name
to button_home.
10 Click on the Journey button, and change the button name to button_journey.
11 Click on the Campsite button, and change the button name to
12 On the subsequent two buttons, change the names to button_water, button_
hiking, respectively.
testing rollovers
Now it’s time to test the rollovers.
1 Click the Hide Slices And Hotspots icon (
) in the Tools panel.
2 Click the Preview button at the top of the document window.
3 Move your mouse over the six buttons. On each one, the gradient reverses when
you mouse over it.
4 Switch back to Original view.
lesson 9
Using symbols
animation symbols
Animation symbols let you quickly generate various types of state-based
(frame-based, in older versions of Fireworks) animation, including movement,
visibility, opacity, and size. Because animations require multiple states in a
document, they are best created on their own—either in a new document or on
a separate page of an existing document—rather than as part of a complete webpage design. This eliminates the potential for exporting unwanted images from
other parts of the design.
Onion skinning
Animation symbols are a bit different from just having objects in different states.
The animation direction and distance is controlled by dragging the animation
path in State 1. Normally, you see only the objects that are part of a selected state.
However, you can use a feature called onion skinning to see as many states as
you like. Onion skinning allows you to see states that occur before and after the
currently selected state.
Export options
Animation symbols can be exported as either Animated GIFs or rasterized SWF files.
Animated GIFs don’t have a lot of features when it comes to animation, which is why
you won’t see a lot of fancy special options for animation in Fireworks. (If you are
interested in creating complex animations for the Web, investigate Adobe Edge.)
Altering animation settings
Although you can use the playback controls to watch the animation, they do not
emulate the true speed of the animation. For this, you will have to preview the
animation in a web browser or in the Preview window.
The speed at which the animation runs is referred to as state delay, and by default,
each state in an animation remains visible for 7/100 of a second. Increasing this
value (to 20/100s, for example) will slow the animation; conversely, decreasing
the value will speed up the animation. You can change the state delay for any
individually selected state, or you can select a series of states and alter the delay for
all of them.
To learn more about creating GIF animations, be sure to check out the Fireworks
help files.
Creating a “hi-res” symbol
Remember that if your symbol contains bitmaps, image quality will degrade if you
scale the symbol larger than the original bitmap. There is a cool workaround for
this, however, using a method we call “hi-res symbols.” In a nutshell, you create
the symbol using a high-resolution bitmap, an image much larger than you would
ever need in the screen-based design. We’ll walk you through this process for the
background image of the web page.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
Destructive scaling
Scaling a bitmap permanently alters pixels, either by removing them when you
scale smaller or adding them when you scale larger. You’ll run a little experiment
here so you can see firsthand what happens when you scale bitmap images.
1 Lock and hide all layers except the background layer.
2 You may also want to hide the Slice Guides created by the button symbols.
Choose View > Slice Guides to hide them.
3 Unlock the background layer, and select the background image.
You’re about to do something destructive, but it’s to prove a point. More
importantly, it’s reversible.
4 Select the Scale tool.
5 Drag from the bottom-right corner of the image up to the left until the photo is
only about 150 pixels wide. The exact width is not important.
6 Tap the Enter or Return key to commit to the scaling. The image looks fine at
this size, but if you change your mind and rescale the image larger again . . . well,
let’s have a look.
lesson 9
Using symbols
7 Select the Scale tool again, and resize the image so it fills the width of the design
or close to it.
Without even committing to the new size, you can already see how poor the
image looks. This is because scaling an image is normally a destructive process;
pixel data is thrown away. And it is not brought back simply by making the
image larger again.
8 Tap the Esc key to cancel the scaling, then press Ctrl+Z (Windows) or
Command+Z (Mac) to undo the original downsizing.
Note that the image has a Levels Live Filter applied to it.
9 Press Ctrl+C (Windows) or Command+C (Mac) to copy the image for the next
phase of the project.
ready for the magic?
Some scaling magic that is. You’re going to create that hi-res symbol now.
1 Choose File > Import, locate the web_background_lrg.jpg file, and open the file.
2 When the import cursor appears, just click on the canvas to import the image at
its original dimensions of 2000 x 1339 pixels.
3 Select Modify > Symbol > Convert to Symbol.
4 Name the symbol background image, set the type to Graphic, and click OK.
The instance on the canvas is still very large.
5 Zoom out to at least 25% so you can see the bounding area of the image.
6 Select the Scale tool, and scale the image down so the width fits the page design.
Tap Enter or Return to lock in the changes.
7 Zoom back in to 100%
8 In the Layers panel, hide the original image.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
9 Make the new instance active, and select the Scale tool again.
10 Downsize the image to about 150 pixels. Again, pixel accuracy is not important;
just remember to scale by dragging one of the corner control handles, not the
middle ones.
P Note: Using
the high-resolution
technique will also
increase the file size of
the Fireworks PNG file.
Take care not to use this
technique too often in a
document as Fireworks
performance may
11 Tap Enter or Return to commit to the new size.
Remember the ugly, blurry mess you created by rescaling the small image in the
last exercise? See what happens this time you rescale.
12 Select the Scale tool one more time, and upsize the image until its width
matches the canvas width again. The image will extend outside of the canvas
a little, but that’s fine; the aspect ratio of the page design and the photo are
different. Don’t forget to press Enter or Return to commit the change.
Note that there is no change in image quality this time. It’s like you never scaled
the image in the first place! Fireworks is scaling the instance based on the original
resolution of the symbol, which is 2000 pixels wide. In order to see any breakdown
in image quality, you would have to enlarge this image past that 2000-pixel limit.
This technique can be very handy in the early design stages, when you’re not sure
how large or small bitmap images need to be for a particular design. It can save a
lot of undoing of steps or searching for the original file again and again.
one last piece of magic
You’ve learned how surprisingly easy it is to maintain consistent effects across
multiple images or to replicate effects accurately. You’ve worked with styles and
symbols, and now here’s one last trick. A little while back, you copied the original
lesson 9
Using symbols
low-res image. Now you’re going to use that low-res copy to set the color effects on
the larger image.
1 Select Edit > Paste Attributes. The Levels Live Filter is automatically applied to
the instance.
2 Make the other layers visible again, and unlock the main content layer.
3 Save the file.
Completing the design
For a finishing touch on your mock-up, you will add some placement text to the
sidebar and main content areas.
1 In the Layers panel, unlock and select the text layer.
2 Select the Text tool.
3 In the Properties panel, choose a conservative serif font (the example uses
Georgia) and make the following changes:
Font Style: Regular
Font Size: 14 (This may need some adjustment, depending on your font.)
Kerning/Tracking: 10
Text Alignment: Left Aligned
Color: Black
4 Select Commands > Text > Lorem Ipsum to add a paragraph of placement text.
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5 Use the Pointer tool to drag the paragraph on top of the sidebar. Let the Smart
Guides help you align the left edge of the text block with the kayak photo.
6 Drag the right-middle control handle to the left until the text block snaps to
align with the kayak.
The text block resizes, and there is obviously too
much text for the sidebar.
7 Double-click within the text block to enter textediting mode, select the overlapping text at the
bottom of the sidebar and delete it.
8 Triple-click on the text to select the entire
9 Hold the Ctrl key (Command for Mac), and press
the right arrow key twice to increase the kerning
by another 10%.
10 If necessary, edit the text further so that it doesn’t
overlap the photo.
11 Repeat Step 4 to add another paragraph, and align
it beside the first image in the main content area.
Use the Pointer tool to resize the width of the
block to 500 pixels.
lesson 9
Using symbols
12 Delete any extra text that runs lower than the kayak photo’s bottom edge.
13 Holding down the Option or Alt key, use the Pointer tool to drag a copy of the
paragraph and align it with the second photo.
14 Repeat Step 13 to create a paragraph of text to align with the third photo.
15 Save the file.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
review questions
1 What are the three main types of symbols?
2 What objects can be included in a symbol?
3 How do you create a graphic symbol?
4 How do you create a button symbol?
5 What is the importance of the Common Library?
review answers
1 The three main types of symbols are graphic symbols, button symbols, and animation symbols.
2 A symbol can include vector, bitmap, or text objects. You can even include other symbols in a
symbol, which is referred to as nesting symbols.
3 To create a graphic symbol, select the objects you wish to be part of the symbol, and then choose
Modify > Symbol > Convert To Symbol. Name the symbol in the Convert To Symbol dialog box,
and set Type to Graphic. Based on your requirements for this symbol, you can choose to select the
Enable 9-Slice Scaling and Save To Common Library options.
4 You can create a button symbol by selecting an object and choosing Modify > Symbol > Convert To
Symbol, and then choosing Button as the symbol type. The real strength in button symbols comes
from the fact you can create up to four states for a symbol. You create the various states by first
opening the button symbol into symbol-editing mode (double-clicking on the symbol). With no
artwork selected, you can choose from four states in the Properties panel. Adding new artwork to
each state is as simple as clicking the Copy Up (Over, Down) button. Edit each state as you see fit.
5 The Common Library contains a large number of prebuilt graphic, button, animation, and
component symbols that you can easily drag and drop into your design. You can also save your
own custom symbols to the Common Library, so they can be used in any of your documents.
lesson 9
Using symbols
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oPtImIzInG For the
WeB anD moBILe
Lesson overview
Fireworks has its roots in web graphics so is no stranger to
optimization—that balancing act of quality versus file size.
Proper optimization minimizes quality loss while reducing file
size, thus cutting download times for images. In previous lessons,
you learned the basics of working with graphics in Fireworks.
Now you’ll combine those skills with some new tools to optimize
assets for web pages, and for web-page creation itself. In this lesson,
you’ll learn how to do the following:
• Export a single image to a web-ready format
• Determine the optimal web format for a sliced graphic
• Use the Optimize panel and Preview views to optimize images
• Slice up graphics in a web-page mock-up using the Slice tool
• Export a single-page HTML prototype
• Export a CSS sprite sheet
• Extract CSS properties from vector artwork
This lesson takes approximately 90 minutes to complete. Copy the
Lesson10 folder into the Lessons folder that you created on your hard
drive for these projects (or create it now, if you haven’t already done
so). As you work on this lesson, you won’t preserve the start files. If you
need to restore the start files, copy them from the Adobe Fireworks CS6
Classroom in a Book CD.
Fireworks does many things, but at its roots it is a web
graphics application—be it for creating mock-ups,
editing screen-resolution images, exporting graphics
for use in Adobe Edge or mobile applications, or
optimizing and exporting images to CSS and HTML.
optimization basics
Why optimize images for the Web and mobile applications? Simply put, not everyone has the luxury of a high-speed Internet connection, where web pages download at lightning speed. Optimizing images reduces the size of files, decreasing the
amount of time it takes for a user to download them, regardless of the available
bandwidth (connection speed). The effective page weight (combined file sizes of all
assets of a web page, including the page itself ) is reduced. Files take up less room
on the web server and reduce the bandwidth required for downloading. Also keep
in mind, it’s a mobile world out there; tablet devices and smartphones can easily
chew up costly bandwidth fees when downloading websites.
Optimizing graphics ensures they possess the right balance of color, file compression, and quality. You are trying to get the smallest possible file size (for quick
download) while maintaining acceptable quality. Optimizing graphics in Fireworks
involves two basic and important components:
• Choosing the best file format for your various graphics
• Setting format-specific options, such as color depth or the quality level
Web-graphic formats
To a degree, the file format you choose is a subjective decision, but here are some
definitions and general guidelines:
• JPEG (Joint Photographers Expert Group): For photographic images, JPEG
format gives you photorealistic (24-bit) color, and you can control the quality
and compression of the file. Higher quality means less compression, which in
turn means a larger file size. JPEG is also a lossy format, meaning that each time
a JPEG file is saved, more of the original image data is discarded. If you require
the JPEG format, try to edit files in a lossless format such as PNG, TIFF, or PSD,
and then save or export the final file as a JPEG. (JPEG format is also used when
a composition includes gradients, shadows, or glows.)
• GIF (Graphic Interchange Format): GIF images are limited to 256 colors
(8 bits), but these colors are customizable. GIF files are best for images with
solid color, such as logos, line art, or text-based graphics. This format supports
transparency settings (indexed transparency) that can give your image the
impression of floating over the top of another image or colored background.
GIF supports frame-based animation for creating simple web-graphic animations (Animated GIF or GIF 89a). For complex or large web, animations,
consider using Adobe Edge instead.
lesson 1­
optimizing for the Web and mobile
• PNG (Portable Network Graphic): The PNG format tries to give you the best
of both worlds: You can choose from among 32-bit, 24-bit, and 8-bit PNG
output. A 32-bit PNG allows for 24-bit photorealistic color with 8-bit alpha
transparency, so you can get more realistic drop shadows or glows around an
image or even make the image appear semitransparent on the web page. The
image will blend seamlessly with the background color of the web page. A
24-bit PNG is mildly compressed and lossless, meaning that no image data is
discarded when the file is saved. However, you cannot control the compression
or quality as you can with JPEG files. The file size is what it is. An 8-bit PNG is
much like a GIF, but it does not support frame-based animation. PNG 8 also
supports both indexed and alpha transparency. Often, you will get smaller file
sizes by exporting as PNG 8 rather than GIF. It’s definitely worth testing.
saving versus exporting
Fireworks makes a distinction between the terms “saving” and “exporting.”
In general, exporting a file results in a flattened bitmap image; the final file has
no layers, vectors, or other unique editable objects. Exporting a file also uses the
information in the Optimize panel to control the exported file format, quality, and
color depth. Optionally, you can include an HTML page when exporting. The one
exception to the flattened image rule is the Export As Adobe PDF option. You will
learn more about this export workflow in Lessons 11 and 13.
P Note: Fireworks
uses a modified version
of the PNG format as
its native file format,
giving you a great deal
of flexibility for editing
files. This modified
format contains
information about
layers, states, and
effects, and as a result, it
produces a much larger
file size than a standard
flattened PNG file. For
this reason, avoid using
a native Fireworks PNG
format as part of the
real web page, even
though the browser will
render it. If you want to
use the PNG format for
web graphics, export an
8-bit, 24-bit, or 32-bit
PNG file. PNG 32 is a
24-bit PNG file with
8 bits added for alpha
Saving a file (File > Save) saves the file back in original format, unless features not
supported by that format have been added. For example, a JPEG file is a flat file; it
doesn’t support additional objects, layers, or editable effects. So if you add these
types of features to an open JPEG file, upon saving, Fireworks displays a warning
message about losing the editable features, and asks if you really want to save
the file back as a JPEG or would you rather save it as a Fireworks PNG file. Saving
a file bypasses the Optimize panel settings and uses the default settings inherent
in the file.
Choosing Save As (File > Save As) offers a wider variety of formats and allows you to
customize the Optimize panel’s settings as well. You can save in flattened formats
such as JPEG, BMP, and GIF; SWF or multilayered Adobe Fireworks PNG files; Adobe
Photoshop PSD files; or even Adobe Illustrator AI files (AI version 8 only). By clicking
the Options button in the Save As dialog box, you can reach the Optimize panel
settings for adjustment.
Other options, such as the ability to maintain XMP metadata, are available for certain
file types when you save them; however, XMP data is not maintained when you
export a file.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
alpha versus indexed transparency
There are two types of transparency for bitmap graphics: alpha and indexed.
With indexed transparency, every color in the color table is given a transparency
designation. This value can either be 0 (transparent) or 1 (opaque). There are
no intermediate opacities; the color is either displayed or it is not, so indexed
transparency is incapable of displaying high-quality drop-shadow or glow effects.
With alpha transparency, each color in a graphic has an alpha channel value, indicating how transparent it is. When you see the color space RGBA (very common in
CSS3-based effects), the color is defined by the red, green, and blue (RGB) channels. The alpha (A) value defines the opacity for that color. The value can run from
0 (transparent) through to 1 (opaque). So, you could have a value of .5 for example,
which represents 50% opacity. Values closer to 0 are more transparent, and values
closer to 1 are more opaque. This allows for very realistic drop shadows and glows,
as well as gradients that blend seamlessly with the background behind them,
whether that background is a solid color, pattern, or even a photograph.
about the optimize panel
By default, the Optimize panel is located in the topmost panel group. If you don’t
see it, choose Window > Optimize to bring it to the front. In the Optimize panel,
you choose the graphic file format you would like to use when exporting a single
image file, a selected image slice, or a group of slices. Each slice in a design can
have completely different optimization settings; this gives you a high level of
control over a web page’s weight.
lesson 1­
optimizing for the Web and mobile
When an image or part of a web design has no slices, you can use only one optimization setting for those areas. An image with one or more slices can have different
optimization settings for each slice and another optimization setting that applies to
any unsliced areas. Any changes you make to the optimization settings in either the
Properties or the Optimize panels applies to the currently selected slice or slices. If
no slices are selected, the optimization setting applies to all the unsliced areas.
The Optimize panel is context sensitive. As you change export formats, the panel
displays options for that specific format. For example, when you choose JPEG, the
Optimize panel displays options only for Matte color, Quality, Selective Quality,
and Smoothing.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
For GIF, Animated GIF, and PNG 8 formats, you can change Matte color, Indexed
Palette type, number of colors, Loss, Dither, and Transparency options.
For PNG 24 and 32 formats, you can change the matte color option. One advantage
to the PNG format, though, is that it is a lossless format, unlike JPEG.
P Note: Understand
that, to a degree,
optimization is a
subjective choice,
especially when you’re
dealing with small
changes in quality or file
size. If you’re designing
a site for an intranet,
you have a little more
leeway with your
decisions about file
size and quality.
The Optimize panel options menu contains several features and actions not
available in the panel itself, such as the ability to interlace GIF files or to select
Progressive JPEG. The panel menu also gives you quick access to the Export
Wizard and the Optimize To Size command.
What is matte color?
Matte color—available in all the export formats—is the color Fireworks uses on
all areas of the canvas not covered by an object. Changing the canvas color of the
document updates the matte color to match, but you can also change the matte
color independently in the Matte Color field without affecting the original canvas
color. This feature is helpful when you need to export the same graphic for use on
a variety of web-page background colors. Matte color is also used when you export
a GIF or flat PNG file with a transparent background. Set the Matte color to match
your web-page background color for a more seamless blend in transparent areas.
lesson 1­
optimizing for the Web and mobile
optimizing a single-image file
You will start by optimizing a single image destined for use in the Near North
website. You will learn about several fundamental features of the Fireworks export
process by altering image quality, format, and compression.
Working with previews
The Preview mode is an essential tool for determining optimization settings.
1 Open the sand_river.tif file from the Lesson10 folder.
2 Choose Window > Optimize to open the Optimize panel, if it isn’t visible in the
panel dock.
3 Set the Zoom level to 100% by pressing Command+1 (Mac) or Ctrl+1 (Windows).
At the top-left of the document window, notice the four view options: Original,
Preview, 2-Up, and 4-Up. The default view is Original, which is your editing
view. The other three views let you preview your design in different formats,
based on the settings in the Optimize panel.
4 Click the Preview button.
This view is similar to the Original view, but it applies the settings from the
Optimize panel. You cannot edit or select individual objects while in this view.
5 In the Optimize panel, choose GIF
Adaptive 256 from the Saved Settings
pop-up menu.
6 Zoom in to 200%, and study the face of the man
in the foreground. Note how his face seems to
be made up of blotches of solid color. Likewise,
the blue sky in the upper-left corner has lost
its smooth, continuous tone. Rough concentric
circles of solid color have replaced it.
GIF files can display up to 256 color values
only and, as a result, don’t do a good job
of rendering many color photos.
7 Look at the bottom-left corner of the
document window. The status bar
displays information about the export
file. Here it reads “175.16K 28 sec
@56kbps GIF (Document).” (These file
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
P Note: When using
GIF or PNG 8, you can
apply dithering to
an image to emulate
missing hues. The
pattern created by
the dithering helps
give the impression of
continuous tone, but
you pay for it through
increased file size.
sizes may differ slightly on your system.) This file information area, also visible
in Original view, tells you the file size and the download time of the image based
on the optimization setting and an admittedly very slow dial-up connection.
8 In the Optimize panel, choose JPEG –
Better Quality from the Saved Settings
pop-up menu. Recall that JPEG is
usually a much better option for
exporting an image with gradients
and a wide color range.
The colors and tones smooth out
dramatically. Equally—if not more—
important is the updated information in
the status bar of the document window: “83.79K 13 sec @ 56 kbps.” The image
quality has improved, and the file size has decreased by over 50%.
9 Select the 2-Up view. The document window splits into two panes. On the left,
Fireworks displays the Original view; on the right, the current optimization
settings for the image. The 2-Up view is helpful when comparing differences in
quality between the original design and an optimized version.
E Tip: On a MacBook
Pro, in addition to
pressing the space
bar, you have to press
down on the trackpad
in order to pan.
lesson 1­
10 With the Pointer tool, click on the right pane. A border appears around that
window, indicating it is the active window.
11 Hold down the spacebar, and when the cursor changes to a hand, drag the
image so you can see most of the hiking group. Note that panning the image
occurs in both windows.
optimizing for the Web and mobile
12 In the Optimize panel, change the Quality setting to 50%. You can change the
value by typing it and pressing the Tab key (or Enter or Return) or by dragging
the slider. (When you type the value, there is a slight delay before the preview
updates with the new quality setting.)
E Tip: You can also set
The file size decreases to approximately 34.21K. But it’s becoming obvious that
the image is degrading. This is the fine line we’ve been talking about: creating
the balance between acceptable image quality and small file size. 34K is pretty
small for such a large image, but image quality is in pretty rough shape.
basic web-optimization
settings for a slice using
the Properties panel,
but the Optimize panel
gives you much more
control. The Optimize
panel also contains
non-web formats such
as TIFF and BMP, in
case your designs—
or elements of it—are
destined for other uses
or mediums.
Choosing optimization settings
Comparing the potential exported image to the original is important, but there are
subtle changes in the Optimize panel that can make a big difference to the final
exported file. You’ll now experiment with the other preview options.
1 Zoom back out to 100%. Even at this 1:1 magnification, the artifacts are still
somewhat visible and may be unacceptable to you or a client.
2 Click the 4-Up button. The document window is now split into four previews,
with the Original view remaining in the top-left corner.
3 Set the upper-right compression to 80.
4 Select the bottom-right preview, and change the Quality setting to 70.
5 Select the bottom-left preview, and change the File format to PNG 24.
You can now compare different quality/compression/format previews to the
Original view. By comparing these versions of the same file, you can quickly
determine the best combination of file size and image quality.
6 Zoom in to 150%, and compare the PNG 24 preview to the original. There is no
discernible difference between them; however, the file size of the PNG 24 export
is over 500K—far too large for a single image on a web page!
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7 Compare the two JPEG versions against the original image. Bearing in mind that
neither will be quite as good as the original, try to determine which of them is
most suitable. The 80% quality looks good, but it’s almost 84K. The 70% quality,
clocking in at almost 60K is pretty good, and at 100% magnification, the JPEG
artifacts are not very noticeable. But that 70% quality option is still a large file size.
If only there was a way to retain more quality in specific areas and to more highly
compress areas without important detail. Oh, wait—you’re using Fireworks! There
is a way, and it’s called Selective Quality.
optimizing with selective Quality
Selective Quality is one of those unsung heroes in Adobe Fireworks. By using bitmap
selections, you can mask specific areas with important detail in a photo and set a
higher-quality (lower compression) value for those areas.
1 Switch back to Original view.
2 Select the Lasso tool.
3 In the Properties panel, change the Edge setting for the lasso to Feather, and set
the value to 10.
lesson 1­
optimizing for the Web and mobile
4 Draw a rough selection around the hikers.
5 Hold down the Shift key, and draw a rough selection around the blue sky in the
upper-left corner of the photo.
High JPEG compression is known to overly compress areas of solid color, like a
blue sky, or even solid-colored text. You’re going to keep the sky looking good.
Even though it doesn’t have any important detail, the JPEG artifacts will be very
obvious and will impact the overall quality of the photo.
6 Select Modify > Selective JPEG > Save Selection As JPEG Mask.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
7 The selection disappears, replaced by a translucent pink overlay. This is the
JPEG mask.
8 Switch to the 2-Up view, and select the right pane, if necessary.
In the preview, the mask is hidden, but you will still see the mask in the
Original view.
9 From the Export File Format list, choose JPEG if it is not already selected.
10 Set the Quality to 40 and Selective Quality to 70.
Note the updated file size of approximately 43K. You have a smaller file and the
only areas being heavily compressed are areas without important detail.
11 Just to prove that Selective Quality is helping, try this: Change the main Quality
setting to 5. The difference should be very obvious. Reset the main Quality to 40.
exporting the file
The final step is to export the TIFF file as a JPEG file.
1 Choose File > Export.
2 Browse to the Lesson10 folder.
3 Change the filename to sand_river.jpg.
4 Choose Images Only from the Export menu, if it is not already chosen.
lesson 1­
optimizing for the Web and mobile
5 Leave the Include Areas Without Slices and Current Page Only options selected.
6 Click Save (Windows) or Export (Mac).
7 When you return to the canvas, save the file as a Fireworks PNG file so that
the settings you made in the Optimize panel remain with it as well as the JPEG
mask, and then close the file.
about the web tools
To produce compositions in Fireworks that make their way into an HTML
prototype web page, you need to be familiar with the available web tools.
You’ll find a number of web-related tools in the Tools panel:
• The three hotspot tools let you draw rectangular, circular, or polygonal shapes
over portions of your image. When exported with HTML, hotspots link to other
web pages or trigger other events on a web page, such as a remote rollover.
• The Slice tool ( ) and the Polygon Slice tool ( ) let you cut a larger image into
smaller pieces or select which parts of a web-page prototype will be exported as
graphics for a web page.
• The Hide Slices and Hotspots button ( ) hides slices and hotspots.
• The Show Slices and Hotspots button ( ) makes slices and hotspots visible.
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Creating and optimizing slices
A slice is a portion of an image or design that you intend to export as a unique
graphic. When exported as HTML And Images, individual slices can include
interactivity such as image rollovers, hyperlinks, and remote rollovers, but this
workflow is suitable for interactive prototypes only, not final web pages. Slices
are always added to the Web layer of a Fireworks document.
New in Fireworks CS6 is the ability to export sliced graphics as a single graphic
file, referred to as a sprite sheet. A sprite sheet can then be used in conjunction
with CSS to show or hide different portions of the file through the use of the
background-position property. Icons, buttons, logos, background images—
all the window dressing of a web page—can be added to a sprite sheet.
With the exception of a sprite sheet, each web slice has its own optimization
settings. Without slices, your image or design has only one optimization setting
applied to it, as in the first exercise in this lesson.
In this section, you’ll learn several ways to create slices, as well as how to optimize
the slices for various types of graphics, to name the slices, to create a sprite sheet,
and to extract CSS properties from a vector object. Later, Lesson 12 will look at
more of the interactive features and dig more deeply into a multi-page prototype.
Which slice tool do you choose?
You can choose from two Slice tool styles: rectangle or polygon. Because web
pages are essentially laid out in a grid format, you will most often use the standard
(rectangular) Slice tool.
The Polygon Slice tool can be useful if you want a nonrectangular area to be
interactive, but this tool uses a combination of HTML tables and hotspots as well
as slices (the resulting exported file consists of rectangular slices in a table and a
polygon hotspot).
You can’t have true polygon-shaped images, just like you can’t have ellipticalshaped images on a web page. Like it or not, everything ends up as a rectangle,
because HTML uses only width and height for an image in a web page. If you use
a lot of polygon slices, your HTML code can become quite complex and require
more CPU processing time, thus slowing down the browsing experience.
Creating slices manually with the slice tool
You will use the standard Slice tool to cut up a web-page mock-up. Accurate slicing
is important. If you are going to create manual slices, be sure to zoom to at least
150% or 200% to ensure your slice includes the entire area you want to export.
lesson 1­
optimizing for the Web and mobile
1 Open the nn_homepage.fw.png file from the Lesson10 folder. This is a
completed web-page mock-up.
2 Select the Zoom tool, and zoom in to the banner area. Zooming in helps you
slice only the graphic and not any surrounding area.
3 Select the Slice tool, and draw a box over the entire banner. Pay close attention
to the bottom edge, making sure not to select the water background image.
P Note: If you do not
have the fonts used in
the sample file, select
Maintain Appearance
when Fireworks asks if
you want to maintain
appearance or replace
the font.
A green translucent rectangle appears on top of the banner image. This is an
image slice.
A slice has three main components: the slice name (user-definable), slice selection handles (for resizing a slice), and the behavior handle for adding interactivity to a slice. Red slice guides also appear, showing you how Fireworks will
automatically slice up the rest of the document.
Slice name/ file format
Slice guide
Behavior handle
Selection handle
When it creates a slice, Fireworks automatically assigns the slice a name, based
on the image’s file name and future location inside an HTML table-based layout.
These names become the actual file names for the slices when they are exported.
They can be fairly cryptic, and likely won’t have any relevance to you later in the
web production process. We recommend that you give meaningful names to all
the slices you create, in case you use the exported files in a final web page.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
4 In the Properties panel, double-click the slice name to select the entire name.
Change the current slice name (nn_homepage__r1_c1) to nn_banner. Note
there are no spaces in this name. It’s a good idea to use standard web-naming
conventions with slices. Avoid spaces and special characters. Ideally, you should
decide on and stick to a system for using upper- and lowercase letters. We keep
things nice and simple by putting all web-file names in lowercase.
P Note: With the
exception of button
symbols, a slice object
is not attached to the
image below it, so if you
reposition the image,
you also need to
reposition the slice.
Now even without seeing a thumbnail of the file, you would easily know what this
graphic is and where it’s supposed to go on the web page.
adjusting slice dimensions
If this is your first time creating a slice by hand, don’t be surprised if you need to
tweak the dimensions of the slice. When you zoom in, it should be easy to see if the
slice is smaller or larger than the image behind it. If you need to make adjustments,
you can either use the Pointer tool to resize the slice or change the dimensions
numerically in the Properties panel.
seeing web objects in
the Layers panel
Slices and hotspots fall into the category of web objects. When you create either
type of web object, Fireworks automatically places them in the Web layer of the
Layers panel. The Web layer is always at the top of the Layers panel and cannot be
deleted, even if it is empty.
lesson 1­
optimizing for the Web and mobile
optimizing a sliced image
This banner is a collection of bitmaps, vectors, and text. You’ll walk through the
optimization process again for the banner.
1 Choose Window > Optimize to open the Optimize panel, if it isn’t visible in the
panel dock.
2 Set the Zoom level to 100% by pressing Command+1 (Mac) or Ctrl+1 (Windows).
3 Click the Hide Slices and Hotspots tool in the Tools panel, and then click the
Preview button.
4 In the Optimize panel, choose GIF WebSnap 256 from the Saved Settings
pop-up menu.
5 Study the logo. The smooth gradients
in the original banner have been
replaced with solid bands of color—
not very attractive.
GIF files generally don’t render
many gradient effects very well. The
status bar at the bottom-left corner
reads “63.80K 10 sec @56kbps GIF
(Document).” (These file sizes may differ slightly on your system.)
6 In the Optimize panel, choose JPEG – Better Quality from the Saved Settings
pop-up menu. Recall that JPEG is usually a much better option for exporting
an image with gradients and a wide color range.
The gradient smoothes out in the banner and reduces the file size to about
32.98K. The image quality has improved, and the file size has decreased.
7 Select the 2-Up view.
8 Select the Pointer tool, and click on the right pane.
9 Hold down the spacebar, and when the cursor changes to a hand, drag the
banner to the left so that the logo is visible.
10 In the Optimize panel, change the Quality setting to 60.
The file size decreases to approximately 19.23K. But even at 100% magnification,
it’s becoming obvious that the logo is losing quality. Even the text is beginning
to degrade.
11 Zoom in to 150%, if necessary, and compare the banner text (Original and
Preview). The panes are synchronized, so as you zoom or pan in one window,
the other displays exactly the same view.
If you study the text closely in the Preview version, you will see that the background surrounding the text is not as smooth as it is in the Original view.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
E Tip: The JPEG format
can compress areas of
solid color too much,
and because text is
often a solid color, the
quality of text can suffer
noticeably. If you have
large text—or a great
deal of text—in your
design, you can
sometimes improve the
text quality by enabling
the Selective Quality
setting (click the icon
to the right of the
Selective JPG slider) in
the Optimize panel, and
selecting the Preserve
Text Quality option.
Note that at the time
of this writing, Preserve
Text Quality does not
function if the text
object is locked, or
if the text is part of
a symbol.
What you see here is the result of the JPEG quality setting. These JPEG artifacts
become more visible as you reduce the image quality of the file.
This is the fine line we’ve been talking about: creating the balance between
acceptable image quality and small file size. 19K is very small, but the banner
quality is in pretty rough shape.
12 Change the Quality setting to 70%. The file size increases slightly to almost
24K, but the banner text is also better. This value is a good balance between
file size and quality.
adding more slices
The beauty of slices is that you can have different formats, and even different
optimization settings, in a single design. This gives you the flexibility to truly
optimize an entire page design in a single document, rather than having multiple
separate image files. You will now add a new slice using an alternative method.
1 Return to the Original view, and select the Subselection tool. You’re using the
Subselection tool because this column of images is grouped, and you don’t want
to add a slice to the entire group, just the individual images
2 Select the kayak photo.
3 Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac) the image, and choose Insert
Rectangular Slice from the context menu. (Hotspots can also be created in
this manner.)
Fireworks automatically adds a slice, based on the
object’s dimensions.
lesson 1­
optimizing for the Web and mobile
4 Set the Optimization to JPEG – Better Quality.
5 In the Properties panel, change the slice name to img_kayak.
slicing tricks for working with multiple items
You will add and format the final slices for this design. First you’ll use a handy
shortcut to create the rest of the slices.
1 Select the Subselection tool.
2 Hold down the Shift key, and click on the remaining three graphics in this layout.
3 Right-click (or Control-click) on any one of the selected objects.
4 Choose Insert Rectangular Slice from the context menu. This time a
confirmation box appears, asking if you want to create a single slice or multiple
slices from the selected objects.
5 Click Multiple. All three image objects get sliced. They will all have the same
optimization settings that you just used in the previous example, and each will
be auto-named by Fireworks.
This time, instead of using the Optimize panel, you’ll set basic optimization
options in the Properties panel.
6 Change the file format to JPEG – Better Quality in the Slice Export Settings
menu in the Properties panel (below the Type menu).
7 Click outside the canvas to deselect all the slices.
naming slices
It’s easy to forget to rename slices, but it’s a really good idea. You will name all those
new slices now, before going any further. Remember, you can change the name of
any slice directly in the Properties panel.
1 Select the slice covering the lake photo, and in the Properties panel, rename
it img_lake.
You’ll rename the last two slices in a different manner.
2 Open the Web layer in the Layers panel if it is collapsed. Collapse the Optimize
panel by clicking on the gray bar next to the tabs if you need to free up more
room for the Layers panel to expand.
3 Select the slice covering the dog.
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4 In the Web layer, locate the selected slice.
5 Double-click the slice name, and change it to img_dog.
6 Save the file.
Creating a hotspot
You can use the various hotspot tools to create hyperlinks within any slice object.
You’ll add one hotspot to this design, on top of the nn_banner slice.
1 Select the Circle Hotspot tool (
2 Hold down the Shift key, and draw a circle around the logo.
The Properties panel updates to display attributes for the hotspot.
3 In the Link field, type http://www.adobepress.com/ and type Visit the Website
in the Alt field.
Previewing the page in a browser (or uploading as a graphical web page) enables
the link. When visitors click the hotspot, they’ll jump to the URL you’ve entered.
4 Save the file.
lesson 1­
optimizing for the Web and mobile
Previewing in a browser
Previewing in a browser gives you the opportunity to test interactivity (rollover
effects, hyperlinks) and also lets you see how your choices for image optimization
look within a browser.
1 Choose File > Preview In Browser, and choose your browser from the submenu.
Depending on your computer setup, the browsers listed may vary. In our case,
the default (Primary) browser was Firefox.
Fireworks invokes the selected browser and loads a temporary copy of the
web-page design.
2 Click on the logo text. If you have a live Internet connection, the browser will
load the home page for Adobe Press.
3 Close the browser.
4 Save the file in Fireworks.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
If your design has multiple pages (we’ll come to that in Lesson 12), you can create
links from one page to another using hotspots or slices.
more on the hotspot tool
Fireworks provides three hotspot tools: the Rectangle Hotspot tool ( ), the Circle
Hotspot tool ( ), and the Polygon Hotspot tool ( ). You can quickly access the
hotspot tools by pressing the J key. Like all multiple tool icons in the Tools panel, if
you keep tapping the shortcut key (or hold down the left mouse button on the tool
itself ), you will toggle through all the available tools.
The Rectangle and Circle Hotspot tools are pretty self-explanatory, and produce
fairly simple image-map HTML code when a file is exported as HTML And Images.
The Polygon Hotspot tool creates precise hotspot shapes around irregularly shaped
objects. But the amount of HTML markup this type of hotspot produces is significant,
so it’s best to use the Polygon Hotspot tool sparingly.
exporting a single-page design
Fireworks has two main workflows for converting your visual concepts into web
pages: You can export as HTML And Images or as CSS And Images.
exporting htmL and Images
The HTML And Images export option produces a table-based HTML layout, which
does an excellent job of matching your Fireworks design. It can also include hyperlinks and rollover effects. That’s the good news.
Now for the bad news: This table-based layout is rigid. Removing or adding elements of the page using a web-page editor like Dreamweaver can cause the table
structure—and web-page layout—to break. By default, everything in the design is
exported as an image, including the text. From a best-practices perspective, you
should avoid table-based, image-only layouts for your final websites, and learn
how to use CSS for laying out final web pages.
That said, there is still a place for this feature in the modern designer’s workflow.
Many designers use the standard HTML capabilities in Fireworks for creating
interactive graphical HTML prototypes for client feedback. It’s a great way to test
ideas and concepts without having to code any HTML right away. The client can
request changes on the visual aspects of the design, and you can accommodate
them without having to write a single line of HTML code—just update the design
in Fireworks and export the file again. After prototype approval, you should
properly code the final pages in a web editor such as Dreamweaver.
lesson 1­
optimizing for the Web and mobile
You will test out this export process now:
1 Open nn_homepage.fw.png, if it is not still open.
2 Choose File > Export, and browse to the Lesson10 folder.
3 Change the Export field to HTML And Images.
4 Set the HTML field to Export HTML File, and the Slices field to Export Slices.
Make sure the following three options are selected: Include Areas Without
Slices, Current Page, and Put Images In Subfolder.
5 Click the New Folder icon, and name the folder webpage.
6 Click the Options button, and then the Table tab.
7 Make sure Space With is set to Nested Tables, No Spacers, which maintains the
layout without adding multiple transparent spacer images to hold everything
together. You can leave all other settings at their defaults.
8 Click OK to close the Options dialog box, and then click Save (Windows) or
Export (Mac) to create your web page.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
9 Browse to the webpage folder using Windows Explorer or the Finder.
Inside the folder you will see the web page, nn_homepage.htm (or nn_
homepage.html if you’ve previously altered the default file extension settings)
and an images folder. These figures show the folder contents as displayed in
the Finder (left) and Windows Explorer (right).
10 Double-click on the web page to view it in your default browser.
The page loads, and when you mouse over the buttons, the rollover effect works
nicely. Other than the layout being left justified and the page background being
white, this is a great proof-of-design sample for client review.
11 Compare the web page to the Fireworks PNG design; they appear very similar, if
not identical. You can even click on the hotspot you created earlier over the logo
and go to Adobe Press again.
But we must stress, this is not a great final web page. Although everything
matches the Fireworks concept, there are too many image slices, the HTML is
a rigid, table-based, image-only page (no text at all, just bitmaps that look like
text). The rounded rectangle containers are solid bitmaps and can’t be used as
flexible containers for other pages. Indeed, that kind of effect can be completely
re-created using CSS3 properties—something you will be doing very soon!
lesson 1­
optimizing for the Web and mobile
12 In the main content area, try to select the text. You can’t, because it’s a graphic.
Ideally, any text that was exported as images should be re-created as true text
within Dreamweaver and styled using CSS.
13 In your browser, view the source code of the page. (In Firefox, choose View >
Page Source.)
Fireworks added JavaScript to the head of the document and the inline code in
the body of the document that is necessary for the image swap for the button
rollover effects. Note also the rather complicated table structure.
14 Close the browser.
15 Open the images folder within the webpage folder.
Fireworks exported 33 images, 12 of which are just for the buttons. For the
Fireworks-generated HTML to display properly, all these images are needed.
P Note: A Swap
Image behavior is a
prebuilt JavaScript
used by Fireworks
(and Dreamweaver)
to create a rollover
image effect. Behaviors
do not require the
user to know any
JavaScript and can
be customized using
the Behaviors panel.
If you were to build this page in a web editor such as Dreamweaver or export as
CSS And Images from Fireworks, however, only eight of those images are truly
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
E Tip: You can also
customize the file
names for states. You
can set this up by
choosing File > HTML
Setup and clicking the
Document Specific
button. A file must
be open in Fireworks
in order to access this
menu item. You can also
click the Options button
when you are exporting
a file, and then click
the Document Specific
necessary—and three of that eight weren’t even exported in a form you could
use on other pages in the design. The necessary images are:
P Note: When you
• Over button with no text
export all states of
a multistate file,
Fireworks—by default—
appends the file names
with _s1, _s2, and so
on, including the main
state. This ensures
that the graphics on
other states are not
overwritten. You can
create your own custom
state names in the
Export dialog box by
choosing Options >
Document Specific
and selecting Custom
from the State names
drop-down lists.
• img_kayak.jpg
• image_lake.jpg
• image_dog.jpg
• img_canoe.jpg
• nn_banner.jpg
along with these three missing images:
• The background image
• Up button with no text
From a mock-up perspective, this export is fine: it shows the client how the
page will look and that it’s interactive. However, from a practical, end-user
perspective, you would want to build the final web page in a web-page editor.
16 Go back to Fireworks, and save the file.
Creating a sprite sheet
New to Fireworks CS6 is the ability to export sliced graphics as a sprite sheet. A
sprite sheet is a single file containing a series of graphics (usually icons or buttons)
that can be called on by a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) to display bullets or rollover
You can invoke the option to export as CSS sprites in two ways:
• Select File > Export, and choose the CSS Sprites option from the Export dropdown menu.
• Right-click one of the slices, and select the option Export CSS sprites from the
context menu.
The second page of the nn_homepage.fw.png file is called Sprites and contains a
series of icons. You will slice those icons, optimize them and then export them as
a sprite sheet.
1 In the Pages panel, choose the Sprites page.
lesson 1­
optimizing for the Web and mobile
What is a sprite sheet, and
why should I use one?
A sprite sheet is a bitmap file that stores multiple, usually small, graphics, such as
button background images, custom bullet graphics, icons, and even logos. This
file, combined with a CSS file, lets the web browser quickly load all the background
graphics (all one page, remember) and then display an image located at a specific
set of pixel coordinates from within the bitmap file.
Why should I use one?
This is a good question, especially if you are stuck hand-coding the CSS for a sprite
sheet containing more than half a dozen image sprites. Creating the CSS for a complex sprite sheet by hand is, to say the least, tedious and probably quite intimidating
for someone new to using sprite sheets. In the image editor, each image has to be
planned out in terms of its exact pixel location, and you must record those locations
so that later you can hand-code a bunch of CSS classes to enable the browser to
locate each individual graphic. Heck of a way to spend your evening.
Fireworks makes this process virtually painless and fast, however, thanks to the CSS
Sprites export workflow.
From the standpoint of data and bandwidth, all the graphics in the sprite sheet
are loaded at the same time because the sprite sheet is just one big graphic file.
The browser loads the entire file into its cache, and this means the browser is not
continually sending requests to the server for this file or that file; they’re already
all in memory. It also means there is no need for any JavaScript preloading scripts
(common in the bad old days of graphical button rollovers) and means the display
of images is virtually immediate.
2 Press Ctrl+A (Windows) or Command+A (Mac) to select all the icons.
3 Right-click on any of the icons, and choose Insert Rectangular Slice from
the context menu.
4 When prompted, choose Multiple. Each icon gets a slice.
5 In the Optimize panel, set the optimization
format to PNG 8. Set the Matte color to
none, the Transparency setting to Alpha
6 Change the number of colors to 6 by typing
the value.
7 Click the Rebuild button to rebuild the
color palette.
P Note: When
multiple objects are
selected, the color
palette actually clears
when you click Rebuild,
but when you select
individual slices, you
will see the color palette
for each slice.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
Why six colors, you might be wondering? Well, technically it’s only five, as one
of the colors is reserved for transparency. But other than that, it’s the fine line
again; four colors aren’t enough because the icons start to look jagged, while
eight colors look just fine but increase the file size unnecessarily.
Because the only graphics in this sprite sheet are the black-and-white icons,
you can get away with minimal colors. If the color logo were in this sprite sheet,
however, you’d likely have to use PNG 32 to maintain the gradient fills of the
logo and the transparency.
8 In the Options menu for the Optimize panel,
select Save Settings. This allows you to save
your optimization settings as a preset, which
will come in handy very soon.
9 Name the new preset bw_icons.
10 Click outside the canvas area.
11 Name each slice according to the object name
in the Layers panel. Do this by selecting one
slice at a time and matching its location with
the object it covers. For example, the slice
covering the icon with the axe and firewood
should be named icon_firewood. The slice
covering the picnic table should be named
12 Save the file.
exporting the sprite sheet
With the icons sliced and optimized, you’re ready to export the icons as a sprite sheet.
1 Right-click (Ctrl-click on Mac) on any slice, and choose Export CSS Sprites.
In the Export dialog, the following options are available for CSS Sprites export:
• Save As: Specifies the file name with which the sprite image should
be exported
• Export: Chooses/changes the export workflow from CSS Sprites to one
of the other standard export options, such as Images Only
• Pages: Exports slices from selected Pages/All Pages/Current Page
lesson 1­
optimizing for the Web and mobile
• Selected Slices Only: Exports slices that are selected in single/multiple pages
• Current State Only: Exports only the slices in current state of the page (for
pages having multiple states)
• Options: Invokes the CSS Sprites Export Options dialog, which includes
options to specify the CSS Selector type (Class or ID), Prefix, Suffix,
orientation of the exported sprites, and the file type/optimization of the
exported sprites
P Note: Slices in
the Master page and
other shared layers are
included only once in
the sprite image.
2 In the Save As field, change the name to nn_sprites.
3 Browse to the Lesson10 folder, and open the webpage folder you created earlier.
4 Make sure that CSS Sprites is the chosen workflow for Export.
5 Click the Options button.
6 Make sure Class is selected as the
selector type.
7 Leave the other options as you see
in the figure below, but click the
Optimization Preset list. At the
bottom you will see the custom
preset you created, bw_icons.
Select that preset.
8 Click OK.
9 Click Export.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
E Tip: If you create a
custom optimization
setting, you can save
it for use at a later
time. Just choose Save
Settings from the
Optimize panel menu.
If you open Windows Explorer or the Mac Finder and browse to the webpage folder,
you will see that Fireworks has generated both a CSS file and a PNG file. The CSS
file specifies the displacement values for the subimages present in the exported
sprite image. Feel free to open the CSS file in a web-page editor or text editor. The
sprite graphic’s final size is just over 1.5K.
CSS files (Cascading Style Sheets) are the current standard for web-page design,
and Fireworks has a couple of export workflows to help you in this regard as well:
CSS And Images export and the CSS Properties panel.
Css and Images export
E Tip: For a detailed
tutorial on exporting
a design using the CSS
And Images workflow,
check out Dave Hogue’s
articles on the Adobe
Developer Connection:
Entire books have been written on CSS and its use, and this book does not
pretend to be one of them. You won’t be employing the CSS And Images export
in this book, but we do want to give you give you some advice and preparatory
information, explaining the logic behind the CSS And Images export feature.
A little later, you will work with the CSS Properties panel to create specific rules
that could be used in any layout.
The CSS And Images export option attempts to create an HTML- and CSS-based
layout of your current design. It sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? But there are a
couple of caveats to bear in mind:
• Objects/slices must not overlap in the design. This can be more challenging than
you realize at first.
• Fireworks is creating both a CSS file and an HTML file for a full-page layout,
and hence, will be using naming conventions and layout schema that you may
not normally use, even though they are valid HTML and CSS.
• This export workflow doesn’t exempt you from learning and understanding how
to use CSS in your web-page layouts! It is meant as a starting point to producing
a more usable web page right from Fireworks.
• Typically, even after exporting in this manner, you will need to do some
customizing in your web-page editor.
Here are some design concepts to keep in mind if you plan to export a CSS-based
layout from Fireworks:
• Keep it simple. Overlapping slices will cause Fireworks to export a complete,
absolutely positioned layout. While still valid within HTML and CSS, it is
generally not good practice to produce layouts that are based entirely on
absolute positioning. Elements that are set at absolute X and Y coordinates are
isolated from the flow of the page and are not “seen” by other page elements.
lesson 1­
optimizing for the Web and mobile
• Only text, rectangles, and image slices are exported. To export as CSS And
Images, any images you want to include in the web page must be sliced. Any
text you wish to remain as true HTML text should not be sliced. Fireworks
creates an HTML web page, using <div> tags to contain the text and images,
according to the slices, rectangles, and text it finds in the design. A Cascading
Style Sheet is also created, to handle positioning of the <div> tags and styling
of the text.
• Text, rectangles, and image slices are all treated as rectangular blocks.
The exporter (also called the export engine) examines the size of text blocks
(the actual bounding box, remember, not the width/height of the text itself ),
rectangles, and slices in order to create the proper spacing between the
elements. It also determines the logical placement of columns and rows,
based on the position of the design elements in your file.
Text blocks can be deceiving, because the rectangle area that defines the text
block may actually be much larger than the text, causing two objects to overlap.
• The exporter must be able to interpret where the columns and rows of
objects exist. Even though you are not using tables for layout, keep thinking in
that grid-like fashion. Make it easy for the export engine to figure out where logical containers (a header, a sidebar, a main content area, and a footer) would go.
• Use rectangles to create a specific <div> container around objects. If you
draw a rectangle around specific elements, Fireworks understands that the
objects inside the rectangle should be in their own <div> container in the final
CSS layout.
What is a <div> tag?
The HTML tag <div> is often used for defining a generic segment of your
document. It acts as a container for other elements of a web page. With the <div>
tag, you can group HTML elements together and format them with CSS. With the
growing popularity of HTML5, many new HTML5 elements are taking the place of
the <div> tag for certain semantic uses. For example, HTML5 includes elements
such as <footer>, <nav>, <article>, <section>, and <aside>. These are not
elements that Fireworks understands natively.
The <div> tag is still used for presentation purposes. For example, when you
want to group elements together for the purpose of creating a design, you would
still choose the <div> tag. The <div> tag is just a generic container that has no
semantic meaning at all. Fireworks wraps text and images inside <div> tags based
on the layout, which is why the placement of design elements is critical when
exporting in CSS And Images format. In order for Fireworks to lay out the page using
its CSS layout engine, it is important that slices do not overlap other slices, and that
text areas do not overlap slices.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
If Fireworks encounters any overlaps, a warning message appears, telling you where
the first overlap was encountered and that the export is switching to Absolute
Positioning mode. This mode is still CSS-based, but Fireworks places each object at
an exact location in the web page—the elements in the page are fixed in place. If
you later wish to add text in a web-page editor or other content using a contentmanagement system, or if a user increases the size of the text for better readability,
the other page elements won’t shift to accommodate the extra space needed.
P Note: For more
information on the CSS
Export feature, be sure
to check out the Adobe
Fireworks Developer
Center at www.adobe.
The CSS And Images export feature does not export rollover graphics or hotspot
information. Hyperlinks are maintained for foreground images, though Fireworks
displays a warning message to remind you of that fact. Image maps or JavaScript
behaviors need to be added in a web-page editor. On the bright side, you would
get to practice creating CSS-based rollovers!
using the Css Properties panel
For the longest time, creating visual elements in Fireworks (or other graphics software) culminated in exporting every visual effect as bitmap graphics. Optimization
techniques can be employed, as you’ve already seen, but every bitmap has file
weight to it, no matter how small. The CSS Properties panel virtually eliminates
bandwidth for certain types of imagery, such as rounded rectangles and circles
with solid, gradient, or semitransparent fills, by extracting the CSS properties of
a selected object. Likewise, Fireworks can extract properties like drop shadows,
transforms, and even font properties.
P Note: To learn more
about CSS, be sure to
visit the Adobe DevNet
Center at http://www.
lesson 1­
This panel can prove handy for anyone who is familiar with Fireworks and
Dreamweaver (or a web-page editor of your choice) and wants to design for mobile
deployment or to reduce bandwidth on traditional websites. Visual designers
usually start designing their web pages in a design tool like Fireworks and then
either send the design file to a web designer or do the web work themselves. With
CSS3 gaining momentum and browser compatibility, many design aspects can
be represented using pure CSS, with no need for images, such as the rounded
rectangles in our web page example. The CSS Properties extension helps simplify
the tedious process of hand-coding CSS for certain elements. Design properties
in Fireworks, which can be represented in CSS, are now extracted using the CSS
Properties panel, helping reduce the effort of having to master all browser-specific
CSS properties.
Here you will learn how to use the CSS Properties panel, but we won’t be discussing
the fine details of Cascading Style Sheets.
optimizing for the Web and mobile
about the Css Properties panel
The panel has two sections. The top section lists all the attributes of a shape or text
that can be converted to CSS, and it shows the specific CSS property and value for
each. You can sort the properties and values in the upper window by clicking either
the Property or Value headers. Doing so toggles the order of the properties or values alphabetically, in descending or ascending order. You can also select individual
properties from this section and use the Selected button to copy those declarations
to the clipboard. Select noncontiguous properties by pressing the Command (Mac)
or Ctrl (Windows) key.
The lower section displays the declarations as Fireworks will write them out. You
can scroll through this list and even select and copy specific declarations. If you
want to copy all the properties for the selected object, click the All button. At this
time, the panel can extract properties from only one object at a time. Any time you
change the properties of a selected shape, or when you select a new object on the
canvas, the panel automatically refreshes with new properties.
Property/Value table
CSS display area
Enable/disable vendor-specific prefixes
Copy all CSS to clipboard
Copy selected properties/values
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
extracting Css properties
You will test out the CSS properties panel by extracting declarations for the
sidebar rounded rectangle, and then you will create a very simple web page using
Dreamweaver to see how the declarations can be applied.
1 Return to Page 1.
2 Unlock the content layer if necessary.
3 Use the Pointer tool to select the sidebar rounded rectangle.
4 Select Window > CSS Properties. The panel appears and quickly refreshes with
the CSS properties for the rectangle, including the markup needed to reproduce
the gradient!
5 Use your cursor to drag the panel wider, so that the gradient rule is not clipped.
One very popular technique for containers as seen in our design is for them to
be semitransparent. Currently the containers are opaque, but you can quickly
change that.
6 In the Properties panel, change the Opacity setting to 60.
lesson 1­
optimizing for the Web and mobile
The CSS properties panel updates, changing the gradient values to RGBA
values. Even more impressive, Fireworks writes out vendor-specific declarations
for Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, MS Explorer 10, and MS filters for older
versions of MS Explorer. Imagine having to hand-code all that mark up.
7 Click the All button. Fireworks copies the rules to the clipboard.
Creating a Css rule in Dreamweaver
With the rules copied to the clipboard, you now need something to paste them into.
The steps below are based on using Dreamweaver CS6 and assume you have a basic
working knowledge of the Dreamweaver interface. Feel free, however, to follow
along in your preferred web-page editor.
1 Launch Dreamweaver. This practice example doesn’t require a site definition, as
there will be no images or internal links. For a production website you will need
to create a site definition, though.
For more information on creating a site definition, please review the
Dreamweaver help files, available in Dreamweaver from the Help >
Dreamweaver Help menu.
2 Select File > New, and from the New Document dialog window, select Blank
Page, HTML (Page Type), and (none) from the Layout column.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
3 Set the Doctype to HTML5, and click Create.
4 When the page opens, save it as CSS3_basic.html.
5 Switch to Split view if necessary. In Split view you see the markup on the left
side of the document window and the Design/Live view on the right side.
lesson 1­
optimizing for the Web and mobile
6 Select Insert Layout Objects > Div Tag.
7 Give the new <div> tag a class of sidebar, and click New CSS Rule.
8 When the New CSS Rule dialog window appears, make sure the Rule Definition
location is set to This Document Only. Click OK.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
9 When the CSS Rule Definition window appears, just click OK. Remember, your
rules are sitting in the clipboard, waiting to be pasted.
10 When the Insert Div Tag dialog box reappears, just click OK to place the <div>
into the HTML markup.
11 In the Code pane, locate the head of the document, and then find the empty
CSS rule for the sidebar class.
12 Put your cursor between the opening and closing curly braces of the rule and
press Ctrl+V (Windows) or Command+V (Mac).
lesson 1­
optimizing for the Web and mobile
13 Things won’t look very impressive right away, because Dreamweaver’s Design
view isn’t capable of rendering many CSS3 properties.
14 Turn on Live view.
The rectangle appears, complete with the linear gradient, and rounded corners.
The transparency is also there, but hard to judge when the web-page background color is set to the default white.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
E Tip: You can also
save the page and
preview the results
locally in a web browser
or connect to Adobe
BrowserLab to view the
page within browsers
you do not have
15 In the Code pane, have a really good look at all that CSS markup. Be thankful
you didn’t have to write it all yourself!
P Note: CSS3 support
Now that you see the end result, you can edit the properties by going back to
Fireworks, editing the visual properties of the rounded rectangle, refreshing the
CSS Properties panel, copying them again, and replacing the old styles with the
updated ones. This can be a huge time-saver, when compared to the possible trialand-error recoding of the CSS manually. Of course, you can definitely make the
modifications to the CSS right in Dreamweaver if you’re comfortable there.
is spotty or nonexistent
in versions of IE8 and
lower, so your page may
display very differently
from what was
intended, even with the
application of IE Filters.
P Note: Always
remember that
Fireworks is, first and
foremost, a design tool,
and the CSS Properties
panel is just a way to
move you more quickly
into a true web-editing
environment, such as
E Tip: To learn more
about which fonts
are safe to use on the
Web without the @
font-face declaration,
check out Code Style’s
Most Common Fonts
survey results at www.
16 Save and close your file.
The CSS Properties panel gives you the flexibility of extracting CSS properties from
vector artwork or text and can generate rules specific to the effect you are trying
to create, including the entire common vendor-specific markup that is needed at
this time.
styling text in Fireworks
What if the text within your rectangle is too dark to be readable and isn’t in the
desired location? Creating a specific class within Dreamweaver that targets the
color, padding, and angle of the text will resolve those issues; but just as you did
for the example’s circle, you can also use Fireworks for this effect, if you’re more
Simply add your text in Fireworks as you normally would when creating a mock-up,
setting color, size, font family, drop shadow, and even angle. The CSS Properties
panel refreshes, and you can simply click the All button to generate the CSS needed
for the text effect you want. The process can be as simple as Design > Copy > Paste.
Study the css_basic_final.html markup to see how text was placed within the <div>
at a specific location.
If you use a nonstandard font, Fireworks even includes the @font-face property
for that font. Be warned, though, that you still must have the rights to upload that
custom font to your web directory. Having the @font-face property does not
give you implicit permission to use whatever font you have in your font directory.
Remember to abide by copyright rules when planning to use fonts on the Web. Also
remember that even purchased fonts do not always include a license to upload
the font to the Web. Check out Font Squirrel for free, public domain fonts at http://
www.fontsquirrel.com or investigate Adobe Typekit service for commercial fonts at
Certain CSS properties, such as position, may need to be added or tweaked within
Dreamweaver. At the time of this writing, the CSS Properties panel is converting
text sizes to pixels, rather than percentages or ems. This is easily fixed in a web-page
editor, though. Note also that at the time of this writing, Kerning/Tracking is not yet
being converted to the CSS equivalent of letter spacing. Again, this is an easy fix in
the code, though.
lesson 1­
optimizing for the Web and mobile
review questions
1 Why should images be optimized for the Web?
2 What are the two types of web objects you can create in a Fireworks design, and how do they differ?
3 What are the main workflows for generating web pages from Fireworks?
4 What is the CSS Properties panel, and how do you use it?
review answers
1 Optimizing graphics ensures that they are set to a suitable format and possess the right balance
of file size, color, file compression, and quality. You are trying to get the smallest-possible file size
(for quick downloads) while maintaining acceptable quality in the image. Optimizing graphics in
Fireworks involves choosing the best file format for a graphic and setting format-specific options,
such as color depth or quality level.
2 Slices and hotspots are the two main kinds of web objects you can create in Fireworks. You can
add URLs to both types for interactivity. You can use slices to generate rollover effects, and you
can also use hotspots to trigger remote rollover events on the web page. Slices let you cut up
a larger design into smaller pieces and individually optimize each slice to get the most suitable
combination of file size and image quality. Hotspots create an interactive area within an image.
They do not cut up an image like slices do. They were commonly used to create image maps: a
single image that has multiple hyperlinks applied to it in different areas. You can use hotspots to
trigger rollover events on the web page.
3 There are two main workflows for exporting complete HTML pages:
File > Export > HTML And Images. This exports a rigid, table-based design consisting entirely
of graphics. Even the text is exported as graphics. Pages created this way are difficult to edit,
because removing or adding new elements to them using a web-page editor can break the
layout. However, this export is ideal for creating interactive prototypes of a web page or a
website. Although not suitable for a final website, the HTML pages can show the client how
the site will look, and can also support rollovers and hyperlinks, so a client can interact with
the prototype and request changes or approve a design before any work needs to be done on
the coding side of the project.
File > Export > CSS And Images. This option can generate a more standards-based, editable
web page by creating the layout using Cascading Style Sheets rather than tables. Moreover,
this export option recognizes text and exports it as true HTML text. With a working knowledge
of CSS, these pages are easier to edit and more flexible in terms of adding new elements
within a web-page editor.
4 The CSS Properties panel generates CSS3-compliant markup of a selected vector shape or text
block. The markup is then copied to the clipboard and pasted into a new or existing CSS rule,
using a web-page editor or text editor. First select a vector or text object. Open the CSS Properties
panel, and then copy all the CSS mark-up extracted by the panel (or select only the declarations
you need) to later paste into a CSS rule using Dreamweaver or your preferred HTML editor.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
PrototyPInG BasICs
Lesson overview
Layout features (Smart Guides and tooltips), new symbol libraries,
and the ability to switch seamlessly from vector to bitmap graphic
editing make Fireworks an ideal application for building prototypes.
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to do the following:
• Edit a multipage wireframe
• Share layers to multiple pages
• Use assets from a template
• Add gesture symbols
• Preview a wireframe design in a web browser
• Export a secure, interactive PDF file
This lesson will take about 60 minutes to complete. Copy the Lesson11
folder into the Lessons folder that you created on your hard drive for
these projects (or create it now), if you haven’t already done so. As
you work on this lesson, you won’t preserve the start files. If you need
to restore the start files, copy them from the Adobe Fireworks CS6
Classroom in a Book CD.
Fireworks is a graphical, rapid-prototyping tool
with a multitude of features, such as the Pages
panel, interactive web layers, and component
symbols, making it an ideal application for building
prototypes to test user interaction and nail down
interface or page design issues.
the prototyping workflow
Web-page design, game design, mobile, and application design projects can all
benefit from adopting some form of prototyping workflow. Developing a prototype
is a good way to maintain design consistency, minimize project creep, and test
functionality and design concepts before moving to the coding stage. Typically, the
main phases in a prototyping workflow are:
1 Create a project concept (website, mobile application, game).
2 Create a wireframe to plan the application layout and functionality.
3 Create a realistic prototype to address the aesthetic concerns of the project.
P Note: A simplistic
rendition of the final
project, a wireframe
can be built quickly and
just as easily discarded
when it has served its
purpose. The goal of a
wireframe is to describe
an application’s
function, flow, and
general layout, without
focusing on the
aesthetics of the
4 Generate an interactive prototype for “proof of concept” and usability testing.
5 Upon receiving approval, build the final project.
Of course, in real life things aren’t usually that simple, and a workflow may very
well require several wireframe iterations or numerous design concepts before a
project reaches the realistic prototype stage.
In this lesson, you get to skip the first phase and part of the second phase because
we decided on the project and set up part of a wireframe for you. The project is
wireframe for a tablet application, specifically a Digital Publishing Suite (DPS)
interactive magazine app. The app is based on the Near North website that you
have worked on in previous lessons. Your responsibility here is to build on the
wireframe and add interactivity.
a review of the Pages panel
In Lesson 2, you learned the basics of the Pages feature. As you added content to a
simple mock-up in that lesson, you learned that pages are a key prototyping strength
in Fireworks. The ability to create multiple pages in a single Fireworks file makes it
a great tool for creating rich, realistic multipage mock-ups. With multiple pages,
you can easily generate a series of design concepts, an entire website mock-up, or
an application design in one location, making it easier to keep track of assets for
a specific project.
lesson 11
Prototyping Basics
The Pages panel is the control center for adding, duplicating, deleting, and
renaming pages.
Page thumbnail
Options menu
Total Page Count
Delete Page
Page Selector
New/ Duplicate Page
Each page in a document has a sequence number automatically applied by
Fireworks. You can turn this numbering on and off from the Pages options menu.
You can rename any page just as you can rename layers and objects; simply doubleclick on the page name to edit it. If your design uses a Master page for common
page elements, that Master page will always appear at the top of the Pages panel.
Isolating the Pages panel
Typically, the Pages panel is grouped with
the Layers and States panels, but we find it
more useful to move it into its own group.
You will do that now.
1 Open the Pages panel (Window >
2 Drag the Pages tab, and reposition
the cursor so that it is between any
two panel groups.
3 When a thin blue highlight bar appears
and the panel’s opacity fades, release
the mouse button. The Pages panel is
now in its own group.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
the master page
The Master page is an optional but useful item. Use it if you have visual elements
or web objects that will be common to all pages and appear in the same physical
location on each page. Because each page can have different dimensions, it’s
best to use a Master page only for elements that appear at the top of a design or
share a common canvas color. If you are positive your page dimensions will not
change, you can also include common background images or footer information
in a Master page; just bear in mind that if you shorten or lengthen a page, that
information may not appear in the correct position.
Each Fireworks design can contain only a single Master page.
In our sample wireframe, you’ll be representing both horizontal and vertical
orientations of a tablet, so a Master page will not be part of the design.
Comparing wireframe pages
By their nature, wireframes are supposed to be simple diagrams, designed to focus
on function and not aesthetics.
1 Open wireframe_final.fw.png.
2 Select the V-ipad-lockscreen page.
P Note: The pale blue
rectangles you see
covering the gesture
graphics are hotspots.
If you find them
distracting, simply click
the Hide Slices And
Hotspots tool in the
Tools panel.
There are three main layers plus the Web layer to this page, and its horizontal
counterpart, H-ipad-lockscreen. The Web layer holds web objects called
hotspots, which are being used for interactivity. The top graphic layer contains
symbols that represent tablet gestures, the next contains the objects representing
the lockscreen, and the bottom layer contains the parts that make up the iPad
outline. The iPad layer is shared to the other two vertical pages in the wireframe.
lesson 11
Prototyping Basics
The iPad layer has a small page icon
appearing near the right side of the layer.
The icon indicates that this layer is shared
with other pages in the design—another
timesaving feature.
3 Select the cover_V page.
The canvas is filled with simple shapes, and
many of these shapes have been converted
to symbols to make it easy to build more
wireframe pages. Color issues for the final
design have been deferred by using shades
of gray for all the objects in the wireframe.
This way, clients are not focusing on color,
hue, or saturation; they are focusing on
the functionality of the concept. This page
contains the Web layer and three main
layers, including the shared iPad layer.
4 Select the inside-V page.
5 Expand the Layers panel.
An important aspect to a touchscreen app
wireframe is indicating how the user will
interact with the app. Fireworks contains
an entire library of symbols in the Common
Library, called gesture, that covers the
majority of gestures that could be used
on a tablet, smartphone, or other
touchscreen device.
6 Switch to the inside-H page, and note how the
elements have been rearranged to represent
a horizontal layout. Note also a new gesture
symbol that indicates a downward swipe.
Adobe DPS publications allow the user to
swipe horizontally from article to article, as
well as vertically from page to page of a specific
article. Here we’ve shown that the content continues
vertically and that the user can swipe down to read
the rest of the article.
Feel free to further inspect the wireframe. When you’re
ready, you can start adding content to a less complete
P Note: A finished
wireframe would likely
include far more pages
than our example,
but in the following
exercises, you will learn
all the concepts needed
to create a more
detailed wireframe for
your own projects. It’s
also worth noting that
these concepts (with
the exception of most
gestures) hold true
for website wireframes
as well.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
adding pages
The most expedient way to add more pages to any design is to create a duplicate
of another page, if that page is similar in layout. If you have no similar pages, then
creating a standard new page is the way to go. You will add a couple of final pages
to the wireframe, and then use a combination of techniques to flesh them out.
1 Open the wireframe_start.fw.png file.
2 Select the V-ipad-lockscreen page.
3 At the bottom of the Pages panel, click
the Add/Duplicate Page icon. Do not
drag the lockscreen page to this icon; you
don’t need a copy of that specific page.
4 Repeat step 3 to create another vertical page.
5 Rename these pages to Cover-V and
Inside-V, respectively.
6 Switch back to the lockscreen page,
and in the Layers panel, select the
iPad layer.
7 Right-click (Control-click on Mac) the
layer to invoke the context menu.
8 Choose the Share Layer To Pages option.
The Share Layer To Pages dialog opens.
9 In the left column, select Cover-V and
Inside-V, and then click the Add button.
10 Click OK to return to the document.
lesson 11
Prototyping Basics
11 Select either of the new pages. Notice that Fireworks added the iPad outline to
both layouts.
Now you need to ensure new objects are visible on new layers and that nothing
is added to the shared iPad layer.
12 In the Layers panel, drag the iPad layer to the bottom of the layer stack for both
pages. The empty Layer 1 should now be at the top of the layer stack.
13 Lock the iPad layer. Because this layer is shared, you need to lock it only once on
any page for the layer to be locked on all shared pages.
14 Save your work.
Changing Fireworks preferences
It’s time to give this wireframe some substance by adding some graphic elements.
Before you add any elements though, you need to change one of Firework’s default
preferences. In the next exercises you’ll be scaling a lot of vector artwork, and you
need to be sure you don’t accidentally scale such vector elements as stroke widths
as well.
1 Select Edit > Preferences (Windows) or Fireworks > Preferences (Mac).
2 In the General category, disable Scale Strokes And Effects, and then click OK.
P Note: Wondering
where we got the iPad
outline? Fireworks CS6
comes with both iPad
symbols and an iPad
wireframe template.
To use the template,
choose File > New From
Template and browse
to Wireframes > iPad
Sketch. This opens an
extensively detailed
template with a huge
range of iOS userinterface components,
all in vector format.
To use the individual
symbols, locate the
wireframe-iPad folder
in the Common Library
and drill down to find
the iPad Frame-white
symbol. In the sample
file, we copied the
frame from the iPad
wireframe template
because we didn’t want
everything locked into
one symbol.
As you can see, the Preferences panel has many settings. These settings are global
and affect all Fireworks documents.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
adding wireframe elements to the cover
You’ve already learned how to create graphic symbols, so for this lesson, we’ve gone
ahead and created a couple of custom symbols for you: an image placeholder and a
header placeholder. There are also several other symbols in the Document Library
that came along as part of the iPad template.
1 Switch to the Cover-V page.
2 Select Layer 1, and rename it gestures.
3 Create a new layer, and call it layout.
The gestures layer should be at the top of the layer stack.
4 Create the same layers, in the same hierarchy, on the Inside-V page. Even though
you’re using the same layer names, these layers will have different content on
them from page to page, so you can’t just share the layers to both pages.
5 Switch back to the Cover-V page.
6 Lock the gestures layer, and select the layout layer.
7 From the Document Library, drag the image placeholder symbol onto the canvas.
8 In the Properties panel, set the width and height to 740 and 310, respectively,
and the X and Y values to 124 and 130.
lesson 11
Prototyping Basics
9 Hold down the Option (Alt) key while using the Pointer tool to drag a copy of
the image placeholder instance.
10 Set its Width to 360, Height to 670, X to 124, and Y to 460.
11 Option-drag (Alt-drag) a copy of this shape, letting Smart Guides help you align
the right edge with the edge of the horizontal image.
12 From the Document Library, drag the header placeholder onto the canvas and
place it at the X, Y coordinates of 130, 140.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
P Note: In the
Common Library, the
Audio symbol is found
in the 2D Objects folder.
13 Also from the Document Library, drag the Audio symbol onto
the canvas.
14 Use the Scale tool to resize the instance to about 360 pixels wide, and set the
Opacity to 50% in the Properties panel.
15 Align the instance to the center of the canvas.
This semitransparent icon will represent a background sound that will play
when the cover page loads. Because you can’t add sound to the Fireworks
document, it’s a good idea to indicate that sound will be part of this screen,
much like a “play” icon is often used to represent video.
16 Before leaving this layer, name the three image placeholder objects image
placeholder horizontal, image placeholder vertical left, and image
placeholder vertical.
adding a gesture symbol
To indicate touch interactivity, you will now add a symbol to represent a flick or
swipe gesture.
1 Lock the layout layer, and unlock the gestures layer.
2 From the Document Library, drag the Flick symbol onto the canvas.
lesson 11
Prototyping Basics
3 Use the Scale tool to resize the instance to about 270 pixels wide.
4 Place the gesture object so that it overlaps the screen and frame on the right
side of the wireframe. The exact location is not crucial.
5 In the Properties panel, set the Opacity to 70, so
that you can see through the symbol slightly.
While not necessary, we think this is a nice touch
to indicate you’re transitioning from one screen
to another.
P Note: Remember
that many of these
symbols are already in
the Document Library
because they have been
used elsewhere in the
file. If you can’t find a
gesture symbol, or want
to use a different one,
check the Common
Library’s gesture folder.
Creating the inside layout
The Inside-V layout is a little more complicated, but you can handle it! You’ll be
adding in all the elements needed to flesh out the vertical layout in this exercise.
1 Switch to the Inside-V page.
2 Lock the gestures layer.
3 Drag the header placeholder to the upper-left part of the tablet screen.
4 Position the header at X: 130 and Y: 140.
5 From the Document Library, locate the Image Slider symbol and drag it onto
the canvas.
6 Position the instance beneath the header placeholder, at X: 110, Y: 210.
7 Select the Scale tool.
8 On the Canvas, drag the bottom-right control handle across to the right,
stopping when the scale boundary snaps to the inner-right edge of the iPad
frame. The final width should be 770 pixels. If you’re off by a pixel or two, you
can tweak the Width in the Properties panel.
P Note: You can also
find the Image Slider
symbol in the wireframe
folder of the Common
E Tip: You can
also select the Scale
tool by pressing
Ctrl+T (Windows) or
Command+T (Mac).
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
adding text to the layout
To add the text, you’ll use the Lorem Ipsum command.
1 Select the Text tool.
2 Select Commands > Text > Lorem Ipsum.
Chances are good the font styling won’t be ideal.
3 With the text block still active, set the font properties in the Properties panel
as follows:
Font: Arial
Font Style: Regular
Font Size: 14
Font Color: Black
4 Triple-click within the text block to select the entire paragraph, and then copy
the selected text.
5 Deselect the text, but stay in text-editing mode.
6 Place your cursor at the end of the paragraph, press the Enter/Return key to
start a new line, and paste the copied text.
7 Press Return, and paste the text again.
8 Select the Pointer tool.
9 In the Properties panel, change the Space After Paragraph value to 8. Now the
paragraphs are broken up from each other.
10 Still in the Properties panel, set the width of the text block to 350, X to 134,
and Y to 650.
11 The text block will bleed out of the iPad
frame, so double-click inside the text
block and delete as much text as
necessary to keep the column inside
the screen area of the iPad wireframe.
12 Click away from this text block to
deselect it, and then create another
paragraph of Lorem Ipsum text. Set its
width to 350, and place it on the right
side of the screen, aligned with the top
edge of the first column.
13 Select both columns. In the Align
panel, set the Space Evenly
Horizontally value to 20, and apply it.
lesson 11
Prototyping Basics
14 If necessary, while both columns are still selected, use the Pointer tool and
Smart Guides to align the text blocks so they are centered from side to side.
15 Drag the Video Player symbol from the Document Library and place it below
the second column of text.
16 Scale the video symbol to match the width of the text block.
P Note: Although this
wireframe is making
use of some custom
symbols created for
the project, you are
welcome to use the
vector tools to create
your own shapes,
or build on the
knowledge you
gained in Lesson 10
to create your own
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
adding gesture symbols
Three gestures are needed for this page: two flicks and a tap. (Hmm, sounds like a
band.) You’ll add those now.
1 Lock the layout layer, and unlock the gestures layer.
2 Drag the Flick symbol onto the canvas, and place it on top of the image slider
instance. Resize the instance to a width of 300 pixels.
3 Add another instance of the Flick symbol.
4 Right-click (Control-click on Mac) on the instance, and choose Transform > Flip
Horizontal from the context menu. This will be a cue to swipe back to the cover.
5 Place this instance on the left side, overlapping the screen and tablet frame.
6 Set the Opacity to 70%, and scale the instance to a width of 220.
7 Lastly, locate and add the Tap symbol, placing it on top of the video playback
8 Save the file.
lesson 11
Prototyping Basics
Indicating accelerometer rotation events
One of the unique aspects of many mobile devices is that they can be rotated for
viewing. Many apps take advantage of the change in orientation by adjusting the
layout to accommodate the new orientation. You will want to indicate that when
this app is rotated, the layout will change to suit the new orientation.
A symbol is already in use on the existing pages. You will add it to the two new pages.
1 In the Document Library, locate the Rotate Device symbol and drag it onto the
upper-right corner of the tablet frame.
2 Change the Opacity to 70%.
3 Rotate the instance about 45 degrees by using the Scale tool and rotating
outside the bounding box. The exact angle is not crucial.
4 Resize the instance so that it’s around 320 pixels wide. Reposition as necessary
so that it is still in the upper-right corner.
P Note: You won’t
5 Before saving your work, copy and paste the instance to the upper-right corner
of the Cover-V page.
find the Rotate Device
symbol in the gesture
library; we created it
by breaking apart two
other symbols into
their component parts,
combining the parts
we wanted, and then
converting our new
artwork into a custom
Completing the interactivity
The final step is to add hotspots to the new pages. These hotspots will act as the
touch points for the interactive PDF you will create at the end of this lesson.
While Fireworks can’t create the sliding animation of moving from screen to
screen, at least you can make the document more interactive than a basic PDF
file by adding these hotspots.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
1 On the Cover-V page, select the Rotate Device instance.
2 Right-click (Control-click on Mac) to invoke the context menu.
3 Choose Insert Hotspot from the menu list.
A pale blue rectangle appears on top of the instance, and the Properties panel
updates to display options for the hotspot.
Hotspots are automatically added to the Web layer of the active page. Naming
hotspots is not as important as naming slices; slice names become file names
on export. Hotspot names are mainly just useful for understanding the interactivity within the Fireworks PNG file. Hotspots, like slices, are not linked to the
underlying graphic so if you move or resize the instance, you will have to update
the hotspot as well.
4 Locate the Link field, and click on the drop-down list.
As you create and name pages, Fireworks tracks this work in the background,
making a list of page hyperlinks that you can call on to make the document
lesson 11
Prototyping Basics
5 Scroll below the dividing line, and select cover-H.htm link.
P Note: Fireworks
6 Click away from the hotspot to lock in the change.
7 Right-click on the Flick instance, and choose Insert Hotspot.
8 In the Properties panel, locate the inside-V.htm link. Again, be sure to select the
link that appears below any visible dividing line.
9 Switch to the Inside-V page.
10 Add a hotspot to the hotspot for the Rotate Device instance, and set the link to
11 Right-click on the Flick instance, add a hotspot, and set the link to cover-V.htm.
12 Save the file.
13 Select File > Preview in Browser > Preview All Pages In to test the wireframe
and have a look at how the hotspots behave. You should be able to navigate
from page to page by clicking on the gestures in the wireframe.
14 Close the browser when you’re done, and return to Fireworks.
not only tracks page
names, but also keeps
a history of which
links have been used.
Anything above the
dividing line in the link
list is just a history of
previously chosen links.
Unfortunately, selecting
from these “historical
links” does not produce
a functioning hyperlink.
P Note: If links don’t
seem to work, first
check that you did
indeed choose File >
Preview All Pages. If you
did, take the extra step
of relinking the links
that are attached to the
various hotspots in the
wireframe. Also, make
sure you chose links
under the dividing line,
not above.
Delivering the wireframe
Now that the wireframe is complete, it needs to be sent to the client for feedback
and approval. Fireworks gives you several methods for delivering designs and
concepts to a client, but two of them are ideally suited for interactive wireframes:
PDF and HTML And Images export.
Interactive PDF files enable the client to review the file offline and allow for direct
feedback via Acrobat’s commenting feature. Links placed on rectangular slices or
hotspots are also supported, so the client can browse through the pages using the
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
wireframe’s built-in interactivity. Rollover or tap effects are not supported in the
PDF, but for a wireframe, this isn’t a huge concern. These effects can be dealt with
in the prototyping stage. PDF files can also be password protected.
HTML And Images export supports hyperlinks, rollovers, and any shape of hotspot
or slice, but offers no direct feedback mechanism, such as the commenting feature
in a PDF. The wireframe must also be uploaded and viewed online, or you can
deliver it on a CD or a thumb drive for offline viewing.
Which you choose in your own projects is up to you. For our simple wireframe,
try exporting it as a secure, interactive PDF.
exporting the wireframe
You create a PDF file from Fireworks by exporting the file.
1 Select File > Export.
2 In the Export dialog box, choose a suitable folder location and file name.
To keep things neat, browse to the Lesson11 folder.
3 Change the Export type to Adobe PDF.
4 From the Pages menu, choose All Pages.
5 Make sure the View PDF After Export option is selected if you have Acrobat
Reader or Acrobat Professional installed. There is no progress bar during the
export; opening the PDF is the only indication that Fireworks has completed
the export.
6 Click the Options button.
lesson 11
Prototyping Basics
7 Select the Convert To Grayscale
option. This reduces the size
of the file slightly, and
considering the wireframe is
all shades of gray anyway, you
won’t be compromising the
image quality.
P Note: You can also
specific tasks. If you
choose to passwordprotect any of the listed
tasks, you must create a
different password from
the one used to open
the document.
8 Select the Use Password To
Open Document option, and
type the password test.
9 Click OK to return to the main
Export dialog box, and then
click Save (Windows) or
Export (Mac).
P Note: If you do
When the PDF file has been
exported, Acrobat Professional (if
installed) will launch, allowing you
to test the PDF and enable commenting—after you’ve input the correct password.
If you don’t own Acrobat Professional, Adobe Reader will open the file, but you
cannot enable commenting with Adobe Reader.
not have Acrobat
Professional, your
default PDF reader will
launch. Although you
won’t be able to enable
commenting in the
reader, you will be able
to view the file once
you’ve entered
the password.
enabling the commenting feature
If you have Acrobat Professional, you can switch on the commenting feature for
those who own only the free Adobe Reader. The following steps can be followed if
you own Acrobat Pro.
1 In Acrobat Pro, type your password in the password field. You must do this
before the document can open in Acrobat Pro (or Reader).
The wireframe opens in Acrobat.
2 Enable commenting for users in Acrobat 10 (Standard or Professional)
by choosing File > Save As > Reader Extended >Enable Commenting and
3 In Acrobat 9 (Standard or Professional), turn the comments on under
Advanced > Enable Usage Rights for Adobe Reader.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
review questions
What areuses
the benefits
of List
using shared layers, and how do you create them?
1 Review
2 How do you create a new page?
3 What is the purpose of a wireframe?
4 How can symbols help you when building a wireframe?
5 What are hotspots, and what is one way to create them?
review answers
1 Shared layers let you share the contents of an entire layer to specified pages, unlike the Master
page, which is shared to all pages by default. Objects within a shared layer can be edited on any of
the pages sharing that layer, and the edits will cascade to all the sharing pages. To create a shared
layer, select the layer you wish to share from the Layers panel, and choose Share Layer To Pages
from the Layers panel menu. In the Share Layer To Pages dialog box, add the pages you wish to
share the layer with, and click OK.
2 To create a new page, click on the New/Duplicate page icon at the bottom-right corner of the
Pages panel.
3 A wireframe is a simplistic rendition of the final project. The idea behind a wireframe is that it
can be built quickly and just as easily discarded when it has served its purpose. The goal of a
wireframe is to describe an application’s function, flow, and general layout, without focusing on
the aesthetics of the final project.
4 Using symbols when building a wireframe speeds up your work. There is no need to create new
shapes on other pages for the same intended purpose and no need even to copy and paste. With
symbols, you just drag and drop them onto the canvas, and if they are vector objects, scale as
needed to fit your requirements.
5 Hotspots are one of two web objects in Fireworks. Hotspots allow you to create a “hot” or clickable
area in your design, so that pages can be interactive. A hotspot link can link to another page in the
Fireworks design, or to another external web address. One quick way to add a hotspot to a graphic
is to right-click (Control-click on Mac) and choose Insert Hotspot from the context menu. The
dimensions of a hotspot created in this manner will exactly match the selected graphic.
lesson 11
Prototyping Basics
This page intentionally left blank
Lesson overview
In Fireworks, you can create complex, interactive prototypes to
demonstrate how a final project will work. Fireworks is an excellent
graphics editor, but it is not designed to be an HTML web-page
editor, nor should you expect it to be. What you can expect is to find
all the tools you need to build a realistic, dynamic prototype to whet
your client’s appetite.
Because this lesson focuses on prototyping, you won’t be optimizing
images to any great degree in the lesson, and you’ll use slices only
when they are needed for visual effects such as rollovers and other
interactivity. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to do the following:
• Create a Master page
• Import pages into the design
• Use the Slice tool for interactivity
• Trigger a disjointed rollover (emulate dynamic content updates)
• Preview an interactive web-page design in a web browser
• Export an interactive mock-up of a website
This lesson will take about two hours to complete. Copy the Lesson12
folder into the Lessons folder that you created on your hard drive for
these projects (or create it now, if you haven’t already done so). As
you work on this lesson, you won’t preserve the start files. If you need
to restore the start files, copy them from the Adobe Fireworks CS6
Classroom in a Book CD.
Fireworks gives you the power to create realistic,
fully interactive, clickable HTML prototypes using
standard Fireworks tools. Creating button rollovers
and emulating pop-up windows is a snap.
reviewing the finished prototype
Many of the concepts you learned in Lesson 11 apply to this lesson as well, so you’ll
have the opportunity to practice them again. To take a quick preview of where the
project is headed, open our completed mock-up file; you will be building your own
during this lesson.
P Note: The
completed mock-up is a
fairly complex file, so it
may take a few seconds
to load in Fireworks.
1 Open the completed website prototype (near_north_site_final.fw.png), in order
to familiarize yourself with the final goals.
2 If you are prompted about missing fonts, simply choose Maintain Appearance
for now, as you will not be interacting with this file much.
3 You may recall from the last lesson that you moved the Pages panel into its own
group in the panel dock, a setup we find more useful and convenient than its
default location. If your Pages panel is not still in its own group, drag to position
it as such now.
master page
As you learned in Lesson 11, a Master page is most useful if you have visual
elements that will be common to all pages and in the same physical location.
The pages of this sample mock-up share common elements for the header,
background, and footer, so the file uses a Master page.
1 Select the Master page at the top of the Pages panel. Several graphics that
are common to each page in the mock-up are present in the Master page. In
particular, notice the background image and the footer.
Since its appearance in Lesson 10, the page has been made a bit taller to incorporate a “fat footer.” Unlike traditional footers, these large footers are usually
chock-full of content: links, social networking, RSS subscription, links to other
articles, contact information, sitemap, back-to-the-top link, categories list,
recent comments, and so on. Look closely, and you will see that the background
image blends into the page background color at the bottom. Fading a large
background image like this is a useful technique to handle long web pages.
lesson 12
High-Fidelity Prototyping
2 Click Show Slices And Hotspots in the Tools panel.
The banner image is sliced to provide interactivity; the banner links back to the
home page when clicked.
E Tip: If you can’t
see your slices and
the Show Slices And
Hotspots tool has
been selected, try
clicking Hide Slices
And Hotspots, then
reselecting the Show
tool. You can toggle
between the two
settings by pressing 2
on your keyboard.
3 Open the Web layer.
The slice for the banner appears in the
Web layer. Although the button symbols
are common to all pages, placing them
on a Master page can cause a noticeable
performance drop. For this reason, we
placed the button symbols on a shared
navigation layer on the index page.
Content pages
In this final mock-up, all the pages have been named using standard naming
conventions. This is especially important because you will be generating HTML
pages from this file. You will look now at a page that includes the Master page
elements as well as its own distinct graphics.
1 Select the page named index.
2 Zoom out enough that you can see most of the document.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
3 Click Show Slices And Hotspots in the Tools panel.
The slices from the Master page and the button symbols are visible, but there
are no slices for the graphics on the page itself. Because this is a prototype only,
slices are kept to a minimum and used only when visual effects are needed.
Once the prototype is approved, the designer can come back to slice up the
graphics for optimization and export for the final web pages.
Note also that you cannot select the slices or any graphic elements that are
located on the Master page. Scroll to the bottom of the layers panel and you see
a special layer, called the Master Page Layer. It is locked and cannot be unlocked
on any of the child pages. If you need to edit Master page elements, you must
return to the Master page to make those changes.
lesson 12
High-Fidelity Prototyping
4 Click off the canvas to make sure no objects are selected, and open the
Optimize panel.
The base optimization setting for this (and for all the other pages in this design
for that matter) is set to JPEG – Higher Quality. Overall, this is a good choice
for image quality. Although image
optimization is not a primary concern
for the mock-up, you want to be sure
that, at the very least, all pages are set
to JPEG – Higher Quality or PNG 24.
Setting or leaving optimization at GIF
or PNG 8 will very likely produce a
poor-quality interactive prototype, due
to the limited color range of GIF and
PNG 8.
P Note: PNG 24
could also have been
used as the default
optimization setting,
but the resulting files
would be significantly
larger and might create
a noticeable lag when
the pages are viewed
online for testing.
5 Switch to the campsite page. This page does make use of slices, but only for
rollover effects and interactivity.
6 Turn off the slices and hotspots, and then click the Preview button at the top
of the document window.
7 Select the Pointer tool, and move your mouse over the icons on the left side of
the page. Note the subtle rollover effect. Click on any of the four icons and see
the right side of the page update with new content. Not bad for a static web
page! This is made possible through the use of JavaScript behaviors that you
can add easily within Fireworks.
What are behaviors?
Behaviors are a quick way to add JavaScript functionality to a web-page mock-up,
without having to write a single line of JavaScript code. JavaScript Image rollovers
used to be pretty common in actual web pages, but now CSS-based rollover effects
are the de facto standard for final web sites.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
8 Switch back to Original view, and select the water page. This page content
deviates from the layout of the first three pages that were roughly two or more
columns of content. Here you have one large content area showing a video
player. Now don’t get too excited; the player doesn’t actually work. The goal
here is to show what that player will look like, without having to worry about its
The hiking page is very similar to the campsite page, but rather than icons,
thumbnail images represent the different hiking trips.
9 Click the Preview button, and
mouse over the thumbnails.
Note the drop-shadow rollover
Unlike on the campsite page,
though, here we did not go to
the trouble of wiring up any
changes to the content area on
the right side of the page. This isn’t the actual site, remember, and we already
demonstrated this planned functionality on the campsite page. There is no need
to repeat the effort, if the same effect is shown elsewhere already. That is a very
important concept to remember when building a prototype.
10 Select the gallery page. This last page of the prototype is a mock-up of a jQuery
photo gallery, again, nonfunctional. Fireworks is not capable of producing the
animated transitions that would be part of this and other jQuery or Flash-based
photo galleries, so instead we focused on creating the desired look of the gallery.
11 Close the file without saving it.
lesson 12
High-Fidelity Prototyping
the Fireworks design
community rocks!
Don’t mistake building a prototype from scratch with building everything in the
prototype from scratch. Our sample file had some help from the Fireworks design
This is a very open and sharing group of artists and designers, and you’ll find many
creators and samples out there by doing a simple Google search. And if you’re a
Twitter user, be sure to start filtering for the hash tag #adobefireworks for even more
information about Fireworks and links to inspiring artwork.
Darrell Heath of Heathrowe.com built and generously donated to the community a
Fireworks PNG file with nine video-player themes. One of those themes (with some
photographic additions by Jim Babbage) is used in the water.fw.png file.
The artists at webportio.com are continually creating and sharing with the public
everything from buttons to interfaces to icons, all built as native Fireworks PNG files.
The social networking icons seen in the footer are from one of several icon packs
shared by webportio.com.
Fleshing out the prototype
To expedite the lesson, we've already added some of the art for the pages. You,
however, will create the Master page and two new pages, as well as add the art to
the new pages. Much of your time will be spent building the interactivity for this
Creating the master page
The site’s Master page is often based on its initial web-page design. For example,
the homepage you’ve worked on through the book contains all the main design
elements for a Master page, plus the unique content section in the middle of the
design. In this example, though, we did take the time to add a footer and extend
the page to hold it.
1 Open near_north_site_start.fw.png. If you are prompted about missing fonts,
choose Replace Fonts and select fonts on your system that look similar to any
you’re missing. If you don’t know
what a missing font looks like, search
the Internet for samples.
This version of the website mock-up is
missing a lot of content, but you’ll fix
that in short order.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
2 Select the homepage from the Pages panel, if it is not already active. It’s a
complete page.
3 Select the campsite page. The header, navigation, and footer content are missing
for this and all subsequent pages. You need to take all the common elements
from the homepage and convert them to a Master page. You’ll do this without
copying or pasting anything.
4 In the Pages panel, drag the homepage to the Add/Duplicate Page icon.
An identical page appears, just below the homepage.
5 Rename the copy to index.
6 In the Layers panel, locate each layer on the
index page that holds common content: The
header, footer, and background layers all
need to be deleted. Deleting a layer that
holds content is easy, but it takes a few steps.
7 Select the header layer in the Layers panel.
8 Click the trash can icon at the bottom-right
corner of the Layers panel. This deletes the
content in the layer, but not the layer itself.
9 Click the trash can icon a second time to
delete the header layer.
10 Repeat steps 8 and 9 for the footer and
background layers. You will be left with only
the content, navigation, and Web layers.
lesson 12
High-Fidelity Prototyping
11 Speaking of the Web layer, there’s a slice for the banner image hiding in there.
Select and delete it.
The index page is looking pretty sparse at the moment, but no need to worry.
12 Select the homepage, and delete the content
and navigation layers (remember, it will take
two clicks for each layer).
P Note: You don’t
see the slices for the
button symbols in the
Web layer, because the
slices are contained
within the symbols
13 In the Pages panel, right-click (Control-click
on Mac) on the homepage, and select Set As
Master Page from the context menu.
14 Rename the Master page to common.
15 Select the index page. All the content you
deleted earlier is now visible once again. Not
only that, it’s also visible on the other child pages in the file. As you click on
each page, the thumbnail will update to show the Master page content.
The one thing still missing from the other pages is the navigation.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
16 Switch to the index page, and right-click (Control-click on Mac) the navigation
layer in the Layers panel.
17 Choose Share Layer To Pages.
18 When the Share Layer dialog box appears, select the campsite and hiking pages,
add them to the Shared column, and click OK.
The Master page also gets added automatically to the sprites page, and it’s not
needed there.
19 Select the sprites page.
In the Layers panel, you can see the Master Page Layer at the bottom of the
layer stack.
20 From the Layers panel options, choose Remove Master Page Layer.
P Note: Because this
is a website mock-up,
we chose to keep the
width and height for
each page at a common
dimension. This allowed
us to add the footer to
the Master page and
expedite the creation
of the mock-up. If you
wanted to show how
the page would flow at
different page lengths,
you could remove
the footer from the
Master page, and add it
manually to each page,
in the desired location.
21 Save the file.
adding more pages
Next you will add more pages to the mock-up. Parts of this project were parceled
off to junior designers. Those files have been collected, and now you will import
that content as complete pages.
1 Select the index page.
2 Choose File > Import, and browse to the Lesson12 folder. Locate the journey.
fw.png file, and click Open.
lesson 12
High-Fidelity Prototyping
3 When the Preview appears (the preview window appears for all native
Fireworks PNG files), enable the Insert After Current Page option.
4 Click Open (Insert on Windows)
Fireworks imports content from the journey file and gives the page the name
of the page from the journey file as well. As you can see, the Master page is
automatically applied.
5 Select the campsite page.
6 Choose File > Import, browse to the Lesson12 folder, locate the water.fw.png
file, and click Open.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
7 When the Preview appears (the preview window appears for all native
Fireworks PNG files), note that Insert After Current Page is still enabled.
This option is referred to as sticky; once selected, it stays selected until you
intentionally disable it.
8 Click Open to add the water page, complete with video-player interface, to the
Lastly, you need the gallery page. This page has not been built yet, but you will
be taking care of that soon. In the meantime, you will add the foundation for the
gallery page.
P Note: Page names
become HTML file
names when you export
as HTML And Images
or CSS And Images,
so it’s a good idea to
follow standard naming
conventions for page
names, just as you
would with slice names.
Avoid spaces and
special characters, and
to keep things really
simple, use lowercase
letters only.
9 Select the hiking page.
10 Click the Add/Duplicate Page icon.
Fireworks generates a new page, adding
the Master page content at the same time.
11 Rename this page to gallery.
12 Switch to the index page, right-click
(Control-click on Mac) on the navigation
layer and again choose Share Layer
To Pages.
13 Add the new pages (journey, water, and
gallery) to the Shared column, and click OK.
14 Save the file.
Creating simple rollovers
A rollover effect needs content on a separate state for the rollover to work
as expected.
lesson 12
High-Fidelity Prototyping
To show the client the intended rollover effect on the hiking page, you need, at
the very least, a second state containing the rollover effect. In this exercise, you
will create a new state with duplicate content. You’ll then add a drop shadow to
the thumbnail photos, add slices to enable interactivity, and then lastly apply the
rollover effect.
1 Select the hiking page.
2 Open the States panel. Currently there is only a single state, the main (or up) state.
3 Click on the Options icon for the States panel,
and choose Duplicate State.
4 In the Duplicate State dialog box, make sure
you are adding only one duplicate state and
that it is added after the current state.
5 Click OK.
The content from the up state of the hiking page is visible in the new state, but
note that the content from the Master page is not visible. This is because the
Master page has one state only. When dealing with multiple states and a Master
page, you must be sure that the Master page has the same number of states as
your child pages.
6 Select the Master page, and then in the States panel, choose Duplicate State, just
as you did for the hiking page.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
a stately refresher
It’s been several chapters since you learned about states, so take a moment to
review before going any further.
Every page in a Fireworks document contains at least one state. A design requiring
no interactivity may need a single state only. Each state represents the visibility,
effects, and position of objects on each layer in that particular state, of the selected
page. If you require interactivity or frame-based animation, you must add new states.
There are three main uses for states:
Create frame-by-frame animations
Control the visibility of objects based on user interaction, such as when
hovering over a button displays a new button state and then clicking that
button displays new content elsewhere on the page
Show the different states of an object, such as the normal and hover states of
a website navigation button
States can include completely different content, or they can just indicate changes
to certain elements that appear in both states. For example, a button may display
a glow or drop shadow in a second state.
adding the drop shadow
You need to add a drop-shadow effect to the thumbnails in the new hiking state.
1 Switch back to the hiking page and make sure State 2 is selected.
2 Select the Pointer tool.
3 Hold down the Shift key, and click once on each of the four thumbnail images.
Do not click on the surrounding gray background.
lesson 12
High-Fidelity Prototyping
4 In the Properties panel, click the (+) sign next to Filters and choose Shadow and
Glow > Drop Shadow.
5 When the Drop Shadow properties window appears, accept the defaults by
pressing the Enter or Return key.
6 Click back and forth between the two states to check the visual effect.
7 On State 1, use the Pointer tool and Shift key to select the gray backgrounds
behind each thumbnail.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
8 Right-click on any of the four selected backgrounds, and choose Insert
Rectangular Slice.
P Note: While inline
images in web pages
require alternate text,
we’re not requiring
you to fill in this image
description in this
exercise, because this
is only a prototype and
not the final website.
9 When the prompt appears, choose Multiple Slices.
10 In the Properties panel or the Layers panel, select each slice and rename it,
based on the label seen below each thumbnail. Otherwise, four slices of the
same dimension are hard to tell apart in the Web layer.
adding the rollover behavior
P Note: A simple
rollover behavior
requires only two
states and lets you
quickly create, well, a
simple rollover effect.
The slice establishes
the boundaries for
two images: the Up
image and the Over
image. There must be
some sort of visual
difference to the sliced
objects in each state,
and that change must
not extend beyond
the edges of the slice.
If the change does
extend beyond the slice
boundary, the rollover
effect will be clipped.
lesson 12
You have the two states and four slices. Now you need to add the interactive
element, by adding a JavaScript behavior. Don’t worry; no coding required.
Often you can immediately apply properties or behaviors to multiple selected
objects, saving you precious time.
1 Make sure all four slices are
selected. Notice the small
wheel in the middle of each
slice. This is a behavior
handle and gives you quick
access to adding interactivity
to the slices.
2 Click on any of the four
behavior handles, and from
the context menu, choose
Add Simple Rollover Behavior.
High-Fidelity Prototyping
testing the rollover
P Note: You will notice
Now it’s time to test out your hard work. Well, it wasn’t that hard, was it?
1 Select the Hide Hotspots And Slices icon in the
Tools panel.
2 Click the Preview button.
3 Move your cursor over the thumbnails to check out
your rollover effect.
4 Switch to the Original view again, and save the file.
Creating remote rollovers
Now that you’ve had a quick introduction to working with states and slices for interactivity, it’s time to kick things up a notch or two, by completing the interactivity for
the campsite page. First, however, study a couple of finished examples.
1 Select the campsite page.
2 Hide the slices, and then click the Preview button.
3 Mouse over the top two icons. Note that a subtle
blue glow appears. This is similar to the effect that
you created on the hiking page. You’ve got that one
nailed, right? If not, no worries as you’ll get more
practice on this page.
that the thumbnails
already have a filter
applied to them, and
it’s generically called
Photoshop Live Effects.
If you’re familiar with
Photoshop and Layer
Styles, what you see
here is Fireworks’
ability to maintain
and use those effects.
Photoshop Layer
Styles, though, are far
more robust than the
Fireworks counterpart.
Our favorite effect is the
Stroke effect (used here
to create the border
on the thumbnails).
Natively, Fireworks
gives you no method
to easily apply a stroke
to a bitmap.
4 Click each of the upper two icons. Note the change
in content on the right.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
This is what is often referred to as a remote or disjointed rollover. In our example,
this “old-school” technique is being used to emulate a dynamic change to
content. On the Web, this type of functionality can be created using jQuery and
Ajax. Our main goal in Fireworks, though, is to visually show how this effect
will appear to the user. In Fireworks, these effects are created using states and
JavaScript behaviors. You won’t have to know or write any JavaScript code
though; Fireworks handles all this through the Behaviors panel.
jQuery? ajax?
But I’m just a designer!
If you plan to go beyond design and build your own sites, getting to know jQuery
would be a good idea. It’s not the goal of this book to delve into web technologies,
but you can learn more about both jQuery and Ajax at http://www.differencebetween.net/technology/difference-between-jquery-and-ajax/ and http://jquery.
com/, respectively, or consult Adobe’s website at http://www.adobe.com/devnet/
dreamweaver/articles/introduction-to-jquery.html and http://blogs.adobe.com/
Inspecting the states and slices
Take a look at how the states on this page make these effects possible.
1 Open the States panel.
This page contains seven states. The
first three states control the icons,
and the last four control the content
on the right of the page. State 1
(renamed up) represents the normal
view of the page. State 2 (renamed
over) represents the hover state. State 3 (renamed down) represents how the
icon should look when it is selected. States 4 through 7 have been renamed with
logical names for the content within them.
2 Click through each state to see the changes that occur on the canvas. Note that
the content area changes, but when you choose State 3 (down) the Master page
content disappears.
3 Return to the up state.
Recall earlier, you had to add a second state to the Master page so that the
rollover images on the hiking page would appear as expected. The same is true
for the camping page. There are a total of seven states on the camping page, so
you need a total of seven duplicate states on the Master page. Without these
lesson 12
High-Fidelity Prototyping
duplicates, the edges outside of the content rectangle will go dark and the
content area will not appear to be as seamless as desired.
4 Switch to the Master page and from the States panel, choose Duplicate State.
5 Set the number of states to 5 (you already have two, remember), choose At the
end and click OK.
6 Switch back to the camping page.
7 Turn on Slices And Hotspots. You will see slices on the top two icons, and a very
large slice covering the content area on the right. Really, all Fireworks is doing is
swapping out image areas under each slice with corresponding areas in different
states. Slices are essential to making this effect work.
8 Click on the upper-left icon. Note the curved blue line that extends from the
behavior handle and connects to the larger slice on the right. Note also this slice
has a name; in the upper-left corner of the slice is the word “setup.”
9 Select the slice (named reading) over the tent icon. This slice’s behavior handle
is also connected to the large slice (which, by the way, is named content).
The slice names are subjective/logical choices for the functionality of these different
interactive areas. In your own projects, you would name these slices as you see fit,
so long as there are no spaces or special characters in the names.
the Behaviors panel
The Behaviors panel is an interface for creating and editing several predetermined
JavaScript functions, without the need for any coding knowledge. You will open the
Behaviors panel now to see how it is tied to the two icon slices.
1 Select Window > Behaviors.
The Behaviors panel appears,
floating on the desktop.
2 Position this panel near the icons
on the canvas.
3 Select the setup slice. In the Behaviors panel you will see two behaviors linked
to this slice: One controls the rollover effect, the other controls the content area.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
4 In the Behaviors panel, double-click on the Action called Swap Image. A new
dialog box appears. This dialog may be a little confusing at first, but once you
know what to focus on, it’s pretty simple.
In the scroll box on the right you see the word “content” is highlighted. This
refers to the slice of the same name. All the other elements in this list are also
slices; if you scroll up and down, you will see the slices named reading and
setup, as well as all the button slices too. If you scroll farther up, you will see
a bunch of slices with really odd numerical names. These names represent the
areas of the page that we (or you) did not manually slice. Even though we didn’t
create slices, Fireworks still has to cut up, autoslice, the rest of the page so that
it can be later exported as an HTML table.
On the right is a wireframe of the sliced page. The blue area shows you where
the content slice is located on the page. If you click other slices (please don’t),
the blue highlighted area will change.
Below the slice list are the instructions to the browser, or behaviors, for the
interactive area. You choose what state the content image slice will display when
the user interacts with the icon slice. You can even browse for a completely
separate file, but everything we need is right inside our Fireworks document.
You can also preload the images so the effect is immediate, rather than having a
slight delay while the browser locates the image file.
The last option, Restore Image onMouseOut, is disabled. This essentially makes
our choice sticky, forcing the new swapped image in the content slice to remain
visible until a user clicks on a different icon.
5 Click Cancel to return to the document.
lesson 12
High-Fidelity Prototyping
adding interactivity
Now it’s time to get the other two icons functional.
1 While holding down the Shift key, use the Pointer tool select the gray
background shapes surrounding the campfire and picnic table icons.
2 Right-click (Control-click on Mac) on either shape, and select Insert
Rectangular Slice, choosing Multiple when prompted.
With both shapes still selected, you will add one of two behaviors. This behavior
will control the icons appearance as you mouse over and click on them.
3 Click on either behavior handle, and choose Add Nav Bar.
4 When the dialog box appears, all you have to do is click OK. There are no
properties to change.
5 Click off the canvas to deselect everything, and then select the slice covering
the campfire.
6 Rename this slice campfire in the Properties panel.
7 Drag the behavior handle for the campfire slice to the content slice. This
connects the two slices. A curved blue line shows the connection between
both slices, and a small Swap Image dialog box appears.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
8 Click the drop-down menu, and select
fire (6).
9 Click on the More Options button.
10 When the dialog box appears, disable
the Restore Image onMouseOut
function. This makes the image sticky,
like the other two slices.
11 Click OK.
The Behaviors panel now shows both behaviors, but the Swap Image behavior
is using the onMouseOver (hover) event. You need to change it to an onClick
12 Select the Swap Image behavior in the panel, and then click on the small dropdown menu beside the onMouseOver event.
13 Choose onClick from the list.
14 Try a quick test before you move to the final icon:
Hide the slices from the Tools panel, and click the
Preview button.
15 Mouse over the campfire icon. The blue glow
should appear.
16 Click on the icon, and the image should change in the content area.
E Tip: If the Behaviors
panel is getting in the
way, you can either
collapse it by clicking
the Behaviors tab, or
you can dock it with
the other panel groups
on the right side of the
17 Move your mouse over another of the icons. The hover effect should appear, but
the content panel should not change unless you click on a different icon. This is
what we mean by sticky.
18 Switch back to the Original view, and turn on the slice view again.
19 Select the picnic table slice, and rename it to cooking.
20 Repeat steps 7 to 13 on the cooking slice, this time choosing the cooking (7)
state for the Swap Image behavior.
Completing the prototype
You have accomplished quite a bit so far—just a little more work to do before this
prototype is complete.
lesson 12
High-Fidelity Prototyping
Creating the gallery page
The last page for this mock-up is the photo gallery page. We stole your thunder
in other pages, where many assets were already created for you. On this last page
though, you will create the mock-up of the jQuery photo gallery, practically from
scratch (we’ll help out with the photos). You’ll be working with bitmaps, vectors,
symbols, and creative commands.
Building the gallery shell
You’ll start by building the container for the gallery.
1 Select the gallery page.
2 In the Layers panel, change the default Layer 1 name to content.
P Note: Obatanga
Provincial Park is a
very real location in
Northern Ontario, and
is a short drive to the
shore of Lake Superior.
All photography for
the Near North website
prototype was shot by
Jim Babbage. You are
welcome to use the
sample photographs for
educational or personal
use only.
3 Select the Rectangle tool from the Vector toolset, and draw a rectangle.
4 Set the following properties in the Properties panel:
W: 820, H: 470
X: 70, Y: 163
Color: #1C1C1C
Stroke Color: White
Tip Size: 1
Stroke Category: 1-Pixel soft
Stroke Alignment: Inside
At the bottom right you’ll add a caption for the feature image.
5 Select the Text tool and set the properties to Arial, Regular, and font size of 10,
color of white.
6 Because this text is so small, change the Anti-Alias setting to No Anti-Alias.
7 Place your cursor near the bottom-left corner of the rectangle, and type
the caption: Another beautiful sunset on Burnfield Lake in Obatanga
Provincial Park.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
8 Reposition the text to approximately X: 80, Y: 605.
Near the bottom-right corner you will add some interface controls: a pause
icon and a full-screen icon. Both of these graphics are symbols. The pause icon
is part of the 2-D Objects in the Common Library. The full-screen icon was
created for you and is in the Document Library.
9 Open the Document Library, drag the full_screen icon symbol onto the canvas,
and place it at X: 854, Y: 607.
While you don’t need this instance to be any larger than
it already is, it’s worth noting that the symbol was
created with vectors, so it can be resized as often as
you like, with no breakdown in image quality.
10 Open the Common Library, and expand
the 2-D Objects category.
11 Locate the Media_Pause symbol, and
drag it onto the canvas. Currently it’s
far too large and the wrong color.
12 In the Properties panel, set Width to 11
and Height to 14.
13 With the Pointer tool, double-click on
the tiny symbol to edit the color.
The graphic opens in Edit In Place
mode, where the rest of the design is
grayed out and inaccessible.
14 Select the object, and change the Fill color to White in the Properties panel.
15 Click on the gallery breadcrumb at the top left of the document window to
return to the main canvas.
16 Align the pause icon with the full-screen icon.
lesson 12
High-Fidelity Prototyping
adding the photo samples
You will be adding three photos to the mock-up—or rather, one photo and two
partial photos—to emulate how the jQuery photo gallery will treat before, featured,
and after images. Even though these images won’t move, the illustration should give
users a good sense of how one would navigate the gallery.
But I want a real photo gallery!
While Fireworks doesn’t natively support the creation of an interactive photo
gallery, it may be possible for you to add one to the exported HTML by using a
special Fireworks slice, the HTML slice, instead of building static graphics.
This process is more of a coding workflow than a Fireworks workflow, but if you’re
interested in learning more about adding live content to a Fireworks prototype,
we recommend you check out Dr. David Hoque’s excellent tutorial on the Adobe
website: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/fireworks/articles/rapid_interactive_
1 Choose File > Import, browse to the Lesson12 folder, and open the sunset.jpg file.
2 When the Import cursor appears on the canvas, drag the cursor until your
marquee is approximately 540 pixels wide, and then release the mouse.
3 Align the image so it is centered, left to right, within the gray gallery rectangle.
4 Choose File > Import again, and import the fleet.jpg file.
5 Drag the Import cursor until the height is approximately 320 pixels.
6 Position this image on the left, 20 pixels away from the sunset photo. Don’t
worry that the image extends beyond the main rectangle.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
7 Center it vertically. Smart Guides
can help with this. There should be a
20-pixel gap between the two photos.
8 Import the last image, photog.jpg,
on the right of the sunset photo,
matching the height of the fleet image.
In the completed sample, both images
are clipped to fit within the gallery
rectangle and they are also displayed
in black and white. The color change
will be handled by a command, and
the clipping can be done in one of two ways: masking or cropping. In this
prototype, it’s unlikely that you’ll be changing the visible area of the gallery,
so you will be cropping the images. But first, the color change.
9 Select the Pointer tool and click on both outer
photos while holding down the Shift key.
10 Select Commands > Creative > Convert to
Grayscale. A Live Filter is added to both
images, making them appear black and white.
E Tip: You can zoom
into the image while
cropping by pressing
the Command and (+)
keys, or Ctrl and (+) on
11 Select just the fleet image.
12 Use the Zoom tool to magnify this image,
but make sure you can still see the left edge
of the photo.
13 Choose Edit > Crop Selected bitmap. A
cropping marquee appears around the photo.
P Note: Remember
that cropping in this
manner is a destructive
process. Image data
is deleted when you
commit to the crop.
14 Drag the center-left control handle in to the right, and
when the crop line is on the inside of the white border,
press the Enter or Return key to crop the photo. You
may need to zoom in more to get an accurate crop.
15 Repeat this process on the photog image, but this time,
crop from the right edge.
The jQuery gallery interface is complete. There are
several elements to this piece of art, so we recommend
that you select all the objects in the content layer and
group them into one object by selecting Modify >
Group. If you need to adjust individual objects in the
group, remember you can select each piece by using
the Subselection tool.
lesson 12
High-Fidelity Prototyping
16 Save the file. You’re almost done!
Previewing the prototype in the browser
Here’s where the rubber hits the road—or the pixels hit the screen, so to speak. You
are going to preview the entire prototype from Fireworks, checking functionality
and links before exporting the prototype for client review.
1 Make sure the file has been saved.
2 Select File > Preview In Browser > Preview All Pages In [your browser name].
It may take a few seconds for Fireworks to generate the HTML files and export
all the imagery. As soon as the process is complete, the browser will launch and
load the currently active page.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
3 Click on the navigation buttons to explore the entire site, making sure each page
loads and loads correctly.
4 Test the interactivity on the campsite and hiking pages, as well as the banner
But wait, when you click on the Gallery button, the browser can’t locate the file.
Take a close look at the address bar in the browser.
The link for the gallery page has an extra “l” in the file name. That’s something
you have to fix.
lesson 12
High-Fidelity Prototyping
Notice that the black text is difficult to read at the bottom of the content areas—
not very accessible, but yet another great reason to test out site designs in a
prototype before jumping into the code. Now you might be rolling your eyes
and cursing us for not mentioning this issue before you went ahead and built
a six-page, multistate prototype. But there’s actually a pretty quick way to fix
this problem.
Correcting errors
You’ve tested the prototype and found a couple of issues: one broken hyperlink and
hard-to-read text. In this exercise, you will fix those problems in less time than you
might think.
1 Select any page that includes the navigation bar.
2 Make the slices visible and then click once on the gallery link.
3 In the Properties panel link field, remove the third “l” in the file name. Press
Enter or Return to lock in the change.
Because the navigation bar is on a shared layer, a single change corrects the
problem for all pages.
4 Save the file.
Changing the text color won’t be as fast, but it will be surprisingly easy.
5 In the Panel dock, extend the Pages panel.
Make the States panel just as long, in
order to accommodate all the states on
the campsite page.
6 Select the index page.
7 Select Edit > Find and Replace.
8 From the Search list, choose Search
Current Page.
9 Choose Find Color from the Find list.
The panel updates to show two Fill
color boxes.
10 Click the first color box, and choose
11 In the second color box, set the color
to white.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
12 In the Apply To list, set the option to Fills.
P Note: You might
have noticed an option
to search the entire
document in the Search
list. As tempting as
that option may be,
remember that you
have many vectors in
this design that also
have black as their fill
color. Running a searchand-replace operation
on the entire document
would change many
objects that should not
be changed.
13 Click the Replace All button. It will take a few
seconds, but in far less time than manually
changing the color of the six text blocks
requires, Fireworks replaces the text color.
14 Switch to the journey page, and click Replace
All again.
15 Switch to the campsite page. This is one page
where care must be taken; the icons are all vector
artwork, and you don’t want to change the fill
colors in those icons.
16 Rather than clicking Replace All, click the Find button and watch the canvas
to see what becomes selected. If text is selected, click Replace. If an icon is
selected, continue to click the Find button until other text objects are selected.
Click Replace whenever text is selected.
This particular page has seven states, so you will go through this Find, then
Replace method until you have cleared all seven states in the page. When
Fireworks moves to the next state, the active state becomes visible on the
canvas, and the state itself appears highlighted in the States panel.
17 Select the water page, and use the same process as you did with the campsite
page. There are no extra states on this page, but there are many vector objects
that are part of the video-player interface.
18 On the hiking page, choose Replace All.
The gallery page has no text that requires changing.
19 Save the file.
lesson 12
High-Fidelity Prototyping
exporting the prototype
Your final step in the prototype is to export the design so the client can test drive
the flow and function of the site (and of course, be impressed with your graphic
design skills).
1 In the Pages panel, select all the pages except the Master page and the
sprites page.
2 Choose File > Export, browse to the Lesson12 folder, and create a new folder
there called nn_website.
3 Open (Windows) or select (Mac) the new folder.
4 Choose HTML And Images from the Export list.
5 Make sure that the HTML field is set to Export HTML File and the Slices field
to Export Slices.
6 Choose Selected Pages from the Pages list, and make sure Include Areas Without
Slices is selected. You sliced only a specific number of elements, mostly for
interactivity purposes, and if you don’t export unsliced areas, your web pages
will not look right.
7 Make sure Put Images In Subfolder is selected, too, just to keep things a bit
more orderly.
8 Click the Options button, and select the Table tab.
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9 Choose Nested Tables, No Spacers from the Space With menu. This reduces the
table complexity a little, but is by no means mandatory for the export.
10 Click OK to close the HTML setup dialog box, and then click Save (Windows)
or Export (Mac) to complete the export process.
There is no progress bar for this export process, but you should see the
hourglass in Windows or the spinning beach ball on the Mac. The export
process for this design should be finished within a minute or two.
Because the banner image on the Master page has a custom name for the slice
(img_banner), Fireworks will prompt you to overwrite the file multiple times. It
is fine to overwrite the image file, as it is the same on each page.
11 Using Windows Explorer or the Mac Finder, locate your prototype folder.
lesson 12
High-Fidelity Prototyping
You will see six web pages and a folder called images.
12 Open the images folder, and you will see a frightening number of graphics. As
discussed in earlier lessons, Fireworks exports everything as graphics when you
choose the Export HTML And Images option. Any areas that were not manually
sliced are exported using the Fireworks autonaming and autoslicing process.
Again, as this is for prototyping only, it is not something you should be overly
concerned about. It’s also a good example of why you should not use the HTML
And Images export to generate final website pages.
You’re done! Feel free to double-click on the index page to launch your mock-up in
a web browser, and test out the links and other interactive elements.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
review questions
1 What is a remote rollover?
2 How do you add new states to a page?
3 What are behaviors, and how do you apply them?
4 How do you edit JavaScript behaviors?
5 How do you turn a completed multipage Fireworks design into a clickable web-page prototype?
review answers
1 When you click or mouse over an area on a web page, a visual change occurs in a different location on the same page. The effect is called a remote rollover. You can create this effect in Fireworks
using slices or a combination of hotspots and slices, along with Fireworks behaviors to add in the
necessary JavaScript.
2 You add new states by choosing New State from the States panel menu.
3 Behaviors are prebuilt JavaScript functions that you can add by clicking the behavior handle of
either a hotspot or image slice object.
4 You can edit applied behaviors by opening the Behaviors panel (Window > Behaviors). Select
the slice or hotspot that has the attached behaviors, and then select the specific behavior in the
Behaviors panel. You can also add additional behaviors using the Behaviors panel.
5 Choose File > Export, browse to the desired directory, choose HTML And Images from the Export
menu, and make sure that Include Areas Without Slices is selected and that Current Page Only is
not selected.
lesson 12
High-Fidelity Prototyping
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Lesson overview
Fireworks is full of ways to save you time. From batch processing
and custom automation of tasks to built-in features and integration
with Adobe Bridge, you’ll find many ways to speed up your project
workflow without cutting corners.
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to do the following:
• Use document templates
• Batch process tasks
• Locate and process files in Adobe Bridge
• Add project information to a file
• Add Photoshop Live effects
• Customize keyboard shortcuts
This lesson will take about 90 minutes to complete. Copy the Lesson13
folder into the Lessons folder that you created on your hard drive for
these projects (or create it now, if you haven’t already done so). As
you work on this lesson, you won’t preserve the start files. If you need
to restore the start files, copy them from the Adobe Fireworks CS6
Classroom in a Book CD.
Fireworks is all about getting the job done
professionally in as little time as possible.
using document templates
Many designers love Fireworks because it lets them get in and get out quickly.
Expediting your workflow is indeed a key goal of Fireworks.
One feature that may help you in the concept and prototyping stages is document
templates. Fireworks comes with a number of prebuilt templates you can use
to jump-start a brand-new project. The template options range from common
document sizes for web and mobile projects to grid layouts for creating original
web-page layouts and wireframes to iPad and iPhone wireframes and website
prototype samples. You will use one of these templates to quickly generate a series
of web banners to promote a website.
opening a document template
You’ve been asked to create a series of web banners from some supplied artwork.
This is a great chance to see how document templates can save you time.
1 Choose File > New From Template, or select the From Template option on the
Welcome screen. The New From Template dialog box opens directly to the main
Templates folder.
You can choose one of five default categories.
lesson 13
Improving Your Workflow
2 Open the Document Presets folder and select the Web banners template.
An untitled document opens, containing four common web-banner sizes.
This template is already saving you time because you don’t need to research
banner sizes or create the banner files.
3 Lock all the layers except for the 728 x 90 layer.
assembling the banners
The main graphics are already created for you as separate files. It’s up to you to
use them in a variety of ways to create unique banners. We’ll walk you through
the process for the Leaderboard and skyscraper ads. A final version of the banners
can be found in the Lesson13 folder. Feel free to refer to this as you work through
the exercise.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
Building the leaderboard banner
You will be using the Import command to speed up your workflow.
1 Choose File > Import (Ctrl+R on Windows or Command+R on Mac) and browse
to the meridian_header.png file. This is a flattened PNG, with no special layers
or effects.
A preview window appears automatically.
2 Click Import, then Open (Windows) or Open, then Open (Mac), and place your
import cursor at the top left of the banner rectangle.
3 Click once to import the image at its original dimensions. On the Mac, you may
need to click once to set the focus to the Document window first.
4 While holding down the Ctrl or Command key, press the Down arrow key once.
The image is moved behind the banner rectangle.
5 Select the Pointer tool, and click on the banner rectangle.
6 Press Ctrl+X or Command+X to cut the rectangle.
7 Select the image, and choose Edit > Paste As Mask. The banner rectangle now
masks the image at the correct dimensions for the banner.
8 In the Layers panel, select the image rather than the mask.
9 On the canvas, use the blue control handle to reposition the image within the
mask. Your final X and Y coordinates for the image (not the mask) should be
X: –206 and Y: 32. Don’t use the Properties panel to do this; use the image
control handle within the image. If you use the Properties panel, you will move
both the mask and the image.
10 In the Properties panel, reduce the opacity of the image to 50%.
11 Save your file as meridian_banners_working.fw.png.
lesson 13
Improving Your Workflow
adding a logo and a call to action
You’ve got your background image. Now it’s time to add the logo and call to action.
1 Select File > Import, and bring in the local_logo.fw.png file.
2 Click once on the canvas to import the file at its original size.
This file is made up of several grouped elements: a logo and three text objects.
3 Position the group at X: 30 and Y: 75.
4 Import the join_local.fw.png file at its original size, and place it at X: 490
and Y: 62.
5 Lock the layer and save your work.
Creating the skyscraper banner
You will now add content to the skyscraper banner on the 160 x 600 Wide
Skyscraper layer.
1 Unlock and expand the 160 x 600 layer. The contents of this layer are grouped,
and you must ungroup them to use the banner rectangle as a mask.
2 Select the group in the Layers panel, and choose Modify > Ungroup.
3 Import the file called meridian_skyline.png at the upper-left corner of the
skyscraper rectangle.
E Tip: You may also
want to hide the
300 x 250 layer from
view to make it easier
to work on the vertical
skyscraper banner.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
4 While holding down the Ctrl or Command key, press the Down arrow key once.
5 Select and cut the banner rectangle.
6 Select the image, and choose Edit > Paste As Mask.
7 In the Layers panel, select the image rather than the mask.
Another way to position an object within a mask is to break the link between
the object and the mask. Breaking the link frees you to use the Properties panel
to reposition the object, giving you pixel-precise control.
8 In the Layers panel, break the link between the image and the mask by clicking
the chain-link icon between the two objects, and then select the image.
9 In the Properties panel, set the image’s coordinates
to X: –1118 and Y: 81.
10 Relink the image and mask by clicking between the
two thumbnails for that object.
11 Import the local_logo.fw.png file at its original size.
12 Place it at X: 20 and Y: 220.
The text will be located outside of the banner area,
and if you did not hide the 300 x 250 banner, it will
be underneath that banner rectangle. You need to
ungroup the logo so that you can place the text lower
in the banner.
13 Select the logo with the Pointer tool, and then press
Ctrl+Shift+G or Command+Shift+G. The objects are
ungrouped but remain selected.
14 Click off the canvas to deselect the objects, and then
holding the Shift key, click on the three text blocks to
select them.
15 Use the Pointer tool to drag the text below the logo. The final coordinates
should be about X: 20 and Y: 360. The text is in the right place, but it’s too
small. You will adjust this next.
16 With all three blocks still selected, change the text size to 24 pixels in the
Properties panel. This will force all three blocks to overlap each other. Not
to worry.
lesson 13
Improving Your Workflow
17 Open the Align panel. In the Space field,
set a value of 2 and then click on the Space
Evenly Vertically icon.
The text is now spaced evenly and no
longer overlaps.
18 Double-click inside the first text block,
and replace the comma with an
19 Save the file.
P Note: Among the
editing individual objects within a group
You will work with the same call-to-action file as before, but as with the logo, you
will customize it after import. You will use the Subselection tool to edit individual
objects in the group without ungrouping them.
new templates in CS6
there is one called
Miscellaneous Assets.
png. It’s located in
the Wireframes folder
and contains over 30
different symbols for ad
sizes for Web, Google,
and smartphone/tablet
devices, along with a
multitude of wireframe
assets like a bar chart,
spreadsheet, scroll
bars, an image slider,
form widgets, and
even a calendar. All the
assets are on their own
individual locked layer
within a single page.
1 Scroll to the bottom of the banner.
2 Import the join_local.fw.png file near the bottom of the banner.
3 Select the Subselection tool, and click on the gray circle behind the words “JOIN
LOCAL.” This circle is a bitmap graphic rather than a vector. You could replace
it with a vector, but all that’s necessary is a simple color change, so you will just
edit the bitmap’s live properties.
4 In the Properties panel, notice that a Photoshop Live Effect has been added to
the circle. Click the i icon beside the filter name. The Photoshop Live Effects
dialog box appears.
5 Select the Color Overlay option by clicking on the name.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
6 Click the color box in the main window, choose a bright red instead of the gray
currently in use, and then click OK. The circle is now red.
7 While holding down the Shift key, click JOIN LOCAL so both the text and the
circle are selected on the canvas.
8 In the Properties panel, change the position to X: 24 and Y: 700.
9 With the Subselection tool still selected, double-click the text block beside the
circle and then triple-click the top line of text to select it.
10 Press Delete. Make sure there is no empty space left in that area of the text block.
11 Click away from the text; then, making sure the Subselection tool is selected,
click once on the text block again and reposition it beneath the red line.
12 Shift-click to select the two red lines along with the text, and reposition the
selection to X: 14 and Y: 760.
13 Finally, select just the horizontal red line and change its width to 150 pixels in
the Properties panel.
14 Save the file.
For extra credit, study the meridian_banners_final.fw.png file and see if you can
replicate those banners.
15 Save and close your file.
lesson 13
Improving Your Workflow
Working with adobe Bridge
In this exercise, you'll help develop an art section for the Near North website. You
will use another application to get started this time, however: Adobe Bridge.
Adobe Bridge can save you a lot of time by letting you view, sort, and open images
you wish to use in Fireworks. You can also add information to certain types of
images, such as JPEG files or Fireworks PNG files, using the Metadata panel in
Bridge. If you purchased a Creative Suite edition, Adobe Bridge installs with
Fireworks, which automatically links to Bridge on installation. You can also use
Bridge to work with other Adobe applications, such as Photoshop, Illustrator,
InDesign, and Flash.
P Note: At the time
of this writing, if you
purchase Fireworks as
a standalone product,
Adobe Bridge is not
included. If you don’t
have Adobe Bridge,
skip ahead to the Batch
Processing exercise.
1 In Fireworks, choose File > Browse In Bridge.
2 When Bridge opens, select Filmstrip from
the Workspace Switcher.
As in other Adobe applications, Bridge has a number of preset workspaces that
you can use, or you can create custom workspaces to use whatever arrangement
of panels you find most useful for your own workflow. For the purpose of this
lesson, the Filmstrip workspace best suits what we’re about to do, because you
can see thumbnails of the artwork and a large preview of a selected image at the
same time.
3 Click the Folders tab on the left side
of the Bridge window.
4 Navigate to your Lesson13 folder in
the Folders panel.
At the bottom of the Bridge window, in
the Content pane, you will see a folder
called fullsize and several PNG files.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
Batch-processing images
The client wants to offer a variety of scenic images as wallpaper for visitors’ phones,
tablets, laptops, or desktops. Your job is to generate thumbnail images that can act
as previews for each wallpaper image. Have a look at the images first.
1 Still in Adobe Bridge, make sure the Lesson13 folder is selected. Note the folder
named fullsize.
2 In the Content panel, double-click on the fullsize folder. A series of ten images
loads into the Content panel.
at the bottom of the
3 Select any single image, and Bridge displays a large preview.
P Note: If you don’t
see the file properties,
choose Edit >
Preferences (Windows)
or Bridge > Preferences
(Mac), click Thumbnails,
and then select Show
Tooltips at the bottom
of the dialog box.
4 Place your cursor over the thumbnail view of the
first image. After a short delay, file properties
appear. The dimensions of this file are great for
making a print, but far too large for a web page.
Currently, all the supplied artwork is in high
resolution, at much larger dimensions than
are needed for thumbnail images. You could
use Fireworks to import each file and then
scale the images, but this is tedious and timeconsuming. Besides, you will also need actual thumbnail images for the final
web-page design, not just for the prototype. What you need is a way to resize,
optimize, and rename files quickly and easily.
Batch processing can take care of sizing, optimization, and even naming the
needed files.
no Bridge? you can still use
Batch Process
Batch Process is a native Fireworks command, so you don’t need Bridge installed in
order to use it. You can access the Batch Process wizard in Fireworks with these steps:
1 Select File > Batch Process.
2 Navigate to the fullsize folder in the Lesson13 folder.
3 Click the Add All button.
lesson 13
Improving Your Workflow
5 Click on the first thumbnail, and then Shift-click the last thumbnail to select all
ten files.
6 Choose Tools > Fireworks > Batch Process.
The Batch Process dialog box appears, and all the selected images are displayed
in the pane at the bottom of the dialog box.
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7 Click Next.
8 From the left column, select Scale, and then click the Add button to move Scale
to the right column. Do the same for Rename and Export.
These are the batch-processing commands you will run on the images, in the
order they appear in the list. Each command in the list has editable properties.
You will customize them for this project.
9 Select the Scale command from the right column, and then choose Scale To Fit
Area from the Scale options list at the bottom of the dialog box.
10 Set the Max Width and Max Height to 125 pixels.
11 Select the Rename command from the right column, and then select the Replace
option from the list at the bottom of the dialog box.
12 In the first field (Replace), type DSC.
13 In the With field, type wallpaper.
lesson 13
Improving Your Workflow
14 Select the Add Prefix option, and type thmb_ in the text field.
15 Select the Export command from the right column.
16 Choose JPEG – Better Quality from the Settings drop-down list, and then
click Next.
17 Choose the Custom Location radio button, and browse to the Lesson13 folder.
18 Create a new folder called thumbnails, and open that new folder, if necessary.
19 Click Select Thumbnails (Windows) or Choose (Mac).
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E Tip: If this is a series
of steps you think you
will repeat again, you
can save the operations
as a script by clicking
the Save Script button.
You can then access
this custom command
any time from the
Commands menu.
20 Click the Batch button.
Fireworks displays the Batch Progress box
as it processes the images.
Once Fireworks is done, it will tell you
that the process has been completed,
and you can click OK to dismiss the
progress box.
In a few short steps you have scaled, renamed, and exported ten images all at once.
The new images are in the thumbnails folder you just created.
exporting a specific area
Improving workflow also means knowing how to speed up your work without
cutting corners on quality.
The client for Near North Adventures is wondering about changing the font for the
banner, and has asked to have a look at just the website banner. Without changing
the layout at all, you can export a specific area of the page.
1 Open the near_north_site.fw.png file.
2 Choose the Export Area tool (hidden beneath
the Crop tool) in the Tools panel.
lesson 13
Improving Your Workflow
3 Draw a crop that includes the entire width and height of the banner.
4 Double-click inside the crop.
The cropped area will appear in the Image Preview dialog box.
5 Set the format to JPEG and the Quality to 70%, if those settings are not already
present. In the Image Preview dialog box, you can move around your document
by clicking on the preview and dragging your cursor, allowing you to inspect the
impact of your formatting choices.
6 Click the Export button. The Export dialog box appears.
7 Browse to the Lesson13 folder, and change the filename to nn_banner.
8 In the Type menu (Windows) or Export menu (Mac) near the bottom of the
dialog box, choose Images Only.
9 Make sure Slices is set to None. An alert box may appear telling you that slices
will be ignored. If it does,
click OK to continue.
At this time, you want to
export only the area you
cropped. All other settings
can remain as they are.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
10 Click Save (Windows) or Export (Mac). Fireworks exports the cropped area as a
JPEG file. You’ll take a look at it in Bridge.
11 Back in Fireworks, choose File > Browse In Bridge. Locate the Lesson13 folder.
You’ll see that the area you cropped—the web banner—has been exported as a
separate JPEG file, which can easily be e-mailed to the client for feedback.
thinking ahead: future-proofing
your projects
In many situations, your files and projects aren’t necessarily going to stay with
you or even within Fireworks. They may take on a further life of their own. You’ll
want to make sure not only that other people who need to use them can access
and understand them properly, but also that the files will display and behave as
predictably as possible when opened within Photoshop. A key workflow for futureproofing your work is to include metadata with the original Fireworks PNG file.
lesson 13
Improving Your Workflow
Metadata is additional information about a digital file. This information can be
helpful for organizing and locating a project or its assets or just sharing information
across the design team. The Adobe XMP (eXtensible Metadata Platform) format
lets you add file information to saved PNG, GIF, JPEG, TIFF, and Photoshop PSD
files. Data such as author, copyright, keywords, contact information, and even job
history can be shared and updated between Adobe applications.
adding metadata
You can add metadata using Adobe Bridge, but it is easy enough to do right inside
Fireworks as well.
1 With the near_north_site.fw.png file still open, choose File > File Info. The XMP
data window opens.
Depending on the file you are working with, there may already be metadata
applied to the image. This is most often the case with photographs shot with a
digital camera. As of yet, the near_north_site.fw.png file contains no metadata,
but you will change that.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
2 In the Description tab, add the information you see in this figure.
3 Click the IPTC tab to add more specific contact information, as seen here. Click
on the calendar icon at the bottom of the window to set the date of creation.
lesson 13
Improving Your Workflow
4 Click OK.
This data will now travel with the Fireworks PNG file. If you export a JPEG, GIF, or
flattened PNG file, the data is automatically stripped out to reduce the web-image
file size (by default, metadata can easily add 10 KB to the file size, even when there
is no data added to the individual fields).
Creating a metadata template
You can automate this process even further by creating a metadata template.
A template speeds up the addition of common information to project files, such
as your company’s contact information.
1 Choose File > File Info again.
2 Remove any project-specific information from the Description tab, such as the
keywords and description.
3 Click on the Import button at the bottom of the box (to the left of OK and
Cancel), then choose Export from the list. This list of options lets you import,
export, browse the metadata templates folder, or apply an existing metadata
The Export metadata dialog box (Windows) or Save dialog box (Mac) will appear,
pointing to a specific folder. All custom templates must be saved in this location.
4 Name the file fire_designs.xmp.
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5 Click Save, and then click OK or Cancel to exit the XMP data window.
The next time you start a new design, you can select File Info and use the Import
option to import your custom metadata template (or any other) into your file.
using Fireworks files with Photoshop
Fireworks and Photoshop have a decent integrated working relationship. If you
need to move your Fireworks designs to Photoshop, you’ll get the best results
by understanding Photoshop Live Effects, best practices for saving your file for
Photoshop, and Photoshop export options.
Many elements can be preserved for editing in Photoshop. Text, hierarchical layers,
layer groups, vector shapes filled with Photoshop Live Effects, solid color, many
gradients, and masked objects are maintained and supported when you save a file
in PSD format from within Fireworks.
Forewarned is forearmed as they say, so keep also in mind the following:
• Photoshop does not use the multiple page feature of Fireworks, so when you
save a multipage Fireworks file as a PSD, the currently active page is the only
page that is saved.
• Symbols and grouped objects are flattened to bitmaps, even if those objects
were originally in vector format. Ideally, ungroup any grouped objects and
break apart symbols to their component parts for the best editability.
• Web objects (hotspots and slices) are ignored.
• States are ignored.
What are Photoshop Live effects?
Photoshop Live Effects are editable visual effects you can apply to objects within
Fireworks. They are supported in Photoshop as layer styles. Fireworks maintains
layer styles as Photoshop Live Effects when you open a PSD file in Fireworks.
The Live Effects dialog box in Fireworks is not as robust as its Photoshop counterpart,
but using these Live Effects instead of native Fireworks Live Filters will guarantee
Photoshop support of the effect, if you or someone else needs to edit the file in
If Photoshop is not part of your workflow, by all means stick to the Fireworks Live
Filters or any third-party filters you may have.
lesson 13
Improving Your Workflow
Integration in Cs6
Fireworks and Photoshop CS6 have tight integration in many ways. For example,
hue, saturation, color blend modes, and the Hue/Saturation filter in Fireworks use
the same algorithms as Photoshop to improve color fidelity and appearance.
When importing PSD files from Photoshop to Fireworks, you can force flattening of
Photoshop adjustment layers from the Fireworks Preferences. This maintains the
appearance of Adjustment layers, rather than just letting fireworks discard the effect.
When importing editable gradients from Photoshop, you’ll get a close-to-perfect
match with:
Linear to Linear
Radial to Radial
Reflected to Bars
Expect an approximate match when importing:
Diamond to Rectangular
Angle to Conical
Likewise, when exporting editable gradients from Fireworks to Photoshop as PSDs,
you’ll get a close-to-perfect match with:
Linear to Linear
Radial to Radial
Bars to Reflected
Expect an approximate match when exporting:
Rectangular to Diamond
Conical to Angle
Ellipse to Radial
Ripples to Radial
and only a loose match when exporting:
StarBurst to ShapeBurst
Contour, Satin, Waves to Linear
saving your file for Photoshop
If your designs and comps must go from Fireworks to Photoshop for further editing
and you want to retain as much editability as possible, make sure you save a copy of
your file in the Photoshop PSD format. Opening a Fireworks PNG file in Photoshop
will flatten the file to a single layer.
1 Select the campsite page.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
2 Choose File > Save As, browse to the Lesson13 folder, and choose Photoshop
PSD from the Save As menu. The menu name changes to Save Copy As.
3 Click the Options button.
4 To maintain as much editability as possible, choose Maintain Editability Over
Customizing Photoshop
export options
Although maintaining editability makes the file as flexible as possible when opened
in Photoshop, you may also lose certain effects or features. If the appearance is more
important than the object’s editability, you can customize the Photoshop export
options by clicking on the Options button in the Save As dialog box.
lesson 13
Improving Your Workflow
5 Click OK to accept the settings, and then click Save to save the new file.
If you open the file in Photoshop, you will see that the file is very similar to the
original Fireworks design, but as you dig deeper into the layers, you will see that
groups and symbols have been flattened.
Common Live Filters
Some Fireworks Live Filters are supported by Photoshop and behave as standard
Photoshop layer styles.
Photoshop Live Filters can be added while in Fireworks, or they can be supported
(editable) or maintained (editable in Photoshop only) if they are added as a layer
style in Photoshop.
The following Fireworks Live Filters are supported and maintained between
Photoshop and Fireworks:
Drop Shadow, Inner Shadow
Glow, Inner Glow
Bevel and Emboss (all)
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
opening Photoshop files
The flip side to saving a Fireworks document into Photoshop (PSD) format is
opening a Photoshop file in Fireworks.
A postcard illustration was created in Photoshop CS6, using the new Oil Paint
feature. For visual impact, extra Saturation was added using an adjustment layer.
When the illustration was optimized for the Web in Photoshop, however, the file
size was still too high. What’s a designer to do?
The Fireworks optimization engine often can create JPEG files that are 30% to 50%
smaller in file size than their counterparts optimized in Photoshop. The postcard
file has been handed off to you for eventual optimization, but your main concern in
this exercise is to see how accurately the file opens in Fireworks.
E Tip: Remember that
if you don't own Bridge,
you can simply choose
File > Open in Fireworks
and then browse for
the file.
1 Choose File > Browse In Bridge, and browse to the Lesson13 folder.
2 Select the postcard.psd file. Note the richness in the color of the postcard,
created by an adjustment layer.
3 Select File > Open With > Fireworks CS6.
The Photoshop File Open Options dialog box appears.
lesson 13
Improving Your Workflow
4 Make sure Maintain Layer Editability Over Appearance is selected, and click OK.
5 When the file opens, check out the Layers panel.
The image appears as it did in Photoshop, without the adjustment layer effect.
Fireworks automatically discarded the adjustment when the file was opened.
The image doesn’t look bad, but it’s not what the Photoshop artist created.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
6 Select the text area with the Pointer tool. Notice that text properties appear in
the Properties panel, and the drop shadow on the text has been maintained,
using the Fireworks version of Layer Styles, Photoshop Live Effects.
The vector path behind the text has also been retained as a true path, but the
Fill and Stroke settings got mixed up. You’ll fix that in a minute, but first you
will change how the file is converted when it is opened.
7 Close the file.
8 Choose File > Open Recent, and select the postcard.psd file.
9 When the Options dialog box opens, change the conversion setting from
Maintain Editability Over Appearance to Custom Settings From Preferences,
and click OK.
This time, the file looks much more like the Photoshop version! The split image
clearly shows the difference in color saturation. The Adjustment Layer is still
not present in the Layers panel, but its effect was flattened into the image when
the file opened. The text and vector shape remain editable as well.
lesson 13
Improving Your Workflow
P Note: A Photoshop
10 Select the vector path using the Pointer tool.
11 Click the No Fill icon in the Properties Panel, and set the stroke to Black.
12 Set the stroke alignment to Outside, and choose Basic > Soft Line for the stroke
13 Save the file as a Fireworks PNG file.
layer comp is essentially
an editable snapshot
of the current state of
the design. It’s similar
to pages in Fireworks
in that each layer comp
can show a different set
of visible elements or
different positions for
those elements.
Common blending modes
supported by Photoshop and Fireworks
Blending modes can be applied to objects or layers. When you apply a blending
mode, the object’s color and opacity are blended with the object beneath it in the
Layers panel. Fireworks has 46 blending modes. Photoshop and Fireworks share
many common blending modes (23 in total). If a blending mode in this list is
applied to an object or layer, the mode will be supported and remain editable in
either application:
Hard Light
Vivid Light
Color Dodge
Linear Light
Linear Dodge
Pin Light
Color Burn
Hard Mix
Linear Burn
Soft Light
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
opening and importing Photoshop files
Opening layered Photoshop files within Fireworks is as simple as choosing File > Open or File > Import
and browsing for the native Photoshop PSD file. Fireworks CS6 supports hierarchical Photoshop layers,
layer groups, layer styles, layer comps, vector layers, and common blend modes, making it easy to
handle files you receive from another designer.
Exceptions to this integration include adjustment layers and clipping groups. These features can
either be flattened into bitmaps or ignored when you import or open a PSD file within Fireworks.
Flattening retains the appearance, but editability is lost.
To globally customize how Fireworks opens or imports PSD files, change the preferences. Choose
Edit > Preferences (Windows) or Fireworks > Preferences (Mac), and then select Photoshop Import/
Open from the list on the left.
lesson 13
Improving Your Workflow
The General Photoshop Import options include:
Show Import Dialog Box/Show Open Dialog Box: These identical windows give you documentlevel import/open control.
Share Layer Between Frames: This option is important for animation or “page state” effects.
The Custom File Conversion Settings area includes the following options, organized by section.
Image Layers
Bitmap Images With Editable Effects. This option is the default setting that gives you the most
flexibility. Layer styles remain editable.
Flattened Bitmap Images: This option flattens layer effects and blend modes to maintain the
exact appearance. Photoshop layer styles are no longer editable.
Text Layers
Editable Text: This option is the default.
Flattened Bitmap Images: This option preserves the look and style of text, but the text is no
longer editable.
Shape Layers
Editable Paths And Effects: This is the default option with the most flexibility, but vectors may
not render exactly as in Photoshop.
Flattened Bitmap Images: When this option is enabled, vectors and effects are rasterized to
Flattened Bitmap Images With Editable Effects: When this option is enabled, vectors are
rasterized but layer effects and blend modes remain editable.
Layer Effects
Prefer Native Filters Over Photoshop Live Effects: This option is recommended only if the
file will not be going back to Photoshop.
Clipping Path Masks
Flatten To Maintain Appearance: When this option is enabled, the mask is converted to
a bitmap mask.
Adjustment Layers
Maintain Appearance Of Adjusted Layers: This option flattens adjustment layers to retain
the image’s appearance, but you can no longer edit the effects. If this option is not selected,
adjustment layers are discarded completely.
With the defaults left as they are, opening or importing a PSD file displays the Photoshop File Open
Options or File Import Options dialog box. This gives you the opportunity to set options for opening
a specific PSD file, overriding any options set in the Preferences panel.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
Customizing keyboard shortcuts
Fireworks has its own set of keyboard shortcuts, some of which are the same as
other Adobe applications and some which are not. In this exercise, you will learn
how to swap keyboard shortcuts in Fireworks and also how to create your own
custom shortcuts.
If you’re coming from Photoshop and you prefer to use the same keyboard
shortcuts you use in Photoshop, you can easily make the switch.
1 Select Fireworks > Keyboard Shortcuts (Mac) or Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts
Interestingly, the default keyboard set for Fireworks is actually the Web
Standard set.
2 Select Photoshop from the Current Set drop-down list.
3 Click OK.
Creating custom and secondary shortcuts
You can create custom keyboard shortcuts from a preinstalled set, as you’ve seen,
and you can create secondary shortcuts to include different ways to perform
an action.
Keyboard shortcuts (except for menu commands) cannot include modifier keys:
Control, Shift, and Alt (Windows) or Command, Shift, Option, and Control (Mac
OS). They must consist of a single letter or number key only.
lesson 13
Improving Your Workflow
1 Select Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows) or Fireworks > Keyboard
Shortcuts (Mac OS).
2 Select the Photoshop set.
3 Click the Duplicate Set button. You cannot edit the
master versions of the keyboard shortcuts, but you
can edit a copy.
4 Enter a name for the custom set, and
click OK. We called our version
Photoshop Custom.
5 Select the appropriate shortcut category from the Commands list:
Menu Commands: Any command accessed through the menu bar
Tools: Any tool on the Tools panel
Miscellaneous: A range of predefined actions
6 From the Menu Commands list, select the Duplicate command (Edit submenu)
as it currently has no shortcut.
7 Click in the Press Key text box, and press the desired keys for the new shortcut
on the keyboard. We chose Command+D for our Mac. If you select a combination that already exists, Fireworks will prompt you to choose a different
To add a secondary shortcut to the shortcut list, click the Add A New Shortcut (+)
button. Otherwise, click Change to add the shortcut.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
Delete custom shortcuts and
shortcut sets
You can easily delete a custom shortcut set with these steps:
1 Select Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows) or Fireworks > Keyboard Shortcuts
(Mac OS).
2 Click the Delete Set button (trash can icon).
3 Select a shortcut set.
4 Click the Delete button.
To delete a custom shortcut:
1 Select the command in the Commands list.
2 Select the custom shortcut from the Shortcuts list.
3 Click the Delete A Selected Shortcut (-) button.
Create a reference sheet for
the current shortcut set
A reference sheet is a record of the current shortcut set stored in HTML table format.
You can view the reference sheet in a web browser or print it.
1 Select Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows) or Fireworks > Keyboard Shortcuts
(Mac OS).
2 Click the Export Set As HTML button beside the Current Set text box.
3 Enter reference sheet name, and select a file location.
4 Click Save.
lesson 13
Improving Your Workflow
review questions
1 How do you access Bridge from Fireworks?
2 How do you batch-process files from within Bridge?
3 How do you crop a bitmap object that is part of a design?
4 How do you add metadata to a Fireworks PNG file? Why would you do this?
5 How do you customize the export options for saving a Photoshop file?
6 How can document templates save you time?
review answers
1 To access Bridge from Fireworks, choose File > Browse In Bridge.
2 To process multiple files within Bridge, select the files in the Content panel, and then choose
Tools > Fireworks > Batch Process.
3 Select the object, and then choose Edit > Crop Selected Bitmap. Adjust the cropping marquee
to suit, and then press Enter or Return to commit to the crop.
4 To add metadata, choose File > File Info. Select the appropriate tab from the Metadata panel
(choose the tab for the type of information you want to add), and fill in the areas relevant to the
project and image. Adding metadata can help organize and locate content by adding contact
information about the designer or company, and it can include basic data about the client, such
as client name, project goals, and copyright.
5 You can globally customize the Photoshop Export options by opening the Preferences panel, or
you can adjust the settings on an image-by-image basis when you choose to Save As A Photoshop
PSD file.
6 Document templates can save you time by giving you a head start on the design or prototyping
stages of a project. The grid templates give you several variations of grid structures to help you lay
out your wireframe or even a website prototype. The Document Presets folder contains a range
of files set at specific dimensions, making it easy to start designing a series of web banners at the
common banner sizes, for example.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
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GoinG Further
Lesson overview
Fireworks CS6 doesn’t just stop at creating graphics and prototypes.
You’ve already seen how you can export CSS rules for vector and text
objects; also new in CS6 is the ability to skin (create a visual look and
feel) for a jQuery mobile site. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to do
the following:
• Create a theme for a jQuery Mobile site
• Customize and edit a jQuery design in Dreamweaver
• Find and install Fireworks extensions
This lesson will take about 60 minutes to complete. Copy the Lesson14
folder into the Lessons folder that you created on your hard drive for
these projects (or create it now, if you haven’t already done so). As you
work on this lesson, you won’t always preserve the start files. If you
need to restore the start files, copy them from the Adobe Fireworks CS6
Classroom in a Book CD.
Throughout the book you have learned how
Fireworks can be an essential part of your design
workflow—vectors, bitmaps, prototyping, symbols,
interactivity, and wireframing. In this final lesson, you
will work with the jQuery Mobile theming command
and learn how to integrate Fireworks with other
Adobe applications.
jQuery Mobile theme creation
Mobile application development is a growing industry. As PDAs, netbooks, tablets,
and smartphones become increasingly common, it’s only natural that people want
to do more and more with these devices. They need content, and the jQuery Mobile
Framework helps developers create it.
The jQuery Mobile Framework is a touch-optimized JavaScript/CSS framework
that allows you to quickly build websites for mobile devices. Designed for
smartphones and tablets, jQuery Mobile works on the vast majority of all modern
desktop, smartphone, tablet, and e-reader platforms. The framework includes
web-specific controls such as buttons, sliders, list elements, and many more.
Optimized for mobile devices, jQuery Mobile uses very few graphics to render the
web content. Instead, modern features such as CSS3 gradients are used for fills, and
CSS3 border-radius markup is used to round the corners of buttons. This in itself is
a good reason to consider using jQuery Mobile if you need to implement mobileonly web projects, because you are reducing download times and bandwidth
When you build mobile websites with the jQuery Mobile template in Dreamweaver,
you leverage the default theme provided with the framework, which consists of five
looks, called swatches, and a collection of UI bitmap icons, referred to as sprites.
This combination of sprites and swatches is referred to as a theme. The framework
allows for up to 26 different swatch sets in a theme.
Why should you, a Fireworks designer, care? Because Fireworks offers a jQuery
Mobile Theme command that makes theme creation faster and easier.
Lesson 14
Going Further
understanding the jQuery Mobile theme command
The jQuery Mobile Theme command introduces an easy-to-use, visual method for
reskinning the default swatches and sprites used in the jQuery Mobile Framework,
as well as creating your own new, custom swatches and icons. Fireworks also
generates all the associated CSS style sheet and sprite assets needed for the new
theme. This saves a great deal of time, as you do not need to write or edit the CSS
markup manually.
Prior to the jQuery Mobile Theme command, you had to manually modify the CSS
style sheet when you created a theme for a jQuery-based mobile website. Checking
how your theme looked on the website was a bottleneck in the workflow as well.
You either had to work in Live View in Dreamweaver or preview the site locally in
browsers. Needless to say, fine-tuning your theme’s appearance could take a great
deal of time, between modifying the code on a web page and then previewing it in
a browser or Dreamweaver’s Live View.
The Fireworks jQuery Mobile Theme command saves you time because you can
now create or update a jQuery Mobile theme, preview it, and then generate the
CSS style sheet and sprites for the site all in Fireworks. You are not manually
editing or creating any CSS. When you apply the CSS code to your jQuery-based
web pages for mobile devices, the theme is displayed exactly as you expected it to
be based on your preview.
The jQuery Mobile Theme command opens a template that includes five default
swatches (each on its own page), along with global UI elements, sprites, and even
an instruction page. All the elements in the template are mapped to specific jQuery
Mobile CSS classes, and the Fireworks Page feature is used as the theme’s swatches.
You can then export each properly identified page as a jQuery Mobile swatch. No
guesswork or trial and error is required—well, other than making those pesky
design decisions in the first place.
P Note: To learn more
about how the jQuery
Mobile default theme
works, read the jQuery
Mobile Framework
Theme Documentation
at http: // jquerymobile
exploring the jQuery Mobile theme template
The jQuery Mobile Theme template includes everything you need to get started
reskinning your mobile project. Take a look.
1 Select Commands > jQuery Mobile Theme > Create New Theme.
Adobe Fireworks cs6 cLAssroom in A book
The seven-page template opens to its first page, which contains all the global
elements for a jQuery Mobile website, including vector-based icons for highand standard-resolution devices, active state button styles, corner radii, and
link colors.
E Tip: If you’re new
to jQuery Mobile, this
entire template file is
also a handy reference
sheet, because the CSS
rules affected by each
object are listed with
the object.
E Tip: If you want
to retain the default
swatches and create
your own custom
swatch sets, simply
duplicate an existing
swatch page, rename
it with a letter from “f”
to “z,” and style away!
Lesson 14
2 Click pages 2 through 6 to explore the template’s five default swatch sets. Note
that each page is named using a letter. These letters (and the other 21 letters in
the English alphabet) are used as swatch identifiers in the CSS and JavaScript
for jQuery Mobile.
Going Further
3 Select the final page, Instructions. This page gives you detailed instructions on
how to export your new skin for use in Dreamweaver or your preferred webauthoring environment.
Creating a custom theme
The designer has created a mock-up in Fireworks for a mobile website called Near
North Adventures. You will use that mock-up as inspiration to customize the
Customizing the sprites
Sprites are the common bitmap UI elements used in a jQuery mobile site. Because
you will be altering background and button colors, you will start your custom
theme by altering the sprites on page 1 of the template.
1 Locate the icons-18-white layer in Page 1.
2 Click on the layer name to select all the standard-resolution sprite images on
the canvas. Note that all the sprites are vector based.
3 Change the Fill color to #DFE1F7 in the Properties panel. This color value ties
in more closely to the designer’s mock-up.
4 Specify the same value for the stroke color.
5 Select the icons-36-white layer, and repeat steps 3 and 4.
Adobe Fireworks cs6 cLAssroom in A book
Customizing other global assets
Again, for color harmony, you will change three other assets: the Active Buttons,
Icon Backgrounds, and Box Shadow.
1 Select the gradient rectangle for the Active Buttons asset.
2 In the Properties panel, click the Fill color box to edit the gradient.
3 Select the color swatch at the left of the ramp, and change its color to #B0B2D8.
4 Select the color swatch at the right of the ramp and change its color to #505B93.
5 Click away from the gradient editor to close it.
6 Select the Icon Backgrounds asset, and change the Fill color to #2D3053.
7 Select the Box Shadow asset.
8 Click on the Drop Shadow info icon in the Properties panel, and change the Fill
color of the shadow to #32395F.
Lesson 14
Going Further
Customizing a swatch set
For simplicity’s sake, you will customize the “a” swatch, but these same steps can be
applied to a completely new swatch set.
1 Switch to page 2 in the Pages panel.
2 Select the gradient rectangle for the Bar asset.
3 Select the Fill color box to open the gradient editor, and change the left swatch
color to #464C84 and the right to #151A2E.
4 Select the gradient rectangle for the Content Area asset.
5 Select the Fill color box to open the gradient editor. Change the left swatch
color to #AEB1DC and the right to #202545.
6 Repeat this process for the Normal and Hover State buttons. For Normal, use
#4F5787 (left) and #2C2F53 (right) for the gradient fill. For Hover State, use
#626FB6 (left) and #323764 (right).
For the Down State, you’ll use a little Fireworks trick. The Down State gradient
is just the reverse of the Normal State’s.
7 Select the Normal State rectangle again, and copy it to the clipboard by pressing
Ctrl+C (Windows) or Command+C (Mac).
8 Select the Down State rectangle, and choose Edit > Paste Attributes. The
properties of Normal State are copied to Down State.
9 Click the Fill color box, and when the gradient editor opens, click the Reverse
Gradients icon.
10 Shorten the gradient control arm so that the gradient ends just below the words
“Down State.”
11 Save the template to Lesson14 folder, using the name nn_ jqm.fw.png.
Adobe Fireworks cs6 cLAssroom in A book
Previewing the changes
All the changes are done. Now you can see how they look, and you can do so right
from within Fireworks using the jQuery Mobile Theme Preview panel. This panel
is the perfect way to check your design choices without having to leave Fireworks
or generate any HTML documents on your own. The panel displays the swatch
information from the currently active page only. From the panel, you can refresh to
display changes to your swatch set, export all the sprites or just export the current
swatch set as CSS.
1 Choose Window > Extensions > jQuery Mobile Theme In-App Preview.
Fireworks displays a panel the size of a mobile device and loads the currently
selected swatch set into a live HTML5 document within the panel. With the
exception of the hyperlink text, things look good!
2 If you want to tweak anything and preview the changes, simply edit the assets
and click the Refresh Panel button.
Export Sprites
Refresh Panel
Lesson 14
Going Further
Export Current Swatch
3 To preview all themes and sprites at once in a browser, select Commands >
jQuery Mobile > Preview Theme in Browser.
exporting the theme
For this practice run, you will export the entire theme to a new folder.
1 Choose Commands > jQuery Mobile Theme > Export Theme.
2 When the Choose A Folder window opens, browse to the desktop, create a
new folder, and name it near_north. This will become the root folder for your
jQuery project.
3 Open the root folder, and create another new folder called jquery-mobile.
4 Choose the new jquery-mobile folder as the destination folder for the export.
A JavaScript window opens, prompting
you to name the CSS file.
5 Name the file near_north_mobile, and
click OK.
Choosing the right export workflow
P Note: The reason for
the specific folder and
file name is to leverage
Dreamweaver’s jQuery
Mobile creation process
for generating the
required .js files.
Dreamweaver writes
those files (and the
default CSS) to a folder
in your web root
directory called
jquery-mobile. With
your new CSS written
to the same folder,
you’re doing a bit of
housekeeping by
keeping all the
necessary files in
one location.
When you have finished tweaking the swatch (or swatches), you must export the
entire theme or the current swatch. The workflow you use depends on your goals:
Export Current Swatch: Use this button, found in the Preview panel, to export
a single swatch as a CSS file. This new CSS file can be used in conjunction with
your existing jQuery CSS file. Or you can copy the new CSS into your existing
CSS file and delete the old rules for that particular swatch. For example, use this
workflow when you want to customize only the bar of a particular swatch in
order to update it.
Export Sprite images: Use this button when you’ve customized the sprites and
just want to update an existing sprite library for a project.
Export Theme command: Use Commands > jQuery Mobile > Export Theme to
export a complete style sheet with all the swatches in the template and sprite
images. If you have made significant changes to multiple swatches, or just don’t
want to juggle multiple style sheets or play the copy/paste game, this workflow
would be the one to choose.
Adobe Fireworks cs6 cLAssroom in A book
Customizing jQuery Mobile
skin in Dreamweaver
Fireworks has done most of the heavy lifting for you in terms of design, and now it’s
time to crack open Dreamweaver again to make use of your new jQuery swatch.
If you don’t own Dreamweaver CS6, you should be able to follow along using
Dreamweaver CS5.5, but there may be slight differences to the UI and steps. You
should be somewhat comfortable with the basic operation of Dreamweaver if you
want to complete the exercise.
1 Create a new local site definition using the near_north root folder you created
2 Choose File > New.
3 Select the Page From Sample category, and select Mobile Starters from the
Sample Folder column.
4 Select jQuery Mobile With Theme (Local) from the Sample Page column, and
click Create.
Lesson 14
Going Further
5 Save the new page as index.html.
Dreamweaver will prompt you to copy the default CSS and JS files to your web
folder. Dreamweaver automatically assumes you want to copy these files to a
folder named jquery-mobile. If the folder exists, Dreamweaver uses it. If the
folder doesn’t exist, Dreamweaver creates it.
6 Click Copy.
As Dreamweaver copies the files, it will discover that the sprite images already
exist (from your Fireworks export) and ask if you want to overwrite the files.
7 Click No To All to retain your Fireworks-generated sprite images.
8 In the Document Toolbar, click the expander arrow for the Multiscreen button,
and choose 320 x 480 Smartphone. Dreamweaver resizes the design viewport to
match that of an average smartphone.
Adobe Fireworks cs6 cLAssroom in A book
This starter layout has four “pages” in total: one “home page” where the navigation resides, and three other identical “pages.” We used quotes because in reality, you’re just dealing with a single HTML page that is divided into discreet
content areas using CSS and JavaScript.
9 Click Live View. Your colors won’t be present yet; you have to remove the link
to the old CSS and link up to your Fireworks-generated file.
10 Turn off Live View.
11 In the CSS panel, select the jquery.mobile.
theme-1.0.min style sheet.
12 Click the trash can icon at the bottom right
of the CSS panel to delete the link to the
theme style sheet.
13 Click the chain link icon.
14 When the dialog box opens, browse to and
select your new style sheet
15 Click OK.
16 Save the page.
17 Turn on Live View. Your new header
and footer styles are being used by
Lesson 14
Going Further
Changing styles using the data-theme attribute
Although your header and footer styles are in use, other styles, such as the background and list bar colors, aren’t. Why? Because unless you specify a particular
swatch to use, jQuery will select styles from all five default swatches. For example,
let’s change the background color for the home screen.
1 Switch to Split view so that you can see both the code and Live View.
2 At line 13 in the code, you will see this markup:
<div data-role=”page” id=”page”>
3 Edit this line to read:
<div data-role=”page” data-theme=”a” id=”page”>
4 Click on the page design while in Live View to see your new background appear.
5 Using the exact same snippet of code, you can convert your navigation list to the
desired color scheme.
6 Near Line 18 look for this markup:
<ul data-role=”listview”>
7 Change it to read:
<ul data-role=”listview” data-theme=”a”>
8 Click on the page design to see the new styling applied to the list.
P Note: Remember
that Fireworks exported
five swatch sets (“a” to
“e” ). By specifying any
one of these swatches
using the data-theme
attribute, you can
customize the look of
any element in your
jQuery Mobile project.
E Tip: You can repeat
this process on any
other “page” in the
project, either selecting
the “a” swatch that you
customized in Fireworks,
or picking one of the
other swatches.
Adobe Fireworks cs6 cLAssroom in A book
Previewing the new look
There are several ways to preview the changes. You’ve already used Live View during
the editing process, but you can also preview the project as you would any other
web project, using Preview In Browser or Preview In BrowserLab. Each of these
options is accessible from the Preview icon in the Dreamweaver document toolbar.
For live mobile testing, be sure to check out Adobe Shadow, currently available in
public beta on Adobe Labs: http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/shadow/.
updating the design
Everything until now has been the tip of the iceberg. Now that you know how to
work with the Fireworks jQuery template and how to export a customized theme,
updating or adding new swatches to your theme is very quick and easy.
Simply go back to Fireworks, open the custom template you created and make
further updates. Maybe you want to tweak the colors on the “a” swatch, or be
daring and add a new swatch, customizing it as desired. Remember, adding a new
swatch is as easy as duplicating an existing swatch page.
When all your adjustments are done, just export the theme again, to the jquerymobile folder.
If the page is still open when you switch back to Dreamweaver, you’ll be prompted
by Dreamweaver to update the existing CSS file. Once you do this, you see how
your edits worked out. Or if you were daring and created an entirely new swatch
set, use the data-theme property to apply it to your design.
While not true roundtrip editing, it is a useful workflow.
While the jQuery Mobile Theme command can save you a lot of time in terms of
visualizing and customizing jQuery Mobile themes, it has some limitations:
• The jQuery Mobile template is not a mock-up generator. If you want to create
a high-fidelity prototype of the final mobile site or application, you will still
have to build that in the conventional manner in Fireworks. In fact, we strongly
recommend you at least create a home and inner-page design using Fireworks,
so you can get all your color schemes sorted out before opening the jQuery
Mobile Theme template.
• In accordance with the jQuery Mobile Framework, Fireworks does not export
patterns or images (other than the sprites). When thinking mobile design, you
Lesson 14
Going Further
want to be thinking about bandwidth as well. Data plans aren’t free, after all.
Everything Fireworks exports from the theme becomes CSS-generated code,
except for the sprites of course. This optimizes the size of the exported content.
This doesn’t mean you can’t add additional bitmaps; you just can’t use the
template to do it. Use Fireworks to create and optimize those graphics, so that
you get the smallest possible file sizes. And you will have to manually add the
markup that calls on those new graphics in your web-authoring tool.
To give you a very small taste of what can be done beyond the skinning extension,
have a look at the near_north_enhanced_web folder. Using Dreamweaver (and
Fireworks for image optimization), we’ve added a collapsible content block, some
images, and other fake content to the second page. We’ve also customized the text
in the header and footer for those pages.
using Fireworks extensions
One of the best characteristics of Fireworks is its extensibility. Many Fireworks
APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are exposed to the end user. So, if
you are of a programming bent, you can literally add to Fireworks functionality
by creating your own extensions that can be installed into Fireworks and run as a
native part of the application.
Adobe Fireworks cs6 cLAssroom in A book
Extensions build on the functionality of Fireworks to automate tasks, create new
effects, or enhance workflow. Fireworks extensions can be in the form of panels,
commands, patterns, styles, textures, Auto Shapes, brushes, strokes, and swatches,
as well as symbol or style libraries. You can find many third-party extensions
available on the Web, often at no charge.
Finding extensions to install
One of the best resources for locating extensions is the Adobe Exchange (www.
adobe.com/go/exchange). There you’ll find vetted extensions from a wide variety
of developers. The extensions aren’t limited to Fireworks, either; you will find
extensions for many Adobe products, including Dreamweaver and Photoshop.
There are some very dedicated and talented Fireworks extension developers
out there, often sharing their hard work at no charge. John Dunning (http://
johndunning.com/), Aaron Beall (http://fireworks.abeall.com/), Matt Stow (http://
www.mattstow.com/), and Ale Muñoz (http://orangecommands.com/) are just
a few of the more prolific and skilled Fireworks extension developers you’ll find
represented at the Adobe Exchange.
installing an extension
Installing extensions is easy; the hard part usually is picking which extensions to
install, because there are so many to choose from. Our recommendation is this: If
you find yourself constantly having to perform repetitive tasks (adding placement
text) or need to add elements not natively supported by Fireworks (creating tabular
data spreadsheets, for a catalog site mock-up), chances are you should look for (and
will find) an extension that helps speed up your workflow.
1 Log on to the Adobe Exchange website (www.adobe.com/go/exchange).
2 Click the Fireworks Exchange link.
E Tip: To download
extensions, you must
first sign up for a free
Adobe ID, and then
use that ID to log in for
download access.
3 From the available extensions, choose one that
you want to use.
4 Click the Download link to download the
extension package.
5 Save the extension package in a directory on
your machine.
6 In Fireworks, choose Commands > Manage
Extensions to start the Extension Manager
(or you can start the Extension Manager,
located in the Adobe program group,
independently from Fireworks).
Lesson 14
Going Further
7 In the Extension Manager, choose File > Install Extension, and choose the
extension package you just saved. The Extension Manager automatically installs
the extension into Fireworks.
Often, you will have to restart Fireworks before you can use the installed extension.
If you are running Fireworks when you install the extension, you might be
prompted to quit and restart the application.
To view basic information on the extension after its installation, go to the Extension
Manager (Commands > Manage Extensions) in Fireworks.
integration with other Adobe Products
In this and previous lessons you’ve seen how Fireworks collaborates with Photoshop,
Dreamweaver, and Bridge—but Fireworks doesn’t stop there. Fireworks is ideally
suited to work with other production tools, such as Adobe InDesign, Edge, and
Muse, empowering you to go beyond prototyping to final creative work.
Fireworks and inDesign
Adobe InDesign is a multifaceted tool for creating both print and interactive
projects. Since CS5.5, InDesign’s feature set included tools for creating richly
designed, highly interactive digital publications for tablet devices, such as Android
tablets and the iPad. Because tablets are screen-based devices, using Fireworks
in the design workflow is a great idea. Photos, buttons, icons, boxes, practically
anything that ends up being a bitmap graphic, can be created in Fireworks for use
in a Digital Publishing Suite app.
A little-known fact about InDesign is that it supports dynamic linking to singlepage, native Fireworks PNG files. This means that you can, for example, place
multilayered designs or objects into an InDesign file. If the graphic requires editing
at a later date, simply select the object in InDesign and choose Edit Original or Edit
with > Adobe Fireworks to open the layered PNG file. Make your changes to the
design using Fireworks and save the file. When you return to InDesign, the artwork
is automatically updated to include the alterations!
Fireworks and Dreamweaver
Fireworks and Dreamweaver have a long-standing relationship, and while this
integration has not changed over the years, it’s still worth mentioning two very
important workflows.
Adobe Fireworks cs6 cLAssroom in A book
roundtrip editing
As mentioned in Lessons 10 and 12, you can export your Fireworks mock-ups as
interactive HTML prototypes, which you can use to garner client feedback and
approval prior to properly coding a website or application.
When a Fireworks-generated HTML page is open in Dreamweaver, you can select
any bitmap image in the page (and don’t forget, the HTML And Images export
workflow means that everything is an image), and from the Properties panel in
Dreamweaver, either reoptimize the selected bitmap or even reopen the original
PNG file, change the layout, and then with one click, reexport the updated design
back out to Dreamweaver. This is a very handy feature if you need to respond to
client feedback about layout, color, or even the visual content of the proposed
website or application.
Copy and paste layers
When working on an illustration in Fireworks, you can select vector, text, and
bitmap objects, copy them to the clipboard and then paste the copied artwork right
into a web page in Dreamweaver. On pasting, Dreamweaver launches the Fireworks
Image Preview window, where you can optimize file format, resize, and even crop
the pasted artwork. When you click OK, Dreamweaver prompts you to save the
flattened version to your web folder, asks for alternate text, and then places the new
image into the web page.
Fireworks and Adobe edge
Adobe Edge, currently in public beta on Adobe Labs, is a web motion and interaction design tool that allows designers to bring animated, interactive content to
websites, using standards like HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3. Both Edge and
Fireworks are squarely aimed at using screen graphics so, even though there is no
direct link between the two applications, there is definitely a logical fit. Workflows
in Fireworks, such as image optimization, batch processing, and exporting transparent PNG files (in both 32-bit and 8-bit formats), align nicely with an Edge
designer’s need to use high-quality but low-bandwidth imagery. Edge supports JPG,
PNG, and GIF (including Animated GIF) formats.
Fireworks and Adobe Muse
Adobe Muse enables traditional designers to create websites as easily as creating
a layout for print. Much like Edge and Dreamweaver, Muse enables designers to
use standard web-graphic formats when building websites. Once again, Fireworks
optimization and batch-processing features can be invaluable timesavers for
creating websites using Muse.
Lesson 14
Going Further
review questions
1 What is the jQuery Mobile Theme command?
2 How does the jQuery Mobile template help a web designer?
3 What are your previewing options when using the jQuery Mobile template?
4 What is a Fireworks extension?
5 How do you install an extension?
review answers
1 The Fireworks jQuery Mobile Theme command is an easy-to-use, visual method for reskinning the
default swatches and sprites used in the jQuery Mobile Framework. Fireworks also generates the
associated CSS style sheet and sprite assets needed for the new theme.
The command saves you time because you can now create or update a jQuery Mobile theme in
Fireworks, preview it, and then generate the CSS style sheet and sprites for the site. When you
apply the CSS code to your jQuery-based web pages for mobile devices, the theme is displayed
exactly as it was when you previewed the design in Fireworks.
2 The template includes all five default jQuery Mobile swatches, (each on a different page), along
with global UI elements, sprites, and even an instruction page.
All the elements in the template are mapped to specific jQuery Mobile CSS classes, and the
Fireworks Page feature is used as the themes’ swatches. Each properly identified page can be
exported out as a jQuery Mobile swatch.
By using the template, you can visually create new themes for a jQuery mobile website and then
easily preview and export the theme for use in your preferred web-page editor.
3 You can preview the currently active jQuery Mobile swatch locally by choosing Window >
Extensions > jQuery Mobile Theme In-App Preview. If you want to see all the different themes
available in the template, choose Commands > jQuery Mobile Theme > Preview Theme In Browser.
4 Extensions build on the functionality of Fireworks to automate tasks, create new effects, or
enhance workflow. Fireworks Extensions can be in the form of panels, commands, patterns, styles,
textures, Auto Shapes, brushes, strokes, and swatches, as well as symbol or style libraries. There are
many third-party extensions available on the Web, often at no charge.
5 In Fireworks, choose Commands > Manage Extensions to start the Extension Manager (or you can
start the Extension Manager, located in the Adobe program group, independently from Fireworks).
In the Extension Manager, choose File > Install Extension, and choose the extension package you
just saved. The Extension Manager automatically installs the extension into Fireworks.
Often, you will have to restart Fireworks before you can use the installed extension. If you are
running Fireworks when you install the extension, you might be prompted to quit and restart the
To view basic information on the extension after its installation, go to the Extension Manager
(Commands > Manage Extensions) in Fireworks.
Adobe Fireworks cs6 cLAssroom in A book
Entries for supplemental chapter 14 are indicated by the letter “S” before the
page number.
2-Up view option, 189, 190
4-Up view option, 189, 191
9-slice scaling, 54
about this book, x
Active Buttons asset, S:8
Add Mask icon, 117
Add/Duplicate Page icon, 254, 258
Add/Union icon, 106
adjustment layers, 303, 306–308, 310, 311
Adobe Acrobat Professional, 243
Adobe Bridge, 291, 292
Adobe BrowserLab, 222
Adobe Certified programs, xiv
Adobe Community Help, xii
Adobe Design Center, xii
Adobe Developer Connection, xii, 212
Adobe Dreamweaver. See Dreamweaver
Adobe Edge, 173, S:20
Adobe Education Exchange, xii
Adobe Exchange, xiii, S:18
Adobe Fireworks. See Fireworks CS6
Adobe Forums, xii
Adobe Illustrator, 63
Adobe InDesign, S:19
Adobe Labs, xiii
Adobe Photoshop. See Photoshop
Adobe Reader, 243
Adobe TV, xii
Adobe XMP format, 299
Ajax technologies, 264
Align panel, 50, 52–53, 171, 289
alpha transparency, 185, 186
anchor points, 96
adding with Pen tool, 98
basic information about, 98
setting with guides, 100–102
animation symbols, 173
selection edges, 69
text, 139
Application bar, 5
Application Frame, 6, 17
jQuery theme, S:8
wireframe, 289
Audio symbol, 234
Auto Kerning option, 140
Auto Shapes, 9, 109–110
Auto Shapes Properties panel, 110, 149
Auto Vector Mask command, 118,
auto-sizing text blocks, 132
autosliced pages, 266
Babbage, Jim, 116, 253, 269
background-position property, 196
adding to documents, 119
desaturating, 78
importing images for, 54, 119
bandwidth issues, S:17
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
banner design projects, 116, 118–128, 284–290
background for, 119
banner assembly, 285–290
collage creation, 119–121
document creation, 119
importing images into, 119–121
mask creation/editing, 122–128
opening document templates, 284–285
quick fade effect, 121–122
repositioning images in, 122, 123
tagline creation, 138
text added to, 133–138
baseline shift, 140
Batch Process dialog box, 293–296
Batch Process wizard, 292
Batch Progress box, 296
batch-processing images, 292–296
Beall, Aaron, S:18
adding, 262, 267–268
editing, 265–266, 280
explanation of, 251
rollover, 262, 267–268
Swap Image, 207, 266, 267–268
Behaviors panel, 265–266, 268
Bezier control arms, 98
bitmap images, 44–64
about, 46
aligning, 50
backgrounds as, 54
batch-processing, 292–296
brightness adjustments, 58–60
contrast adjustments, 55–56
cropping, 48–49, 272
darkening, 60
flattened, 185
grouping, 53–54
guides and, 51
importing, 51–52, 54
lesson overview, 44
lightening, 59–60
locking objects/layers, 50
managing on the canvas, 50–51
masks based on, 116–117
positioning, 50
quality of, 47
repairing areas in, 61–62
resolution and file size, 46–47
review questions/answers, 64
saturation adjustments, 55–56, 77–79
scaling, 54, 88, 174–176
selections on, 66–84
sharpening, 56–57
spacing evenly, 52–53
symbols and, 164, 173–176
tips for working with, 47
tonal range adjustments, 55–56
vector graphics vs., 88
bitmap masks
changing colors of, 128
creating, 117, 127
editing, 127–128
overview of, 116–117
review questions/answers, 129
vector masks vs., 117
See also vector masks
bitmap selections, 66–84
converting to paths, 79–83
explanation of, 68
filters applied to, 73–74
hiding/showing, 74
inverse selection option, 69
Lasso tool and, 68, 77
lesson overview, 66
Magic Wand tool and, 71–77
masks based on, 117
modifying from Select menu, 69–70
primer on, 68–70
review questions/answers, 84
saturation adjustments, 77–79
saving and restoring, 76
similar selection option, 70
subtracting from, 77
tools for making, 68–70
undoing steps in, 77
Bitmap tools, 8
black-and-white conversion, 125–126
blending modes, 309
BMP file format, 191
Box Shadow asset, S:8
Bridge application, 291, 292
brightness adjustments, 58–60
browsers. See web browsers
Brush tool, 117, 127–128
Burn tool, 58, 60
button states, 168, 260
button symbols, 168–172
adding multiple, 171–172
creating, 169–170
editing, 170–171
overview of, 168–169
rollover effects, 171, 172
text for, 170–171, 172
adding guides to, 99–100
maximum size for, 47
preparing, 7
captions for photos, 269
Cascading Style Sheets. See CSS
CD lesson files, xi
certification programs, xiv
chain link icon, 116, 124, 288
Circle Hotspot tool, 202, 204
Classroom in a Book
lesson file installation, xi
training series overview, ix
clipping groups, 310
clipping path masks, 311
Clone command, 71
Clone Stamp tool, 61
bitmap images, 70, 71
vector graphics, 90, 107
cloning/retouching process, 63
collage creation, 119–121
color depth, 46
color stops, 93–94
converting to grayscale, 126
customizing for bitmap masks, 128
filters for adjusting, 73–74
gradient, 13
matte, 188
prototype text, 275–276
selections based on, 68–69
Colors tools, 8
batch-processing, 294
jQuery Mobile Theme, S:5
See also specific commands
Commands menu, 296
commenting feature, 243
Common Library
adding prebuilt symbols from, 166–167
saving symbols to, 162, 164
Common Library panel, 160, 162, 164, 166
Community Help, xii
component symbols, 160, 167–168
composite paths, 89, 91
Compound Shape tool, 103–109
compound shapes, 103–109
constraining proportions, 53–54
content pages, 249–252
contrast adjustments, 55–56
control handles, 49, 176, 178
control points, 89, 94, 109
pages to PSD file, 30
selection to path, 79–83
Convert Pages to PSD extension, 30
Convert to Grayscale option, 243
Convert to Symbol dialog box, 161, 162, 169
Crisp Anti-Alias setting, 139
Crop tool, 48
bitmap images, 48–49, 272
gallery photos, 272
images in designs, 49
crosshair cursor icon, 97
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 212–222
Dreamweaver rule creation, 217–222
extracting CSS properties, 216–217
HTML <div> tags and, 213, 219, 220
sprite sheets and, 208, 210–212
styles related to, 148, 222
CSS and Images export, 212–214
CSS Properties panel, 214–217, 222
cursor display options, 61
curved anchor points, 98
Custom Anti-Alias setting, 139
custom gradients, 93–95, 103
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
custom paths, 141–142
custom shapes, 100–102, 141–142
custom shortcuts, 312–314
custom strokes, 108–109
custom styles, 153
custom swatch sets, S:6
Custom Symbols folder, 162, 164
custom workspaces
creating, 15–16
deleting, 16
file names for states, 208
Photoshop export options, 304
Dark Marker stroke, 110
darkening images, 60
data-theme attribute, S:15
anchor points, 98
custom workspaces, 16
keyboard shortcuts, 314
layers, 254–255
shortcuts sets, 314
desaturating backgrounds, 78
destructive scaling, 174–175
disjointed rollover, 264
Distort tool, 136
distorting text, 136
distortion-free scaling, 54
dithering images, 190
<div> tags, 213, 219, 220
dock, panel, 5, 14–15
docked windows, 18
Document Library panel, 160, 162
document templates, 4, 284–290
opening, 284–285
project assembly using, 285–290
creating new, 4, 119
graphic symbols added to, 162–163
styles specific to, 153
templates for creating, 4, 284–290
working with multiple, 16–18
Dodge tool, 58, 59–60
downsampling images, 56
DPS app project, 226
dragging and dropping images, 18
drawing vector shapes, 9–10, 89–95, 100–102
Dreamweaver CS6
copying and pasting to, S:20
creating CSS rules in, 217–222
customizing jQuery Mobile skins in,
Fireworks integration with, S:19–S:20
previewing changes made in, S:16
roundtrip editing using, S:20
workflow for using, S:16
drop shadows
text, 137, 138
thumbnail, 260–262
Dunning, John, S:18
Duplicate command, 71
Duplicate State dialog box, 259
bitmap images, 70, 71
keyboard sets, 313
objects, 11
shapes, 107
states, 40, 259
Edge application, S:20
Edit Gradient pop-up window, 13
Edit in Place mode, 165
Edit Stroke dialog box, 109
bitmap masks, 127–128
button symbols, 170–171
graphic symbols, 164–166
JavaScript behaviors, 265–266, 280
objects within groups, 289–290
paths, 98–99
roundtrip, S:20
strokes, 108–109
styles, 151
text, 144, 275–276
vector masks, 124–125
educational resources, xii–xiii
Ellipse tool, 90, 92, 106, 107
Elliptical Marquee tool, 69
empty bitmap objects, 63
Eraser tool, 62
Escape key, 49
Export Area tool, 296–297
Export As Adobe PDF option, 185
Export dialog box, 210–211, 242–243, 298
Export Theme command, S:11
animation symbols, 173
batch process for, 295
CSS and Images, 212–214
files to Photoshop, 304–305
HTML and Images, 204–208,
jQuery Mobile Themes, S:11
metadata templates, 301–302
optimized files, 194–195
overlapping slices, 212
pages to files, 30
prototypes, 277–279
saving vs., 185
sliced graphics, 208
specific areas, 296–298
sprite sheets, 208, 210–212
states, 208
styles, 153–155
wireframes, 242–243
Extension Manager, S:19
extensions, S:17–S:19
finding, S:18
installing, S:18–S:19
review questions/answers, S:21
extracting CSS properties, 216–217
Eyedropper tool, 8
fat footers, 248
Feathered selection edge, 69
file formats
Adobe XMP format, 299
Fireworks PNG format, 12, 185
Photoshop PSD format, 30, 303
for Web graphics, 184–185
file names
assigned to slices, 197
customizing for states, 208
structure for symbol, 164
file size
resolution and, 46–47
Web optimization and, 184, 191
adding metadata to, 299–301
exporting vs. saving, 185
interactive PDF, 241–242
saving in Fireworks, 10
Fill Category settings, 125
Fill Color box, 19, 93
gradient, 12–13
text, 19
vector shape, 9–10, 13
Filmstrip workspace, 291
applying to bitmaps, 73–74
standard vs. Live, 57, 73
thumbnail image, 263
Unsharp Mask filter, 56–57
See also Live Filters
Find and Replace feature, 275–276
Fireworks CS6
about, ix
blending modes, 309
CSS and, 212–222
design community, 253
Developer Center, 214
Dreamweaver and, S:19–S:20
Edge and, S:20
extensions, S:17–S:19
Help and Support, xii
InDesign and, S:19
installing, x–xi
interface overview, 5–6
jQuery Mobile features, S:5–S:7
Muse and, S:20
native PNG format, 12, 185
Photoshop and, 30, 302–311
resources, xii–xiii
starting, xi
styling text in, 222
workflow, 282–315
fixed-width text blocks, 132–133
flattened bitmap images
exporting files as, 185
opening in Fireworks, 311
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
Flattened PNG format, 12
Flick symbol, 238
floating document windows, 17–18
Custom Symbols, 162, 164
exported prototype, 278–279
Font Squirrel, 222
banner design project, 133
display of recently used, 133
formatting features, 132
maintaining appearance of, 140
public domain, 222
Web-safe, 222
footers, 248
Freeform tool, 97
future-proofing projects, 298–302
.fw extension, 12, 74
gallery page creation, 269–273
adding the photo samples, 271–273
building the gallery shell, 269–270
gesture symbols, 229, 234–235, 238
GIF animations, 173
GIF files, 184
applying dithering to, 190
Optimize panel options, 188
Gradient Control Arm, 12
Gradient Dither option, 95
Gradient Editor, 13, 93–94, 95
Gradient Fill icon, 12
adding fills as, 12, 93–95
creating custom, 93–95, 103
editing direction/angle of, 12
setting colors for, 13
graphic symbols, 161–166
adding to documents, 162–163
creating, 161–162
editing, 164–166
isolation mode for, 166
overview of, 161
prebuilt, 166–167
saving to Common Library, 162
exporting sliced, 208
Web file formats for, 184–185
See also bitmap images; vector graphics
Grayscale Appearance mode, 118
grayscale conversion, 125–126, 243
grayscale values and masks, 117
of objects, 33, 53–54, 289–290
of panels, 14–15
of shapes, 99, 110
adding to canvas, 99–100
aligning shapes using, 105
drawing shapes using, 100–102
hiding/showing, 100
placing objects using, 51
setting location of, 100
vector graphics, 99–102
web slice, 197
Hard selection edge, 69
Heath, Darrell, 253
Help resources, xii
Hide Hotspots and Slices button, 172, 195,
228, 263
guides, 100
marquees, 74
Slice Guides, 172, 174
hi-res symbols, 173, 175–176
histogram, 55–56
History panel, 22
History slider, 22
Hogue, Dave, 212, 271
horizontal scaling, 140
Hotspot tools, 8, 195, 204
creating, 202
Layers panel view of, 198
naming slices vs., 240
slice objects and, 202
tools for, 8, 195, 204
wireframe, 239–241
CSS layouts and, 212–213
<div> tags used in, 213, 219, 220
HTML And Images export, 169, 204–208, 277–279
HTML Setup dialog box, 278
Hue/Saturation adjustments, 74
Hungarter, Doug, 30
adding to slices, 202
fixing in prototypes, 275
wireframe, 240–241
Icon Backgrounds asset, S:8
icon creation, 103–109
Illustrator program, 63
image layers, 311
Image Preview dialog box, 297
Image Slider symbol, 235
batch-processing, 292–296
importing, 51–52, 54, 119–121
positioning, 50
resolution of, 46–47
rollover, 207, 251
See also bitmap images
import cursor, 52
Import dialog box, 29
Import Image window, 54
Import Page window, 29
background images, 54, 119
bitmap images, 51–52, 54
collage images, 119–121
metadata templates, 302
pages, 29–30
photos into a gallery, 271–272
Photoshop files, 310–311
style libraries, 155–156
vector objects, 111–112
InDesign application, S:19
index page, 255–256
indexed transparency, 186
information resources, xii–xiii
Insert After Current Page option, 257, 258
Adobe Fireworks, x–xi
Fireworks extensions, S:18–S:19
instances of symbols, 160
PDF file, 241–242
prototype, 267–268, 274
touch, 234–235
Web page, 202
wireframe, 241–242
common to Adobe programs, 3, 5
custom workspaces, 15–16
default workspaces, 5–6
document window features, 16–18
illustrated overview, 5–6
panel configuration, 14–15
Properties panel, 12–13
review questions/answers, 23
rulers and tooltips, 7
Tools panel, 8–9
Windows vs. Mac, 5–6
iPad wireframe template, 231
isolation mode, 166
JavaScript behaviors
adding, 262, 267–268
editing, 265–266, 280
explanation of, 251
rollover effects, 262, 267–268
Swap Image behavior, 207, 266, 267–268
Join Points option, 93
JPEG files, 184
exporting images as, 194–195
Optimize panel options, 170, 187, 251
saving images as, 74, 78, 185
slices optimized as, 199–200
text quality and, 200
jQuery Mobile Framework, 264, S:4, S:5
jQuery Mobile Theme command, S:5, S:16
jQuery Mobile Theme Preview panel, S:10–S:11
jQuery Mobile Theme template, S:5–S:7, S:16
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
jQuery Mobile themes, S:4–S:17
creating custom, S:7–S:9
exporting, S:11
limitations creating, S:16–S:17
new features for, S:5–S:7
previewing, S:10–S:11, S:16
review questions/answers, S:21
skin customization, S:12–S:15
updating designs for, S:16
kerning, 140
keyboard modifiers, 74–76
keyboard shortcuts, 312–314
creating custom and secondary, 312–313
deleting custom shortcuts/shortcut sets, 314
reference sheet for shortcut sets, 314
Knife tool, 92
Lasso tools
selecting with, 192–193
situations for using, 68, 77
layer comps, 309
layer effects, 311
layer styles, 263, 302, 305, 311
layers, 27, 32–39
adding/naming, 34
deleting, 254–255
Dreamweaver and, S:20
expanding/collapsing, 38
locking, 38–39, 50
Master Page, 31, 250
moving objects between, 34–35
multiple objects in, 63
naming objects in, 32–33
options for working with, 39
Photoshop file, 310, 311
protecting, 38–39
rearranging objects in, 34
retouching on separate, 63
review questions/answers, 42
sharing to pages, 35–38, 228–229,
230, 256
stacking order of, 110
sublayers and, 38
Web, 27, 198
Layers panel
accessing options in, 39
adding/naming layers in, 34
deleting layers in, 254–255
expanding/collapsing layers in, 38
locking/protecting layers in, 38–39
mask and image thumbnails in, 116
moving objects between layers in, 34–35
naming objects in, 32–33
options available in, 39
Photoshop files viewed in, 307
rearranging objects in, 34
Share Layer to Pages option, 36–38
stacking order of layers in, 110
sublayer creation in, 38
viewing web objects in, 198
leaderboard banner, 286
leading, 140
lesson files, xi
Levels dialog box, 55
Levels Live Filter, 56, 177
lightening images, 59–60
Line tool, 95
linear gradients, 95
linked objects, 116, 124
links. See hyperlinks
Live Effects. See Photoshop Live Effects
Live Filters, 55–57
bitmap filters vs., 57, 73
contrast adjustments, 55–56
drop shadows applied as, 137, 138
masked objects and, 125–126
saturation adjustments, 55–56
sharpness adjustments, 56–57
styles applied as, 148, 150
supported by Photoshop, 305
Live Marquee feature, 70
Live Preview, Auto Vector Mask, 121
layers, 38–39, 50
objects, 39, 50
proportions, 11
logo files, 287
Lorem Ipsum text, 20–21, 141, 177–179
lossy format, 184
Mac OS
Fireworks interface, 5–6
importing images on, 112, 119
starting Fireworks on, xi
Magic Wand tool, 71–77
creating selections with, 71–73
keyboard modifiers used with, 74–76
situations for using, 68–69
Tolerance settings, 69, 72, 74, 77
undoing selections made with, 77
Main toolbar, 5
Maintain Appearance option, 140, 197, 248, 311
Maintain Editability Over Appearance option, 304,
Marquee tool, 68
mask icon, 124
masks, 114–129
attribute changes, 124–125
Auto Vector Mask command, 121–122
banner project using, 118–128, 286, 287–288
bitmap, 116–117, 127–128
creating, 122–123, 127
editing, 124–125, 127–128
explanation of, 116
Layers panel thumbnails for, 116
lesson overview, 114
Live Filters and, 125–126
Paste As Mask command, 286, 288
quick fades with, 121–122
repositioning images with, 122, 123, 288
review questions/answers, 129
vector, 117–118, 122–125
See also bitmap masks; vector masks
Master pages, 31–32, 228, 248–249, 253–256
matte color, 188
Media_Pause symbol, 270
Menu bar, 5
metadata, 299–302
adding to files, 299–301
template creation, 301–302
Miscellaneous Assets template, 289
mobile projects, S:4–S:17
creating custom themes, S:7–S:9
exporting custom themes, S:11
Fireworks limitations with, S:16–S:17
new features for creating, S:5–S:7
previewing custom themes, S:10–S:11, S:16
skin customization, S:12–S:15
updating designs for, S:16
See also jQuery Mobile themes
mockups. See prototypes; wireframes
modifier keys, 74–76
highlighting objects by moving, 32
showing tooltips by hovering, 8
testing rollovers using, 172
moving objects between layers, 34–35
multiple documents, 16–18
Muñoz, Ale, S:18
Muse software, S:20
batch, 294–295
hotspots, 240
layers, 34
objects, 32–33
pages, 258
slices, 197–198, 201–202
states, 40, 208
symbols, 164
navigation buttons, 168, 171
Near North Adventures website, 116
nested symbols, 162
New Bitmap Image icon, 58, 63
New Document dialog box, 4, 90, 119
New From Template dialog box, 284
New Sublayer button, 38
New/Duplicate Layer button, 34
New/Duplicate Page icon, 227, 244
No Anti-Alias setting, 139
Numeric Transform options, 54, 81–82
numerical resizing, 10–11
object-oriented approach, 63
aligning, 50
editing within groups, 289–290
grouping, 33, 53–54
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
objects (continued)
layers and, 63
locking, 39, 50
naming, 32–33
overlapping, 214
placing with guides, 51
positioning, 50
proportions of, 11
rearranging, 34
scaling, 19
selecting, 68
onion skinning, 173
Optimize panel, 186–188
choosing settings in, 191–192
Export File Format list, 170
view options in, 189
See also Web optimization
Original view option, 189–190
Oval Marquee tool, 68
overlapping objects/slices, 212, 214
Oversampling, Anti-Alias, 139
page weight, 184
pages, 26, 29–32
adding, 230–231, 256–258
autosliced, 266
content, 249–252
exporting, 30
importing, 29–30
Master, 31–32, 228, 248–249, 253–256
naming conventions for, 258
reordering, 28
review question/answer on, 42
sharing layers to, 35–38, 228–229, 230, 256
states added to, 259
wireframe, 230–231
Pages panel
isolating, 227
options for working with, 32
overview of, 226–228
Paint Splatter stroke, 108
panel dock, 5, 14–15
accessing, 15
arranging, 15
collapsing, 14, 15
configuring, 14–15
See also specific panels
paragraph indent, 140
paragraph selection, 144, 145
paragraph spacing, 140
password-protected tasks, 243
Paste As Mask command, 286, 288
Paste Attributes feature, 13, 177
Path Outline mode, 118
Path panel, 93
Path Scrubbers, 97
path segments, 89
paths, 89
adding points to, 98
attaching text to, 134
composite, 89, 91
creating custom, 141–142
drawing with Pen tool, 96–97
editing, 98–99
repurposing, 81–83
selections converted to, 79–83
tools for working with, 97
wrapping text in, 142–143
PDF files
creating interactive, 241–242
Export As Adobe PDF option, 185
Pen tool
adding points with, 98
creating custom shapes with, 100–102, 141–142
drawing paths with, 96–97, 134
Pencil bitmap tool, 95, 96
photo gallery prototype, 269–273
adding photo samples to, 271–273
building the gallery shell for, 269–270
adjustment layers, 306–308
blending modes, 309
customizing export options for, 304
Fireworks integration with, 30, 302–311
importing files from, 310–311
layer comps, 309
layer styles, 263, 302, 305, 311
Live Filters supported by, 305
multipage Fireworks files and, 30
opening files from, 306–311
saving files for, 30, 303–305
Photoshop Export Options dialog box, 304
Photoshop Live Effects, 30, 263, 289, 302, 308
pixel dimensions, 7
Pixel Radius property, 57
pixels per inch (ppi), 7
placeholder text, 20–21, 141, 177–179
Plastic Styles library, 149–150
playback controls, 173
PNG files, 12, 185
applying dithering to, 190
Fireworks vs. Flattened, 12
high-resolution scaling and, 176
Optimize panel options, 170, 188, 251
saving in Fireworks, 12, 74
Pointer tool, 8, 12
Polygon Hotspot tool, 204
Polygon Lasso tool, 68, 127
Polygon Slice tool, 195, 196
Polygon tool, 104
bitmap images, 50
masked images, 122, 123, 288
vector graphics, 11
ppi (pixels per inch), 7
prebuilt symbols, 166–167
Preferences panel, 231, 310–311
Preserve Text Quality option, 200
style, 149–150
symbol, 160, 166–167
browser-based, 203–204, 222, 273–275
cropped area, 297
jQuery Mobile theme, S:10–S:11, S:16
prototype, 273–275
rollover effect, 263
Web optimization, 189–192
primitive shapes, 9
Properties panel, 12–13
proportionate scaling, 11
layers, 38–39
original art, 70
prototypes, 224–280
behaviors in, 262, 265–268
commenting feature, 243
content pages, 249–252
cover page layout, 232–234
creating complex, 246–280
delivering to clients, 241–243
editing behaviors in, 265–266, 280
exporting, 242–243, 277–279
fixing errors in, 275–276
fleshing out, 253
folder for exported, 278–279
gallery page creation, 269–273
gesture symbols, 229, 234–235, 238
hotspots added to, 239–241
hyperlinks in, 240–241
inside layout, 235–238
interactivity of, 241–242, 267–268, 274
lesson overviews, 224, 246
live content added to, 271
Master pages, 228, 248–249, 253–256
pages added to, 230–231, 256–258
preference settings, 231
previewing in the browser, 273–275
review questions/answers, 244, 280
rollover effects in, 258–268
steps for completing, 268–276
text added to, 236–237
wireframe page comparison, 228–229
workflow for creating, 226
See also wireframes
PSD files
opening or importing, 310–311
saving documents as, 30, 303
punching vector shapes, 91, 107
image resolution vs., 47
Selective Quality option, 192–194
Web optimization and, 191, 192–194
radial gradients, 95
rapid prototyping, ix
raster graphics. See bitmap images
Rebuild option, 209
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
Rectangle Hotspot tool, 204
Rectangle tool, 9, 99, 106
adding points to, 98
drawing with Rectangle tool, 9–10, 106
duplicating and customizing, 11
rounding corners of, 11
Rectangular Marquee tool, 69
Redefine Style icon, 152
Redraw Path tool, 97
remote rollovers, 263–264
renaming. See naming/renaming
Reshape Area tool, 97
resizing. See sizing/resizing
file size and, 46–47, 176
hi-res symbols and, 175–176
image quality vs., 47
setting in Fireworks, 7
resources, xii–xiii
Restore Selection dialog box, 76
retouching images
empty bitmap objects for, 63
general steps for, 61–62
retouching tools
Dodge and Burn tools, 58–60
Rubber Stamp tool, 61–62
Reverse Gradient button, 13
review questions/answers
on bitmap images, 64
on extensions, S:21
on jQuery Mobile, S:21
on layers, 42
on masks, 129
on pages, 42
on prototypes, 244, 280
on selections, 84
on states, 42
on styles, 157
on symbols, 180
on text, 144–145
on user interface, 23
on vector graphics, 113
on Web optimization, 223
on workflow, 315
RGBA color space, 186
rollover effects, 258–268
behaviors for, 262, 265–266, 267–268
button symbol, 171, 172
creating simple, 258–262
image, 207, 251
previewing, 263
remote rollovers, 263–264
slices and, 265
states and, 259, 264–265
testing, 172, 263
Rotate Device symbol, 239
Rotate option, 82
Rounded Rectangle tool, 109
rounded rectangles, 11, 109–110
roundtrip editing, S:20
Rubber Stamp tool, 61–62
rulers, viewing, 7, 99
saturation adjustments, 55–56, 77–79
Save As dialog box, 10, 78
Save Script button, 296
bitmap selections, 76
custom strokes, 109
exporting vs., 185
files for Photoshop, 30, 303–305
Fireworks files, 10, 74
metadata templates, 301–302
modified styles, 152
operations as scripts, 296
optimization settings, 210, 212
style libraries, 154–155
symbols to Common Library, 162, 164
warning message about, 78
Scale Strokes And Effects option, 231
Scale tool, 19, 105, 174–176, 235
9-slice, 54
batch process for, 294
bitmap images, 54, 88, 174–176
destructive, 174–175
distortion-free, 54
objects, 19
proportionate, 11
vector graphics, 88, 112
scripts, 296
Search list, 275–276
Select Inverse command, 69
Select menu options, 69–70
Select Similar command, 70
Select tools, 8
objects, 68
paragraphs, 144, 145
selections, bitmap. See bitmap selections
Selective Quality option, 192–194, 200
text, 137, 138
thumbnail, 260–262
shape layers, 311
shapes, 89
Auto, 9, 109–110
compound, 103–109
custom, 100–102
drawing, 9–10, 89–95
flowing text around, 140–143
primitive, 9
punching, 91, 107
ungrouping, 99, 110, 125
See also vector graphics
Share Layer to Pages dialog box, 36, 230
layers, 35–38, 228–229, 230, 256
styles, 155
sharpening images, 56–57
Sharpness, Anti-Alias, 139
shortcut sets, 312–314
See also keyboard shortcuts
Show Hotspots and Slices button, 195, 250
site definition, 217
batch, 294
slices, 198
thumbnails, 32, 292
vector graphics, 10–11, 112
Skew tool, 106, 124, 135–136
skewing text, 135–136
skins, jQuery Mobile, S:12–S:15
skyscraper banner, 287–289
Slice Guides, 172, 174
Slice tool, 8, 195
creating slices with, 196–198
tool style choices, 196
slices, 196–202
adding, 200–201
button symbol, 170, 172
creating, 196–198
CSS layouts and, 212
explanation of, 196
exporting, 208
hotspots added to, 202
hyperlinks added to, 202
Layers panel view of, 198
main components of, 197
making multiple, 201
naming/renaming, 197–198, 201–202
optimizing, 199–200
overlapping, 212
resizing, 198
rollover, 265
sprite sheets for, 196, 208–212
Smart Guides, 11, 178, 233, 237
Smooth Anti-Alias setting, 139
Smooth Marquee setting, 72
Snap to Guides option, 100
Source Aligned option, 62
special effects, 30, 148
See also styles
sprite sheets, 196, 208–212
creating, 208–210
explanation of, 209
exporting, 208, 210–212
Fireworks workflow for, 209
sprites, S:4
customizing, S:7
exporting, S:11
stacking order of layers, 110
stamp cursor, 61, 62
starting Fireworks, xi
state delay settings, 173
states, 27, 39–41
adding new, 259
button symbols and, 168
changing content on, 40–41
customizing file names for, 208
duplicating, 40, 259
explanation of, 39, 260
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
states (continued)
exporting, 208
main uses for, 260
naming/renaming, 40
review question/answer on, 42
rollover, 262, 264–265
States panel, 259, 264
sticky options, 258, 266
STL files, 155
Stow, Matt, S:18
straight anchor points, 98
Strength, Anti-Alias, 139
strokes, custom, 108–109
Strong Anti-Alias setting, 139
style libraries, 153–156
importing, 155–156
saving, 154–155
shared on the Web, 156
styles, 146–157
creating, 153
editing, 151
explanation of, 148
exporting, 153–154
importing, 155–156
lesson overview, 146
libraries of, 153–156
loading for documents, 156
preset or prebuilt, 149–150
redefining, 152
review questions/answers, 157
saving new, 152
sharing, 155
text, 222
Styles panel, 146, 148, 149–150, 152
sublayers, creating, 38
Subselection tool, 40, 54, 79, 93, 99, 110, 289–290
Subtract/Punch icon, 107
Swap Image behavior, 207, 266, 267–268
Swap Image dialog box, 266, 267–268
swatches, S:4
adding new, S:16
customizing, S:6, S:9
exporting, S:11
symbols, 158–180
animation, 173
audio, 234
bitmap, 164, 173–176
button, 168–172
component, 160, 167–168
custom, 162, 164
explanation of, 160
file names for, 164
flick and tap, 238
gesture, 229, 234–235, 238
graphic, 161–166
hi-res, 173, 175–176
Image Slider, 235
instances of, 160
iPad wireframe, 231
isolation mode for, 166
lesson overview, 158
nested, 162
prebuilt, 166–167
review questions/answers, 180
rotation, 239
saving to Common Library, 162, 164
text for, 170–171, 172
vector, 164
video, 237
tabbed documents, 16, 17
table-based layouts, 204
taglines, 138
Tap symbol, 238
document, 4, 284–290
iPad wireframe, 231
jQuery Mobile Theme, S:5–S:7
metadata, 301–302
testing rollovers, 172, 263
text, 130–145
anti-aliasing, 139
attaching to paths, 134
button symbols and, 170–171, 172
changing the color of, 275–276
custom styles for, 153
distorting, 136
drop shadows for, 137, 138
editing, 144, 275–276
Fireworks versions and, 138
flowing around objects, 140–143
formatting features, 132
improving quality of, 200
lesson overview, 130
Live Filters applied to, 137, 138
placeholder, 20–21, 141, 177–179
review questions/answers, 144–145
setting attributes for, 19–20
skewing on an angle, 135–136
styling in Fireworks, 222
temporary placement of, 20–21, 141
text blocks created for, 132–133
typography terms for, 140
wireframe layout, 236–237
wrapping in a path, 142–143
text blocks, 132
auto-sizing, 132
editing, 144
fixed-width, 132–133
positioning, 20
resizing, 21
text engine, 130
text layers, 311
Text Overflow indicator, 134
Text tool, 8
adding text to designs with, 236–237
placeholder text added with, 20–21
setting text properties with, 19–20
text blocks created with, 132–133
themes (jQuery Mobile), S:4–S:17
creating custom, S:7–S:9
exporting, S:11
limitations creating, S:16–S:17
previewing, S:10–S:11, S:16
skin customization, S:12–S:15
template for creating, S:5–S:7
updating the design of, S:16
Threshold property, 57
batch-processing, 292–296
drop shadows added to, 260–262
filters applied to, 263
mask and image, 116
sizing/resizing, 32, 292
TIFF file format, 191
Tolerance setting, 69, 72, 74, 77
tonal adjustments, 55–56
Tools panel, 5, 8–9
tooltips, 7, 99
touch interactivity, 234–235
touchscreen apps, 229
tracking, 140
training programs, xiv
Transform tools, 89
transparency, 186
triangles, 104–105
typography terms, 140
See also text
Undo command, 22, 77
undoing steps, 22, 77
layer contents, 287
shapes, 99, 110, 125
Unsharp Mask filter
applying as Live Filter, 56–57
properties controlling, 57
user interface. See interface
vector graphics, 86–113
anchor points, 96, 98
Auto Shapes, 109–110
bitmap images vs., 88
compound shapes, 103–109
custom shapes, 100–102
drawing, 9–10, 89–95
duplicating, 11
editing, 98–99
explanation of, 88
fill types for, 13
flowing text around, 140–143
gradient fills, 12–13, 93–95, 103
guides for, 99–102
icon creation, 103–109
importing, 111–112
lesson overview, 86
paths and, 89, 96–97
Pen tool and, 96–97
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
vector graphics (continued)
positioning, 11
punching a shape, 91, 107
resizing, 10–11, 112
review questions/answers, 113
rounding corners of, 11
scaling, 88, 112
stroke styling, 108–109
symbols and, 164
text and, 99, 140–143
water effect, 92–95
vector masks
attribute changes, 124–125
creating, 122–123
editing, 125
overview of, 117–118
review questions/answers, 129
See also bitmap masks
Vector Path tool, 97, 108
vector primitives, 9
Vector tools, 8
video symbol, 237
video-player interface, 252, 258, 276
View tools, 8
guides, 100
marquees, 78
rulers, 7, 99
tooltips, 7, 99
water effect, 92–95
web banners. See banner design projects
web browsers
designs previewed in, 203–204, 222
prototypes previewed in, 273–275
Web layers, 27, 198
web objects, 198
Web optimization, 182–223
browser preview of, 203–204
choosing settings for, 191–192
CSS-based layouts and, 212–222
exporting optimized files, 194–195
graphics formats and, 184–185
hotspot creation and, 202
HTML and Images export and, 204–208
JPEG images and, 199–200
lesson overview, 182
matte color and, 188
Optimize panel for, 186–188
overview of, 184
previews used for, 189–192
quality settings and, 191, 192–194
review questions/answers, 223
saving settings for, 210, 212
Selective Quality option, 192–194
slices used for, 196–202
sprite sheets and, 196, 208–212
tools for, 195
web slices. See slices
Web Standard keyboard set, 312
Web toolset, 8, 195
webportio.com, 253
Web-safe fonts, 222
Welcome screen, 4
docked, 18
floating, 17–18
Windows OS
Fireworks interface, 5
starting Fireworks on, xi
adding pages to, 230–231
commenting feature for, 243
comparing pages in, 228–229
cover page elements, 232–234
delivering to clients, 241–243
exporting, 242–243
gesture symbols, 229, 234–235, 238
hotspots added to, 239–241
hyperlinks in, 240–241
inside layout, 235–238
interactive PDF, 241–242
Master pages, 228, 248–249
Miscellaneous Assets template, 289
preference settings, 231
rotation events in, 239
text added to, 236–237
See also prototypes
workflow, 282–315
adding metadata, 299–301
Adobe Bridge and, 291, 292
batch-processing images, 292–296
creating metadata templates, 301–302
customizing keyboard shortcuts, 312–314
document templates and, 284–290
exporting specific areas, 296–298
future-proofing projects, 298–302
importing Photoshop files, 310–311
lesson overview, 282
opening Photoshop files, 306–311
Photoshop integration, 302–311
prototyping process, 226
review questions/answers, 315
saving files for Photoshop, 303–305
Workspace Switcher, 14–15, 16
Adobe Bridge, 291
custom, 15–16
default, 5–6
wrapping text, 142–143
x and y coordinates, 50, 71
XMP metadata, 185, 299
Zoom Level menu, 52
Zoom tool, 59, 197
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
Production notes
The Adobe Fireworks CS6 Classroom in a Book was created electronically using Adobe InDesign CS5.
Art was produced using Adobe Fireworks. The Myriad Pro and Warnock Pro OpenType families of
typefaces were used throughout this book.
References to company names in the lessons are for demonstration purposes only and are not intended
to refer to any actual organization or person.
Photographic images and illustrations are intended for use with the tutorials.
typefaces used
Adobe Myriad Pro and Adobe Warnock Pro are used throughout the lessons. For more information about
OpenType and Adobe fonts, visit www.adobe.com/type/opentype/.
team credits
The following individuals contributed to the development of this edition of the Adobe Fireworks CS6
Classroom in a Book:
Writer: Jim Babbage
Project Editor: Valerie Witte
Developmental and Copy Editor: Linda LaFlamme
Production Editor: Cory Borman
Technical Editor: Sheri German
Compositor: Myrna Vladic
Proofreader: Patricia Pane
Indexer: James Minkin
Cover designer: Eddie Yuen
Interior designer: Mimi Heft
Jim Babbage, solutions Consultant, education, adobe systems
Jim Babbage’s two passions, teaching and photography, led him to his first career in
commercial photography. With the release of Photoshop 2.5, Jim became involved in the
world of digital imaging, and he soon began designing for the web in addition to taking
photographs. Jim is a regular contributor to Community MX (communitymx.com), where
he’s written articles and tutorials on Fireworks, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, and general
web and photography topics. A former college professor of 21 years, Jim taught imaging,
web design, and photography at Centennial College, and web design at Humber College
in Toronto, Ontario, until he joined Adobe in May of 2011. Jim has spoken at a variety of
technology conferences, including D2WC and Adobe MAX.
ADoBe FIReWoRKs Cs6 ClAssRoom In A BooK
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