ARTICLE ANALYSIS – Internet technology According to article 1, it discussed the negative effects of internet technology towards every individual, specifically youngsters. The internet's harmful elements can be divided into two categories which are youth behavior and mental health. Educators and psychologists are beginning to wonder about the internet's impact on our children's social skills and psychological well-being. To add, increasing reports linking psychologically addictive characteristics to Internet use, as well as speculation about its negative impact on social functioning, have called into question the long-term effects of this reform although online protocol had become an integral part of technology-based curriculum as our planet is rapidly becoming connected via the internet. Furthermore, the author believes that the use of online computers has increased in recent years. To support the first point, according to current estimates, there are 149 million people online worldwide, and this number is growing at a rate of 12% for each month. Following that, the author agrees to a degree that, while technology plays an important role in society today, the internet has had a negative impact on everyone, particularly the younger generation. To support the idea, according to a recent study conducted by Carnegie Mellon University, Internet use causes small but statistically significant increases in misery and loneliness, as well as a decline in overall psychological wellbeing. Following that, the author includes a variety of supporting details to strengthen the topic’s main ideas. Firstly, the author uses research findings to support the ideas. For example, in paragraph 3, the author uses data taken from a study named HomeNet project which studied a number of people in Pittsburg during their first or two years online. The research findings support the idea that internet usage has negative influence on individuals and social skills. Aside from that, the author also includes statistics to back up the main points. For example, in the final paragraph, a statistic about youth crime is used. The statistic used shows the trend results for the last five years which support the idea of internet usage can affect teenagers’ mental health. However, the author's statistic supporting detail contradicts the original claim, which showed that youth crime was declining, and their mental health was improving. Next, the author includes historical data in most of the paragraph. Historical data can be seen in research findings and statistics because both use data from studies and experiments that occurred recently as well as a few years ago. In addition, the author includes his own observation. In the first paragraph, for example, the author observed that educators and psychologists are beginning to wonder about the impact of the internet on the two categories mentioned. Other than that, the author also observed that our culture heralds the internet as a technological wonder. Lastly, illustrations can be found in paragraph 6 when Maressa Hecht Orzack explains how people use computers to avoid, procrastinate, and escape. Her explanation perfectly illustrates the use of a computer in people daily lives. The author’s reason for writing this article is to inform the readers on how internet influence youth behaviour and mental health. However, the author also informed the readers about the advantages of using the internet and some of the positive aspects of the internet toward individuals. In addition, the author’s tone in this writing is objective. To support her idea, the author has made a straightforward and non-emotional claim. Furthermore, the majority of her stated elaborations are facts sourced from credible sources, which strongly support the writing in a positive way. The author's intended audience includes people of all ages. It is, however, primarily aimed at teenagers. This is due to the fact that the primary focus of this article is on youngsters. Other age groups should be aware of the issues highlighted in this article in order to minimize the calamity. The conclusion that can be drawn from this article is that there are advantages and disadvantages to using technology. Excessive internet use can have an impact on both social and intellectual skills. Furthermore, the way a person uses the internet has an impact on his or her skills, both positively and negatively. Therefore, everyone is encouraged to take a stand on this issue because there are ways older people can assist teenagers who cannot solve the problem on their own. Thus, people must join forces to consider how to improve the situation and maintain the positive aspects. (730 words)