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The Very Hungry Caterpillar Lesson Plan

(The Very Hungry Caterpillar)
Lesson Plan in Grade 7
At the end of the 35 minutes session, students should be able to:
a. Identify the sequence of events in the story.
b. Relate the story based on the real life experience; and
c. Create a caterpillar model.
Subject Matter
a. Topic- Recognizing the Essence of Parables
b. References- https://pastorross1.wordpress.com/2018/04/01/the-parable-ofthe-very-hungry-caterpillar/, https://writingexplained.org/grammardictionary/parable.
c. Materials – laptop, projector, bond paper, colored paper, marker/pen, and
other printed materials.
d. Values Integration- Show genuine love towards themselves; additionally,
exercise personal growth and self-transformation that empowers the
A. Daily Routine/Preparation
The teacher will begin the class by greeting the students, followed by prayer that will
be led by one of the students, then, preparing the classroom atmosphere by ensuring
the surroundings’ cleanliness, proper ventilation and lighting. Afterwards, the
president of the class will get or check the attendance while setting-up the laptop and
projector for the presentation.
B. Lesson Preview
The teacher will give a quick overview about parables to the students. She will
introduce it shortly in order for them to formulate ideas and be aware about what they
are going to tackle in today’s discussion.
C. Motivation
The teacher will give the students a quick activity called, ―Thumbs Up or Thumbs
Down‖. In this activity, the teacher will present a variety of foods to them. They are
going to thumbs up if they like or love the food that the teacher presents, on the other
hand, they will thumbs down if they dislike or not into that food that teacher presents
to them.
D. Lesson Proper
The teacher will start the discussion of the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar using
a video presentation that she prepared and got from the Internet.
Content and Skill-Building
The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
In the light of the moon a little egg lay on a leaf.
One Sunday morning the warm sun came up and—pop—out of the egg came a tiny
and very hungry caterpillar.
He started to look for some food.
On Monday he ate through one apple. But he was still hungry.
On Tuesday he ate through two pears, but he was still hungry.
On Wednesday he ate through three plums, but he was still hungry.
On Thursday he ate through four strawberries, but he was still hungry.
On Friday he ate through five oranges, but he was still hungry.
On Saturday he ate through one piece of chocolate cake, one ice-cream cone, one
pickle, one slice of Swiss cheese, one slice of salami, one lollipop, one piece of cherry
pie, one sausage, one cupcake, and one slice of watermelon. That night he had a
The next day was Sunday again. The caterpillar ate through one nice green leaf, and
after that he felt much better.
Now he wasn’t hungry any more—and he wasn’t a little caterpillar any more. He
was a big, fat caterpillar.
He built a small house, called a cocoon, around himself. He stayed inside for more
than two weeks. Then he nibbled a hole in the cocoon, pushed his was out and… he
was a beautiful butterfly!
Guided Practice
After the discussion, the class should be divided into three groups. They are going to
make their own inspirational quote with a theme, ―transformation‖ and share it with
the class. The quote they are going to do can be based on their real-life experience
transformation. This will serve as a reminder to an individual to not be afraid of
changing or transforming himself/herself to its better version.
Independent Practice
After the group activity, the teacher will let the students have it individually. They
are going to message their own self about the things they are proud of through
writing on a ¼ sheet of paper. Their message should be maximized into three
sentences only. Their answer should be submitted after three (3) minutes to the class
Closure Activity
This activity will be led by a teacher. She will read the quote in her PowerPoint
Presentation and will be repeated by the students. This helps the learners to have
good feedback about themselves and about the entire discussion.
E. Application
In order to apply the learnings of the students in the discussion, they will be having a
group activity. Their activity is about creating a caterpillar model using colored paper
(already cut into a round shape). In each circle, it includes the sequence of events in the
story. They are going to stick the paper together, while considering the sequence of
events in the story to have a caterpillar model. Their group will be the same as earlier
F. Generalization
From the discussion and activities they have, the teacher will ask some students about
what they have learned in the parable that they have tackled and what realizations
they acquire in the entire discussion.
Through the integration of technology, the students will take a short quiz through
google form. This is to know if they fully understand the story of The Very Hungry
Caterpillar. They are going to arrange the events of the story in time order.
Instructions: Read the sentences carefully. Arrange the events of the story in time order.
Number them 1 to 10.
He was a beautiful butterfly.
He started to look for some food.
He had a stomach ache.
He ate an apple.
He ate strawberries.
He ate oranges.
The egg popped out a tiny and very hungry caterpillar.
He ate pears.
He ate plums.
He ate one nice green leaf.
Thinking about Learning
To formally end the discussion, the teacher will ask the students if they have
questions or clarifications about the topic. If none, the teacher will dismiss the class.