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Reading Techniques: Skimming, Scanning, Intensive, Extensive

Reading Techniques
Prepared by
Ahsan Habib
Dept. of Humanities, RUET
• Technique means to do something in a systematic, skilful and efficient
manner by using special knowledge.
• Reading is done for various purposes; hence, a good reader needs to
know which technique to use when and how to use it effectively.
• A good reader should be like a skilled batsman; the way a skilled
batsman uses different techniques while batting keeping in mind the
type of bowler, the style of bowling and the pitch, an active reader too
uses the same technique while reading.
• His/her choice of strategy would depend on the type of material and
the purpose of reading.
• The correct choice of strategy would help improve comprehension and
save the reader from the burden of reading.
Four Reading Techniques
• There are basically four main types of reading techniques:
•1. Skimming
•2. Scanning
•3. Intensive
•4. Extensive
• Reading a text rapidly to have an idea of what the text is all about.
• It is the basic level of understanding. One need not try to understand
each word but read a group of information. It does not matter if the
reader does not understand some of the words s/he has come across.
• For example, having a look at a newspaper to shortlist articles for a
deeper reading.
• Purpose of skimming:
• To preview a more detailed reading to learn the main divisions of
• To review something heavy in content to make it easier to
• Skimming process:
• 1. Do not skim everything at the same speed
• 2. Read the table of contents or chapter
• 3. Glance through the main headings
• 4. Read the headings of charts and tables
• 5. Read the entire introductory paragraph and then the first and last
sentence only of each following paragraph
• 6. Read the sentences with keywords indicated in boldface or italics
• 7. Read the entire sentence if something significant is found
• 8. Read chapter summaries when provided
• 9. Do not do word reading
• Reading a text rapidly to locate specific information. For example,
using dictionary for a word or looking for key phrases in a specific
chapter. Academically, one may be looking for key phrases or specific
chapters/theories to have an idea of what s/he is looking for. Thus,
scanning is really about deciding if a resource is going to be useful or
• Purpose of Scanning:
• To focus and find a particular fact
• To locate the appropriate material
• To know how the information is structured before you start scanning
is essential
• Scanning process:
• 1. Use the content page and look for the subheadings to have a
general idea of its suitability
• 2. Take note of information given in the bold, italic or in different font
prints and colour used in it, if any
• 3. Look for specific words or key phrases
• 4. Use your finger/pen to help you find the content
• 5. Mark key words/phrases
Intensive Reading
• This is rigorous, serious or exhaustive reading. It requires more time
than skimming or scanning.
• It is helpful in retaining learnt things.
• Thus, reading a large amount of information just before exam does
not help one in the long run.
• Purpose of Intensive Reading:
• To achieve higher level of understanding and knowledge in the
chosen field
• To master the topic being read
• To develop research skill
• Process of Intensive Reading:
• 1. Be clear about what you need and want to read as well as how you
read and
• want to read
• 2. Select the reading material as per your requirement and read very
• understanding every word
• 3. Take notes while reading
• 4. Recall the content and try to elaborate it
• 5. Discuss, if possible, the read content with others
Extensive Reading
• Extensive reading is reading as much as possible. It is reading for
pleasure. When you are reading for pleasure, the difficulty level
should be such that you can read smoothly and quickly without
looking up words in a dictionary or translating content into vernacular
• Purpose of Extensive Reading:
• To get an opportunity to learn language in context
• To read in English and like it too
• To increase reading fluency
• To gain proficiency in writing and in oral skills
• To have better understanding of topics read
• Process of Extensive Reading:
• 1. Choose the books/reading material depending on your interests
• 2. Read it in the classroom, at home or in the library
• 3. Read it individually and silently
• 4. Start and stop at will and read at the speed you are comfortable
• 5. Share the summary of the text either orally or in a written form