Uploaded by Joe Balingit

PHP and MySQL Development Course Outline

Course Outline:
PHP Overview
What is PHP?
History of PHP?
PHP 5 features?
Why choose PHP?
 Speed of Development
 Open Source
 Performance
 Portability
II. Installing PHP
Platforms, Servers, Databases, PHP
Where to find PHP
Installing PHP
 Configuring Apache
 php.ini
 short_open_tag
 Error Reporting Directives
 Variable Directives
III. First Script
 Overview
 First Script
 Beginning and Ending Block
 The print() function
 Combining HTML and PHP
 Adding Comments to PHP
IV. PHP Building Blocks
Dynamic Variable
References to Variables
Data Type
Operators and Expressions
V. Conditionals and PHP Flows
 Switching Flow
 if Statement
 Using the else Clause
 Using the else if Clause
 The switch Statement
 Using the? Operator
 Loops
 The while statement
 The do…while statement
 The for statement
 Breaking out of Loops with the Break Statement
 Skipping an Iteration with the continue Statement
 Nesting Loops
VI. Functions
What is a function?
Calling functions
Defining a function
Returning Values from a function
Dynamic function calls
Variable Scope
 Accessing variables with the global statement
 Saving state Between Function Calls with the Static Statement
 More about Arguments
VII. Arrays
 What is an array?
 Creating Arrays
 Defining arrays with the array() function
 Defining or adding to arrays with the array identifier
 Associative Arrays
 Defining arrays with the array() function
 Defining or adding to arrays with the array identifier
 Multidimensional Arrays
 Accessing Arrays
 Getting the size
 Looping through an array
 Looping through an associative array
 Manipulating Arrays
 array merge()
 array push()
 array shift()
 array slice()
 Sorting Arrays
 sort()
 asort()
 ksort()
VIII. Objects
What is an object?
Creating an object
Object Properties
Object Methods
IX. Working With Forms
Global and environment variables
Accessing input from multiple SELECT statements
Accessing all the fields from a Form from an Associative Array
Distinguishing between GET and POST Transactions
Combining HTML and PHP code on a Single Page
Using hidden fields to Save State
Redirecting the user
File upload forms and scripts
X. Working with Files
 Including Files with include()
 Testing Files
 file_exists()
 File or Directory
 Checking Status of a File
 filesize()
 Getting Date information
 Creating and Deleting Files
 Opening a File for Reading, Writing or Appending
 Reading from Files
 fgets() and feof()
 fread()
 fgetc()
 Writing or Appending to a File
 fwrite() or fputs()
 flock()
 Working with Directories
 mkdir()
 rmdir()
 opendir()
 readdir()
XI. Beyond the Box
 Environmental Variables
 HTTP Client/Server Negotiation
 The Request
 The Response
 Getting a Document from a Remote Address
 Converting IP Addresses and Hostnames
 Making a Network Connection
 Making an NNTP Connection using fsockopen()
 Sending email with the mail() Function
XII. Working with Images
Creating and Outputting Images
Acquiring Color
Drawing Lines
Applying Color Fills
Drawing an Arc
Drawing a Rectangle
Drawing a Polygon
Making a Color Transparent
Working with Text
 Writing a String with imageTTFtext()
 Testing Text Dimensions with imageTTFbox()
 Bringing it Together
XII. Working With Dates
Getting the Date with time()
Converting a timestamp with getdate()
Converting a timestamp with date()
Creating Time stamps with mktime()
 Testing a Date with checkdate()
 Example Usage
XIII. Working with Data
 Data Types Revisited
 Testing for Absence and Emptiness
 Custom Sorting arrays
XIV .Working with Strings
 Formatting Strings
 Investigating Strings
 Manipulating Strings
XV. Regular Expressions
 POSIX Regular Expressions
 Perl Compatible Regular Expressions
XVI. Cookies
 Setting a Cookie
 Deleting a Cookie
XVII .Sessions
 Starting a Session
 Destroying Sessions
XVIII. Database Integration – MySQLi
Connecting to the Database
Finding About Errors
Adding Data to a Table
Acquiring the Value of an Automatically Incremented Field
Accessing Information
Changing Data
Getting Information About Databases
Getting it All Together
XIX. Lab – putting all together