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Dentistry Exam Questions & Answers - Study Guide

Patient has auto antibody positive prickle cell ?
-bullous pemhgoiud
Case about pedo patient when he seated on the chair he started playing with the
instrument and his mom stated that in home he easily loss his attention ??
-obsesive complisive disorder (OCD)
histology of hemodesrine :
-prepheral giant cell granuloma
Trigeminal virus : zoster
What is the primary blood supply for maxillary teeth :
-super and inferir alveolar artery
how to increase zinc phosphate thickness:
Zonc phosphate disadvantage:
ZOE why isn’t not used in pulpotomy :
- if excreuded it does not resolve
Incision For alligned 3rd molar extraction ?
- Three corner flap (envelop) - Full thickness mucoperiosteal flap -> upper third molar
Clasp for canine not interested in esthetics and there is no undercut , there is only cervical
undercut ?
-NO need a clasp
Which of the following is the type of vault that on lateral pressure is stable but on retention
forces is losse:
V shape
U shape
Flat shape
Nug first thing to do:
-Removal of pseudo membrane
Cherbsium case ( ‫)متكرره من التجميعات‬
Craniocynosis case (they gave the manifestation of craniocynosis)
increase intracranila pressuer bec immature close of cranial
angled radiograph and change in place which type of resorption?
Cancer has severe pain for a tooth with normal platlet count?
-preceed without any precautions
Which of the following has a concern in the oral cavity?
Non malefance ?
-Evidence based
-patient based
-doctor based
Material that has highest marginal shrinkage on thermal expansion ?
-Unfilled resin
-amalgam alloy
-composite resin
-silicate cement
‫السالم عليكم ورحمة هللا وبركاته‬
٢٠٢٢//١٠/٢٦ ‫اختباري اليوم بتاريخ‬
‫االختبار ثالثة اقسام‬
‫) سؤال تقريبا اندو والباقي منوع‬٩٠( : ‫القسم االول جاني‬
‫ كان اغثهم‬: ‫ مدسن‬،‫ فكسد‬، ‫ اوبرتف‬، ‫ كان بريو‬: ‫القسم الثاني‬
‫ انفكش كنترول‬، ‫ اثيكس‬، ‫ ريمفوبل‬: ‫القسم الثالث‬
: ‫االسئلة الى اتذكرها‬
1 - ‫جدول‬HBV ‫ اسئلة عليه‬١٠ ‫جاني تقريبا‬
2- patient have gold crown in 23 , and 23and 24 wear , patient complain from sensitivity
What is cause (gold )done before 2 day ?
cement sensitivity
Gold sensitivity biocompatable
3- 36 with open Margie measial and distal what the cause ? ( with) pic
- Core shirhkage
lack of the path of insertion
- Metal shrinkage
- Distortions final impressions
4 - pin with amalgam fracture what is the cause ?
- Pin 0.5 to dentin to cementum enamel junction
- Pin under mind cusp tip
- Pin 1.5to dentin to external enamel surface
5 - amalgam restoration with overhang restoration with bone loss around overhang
What is cause of bone loss (with pic) ?
- bacteria invasion to bone
- Occlusal truma
- Inflammation response to plaque
6- patient with 20kg you give him lidocaien without eph maximum dose ?
- 44
- 22
without -> 4.4
with -> 7 X kg /36
- 66
- 88
7- polysulfide impression and patient have gag reflex cause?
- material sensitivity
- Fast insert try by dentist
- Overextion tray material
8 - patient have white spot and he is not happy with it, the spot not removed with air , he
have the when he chilled what is this spot ?
- arrested caries
- Amelogenis imprefact
- Caries
- Hyperplasia enamel
9- healthy patient with gingival cove the teeth what the cause of this (pic) ?
- idiopathic gingival growth
- Induced by medaction
- Induced by systemic problems
10 - class 2 div 2 what happen ?
- flat
- Steep
11- patents do scaling 2 day ago and come back with swelling in gingival with pus what is
this swelling (pic) ?
- periodontal abscess
- Preapical abscess
- gingival abscess
12 - RPD clasp in 33 and 44,45 and you want extraction 33 what to do ?
- remake new
- Reline
reline and add ww for tooth no 33
then it will cause bone resorption so then need reline
- Rebase
13- (pic )with lower lip enlarge with blue to purple ( from brith) what is this ?
- calliper prestins artery
- Hemingoma
14- patient want to setback mandibular what surgery you do ?
- Bilateral split ossu
- Trans vertcal surgery
- L shape
15 - patient with craze line how to protect teeth by suitable way ?
- occlusion adjument
- Full coverage crown
no need
- (-)
- (-)
16- gic luting cement type ?
17- how to disinfect alginate ?
- glutayldhyied
iodophor / chlorine compound / NaOcl
- Chloreform
- Diluted sodium
18- what type cement need slowly mixing to obtain good consenty ?
- resin cement
- Zin phosphate cement
- Polycabocylate cement
19 - disadvantage gutta perch
- shrinkage with solvent
- Difficult manipulation
- Difficult remove
20- crown with 0.3 Margie open what to do ?
- remake
- Polishing crown
- Add thickness of cement
21- what cause cervial resorption in bleaching?
- carbmied breoxide
- Haydrogen breoxide
- Thermo catlyte bleaching bec we use heat with hydrogen peroxied
22- ethic code ?
- ethic , law , professional
- Law,ethic, autnomy
- Professional, ethic , law
23- falpy ridge where ?
- anterior maxiall
- Posterior maxiall
24 when to use tissue condensation?
- ill fitting denture
- recovery program (soft tissue irretation)
25- you giving anesthesia to gingival to count bone this teheniqus what name ?
- bone counting
- Tranver gingival bone Bone sounding
26- 6 year pedo patient 85, 84 need extraction what anesthesia you give ?
- mental nerve
- Long buccal
27- mcv = 70 what mean ?
- iron deficiency
- Aplastic anemia
- Precinus anamia
28 patient hav glossitis and anther symptoms what have?
- iron deficiency
29- ethics research definition
30- needle injury percentage
- 30%
- 70%
- 40%
31- occurred to 30% dentist which ?
32- pic endo treatment and ask about mishaps? ‫الحاله كانت‬lateral incisor obturation extend
beyond apex
- leage
- Perforation
- Transpoetion
- - gaugging
33- what is the best way to determine working length?
- Xray
- Apex lector
- Tactile senesation
34- best way to prevent saliva will you work endo ?
- rubber dam
- Cotton roll
- Saliva ejection
35 - defention sub luxation
slight mobility with pain on percussion without displacment
36- dull pain which fiber
- A fiber
- C fiber unmylinted
Full crown ceramic
32-pt come with pain that started after cementaion of crown on 36(vital) and pain increase
2 ago with +percussion, what should you do ?
Change crown
33-location of center of rotation or resistance(‫ )ماني متأكد اي وحدة فيهم‬in teeth?
In crown
Cervical third
Between cervical and middle
Between middle and apical
34-advantage of resin composite over resin acrylic?
Less polymerization shrinkage
‫نسيت باقي االجابات‬
35-indication of reline ?
Moderate ridge resorption
‫نسيت الباقي بس اتوقع هذي االجابة الصح‬
36-during cd try in u notice a gap betwean tissue and denture in right side wax knife can fit
into it
And no gap in left side , occlusion in good ,what should u do?
37-which of following mistake happens during cleaning and shaping?
‫نسيت االجابات‬
during access -> Gouging
during irrigation -> sodium hypochlorite accedent