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ASME Code Case 2267: Buckling Pin Relief Devices

Approval Date: December 8, 1997
See Numeric Index for expiration
and any reaffirmation dates.
Case 2267
Buckling Pin Nonreclosing Pilot Operated
Pressure Relief Device
Section VIII, Division 1
125 through UG-136 for pilot operated pressure relief
valves are met, with the following additional requirements.
(a) Each buckling pin shall be identified with a
marking such that the rated buckling pressure at which
the pin will buckle, can be determined and referenced
to a specific buckling pin lot number [see (c) below]
and to the specific device in which the buckling pin
is to be used. Each buckling pin shall also have a
marking that is traceable to a correlative marking on
the housing and on the nameplate of this device.
(b) At least two sample buckling pins from each lot
(maximum of 50 pins per lot) of buckling pins made
from the same material and of the same size as those
to be used shall be tested to verify that the buckling
pressure (set pressure) falls within the set pressure
tolerance. The test shall be made in a device of the
same form and pressure dimensions as that in which
the buckling pin is to be used.
(c) The buckling pin nonreclosing pilot operated
pressure relief device shall be marked with this Case
number in addition to the marking required in para.
Inquiry: Paragraph UG-127 of Section VIII, Division
1, permits the use of rupture disk devices, breaking
pin devices, and spring loaded nonreclosing pressure
relief devices as nonreclosing pressure relief devices.
Under what conditions and limitations may a buckling
pin nonreclosing pilot operated pressure relief device
be used to satisfy the requirements of para. UG-125?
Reply: It is the opinion of the Committee that a
buckling pin nonreclosing pilot operated pressure relief
device, defined as nonreclosing self-actuated pressure
relief device actuated by inlet pressure in which the
main valve is combined with and is controlled by a
self-actuated buckling pin nonreclosing pressure relief
device, may be used to satisfy the requirements of
para. UG-125, provided the requirements of paras. UG-
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