Uploaded by Ben Asamoah

PTA Meeting Minutes - Grace Knowledge School Complex

 The management members who were present included Apostle Robert (The spokesperson of the
principal), Bishop William Evadzi and the headmaster of GKSC Mr. Benjamin Asamoah.
 Attendance: 45 parents.
 The meeting was chaired by the headmaster, Mr. Benjamin Asamoah.
The meeting commenced with an opening prayer by Apostle Robert which was followed by an introduction of
the management members of Grace Knowledge School Complex.
1. Punctuality of learners: The headmaster advised and encouraged parents to bring their children to
school on time. Parents were informed that their children must report to school by 7:30am for Pre-school
learners and 7:00am for Primary school learners.
2. Graduation: The headmaster informed parents of the upcoming graduation ceremony for the KG 2
learners on 19th November, 2022. He explained that all parents were to support the graduation ceremony
and Christmas carol with an amount of Ghc20. He reminded parents of the costume their children must
wear to the graduation ceremony. He informed them that the program would start at 10:00am.
Reaction and responds: Miss Afrifa Ewurabena enquired about why the non-grandaunts must also pay
to support the graduation ceremony. Parents were made to understand that as a family we must all
support every activity of its members.
3. School Fees: Mr. Asamoah encouraged parents to make payment of their wards school fees on time. He
further explained to them that there could be changes to the payment of school fees next academic year.
Payment of school fees might be made through the bank. The headmaster explain that when the
preparation is complete parents will be notified. He added that other payment platforms such as “MoMo”
will be introduced for parents who can’t make payment through the bank.
Reaction and responds: Miss Afrifa Ewurabena requested for additional payment platform for parents
who can’t make school fees payment via the bank or “MoMo”. The headmaster responded that her
request will be discussed and possibly taken into consideration by management.
4. Christmas carol: The headmaster reminded parents of the upcoming Christmas carol on the 23rd
December. He added that the dress code for all children and parents would be green and red.
Reaction and responds: Mr. Agbeko asked whether parents who do not attend church must also attend
the program. It was explained that all religions support each other during their festivals hence nonChristian parents should come and support.
5. Appearance of learners: Parents were reminded of the uniforms their children must wear to school on
each day of the week. Mr. Asamoah explained that on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays learners are to
wear the school uniform. On Wednesdays learners are to wear the school Lacoste (either the wine or the
ash Lacoste) over a jeans or any decent trouser and on Fridays learners’ are to wear the Friday wear. The
headmaster and Apostle Robert encouraged parents to ensure that their children are well kempt before
leaving home for school as the school will also ensures that they leave school with neat appearance.
Apostle Robert advised parents to go for plaster shoes for their children instead of leased shoes as the
later lead to distractions.
6. Pick up of learners after school: The headmaster informed parents that school closes at 3:00pm and
latest by 4:00pm all parents should have picked up their children. He added that parents who may come
for their children late should inform the school early so provisions can be made for their children.
7. School Uniform: The headmaster informed the parents that management is considering changing the
school uniform due to how it gets dirty very quickly. He told parents that when the time is due samples
of the uniform will be presented to parents at the next PTA meeting.
8. School bus: Mr. Asamoah explain to parents that plans were underway to acquire a school bus. He
assured parents who needed school bus service that hopefully a school bus would be acquired and
presented at the next general PTA meeting.
9. Carrier costume day: Mr.Asamoah informed parents to prepare next term for their children’s career
costume day. Reaction and responds: Miss Christiana asked if the learners would wear their career day
costume from home. The headmaster’s responds was that the learners would wear their career day
costume from home.
10. Excursion: The headmaster informed parents that there may be an excursion next term. He explained to
parents that when preparation is complete they would be informed.
11. Extension of school facility: The headmaster assured parents that project is ongoing to extend the
school facility. He said that hopefully next term the story building will be ready so that there will be
enough classrooms.
Other matters
1. Mrs Davids complained about the homework questions her child brings home, adding that the questions
looks beyond the child's stage.
She was made to understand that the school follows the curriculum of GES for Ghanaian schools.
Therefore questions such as “less than” and “greater than” are found in the curriculum and not above
her children comprehension.
2. Mr Vorwortor complained about the homework his child also brings home, explaining that some of the
activities seem above his child’s ability such as “ draw a nuclear family eating around a dining table”
It was explained to him that some drawing activities improve children’s imaginative skills, hence parents
should cooperate and help their children with such homework’s as and when necessary.
3. Mr. Vuguse expressed concern about the unprogressive teaching in the pre-school department
specifically, KG. He said he sometimes get confused regarding what would be taught next in the
Mr. Asamoah explained to him that schemes of work for a particular term would be make available for
parents to track what their children learn in school week after week.
4. Miss Christiana praised the preschool teachers especially Mr. Enusah for the work he is doing.
5. Mrs Davids suggested that the preschool should have a microwave to warm foods children bring from
home when they became cold.
6. Miss Afrifa Ewurabena inquired about computing laboratory, asking when it would be ready. She was
made to understand that the school is progressing steadily. Therefore when the time a due and the school
facility is well expanded, computing laboratory will be created.
7. Mr. Vuguse raised a compline by his son that the school washrooms are not hygienic.
He headmaster answered him by saying that the school has janitors who ensure that the washrooms are
tidied just after they are used by students. He assured him that the school will see to it that the
washrooms are always neat.
8. Mrs Davids encouraged parents to appreciate the effort of teachers because they are doing a good job.
9. Mr. Agbeko asked whether school fees and feeding fee would be increased in the coming term.
The headmaster responded that school fees and feeding fee will not be increased.
1. Bishop William Evadzi was invited to speak to the parents. He encouraged parents to trust in God for
their provisions, pray for their children and not to condemn their children when they are not meeting
academic standards at school. He added that parents should always speak positively about their children
2. Mr. Asamoah moved for the adjournment of the meeting which was seconded by Miss Afrifa
Written by Mr. Ganyo Godsway
3. The closing prayer was said by Bishop William Evadzi.
Approved by (Headmaster) ________________________
Approved by (a parent) _______________________
Sign _____________________
Sign _____________________