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Guru Exposed

It's no doubt that finance Gurus have started to take over the internet
But what happens when they finally get exposed for scamming clients and selling courses that are complete bullshit?
(Video Clip of guru being arrested)
Here is how this finance guru got brutally exposed
Brandon Heitmann is a 30 year old contracter, that supposably makes a fortune selling pools in Detrioit, Michigan.
As you can see here, Brandon is showing off the brand new Lamborghini that he bought from selling pools.. or did he?
But little did he know, that his whole career was about to be exposed.
(Video Clip of shelby couple being out $60,000)
Brandon first started mowing lawns with a push mower for $20 at the age of 18.
Now, I'm really not sure how he started in the pool industry, but it sounded like to him that it was an industry to make a quick buck before any of the job was done.
He supossably made around 300k in revenue in his landscaping business, so he decided that he wanted to persue an even larger service.
It even states on his website, that Brandon has made over 10m in revenue today. Which I think is completely false, and a large portion of that is all scamming money.
Brandon even had clients downpaying literally 100% of the money before the pool construction was even started.
He then started to post videos online about how he was spending millions of dollars between his landscaping business and pool business.
He bought his brand new Lamborghini with all of the money that he scammed from clients making an insane downpayment on the pool that he would barely ever build.
And to no suprise, Brandon started his own course to fasely teach others, how to make money. But we all know that it was just another gig to make him a quick buck.
So who are the people that he scammed? And how much did he scam them for?
Well, you're about to find out.