ARELLANO UNIVERSITY | ANDRES BONIFACIO CAMPUS SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT _______________________________________________________________________ HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Student Portfolio for CULMINATING ACTIVITY School Year: 2022-2023 Clarisse Ann A. Balanditan Name of the Student 12 - HUMSS03 Strand and Section MR. ROMEL TAN QUIBU Y E N Subject Teacher MR. JIM VILLANIEVA Strand Coordinator, Humanities and Social Sciences MS. HARLENE ROSE V. MAMIIT Principal, High School Department THE GREAT H UMSS STRAND ARELLANO UNIVERSITY | ANDRES BONIFACIO CAMPUS SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT _______________________________________________________________________ HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES INTRODUCTION: CONCEPT PAPER Culminating Activity is a partial fulfillment of the requirements of the SHS students particularly to those who are in the HUMSS, GAS and STEM strands at Arellano University. It is designed to give students a chance to demonstrate the ability to create a quality outputs synthesizing what they have learned in the program. It is also designed to give students a chance to demonstrate that they have skills necessary to succeed after high school graduation creating and completing a self-directed project or activity of their choice. ACTIVITY: SINGING PIECE TITLE: Unwell- Matchbox twenty RATIONALE/BACKGROUND: I chose to sing a song because I want to share my talent and my passion in singing on this upcoming culminating activity. Also, I chose this song because for me, it really has a good meaning and its title speaks a lot. The meaning of the song gives me a motivation to continue things in life even we are on the hardest part of our lives. To continue pursuing our dreams and turn our “I cant’s” to “I can” OBJECTIVES: a. To teach a lesson about not giving up to the listeners. b. To show my talent and passion on singing c. To let the listeners value the thing about believing in themselves IMPLEMENTATION TIMELINE: ACTIVITY DATE CONDUCTED Orientation of Culminating Activity Teacher January 19, 2023 Discussion on lesson 1 January 20, 2023 Resume January 25,2023 Discussion on lesson 2 February 2, 2023 Learner’s interest inventory February 3, 2023 Updated resume March 2, 2023 Pre- Interview March 2, 2023 Submission of medical history March 17, 2023 Webinar March 19, 2023 Submission of waiver March 20, 2023 Mock interview March 21, 2023 Presentation proper April 28, 2023 Accomplished By: CLARISSE ANN BALANDITAN _ Student Reviewed by: MR. ROMEL TAN QUIBU YEN Subject T eacher Reviewed by: Date: MAR 26, 2023 Reviewed by: MR. JIM VILLANUEVA Strand Coordinator, HUMSS STRAND Approved By: MR. GERARDO S. LAVIN Assistant Principal, High School MS. HARLENE ROSE V. MAMIIT Principal, High School THE GREAT H UMSS STRAND ARELLANO UNIVERSITY | ANDRES BONIFACIO CAMPUS SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT _______________________________________________________________________ HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Presentation Proper April 28, 2023 Preparation for Submission of Portfolio April 28, 2023 Submission of Portfolio April 28, 2023 ANTICIPATED OUTCOMES: I will be able to perform and show my talent and passion in singing, the listeners will be able to know the beauty of believing in themselves and also, they will be able to know the concept and true meaning of THE GREAT H UMSS STRAND ARELLANO UNIVERSITY Andres Bonifacio Campus Senior High School Department Pag - asa Street, Caniogan, Pasig City WORK IMMERSION S.Y. 2022 – 2023 I. Accomplished Forms Andres Pag - CLARISSE ANN BALANDITAN Name: Grade, Strand and Section: 12 - HUMSS03 Topic:ST 1 MORNING SESS ION WEBINAR Speaker: M S. KRISTINE B. AREVAL O Date and Time: MARCH 19, 2023 8:00 AM - 12 :00 NN Venue: Z OOM APP Work Immersion Teacher: M R. ROMEL TAN QUIBU YEN Signature: Narrative Report Introduction I. II. being an Arellano University andress Bonifacio Campus Pasig grade 12 student, is required to attend the webinar. We will be hosting a webinar over Zoom on Sunday, March 19, 2023 from 8:00 am to 3 pm. Since this is my first time participating in a webinar, I'm still learning about what our first speaker will say. Nevertheless, I can say that the webinar was enjoyable to attend and that I learnt a lot, particularly about personal development and interview dos and don'ts. I gained a lot of knowledge throughout the interview because we would need it for the forthcoming mock interview at school. I can state that the webinar is really helpful since you can learn a lot and get knowledge through what the lecturers teach there. I think Arellano University did a fantastic job coming up with this concept, and many students will benefit much from participating in the webinar as a result. Knowledge/Learning Acquired I gained a lot of knowledge from the webinar that I may put to use in the future, such as the dos and don'ts of interviews. I can take what I learned here to our forthcoming mock interview and my future job applications. In this lesson, I also learned what you can and cannot do during an interview as well as appropriate attire to wear. In our first webinar, I learned how to create a resume as well as how to be confident during interviews and what attire is appropriate. As part of personal growth, we also teach the behaviors that should be displayed around us, such as identifying your areas of strength and weakness. Here, it is discussed how to achieve this. ARELLANO UNIVERSITY Bonifacio Campus Senior High School Department asa Street, Caniogan, Pasig City The next habit is to be confident. Here, it is explained why we should be confident in ourselves. that should be displayed around us, such as identifying your areas of strength and weakness. Here, it is discussed how to achieve this. The next habit is to be confident. Here, it is explained why we should be confident in ourselves. III. Observation While having our first webinar, I can say that I only have good observations. Because first, I observed how good the school’s strategy is on how they organize the flow of the activity. By giving the schedules, dates, and time, they were able to accommodate and all the students. Also, I observed that the speaker in our first webinar did a great job for teaching us the new knowledge that we can acquire. She knows exactly how to be professional while making the webinar so fun. I observed how good she delivers the lessons and I also observe how good their power point is. The speaker continues to ask the students if they have some questions which is very impressing because by that, they can build a good communication with the students. UNIVERSITY ARELLANO ndres Bonifacio Campus Senior High School Department asa Street, Caniogan, Pasig City Pag- Name: C LARISSE ANN A. B ALANDITAN Grade, Strand and Section: 12 - HUMSS03 Topic: AFTERNOON SESS I ON WEBINAR Speaker: M S. MARY ANN CAPILITA N MARCH 19 2023 12:00 NN- 3:00 PM Date and Time: Venue: Z OOM APP Work Immersion Teacher: M R. ROMEL TAN QUIBU YEN Signature: Narrative Report I. Introduction Like the first webinar, this second one was a lot of fun and I learned a lot. By contributing and posting the announcement in the meeting's comment section, the professors and instructors there performed a fantastic job as well. Again, all I can say is that this webinar was incredibly helpful because the knowledge we gained from it will be very useful in the future. That we can finally put all the knowledge we learned in this webinar to use when our journey eventually takes us into the performing arts profession. In addition, I think Arellano University did a fantastic job of integrating this webinar for the benefits of their students—and not just in terms of their academic performance. Who knows, maybe one day I'll realize my ambition of joining a musical theater cast. I will be able to put all the knowledge I gained from this webinar to work by that point. Knowledge/Learning Acquired II. I gained a lot of knowledge and assistance from the second webinar, especially in the performing and visual arts. I gained a lot of knowledge that I can apply to both my present and future work, just like I do with the visual arts. I gained a lot of knowledge about illustrations for drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, craft, photography, and architecture in the visual arts. also outlined the value of visual arts and their purpose. I gained a lot of knowledge about the performing arts, just as I did about music, where the classification of voices and the parts of music were discussed. instruments with strings, such as the violin, guitar, and viola are ARELLANO UNIVERSITY Andres Bonifacio Campus Senior High School Department Pag-asa Street, Caniogan, Pasig City Everything is okay and everyon e did a really great job. A big thumbs up for the organizers, speaker, and the whole campus. taught here as well. Then wind instruments are taught, such as the saxophone, clarinet, and piccolo. I gained a lot of knowledge from the instruments that were taught. If I have the chance to learn how to play another instrument, I will seize the opportunity. Dance taught me a lot. Body, action, space, time, and energy are examples of dance's five basic building blocks. I also learnt a lot about various ballroom dancing styles, international dances, professional and performance dances, and hip-hop dance. The theater was the last topic that was covered with us. I learned a lot about different theater arts and other things in the theater. also mentioned a few possible occupations for theater artists III. Observation I can only provide positive impressions from our second session webinar. Considering that I once more saw how well the school has organized the flow of this second session throughout the webinar. They were able to accommodate all the students by providing the timetables, dates, and times. Additionally, I saw that our speaker did a fantastic job, exactly like in our previous webinar. She was able to talk about every lesson that was covered in her power point presentation. She asks and encourages the children to have a productive conversation, which I saw as her taking responsibility. She did a great job of educating us on the new information we can learn. Recommendations/Suggestions IV. I don't have anything to remark or advise for our second webinar session because I think everything was done flawlessly. I have nothing against the webinar's flow, and the campus, the organizer, the teachers, and the speaker all did a really excellent job. All I can say is that I advise them to keep up this kind of activity since it will be very beneficial to the pupils. With the aid of this webinar, they are preparing all of the students to engage in these kinds of activities with genuine confidence in addition to academic aptitude. I must admit that this webinar provided a fantastic platform for all of the students to gain a lot of advantages. I also advise the campus to advocate this to schools that aren't already doing it because by doing so, we can create a large number of students who are genuinely stronger and more self-assured because this activity shaped the students to be inclined not just toward academics but also toward the performing arts industry. I advise them Senior High School D epartment Pag - asa Street, Caniogan, Pasig City Name: CLARISSE ANN A. B ALANDITAN Grade, Strand and Section: 12 - HUMSS03 Topic: MOCK INTERVIEW Speaker: Date and Time : MARCH 21, 2023 8:00 AM – 2 :00 PM Venue: A RELLANO UNIVERSITY Work Immersion Teacher: M R. ROMEL TAN QUIBU YEN Signature: Narrative Report I. Introduction You must first do a practice interview, and then on March 21, 2023 (Tuesday), at 12:30pm, we will conduct a face-to-face interview at the University andress Bonifacio Campus in Pasig. This is my first time attending a job interview, and I can say that it was the most nervewracking one yet. Let's just say that with the help of our work immersion teacher, I was able to prepare somewhat for it. Knowledge/Learning Acquired I will be able to use the assistance of this fake interview while applying for jobs in the future. Thanks to it, I learnt a lot, especially from the interviewer's questions. The first thing I learned from my interviewer was to not fight the nervousness or don't be nervous because when you are attacked by nervousness you may not be able to answer the interviewer's question. I can use the reminder of what our interviewer told us in the future, I can use it on myself when I apply for a job. She added that in order to avoid missing any of the questions that will be posed to you during the interview, it is also essential that you are self-assured. Additionally, she advised that you should be honest in your responses to avoid making mistakes when responding to subsequent questions. Observation III. II. I noticed during our mock interview that our interviewer provided us instructions clearly, and that the last question he asked me was based on my strand, so I was able to provide a complete and precise response. The smooth flow of our interview was one of the things I noticed during it, and I can say that it is beneficial to have this activity in the classroom ARELLANO UNIVERSITY so that Andres Bonifacio Campus Senior High School Department asa Street, Caniogan, Pasig City students may learn how to respond to interview questions and for other students to use in the future. IV. Recommendations/Suggestions I hope that the other questions in the interview can be broadened and that it can be used in the future if I have the opportunity to offer my recommendations and thoughts. And I advise the school to keep up this practice because it greatly benefit ARELLANO UNIVERSITY Andres Bonifacio Campus Senior High School Department Pag-asa Street, Caniogan, Pasig City Name: C LARISSE ANN A. B ALANDITAN Grade, Strand and Section: 12 - HUMSS03 Topic: ONE DAY TRIP Speaker: Date and Time: APRIL 11 2023 6:30 AM - 1 1:00 AM Venue: P ETA THEA T ER CENTER QC Work Immersion Teacher: M R. ROMEL TAN QUIBU YEN Signature: Narrative Report I. Introduction Being an Arellano University andress Bonifacio Campus student in grade 12, you must participate in OJT or off-campus classes. Monday, April 11, 2023. We went to the PETA theater facility on our off-campus to try out several activities. Our call time was 5:00am, so we first arrived at school at 4:30am. We then left Arellano University at 6:00am to travel to the PETA theater center in Quezon City. and we began taking pictures for our documentary for our portfolio documentation as soon as we got to the PETA theater facility.B II. Knowledge/Learning Acquired I gained a lot of knowledge from our outcampus that I may apply to other fields, such as theater acting. I gained a lot of knowledge about theater. It is claimed that in order to behave naturally, actors must enter the theater with their own free will. The theater is believed to be a home for everyone who wants to enter it, therefore another lesson I learnt is to appreciate what you are doing there. III. Observation I noticed that our trip to the PETA theater center was smooth and the vehicles we boarded were in good condition as soon as we departed Arellano University. When we got to the PETA theater facility in Quezon City, it was extremely nice and clean, the paintings were ARELLANO UNIVERSITY Andres Bonifacio Campus Senior High School Department Pag-asa Street, Caniogan, Pasig City IV. lovely and especially imaginative in the theater room, and the folks who were acting there were quite kind and approachable. Recommendations/Suggestions On our first tour of the outcampus, we thoroughly loved and had a great time. Maybe I can suggest that they keep doing this activity with children in grade 12 so that they can learn just as much about theater as we do. And I advise them to just pay attention to the actresses when they go to the theater so they may pick up a lot from them. ARELLANO UNIVERSITY Andres Bonifacio Campus Senior High School Department Pag-asa Street, Caniogan, Pasig City Name: C LARISSE ANN A. B ALANDITAN Grade, Strand and Section: 12 - HUMSS03 Topic: SPECIAL PROJECT Speaker: Date and Time: APRIL 11 2023 6:30 AM - 11:00 AM Venue: IN OUR HO U SE Work Immersion Teacher: MR . ROMEL TAN QUIBU YEN Signature: Narrative Report I. Introduction We are required to complete a particular project in our work immersion course that is referred to as the Culminating Activity. You will be able to reveal your hidden skill in the culminating activity. You can choose from a variety of talents, including singing, dancing, and creating handwritten works like essays and short stories, among others. Your abilities to sing, dance, write essays and short tales, as well as your shyness, will be put to the test here. I decided on singing because, aside from singing, it's what I do on a daily basis and it's where my talent belongs. Even if my voice isn't very great, I chose it since I can still do it. I went chose Matchbox Twenty's "Unwell" as my tune. I adjusted myself before I began filming myself, then I adjusted the lighting so that I could be seen in the video, then I adjusted my music, and then I began singing and recording ARELLANO UNIVERSITY Andres Bonifacio Campus Senior High School Department Pag-asa Street, Caniogan, Pasig City II. Knowledge/Learning Acquired I didn't learn much on this specific project because it was all self-taught, and there was no meeting to discuss what was discovered. My experience working on my own unique project taught me to overcome my shyness and have confidence in myself. Because having self-confidence gives you the guts to sing and the courage to showcase your skill. Singing taught me how to regulate my voice, which helped the flow of my videos and singing. editing and recording video. I also discovered that filming takes patience because it's not always easy, especially if you don't have a suitable location. Even though no meetings were held for this particular project, I still learnt a lot, especially regarding videotaping and editing. I have learned to be strategic when it comes to recording and editing my films. III. Observation What I saw throughout this concluding exercise is how challenging it is to create and take a film on your own, as well as how challenging it is to find a suitable location. I became aware of how challenging it is to divide and balance time when engaging in this activity. I also noticed how challenging it is to set up and plan this exercise. IV. Recommendations/Suggestions What I can suggest for this task is that you pick a beautiful, calm spot to film your videos and alter the tempo accordingly. And what I can recommend is this university activity since some kids can showcase their abilities and grow more confident here, which will help them overcome their fears and anxiety. In summary, it is a nice suggestion for all students who will be grade 12 students. ARELLANO U NIVERSITY Andres Bonifacio Campus Senior High School Department Pag-asa Street, Caniogan, Pasig City WORK IMMERSION ESSAY “How to conduct oneself inside the company” People will regard you differently depending on how you act at work. gaining the respect of those who are close to you. A person's image is shaped by a variety of factors, such as how they present themselves, how competently they perform their jobs, how punctual they are, and how they interact with those around them. I really enjoy the work you do. Make being on time a top priority. Your boss and coworkers will assume you don't care about your job if you show up late for work or meetings. If it affects them, it will also appear that you don't value their time. proper attire. Be a good friend to others around you, regardless of whether you need to dress up for work or can get away with wearing more casual attire. Consider their viewpoint to get a bigger picture. When a coworker is overworked or dealing with a hardship at work, a true professional is willing to lend a hand. He or she isn't frightened to express ideas and information. Be a good example to motivate others. Constantly whining about your job will make others feel inferior. A decline in employee morale will undoubtedly be noticed by your manager. That does not imply that you should remain silent over issues you believe to be unjust. Your coworkers will appreciate you more if you are honest with them and control your temper in stressful moments. If your emotions are out of control, leave the situation and return when you're more composed. Although it is a facet of life, procrastination at work can cause tension between coworkers. Your coworkers will regard you as dependable if you carry out your duties. Conversely, express gratitude to colleagues who follow suit. Everyone at your place of business deserves respect, regardless of rank or position. You'll be able to communicate and work together better for the best results if team members feel respected. ARELLANO UNIVERSITY Andres Bonifacio Campus Senior High School Department ARELLANO UNIVERSITY asa Street, Caniogan, Pasig City Andres Bonifacio Campus Senior High School Department Pag - asa Street, Caniogan, Pasig City WORK IMMERSION S.Y. 2022 – 2023 . OTHER RELEVANT PICTURES/ DOCUMENTATION ARELLANO ARELLANO UNIVERSITY Andres Bonifacio Campus Senior High School Department Pag - asa Street, Caniogan, Pasig City DOCUMENTATION IN MOCK INTERVIEW ARELLANO ARELLANO UNIVERSITY Andres Bonifacio Campus Senior High School Department Pag - asa Street, Caniogan, Pasig City DOCUMENTATION IN SPECIAL PROJECT ARELLANO UNIVERSITY Andres Bonifacio Campus Senior High School Department asa Street, Caniogan, Pasig City DOCUMENTATION IN ONE DAY TRIP ARELLANO UNIVERSITY Andres Bonifacio Campus Senior High School Department asa Street, Caniogan, Pasig City ARELLANO UNIVERSITY Andres Bonifacio Campus Senior High School Department Pag - asa Street, Caniogan, Pasig City WORK IMMERSION S.Y. 2020 – 2021 VIII. Reflection ARELLANO UNIVERSITY Andres Bonifacio Campus Senior High School Department Pag-asa Street, Caniogan, Pasig City NAME: CLARISSE ANN A. BALANDITAN STRAND/SECTION: 12- HUMSS 03 REFLECTION As a Grade 12 student, we have Work Immersion as one of our topics. I learned a lot about this subject, just like I did about the other subjects. that has the potential to be very helpful for me in my present and future. I know that the information I learned about this topic will be very helpful to me even in the days to come. The knowledge I have about this subject is diverse. through education and morals. First and foremost, I found that our first class taught me everything I needed to know about work ethics. These "work ethics" are allegedly a set of guidelines and moral standards that firms and employees must uphold employees. I gained knowledge about the advantages of possessing and understanding. the morals at work. Additionally, I gained knowledge of the unethical and ethical practices that we could possibly engage in at work. taught about the distinctions between the two and how they are categorized. These My perspectives and thoughts have been moulded by information, thus when the moment Having my own job for the first time will allow me to apply my expertise and I'll use it for myself. Then, I was able to learn everything there was to know about safety measures. on our second lesson inside the office. The office is included in this. safety advice. During this lesson, I learned about the eight safety recommendations that we be familiar with the workplace. This class allowed me to expand my knowledge and I'll keep it in mind. I'm confident that I can use this in the future. I will know exactly what to do when I finally land my own job. ARELLANO UNIVERSITY Andres Bonifacio Campus Senior High School Department Pag-asa Street, Caniogan, Pasig C ity I also learned about the fundamental rights of employees, including their rights to the stability of employment, work schedules, hours worked, and wages and wage-related advantages, a day of relaxation each week, the payment of wages, and last but not least, the the ability to self-organize and engage in collective bargaining. I gained knowledge from that. about the various labor rights, and I was able to include it on my knowing that I'll be prepared to work when the time comes because I've previously done it. Additionally, I gained knowledge of the Employer and employee responsibility. I was unsure of exactly what my If I can work there, my future in five to ten years will look like or companies. Therefore, even if I worked for someone else or Employer, I am already aware of the duties I must carry out. On the fourth day of class, I discovered something regarding the significance of keeping things private at work. This is allegedly about maintaining the Confidential information from the workplace. I was able to discover the forms of information that must be protected from prying eyes. This also contains Information on employees, managers, and businesses. Along with that, I also had the advantage of being aware of how to handle sensitive information. This is something that I can also use in this present times and it changed my perception and thoughts about confidentiality. By that, I will value everything about confidentiality from now on. We also had our fifth lesson and this is where I learned about writing a resume. With this one, I learned how to make my own resume and I learned what are the things to be included inside the resume. I learned every little details from the right font size and font style up to the sequence of the content. I was able to add it on my knowledge and apply it on making my own resume. I know that this is really helpful for me especially in the future.