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Recommendation Letter for Nikolay Brankov

Nikolay Petrov Brankov, student from class XIIB studying at PGKPI – Burgas for the year 2023/2024
Daniela Kirilova Kirova,
Math teacher in PGKPI – Burgas
e-mail: dkirova@codingburgas.bg
About: Applying to university
I have known Nikolay Petrov Brankov since 2019 as a first-year student in PGKPI-Burgas, and I am
his math teacher for the years 2019/2020, 2020/2021, and 2021/2022.
Nikolay has always been responsible regarding his educational process and has always stood out
as a disciplined and ambitious person. After making the necessary efforts, he was able to easily cope
with the math problems for the respective class. At the same time, he was able to allocate and manage
his time so that he had the opportunity to engage in diverse activities and participate in various clubs,
such as extracurricular activities organized by the school. An example of this was his first active
participation in the interest club “Computer Mathematics” at PGKPI Burgas during the academic year
2019/2020. Its purpose was to expand and deepen practical skills as well as preparation in the field of
mathematics through competent use of information and communication technologies in solving
mathematical problems. Not only that, I have also heard about him participate in non-official sports
tournaments inside and outside of school, as sometimes he would mention them to his friends in school.
Sports such as football and volleyball. His communication abilities and leadership are, as my colleagues
have mentioned, better than others. As we have teachers from America teaching in our high school, he
manages well to gather the right information about different topics, which shows his flexibility.
Regarding the high school, it opens many doors for students who are interested in the fields of
programming. Even if not in our specialty, the school still strongly supports students like Nikolay who
focus on finance and such subjects.
Не само това, чувала съм го и да участва в неофициални спортни турнири във и извън
училище, тъй като понякога го споменаваше на приятелите си в училище за спортове като футбол и
волейбол. Неговите комуникационни способности и лидерство са, както моите колеги са
споменавали, по-добри от други. Тъй като в нашата гимназия преподават учители от Америка, той
успява добре да събере точната информация по различни теми, което показва неговата гъвкавост.
Що се отнася до гимназията, тя отваря много врати за ученици, които се интересуват от
областите на програмирането. Дори и да не е в нашата специалност, въпреки това, училището
силно подкрепя студенти като Николай, които се фокусират върху финансите и подобни предмети.
I support Nikolay Brankov’s application to the university in England and believe that he will easily
adapt to the new environment and will definitely treat the learning process responsibly and thoroughly.
Daniela Kirova: