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OSRS ToB Raid Guide: Strategies & Optimizations

Tip of the Iceberg: Things that you learn in Entry Mode
Freezing Nylos: Freezing Nylos at maiden is essential, and it makes
Verzik and the waves easier
Chinning Nylos: Chinning Nylos at maiden and waves is an effective
strat at killing them quickly
Whip Walk Verzik: This is when you are only on Verzik for one tick,
which is effective for 4t weapons.
Orb Order: Order that the party should be is South Mage->Melee
Freeze->Ranged DPS->Melee DPS
Poison Purple Nylos: The purple crab at Verzik instadies to
poisonous attacks
Salve Amulet Bloat: Salve is best in slot for this single boss and
most Tobbers farm salve amulets so they can drop them.
Sotetseg Ball Share: The death ball Sotetseg throws does 100% of
your current health unless you share it with your teammates
Surface Level: Meta strats you learn very quickly
Melee Xarpus: Meleeing Xarpus is the best way to deal damage if
you step away as he decides where to spit his poison
Swift Blade/Ham Joint: Best in Slot in nylo waves for melee since
it's 3t
Web Running: You can attack Verzik while she's throwing Webs if
you web run
DWH-BGS: Objectively the best way to lower a boss' defense is if
you DWH then BGS
Scythe P1 Verzik: Using Scythe on Verzik while the pillars are up is
much better DPS than using staff, especially if you get 2 hits in
between her attacks
Ranging Pot Share: Ranged DPS is expected to share stamina in
nylo waves and their ranging pot when Nylo Boss Spawns
BGS Bloat: On average, if one person uses BGS on bloat per down,
it's better DPS than if they just dumped claws.
Scythe Walk Verzik: People with Scythe are on Verzik until the tick
she decides to attack, which is optimal for 5t weapons.
Claw-4-Chally: Last hitting Bloat with Chally is a very effective spec
Shallow Waters: Variety of Optimizations that you learn by
the time you're Hard Mode Ready
TBow Maiden First Hit: You can get 1 hit on Maiden/Sotetseg with
Tbow without losing hits
Tick Eat Sotetseg: The Death ball Sotetseg throws out can be tick
30s Skipping: In 4s and 5s, Maiden's final wave of Nylos can be
ignored if you DPS her down quickly before the freeze ends
Perfect Verzik Tank: This is when you walk away/under Verzik the
exact moment she decides her attack, once every 7 ticks
Perfect Maze Pathing: Being able to recognize the best way to run
Sote Maze
2-2-1-2-1: With Scythe, in the final Xarpus phase, this is the
optimal pattern for attacking.
5t Xarpus: Despite the fact that Scythe is 5t and Xarpus is 4t, you
can deliberately poison a corner tile so you can never miss a hit
trying to dodge poison
Red Crabs First Hit: Usually when red crabs spawn, Verzik is
invulnerable until 2 ticks before her first attack. You can learn to
anticipate this and get an early hit in.
Tick Eat Bloat: You can tick eat bloat's stomp when he re-activates
Chally-4-Chally: The highest damage you can deal in a single down
conventionally is with chally-4 scythe hits-chally, but you have to be
early and you will probably have to tick eat a stomp.
Maiden Flinching: It's best to step away from Maiden the exact tick
she decides to attack, as she might fling blood.
Iceberg Body: Strats that you learn if attempting
Grandmaster Times
Ironman Stamina Farm: Irons can profit on stamina by buying 2
from the supply chest
Drive By: You can BGS bloat without losing hits when it's down if
you run through it while it's active.
70-50 Stacking: When the first wave of maiden's nylos spawn, you
can freeze them and dps straight to the second wave, which will
stack both waves of nylos which the ranger can chin down quickly.
ZCB/Dinh's Spec: ZCB is an effective spec at Xarpus/Maiden. Dinh's
Spec is also good for clearing the stack from 70-50.
Pneck Maze Skip: In Hard Mode, you can just tank the maze by
equipping Pnecks
Pneck Bloat: In 5 mans, you can 1 down bloat if 3 people equip
pnecks and attack bloat while he's up.
Nylo Wave Memorization: The Nylo waves are static and many
experts memorized the order that the nylos spawn.
God Book P1 Verzik: You can use God Book to drain 5% of your
spec so then you can start the boss right as you are about to
recover your special attack. This lets you get 3 dawnbringer specs in
immediately rather than 2.
Tbow Bloat: You can Tbow Bloat right as it turns the corner without
taking damage yourself.
Maiden Tbow/Ancestral Swap: Maiden's attacks drain your highest
stats. If you are scything maiden, you can swap out of your melee
gear as she's about to attack so your melee stats don't get drained
Redemption Green Ball: Verzik's green ball does 74 damage in
normals and instakills in Hard Mode if you don't bounce. But you can
avoid this damage if you proc redemption right as it lands on you.
[–]mumbomination [S] 154 points 9 months ago*
Bottom of the Iceberg: Extreme Optimizations
SBS Maze Skip: In Normal ToB, you can maze skip Sotetseg by
stalling the damage with SBS.
Solo Tob: It's quite difficult but possible.
Pog Tanking: Post tornados, you can force Verzik to stand still
without getting meleed if you run perfectly.
Red-X Nylo Boss: The Nylo boss will not attack you if you walk
under it with a Red-X Click. Effective when you're soloing and want
to save supplies as only its melee form doesn't do damage through
Boak Popping: The most effective way to pop crabs in Verzik's 2nd
phase without losing any hits
Simultaneous Bloat Entrance: The position at which Bloat shuts
down can be optimally right next to the door if someone enters the
boss room immediately.
Bloat Hit Counting: Whether Bloat runs or walks once it's below
20% Hp depends on whether it received an odd or even number of
hits when it's down
Xarpus Scythe Tick Eat: You can tick eat Xarpus' retaliation attack
post-screech despite the fact that he will hit you 3 times at once, if
you are below a certain amount of hp.
Tornado Woox Walk: Tornadoes move 1 tile at a time and thus can
be woox walked like Gauntlet tornados or Vorkath's fire barrage
Pneck Heal Other: You can use heal other, which is a 0 tick loss
method to restore health to someone as heal other and procing
pneck has no delay on attacks.
Abyss (The Two Non Joke Methods)
Helipogter: What happens if everyone runs the pog tank at once,
with the added benefit of being able to defuse the green ball.
Pet Rock Bloat One Shot: You can use Pet Rock to stall damage
taken if you are standing in front of bloat's flies. When pking your
teammates, they have literally no way of avoiding being one shot.