O X F O R D I B P R E P A R E D BIOLO GY I B D I P L O M A Debora M. Primrose P R O G R A M M E O X F O R D I B P R E P A R E D BIOLO GY I B D I P L O M A P R O G R A M M E Debora M. Primrose 1 T he publ i sher t hei r 3 content t he Great Clarendon k i nd Street, Oxford, OX2 6DP, United University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. the University’s objective of excellence education by publishing worldwide. in Oxford research, Oxford University Press in the UK and in is a certain registered other trade University Press moral rights of the SL P 2 published authors have been M16 0 19 in in rights a the prior by law, reprographics outside the Oxford by rights scope of University must this same not part or in of this publication transmitted, writing licence or of above Press, at in under address be or agreed reproduced, by University terms be may form Enquiries should the any Oxford organization. the circulate condition any Press, with sent to the or the concerning stored means, as without expressly appropriate reproduction Rights p 4 6: T Z2 Department, p59: SL P 2; above. SL P 2 this on work any Britain i mage: Peter Ja mes Her mes PH I L L I P S / in any other by Bell and Bain form and you must M A RT I N Ltd. Pater son / PhotoPlu s / PHO T O PHO T O I NC ./SC I E NC E SC I E NC E BIOPHO T O Shut ter sto c k ; ST E V E PHO T O p5 0: p70: p9 0: p102: K EI T H M E DIC A L Lu i s p170: C at hy p14 6: L I BR A RY; Ma rk Q2; (g); T Z2 Q3 (a); st udent H L P2 P rac t ice M16 T Z2 Sa mple a n s wer, Q3 (c); pr oblem SL P 2 Sa mple p23: T Z0 st udent M16 Sa mple p29: Q4 (a) (i) M16 a nd SL P 2 st udent SL P 2 (i i); st udent a n s wer, Q1; p 49: 5, Q2; p7: st udent M16 Sa mple p13: a nd a n s wer, H L P2 st udent M17 Sa mple a n s wer, T Z0 Q 4 (a); a n s wer, Q5 (a); Sa mple a n s wer, st udent M16 T Z2 Sa mple Q4 ( b) 6 . 5. 2, a nd H L P2 st udent p22: M17 Sa mple p29: Sa mple st udent p 4 4: p55: a nd M16 M17 M17 Q6 (a); a n s wer, T Z 2; a n s wer, SL P3 T Z2 st udent SL P 2 st udent a n s wer, H L P2 Q2; a n s wer, T Z2 a n s wer, p3 6: T Z2 T Z2 SL P3; Q2 (c); p77: M17 Q4 (a) Q6 ( b); p31: SL P 2 a nd SL P 1; st udent SL P 2 (c); SL P 2 st udent st udent pr oblem p 68: M17 a n s wer, 6 .6 . 2, M17 Q4 ( b) (i i); a n s wer, E x a mple P rac t ice p51: P rac t ice a n s wer, a n s wer, Q3 ( b); a n s wer, T Z2 Q4 ( b) (i); Sa mple N12 M17 st udent Sa mple M16 st udent p52: SL P 2 Sa mple Sa mple p 48: Sa mple a n s wer, M17 SL P 2 Q7( b); a n s wer, Q6 (c); (c); M16 6 .6 .1, H L P2 st udent SL P 2 p73: E x a mple M16 st udent a n s wer, SL P 2 Q2 (a) p 45: Sa mple M17 Q7(a); Q1( b); T Z2 7. 2 .1, p8 5: H L P2 M17 Q6 ( b); a n s wer, a nd M16 T Z2 H L P2 Sa mple p97: H L P2 st udent H L P2 M16 Q8 (c); st udent H L P 2; st udent Q7 (c); a n s wer, Q4 ( b); SI NC L A I R p2 01: p23 4: A lessa nd r oZ o cc /Shut ter sto c k ; p23 4: TB p23 5: L I BR A RY. A r t work by Apt a ra C or p. a nd OU P. p 63: Sa mple a n s wer, Sa mple Sa mple p110: Sa mple a n s wer, p102: B. p143: p15 4: p118: PR A RT H A K ; P OI N DE X T E R , Wea r set DR Ltd G OPA L Z o on a r p23 4: D en i s M A RT Y N F. 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T Z2 978 T he f r om 2019 M17 ISBN a n s wer, T Z2 st udent P rac t ice First I nter n at ion a l countries Sa mple The g u ide. pap er t he quest ion s mark p2 0: Oxford st udent M17 Sa mple © s ubjec t pa st t ha n k ad apt scholarship, p12: of t he cor r esp ond i ng Sa mple and f r om to to It p5: furthers l i ke Kingdom Sa mple Oxford wou ld p er m i ssion Sa mple p2 0 8: a n s wer, st udent M17 M17 Sa mple T Z2 p211: a n s wer, H L P3 C ontents Introduction 1 iv Cell biology 1.1 Introduction to cells 2 1.2 Ultrastructure of cells 4 1.3 Membrane structure 6 1.4 Membrane transpor t 7 1.5 The origin of cells 9 1.6 Cell division 2 2.1 Molecules to metabolism 14 2.2 Water 15 2.3 Carbohydrates and lipids 16 2.5 Proteins Enzymes 9.1 Transpor t in the xylem of plants 103 9.2 Transpor t in the phloem of plants 107 9.3 Growth in plants 110 9.4 Reproduction in plants 113 10 10.1 Meiosis 10.2 Inheritance Structure of DNA and RNA 23 DNA replication, transcription and translation 24 2.8 Cell respiration 26 2.9 Photosynthesis 28 121 10.3 Gene pools and speciation 125 11 Genes 30 3.2 Chromosomes 32 3.3 Meiosis 33 3.4 Inheritance 35 3.5 Genetic modication and biotechnology 37 11.1 Antibody production and vaccination 128 11.2 Movement 133 11.3 The kidney and osmoregulation 137 11.4 Sexual reproduction 141 12 Data-based and practical questions A Neurobiology and behaviour 147 A.1 Neural development 157 A.2 The human brain 159 A.3 Perception of stimuli 161 A.4 Innate and learned behaviour (AHL) 165 A.5 Neuropharmacology (AHL) 167 A.6 Ethology (AHL) 169 B Biotechnology and bioinformatics Ecology 4.1 Species, communities and ecosystems 40 4.2 Energy ow 43 4.3 Carbon cycling 45 4.4 Climate changes 47 Evolution and biodiversity B.1 Microbiology: organisms in industry B.2 Biotechnology in agriculture B.3 Environmental protection 178 B.4 Medicine (AHL) 180 B.5 Bioinformatics (AHL) 182 C 5.1 Evidence for evolution 5.2 Natural selection 5.3 Classication of biodiversity 54 5.4 Cladistics 57 6 Animal physiology (AHL) Genetics 3.1 5 117 21 2.7 4 Genetics and evolution (AHL) 20 2.6 3 Plant biology (AHL) 11 Molecular biology 2.4 9 50 51 172 174 Ecology and conservation C.1 Species and communities 186 C.2 Communities and ecosystems 188 C.3 Impacts of humans on ecosystems 192 C.4 Conservation of biodiversity 194 C.5 Population ecology (AHL) 19 6 C.6 Nitrogen and phosphorus cycles (AHL) 199 Human physiology 6.1 Digestion and absorption 60 6.2 The blood system 63 6.3 Defence against infectious disease 66 6.4 Gas exchange 69 6.5 Neurons and synapses 72 6.6 Hormones, homeostasis and reproduction 75 D 7 D.1 Human nutrition D.2 Digestion 202 207 D.3 Functions of the liver 211 D.4 The hear t D.5 Hormones and metabolism (AHL) 215 D.6 Transpor t of respiratory gases (AHL) 218 212 Nucleotides (AHL) 7.1 DNA structure and replication 80 7.2 Transcription and gene expression 84 7.3 Translation 87 8 Human physiology Internal assessment 223 Practice exam papers 228 Index 247 Metabolism, cell respiration and photosynthesis ( AHL) 8.1 Metabolism 91 8.2 Cell respiration 93 8.3 Photosynthesis 97 Answers to questions and exam papers in this book can be found on your free suppor t website. Access the suppor t website here: w w w.ox f or dsecondar y.com / ib-pr epar ed-suppor t iii I N T R O D U CT I O N This book syllabus provides in full biology coverage and offers of the support IB diploma Over view of the book structure to The students preparing for their examinations. the book will help you revise the study book material, essential terms and concepts, internal skills and strengthen improve your IB examinations. worked best All examples practices topics answers explain and are to The and warn marks is packed tips against illustrated questions why book exam by from may that past be errors. The section is dedicated to missed. data-based largest and questions, which are the of the Numerous situations, data, and interpret suggest procedures. of syllabus examples IB-style most of to check confidence studies. analyse problems examination your your and to Topics Full and 1–6 provide solutions to the all set further and The and examination papers are given of the (A–D) and and a practical complete set papers. the IB 2016) and contain book, diploma and skills core topics, biology covers all topics are (for statements. material 7–11 follows syllabus understandings assessment common while only . The where data-based 12) for SL intended and for HL nature of science concepts are also applicable. A of discussion skills, progress and and practical provides laboratory section sample detailed experiments paper is a 3. by to often core worked followed section analysis that Similar illustrated scripts, questions by of problems appear topics, in the examples IB-style practice problems. problems The and of students (chapter complete knowledge monitor additional 2016). unfamiliar experimental a and and experimental and papers your in tackle to cover distinctive assessment how improvements Practice opportunities boost (first show SL data-based options section assessment discussed feature four applications students practical core topics, examination structure first which HL A separate (AHL) the practice the student examinations, or that with common scored sections approach demonstrate annotated several your of to into assessment, level questions, problem-solving divided learn higher the is The online options section reviews the material assessed in at the second part of paper 3. Each of the four options www.oxfordsecondary.com/ib-prepared-support. is As any study guide, th is book is not presented The to replace your cou rs e ma teria ls , s uch laboratory markschemes, own notes. To the IB m an ua ls, Biology succeed in th e p a st pa pe r s s yllabus internal and the need to use a broa d of which navigate studies, less are availa ble you thro u g h making stressful y ou r and o nline. th is critica l p repa ration more and explains and process book part for (SL) of The your the e xa m level that section you to select experimental report criteria final this and higher how in and section examination for efficient. and subtopics. outlines will have to the nature carry a suitable topic, out collect a data, draw suitable conclusions format to satisfy and the achieve the highest grade. wi l l at the These to test same for contains papers book. problems level AHL ma n y DP Biology assessment standard assessment your opportunity All and you res ou rc e s , Th is SL a nd marking of of y ou r ex amin a ti on, ra ng e series investigation present will a as of textbooks, as in t e n d e d 1, IB-style and papers of practice written give before provide topic 3, will yourself time every 2 exclusively you the additional core and an actual exam practice options (HL) material. students must complete and three papers take assessment. day and external in the DP iv Papers Paper 3 a 1 table Biology at the and or of from internal part 2 assessment their external usually later. are page 1 of are two marks top grade, as day assessment the sat The to (lowest) give to 7 one internal combined V on as and shown your overall (highest). The answers and examination and solutions papers to are all practice given online problems at www.oxfordsecondary.com/ib-prepared-support. Blank answer available at sheets the for same examination address. papers are also Assessment over view SL Assessment Description HL Topics marks Internal Experimental work with a written repor t Paper 1 Multiple-choice questions — weight 24 Core: marks 20% 30 weight 24 20% 20% 40 20% 1–6 (SL) Paper 2 Shor t- and extended-response questions 50 40% 72 36% 1–11 (AHL) Section A : data-based and practical — 15 15 questions 20% Paper 3 Section B: shor t- and extended-response 24% Option of your 20 questions The final points IB from diploma theory of 30 choice score is calculated knowledge and by combining extended essay grades for six subjects with up to three additional components. Command terms Command terms command For example, levels of are term the detail, (“discuss”), as pre-defined specifies the command from a shown and terms single in words type the state, word, next and phrases depth of outline, short the used explain sentence in all response or and IB Biology expected discuss numerical questions from require value you in answers (“state”) to and a problems. particular with Each question. increasingly comprehensive higher analysis table. Question Possible answer State the eect of increasing temperature Rate increases. on the reaction rate. Outline how an increase in temperature For most reactions, the rate approximately doubles when temperature increases by aects the reaction rate. 10 degrees. As temperature increases, the average speed and thus kinetic energy of particles also Explain why an increase in temperature increase. The particles collide with one another more frequently and with a greater force. increases the reaction rate. As a result, the frequency of successful collisions increases, so the rate increases. Both factors increase the rate by increasing the frequency of successful collisions. However, an increase in temperature increases the frequency and intensity of all Discuss the eects of increasing collisions (successful and unsuccessful) but has no eect on the activation energy. temperature and the presence of an In contrast, an enzyme has no eect on the frequency or intensity of collisions but enzyme on the reaction rate. lowers the activation energy by providing an alternative reaction pathway and thus allowing slow-moving par ticles to collide successfully. Thus, the same macroscopic eect is achieved by dierent microscopic changes. A list of commonly Understanding examination. questions in the used exact Therefore, this command meaning you terms of should in biology frequently explore this examination used command table and use it questions terms is is given essential regularly as a in for the your reference following success when in table. the answering book. Command term Denition Analyse Break down in order to bring out the essential elements or structure Annotate Add brief notes to a diagram or graph Calculate Obtain a numerical answer showing your working Comment Give a judgment based on a given statement or result of a calculation Compare Give an account of the similarities between two or more items Compare and contrast Give an account of similarities and dierences between two or more items Construct Present information in a diagrammatic or logical form Deduce Reach a conclusion from the information given Dene Give the precise meaning of a word, phrase, concept or physical quantity Describe Give a detailed account Design Produce a plan, simulation or model Determine Obtain the only possible answer Discuss Oer a considered and balanced review that includes a range of arguments, factors or hypotheses Continued on page VI v INTRODUCTION Command term Denition Distinguish Make clear the dierences between two or more items Represent by a labelled, accurate diagram or graph, drawn to scale, with plotted points (if Draw appropriate) joined in a straight line or smooth curve Estimate Obtain an approximate value Explain Give a detailed account including reasons or causes Identify Provide an answer from a number of possibilities Label Add labels to a diagram List Give a sequence of brief answers with no explanation Outline Give a brief account or summary Predict Give an expected result Represent by means of a diagram or graph (labelled as appropriate), giving a general idea of the Sketch required shape or relationship State Give a specic name, value or other brief answer without explanation Suggest Propose a solution, hypothesis or other possible answer A complete list of command terms is available in the subject guide. Preparation and exam strategies In addition study 1. and Get ready drink night’s exam the for sleep day , Organize study place Create make and the this understanding the Check more vi easily for you as Work systematically on Make a can A 5. topics your rules you should using the 6. a of follow studying complete tasks up can. of and 7. each y o ur where s k il ls . point as this during your preparation the ga p s Sp en d a nd on lin e 8. the in ex t r a is Do looking at constraint. papers papers not panic. improve attention answers axes exam Take on goals goals. approach. Double-check a in and all at work learn future to all as the you end and and this and improve. reflect from values book. systematically to clear annotate attitude can your results. questions command numerical from you Read short positive prepared your as graphs tips things and Be performance to worked answering past the than reference. time from using extra your Use realistic f or a every before Practice rather definitions solve future under exam Label you r re qui re d . for exams. exam paying concentrate res ou rc e s to and problem problems your Keep units. these the trial topics t i me Try notes questions possible. and task understanding points book. Optimize as and practice for a on key words. Make many Take terms. of th rou g h imp rovemen t textbook information . f ir st way iden tify an d ready diagrams. your and and carefully , large parts. time Get Focus Recite own answer. Solve material. Break your exam-style organized. your actively. example the distractions. files Read memorizing. by good before Find manageable your well, lighting, offline list eat deadline. book reference. and importance. agenda that simple score. Avoid computer online smaller, sure before Use an by your adequate ventilation. papers them some stress exercise. environment. with studies. into are sleep, your important improve Plan tasks physical particularly and there enough reduce can useful arrange 4. and Bookmark your and it your your Have water is as temperature 3. study. of suggestions, itself. thinking comfortable Keep above exam plenty positive 2. to the on Set to achieve your errors in order Key features of the book Each chapter typically covers one core or option topic, and starts with Theoretical concepts and key “You should know” and “You should be able to” checklists. These definitions are discussed at a outline the understandings and applications and skills sections of the IB level sufficient for answering diploma biology syllabus. Some assessment statements have been typical examination questions. reworded or combined together to make them more accessible and Many concepts are illustrated simplify the navigation. These changes do not affect the coverage of by diagrams, tables or worked key syllabus material, which is always explained within the chapter. examples. Most definitions are Chapters contain the features outlined on this page. given in a grey side box like this one, and explained in the text. Example Examples common offer solutions to problem-solving typical problems techniques. Many and demonstrate examples provide This feature highlights the alternative answers and explain how the marks are awarded. essential terms and statements that have appeared in past markschemes, warns against Nature of science relates a biology concept to the overarching common errors and shows how principles of the scientific approach. to optimize your approach to par ticular questions. Sample student questions each (most response, answers of which the correct show are typical taken points student from are past often responses to examination highlighted in IB-style papers). green In while Links provide a reference to incorrect or incomplete answers are highlighted in red. Positive or relevant material, within another negative feedback on student’s response is given in the green and red par t of this book , that relates to the pull-out boxes. An example is given below. text in question. You will icon Number The may on marks have their the student earned marks of on see the question available from a an has past exam right been IB paper when the adapted paper based response Examination Negative question feedback SAMPLE STUDENT ANSWER ▼ [2] Describe what is meant by a condensation reaction. clear enough, single This answer could have achieved 1/2 condensation two A condensation reaction is an as reacting it implies species a while a marks: anabolic reacting must involve species, which at least can be reaction identical or different molecules or ions. that builds a polymer from a monomer. ▲ “Water” the most although The Questions student’s not taken response from past Positive IB examinations will not have feedback the exam the molecule” paper is accepted common answer would as by-product, be “a small more accurate. icon. Practice problems Practice problems are given at the end of each chapter. problem-solving skills. Some questions introduce These are IB-style questions that provide you with factual or theoretical material from the syllabus that can an oppor tunity to test yourself and improve your be studied independently. 1 CELL 1 1 . 1 B I O LO GY I N T R O D U C T I O N T O Y sd kw: ✔ all living organisms C E L LS Y sd e ae : are composed of cells. ✔ discuss exceptions striated ✔ unicellular that organisms carries out all consist functions of of only life one in muscle, to the giant cell algae theory , and including fungal hyphae. cell that ✔ draw cells ✔ describe as seen under the light microscope. organism. ✔ cell size ratio of is limited the by the surface area to volume named in multicellular can ✔ develop by differentiation genes ✔ and of life in Paramecium unicellular and a organism. cell. ✔ ✔ functions photosynthetic not organisms, cell calculate tissues of differentiation. involves others in multicellular organisms emerge the from specialized the a drawings expression cell’s have interaction of some ✔ explain genome. volume properties of the their that ✔ treat and or the the and actual ultrastructures size shown in micrographs. limitations and describe cellular magnication structures small of therapeutic Stargardt a surface disease cell having a large area. use and of stem one cells other to example. components. ✔ ✔ stem cell division necessary for and differentiation embryonic discuss the ethics of using stem cells. is development. All living are formed organisms are formed of cells. Unicellular organisms The ultrastructure of cells is of only one cell that performs all the functions of life studied in Topic 1.2. The process (nutrition, metabolism, growth, response, excretion, homeostasis and of cell respiration is studied in reproduction). Topics 2.8 and 8.2. Nutrition is studied in Topic 6.1 and metabolism Multicellular in Topic 8.1. specialized form organisms by organs which differentiate, different cilia cells proteins. material, but resulting cells are composed differentiation, if together must All some will make express cells in genes be forming many organ different an are up of cells different systems. genes organism expressed that tissues. have and and the In become These order therefore same others are tissues to produce genetic not, the different. contractile vacuole plasma membrane • Ces are the basic units of life. • Dieeiai is the change in a cell to become more specialized. nucleus • Emee ppe ies are proper ties that appear in a complex system (or • Sem ces are cells that are capable an organism) but do not appear in the of dierentiation. cytoplasm food in vesicles individual units. Paramecium Exampe 1.1.1. Fie 1.1.1. Paramecium is a unicellular organism that obtains its The food from the environment, digesting it microscope micrograph with shows a onion epidermal magnification of in food vacuoles a) 2 (i) Label the nucleus of one cell. cells ×400. seen under the light 1 .1 (ii) Calculate of this the cell. actual Show IntroDuCtIon to C E ll S Because stem cells have the width ability to differentiate into your any type of cell, they are used in working. the development of medical b) Suggest how the surface area treatments for a wide range of to volume ratio of a cell can conditions. These include physical affect its function. trauma, degenerative conditions Solution a) (i) and genetic diseases such as Any dark circle labelled. Stargardt disease. However, there are ethical issues regarding the (ii) The magnication is the size of the image divided by the use of stem cells in the treatment actual size of the cell. Therefore the formula for actual size is: of diseases. Much of the debate size of image surrounding stem cells concerns Actual size of cell = magnification the use of human embryonic cells. The use of adult stem cells from To calculate the width of the cell, you rst use a ruler to sources such as blood from the measure the width of the chosen cell (size of image). umbilical cord is more convenient For example, measured cell width = 10 mm and less controversial. 10 mm Actual width of cell = Actual width of cell = 400 0.025 mm You have to check whether your b) If the ratio is too small the exchange of substances will be too result makes sense. 1 mm is slow, waste substances will accumulate and heat will not be lost equal to 1000 μm, therefore the efciently . cell width is 25 μm, which is the average cell width. Exampe 1.1.2. The pictures scale. A Which Giant alga show fully drawings complies or micrographs with the cell from different cells with different magnifications not to theory? (Acetabularia) B White blood cell C Fungal aseptate hyphae cell wall cytoplasm cytoplasm nuclei D Striated muscle light micrograph × 100 magnification (longitudinal section) 20 mm muscle fibres nucleus connective tissue Solution The answer The giant typical many is alga cell. All is The nuclei. nuclei. B, white a fungal The these very blood large aseptate striated are cell, because organism hyphae muscle exceptions to cells the it is surrounded consisting do are cell not of have much only by one divisions larger than a cell cell. membrane The size between any cells, average and does cell not has therefore and genetic material. correspond also the cell contain to the contains many theory . 3 1 C E LL BI O LO G Y S AMPlE StuDEnt AnS WEr Outline the use of human embryonic stem cells (hESC) to treat Stargardt disease. This [2] answer Human could embryonic differentiate ▲ The it answer outlines the is correct use of for Stargardt vague cells only reference are used of for, makes what the mark. question the therefore It is important carefully and being asked. cells being cells or In used this stem to read answer to case, replace photoreceptors unspecialized cell. T hese hESC and are can inserted retina of the eye and specialize to become healthy cells answer which could allow have a person achieved 0/2 to regain their vision. marks: As human embryonic stem cells are undifferentiated cells scoring the a totipotent, they are able to be made into any cell that needed. T he Stargardt disease can be treated by stem cells stem as retinal was are the what is is any are a and no almost cells marks: disease. This answer stem 2/2 cells retinal ▼ This into achieved as stem into specically have adequate cells can be created that the Stargardt disease key kills. issue to include in 1 . 2 the answer. U LT R A S T R U C T U R E Y sd kw: ✔ eukaryotes structure ✔ have than prokaryotes a much not more complex cell ✔ describe have eukaryotes have a the organelles cell ✔ explain compartmentalization. ✔ C E L LS Y sd e ae : prokaryotes. do O F general within how structure animal and prokaryotes and function plant divide by of cells. binary ssion. compartmentalized cell ✔ draw the ultrastructure of prokaryotic ✔ draw the ultrastructure of eukaryotic ✔ compare cells. structure. ✔ electron microscopes resolution than light have a much microscopes, higher and of the ultrastructure contrast the structure of allowing prokaryotic observation cells. of and eukaryotic cells. cells. ✔ compare and contrast and label animal cells and plant cells. ✔ interpret structures in electron micrographs. Prokaryotic cells do not have a nucleus or membrane-bound An introduction to cells is given organelles, their nuclear material DNA is naked, is found in the nucleoid or nuclear in Topic 1.1. • Maicai is how much an image has been enlarged. region and have cell a cytoplasm that membrane a nucleus, their wall, pili and contains enclosing 70S bound and a ribosomes. cytoplasm mitochondria not flagella, and that other to proteins. plasma Eukaryotic contains Prokaryotic membrane cells larger have (80S) membrane-bound cells enclosing a plasma ribosomes, organelles. Plant • resi is the minimal distance at which two points that are close together can be distinguished. 4 cells are which eukaryotic, are not found but in they also animal contain cells. a cell wall and chloroplasts, 1.2 u lt r A S t r u C t u r E oF C E ll S Exampe 1.2.1. The invention of electron microscopes led to greater Complete the table using a tick (✓) for “possible presence” or a understanding of cell structure. cross (✗) for “lack of” to distinguish prokaryotic and eukaryotic The maximum magnification of a cells. light microscope is usually lower Solution than × 2,000 and the maximum type f ce Caaceisic resolution is 0.2 μm. Beams of Prokaryotic Eukaryotic ✗ ✓ pili ✓ ✗ flagellum ✓ ✗ ✗ ✓ ✓ ✗ nuclear membrane electrons have a much shor ter wavelength compared with light waves, so electron microscopes have a much higher resolution. The maximum magnification of mitochondrion modern electron microscopes is 70S ribosomes around ×10,000,000 and the maximum resolution is less than 0.0001 μm. S AMPlE StuDEnt AnS WEr The electron micrograph shows the structures in a blood plasma cell. ▼ Although correctly the functions The RER across the the electron micrograph with their principal role. This answer could have Organelle achieved 0/2 [2] charge The its but correct. in in is did organelles, not role ATP , of the assist cell, principal produce student are does proteins. a) Using the table, identify the organelles labelled I and II on the the identify transport this to case synthesize mitochondria but they are not in secretion. marks: Name Principal role You must be precise with the I rough endoplasmic transport proteins wording used. reticulum II (RER) mitochondria across secretes cell A TP ▲ This for student correctly ) Draw a labelled diagram of a eukaryotic plant cell as seen in an The electron micrograph. vacuole This answer could have [4] achieved 3/4 plasma ▼ The wall Nucleus Plasma the the membrane also scored a mark cell and wall. the mark. marks: nucleus, chloroplast Cell scored labelling membrane are not and clear Although labelled scheme enough the the did ribosome, mitochondrion for student cytoplasm, not a mark. correctly include the a mark mark Lysosome for this. Ribosome Mitochondria Cytoplasm Vacuo le It is good practice to include multiple labels when answering Chloroplast this type of question because it increases the likelihood of identifying all the answers given in the mark scheme. 5 1 C E LL 1 . 3 BI O LO G Y M E M B R A N E S T R U C T U R E Y sd kw: ✔ membranes cholesterol, are Y sd e ae : formed proteins, by phospholipids, lipoproteins ✔ draw and the uid mosaic model in two dimensions. glycoproteins. ✔ ✔ membrane structure, proteins position are in diverse the in terms membrane explain of the plasma uidity and permeability of the membrane. and ✔ analyse electron micrographs of plasma function. membranes. ✔ molecules that have hydrophilic and ✔ hydrophobic properties are said to analyse information that led to the proposal be of the Davson–Danielli model and its later amphipathic. falsication ✔ phospholipids amphipathic ✔ cholesterol is form bilayers due to their leading to the Singer–Nicolson model. properties. a component of animal cell membranes. The cell membrane is formed by a double layer of phospholipids. The ultrastructure of cells was Phospholipids are amphipathic; this means they have a hydrophilic studied in Topic 1.2. part and outside a hydrophobic and the inside part. of the The cell hydrophilic while the heads face hydrophobic both part the is in the DavsonDanielli model (1935) middle of the bilayer. The low melting point of phospholipids in protein the bilayer acids is determined occurring at by the unsaturated kinking bonds. of This the long chain determines of that fatty some phospholipids phospholipids solid state, embedded in permeability Proteins are are found proteins), are found making this to the double some crossing the liquid layer state fluid. will In while others animal control this cells, fluidity are in the cholesterol and solutes. embedded some in membrane in from partly the side inside phospholipid to side bilayer. (integral (integral), Some proteins transmembrane whereas others are only on SingerNicolson model (1972) the protein outside (peripheral). Lipoproteins and glycoproteins can also be phospholipids found on the outside of the cell membrane. • Ampipaic molecules contain • Iea peis are embedded in a ydpiic (water-loving) and a the phospholipid bilayer and protrude ydpic (water-repelling) par t. on only one side of the membrane. They are dicult to separate from the • tasmemae peis are phospholipid bilayer. integral membrane proteins that span Fie 1.3.1. across the membrane. It is very hard • Peipea peis are temporarily to separate them from the membrane, attached either to the surface of the but this can be done using detergents phospholipid bilayer or to integral or solvents. proteins. They can be separated from Models of membrane structure The structure of phospholipids is discussed in Topic 2.3, and transpor t across membranes is discussed in Topic 1.4. the membrane using salts. Davson and Danielli proposed a cell membrane model with two layers of protein, and a layer of phospholipids between these layers. This model was falsified by Singer and Nicholson. When the membrane was split open it revealed irregular rough surfaces and therefore could not be a constant layer. Membrane proteins were shown to be mobile and not fixed in place, confirming the fluid mosaic structure. 6 1.4 MEMbrAnE trAnSPor t S AMPlE StuDEnt AnS WEr Draw a labelled diagram that shows the positions of proteins within the ▲ This cell membrane. for This answer answer scored one mark [3] could have achieved 2/3 the labelled shown marks: integral crossing the (transmembrane). Inside of protein membrane The second mark cell was for the glycoprotein. Cho lestero l Phospho lipid heads— amphipatic ▼ The drawn Peripheral Integral 1 . 4 particles move diffusion, protein is as shown is Also the peripheral not embedded on the in membrane surface; protein. hydrophilic of of membranes diffusion, by really an integral T R A N S P O R T by simple osmosis ✔ describe and of allows materials endocytosis or to be released ✔ the materials within cells. ✔ structure and sodium–potassium describe by exocytosis. move is cell transport membranes cells it Y sd e ae : across facilitated into vesicles bilayer, and transport. uidity ✔ labelled hydrophobic M E M B R A N E taken protein the pro tein— Y sd kw: ✔ bilayer labelled. Glycopro tein Outside active not pro tein— hydrophilic ✔ phospholipid but in the structure potassium in axons. medical in a and channels reasons in for the function active axons. of provide explain pumps why of the explain need same the facilitated tissues procedures solution for or to function diffusion organs be used bathed osmolarity as the cytoplasm. ✔ estimate samples The cell membrane and from the transport. gradient; require cell. Active osmosis. charged it and Small the Substances transport therefore energy controls molecules can includes do not pass usually requires molecules entrance simple exit out by by substances active a the hydrophobic bathing solutions. given in Topic 1.2 and the structure in Topic 1.3. and However, part by hypertonic of cell membranes was discussed not diffusion diffusion. tissues and The ultrastructure of cells was to passive does facilitated simple or in hypotonic concentration transport diffusion, through of against Passive through diffuse or occurs energy . pass in and osmolarity in of the • Passie asp is the movement across the membrane without the use of energy. membrane. Ions through, while negative charges larger with polar molecules positive or molecules, over pass their by negative which surface, facilitated charges have diffuse cannot partial at very diffusion; easily positive low channel diffuse • Faciiaed disi is the and rates. Slightly proteins enable passive transpor t of molecules or ions across the cell membrane through specic transmembrane the diffusion of some molecules. Water molecules pass through by proteins (channel proteins). osmosis. • Acie asp is the movement Substances that cannot enter through channel proteins because they across the membrane requiring are too large require bulk transport; this is transport in membrane- energy in the form of ATP . bound vesicles. Bulk transport into the cell is called endocytosis and • osmsis is the passage of water bulk transport exiting the cell is called exocytosis. In endocytosis, through a selectively permeable the fluidity of the the particle to be cell membrane allows the membrane to surround membrane, from a higher water ingested. In exocytosis, vesicles formed in the Golgi potential (lower solute concentration) complex fuse with the membrane to transport the substances out to a lower water potential (higher of the cell. solute concentration). 7 1 C E LL BI O LO G Y Exampe 1.4.1. The potassium configuration. present called a) on each in the change side of the in axons can structure membrane; show an depends open on therefore the these or closed charge channels are voltage-gated. Explain how channel b) channels This in Suggest the the the disposition membrane mode of of the assists transport proteins in of the of the potassium movement potassium of ions. through these channels. Solution a) The proteins the hydrophobic parts of of fatty acids sections of the membrane the part The of in acting they the allow Facilitated and it are with a a not in of ions the The surface of to the the the inner on the tails is also through are through, part of surface outside channels pass in The hydrophilic and inside water) same it with the These proteins. embedded cytoplasm, (and because require the contact ions have are bilayer. where channel. potassium which on the tunnel, passage as transmembrane proteins membrane make diffusion, does the are phospholipid proteins only ions of the therefore sodium channel contact the proteins allowing b) of of the the of cell. hydrophilic, the centre, very not specic; smaller charge. occurs through a protein channel energy . Exampe 1.4.2. Compare and contrast osmosis and active transport. You do not need to answer the question in a table, but it helps to make sure you are really Solution The tick (✓) means it occurs, the cross (✗) that it does not occur. comparing the two modes of osmsis Acie asp Meme acss ce memae ✓ ✓ tasmemae pei eqied ✓ ✓ ✗ ✓ ✓ ✗ transpor t. Remember you need at least one similarity and one difference. If the question is wor th Eey eqied 3 marks you need to write at least I e dieci f a cceai adie three characteristics. The the sodium–potassium axons of potassium forming are out is this by using This The by process 2 ATP the the nervous impulse movement through gradient active protein molecules. to Two outside potassium for pump Three of the ions occur sodium allowing transport. the of to membrane sodium–potassium through the a diffusion concentration up across allows involves facilitated built transported gradient cell by channels. movements carries neurons. ions pump and proteins these protein, sodium cell can along which ions against then a enter the diffusion. • osmaiy is the measurement of • A ype ic si has a higher the solute concentration of a solution, solute concentration than the tissues expressed as the total mass of solute (or cells) it bathes. (or osmoles) per litre of solution. • A ypic si has a lower • An isic si shares the solute concentration than the tissue same concentration as the tissues or it bathes. cells it is bathing. 8 1.5 thE or IgIn oF C E ll S S AMPlE StuDEnt AnS WEr Red blood cell 1 is a normal red blood cell. Red blood cell 2 and red blood cell 3 are two red blood cells that have been placed in solutions with dierent concentrations of solutes (osmolarities). red blood cell 1 red blood cell 2 red blood cell 3 a) Deduce, with a reason, which red blood cell has been placed in a hyper tonic solution. This Red answer blood could cell [1] have 2, achieved because 1/1 all marks: water left the cell by osmosis ▲ The to answer because try to This Red even out answer blood the could cell 1 concentration have was achieved placed 0/1 in gradient. it it is thicker than a the hypertonic ▼ The solution, normal blood cell. cell answer ratio in red blood cell 3. It has could have achieved T H E cells can be formed pre-existing 1/1 O R I G I N O F of rst only by division of ✔ analyse cells. cells must that have arisen from or volume has evidence endosymbiotic Miller theory can from spontaneous does Pasteur ’s generation not now of occur experiments cells on and Earth. non-living ✔ eukaryotic Stanley its blood Y sd e ae : use modern that the that red shrunk C E L LS material. ✔ or has marks. organisms the water, it not is [1] Y sd kw: ✔ (because it decreased. 1 . 5 ✔ 2 does that decreased). ) State what change there has been in the cell surface area to volume answer mark shrunken marks: lost This one the cell. acknowledge because scores identies explain the repeats apparatus Pasteur ’s to design an experiment experiment. origin cells. and Harold Urey carried out experiments to show In Topic 5.1 you will study the how the first cells might have arisen from non-living material. They evidence for evolution. passed steam representing used to carbon The through the simulate early compounds from that Earth theory were of methane, atmosphere. They needed prokaryotic prokaryotes mixture lightning. endosymbiotic cells a for found life explains cells. the Electrical that were by amino evolution other and ammonia, discharges acids and were other produced. Mitochondria engulfed hydrogen are of eukaryotic thought prokaryotes to be and aerobic remained 9 1 C E LL BI O LO G Y inside the cells. photosynthetic organelles as their double Likewise, prokaryotes maintain own chloroplasts many circular membranes engulfed of the DNA and produced are by other features 70S by thought of have been prokaryotes. prokaryotic ribosomes, the to and endocytic they Both cells, also these such possess mechanism. Exampe 1.5.1. Which is not evidence for the endosymbiotic theory? Negative questions are not very frequent, but you must look out A. Prokaryotes can carry out photosynthesis for them, as they can lead to B. Mitochondria C. Chloroplasts have a double membrane confusion. D. have Chloroplasts 70S have ribosomes DNA Solution The correct fact that these In the from had answer some were past engulfed many non-living made, called such by people as as although are other Their that a living belief was appearing in true statement, does or out to things based rotten Pasteur ’s carried generated is not the show that prokaryotes. generation. were this photosynthetic believed maggots flasks spontaneously pre-existing A, materials. spontaneous swan-necked be is prokaryotes they meat. This idea with whether could spring up observations experiments prove whether could on was broth microbes come only they in could from cells. 1. Pasteur poured nutrients into two asks like this. Pasteur investigated Since he broth in He knew flasks then that to heated how broths excess kill the heat could anything necks of turned that the bad kill the living might glass in be flasks following things, living until in he it they way . boiled at the were some start. soft, and 2. He stretched pulled them out into a long, thin, curving tube called a swan-neck. The their necks into broths in the flasks did not go bad. Then Pasteur broke open one of the S-shapes. flasks that and the exposed broth something where the settled test in his went and into he could be settled was a it open made whatever neck and dust currents, the broth. was it In the not that in must this was be he that noticed there was swan-necked the broth reached particles broth time conclude so whatever but this affecting flask other The that and therefore and again. air Pasteur swan-necked back air in the affecting concluded by bend This clear, the to was where tipped Pasteur the bad. of bend broth that tipped carried in go air bend he the bad. did the broth the idea then went in the some may second broth. the have causing heavier might the of have To broth collected, flask the than flasks then change air as it swan-neck. Exampe 1.5.2. What theory did Pasteur falsify with his experiments? 3. He boiled the nutrients. A. Fie 1.5.1. Independent assortment C. Endosymbiosis Pasteur's experiments B. Spontaneous generation D. Evolution Solution The correct that microorganisms (covered 10 in answer is B, as with could microbes) were not his experiments grow allowed in a into broth the Pasteur unless flask. showed dust particles 1.6 1 . 6 C E L L two genetically produced during from Y sd e ae : identical the daughter division of the nuclei are ✔ nucleus ✔ interphase ✔ the stages of ✔ cyclins ✔ mutagens, are involved a very by active mitosis see the the correlation incidence of between cancers. supercoiling. phase occurring of in the the identify with cell cycle ✔ a the phases microscope determine the of or mitosis in mitotic a in cells viewed micrograph. index from a micrograph. nucleus is are cell division in oncogenes in prophase, metaphase, telophase. involved secondary the occurring the control and of after the metastasis development of mitosis. cell cycle. are primary and tumours. chromatids centromere have condense processes and cytokinesis a to and cytoplasm. ✔ by is many anaphase Sister data smoking ✔ chromosomes and analyse mitosis. ✔ with DI vISIon D I V I S I O N Y sd kw: ✔ C E ll separated are in to two the parts early form of a stages individual chromosome of mitosis. structures attached When they sister are to each other chromatids referred to as You will study how DNA replicates before cell division in Topic 2.7. You will also study how chromosomes. cells divide to produce gametes in Topic 3.3. • Iepase is the stage of the cell • Meapase is the stage where division before mitosis. Cells grow, chromosomes are aligned in the forming organelles (G1 stage), DNA is equator of the cell. duplicated (S stage) and synthesis of • Aapase is the stage where sister proteins that are involved in nuclear chromatids (V shape, with the ver tex division occurs (G2 stage). pointing to the poles) are separated • Misis is nuclear division to the opposite poles of the cell. consisting of four stages: prophase, When answering a question relating to mitosis, you need to be clear that mitosis is the nuclear • tepase is the last stage metaphase, anaphase and telophase. of mitosis, where a nuclear • Ppase is the stage where membrane forms around each set of chromatin condenses and associates chromosomes that begin to uncoil. division while cytokinesis is cell division. with histones forming chromosomes, • Cykiesis is a process that occurs the nuclear membrane disappears along with telophase. The cytoplasm and spindle bres are formed. of the parental cell divides into two Chromosomes attach to spindle daughter cells. Cytokinesis in animals bres. is produced by cell strangling while in plants it is by formation of a plate. Exampe 1.6.1. a) b) State (i) (ii) two processes Dene occurring during prophase. ‘centromere’. Explain the reason centromeres are facing either opposite pole. c) Dene ‘mitotic index’. 11 1 C E LL BI O LO G Y Sir Richard Timothy Hunt Solution discovered a new protein in a) During prophase fer tilized sea urchin eggs (Arbacia histones punctulata). Cyclin was disappears forming and chromatin condenses chromosomes, spindle bres the are and associates nuclear with membrane formed. synthesized soon after the eggs b) (i) The centromere that holds is the structure of the chromosome (DNA) were fer tilized and increased in together both chromatids. It is also the point of levels during interphase, but the attachment to the spindle bres. levels decreased quickly in the (ii) middle of mitosis. The fact that the During anaphase, amount of cyclins drops the periodically at different cell attached division stages proved to be of towards impor tance for cell cycle control. and c) spindle the Number under of the to bres the the cells One sister in sister chromatids opposite spindle pole. other the to bre, sister poles. the are the by total to by always migrates migrates divided pulled centromere centromere chromatid chromatid mitosis As the to is goes one opposite number of cells rst pole pole. seen microscope. S AMPlE StuDEnt AnS WEr During the development of multicellular organisms, cells dierentiate into specic cell lines. A study was carried out on the early stages of dierentiation in cells from mouse embryos that were grown in cultures. Two dierentiated cell lines were studied, one from the inner embryonic tissue (endodermal cells) and the other from external embryonic tissue (nerve cells). A culture of undierentiated cells was used as a control group. The role of regulators during cell dierentiation was studied. After 96 hours of incubation, a sample was taken of each cell line and the cyclins separated by gel electrophoresis. The presence of dierent cyclins D1, D2 and D3 was analysed in the three cell lines. The image shows the results. The size and intensity of the bands is an indicator of the quantity of cyclins. control endodermal nerve cyclin D1 cyclin D2 cyclin D3 a) Compare and contrast the amounts of the dierent cyclins in nerve cells and control cells. This answer T here high is ▲ This because answer it scores compares full all marks cyclins is cells types of D2 most the D1 in ner ve in marks: contro l ner ve prominent least 2/2 cells. cells of cells, T here is than the prominent is almost the same tissues. cells 12 and in achieved while about the three contro l cyclins in there in ner ve is very times cells. the a as Cyclin contro l cells. However , in there both cyclin the have cyclin amount much D3 no could [2] than contro l cells. amount of cyclin D3 in ner ve 1.6 C E ll DI vISIon ) Using the data, discuss the possible role of the three cyclins in the dierentiation of nerve and endodermal cell lines. This answer could have achieved 2/3 [3] marks: ▲ The answer mentions As cyclin D3 is in greater quantity in the endodermal endodermal specic cells, it could indicate differentiation. As that both this the leads to an endodermal increase and the same amount of cyclin D1, it may control be the differentiation of undifferentiated ner ve present that or in the endodermal ner ve higher cells cell than presence of lines. Cyclin cells, endodermal cyclin D2 D2 cells. lowers relation nerve to and D2 differentiation. answer does not mention responsible but not cyclin causes group of in cells that for for D3 differentiation, in ▼ The have correctly cyclin is is most differentiation contains none likely what as control of the it. more T his the D1 suggests rate of differentiation. As this is a discussion, the answer could have mentioned that there is limited data to determine roles of cyclins as there are very complex processes involved. Pacice pems f tpic 1 Pem 1 Pem 2 The electron micrograph shows a section of the Glucose is a six-carbon sugar that provides energy epithelium of the small intestine. needed by cells. Because glucose is a large molecule, it is difficult for it to be transpor ted across the membrane through simple diffusion. Explain how glucose is transpor ted into a cell such as a red blood cell down a concentration gradient. Pem 3 a) Describe the experimentation that led to the proposal of the Davson–Danielli model of the cell membrane and its later falsification leading to the Singer–Nicolson model. ) Outline the process of endocytosis. Pem 4 Describe the experiment of Miller and Urey into the origin of organic compounds. Pem 5 Identify w structures present in these cells that show Cells go through a repeating cycle of events in growth they are involved in the uptake of food. regions such as plant root tips and animal embryos. Outline this cell cycle. 13 M O L EC U L A R 2 2 . 1 M O L E C U L E S T O M E TA B O L I S M Yu shuld be able : Yu shuld knw: ✔ molecular via the biology describes interactions of the living chemical ✔ processes explain urea, substances also involved. ✔ carbon other atoms form B I O LO GY four covalent bonds ✔ with that are synthesized draw molecular saturated atoms. some carbon produced fatty by compounds, living such organisms and as are articially . diagrams acid and a of glucose, ribose, generalized a amino acid. ✔ living organisms compounds proteins ✔ reactions ✔ in anabolism from ✔ molecules nucleic refers a is simpler catabolism created including and metabolism are is cell the to or from carbon carbohydrates, ✔ lipids, use acids. the molecular lipids and diagrams amino to identify sugars, acids. enzyme-catalysed organism. synthesis of complex molecules molecules. the into breakdown simpler of complex molecules. Carbon atoms form four covalent bonds with other molecules, allowing In 1828, Friedrich Wöler the production of a variety of compounds. All living organisms are synthesized urea, an created from carbon compounds, including carbohydrates, proteins, organic carbon compound, from lipids and nucleic acids. These compounds are used by living inorganic salts. Carbon organisms in a complex web of chemical reactions called metabolism. compounds were called “organic” from the earlier belief that they had an inner vital force that could only be found in living organisms. • Cabhydaes are molecules • Pens are macromolecules composed of carbon, hydrogen and formed from chains of amino acids. oxygen which serve as immediate They contain carbon, hydrogen, energy and for structural purposes. oxygen and nitrogen. They can They have the general formula also contain sulfur. They have This theory was called “vitalism”. Because Wöler did not require any living organism to obtain urea, the C n (H 2 O) many dierent functions in living n theory of vitalism was falsified. organisms. • Lpds are molecules composed In Topic 1.3 you studied the molecules that form membranes. of carbon, hydrogen and, in a lesser • Nuclec acds, such as DNA and amount, oxygen. They serve as an RNA, are molecules in charge of the energy storage molecule and form genetic information in cells. They the cell membrane. They can also act are composed of a nitrogenous base as hormones. joined to a sugar and a phosphate In Topics 8.1 and D.5 you will study group. how these molecules are used in metabolism. Example 2.1.1. The diagram Which 14 shows diagram the shows structure the of structure different of biological D-ribose? molecules. 2.2 C CH W At E r OH 2 O B HOCH 2 A O You should be able to identify H = H − − O − − − N − C − C OH lipids or amino acids from OH H R D HO H H biochemicals such as sugars, OH HO OH H H H H OH H H OH H H molecular diagrams. You will only be asked to identify a molecule O H − − − − − − − − − − − − − type from a series of molecular H − C − C− C − C− C − C− C − C− C − C− C − C− O − H H − H − H − H − H − H − H − H − − − − H H structures you already know. H Solution The formula the • In anablsm, two or more correct answer for right, an the is diagram amino amine acid; group B. you on Diagram can the A clearly left is see a generalized the containing acid molecules join to form a larger group nitrogen, molecule. on and • In caablsm, molecules in the centre could be a Diagram and is a the All of at living single C a carbon continually organisms processes An example CH loss of perform be seen 1 R group more (side complex from facing carbons and obtain allow metabolic changes produced in the is fructose one the to the cell. the chain) groups that of six-membered downwards. hydrogens are broken down into smaller atoms. molecules. ring Diagram D with an acid reactions. require Anabolic formation glucose of and These are enzymes and energy a that series are catabolic needed reactions to perform live. molecule molecule that chemicals them anabolism of or carbon monosaccharide monosaccharide the can the 1. to that of A six-carbon of chain to atom as biological being the with group long organisms and joined hydrogen α-glucose, is acid, chemical allow α-carbon hydroxyl fatty group the to of sucrose, molecule form the joins common a sugar. six-carbon disaccharide sucrose, water. CH OH OH 2 2 CH OH 2 CH OH 2 O O O H H O H H H H H H + H OH H OH HO HO HO CH H HO H HO OH O 2 CH OH 2 glycosidic H OH H H OH OH OH bond H between H C1 and C2 O 2 Fgue 2.1.1. The formation of sucrose (a disaccharide) from the condensation of glucose and fructose (two monosaccharides) 2 . 2 W AT E R Yu shuld knw: ✔ water end ✔ molecules and water ’s a negative cohesive, properties bonding ✔ are can and hydrophilic by polar, they have a positive ✔ end. compare those adhesive, explained thermal by and solvent ✔ of explain the thermal properties of water with methane. how water acts as a coolant in sweat. hydrogen dipolarity . substances (water-loving) repelled be Yu shuld be able : and water are attracted hydrophobic to water substances are (water-fearing). 15 2 MOLEC UL AR BI O LO G Y Water is formed from one atom of oxygen and two atoms of hydrogen Carbon compounds and carbon joined by covalent bonds. The hydrogen atoms form a V shape with cycling will be studied in Topic 4.3. the oxygen in the hydrogen the vertex. The atom of oxygen is electronegative while Topic 4.4 describes how carbon atoms are electropositive. The negative part of one water dioxide released from metabolic molecule is attracted to the positive part of another water molecule, reactions causes climate change. forming are electromagnetic weak, water but many bonds bonds called together hydrogen form a bonds. strong These bonding bonds between molecules. + δ H Water has particular thermal properties. Each hydrogen bond has an 1 + + δ δ H O average δ energy of 20 kJ mol , therefore water needs a lot of heat to H change + has δ δ a state, high causing specific the heat boiling capacity , and a melting high heat points of to be high. vaporization Water and a high O H heat + of fusion. Example 2.2.1. δ H a) Complete the table to distinguish the solubility of molecules. Place δ O a tick (✓) in the cases where the molecules are soluble in water. + δ H Fgue 2.2.1. Solution Hydrogen bonding a) Mlecule glucose amino fats cholesterol oxygen sodium between two water molecules acids Slubly ✓ chloride ✓ ✓ ✓ n wae b) Explain the possibility relationship of transport between in blood the solubility plasma of in these water and the molecules. • Hea capacy is the energy required to raise the temperature of Solution 1 g of substance by 1°C. b) • Hea f vapan is the energy Water-soluble which required to change 1 g of liquid to is soluble substances composed in water, can mainly such as be of transported water. lipids, in blood Substances need to be that plasma are transported not through vapour. vesicles or attached • Hea f fusn is the energy Cholesterol required to change 1 g of solid to to liquid. be cholesterol, 2 . 3 monosaccharide condensation and example to proteins, for ✔ monomers reactions to are form joined by ✔ disaccharides acids can be saturated, monounsaturated A N D proteins. molecule high-density that has lipoprotein L I P I D S identify and cellulose, unsaturated fatty analyse starch function, acids can be cis or trans and the and ✔ explain are acids formed and one by condensation from ✔ with the glycerol. compare energy ✔ structure and function glycogen. about ✔ of to their molecular health fatty risks acids lipids and evidence in starch and structure visualization of trans the fats and software. and diet. carbohydrates in terms of the and evidence the for methods health used claims to made lipids. determine use respect cellulose, storage. evaluate obtain contrast using saturated triglycerides fatty compare glycogen polyunsaturated. three 16 insoluble as transport. of isomers. ✔ an forming such polysaccharides. fatty or of substances Yu shuld be able : ✔ ✔ soluble an C A R B O H Y D R AT E S Yu shuld knw: ✔ is attached to a body mass nomogram. index by calculation or 2.3 Monosaccharide monomers, such as glucose and fructose, can C A r B o H Y D r At E S AND LiP iD S be • Cabhydaes are carbon linked together with glycosidic bonds to form disaccharides, such as compounds containing hydrogen sucrose. Because this reaction liberates water it is called a condensation and oxygen. They serve as energy reaction. Sucrose is found in plants. Lactose, the sugar found in milk, storage and structural components and maltose, the sugar found in seeds, are also disaccharides. Lactose of organisms. is formed from glucose and galactose. Maltose is composed of two • Mnsacchades are simple glucose molecules and is produced by the hydrolysis of starch. sugars and are the basic building blocks of carbohydrates. Polysaccharide polymers are composed of long chains of • Dsacchades are two monosaccharides. The most abundant polysaccharides in nature are monosaccharides joined together. starch and mainly of cellulose, found α-glucose, while in animals. amylose amylopectin joined through bonds are are joined O H is are found Starch and in carbon branched. H the 6 main In O plants, composed and of In the glycogen, two Amylose amylose, bonds. branch, is different a linear glucose amylopectin, but which is polymers molecule, molecules these α-glucose other α-1,6-glycosidic forming H is in amylopectin. α-1,4-glycosidic formed at which • Plysacchades are polymers of monosaccharides. are same molecules bonds. H Example 2.3.1. 4 1 O glucose 1 O units A disaccharide O is broken 1,6 linkage α- down into glucose and fructose. 1,4 linkage α6 CH a) 2 O H H O H H O H H State side 4 1 O name of the branch 1 H the disaccharide. 5 1 O O O b) Identify the type of bond main branch amylopectin Fgue 2.3.1. present Structure of starch bonds. of the a polymer Because chain upside This is to down makes the the in hydroxyl hydroxyl order cellulose body . Many fibres found cellulose in β-glucose of the to a position walls on on these of join two 1 4, is are by on disaccharide. hydroxyl to made to opposite second groups digest form in these side glucose is b) Glycosidic by bond (formed condensation) together. the human microfibres. from Sucrose 1,4-glycosidic the every difficult together plants joined carbon carbon molecule, molecules cell molecules group group strong the Solution a) Cellulose in The cellulose Lipids in the diet have been microfibres. said to be bad for human health. Never theless, they are Example 2.3.2. necessary for many metabolic processes. Health problems linked a) Compare and contrast the structure of glycogen and starch. to dietary lipids include obesity b) Explain affects how their the bonding in starch and cellulose molecules and coronary hear t disease. structure. Solution a) Glycogen, plants, two while glycogen, an with b) the in Starch in amylose and amylopectin bond joining molecules, starch, is same In by the in the the chain molecule while In one is both of is a at by linear and molecules carbon formed branching more group on is starch occurs also in formed glucose cellulose hydroxyl the the is Amylose branching Glycogen found Starch chain glycogen as starch, branched. main The α-glucose α-glucose of is bond. but and molecules. amylopectin. the bond. therefore formed side animals, glucose α-1,6-glycosidic β-glucose. the of α-1,4-glycosidic an branched than mostly polymers molecules, molecule is found are is 6 from greater compact. is on formed carbon carbon 4, 1 by is on allowing the 17 2 MOLEC UL AR BI O LO G Y • Lpds are carbon compounds formation of the 1,4-glycosidic bond. β-glucose, In the hydroxyl containing mainly hydrogen groups are found on different sides of the chain. In order for the and some oxygen. They form a β-1,4-glycosidic bonds to form, every second β-glucose needs to diverse group containing oils, be upside-down in order to position the hydroxyl groups on the fats, membrane components and same side of the chain. hormones. • Fay acds are formed by long chains of carbons (4 to 34) with Lipids are carbon compounds such as glycerides and steroids that are hydrogens attached and an acid insoluble in water. They contain double the energy of carbohydrates. group at one end. Fatty • Unsauaed fatty acids have by double or triple bonds between two 1. a acids long The are the chain carbons of main components carbons can be and joined of simple hydrogens by single or lipids. with an double They acid are group bonds. formed at When carbon the fatty or more carbons. acid • Sauaed fatty acids do not have has double any double or triple bonds. have or • Cis fay acds have the two no double bonds only more it one is bonds said double double to it is be bond said to be saturated; unsaturated. while if it has one Monounsaturated polyunsaturated fatty or fatty acids more acids have two bonds. hydrogen atoms adjacent to the Unsaturated fatty acids can have the hydrogen atoms next to the double bond located on the same double bond on the same side or on opposite sides of the chain. If the side of the chain. hydrogen atoms are on the same side of the chain, the unsaturated • Trans fay acds have the two fatty acid is said to be cis; if they are on opposite sides of the chain it hydrogen atoms adjacent to the is trans. The tail in cis fatty acids kinks, separating the molecules. This double bond located on opposite gives cis fatty acids a lower melting point than trans fatty acids. sides of the chain. There the are others H H H − know by − H H H H H only very the lipids. complex structure condensation These H have of formed Some from have glycerol molecules, a simple and such one as structure, fatty acid, steroids. You such as while from of triglycerides. three fatty acids Triglycerides and one are need to glycerol formed molecule. − − − − − − − − O H types H − − − = H C − C − C − C − C − C − C − H − − H − C − C − H − − H − C H − − O many monoglycerides, H fatty acids do not need to be the same. In some cases, one H carbon joins to a phosphate group instead of a fatty acid, forming H a saturated fatty acid phospholipid. another group, phospholipid H C− − H an at forming important part the same time join to phosphatidylcholine, of the cell a membrane. − C − − − − − − − − H forms choline, can H − C − O H that example group H − − C − C − C − C for phosphate H − = H − C − C H − − H − C H − − − H = H O This H H H H H H H C H C glycerol unsaturated fatty acid H Fgue 2.3.2. C H Saturated fatty acid H O H C C H C C H O with no carbon–carbon double bonds three fatty acids O and unsaturated fatty acid showing one H C C carbon–carbon double bond H 3H H H H − O − − − − − − − H H H H C O O C O − H H − C − C− C O H H = C − C − O H − C − C= H − − − C − C H − − − H − H H triglyceride H C O C H C O C O H trans fatty acid H O H = C − C − − C − − − − ‘water-repelling’ O H O H cis fatty acid 18 C O C H C P = phosphate O H H Fgue 2.3.3. H = C H H tails: hydrophobic phospholipid − H C − C H − − C H H − H C − − − − C − − C H − − − H − H H − H H H Cis and trans fatty acids Ch = choline ‘water-liking’ Fgue 2.3.4. Formation of triglycerides and structure of a phospholipid 2.3 C A r B o H Y D r At E S AND LiP iD S Example 2.3.3. Explain the the health risks of trans fats and saturated fatty acids in diet. Solution Triglycerides unsaturated called high trans so fats) density double of bonds tightly . hardening of plaques atheroma even can It form or of or branches the infarction, a the in of are pack acids these tightly contacts. irregular saturated on fatty with or artery in shape trans fats walls of macrophages, swelling in the flow of other blood. heart artery The cardiovascular a acids of and may or the are forming lipids cannot blood heart formation or An connective slows flow attack pack contribute and which a with cis (atherosclerosis). wall loss disease, from trans together, (arteriosclerosis) the or fatty Hydrocarbons mainly coronary or made that arteries atheroma forms blocks saturated (fats rods levels consists result from acids intermolecular High to tissue. formed fatty to down the or heart myocardial diseases. S AMPLE StUDENt ANS WEr The image shows a nomogram. 140 135 130 clinically obese 125 body mass index (BMI) 120 obese 115 50 48 110 40 46 44 105 42 35 100 over weight 38 gk / thgiew 36 95 30 34 32 90 25 28 85 normal 26 80 24 75 22 18.5 20 70 18 65 16 (155 cm, 60 kg) 60 14 55 under weight 50 45 40 145 150 155 160 165 1 70 1 75 180 185 190 195 200 205 ▲ On the nomogram where the 155 the point height / cm intersects the cm height line line between normal a) Using the nomogram, state the lower weight limit for a woman with and the height of 155 cm to be classified as overweight, giving the units. This answer could have achieved 1/1 weight limit: 60 marks: ▼ This H could have achieved 1/2 [2] acid 60 kg weight. does not show group. mark group was and given for hydrogens the shown. marks: ▼ The H structure acid ▲ One answer at kg b) Draw the structure of a saturated fatty acid. This is [1] the Lower overweight structure on the left only O has H three carbons and the shortest C H H fatty acid with 4 known is butyric acid, OH carbons. 19 2 MOLEC UL AR 2 . 4 BI O LO G Y P R O T E I N S Yu shuld knw: ✔ polypeptides linked ✔ are together polypeptides 20 ✔ a different huge in any are the of from amino ✔ acids proteins living condensation. synthesized amino range because formed by in ribosomes from ✔ a polypeptides acids can is be genes a code protein multiple ✔ the is very wide range of functions in is it the is full set unique of to proteins each in an individual. Yu shuld be able : together sequence. for the amino acid sequence describe spider may consist of polypeptides three-dimensional determined by the one polypeptide linked or ✔ of acid of how denature a protein ✔ draw a acids are the of rubisco, rhodopsin, insulin, collagen and heat building and changes to pH can protein. molecular formation sequence. Amino functions silk. explain together. conformation amino the immunoglobulins, of polypeptides. ✔ a possible linked ✔ ✔ proteome individual; acids. amino have organisms. of a diagrams peptide blocks of to show the bond. proteins. There are 20 different The synthesis of proteins amino acids. These amino acids are joined by condensation in the through translation will be studied ribosomes to form polypeptides. The bond between amino acids in Topic 2.7. The industrial use of is called a peptide bond. A DNA molecule is used as a blueprint to organisms to produce proteins will produce RNA that will carry the information to produce a polypeptide be discussed in Topic B.1. in a process protein is called translation. determined by the The three-dimensional amino acid shape of a sequence. Most organisms assemble • rubsc is the shor t name for • Cllagen is a brous protein found ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/ in connective tissues. proteins from the same 20 amino acids. However, pyrrolysine oxygenase. It is the enzyme involved • Spde slk is a brous protein made and selenocysteine, which were in photosynthesis that takes par t in by spiders to spin their web. discovered fairly recently, are two carbon dioxide xation. additional amino acids that are not present in all organisms, and they • Peme is all of the proteins • insuln is a hormone that promotes produced by a cell, a tissue or an the absorption of glucose by the liver. are genetically encoded in a organism. dierent way from the other 20. • immunglbulns are globular • Gel elecphess is a method proteins that function as antibodies. used to separate proteins according They have a number of roles in the to their size. body’s immune defence. • rhdpsn is a pigment involved in ▲ The answer scored a mark for light detection. showing: • each amino acid with an acid group S AMPLE StUDENt ANS WEr (COOH) at one end and an amine a) Draw molecular diagrams to show the condensation reaction between group (NH ) at the other end; 2 two amino acids to form a dipeptide. • the double Cand • the bond between This O; α-carbon in the [4] the middle answer could have achieved 4/4 marks: with H H and R group attached; N • the peptide bond correctly C C N drawn OH OH H R between Marks N would awarded for and C also the = have acid H 0. R 1 been group at one H H O H H O end of the dipeptide and the amine H H at the other end, plus another N N OH for showing the loss of R water. R 20 O 2 mark 1 2.5 ENzY ME S Example 2.4.1. Explain how heat can denature a protein. It is possible to provide more correct answers than there are Solution Heat can thereby rubisco, is detect a gel the its would the interactions broken, in it increased, the To modify affecting cease between the In electrophoresis of the catalyse the R a the tissue, of an within the of of a When the have substrates amino can molecular enzyme’s required to can still get full marks for another be correct point. proteins are extracted then separated run. an Yu shuld be able : active site to which specic ✔ bind. design movement active for site and with collision the of rate of activity pH of of are ✔ sketch graphs temperature, enzymes and activity depends substrate activity enzymes can be denatured. ✔ enzymes can be immobilized to be to and test the effect substrate of concentration on enzymes. to pH of show and the expected substrate effects of concentration on enzymes. on concentration. ✔ describe and ✔ pH the substrate catalysis. temperature, experiments temperature, the the on the mark scheme because you cause acids the ✔ matter if you missed something temperature E N Z Y M E S enzymes ✔ you write a good answer, it won’t as protein. Yu shuld knw: ✔ such molecule different marks available in the question. If protein, enzyme reaction. groups of structure case vibrations structure proteome 2 . 5 to increased changing the three-dimensional function. used its methods to produce lactose-free milk advantages. in industry . Enzymes control cell metabolism. They are globular proteins that have How enzymes are used in a catalytic zone called the active site. This site can consist of around metabolism, cell respiration and three to twelve amino acids. Changes in temperature and pH can alter photosynthesis will be discussed in the spatial disposition of the protein, affecting the rate of reaction of the Topic 8. enzyme. enzyme If the change unable to is extreme, the protein can denature, leaving the work. • An enyme is a globular protein that acts as a biological catalyst. • A subsae is the molecule changed by the enzyme. • The acve se is the par t of the enzyme that binds to the substrate. • Denauan is the loss of the ter tiary structure of the enzyme. • opmum describes the ideal conditions required for an enzyme to work . Fgue 2.5.1. Structure of an enzyme showing its active site in red 21 2 MOLEC UL AR BI O LO G Y S AMPLE StUDENt ANS WEr Keratin is a protein found in hair, nails, wool, horns and feathers. The graphs show the relative keratinase activity obtained in experiments of keratin digestion at dierent pH values and at dierent temperatures. % / ytivitca evitaler % / ytivitca evitaler 100 80 60 40 20 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 20 30 pH 40 50 60 70 a) Determine the optimum pH and temperature of keratinase. This ▲ The student optimum 44 to and identied temperature 48°C and the pH in 80 90 temperature / ºC answer could have achieved Optimum pH = 8. Optimum temperature: 1/1 [1] marks: the the range between 7.8 45°C. 8.5. b) Suggest w changes occurring in the reaction vessel that could be used to indicate keratinase activity. This ▲ Marks could mentioning or absorbance changes be scored changes or in any indicating for answer could have achieved [2] 2/2 marks: T he change in mass of keratin. T he change in mass of the colour newly produced amino acids. chemical the presence of c) State two conditions that should be kept constant in both amino acids. experiments. This ▲ The answers amount of scored a or as of pH, the are buffer mark, these correct. would but not were could have achieved 2/2 marks: The have T he mass T he time of keratinase used. also temperature the answer [2] of keratinase–keratin reaction. variables experiment. Increasing of substrate enzymes, occupied but and concentration only the up to enzyme a will point, will not as be increase all the able the active to react rate sites any of reaction will become faster. etar noitcaer active sites occupied by Example 2.5.1. substrate molecules Describe pointing a method out the to obtain a advantages named and immobilized disadvantages of enzyme, the method. Solution substrate concentration Fgue 2.5.2. Effect of the substrate Lactase is form produce to concentration on the rate of reaction of alginate an enzyme Lactase are enzyme beads the the separated stabilizes the lactose enzymes from the more the of or in the Milk found people. be in industry in is poured milk in into the cases, reducing the its immobilized this of it in column. and making times, galactose, suitable immobilization as they can be immobilization reactions cases an glucose milk, advantages many in immobilized through A disadvantage some matrix, is many therefore values. and The In in Lactase sugar used product. pH used milk. lactose can enzyme, expensive sequestered 22 column. amount temperatures is a lactose-intolerant that widely lactose-free in digests reducing for an can of occur the enzyme reactivity . at different method has its is that active it site 2.6 2 . 6 S T R U C T U R E O F D N A Yu shuld knw: ✔ the of ✔ nucleic DNA differs type of DNA is RNA are polymers ✔ explain a RNA in the DN A AND rNA R N A how base the number composition of ✔ and draw the of simple nucleotides Crick and Watson DNA using diagrams of model of DNA and the elucidated structure RNA, the making. of pentoses single and bases. double hydrogen base from pentose. antiparallel helix strands bonding of composed of nucleotides between two linked by complementary pairs. DNA is a aligned in bonds DNA and structure present, oF Yu shuld be able : nucleotides. strands ✔ acids A N D StrUCtUrE chain an of nucleotides antiparallel between forming manner complementary and a double are held nitrogenous helix. The together bases, C by with strands are The genetic modification of DNA hydrogen G and A with and its use in biotechnology will be T. described in Topic 3.5. In Topic 7 the structure of nucleic acids will be S AMPLE StUDENt ANS WEr studied in more detail. Label the par ts of two paired nucleotides in the polynucleotide of DNA. This [3] answer could have achieved 2/3 marks: A nitrogenous base ▼ “5-carbon adenine sugar” is too vague T for 5-carbon a mark. The correct answer is sugar deoxyribose. phosphate group • DNA (dex ybnuclec acd) is a polymer of nucleotides containing the genetic instructions responsible for inheritance. The segments carrying the Use circles, pentagons and information are called genes. rectangles to represent phosphates, sugars and bases • rNA (bnuclec acd) is a polymer of nucleotides containing the genetic respectively. The two DNA strands instructions for protein synthesis. should be shown antiparallel. • A nuclede is a molecule containing a phosphate, a sugar and a nitrogenous base. • The ngenus bases adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C) and thymine Crick and Watson created (T) are found in DNA ; uracil (U) replaces thymine in RNA . models to discover the • Cmplemenay nitrogenous bases are linked by hydrogen bonds on structure of DNA. They used opposite strands of DNA or double-stranded RNA. information from Rosalind Franklin’s X-ray diffraction images Example 2.6.1. of DNA and Erwin Chargaff ’s measurements of the propor tions The table shows the ratio of nucleotides in the DNA of different of each of the four bases. organisms. Suce A G A t C t C G human 1.29 1.04 0.57 1.00 salmon 1.43 1.02 0.70 0.98 wheat 1.22 1.00 0.85 1.03 E. coli 1.05 1.09 1.05 1.01 23 2 MOLEC UL AR BI O LO G Y a) State the two nucleotide ratios that are closest to 1 for most organisms. b) Discuss whether adenine pairs (A) with this always guanine data pairs (G) supports with by the hypothesis thymine (T) complementary and that cytosine base pairing (C) in theDNAstructure. Solution a) A to b) T and DNA is paired are no close ✔ helicase the two on its unpaired to 1, while of A in amount of T. that nucleotides. A to the The they are T R A N S L AT I O N semi-conservative the by DNA polymerase template in base double breaking and ✔ mRNA is pairing. helix and hydrogen uses the separates ✔ bonds. DNA strand as from explain A to This C one G strand and is C to that similar G. is strand; and means organisms with DNA base RNA polymerase in processes how multiple This T there are the to not total the total supports the basepairing. and Taq copies reaction of replication, translation. DNA polymerase of DNA by the produces polymerase (PCR). a ✔ the the explain the the universality production of of the genetic human code insulin in sequences bacteria by are. in second complementary transcription replication. copied by the ratios G these happens explain using ✔ to base in T R A N S C R I P T I O N chain ✔ The C DNA of Each base Yu shuld be able : complementary strands and joining A N D unwinds T same R E P L I C AT I O N , is helix. complementary D N A DNA replication depends G. double-stranded with Yu shuld knw: ✔ to amount idea 2 . 7 a C as an example of gene transfer between transcription. species. ✔ synthesis of polypeptides occurs on ribosomes ✔ in deduce the DNA base sequence for the mRNA translation. strand. ✔ mRNA determines the amino acid sequence of ✔ polypeptides according to the genetic deduce amino ✔ codons of three bases on mRNA correspond amino acid in a acid translation base depends pairing anticodons on between on complementary codons DNA replication, transcription and translation in genetic modification and biotechnology will be studied. Transcription and gene expression will be studied in more detail in Topic 7.2; translation will be covered 24 corresponds genetic to which code. analyse Meselson on for the and replication of of is theory Stahl’s of results to obtain semi-conservative DNA. mRNA and tRNA. In Topic 3.5 the impor tance of in Topic 7.3. codon(s) the polypeptide. support ✔ in to ✔ one which code. The central then principle makes inheritance. template is to proteins. In is a link new Therefore replication, DNA forms DNA carries together because strand. that all DNA polymerase nucleotides semi-conservative other genetics one to form strand is the uses an a RNA which information the new for DNA strand strand. original as a Replication strand and the 2 .7 DN A r E P L i C At i o N , Example 2.7 .1. The on first, the AND t r A N S L At i o N Example 2.7 .2. second and messenger third positions RNA (mRNA) are of the three shown in bases this of the genetic codons code. Secnd lee U U trANS CriPtioN UUU Phe C A UCU UAU In A. way enzymes during G Tyr what UGU B. U Cys are UCC Ser UAC the produce Leu UCA UAA Stop structure UCG UAG Stop of by enzymes is DNA both enzymes have globular and DNA A UGA Stop UUG RNA C UGC C. UUA and replication determined UUC enzymes DNA related? D. G UGG enzymes shapes contain the code Trp for C CUU CCU CAU His DNA U CGU Solution CUC Leu CCC Pro CAC CGC C Arg The CUA Fs CCA CAA CUG CCG CAG AUU ACU AAU Gln thd G CGG lee lee A Asn AGU answer contains A CGA synthesis will Ile ACC Thr AAC AUG G Met GUU GUC Val ACA AAA ACG AAG GCU GAU GCC Ala Lys AGA Asp GAC as DNA of mRNA, determine the for the which of the primary protein, which C AGC will AUA B, blueprint U Ser structure AUC is the A Arg AGG G GGU U GGC the determine the structure of enzyme. C Gly • replcan is the semi- GUA GCA GAA GUG GCG GAG Glu GGA A GGG G conservative synthesis of DNA. • tanscpn is the synthesis of mRNA copied from the DNA base A sequence of nucleotides of mRNA is shown: sequences by RNA polymerase. AUGUUUCCACUAAAUGUAAGCAGA • tanslan is the synthesis of polypeptides on ribosomes. a) (i) Identify the produce (ii) Deduce DNA sequence this the that has been transcribed to mRNA. peptide sequence translated from this mRNA sequence. b) Discuss when whether leaving all the proteins contain Met as a first amino acid ribosomes. To identify the DNA sequence, you have to find the complementary c) (i) Explain what would have happened if instead of AGA you base: for A it is T and for C it is G. had UGA in the last codon of this portion of this mRNA. Remember that in DNA you have T (ii) Suggest a reason how the change in c) (i) could have instead of U. happened. Solution a) (i) (ii) b) TAC Met The AAA GGT Phe start Pro codon GAT Leu of TTA CAT Asn most Val Ser open TCG TCT Arg reading frames (ORF) is AUG. To deduce the peptide sequence, Transcription starts at TAC (or ATG in the DNA coding you first separate the sequence of sequence) as this is where the polymerase starts transcription. mRNA every three nucleotides. You There are some cases of alternative start codons, but these are then look in the table for A as the very rare in eukaryotes. first letter, U for the second letter c) (i) UGA is There leaves (ii) a is stop no the A point codon, so the tRNA capable ribosome. mutation The translation of joining peptide replacing would this codon, produced A with U be stopped so the would could have be here. peptide and G for the third. This is done for each codon. short. caused the change. 25 2 MOLEC UL AR 2 . 8 BI O LO G Y C E L L R E S P I R AT I O N Yu shuld knw: ✔ cell respiration energy from glucose) ✔ ATP is to an is Yu shuld be able : the organic produce controlled release compounds (such of ✔ describe as ethanol ATP . immediate the and anaerobic cell source respiration of energy in the cell. ✔ explain yields a small in dioxide baking to through produce anaerobic lactate production respiration is in used humans to when maximize the of muscle contractions. ATP . ✔ ✔ yeasts amount power of of respiration. anaerobic ✔ use carbon aerobic cell respiration requires oxygen analyse results from experiments using a and respirometer. gives a large yield of ATP . Most living respiration processes through respiration, require the glucose is energy , breakdown broken down which of to is glucose obtained from molecules. produce a small In cell anaerobic amount of ATP . You do not need to know all The end products in anaerobic respiration can be lactic acid (in muscles the metabolic pathways of cell or bacteria) or carbon dioxide and ethanol (in yeast or bacteria). In respiration. You need to recall aerobic respiration, large amounts of ATP are produced from the only substrates and final waste breakdown of glucose; carbon dioxide and water are also produced. products. • Anaebc espan is the large amounts of energy in the form catabolic process through which of ATP . small amounts of energy in the form • AtP or adensne phsphae is a of ATP are produced from glucose molecule that is used as a fast source without the use of oxygen. of energy. It is formed by a ribose • Aebc espan is the catabolic that has a nitrogenous base joined to process involving the use of oxygen carbon 1 and three phosphate groups through which glucose is broken joined to carbon 5. down to carbon dioxide, water and Example 2.8.1. Describe the use of a respirometer to measure cell respiration in In Topic 1.2, the structure of germinating seeds. mitochondria were studied. How respiration is involved in carbon Solution cycling will be studied in Topic 4.3. In In Topic 8.2, cell respiration will be a explained in more detail. to a simple mesh. respirometer, Underneath, absorb CO . This an germinating alkali ensures such that as seeds are sodium reductions in placed in hydroxide volume a is are tube on used due to 2 oxygen use. prevents You can illustrate your answer with a drawing, but you must make sure to annotate it clearly. 26 Temperature volume changes is kept due to constant using temperature a water bath. fluctuations. This 2.8 C E LL r E S P i r At i o N S AMPLE StUDENt ANS WEr The oxygen oxygen meter linked to a computer consumption rate of the sh Oplegnathus insignis was examined in a respirometer at three dierent water temperatures and water water in out at four dierent body masses. h 1– 1– 300 gk 23ºC O gm / etar 2 noitpmusnoc negyxo 400 18ºC 200 13ºC 100 0 0 200 400 600 body mass / g a) Suggest how the oxygen consumption rate is determined using this apparatus. This [2] answer could have achieved 1/2 marks: ▲ The answer because T he “ water out” part of the apparatus contains water from sh meter , has consumed which detects oxygen. oxygen T he levels water in the is passed water . T he to the result oxygen with the oxygen level of the supplied water to using the mark that the the data difference in concentration. answer is lacking the fact calculate time rate one is that the measures oxygen ▼ The compared gets mentions which logger the it the measurement and that the is mass done of the over sh computer . needs the to be measured to calculate rate. b) State the relationship between body mass and the oxygen consumption of sh. This T he answer greater could the consumption per [1] have body rate achieved mass it has. 1/1 of marks: the T his sh, means the it lower the consumes oxygen less oxygen kilogram. c) Predict the eects of global warming on aerobic respiration A mark would also have been in sh. [2] given for saying that less oxygen This answer could have achieved 2/2 marks: can dissolve in warmer water so less aerobic respiration can occur. A higher temperature causes a higher oxygen consumption Another mark could be given for rate. T herefore global warming will cause sh to have more saying that larger fish are favoured as they have a lower oxygen metabolism and therefore consume more oxygen. consumption rate. 27 2 MOLEC UL AR 2 . 9 BI O LO G Y P H O T O S Y N T H E S I S Yu shuld knw: ✔ photosynthesis compounds in is Yu shuld be able : the cells production using light of carbon ✔ energy . explain oceans changes and rock to the Earth’s deposition atmosphere, due to photosynthesis. ✔ visible is the light has shortest a range and red of the wavelengths: violet longest. ✔ draw for ✔ chlorophyll absorbs red and blue light and explain chlorophyll an and absorption an action spectrum spectrum for most photosynthesis. effectively other and reects green light more than colours. ✔ design experiments temperature, ✔ oxygen is produced in photosynthesis from of energy is needed ✔ carbon temperature, to produce compounds light concentration the rate of and the effect carbon of dioxide photosynthesis. carbohydrates explain the are from intensity possible carbon and of photosynthetic by chromatography . dioxide. carbon limiting separation and pigments other investigate water. ✔ ✔ to intensity the on photolysis light dioxide factors on photosynthesis. Visible In Topic 2.4, an enzyme involved in photosynthesis was discussed In Topic 8.3, knowledge of photosynthesis will be deepened. light wavelength absorbs more some light red than and other a range nm) blue photolysis by which green plants (and some carbon to is to by-product. Energy the most with longest that contain electrons that ions from and ATP nm). and occurs chlorophyll. molecules hydrogen violet (700 effectively Photosynthesis water release and wavelengths red light colours. split dioxide of and microorganisms energy • Phsynhess is the process microorganisms) use sunlight to has (400 to reflects in the green plants, The eventually produce shortest light algae Photosynthesis (photolysis). can the Chlorophyll be energy . hydrogen purpose from used to Oxygen and uses of reduce is photolysis a are synthesize nutrients from carbon used to produce carbohydrates and other carbon compounds from dioxide and water. Light is absorbed carbon dioxide. by pigments and generates oxygen as a by-product. Although other chlorophyll pigments that is the absorb main light pigment at found different in plants, wavelengths. there are Examples • Chlphyll is a green pigment of these pigments are xanthophylls and carotenes. It is possible that absorbs light in most plants. separate • An acn specum is a graph of the rate of photosynthesis performed by an organism at dierent light wavelengths. • An abspn specum is a graph of the amount of light absorbed by each pigment at dierent light wavelengths. 28 photosynthetic pigments using chromatography . to 2.9 P H oto S Y N t H E S i S S AMPLE StUDENt ANS WEr Outline the production of carbohydrates in photosynthesis. This answer Glucose is could a have type of achieved 3/4 [4] marks: carbohydrate formed through photosynthesis. T he photosynthesis equation allows us to see how and when ▲ The in the process glucose is answer scores a mark produced: for photolysis and for mentioning LIGHT carbon dioxide + + glucose oxygen of T here are two stages to the production of glucose and hydrogen photolysis. The as products second mark is or for carbon xation. carbohydrates. Stage about 1: light-dependent photolysis, which reaction. is the Sunlight splitting of is used water to bring molecules ▼ The answer mention into hydrogen and oxygen 2: T hrough light-independent these two stages of reaction. getting Carbon xation hydrogen and occurs. to chlorophyll chemical and xating carbon is we get the carbohydrate and energy . energy is used not absorbed of which for is converted Some the of the production oxygen ATP is carbohydrates ions does light ions. by Stage that needed or to produce starch. molecule glucose. Example 2.9.1. How A. is the Water oxygen released molecules split by with photosynthesis the energy from produced? ATP to liberate oxygen. B. Water molecules split with the energy from light to liberate oxygen. C. Water molecules combine with carbon dioxide molecules to form oxygen. D. Carbon dioxide producing molecules split with the energy from light oxygen. Solution The a answer process and the is B. called oxygen Light energy photolysis. is liberated is used to split The hydrogen as by-product. a is the water used in molecule in photosynthesis Pacce pblems f tpc 2 Pblem 1 Pblem 3 Describe the proper ties of water that allow Design an experiment using egg white to show cooling by sweating. the effect of heat on proteins. Pblem 2 Pblem 4 Outline the action of enzymes. Outline the production of carbohydrates in photosynthesis. 29 G E N ET I C S 3 3 . 1 G E N E S Yu suld knw: ✔ every life ✔ a living from gene its each organism consists gene inherits a blueprint for ✔ explain parents. information ✔ Yu suld be able t: of for a a length specic occupies a of DNA that carries ✔ explain characteristic. specic place on ✔ alleles are only few new a a ✔ forms of a gene that vary by ✔ are by the genome is the whole mutation. genetic ✔ describe information ✔ arises if there is a hemoglobin. between malaria and sickle cell of genes in humans and human diversity is due to single polymorphisms. the use in of the a database base to determine sequence of a gene in of two an anemia for numbers how differences ✔ cell gene link the nucleotide formed sickle the organisms. explain bases. alleles the compare other different in anemia. chromosome. ✔ how mutation species. organism. the Human whole Genome human Project sequenced the genome. Each gene is located in a specific place or locus on the chromosome. • A gene is a heritable factor that There can be several variants of the same gene; these are called alleles. consists of a length of DNA and Humans have around 20,000 genes, while some bacteria have 5,000. If inuences a specic characteristic. an organism has two alleles for a particular gene that are the same, it • The lcus is the place on the is called a homozygote. If an organism has two alleles for a particular chromosome where a gene is gene that are different (for example, alleles for both blue eyes and located. brown eyes), it is called a heterozygote. • Alleles are various specic forms of a gene. In sickle acid to cell be anemia, one substituted hemoglobin by specific valine polypeptide. As a base as substitution the result sixth the amino structure causes acid of in the glutamic the hemoglobin The development of gene protein is altered and it does not carry oxygen efficiently in sequencers has allowed for erythrocytes; the shape of affected erythrocytes is also altered (they are the sequencing of genes in many ‘sickle-shaped’).There appears the cell to be a correlation between malaria and organisms. Frederick Sanger was a incidence of sickle anemia. Regions where malaria is endemic pioneer in DNA sequencing, as in also show a high incidence of sickle cell anemia in the local population; 1977, together with his co-workers, sickle cell anemia has a low rate of incidence in regions that do not he developed the chain-termination have malaria. This is probably due to the fact that the malarial parasite method. This method consisted of cannot enter into ‘sickle-shaped’ erythrocytes, so heterozygotes for the selective incorporation of chainthe sickle the gene cell gene are relatively protected against malaria. Therefore, terminating dideoxynucleotides by can survive and be inherited more often. On the other hand, DNA polymerase during replication. patients who are homozygous for the sickle cell gene, and therefore Other faster methods have been suffer from developed since, allowing for larger of sections of DNA to be sequenced. 30 malaria. sickle cell anemia, are highly susceptible to the lethal effects 3 .1 Example 3.1.1. GE N E S • A mutatn is a change to the structure of a gene caused by the The ABO blood group gene locus is located on the long arm of alteration of single base units in the human chromosome 9, and encodes for an enzyme that mediates DNA. A mutation may be inherited the B expression genes differ sequence acids of from shows groups means in the the part (an the of of A and a few allele B single-base for blood sequences a protein asterisk amino antigens for acid is not substitutions. blood the erythrocytes. group sequence means on O differs groups sequence is The in A and alignment of the The A and more B. the may aect only the individual in amino The and which it occurs. Mutations can be caused by exposure to radiation table alleles same by subsequent generations, or protein of a or carcinogens, or by errors in blood replication or transcription. dash present). • Sngle nucletde plymrpsms are caused by point mutations Allele Amn acd that give rise to dierent alleles Blood group A P K V L T P W K Blood group B * * * * * * * C Blood group O * * * * * * * C D V L V V T P W L A P I V W E G T F R * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * R * * * * * P L G W L P L S G R A H S containing alternative bases at a given nucleotide position within a locus. a) (i) Identify the sequence (ii) Suggest due to number between whether single of amino blood this group data nucleotide acids that A and shows that are different blood group human polymorphisms in this B. diversity is (SNPs). You do not need to study b) Explain gene how can blood a base cause group of substitution a difference a person. in in the the DNA molecule protein that of one determines deletions, inser tions and frame the shift mutations. Solution a) (i) Topic 3.4 shows how genetic 2 information is inherited. Topic 5.4 (ii) There are more SNPs between the sequence for blood group explains how cladistics is used to O and both A and B. There are few differences between A and describe the way organisms are B. Therefore, the SNPs make a difference in the blood group, related phylogenetically. confirming b) The in ribosome, cause a code is codon the the translation primary codes protein codon, the the contribute blueprint A change will tRNA to if for the the (neutral protein in join of by its the change same be the The the If human of in anticodon, acid, no new the mRNA could determining Because nucleotide mRNA determine mRNA enters change the diversity . formation DNA could the amino much to protein. in mutation). will for When occur. sequence degenerate, that can mRNA codon. different different is transcription. change to SNPs DNA molecule through a that the genetic determines change codon is will a a for a occur stop shorter. S AMPLE STUDENT ANS WER Mutations are the ultimate source of genetic variation and are essential to evolution. a) State one type of environmental factor that may increase the mutation rate of a gene. ▲ Correct arise from such as UV chemical [1] answer could have achieved 1/1 papilloma virus is to presence or less can radiation of carcinogens, cigarette smoke. common, marks: by to rays, it mutations Exposure mutations mutagens, Although This answer: exposure could polymerases occur in from errors transcription or radiation. translation. b) Identify one type of gene mutation. [1] ▲ Correct This answer could have achieved 1/1 occur could Base substitution answer: mutations can marks: from also base occur substitution. from They insertion, mutation. deletion or frameshift. 31 3 GE N E T I CS 3 . 2 C H R O M O S O M E S ✔ a karyogram shows the chromosomes of an Yu suld knw: organism ✔ prokaryotes have one chromosome in homologous pairs of decreasing consisting length. of a circular DNA molecule. ✔ ✔ plasmids are small circular sex are present ✔ only in some eukaryote chromosomes molecules associated eukaryotes carry have different are with linear histone homologous sequence alleles of of DNA diploid different chromosomes explain haploid chromosomes those nuclei but not carry the compare coli, same necessarily the each species Cairns’ the and autosomes determine technique length genome Drosophila Paris same sex. of is used for DNA molecules. size in T2 phage, melanogaster, Homo Escherichia sapiens and japonica genes. have pairs of compare Homo homologous have one chromosome ✔ of sativa analyse Down has a specic number ✔ of loci Chromosome separation during cell division is studied in Topic 1.6. diploid Pan and troglodytes, karyograms and the the use chromosome Parascaris syndrome describe chromosomes. the sapiens, Oryza eachpair. ✔ how measuring that chromosomes. ✔ sex not genes. genes nuclei do Yu suld be able t: ✔ ✔ determine that proteins. ✔ ✔ chromosomes prokaryotes. ✔ ✔ chromosomes DNA molecules in of to numbers Canis of familiaris, equorum. deduce sex and diagnose humans. databases protein products to identify of genes. gene • The karytype is the number and division, it is where the spindle bres type of chromosomes present in the attach. nucleus. • A crmatd is a DNA molecule • A karygram is a photograph of that is the copy of a newly formed chromosomes ordered by size. chromosome. • The genme sze is the total length • Sster crmatds are two DNA of DNA in an organism. molecules formed by DNA replication In 1963, John Foster Cairns used autoradiography to establish the length of DNA prior to cell division until the splitting molecules in chromosomes. E. coli • The centrmere is the area of cells were grown with radioactive the chromosome where the sister of the centromere at the star t of anaphase. chromatids are linked. During cell thymidine, which was incorporated into the DNA during replication. Radioactively labelled DNA from Chromosomes broken cells was spread on a glass proteins. slide and all the molecules covered chromosomes with a light-sensitive emulsion. The Down tracks of silver grains resulting a from exposure of DNA to membrane, radioactive thymidine were used to the measure the DNA fibres. circular All the nucleoid. genes have a a few naked but have one the cell. The not half may of of for one also in of the each in have do not plasmids, pairs carry alleles of chromosomes are of of such consisting have in a an nuclear area which found are called small inside same those sequence genes. diploid Haploid nuclei—they pair. Example 3.2.1. The scanning (×1,600). 32 electron micrograph shows part of as of homologous the as histone diseases cytoplasm chromosomes same with number example contain nuclei the same chromosome chromosomes number chromosome associated the prokaryotes found Eukaryote necessarily the have Because Diploid pairs have exceptions, DNA is Prokaryotes of species Prokaryotes DNA molecules. nucleus nuclei (with DNA molecules of DNA molecule. chromosomes. of linear syndrome). circular the are members a cell in mitosis 3.3 a) On b) the Identify sister c) micrograph, on d) a centromere. micrograph two chromatids. Identify , of the label MEioSiS with mitosis Describe a this how karyogram reason, cell is you from the stage in. could this make a picture. Solution a) and b) See diagram on the right centromere c) highly condensed, become where apparent. and This chromosomes chromatids is are the stage more clearly seen. d) Each chromosome picture by size and cut scissors) homologous their of (using is pairs the from and the ordered according length of to each arm chromatid. sister chromatids The genome size does not give an idea of how complex in form the • Gametes have a haploid number organism is. Humans have a genome of around 3,000 million base of chromosomes in their nucleus. pairs, while pairs. The Paris japonica, a woodland plant, has 150,000 million base • Autsmal cells have a diploid number of chromosomes is not an indication of evolution number of chromosomes in their either. Humans have 46 chromosomes in diploid cells (23 in haploid) nucleus. while dogs have 3 . 3 78 chromosomes (36 in haploid). M E I O S I S ✔ genetic variation is promoted by crossing over, Yu suld knw: random ✔ one diploid nucleus divides by meiosis ✔ the four haploid chromosome sexual life cycle is halved fusion of DNA is replicated chromosomes ✔ pairing of crossing during before consist of homologous over early is gametes to allow a orientation meiosis two so sister that chromosomes followed by of pairs how describe separation of pairs chromosomes halves ✔ alleles the in of separation combinations to during be other cause chromosome used analysis sampling (for and to obtain example, cells for chorionic amniocentesis) and the risks. is random. ✔ draw the stages of of four meiosis haploid resulting in the cells. homologous rst chromosome segregate and can homologous to the parents. non-disjunction methods formation ✔ different syndrome karyotype condensation villus of prior from abnormalities. ✔ and explain Down all chromatids. meiosis. chromosomes fusion Yu suld be able t: associated ✔ and gametes. ✔ ✔ chromosomes nuclei. number with of to of produce orientation division of meiosis ✔ analyse microscope ✔ interpret slides showing meiosis. number. meiosis formed by allowing the fusion new of age of studies parents investigating inuences the whether chances of the non- disjunction. gametes. 33 3 GE N E T I CS Meiosis Cell division is studied in Topic number produces of chromosomes, 1.6. Topic 10.1 covers meiosis to in greater depth and Topic 11.4 Meiosis is discusses the formation of gametes halving of in sexual reproduction. chromosome is fuse gametes. and create an divided chromatids. of a into two with meiosis metaphase are two the so I pair the gametes in contain (one I and to haploid each parent) chromosomes. where consist chromosomes II. The each opposite chromosomes homologous of meiosis I, the the from number meiosis migrates all that meiosis occurs that cells diploid processes, number homologous before In allowing embryo chromosome replicated Gametes pole. of DNA two pair sister up, Meiosis was discovered by and crossing over occurs. The homologous chromosomes are randomly careful microscope orientated prior to separation in anaphase I. Meiosis II is similar to a examination of dividing germ-line mitotic cell division, as each sister chromatid migrates to an opposite cells. In 1876 Oscar Her twig first pole. Overall, one diploid nucleus divides by meiosis to produce four described meiosis in sea urchin haploid nuclei at the end of meiosis II. Alleles segregate during meiosis eggs, but it was not until 1890 that allowing new combinations to be formed by the fusion of gametes. August Weismann described the Genetic variation is promoted by crossing over, random orientation of change from a diploid to four chromosomes and fusion of gametes from different parents. haploid cells. Example 3.3.1. The graphs stages in show meiosis undergoes three chromosome progressive the I schematic and II stages: filament; increase of rye comparison (Secale aggregation in diameter; cereale). of condensation chromosome The chromatin in and of length, chromosome into which separation of a involves a chromatids in segregation. meiosis I meiosis II aggregation condensation segregation I P M A T I P M A T I Key I = P interphase = A = prophase M = a) State T anaphase = telophase metaphase the stage at which the chromosomes are maximally condensed. b) c) d) Suggest Explain one and there chromosome Compare I reason and no aggregation condensation contrast meiosis is at chromosome each in meiosis II. stage in meiosis segregation in meiosis I. II. Solution a) Metaphase. b) Chromatin meiosis c) In II aggregates chromosomes interphase prophase is prophase chromosomes to form in chromosomes are chromosomes when chromosomes 34 into are already are not chromosomes partly mitosis. It is can be in meiosis I, as in formed. condensed. start to and metaphase Early condense distinguished. separated in only In and late constrictions when in mid prophase begin chromosomes 3.4 are maximally condensed, condensed. they While segregate and the chromosomes move towards the are i N h E R i TA N C E still poles during anaphase. d) During pairs pair anaphase are migrates each I (in segregated sister to an the I), the homologous poles—one opposite chromatid 3 . 4 meiosis at pole. migrates During to the chromosome chromosome anaphase opposite from II each (meiosis II), poles. I N H E R I TA N C E Yu suld knw: ✔ the inheritance ✔ Mendel’s ✔ gametes of Yu suld be able t: genes experiments follows to patterns. explain inheritance. ✔ describe ✔ explain the the red–green of each are haploid so contain only one inheritance role the gene. two ✔ alleles different of each haploid gene daughter separate nuclei describe fusion with colour the ✔ describe same of gametes alleles allele or results of each different in diploid gene that zygotes may be ✔ construct the dominant alleles alleles but mask effects alleles of have compare recessive joint genetic many genetic autosomal diseases recessive, blindness and plays in hemophilia. inheritance of cystic brosis and disease. consequences and of radiation at Chernobyl. Punnett grids for monohybrid genetic in humans dominant can or be predicted crosses and using actual real outcomes of data. effects. ✔ ✔ inheritance alleles. the codominant groups. crosses. ✔ ✔ the Hiroshima two sex-linked blood into during meiosis. ✔ ABO allele Huntington’s ✔ of due analyse to pedigree inheritance of charts genetic to deduce the pattern of diseases. codominant alleles. ✔ the inheritance ✔ some genetic radiation Mendel’s of sex-linked diseases and/or and genes. cancer mutagenic experiments with pea are due to chemicals. plants helped him to discover the • Segregatn is the separation of laws of inheritance—the laws of segregation, independent assortment alleles into dierent nuclei. and dominance. Because each homologous chromosome migrates to • A dmnant allele is one that a different pole during gamete formation, the alleles for each gene produces its characteristic segregate from each other, so that each gamete carries only one allele phenotype. for each gene (law of segregation). The homologous chromosomes • A recessve allele only produces migrate in a random way , therefore genes for different traits can its characteristic phenotype when segregate independently during the formation of gametes (law of homozygous. independent recessive; an assortment). organism Some with at alleles least are one dominant dominant while allele others will are display • Cdmnant alleles are those that are simultaneously expressed in the effect of the dominant allele (law of dominance). the phenotype of the individual. In 1866, Gregor Johann Mendel, an Austrian monk and scientist, • Sex lnkage is the phenotypic expression of an allele related to described the cross-breeding of pea plants to show the inheritance of the sex chromosomes, usually the seven characteristics. His results were used to establish the rules of X chromosome. inheritance, called the laws of Mendelian inheritance. In order to reach these laws, Mendel performed large numbers of crosses. Mendel’s genetic crosses with pea plants generated numerical data. Many measurements with replicates were necessary to ensure reliability of the data obtained. Topic 1.6 introduces cell division. 35 3 GE N E T I CS Example 3.4.1. What type of inheritance is shown in the pedigree? You may be asked to show genetic crosses in the exam. It is always better to use a Punnett grid to do so and follow annotation conventions. Alleles carried on X unaffected male affected male chromosomes should be shown unaffected female as superscript letters on an upper affected female h case X, such as X . The expected notation for ABO blood group alleles is for the phenotype O, A, B and AB. For the genotype: ii for O A A and I A A I group; I or I B i for A ; I B I B or I i for B; A. B I sex-linked recessive C. multiple dominant D. alleles for AB. B. autosomal codominant alleles Solution B X Y The B B X X b B B X X correct answer is B as it is showing an autosomal dominant B X X b Y inheritance. the b X X Y F pairing is not sex-linked would not be because affected, as if it her was, the mother daughter is in unaffected, or 1 both Fgure 3.4.1. It Punnett grid It is daughters not would showing daughter in F is be affected multiple not alleles if or the mother were codominant a carrier. alleles because the affected. 2 Colour-blindness X chromosome. is The sex-linked Punnett recessive grid inheritance shows the on the inheritance of colour- In the exam you will be asked B blindness in a family . (X b shows the normal allele and X the colour- to construct Punnett grids for blind allele.) For females, there is a 50% of being a carrier and 50% monohybrid genetic crosses. chance of not being a carrier. For males, there is a 50% of being Remember to place the parents’ colour-blind and a 50% chance of being not colour-blind. alleles in the top and left-hand boxes and the offsprings’ in the S AMPLE STUDENT ANS WER centre as a result of the possible The most common form of Stargardt disease is known to be autosomal combinations. Remember there recessive. Using a Punnett grid, deduce the probability of a child is a 1/4 (25%) chance in each inheriting Stargardt disease if both the parents are carriers of the pregnancy for each one of the disease but do not have the disease themselves. genotypes. ▼ This parents student to Stargardt be has shown homozygous allele so got the This answer could have achieved 0/3 marks: This answer could have achieved 3/3 marks: the for the wrong percentage. ▲ The grid mother are student correctly . and both gametes are father dominant because carriers. The combinations shown. (or at 36 The could the drew The of are bottom. Punnett four the There recessive parents possible gametes been for shown. and both answer have the gametes is are clear 1/4) is also as 25% written 3.5 3 . 5 GENETIC GE N E T iC M o D i F i C AT i o N M O D I F I C AT I O N AND B i oT E C h N o Lo G Y AND B I O T E C H N O L O G Y Yu suld knw: ✔ there of ✔ are DNA, gel techniques cells PCR can of be for articial separates ✔ to amplify to or ✔ size. small ✔ explain using amounts of ✔ DNA. ✔ describe forensic proteins DNA according used manipulation organisms. electrophoresis fragments ✔ and Yu suld be able t: DNA proling gene genetic involves modication transfer between is comparison carried out of by DNA. ✔ evaluate explain clones are organisms, of ✔ derived genetically from a and the potential with the to bacteria risks genetic production by design experiment via and and plasmids DNA ligase. benets modication of somatic-cell cloned of crops. embryos nuclear transfer. gene species. groups paternity endonuclease produced an affecting ✔ transfer restriction associated DNA proling in investigations. the rooting to of assess one factor stem-cuttings. identical single original parent ✔ analyse DNA proles. ✔ analyse data cell. ✔ many have ✔ plant natural animals can breaking group ✔ species up methods be cells. methods have using A polymerase cloned the of animals and some of cloning. at the embryo been into embryo more developed differentiated chain animal reaction for species stage than Bt on risks to monarch butteries of crops. by one cloning adult cells. (PCR) is a technique by which small Replication, transcription and amounts of DNA can be amplified into large quantities. The DNA translation of DNA are studied in fragments obtained by this method can be separated by size in gel Topic 2.7. electrophoresis. larger to ones. compare The smaller A marker with molecules known migrate sizes of further than DNA fragments the is used sizes. DNA primers primers 1 Heat DNA to 93ºC. This breaks 2 Cool to 55ºC. Primers join to new strand made from the hydrogen bonds that hold the ends of the DNA strands. new DNA nucleotides the two strands of the DNA 3 Heat to 72ºC. DNA polymerase double helix together. joins new nucleotides on to the DNA strands. This gives two copies of the original DNA sequence. the cycle can be repeated Fgure 3.5.1. Production of DNA molecules by PCR 37 3 GE N E T I CS Fgure 3.5.2. • Clnes are groups of genetically Separation of DNA molecules by gel electrophoresis Example 3.5.1. identical organisms, derived from a A DNA profiling was performed as a paternity test for the boy single original parent cell. shown as DC. The first pair of maternal grandparents tested were • Endnucleases are restriction both heterozygous for an allele (AB and AD) and the possible enzymes that cut the DNA within paternal grandparents were also heterozygous (AB and CD). Males the sequence. are shown as squares and females as circles. • DNA lgase is an enzyme that joins DNA fragments by joining a AB AD sugar to a phosphate. AD AC AA AC DA DC control allele a allele b allele c allele d a) b) State the Suggest alleles with a grandparents A major benefit of GM crops c) Describe this is increased yields. GM crops present reason AB briefly and how in the supposed whether DC father. could have as maternal AD. the DNA molecules were separated in gel. can be modified to include genes Solution for food supplements such as a) AC vitamins, vaccines, stress b) DC could she inherited be the grandson of AB and AD. His mother is AD so resistance and longer shelf life. one allele from her mother (A) and one from her Where the introduced genes code father (D). Her son DC inherited the allele D from his mother. for pest resistance, GM crops could also lead to a marked reduction in the use of pesticides and herbicides, which has many economic, environmental and health benefits. 38 c) PCR products current is DNA has positive of the are applied a placed to negative pole. The molecules. the inside gel charge, speed The at that the the is of placed they particles the gel. An inside molecules which larger well a buffer. migrate move move is the electric Because towards related least. to the the size 3.5 Genetic to engineering another. the gene transfer plasmid. to Usually produce are cut allow join is Plasmids a with them these is the what usually to same be DNA sections. transgenic bacteria antibiotics or by by have are into Once chosen seeing genetic their is a bacteria, a protein. restriction inserted of transferred performed fluorescent the transfer is gene The of by gene is either and This the the is gene to “sticky into them one is the in or a in a gene that used plasmid, the B i oT E C h N o Lo G Y inserted ends” then AND When inserted be M o D i F i C AT i o N species DNA). antibiotic DNA ligase growing of gene to leaves inserted from section resistance plasmid. the (a usually plasmid enzyme. the information gene GE N E T iC to the presence of fluorescence. Scientists must consider how genetically modified (GM) genes will move through food webs, in case there are toxic or allergic effects on non-target species. Gene transfer from GM plants to wild non-GM plants could also eventually lead to the extinction of wild plants and there are concerns the GM crops might become agricultural weeds and invade natural environments, compromising the biodiversity of these habitats. As some GM crops have pest resistance, this could impose intense selection pressure on pest populations to adapt to the resistance mechanism, leading to the development of super-pests that would be difficult to control. Example 3.5.2. A gene gene A. was transfer Both B. Both C. All D. transferred one species to another. Why was this possible? species species species All from species have have have have the same identical the the same same genes DNA number genetic of chromosomes code Solution The correct because answer they all is have D. Gene the transfer same genetic can be done amongst species code. Practce prblems fr Tpc 3 Prblem 1 Prblem 3 Explain how Cairns’ technique is used for Explain how cloned embryos may be produced measuring the length of DNA molecules. by somatic-cell nuclear transfer. Prblem 2 Prblem 4 a) () Explain the relationship between Mendel’s law of Define codominant and recessive alleles. segregation and independent assor tment and () Define locus and sex linkage. meiosis. b) Explain the inheritance of blood groups. 39 EC O LO GY 4 4 . 1 SPECIES, COMMUNITIES ✔ Y shd k: autotrophs abiotic ✔ only sustainable continued communities survival of living will allow species are potentially groups of organisms interbreed to that produce ✔ the members supply a species may be of nutrient ✔ fertile ecosystems over of inorganic nutrients from the environment. inorganic nutrients is maintained cycling. can offspring. ✔ obtain ECOSYSTEMS for organisms. by ✔ AND long have the periods potential of to be sustainable time. reproductively Y shd e ae : isolated in separate populations. ✔ ✔ most species have either an autotrophic or classify species detritivores heterotrophic method of heterotrophs can be or autotrophs, consumers, saprotrophs. nutrition. ✔ ✔ as a consumers, detritivores design sealed mesocosms to try to establish or sustainability . saprotrophs. ✔ ✔ a community is formed by populations analyse data association different species living together and obtained by quadrat sampling for of between two species using the chi- interacting 2 squared with each ✔ ✔ a test (χ ). other. community interactions forms with an the ecosystem abiotic by interpret statistical signicance in data. its environment. Energy flow in ecosystems will be studied in Topic 4.2. The classification of biodiversity will be studied in Topic 5.3 and • Aphs are organisms that • Deves are heterotrophs that produce their own food. obtain organic nutrients from detritus by internal digestion. • Heephs are organisms that • Sapphs are heterotrophs that feed on other organisms. obtain organic nutrients from dead Topic C.1 will cover species and • Cses are heterotrophs that organisms by external digestion. communities. Topic C.2 will broaden feed on living organisms by ingestion. your knowledge of communities and ecosystems. Organisms own has food one have need while specific more than energy others mode one in order need of to to nutrition. mode of live. feed on Some other There are organisms organisms. only a few produce Each their species species that nutrition. Exape 4.1.1. The diagram Which A. V is a model organisms and could W C. representing be V different feeding interactions. saprotrophs? only X Z V B. W and Z D. Z only W Y Solution The is B. from therefore an as 40 answer nutrients in this Saprotrophs dead autotroph. Any energy are organisms flow heterotrophs by other diagram the external organisms mode of that obtain digestion. could feeding V be is a is organic a producer, correct not answer, explicit. 4 .1 Mesocosms are experimental systems that can be set up to SPECiE S , C om m u ni t iE S AnD E C o S YS t E m S study • Speces are organisms that have natural environments under controlled conditions. They can range common characteristics which in size from a small plastic bottle to a large tank. Mesocosms can be are capable of producing fer tile closed systems, allowing only energy exchange with the environment, ospring. or open systems, allowing exchange of materials as well. The • Ppa is a group of organisms advantage of a mesocosm is that many environmental conditions can of one species that interbreed and be controlled and measured, the experiments can be replicated several live in the same place at the same times under the same a environment. conditions and it is easier to manipulate than in time. free The disadvantage is that it does not represent the • Cy is formed by real environment exactly , so you could reach false conclusions. populations of dierent species living together and interacting with each Exape 4.1.2. other. A mesocosm of the of a tiger lake Twelve with experiment fish in (Hoplias South was set up to malabaricus) evaluate affects the how the plankton presence • Ecsyse is a community and structure its interactions with the abiotic environment. America. experimental groundwater, units were including set up. sediment Each and mesocosm free-floating was filled plants and The term sustainability the plankton Daphnia obtusa. In some cases Jenynsia multidentata, refers to the capability of a a fish eaten by the tiger fish, was added with or without tiger fish system to endure and maintain of different sizes. The four different treatments were randomly itself. The three main challenges assigned. for sustainable ecosystems are Control: plankton (Daphnia obtusa) (no fish) finding sources of both nutrients and energy that will not run out JM: plankton (Daphnia obtusa) + Jenynsia multidentata and avoiding the accumulation of HMs: plankton (Daphnia obtusa) + Jenynsia multidentata + Hoplias toxic wastes that will become hard malabaricus (small tiger fish) to store or have an impact on the HMb: plankton malabaricus (Daphnia (big tiger obtusa) + Jenynsia multidentata + Hoplias environment. The sustainable production of food uses renewable fish) raw materials efficiently, avoids The abundance of plankton (Daphnia obtusa) remaining in the the use of environmentally mesocosm was recorded as individuals per litre at different times. unfriendly chemicals in their L slaudividni 1– /ecnadnuba asutbo ainhpaD 900 manufacture, uses clean and 800 renewable energy and minimizes 700 the production of waste. Because 600 control 500 JM 400 HMs 300 HMb of the increase in our global population, it is becoming more impor tant that we consider the sustainability of human activities. 200 100 0 0 2 10 20 30 time/day a) (i) State of (ii) the the amount Calculate State one Daphnia in the JM mesocosm at the start experiment. the mesocosm b) of percentage from variable the that start is not change to the kept in end Daphnia of the constant in in the JM experiment. these mesocosms. Solution 1 a) (i) 180 ind L (ii) Amount of Daphnia at the start: Amount of Daphnia at the end: 1 180 ind L 1 20 ind L 41 4 E C O LO G Y First: work numbers out you the are difference (increase) between the two comparing. Do not forget to provide the units. Increase = New = 20 number − Original number 1 Then: − divide multiply 180 the the = −160 increase answer by ind by L the original number and 100. In markschemes, what is not Increase % expected in the answer will appear increase 160 × 100 = Original = × 100 number = −89% 180 in brackets. In this case, because If your answer is a negative number, then this is a percentage this is a “state” question, the decrease. reason is in brackets, as it is not expected in the answer. b) There are many variables should are be correct not only kept one possible answers: exposed to in the (different (as the so to a is organisms, could so pH the the rays in all all The Here of mesocosms) or some are metabolic acids answer are mesocosms mesocosms), from many mesocosm. (different all as variables. amount across different stop of (although change variable question, each list temperature), could this inside not temperature this plants constant variable, ambient mesocosm produced, answers activity alkalis nutrients and sunlight entering). 2 The a chi-squared significant observed want can to a numbers chosen ) test difference frequencies see use (χ if the and in be one or each test. of You quadrat null the to determine expected more distributions The used between in chi-squared species. can species should record hypothesis frequencies categories. two base the For are your called there and example, sampling or H ) on absence is that is the if independent, presence (also whether you you random of the the presence 0 of one The species is alternative random in hypothesis relation (also to the called H presence ) is that of the the other presence species. of one a species the is other associated species. with The or dependent formula used to on the presence calculate or absence the chi-squared null hypothesis of test is: 2 (O E) 2 χ = ∑ E The alternative rejected) results if is the statistically probability). higher hypothesis difference than association This a accepted significant means tabulated between is between that if the (with the two the a p < results 0.05, calculated chi-squared the (and observed (critical and where p is chi-squared value), it is expected the result supports is the species. Exape 4.1.3. In a field species trip, (1 and association the H second (null a student 2) in an between species, hypothesis) a quadrat ecosystem. the a used presence chi-squared = The In of count order one test presence to test species was of to the presence whether and the of there two is presence of performed. species 1 is independent of 0 the H presence of (alternative species 2. hypothesis) = The presence of species 1 determines a the a) presence The the 42 of results table. species for the 2. observed Complete the numbers table to: of organisms are shown in 4.2 i) identify the between ii) b) the calculate Using the the of and species the there 1 if each chi-squared whether of results presence results determine presence expected there and no f lo w association species results. chi-squared is is EnErgY an the distribution association presence of or not species table, between the 2. Solution a) 2 Speces ne ass Expeced es (ose ved−expeced) se ved hee s assca 1 only 3 2.5 0.1 2 only 1 2.5 2.25 1 and 2 4 2.5 2.25 none 2 2.5 0.1 total 10 10 4.7 expeced Pay Deees eed 0.99 0.95 0.05 0.01 1 0.000 0.004 3.841 6.635 2 0.020 0.103 5.991 9.210 3 0.115 0.352 7.815 11.345 4 0.297 0.711 9.488 13.277 5 0.554 1.145 11.070 15.086 b) The are 4 The of degrees possible critical 5%). value is The is freedom for a calculated and association 4 . 2 in scenarios value smaller rejected no of than the this of p = the study null is 7.815 critical the is 4.7. a the ecosystems energy to energy lost require fuel life as species the This two a (as 1 there and calculated hypothesis means there is F L O W continuous and supply to living organisms forms of ✔ energy length heat. most ecosystems from sunlight. rely on a supply of energy cannot so it is convert lost from heat to other ecosystems. of replace losses of trophic ✔ 2). level species. ✔ processes 3 significance alternative Y shd k: ✔ of Because the of therefore not accepted. presence E N E R G Y or 1, (with value, hypothesis between n − presence 0.05 chi-squared the is between food chains trophic and the levels restrict biomass of the higher levels. energy Y shd e ae : ✔ light energy is converted to chemical energy in ✔ carbon compounds by design representations pyramids ✔ chemical through ✔ energy energy food converted is to carbon chains released respiration in by from used in of energy ow using photosynthesis. compounds means carbon living of of energy . ows ✔ analyse ✔ draw ✔ identify ✔ explain pyramids of energy . feeding. compounds organisms food chains. by and a food chain from a food web. heat. the reason food chains have a limited length. 43 4 E C O LO G Y Biomass in terrestrial ecosystems diminishes with energy along Species, communities and food chains due to the loss of carbon dioxide, water and other waste ecosystems are studied in products, such as urea. The indigestible parts of organisms such as hair Topic 4.1. In Topic 2.8 you can and nails are also lost from one link of the food chain to the next. Heat see cell respiration as a cause is lost through respiration. There is a continuous but variable supply for the loss of energy in a food of energy in the form of sunlight but the supply of nutrients in an chain. In Topic 2.9 you can see ecosystem is finite and limited. photosynthesis as a mode of S AmPlE StuDEnt AnS wEr obtaining energy. The image shows a food web. elf owl Theories can be used to wolf spider explain natural phenomena; for example, the concept of energy flow explains the limited length of ground beetle food chains. Because only around 10% of the energy in a trophic level ear thworm woodlouse snail can be used by the next trophic level, the food chains are limited bacteria in length. fungi dead leaves plants Outline the energy ow through this food web. This ▲ All answers answer could are correct. have Plants The mentioned energy level, webs could is lost lengths are of at each food restricted. have detritivores also or (autotrophs) chemical chains the material or as heat to Primary that saprotrophs soil energy to is that obtain used are the 3/3 marks: producers and convert light energy energy. T his energy is used by the plant and lost the surroundings through the process of respiration. consumers like snails consume plants. Only 10% of decay accumulates energy by achieved answer energy plant have trophic The added could that to as answer [3] and organisms is passed on to the next trophic level as energy is lost in that as heat. Also, energy is lost as not all of the plant is eaten or for digested. metabolism. Exape 4.2.1. Pyads eey are diagrams The diagram is a trophic pyramid of energy (not shown to scale). that represent the amount of energy conver ted to biomass at the X dierent trophic levels. Y a) Label b) State c) X and the Explain units the pyramid Y . of used loss of in a pyramid energy from of one energy . level to the next in a energy . Solution a) X: second Y: producer 2 b) kJ m (The c) 1 yr or kilojoules biomass Autotrophs, energy 44 consumer can also mainly during per be metre squared measured plants and photosynthesis. in algae in Plants per joules year. or megajoules). phytoplankton, are consumed by release primary 4.3 consumers, Around the to 90% energy which the which is of the lost cannot other be as are then eaten energy as heat digested they are is lost from are by secondary between lost from The one C Y C ling consumers. trophic respiration. C Arbon levels. parts link of of the Most of organisms food chain egested. S AmPlE StuDEnt AnS wEr Outline how the energy flow through food chains limits their length. [3] ▲ The This answer could have achieved 1/3 marks: (10%) Food as chains energy are often ows, of most about of the 3 to 4 energy organisms. is released or T his is lost because into one of as heat. Only about 10% of the energy is an energy level to the next level. T herefore, the the food chain is limited. Also, the energy is length available answer for lost as to which are often predators or very little. So, there could not be a lot of recorded be passed 4 . 3 to the next C A R B O N energy that to ✔ availability peat forms when of carbon in on carbon autotrophs convert carbon dioxide and partially other carbon in aquatic as dissolved ecosystems, carbon carbon dioxide is present dioxide ✔ into carbon diffuses from the atmosphere out methane in is of is produced organisms by into from conditions and respiration water or and into water in answer due to uneaten undigested feces organic because of in parts or energy parts, that or are due lost egestion. matter acidic waterlogged decomposed oil carbon eras and was gas dioxide biomass animals and may of calcium in limestone. some by organic ✔ matter carbon methanogenic diffuses into or accumulates in estimate is not and/or fully anaerobic soils. organic matter converted either from into past coal that accumulate in porous is produced fossilized by the organic combustion matter. have hard is oxidized the carbonate parts and can that are become composed fossilized to carbon carbon uxes due to processes in the cycle. the the analyse data from air-monitoring stations to ground. explain methane The mentioned the ✔ atmosphere ✔ respiration. Y shd e ae : produced anaerobic archaeans not occurs or atmosphere. ✔ does loss autotrophs. dioxide diffuses it heat and ✔ water because the ions. of carbon a energy rocks. ✔ hydrogencarbonate ✔ score that compounds. or ✔ not into geological carbohydrates did cycling. ✔ ✔ from ecosystems conditions depends pass next. C Y C L I N G decomposed continued can the consumer . Y shd k: ✔ heat have through can for carnivores, losses is mark the should consumers, to mentioning that through secondary that level a proportion passed specify of small the mark from scored the energy trophic ▼ The environment answer mentioning dioxide annual uctuations. and ✔ construct ✔ explain a diagram of the carbon cycle. atmosphere. the processes occurring in the carbon cycle. The continued cycling. one The carbon availability cycle sink shows to of the another. carbon in processes Carbon ecosystems that fluxes depends transfer should carbon be on carbon from measured in 15 gigatonnes, which are 1 × 10 g (1,000,000,000,000,000 grams). 45 4 E C O LO G Y Exape 4.3.1. The structure of carbon compounds such as carbohydrates The diagram shows part of the carbon cycle. is studied in Topic 2.3. Carbon a) fossil State one process by which CO 2 dioxide’s role in photosynthesis fuels is transferred: will be studied in Topic 8.3. Carbon dioxide and climate change will be (i) from fossil fuels (ii) from plants (iii) from air to the air studied in Topic 4.4. CO to fossil fuels in 2 air and sea to plants. • A ca sk (also known as plants carbon reservoir) is a reserve of carbon. animals • A ca x is the transfer of carbon from one carbon sink to another. b) The carbon flux from plants and animals to CO in the air and 2 • Pea is organic matter that is not sea fully decomposed due to acidic or which is about this 120 gigatonnes carbon is per year. transferred to Explain the the process by air. waterlogged soils. c) On the cycle, draw a box showing the carbon sink of • fss es are par tially decomposers and the carbon flux due to decomposition decomposed organic matter leading to the carbon sink of decomposers. from past geological eras that accumulate in porous rocks. • lese, a rock composed of calcium carbonate, is mainly d) Describe the formation of peat. Solution a) (i) combustion (ii) fossilization (iii) photosynthesis formed from sediments containing the remains of marine organisms such as corals and molluscs. b) Carbon dioxide process of reactions that catabolic, energy occurs out in of the in in c) A box from d) as the cells and acid resulting in in peat into In in the plants not of This have aquatic reactions oxygen, full are to (ATP). or the produce This dioxide into the carbon process diffuses water dioxide ions. labelled bacteria by chemical glucose habitats decomposers as respiration so many carbon decomposers anaerobic conditions, The atmosphere, cycle) to animals triphosphate cells. the Saprotrophic acidic energy . breakdown of plants. do soils conditions. function into the and involves hydrogencarbonate from soils these plants adenosine passes anywhere Waterlogged In of aquatic forming (added food involve form by Respiration mitochondria and of animals water. produced convert they the case dissolves is respiration. (usually all air fungi with arrows soil). gaps occurs, and in are full resulting are decomposition unable is S AmPlE StuDEnt AnS wEr Increasing carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere leads to acidification of the ocean. This in turn reduces the amount of dissolved calcium carbonate. A study was under taken to investigate the effect of increasing the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide on the calcification rate of marine organisms. Calcification is the uptake of calcium into the bodies and shells of marine organisms. The study was under taken inside Biosphere-2, a large-scale closed mesocosm. The 46 to inhibited, formation. graph shows the results of the data collection. of in 4.4 C l i m At E C H A ngE 120 m 2– OCaC lomm 3 / noitaciclac yad 1– 80 40 0 0 200 400 600 800 / µatm pCO 2 Source of data: C. Langdon et al. (2000), Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 14(2), pp. 639–654 a) State the relationship between atmospheric carbon dioxide and calcication rates. ▲ Although [1] in the graph partial This answer could have achieved 1/1 rates dioxide decrease pressure of concentration was carbon is the shown X axis carbon is the dioxide, marks: the As what on concentration increases, the accepted as of an carbon dioxide answer. calcication exponentially. ▲ The mark answer for scored mentioning the the fact that ) Outline e way in which reef-building corals are aected by the increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide. carbonate ion availability is [2] decreased with increased CO 2 This answer could have achieved 1/2 marks: levels. Reef-building corals require carbonate ions to help build (deposits ▼ The that in) their shells. If atmospheric CO an answer does increase in not CO mention increases 2 2 global temperature (CO is a 2 taken into the water and the CO reacts with water to form H 2 CO 2 greenhouse 3 + which dissociates into H gas). temperatures and HCO Higher (the same ocean applies for , further decreasing the 3 acidication) carbonate ions available for the reef-building corals to deposit. zooxanthellae, coral 4 . 4 C L I M AT E ✔ there is a correlation atmospheric concentrations of gases in the atmosphere experienced at the Earth’s carbon dioxide and water vapour are the greenhouse methane ✔ the and impact absorb nitrogen of a concentration ✔ gas long-wave warmed in Earth radiation oxides depends radiation the emits the start of years ago have on as its less impact. ability well as on greenhouse its atmosphere. recent increases largely fossilized due ✔ ✔ that explain the climate change. analyse is absorbed inuenced by global temperatures. atmospheric increases in carbon the dioxide combustion of matter. effect of greenhouse gases on data on retain the and climate concentrations of coral of reefs from dissolved increasing carbon dioxide. by heat in the ✔ analyse global temperatures average in to organic data showing temperatures concentrations global dioxide revolution Y shd e ae : atmosphere. ✔ carbon industrial longer-wavelength radiation gases rising of to (heat). longer-wave the and concentrations ✔ between concentrations gases. are ✔ increasing bleaching. most ✔ signicant therefore of surface. 200 ✔ rejection affect since climates to C H A N G E Y shd k: ✔ leads patterns on correlations and carbon between dioxide Earth. are greenhouse gases. ✔ evaluate causing claims climate that human activities are not change. 47 4 E C O LO G Y • geehse ases are those • The eehse eec is the that produce the greenhouse eect process by which the Ear th’s surface (carbon dioxide, water, methane and is warmed due to entrapment of the nitrogen are the most impor tant). radiation re-emitted by the Ear th as The proper ties of water and how these control temperature are studied in Topic 2.2. The production of carbon dioxide in respiration is long-wave radiation. shown in Topic 2.8 and the use of carbon dioxide in photosynthesis is S AmPlE StuDEnt AnS wEr discussed in Topic 2.9. Using the diagram, explain the interaction of shor t- and long-wave radiation with greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. [3] Claims, such as the claims This answer could have achieved 3/3 marks: that human activities are causing climate change, need to be assessed. Scientific evidence for warming of the climate system is unequivocal. The global temperature of the Ear th’s surface has increased 1.8°C since 1880. Many scientific models have been used to explain these changes. It is likely that this trend is par tially due to human activity, as it is unlikely that these changes occurred only from natural internally generated variability of the climate system. Never theless, there are many uncer tainties that need to be tested, especially those related to variability due to natural causes. Greenhouse gases include gases such as CO , methane, water 2 ▲ The for answer mentioning radiation is scored that full the long-wave marks reected vapour , etc. penetrate and is reected radiation the is as heat. unable greenhouse to the (as UV) greenhouse passes gases from the rays of the Sun these gases in the atmosphere, reaching the surface through of the Earth and thus delivering heat energy. However , when Short-wave they radiation radiations Long-wave pass gases. Short-wave radiation to reect from the surface, they become long-wave radiation through the Earth’s which is absorbed by the gases and reected back to the Earth surface. or trapped warmer . 48 in the atmosphere. T his causes the Earth to become 4.4 Methane matter is in methane an important anaerobic and water greenhouse conditions. from gas. It is Methanogenic carbon dioxide and produced from archaeans hydrogen. C l i m At E C H A ngE organic produce They can There are two strategies to use to also produce methane from acetate. Some methane diffuses into identify the correct answer to a the atmosphere or accumulates in the ground. Methane is oxidized to multiple choice question: 1. pick carbon dioxide and water in the atmosphere, but this takes the correct answer directly, 2. many years. eliminate all the wrong answers. Exape 4.4.1. The enhanced global Arctic greenhouse warming. if the A. Increase B. Decrease Exape 4.4.2. What Earth’s in area in is effect likely surface of ice numbers has to caused occur in temperature What the rises? habitat of pest to and do methanogenic methane that is archaeans liberated use into the atmosphere? A. species gases produce Carbon dioxide, hydrogen B. Carbon dioxide, ethanol C. Carbon monoxide and and oxygen hydrogen pathogens C. Decreased D. Increased rates of decomposition of of predators acetate and ozone detritus D. amount or Carbon dioxide and hydrogen or acetate from Solution temperate regions The Solution The are is a correct the answer opposite decrease increase correct archaeans due of is D. what in ice areas to global All the other happens, and in B as answers in and A C there they reaction answer can of is D produce carbon as methanogenic methane dioxide and from the hydrogen or from acetate. all warming. Pacce pes tpc 4 Pe 1 Pe 3 Outline the potential energy value of ear thworms as Discuss the processes in the carbon cycle that affect primary consumers, grown on household food waste concentrations of carbon dioxide and methane in the such as fruit and salad leftovers, as a potential atmosphere and the consequences for climate source of food. change. Pe 2 a) Describe the production of methane by bacteria. ) Explain the reason carbon dioxide is a more significant greenhouse gas than methane. 49 EV O LU T I O N 5 5 . 1 BIODIVERSIT Y EV I D E N C E FOR EV O LU T I O N ✔ Yu shuld knw: continuous range ✔ evolution occurs when heritable of a species ✔ fossil ✔ selective provide breeding that across the populations geographical supports of gradual the divergence. change. records shows variation related characteristics concept of AND of articial evidence for domesticated selection can evolution. Yu shuld be able t: animals ✔ explain the ✔ analyse processes involved in evolution. cause data on development of melanistic evolution. insects ✔ evolution of homologous structures by explains similarities in structure are differences in compare the populations into of separate a and limbs reptiles of mammals, with different function. species species pentadactyl amphibians methods ✔ areas. when birds, there polluted adaptive ✔ radiation in by can gradually of locomotion. diverge evolution. There is overwhelming evidence for the evolution of life on Earth. The The inheritance of genetic traits fossil record provides evidence for evolution. This includes not only is studied in Topic 3.4 and Topic 5.2 direct evidence such as preserved bones, shells, teeth, and pine cones discusses how natural selection but also indirect evidence such as footsteps, feces and pollen. leads to evolution. Comparative basically anatomy similar in has shown different that species. certain This structural homology features may be are regarded • Evlutn is the change in as evidence of evolution from a common ancestor. The forelimbs of characteristics that can be inherited tetrapod vertebrates have similar structures, as they all have a five- by dierent generations of a finger pattern (pentadactyl), but are adapted for different purposes. population. For example bats use their wings to fly while moles use their front • Hmlgus structures are those limbs to dig. Homologous structures showing adaptations to different inherited from a common ancestor. conditions or lifestyles are examples of divergent evolution. • Analgus structures have similar structures but a dierent ancestry. Diversity Natural of life has selection individuals evolved increases better adapted and the and continues frequency to of decreases evolve by selection. characteristics the frequency of that make other • Cnvergent evlutn is the development of similar features in unrelated species, for example, wings in birds and insects or the characteristics in species evolution, can as leading lead can to be to changes evolution. seen in within the Artificial selective species. selection breeding of These can also changes cause domesticated animals. streamlined bodies of sh and cetaceans. • Dvergent evlutn describes in which the newly diversied the evolution of new species from species are adaptively specialized to a single parent species in response a par ticular environmental niche. to evolutionary triggers, for example • Specatn is the creation of new Darwin’s nches. species from one existing species, 50 • Adaptve radatn is a rapidly often as a result of divergent occurring type of divergent evolution evolution. 5.2 N AT U R A L SELECTioN Example 5.1.1. What A. evidence Ancestors for of evolution can domesticated be seen animals in domesticated cannot be found animals? in the fossil record. B. Variation C. Animals not D. in domesticated adapt to the animals is environment due but to sexual these reproduction. characteristics are inherited. Differences cause between species to breeds show that artificial selection can change. Solution The correct natural have this been is not Answer during answer selection. is found, so evidence C is the not D. The A for is of of incorrect. to an selection ancestors evolution related lifetime Artificial fossils is of Although for as are faster answer domesticated evolution, individual much domesticated B correct, animals characteristics not is than animals only . ▲ This acquired for answer outlining behaviour—a heritable. scored the a process type of mark of mating behavioural isolation S AMPLE STUDENT ANS WER ▼ Reproductive isolation can Outline how reproductive isolation can occur in an animal population. [3] be This answer could have achieved 1/3 marks: sympatric other have Reproductive isolation can for example occur through isolation change in mating behaviour . T he different behaviour can allopatric. the mentioned isolation, a or methods answer are the geographic shown by The could temporal isolation, plants or with be polyploidy passed on to practicing new one the the any offspring old up behaviour more. to a point, won’ t S peciation has where mate with occurred individuals those as the who two do the groups If the question is wor th 3 marks, won’ t interbreed anymore. you will need to outline at least three methods. 5 . 2 N AT U R A L S E L E C T I O N ✔ Yu shuld knw: individuals that characteristics ✔ diversity evolve of by life has natural evolved and continues natural selection ✔ natural selection can only occur if there among members of the same mutation, variation ✔ meiosis between adaptations individual of ✔ are sexual reproduction individuals in characteristics suited to its a increases that make the frequency individuals of better and decreases the frequency of other cause leading to changes within the species. species. that make environment and Yu shuld be able t: an way ✔ describe ✔ explain adaptations to environments. life. species tend to environment ✔ and on species. characteristics, ✔ pass offspring. is adapted variation their to selection. characteristics ✔ reproduce to individuals survive and produce can that more offspring than the well are better produce adapted offspring. processes involved in natural support. adapted more tend offspring ✔ explain ✔ analyse tend to die or while produce the process of speciation. to data respecting the changes in beaks of the nches less the selection. on Daphne Major. fewer ✔ explain evolution of antibiotic resistance in bacteria. 51 5 E VOLUTION AND BIODI VERSIT Y There The inheritance of traits is studied in Topic 3.4. The characteristics of species are studied in Topic 4.1 and the evidence for evolution in Topic 5.1. origin of natural phenomena, for example, the theory of evolution of those into and three levels genetic new in frequencies on the by which the caused moulding and third preceding recombinations, obtained at novelties variations attained is Theories are used to explain are the isolating two evolutionary by the is variation. genetic the second by The of first natural Second structures fixation levels. process the is acts. is of the is the ordering populations diversity attained selection First and by already mutations the third level mechanisms. • Varatns are dierences in a • Natural selectn is a theory species due to mutation, meiosis and involving mechanisms that contribute sexual reproduction. to the selection of individuals that reproduce. It can lead to the evolution by natural selection can explain • Adaptatns are characteristics the development of antibiotic that make an individual suited to its resistance in bacteria. Methicillin- environment and way of life. of species. resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a bacterium that causes Variation in species arises from recombination of genetic material. mild infections on the skin, like This can happen in different ways. Crossing over and independent sores or boils. It can also cause assortment of homologous chromosomes during meiosis I produce more serious skin infection or if it different combinations of gametes. The combination of male and enters the bloodstream it can female gametes when fertilization occurs also produces variation. reach the lungs or the urinary tract. Mutations are random and usually neutral but can be beneficial Though most MRSA infections or harmful. These variations lead to adaptations which can aid a aren’t serious, some can be population’s chance of survival and reproduction. life-threatening. Because it is resistant to commonly used antibiotics, it is tougher to treat Example 5.2.1. than most strains of Staphylococcus aureus. This What increases variation in a population? resistance has arisen by the I. Mutation II. Meiosis III. Sexual reproduction excessive use of antibiotics which A. I only C. II and III only selects for the most resistant strains by competitive exclusion. B. I and II only D. I, II and III Solution The a correct population. organisms, gametes is D, Mutations changing are variation In during meiosis chromosomes fusion of cause sexually chromatids. random all promote a genotype. migration of they can their inherited. occurs as homologous the 52 answer and female the and in the Mutations reproducing by Another change variation crossing random source male of within DNA of occurring in organisms, over of genes orientation variation gametes. in between the results from 5.2 N AT U R A L SELECTioN S AMPLE STUDENT ANS WER Some lice live in human hair and feed on blood. Shampoos that kill lice have been available for many years but some lice are now resistant to As this is a discussion, valid those shampoos. Two possible hypotheses are: statements for both hypotheses can be mentioned. For example, Hypthess A Hypthess B Resistant strains of lice were present in Exposure to anti-lice shampoo caused the population. Non-resistant lice died mutations for resistance to the shampoo with increased use of anti-lice shampoo and this resistance is passed on to and resistant lice survived to reproduce. offspring. variation is necessary for natural selection to occur, and in this case both hypotheses include variation in the population of lice, resistant and non-resistant. Discuss which hypothesis is a better explanation of the theory of evolution by natural selection. [3] ▲ One This answer could have achieved 2/3 marks: mark hypothesis the resistance shampoo Hypothesis A is better as it follows the theory of Whereby certain organisms possessed the resistance by the was to the shampoo, probably through mutation. anti-lice shampoo, there was a ght for better (mutation) would be for one to as the present Due to the use of the sur vival in initially shampoo. for saying best resistance of awarded the in the natural population selection. was A as The that not other the adapted is and caused mark frequency increases passed on and through which reproduction. the resistant lice environment who were sur vived, better while adapted those who to live were in not, such died. T he ▼ The resistant lice thus were able to reproduce and passed on this trait that the to the offspring (which hypothesis B answer lifetime not mutations example finches, of inhabiting speciation and the Galapagos adaptive of the to mention acquired during individual mentions). might Darwin’s fails characteristics archipelago, radiation. Their are a common be inherited are as not all heritable. good ancestor The term trait is accepted instead arrived on the Galapagos about two million years ago. Fifteen of the of allele or gene, as it is the currently recognized species evolved from this common ancestor. phenotypic expression of the Changes in the size and form of the beak have enabled different characteristic. species sizes. to The utilize environment harsh so finch, Geospiza the G. seeds a larger Birds large of a until T. there seeds, advantage over could on next feed G. the the small G. smaller G. can larger easily . a fortis beaks, The to a Here, small are In able 1982, there strong with was with finches was shift Daphne the little smaller with towards the the to of bigger members of island. crack the magnirostris G. fortis beaks had beaks, passed down smaller (a) G. fortis (large beak) (b) G. fortis (small beak) (c) G. magnirostris for availability bigger then is ground members onto G. different Major tackle few them of of medium but to flew allowing compete trait a seeds the seeds population finches This called magnirostris, magnirostris showing on beaks drought, seeds. island cistoides. bigger especially survive. mainly enough During resources, Geospiza have were so generation, among with cistoides seeds. the T ribulus finch, species of on subsists called of food organisms population this large few fortis, species cistoides the a plant seeds grew, T. only fortis of different beak of an as to they the size fortis Fgure 5.2.1. Darwin’s finches 53 5 E VOLUTION 5 . 3 AND BIODI VERSIT Y C L A S S I F I C AT I O N O F ✔ Yu shuld knw: natural of ✔ species are named and classied using B I O D I V E R S I T Y classications species and agreed system—the help the in identication prediction of an characteristics internationally allow shared by species within a group. binomial system. Yu shuld be able t: ✔ the binomial system is used to name newly ✔ discovered determine and ✔ taxonomists of classify species using a hierarchy ✔ organisms are classied Eukarya, Archaea the taxa main and in a and used phylum, to into three state domains: natural species Eubacteria. classify class, family , are ✔ state genus recognition one plant domain recognition Arthropoda higher have the taxa evolved genus consist from and of one all ✔ state the of features and to Bryophyta, of Annelida, and Porifera, Cnidaria, Mollusca, Chordata. recognition amphibians, features reptiles and of birds, mammals, sh. common construct a dichotomous key for use in species. identifying taxonomists species sometimes when previous evolved features Coniferophyta Platyhelminthes, ✔ a of from Angiospermophyta. eukaryotes order, classication, that ancestral of species level. Filicinophyta, species. accompanying ✔ classication animal taxa. kingdom, ✔ one species ✔ ✔ the species. new taxon from reclassify evidence contains different groups shows species ancestral specimens. that that have species. Natural classifications help in identification of species and allow The characteristics of species, the prediction of characteristics shared by species within a group. communities and ecosystems are Sometimes taxonomists reclassify groups of species when new studied in Topic 4.1. The evidence evidence shows that a previous taxon contains species that have for evolution is covered in Topic 5.1. evolved from different ancestral species. For example, sequencing The characteristics of plant species of the 16S rRNA bases (part of the 30S ribosome of prokaryotes) has are related to the presence of resulted in the reclassification of many bacterial species. The binomial vascular tissues. Transpor t in plants system is used to avoid the confusion which often arises from the will be studied in Topic 9.1 and use of common names. The genus and species names are normally Topic 9.2. underlined case or (capital) letter; for written letter example, in and italics. the Homo The species sapiens is genus name the name with a scientific begins lower name with case for an upper (small) humans. • Eukaryotes are classed from Taxonomists classify kingdom, phylum, class, order, the or family, genus and species. plants higher hierarchy to lower as presence to four organisms absence different of by shared phylums assigning features. them The to groups features based used to on assign include: • The bnmal system of • Bryophyta: Non-vascular land plants including liverworts, mosses classication uses “Genus species” and hornworts. They do not produce fruits, pollen or seeds. They to name organisms. have the • rhizoids presence with ovaries. 54 of Filicinophyta: leaves instead water of roots. as it Vascular xylem and Reproduction Fertilization occurs plants including phloem. is by outside Do spores not on of the gametes on organism. ferns. Have produce the depends roots, pollen underside of stems and have leaves. and no 5.3 • Coniferophyta: roots, are stems Vascular and produced in leaves cones, plants with including xylem where and seeds are evergreen phloem. pine Pollen produced. trees. and They do C L A S S i F i C AT i o N oF BioDi VERSiT Y Have ovules not Other characteristics can be used produce flowers. to construct the key, but always • Angiospermophyta: roots, stems produced and in V ascular leaves flowers, with where flowering xylem fruits and plants such phloem. containing as roses. Pollen seeds are and They have ovules try to keep it simple. are produced. Example 5.3.1. Construct a simple dichotomous key to classify plants. Solution 1. 2. 3. a. Produce b. Do a. Seeds enclosed b. Seeds not a. Has b. Does not seeds ........................................................................ produce in tissue have ........................................................... ovary enclosed vascular not seeds in ................................ ovary go go to to 2 3 Angiospermophyta .......................Gymnospermophyta ...................................................Filicinophyta vascular tissue ......................................Bryophyta • inver tebrates are animals that have have a spinal cord (notochord). These no ver tebral column, such as the are classied as Chordata, along with Ar thropoda. a few primitive species that have a notochord but no ver tebral column. • Ver tebrates are animals that have a ver tebral column. All ver tebrates Features the used following by six taxonomists phyla to classify invertebrates as members of include: invertebrates Lepidonotus clara Loligo forbesii Procerodes littoralis Nymphon gracilis Adocia cinerea Carcinus maenas Arenicola marina Polymastia Alcyonium mammiliaris glomeratum Prostheceraeus vittatus Lumbricus terrestris Corynactis viridis Caprella linearis Helix aspersa Gammarus Coccinella magnica locusta Cyanea capillata Porifera Cnidaria Platyhelminthes Annelida Mollusca Arthropoda • no mouth or anus • radial symmetry • bilateral symmetry • bilateral symmetry • bilateral symmetry • bilateral symmetry • pores on surface • sting cells • mouth • mouth and anus • mouth and anus • mouth and anus • spicules • tentacles • no skeleton • blood vessels • soft body • jointed legs • no skeleton • hard shell • exoskeleton • calcium exoskeleton Fgure 5.3.1. The six phyla of inver tebrate taxonomy 55 5 E VOLUTION AND BIODI VERSIT Y S AMPLE STUDENT ANS WER ▼ Although for it is exoskeleton is correct, not the given mark Lice are wingless insects that belong to the phylum Ar thropoda. State because t w characteristics that identify lice as members of the Ar thropoda. if there is a list, only the This answer is too is considered vague answer jointed to could score have and a or ▲ The for mouth answer bilateral and could have achieved 1/2 marks: The 1. have head, legs and exoskeleton. segmented 2. body , answer “head” mark. mentioned appendages, [2] rst have bilateral symmetry. anus scored one mark Dichotomous keys can be used to identify organisms. A series of symmetry questions organism Features Figure need to be answered in order to deduce to which group an belongs. used by taxonomists to classify chordate animals are shown in 5.3.2. ver tebrates sh amphibians reptiles birds mammals • eggs laid in water • waterproof eggs • shelled eggs • give bir th • lar vae have gills • hard scales • feathers • produce milk • wings • have hair • gills • scales • ns • naked skin Fgure 5.3.2. Features for classifying ver tebrates Example 5.3.2. Which is A. moist B. soft dry a characteristic of reptile skin? C. scaly hairy D. feathery Solution The for answer Classifying facilitating general. is of as A the more is being genetic or for amphibians, replaced protein sequences species by C is easily and during features the a most known for mammals molecular has distinct recognized there is no However, field trip, species among identification sequences DNA. sequences million by Genetically are their 2 communication taxonomic protein morphology . is than meaningful distinguished 56 B, Traditional rapidly on is and D is birds. two which differences because classifying error it is in society observable Classification over in when in traits based observation be their visually DNA or identifying difficult when and cannot organisms approach important on advantages human advantageous based approaches. species by is scientists to obtain using not in genetic external a laboratory . 5.4 5 . 4 C L A D I S T I C S ✔ Yu shuld knw: evidence from classications ✔ a clade is a group of organisms that evolved from a common did or which ✔ amino species sequence there acid is a number are sequences part differences positive of of a are time since they has shown groups that based not correspond with on the gradually— between between of a group or species. Yu shuld be able t: accumulate diverged origins for clade. correlation differences evidence two ✔ construct the other species from a cladograms including humans and primates. and ✔ the some ancestor. evolutionary base cladistics of have structure ✔ C L A D i S T i CS analyse cladistic evidence that led to the common reclassication of the gwort family . ancestor. ✔ ✔ traits can be analogous or analyse cladograms to deduce evolutionary homologous. relationships. ✔ cladograms most are probable Evidence for tree diagrams sequence which species of that show divergence are part of a the in clades. clade can be obtained from the The inheritance of traits is base sequence of a gene or the corresponding amino acid sequence of studied in Topic 3.4. The evidence a protein. In 1977 Carl Woese, studying the sequences of 16S ribosomal for evolution and how evolution RNA, realized that Archaea had a separate line of evolutionary descent took place are studied in Topic from bacteria. This determined the new classification of domains. 5.1 and Topic 5.2, respectively. DNA and FASTA. protein The software similarities BLASTn alignments sequences can and be in are usually shown DNA sequences protein performed sequences in BLAST can using or in be a format shown BLASTp. Classification of species is studied called using in Topic 5.3. the Sequence ClustalW. • A trat is an identiable, heritable phenotypic characteristic of an A cladogram is a tree diagram used in cladistics to show relationships organism, such as blue eyes, or between organisms. A cladogram uses lines that branch off in different red or white owers. It is used in directions ending at a clade. A clade is a group of organisms with a the description of the observable last common ancestor. At each node a splitting event occurs. The node characteristics expressed by an therefore the stems represents represent the the end of newly the ancestral formed taxonomic species that split group from (taxon), the and allele. ancestor. 57 5 E VOLUTION AND BIODI VERSIT Y Example 5.4.1. Plant families have been The reclassified as a result of animals. cladogram shows the evolutionary relationship between some evidence from cladistics. In 2001, present day placental marsupial mammals mammals egg-laying Richard Olmstead and Pat Reeve mammals studied the DNA sequences of birds reptiles three chloroplast genes through I PCR sequencing of 65 taxa of the amphibians aquatic angiosperms in the P J Scrophulariaceae, commonly bony known as the figwor t family. They sh cartilagenous found that the groups previously sh included in this family were not all M T descendants of a common ancestor; rather, they were five R different groups. V vertebrate ancestor a) State b) c) the organisms Identify the Identify the group node that of are closely organisms (bifurcation) that related is where most fish to reptiles. distantly related to fish. diverged. Solution a) birds b) mammals c) V Example 5.4.2. The FASTA sequences and mice (Mus Score Expect 199 2e-73 for musculus) bits(507) Query Query b) c) 1 61 State M G D V E K G K K I F M G D V E K G K K I F + M G D V E K G K K I F using in humans (Homo sapiens) BLASTp. Method Identities Positives Compositional 96/105(91%) 99/105(94%) Gaps 0/105 I (0%) MK C S Q C H T V E K G G K H K T G P N L H F G R K T G Q A P G Y K C + Q C H T V E K G G K H K T G P N L H F G R K T G Q A S Y T A N K N K G I G + S Y T A N K N K G I V Q K C A Q C H T V E K G G K H K T G P N L H F G R K T G Q A P G F Y T D A N K N K G I G E D T L M E Y L E N P K K Y I P G T KM I F V G I K K K E E R A D L I A Y L K K A T N E G E D T L M E Y L E N P K K Y I P G T KM I F G I K K K E R A D L I A Y L K K A T N E G E D T L M E Y L E N P K K Y I P G T KM I F A G I K K K G E R A D L I A Y L K K A T N E the these Suggest Yeast from A I W number of amino acids in the studied S 60 W T W 60 105 105 protein that are different organisms. a reason cytochrome (Saccharomyces human humans 58 aligned proteins matrix adjust. 61 Subject in were c 1 Subject a) cytochrome in cerevisiae) cytochrome the c c. cladogram. is useful to cytochrome Identify construct c whether protein mice cladograms. has or 64 yeast differences are closer to 5.4 C L A D i S T i CS Solution a) 9 b) Cytochrome is an evolutionarily Substitutions within are constant relatively cytochrome c) c Mice are c a closer, separated; the useful as the therefore primary over more yeast structure time, molecular conserved which protein. of cytochrome makes c characterizing clock. differences separated there are, the earlier they earlier. Practce prblems fr Tpc 5 Prblem 1 Prblem 2 Beak shape in Darwin’s finches is emblematic of natural Explain how natural selection can lead to evolution. selection and adaptive radiation. Representatives of Prblem 3 four distinct beak morphologies of finches that feed Complete the table to compare and contrast the on different parts of cacti are: small blunt in Geospiza following inver tebrates. Use a tick (✓) to show the fuliginosa, medium blunt in Geospiza fortis, large blunt in feature is present. Geospiza magnirostris and medium pointed in Geospiza scandens. The length-to-width ratios of the beaks were Phylum measured and are shown in the scatter diagram. Feature Prfera Cndara Platyhelmnthes Annelda Mllusca Ar thrpda Ar tculated G. magnirostris (large blunt) legs Shape change Blateral Size change size constant shape approximately symmetry constant G. scandens (sharp) G. for tis (blunt) G. fuliginosa outer shell (small blunt) Prblem 4 oitar htdiw-ot-htgnel kaeb 2.0 The image shows par t of a cladogram. 1.8 sh bird mammal 1.6 1.4 C 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 B G. scandens G. for tis G. fuliginosa G. magnirostris A nch species a) State the median beak length-to-width ratio in G. for tis b) Compare the beak shape of G. scandens with that of G. magnirostris. a) Using the cladogram, suggest one diagnostic feature that characterizes the given groups of ver tebrates at A, B and C. c) Explain how the shapes of the beaks allow different feeding habits. b) State the name of the domain to which these organisms belong. d) Using the example of finches, suggest how populations can gradually diverge into separate species by evolution. 59 HUMAN 6 6 . 1 DIGESTION AND ABSORPTION Y ld kw: ✔ the structure allows ✔ it to the small enzymes the move, contraction of of of Y ld e ale : wall of digest circular intestine and P H YS I O LO GY moves the and and intestine absorb the along food the ✔ draw food. longitudinal mixes it small the pancreas the small secretes enzymes muscle ✔ explain enzymes with into the lumen digest monomers villi increase villi as most in the the macromolecules small surface absorption absorb well as and structure in explain food the digestive result occurring in the in the digestion small of starch. of make the annotated diagrams of the villus. is mineral area of and membrane are absorbed in the epithelium describe over the absorption use of of dialysis digested tubing food in the to model intestine. out. formed ions molecules intestine. carried monomers how villus. by explain digestion vitamins sugars transport the use from of amylase starch and in in the the production brewing of of beer. through ✔ different processes that describe of ✔ ✔ of intestine. into which the intestine ✔ ✔ diagram gut. ✔ ✔ annotated system. ✔ ✔ an identify tissue layers in transverse sections of methods. the in ✔ small a intestine contains describe large with a microscope or micrograph. the digestion Food viewed molecules transport to the that of the products of liver. need to be digested in order to be In Topic 2.1 you have studied the absorbed through the gut. Digestion can be mechanical or chemical. molecules involved in metabolism Mechanical digestion involves breaking up the food through chewing and in Topic 2.5 the structure of and through muscle movements. Chemical digestion is the catabolism enzymes and how they work . of molecules and includes pancreas secretes chemical digestion. the enzymes use into of the acids lumen or of alkalis the and small enzymes. intestine The for • De is the process by which foods are transformed into soluble Eample 6.1.1. molecules. • Ap is the process by a) Label the digestive which monomers enter the cells of diagram of the system. the intestine wall. b) Describe the digestion of starch A • Amylae is the enzyme that in humans. digests starch, a polysaccharide, into disaccharides. c) Explain the reason lipase is not B involved in the digestion of • Lpae is the enzyme that digests starch. lipids such as triglycerides into C fatty acids and glycerol. • Peae are enzymes that a) A: esophagus; digest proteins into peptides and C: then into amino acids. intestine 60 D Solution small B: stomach; intestine; D: large 6 .1 b) Starch food is first and the digested tongue in the helps mouth. to mix it The teeth with chew saliva. the The DigE s t ion AnD Ab s orPtion starchy starch starts You can be asked questions to be digested of the with salivary amylase, which breaks down some on how starch, glycogen, lipids starch molecules into maltose. Starch is a polysaccharide and nucleic acids are digested while maltose is a disaccharide. The food is then taken to the into monomers. Remember that stomach and from there to the small intestine. The small intestine cellulose remains undigested. has circular along the lumen gut. of the molecules glucose and longitudinal The pancreatic small into muscles intestine. maltose. molecules that amylase It is Maltose is then move secreted continues (monomers). help the into can by now food the digestion digested Glucose the of starch maltase be into absorbed by • Vll are small nger-like the intestinal villi to enter the blood. projections of the intestinal wall c) Lipase down is an enzyme triglycerides specific—their Lipase its is no active that into active good digests fatty site for lipids. acids will and usually digesting starch Specifically glycerol. accept one starch facing the lumen. breaks Enzymes only because it are • Mcvll are small projections substrate. does not fit found on the surface of the epithelial cells of the villi. site. • A laceal is the lymphatic vessel found in each villus which aids lipid absorption. The small intestine is lined with villi. Villi absorb monomers formed • The mca is the layer of by digestion as well as mineral ions and vitamins through different epithelial tissue where food methods. Villi increase the surface area of epithelium over which absorption occurs. absorption is carried out. Each villus has a central lacteal into which • Ccla ad ldal mcle lipids are absorbed and a network of capillaries into which the rest of contract in dierent directions, the useful substances from digestion are absorbed. allowing the movement of food through the gut. Eample 6.1.2. a) b) c) State one type the route State State (i) one of of molecule amino function circular absorbed acids into into the the lacteal. villus. of: muscle (ii) mucosa. Solution a) b) c) fatty acids from (i) the lumen contract (ii) to absorption of the move of small food intestine along the to capillaries in the villus gut foods Eample 6.1.3. The micrograph epithelial cells shows of a The structure and function of villus. the intestine wall is difficult a) On the micrograph label: to study, as mechanisms to do so are invasive. Models can be used as representations of the real (i) a (ii) microvilli mitochondrion world. Dialysis tubing can be used to model absorption in the (iii) a nucleus. intestine because it is selectively permeable. 61 6 HUMAN P H YS I O LO G Y b) Suggest one absorption adaptation other than of the many epithelial cells mitochondria of for the villus to energy . Solution a) Labels cell, cell b) as follows: and Villi the have many absorption of to the is also the villi epithelium increase basal Enzymes ensure for at occur the the top of the throughout surface channels that expressed close on proximity absorption. increase yellow and the blue. that contain substances. shown orange shown epithelium to are shown microvilli They intestinal molecules are nucleus absorption. of microvilli mitochondria The of blood area help the for in the surface the food capillaries close absorption. Once digested, sugars polysaccharides have or become villus monosaccharides, lipids such triglycerides become as rich blood have fatty supply produces acids and glycerol, and proteins a steep have concentration become amino acids.These gradient for monomers can now be absorbed ecient by the epithelial cells of the villi. diusion Glycerol is diffusion, large surface absorbed as it can by pass simple through area for diusion the cell membrane. Fatty acids are and active absorbed by facilitated diffusion. transpor t Glucose and absorbed thin wall (only amino by acids co-transport are with one cell thick) sodium. This process itself so there is only does not require energy , but to a shor t distance maintain across which diusion takes the sodium sodium–potassium gradient, pump the must place move the of cell the active sodium to the transport. from other This one side through does require lymph system energy Fe 6.1.1. in the form water-soluble Adaptations of the absorbed villus to absorption by of ATP . vitamins simple Most are diffusion. • sdm c-ap is the process by which sodium is Eample 6.1.4. transpor ted outside the cell by How is glycerol absorbed into the epithelium of the intestine active transpor t to allow the wall? entrance of other substances such as glucose into the cell by co- A. Simple diffusion C. Facilitated diffusion transpor t with the sodium ions. B. Osmosis D. Endocytosis Solution Glycerol is absorbed osmosis, diffusion and active Glycerol is soluble transpor t. layer In Topic 1.4 you studied 62 of the cell in by simple lipids, membrane diffusion, therefore without it the so can the correct pass need for answer through a the channel. is A. bilipid 6.2 6 . 2 T H E B L O O D the blood system substances waste to and transports simultaneously ✔ collects arteries carry ventricles veins to blood the at high tissues of pressure the arteries in blood from vessels the as structure arteries, of their capillaries or walls. from the their have muscle walls which cells pump how capillaries and elastic maintain blood the are structure suited to of arteries, their veins and function. bres sketch the diagrams heart and of the the chambers blood vessels and valves connected of to it. pressure ✔ between explain body . ✔ ✔ identify products. ✔ ✔ s Ys t E M Y ld e ale : continuously cells bLo o D S Y S T E M Y ld kw: ✔ thE explain the double circulation of blood in the cycles. heart. ✔ blood ows ✔ capillaries exchange through have of tissues permeable materials in capillaries. walls between that cells ✔ identify ✔ explain and in and the blood in the veins collect blood at low pressure from of the body and the return it to the atria heart describe in veins and the heart ensure blood ✔ there ✔ the by preventing is a separate sinoatrial a circulation for the node the by pressure and the initiates heart rate of the the be the out heartbeat, an as atria it electrical is during in the the left atrium, cardiac left cycle. describe William of the Harvey’s blood discovery with the of heart the acting as pump. acting explain the causes coronary and consequences of occlusion of arteries. signal discuss social implications of coronary heart disease. propagated and increased to the physical twice the medulla increases vigorous flows can brought from adrenaline Blood sends contraction walls impulses for changes aorta then the walls ventricles. nerves ✔ node stimulates through the of pacemaker. sinoatrial that ✔ and lungs. ✔ of node control backow. ✔ the sinoatrial hormonal circulation the ✔ the and rate. circulation as of nervous heart. valves of valves. of ✔ ✔ function the ventricle the of the ✔ tissues function capillary . the ✔ the the describe tissues describe allow of or heart the heart decreased through two brain. rate to prepare activity . through the heart, once to be oxygenated in the In Topic 2.2 you studied the lungs and a second time for circulation to the rest of the body . structure of water and how some molecules can dissolve in it to be pulmonary pulmonary lungs ar tery vein transpor ted. In Topic 2.3 you have learned about carbohydrates and lipids, which are transpor ted in blood. In Topic 6.4 you will study vena cava gas exchange occurring between aor ta blood and lung tissues. In Topic 6.6 you will study the hormones that head and can be carried in blood and how body they help in homeostasis and Fe 6.2.1. Double circulation in the hear t reproduction. The heart three and main blood types of vessels blood make vessels: up the circulatory arteries that carry system. blood There away are from 63 6 HUMAN P H YS I O LO G Y the heart, connect veins both that these carry blood towards the heart and capillaries that vessels. ar tery capillary vein lumen lumen lining layer lumen lining layer lining layer elastic layer elastic layer muscle layer muscle layer tough outer layer tough outer layer Fe 6.2.2. Blood vessels Theories are regarded as uncer tain. In 1628 William Eample 6.2.1. Harvey described how blood flow Compare and contrast the structure of arteries, veins and capillaries. in the body was unidirectional, with valves stopping the blood Solution from backflowing, and that blood A ee Ve Capllae thick walls to thin wall to allow wall one layer withstand high muscles to exer t of cells thick to pressure pressure on them allow diffusion of returned to the hear t to be Wall recycled by pumping. With this, he over turned theories developed by the ancient Greek philosopher substances Galen on the movement of blood in Fe collagen and elastic thin outer layer of wall fibres in outer layer collagen and elastic to give wall strength fibres for protection no fibres the body. and flexibility Lme narrow lumen wide lumen so narrow lumen to fit to maintain high greater volume of in small spaces pressure blood can pass You do not need to answer the question in the form of a table, but Valve no valves valves to avoid no valves backflow it helps to ensure you are really comparing and contrasting. Dec away from hear t towards hear t connect ar teries to veins Pe no pores no pores pores to allow lymphocytes to leave 64 6.2 The to pressure whether the contraction pressure the different ventricles (diastole). graph. The curve larger are where part the a heart cycle heartbeat are the the (systole), heartbeat of atria where of contracting A whole first curve, chambers contracting ventricles are or can can changes relaxing be be according seen seen (atrial as on a the systole) contracting after bLo o D s Ys t E M semilunar semilunar valves open valves close a aor ta heart first and the (ventricular erusserp parabolic second, in thE atrioventricular valves open atrioventricular systole). In healthy adults you can hear two normal heart sounds in left valves close atrium each heartbeat. These are often described as a “lub”, the closing of left the ventricle atrioventricular (A V) valves, and a “dub”, the closing of the semilunar valves. time systole diastole Eample 6.2.2. a) Figure 6.2.4 shows a human heart. hear t sounds Label b) (i) A to D Explain during (ii) The in the (iii) Describe the in the valves time these the the of the heart. pressure in “lub” the ventricle “dub” Fe 6.2.3. Cardiac cycle Fe 6.2.4. The human hear t increases contraction. pressure the diagram reason atrial semilunar at the aorta open. valves change semilunar in valves is around Predict 80 the mmHg pressure just in the before the ventricle open. pressure in the left ventricle after close. Solution a) b) A: aorta; (i) B: During open; the (ii) pulmonary blood blood be from letting is just the pressure blood left the increasing must flowing ventricular valves, the ventricle, pressure C: contraction, therefore left The atrial artery; ventricle atrioventricular flowing the above out be of 80 the mmHg into high the from D: vena (A V) left cava. valve atrium is into pressure. ventricles must wall; the enough to allow aorta. to the The open the heart. Par t (b) in example 6.2.2 is (iii) The the of pressure ventricle the the body . A V in and The (mitral) ventricle. the left ventricle entered atria valve are is the decreases, aorta filling closed, to with no be blood carried blood, blood as is but to has the left rest because flowing into the referring to the left ventricle, but as the same happens in both ventricles simultaneously, no marks will be taken off if you just refer to the ventricles instead of the left ventricle. • The medlla laa is the par t of the brain involved in the control of the hear t rate. • Adeale is a hormone that accelerates the hear t rate. 65 6 HUMAN P H YS I O LO G Y The heartbeat is initiated by a group of specialized muscle cells in the There are social implications right atrium called the sinoatrial node. The sinoatrial node acts as a of coronary hear t disease. pacemaker, sending out an electrical signal that stimulates contractions Diets rich in glucose and trans fats as it is propagated through the walls of the atria and then the walls of can lead to obesity, which at the the ventricles. The heart rate can be affected by nervous and hormonal same time increases the chances control. Two nerves link the heart to the medulla oblongata of the of atherosclerosis. High blood brain. One of these nerves carries messages to increase the heart rate, pressure is also a cause of the other to decrease the heart rate. Adrenaline is a hormone that coronary hear t disease. Smoking, increases the heart rate to prepare for vigorous physical activity . stress, cer tain drugs and a diet rich Atherosclerosis in salt can contribute to increasing called blood pressure. Coronary hear t lipoprotein disease can lead to disabilities; arteries, therefore it is impor tant to keep a the healthy lifestyle to reduce your infarct 6 . 3 DEFENCE (LDL) area skin and defence mucous against flow the the the dead AGAINST formation is mainly and of heart properly . of white blood. can heart This If a blood the suffer plaque by cells. artery damage muscle damage of formed tissue. can the It due clogs to this to a arteries density occluded If lead in low the (blocked) lack of happens heart is oxygen the attack heart or an tissue). INFECTIOUS DISEASE Y ld e ale : Y ld kw: ✔ the reaching contract (an by atheroma cholesterol artery , nutrients cannot caused The impeding coronary and chances of developing it. is atheroma. membranes pathogens form that a ✔ primary cause explain mechanisms of defence against pathogens. infectious disease. ✔ ✔ clotting factors allowing cuts are in released the skin to from be sealed by describe explain platelets clot blood the the process causes formation in of and blood clotting consequences coronary and of blood arteries. clotting. ✔ ✔ the cascade brinogen ✔ ingestion cells of gives results to brin in the by pathogens non-specic rapid conversion outline the production of antibodies by lymphocytes. of thrombin. by phagocytic immunity to white ✔ outline ✔ explain how lymphocytes act as memory cells. blood the action of antibodies against diseases. pathogens. ✔ production of antibodies by lymphocytes in ✔ response to particular pathogens gives explain the evolution of antibiotic-resistant specic bacteria. immunity . ✔ ✔ antibiotics block processes that occur describe Florey penicillin prokaryotic cells but not in eukaryotic viruses lack a metabolism and cannot ✔ treated some that with strains confer strains of of Chain’s bacterial experiments infections in to test mice. describe the effects of HIV on the immune therefore system be on cells. ✔ ✔ and in and methods of transmission. antibiotics. bacteria resistance bacteria have to have evolved antibiotics multiple with and genes some resistance. Pathogens are organisms that cause disease. The human body has In Topic 5.2 you have seen structures and processes that resist the continuous threat of invasion how natural selection can result in by pathogens. Skin and mucous membranes form a primary defence bacterial resistance to antibiotics. against pathogens organisms wound, skin to to clotting be a protein from 66 of body . by are blood fibrinogen that flowing the cause factors sealed conversion is enter that makes through a infectious To released clotting. to fibrin mesh the avoid not organisms from The using joining wounds. disease, the the entering platelets cascade allowing through allowing results enzyme platelets, in cuts the in the rapid thrombin. stopping a Fibrin the blood 6.3 DEFEnCE AgAinst inFECtious DisE A sE Eample 6.3.1. An understanding of immunity has led to the What sequence of reactions occurs during blood clotting? development of vaccinations and A. Fibrinogen is broken down into trypsin by fibrin. treatment of cancer. In 2018, George P . Smith and Gregory Winter B. Fibrin is broken C. Fibrinogen down into fibrinogen by trypsin. by thrombin. both became Nobel Laureates in is broken down into fibrin Chemistry. They were inspired by D. Fibrin is broken down into fibrinogen by the power of evolution and used thrombin. the same principles—genetic Solution change and selection—to develop The correct answer is C. Fibrinogen is a globular, soluble protein proteins to solve medical found in blood found in an plasma. In the event of a cut, an enzyme that is problems. They used inactive form is transformed into active thrombin. bacteriophages to evolve new Thrombin breaks down part of the soluble fibrinogen protein, now proteins which can be used in the transforming it into a smaller but insoluble fibrous protein called pharmaceutical industry for the fibrin. Molecules of fibrin form cross-linking bonds resulting in a production of antibodies that large polymer which attaches to platelets, and thus clots blood. neutralize toxins, counteract autoimmune diseases or cure Once organisms activates of a have series pathogens by of entered the mechanisms phagocytic tissues, to white the defend blood immune the cells body . gives system metastatic cancer. Ingestion non-specific lymphocytes recognize immunity to diseases. Production of antibodies by lymphocytes in antigens on bacteria response are to particular proteins flagging that them Lymphocytes plasma cells remember can for attach other mature (or how B to pathogens to gives pathogens, lymphocytes to cells). become to immunity . destroying engulf them cells particular are a clone antibodies, of Antibodies them by antibody-producing Memory produce specific antibodies phagocytosis. cells called plasma and and release specic or cells therefore that antibodies attach to are antibody very useful if there is a second encounter with the same antigens on bacteria pathogen. molecules ydobitna fo noitartnecnoc secondary response phagocytes are attracted towards primary response bacteria and small vacuoles engulf them contain enzymes bacteria are 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 digested within time / days food vacuoles rst encounter second encounter with antigen with antigen Fe 6.3.1. Fe 6.3.2. Specific immune Production of antibodies response • Lympcye are white blood • An ady is a protein that cells involved in the production of attaches to the antigen to destroy or antibodies. ag the pathogen. • Plama cell are mature • Memy cell produce antibodies if lymphocytes that can produce a pathogen carrying a specic antigen antibodies in the primary response. is re-encountered. This is called the In Topic 11.1 you will cover antibody production in more detail, along with how vaccinations work . secondary response. • An ae is par t of the pathogen (usually a protein) recognized by the • hiV is a virus that causes the immune system. disease AIDS. 67 6 HUMAN P H YS I O LO G Y s AMPLE stuDEnt Ans WEr Some blood proteins are involved in the defence against infectious In an eight-mark question you diseases. Explain the roles of amed types of proteins in different should mention many proteins, defence mechanisms. [8] not just explain how one type of This answer could have achieved 1/8 marks: protein is made. Lymphocytes ▲ The for student saying that scored one are phagocytes against infectious bacteria carry diseases. that are When involved the in infection defence occurs, the mark lymphocytes create antigens on their surface, which the lymphocytes antibodies. could ▼ The student clotting factors failed and to that mention brin as recognize. is responsible that Although the permits blood antibodies student does not are in the producing specic cells defend mentioned, mention of large antibodies retain specic role the plasma amounts or ability how to for the will antigen. then T here are nd a phagocyte different types of T he lymphocyte would have to multiply cells that clotting. from different bacteria. When the lymphocyte is found, their it specicity , lymphocytes a antigens. protein T he will now begin rapid cell division to increase the number of cells of lymphocytes creating antibodies. T he phagocyte would then memory engulf produce the bacteria and digest it. T he lymphocytes are now able antibodies. to recognize same antigen quickly Antibiotics or which are on the cell are can the the cell and so some they of have but usually not the strains have be the a part by of eukaryotic with genes multiple treated with the living a Antibiotics membrane, so if lymphocyte destroy microorganism’s evolved cannot in plasma to bacteria, synthetically . membrane. or body on produced produced cells wall transcription bacteria chemicals be or the phagocytes pathogen, wall antigens enters make prokaryotic of similar recognize Some a confer be or the able as to fungi glycoprotein that occur the Some resistance lack to a that of in formation replication material. Viruses such antigens block inhibit genetic resistance. or processes others that would organisms protein cells. similar bacteria. They block a or strains of antibiotics, metabolism, antibiotics. cell with gene conferring bacterium divides resistance to antibiotic many times bacteria grown with antibiotic population of bacteria bacteria divide. One only resistant cell undergoes a cell sur vives mutation Fe 6.3.3. Human immunodeficiency reducing loss of the the acquired 68 Antibiotic resistance in bacteria number ability to immune of virus active produce deficiency (HIV) acts lymphocytes antibodies, syndrome on the (or T leading (AIDS). immune cells) to the and system, causing a development of 6.4 Eample 6.3.2. gA s E xC h A ngE Florey and Chain’s tests on the safety of penicillin would How does HIV affect the immune system? not be compliant with current A. Reduces the number of phagocytes protocol on testing. After testing penicillin on eight mice, Florey and B. Reduces the C. Increases number of active lymphocytes Chain decided to test it on humans. the amount of antibiotics For tunately it proved to be D. Increases the amount of clotting effective in most cases and factors penicillin star ted to be produced in Solution large quantities. Nowadays more The correct answer is B. HIV is a virus that destroys active testing must take place before a lymphocytes or T helper cells. These cells are involved in the drug can be used on humans. immune reaction against pathogens; therefore the person infected Drugs must first be tested on with HIV will have a poor response to any other disease. animals, then on healthy volunteers, only then on consenting infected patients. Randomized controlled trials which are double-blind, placebo- controlled trials must be performed to eliminate bias. 6 . 4 G A S E X C H A N G E Y ld e ale : Y ld kw: ✔ ventilation of oxygen in alveoli maintains and and concentration carbon the dioxide blood gradients between owing in the ✔ draw the ✔ explain respiratory system. air lung ventilation including the muscles adjacent involved. capillaries, so gas exchange occurs passively . ✔ ✔ type I pneumocytes cells that type II are are adapted extremely to carry out thin gas pneumocytes containing secrete surfactant that a inside the alveoli creates to and describe the function of a alveolus surface adhering to each the sides explain is structure other by gas they carried bronchi outline to the lungs in the trachea causes and of an of alveoli and the exchange are suited to occurs their in the alveoli function. and then to the alveoli in contractions cause the the thorax that force air consequences and of discuss lung of these the social diseases. bronchioles. pressure in and emphysema and design experiments and to monitor ventilation in changes humans inside structure capillary . reducing ✔ muscle the tension. consequences ✔ show pneumocytes. how how cancer air to adjacent of ✔ ✔ an moist prevent and the diagram solution ✔ surface a alveolus exchange. ✔ ✔ draw alveolar out of at rest and after mild and vigorous the exercise. lungs ✔ to different and ventilate muscles expiration when they them. are required because for muscles inspiration do work only contract. 69 6 HUMAN P H YS I O LO G Y V entilation In Topic 1.4 you studied membrane transpor t. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are transpor ted across membranes in the alveoli to and from the blood system you studied in Topic 6.2. Cancer is excessive cell division, which you studied in Topic 1.6. called is the breathing. exchange can gradients of blood sets the muscles. action. muscles and allowing two sets air of contract In into and during or and chest the and belt In contrast, in), the air in the four or be by also gas of and different muscles, and antagonistic intercostal thoracic (breathing are can is that alveoli by inhalation, muscles It ensure external exhalation during lungs. concentration examples apparatus pressure to intercostal are V entilation simple and the performed expanding abdominal exhalation. between internal lungs. In of maintains is muscles contract, out ventilated It (breathing the and dioxide capillaries. inhalation relax. into actively carbon external flow air V entilation abdominal observation spirometer are diaphragm muscles only simple The and the to and adjacent muscles intercostal by in lungs of passively . oxygen diaphragm muscle The occur flowing of movement out), the relaxed. cavity , They monitored data these internal either logging with meter. Eample 6.4.1. • Vela ae is the amount of air breathed in a period of time. The diagram shows the D • tdal vlme is the amount of air respiratory system. breathed in one breath. a) (i) Label (ii) On A to the D. diagram identify a bronchus and bronchioles. A b) Outline the function of B. C c) State at the process E occurring E. B Solution a) (i) A: C: (ii) ribs; B: lungs; b) The function diaphragm in c) At D: Bronchus between the E, diaphragm; between bronchus of the B is to contracts, thoracic in windpipe cavity . alveoli, or trachea. trachea and contract the rib This and bronchioles; bronchiole alveoli. to allows gaseous allow cage gets air inspiration. larger, to exchange rush When reducing into the the the pressure lungs. occurs. s AMPLE stuDEnt Ans WEr The lung volume was recorded as a student breathed into a spirometer. The air was exhaled over a soda lime chamber that absorbs carbon dioxide to avoid suffocation. 6 5 mc / emulov 3 4 3 2 1 0 5 10 15 time / s 70 20 25 a 6.4 a) Describe the ventilation pattern of this student. This T he answer could student’s have achieved ventilation 2/2 the tidal volume is marks: pattern a bit is normal for 5 breaths, each ▲ The less, and suddenly at 17 student a deep inspiration and then slowly breaths described at the the beginning seconds of makes E xC h A ngE [2] normal time gA s the experiment breath expires. after 5 and breaths the (or deep at 16/17 seconds). ) Use the data to estimate the ventilation rate during normal breathing. Show your working. This answer could [2] have achieved 1/2 marks: ▲ One ventilation rate = breaths per mark for the correct for the answer minute working. 15 seconds: 4 .5 60 seconds × breaths breaths = 60 × 4 .5 /15 = 18 breaths ▼ No Answer = 18 the breaths marks units breaths are per incorrect; it as should be minute. c) Sketch on the diagram the results expected for the student after mild exercise star ting from time 0 seconds. This answer could have achieved 2/2 [2] marks: 6 5 ▲ The student mc 3 ventilation rate drew the higher (this is the 4 / breaths emul ov the 3 occurring tidal oxygen volume more often) higher, to and increase uptake. 2 1 0 5 10 Gaseous adapted exchange to capillaries this close Fe 6.4.1. occurs function. 20 15 time in / the They 25 s alveoli are of moist, the are lungs. one cell The alveoli thick and are have by . Gaseous exchange in the alveoli 71 6 HUMAN P H YS I O LO G Y T ype Cancer is uncontrolled cell I pneumocytes, where division. For fur ther information on gaseous shaped and which exchange occur are numerous, occurs. amongst the Type type I II very large and pneumocytes, cells, produce flat, which are are cube surfactant. cell division see Topics 3.2, 3.3 Cancer is a disease in which some of the cells of the body multiply and 10.1. out of control caused by and spread smoking, into surrounding carcinogens such as tissue. asbestos Lung and cancer air can be pollution. • type i pemcye are attened The consequence is the formation of tumours causing pain, breathing epithelial cells allowing gaseous difficulties and fatigue. It can progress to metastasis of the tumour and exchange. death. Smoking causes lung cancer because cigarette smoke contains • type ii pemcye are carcinogens that damage the cells that line the lungs. Emphysema is a cuboidal epithelial cells producing progressive disease of the lungs caused by destruction of lung tissue surfactant. involved • L cace is the presence of and the in air gaseous sacs exchange. larger. This is The walls caused by of the the alveoli presence become of thicker elastase, an tumours growing in the lung tissue. enzyme • Empyema is the destruction of alveoli alveolar walls by elastase leading to alveoli, impaired gaseous exchange. 6 . 5 produced to stretch. therefore impaired, N E U R O N S neurons transmit ✔ myelination of shortness the of digests the number breath elastin, number of and of protein that phagocytes elastase. possibly a Gaseous leading in allows the exchange to is death. S Y N A P S E S Y ld e ale : electrical nerve that increases increasing Y ld kw: ✔ phagocytes Smoking causing A N D by impulses. bres allows for saltatory ✔ draw the structure ✔ explain electrical ✔ explain an ✔ explain the ✔ analyse of a myelinated impulses across neuron. neurons. conduction. ✔ neurons across pump their sodium and membranes to potassium generate a action potential. ions effect of myelination on conduction. resting oscilloscope traces showing resting potential. potentials ✔ an action and ✔ potential consists repolarization nerve impulses of are the of the axons of ✔ describe action potentials propagation of ✔ explain chemical the currents axon to the propagation that impulses is the result synapses between are cause the each successive threshold junctions neurons nerve impulses explain the secretion and part by neurons reabsorption at of synapses. of potential. between receptor and of ✔ ✔ of neurons. nerve reach synapses. synapses. acetylcholine local potentials. propagated ✔ ✔ action neuron. across along and depolarization neurons or explain the blocking at cholinergic of neonicotinoid of synaptic synapses in transmission insects by binding and effector pesticides to acetylcholine cells. receptors. ✔ when presynaptic release ✔ a nerve a neurotransmitter impulse potential neurons is is are into initiated depolarized the only if they synapse. the threshold reached. Neurons are nerve cells that have differentiated to perform a function. In Topic 1.4 you studied the They transmit electrical impulses. There is a gap between neurons different methods of membrane called a called neurotransmitters. synapse. The message must cross this gap using chemicals transpor t. modulate the axon. which 72 is the message. Myelination much faster Neurons Some of neurons nerve than transmit fibres have the a allows conduction in message; myelin for synapses sheath saltatory unmyelinated covering conduction, nerve fibres. 6.5 Eample 6.5.1. nEurons AnD s Yn APsE s • Memae peal is the dierence in voltage between The diagram shows a motor neuron. the outside and inside of the cell C B D membrane. • re peal is the membrane potential as long as there is no per turbance; it is around 70 mV. A cell • Ac peal is the body depolarization and repolarization Which label shows the myelin sheath? of the neuron allowing impulse transmission. Solution The correct answer is • Deplaza is the opening of C sodium ion channels, increasing the membrane potential. Nerve impulses neurons. that cause potential. placing are action Propagation each potentials nerve successive Membrane electrodes displayed of using part of potentials on an each propagated impulses side the in of is the axon neurons the to along result reach can be membrane. of the axons local the • replaza is the closing of the low membrane potential. by potentials sodium ion channels and opening of potassium ion channels restoring threshold measured The of currents can be • hypeplaza is when the membrane potential is at its oscilloscope. lowest. This is caused by the delay The resting potential is the potential across the membrane caused by in closing of the potassium ion the exchange of three sodium ions moving out of the cell and two channels. potassium use of and one ions ATP into the cell molecule. repolarization of the by An the sodium–potassium action potential consists pump, of with the depolarization neuron. Eample 6.5.2. Ions move action across potential. generated in a the The plasma membrane oscilloscope neuron during trace three of a neuron shows action during voltage an changes potentials. The question refers to a section X 50 labelled X, so do not answer Vm / laitnetop enarbmem referring to what occurs before or after the section labelled X, as no 0 marks will be given or marks can be lost due to contradictions. V threshold –50 –90 time a) b) Describe Explain depolarization. the observed movement during the of ions interval which labelled causes X on the the voltage changes graph. Solution a) Depolarization allowing is sodium concentration caused ions to by the diffuse opening into the of the sodium neurone down channels, a gradient. 73 6 HUMAN P H YS I O LO G Y + b) At the peak the sodium (Na ) channels close and the potassium + (K ) +45 channels mV . occur. There The The is a open. The potassium membrane delay in ions flow potential the hyperpolarization, membrane closing and a potential out, causing reaches of approximately repolarization approximately potassium membrane is channels, potential of 70 to mV . causing around 78 mV . myelin sheath axon of presynaptic neuron membrane of presynaptic neuron smooth endoplasmic mitochondrion reticulum synaptic vesicle 2+ Ca containing acetylcholine calcium ion 2+ Ca channel membrane of postsynaptic acetylcholine neuron molecule sodium ion channels synaptic cleft + Na acetylcholine empty receptor site molecule in one of ve protein sub-units receptor site that make up the sodium ion channel Fe 6.5.1. Synapses and are are effectors Cholinergic synapse the junctions such depolarized as they Neurotransmitters gap around 20 nm are neurotransmitters as acetylcholine receptor, ion The have a similar acetylcholine system no of longer synaptic 74 are the the insects. capable in of is resting binding between the to the causes the the used neurons synapse. synaptic it are cleft down is as such to a sodium the enzyme recovered. insecticides. bind in postsynaptic and They irreversibly the blocked, paralysis of by (a examples attaches opening synapses are the neurotransmitter They receptors into neuron, potential nicotine. neurons presynaptic dopamine broken chemicals to the This cross and by then cholinergic Because transmission. to Once potential synthetic or When postsynaptic action composition receptor used Acetylcholine mammals. and neurons glands. neurotransmitter acetylcholine acetylcholinesterase Neonicotinoids in the a or chemicals reaches inducing channels. release wide). of between muscles central to the nervous acetylcholine membrane, death of is inhibiting insects. 6.6 6 . 6 H O R M O N E S , horMonE s , h o M E o s tA s i s H O M E O S TA S I S AnD rEProDuCtion A N D R E P R O D U C T I O N Y ld kw: ✔ ✔ hormones when distributed. insulin and cells blood of thyroxin is body are pancreas need to be ✔ secreted by respectively α to and ✔ is outline type control by metabolic the thyroid rate and gland the hormonal control of blood glucose II causes and treatment of type I and diabetes. help secreted by cells in adipose ✔ explain the regulation of metabolic rate by thyroxin. ✔ explain ✔ outline testing obesity and to the effect of leptin on appetite. control temperature. leptin explain concentration. secreted the signals levels. glucagon the glucose regulate ✔ used widely β ✔ are Y ld e ale : tissue of leptin reasons for on the patients failure with to clinical control the and disease. acts on the hypothalamus of the brain to inhibit ✔ appetite. describe how therapies ✔ melatonin control ✔ a gene is secreted circadian on gonads to the Y by the pineal gland chromosome as testes causes and as are used replacement in a variety of therapies. to rhythms. develop hormones such embryonic ✔ explain ✔ outline the the melatonin secrete action of melatonin. causes of jet to alleviate lag and use of it. testosterone. ✔ testosterone of male causes genitalia pre-natal and both ✔ explain ✔ draw sperm development of male secondary during of testosterone. and annotate diagrams reproductive systems of to the male show and the names sexual of characteristics action production female and the development structures and their functions (front and side puberty . views). ✔ estrogen and progesterone cause pre-natal ✔ development of female reproductive explain the roles progesterone and female secondary sexual the menstrual outline cycle is controlled by positive the use in feedback mechanisms secretion of articial estrogen and cycle. IVF and pituitary of drugs describe sexual chemicals hormones, to suspend followed the by doses of hormones to the induce and establish a pregnancy . hormones. ✔ are of involving superovulation ovarian Hormones LH, menstrual negative use and FSH, the puberty . normal ✔ in characteristics ✔ during of organs secreted by glands. They travel through used when signals William Harvey’s reproduction in investigation of deer. Developments in scientific blood, affecting target organs. Hormones are research follow improvements need to be widely distributed. Their effect is usually long lasting. For in apparatus—William Harvey was example, insulin and glucagon are secreted by the α and β cells of the hampered in his observational pancreas, respectively , to control blood glucose concentration. research into reproduction by lack of equipment. William Harvey failed to • il induces the uptake of glucose • Lep is secreted by cells in from blood to be stored in the liver as adipose tissue and acts on the glycogen when glucose levels are high. hypothalamus of the brain to inhibit solve the mystery of sexual reproduction because effective microscopes were not available appetite. when he was working. The • glca induces the breakdown of glycogen into glucose to be released • Mela is secreted by the pineal when glucose levels are low in blood. gland to control circadian rhythms. It microscope was invented 17 years after his death. Fusion of gametes promotes sleep when it is dark . It is and subsequent embryo • ty is secreted by the thyroid used to alleviate the eects of jet lag. gland to regulate the metabolic rate development remained and help control body temperature. undiscovered till many years later. 75 6 HUMAN P H YS I O LO G Y s AMPLE stuDEnt Ans WEr ▲ The for student scored mentioning that one mark a) Glands are organs that secrete and release par ticular chemical melatonin substances. Melatonin is an impor tant hormone secreted in the pineal regulates the circadian rhythm gland in the brain. Describe its role in mammals. (or biological mark the is saying sleep–wake marks are for clock). that for the that be that This affects The by the detected in is level a high the night the day; the and this directly retina of a of and low level means to achieved 2/2 marks: controls the circadian rhythms in mammals as it is the pattern of sleep by inducing sleep when it is night time there (and dark) and waking the mammal up during the daytime during during secretion proportional have light that secretion could Melatonin obtained production amount answer other sets controlled [2] other it cycles. could fact The when it is bright. is night-time ) Describe how the hormone leptin helps to prevent obesity. [3] duration. This T he ▲ The for student saying appetite that and scored leptin one hormone mark it reduces food not ▼ The student that a mark leptin adipose is could for and need to with higher tissue, leptin the the of have acts the amount greater produced. people have T herefore in calories the on in losing brain. of the brain that we are full and do any more. An experiment on mice showed that inhibitors became obese. If leptin is given to he/she he/she is is more less likely likely to to feel eat full too having much, eaten retain too less. many and In them become obese. Studies conducted on humans with leptin have not been successful so far , although slight The adipose the leptin for to marks: the weight amount humans, losses have been noticed. of obese resistance; Diabetes therefore eat leptin human, increased hypothalamus signals 2/3 mentioning produced tissue leptin achieved intake. a scored have for those saying could mark inhibited another answer leptin is no is a medical condition in which blood glucose levels are help higher weight. urine. than Type normal, I diabetes destruction of This the causes glucose caused in by even β the It an cells body blood. is to is resistance after Glucose autoimmune of the lack islets insulin, treated to fasting. with insulin. It of disease insulin be be that Langerhans therefore can can causes of raising injections. caused by detected the the pancreas. level Type in the II of diabetes obesity . s AMPLE stuDEnt Ans WEr ▲ The for answer scored mentioning produce the one mark inability to Outline the cause of type I diabetes in humans. This ▼ Although the student did marks, would that have the there to B are avoid been cells confusion, better were blood to B specify cells is ▼ This mark answer because did it is not caused function type when it I diabetes should autoimmune destruction reducing 76 1/1 marks: by an inability to produce insulin. B cells do not too. It’s score answer the could result of have achieved genetic 0/1 marks: transfer from the parents to the implying is have inherited, said condition of the achieved properly. offspring. that have as This a could it pancreatic, immune answer score It full [1] insulin. beta/β it is an involving cells, production of thus insulin. childhood. It is a genetic development with the onset during is 6.6 A gene on gonads causes to the Y chromosome develop pre-natal production during and as testes found and development development only secrete of of male male in males causes testosterone. genitalia and secondary horMonE s , h o M E o s tA s i s AnD rEProDuCtion embryonic Testosterone both sexual sperm characteristics puberty . Eample 6.6.1. The diagram system. shows Which a section structure through represents the the male • tee are the male reproductive reproductive prostate organs that produce sperm and gland? testosterone. A • The cm holds the testes. B • The epddym is a duct where sperm are stored until ejaculation. • spem dc transfer the sperm C from the epididymis to the urethra during ejaculation. • semal vecle and the pae lad secrete uid that D makes semen. Solution • The pe is the organ that The correct answer is C. A shows the bladder which is part of the penetrates the vagina during sexual urinary system and where urine is stored. B shows the seminal intercourse. vesicles sperm that are Estrogen seminal fluid and D the epididymis where stored. and reproductive during produce progesterone organs and cause female pre-natal secondary development sexual of female characteristics puberty . Eample 6.6.2. The diagram shows the female reproductive system. • ovae are the organs where eggs, estrogen and progesterone are produced. • ovdc are the canals that receive the eggs at ovulation and are the site of fer tilization. • The e is the organ where K the embryo is implanted after fer tilization. L • The ce v is the lower par t of the uterus. Its muscles dilate to provide a bir th canal. • The vaa is the duct joining the vulva with the uterus allowing a) Which structures do K and L identify? sexual intercourse. K L A endometrium uterine wall b placenta endometrium C amnion placenta D fetus uterine wall • The vlva protects the internal par ts of the female reproductive system. Solution The correct answer is B 77 6 HUMAN P H YS I O LO G Y The menstrual cycle is controlled by negative and positive feedback • Fsh stimulates the development mechanisms involving ovarian and pituitary hormones. Follicle of follicles and the secretion of stimulating hormone secretion estrogen (FSH) stimulates the development of follicles and estrogen by the follicle wall. of by the follicle wall. Estrogen stimulates the repair • Ee stimulates the repair and thickening of the endometrium after menstruation. High levels of and thickening of the endometrium. estrogen inhibit the secretion of FSH (negative feedback) and stimulate • Lh stimulates the development of luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion. LH stimulates the completion of follicles, leading to ovulation. meiosis • Peee promotes the the thickening and maintenance of the and wall secretes of allows the ovulation. follicle estrogen after (positive LH also ovulation feedback) promotes into and the the development corpus luteum progesterone. of which Progesterone endometrium. promotes also the inhibits thickening FSH and and LH maintenance secretion by the of the endometrium. pituitary gland It (negative feedback). In vitro used ova. fertilization to stimulate Human Fertilization then take chorionic is in lining is fertility method is is used in the outside woman. maintained. treatment widely used in of cases infertility . causing (HCG) the body are potential throughout the is is risks world to in to and to that health; the that drugs are many ova. embryos ensure the LH of mature fertilized used aware FSH ovulation used and Progesterone Scientists pose of follicles, gonadotropin performed implanted uterus (IVF) development are the women nevertheless treating infertile this couples. Pacce plem f tpc 6 Plem 1 Plem 2 In an experiment on food digestion and absorption, a a) Describe William Harvey’s discovery of the circulation student placed amylase and starch inside a dialysis of the blood with the hear t acting as the pump. tube. The dialysis tube was then placed in a test tube ) Explain what is meant by the double circulation of containing a solution of water and maltase. The tube blood through the hear t. was left for three hours. The amount of glucose was Plem 3 measured outside the dialysis tube. The bar graph shows the life expectancy of non14 78 10 76 sraey / ycnatcepxe efil md gm / noitartnecnoc esoculg 3– smokers and smokers. 12 8 6 4 2 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 74 72 70 68 66 64 200 62 time / minutes 60 non-smokers smokers a) State the reason a dialysis tube is used in this experiment. a) () Calculate the percentage difference in the life expectancy of smokers and non-smokers. ) State the glucose concentration outside the dialysis tube 1 hour after the start of the experiment. () Suggest whether this data suppor ts the hypothesis that smoking adversely affects life c) Explain the source of glucose: expectancy. () outside the dialysis tube ) Explain gaseous exchange in the lungs. () inside the dialysis tube. c) Discuss the social consequences of lung cancer and emphysema. 78 6.6 horMonE s , h o M E o s tA s i s AnD rEProDuCtion Plem 4 The body mass of rats was recorded every five days Botulin or Botox is a neurotoxic protein produced by during 20 days and compared with that of control rats. the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Intramuscular neurotransmitter acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction from presynaptic motor neurons causing muscle paralysis. It is used in cosmetics to reduce wrinkling of skin. In a study to see its side effects, ten g / ssamoib ydob administration of botulin inhibits the release of the 440 420 control rats 400 380 360 with botulin 340 320 0 5 10 15 20 25 brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) were injected with time after injection / days different doses of botulin. Their muscles were examined under the microscope for atrophy and classified according to severity as normal, mild and severe. c) Compare and contrast the effect of botulin with time on the body mass of botulin-treated rats and untreated control rats. Mcla apy ( = 10) d) Evaluate all the data on the effect of botulin on De f l / 1 k nmal Mld sevee rats. 1 day ( apy) Plem 5 0 10 0 0 1 3 7 0 3 0 10 0 9 0 2 8 Explain how an electrical impulse is propagated along a a) () myelinated neuron. State the number of rats that had atrophied muscles with a dose of 1 ng per kilogram of mass per day. () Identify the lowest dose that caused all rats to have some atrophy in their muscles. ) Suggest whether the results suppor t the hypothesis that botulin causes muscle atrophy. 79 N U C L EOT I D E S 7 7 . 1 D N A S T R U C T U R E A N D single Y hd knw: and ✔ the structure of DNA is ideally suited to (AHL) R E P L I C AT I O N strand binding proteins, DNA polymerases I and DNA primase III in replication. its ✔ describe the function of non-coding regions of function. DNA such ✔ ✔ nucleosomes help DNA structure to supercoil suggested a the DNA polymerases only ✔ at the 3′ end DNA replication can of is a start mechanism for ✔ adding ✔ on introns, telomeres explain the and discontinuous on the the DNA replication is carried out lagging by a of some but samp les of s top DNA for tRNAs. conta ini n g rep lica ti on ba se in th e s equ en c i n g. describe Rosalind Wilkins’ investigation Franklin’s of and Maurice DNA structure by diffraction. strand. analyse results of the Hershey and Chase complex providing evidence that DNA is the enzymes. regions have expression, for n u cleotides to genetic ✔ of genes preparation experiment system gene leading ✔ ✔ use and dideoxyribose X-ray strand of nucleotides primer. continuous regulators DNA. DNA replication. ✔ as of other DNA do not important code for proteins ✔ material. analyse functions. the association DNA within a visualization between nucleosome protein using and molecular software. Y hd be abe : ✔ ✔ explain DNA replication describing the function (only of in explain prokaryotes), helicase, in DNA gyrase, DNA consists how tandem DNAproling electrophoretic of a double strand of repeats and are analyse used prole gels. nucleotides in the form of a In Topic 2.6 you have already helix. In eukaryotes it is associated with histone proteins forming studied the basic structure of DNA nucleosomes. This allows the DNA to be condensed. A nucleosome and RNA. Here you will see more consists of a core of four pairs of histone proteins with around 150 base detail and study the replication pairs of DNA coiled around the proteins. A short section of naked DNA of DNA. connects one molecule nucleosome binds the to DNA to the the next. core An additional histone protein particle. Rosalind Franklin’s X-ray diffraction studies provided crucial evidence that DNA is a double helix. Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins used novel techniques with a high resolution X-ray camera to obtain very clear images of diffraction patterns from DNA. They were able to deduce that the DNA molecule was helical in shape. This helped Watson and Crick figure out the structure of DNA. Alfred Hershey provided as was and evidence believed at Martha that the Chase DNA is time. In devised the their genetic an experiment material experiment, and they that not proteins cultured 35 viruses that contained proteins with radioactive ( S) sulfur and they 32 separately cultured phosphorus. viruses. 80 They They viruses infected separated that contained bacteria the DNA with separately non-genetic with component radioactive the by two ( types P) of centrifugation 7. 1 and measured the radioactivity in the pellet (where the DN A structurE AND r E p l i c At i o N infected Baehage are viruses bacteria where) and the supernatant (where the virus coats were). They that create a channel across the found using that most radioactivity radiolabelled was found in the infected bacteria when bacterial cell membrane and wall DNA. to transfer the viral genome DNA to the host cell cytoplasm, initiating infection in the bacterium. ’phage coat ’phage DNA labelled labelled 35 with 32 S with P ’phage absorbed onto . coli and DNA injected ’phage coats separated from host cells % radioactivity 75 15 supernatant uid containing ’phage coats 25 Fge 7 .1.1. pellet (bacteria) 85 The Hershey and Chase experiment Eame 7 .1.1. Scientists wanted bacterium and used recorded to Bacillus to in infect the study subtilis. the The bacteria, importance DNA of with supernatant and (left) a of without and calcium in bacteriophage the calcium percentage channelling was being of marked present. infected of bacteriophage with The bacteria radioactive amount of calculated DNA to the host phosphorus radioactivity was (right). without 100 100 P evitcaoidar % / tellep ni AND P evitca oid ar % / tn at anrep u s ni AN D calcium 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 with calcium 20 10 0 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 15 30 60 45 75 90 with calcium without calcium time / seconds a) (i) State and (ii) the percentage without Explain the radioactive phosphorus in the supernatant at 30 seconds for infection with calcium. results obtained in (i) 81 7 N U C L E OT I D E S b) Suggest for c) whether the (AHL) results obtained in both graphs support the hypothesis that calcium is necessary infection. Discuss the results in term of the Hershey–Chase theory of genetic inheritance. Solution a) (i) 12 (ii) % with With calcium calcium disappears cannot the b) The c) The In their for calcium. phosphorus supernatant. channel the experiment, that pellet Bacillus the supports Hershey–Chase was radioactive the the without the In the of the viral infection DNA to enter DNA enters occurring the the without bacterium, bacterium calcium, therefore the and the viral therefore bacteriophages DNA remains in hypothesis, as there is no or little infection when calcium is missing, as seen in graphs. viruses the make 100% supernatant. data both the from and experiments they contained was due subtilis, possible bacterial to the (with cells provided cultured DNA with results calcium). and was and were When found that radioactive phosphorus same viruses evidence that in the the material was lagging strand in of not out by a it cell with due was was in system the In pellet in the of and sulfur not and proteins. other radioactivity the the in experiment only when on infection DNA did not enter pellet. duplication mitosis or of the genetic meiosis. chromosomes. In eukaryotes DNA replication is enzymes. • DNA gyae (topoisomerase II) • DNA ymeae iii adds relieves the strain on the coil, ready complementary nucleotides at the for helicase to star t working. 3' the sulfur. by in that calcium), the division chromatids complex to found for material radioactive (without little needed of sister genetic observed was possible very DNA is the They phosphorus; advance produces carried leading strand for the proteins supernatant supernatant; Replication it contained DNA is phosphorus. obtained infection in that primer in the 5′–3′ direction. 5' 5' 3' • Heae breaks hydrogen bonds • DNA ymeae i removes the between strands, allowing the helix primer. DNA e id to uncoil. • DNA gae seals the nicks. lo o y n o i r e m c e s a polymerase • snge and bndng en • DNA ymeae i and DNA avoid re-binding of complementary lo f o p A A N D D N p ymeae iii proofread the new DNA. • DNA mae star ts adding RNA primer at the 5′ end. c e it m n o 3' base pairs. e s r id a e 5' Eame 7 .1.2. Explain replication in eukaryotes. [8] Solution The enzyme uncoiling, or 5' unwinds or topoisomerase strains DNA double in the helix, II double prepares helix. separating or DNA for Helicase unzipping uncoils by breaking hydrogen bonds between the two the strands of DNA replication DNA. of DNA primase RNA. Next nucleotides in a 5′ to 3′ replacing sections strand. at the primer. RNA with of adds RNA primer starts synthesizes DNA ligase DNA, replication III It III DNA polymerase DNA. replicated Once an DNA polymerase direction. polymerase 82 the the 3' strands Fge 7 .1.2. DNA gyrase relieving is proofread or Okazaki completed, for mistakes. which the I is a replication short by length adding complementary removes seals the the nicks fragments, in strand primer by linking the DNA polymerase lagging I and DNA 7. 1 Non-coding regions are regions of DNA that do not code for DN A structurE AND r E p l i c At i o N proteins • rega f gene een but have other important functions such as regulators of gene are non-coding regions of DNA expression, introns, telomeres and genes for tRNAs. Regulators of gene that increase or decrease gene expression can be areas of the DNA such as the promoter, where the expression. RNA polymerase joins to start transcription. Many promoters require • inn are sections of mRNA activator proteins to start transcription and can be down-regulated that are edited out (spliced) before by repressor proteins. Introns are sections found in eukaryotic DNA translation. that are transcribed to mRNA but are edited out before translation. • temee are the non-coding Telomeres are the extremes of chromosomes and protect the DNA from DNA extremes of chromosomes. damage. There are 170 to 570 genes coding for tRNAs in eukaryotes. • Gene f rNA are DNA sections that are transcribed to RNA Eame 7 .1.3. molecules that act as tRNAs. Which I are examples telomeres A. I B. I of II non-coding promoter III only and regions C. II only I D. II DNA? exons and I, of III only and III Solution The correct answer is B, as exons are the coding regions. Eame 7 .1.4. Tandem of one or remain can repeats more inherited us in DNA when nucleotides adjacent show occur to each patterns traits of an is repeated other. that a regions can cause diseases and Tandem help Tandem repeats in coding pattern such as Huntington’s disease. If repeats identify they occur in non-coding regions the they are usually harmless, individual. although diseases such as the In a paternity test, a PCR was performed fragile X syndrome are caused by on each organism tested and the amplified tandem repeats in non-coding material was run through electrophoresis. The regions. When a PCR is performed, results are shown in the gel. if there are tandem repeats, a) (i) State the most probable father of fragments of different sizes will be the obtained. These are directly child. propor tional to the number of (ii) Explain the choice in (i) repetitions; this means that if a b) Describe the process of electrophoresis. tandem repeat appears six times, the fragments produced in a PCR Solution will be double the length of one a) (i) Father 1. (ii) Father 1 that is repeated three times. as the child mother father b) In 1 nor one that in share nucleotide agarose current is positive The gel. smaller as is the 2. This The is ladder fragments the means of that DNA) in a negative are are to than separated known size is from the the placed buffer due more both child and repeat. obtained placed move fragments of in height DNA fragments DNA is fragments same tandem products gel the compare the present sequences therefore of not at common The applied. pole band father a electrophoresis, (short an has and will the in an move the PCR a well larger placed in a of electric towards phosphate according reaction the groups. fragments, to their well in size. A order to sizes. 83 7 N U C L E OT I D E S (AHL) Sequencing Sanger is used determined nucleotides to determine the containing preparation of samples sequence the DNA nucleotide termination dideoxyribose for base to order. method, stop Frederick using DNA replication in sequencing. Stages 1–2: DNA strand chopped up, mixed with primer, bases, DNA polymerase + terminator bases A T C G T A G C A T G C C T A G T A C primer T Stage 3: Each time a terminator base is added a strand terminates until all possible chains produced T A G G A A A T T T T C C C C C C C C C C C G G G G G G G T T T T T T T T A A A A A A A A Stage 4: Readout from capillary tubes: DNA fragments separated by electrophasis in capillary tubes Fge 7 .1.3. Sequencing 7 . 2 T R A N S C R I P T I O N Y hd knw: ✔ ✔ gene expression bind to the specic is have an regulated impact of on by sequences a cell gene and proteins in in transcription DNA is copied of that ✔ explain gene ✔ explain the ✔ transcription occurs ✔ nucleosomes help expression and its regulation. an organism process nucleosome of transcription regulation of and the it. expression. information onto E X P R E S S I O N DNA. ✔ ✔ G E N E Y hd be abe : base environment A N D stored as a code in explain and post-transcriptional how they affect gene changes to RNA expression. mRNA. to in a 5′ to regulate 3′ ✔ explain alternative ✔ describe splicing. direction. transcription in the non-coding promoter as DNA with a an example of function. eukaryotes. ✔ ✔ eukaryotic cells modify mRNA after splicing of different 84 mRNA increases proteins an the organism number can changes patterns. transcription. ✔ analyse of produce. in the DNA methylation 7. 2 Gene expression information but can also regulators. cells, only insulin gene in is is the be the tRNA or Although some expressed modification is are only which gene RNAs genome of in the α that gene can product are act different of the RNA processing is gene the can and be made For This E x p r E ss ioN In Topic 2.7 you studied DNA all its example, is GE N E replication, transcription and expression in AND using proteins, same tissues. pancreas. expression is usually as organism in cells Gene a products an expressed regulated. initiation, of by These small the genes expression transcriptional process genes. trANs criptioN translation and Topic 7.1 looked at replication in more detail. because modulated by post-translational proteins. Eame 7 .2.1. Explain the control of gene expression in eukaryotes. Solution The mRNA conveys ribosomes, where expression transcribed in certain changes usually Most at and in thereby splicing. by expression. the The growing remains gene as enhance is the or for or the certain times which Such to such as DNA, can be mRNA appear to control DNA methylation that contain chemical are RNA polymerase. factors acetylation one is involves expression Some the may being determines positive or X negative environment of a cell expression. synthesis of are between the Gene of modification example not expression transcription. binding protein Introns at factors, transcription factors. mRNA, RNA polymerase adds the Gene differentiation decrease) transcription. Hormones bonds 5′ end broken, nucleus or binds the the separated first of the free The leaves via a to the of the the promoter nucleotides. to hydrogen mRNA. nuclear gene breaking RNA nucleotide temporary liberating step DNA at due complementary mRNA molecule. the of epigenetic gene RNA are in (or gene only the mRNA through therefore that Transcription access DNA strands hydrogen DNA and or the off, Cell DNA to production. expressed increase silencing. The two polymerase the can inherited, affect Transcription site. are from specific means tissues. expression. limit regulators. also genes of turned This post-transcriptional chromosome can are DNA methylation are polypeptide time. different prevent expression patterns information production genes one regulating regulated gene of gene may the some cells Nucleosomes gene any proteins, proteins guides requires transcription. regulated it genetic The of RNA the 3′ bonds end of between mRNA either pore. area of effect of RNA polymerase direction of U movement of A messenger G RNA leaving C G the nucleus having been A nuclear G spliced pore A nuclear envelope template strand of DNA Fge 7 .2.1. DNA transcription 85 7 N U C L E OT I D E S (AHL) Eame 7 .2.2. Which statement applies to transcription in eukaryote cells but It is now well known that not in prokaryote cells? there are epigenetic factors that can modify gene expression. A. Initiation of transcription requires a promoter sequence of DNA. There is mounting evidence that B. Uracil C. It replaces thymine in RNA. the environment can trigger heritable changes in epigenetic occurs in the nucleus and is followed by translation in the cell cytoplasm. factors. The nature versus nur ture debate concerning the relative D. RNA polymerase transcribes DNA to produce a strand of RNA. impor tance of an individual’s Solution innate qualities versus those The acquired through experience is still correct answer eukaryotes, under discussion. The promoter is the the into joining in a the of occurs do regulation join to enhance the occur. the the not outside of DNA usually not repressor can prokaryotes cannot mRNA will of activator NH as usually sequence RNA polymerase replication by C, essential non-transcribed If is translation have the gene found promoter Gene of In upstream on the other the nucleus. expression. expression promoter. binding a In nucleus. of be is the DNA, can It a gene. the inhibited occasions, an RNA polymerase to NH 2 2 the promoter, increasing gene expression. DNA CH 3 Methylation methyltransferase HN the addition of a methyl group (–CH ) to a 3 nucleotide, are O is HN N O areas a DNA in cytosine or close found to the in a CpG promoters island. where CpG there islands is a N cytosine nucleotide followed by a guanine nucleotide in a linear H H sequence Fge 7 .2.2. usually of the DNA methylation in the cytosines this affects of 5′ to 3′ these direction islands transcription (5′-C-phosphate-G-3′). are not methylated, but if Normally they are, inversely . Eame 7 .2.3. The of diagram shows homologous the methylation chromosomes in two pattern of the homozygote DNA promoters organisms. Organism 1 promoter exon CpG methylated CpG gene expression Organism 2 promoter exon no gene expression If the result A. second of The organism CpG gene were a heterozygote, what would be the methylation? would be expressed at the same level as in the first organism. B. There C. Only would half the be no gene gene expression, would be as in expressed, the second producing protein. D. 86 Only the methylated strand would be expressed. a organism. shorter 7. 3 t r A N s l At i o N Solution The correct answer unmethylated, this case strand is chromosome of eukaryotes as splicing, If is is is one as the a from can will of the same promoter of be gene the 3′ by as promoter to RNA. therefore Usually replication, In the only therefore one the change. post-transcription the used has transcribed transcribed. for not introns are be transcription, template mRNA suffers removal can inhibiting expression sequences chromosome strand methylated used the If polyadenylation alternative obtained not gene In Splicing A. that methylation that amount is then end and special proteins introns, (alternative modifications capping different of and the 5′ such end. enzymes. peptides can be splicing). star t codon DNA exon intron exon intron exon exon intron exon intron exon transcription 5' immature RNA 3' splicing 5 mature RNA only exons 3 translation Fge 7 .2.3. polypeptide NH Transcription and COOH 2 translation in protein synthesis 7 . 3 T R A N S L AT I O N ✔ the tertiary structure is the further folding of the Y hd knw: polypeptide ✔ information transferred from DNA to into an amino acid initiation of translation ✔ synthesis cycle ✔ of involves assembly of the quaternary of disassembly free bound for ✔ of of the can nuclear the by the one exists polypeptide a repeated in proteins with chain. Y hd be abe : follows ✔ explain translation. ✔ explain tRNA-activation phosphorylation proteins use occur for use ✔ describe ✔ explain in proteins primarily acids lysosomes. immediately prokaryotes and is due R after to the ✔ absence helices hydrogen of primary structure and beta bonding. the are by enzymes amino acid through binding. structure. is amino acids in the ✔ the describe how binding sheets of stabilized ✔ the and non-polar bonds identify describe can be quaternary of two group or to polysomes prokaryotes formation pleated polar to formed amino between groups. the structure. reason relevant prosthetic number the protein and cell. synthesize for in secondary alpha involves membrane. sequence polypeptide ✔ than process. components synthesize or transcription ✔ the ribosomes secretion a the polypeptide within translation of out translation. ribosomes primarily ✔ the carry structure the events. termination ✔ that between groups. more components interactions sequence. ✔ ✔ by mRNA is R translated stabilized and how used eukaryotic form in a may peptides or conjugated electron involve of a protein. micrographs of eukaryotes. molecular to structure more analyse ribosomes visualization the and structure a software of tRNA molecule. 87 7 N U C L E OT I D E S (AHL) Information amino In Topic 2.7 you studied DNA cycle replication, transcription and acid of transferred sequence. events. components translation. In Option B you can by study bioinformatics. energy . to that the a carry specific To begin small The large out in the subunit of the the the acid to of a involves Firstly the determined an involves tRNA, binds then a of tRNA is an repeated the activated enzyme using ATP mRNA molecule mRNA binding methionine ribosomes an into assembly A tRNA-activating translation, at translated polypeptide process. cytoplasm. subunit carrying of mRNA is translation process ribosomal tRNA molecule of amino the DNA to Synthesis Initiation phosphorylation attaches from site. at the start joins the small An for binds initiator codon (AUG). subunit. It has Answers should be written inside three sites, the A (aminoacyl) site, P (peptidyl) site and E (exit) site. The the answer box as continuations initiator tRNA is in the P site of the ribosome. The next codon signals below the box or to the side another tRNA to bind at the P and A site. A peptide bond is formed between may not be seen. If you need to the amino acids in the A sites. The ribosome translocates three continue the answer on another bases along the mRNA (in the E the 5′–3′ direction), moving the tRNA in sheet, then you should state this the P site to site. This tRNA is now free in the cytoplasm to be clearly where the answer in the activated again. The tRNA with the appropriate anticodon will bind box ends. Continuation answers to the next codon and occupy the vacant A site. This will continue till should be fully labelled, for a stop codon (UAG, UGA or UAA) is reached. The disassembly of the example, 2(a)(ii), not just (ii). components follows termination of translation. s AMplE stuDENt ANs WEr Outline the roles of the different binding sites for tRNA on ribosomes during translation. This answer Ribosomes 2 ▲ The student scores the tRNA P saying and and E that the binding third marks ribosome sites. are The for has in fourth the for P site. saying formed The that the between the A site the P and the start amino is bond acid polypeptide been E Another given binding for site mark including is where could that the During P site the to the marks: sites; site. A, P and T ranslation E. At any happens time, from an mRNA containing the amino corresponding to the start codon AUG arrives of the ribosome. Another tRNA with the amino corresponding to its anticodon mRNA along attaches at the A site. As to acid at acid the of moves the ribosome, the tRNA moves from the at site to the E site, leaving the ribosome. T he tRNA from the A have the site moves to the P site and a peptide bond forms between amino tRNA T he binding sites are present on the large subunits ribosome. ribosome. large ribosomal initiator subunit tRNA initiator tRNA 3 U A e M A U C G in the 5 3’ P site e M t E 3 5 start mRNA site codon binding small t A 3 5 88 5′ only is acids. exits bind binding translation, methionine, P site. can 3 4/4 codon, mark peptide the the have achieved that the to have A, second saying met-tRNA binds could marks 3′. for [4] ribosomal subunit of the 7. 3 Ribosomes proteins are that synthesize to the are site used proteins Translation due the can translation. primarily primarily occur absence of within for a nuclear ribosomes the secretion immediately of Free after cell or synthesize while for use t r A N s l At i o N bound in transcription ribosomes lysosomes. in prokaryotes membrane. Eame 7 .3.1. The diagram shows the structure of a The use of computers has polysome. enabled scientists to make advances in bioinformatics X applications such as locating genes within genomes and identifying conserved sequences. For example, scientists can diagnose diseases by comparing Y DNA sequences. Von Willebrand disease is the most common hereditary blood-clotting disorder in humans. It arises from a deficiency in a protein required for mRNA platelet adhesion during clotting, a) Identify X and Y . the von Willebrand factor. The gene for this factor is found on the shor t b) Indicate with an arrow the direction of the mRNA arm of chromosome 12 and has movement in this diagram. 52 exons. Patients whose DNA c) (i) State where polysomes can be found in eukaryotic cells. sequence for this clotting factor is different to the norm could (ii) Suggest a reason why the presence of polysomes enhances be liable to clotting problems translation. and suffer severe bleeding. A Solution simple genetic sequencing test a) X: polypeptide and Y: ribosome and a BL AST comparison enable b) Arrow shown from left to diagnosis of the disease before the right. symptoms occur. c) (i) Free in the cytoplasm or attached to rough endoplasmic reticulum. (ii) Many ribosomes to synthesize of a greater the can simultaneously same amount of protein. the This same read one allows protein in for a mRNA chain the formation shorter period of time. 89 7 N U C L E OT I D E S (AHL) Proteins can have different structures. Hemoglobin is a globular protein • The may e of proteins that has a quaternary structure. It is formed by four polypeptides that or polypeptides is the sequence have alpha helix secondary structures. The four prosthetic groups in and number of amino acids. hemoglobin are the same, one heme group joined to each polypeptide. • The enday e is the The heme group is a molecule containing iron, which oxidizes allowing formation of alpha helices and the transport of oxygen in red blood cells. beta pleated sheets stabilized by hydrogen bonding. • The e ay e is the fur ther folding of the polypeptide into globular or brous forms, stabilized by interactions between R groups. The bonds maintaining ter tiary structure are disulde bridges, hydrophobic interactions, electrostatic attractions and hydrogen bonds. • A qaenay e exists in proteins with more than one polypeptide chain. It can have Fge 7 .3.1. Quaternary structure of hemoglobin showing the four other molecules such as a polypeptides and four heme groups (red) prosthetic group. pae bem f t 7 pbem 1 a) () Explain the use of nucleotides containing dideoxyribose Describe the histone acetylation patterns of the twins. to stop DNA replication in the preparation of samples for () Explain how the acetylation of histones affects base sequencing. gene expression. pbem 2 b) () Suggest a reason for the differences in CpG Acetylation and methylation are epigenetic changes that methylation patterns between the twins. can occur in peptides. The epigenetic differences were recorded in twins at the ages of 4 years and 40 years. Explain how the methylation of DNA can affect gene expression. 70 % / noitalyhtem GpC % / senotsih fo noitalyteca 90 () 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 5.0 4.0 pbem 3 3.0 Explain how a DNA sequence can eventually determine 2.0 the primary structure of a protein. 1.0 0.0 4-year-old 40-year-old 4-year-old 40-year-old twins twins twins twins METABOLISM, CELL 8 RESPIRATION AND PHOTOSYNTHESIS (AHL) 8 . 1 M E TA B O L I S M Yu suld knw: ✔ metabolic the ✔ ✔ reactions are in response to ✔ explain how pathways consist enzyme-catalysed enzymes lower chemical reactions enzyme regulated needs. metabolic of ✔ cell’s Yu suld be able t: the inhibitors of chains and cycles ✔ explain reactions. activation that can they be metabolic product Enzymes energy of the ✔ describe catalyse. competitive or non- ✔ need and can be controlled by end- ✔ distinguish globular graphs proteins that lower the activation at threonine are rates of used and processes. inhibition anti-malarial plot pathways metabolic databases new experimental pathways metabolic in converts how calculate for work end-product that potential inhibition. are the pathway competitive. ✔ the enzymes of the to isoleucine. to search for drugs. reaction from raw results. different specied types of substrate inhibition from concentration. energy In Topic 2.5 you studied how of the chemical reactions they catalyse. Metabolic pathways are enzymes work . In Topic 2.7 and enzyme-mediated biochemical reactions that lead to the synthesis Topic 7 you studied DNA replication, or breakdown of natural substrates into products within a cell or transcription and translation that tissue. The glycolysis reactions in respiration and the Calvin cycle in lead to gene expression. photosynthesis are examples of metabolic pathways. Example 8.1.1. reaction without enzyme Explain how activation the active site of an enzyme helps to lower ygrene a) energy . Compare and contrast the primary and secondary without enzyme energy an with overall enzyme energy structure catalysed by of energy activation reaction b) activation enzyme. released enzyme during reaction Solution time a) The active site is formed by the amino acids responsible for the Fgure 8.1.1. catalytic activity of enzymes. It is an area of the protein Enzymes lower where activation energy the substrate The b) enzyme by bringing by straining Both the of sequence structure. beta It the and specific energy held The Where The acids by in in a the secondary no each for join in catabolic is substrate. the an help structure the These folding bonds, structure can it is is to occur reaction determine the are joined are be the number pattern which structure reaction anabolic or reaction. structures protein. hydrogen is to primary structure there for needed closer secondary protein. amino is is molecules secondary bonds. sheets. and substrates the the of The peptidic lowers the primary structure bonds. enters of by the weaker peptide primary than alpha-helices called loops. final and the or For questions that ask you to cmpare and cntrast, remember to include at least one difference and one similarity. 91 M E TA B O LI S M , 8 AND C E LL R E S P IR AT I O N P H OTO S Y N T H E S I S (AHL) Malaria to is a disease around 2 million parasites to drug caused deaths by per treatment the parasite year. Plasmodium, Increased requires the that resistance development of of leads malaria new therapies. Remember that questions are Plasmodium nucleic acid synthesis metabolic pathways are different often based on more than one from those of their human hosts. Thus, targeting these metabolic topic. This question is linked pathways provides a promising route for novel drug development. to Topic 7, so you can add Bioinformatic analysis has provided an improved route to inhibitor information from that topic too. design targeted synthesis to specific metabolism. enzymes, Scientists can including use those of experimental nucleic acid information as Developments in well as training artificial neural networks to predict the outcome of bioinformatics, such as the novel drugs on different targets. interrogation of databases, have Enzyme inhibitors can be competitive or non-competitive. Competitive facilitated research into metabolic inhibitors compete with the substrate for the active site. This means pathways. Databases such as that increasing the and eventually substrate concentration reduces the inhibition Kegg have curated most metabolic the reaction is similar to that without the inhibitor. pathways, the enzymes involved Conversely , non-competitive inhibitors bind to the enzyme in a and their inter-relationships. different place concentration from will the not active affect site, the so increasing inhibition. the Many substrate enzyme inhibitors • A rate f reactn is the speed at have been used been used to in medicine. For example, ethanol and fomepizole have which a chemical reaction takes act as competitive inhibitors for antifreeze poisoning. place. It can be measured according to the concentration (or amount) of product formed in a unit of time or S AMPLE STUDENT ANS WER as the concentration (or amount) of substrate that disappears in a unit of time. no inhibitor The graph shows the relationship between the etar noitcaer reaction rate and substrate • An nbtr is a molecule that binds to an enzyme, decreasing its concentration in the presence catalytic activity. and absence of a competitive with inhibitor inhibitor. • A cmpettve nbtr joins at the active site. Its binding is aected by a) Explain the eect of the substrate concentration the substrate concentration. competitive inhibitor on the • A nn-cmpettve nbtr reaction rate. [2] joins away from the active site. This answer could have achieved 0/2 marks: Its binding is not aected by the substrate concentration. T he means ▼ The student confuses rate of reaction and competitive should have competitive The active mentioned inhibitor rate site. similar as The shape certain point in the time the rate of the substrate reaction. T his concentration the presence it that slows competes competitor or of a competitive inhibitor will be higher than answer the the substrate concentration in the absence of the competitive the inhibitor reaction a increases substrate with concentration. that inhibitor for has composition at the same point in time. the a to the b) On the graph, sketch the relationship between the reaction rate substrate, binding to the enzyme in and substrate concentration in the presence of a non-competitive a reversible way . As the substrate inhibitor. concentration substrate than rate the binds as the the The active and with no the reaction maximum This site starting without with a lower at an rate plateau, same inhibitor rate of point but reaction have achieved 2/2 no then inhibitor as the with 92 a plateau at a lower non -compe titive inhibitor always and substrate making marks: the inhibitor. the could noitcaer one answer reaction ▲ The student drew the correct line, [2] more etar same to competitor increases. reaches increases, point. concentration 8. 2 Metabolic reactions Metabolic pathways reactions. reactions Because that Metabolic This they the This regulated consist enzymes catalyse, pathways means reaction. are can initial avoids be of response chains lower the and the reactions is excess the the cycles can by of cell’s occur by the R E S P i R AT i o N needs. enzyme-catalysed energy at a end-product inhibited of to activation controlled reaction an in C E LL of the higher chemical rate. inhibition. product of the final product. negative feedback end product E1 E2 Fgure 8.1.2. E3 E4 E5 Negative feedback by end-product inhibition Example 8.1.2. Explain how isoleucine controls its As own the reaction isoleucine production. allosteric takes increases. site of the place, the Isoleucine first concentration then enzyme in binds the to of the chain, Solution threonine The production of isoleucine is controlled deaminase. inhibition. It inhibits the converts threonine to isoleucine. series of five enzyme-catalysed therefore Isoleucine When the acts as a level of isoleucine non-competitive is low again, Through the a is pathway inhibitor. that enzyme by inhibited. end-product This reactions, enzyme will start breaking down threonine the again. amino acid threonine 8 . 2 is converted C E L L to isoleucine. R E S P I R AT I O N ✔ Yu suld knw: in the Krebs groups ✔ energy is converted to a usable form in is cycle, coupled the to oxidation the of reduction acetyl of hydrogen cell carriers, liberating carbon dioxide. respiration. ✔ ✔ cell respiration involves the oxidation energy to reduction of electron the phosphorylation of cristae of by oxidation the reactions mitochondria by is carried reduced carriers. NAD ✔ released and molecules makes them and FAD. less ✔ transfer of electrons between carriers in the stable. electron ✔ in glycolysis, in the glucose is converted to pyruvate cristae glycolysis the use of gives a small net gain of ATP without in aerobic an cell acetyl coenzyme respiration and oxidized, compound A to form pyruvate and acetyl is converted attached coenzyme to A the proton membrane of the pumping. link in chemiosmosis to protons generate diffuse through ATP ATP . oxygen is needed maintain the electrons from pathway , to bind hydrogen the end resulting in with ion of the the free gradient the electron formation protons and to to accept transport of water. in ✔ the to in oxygen. decarboxylated into coupled synthase ✔ ✔ is chain cytoplasm. ✔ ✔ transport the structure the functions of a mitochondrion is adapted to reaction. it performs. 93 M E TA B O LI S M , 8 AND C E LL R E S P IR AT I O N P H OTO S Y N T H E S I S (AHL) ✔ Yu suld be able t: analyse electron tomography images of active mitochondria. ✔ explain how energy is made available through ✔ respiration. analyse diagrams respiration ✔ outline the reactions in glycolysis, the and the Krebs explain the electron involvement ✔ explain of transport NAD and chemiosmosis synthase in the the pathways where of aerobic decarboxylation oxidation reactions occur. cycle. ✔ ✔ of deduce link and reaction to chain FAD and production the of in and annotate a how adapted diagram of a mitochondrion to show the it is to its function. respiration. function of ATP ATP . Cell respiration involves the oxidation and reduction of electron carriers. In Topic 2.8 you studied cell Oxidation and reduction are chemical processes that always occur together respiration and in Topic 1.2 the in what is called redox reactions. Oxidation is when electrons are lost from ultrastructure of cells, including a substance and reduction is when electrons are gained. Phosphorylation mitochondria, was covered. is the addition phosphate ion transferred transfer of of is are phosphate added part of hydrogen to a molecule, for to ADP to form ATP . hydrogen atom, a atoms in both so example, In this redox respiration when process, reactions and an inorganic electrons happen by photosynthesis. Example 8.2.1. Which A. of the following Production of processes includes oxidation? FADH 2 B. Production of NADH C. Production of ADP D. Production of from from acetyl NAD ATP CoA from pyruvate Solution The correct answer is D. In decarboxylated and and coenzyme In attached glycolysis, Glycolysis anaerobic lactate an a lactic the net reaction, converted A to form gain to of pyruvate the same name in be used produces When from ‘-ic the in a cytoplasm. of alcoholic acid. proton acid’ compound A. use carbon lactic is acetyl the without produces changes an coenzyme pyruvate can thing. pyruvate into acetyl ATP fermentation fermentation effectively acid link converted the Alcoholic while organic is small respiration are oxidized, glucose gives fermentation. alcohol, to the to is oxygen. or dioxide Lactic and acid given In lactic up and from ‘-ate’. Example 8.2.2. What is the total net number of ATP molecules produced during glycolysis? A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 4 Solution The net answer of amount is glucose produced As of C, there four to are is what two ATP glucose when two leaving a left at the molecules phosphate triose of is 6-phosphate triose molecules produced, 94 as net and is phosphate ATP . end are of the two in ATP molecules, two process. the two are into this used molecules The of correct phosphorylation molecules transformed Therefore, total of used are pyruvate. produces and ATP four a total are produced. 8. 2 After glycolysis, respiration into an pyruvate pyruvate acetyl coenzyme called the the citric of released mitochondria The acid reduction Energy reduced A in by the It link cycle), mitochondrion. and then the In oxidation carriers, and to the of is In oxidized, aerobic and coenzyme Krebs acetyl liberating reactions NAD FAD and attached reaction. oxidation reduced NAD is hydrogen by the decarboxylated compound. acetyl to is enters to the cell form (sometimes groups carbon carried R E S P i R AT i o N converted A to cycle C E LL is coupled dioxide. cristae of the FAD. (NADH and FADH , respectively) 2 produced in carried the to carriers is in linked chain pass glycolysis, cristae the to electron proton include the This the link to a reaction transport chain The complexes more liberates and mitochondria. pumping. protein electron reactions. of the in as the that will of membrane of the used of to are the electron acceptor be cycle electrons cytochromes. electronegative energy Krebs Transfer molecules such the cristae transport Each donor through build between up will redox a proton + (H the to ) gradient final bind acceptor with resulting Energy in the the can glucose, across be of the inner electrons free protons formation released amino acids in or of mitochondrial in to the membrane. transport maintain the chain. Oxygen Oxygen hydrogen ion is is needed gradient, water. the lipids mitochondrion and stored as from the breakdown of ATP . glucose 2 × ATP glycolysis alcoholic fermentation 2 × ethanol + 2 × CO 2 2 × pyruvate NADH lipids lactate fermentation 2 × lactate cytosol mitochondrion 2 × CO 2 β-oxidation 2 × acetyl CoA respiration n × acetyl CoA 2 × NADH 34–36 × ATP citric 6 × NADH electron transpor t chain 2 × ATP The chemiosmotic theory acid 2 × FADH led to a paradigm shift in the cycle O H 2 O field of bioenergetics. Peter 2 Mitchell’s chemiosmotic theory 4 × CO 2 encountered years of opposition Fgure 8.2.1. Summary of the processes producing energy in a cell before it was finally accepted. Previously it was believed that the proteins in the electron transpor t Chemiosmosis membrane, generate comes are from the they enzyme The of build up. enable ions protons energy to of membrane When the across diffuse they the come partially the the the mitochondria, ATP hydrogen permeable synthase ion transport of through the gradient chain. intermembrane back phosphorylation In through electron into a gradient. maintain reactions the of electrochemical when redox out they movement their occurs ATP . pumped where the down chemiosmosis to is Protons space ATP synthase chain flowed freely, but Mitchell showed they were found in the mitochondrial cristae and that the difference in pH required to drive phosphorylation of ATP is obtained thanks to the small gap between mitochondrial membranes. ATP . 95 M E TA B O LI S M , 8 AND C E LL R E S P IR AT I O N P H OTO S Y N T H E S I S (AHL) Example 8.2.3. • o xdatve psprylatn is the phosphorylation of ADP to ATP using What occurs during chemiosmosis in cell respiration? the oxidation of molecules such as reduced NAD (NADH) and reduced A. NADH and FADH provide energy through their phosphorylation. 2 FAD (FADH ). 2 B. Protons move to the intermembrane space along a concentration • The electrn transpr t can is gradient. the process by which electrons are passed from one carrier to another C. liberating energy that is used to ATP synthase transports protons to the matrix of the mitochondrion. transfer protons across the inner D. A six carbon molecule is broken down into a four carbon membrane from the matrix to the molecule. intermembrane space. • Cemsmss is the process Solution by which protons move across the The inner mitochondrial membrane, out down the concentration gradient, correct of build the up. answer is C. membrane When they In into chemiosmosis, the come protons intermembrane back to the are space matrix pumped where through the they ATP releasing the energy needed for the synthase enzyme they enable the phosphorylation of ATP . Answer enzyme ATP synthase to make ATP . A. is incorrect because NADH and FADH (which are reduced) 2 • The Krebs cycle is a series of become chemical reactions to reduce NAD B is oxidized incorrect to supply because the energy , not movement phosphorylated. to the Answer intermembrane space and FAD, by oxidation of two-carbon requires energy provided by the redox reactions in the electron acetyl groups. It occurs in the transport chain. Answer D relates to the Krebs cycle. matrix of the mitochondrion. The structure performs. reaction and oxidation) has a inner The area for pumping ATP has inorganic It ribosomes folds in synthesis and adapted cycle. is with membranes electron synthetase) is matrix many membrane are ATP mitochondrion Krebs outer cristae a mitochondrial and double and of The has the by also a the inner a site and small where transport of the functions enzymes oxidation DNA for gradient membrane chains particles as of give is it a where ATP ATP link (β synthesis. between can It the develop. large the synthase generate it the fats gap protons that this occur. that of for protein intermembrane chemiosmosis, stalked to contains surface proton (also from called ADP and phosphate. Portion of a mitochondrion Stereogram of the mitochondrion matrix outer membrane mitochondrial outer membrane inner membrane envelope inter-membranal space cristae inner membrane ATP synthase complex ATP synthase complex (stalked particle) enlarged view of this region but with only one ATP hydrogen atoms synthase complex shown ATP synthase complex (stalked particle) (from Krebs cycle) in detail head piece 2e 2H (site of catalysis and 2e ATP protons synthesis of ATP , facing + the matrix side of the H O 2H 2 stalked inner membrane) ADP+Pi par ticle 1 O stalk 2 2 ATP ADP + P base piece inner mitochondrial membrane (portion of ATP synthase complex embedded in the inter-membranal space phospholipid bilayer of the inner membrane) + Fgure 8.2.2. 96 outer mitochondrial membrane H The mitochondrion is adapted to its function 8. 3 P h oTo S Y N T h E S i S S AMPLE STUDENT ANS WER ▼ The answer mentions Mitochondria are thought to have evolved from prokaryotic cells. but not the that is too double it is vague. It membrane, needed for a Describe two adaptations of the mitochondrion, each related to its gradient function. of but answer could have achieved 0/2 not from membranes, energy to all supply processes the cell it is happen by itself . that could have achieved production ATP particles synthase that 1/2 answer this helps oxidative have two membranes phosphorylation and the which are electron needed space is ATP does in not the mention oxidative transport vital to the production of or the electron chain. for chain. ▼ The intermembrane has generate marks: transport T he It energy in. phosphorylation Mitochondria of ADP . ▼ The answer the Produces how This develop. marks: stalked T wo to [2] mentions This protons A TP the in answer building does up of not the mention proton gradient. these Also steps. the folded cristae increase surface area for the processes ▲ The of cellular respiration and A TP mark increased production. is scored surface area for for ATP synthesis. 8 . 3 P H O T O S Y N T H E S I S ✔ glycerate 3-phosphate is reduced to triose Yu suld knw: phosphate ✔ light energy is converted ✔ light-dependent into chemical take place in space of the light-independent reactions and ATP . triose phosphate produce is used to regenerate RuBP carbohydrates. thylakoids. ✔ ✔ NADP the and intermembrane reduced energy . ✔ reactions using take place in ribulose bisphosphate is reformed using ATP . the stroma. Yu suld be able t: ✔ reduced NADP and ATP are produced in the ✔ light-dependent ✔ absorption of light by photosystems diagrams adapted to photolysis of water generates electrons for the describe the light-dependent transfer carriers ✔ excited explain of in excited electrons thylakoid electrons contribute ATP to synthase occurs from photosystem generating in the a thylakoids proton excited electrons how ✔ describe II are involved to reduce in the in the light- photosynthesis. generating in the excited chloroplasts electrons. ✔ explain the process of photolysis. proton the in transfer of thylakoid excited electrons between membranes. gradient. generates explain how NADP and ATP are produced in ATP light-dependent reactions. gradient. from photosystem I are explain Calvin’s experiment to elucidate the used of RuBP . NADP . ✔ light-independent reactions a analyse the carboxylation of diagrams of the pathways carboxylase of catalyses of photosystems carboxylation ✔ is used ✔ ✔ chloroplast between the using a membranes. ✔ ✔ steps reactions lights, carriers to how reactions. absorb ✔ show use ✔ in to function. electrons. dependent ✔ its generates ✔ excited annotate reactions. photosynthesis to deduce where ribulose decarboxylation and oxidation reactions occur. bisphosphate. 97 M E TA B O LI S M , 8 AND C E LL R E S P IR AT I O N P H OTO S Y N T H E S I S (AHL) In the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis, the absorption of In Topic 2.9 you studied light by photosystems generates excited electrons. Photolysis of water photosynthesis. In Topic 4.2 you generates electrons for use in the light-dependent reactions. Reduced have seen how producers that NADP and ATP are produced in the light-dependent reactions. photosynthesize are the first step of energy flow in an ecosystem. In Topic 4.3 you studied carbon cycling. • Tylakds are membrane-bound • Ptsystems are proteins that compar tments inside chloroplasts, absorb light and transfer electrons. formed by a membrane surrounding a • Ptlyss is the breaking down of thylakoid space. They form stacks of water molecules by photons present disks called grana. in light. • A tylakd membrane is the site • Reduced NADP (NADPH) is the of light absorption and the electron molecule produced in the last step transpor t chain. of the electron transpor t chain. It • A tylakd space is the site of is used as reducing power for the photolysis and proton build-up. biosynthetic reactions in the Calvin cycle. 2e CYCLIC 5 PHOTOPHOSPHORYLATION electron 9 2e accepter 8 + 2 NADP 2H NADPH + + H 2ADP + NON-CYCLIC 2P PHOTOPHOSPHORYLATION to the light- electron independent carrier reaction 2ATP system + 2H 3 (protons) PHOTOSYSTEM increasing H O 2 energy P700 electrons 7 2e 4 6 Electrons PHOTOSYSTEM 2e P680 1 1 O 2 LIGHT LIGHT Fgure 8.3.1. 98 Light-dependent reactions in photosynthesis 2 level 8. 3 P h oTo S Y N T h E S i S S AMPLE STUDENT ANS WER The diagram represents a detail of the chloroplast showing light- dependent reactions linked to chemiosmosis. oxygen thylakoid membrane 1 O 2 2 + H 2 2H O 2e + ADP P 2e ATP synthase thylakoid space ATP electron + light carrier 2e 2H chlorophyll to the stroma light- independent stage + + NADP NADPH + H a) State the reaction occurring in the ATP synthase. This answer could have Phosphorylation of achieved ADP to 1/1 [1] marks: A TP . b) Using the diagram, suggest how the chloroplast is adapted to perform the light-independent process of photosynthesis. This T he answer could chloroplasts photosynthesis. the thylakoid provide a generates such as are allows the in the these to that electrons in 7/8 the area. embedded cytochrome of have surface Light-dependent space adapted T hey excited membrane achieved membrane large photosystems have inner into Absorption are take to process light to occurs membrane by one place in next the lost in and carriers membranes. be electrons of called grana carried thylakoid T he of thylakoid which reactions the membrane stacks proteins thylakoids. marks: perform the [8] to T he the other . intermembrane from photosystem ▲ This II get replaced by the oxidation of water , which is lysed into its protons and membrane the oxygen. causes thylakoid T he these electron protons membrane into transfer to the be in the actively thylakoid ow down their electrochemical pumped space. potential A TP synthase, creating A TP by the to in the process chloroplasts. reduce NADP independent of chemiosmosis. T he protons Excited electrons forming reactions in from NADPH the to stroma be of diffuses photosystem used the the perform ▼ Although to the score answer many was good marks, it has gradient phosphorylation Oxygen how to across of not just ADP explains adapted function. some through is thylakoid enough then answer chloroplast in the I out are faults. For oxidized protons example, and and it is not water lysed is into oxygen. of used light- chloroplast. 99 M E TA B O LI S M , 8 AND C E LL R E S P IR AT I O N P H OTO S Y N T H E S I S (AHL) The light-indepen den t rea ctions occ ur in th e st roma of the • The Calvn cycle is the chloroplast. A carbox y la se cata ly ses the c a r boxyl a t i on of r i bul ose light-independent stage of bisphosphate (5C s u g a r). In a carbox y l a t i on, c a r bon d i ox i de is photosynthesis consisting of added to the molecu le. T he 6C sug a r f orme d is brok en d own carbon xation, reduction reactions, into and ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate to (RuBP) regeneration. two triose 3C phospha te phosphate • Carbn fxatn is the molecu les . is used carbon dioxide to (3 C ) to usin g 3- phosp h at e redu c e d regenera te (3 C) NAD P ribu lose a nd is re du c e d ATP . bi sp hosph a t e Tr i os e an d produ c e addition carbohydrates of Glycera te usin g AT P . orga nic molecules. • Rbulse bspspate carbx ylase xdase (RubisCo) Example 8.3.1. is the enzyme that catalyses the incorporation of carbon dioxide. Scientists • The strma is a uid par t of the chloroplast and is the site of the Calvin cycle. wanted to of photosynthesis to normal carbon and very dioxide evaluate of the maidenhair cold effect tree of temperature (Ginkgo temperatures at biloba) different on the leaves, rate exposed atmospheric concentrations. 6 5 C and autoradiography enabled biochemical details of the Calvin 4 m lomorcim experiment used to work out the 2– carbon fixation. The lollipop s Calvin to elucidate the pathways of 1– / sisehtnysotohp fo etar 14 Sources of normal carbon dioxide elevated carbon dioxide 2 cycle shows considerable creativity. At the star t of the experiment, in the lollipop vessel, –20 –10 0 10 20 30 14 radioactive carbon dioxide with C temperature / °C was supplied to algae. Samples of the algae were removed at time a) Calculate the difference in rate of photosynthesis between intervals and carbon compounds normal and elevated carbon dioxide levels at 0°C. in the algae containing radioactive b) 14 (i) Outline the effect of temperature on rate of photosynthesis at C were recorded. different CO levels. 2 (ii) Suggest plant c) Suggest by cold how the change in photosynthetic rate will affect growth. which reactions of photosynthesis could be affected temperatures. Solution −2 a) b) 3.3−1.5 (i) At = 1.8 micromol 20°C, with m either −1 s normal or elevated CO levels, the 2 plants have the same rate of photosynthesis. As the Remember to write the units. temperature much rates (ii) The faster are as starch. the normal rate carbon decreases, dioxide but levels. it At decreases −10°C both 0. lower grow, decreases in the rate of photosynthesis photosynthesis This is used to produces produce the less glucose energy and the that for is plant will stored as structural growth. c) Temperature reactions bisphosphate affected. enzyme. 100 affects will In be en z y mes; a ffected. carbox y la se In th eref ore th e Cal vi n ox idas e, chemios mosis , ATP f or th e e n z yme - c a t al yse d c yc l e , r i bul ose e xamp le , s yn t h as e is the c oul d be a ff e c t e d 8. 3 P h oTo S Y N T h E S i S Example 8.3.2. Outline adaptations of the chloroplast to its function. Solution Adaptations • a • internal of double the chloroplast membrane are: enclosing and protecting the chloroplast Three answers from this list are thylakoid membranes exposing photosystems to expected in a three-mark question. capture • light presence of energy large amounts of light-absorbing pigments in the photosystems • internal hold • spaces small for • thylakoids the surface • fluid • ribosomes • DNA for to increase the surface area to thylakoid membranes to allow a build-up of chemiosmosis spaces established membranes carriers between protons • thylakoid electron inside with thylakoids, fewer stacked into grana area:volume stroma holding for protein the proton gradient is to save space while increasing ratio enzymes protein so protons for the Calvin cycle synthesis synthesis. Practce prblems fr Tpc 8 Prblem 1 a) Calculate the percentage difference in α-glucosidase The enzyme α-1,4-glucosidase catalyses the breakdown activity after 120 minutes in bacteria grown with only of maltose to two glucose molecules. Its activation by maltose compared with bacteria grown with a mixture maltose and inhibition by glucose was studied. The of both maltose and glucose. Show your working. activity of α-glucosidase was measured in bacteria which b) Analyse the effect of incubating the bacteria with were grown in a medium containing 2% maltose only, either maltose or glucose in terms of metabolic 2% glucose only or a mixture of 1.5% maltose and pathways. 0.5% glucose. c) Acarbose, an α-glucosidase inhibitor, competitively 2% maltose 2% glucose and reversibly inhibits α-glucosidase in the 1.5% maltose + 0.5% glucose intestines. Discuss whether acarbose may be used to 450 prevent the development of diabetic symptoms. nim lomorcim 1– 350 Prblem 2 300 Explain how the rate of reaction of an enzyme can be g 1– / ytivitca esadisoculg- a 400 250 controlled inside a cell. 200 Prblem 3 150 a) Outline the light-dependent reactions of 100 50 photosynthesis. 0 0 30 60 90 time / minutes 120 150 b) Explain the effect of light intensity and temperature on the rate of photosynthesis. 101 M E TA B O LI S M , 8 AND C E LL R E S P IR AT I O N P H OTO S Y N T H E S I S (AHL) Fomepizole acts to inhibit the breakdown of methanol into active toxic metabolites. It is a competitive inhibitor of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase found in the liver. This enzyme plays a key role in the metabolism of methanol. Patients who had accidentally ingested antifreeze 50 10 40 8 30 6 methanol 20 4 10 2 formic acid 0 were treated with fomepizole and their blood plasma 0 0 levels of methanol and formic acid with time. 40 60 80 time / hours methanol and formic acid levels were measured after several hours. The line graph shows the changes in 20 L lomm / level amsalp dica cimrof it down to formic acid, which is very toxic. ld gm / level amsalp lonahtem ingestion. Methanol is toxic because enzymes break 1– Fomepizole is a drug used to treat antifreeze (methanol) 1– Prblem 4 a) State the reason the breaking down of methanol is considered a metabolic pathway. b) Compare and contrast the trends in methanol and formic acid metabolism with time. c) Suggest whether the treatment with fomepizole is efficient for antifreeze intoxication. alcohol formaldehyde dehydrogenase dehydrogenase methanol in formaldehyde antifreeze 102 inhibition by metabolic acidosis fomepizole and tissue damage PLANT 9 9 . 1 T R A N S P O R T B I O LO GY I N T H E transpiration gas ✔ ✔ is exchange the in plants transport leaves to the of ✔ of explain vessels the from of water allow roots to ✔ the explain are transpiration. and the transport ✔ structure using lter the adhesive generate ✔ active property tension uptake absorption of of of forces water in mineral water by leaf ions and cell in ✔ evaporation the how the causes ✔ measure ✔ design ✔ stems polar deserts and transport pots of function are plants. in saline soils conservation. water transpiration in including and on xylem blotting capillary primary based experiments effect calculate stomata are of of apparatus, porous of xylem using or tubing. vessels microscope rates and the partial negative charge on to test temperature transpiration molecules P L A N T S in images. potometers. osmosis. the Water in water structure of and xylem plants for models sections roots the simple paper, draw walls. structure in adapted design under tension. ✔ how correlated from losses property xylem consequence leaf. water replace cohesive the inevitable the O F Y be abe t: Y k: ✔ X Y L E M (AHL) or humidity about on rates. stomatal from hypotheses apertures light and micrographs distribution or leaf of casts. the In Topic 2.2 you studied the oxygen atom in one water molecule attracts the hydrogen atom in proper ties of water and in Topics 2.9 another water molecule, causing cohesion. Water is also attracted to and 8.3 you studied the process of hydrophilic parts of the cell walls of xylem. This is adhesion. As a photosynthesis. result of the cohesion through the xylem Water transported is in between what in the is the molecules, called plant the water can transpiration through xylem be pulled up pull. vessels. It enters • Ce is the attraction through the root hair cells in the epidermis of the roots and reaches between water molecules due to the xylem in the vascular the centre bundles of till the it root. reaches It then the travels leaves, up where the it stem exits through their hydrogen bonds. by • Ae is the attraction of water transpiration as water vapour through the stomata. to other substances, for example the xylem walls. Exae 9.1.1. • Xye is the tissue that carries A student set up the following apparatus leafy shoot water from root to leaf. • A ec is the concave and measured the reser voir of water movement of syringe surface tension. cut end air–water surface of a liquid resulting from the meniscus of shoot along the scale in tap the rubber capillary calibrated air–water capillary tube meniscus tube. tube a) State this the name of apparatus. 3 scale calibrated in mm 103 9 PL A N T BI O LO G Y (AHL) b) Describe c) Explain affect d) the function how the Suggest changing results an humidity of of this the this this environmental temperature would experiment. experimental in apparatus. way to modify the environmental experiment. Solution a) Potometer. b) This in a apparatus twig. plants. water It The is is a used to model capillary reservoir is measure to measure tube used to the the rate rate of of water represents the top capillary up the uptake transpiration xylem vessels. tube to in The start a new measurement. c) If the and Use models as This representations of the real temperature water means move world—mechanisms involved in unit water transpor t in the xylem can the be investigated using apparatus at of a that faster time faster is vapour the the eliminated air–water pace. (for the increased, is The example stomata by meniscus distance therefore in the the moved minutes). movement, of transpiration The a be warmer rate. tube measured the the open faster capillary can increasing leaves at will in a temperature, rate of water 3 uptake and materials that show (measured increase similarities in structure to plant so tissues. Experiments using the the more rate water in of mm per minute). photosynthesis. will be taken up by Warmer This the temperatures process requires water, leaves. potometer have allowed scientists d) A way of increasing the atmospheric humidity is by placing to work out how different the apparatus under a bell jar or in a plastic bag. This will conditions affect transpiration maintain the water vapour eliminated by transpiration in rates. The introduction of image the environment. A method of decreasing the environmental processing software and digital humidity is using a fan. The fan blows away the transpired microscopes has fur ther increased water vapour, drying the environment. By placing a fan at the capacity to gather even more different distances from the potometer, one can model different data to ensure reliability. environmental Transpiration is humidities. the inevitable During photosynthesis oxygen is in the produced. leaf exchange, is the These epidermis water in gases called also consequence leaves, lost are stomata. by of carbon gas exchanged As the exchange dioxide in is in structures stomata the required open for leaf. and found gaseous transpiration. Exae 9.1.2. Design area in an experiment the lower and to compare upper the surfaces number of a of stomata per unit leaf. Solution A leaf cast leaf painted is Once a dry , slide (total area use to be can the is the seen field same This two off is or very with under is three the the done by by lower times with The the of easy in a of off of ruler cast nail is on The the It is deviation. plants surface stage. The needs stomata The such on field important of epidermis the varnish. per experiment number of placed stomata leaf. The the succulent surface counted. the mean standard peeling is times. the leaf number placing both The transparent upper surface and the simply particularly layers and magnification several varnish. microscope) calculated for nail easily . microscope calculated, be blossfeldiana. 104 the repeated area prepared with repeated also leaf. be peels image to unit it under of same can per experiment from the as Kalanchoe 9 .1 The light of leaf a micrograph surface of 1 shows mm TrAnspor T in ThE X YlEm of pl A n Ts part by There are different possible 1 mm. The number of stomata answers to this question. This is a 2 in this case would be 4 per mm . reasonable answer. Both must the upper be and lower investigated stomatal epidermis to compare distribution. In experimental design questions it is useful to sketch how you would perform the experiment. In this case it is complicated, but you could sketch what the results Evaporation of water in the mesophyll of the leaf creates a tension or would look like. negative pressure transpiration in the pull. vascular cellulose. allows water Xylem vessels to the to water into roots leaf causes up a to the cell not Plants walls in in the transport ions the collapse water force action force tension do pulling capillary suction of a through by replace transport from creates under and walls. xylem Active the drawn tension lignified the which the pulled resist in transpiration. be is of pressure and leaves Water bundle Low thickened potential, of to the xylem water the roots they from the pull. have the roots leaves enables to Cohesion transpiration from the adhesion xylem. because lost into out due called by osmosis of soil. Exae 9.1.3. The a) b) diagram Label the shows a vascular bundle in the stem of a plant. xylem. Structure Explain below and function adaptations of are correlated xylem vessels in the xylem to their of plants. function. Solution a) xylem b) Xylem after vessels the are other. lignified. This continuous These cells tubes have strengthens the of piled thickened walls, so cells walls that arranged that they can one become withstand You can sketch your answer in an low pressures without collapsing. The cells in xylem vessels die annotated diagram, but remember after some time, leaving only the walls of the non-living cells. This it must be very clear. provides that are the no cells larger water space for movement mitochondria also allow a disappear, substances to to water in these supply making pass in transport, a vessels energy . and out of must The continuous the and also be passive, divisions tube. determines as there between Small holes or pits vessels. 105 9 PL A N T BI O LO G Y (AHL) Plants that live xerophytes. of water or Deep night loss. of area rolled reduce of Stems are and high no also the reduce the usually as water root or systems or the hot reflect are xerophytes and instead of Hairs of of that have reduces reduce the to in leaf stomata are surface for at water amounts adapted have the pits open reduce large They structures chances stomata storing Plants the called surface on conditions, are leaves The halophytes. some leaf presence capable called increase the sunlight. daytime they are of evaporation. and photosynthetic. conditions conservation cuticle thorns stomata leaf during for waxy leaves Few will are to or thick, succulent salt adaptations The near than adapted wide-ranging leaves. flow rather in or Small leaves air water live deserts absorption. transpiration. surface in to similar removing salt. SAMPLE STUDENT ANSWER a) Outline the proper ties of water molecules that permit water to move upwards in plants. This ▼ Although score full the marks, answer it answer includes the xylem water vessel up in wall an of with If the water draw or water water vessel sap, up through cells, though, from them ▲ This if by can are only polar: molecules is already the water this allows for hydrogen bonding between water creating cohesion (when one molecule of water pulls adhesion cell water It cannot can walls has they are all pulled). Polarity also allows adhesion to xylem walls which enables the transpiration pull to work by draw of leaf been dragging water up in a continuous mass, hence the transport lost can be passive. This answer evaporation. answer scored adhesion to marks: lled one move of water could have achieved 1/2 marks: mark Water for 2/2 air-lled higher. the achieved water upwards, vessel. have a T hey draw could did misconception—adhesion to [2] evaporates from the surface of the leaf , creating negative allowing upwards. pressure. xylem Water to the ows leaves. under Water tension forms from cohesive the roots forces through with other water ▼ This answer is incomplete. It does not mention evaporates by that molecules water transpiration. It which not the mention polarity that of cohesion the water is and adhesive forces between water and xylem vessels does due enable them to move upwards. to allowing b) In hot, dry conditions plants lose water rapidly due to transpiration. for a hydrogen continuous bonding, water thus forming Explain how the structures and processes of the plant allow this water to column. be replaced. This • ▼ This answer does not score marks, as it does There is not no structure answer the explanation is adapted to [8] answer Mass could ow through of have achieved water allows 0/8 marks: plants to replace water being lost transpiration. question. of how the • T he xylem takes up water from the roots and takes it upwards function. to • the rest Cohesion taken • of allows plant. the water to stick to each other while being up. Adhesion This the answer allows could water have to stick achieved 4/8 to the walls of the xylem. marks: ▲ The marks are for less stomata in rolled absorb leaves and long water. A third roots mark Plants to was in hot, functions for stomata water loss. saying water 106 that loss open The the by at night fourth waxy to mark cuticle transpiration. dry places develop many structures and given to preser ve water . One structure is the presence reduce was for of rolled up leaves to prevent loss of water by way of the reduces stomata. Also, these plant leaves typically have less stomata 9.2 TrAnspor T in ThE p h lo E m of pl A n Ts ▼ The answer did not mention for this reason as well. T hese plants also have long roots in that the order to reach water and minerals that are below the evaporation pressure same T hese photosynthetic processes take advantage of night and by opening their stomata for transpiration during time potential the day it is cooler and there is no sun to water quickly. T hese plants also have a water loss by way of waxy transpiration. cuticle that to water or store water for long or T hese plants periods I N of time. T H E Y k: ✔ plants transport sources ✔ ✔ to organic compounds by of along pressure transport compounds is into a called The walls pulling molecules does to not of thickened to travel water and force bonds is in up xylem making cohesive xylem and walls. by collapse walls from replace P H LO E M from ✔ explain is incompressibility active force The the allowing roots osmosis) losses O F because by water (where to the it is leaves transpiration. P L A N TS Y be abe t: sinks. hydrostatic the also to T R A N S P O RT at pressure pull. cell hydrogen absorbed 9 . 2 a pulling adhesive xylem compartmentalize creates through stem also prevents lowers that evaporate due the water the the because of leaves transpiration drawn night in ground. water used to phloem allows transport ✔ explain gradients. load sieve to at the how ✔ explain ✔ identify structure their compounds organic tubes how related plants from water of phloem sieve tubes function. load and sources uptake in to transport organic sinks. plant tissues. the xylem and phloem in microscope source. images ✔ high concentrations of solutes in the phloem ✔ source raised of the Plants lead to water hydrostatic phloem transport to uptake pressure ow organic by causes towards stem and root. at ✔ the of analyse data phloem transport from experiments measuring osmosis. the contents radioactively rates labelled using carbon aphid stylets and dioxide. sinks. compounds from sources (photosynthetic You studied membrane transpor t tissues and storage organs) to sinks (roots and parts of the plant in Topic 1.4 and water transpor t in requiring energy). A concentration gradient of sucrose is required xylem in Topic 9.1. for transport compounds actively in the into phloem. phloem transported out Active sieve of transport tubes the at the companion is used source. cells to load organic Hydrogen using ATP . ions The are build- • ogac c are formed up of hydrogen ions makes them flow down a concentration gradient by carbon joined to atoms of back into the companion cells through a protein that co-transports other elements, most commonly sucrose into the cells. The incompressibility of water allows transport hydrogen, oxygen, or nitrogen. along hydrostatic in phloem pressure gradients. High concentrations of solutes • Tacat is the transpor t the at the source lead to water uptake by osmosis. Raised of organic compounds in plant hydrostatic pressure causes the contents of the phloem to flow phloem. It requires energy. towards sinks. • A ce is a par t of the plant where carbohydrates and amino acids are loaded into the phloem. • A k is where the carbohydrates and amino acids are unloaded to be used. 107 9 PL A N T 2 BI O LO G Y (AHL) Companion cell: sucrose loaded from mesophyll cell moves into Living cells of stem and root 7 sieve tube element along actively remove solutes for plasmodesmata. In some plants metabolic purposes and water these are modied companion xylem phloem sieve vessel tube element potential of sieve tube elements cells, transfer cells, with increased rises. companion cell surface area, which actively chloroplast transpor t sucrose into the sieve tube element. These cells contain a very large number of mitochondria. source eg, photosynthesing 3 Sieve tube element: loading of sucrose cell lowers the water potential in these cells. sucrose 1 Mesophyll cell in leaf synthesises organic sucrose made 4 solutes (sucrose) and ‘loads’ them into Water diuses by osmosis in cytoplasm phloem companion cell by active transpor t – from the xylem vessels down a water potential gradient into the phloem sieve this process requires ATP to pump protons water tubes. This raises the hydrostatic pressure from companion cell to mesophyll cell and companion cell then uses the proton gradient to ‘co-transpor t’ in the phloem. sucrose sucrose into the companion cell. vacuole 5 Sieve plates: the volume of the sieve tubes is limited by their cellulose cell walls so that the continuously increasing uid sink volume is reduced as solution eg, respiring cell (sucrose + water) is forced through the sieve plates. 6 Translocation of a solution of organic solutes water occurs from leaf phloem to stem phloem to root phloem along a gradient of hydrostatic nucleus starch pressure: mass ow grain 8 Water diuses by osmosis (ie down the water potential gradient) from the sieve tube elements. This water joins the water absorbed by root hairs and diuses into the xylem vessels. fge 9.2.1. Transpor t in plant cells Exae 9.2.1. In a dicotyledonous transported which I I B. II the the leaves products to the rest of of photosynthesis the plant are through tissues? Xylem A. from plant, vessels II Companion only cells C. only II D. I, III and II III and Sieve tube cells only III Solution The are correct companion The phloem tissue of living have and sieve no companion elements by in is the C, as although sieve tube most cells, of some the are carbohydrates transported in the cells. composed with 108 answer transported is composed tube nucleus. cells. of elements Sieve These cells plasmodesmata. sieve which tube are tubes. are Sieve cells elements connected tubes that are to are are no closely the sieve longer associated tube 9.2 Sieve tube elements concentration that maintain has been the sucroseand established by organic active TrAnspor T molecule transport. Companion in ThE p h lo E m of pl A n Ts longitudinal sieve plate with view pores cellulose cell wall cells are rich in mitochondria and have a large surface area of cell of companion cell membrane in the allow flow by to to support phloem. for of the sap The the cell active walls establishment in perforated the phloem. walls called of of transport the the sieve and elements necessary sieve plates, sucrose tube pressure Individual sieve of tube aid are to quick rigid achieve elements allowing transport are flow to nucleus of the companion cell separated from cytoplasm of companion cell cell cell. cellulose cell wall of sieve tube element cytoplasm of sieve tube element SAMPLE STUDENT ANSWER The image shows a severed aphid stylet embedded in plant tissue. a) Identify the tissue labelled II. [1] transverse This answer could have achieved 1/1 marks: lumen view cellulose cell wall sieve pore stylet sieve plate companion cell with nucleus sieve tube element I. cytoplasm fge 9.2.2. Structure of the sieve tubes II. b) Outline e piece of evidence that the tissue labelled I is phloem tissue. This [1] answer could have achieved 1/1 marks: ▲ T he stylet is located in the tissue labelled I and not in The tissue tissue labelled II. Aphid stylets only phloem sap; go into the phloem tissue food. been to obtain the content of therefore tissue I answer recognizes the the is phloem than are as the place Another that the it is answer closer xylem. smaller aphids than the could to Also go the that for have surface its xylem cells tissue tissue. and it has adjacent smaller to the companion larger sieve cells tube c) Explain how aphid stylets can be used to study the movement of cells. solutes in plant tissues. This answer Aphids could take up have [3] achieved solutes from 3/3 marks: the phloem of plant tissues using ▲ The marks, the stylet. As an aphid is taking up phloem sap, its stylet can answer but gained could mentioned that also if full have plants are grown 14 in be severed. Once this occurs, the phloem sap (which radioactive continues to ow out, and the closer the stylet was the the sink, the greater the ow. T he ow of phloem sap be for content and rate of transportation. It detected Stylets parts analysed can tissue for that transportation transports of solutes solutes in in phloem, ) which is 2 carbohydrates, labelled later in carbon the of the which inserted plant at phloem can different show be different analysed CO can sap. be into radioactively can to ( 2 incorporated solutes) CO contains is rates of movement. a plants. 109 9 PL A N T 9 . 3 BI O LO G Y (AHL) G R O W T H I N P L A N TS Y k: ✔ plants adapt their Y be abe t: growth to environmental ✔ conditions. ✔ undifferentiated allow ✔ mitosis and provide and cells indeterminate cell cells in the division of of plants plant hormones and ✔ identify ✔ design for in the shoot extension apex of the using stem gels undifferentiated meristems tissue and from growth control growth in the shoot rapid of uses of bulking virus-free shoots respond to the environment auxin efux gradients ✔ auxin the of pumps auxin inuences pattern of can in cell gene used for plant micrographs. the experiments shoot apex, of plants nutrient agar set plant up micropropagation up of of new of varieties, existing orchids such and as production varieties other rare and species. by tropisms. ✔ are hormones. strains propagation plant in micropropagation explain apex. ✔ cells micropropagation. leaves. ✔ ✔ how growth growth. needed development meristems explain concentration ✔ explain ✔ design the action of experiments auxin to in show plants. tropisms. tissue. growth rates by changing expression. Plants adapt their growth to environmental conditions. Plant cells In Topic 3.5 you studied genetic have the ability to generate a whole plant; this means their cells are modification and biotechnology in totipotent. Plants grow mainly cells indeterminate at meristems where undifferentiated plants. allow final cell size or fixed division in number the shoot growth; of this parts apex means such provide as that there branches. cells needed is no Mitosis for fixed and extension • Tttet ce are able to develop into any dierentiated cell of the organism. of the stem and development micropropagation, production of which virus-free is of leaves. used strains for of Meristems rapid existing can bulking varieties up be of and used new for varieties, propagation • mete are totipotent orchids and other rare species. undierentiated dividing cells located at the tips of a plant’s SAMPLE STUDENT ANSWER shoots and at the ends of its roots. Achieving successful rooting of cuttings is difficult in some shrub • A x are plant hormones with species. An experiment was under taken to determine whether juvenile impor tant roles in the coordination shoots of trees root more successfully than mature shoots. of many growth processes. 100 • mcagat is the using small pieces of plant tissue. It is done in sterile conditions in vitro using agar gel containing nutrients and hormones. 90 % / sseccus gnitoor multiplication of a selected plant 80 70 Key: 60 mature shoots (M) 50 40 juvenile shoots (J) 30 20 10 0 M J C. japonica M J P . nigra M J M P . alba J S. caprea M J S. babilonica a) Distinguish between the rooting success of the juvenile shoots and Remember to use a comparative that of the mature shoots. [1] word in a “distinguish” question. This answer could have achieved 1/1 marks: An answer saying that juvenile shoots have a high rooting Overall the juvenile mature shoots. success would not have scored a mark . 110 shoots had greater rooting success than the of 9.3 ▲ The b) Suggest e reason for the dierences in rooting success in the juvenile shoots and the mature shoots. [1] answer understanding tissues. This answer Juvenile could shoots have achieved contain 1/1 more Gr o w T h in pl A n Ts shows of A more undifferentiated correct answer marks: undifferentiated cells in would have been shoots have a that faster juvenile response to the auxin. meristems, allowing for more successful rooting. c) Outline e variable that would need to be controlled in this ▼ Leaf experiment. This [1] answer could have achieved 0/1 area, of cutting in all groups. moisture amounts of hormones mass be Light, and kept length similar temperature, marks: nutrients, Equal size, should should be maintained rooting should mixture be the or same for all because plants. hormones can impact the development and growth of shoots. ▼ Auxin has an effect on rate ) Auxin is a hormone that can be applied to improve the percentage of mitosis. of gene It changes the pattern success of rooting in those study plants with poor rooting success. Explain the eects of auxin on plant cells. expression, transcription This answer could have achieved 1/3 Auxin marks: also auxin is a hormone produced by the meristem. cell wall, proton • auxin • plant promotes fruit and seed development in have auxin receptors on their can bind and either inhibit or membrane promote to which walls, cell growth. hormones control growth in the shoot apex. 3-acetic acid (IAA), are involved in plant shoots respond to the environment by can set phototropism up influences and concentration cell zone of cell growth negative gradients Auxins, growth tropisms. rates by gravitropism. of auxin changing in the pattern the of cross-links auxin in wall cell plasticity . concentrations effects in different have parts of especially Shoots answer for the scored last the point, that auxin have efflux tissue. of bres cell behaviours. Auxin plant of and activity breaks cellulose increases positive pH plant. mark Plant It increasing ▲ The indole increasing different the Plant genes. the plants. Varying auxin some environment pumps. between cells of changes extracellular • promoting [3] cell growth. pumps Auxin gene expression. auxins synthesized in meristem cells division auxins diuse away from tip auxins bind to receptor sites vacuoles form and low pH develops zone of cell elongation low pH of cell walls keeps them exible allowing cells to expand as they absorb water. Vacuoles get bigger and cell walls stretch large central vacuole formed. Auxins destroyed by enzymes. Cell walls become rigid. No futher cell elongation is possible zone of cell dierentiation fge 9.3.1. The effect of auxin on apical shoot growth 111 9 PL A N T BI O LO G Y (AHL) Improvements in analytical Exae 9.3.1. techniques allowing the The brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens) is a destructive detection of trace amounts of piercing-sucking insect pest of rice (JA) plays (Oryza sativa). The plant substances has led to advances in hormone jasmonic acid an important role in plant– the understanding of plant pest interactions. JA induces the rice gene JAmyb that encodes a hormones and their effect on gene transcription factor necessary for plant defence. Total RNAs were expression. The demand for isolated from rice seedlings following infestation with different increased crop productivity and numbers of brown planthoppers. The levels of expression of mRNA the predicted challenges related to of JAmyb in rice seedlings were determined at different numbers of plant survival under adverse infesting insects per plant. Ribosomic RNA is a housekeeping gene; environmental conditions have it is always expressed, therefore it is used as a control. renewed the interest in research in root biology. Research in the areas of hormone signalling, understanding metabolism involved in hormone action and the transpor t of plant hormones can be used for investigating the impact of abiotic stress factors on molecular mechanisms. a) Describe the production effect of b) Suggest one c) Suggest whether is involved infestation of reason in by the JAmyb number data planthoppers RNA is supports defence affecting of on the rice. ribosomic the the in of gene rice used the as a control. hypothesis plants expression in a of that JA planthopper JAmyb. Solution a) The of greater JAmyb constant b) c) The amount till of a be good correctly of JAmyb in infestation the effect modified rice of the instead the JA on data the one a numbers to of to this the add of the sure that number give that the any JAmyb. different brown is the amount maintained the RNA has control). conclude really it gel). supporting not greater where make with could (thus does in 45 positive expression experiment of is increases therefore to precise control (it planthoppers, response planthoppers, approximately cannot RNA is extracted Nevertheless, 112 number (values Ribosomic been the produced of it is infesting expressed hypothesis). information One could JA concentrations planthoppers. on have to 9.4 9 . 4 R E P R O D U CT I O N I N reproduction by ✔ the biotic owering in ✔ the the switch ✔ of success most and abiotic to is ✔ inuenced in gene plant is dark relationships a ✔ expression response periods reproduction fertilization owering distinguish plants with and use in to many depends seed the seed design day and pl A n Ts P L A N TS and environments. change owering light in a plants apex. pollination, ✔ owering involves shoot length in in Y be abe t: Y k: ✔ rEproduCTion between pollination, fertilization dispersal. experimental plants to ower ✔ draw the internal ✔ draw half-views ✔ design experiments factors affecting methods out of to induce short- season. structure of seeds. plants. of animal-pollinated owers. on to test hypotheses about dispersal. germination. mutualistic pollinators in sexual reproduction. stigma Flowering plants reproduce style anther by sexual reproduction. carpel stamen The lament flowers are the ovary reproductive ovule structures apical the meristem gametes. ovules Male in produced are that found or in the shoot contain Female gametes the by gametes the pollen or ovary . are found anther. petal sepal In Topic 1.6 you have seen cell division. fge 9.4.1. Flowering shoot involves apex. In a many change plants, in the gene expression switch to in Half-view of an animal-pollinated flower the flowering is a R response plants (Pr) to that or the affects far-red mainly red is length the Pr the inactive light (not activated light and phytochromes. (Pfr) light of to far Pfr. dark periods Phytochromes photoreceptors. red), At therefore night, Pfr in are Sunlight during slowly many FR red contains the Pr Pfr inactive form active form day , returns to fge 9.4.2. Pr transcription inhibits this form. of In genes long-day for plants flowering, Pfr while promotes in Phytochromes the short-day plants Pfr • lg-ay at ower with shor t transcription. nights (summer). Success in plant reproduction depends on pollination, fertilization and • s t-ay at ower only if seed dispersal. Most flowering plants use mutualistic relationships with nights are long (autumn). pollinators for sexual reproduction. • pytce are pigments that absorb light and can detect the length of night. 113 9 PL A N T BI O LO G Y (AHL) As Ex ternal structure the with seed germinates, positive the gravitropism radicle emerges (geotropism). from The the shoot testa (plumule) seed coat grows from the cotyledon. (testa) scar where seed Exae 9.4.1. was attached to the ovary What does a long-day A. Days with a lot of B. Long dark nights C. Days D. Long plant require to flower? sunlight Internal structure embryo shoot with more days and light long hours than dark hours nights (plumule) Solution Although embryo root they are called long-day plants, what they cotyledon– (radicle) really require are short nights to avoid too much Pfr one of two changing in the seed back to Pr, therefore the correct answer is C. seed coat fge 9.4.3. Internal structure of a seed Exae 9.4.2. A series of experiments (Xanthium for in • pat is the transfer of pollen from the anther to the germination. a jar and pressure of the was pennsylvanicum) was at Each of subjected recorded shoot lot below with determine seeds to room the conducted to was certain put the on for seeds of conditions wet conditions temperature cotyledon the 10 (hypocotyl), of cocklebur necessary absorbent cotton atmospheric days. The followed elongation by the stigma. geotropic response, was used as a criterion of germination. • fe tzat is the union of the Ja Atec o x yge Teeate Geate Aveage egt ee / ee / age / °C ee / % ycty female and male gametes. • see ea is the transpor t / of the seed away from the parent A 99 20 19–22 75 15 B 90 19 21–22 80 23 11 plant. C 72 15 20–28 45 D 72 15 20–22 30 6 E 28 6 21–24 0 0 a) State the jar with the best conditions for germination in this Paradigm shift—more than experiment. 85% of the world’s 250,000 species of flowering plant depend b) on pollinators for reproduction. The Describe shoot the effect of oxygen pressure on germination and elongation. University of Göttingen, in c) Suggest with effect temperature a reason which jars could be used to see the Germany, found that 87 of 115 of of on germination. the leading global crop plants depend to some degree upon d) animal pollination, including bees. Evaluate the experimental to the results obtain design that allowed the researcher shown. This knowledge has led to Solution protecting entire ecosystems a) Jar B. rather than individual species. The European Commission (EC) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have prohibited the use of cer tain neonicotinoid pesticides when bees are present. 114 b) The lower the pressure, lower the pressure, 6 the seeds mm did the not the lower shorter the the germinate. germination hypocotyl. At rate. The pressures of 9.4 c) All temperatures temperature. as the rest changes. a higher of In d) The the C been condition atmospheric oxygen not the design are have is difficult could the be has been and a the jars of flaws. each jar. at temperature Temperature wide C pl A n Ts of and D, reached higher greater. There should environmental time, kept a effect in temperature and was was One a the range there elongation many a see are wider changed through to used same—only temperatures changed. varied it had shoot replications pressure pressure constant, higher and should so that temperature At rate many ones conditions experimental have similar, only the value. germination are The rEproduCTion for fixed should example, and have then been the the kept range. pactce be Tc 9 pbe 1 pbe 2 The drawing shows the rolled leaf of marram grass In an experiment, the pressure inside the xylem and the (Ammophila arenaria). rate of water flow were measured at different times of the day in common oak trees (Quercus robur). The graph shows the results obtained during one day. 8 0.0 7 pressure 6 –1.0 rate of potential water flow 5 inside in xylem / xylem / 4 –2.0 3 mm MPa per 3 minute 2 –3.0 1 0 –4.0 Explain how the marram grass is adapted to live in a dry 00.00 12.00 00.00 environment. time of day a) State the rate of water flow in the xylem at noon (12.00). b) Calculate the change in pressure potential in the xylem from midnight (00.00) to noon (12.00). c) Explain the changes in water flow at different times of the day. ) Suggest a reason for the change in water pressure in the xylem. 115 9 PL A N T BI O LO G Y (AHL) pbe 3 pbe 5 Compare and contrast the structure of xylem and In a study, the percentage of insect visitors to flowers phloem vessels. and the crop yields were recorded across small and large farms in different continents over 5 years. The pbe 4 percentage of flower visitors was calculated as the In three experiments, seedlings were kept in the dark number of bees visiting 100 flowers in determined for two days and then two shoots were cut and placed quadrats. on a gel for a few hours. One shoot was kept intact and 100 the other was split in half. The concentration of auxin 90 −1 in the gel was measured in nmol g fresh weight in all 80 Experiment 1: Seedlings kept in the dark and the auxin concentration measured. intact split shoot shoot % / dleiy porc three experiments. 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ower visitors / % a) State the crop yield at 3% flower visitors. −1 25.5 24.1 auxin concentration / nmol g b) Experiment 2: The measurement was repeated after the () Describe the effect of flower visitors on crop yield. shoots were exposed to unilateral light (shown with an () Suggest e reason for the results obtained arrow). in (i). −1 26.2 23.4 auxin concentration / nmol g Experiment 3: The gel itself was cut in half and the concentrations on the left and right sides of the gel were recorded after unilateral light exposure. −1 auxin concentration / nmol g 31.0 12.5 23.0 24.7 a) Calculate the concentration difference between the left and the right sides of the gel in the intact shoot and in the split shoot in experiment 3. b) Compare and contrast the results for intact and split shoots on the concentration of auxin measured in experiments 1 and 2. c) Explain the results obtained in experiment 3. ) In reality, the intact shoot in experiment 3 will look different to how it is shown here. Draw the resulting shape of this shoot. 116 9 G E N ET I C S 10 1 0 . 1 EV O LU T I O N meiosis leads to chromosomes alleles ✔ (AHL) M E I O S I S Yu huld knw: ✔ AND in independent and a daughter chromosomes unique assortment composition of ✔ sister ✔ independent random of in interphase separate assortment orientation chromosomes cells. replicate chromatids in of in of genes pairs meiosis meiosis of is II. due to the homologous I. before Yu huld be able t: meiosis. ✔ crossing between ✔ crossing alleles ✔ over over on the chiasmata exchange produces new chromosomes can of result in an gametes chromatids. the haploid of describe ✔ explain ✔ draw the separate of in haploid the processes in meiosis. consequences diagrams crossing cells. non-sister exchange with ✔ DNA material combinations between chromosomes produces of homologous formation homologous Meiosis the non-sister chromatids ✔ is ✔ explain ✔ analyse to show of crossing chiasmata over. formed by over. the outcome of meiosis. alleles. meiosis cells. micrographs to identify cells in meiosis. I. Gametes are haploid In Topic 1.6 you studied cell so that the chromosome number after fertilization is diploid. Meiosis division and in Topic 3.3 you looked occurs in two divisions, meiosis I and meiosis II. Chromosomes at meiosis. In Topic 11.4 you will replicate in interphase before meiosis. In meiosis I the number of study sexual reproduction. chromosomes to each pole chromatids The total is halved and of the each outcome chromosomes of as cells the homologous divide into chromosome is the four are different parent two. chromosomes In meiosis separated cells with into half II the two the migrate sister new cells. number of cell. Example 10.1.1. In which stage of meiosis is the number of chromosomes halved? A. Prophase I B. Anaphase I C. Metaphase II D. T elophase II Solution The correct migrates number to of answer the is B as opposite one pole, chromosomes in from each making telophase pair two of cells chromosomes with half the I. 117 10 GE N E T I CS AND E VOLUTION (AHL) Meiosis I Interphase Immediately before meiosis DNA nuclear envelope replicates so that the cell now contains four rather than the original two copies Meiosis II spindle bres of each chromatid Prophase II centrioles moving re-forming at right Where the nuclear envelope has to opposite ends Prophase I angles to previous re-formed, it breaks down again. of the cell he chromosomes shor ten and fatten and spindle axis come together in their homologous pairs The nucleolus disappears, the point of chromosomes shor ten and crossing over to form a bivalent he chromatids wrap thicken and the spindle re-forms. around one another and attach at points centrioles chromosomes called chiasmata he chromosomes may replicate and seen to comprise two chromatids brea at these points and swap similar sections of chromatids with one another move to poles Nuclear envelope chromosomes disintegrating in a process called crossing over inally Metaphase II lying on the the nucleolus disappears and the nuclear spindle The chromosomes arrange equator of envelope disintegrates bres themselves on the equator the cell Metaphase I of each cell. equator entromeres attach to the spindle and the bivalents arrange themselves randomly on centriole the equator of the cell with each of a pair of homologous chromosomes facing opposite piece of sister poles chromatid chromatid Anaphase I moving towards Anaphase II exchanged the pole during ne of each pair of homologous chromosomes The centromeres divide and the crossover in prophase 1 is pulled by spindle bres to opposite poles chromatids are pulled to opposite poles by the spindle bres. one of the Telophase I homologous icrotubules pull two sides of the cell surface chromosomes membrane together so that the cell becomes narrower towards its par ts of the being pulled centre until the opposite Telophase II to a pole The tetrad of four cells is formed. membrane fuse to give two ach cell has the haploid number nuclear envelope separate cells In most animal cells a nuclear re-forming of chromosomes. rossing over envelope re-forms around the chromosomes during prophase has produced at each pole but in most plant cells there is genetic variety which, in this cell divided by no telophase I and the cell goes directly into constriction example, has given four cells metaphase II Fgure 10.1.1. of dierent genetic composition. Stages in meiosis • Hmlgu chrmme are non-sister chromatids of homologous one set of maternal and one set of pairs. paternal chromosomes that have the • The chama is the point where same genes in the same loci. They genetic material is exchanged in pair up during meiosis. crossing over. • Crng ver is the process in which DNA is exchanged between Meiosis a gene same gene, but can be a dierent allele leads to chromosomes in AND fo edam emosomorhc a I. daughter It is sister the cells. to cells. the of chromosome from father from mother Fgure 10.1.2. 118 A homologous pair of chromosomes assortment composition over occurs DNA material chromatids, on the orientation meiosis I. of in prophase between producing pairs of non- new assortment of of alleles chromosomes independent random in of alleles The chromosomes chromosome unique Crossing homologous haploid independent a exchange combinations due an and of of the genes is homologous 10 . 1 MEiosis Example 10.1.2. The diagram shows chromosomes of a six diploid A cell in early (although metaphase not shown F I as bivalents). B Which of is one pair E homologous chromosomes? D A. B. A and B A and C. B, D. D, C C E There and is F no pair of homologous chromosomes. Solution The homologous pair correct answer centromere in length. incorrect, same, C is they the is are B. same not a The homologous place as chromosomes and the chromatids although the chromosomes pair—there are four not two are of all have the the same look the chromosomes. Example 10.1.3. The light a thin through lily an (Lilium The is a) b section anther sp.), cells B Y of a showing Z pollen a crossing over micrograph X shows A recombinants dividing. magnification A A a a B b B b ×70. Identify meiosis and the for stage cells of X, Y Z. gametes b) Explain the reason why cells in the anthers of Lilium must Fgure 10.1.3. undergo Formation of meiosis. recombinants Solution a) X: prophase I; Y: telophase II; Z: telophase Careful observation and I. record keeping revealed b) Cells in the anther of Lilium must undergo meiosis because they anomalous data that Mendel’s law will form the pollen which will fertilize the egg cell in the ovary of independent assor tment could of the plant. The number of chromosomes must, therefore, be not account for. Thomas Hunt reduced to half. This occurs by the migration of homologous Morgan developed the notion of chromosomes during anaphase I to opposite poles and the linked genes to account for these separation into two cells in telophase I, forming haploid cells. anomalies. Crossing over is the exchange of DNA material between non- 10 µm sister homologous single sister strand in an break chromatids chiasma) chromatids formation exchange of (SSB) of in occurring the DNA is homologous between alleles. cut prophase between chromosomes. non-sister This a during of alleles can can A non- Chiasmata chromatids exchange the I. (or result produce recombinants. Crossing over chromosomes produces of the new haploid combinations cells. of alleles on the Fgure 10.1.4. Micrograph image of crossing over during meiosis 119 10 GE N E T I CS AND E VOLUTION (AHL) When with four crossing strange over shapes chromatids) chromatids occurs, pull or called homologous tetrads bivalents away from (named (named each chromosomes after after other but the two are form presence structures of chromosomes). held together at The the chiasmata. s AMPLE sTUDENT ANs WER The diagram shows the changes in the amount of DNA per cell in the anther of a plant. AND fo tnuoma C D a) State the process occurring at A . This answer DNA could have achieved [1] 1/1 marks: replication. b) Explain the reason the mass of DNA decreases at B. This At ▲ The answer process and identies stages of answer B each the the could cell is have achieved going chromosome 2/2 through have [2] marks: mitosis. migrated to the T he sister opposite chromatids pole in of anaphase, DNA in telophase the nuclear membrane reappears and the cell has reduction. divided into two cells in cytokinesis. c) Suggest what is happening at C. This At answer C the DNA could process decreases chromosome producing ▲ This answer is II, each two sister opposite form cells of in pole to meiosis half in to half is a anaphase the compared II. In with In each II, the pole the ▼ Replication gradually (as makes shown answer could DNA in A). Here the Replication. amount once. 120 of DNA is Fertilization doubled is all at occurring. have new in the 0/1 amount each cell four of homologous anaphase number I, of division, in migrates nuclear cells chromosomes original achieved as second are and meiosis to the membranes formed. 1/4 the T hese amount cell. d) State the name of the process occurring at D. This T he chromosome and of I, half cytokinesis number with meiosis different cells of marks: occurring. cytokinesis. chromatid in 2/2 during different telophase have DNA of achieved migrates chromosomes complete. have [2] marks: [1] 10 . 2 1 0 . 2 I N H E R I TA N C E Yu huld knw: ✔ gene i N H E R i TA N C E loci are said Yu huld be able t: to be linked if on the same ✔ construct ✔ describe Punnett squares for dihybrid traits. chromosome. ✔ unlinked result of genes segregate independently as a ratios in variation the to can be phenotypes show discrete or continuous. of polygenic continuous Chi-squared whether and an the characteristics non-Mendelian tests expected statistically are used to ✔ ratio of involving genotypic offspring unlinked of and dihybrid autosomal genes. identify recombinants in crosses involving two genes. determine between frequency predicted tend variation. difference the phenotypic linked ✔ of Drosophila. calculate crosses ✔ discovery meiosis. ✔ ✔ Morgan’s an observed distribution ✔ deduce is from results dihybrid of a chi-squared test on data crosses. signicant. ✔ explain height how may polygenic also be traits such inuenced by as human environmental factors. Genes may be linked or unlinked and are inherited accordingly . Gene In Topic 3.4 you studied loci are said to be linked if they are on the same chromosome. Unlinked inheritance. genes segregate autosomal or located the Alleles AaBb. show on are In independently sex-linked; X usually as as a result sex-linked of meiosis. inheritance Linkage the genes can are be usually chromosome. shown representing them in vertical side crosses pairs, by side in involving for dihybrid linkage, it crosses, is for more example, common to example: The lines symbolize chromosomes A B in the notation used for linked genes. a b • Lnked gene are those on the Example 10.2.1. same chromosome. The sketch shows two pairs of human chromosomes, 1 and 12. On • A mnhybrd cr is a genetic chromosome 1, the gene for CHD5 is represented by the alleles R cross involving one gene locus. and r, and the gene for CLIC4 by S and s. On chromosome 12, the • A dhybrd cr is a genetic cross gene for ZNF26 is represented by T and t. involving two gene loci. r • A ch-quared tet is a statistical test to determine whether the S S s s dierence between an observed and an expected frequency T T t t distribution is signicant. chromosome 1 a) State two b) Suggest genes with combination chromosome c) Draw the chromosome 2 a of that are reason alleles linked. the R process and r on that the resulted in homologous this pair of 1. possible chromosomes genotypes using a of Punnett gametes formed with these square. 121 10 GE N E T I CS AND E VOLUTION (AHL) Solution a) The linked answer is genes CHD5 chromosome b) The alleles sister case on chromosome chromatids on the same CLIC4 (R chromosome, and S), as they therefore are the on 1. one chromatid through are and the formed process was of chromosome is the by of should crossing exchanged be replication with homologous over, the r the of the of same, the R one as other. from of the one In this one non-sister pair. c) Rs rs R r T RST rST RsT rsT t RSt rSt Rst rst A dihybrid two Data tests and cross different from are an is a genetic cross involving two gene loci, each with alleles. dihybrid used to crosses determine expected can be tested whether frequency the distribution with a chi-squared difference is between statistically test. an These observed significant. Example 10.2.2. The can seeds have over a wrinkled between two offspring a) of plant yellow (G) and or be round-shaped green yellow plants were can with is dominant round round and yellow 284 round and green 322 wrinkled and yellow 109 wrinkled and green unlinked colour. and (R) or Round over yellow wrinkled shape green. seeds In the is a (r) and dominant cross following produced: 947 Calculate (g) the seeds seeds expected seeds seeds. ratio characteristics. of phenotypes Show your assuming results in a these are Punnett square. b) Use to the chi-squared determine your formula whether these and table shown characteristics are in example linked. Show working. Solution a) The Mendelian crossing for unlinked traits is as follows: R = allele for round seeds r = allele for wrinkled seeds G = allele for yellow seeds g = allele for green seeds Parental round, yellow seeds round, yellow seeds phenotypes Parental RrGg RrGg meiosis meiosis genotypes Gametes 122 RG Rg rG rg RG Rg rG rg 4.1.3 10 . 2 Ospring (F i N H E R i TA N C E ) genotypes 2 Gametes Gametes RG Rg rG rg RRGG RRGg RrGG RrGg RRGg RRgg RrGg Rrgg RrGG RrGg rrGG rrGg RrGg Rrgg rrGg rrgg RG Rg rG rg Ospring (F 9 round, yellow seeds ) 2 3 round, green seeds phenotypes 3 wrinkled, yellow seeds 1 wrinkled, green seed b) There are two hypotheses: the null hypothesis (H ) and the 0 alternative hypothesis (H ). 1 H = The characteristics assort = The characteristics do independently (are not linked). 0 H not assort independently (thus are 1 linked). The To total number calculate obtained in the (a) The add the expected is shown done in the 1662. frequencies 947 for × all for = of green frequencies: 9/16 we ratios yellow:wrinkled frequency the is expected expected calculatedas: This seeds expected for green:wrinkled First of round 9 + use of 3 the round 9:3:3:1. + yellow data yellow:round 3 + is 1 = 16 9/16 so it is 935 possible characteristics. The results are table: 2 Phentype round yellow round wrinkled wrinkled yellow wrinkled green Ttal The value The degrees (number Then for of use your reject is below In this critical of the (o − E) 947 935 −12 0.2 284 312 28 2.4 322 312 −10 0.3 109 104 −5 0.3 1662 1662 freedom the − 5%) give critical value is 1) to = find and a 3 (ie, value 1) the the 3.2 characteristic critical of value at freedom. the critical the accept not p = as: 0.05 The value the null is insignificant), are calculated that the linked. value in alternative chi-squared confirming seed is 3 accept for statistically of = above you /E 3.2. each and value accepted, colour − = degrees value, the is for (4 hypothesis example, the squared table at null hypothesis and (o − E) chi results the Expected (E) rows (significant If ober ved (o) the is 7.815 table, you hypothesis. If it hypothesis. below therefore shape It is a convention to use the same the of the the null seed letter for alleles of the same gene, using a capital letter for the dominant characteristic. 123 10 GE N E T I CS AND E VOLUTION (AHL) W w W red-eyed white-eyed P 1 female male W W w F red-eyed red-eyed 1 female male w W W W W w F 2 red-eyed red-eyed red-eyed white-eyed female female male male Fgure 10.2.1. Morgan with discovered Drosophila. melanogaster red-eyed The Linked genes inheritance with flies, expected males, 2:1:1:0 a the the of • Dcrete varatn is a white-eyed discontinuous variation found in a trait was of the and females. connected the When ratio of in his female he did F2 experiments fruit crossed not fly Drosophila heterozygous assort did generation not hypothesized red-eyed occur. were white-eyed F1 independently . females, females males, therefore sex Mendel’s red-eyed white-eyed red-eyed Morgan with in red-eyed progeny phenotypes females, ratios a male. F2 1:1:1:1 males, observed red-eyed crossed white-eyed traits Mendelian white-eyed Instead, non-Mendelian Morgan a ratio males, that the of and eye-colour factor. number of distinct categories. Variation can be discrete (discontinuous) or continuous. In discrete • Cntnuu varatn is the variation a characteristic is found in two or more distinct forms. An combined eect of many genes example of discrete variation is the blood groups. The phenotypes of and/or the eect of the environment polygenic characteristics tend to show continuous variation. Polygenic on genes. It can be plotted as a traits such as human height may be influenced by environmental normal distribution curve. factors such as diet. 25 20 latot fo % noit roporp 15 10 5 0 AB O A type of blood group B 136– 140– 144– 148– 152– 156– 160– 164– 168– 139 143 147 151 155 159 163 167 1 7 1 heights of 12-year-old girls / cm Fgure 10.2.2. 124 Discrete variation (left) and continuous variation (right) 10 . 3 1 0 . 3 G E N E P O O LS A N D Yu huld knw: ✔ gene pools change GE N E PooL s AND s P E C i AT i o N S P E C I AT I O N Yu huld be able t: over time. ✔ explain evolution in terms of changing of allele frequencies. ✔ a gene pool different consists alleles, of all present the in genes an and their interbreeding ✔ explain speciation ✔ compare due to isolation. population. ✔ allele frequencies change with time in and and contrast geographic temporal, reproductive behavioural isolation. populations. ✔ ✔ reproductive temporal, isolation of behavioural populations or can compare be speciation due populations to can divergence be of isolated speciation A gene pool can is examples of geographically of directional, stabilizing and selection. gradual. occur the identify disruptive ✔ ✔ frequencies populations. geographic. ✔ ✔ allele isolated sum explain abruptly . of all the speciation in the genus Allium by polyploidy . population’s genetic material at In Topic 5.1 you studied a given time. Gene pools change over time through evolution. For evidence for evolution. example, mutated in sickle allele cell and a anemia normal natural allele in selection the tends genetic to pool, maintain as a heterozygous • A gene pl is all the genes and organisms do not develop sickle cell anemia and are resistant to their dierent alleles present in an malaria. interbreeding population. In speciation, the gene pool is split if populations are reproductively • Reprductve isolation is isolated and populations in the same Allopatric there are therefore can be place not interbreed. sympatric and isolation different do is or includes allopatric. temporal geographic selection Reproductive and isolation. pressures as Sympatric isolation isolation behavioural In there different are of a mechanism that prevents occurs isolation. of populations can be temporal, environments different production of ospring. Isolation behavioural or geographic. habitats • Plypldy is the multiplication of or niches to frequencies exploit. change, These changes causing the cause natural populations to selection. The allele diverge. sets of chromosomes. It can lead to speciation as it produces hybrids. s AMPLE sTUDENT ANs WER Outline how reproductive isolation can occur in an animal population. [3] This is a three mark-question, This answer could have achieved 2/3 marks: therefore three isolations are expected. Reproductive species are isolation unable to occurs mate when with organisms another species. from a Reproductive ▲ Although isolation can be temporal, behavioural or geographic. mentions implied T emporal - the species mate at different times in the hence Behavioural the resulting in reproductive species have different courtship that places hence - the species cannot are in geographically patterns. there members due to reproduce. divergence of isolated populations was of occur a for temporal different at This saying isolation by populations different in behaviours. courtship can be gradual or a mark a answer for did by times and not geographic population being differences score isolation separated abruptly . gradualism, gradual is the speciation. mark isolation because In a behavioural by can it from different ▼ The Speciation species, were before scored reproducing Geographical they species answer isolation. that - candidate year same (seasonally), the different and the evolution continuous occurs uniformly transformation of at the a steady species, rate with with a long it example river, did of not mention barrier, mountain or for the example, a road. 125 10 GE N E T I CS AND E VOLUTION (AHL) sequence of intermediate forms. In punctuated equilibrium, speciation In some plants, the occurs abruptly and the population becomes stable immediately . duplication of the genetic Punctuated equilibrium change short implies long periods without appreciable material has led to speciation. In and periods of rapid evolution. species such as those of the genus Allium (for example onions) • Gradualm is the process by which • Drectnal electn favours one speciation occurs at a steady rate extreme phenotype over the other. the number of chromosomes has duplicated by polyploidy. When a with a long sequence of intermediate • stablzng electn favours diploid organism (two sets of forms. middle phenotypes. chromosomes) duplicates its sets • A punctuated equlbrum is the it becomes a tetraploid (four sets • Druptve electn favours both speciation that occurs abruptly of chromosomes). Polyploidy is a extreme phenotypes over middle without intermediate forms. phenotypes. type of sympatric speciation, because polyploids cannot breed with the original diploids. Many crop species have been created to Example 10.3.1. be polyploid. Polyploidy increases Describe the pace of evolution in the theory of punctuated allelic diversity and permits novel equilibrium. phenotypes to be generated, leading to hybrid vigour. The Solution domestication of wheat involved There multiple polyploidization events periods between several species to obtain occurs hexaploid bread wheat (Triticum causing are long of in stable rapid the evolution. case sudden periods of a with An volcanic climatic or little change example of eruption sudden punctuated or environmental and a meteor short evolution impact, changes. aestivum). This new species has larger grains which produce more Evolution requires that allele frequencies change with time in flour than the wild ancestral populations. Natural selection can occur due to directional, stabilizing species. or disruptive selection. How does the trait change? Directional selection Stabilizing selection selection against one selection against both extreme extreme Disruptive selection selection against the mean population population population after selection after selection after selection shor t original original population population medium long shor t for: moderate traits against: the other ex treme against: both ex tremes long population shor t medium long for: both ex tremes against: moderate traits eg, Long wiggly tails look like a eg, Shor t tails mess up the cat’s eg, Shor t tails help keep predators snake and scare predators. The balance. Long tails drag on the from catching them on the ground. longer the tail, the more it looks ground. Medium tails are best. like a snake. Fgure 10.3.1. 126 medium for: one ex treme trait original Types of selection Long tails are good for balance in the trees. Medium tails don’t help. 10 . 3 GE N E PooL s AND s P E C i AT i o N Practce prblem fr Tpc 10 Prblem 1 Prblem 2 The diagram shows a pair of homologous chromosomes Two genes determine the coat colour in mice. One during meiosis in a cell in the human testis. The gene controls whether the coat is coloured and the positions of the alleles of some genes are indicated. other controls the colour. The gene for coloured (C) is dominant over non-coloured or albino (c). Agouti (A) is A B C for grey-coloured hair and is dominant over black (a). Albino mice (cc) do not have coat colour because these mice are unable to produce any colour. a) Using a Punnett square, predict the possible genotypes for colour of coat of the offspring of a crossing of two agouti mice heterozygous for both genes. a b c b) Identify the possible phenotypes for the offspring a) () Draw the possible chromosomes that could be in (a). found in the gametes formed. Prblem 3 () Identify in your diagrams in (i) which chromosomes are recombinant. Star ting from the concept of a gene pool, explain briefly how populations of early ver tebrates could have evolved into different groups. b) Explain the consequence of crossing over on variability. 127 ANIMAL 11 1 1 . 1 (AHL) ANTIBODY PRODUCTION Y sl kw: ✔ every organism surface ✔ of its pathogens others has be cross unique molecules on the ✔ describe B lymphocytes in ✔ species-specic species although ✔ explain barriers. blood are activated by T plasma B ✔ cells cells multiply and to memory form plasma cells ✔ antibodies ✔ immunity secrete immune antibody the cells reason a response in mammals, production. antigens stimulate with clones explain on antibody different the effects immune system. blood surface of red production the in a group. describe how of vaccination on the of cells. ✔ disease ✔ VA C C I N AT I O N lymphocytes mammals. activated the including person ✔ AND Y sl be able t: cells. can can P H YS I O LO GY of smallpox humans to was have the rst been infectious eradicated by antibodies. vaccination. memory aid the destruction depends upon the of pathogens. persistence ✔ analyse ✔ explain vaccines but ✔ do white ✔ contain not fusion of a antigens the release which producing ✔ cause cells allergens data. the use of monoclonal antibodies to cells. HCG ✔ epidemiological of histamine tumour monoclonal hybridoma trigger pregnancy test kits. immunity disease. cause plasma that in in allergic cell cell antibodies with an creates are response to symptoms. a antibody- hybridoma produced cell. by cells. Immunity is based on the recognition of self and the destruction In Topic 6.3 you studied defence of foreign material. Every organism has unique molecules on the against infectious diseases. surface of its antibodies. Antibodies antigen. B secrete cells the are Lymphocytes to mature Immunity Once by foreign are clones B in by are that a of by in event the of the antibodies, phagocytes. matter. of T a that are recognized attach white to blood white blood lymphocytes. plasma aid upon the type lymphocytes the which proteins when activated depends marked destroyed any are form antibodies antigens, produced antibodies are called Antibodies lymphocytes multiply 128 cells cells and that of matter are encounter In how B cells. to with memory such as the mammals, pathogens. encounter persistence foreign of remember Phagocytes cell. specific antigens. Activated memory destruction second the cells by cells Plasma cells Memory produce the antigen. cells. bacteria non-specific, as is they destroy 11 . 1 AnTiBodY • An ate is a molecule (usually a • T lympytes are white blood cells peptide or glycoprotein) found on the that activate B lymphocytes. ProducTion And v A c c i n AT i o n surface of the cells of pathogens. • Plasma ells are mature B • An atby is a protein of the lymphocytes that produce immune system produced by plasma antibodies. cells that attacks antigens. • Memy ells are mature B • B lympytes are white blood lymphocytes that remember how cells that mature into either plasma to produce the antibodies. cells or memory cells. lymphocyte Key 1 Lymphocytes recognize antigens on antibody the surface of bacteria as 'foreign' antigen and produce antibodies against them. phagocyte 4 Bacteria are enclosed in a vacuole where they are killed. bacteria 2 Antibodies stick to the antigens on the bacteria. clump of The bacteria clump together. bacteria 3 Pseudopodia of the phagocyte flow around the bacteria. Fe 11.1.1. Defence against disease Eample 11.1.1. Which A. B. cells produce antibodies? erythrocytes immature B C. lymphocytes plasma D. mature cells T lymphocytes Solution The correct no need chemicals which Some one do are has the T into are produce red plasma blood proteins. lymphocytes, which Salmonella or is reservoirs species. with affect as cells B such and enterica types (or associated in others that cells; they lymphocytes as only a broad However, the cytokines, then can with affect more immunity subspecies serovars) range type can trigger species-specific disseminated only but antigens different Typhimurium animal associated fever by contain disease. containing mammalian is cannot species-specific non-species-specific and Erythrocytes mature Vaccines cause Salmonella C. they produced them pathogens not is so they antibodies. species. bacterium as nucleus make produce it answer have that enterica can pathogens. gastroenteritis of reptilian, Salmonella septicemic in is a such is a either type humans avian typhi infections act The than but and/or specialist; as typhoid humans. 129 11 A NIM A L P H YS I O LO G Y (AHL) Eample 11.1.2. The graph shows vaccination (on the day concentration 0) and after a of antibodies second in blood encounter with after the antigen. 80 stinu yrartibra / doolb ni seidobitna fo noitartnecnoc 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 time / days a) b) State (i) the concentration Identify second (ii) c) the the antibodies person on day 30. encountered the antigen for a time. Suggest Explain day of a the possible body’s source of response this to a encounter. second encounter with the antigen. You must always write the units. In this case as they are arbitrary Solution units it is not really necessary, but a) 24 (arbitrary units) it is always better to include them. b) (i) day (ii) 50 The person could c) Following plasma start the cells in a of collection of the in a the T as shot the Some soon of the have antigen. B how as matured Plasma After 30 lymphocytes to they antibodies vaccine or pathogen. lymphocytes. against remember therefore the lymphocytes of decreasing. that second with B help activated make the days mature antibodies. encounter are into cells the produced antigen immediately quantity . data data determine start time, diseases the cells are had antibodies greater Epidemiological to with memory second and have infected vaccination, cells producing These factors been antibodies into the could have usually a and policies shows defined statistical to the distribution, population. analysis. eradicate and It It is helps prevent causes usually and based provide on risk a information diseases. Eample 11.1.3. Cholera is cholerae. The pain John in and an cramps. Snow’s 1854, local handle. 130 It each water council The caused can completed shows communal the infection symptoms of lead map case as pumps. to to the one watery cholera one outbreak water-borne are dehydration of After disable cholera by cholera dot. The of the in black analysing soon and cases the water ended. bacterium Vibrio diarrhoea, stomach death. Soho, London, squares data, pumps show Snow by the persuaded removing its 11 . 1 AnTiBodY ProducTion And v A c c i n AT i o n There are ethical implications of research. Jenner tested his vaccine for smallpox on a child. Nowadays it d or xf O t e re St would be regarded as completely L e x i n g t o n D e a n S t r e e t W a r d o u r S t r e e t campaign for the global eradication of smallpox in 1967. Vaccination a global level and the fact that S t r e e t n g S t r e e t S a v i l l e r B e w w humans are the only reservoir of the smallpox virus (there are no r e w i c k W a r n e d e l r o a G u q S e S t r e e t e e t S t r Health Organization initiated the policies that led to immunization at r t S R o t e e r t S first on many animals. The World t e t i u d n o C R e g e n t t e e r t S K i d a o r B w i c k S t r e e t . t G S t r e e t t e e r t S h g u o r o lb r a M B e r P lo a n d unethical to do so without testing it other carriers) played an impor tant role in the decline of the disease. Inadequate repor ting of cases and N y l l i d a c c i P the impossibility of funding the 0 100 vaccination or reaching Metres inaccessible areas of some countries slowed down the a) State two streets with relatively higher numbers of cholera cases. process. The campaign was deemed a success and smallpox b) Outline how the information in this map might have helped was globally eradicated in 1977, to stop the cholera outbreak. only 10 years later. Solution a) Broad Street Lexington b) The map was information more has pump inactivated stopped, most a good way gathered cholera water the cases. In second place it could be Street. cases. in It Broad this water therefore by to represent Snow. shows Street It that and pump, the eradicating the clearly most epidemiological identifies cases Lexington source the of were Street. the areas close to When with group of antibodies against many the antigens. Snow contamination • Plylal atbes are a was • Mlal atbes outbreak. are specic against only one determined antigen. Fusion a of a tumour hybridoma cell cell which with an antibody-producing produces monoclonal plasma cell creates antibodies. cells taken hybridoma cells from spleen produced by fusion culture of tumour shor t-lived cells (myeloma) antibodytumour cells that mouse injected producing cells grow and divide with antigen continually limitless supply of an antibody Fe 11.1.2. Production of monoclonal antibodies 131 11 A NIM A L P H YS I O LO G Y (AHL) Monoclonal kits. In They these antibodies have kits, chorionic also the have been been very monoclonal gonadotropin used useful for in disease-detecting pregnancy-detection antibodies (anti-HCG). many used Human are kits. anti-human chorionic gonadotropin ▲ This answer scored a mark for is the following. phagocytes step 2, In step engulf 1, the macrophages a glycoprotein hormone that is synthesized by the placenta, and macrophage pathogen. then In therefore appears only during pregnancy . display S AMPLE STudEnT AnS WEr the antigen antigens of from a the pathogen pathogen and correspond Explain the production of antibodies. to a specic each antibody specic are T helper In corresponds antigen activated cell. and by to a This 5, some memory ▼ The that antigen activated binding. cells act immunity or In failed are to 2, it to does the macrophage pathogen. correct In that step T 3, cells pathogen digests is this not is through done, but 6/7 marks: B hormones through engulfed by a macrophage. Macrophage presents hormones 3. helper T he T to cells the antigen activate bind to T the on helper its surface and cells. antigen and thereby obtain the information as to what specic antibody is needed. It say releases hormones to activate B cells and passes on the the although activate is releases it is information. cells, 4 . it achieved for infectious not A then that have In say necessary resistance step could as 2. answer disease. B cells. antibodies answer lymphocytes 1. step [7] step3, B cells start to divide by mitosis and produce and secrete that peptides antibodies. such The B as interferon answer cells clones should divide of plasma by plasma cells and that cytokines. have mitosis cells said to and secrete that 5. Some be able B cells remain in the body as memory cells to form it is to produce antibodies the next time this pathogen these specic invades the body. antibodies. Allergies occur when allergy-causing allergens are the antigen pollen, immune called dust an and system over-reacts allergen. foods such The as most to a specific common peanuts. In response It can be useful to use annotated to allergens, white blood cells release histamine which causes the diagrams to explain an answer. allergic symptoms. Histamines found blood can in eventually and Antigens on production determine before a damage. 132 the the a body , dea th. be surface person in urine can lead shutting to red of to off red a avoid due as to Some r a sh f ood s T h e se blood cells different donor an c e l l s) that p er me a bil i t y and a re swe l l i n g nat u r al l y include fever, as blood stimulate blood are of that high in f e r me n t e d f ood s possibilities. chills, blood and clotting supply to the This Blood will is reaction. breathing damage antibody group. incompatibility kidney death the itchin g, (ma st th e win e). blood such ce l l s in cre a se a voided. with different symptoms It to blood tiss ues ca us es (especia lly in blood wh ite sh ou ld transfusion includes ache, T h is lea d and alcohol by conn ective capillaries. histamines the released the tested This difficulty , jaundice may main occur reaction muscle due to liver throughout organs. 11 . 2 MovEMEnT Eample 11.1.4. Compare groups and by contrast antigens completing the and antibodies in different blood table. Solution Bl type Feate A B AB o Membae ates O A B anti-B Plasma AB anti-A none anti-A and anti-B atbes at-bl p pe B and O Bl type A and O A , B, AB and O only O tat a be eee a tasfs 1 1 . 2 M O V E M E N T Y sl kw: ✔ bones and muscles ✔ exoskeletons and synovial Y sl be able t: act joints as provide anchorage for ✔ describe levers. allow insect certain movements but not antagonistic pairs of muscles in an leg. ✔ annotate ✔ draw a diagram of the human elbow. others. ✔ movement work ✔ in of the antagonistic skeletal muscle contain body muscles to labelled are multinucleate muscle endoplasmic ✔ explain bres up of ✔ analyse contain many contractile the contraction achieved by of the structure of a muscle the contraction. electron myobrils, of micrographs muscle to nd the state of bres. each design experiments using grip strength data sarcomeres. loggers ✔ the reticulum. ✔ made of and contraction ✔ diagrams sarcomere. pairs. bres specialized requires skeletal sliding of muscle actin and to assess muscle fatigue. is myosin laments. ✔ ATP hydrolysis necessary ✔ calcium ions troponin of for and the and control The roles and protection. the cross bridge laments the to proteins muscle formation are slide. tropomyosin and contractions. musculoskeletal system are movement, support In Topic 2.8 you studied cell Movement is achieved mainly by muscles pulling respiration and ATP production and on bones, while bones provide most support and protection. Bones in Topic 1.2, the ultrastructure of and exoskeletons provide anchorage for muscles and to in act as levers. cells. Movement of the body requires muscles work antagonistic pairs. 133 11 A NIM A L P H YS I O LO G Y (AHL) • Abt is the movement of a limb away from the midline of the biceps muscle relaxes biceps muscle body. contracts and triceps muscle • At is the movement of pulls triceps muscle relaxes a limb towards the midline of the contracts and body. pulls • Lamets attach bone to bone. • Tes attach muscle to bone. arm bends • Atast msles produce arm straightens opposing movement at a joint— when one contracts, the other relaxes. Fe 11.2.1. Movement of the human arm • ca tlae prevents the friction of bones. Synovial • Syal provides lubrication joint, type preventing friction. joints where of flexion joint allow the certain femur allows (bending) joins movements the movement and pelvis, in extension, all is but a not ball directions abduction others. and The socket including and hip joint. This rotation, adduction. The elbow • The jt apsle seals the joint allows less movement because it is a hinge joint, allowing flexion and helps to prevent dislocation. extension only . S AMPLE STudEnT AnS WEr The diagram shows a human elbow. A B X Y D C a) Label A to D. This ▼ Label A is vague. The correct, correct but answer [4] could have achieved 3/4 marks: too answer was the A: bone, B: ligament, C: synovial uid and D: cartilage. humerus. b) State the function of C in this elbow. This C 134 answer could lubricates the have achieved joint and 1/1 [1] marks: prevents friction. and 11 . 2 ) Explain the function of bones X and Y. This X is answer the biceps could radius muscle have and achieved Y the through 4/4 [4] marks: ulna. T he tendons radius while the is attached ulna is to the attached to ▲ The the triceps. T hese muscles are antagonistic. When the the lower arm lifts; when the triceps contracts answer function biceps and contracts, MovEMEnT the and explains anchorage function of the the of muscles system as a and lever. the biceps together using Muscles with this the lever , contain Myofibrils containing secured relaxes at are the lower humerus less many force fibres, organelles actin and either arm to is levers. which the bound cell are of down. T his required composed myosin end as moves to is a lift formed units T hese third class act lever— objects. by called together. bones The many myofibrils. sarcomeres myofibrils are membrane. A-band Z-line I-band whole muscle H-zone single muscle bundle of muscle bre bres single myobril nucleus striations sarcomere ner ve blood capillary Fe 11.2.2. Muscle are cells are which cell. suited They stores Muscle sarcomeres. section and fibres through alternate with also for the light a between their function. nuclei contain releases contain The thick lament of actin of myosin Structure of muscles multinucleate muscle thin lament a specialized calcium many light and ions to myofibrils, micrograph myofibril Skeletal displaced in (×900). dark to endoplasmic each A number are of up of shows the contraction. contractile a repeating visible. of reticulum, muscle made 11.2.3 fibres periphery regulate Figure bands muscle the These longitudinal units are that the sarcomeres. Fe 11.2.3. Light microscope image of a myofibril 135 11 A NIM A L P H YS I O LO G Y (AHL) Eample 11.2.1. Annotate diagrams differences when of the relaxed structure of a sarcomere showing the and relaxed muscle contracted. thick and thin laments slide past one another, causing the muscle to contract Solution In a of the relaxed apart, the the inwards, ions changing actin its actin allows The and it to movement for the the The that of a of of actin the the The and muscle myosin of ion to ATP is the binds starting and cross with to site causes achieved then tropomyosin, releases binds binding myosin to bridge potential myosin return hydrolysis bound cross calcium and skeletal is a action The actin filaments. (T) forming nerve cell. exposing binding the troponin from muscle and requires to band head contraction filaments Contracted muscle of in A light shows myosin release of myosin smaller. the shape thick lament of actin becomes propagation filament. contract. centre myosin into thin lament filaments bands below The (purple) the myosin the and and When which dark the wider actin much diagram preventing filament. the the closer becomes The bands towards The become of pull Z-lines further longer. sarcomere, shorter. the are contracts, filaments H light sarcomere muscle the muscle, sarcomere by actin calcium troponin, on the the the muscle the ATP , sliding which position. bridge to This formation slide. 2+ Ca myosin head ion bending of myosin head troponin ADP + Pi ADP + Pi tropomyosin T T 2+ actin 1. Star t position in relaxed 2. Binding of Ca ion to troponin, interaction lament muscle bre between actin and myosin ATP hydrolysis Pi ATP ADP T T 4. ATP binding. Actin and myosin 3. Movement of tropomyosin slide back to their former position Fe 11.2.4. ATP Muscle contraction Eample 11.2.2. Fluorescent micrograph calcium shows ions the have been calcium used levels in a to study muscle muscle cell (red contraction. being the The fluorescence highest) before and contracting. Explain 136 how the increased level of calcium ions triggers the contraction of muscle cells. decomposition while 11 . 3 ThE K idnE Y And o S M o r E g u L AT i o n Solution When end the muscle its actin it The and to 1 1 . 3 potential the release calcium exposing filament. muscle action induces cell. shape the nerve plate, The ion the reaches of binds myosin binding of the calcium to troponin, binding actin muscle ions and into the changing site on myosin the causes contract. T H E K I D N EY A N D Y sl be able t: Y sl kw: ✔ animals are either O S M O R E G U L AT I O N osmoregulators ✔ or compare osmoconformers. ✔ the Malpighian kidney of carry tubule out nitrogenous system in insects osmoregulation and and ✔ the describe the from of that blood in the in the renal renal artery draw the ultrastructure Bowman’s ✔ the of capsule proximal reabsorbs the the loop convoluted useful of conditions is state ADH the controls collecting the tubule by ✔ annotate the ✔ length annotated diagram of the human functions of the different parts of the ✔ explain maintains diagrams of the nephron. osmoregulation in humans and transport. the consequences of dehydration and overhydration. hypertonic medulla. reabsorption of water in explain the treatment hemodialysis the or of kidney kidney failure by transplant. of the with loop the of Henlé need for is state water that drugs positively blood are cells, detected in glucose, urinary proteins and tests. conservation animals. the type of correlated All and duct. correlated in kidneys selectively active ✔ ✔ of kidney . and ✔ ✔ structures tubes. ultraltration. substances Henlé in and vein. glomerulus facilitate an describe ✔ osmoregulator animals. kidney . ✔ ✔ contrast wastes. composition different the Malpighian removal ✔ ✔ and osmoconformer animals nitrogenous with waste evolutionary excrete in animals history nitrogenous waste and is habitat. products and some animals In Topic 1.3 you studied the also balance water and solute concentrations. Nitrogenous wastes membrane structure and in are produced from the breakdown of amino acids and nucleic acids. Topic 1.4, membrane transpor t. The Malpighian carry out tubule system osmoregulation and in insects removal and of the kidneys nitrogenous in humans wastes. Not all • osmfmes are organisms animals are osmoregulators; some are osmoconformers. that change according to the external environment. • osmelats maintain their internal environment regardless of the external environment. • Keys are the organs in humans used to carry out osmoregulation and removal of nitrogenous wastes. • Malpa tbles are excretory organs in ar thropods (insects). 137 11 A NIM A L P H YS I O LO G Y (AHL) The Malpighian alimentary from the These canal body in transport canal. and n ia h ig lp a M by are is series are reabsorbed f o branched They and from ions together e n o ( of arthropods. released wastes le u b tu a diffusion Mineral water nitrogenous are most fluids substances alimentary as tubules absorb mineral the by osmosis. by by reach and active tubules the The undigested that water ions Malpighian reabsorbed with tubes wastes wastes transport. into rectum the by are the active excreted food. ) y n a m + NH 4 + Na Cl water uric acid uric acid mid gut hind gut Fe 11.3.1. • The lmels is the high- rectum Malpighian tubule Eample 11.3.1. pressure capillary causing The diagram shows a ultraltration in the Bowman’s human kidney . capsule. A • The Bwma’s apsle is where a) glomerular ltrate collects to be Which label shows the cortex? B fur ther processed. b) Which label shows • The pmal lte tble the blood vessel selectively reabsorbs useful carrying blood into the substances by active transpor t. It glomerulus? C contains many mitochondria and microvilli for absorption. c) What is the pelvis of the kidney? • The lp f helé maintains D hyper tonic conditions in the Solution medulla. Animals adapted to dry a) The cortex is A habitats have long loops of Henlé. b) The blood vessel carrying • The stal lte tble blood to the glomerulus regulates mineral ion levels and is B, the renal artery . It maintains pH. can be distinguished from the renal vein (C) by the width of • The llet t is the vessel. D is the ureter, where all the collecting ducts join. site where the amount of water reabsorption can be varied as a par t of osmoregulation. • Adh is the antidiuretic hormone that controls water reabsorption. 138 c) The pelvis is the funnel-like structure leading to the ureter. the 11 . 3 ThE K idnE Y And o S M o r E g u L AT i o n S AMPLE STudEnT AnS WEr ▲ The answer scored marks for saying Explain how the structure of the nephron and its associated blood vessels enable the kidney to carry out its functions. This answer could have achieved 7/8 the [8] the glomerulus of the larger than the nephron, efferent bringing taking the afferent arteriole was pressure, forcing arteriole. T his creates out the urea, glucose, of mineral ions from the the blood vessels. T he blood rest proximal is lined by but enters podocytes, leaving the the proteins Bowman’s which wrap T he ltrate moves to the substances for reabsorption. Here, the glucose and T his Another is convoluted of ions by active transport. T he cells have with this. Water ows by osmosis. T he mitochondria large loop of reabsorption in the proximal to loop surface uid then moves -descending to loop the is loop of of in loop is convoluted structure allows for a high to water but not to ions. to ions but not to medulla. T he longer the loop concentration of Henlé limb were give of salt ions in Henlé, the more water a the to the distal is reabsorbed and to the excretion urea. of if ADH is convoluted tubule, where are vessels collecting duct, where water the bloodstream. Glucose nephron is to allow as well as ions reabsorbed and water limb the for a the high solute medulla. water T wo reabsorbed which has in microvilli area. water , but have been that is a function osmoregulation the waste or such candidate ultraltration, not walls and mention in to the the that glomerulus smaller that with the basement podocytes capsule preventing act the as loss of a the lter of large reabsorption into the urea is such cells. The as protein, answer and failed to blood mention capillaries for nitrogenous does Bowman’s blood the the Although molecules, to large is present. surround a impermeable surface permeable thus Blood for one was saying mention membrane reabsorbed in could for molecules more and creating large capillary moves given being for kidney answer then has marks. is conser ved. uid two descending mark duct, ▼ Marks does T he which water . as the useful proximal tubule. of T his and the Henlé. permeable permeable in was the Henlé obtained -ascending in tubule. area to T he useful ions selective scored One collecting the and glucose tubule, mark water. marks increases (selective) mineral the of concentration help the are to reabsorbed as occurs area, ascending tubule the One capsule, capillaries. proximal for convoluted that reabsorbed ultraltration. than water surface which in larger large convoluted in a blood. glucose such reabsorption and pressure to blood away given reabsorption is Explaining of due arteriole the amounts blood is arteriole substances much high marks: mark In that glomerulus removed as the active active pumping out the of of transport sodium ascending limb or ions from the urine. ltrate T he nephron is in the kidney and functions to lter the blood. to the distal the pH the medulla. convoluted The fact tubule that adjusts + and + K of Na , + and the H is not collecting water varies aquaporins or concentration mentioned. duct with and amount of collecting mentioned for by of have to of ADH varying reabsorbed could a number amount water duct permeability the osmoregulation That the in the been mark. No marks are given for ultrafiltration in the Bowman’s capsule because this answer is too vague. 139 11 A NIM A L P H YS I O LO G Y (AHL) ADH the or antidiuretic hypothalamus reabsorption of hormone and water stored by is a in peptide the changing hormone pituitary the produced gland. permeability It by controls of the the collecting Although you may find ducts. When ADH is present, more is reabsorbed the collecting ducts become permeable vasopressin mentioned in books, to water and into blood, therefore the urine you should use the term ADH in becomes less concentrated and less urine is produced. Aquaporins the exam rather than vasopressin. are of integral water membrane across collecting the ducts, under The of water The highly of paste, marine and while soon as this in it is allows in water. less as Uric to Birds retain ammonia amount The acid it the and is is in the the transfer kidney sites to the of ADH urea. less plasma need but in with uric acid which wastes it in is Aquatic safely the form animals they is insoluble water. where for produced. Ammonia toxic Terrestrial urea the nitrogenous water, water. with correlated soluble excrete into is main acid but into correlates excrete uric toxic directly them in intracellular the habitat. excreted. convert water, does animals and also from channels expressed positively ammonia, ammonia mammals dissolved is are as ADH. as waste soluble as of animals, are serve They Henlé history urea excrete as in of that move control loop animals toxic diluted they nitrogenous by water, animals a the evolutionary excreted in the conservation type their membrane. where membrane length proteins of and excrete urine. Deser t animals prevent water loss in a number of ways. Some live in burrows, some have thick outer coverings to reduce moisture loss and some have lower resting metabolic rates or lower body masses to avoid heat production and water loss. Some produce small amounts of highly concentrated urine by modulating the amount of ADH. • Amma is a toxic nitrogenous vomiting, fever, excessive sweating waste that is soluble in water. or increased urination. It can lead to hear t injury, kidney problems, • u a is a less toxic nitrogenous seizures and low blood volume. waste that is insoluble in water. • oeyat is excess of water • uea is a less toxic nitrogenous in the body, usually caused by over waste that is soluble in water. drinking. The symptoms are swelling • deyat is loss of total body of cells by excess osmosis. water. It can be caused by lack of • hemalyss is the extracorporeal drinking or by excess diarrhoea or purication of blood. Blood cells, Doctors glucose, can substances monitor that hemodialysis the blood filtered matter, then or the is returned the a donor greatly the to the the in the Kidneys the in the be the expectancy . In The urinary machine that takes purified could every few are the failure, hemodialysis, kidney . kidney tests. to kidney transplanted advantages dialysis of dialysis blood. can in according event membrane malfunctioning but inconvenient working In transplanted system, life and permeable a detected osmoregulation. patient replace are are urine. substances that increase drugs kidneys in patient. immune of the selectively the and maintain of useful to hours to out procedure patient’s how present used through keeping through can are taken deceased with 140 is proteins be days out from a are waste also is living risks rejected having and is blood There not it by to go that it 11 . 4 1 1 . 4 S E X U A L spermatogenesis mitosis, and cell Y sl be able t: and growth, oogenesis two both divisions of involve ✔ explain meiosis formation and of gametes in oogenesis. differentiation. processes result in in spermatogenesis different numbers of and annotate oogenesis gametes and amounts of in to show of the the seminiferous stages of tubule gametogenesis. annotate diagrams of a mature sperm and egg cytoplasm. to fertilization diagrams ovary with ✔ different ✔ the spermatogenesis ✔ ✔ rEProducTion R E P R O D U CT I O N Y sl kw: ✔ SE xuAL animals can be internal indicate their functions. or ✔ describe internal and ✔ explain implantation ✔ explain pregnancy ✔ explain birth ✔ analyse external fertilization. external. ✔ fertilization involves mechanisms that polyspermy . ✔ implantation of endometrium the is blastocyst essential for in the in mammals. prevent the continuation and and the the hormones hormones involved. involved. of graphs showing the correlation between pregnancy . animal ✔ HCG stimulates progesterone ✔ the placenta between ✔ ✔ the mother and placenta once is Sexual early the and it has reproduction at secrete birth in the development of the young mammals. exchange of materials fetus. are secreted by the formed. by estrogen to and pregnancy . progesterone mediated involving ovaries facilitates estrogen birth the during size positive and feedback oxytocin. involves the development and fusion of haploid In Topic 3.3 you studied meiosis gametes. Gametes therefore need to undergo a reduction in the number and in Topic 6.6, hormones, of chromosomes of the through meiosis. Spermatogenesis is the development homeostasis and reproduction. male gametes seminiferous female and tubules gamete oogenesis (spermatozoa both of (ovum) involve the and testes. occurs mitosis, or sperms) Oogenesis in cell the and is the ovaries. growth, occurs two in the formation of the Spermatogenesis divisions of and meiosis differentiation. 141 11 A NIM A L P H YS I O LO G Y (AHL) (a) (b) primordial germ cell – primordial germ cell – 2n 2n divides by mitosis noitacilpitlum 2n 2n 2n esahp 2n 2n 2n 2n divides by mitosis 2n 2n 2n 2n 2n 2n 2n 2n 2n 2n 2n 2n 2n 2n spermatogonia growth 2n 2n 2n 2n 2n 2n 2n oogonia growth esahp htworg primary primary 2n 2n spermatocyte oocyte secondary rst meiotic rst meiotic spermatocyte division division n n rst polar secondary esahp noitarutam n n oocyte body second meiotic division (usually second n n n meiotic n spermatids occurs after fertilization) division dierentiation n n n second ovum n additional polar polar body bodies—may not be spermatozoa formed Fe 11.4.1. (a) Spermatogenesis and (b) oogenesis S AMPLE STudEnT AnS WEr It is always good to use a diagram to explain an answer, but in this Describe the different cell types in the seminiferous tubules that are case it did not get more marks as involved in the process of spermatogenesis. [4] it was not annotated to add more This answer could have achieved 2/4 marks: information than that given in the text, therefore it was a waste of epithelial cells (diploid) precious time. primary ▲ The answer primary by scored a spermatocytes meiosis I into mark spermatocyte (diploid) for dividing secondary secondary spermatocytes. The second mark spermatocyte is (haploid) for Sertoli or nourishment nurse to cells these providing developing serto li cells. cell spermatozoa nished sperm ▼ The answer mentioned (2n) are cells. could that spermatogonia undifferentiated The germ spermatogonia T he divide by mitosis spermatocytes. The cells into score a mark answer spermatocytes spermatids for primary that it is The answer that spermatids or mature Leydig or does into it by the most mature. spermatocyte undergoes the rst cell division in I. Secondary into does meiosis not spermatocytes are undergoing the second cell not to become haploid. II. mention Sertoli sperm nor cells that T hey cells can produce stored. 142 are nurse the spermatozoa till they develop agella. differentiate interstitial testosterone. inside did division mention furthest secondary dividing because are primary meiosis not which mature A and cell(haploid) have detach and swim into the epididymis, where they are 11 . 4 Fertilization in animals can be internal or external. Aquatic SE xuAL rEProducTion animals • Fe tlzat is the joining of the often use external fertilization. Usually many eggs are fertilized ovum and the nucleus of the sperm. because there is a great risk of loss by predation. In terrestrial animals • An asme eat is the and marine mammals, fertilization is usually internal. This increases release of antigens and enzymes the likelihood of success, so fewer organisms need to be produced. for binding to the membrane and In humans, fertilization involves the acrosome reaction, fusion of the digesting through the ovum’s zona plasma membrane of the egg and sperm and the cortical reaction. pellucida. The process of fertilization in humans occurs in the oviduct • A tal eat is the release (fallopian tube). of cor tical granules to prevent any additional sperm from fer tilizing the Eample 11.4.1. egg, avoiding polyspermy. The diagram shows an ovum. II a) b) Label to Outline of c) I III. one function I. State the which organ the in ovum is I formed. III d) Explain by the which germ process the cell diploid becomes a haploid ovum. Solution a) I are cortical layer) b) and When III are exocytosis, enzymes d) the zona II of the activated. the the zona cells ovum These the cortical pellucida, is follicle producing of preventing c) are fertilization granules the granules, (corona by the vesicles cortical granules not pellucida allowing radiata). sperm occurs, release reaction. produce more (glycoprotein their In this to cortical reaction, changes sperm the contents that enter by the harden the ovum, polyspermy . Ovary . The process haploid the ovary . mitosis by ovum The shortly after (growth meiosis I a a cells II are in will oocyte ovum the which is follicles much is the are At only another than into Each start by of I turns The into a polar division. II, one body . male No into follicle further into a phase). secondary cell oocyte called halts secondary When cell The a smaller the of menstrual (maturation fertilization, meiosis primary or oocytes prophase mature secondary of before primary them. to by month each FSH in divide Just into transforms meiotic the fourth around meiosis cell Upon undergoes larger the fetus enter a occurs meiosis. formed. one degenerates. II. becomes the the by cells stimulated second of oocytes follicle other cell process differentiate completing the other ovary primary and This Around oogonia metaphase finish germ dividing produced. by which the phase). produced, secondary and in start follicle survives; body meiosis oocyte ovum oocyte and polar the These oocytes two cells diploid oogenesis. cells primary one primary secondary oocyte the birth, and of primary the germ phase). consists Of the called (multiplication development, cycle, which is the becomes result is one the ovum sperm. 143 11 A NIM A L P H YS I O LO G Y (AHL) Eample 11.4.2. The risks to human male The diagram shows fer tility were not adequately structure of a) part a Middle the section – full of mitochondria sperm. Acrosome assessed before steroids related to Which is involved in the Nucleus progesterone and estrogen were acrosome reaction? released into the environment as a b) result of the use of the female Which for contraceptive pill. Studies have part provides Tail energy movement? shown that males have a lower Solution sperm count than expected, and a) The answer is D, as it is showing the acrosome. B, as it is showing the mitochondria. this could be attributed to the b) The answer is presence of estrogen in water systems. After fertilization, embryo. The blastocyst. require cells The an month facilitates The the of the to uterus involving inhibit to through is by the of birth food. the the it has and of The to during Estrogen is As the place as The mother HCG to dilates baby by is placenta fetus. which are the by secretion and pushed more the of feedback the the helps secreted fetus wall sensory produce of the neurons oxytocin amniotic out through sac the vagina. Eample 11.4.3. The graph birth and shows the gestational relationship period in between some offspring body mass at mammals. stinu yrartibra / doirep lanoitatseg body mass / arbitrary units What A. B. does Body The this mass longer graph and the show? gestational gestational period period, are the not related. smaller the size of the baby . C. D. There is of young the There is number 144 a a correlation at birth between in correlation of offspring body mass and the development mammals. between per gestational gestation. period the the stimulates positive induces a now in After contractions produced perceived called ovum and inhibits by the blastocyst progesterone Oxytocin cervix the ball the pregnancy . inhibiting gland the of from pregnancy , mediated are hollow control. early Hormones pituitary a forming formed. the Progesterone contractions take of fully and thus Birth oxytocin. feedback. will is between progesterone. the form nutrients hormonal gland, mitosis, Implantation placenta by to on by continuation formed. pituitary messages positive migrate materials pregnancy . secretion and of for produced feeding progesterone once estrogen broken, cervix supply endometrium. contract. send were maintained during the uterus that is are embryo pregnancy placenta oxytocin the cells essential secrete the the that exchange pregnancy maintain by is of the ovary in cells external endometrium third many and the 11 . 4 SE xuAL rEProducTion Solution The correct mass at longer the smaller is in shown a It can longer period is an the in there is increasing be correlated no is not graph, in the graph period with correct, correlation, a but is but incorrect usually the that for it can using is larger body organism. A development be all the seen the that data, opposite because opposite a that greater as trendline. Answer B graph. Answer D the seen gestational birth. Answer A organisms draw shown not at is C. means gestational young could answer birth not one of only of in is what this occurs. Pate pblems f Tp 11 Pblem 1 Pblem 2 A blood test was performed in a laboratory to test blood The diagram shows some of the muscles in the leg of an groups. The picture shows some results obtained for insect. different blood groups with different antibodies. Where X exoskeleton there are open circles the results are not shown. tendons of femur exoskeleton of tibia Y a) State the function of the exoskeleton in movement. b) () Label muscles X and Y. () Muscles X and Y are said to be antagonistic. Explain the term antagonistic using these muscles as an example. ) Describe how the contraction of a muscle is achieved. a) Determine the results that would be expected when mixing the given antibodies and blood groups by completing the table. Atby Bl p at-o at-A at-B no reaction reaction no reaction no reaction reaction no reaction at-AB A reaction reaction no reaction no reaction B AB no reaction O b) Explain the reason this test needs to be performed before a blood transfusion. 145 11 A NIM A L P H YS I O LO G Y (AHL) An experiment using a grip strength data logger to assess muscle fatigue was performed. The maximum 60 gk / ecrof mumixam 50 40 Females 30 800 md lomµ contractions was measured in females and males. 1000 3– force exer ted and the endurance after many / noitartnecnoc eninitaerc amsalp Pblem 3 600 400 200 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Males 3 GFR / cm 20 –1 min 10 a) State the plasma creatinine concentration at a GFR of 0 3 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 40 cm −1 min endurance / % b) Describe the relationship between GFR and plasma creatinine concentration. a) Calculate the difference in the highest maximum force exer ted in this experiment between males and females. b) The students hypothesized that there was a difference between males and females in maximum force and in endurance. Analyse the data to see ) Explain what could be happening to a patient if the levels of creatinine in blood plasma were high. Pblem 5 Compare and contrast the blood composition in the renal ar tery and the renal vein. whether the hypothesis is suppor ted. Pblem 6 Pblem 4 Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) describes the flow rate of fluid that is filtered through the kidney. One method of determining GFR is to determine the amount of creatinine in blood plasma. The graph represents the relationship between plasma creatinine concentration and GFR. 146 Describe the exchange of materials between the mother and the fetus in the placenta. D ATA - B A S E D 12 P R A CT I CA L ( S ECT I O N You should know: ✔ experimental variety ✔ of data data communicated ✔ graphical quantitative random human be form are qualitative errors using a ✔ interpret are of an and by recorded table effective or way associated the and ✔ identify graphs. quantitative always caused a and of ✔ data. using with apparatus ✔ systematic the procedures errors in experimental accuracy qualitative correctly and often lead discuss to set-up validity affects of the precision, ✔ suggest obtained. is to A of carry out to maintained theoretical past are Section guide. that The in in is can also important going to a be of and tissues, light 2. data form. independent variables trends and plots sketch graphs axes. and and their diagrams. suggest analyse be Estimation hypotonic of or Experimental 4. Separation of in three questions students reality and Questions experiments. experiments with other remember can or virtually . also that include Reference to laboratory impact on the results. the accuracy experiment and their a evaluate can and be precision of a improved. hypotheses using evidence. historical biological experiments producing well facts. on should controls estimate in know It must the actual or that you may be assessed experimental these not are the skills only on from in the IB experiments are: to drawing drawings investigate of cells, and the along the structure with actual size of cells calculation of of structures the shown micrographs. osmolarity and 3. whether or all errors included. microscope with of these along to two that of tested. magnification drawings to asked measurements experiments. practicals Use be techniques laboratory , specific 3, will or accurate any Paper specified in you skills the stress several A of It are 3, background models There 1. Paper experimental important be from and how particular known how graphical quantities sources experimental the data the experiment measurement. ✔ Section and labelled unknown experimental general experimental and relationships. uncertainties ✔ In analyse tabular dependent estimate and in limitations. experimental ✔ and their identify ✔ ✔ A) presented commonly the data obtained techniques. techniques representing ✔ can are in Q U E ST I O N S You should be able to: biological quantitative AND in hypertonic tissues by bathing samples in solutions. investigation of photosynthetic a factor affecting pigments by enzyme activity . chromatography . 147 12 D ATA - B A S E D QUE STIONS AND PRACTIC AL (SECTION A) 5. Setting 6. Monitoring up vigorous 7. (HL There of ventilation Measurement many A of mesocosms in to try to humans establish at rest sustainability . and after mild and exercise. only) are Section sealed of experiments Paper transpiration and models rates that can using be potometers. tested in 3. Example 12.1. The electron Zinnia a) The actual Calculate your b) shows mesophyll cells in a young leaf of diameter the of the central magnification of mesophyll the electron cell is 20 μm. micrograph. Show working. Identify seen c) micrograph elegans. in two an Outline an electron structures animal seen in this cell that cannot be cell. advantage microscope and over a a disadvantage light of using an microscope. Solution a) You first using For a measure example, change this if to micrometres, You M diameter then the diameter micrometres. thus calculate of the central mesophyll cell image size actual size 4 cm the is measures One 40,000 4 cm, centimetre you is first equal have to to 10,000 μm. magnification using the formula: = 40, 000 M the ruler. m = = 2 , 000 Remember this is a practical 20 m question, therefore the answer The must include structures that can magnification of the electron micrograph is × 2,000. be seen at this magnification. a) Chloroplasts, vacuole. b) An cellulose (Only advantage microscope resolution, is of the that it that starch granules a microscope greater observation the cells artefacts preparation. Another not spend time giving more than and required one. the microscope. need to use of to and large this the killed from and a higher of in the A preparation specimen disadvantage type light ultrastructures. be resulting important over magnification the disadvantage are required, so do light the has of training and electron Only one advantage and one 148 slides is wall, needed.) allowing disadvantage the two cell is the microscope cost, size compare to Example 12.2. The graph shows the change in length of cytoplasm in –3 salt solution / mol dm cells placed in salt solutions of different concentrations 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 and the 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 compared with the solution. a) the b) State length the cells in an –1 concentration Determine of the of salt percentage in the change isotonic in length % / htgnel ni egnahc isotonic mean solution. for cells −3 placed c) in Identify a 0.5 the mol dm dependent salt and solution. independent variables in –2 –3 –4 –5 –6 –7 this experiment. –8 Solution 3 a) 0.22 b) c) mol dm 5% The is independent measured) is variable the (what percentage is varied) change in is the length salt in concentration the diameter of dependent variable (what cells. SAMPLE STUDENT ANSWER A common reaction occurring in cells is the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, which breaks down into oxygen (producing the foam) and In Example 12.2 par t (b), it is impor tant to either use the water. Catalase (also known as hydrogen peroxide oxidoreductase) negative sign or mention decrease protects human cells from the toxic effects of hydrogen peroxide, which in length. is a powerful oxidizer produced as a biochemical by-product. Catalase is present in pieces of potato. In an experiment to see the effect of enzyme concentration on the rate of reaction, discs of potato were placed in hydrogen peroxide and the height of the foam was measured Make sure the answer refers with a ruler. The first conical flask had 5 discs, the second 10 and the directly to the question. third 20 potato discs. a) State two conditions of the potato discs that must be kept ▼ The experiment mentioned constant. [2] here This answer could have achieved 0/2 so marks: is does this not of potato discs in the replicates and time of T o experiment. answering the question. refer score volume the kept constant in this experiment. achieved a of light and the 1/2 have achieved of the the each the answer surface disc discs potato. in two ▲ The [1] could does discs area must must The directly . had be be discs to or the from they must must have not their contact with conditions the peroxide. needed.) temperature. experiment. answer it The marks: c) Suggest one reason a conical ask is not appropriate for this This experiment potato mark that same (Only amount the touching; surface T he the as [2] be have of to same. All b) State two conditions not related to the potato discs that need to be could replicates, correct, mention answer to not the not This refer is duration Number not answer 1/1 temperature must be kept constant. marks: ▼ The light will not affect this T he conical ask is not straight, so the volume is not experiment not constant all along the height. A test tube would have been appropriate. therefore as has correct. been Other more directly , considered be conditions constant are concentration The volume asks need of and to that the be need volume hydrogen shape the of to and peroxide. the conical same. 149 12 D ATA - B A S E D QUE STIONS AND PRACTIC AL (SECTION A) d) Explain the dierences in enzyme-catalysed reactions in the three conical asks. This answer Each disc number of enzyme, the More oxygen why student there reactions are of explains conical achieved approximate is different, three faster asks. the enzymes the 2/2 rate formed, means forming amount the T he of substrate marks: of amount greater reaction, they more of the enzyme chances therefore the is of forming more and If amount thus have (peroxide) enzymes. more of more foam. clearly differences the an the with is have discs in collision ▲ The has different foam. [2] could in the asks. e) Predict what would happen if the discs were boiled before the It was important to realize that experiment. each of disc represents enzyme number the and of that discs amount of an [1] amount increasing means This the answer could have achieved 0/1 marks: increasing enzyme. Boiling the potato discs will kill the potato, so no reaction occurs. ▼ The answer the potato the catalase rate of will be is discs in too would them, reaction vague. to be Boiling denature causing nil, so the no foam formed. Example 12.3. Melvin Calvin, James Bassham and algae in nutrient media Andrew Benson independent an reactions experiment Calvin, discovered green of similar algae to the light- photosynthesis. that performed (Chlorella) were In air and carbon dioxide by placed light within a lollipop was thin container) added intervals into hot transparent to the the and container radioactive apparatus. samples methanol. of At algae Samples carbon-14 10-second were were dropped analysed valve that can be using two-dimensional which separates out paper the light (the chromatography , different carbon syringe for injecting 14 radioactive sample of algae at hydrogencarbonate intervals compounds. The results showed carbon of these experiments at lollipop vessel that carbohydrates reactions of dioxide during the was converted to light-independent photosynthesis. hot methanol a) Determine a transparent lollipop b) Suggest and not for the dark use of glass in the vessel. one methanol. 150 reason reason for the use of hot C as opened to remove c) The 10 substances seconds found and at 30 at different seconds times that are were recorded missing Time / seconds Radioactive molecules 0 carbon dioxide in the in a table. Identify the substances detected at table. 10 20 triose phosphate glycerate 3-phosphate 30 40 glycerate 3-phosphate triose phosphate glucose ribulose bisphosphate A mathematical model wa s ma de to p rov i d e 140 a high CO of the effects of varia tion s in stinu bra / noitalimissa nobrac description CO 2 concentrations increasing line on th e rubisco indicates the a ss imila tion en z y me a vera ge of c a r bon con centr a t i ons . rubisco at oms Th e at d as h e d con c e n t r a t i on in algae. d) Experimental factor at low results CO show levels, that but rubisco not when is the the 2 concentration is limiting CO 2 high. Suggest with reasons 2 120 low CO 2 100 80 60 40 20 whether 0 this mathematical model matches the experimental 0 100 200 400 300 500 results. enzyme concentration / arb units Solution a) Transparent needed for reduced glass the NAD allows light production (NADH ) of to pass through. hydrogen and ATP ions required to in Light is produce the light- 2 independent b) Hot c) At 30 d) methanol 10 seconds seconds The reactions. graph is used to glycerate glycerate shows stop chemical 3-phosphate 3-phosphate, that at low CO reactions appears triose or to (some phosphate concentrations, kill algae. carbon and as dioxide glucose the might might enzyme be still remain) and at found. concentration increases, the carbon 2 assimilation high CO increases, matching concentrations, which the experimental does not match results. the It also shows experimental that results. At the same enzyme occurs for concentrations 2 greater than (matching CO normal the for the experimental concentrations, not algae, the results) matching increase but the it also in enzyme has no experimental concentration effect on the does affect assimilation of the assimilation carbon for low results. 2 151 12 D ATA - B A S E D QUE STIONS AND PRACTIC AL (SECTION A) SAMPLE STUDENT ANSWER In an experiment to determine the effect of diet on response to leptin, mammals were fed a control diet or a high fructose diet for 8 months. One group was injected with leptin while the other remained as a control. The food intake of the different groups was monitored over a period of 48 hours. 800 700 Jk / ekatni doof latot 600 500 no leptin 400 leptin 300 200 100 0 control high fructose diet ▼ This does question. describe It the injection; not was answer the important effect of therefore a) Distinguish between the eect of leptin injection on the to tal food to intake in the mammals fed the control diet and the mammals fed the leptin the high fructose diet. This had to compare without what injection injection and expected was no answer effect (statistically in food group in intake compared was diets. that in the to no achieved 0/1 marks: injection given to the control diet group resulted food intake compared to that of the high fructose diet leptin b) Discuss the implications of these results for recommending leptin leptin. This answer From marks answer because scored it on effectiveness mentioned diet and mammals that may of leptin results not be The awarded obese diet, marks people then appetite mark for the it will and saying a not that high these to suppressing those a control diet, it implies that [2] marks: leptin would be benecial as it lowered food intake compared not injected with leptin. However , on a high fructose leptin would in fact increase intake, suggesting that its that if effectiveness on these mammals is debatable. Furthermore, fructose obese will appetite, also leptin injections have a different effect on humans as they these mammals, with previous experiments suggesting some suppress appetite. humans have gained weight when injected leptin. c) Leptin is a hormone. Hormones are chemicals produced in one par t of the body that have an eect in another par t of the body. State the tissue that produces leptin in humans. This answer Adipose could have achieved [1] 1/1 marks: tissue. This type of question is about scientific research and its d) State the target that leptin normally acts on. biological background rather than This answer could experiments you might have done Hypothalamus. in the laboratory. 152 do people on with it 2/2 for suppress for results achieved that same scheme for have have depends diet, humans. these could full in the diet group. injections as an appetite suppressant for humans. ▲ This in but reduction with leptin lower diet control injected have The there fructose signicant) when could with both with answer happened T he leptin [1] answer have achieved 1/1 marks: [1] Example 12.4. Non-pathogenic culture two E. coli bacterial media at differen t examples of th e pH res u lts colonies va lues. w ere Th e obta ined. grown Petri E ac h d ot on d i sh e s is one s h ow bact e r i a l colony. The table standard shows the deviation) mean number measured pH in of 10 colonies replicates (plus at or each minus pH one value. Number of colonies 4 11 (±2) 5 138 (±4) 6 361 (±7) 7 558 (±11) 8 310 (±51) 9 191 (±155) 10 121 (±21) a) Identify the b) Identify a c) State d) Describe e) Suggest independent variable that variable needs to in be this experiment. controlled. In (b) just mentioning temperature the optimum pH a to for the growth of E. coli would not score a mark , as it is method count the number of colonies in the dishes. the temperature of the incubator or at which they were grown that with a reason which results are not reliable. matters and not the temperature Solution when the colonies are counted. a) The independent b) V olume of bacteria grown; (Only bacterial should be amount one variable of is culture even; the pH placed in on temperature growth medium the the at growth dish; which used; time media. spreading bacteria left in of were incubator. needed.) Although pH = 7 might seem c) pH = d) The 7 (or close to this value). the most obvious answer, as the 1 × dishes 1 and cm). the e) of be divided colonies value squares. are that The is into quadrats counted in obtained divisions example squares is can (for chosen multiplied also be by shown squares of at number of colonies is the greatest, randomly the as the optimum should really be total determined by drawing the curve. sections in chart. Results not The mean number pie can a In the exam students are not expected to draw graphs. pH reliable. = 9 This have a means large that standard there is a deviation, great therefore variability are between replicates. 153 12 D ATA - B A S E D QUE STIONS AND PRACTIC AL (SECTION A) Example 12.5. In a an experiment strong beaker sugar of water. recorded. The a) State the b) Determine c) Explain to demonstrate solution The coloured apparatus experiment was independent two the movement was food left for repeated variable conditions reason the with in that coloured need of molecules was several with this water dye attached minutes different through to a and sugar osmosis, clear the Visking capillary height of concentration tube tubing and coloured containing submerged liquid in the in a tube was solutions. experiment. to be goes kept up the constant in this experiment. tube. Solution a) The independent b) Conditions beaker, that c) Osmosis that the is of and the equalizes water need diameter temperature variable passes pressure be glass the kept the concentration. constant time of the two the size on either an Visking left, across side. increase solution is tube (and type), environmental volume of conditions water such in as needed.) molecules causes coloured of tube conditions solvent This are Visking concentrations tubing. forcing sugar (Only movement solute into the tube, pressure. net and to is up As in the a semi-permeable the the sugar volume capillary membrane solution of is liquid in more the in a direction concentrated, tubing, increasing tube. Example 12.6. A model a) showing Identify the modelled b) Suggest could the c) of d) error in contracted state of the sarcomere was made by students. blue. structure the in Identify and that by balls. muscle shown pale represented silver Describe relaxed structure in one be the contraction sarcomeres the with this as model. a reason one model. Solution a) Z-line b) Myosin heads or c) Myosin forms thick actin filaments contraction, the d) They are should moved represented. 154 also towards all be (Only pull in the tails. sarcomere are model. error is the The out. myosin In the needed.) myosin length of heads the the centre total of should be contracted model, the too short with using the muscle heads is (silver) cross-bridges towards myosin fibre The creating filaments muscle, spread The (pink). connected actin the this evenly one the They along errors their ATP in blue). heads stretch several or fibres (dark these filaments There calcium in is During to the thin muscle shortening it. As shortened. contact to attached sarcomere, myosin respect are ATP . the with heads actin the actin should fibre. filaments. have Troponin is not Example 12.7 . A model of lung ventilation was made into the using a plastic bottle, straws and bung balloons. A hole was drawn a) State the muscle represented b) State the structure by lid the of the bottle to pass the straw. balloon bell jar rubber. (lung) represented by the straw with its top part outside the bottle. c) Explain what happens when the rubber is pulled out in terms of lung ventilation. Solution a) Diaphragm b) Trachea c) The rubber being diaphragm. cavity increases, atmospheric the alveoli balloons air. in to pulled When the out lowering This the represents diaphragm the causes lungs. In pressure air this the contraction contracts, to in enter model, the the lungs through pulling of volume the compared the the the of airway rubber thoracic to passages will rubber the cause to the inflate. Practice problems for Chapter 12 Problem 1 The electron micrograph shows human DNA from a a) Estimate the length of one strand of DNA in the replication bubble. cancer cell, showing a stage of DNA replication. The b) John Forster Cairns demonstrated by strand of DNA has a replication bubble, where the autoradiography that the DNA of bacteria was a single DNA has unwound into two single strands forming a molecule that replicated at two replicating forks Y-shaped molecule termed a replication fork . It is here (unlike humans that have only one) at which both that daughter strands form as the parent DNA acts as a new DNA strands are being synthesized. Describe template for the construction of a new matching strand Cairns’ technique for measuring the length of DNA in DNA replication. molecules by autoradiography. 0.1 μm 155 12 D ATA - B A S E D QUE STIONS AND PRACTIC AL (SECTION A) Problem 2 Problem 3 The picture shows a thin layer chromatogram of an Glass jars containing cultures of Chlorella vulgaris extract of leaves of annual meadow grass (Poa annua). microalgae were used as mesocosms. The carbon Plastic sheets were coated with silica gel. A drop of dioxide released from the combustion of the waste was extract was spotted at the bottom of the sheet. The pumped into the jars to promote photosynthesis and sheet was then placed in a beaker of solvent therefore growth of the algae. The jars were kept at 25°C. (75% acetone and 25% petroleum ether). a) State one other condition required in this mesocosm. b) Identify, with a reason, whether this is an open or solvent front closed mesocosm. c) One of the jars was kept at a temperature of 30°C. Suggest a difference that could be seen in this jar carotene with respect to the rest of the jars. Problem 4 Describe how the ventilation rate of someone breathing pheophytin chlorophyll A chlorophyll B carotenoids a) Identify the most soluble pigment. b) Calculate the R for pheophytin. Show your f working. c) Suggest what would have happened to the pigments if the solvent had been different. 156 can be monitored. N E U R O B I O LO GY A A . 1 B E H AV I O U R N E U R A L D EV E L O P M E N T Y knw: ✔ the neural formed tube by elongation of Y e ae t: embryonic infolding of the of chordates ectoderm is followed ✔ describe ✔ annotate neurons in ✔ the are immature ✔ an axon ✔ neurons to some axons reach other ✔ a ✔ synapses produced by differentiation used migrate from each chemical extend parts developing neural of an embryonic animal tissues model, in during neurulation are the not a nal immature ✔ explain ✔ state neural pruning pruning. location. neuron in that cultural acquisition stimuli. beyond of neuron that to of a experiences, language, including results in the neural pruning. the neural tube to ✔ describe ✔ outline the plasticity of the nervous system. body . forms used multiple do not synapses. how promote persist. ✔ describe involves the loss of events such reorganization how embryonic ✔ as tube. grows response diagrams tube. initially neural neurulation. by Xenopus, ✔ AND as of incomplete neural tube strokes brain closure can may function. cause of the spina bida. unused neurons. ✔ the plasticity change The with of the nervous system allows it to experience. modification of neurons starts in the earliest stages of In Topic 6.5 you studied neurons embryogenesis and continues to the final years of life. The neural tube and synapses. of by embryonic elongation chordates of the is formed by infolding of ectoderm followed tube. Xenopus is a genus of African frogs that are commonly known as the African clawed frogs. Their worldwide use in research is due to the fact that it is easy to obtain large amounts of their eggs inexpensively, which are easily manipulated. The embryonic tissues of Xenopus are a good model for human disease because most essential cellular and molecular mechanisms are the same as in humans. Nematode worms (Caenorhabditis elegans), fruit • Neatn is the development of the dorsal nerve cord by the infolding of the neural plate. • Nea pnng is the elimination of unused neurons or synapses. flies (Drosophila melanogaster), zebrafish (Danio rerio), chickens (Gallus • Nea patty is the ability of gallus) and mice (Mus musculus) have also been used to discover the molecular mechanisms fundamental to life, thereby providing a shor tcut to understanding human biology. the brain to change in time by gain or loss of neurons, par ts of neurons or synapses. 157 A N E U R O BI O LO G Y AND BE H AV IO U R Exape A .1.1. The diagram (Xenopus shows the stages of neurulation during the first two weeks in the African clawed frog laevis). A B dorsal surface X C endoderm gut cavity a) b) c) Label A to Annotate Suggest C. the what diagram to happens in explain what humans if is occurring neurulation at X. does not occur properly . Solution a) and b) lateral edges of neural plate neural plate join together forming a tube neural groove dorsal surface neural tube endoderm gut cavity c) Incomplete closure of the embryonic neural tube Modification and by chemical parts Neural so pruning acquisition Neurons of a is neural Some earliest life. tube. from Immature extend the language, via that brain of unused Cultural result these plasticity . of loss stimuli. are in used a lot This such so not as are used to a response tube multiple there are in neural to reach synapses. more do not stimuli. neurons, experiences, neural neurons. Events that between the produced migrate neuron forms synapses, embryogenesis initially neurons beyond neuron of are immature Synapses interference stages Neurons each multiple neurons. less synapses reorganization the of axons form involves faster neural in years grows bifida. body . A developing between and accessed axon between there interference system the the spina starts final neurons connections persist, in stimuli. of Developing is the location. An other cause neurons to differentiation final to of continues can again reducing including the pruning. are reinforced process strokes gives may so the information nervous promote function. SAMPLE STUDENT ANSWER The synaptic density is the number of synapses per unit volume. The graph shows the synaptic density for a human from bir th to 4 years old. 7 01 / ytisned 8 citpanys mm 3– 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 age / months a) Determine the age when the synaptic density is highest. This answer Remember to write the units, 8 otherwise no mark is given. 158 months. could have achieved 1/1 marks: [1] A .2 ThE humAN brAiN ) Explain how the synaptic density decreases after the age determined in (a). This [3] answer During neural neurons T here are is could achieved pruning, through also also have loss of to the A . 2 brain by T H E are which dendrites T his marks: they apoptosis, eliminated. damage if 3/3 can and is used, branches. happen or there programmed axon also strokes not by due to chemical H U M A N the anterior form the part of cell loss of death. Synapses old age, abuse. B R A I N Y e ae t: Y knw: ✔ is the neural tube expands ✔ to identify parts diagram brain. or medulla ✔ different ✔ the parts of the brain have specic nervous system processes in the mainly in the brain body using the outline cerebral the cortex brain and is forms more a larger highly the than in other photograph, including cerebellum, the hypothalamus, gland and cerebral hemispheres. the functions of the visual cortex, area brain and nucleus with accumbens specic as areas functions. proportion developed describe swallowing, breathing and heart rate in as humans a stem. ✔ of in brain centres of ✔ brain the controls Broca’s located of roles. ✔ involuntary the oblongata, pituitary autonomic of scan examples of activities coordinated by the animals. medulla. ✔ the human cerebral cortex has become enlarged ✔ principally by an increase in total area, analyse brain extensive folding to accommodate it correlations within size ✔ describe cerebral hemispheres are responsible different Angelman inherited the in condition order size and syndrome that is as a genetically diagnosed from for characteristically higher body animals. the cranium. ✔ between with abnormal patterns on an functions. electroencephalogram. ✔ the left cerebral hemisphere receives sensory ✔ input from sensory receptors in the right explain brain of the eld body in and both the eyes, right and side vice of the versa for the ✔ right explain lesions brain the left cerebral contraction vice versa in for hemisphere the the right right side controls of the use of the pupil of animal reex to evaluate damage. visual hemisphere. ✔ the side the use and fMRI to experiments, identify the role of autopsy , different parts. muscle body ✔ and discuss how depending hemisphere. the on denition local and of living national varies laws and culture. ✔ brain The metabolism brain and spinal requires cord large are energy mainly inputs. formed of neurons. These In Topic A.1 you studied the neurons communicate with other neurons through synapses. Synaptic formation of the neural tube. communication functional The cerebral The outer In the body neurons circuits hemispheres part of posterior brainstem between neural and through the part the the that form cerebral of the the to the cerebral The establishment sensory largest part hemispheres cerebellum. spinal leads mediate is and of is the called hemispheres brain motor human the we brain. cerebral can connected of processing. to find the cortex. the rest of the cord. 159 A N E U R O BI O LO G Y AND BE H AV IO U R Exape A .2.1. The diagram shows a human brain. The par t labelled as A could A be cerebral cor tex or cerebral a) Label A to C shown in the of the diagram. hemisphere. If in doubt, it is better to be as precise as possible. b) Outline the function Broca’s You could have answered: area and nucleus accumbens. cerebral cor tex of the cerebral hemispheres. c) On the diagram label the visual B C cortex. Solution a) A: cerebral b) The Broca’s brain • The ea ngata controls cortex, with area B: is a medulla region functions breathing and reexes such as processing. swallowing, coughing, sneezing and human vomiting. involved The brain in in linked nucleus associated laughter, oblongata the to frontal speech accumbens with fear, and lobe cerebellum. of the production is a pleasure aggression C: group and and of human and language cells reward. It in is the also addiction. • The eee controls of c) Area of the brain above the cerebellum shown and labelled. equilibrium and posture. • The yptaa regulates metabolic processes and The autonomic body using nervous centres system located controls mainly in involuntary the brain processes stem. The in the autonomic hormones. system • The pttay gan secretes many hormones. the • The eea epee are involved in learning and memory. is divided opposing “fright situations, “rest and heart and flight” while the digest”. rate into while parasympathetic functions. system, and sympathetic as it example, sympathetic, system prepares parasympathetic For the The the the system system body for it have dangerous the system slows which considered prepares sympathetic parasympathetic is body to accelerates the down. • The a tex processes the light images perceived in the eyes. • ba’ aea controls speech. The cerebral forms a humans cortex larger than is the outer proportion in other of layer the animals. of brain The the and cerebral is human more hemispheres; highly cerebral it developed cortex has in become • The ne aen is the enlarged principally by an increase in total area, with extensive folding pleasure reward centre. to accommodate it within the cranium. Exape A .2.2. The The neuroscientist Wilder graph mass Penfield experimented on in shows some the relationship between body mass and brain mammals. 6 human brains, trying to identify 5 the areas responsible for epilepsy. brain cor tex using a small electric current and asked his patients what they felt. With all the information gathered, he mapped gk gol / ssam niarb He stimulated the surface of the 4 3 2 the areas of the cor tex that control different par ts of the body. 1 Penfield developed a homunculus, 0 a car toon drawing of a human 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 body, sized propor tionally to the body mass / log kg amount of brain space devoted to processing motor functions, or a) Describe the relationship between body mass and brain mass. sensory functions, for different b) Discuss whether the data provides par ts of the body. are 160 more intellectually developed. evidence that larger animals A .3 PEr cEPTioN of s T im u li Exape A .2.3. Solution a) There is mass: the a positive correlation between body mass and brain Explain larger the animal, the larger the contralateral brain. processing b) This graph does not provide any information of images. about Solution development. The positive correlation between body mass The and brain mass does not mean that the organism is left cerebral receives developed, as many large animals that have a large brain as developed as smaller organisms that have a small is determined by the infolding of the of which increases the brain surface area:volume resonance of the some imaging brain functions is can energy , the of to meet process the up vessels called by these a many large that areas, areas energy supply rate of back used or brain cells with The shows P E R C E P T I O N receptors the right the the visual right and the optic right visual even field versa hemisphere. processing chiasma, brain field vice is due where processes from and the vice left versa. more which it brain for require lactate use the the energy . generates that this aerobically O F in detect S T I M U L I Y e ae t: changes in the environment. ✔ explain the rods of eyes, information that can glucose supply Y knw: ✔ the the specific brain they glycolysis which the stroke. means to in and cycle. A . 3 ✔ the Although astrocytes neurons, a to identification imagery neurons requirements. to the that as inputs. undergoes in body Contralateral magnetic Although and such the these cells cells functional functions. certain energy sent be disturbance glial glial extra is to and can specific over metabolic generates Krebs spread requires cells taken in following high lesions scanning attributed are blood other Glucose ATP be itself by (fMRI) involved metabolism served help part activities reorganize Brain experiments, side both for animal receptors the ratio. in Nowadays, from cerebral right cortex, input brain. side Development sensory are sensory not hemisphere more and cones are photoreceptors located the many detection different of chemicals olfactory in the air by receptors. in retina. ✔ label a diagram of the structure of the human to show eye. ✔ rods and light cones differ intensities and in their sensitivities to wavelengths. ✔ annotate types ✔ bipolar cones ✔ ✔ cells to send ganglion cells the optic nerve. the information from both visual the ganglion from rods messages to the brain via ✔ explain ✔ describe of from the right is sent to and vice versa. the eld left of part vision of ✔ the structures in the amplify sound. sensory hairs middle ear transmit and specic ✔ impulses hair the cochlea detect retina in which light the cell moves. sounds how a is red–green normal label light detected of the eye. colour-blindness trichromatic diagram by the as a variant vision. structure of the human explain how sound waves are detected by the of explain the use of cochlear implants in deaf patients. wavelengths. caused transmitted ✔ of the ear. ✔ ✔ of direction ear. ✔ ✔ the and cells. send eyes cortex impulses diagrams and cells in movement to the the of by sound brain perception via the semicircular the are auditory canals nerve. detect head. 161 A N E U R O BI O LO G Y AND BE H AV IO U R Living In Topic 3.4, you studied the inheritance of traits. the organisms environment. chemoreceptors, olfactory have Humans’ in the that sensory thermoreceptors receptors chemicals receptors in the nose are are able receptors and to detect are changes in mechanoreceptors, photoreceptors. chemoreceptors, as For they example, detect air. SAMPLE STUDENT ANSWER • meaneept detect Odorants are very small molecules with varied chemical formulae. mechanical forces and movement. Volatile odorants that enter the nose are detected by millions of olfactory neurons. The discriminatory capacity of the mammalian • ceeept detect olfactory system is so specic that a vast number of volatile chemicals chemicals. are perceived as having distinct odours. • Teeept detect The table shows the response of olfactory receptors to dierent dierences in temperature. substances. Acids and alcohols with the same number have the same • Pteept detect light. formula except for the rst carbon, where one has an acid and the other an alcohol group. cea oaty eept t (ant) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 acid 1 alcohol 1 acid 2 alcohol 2 acid 3 alcohol 3 acid 4 alcohol 4 Key response no response a) State the name given to the type of receptor the olfactory receptors belong. This ▼ This answer is too answer is answer could have achieved 0/1 marks: vague—the a) correct [1] Smell receptors. chemoreceptors. ) Identify the receptor that: () [2] detects most odorants () does not perceive the odorants shown. This answer could have achieved 2/2 marks: Remember that in the options the examiners are expecting more in- (i) 4 depth knowledge of the topics. (ii) 9 ) Identify the chemical that is the least perceived by these receptors. This ▲ Only two response to receptors this show chemical. answer [1] could have achieved 1/1 marks: a Alcohol 2 ) A slight alteration of the odorant will be perceived as a completely dierent smell. Comment on this statement referring to the results obtained in this experiment. 162 [2] A .3 This answer could have achieved 2/2 PEr cEPTioN ▲ Recognizing substance with the same chemical formula as ones scored from, changing the rst carbon group from acid (for example, acid 1 and alcohol 1), is perceived different receptors, thus smelling by by If a change in group can be then this is a true acid and number one mark. to be were The compared the were fact that perceived different second receptors mark. Another completely considered a for slight could have commenting this alteration, the same had completely mark different. that substances gained completely that the to both alcohol with another , the apart s T im u li marks: alcohol A of change was been that not scored perhaps only a slight statement. alteration. The eye is organism from the organ with both that vision. eyes is sent can The to receive light information the left part stimuli from of the the and right visual provide field cortex, of the vision and vice versa. Exape A .3.1. The a drawing cross shows section human of the eye. a) Label I to b) Outline IV . II the function I of I. IV c) State the the name tissue of containing In exams you may be asked to photoreceptors. III Solution a) I: lens; optic identify some par ts of the eye including the sclera, cornea, II: retina, nerve; IV: III: conjunctiva, eyelid, choroid, cornea. aqueous humour, pupil, lens, iris, vitreous humour, retina, fovea, b) The function of the lens is to bend the light rays so they are optic nerve and blind spot. focused c) on the retina. cones are photoreceptors Retina Rods and located in the retina. Rods and • r are photoreceptors that cones differ in their sensitivities to light intensities and wavelengths. detect monochromatic images. Impulses cells they travel pass from to the rods and ganglion cones cells to that bipolar carry cells. the From the information bipolar to the • cne are photoreceptors that detect colour. brain through the optic nerve. • bpa e send the impulses from rods and cones to ganglion Exape A .3.2. cells. The diagram shows part of the retina of the human eye. • Gangn e send messages to the brain via the optic nerve. D A B C a) Label parts A to D in the diagram. 163 A N E U R O BI O LO G Y AND BE H AV IO U R b) Draw c) Annotate from d) an the Describe arrow the eye showing diagram to the to direction show the of light. direction of the nerve impulse brain. red–green trichromatic the colour-blindness as a variant of normal vision. Solution a) A: bipolar b) Arrow from left c) Arrow from ganglion d) Trichromacy retina, cell; the the properly these colours. close to cell; C: cone; D: rod right cell that and that the Because together in from three person cones work very ganglion means giving blindness B: top types normal detect person the the to bottom of cones vision. red has light In spectrum, of most present red–green and difficulty wavelengths are green in red in the colour- light do not distinguishing and affected green light people are have • oe are the bones of the problems with both these colours. middle ear (hammer, anvil and stirrup) that transmit and amplify sound. The ear is the organ of hearing. Sound waves are detected by the ear • seny a of the cochlea through the movement of the eardrum and ossicles. The eardrum detect sounds of specic and ossicles amplify the sound. This causes the vibration of cochlear wavelengths. fluid. • The aty ne e sends hair All along cells. the These basal hair membrane cells are in of the different cochlea positions there and are sensory have cilia of impulses caused by sound different lengths. These cilia different nerve signals vibrate at different wavelengths, each perception to the brain. sending • ha e in the semicircular canals detect movement of the by sound nerve. perception Hair cells in are the in the transmitted semicircular auditory to the canals nerve. brain detect via Impulses the caused auditory movement of head. thehead. outer ear middle ear inner ear The discovery that electrical ossicles (bones) stimulation of the auditory semicircular system can create a perception of pinna hammer anvil stirrup canals sound has had a huge impact on oval the treatment of hearing loss and auditory window impairment. Cochlear implants can ner ve now be used to help those who are deaf to hear. Sounds are detected by an external microphone placed on the external ear. These sounds are transmitted through wires to electrodes that are implanted in round the cochlea of the inner ear. The window electrodes then transmit the sound eardrum (membrane) as electrical impulses to the auditory nerve, which carries the message to the brain, allowing hearing. fge A .3.1. 164 Structure of the ear oval window (membrane) cochlea A .4 A .4 I N N AT E AND i N N AT E LEARNED ANd lE ArNEd bE h Av io u r B E H AV I O U R ✔ learning ✔ memory is the acquisition of skill or (Ahl) (AHL) knowledge. Y knw: ✔ innate so ✔ behaviour develops autonomic is inherited independently and from of involuntary the parents and responses is accessing environment. the process of encoding, storing and information. are Y e ae t: referred to as reexes. ✔ ✔ reex arcs comprise the neurons that explain the withdrawal reex of the hand from mediate a painful stimulus. reexes. ✔ ✔ reex conditioning involves forming describe Pavlov’s experiments into reex new conditioning in dogs. associations. ✔ ✔ learned behaviour develops as a result explain the role of inheritance and learning in of the development of birdsong. experience. ✔ ✔ imprinting is learning occurring at analyse data experiments particular life stage and is independent of of operant conditioning is a form of learning of Behavioural trial and patterns of the behaviour effect and on chances of reproduction. draw error can be a labelled diagram of a reex arc for a that pain consists invertebrate terms behaviour. ✔ ✔ in the survival consequences from a withdrawal reex. experiences. inherited or learned. Inherited behaviours are In Topics 3.3 and 3.4 you said to be innate. Learned behaviour develops as a result of experience. studied inheritance of alleles through meiosis and in Topic 6.6 Exape A .4.1. you studied reproduction. Compare and contrast learned and innate behaviour. Solution feate innate leane type of behaviour in humans yes yes Laboratory experiments and field experiments both have their strengths and limitations. inherited yes no instinctive yes no affected by the environment no yes can be modified by experience no yes produces variability in a population no yes Laboratory experiments have the advantages that it is much more possible to precisely control the variables and it is far easier to replicate the experiment. However, the ar tificial setup of a laboratory Reflexes are an example involuntary responses the that neurons forming new of are mediate innate behaviour. referred reflexes. to as Autonomic reflexes. Reflex Reflex conditioning and arcs comprise involves study can produce unnatural behaviour or biased results. Field studies have the advantage that the results are more likely to associations. reflect real life and therefore have dorsal root cell body of more validity. Predictions and (sensory ganglion) relay neuron results obtained in the laboratory cell body of do not always correspond with sensory neuron studies performed on organisms in spinal ner ve field conditions. impulses from receptor grey impulses to ventral root cell body of eector (motor neuron) motor neuron matter fge A .4.1. Learned The reflex arc behaviour develops as a result of experience. 165 A N E U R O BI O LO G Y AND • ipntng is learning occurring BE H AV IO U R Exape A .4.2. at a par ticular life stage and is independent of the consequences a) of behaviour. With respect between a to Pavlov’s conditioned experiments and an with dogs, unconditioned distinguish stimulus. • opeant ntnng is a form of b) Outline the differences between classic conditioning, as seen in learning that consists of trial and Pavlov’s dogs, and operant conditioning. error experiences. c) Describe an example of imprinting. • leanng is the acquisition of skill or knowledge. • mey is the process of Solution a) An unconditioned encoding, storing and accessing therefore information. salivation neutral in b) Both for the and reaction is a the a learning is a voluntary learned is independent duckling as it either learned of the first occurring would human follow its bell, and a or in that is response, sound before Operant error classic for food. behaviours operant and becomes learned. depends which will conditioning experiences. conditioning at a of particular behaviour. after mother hatching life stage An example and and follows before they scored was recorded. They were then asked to train for two weeks and the same test was performed again. The results are shown in the graph. gnirocs erofeb slairt fo rebmun ball . The number of trials subdivisions on the Y axis, 15 10 mean 5 0 trained a) State the highest number of trials attempted by an untrained student and by a trained student before scoring a basket. [1] therefore it is hard to give the exact This answer could have achieved 1/1 marks: answer. The markscheme will have a range, but you should not give 18 trials for untrained and 5 for trained a range, but an exact number. The reason for this is that if your range ) Calculate the dierence in the mean number of trials before scoring is larger and does not match the between untrained and trained students. range in the markscheme, you do This answer could have not score a mark. Untrained = T rained = 4 Difference 166 = 9 trials trials 5 trials achieved 1/1 marks: is is duck. not trained This graph does not show the a a that 20 score a basket using a is It is SAMPLE STUDENT ANSWER Students were asked to on conditioning punishment trial triggers previously reflexes. consequences a a conditioning while on a is involve while of automatically; naturally conditioned Classic behaviour sees a hearing behaviour. consists of stimulus reward depending learning that to stimulus food stimulus conditioning learned that behaviour Imprinting human to the a response of sound triggers response to response control of the environment. therefore form in operant reflexes in example a smell conditioned stimulus by or unconditioned salivation classic triggers sight The controlled there c) with conditioned example The dogs. stimulus, associated The stimulus innately . [1] A .5 ▼ This ) Deduce whether scoring a basket is an innate or learned behaviour. This reason [2] answer could have achieved 1/2 N E u r o P h A r m A c o lo G Y answer must of answer In this to a incomplete. given for “deduce” the A choice question. marks: case, learned Learned is be (Ahl) the behaviour because once is students behaviour . were trained, required ) Explain how training aects the nervous system. nearly [3] to half the score the number a basket number of trials was before training. This answer could Developing many not of have neurons connections used do unused stimuli. neurons. basket, not form neurons, so so and while Neural there A . 5 is less is that some not there are used faster will be the are are loss between a by neurons used that involves interference accessed are so Synapses pruning synapses that synapses, neurons. reinforces others marks: multiple information T raining 3/3 between persist. Neurons reinforced achieved lot are these to help score a pruned. N E U R O P H A R M A C O L O G Y ✔ anesthetics ( A H L ) act by interfering with neural Y knw: transmission ✔ communication between neurons can be the reception ✔ some in of manipulation chemical the release neurons excite ✔ and nerve others stimulant in and by the ✔ inhibit addiction can be predisposition, impulses postsynaptic are initiated neurons as or a the drugs provided dopamine nerve sensory CNS. mimic the stimulation sympathetic nervous system. impulses them. ✔ of and messengers. neurotransmitters postsynaptic of areas altered perception through between affected social by genetic environment and secretion. inhibited result of the Y e ae t: summation of all excitatory neurotransmitters received and from inhibitory ✔ presynaptic explain ✔ many the action of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters. neurons. different modulate fast slow-acting synaptic ✔ neurotransmitters transmission in explain the the action of slow-acting neurotransmitters in memory explain on and learning. brain. ✔ ✔ memory in and neurons learning caused by involve the stimulants changes effects and two the nervous system of two sedatives. slow-acting ✔ describe ✔ explain ✔ evaluate the effect of anesthetics on awareness. neurotransmitters. ✔ psychoactive either drugs increasing or affect the brain decreasing how endorphins can act as painkillers. by data showing the impact of MDMA postsynaptic (ecstasy) on serotonin and dopamine transmission. metabolism Neurotransmitters are chemicals released by vesicles in the in the brain. presynaptic In Topic 6.5 you studied neurons neuron that enable neurotransmission. They are chemical messengers and synapses. which transmit synapse. neurons in Some and others postsynaptic and signals inhibitory from one neuron neurotransmitters inhibit neurons as them. a excite Nerve result neurotransmitters of to another nerve impulses the across impulses are summation received from the in neural postsynaptic initiated of all the presynaptic or inhibited excitatory neurons. 167 A N E U R O BI O LO G Y AND BE H AV IO U R Exape A .5.1. An innovative method of treating cancer patients is Explain how nerve impulses depend on the summation of through immunotherapy. Because excitatory and inhibitory messages. it is a relatively new treatment, there is little data about the long-term effects of immune cell therapy. There are still concerns about long-term survival as well as pregnancy complications in female patients treated with these cells. Some immune therapy drugs have been approved, although they produce serious side effects. Patient advocates have pressed for the speeding up of drug approval processes, encouraging more tolerance of risk . Solution The axon neurons. More same of than of given released, being and neurotransmitters. They excite they affect only can than neuron. a of of an does a They or excitatory rise effect can the action above potential. the of The excitatory prevent the neurotransmitter slow-acting. to of the is occur. millisecond attach The must action not with combining signals potential cancels other neurons. synapse involves excitatory fast-acting less form balance an action of between neurotransmitters when the be take one the membrane Inhibitory dendrites neurotransmitters. generation reached, therefore neurotransmitters on The the can neurotransmitters neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters • stant are excitatory for the Summation inhibitory depending inhibitory threshold and with connections neuron neuron. signals. threshold of connects multiple presynaptic form inhibitory effect be excitatory potentials a one neuron can postsynaptic effects and one There to The cross receptors fast-acting the in synapse the and postsynaptic nerve impulses in postsynaptic neuron which are protein ion channels. Slow-acting neurotransmitters neurons. on • seate are inhibitory neurotransmitters. They inhibit the more cause other than the hand one can take neuron. release of hundreds They do secondary not of act milliseconds through messengers. ion to act. They channels, Examples of affect but instead slow-acting nerve impulses in postsynaptic neurotransmitters are noradrenalin, dopamine and serotonin. neurons. Psychoactive drugs affect the brain by either increasing or decreasing • satn is the result of postsynaptic transmission. Stimulant drugs, such as nicotine, cocaine all excitatory and inhibitory or amphetamines, mimic the stimulation provided by the sympathetic neurotransmitters received from nervous system. Sedatives such as benzodiazepines, alcohol or presynaptic neurons. tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) mimic inhibition. Anesthetics act by • sw-atng netantte interfering with neural transmission between areas of sensory perception act through secondary messengers. and the central nervous system (CNS). They prevent the transmission They modulate fast synaptic of nerve of sodium impulses by binding to sodium channels, inhibiting the influx transmission in the brain. ions through these channels. Addiction can be affected by • mey and eanng involve genetic predisposition, social environment and dopamine. changes in neurons caused by slow-acting neurotransmitters. Exape A .5.2. a) Outline the effect of benzodiazepines and alcohol on the nervous system. b) State the c) Outline effect the of use MDMA on of synapses. anesthetics in surgery . Solution a) Both benzodiazepines synaptic transmission. receptors Alcohol b) for enhances which the effect neurotransmitter MDMA is also Anesthetics such This as called levels preventing in act as is an of sedatives, increase inhibitory GABA and affecting the effect of neurotransmitter. decreases the glutamate. ecstasy . synapses, It increases enhancing the its serotonin release and and reuptake. act by ketamine interferes perception 168 alcohol Benzodiazepines excitatory dopamine c) GABA, and interfering prevent with and the neural glutamate neural CNS, with receptors transmission preventing transmission. Anesthetics from between pain being areas of duringsurgery . active. sensory A .6 A . 6 E T H O L O G Y E T h o lo G Y (Ahl) ( A H L ) ✔ explain migratory behaviour in blackcaps is an Y knw: example ✔ behaviour can be innate or ethology is the study of animal behaviour change natural selection observed explain animal can change the frequency behaviour and in a of behaviour and natural selection. how that example blood of by the sharing in vampire development natural of bats as altruistic selection. behaviour. increases reproduction will the chances become more of explain foraging example survival optimal prevalent of behaviour increasing prey in shore chances of crabs survival as an by choice. population. ✔ ✔ by behaviour of ✔ ✔ basis conditions. an ✔ genetic in ✔ natural the learned. its ✔ of learned behaviour population innate or be can lost spread from it through more explain breeding populations a rapidly affecting than as strategies an chances example of in of survival Coho salmon behaviour and reproduction. behaviour. ✔ explain courtship example of mate in birds of paradise as an selection. Y e ae t: ✔ ✔ explain how natural selection favours explain in types of ✔ describe examples ✔ describe different behaviours foraging, crabs oestrus in female lions a pride as an example of innate behaviour behaviour. that Shore synchronized specic such of types as breeding (Carcinus innate of animal strategies maenas) reproduction behaviours. migration, ✔ learned explain blue altruistism, and choose increases loss courtship. middle-sized mussels to of feeding tits of the as an chances survival and offspring. on cream example learned of of from the milk bottles development in and behaviour. feed In Topic 5.2 you studied natural on in preference to large mussels, despite the fact they provide less selection. energy . larger This is mussels example of because is not the time worth increasing the the taken to trouble. chances of break This the harder foraging survival by shells of behaviour optimal prey is an choice. SAMPLE STUDENT ANSWER a) The sketch shows the growth rate of two types of the same species of migratory sh (Coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch). The mean age at maturity is shown with a circle. 7 fish 1 stinu y ratibra / ezis 6 fish 2 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 age / years Use the graph to explain breeding strategies in Coho salmon populations as an example of behaviour aecting the chances of survival and reproduction. [6] 169 A N E U R O BI O LO G Y ▲ This The in answer student the graph is uses to very the AND complete. BE H AV IO U R This answer explain the of salmon and have achieved 6/6 marks: different One types could information their part of the population stays in one habitat, reaching a breeding strategies. small the Experiments to test hypotheses on the migratory size. graph when T hese that they sh 2. size before are reaches become T he called other a plateau adults, sh jacks. rst which grow at a T hese is are represented (Fish at slower a 1). T he younger rate, dot age reaching by shows than a larger behaviour of blackcaps have been returning to the breeding site. T hese are called carried out. Birds are tagged and followed through GPS recordings. The hooknoses. T he hooknoses are usually larger in size so they bird known as the blackcap (Sylvia ght to fertilize females, while the smaller jacks do not ght atricapilla) traditionally migrated but hide and wait for the right moment to fertilize females. from its summer breeding grounds in Central Europe to warmer areas in T he larger jacks may behave like the hooknoses, as it is Spain and Portugal for the winter. difcult for them to hide. Lately they have been seen to migrate to the UK. The abundance of garden birds increased with levels of Many birds show sexual dimorphism. This means the males are bird feeding. Studies found that very different may have from the females. The males may be very colourful or blackcaps migrating to the UK from distinctive feathers to attract females. Others show special Germany had become adapted to courtship behaviours such as dances. Birds of paradise show both of eating food supplied by humans. In these behaviours, in a very exaggerated manner. Females choose their contrast blackcaps migrating to mates according to their plumage and dance. Natural selection has led Spain had bills adapted to feeding on to the selection of these exaggerated traits. fruit such as olives. The birds migrating to the UK have an evolutionary advantage, as they Exape A .6.1. need to travel less so expend less a) Outline the behaviour of feeding on cream from milk bottles by energy. Therefore the genetic basis blue tits. of behaviour has been changed by natural selection. b) Outline one increases way the in which chances of synchronized survival and oestrus in reproduction female of lions offspring. Solution a) Blue tits started behaviour are few bottles of b) the soon blue are tits no to feed spread on showing longer development cream from throughout this behaviour, delivered and loss milk Europe. of bottles. probably door-to-door. a learned This Nowadays This there because is an milk example behaviour. The advantage of synchronized oestrus in female lions is that the females have their cubs and are lactating all at same time, therefore some females can suckle and take care of others’ cubs while they hunt. The cubs are more likely to survive when they are raised in a nursery rather than by a solitary mother . Another advantage is that a group of male cubs of the same age leave the pride at the same time, so can compete for dominance of another pride more effectively . 170 A .6 E T h o lo G Y (Ahl) Pate pe optn A Pe 1 Pe 4 (Ahl) The growth of the axon and one dendrite were measured Outline the processes occurring when a person touches in a developing neuron. The graph shows the length of a rough surface with their hand and then moves the the axon and dendrite from the tip to the cell body over hand away. time. Pe 5 (Ahl) The volume of the left and right nucleus accumbens was measured in tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) consumers 350 and compared with those of control par ticipants who do 300 not consume cannabinoids. The bar graph shows the 250 results of several recordings. axon 200 1000 dendrite 150 800 100 50 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 time / days mm / emulov 3 sertemorcim / pit ot ydob morf ecnatsid 400 600 400 200 a) State the process occurring in this neuron from day 1 0 control to day 7. THC control left THC right ) Calculate the difference in length of the axon and dendrite after 7 days’ growth. a) State the mean volume of the left nucleus accumbens in THC consumers. ) Explain the difference in trend of growth of the axon and dendrite. ) Compare the volume of the accumbens in THC consumers and control par ticipants. ) Outline what could happen to the dendrite if it is not used. ) Explain the effect of THC on the nervous system. Pe 2 Pe 6 (Ahl) The following is a magnetic resonance image (MRI) of a Common vampire bats (Desmodus rotundus) feed only human brain. on blood and die after 70 h of fasting. Unfed bats often receive food from other bats by regurgitation. The graph shows the changes in weight at the time of feeding compared to the pre-feeding weight (100%) of donor and recipient bats before and after blood donation. 120 cerebellum, hypothalamus and pituitary gland. % / gnideef-erp thgiew egatnecrep a) On the image, label the medulla oblongata, 100 80 before 60 after 40 20 ) Explain how functional MRI can be used to detect the functions of different par ts of the brain. 0 donor recipient Pe 3 Explain how, in humans, colour in the environment is detected by the eyes and relayed to the brain. Using the data, explain blood sharing in vampire bats is an example of the development of altruistic behaviour by natural selection. 171 B I OT EC H N O LO GY B B . 1 AND B I O I N F O R M AT I C S M I C R O B I O L O G Y: ORGANISMS Y kw: ✔ microorganisms ✔ the are IN INDUSTRY Y be be : metabolically diverse. ✔ compare and contrast batch and continuous fermenters. genetic and regulatory microorganisms can be processes within modied. ✔ explain the production of penicillin of citric by batch fermentation. ✔ pathway produce engineering metabolites is of used industrially to interest. ✔ explain the continuous ✔ fermenters of ✔ used for large-scale microorganisms their probes own are in fermenters waste used to become limited ✔ explain how ✔ explain zones products. monitor bacterial conditions within ✔ describe fermenters. ✔ conditions for the are growth biogas of the at by of optimal is produced inhibition in around fermenters. cultured growths. Gram staining Gram-negative maintained acid fermentation. production metabolites. by ✔ are production of Gram-positive and bacteria. levels microorganisms being cultured. Microorganisms are allows to small cells that reproduce very quickly . This In Topic 2.1 you studied scientists modify them and use them in different industrial molecules involved in metabolism. processes. Genes can be introduced into microorganisms by genetic In Topic 4.3 you have seen carbon engineering so that they will make a desired product. The modified cycling. In Topic 6.3 you studied microorganism is placed in a fermenter. In batch beginning of the fermentation the defence against infectious disease. substrate is introduced is obtained at the is continuously end, added at the while and in the continuous product is process and fermentation harvested the the product substrate throughout Alexander Fleming the process. Continuous fermentation is more efficient, but any discovered penicillin in contamination will affect the whole process. England in 1928, on a discarded petri dish. Many perceive this as Exmpe B.1.1. serendipity, a lucky accident. However, Fleming had spent many Complete the table to compare and contrast batch and continuous years studying organisms and this fermentation according to the time when each process occurs. prepared him to understand what he saw in the dish. He could Solution connect his observations with Pce Bc C substrate added at the beginning e me product harvested e e at periodic intervals oxygen monitored e me all the time production of foam check all the time e me what he already knew about microorganisms to recognize what was happening. 172 B .1 Exmpe Citric starch can (CB) be produced using consumed changes or g a ni s M s in industrY B.1.2. acid bagasse M i C r o B i o l o g Y: in pH fermentation the by due are the to by continuous filamentous fungal citric shown in Aspergillus fermentation acid the fermentation fungus production (left axis) (right of cassava niger. and axis) The the during the graph. 30 BC yrd fo g 001 35 25 30 20 25 20 15 15 10 10 5 5 0 starch pH citric acid rep g / dica cirtic / demusnoc hcrats BC yrd fo g 001 rep g 40 0 0 24 48 72 96 120 144 time / h Source of data: F. C. Prado et al. (2005), Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 22(4), pp. 547–555. a) State b) (i) (ii) (iii) c) one use State a of mode Describe Suggest Explain citric the the one of acid of the detection changes reason production consumption in of for of food of pH the the citric pH over pH industry . in time value acid in the in fermenter. this after fermenter. 144 relation to hours. the starch. Solution a) Citric b) (i) (ii) acid can A probe The pH can is decreases (iii) The pH used be 4 as used alkaline to is addition be at (acid) alkaline preservative to detect the at prevented of a the pH beginning 48 hours. from It or of in the the remains becoming substances flavouring. such experiment constant more as fermenter. acidic by hydroxide and after 48 h. the or bicarbonate. c) Starch is bagasse down the substrate (CB) to this and eventually acid reaction fermentation. molecule. is as the it to It or produced It is found hydrolysed glucose product is is (both primary during in or cassava broken smaller sugar metabolite the Krebs of the cycle. B.1.3. Aspergillus to of storage Citric fermentative used a maltose molecules). Exmpe as niger produce is glucose citric hexokinase acid by continuous trehalose 6 phosphate fermentation. Glucose is synthase G-6-P converted by to trehalose 6-phosphate pyruvate glycolysis. T rehalose 6-phosphate pyruvate normally inhibits hexokinase, an acetyl CoA important enzyme in CoA the glycolysis pathway . citric acid Krebs cycle 173 B I OT E C H N O LO G Y B AND B I O I N F O R M AT I C S Suggest factor how which pathway reduces engineering yields of could citric be used to address this acid. Solution The molecule inhibiting the feedback. modified In to production to trehalose order synthase another already of a in of the water, can need B . 2 pH, cell and probes. These alert the such bicarbonate B I OT EC H N O LO GY organisms can be modied to include at protein enzyme breed of enzyme type can least of be hexokinase negative genetically reduce) approach that trehalose the could breaks trehalose strains kept such dioxide acid be down 6-phosphate 6-phosphate, of Aspergllus in also the foam system to, and to for acids These levels these the in niger can that pH of the tanks, when alkaline it dissolves otherwise include nutrients, monitored add the medium. conditions oxygen, are change respiration acidifies example, raise that fermentation metabolism. dioxide. All alkalis as produced which constant gets using substances too low . A G R I C U LT U R E recombinant physical ✔ a niger (or production carbon I N ✔ Y kw: the a metabolites density , or the is activity . carbon the block produces carbonic be to This 6-phosphate. Another Because produce to to selectively The binds acid. this, Aspergllus microorganism products as to citric gene that TPS medium. temperature, waste is low producing affect a catalyses method have Conditions they gene 6-phosphate. (TPS) of avoid trehalose Microorganisms pH to incorporate incorporate trehalose 6-phosphate production DNA can and chemical be introduced methods or by direct indirectly by DNA vectors. from ✔ other these that organisms. transgenic were not organisms previously produce part of proteins their Y be be : species’ ✔ explain how transgenic organisms can be proteome. produced. ✔ genetic modication can be used to produce ✔ novel describe (Ti) ✔ plants can be genetically environmental ✔ the modied resistance bioinformatics can be to used to increase in overcome crop identifying target plasmid introduce yields. ✔ describe mosaic target control the gene its is linked to other sequences B an the tumour-inducing open expression. reading frame ✔ is a signicant tumefaciens resistance into to soybean genetic to modication allow vaccine in bulk of tobacco production tobacco of plants. that describe the (Solanum ✔ of Agrobacterium glyphosate virus hepatitis a of crops. genes. ✔ use products. length production tuberosum) for of Amora the paper potato and adhesive of industries. DNA from a start codon to a stop codon. ✔ ✔ recombinant DNA can be introduced into evaluate data on the glyphosate-tolerant plants, leaf discs or recombinant DNA must be inserted into cell and chloroplast taken identify up by its chromosome an open marker DNA. uptake 174 genes of a are ✔ target used to gene. indicate the reading databases frame to nd (ORF) an and use ORF. or use bioinformatic genes ✔ of the bioinformatic plant impact soybeans. protoplasts. ✔ ✔ environmental whole successful in other software organisms to identify (BLASTn). similar B.2 In order to genetically modify an organism, an open reading B i ot E C h n o lo g Y in a g r i C u lt u r E frame • An pe e fme (orF) (ORF) is found using bioinformatics. This target gene sequence is is a signicant length of DNA from linked to DNA is other sequences formed DNA or the antibiotic when the that target mitochondrial resistance are control or used gene its expression. forms chloroplast to indicate part DNA. of Recombinant either Marker successful the genes uptake a star t codon to a stop codon. It nuclear of such the as contains sucient nucleotides to code for a polypeptide chain. target • tec describes an gene. When the transgenic organism’s cells divide by mitosis, the target organism that has foreign DNA DNA is incorporated into the new cells. included in its own DNA . Exmpe B.2.1. Find an open reading frame (ORF) in the following DNA In Topic 1.5 you studied the sequence. origin of cells and in Topic 3.5 you GATCCATGCTGCTGCTGACTCGGAGCCCCACAGCTT studied genetic modification and GGCACAGGCTCTCTCAGCTCAAGCCTCCGGTCCT biotechnology. CCCTGGGACCCTGGGAGGCCAGGCCCTGCATCTGAGGT CCTGGCTTTTGTCAAGGCAGGGCCCTGCAGAG ACAGGT GGGCAGGGCCAGCCCCAGGGCCCTGGGCTTCGAACCCG GCTGCTGATCACAGGCCTGTTTAGGC TGGACTCGGT Solution: The the start codon beginning TGA. Starting groups of appears. the stop Plants through a large and to for produce Genetic selection, and The then the a of formation such as allow one infect B many use from TAA and sequence these into sequences between the diseases start a and in plants. against obtained so requires tools, increase reduces plants are to cold, constantly the has plants hepatitis the to starch. achieved mosaic eaten and benefits associated with scientific research, for example, of herbicide resistance genes by virus, by Scientists must assess risks the need to evaluate the potential frost changing been tobacco The pests used high-amylopectin vaccines antigens be withstand insects tolerance in can can transgenic grow edible and and and or can transgenic traits, vitamins antibodies TAG, generations of longer Some tobacco are conditions desired keep to nucleotides the of codons increased easier of the to 6 ORF. takes pesticides. crop of that resistance hepatitis to this with crops may 20 an at codons divide when Through production used must see environmental plants more making see found but time. molecules incorporation induce of you and have Improving useful ATG stressful modification is stop approximately produce environment. which can The you herbicides drought, the to produce disease. need or can you the are investment scientists yields there natural which sequence. (codons) codons, resistant ATG, the from three If is of animals escaping into the wild population. Wild relatives of genetically engineered crops can acquire transgenic traits such as herbicide B. resistance. This can happen by spontaneous transgenic crop–wild Exmpe B.2.2. hybridization. In agricultural crops, Starch from resistance to herbicides is often a 63 different 62 sources contains proportions amylose of and amylopectin. about possible problems that 61 C° / erutarepmet different beneficial trait, but little is known potato (high amylopectin) could result if this trait persists 60 when herbicides are not used. potato (normal) 59 58 Another problem is the appearance 57 of herbicide-resistant weeds. Potatoes 56 (Solanum 55 barley (high amylose) barley (normal) tuberosum) have Source of graph data: H. Frediksson et al 54 0 been 10 20 30 40 50 (1998), Carbohydrate Polymers, 35, genetically amylose concentration / % modified produce pp. 119–134. to high-amylopectin starch (Amflora potatoes). 175 B I OT E C H N O LO G Y B AND B I O I N F O R M AT I C S aeme p Heat the induces gel starch formation to form a gel temperature at in excess different water. The amylose graph shows concentrations. When looking at the data, check a) Discuss the hypothesis that the temperature at which the labels on the x and y axes starches form a gel depends on the degree of cross-linking of and make sure you use the same amylopectin. wording in your answer. The x (independent) variable affects b) State the y (dependent) variable; in this one advantage of potatoes with a high amylopectin content. case, the amylose concentration c) The Amflora potato was approved for industrial applications in affects the temperature at which the European Union (EU) in 2010 and was withdrawn in January the gel is formed. Use all the 2012 due to opposition. Discuss reasons for people supporting or data to answer the question. In opposing the introduction of the Amflora potato in the EU. a discussion you should try to include a statement that suppor ts Solution the hypothesis and one that does a) not suppor t it. High-amylopectin potatoes molecules is so amylopectin (or temperature than • Ccm ce promotes the hypothesis binding of plasmid DNA to the cell amylose membrane, alllowing the plasmid to there which is normal similar amylopectin cross-linking. form a therefore However, the more of potatoes potatoes, very support have chance low-amylose) show not will great supported. barley does a normal gel gel we at a can barley formation High- higher say and the high- temperature, hypothesis. enter the cell using heat shock . b) High-amylopectin potato starch is used in adhesives production • A pme is a spherical lipid as it forms a sticky paste. It can be stored for long periods of vesicle used as a vehicle to carry time. transgenic DNA. c) There is some support for the production of Amflora potatoes. • Eecp is the application They of an electric eld to cells in order are a cheap deforestation. to increase their permeability to Opposing trangenic DNA. and This natural benefits arguments transgenic—that source local include they have of adhesives, farmers that and Amflora foreign reducing reduces potatoes DNA in their pollution. are genome. This • Mcjec is the use of a could represent a health risk to the population as they could be glass micropipette to inject the allergenic trangenic DNA into cells. and the or toxic. future There effects of is also this a are risk of horizontal gene transfer, unknown. • Bc is the sticking of DNA to “micro bullets” that are red into a cell. A transgenic crop is a genetically modified organism. A transfer of • Agrobacterium tumefaciens is a genes has occurred incorporating DNA from a different species. vector used to infect plant tissue The gene of interest is amplified or added to a plasmid, and then and the tumor-inducing plasmid (Ti) introduced into the cells of whole plants, leaf discs or protoplasts. is used to carry transgenic DNA. The new DNA is incorporated into DNA in the nucleus of the plant • tbcc mc is a vector cell or the chloroplast DNA. Chemical methods of introducing genes used to incorporate recombinant into plants can include calcium chloride or liposomes while physical DNA into tobacco plants by infection. methods include Recombinant Agrobacterium electroporation, DNA can also tumefaciens be and microinjection introduced tobacco using mosaic and biolistics. vectors virus. The such two as most aeme p common methods methods. are Biolistics biolistics involves and tumour-inducing sticking DNA to small plasmid (Ti) micro-bullets and Limit the chemical methods of then firing these into a cell. This technique is clean and safe but it can introducing genes into plant cells result in the gene of interest being rearranged upon entry or the target to calcium chloride and liposomes. cell sustaining damage upon bombardment. The Ti method involves Limit the physical methods of the use of Agrobacterium tumefaciens, which infects plant cells. The introducing genes into plant cells transgenic piece of DNA is integrated into the plant’s chromosomes to electroporation, microinjection using a Ti plasmid as a vector. A plasmid is a large circular DNA and biolistics. Limit vectors to particle, which replicates independently of the bacterial chromosome Agrobacterium tumefaciens and and can take control of the plant’s cellular machinery tobacco mosaic virus. make 176 many copies of its own bacterial DNA. and use it to B.2 B i ot E C h n o lo g Y in a g r i C u lt u r E SAMPLE STUDENT ANSWER Succinate is industrially produced by continuous fermentation. It is used as a raw material in the production of flavour enhancers, drugs and industrial chemicals. One method of increasing the production of succinate is to genetically modify E. coli to express high levels of formate dehydrogenase (FDH1). This results in the production of higher concentrations of NADH. The engineered pathway is shown as a bold dotted line in the image. glucose + NAD NADH succinate + 2NAD 2NADH + NADH pyruvate NAD lactate + formate CO NADH 2 NAD FDH1 acetyl CoA 2NADH + 2NAD formate acetate ethanol ) Using the diagram, suggest a reason for high concentrations of NADH favouring the production of succinate. This answer High of could have achieved concentrations succinate because of [1] 1/1 NADH succinate marks: favour is the production produced using the + conversion the greater of NADH the to NAD (the concentration of oxidation NADH the of NADH), more NADH so there + is available produce to more be oxidized creating more H , e and energy to succinate. b) Predict one metabolite other than succinate that will be produced in a greater amount if the amount of NADH available is increased. This answer could have achieved 1/1 [1] marks: aeme p + CO , because the reduction of NAD to NADH leads to the Remember to include a reason for 2 a “predict” or “suggest” question. formation of CO from formate. 2 c) Outline one reason this process represents pathway engineering. This T his answer [1] could represents being altered results the in achieved pathway to concentrations altering have express of terms of marks: engineering higher succinate. original 1/1 levels because E. of Pathway metabolic FDH1 to coli form engineering pathway to is achieve greater involves better yields. 177 B I OT E C H N O LO G Y B AND B I O I N F O R M AT I C S B . 3 E N V I R O N M E N TA L Y kw: ✔ biotechnology and can mitigation industrial, of P R OT ECT I O N Y be be : be used in the contamination agricultural and prevention ✔ explain from municipal properties bioremediation clearing up uses microorganisms pollution to aid describe some of of the emergent microorganisms in biolms. in for the sewage use of biolms in trickle lter beds treatment. incidents. ✔ ✔ advantages wastes. ✔ ✔ the microorganisms metabolize describe specic the elemental conversion mercury by of methyl mercury into Pseudomonas pollutants. ✔ ✔ biolms that are have sensing, aggregates emergent formation of properties of a describe microorganisms such matrix and as degradation of benzene degradation of oil quorum ✔ describe ✔ evaluate data or environmental bacteriophages water are used in the halophilic by Pseudomonas antibiotic resistance. ✔ by bacteria. disinfection media reports problems on caused by biolms. of systems. Industrial contamination or pollution can affect all of the organisms In Topic 1 you have studied cell inhabiting that area. Microorganisms are capable of metabolizing some biology. pollutants, is called rendering them bioremediation. necessary to remove the less harmful Physical and pollutants to the ecosystem. chemical from water This procedures or process may also be soil. • A bm is a layer of • Emee ppe e arise from microorganisms attached to a the interaction of the members of surface, forming an organized a biolm that are not present in the structure with complex structural and single-celled microorganism. functional characteristics. Exmpe B.3.1. Compounds help The extract process cyanide, a results toxin bacterium ammonia gold from in that ), cyanide can rock inhibit that is less is cellular fluorescens which group gold-containing waste Pseudomonas (NH the (CN) rocks are used called contaminated respiration. degrades 100 % / dedarged edinayc to containing ore. with The cyanide to toxic. 3 cyanide carbon + oxygen dioxide + + organic ammonia carbon + source 80 60 40 20 → 0 nitrates sterile To research the degradation samples of of conditions cyanide, that result researchers cyanide-processed ore in sprayed with solution maximum one a sterile • a solution containing a culture of P . fluorescens • a solution containing a culture of P . fluorescens solution a) Outline b) Sugest 178 the how evidence the that addition P . of fluorescens sucrose can and sucrose. degrade promotes the P . fluorescens and sucrose Journal of Soil Contamination, 3, pp. 271–283. three solutions: • fluorescens Source of data: C. White and J. Markweise (1994), different of P . cyanide. degradation of cyanide. B.3 E n v i r o n M E n ta l P r ot E C t i o n Solution a) With the sterile degradation b) Sucrose and In provides sucrose, control solution, with the with P . the of energy amount sucrose bioremediation which is the control, there is no degradation of cyanide but there is fluorescens of or carbon source degradation only—this contaminated would soils, of in this cyanide help reaction. is establish higher In the than solution without containing P . sucrose. There fluorescens was no causality . microorganisms are used to • Beme is the use degrade pollutants such as hydrocarbons, oil, heavy metals, pesticides, of microorganisms to degrade herbicides and dyes. This technique takes advantage of the ability contamination. of certain microorganisms to metabolize these pollutants. It is an • Pem is a genus of environmentally friendly , low-cost and efficient environmental clean- bacteria used in the bioremediation up technique. A few examples of bioremediation are the conversion of oil and mercury. of methyl mercury degradation oil by in and plastic a public chains. (Hg) by mercury halophilic is Biofilms better not able concern by Pseudomonas, bacteria by populations on a present to in survive which because of of of and and the the degradation of and changes in the the health by the less of mercury substance biomagnify to result methyl in toxic food element putida. be emergent individual metal may affects neurotoxic mercury can the contamination microorganisms, which involving electrodes, adversely the methyl present the those bioaccumulate Pseudomonas surface biofilms as lights Environmental can transformation These are wildlife. performed are such fluorescent substance together liquid. activities, contamination, and health This The mercury grow urban beings mercury . that benzene industries, mercury human is elemental Pseudomonas Industrial and of into generally solid (living properties; organism. bacteria, or these Biofilms environment, for that non-living) are or properties are example bacterium changes altered in so pH. they they live on, This matrix The can biofilm organisms produce which in have substances many cases is their binding proteins bacterium metabolisms including the matrix exopolysaccharide (EPS). bacterium acts bacteriostatic as a protective substances from layer, preventing affecting the antibiotics organisms. or bacterium They bacterium form channels synchronize quorum their sensing; organisms these through and gene this only advantages which food expression means then allow one does it can travel through organism express microorganisms a faster. mechanism senses certain in They there called are proteins. biofilms to bacterium bacterium acid more All of survive area of tooth decay in different environments, for example, in water pipes and on tooth teeth, catheters and shower caps. SAMPLE STUDENT ANSWER Using the diagram on the right, explain the emergent properties of biofilms.[3] This answer Y ou can could have achieved 0/3 marks: ▼ This see that the tooth is attacked because it presents could Each bacterium has proteins that join them together student described what cavities. attacking the be seen, question, but did therefore not answer scored no marks. the tooth. Bacteriophages unaffected by are viruses antibiotics Bacteriophages replicate that and infect are within able their bacteria. to kill host These bacteria cells, viruses within amplifying are biofilms. the 179 B I OT E C H N O LO G Y B AND B I O I N F O R M AT I C S bacteriophage spreading the EPS can through matrix, also B . 4 M E D I C I N E of infection the by a presence its within eliminating destroy the systems, released EPS. as they the the the bacteria biofilm. that By produce Bacteriophages Bacteriophages destroy biofilm. are biofilms used that in form the in pipes tanks. ( A H L ) Y be be : pathogen of are biofilm, degrade water Y kw: ✔ the which bacteriophages themselves disinfection and numbers can genetic be detected material or by by ✔ describe its how pathogens can be detected in organisms. antigens. ✔ ✔ predisposition detected to through metabolites in a genetic the blood disease presence or urine of or can markers through biopharming protein ✔ products tracking study techniques for used therapeutic experiments the are interactions are of used a to predisposition can be or produce ✔ explain ✔ analyse ✔ explain of localize desired genetic the use of genetic markers. DNA use. to how detected. microarrays. ✔ describe be ✔ and simple the strains ✔ use the of describe explain the Infection of an interpret organism by use a of use vectors PCR in the treatment of to transferin to detect biopharming of detect different virus. probes how production ✔ viral inuenza luminescent ✔ of SCID. describe protein. DNA microarrays. linked to tumours. can be used in the antithrombin. results of pathogen ELISA diagnostic can be tests. detected by presence of polymerase Developments in scientific chain reaction (PCR) techniques that show the the genetic research and technology material of the pathogen. This test is usually performed on a blood have allowed scientists to sample. Another method of detecting pathogens is by observing the diagnose and treat diseases. reaction of antibodies specific to the pathogen antigens. Preventative medicine is becoming a desirable therapeutic approach and patients are beginning to Exmpe B.4.1. demand fast and early qualitative Tobacco plants were transformed to include the hepatitis B virus diagnosis. Rapid developments in gene coding for surface antigen. Surface antigen gene expression technology have facilitated the levels were determined by ELISA.Transformed tobacco plant callus production of tests and devices cells were analysed for the integration of the gene by PCR. A band that can detect diseases. Using of 681 base pairs confirms the transformation (gel on the right). ar tificial intelligence and web- now monitor disease blood test that can detect prostate gland cancer and can distinguish between benign cancers and metastatic disease. This test detects molecular changes in the prostate-specific antigen in 2.5 1 sullac fo marg rep epidemiology. One example is a smargorcim / noitcudorp negitna based knowledge systems we can 4 5 1.0 681 bp 0.5 0 control transformed tobacco plant 180 3 1.5 blood, reducing the need for biopsies. 2 2.0 B.4 a) Suggest b) Explain c) a reason how hepatitis B Describe the why the this is ELISA test an is example used to of MEdiCinE (ahl) biopharming. detect the presence of the antigen. expression PCR of the method antigen used in this experiment to detect the gene. Solution a) Biopharming and plants is the production genetically and engineered use to of transgenic produce animals pharmaceutical In Topic B.2 you studied substances for use in humans or in other animals. In this case the biotechnology in agriculture. gene for order a b) the to vaccine In this to a in ELISA, sample This bind in antibody, antigen. enzyme that to is added, used to and On ce well s an inserted of this to the any in tobacco protein that plants will in the by a ntigen in serve as is colou r an t h is at t ac h T he a we l l s wh en of th e con c entration the of a re the f i xe d an y linked an an t i ge n the is a n t i bod y ag ai n e n zy me pre se n t . pre se n c e a n t i g en f re e to wa she d f or e n zy me the se c ond of the any su bstr at e indica tion dilu tions to p la n t s prote i n s a void a n t i ge n wh e n t h em. t obac c o th e to to on f i xe d Th e se antigen of bou n d c l e an e d La s tly, B plac e d c al l u se s w ill an tibody. a n ti gen . is are we l l s) . pu r i f yi n g has a ga ins t an tibody ch a n g es Different detect he pa ti t i s thorou ghly fix ed colou r a nd an t i bodi e s man y pl an t s crus hing cells the a re wit h the toba cco by a nt i ge n dish ca pture T h is free which s urfa ce a n tibody added. change antigen. B obta in ed them. bound This is Next, remove is s p ecia l transformed the is to a transformed sample present antigen amounts hep a titis (usually of containing B large humans. surface antibodies a hepatitis produce of can the be p re se n t in th e sample. c) PCR An is a method enzyme, primers, thermal DNA stick cycler. the Th e will a mplify and is bu ffer. temp era ture (meltin g DNA polymerase to p oly mera se, nucleotid es stra nds to u s ed DNA sta ge). beca us e th en Th e is T he th ey a dd s ma l l a moun t s a dde d a re to t u bes a are i n c re a se d of t u be pl a c e d to comp le me n t ar y. in a 5′ to in s ep a ra t e comp l e me n t ar y n ucleotide s DNA. c ont ai n i n g 3′ a th e pr i me r s Th e DNA aeme p direction, You can give your answer as an extending the DNA . T h ere is a forwa rd pri me r whi c h wil l annotated diagram, as shown. copy the one strand opposite increasing and a direction . the amou n t reverse Th is of p rim e r proces s DNA wh i c h occ u r s wi l l in c opy ma n y c yc l es , ex pon en t i al l y. 5′ template in 3′ GAATATACCC ATATGAGCC ATATATCC ATATACCT T TC ACCC AT TAAATCCCGTCCCGC ACT CT TATATGGGTATACTCGGTATATAGGTATATGGAAAGTGGGTAAT T TAGGGCAGGGCGTGA DNA 3′ 5′ 5′ 3′ GAATATACCC ATATGAGCC ATATATCC ATATACCT T TC ACCC AT TAAATCCCGTCCCGC ACT 3′ GGTAATTTAGGGCAGGGC 5′ primers bind to template 5′ TATACCCATATGAGCC 3′ CT TATATGGGTATACTCGGTATATAGGTATATGGAAAGTGGGTAAT T TAGGGCAGGGCGTGA 3′ 5′ 5′ 3′ GAATATACCC ATATGAGCC ATATATCC ATATACCT T TC ACCC AT TAAATCCCGTCCCGC ACT 3′ TAGGTATATGGAAAGTGGGTAATTTAGGGCAGGGC 5′ T aq polymerase ex tends primers 5′ TATACCCATATGAGCC ATATATCC ATATACCT T TC 3′ CT TATATGGGTATACTCGGTATATAGGTATATGGAAAGTGGGTAAT T TAGGGCAGGGCGTGA 3′ 5′ 181 B I OT E C H N O LO G Y B AND B I O I N F O R M AT I C S cycle: B . 5 1 2 B I O I N F O R M AT I C S Y kw: ✔ databases protein ✔ ✔ store ( A H L ) Y be be : information on DNA, RNA and ✔ deduce ✔ predict information allow scientists information and databases increasing is searches the body can easy of access data to ✔ different gene allows different organisms. BLASTn ✔ allows BLASTp model and stored similar sequence comparison nucleotide allows organisms can functions using bioinformatic in ✔ compare ✔ explain sequences using alignments. exponentially . identify organisms software while databases. tools. how of be used its a gene can be used to function. alignment sequences sequence protein mutating sequences determine in from sequences. databases BLAST 3 from ✔ identify ✔ analyse genes EST chromosome bioinformatic alignment using 21 mining. genes using tools. alignment. to predict ✔ use software ✔ design such as BLASTp to align proteins. gene phylogenetic cladograms from sequence functions. alignments. ✔ databases can identied sequences function ✔ EST is in an identify be other searched with to compare sequences newly of known organisms. expressed sequence tag used to genes. A bioinformatic a way many gene that different search sequences. and U.S. by Basic amino be view the part of of used cladograms. high The to data of Center to perform proteins for sequence sequence for alignment of advances and with an protein to Health is a tool produce analyse Information (NIH) of the health information. for comparing sequence BLASTn sequences. are organized and genomic entire similarity . and or are science (BLAST) such chromosome (PDB) databases Institutes Tool a in There Biotechnology biomedical Search organized information. sequence NCBI BLASTp sequence users National access DNA and for the of useful structure National of of access significant nucleotide regions collection allowing the Alignment or a can Health. providing acid sequences 182 is Local identifying can by Department research an databases, Particularly which is scientists (Embl), maintained (NCBI) The database other is library , used BLAST for software phylograms and B.5 B i o i n F o r M at i C s (ahl) Exmpe B.5.1. The image The combination “address” obtained on a of from chromosome numbers and 21 letters in Ensemble provides a is shown. gene’s chromosome. snoitairav CG % staeper senegoduesp non gnol seneg gnidoc non t rohs seneg gnidoc nietorp seneg gnidoc 3.22q 2.22q 21.22q 31.22q 11.22q 3.1 2q 2.1 2q 1.1 2q 2.11q 2.11p 31p 1 2 emosomorhc a) State b) Identify c) Explain to the find meaning the of address how the of letters one expressed p gene and q close sequence tag on to the the (EST) chromosome. centromere. mining could be used genes. Solution a) p signifies b) The c) An genes EST is the short p11.2 a obtained is by and short approximately as a of the on mRNA, aligned 800 the They the the are the the of long template be of the the the This ESTs as strand. using the The DNA Because in ESTs EST (cDNA) sequence represent reverse The chromosome. centromere. cDNA mRNA. represented or locations. genome to of complementary mRNA, may arm closest nucleotides. sequence chromosome with q transcription to cDNA/mRNA specific q11.2 to reverse genes. and sequence 500 complementary expressed arm DNA portions databases of either complement can be shown sequence bioinformatic the of is can be software. 183 B I OT E C H N O LO G Y B AND B I O I N F O R M AT I C S SAMPLE STUDENT ANSWER International agreement limits the hunting of whales. Only the meat of the minke, fin and humpback whales from Southern Hemisphere populations is allowed to be sold on the domestic market in Japan. Scientists obtained five samples of food that were being sold as “whale meat” in a Japanese market place. They identified the species and probable geographical origin of the meat using genetic analysis. The results were used to construct the cladogram. 100% minke whale (Antarctic) minke whale (Australia) minke whale (Nor th Atlantic) sample 1 humpback whale (Nor th Atlantic) 98% humpback whale (Nor th Pacific) sample 2 >92% sample 3 fin whale (Mediterranean) fin whale (Iceland) sample 4 92% sample 5 Hector ’s dolphin Commerson’s dolphin ) Using the data in the cladogram, state the reason for sale of sample 1 meat being illegal in Japan. This answer Sample the 1 could meat minke Sample North meat 1 have is whale illegal from organism Atlantic. from the [1] achieved is in the 1/1 Japan North likely T herefore Southern marks: it is to since it Atlantic, be from illegal a since Hemisphere is is closely related suggesting nearby only allowed area that to minke to be to the the whale sold in Japan. b) Using the data in the cladogram, state the reason for the sale of sample 4 meat being illegal in Japan. This answer Sample with the is whales, have illegal dolphins because 184 4 could it only and is achieved in Japan since likely whales 1/1 it not are is to [1] marks: since it located be a allowed shares in whale. to be a a common different T herefore sold in ancestor clade it Japan. is than illegal B.5 B i o i n F o r M at i C s (ahl) c) Outline how the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) might have been used in this study. [3] ▼ The This answer could have achieved 0/3 student described but Polymerase chain reaction is used to amplify DNA. It the genetic used alongside gel question electrophoresis to identify markers used for to In genes. Scientists may have compared a specic gene in The primers “legal” the organism ’s by amplifying DNA. T hey could have compared the specic DNA, cutting it with restriction running compare the the fragments fragments. T he on an gene electrophoretic or enzymes fragments gel for similarities and differences been PCR be of included). were of was amounts from the conserved such as 18S C ribosomes oxidase. occurs If then no the test to obtained with to used samples cytochrome could was negative. was very known If the different gene from obtained the be legal compared small had amplication and not case gene genes the has this amplify DNA (small certain correctly ngerprinting, could answered. be has marks: samples. gene, then the sample was “illegal”. ) Explain how sequence alignment software might have been used in this study. This [2] answer could have achieved 2/3 marks: ▲ The student identied Sequence alignment software is used to align DNA, proteins differences or between mRNA to identify sequences. T he similarities DNA of the similarities and samples protein been aligned organisms to alongside determine the known similarities sequences between the of two percentage through of similarities sequence alignment and certain software been Gene function sequences be or the by “legal” whale inactive in can be an physiology , studied knockout organism researchers (in this nd with case a the the sequence) in order to cladogram. sequences. identied used student mention the be such used, failed software as to that BLASTn could for DNA to or BLASTp for protein sequences. cladogram. using of to might sequences construct used other differences have correctly differences sequence ▼ The T he and are known construct have has sequences sequences DNA or of that using model technology . and can observing infer the organisms By causing any with a differences probable similar specific function in of gene to behaviour the gene. Pcce pbem f op B Pbem 1 Pbem 4 In India around 5% of the biogas consumed is produced Microorganisms such as bacteria can be used in in small-scale family-run biogas plants. Describe response to pollution incidents. Explain how bacteria and explain the production of biogas from organic can be used in response to an oil spill. matter. Pbem 5 (ahl) Pbem 2 Explain how simple DNA microarrays can be used to Describe an inhibition zone experiment to show the detect disease. resistance of bacteria to three different antibiotics. Pbem 6 (ahl) Pbem 3 Explain the use of viral vectors in the treatment of SCID. Explain how plants can be genetically modified to Pbem 7 (ahl) overcome environmental resistance to increase crop Explain how mutating a gene can be used to determine yields. its function. 185 EC O LO GY C C . 1 C O N S E RVAT I O N SPECIES AND COMMUNITIES Yu shuld knw: ✔ the AND distribution of Yu shuld be able t: species is affected by limiting ✔ factors. describe plant zones ✔ community by structure keystone can be strongly each species plays a ✔ unique role distribution of to illustrate of one limits animal of and tolerance one and stress. affected species. describe of ✔ the species within ways local in examples which to species illustrate can the interact range within a a community . community of its because spatial habitat of the and unique combination interactions with other ✔ species. explain the symbiotic zooxanthellae and relationship reef-building between coral reef species. ✔ interactions can be between classied species according in to a community their effect. ✔ analyse data between ✔ two species same cannot habitat if survive their niches indenitely are in that illustrate and the distinction realized niche. the identical. ✔ explain the use distribution abiotic The sets fundamental distribution of species of of transects plant or to correlate animal species the with an variable. is affected by limiting factors. Plant In Topic 4.1 you studied species, distributions are affected by abiotic factors such as light, temperature, communities and ecosystems. water, by pH, food, Aquatic biotic salinity and temperature, organisms factors water, are affecting minerals. also Animal breeding affected distribution distributions sites by and light, such as are affected geographical pH and salinity . predation, factors. There herbivory are and competition. • A keystne speces is one in which its presence has a dispropor tionate impact on The community which means ecosystem and its removal often exist because leads to signicant changes. community . structure the of whole the is an emergent community interactions of has the property certain of an ecosystem, properties individual that organisms only within that • A nche is the role or function of an organism or species in an Zones of stress and limits of tolerance graphs are models of the real ecosystem. world that have predictive power and explain community structure. • A fundamental nche of a species Each species has a range of values for biotic and abiotic factors that can be is the potential mode of existence. tolerated. Never theless, within a population there is variability, where some • A realzed nche is the actual mode of existence, depending on are more tolerant than others. An example of such limits of tolerance of abiotic factors is shown in populations of the marine fish Cheilodactylus spectabilis adaptations and competition with in the Tasman Sea. Here, increasing temperatures coincide with increased other species. growth but only up to a cer tain temperature. Increasing water temperatures • Cmpette exclusn is a principle which states that two have pushed the species past the point where warming is beneficial, as these high temperatures result in higher metabolic costs and less availability of species cannot occupy the same energy for growth and reproduction. As a result, C. spectabilis will be absent in niche. those areas where water temperatures surpass their limits of tolerance. 186 C .1 The keystone organisms keystone dogs species affect the species and a disproportionate environment are mountain has the sea star more effect than Pisaster, sea because expected. otters, even a Examples elephants, SPECiE S AND C oM M U Ni T iE S few of prairie lions. S AMPLE STUDENT ANS WER Outline what is meant by a keystone species. This answer could have achieved 1/2 [2] marks: ▲ This for Keystone species are those that have a destabilizing that on disruptive impact on the ecosystem they live in. T hey can could be who like overfeed ants on that the have prey both in a the ecosystem, positive and or is the a on other insect species other be plays a species. classified competition, of Interactions according to predation, mark a species overfeeds of the implying organism is answer fails to mention species. unique combination be negative the impact unique that therefore impact removal organism the one could signicant. they that Each scored it predator prey , the ▼ The impact that be that predators answer saying role its within spatial between their community species effect. grazing, a habitat and in These a because interactions community interactions mutualism, symbiosis, has on the a of the keystone disproportionate ecosystem. of with can can be parasitism and commensalism. Many students just mention that keystone species are very impor tant to the environment. Competition can be for resources such as food, water, sunlight, Although this is true, it is not really breeding sites or territory . Intraspecific competition is between explaining what it is. members different habitat of a species species. if their while Two niches interspecific species are cannot identical competition survive due to is between indefinitely competitive in the same exclusion. • Cmpettn is a situation in which one organism or species contends for the same resources as another. Example C.1.1. • Predatn is when an organism Acanthocephalus tahlequahensis is a parasitic worm often found in (predator) kills a prey to feed on it. fish intestines. The percentage of fish infected by Acanthocephalus • Grazng is when herbivores feed parasites was measured in freshwater fish. on plants or algae. acanthocephalus • Symbss is a long-term interaction (Acanthocephalus tahlequahensis) between dierent biological species. It can be mutualism, parasitism or commensalism. rocksh sunsh (Umbra pygmaea) (Lepomis gibbosus) • Mutualsm is when both organisms benet. For example birds feeding on ectoparasites of cattle. pirate perch bream (Aphredoderus sayanus) (Lepomis macrochirus) • Parastsm is when an organism lives on/in a host and feeds from it, causing the host harm. For example, a) Define parasitism using the data provided as examples. worms in animal intestines. b) State the species where most fish presented parasites. • Cmmensalsm is when one species gains benets while the c) The bream (Lepomis macrochirus) are recent invaders of this other species is neither beneted environment and are relatively resistant to the parasite. nor harmed. For example remora Comment on this statement based on the results shown. sh feed on the parasites found on d) Suggest and the with a sunfish reason whether (Lepomis the gibbosus) bream show (Lepomis macrochirus) intraspecific the skin of sharks. competition. 187 C E C O LO G Y AND C O N S E R V AT I O N Solution a) Parasitism it harmed and case the b) c) is causing is the hosts Pirate The are bream They from to in most cannot the C O M M U N I T I E S species multiple ✔ a food web a community . the is the an type area of is it would in different shows all of the trophic possible ingested dependent stable on energy the ecosystem predictable closed ecosystems exchanged ✔ with disturbance change based the levels in that as of in tahlequahensis) fish reasons: therefore they they they are infected one may supporting have have only not competition from interspecific is this and the by be that recently had they statement. time been to the because same they genus. If are not they do competition. EC O SYST E M S ✔ analyse food chains ✔ explain in food webs. converted respiration that on will energy the conversion production explain to ratio in sustainable food practices. how humans interfere with nutrient cycling. rate. emerge compare in pyramids of energy from different ecosystems. climate. but not matter analyse is structure climographs between surroundings. inuences within be A N D ✔ ✔ two intraspecific species, ✔ ✔ host chains. percentage biomass percentage to environment, have same ✔ ✔ the organism sayanus). due be parasitic fish. parasite, could the (host), therefore Yu shuld be able t: occupy food the The another it; (Acanthocephalus lowest be off killing infected. Yu shuld knw: ✔ the could feeds benefits. different shows reason compete, C . 2 parasite the This introduced d) normally (Aphredoderus resistant become organism not acanthocephalus perch Another one but the are parasites. when harm showing temperature, the rainfall relationship and the type of ecosystem. and rate of ✔ construct ecosystems. Gersmehl relationships in taiga, ✔ analyse ✔ design desert data ecosystem is a and experiments community made to of show stores inter- ows succession. determine living the and rainforest. primary disturbance up to nutrient tropical showing environmental An diagrams between on an the effect of an ecosystem. organisms and its You studied energy flow in interaction with the abiotic environment such as air, water and Topic 4.2. mineral soil. Changes Most Examples of aspects investigated in the ecosystem that you could be tested on could be species diversity, nutrient cycling, water movement, erosion and leaf area index, among others. 188 in community species therefore A food chains it is web in a occupy not is a structure different very more practical realistic community . affect trophic to and levels show model as are in these it affected multiple by relationships shows all the organisms. food chains; in a possible chain. food C.2 C oM M U Ni T iE S AND E C o S YS T E M S Example C.2.1. The diagram is of an ocean food web. polar gull humans bear fulmar harp ringed guillemot nar whal beluga seal seal Arctic cod arrow worms amphipods walrus copepods bivalve molluscs kelp algae a) b) c) State a State producer the Predict most detritus phytoplankton in trophic what this web. level(s) would of the happen to gull. this web if a disease killed guillemots. Solution a) Algae, b) Third c) kelp and or fourth Amphipods guillemots. will on be will This eaten will consumer increase means more. guillemots, these phytoplankton they At in that the will number algae same feed as and time, more they kelp as on stop will gulls fulmar being eaten decrease, can and no as longer Arctic by they feed cod, so In a), only one of these answers is expected and in b), both answers are needed to score the mark . decline. Pyramids of energy model the energy flow through ecosystems. Energy is lost from one trophic level to the other. Most of the energy is lost as • A bme is a community of living organisms that share the same climate. heat. The percentage of ingested energy conver ted to biomass is dependent on the respiration rate. Energy can also be lost as indigestible material (eg, cellulose and fibre for humans) and as uneaten par ts such as hair and teeth. The loss of energy from one trophic level to the other can be shown with a pyramid of energy. third consumers second consumers rst consumers producer The type based on of stable climate. temperature of living habitats. (snow and ecosystem that Climographs precipitation organisms Examples living of in a biomes will emerge represent of a location. common are the in area A biome climate. deserts, an monthly It tropical is can is predictable average a community comprise rainforests many and taiga forests). 189 C E C O LO G Y AND C O N S E R V AT I O N Example C.2.3. The diagram shows a climograph. 100 40 75 mm / llafniar 50 0 25 –20 0 –40 Jan a) b) c) C° / erutarepmet 20 State State Feb the Apr May maximum the Identify Mar warmest the biome Jun Jul Aug Sep precipitation month in this represented Oct in Nov this Dec location. location. in the climograph. Solution a) 78 mm Gersmehl nutrient of the the diagrams stores circles arrows b) and is gives direction an an of are models flows c) of between indication indication the July of of the inter-relationships biomass, the taiga litter amounts amounts and stored, flowing and between soil. the the The width arrow diameter of the shows flow. • A taga is a temperate forest with taiga deser t tropical rainforest cold winters and warm summers. B B There is little precipitation. Its main B store is litter (pine needles) with little ow between stores. L • A deser t is very dry with very hot L L days and cold nights. Its main store S S is in soil and there is major ow S from biomass to litter. • A trpcal ranfrest is rainy and hot. Biomass is its main store with a Fgure C.2.1. Gersmehl diagrams for taiga, deser t and tropical rainforest high rate of ow. S AMPLE STUDENT ANS WER Distinguish between tropical rainforest and taiga in terms of nutrient stores, nutrient flows and climate. Gersmehl diagrams can be used to suppor t your answer. This ▲ This for answer scored distinguishing the two marks levels answer could have [6] achieved 2/6 marks: T ropical rainforest has the largest plant species biodiversity of of all the land biomes. It has an abundant amount of life, precipitation both and temperature in biomes. and therefore the amount of nutrient for each energy level is very abundant. T aiga is the largest terrestrial biome, but ▼ This address store, answer the needed differences nutrient ow to in and the diversity of its plant and animal life is much lower , nutrient climate. consisting of large mammals and coniferous trees. Because the rainforest is so diverse, the amount of predators and 190 C.2 C oM M U Ni T iE S AND E C o S YS T E M S prey ensure that there are many trophic levels. Consumers like monkeys can also be secondary consumers and in turn be consumed by tertiary consumers. T aiga does not have as many levels or such complex food webs due to the The Gersmehl diagrams are based lesser amount of species. T ropical rainforests have heavy on biomass, nutrient storage in precipitation and the air is usually humid and hotter litter and nutrient storage in soil than many biomes all year round. T aiga is much drier , and the flow between these. The answer had to be focused on the temperature is cooler as most taiga are near or in the these, as the question clearly mountains, and there is heavy snowfall but not as much stated you could use these diagrams. precipitation. Living organisms energy into can kinetic energy . it matter have of the an is is ecosystem lost cannot from the exchanged energy These into are environment, energy be interconvert the can is also as In be into rates the which measured in can other The into of heat energy; energy environments depend on the primary per converted form ecosystems net mass Light be converted any closed average energy . which surroundings. conversion measured energy , converted ecosystem. with which can chemical Chemical energy different involved. in converted energy . Heat therefore not be unit but can organisms productivity area per unit 2 time (eg, Feed at g/m conversion converting It is of the food body mass ratio their of temperature) they have a is food the produced). homeotherms as /yr). how into input efficient the (food desired given) Poikilotherms are more (animals higher that rate the output divided (animals effective maintain of bodies that of milk the have of regulated conversion organisms (eg, by producers a of food meat). output a (mass variable protein body to or are than temperature) biomass. Example C.2.4. • Bmass is the total dry organic matter. The efficiencies of production of some food meat products and of • Grss prductn is the total crickets are shown in the table. amount of organic matter produced per unit area per unit time by a Crcket Beef Chcken Feed cnersn rat (FCR) 1.7 10 2.5 Edble pr tn / % 80 40 55 trophic level in an ecosystem. • Net prductn is the amount of gross production remaining after the amount used for respiration a) State the least efficient food source. by the trophic level has been b) (i) Distinguish between beef and chicken as food subtracted. sources. • Feed cnersn rat (FCR) is (ii) Explain reasons for the differences. the eciency of production of an c) Using the data, discuss whether crickets are a good source of animal food source. food. • Pkltherms are animals whose body temperature varies with the Solution environment. a) b) Beef (i) Chicken FCR has than a larger beef. percentage of edible parts and a lower • Hmetherms are animals that maintain their body temperature. 191 C E C O LO G Y AND C O N S E R V AT I O N (ii) Chicken FCR, is this amount animal more mean of efcient that meat to therefore c) If Crickets FCR. are are This edible, eating due they a is Ecological is to is less is due lost. to fed energy that to the One be source fact that is because may be they most that of it maintain as it obtain around, food, problem just to move to because chickens of because less probably source sometimes religious food allowed good mainly little This reason not very insects, to are a needs eat. requires perature. Another cages. it as taste, the is its a this a same body in the of energy . lowest their everybody but other tem- small saves have lower smaller kept parts not has body likes times issues. successions are processes where the species structure of an • Prmary successn occurs in ecological community changes over time. Primary succession occurs areas that were not inhabited by in environments where there were no soil or organisms, such as lava living organisms. flows or glacier retreats. Secondary succession occurs in areas that • Secndary successn occurs in previously supported organisms before an ecological disturbance such areas that were already inhabited as a fire, flood or agricultural practices. Disturbance influences the but suered disturbance. structure C . 3 I M PA C T S O F and introduced alien ecosystems ✔ and competitive predators of endemic species become lead species to change within O N ecosystems. EC O SYST E M S Yu shuld be able t: exclusion can of H U M A N S Yu shuld knw: ✔ rate can escape into local ✔ invasive. and the when alien in the species, absence reduction explain the of ✔ numbers species become alien of especially evaluate control effect the the eradication as measures introduction cane toads in programmes to reduce the of an alien Australia. and biological impact of species. invasive. ✔ ✔ pollutants of become organisms at concentrated higher trophic in the levels tissues analyse data illustrating consequences of the causes and biomagnication. by ✔ discuss the trade-off between control of the biomagnication. malarial ✔ macroplastic and accumulated in microplastic debris and DDT pollution. has ✔ marine parasite explain the impact of marine plastic debris on environments. Laysan albatrosses and one other named species. In Topic 4.1 you studied species, The use of biological control has associated risk and requires communities and ecosystems. verification by tightly controlled experiments before it is approved. One of the most well-known invasive species was introduced as a biological control. The cane toad (Rhinella marina) was introduced to Australia to control the cane beetle (Dermolepida albohir tum). The cane toad and their tadpoles In Topic 5.4 you studied are highly toxic to most animals if ingested. As they do not have natural reclassification of organisms using predators, they have become a competitor for food resources and have evidence from cladistics. You will spread throughout the country. Decreases in the populations of cer tain find many books refer to the cane species of frogs (Limnodynastes peronii), large lizards (Bellatorias major, toad as Bufo marinus, but it has Intellagama lesueurii, and Varanus varius) and snakes (Pseudechis now been reclassified as Rhinella porphyriacus) occurred following the introduction of R. marina. marina 192 C.3 Introduced alien species can escape into local ecosystems and i M PA C TS oF HUMANS oN E C o S YS T E M S become • Bmagncatn is the invasive. Competitive exclusion and the absence of predators can lead increasing concentration of toxins to reduction in the numbers of endemic species when alien species in the tissues of organisms at become invasive. Biological control has been used to try and control successive higher levels in a food alien species. Pollutants trophic become levels pesticides, and chain. by concentrated industrial microplastic in the biomagnification. wastes, debris heavy have tissues Examples metals accumulated of and in organisms of pollutants plastics. marine at higher are Macroplastic environments. S AMPLE STUDENT ANS WER a) Outline the concept of biomagnification of plastic pollution in oceans. [3] ▲ This mark This answer could have achieved 2/3 answer for level is when toxins released from primarily the up general waste or antibiotics are passed along to level. T he toxins increase in destructive pass toxins from that prey could to have predator , such and an capacity by as plastic effect on rafts the contain achieved 2/2 on these rafts is can not know what it is. hazardous Birds macroplastic Microplastics can be can might choke ingested to other animals that consume them as food; are by the bird animals or worsen and the its in biomagnication. T he toxins means this can affect a not is a pesticideused used reduction in of the to reduce reduction mosquitoes led of to fact that wide these selection pests that mosquitoes a ratesof biomagnification in health islands of the reduced top predators. reproductive reduction food For success organisms from prey to about have plastics in toxins the (not of are on animals. disease carrying in vectors. malaria. malaria. chainscaused a example, in birds It negative of that such as answer just does microplastics or consumed birds. metabolized in As by the are by toxins organisms tissues. This answer saying that scored birds one macroplastics that can mark and plastics choke another can for worsen health. was This Unfortunately , thethinning of The are ▼ The that answer these failed islands into to can areas mention introduce where the impact is not found. Another eggshells issue and that ingested pathogen on absorbed was release pathogens the are should accumulate their widely it mention saying DDT for can for motile the is health. ▲ result mark mention wastes). directly they ingesting (although not marks: animals do so mentioned [2] not plastic is level question human T he chain toxins trophic they plastics, ocean have are successive ecosystem. mobility of plastic rafts and the communities they host. could food second that lower ▼ The answer each predator). b) Other than biomagnication, outline t w concerns associated with This one toxins each (when they in destructive The saying trophic the term ideal). human that marks: concentrated Biomagnication scored saying not mentioned is that the prey . introduced species may become invasive. S AMPLE STUDENT ANS WER State one advantage and one disadvantage regarding the use of DDT. This [2] answer DDT could prevents insects and have the then achieved spread of prevents 2/2 marks: illnesses humans such as getting malaria that through illness from ▲ This them. However , DDT releases toxins as soon as those for mentioning levels with it are consumed, and biomagnication ensures that impacts other species. scored of the the one mark reduction malarial in parasite the and it the detrimentally answer infected of other DDT. mark The maximum for biomagnication student achieved marks. 193 C E C O LO G Y C . 4 AND C O N S E R V AT I O N C O N S E R VAT I O N O F Yu shuld knw: ✔ entire order ✔ an communities to preserve indicator assess a specic Yu shuld be able t: need to be conserved in ✔ describe biodiversity . species B I O D I V E R S I T Y is an cases of reintroduction organism environmental used to ✔ analyse condition. on the captive of an impact diversity endangered of limited breeding and animal biogeographical to island size and species. factors edge effects. ✔ relative used ✔ in to situ numbers calculate ex situ of outside may is their species can a biotic index. require active value nature conservation species indicator the conservation management ✔ of of reserves the or national preservation natural be ✔ dene biotic ✔ dene biodiversity parks. biogeographical ✔ richness and factors of ✔ analyse habitats. evenness affect are species in terms of richness and evenness. the biodiversity communities of ✔ index. using of two Simpson’s local reciprocal index diversity . diversity . components of biodiversity . The preservation of species involves international cooperation through In Topic 4.1 you studied species, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations. The Andean communities and ecosystems. condor (Vultur gryphus) was in danger of extinction. In 1991, the Andean Condor Conservation Program (PCCA) of Argentina developed ar tificial incubation • In situ cnser atn refers to programmes and techniques for hand rearing birds using puppets (without conservation of species in their human contact) and worked to rescue and rehabilitate wild condors. The venture own natural habitat, for example in included public and private funding from different countries. In 20 years more natural reserves or national parks. than 160 condors have been released in all South America. Andean condors • Ex situ cnser atn is the routinely cross borders between countries and, therefore, it was essential that preservation of species outside international stakeholders unite to coordinate in its conservation. their natural habitats, for example, in zoos, botanical gardens or seed banks. An indicator species environmental used to calculate pollution is the that one or in of the is a of pollution used to numbers biotic If environment, If on present, pollution intolerant assess of index. intolerant. polluted. species Examples while organism Relative pollution found intolerant unpolluted. an value environment pollution worms the tolerant only this is condition. then ones a is the a species species pollution other tolerant specific Indicator there the a indicator tolerant high hand, include are stonefly be be species probability there environment organisms can can are must be leeches larvae and and caddisflies. The formula for biotic index is the following: 1 ∑ (n × a i ) i n = 1 Biotic index = N Where n is the number of individuals of a species and a i of means and of that this collected. 194 of for value species is the level i tolerance that given each is have species. species added been to its the added. The number next N sign is is total means “the multiplied species the Σ and so number by on, of sum the until of”; this tolerance all i number individuals C.4 C o N S E R v AT i o N oF BioDi vERSiT Y Example C.4.1. The graph shows ecological biotic the groups index (BI) evolution (from from very 1990 of the percentage tolerant to 2005 to very recorded of different sensitive) in an and the estuary . 100 6 90 5 % / sepyt fo egatnecrep 80 very tolerant 70 4 tolerant 60 IB 50 3 indierent slightly sensitive 40 2 very sensitive 30 20 1 10 0 0 1990 1995 2000 2005 year a) State the b) Using of c) the the the with data, quality Suggest to year greatest amount of very sensitive species in estuary . a explain of the reason how the biotic index gives an idea water. for the lowering of the BI from the year 2000 2005. Solution a) 1990 b) In (with this data, species and pollution species, c) for higher the nature and shape that and have a little see only therefore there in are higher very this tolerant year many pollution, The the are that the large must affect in are the the very therefore biotic and of a of This sensitive they index, can the diversity . is by The in banning due a to factory the there of For a is, so, perimeter are of a (like a the larger biodiversity more effective also affects reserve ideally , calculating biodiversity example, reserve edge Any other reasonable suggestion will be accepted. corridors edge when probably preserving shape to small is species estuary . close considered index sensitive example the it connected differs for into species connected. area 2000). efficient amount be reciprocal none slightly pollution, more not and chemicals Biodiversity evenness Simpson’s stop factors is, determines should 1990. were to their reserves biodiversity . can When is sensitive (there taken reserve those there in one species, greatest. means sending small than sensitive the very Biogeographical a 2000, pollution. reappeared from year example the measures the no this 2005, in was thrive, In 30%) a and the reserve circle). Richness biodiversity . considers both of these numbers. N (N 1) D = ∑ Where and n value n (n D is is the for D 1) the diversity number means of index, N organisms there is a lot of is of the total each number individual of species species. found A large biodiversity . 195 C E C O LO G Y AND C O N S E R V AT I O N Example C.4.2. • indcatr speces are organisms The diagram represents four A B C D that indicate the health of an different communities. Each ecosystem or level of pollution. geometric figure represents a • Bdersty measures the different species. variation of species in a community. a) Deduce with a reason the • Rchness is the number of community with the largest dierent species present in a evenness. community. b) • Eenness is how close in numbers each species in an Calculate the reciprocal environment is – how equal the Simpson’s diversity community B. index Show for your working. community is numerically. c) Suggest which community has the smallest biodiversity . Solution a) D because the b) D other c) C . 5 C (both (with low P O P U L AT I O N dynamic density ✔ biological and sampling ✔ the processes population 3 1 a + 1 × 0 3 organisms 1 × 12/2 diversity EC O LO GY impact population ✔ used to pattern evaluate of estimate ✔ occurs in growth reaches carrying the species is the same as each). 6 index of 1). This is because it has a ( A H L ) the methods commercial describe the slows as a capacity stock use of recapture method size animal of an used of the to to estimate marine the size resources. capture-mark-release- estimate the population species. an environment. population = one 0) ✔ discuss the effect immigration ✔ in of richness. growth. are growth unlimited + Simpson’s size. exponential ideal, × organisms Yu shuld be able t: techniques population have 4 of = × Yu shuld knw: ✔ number = (2 Always show your working. the and of natality , mortality , emigration on population size. population of the ✔ environment. analyse the effects reproductive of status population on size, sustainable age and shing practices. ✔ the phases explained shown by immigration in the relative and sigmoid rates of curve natality , can be mortality , ✔ emigration. explain bottom-up shortage of control nutrients and of algal blooms top-down by control by herbivory . ✔ limiting factors can be top-down or bottom-up. ✔ design models organism Sampling techniques are used such to of as the growth yeast estimate or curve species population using a simple of Lemna. size. The capture- In Topic 4.1 you studied species, mark-release-recapture method is frequently communities and ecosystems. population 196 size of an animal species. used to estimate the C.5 P o P U L AT i o N E C o Lo G Y (AHL) S AMPLE STUDENT ANS WER The population sizes of Explain how the Lincoln index is used to determine population size. commercial stock of marine [4] resources can be estimated by This answer could have achieved 4/4 marks: echo sonography or by inferring it according to the catch age distribution. In the fishing industry, T he Lincoln index is calculated from the capture-markyields depend on natural release-recapture method. It is calculated according to the processes such as growth, number of individuals caught and marked initially mor tality and reproduction. and Therefore it is impor tant to allow those recaptured in the second sample divided by the number fish to grow to a reasonable size of the recaptured which are x N before being caught. It is impor tant N 1 Population marked. 2 to predict the effect of changes in size = size of net and of mesh and the N 3 Where N is the number caught and marked initially, amount of fishing on the rates of N 1 2 reproduction and survival. This can is the total number caught in 2nd sample and N is the 3 number of marked individuals help prevent the thinning of fishing recaptured. stocks. ▲ This Exponential population environment. by relative the The rates sigmoid growth phases of curve, occurs shown natality , in the mortality , population in an ideal, sigmoid unlimited curve immigration growth is can and exponential be points explained emigration. and then it answer of the covers Lincoln all the diversity index. In slows • The Lncln ndex uses data until the population reaches the carrying capacity of the environment. obtained from the capture-mark- release-recapture method to estimate the size of a population. small uctuations • A sgmd grwth cur e shows due to factors such changes in population over time. carrying capacity as food supply 700 mc snoillim / airetcab fo rebmun 3– • Natalty is number of bir ths. exponential stationary (log) phase 600 • Mr talty is number of deaths. phase rapid growth no growth 500 • immgratn is when organisms arrive at an environment. 400 • Emgratn is when organisms 300 leave an environment. lag • Carryng capacty is the 200 phase maximum population an slow 100 environment can hold due to food, growth territory or breeding sites. 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 time / hours Fgure C.5.1. Sigmoid growth curve You can be asked to draw this curve for different organisms. • Tp-dwn factrs aect the population from a trophic level above it. • Bttm-up factrs aect the population from a lower trophic level or from a nutrient store. 197 C E C O LO G Y AND C O N S E R V AT I O N Example C.5.1. An up experiment control grown salina) on with in was salt (+) performed marsh and without mesocosms repeated with grass with addition ( or of to examine (Spartina ) a top-down densiflora). herbivore without salt. and The planthopper The bottom- grass was (Prokelisia experiment was nutrient. 14 12 mc / htworg tnalp 10 8 6 nutrient added 4 no added nutrient 2 0 – + – + herbivores salt absent salt present condition a) b) State Outline of c) the plant d) Use the mode the in the effect these by the which of marsh grass nutrients herbivores mesocosms information planthopper with where are grows the bottom-up most. controls growth. Outline grasses conditions to on explain herbivores on the without the marsh growth of marsh salt. top-down grass effect grown in of mesocosms salt. Solution a) Marsh grass without b) Nutrients example by marsh grasses marsh plants might nutrients, d) the no marsh ions in with nutrients for formation needed added and for plant of growth. nucleic these. For acids Nutrients and are plants. present more. less. needed the also of and But This with herbivores are no when could the are nutrients are nutrients be marsh of This plant is due to added, are the grasses added, fact and, the controls because leaves. herbivores nutrients reducing grass. top-down added. destroying presence environment, 198 salt, that with the the other the more. because marsh is compete nutrients the probably the grow grasses, present, used are grow grow Planthopper when mineral is roots herbivores plants without Phosphorus absorbed When include nitrogen proteins. c) grown herbivores. allow other damage When increases by marsh feed nutrients marsh plants done of they to the grasses on are grass grow the in growth, the planthoppers to C.6 C . 6 N I T R O G E N A N D Ni T R o GE N AND PHoSPHoRUS P H O S P H O R U S C YCLE S (AHL) C Y C L E S ( A H L ) Yu shuld knw: ✔ nitrogen-xing nitrogen ✔ to Rhizobium Yu shuld be able t: bacteria convert atmospheric ✔ draw a labelled ✔ explain diagram of the nitrogen cycle. ammonia. associates with roots in a mutualistic the nitrogen impact of waterlogging on the cycle. relationship. ✔ ✔ in the absence reduce ✔ nitrate phosphorus cycle of by oxygen in can the be harvesting the rate of bacteria of much ✔ to the fertilizer agricultural turnover lower availability to ✔ of of agriculture leaching land to than of into the the the rivers phosphorus or removed ✔ by nitrogen affect the of phosphorus may nutrients causes is key plants availability as in an adaptation waterlogged experiments of a soil to assess the nutrient sample. cycle is outline of cycle. soil how crop nutrients rotations by allow allowing an the area renewal to remain “fallow”. become limiting ✔ describe ✔ explain the phosphorus cycle. future. from agricultural eutrophication biochemical cycle rate design content oxygen and may leads very important ecosystem the reason become availability limiting to of phosphate agriculture in the future. demand. ✔ The insectivorous nitrogen crops. nitrogen phosphate in mineral increased in low soils. ✔ ✔ describe to soil. added application the denitrifying because nitrogen explain availability eutrophication. can processes. In Topic 4.1 you studied species, communities and ecosystems. nitrifying bacteria eg Nitrobacter Nitrites (NO absorption by roots Nitrates (NO ) Protein in ) • Dentrcatn is the turning 3 2 green plants in soil in soil of nitrates to atmospheric nitrogen. • Ntrcatn is the transformation of ammonium denitrifying nitrogenbacteria nitrifying compounds to nitrites and xing bacteria feeding nitrates. bacteria eg Rhizobium and eg Nitrosomonas (mutualistic) digestion lightning • Ammncatn is the transformation of proteins to ammonia. Ammonium Atmospheric Protein in nitrogen animals • Ntrgen xatn is compounds the transformation from (in soil) atmospheric nitrogen to protein. chemical excretion death combination (natural or in fertilizer manufacture) ammonication by Protein in Nitrogenous putrefying bacteria dead organisms waste, eg urea Ammonia ammonication by putrefying bacteria Fgure C.6.1. The nitrogen cycle 199 C E C O LO G Y AND C O N S E R V AT I O N Example C.6.1. Our huge population growth has led to an increase in the a) Outline the impact of waterlogging on the nitrogen cycle. demand for food, which, in turn, has led to intensive methods of b) Describe nitrogen agriculture. Intensive agriculture insectivorous availability plants in as an adaptation waterlogged for low soils. involves labour-intensive and Solution costly practices in order to obtain a) Waterlogging fills the air gaps in the soil with water. In the high yields per unit of land. absence of oxygen denitrifying bacteria reduce nitrate in the soil Intensive animal farming methods to atmospheric nitrogen. An example of denitrifying bacteria are often criticized for involving is Pseudomonas denitrificans which uses nitrate as an electron low standards of animal welfare, acceptor to produce ATP . which rely on the overuse of b) Insectivorous plants obtain their food through photosynthesis antibiotics to be viable. Issues and make organic products using light. Nevertheless these associated with intensive crop carnivorous plants live in nutrient-poor habitats where there farming methods are the use of are almost no nitrates available, therefore need to trap insects in toxic pesticides which are often order to obtain their nitrogen. carcinogenic and bioaccumulate, harming non-target species, and the use of chemical fer tilizers Phosphorus is pres en t in a ll living org an i s ms. It is p re s en t in which can cause eutrophication of the phospholipids of cell membra ne s, is re qui re d f or mak i n g waterways. ATP , DNA and after phosphoryla tion , Phosphorus fertilizer or turnover in cycle the RNA , can be therefore foun d an d a dded removed the is by is to prot e i n s neede d the cycle a va ila bility to and f orm p hos phoru s ha rvestin g phos p horus its in bon e s cyc l e a gr i c u l t u r al is may car boh yd r a t e s much than li mi t i n g teeth. a pp l y i n g c rops . l ower become a nd by The in to rate th e of n i t rogen a gr i c u l t u re in future. S AMPLE STUDENT ANS WER • Eutrphcatn is the enrichment with nutrients of a body of water leading to the excessive growth of The graph shows the global phosphorus fer tilizer use from 1960 to 2011. plants and algae, causing oxygen 25 depletion. the amount of dissolved oxygen needed by aerobic organisms to break down organic material. snotagem / su rohpsohp • Bchemcal x ygen demand is forecast 20 15 developing countries 10 developed countries world 5 0 1 6 2 2 0 0 2 1 2 0 0 8 0 0 4 2 2 0 1 9 9 0 0 6 1 9 9 2 1 9 8 8 9 8 4 1 1 9 8 0 are in 1 fertilizers, soil 9 fact that phosphate may become limiting to agriculture in the future. [6] fertilizers the the phosphorus the 7 make from 6 Suggest whether the data suppor ts the hypothesis that availability of The use This answer have achieved 5/6 marks: is order enough could last T urnover removed 9 that in 7 and and 2 years; crops increased 1 for fertilizers the in and that 1 needed of slow; 9 are is 6 turnover 8 the agriculture. turnover 9 for of 6 future denition phosphates 1 the of most with 1 availability addresses associated 9 answer issues 4 6 the 0 ▲ The of of phosphate refers to the replacement of phosphate to for ve once it has been removed. T urnover of phosphate is slower than marks. nitrogen. levels to 200 When within replenish the the farmers soil remove their continually mineral, therefore crops, deplete the the and need to phosphate there add is no way fertilizer . T he C.6 Ni T R o GE N AND PHoSPHoRUS ▼ The phosphate removed by crops is replaced by fertilizers, which answer to developed same time are obtained from sedimentary rocks. is removing the phosphate from the land to fertilizer at far greater rate than it can produce possibly If P fertilizers this be T he graph shows that the use of phosphorus be fertilizers trend of increased, especially after 1940, but has levelled off in P are last years. If the turnover is slower than the to agriculture Leaching of of in phosphate the mineral eutrophication and may future, nutrients leads to become thus from a depletion, limiting supporting agricultural increased the is amount decreasing. the to the predicted factor The could answer that from phosphates the detergents eventually also soil and to that these the lakes to and ow into produce the rivers and eutrophication. hypothesis. land biochemical in transferred mention detergents availability the countries, removed produce the is used fertilizers reduced. failed has make that turned use over . fact countries developing this the Human of activity not (AHL) at reference the did C YCLE S into rivers oxygen causes demand. Practce prblems fr optn C Prblem 1 a) Compare and contrast the nutrient stores in taiga and Most reef-building corals contain photosynthetic tropical rainforest. algae, called zooxanthellae, that live in their cells. Coral b) Describe the flw of nutrients in taiga. bleaching can occur as a result of human-induced changes, leading to the zooxanthellae being ejected c) Draw a Gersmehl diagram for the tropical rainforest. from the coral. a) State the type of interaction that occurs between zooxanthellae and reef-building corals. b) State the trophic level of zooxanthellae d) Suggest ne reason the nutrient store above the ground is so high in both biomes. Prblem 3 Explain the effect alien species can have on an c) When coral is bleached, cer tain organisms become ecosystem. more common in the ecosystem such as the cnidarian Gorgonia, the echinoderm Diadema, other algae and cer tain sponges. State the term that is used for organisms whose presence Prblem 4 Explain the impact of island size and edge effects on community structure. provides evidence of the existence of a par ticular Prblem 5 (AHL) environmental condition. Explain how the carrying capacity of the environment d) A coat of algae builds up on coral reefs as a affects population growth. consequence of eutrophication. Explain the Prblem 6 (AHL) relationship between eutrophication and algae Explain the reason for the presence of insectivorous growth. plants in waterlogged soils. e) Explain how excessive growth of algae on coral reefs can be controlled by top-down factors. Prblem 2 The pie char ts show the nutrient levels in two biomes. tropical rainforest taiga above above ground ground root soil soil root 201 HUMAN D D . 1 H U M A N N U T R I T I O N Yo shod kow: ✔ essential body , nutrients therefore Yo shod be abe o: cannot they P H YS I O LO GY have be to synthesized be included by in the ✔ explain the need for a balanced ✔ explain the production diet. the of ascorbic acid by some diet. mammals, ✔ dietary minerals are essential chemical but not others that need a dietary supply . elements. ✔ vitamins are compounds chemically that diverse cannot be ✔ describe by ✔ explain appetite ✔ explain how fatty acids and some amino acids ✔ of essential production of amino acids affects type outline of lack control. II obesity the how risk of cholesterol coronary malnutrition imbalance or may be excess ✔ caused of by a nutrients lead to hypertension in blood heart is an indicator disease. the proteins. explain the cause phenylketonuria ✔ can diabetes. are essential. ✔ malnutrition. the and some of carbon synthesized body . ✔ causes and treatment of (PKU). deciency , in the ✔ diet. explain breakdown of heart muscle due to anorexia. ✔ a lack bone of vitamin D or mineralization calcium and cause can affect rickets ✔ or design content osteomalacia. ✔ appetite is experiments controlled by a centre in of food by to determine the energy combustion. the hypothalamus. ✔ overweight individuals hypertension ✔ starvation and can type lead to are II more likely to suffer diabetes. breakdown of body tissue. A balanced diet is essential to human health. Essential nutrients are Topic 2.3 covered the those that cannot be synthesized by the body and therefore they determination of body mass index have to be included in the diet. Certain fatty acids, amino acids and by calculation or using a nomogram dietary minerals are essential. Vitamins are chemically diverse carbon and in Topic 6.1 digestion and compounds that cannot be synthesized by the body (with the exception absorption were studied. of or vitamin there The is D). Vitamin formerly System World and known (MDIS), Health deficiencies 202 Non-essential another at nutrient Mineral as the was can Nutrition be established global to in either used for be the Deficiency 1991 strengthen level. can Information Micronutrient Assembly the nutrients that made same System by the body purpose. (VMNIS), Information following surveillance a request of by the micronutrient D .1 • Baaed die is one that contains • Sa aio is the deciency of the accepted and dened propor tions nutrients in a diet. HuMAn nutrItIOn Scurvy is caused by a deficiency of dietary of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, • Body mass idex (BMI) is the body ascorbic acid (vitamin C) since mass measured in kilograms divided humans are unable to by the square of the body height metabolically make this chemical. vitamins, minerals and water essential to maintain good health. • Maiio is caused by eating measured in metres. The symptoms of scurvy are in excess or undereating or by a diet abnormal bleeding. Ascorbic acid is • Obesiy is a medical condition lacking in an essential element. It −2 involved in the synthesis of where the BMI is above 30 kg m may lead to severe deciencies, collagen fibres; therefore the lack illness or even death. of this vitamin will cause defective connective tissues and thus fragile The nine essential amino acids humans cannot synthesize are capillaries. Scurvy was thought to phenylalanine, valine, threonine, tryptophan, methionine, leucine, be specific to humans, because isoleucine, lysine and histidine. Threonine can be synthesized by attempts to induce the symptoms the human body when phenylalanine is present in the diet. Arginine in laboratory rats and mice were cannot be synthesized by infants so it must be present in the diet of unsuccessful. small children. omega-6. Essential These fatty fatty acids acids can be are, for found example, in fish and omega-3 in and seeds. Exampe D.1.1. Vitamin caused rattus) to C by and avoid with The a is also the known lack guinea ascorbic hexose amount of pigs acid sugar, of as l-ascorbic ascorbic (Cavia acid. a precursor acid an porcellus) production. ascorbic acid. In On in was were day the Scurvy is a experiment, 2 fed a in (Rattus restricted animals synthesis measured disease rats of were ascorbic urine every diet injected acid. day . The ethics of the use of animals in experiments could be discussed. In this case, only 10 days 6 experimentation will cause no rats yad gm / eniru ni dica cibrocsa 1– harm to the guinea pigs. 5 guinea pigs 4 3 2 1 You should give only two 0 symptoms, as only the first two 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 will be marked. Just writing “death” time /days will not score a mark . a) b) List two Suggest their c) An a health of scurvy . reason sailors used oranges and lemons in trips. attempt was to entirely Suggest d) symptoms induce the symptoms unsuccessful whether Explain the the reason data but was pigs scurvy successful supports guinea of this in in laboratory guinea rats pigs. statement. develop scurvy . Solution a) Scurvy is bruising gums b) used are The data sugar, tiny swollen citrus rich quantities c) disease with and Sailors fruits a in or and the were skin by to cure acid cures to patients and weakness, the C) friable may prevent (vitamin statement able apathy , hemorrhages, Untreated fruits prevents rats large legs. ascorbic supports the characterized easy bleeding die. scurvy which in as these adequate disease. because, synthesize using ascorbic a precursor acid while guinea 203 D HUMAN P H YS I O LO G Y • S y is caused by lack of pigs vitamin C (ascorbic acid). were days not. after the precursors • rikes and oseomaaia are to The levels injection, of ascorbic showing synthesize acid that ascorbic the were rats reduced require a few these acid. caused by lack of vitamin D. d) Guinea • Pheykeoia (PKu) is caused for by a deciency of an enzyme the pigs cannot production tissues, tendons synthesize of and collagen blood ascorbic found vessels. in acid which skin, Ascorbic is needed connective acid cannot be that conver ts phenylalanine synthesized by guinea pigs because they have a mutation in into tyrosine, causing excess the gulonolactone oxidase (GLO or GULO) gene which codes phenylalanine in blood. for • type II diabees is caused by an enzyme l-ascorbic that acid. is (The needed same is for true the in last step in the synthesis of humans.) resistance to insulin. • Hype esio is blood pressure Malnutrition above the norm. nutrients Lack can is of be in may the seen in by distended dermatitis diet they in cases is have and severe teeth lack a deficiency , protein and of and a imbalance lead or to production marasmus. consumption large liver. Marasmus on is People with effect the produces protein. (emaciated), can affects kwashiorkor loss. long-term cases by acids sufficient) a thin a of abdomen including extremely amino insufficient consumption a caused or excess of diet. essential caused be There is caused by physical and and of if the This an feet, hair, deficient marasmus loss. mental and of energy from fat energy ankles thinning suffering muscular proteins. Kwashiorkor (even swelling of In both are cases, development death. SAMPLE STUDENT ANSWER The diameter of the left ventricle and left atrium of the hear t was Make sure you read the question measured in 20 healthy subjects and in 19 patients with anorexia. [2] properly. In this case, what was expected was a discussion on the 60 data itself, not on the biological effect of anorexia on the hear t. offer a considered and balanced review that includes a range of arguments, factors or hypotheses. mm / retemaid When you discuss, you must 40 20 Opinions or conclusions should be presented clearly and suppor ted 0 by appropriate evidence. healthy anorexia healthy left ventricle ▲ This mark answer for scored mentioning one that anorexia left atrium Discuss the suppor t provided by the data for the claim that anorexia the data leads to the breakdown of hear t tissue. supports this statement as This structures are smaller in [3] both answer could have achieved 1/3 marks: anorexic patients. In ▼ Although mention in this some student important all structures diameter the answered. that in question The is not statement anorexia there is the have are heart. The mentioned differences anorexic, bars and there that that is it mentions the too the small. size The correlation of fact does the that not there healthy 204 causality . to decrease healthy is most likely due to malnutrition among that is due to lack of carbohydrates, fats and forcing the body of the anorexic to resort to their in be muscles as a source of energy for respiration. Although and error the body would focus on degrading skeletal muscle rather reliable sample there cardiac muscle, the cardiac muscle will still gradually is is degenerate, as is evidenced necessarily hearts establish T his anorexic than because compared a really although not showed should overlap may subjects each breakdown answer between anorexia measured, of protein, of were does facts subjects. anorexia, in that of the anorexic. in the decreased diameters of the and D .1 Lack of rickets vitamin or D or calcium osteomalacia. such as the production with exposure to UV can There of affect are positive vitamin rays which bone D as can mineralization effects well cause as of exposure health skin and risks cancer to HuMAn nutrItIOn cause sun associated such as melanoma. Appetite is controlled information from stimulate inhibit or the by a centre digestive in the system hypothalamus. and adipose It receives tissue to either appetite. hypothalamas stimulates inhibits appetite appetite insulin ghrelin stimuli from pancreas stomach stretch receptors leptin PYY 3-36 intestines adipose tissue Fie D.1.1. BMI values Appetite control are overweight. a good way Underweight of assessing subjects if someone typically have a is under BMI or under −2 18.5kg m −2 , overweight subjects a BMI of between 25.1 and 29.9 kg m −2 and obese subjects individuals are Hypertension Normal and 70 those diabetes, form of these a when for diet also patients on a the to 30.0 suffer patient’s is around diastolic kg m blood 120 Obese pressure mmHg pressure. known as non-insulin-dependent, develop the cells cells in insulin are no the due to pancreas resistance, longer above systolic genetic is still which stimulated overweight type Hypertension sodium β or and and is for in The salt . hypertension rich diabetes. receptors above likely pressure mmHg with BMI more is blood a can occur factors. the most means diabetes. pressure produce by II normal. II common insulin that in Type the but insulin insulin. Exampe D.1.2. The incidence of amongst 20,000 and were BMI follow-up the values coronary subjects. recorded. interviews. of the heart disease Baseline The The evidence bar measured (CHD) parameters chart of CHD shows was of the investigated waist was to hip ratio identified results in according to parameters. 205 D HUMAN P H YS I O LO G Y waist to hip ratio 15 BMI elpoep 000,1 / DHC 10 5 0 low medium high very high parameters a) (i) Deduce BMI (ii) b) with most Suggest Explain higher the risk a reason clearly whether reason of whether correlates the to the parameter overweight waist incidence and chosen obese to of in hip ratio or the CHD. (i) causes people have CHD. a CHD. Solution a) (i) Waist to hip incidence (ii) ratio while A correlation as increasing increasing does not ratio BMI shows does necessarily increasing CHD not. mean a causation. −2 b) Overweight These high and people cardiac people output increase and acid an enzyme restriction reduction or of raise raise the It is of larger most by is intellectual a as of arteries 25 kg m of HDL. have a Waistline becoming higher obesity stiffer pressure. congenital deficiency of phenylalanine relatively disability disorder of phenylalanine into tyrosine. successful in associated the with PKU. SAMPLE STUDENT ANSWER a) Outline what is meant by the term “essential amino acid”. This ▼ The that answer an fails essential to mention amino acid An answer essential obtained cannot The be body essential amino from the diet synthesized cannot amino by as acid from amino achieved acid is 0/2 one marks: required by the human in order to remain at a homeostasis state and to carry it the synthesize have [2] must body be could body . out functions and processes. T he human body requires the other the essential amino acids along with other substances to acids. conduct metabolic processes. Phenylalanine is conver ted into tyrosine by the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase. COOH COOH phenylalanine hydroxylase NH NH 2 2 HO phenylalanine 206 . cholesterol, they pressure. common converts than concentrations with blood phenylalanine prevention low blood caused that BMI hypertension resistance can is metabolism. hydroxylase, Dietary which a concentrations and have can have high LDL can which (PKU) people have of vascular narrower Phenylketonuria amino usually concentrations Overweight can obese tyrosine D. 2 DIgE S t IOn b) (i) Deduce the reason that tyrosine is considered to be a “conditionally” essential amino acid. This answer T yrosine could is have achieved considered to be [1] 0/1 a marks: conditionally essential ▼ Tyrosine amino amino acid as it may be required for a process but is not required in cases acid. of general sense or for the entire body. T yrosine is also food ingested human and can aid or provide assistance for is that non-essential only The necessary answer tyrosine fails can only in to be present synthesized in a It PKU. mention a is in the the when phenylalanine is diet. body. (ii) When infants with the condition PKU are left untreated, they have a build-up of phenylalanine in the blood and high levels of phenylalanine in the urine. State the cause of this condition. [1] ▼ The This answer could have achieved 0/1 marks: It a T he infant's body doesn’ t have a control or regulation of fails answer to recessive condition enzyme is too mention inherited where vague. that PKU is genetic there is phenylalanine lack of the hydroxylase phenylalanine. or the gene for this enzyme is mutated. In order easy to determine experiment water and its measured. The final of to capacity food is temperature the water the be of the heat times of energy water D . 2 is of by the and water the food, divided is the food The mass under the water mass of of a is volume the food the by the nervous and exocrine body water the specific is mass heat food. or of hormonal digestive glands the Yo shod be abe o: of control the ✔ describe ✔ identify the volume and are controlled to the content by the formation of gastric ulcers. juices. secrete lumen mechanisms the surface of the Helicobacter stomach pylori infection as a cause of ulcers. gut. ✔ ✔ in the as also water. change calculated times is of an of D I G E S T I O N secretion ✔ or gained Yo shod kow: ✔ combustion container and heat energy in by mass recorded As the rise by of initial placed calculated. temperature all The measured. ignited water lost the content performed. temperature The temperature equal can of nervous gastric and secretions explain by the proton reduction pump of stomach inhibitor acid secretion drugs. hormonal ✔ explain ✔ identify dehydration due to cholera toxin. mechanisms. ✔ acid conditions in the stomach favour exocrine digestive hydrolysis reactions and help to in ingested juices and cells villus that secrete epithelium cells control that pathogens gland some absorb digested foods from electron food. micrographs. ✔ the structure of cells of the epithelium of the ✔ villi ✔ the is adapted rate of intestine to transit is the of absorption materials positively of through correlated explain adaptations of villus epithelial cells. food. with the their large bre content. ✔ materials not absorbed are egested. 207 D HUMAN P H YS I O LO G Y Nervous and hormonal mechanisms control the secretion of digestive Topic 1.2 covered the juices. The volume and content of gastric secretions are controlled by ultrastructure of cells and in nervous and hormonal mechanisms. Topic 6.5 the structure of neurons Exocrine glands body ducts. secrete substances onto epithelial surfaces of the and synapses is studied. via clusters The role of gastric acid in digestion was established by William Beaumont while are of For (known exported to as example, acini). the duodenum protein-secreting endoplasmic pancreatic These cells, they cells via a have exocrine secrete pancreatic a large cells form digestive duct nucleus glandular enzymes system. and lots that Typical of rough reticulum. observing the process of digestion Acid conditions in the stomach favour some hydrolysis reactions and in an open bullet wound. help to control pathogens in ingested food. Excess acid can damage Beaumont extracted gastric juice the mucus of the stomach that can lead to an ulcer. Helicobacter pylori by introducing an elastic tube infection is a cause of stomach ulcers. Reduction of stomach acid through the wound and observed secretion can be achieved by taking proton pump inhibitor medication. digestion of different foods. • The paasympahei system the small intestine in response to the accelerates digestion. presence of acid uid. It stimulates the production of alkali by the • The sympahei system slows pancreas. down digestion. • Somaosai is an inhibitory • gasi is a hormone produced in hormone secreted by the gut that response to the presence of food and inhibits acid production. It also stimulates the production of gastric prevents the release of gastrin and juice by the stomach. secretin, thus slowing down the • Seei is a hormone produced in digestive process. Exampe D.2.1. Describe the formation of gastric in the ulcers. Although not asked, it is neat to star t the answer describing in one Solution sentence what an ulcer is, as this Gastric leads into the explanation on how be they are formed. Never theless, symptoms make sure you don’t take too bleeding long on this and always focus on is what the question is asking. For bacterium example this answer would score inflammation. 4 marks, as it identifies the excess damages of acid and its damage on the with lining and it identifies H.pylori and acidification ulcers formed due to by are are presence The of or the the feces. in lining. proton the the stomach. the vomiting of response Ulcers pump due to the the pylori the mode it damages the stomach through the immune response. SAMPLE STUDENT ANSWER No mark would have been given for the last sentence, as it refers The diagram shows a cell of the lining of the stomach. to the treatment and not the proton pump inhibitor formation of ulcers. ADP + Pi + H + K potassium channel ATP + K + CI K CI chloride channel 208 sometimes are ulcers This that immune (PPIs) stomach. The gastric stomach H. inhibitors of pylori. by can layer. and cause Helicobacter lumen They mucus Another bacterium inflammatory by of damages heartburn, the toxins stomach antibiotics in of lining which pain, appears produces the acid stomach which the sores excess cause system treated which inhibit D. 2 ▼ The answer should DIgE S t IOn have a) Outline the impor tance of the proton pumps in the digestion of mentioned foods. proton pumps [1] pump protons allowing This that answer could have achieved 0/1 for the pumps help fasten the process of digestion in accelerates the enzymes stomach. It pumps nutrients the stomach, production of marks: hydrochloric Proton into in and out of the cell in acid. This digestion or gives as acid it activates optimal pH for the enzyme (pepsin) digestion. stomach. ▼ The answer mentioned should that the have proton pump b) Explain the use of proton pump inhibitors to treat patients is complaining of stomach pain. a answer could have achieved 0/3 marks: to proton the ions With proton pump, it can help the ow of potassium and into the stomach. T he channel protein is between not gastric Avoids the stomach villus epithelium cells decrease pain. absorb digested foods from the lumen of the ▼ The the Villi are finger-like absorption of food. projections Within the that increase columnar the surface epithelium of the are prevent transports The goblet the structure absorption of absorption. form of cells, self-digestion. capillaries products of cells food. They ATP to of which The of are rich active villus or central lubricate of the lacteal the to villi to that is adapted the where into to production, will pH of thus relieve gastritis did saying stomach. This symptoms or not that it of ulcers. score a reduces pain, as this is already in outer question. that the area energy of of in network absorption stomach reduction fats. surface the a and supply absorbs provide nutrients lacteal food blood increase mitochondria, transport the a of microvilli in to contains and epithelium have also mucus core digestion the They enable the of secrete central hydrogen the area the surface the student for stomach for the into causes acid reux, mark intestine. When bind the acid The inhibitors pump sent This increasing cells. pump proton are lumen. of chloride protein. [3] the This transmembrane the of fats occurs. lumen of interior small intestine villus epithelium of villus + Na + 3Na blood + low Na capillary concentration + 2K glucose glucose fatty acids and monoglycerides lacteal lipoprotein triglyceride Fie D.2.1. The rate of correlated Absorption in the villus of the small intestine transit with of their materials fibre through content. the large Materials not intestine is absorbed positively are egested. The structures in Figure D.2.1 should be seen in intestine electron micrographs. 209 D HUMAN P H YS I O LO G Y Exampe D.2.2. The to graph pass The shows through more dietary the fibre the the length gut as digestible of a time that function matter of present the content digestible in the of a meal matter meal, the takes content. lower the content. 90 sruoh / emit ecnediser naem 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 30 20 40 50 60 70 80 90 digestible material / % mass of meal a) Estimate the digestible The mark scheme will probably mean residence time of a meal with 50% matter. have a range for this answer, for b) Explain the relationship of digestible matter and mean example from 35 to 39 hours. In residence time. your answer, it is better not to write Solution a range, as if your range is outside a) 37 hours the accepted range, you will score no mark . It is always better just to b) write one value and its units. A higher time. due digestible This to water to hardens a the cells stool toxin with into leave the an a slower is an contents. water means bowel a A higher longer into or material amount constipation residence movement indigestible absorption causing active infected caused Vibrio the (enterocytes), becomes in Fibre content the and of peristalsis that attracts digestible large intestine. further This increases time. disease contaminated cholera derive fibre. increases residence is of intestinal material Cholera will lack matter by the cholerae intestinal triggering enzyme ingestion bacteria. lumen. enterocytes, to or food bacterium toxin of activates leading water This The endocytosis which of the binds toxin. chloride watery to releases epithelial The ions toxin and then water diarrhoea. SAMPLE STUDENT ANSWER Outline how infection by V. cholerae can lead to dehydration. This ▲ This is complete a very concise answer that answer marks. have that been V . Another scored cholerae obtained mark saying produces for could a stating have that cholerae affects water to diarrhoea the and dehydration. 210 marks: intestine vomiting the large intestine. Once in the large intestine cells it promotes the pumping of chloride ions into toxin. lumen of the intestine. Via osmosis, water follows the been the loss chloride. of 3/3 could the Another achieved scored mark for have and Vibrio full could [3] leads that Via osmosis once more, water leaves the blood to lead to capillaries into the intestine cells to replenish water . from to D. 3 D . 3 F U N C T I O N S O F T H E Yo shod kow: ✔ the liver removes detoxies ✔ OF tHE lI v E r L I V E R Yo shod be abe o: toxins from the blood and ✔ explain the ✔ compare ✔ explain dual blood supply to the liver. them. components the F unctIOnS of red blood cells are recycled and contrast sinusoids and capillaries. by how the liver regulates toxin levels in liver. blood. ✔ the breakdown phagocytosis ✔ iron is carried hemoglobin surplus ✔ endoplasmic the liver regulate ✔ some blood the new cholesterol hepatocytes ✔ erythrocytes red to in ✔ of of bone red is intercepts nutrient nutrients by blood and blood to to ✔ explain recycling ✔ explain nutrient ✔ explain causes ✔ label of erythrocytes. cells. regulation by the liver. produce cells. Golgi plasma with Kupffer marrow converted reticulum produce starts cells bile salts. apparatus and microscopic consequences mounts of of jaundice. hepatocytes. in proteins. from the gut to stored in levels. in excess can be the liver. The of liver breaks to is a large detoxifying down urea; hepatic leaves from and the that it glycogen, flows liver. The into performs maintains regulates vitamins phospholipids; artery the organ blood; erythrocytes; stores proteins the the hepatic and many blood blood and and portal clotting; iron; produces liver the vein functions. It temperature converts synthesizes bile. The the in charge Topic 6.1 covered digestion and pressure; ammonia absorption and in Topic 6.2 the blood system is studied. plasma oxygenated deoxygenated reaches is and liver hepatic vein carrying food • Hepaoyes are liver cells that perform functions such as: detoxication; metabolism intestines. of carbohydrates; secretion of SAMPLE STUDENT ANSWER bile; and synthesis of proteins, Outline the ways in which the liver regulates the chemical and cellular composition of the blood. cholesterol and phospholipids. [6] • Kpe es are macrophages in This answer could have achieved 2/6 marks: T he liver regulates chemical charge of erythrocyte breakdown. ▲ One that mark the liver is scored lters for saying chemicals ▼ The answer expected was and cellular composition not required, and one mark for that of the blood by creating a saying the removing ltration. Blood is rst taken The rest liver detoxies toxins of the from answer the is blood the liver no more marks glucose as by glycogen or releases inuence of insulin it under the blood. too are and glucagon vague; respectively therefore stores depending on blood scored. into the liver by the vein and glucose excess taken out through the artery (such cells levels. can as be Some stored vitamin engulf nutrients in A or bacteria, the D). in liver Kupffer therefore and carried back through the body. T he liver intercepts blood from removing the gut to regulate nutrient levels. cells pathogens. break down phagocytosis. Kupffer erythrocytes Hemoglobin is by split Some nutrients in excess can be stored in the liver . T he liver lters into the heme heme and globin. group of Iron from hemoglobin all matter not required in the blood. It also lters chemicals not is required or that can be harmful to the human body. One example carried produce to the new erythrocytes. bone marrow hemoglobin Excess iron in is to new stored of that is alcohol. T he liver lters out cellular composition not in required in the body. Blood is ltered owing through the liver . the liver. converted produce Surplus to bile plasma cholesterol salts. is Hepatocytes proteins such as Levels of minerals and proteins are ltered through the liver . albumin. 211 D HUMAN P H YS I O LO G Y Exampe D.3.1. a) Compare and contrast sinusoids and capillaries. This type of question can be answered without the table, but b) Outline adaptations of hepatocytes to their function. you must make sure you compare Solution the same feature in both vessels. a) vesse For example, if you say capillaries capiay are small in size and sinusoids have fenestra, you do not score Sisoid coe any marks. blood Size small a bit larger Poes very small large (called fenestra) Baseme membae continuous discontinuous Iaea spae small large lme round no definite shape Kpffe es absent present Scientific studies have shown that high-density lipoprotein (HDL) could be considered “good” cholesterol. HDL is the smallest lipoprotein and it is the densest because it contains the highest b) Hepatocytes proportion of protein to lipids. HDL are has been shown to help prevent and complexes, even improve atherosclerosis by protein removing harmful low-density nutrient rich in are involved mitochondria rough synthesis. in for many metabolic energy . endoplasmic Glycogen There reticulum granules and processes. are many and They Golgi ribosomes lipid droplets for are for storage. lipoprotein (LDL) from blood. D . 4 T H E H E A R T Yo shod kow: ✔ internal and external Yo shod be abe o: factors inuence heart ✔ function. ✔ ✔ structure explain the regulate of cardiac propagation of signals the from contraction muscle stimuli sinoatrial cannot cells through pass allows the node heart that directly ✔ explain ✔ analyse the the of heart articial pacemakers to rate. cardiac cycle to a normal ECG trace. wall. cause from use atria systolic and diastolic blood pressure measurements. to ✔ explain causes and consequences of ventricles. hypertension ✔ there is on a a delay between the arrival and stimulus at the atrioventricular describe the this delay allows time for atrial systole atrioventricular valves conducting bres contraction of ensure entire design experiments rate ventricle normal heart sounds atrioventricular closing causing are valves caused and changes treat life- under to measure different and interpret conditions. analyse epidemiological in by of coronary heart relating to the disease. the semilunar blood data wall. incidence ✔ to conditions. coordinated ✔ the debrillation close. heart ✔ of cardiac before ✔ the use node. threatening ✔ thrombosis. passing ✔ of and valves ow. The of structure stimuli of cardiac through the muscle wall of cells the (myocytes) heart. Cardiac allows muscle propagation is a striated Topic 6.2 covered the blood muscle that has thick and thin muscle fibres with myofibrils containing system and in Topic 11.2 myofilaments similar to those found in skeletal muscle. The striations movement is studied. are given muscle 212 by cells the is structure found in of the the sarcomeres. centre of the cell The and nucleus there of are cardiac many D. 4 mitochondria Unlike and skeletal muscle has resulting glycogen muscle, numerous in long, granules which short, branched has found adjacent multinucleate cylindrical cells to cells, the the arranged tHE HE Art myofibrils. cardiac end-to-end, fibres. Exampe D.4.1. Explain cardiac the reason muscle electrical cell to the impulses can pass rapidly from one other. Solution The cardiac muscle end-to-end, cells are These that resulting joined gap has by in long, are discs arrays intercellular short, joined, intercalated junctions permit numerous of passage cylindrical branched fibres. containing densely of ions arranged The adhering packed and cells protein small cardiac junctions. channels molecules. R Electrical current muscle so the activation via gap allows linked of the junctions. electrical cells heart This requires characteristic impulses contract cell-to-cell to almost pass transfer structure rapidly of from of cardiac cell to cell, simultaneously . P The sinoatrial cells that (SA) contract node consists rhythmically of at involuntary around 70 myogenic beats per T muscle minute. Q S Following the each contraction, atrioventricular move into the the as lungs the via the and QRS node. ventricles. electrocardiograph ventricles, (A V) to wave This (ECG). bundle the rest an of Contraction His. the on spreads contraction The A V of complex impulse node The body . the of is the seen atria as transmits ventricles The ECG. through The T P wave on to sending contraction is the to blood wave impulse contract ventricular atria causes the the the to the the blood is to seen relaxation of Fie D.4.1. the A normal ECG trace ventricles. showing the cardiac cycle SAMPLE STUDENT ANSWER ▲ This Outline the events of the cardiac cycle that are occurring during the QRS interval. This for [2] answer could have achieved 1/2 electric signal is sent signal then through continues the atrium to the ventricle. the through the connecting bres answer septum sent of the from valves the sinoatrial node that cause contraction cannot pass from atria to A V mention and node. carry ventricle His a that signal The impulses wall ventricles. There is a delay between the The is (Purkinje depolarize close valves). systole directly the bres the of ventricles from to and the ventricles. bundle Signals mark ventricle to through contraction fails depolarizes conducting cause one the marks: is T he scored that contracts. ▼ The An answer mentioning and (bicuspid atria bres). the and tricuspid repolarize initiated (the The A V and the ventricles arrival contract). and passing time for ensure on atrial of a systole coordinated pacemakers stimulus can be before at the contraction used in the A V A V of cases valves the of node. This close. entire delay Conducting ventricle SA problems allows to wall. fibres Artificial regulate the heart rate. Do not feel tempted to write about The invention of the stethoscope led to improved knowledge of the the P and T waves, as no marks will workings of the heart. The stethoscope is an acoustic device that allows be given for this. doctors to listen to heart sounds. Normal heart sounds are caused by the AV valves (lub sound) closing before the ventricles contract and semilunar valves closing (dub) after the ventricles are emptied. 213 D HUMAN P H YS I O LO G Y SAMPLE STUDENT ANSWER The diagram shows the use of a sphygmomanometer in the In this case the units are already measurement of blood pressure. given for the answer so they are 180 mm Hg pressure gauge cu not needed. Never theless, it is arm (rubber bag impor tant to remember to add the ar tery ar tery collapsed inated with air) units in answers if they are not cu explicit. 115 mm Hg ▼ Although pressure needed is a both mark, was 90 mm Hg 77 mm Hg diastolic correct, for pressure the 115 and were the systolic sound audible louder in stethoscope noise no noise mmHg. a) Identify the systolic pressure and diastolic pressure for this adult male. ▼ This answer confuses This contraction of the marks that of the ventricles. the artery To answer pressure is with score should the force [1] the the is arteries. The measured contracts, systolic when when pumped out pressure is of the Systolic said is being the heart are is lled marks: pressure (mmHg): 180 mmHg pressure (mmHg): 77 mmHg b) Explain the meaning of systolic and diastolic pressure. when with [3] Diastolic This ventricles 0/1 pressure heart. measured achieved ventricle blood the have blood Diastolic on could three have of answer that answer could have achieved 0/3 marks: the blood and Systolic relaxed. pressure makes pressure is the is the relaxing systole and contracting pressure. diastole is pressure and Contracting the of diastolic the artery opposite. ) During cardiac arrest, the ventricles of the hear t might begin to Be careful to write that it is the contract in an uncoordinated fashion. Outline the treatment used for this ventricles that are contracting, not condition. the hear t. This [1] answer could have achieved 0/1 marks: ▼ This answer is too vague for A a mark. the or use reset an It should of a (or shock to rhythm. or indirectly restore This discharge to treatment the the heartbeat this condition is that purposefully sending signals or to the atrium. gives to the heart), Coronary restoring for mentioned debrillator normal electric chest a have heart disease (CHD) refers to the reduction of blood flow in natural the coronary arteries to the heart muscle. The lack of oxygen causes rhythm. muscle a high cells lipid diabetes attacks. to diet, and It is die. Risk factors obesity , alcoholism. the lack include of high exercise, Atherosclerosis narrowing of an artery blood high is blood the due to pressure, main fatty smoking, cholesterol, cause of deposits heart on its Because it is an “outline” question, inner walls. The deposits are made of atheroma, a substance containing just mentioning the defibrillator is cholesterol, decaying cells, blood cells and fatty proteins. Narrowing which puts strain the of not enough to score a mark . blood vessels Chronic narrowing arrhythmia disordered instead This of which heart blood of the can electrical arrest. using a the pressure, coronary cause During causes causing heart from the can be can ventricles or blood, fibrillation, vital lead fibrillation. arrhythmia pumping ventricular defibrillator arteries ventricular activity contracting, prohibits cardiac 214 raises for to on to ventricular This abnormal an when (fibrillate) heartbeats. collapse electric survival. is quiver causing heart. shock and to the D. 5 HOrMOnE S AnD M E tA B O l I S M (AHl) Exampe D.4.2. Describe the use of defibrillation to treat life-threatening cardiac conditions. Solution An electrical the heart pacemaker. are placed is in Either on defibrillator heart impulse muscle the monitored two or is metal through in the an the defibrillator re-establish paddles chest, whether through D . 5 by to patient’s detects arrhythmia delivered sent order the cardiac the or close a to patient arrest. electrodes and few the is is used function to of adhesive heart. having A series usually of natural electrodes Once a the depolarize the on, the dangerous electrical patient shocks is ECG. H O R M O N E S A N D M E TA B O L I S M ✔ Yo shod kow: hormones growth, ✔ endocrine glands secrete hormones directly ✔ the developmental pituitary changes, control reproduction homeostasis. bloodstream. steroid in by into and the secreted ( A H L ) the hormones cytoplasm bind of to the receptor target cell proteins to form Yo shod be abe o: a ✔ receptor–hormone describe hormonal secretion by endocrine complex. glands. ✔ the receptor–hormone complex promotes the ✔ transcription of specic compare and contrast steroid and peptide genes. hormones. ✔ peptide hormones bind to receptors in the ✔ plasma membrane of the target explain and ✔ binding of hormones to membrane a cascade mediated by a inside the the hypothalamus explain the anterior pituitary controls Hormones and the hypothalamus the control of milk secretion by oxytocin prolactin. hormone outline how posterior lobes some athletes take growth secretion hormones by by cell. ✔ ✔ control gland. second and messenger pituitary receptors ✔ activates hormonal cell. of to build muscles. the gland. are these produce not hypothalamus In Topic 6.6 hormones, hormones that secreted at a uniform pituitary gland rate and exert their regulate production effect of other hormones at low homeostasis and reproduction were studied. concentrations. Endocrine glands secrete thyroid gland: produces thyroxine hormones the directly bloodstream. endocrine pituitary , The glands pineal, into are the adrenal glands: thymus, produce adrenaline thyroid and adrenal pancreas: glands, and the pancreas. produces insulin In addition, women ovaries (in females): produce hormones in their produce estrogen ovaries and men in their and progesterone testes. testes (in males): produce testosterone Fie D.5.1. Main endocrine glands 215 D HUMAN P H YS I O LO G Y Exampe D.5.1. The International Council for the Control of Iodine The thyroid hormones found in the bloodstream are Deficiency Disorders includes a tetraiodothyronine, also called (T3) (rT3). levothyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine number of scientists who work to and reverse T3 Reverse T3 is formed by the elimination eliminate the harm done by iodine of one iodine from T4, inactivating this hormone. The levels of rT3 deficiency. Iodine is a mineral that have been recorded to increase in cases of cirrhosis. is necessary for the correct functioning of the thyroid gland. This gland produces two similar hormones, triiodothyronine (T3) that contains three iodine atoms The levels of The results the normal are shown. T3 are and rT3 recorded range of rT3 were in measured the and scatter lower in the graph limit for blood and the the serum upper normal of men. limit range of for T3 and tetraiodothyronine (T4) that upper limit of normal contains four iodine atoms. These range of rT3 hormones are involved in metabolism. The inability to to lack of iodine means that the hypothalamus and the anterior pituitary continuously stimulate the thyroid and this leads to goitre (enlargement of the thyroid). 3T fo slevel gnisaercni produce the thyroid hormones due lower limit of normal range of T3 • Seoid homoes act directly on receptors on cell membranes. increasing levels of rT3 • Pepide homoes act through The data show that many of these men have thyroid and liver second messengers. issues. Comment on the health information that can be provided by • Seod messees are this data. molecules that are activated when the peptide hormone attaches to the receptor. These second Solution The data show that most of these men are not healthy . If you divide messengers activate a series of the graph in four, the men in the top left are healthy , and as can reactions. Examples are cyclic AMP be seen, they are the minority . Those on the right upper and lower and calcium calmodulin. sections have cirrhosis). low of Those levels iodine elevated of in T3 the in rT3 the and and left are bottom therefore therefore have might sick correct have (perhaps levels thyroid of with rT3 problems but or lack diet. Exampe D.5.2. Compare and contrast the mode of action of steroid and peptide hormones. Solution Both peptide target for a but the long hormone the a of plasma to second enzymatic hormones 216 to form complex hormones by Both to cell bind while receptor to the genes. membrane not. the of the target inside Peptide the to where it a which hormones the bind of cascade ATP do of receptor– to the the receptors peptide mediated produces require on lasts cytoplasm The promotes Binding activates cell in act receptors, hormones complex. hormones and hormones specific peptide cell. blood steroid proteins nucleus Peptide receptors through and receptor–hormone travels messenger travel peptide hormones bind a specific reactions. both enter membrane do hormones of these hormones cell transcription in effect hormones Steroid target steroid The time. steroid not. and organs. a series while of steroid D. 5 HOrMOnE S AnD M E tA B O l I S M (AHl) SAMPLE STUDENT ANSWER Explain the role of receptors in mediating the action of both steroid and protein hormones. This As answer could receptors are have achieved specic for 6/6 marks: each hormone, the receptors allow ▲ This both cells steroid and and protein hormones to affect specic given cross plasma T hough steroid hormones can the plasma cytoplasm membrane of their desired cells target hormone into and/or the specic receptor–hormone nucleus, it is not until the hormone bind receptor for that hormone that complex binds directly to the DNA (once the nucleus) and acts as a transcription factor for expression. (T he complex can either promote or to and thereby affect protein inhibit cell a hormone: Requires plasma production.) membrane complex coupled to internal proteins such and bind cytoplasm form a The peptide the second in the target of receptor– other three hormones plasma cell, acting as messenger inside cAMP . obtained answers are full were proteins; the marks, that in steroid receptor–hormone promotes specic genes; the and transcription that the receptors of receptors are of answer other binding (which for such receptors certain of Peptide to receptors hormones expression the gene but gene marks hormones the The the steroid complex. were through in and Three membrane in cell membrane to clear pass marks binds for receptors the the very tissues. hormone: through a answer. were to Steroid is complete target as hormones activates a to membrane cascade of G-protein) reactions. to affect the messenger The gene such as hypothalamus posterior lobes Hormones changes, of expression cyclic controls the secreted by the the hormone through second secretion by the anterior and gland. pituitary and cell AMP . pituitary reproduction of control growth, developmental homeostasis. Exampe D.5.3. Explain hormonal control by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Solution The hypothalamus and posterior by the secrete the the respectively males. induces Milk in the the cell by in in gland the the pituitary to or controlled in and anterior and by of in This The milk (FSH) sperm and gland in a and and It luteinizing ovulation in hormone (GH) released control anterior other testes that thyroid stimulates bones and prolactin, is are that formation is thyroxine are production. and follicles regeneration gland. in (TSH) changes, they neurons hormone oxytocin secreted which where has pituitary . hormone produce anterior hypothalamus oxytocin hormone growth and the involved growth females, reproduction is the the Hormones pituitary , prolactin, by developmental cells (ADH) stimulating thyroid The stimulating ovaries gland. hypothalamus of involved secretion growth, posterior The Somatotropin secretion produced to produces Thyroid hormones. growth, hormone follicle (LH), pituitary control functions gland produces the hormone homeostasis. down endocrine hormone in and bloodstream. pituitary also of gland antidiuretic transported into lobes pituitary reproduction controls under soft two the tissues. hormones control of the hypothalamus. 217 D HUMAN P H YS I O LO G Y hypothalamus • The hypohaams is par t of the inhibition by brain that controls the pituitary dopamine positive gland. anterior posterior pituitary pituitary feedback by • The piiay ad is an suckling endocrine gland. • O x yoi is a peptide hormone prolactin oxytocin produced by the hypothalamus in charge of childbir th and milk secretion. breasts • Poai is a peptide hormone produced by the pituitary gland in synthesis milk ejection charge of milk secretion. of milk in by muscle milk gland contraction Fie D.5.2. Control of milk secretion Exampe D.5.4. Outline how some athletes take growth hormones to build muscles. Solution Some athletes HGH increases also increases take human body sprint cell capacity testosterone. Anabolic They can coronary D . 6 T R A N S P O R T produce heart O F growth mass disease and and body administered hormones mental are (HGH) decreases when steroid sexual hormone and toxic have the build mass. together several problems, to to fat can muscles. It with adverse increase effects. the risk of liver. R E S P I R AT O R Y G A S E S ( A H L ) ✔ Yo shod kow: ✔ oxygen dissociation hemoglobin ✔ carbon to for dioxide hemoglobin curves show the afnity carbon into ✔ the is carried the Bohr ✔ is in solution the transformed explains and bound the to placenta are in red blood cells in cells increased to release of ✔ tissues. changes in outline within blood fetal how explain ✔ analyse cells in micrographs the ✔ rate of ventilation control is controlled centre in the adult of oxygen in hemoglobin. pH of narrow causes capillary light of lung blood range and is of endothelium micrographs and tissue. regulated 7.35 treatments to of to stay 7.45. emphysema. by the dissociation exercise response to the the rate of amount ventilation of for hemoglobin and myoglobin. explain gas during curves medulla ✔ CO 2 218 the pneumocytes, and electron respiring sensitive identify the consequences oblongata. in from transfer pH. respiratory ✔ the Yo shod be abe o: ions. the hemoglobin chemoreceptors blood ✔ shift by different blood. hydrogencarbonate oxygen is allowing oxygen. in dioxide hemoglobin hemoglobin of ✔ ✔ fetal in changes the blood. exchange. of high altitude for D. 6 Emphysema is a lung disease where the walls of the alveoli trAnSPOr t break OF r E S P I r AtO r Y gA SE S (AHl) down, Scientific research has led to so air sacs are fewer and larger. The enzyme elastase is a protease that a change in public digests elastin, a protein that gives alveoli their elasticity . It is caused perception of smoking. The carbon mainly by smoking or pollution. Another cause of emphysema is the monoxide produced in smoking lack of alpha-1 antitrypsin, a protease inhibitor. This is a genetic disease. binds irreversibly to hemoglobin, T reatment consists of the use of bronchodilators, corticosteroids to decreasing gaseous exchange reduce inflammation, oxygen supplementation, and antibiotics if there causing breathlessness. Nicotine are signs of infection. The most important step is to quit smoking. increases hear t rate, blood Surgery or even lung transplant is done in very severe cases. pressure and the chance of Red blood gases. cells Oxygen (erythrocytes) dissociation are vital curves in show the the transport affinity of of respiratory hemoglobin thrombosis. Tar coats the lining of for oxygen. alveoli, increasing the risk of emphysema. Infections and irritation of breathing pathways are 100 c the hemoglobin becomes c saturated at very high pO increased because the cilia are burnt or damaged. This induces 2 90 as all the heme groups coughing. Scientists have proven become bound that smoking affects lung function. 80 % / ne gyx o h t iw n i b o l go m eh f o n o i t a ru t a s There are increased chances of b developing lung, throat or mouth 70 cancer and cardiovascular disease. 60 • type I pemoyes are cells in 50 at higher pO b more heme 2 normal physiological range groups are bound to oxygen, of oxygen partial pressures making it easier for more 40 the alveoli involved in the process of gas exchange. oxygen to be picked up • type II pemoyes secrete pulmonary surfactant, a uid that 30 decreases the surface tension a , few at low pO 20 within the alveoli. They are also 2 heme groups capable of cellular division, giving are bound to rise to more type I pneumocytes. 10 a oxygen, so • gaseos exhae is the process hemoglobin by which gases move passively 0 does not carry 5 10 15 by diusion across a surface. For much oxygen partial pressure of oxygen / kPa Fie D.6.1. example, the intake of oxygen and Graph showing oxygen dissociation curve for human hemoglobin release of carbon dioxide between the alveoli and blood capillaries of the lungs. Exampe D.6.1. Explain how carbon dioxide is transported in blood. Solution Inside red blood cells or erythrocytes CO reacts with H 2 carbonic acid (H CO carbonic anhydrase. 2 ). This reaction is O forming 2 catalysed by the enzyme 3 The carbonic acid breaks down to hydrogen + ions (H ) and hydrogencarbonate (HCO ). Most of the carbon 3 dioxide The rest is therefore of the CO transported in the red as hydrogencarbonate blood cells 2 is transported as carbaminohemoglobin. binds to in blood. hemoglobin and Topic 6.2 covered the blood system and in Topic 6.4 gas exchange was studied. 219 D HUMAN P H YS I O LO G Y The Bohr shift explains the increased release in respiring tissues. The % / negyxo htiw nibolgomeh fo noitarutas • Hemoobi is a protein in oxygen the erythrocytes formed by four dissociation curve is shifted to the peptides with four heme groups, right as the oxygen binding affinity each with an iron molecule. is inversely related to acidity and • O x yhemoobi is hemoglobin carbon dioxide shift the concentration. A that carries oxygen. to right in the sigmoid • cabamiohemoobi is dissociation curve means a hemoglobin that carries carbon decrease in O affinity , therefore O 2 2 dioxide. is released. • The Boh ee is the shift of the In the aorta and the carotid artery , oxygen dissociation curve to the of oxygen there are special hemoglobin 100 low carbon dioxide concentration (2 kPa) medium carbon dioxide concentration 50 (5 kPa) high carbon dioxide concentration (8 kPa) 0 5 right with the increased acidity or by 10 15 20 chemoreceptors par tial pressure of oxygen / kPa that in blood. CO detect the levels of carbon 2 Fie D.6.2. dioxide in the The Bohr shift blood. Additionally , • Emphysema is when the walls of the carotid receptors detect changes in the pH of blood. Blood pH the alveoli break down, air sacs are is regulated to stay within the narrow range of 7.35 to 7.45. The fewer and larger. respiratory ventilation external control in centre response intercostal ventilation to in in medulla changes muscles increases the and in pH oblongata by sending diaphragm. response to the controls high the impulses During exercise amount of CO rate to the in of the rate the of blood. 2 SAMPLE STUDENT ANSWER Explain how low blood pH causes hyperventilation (rapid breathing). This ▼ This mark answer because did it is not not score question. the student becomes that in this CO In due but to lowering that blood not pH. are not T he of increase blood blood muscles the and occurs to that the blood has become more acidic. of an acid substance can reduce the afnity T his means it is not able to carry as oxygen. diaphragm CO T his means that an individual would have to centre, V entilation expel means hemoglobin. breathe faster in order to obtain a normal amount of oxygen, rate therefore increase marks: The respiratory mentioned. pH binding much intercostal 0/2 say 2 chemoreceptors, achieved sentence does an have answering rst mentions acidic is the could any Low the answer [3] causing ventilation. rather 2 than to obtain oxygen. Exampe D.6.2. a) b) Compare Sketch and contrast curves hemoglobin to myoglobin compare with adult the and fetal saturation of hemoglobin. myoglobin and fetal hemoglobin. Solution a) Myoglobin peptide bind that one in is chain with oxygen muscle hemoglobin. saturated transfer at of It a in muscles. one heme molecule, hemoglobin, respiring 220 found taking cells. has a lower oxygen but the Fetal greater partial in the It consists group. this binding oxygen from hemoglobin affinity pressure placenta of to only Myoglobin for of is is only stronger than hemoglobin different oxygen, oxygen. the one can fetal in from adult becoming This allows hemoglobin. the D. 6 b) trAnSPOr t OF r E S P I r AtO r Y gA SE S (AHl) 100 myoglobin In the sketch you do not need to % / negyxo htiw noitarutas fetal 80 hemoglobin be too precise with the values of saturation and oxygen par tial 60 adult pressures, but you need to clearly hemoglobin show the trends of saturation. In 40 this case, the curves for fetal and adult hemoglobins are sigmoid, 20 with the fetal hemoglobin above the adult. The curve for myoglobin 0 is less sigmoidal and above both 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 hemoglobins. The three curves par tial pressure of oxygen / kPa plateau close to 100% saturation. At high altitude number of because there (EPO). for there is erythrocytes EPO doping is is in an less in increased produced some partial blood pressure are production naturally in of produced the of the body , oxygen. in A greater response hormone but has to this erythropoietin also been used sports. Paie pobems fo Opio D Pobem 1 Pobem 2 The graph shows the sodium, potassium and Explain the hormonal mechanisms that control the cholesterol consumption in a diet of 1,000 children in a secretion of digestive juices. school compared to the recommended dietary intake. Pobem 3 500 recommended intake Explain the causes and consequences of jaundice. actual intake 400 gm / ekatni 300 200 100 0 sodium potassium cholesterol a) State the nutrient for which the diet of the children in this school is below recommended values. b) Outline one problem these children might have in the future due to their cholesterol intake in diet. ) These children have high chances of hyper tension in the future if they do not change their diet. Comment on this statement. 221 D HUMAN P H YS I O LO G Y Pobem 4 Pobem 6 Explain the need for the time delay between the arrival A factor which adapts organisms to survive under low and passing on of a stimulus at the atrioventricular oxygen conditions is the presence of a substance in red node. blood cells called diphosphoglycerate (DPG). It affects the percentage saturation of hemoglobin as shown Pobem 5 in the graph. The diagram shows a section through the pancreas showing an islet of Langerhans. 100 pancreatic cells pancreatic juice (secrete pancreatic juice) islet of a cells Langerhans % / nibolgomeh fo noitarutas duct carries away normal low DPG 90 high DPG 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 b cells 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 oxygen pressure / mmHg a) Identify the effect of DPG on hemoglobin blood capillary saturation. Identify the structures that show that the pancreas is b) Suggest with a reason the DPG levels in organisms both an exocrine and an endocrine gland. living at high altitude. 222 INTERNAL For to a your carry internal out report. an This assessment individual report (IA) you will investigation should be be and between six ASSESSMENT asked write and Collect sufficient data over a meaningful range, with 12 pages long and will form 20% of your final IB adequate repeats, and use the most precise apparatus Biology grade. you have access to. The Assessment criteria independent changed. Your investigation is assessed using the six out of a total of be measured be or controlled. necessarily Personal Explo Ana Evalua Comm ration lysis tion unication engage Total ment but a variable variable observed. 6 6 6 4 The the value. It investigations variable Maximum include derived certain 2 the is the that will variable be All other that variables 24marks. must Criterion dependent is criteria will below, The variable (eg studying research actual is question dependent understood there the will be that no may not variable for independent relationship between the 24 distributions marks of two species in a named ecosystem). Percen tage of 8 25 25 25 17 100 ▼ Bad ▲ question Good question mark / % How affect ▲ does the ow of water insects? What ow is the rate inuence of water in of the the Table 1. IA assessment criteria Ibicui river in distribution Brazil of leptobranchus on the Paracloedes nymphs? Choice of research question ▲ If you look above, for is you at the can see exploration, why it is so assessment that data the most analysis important criteria that the marks and the in are Table 2. Good and bad research questions table available evaluation—that investigation yields Make sure your research question is focused and good data. You can be adventurous in the choice precisely expressed. For example, “Measuring the effect of your investigation, but you must make sure it of light on photosynthesis” is too vague as it does not will provide you with enough data for analysis. indicate what the dependent and independent variables Choosing an interesting research question that are. The independent variable could be light intensity, yields little data, or insufficiently useful data, will wavelength, photons, type of lamp, etc, while the score very poorly . dependent variable could be rate of photosynthesis, presence of starch, and many others. Research and try out your ideas to make sure you can generate sufficient useful data before you embark on a Analyse Draw data conclusion State full investigation. problem Collect Scientic data Not all IAs are based on primary data. You can Method Formulate use data generated from online databases. In Hypothesis Design cases where you work with a group of candidates experiment collaborating generate to your generate own a unique database, research you must question. 223 INTERN AL When formulating A SS E SS M E N T your hypothesis, To consider: gain the exploration marks, include the following sections: • the independent being • the • the it the • a of the limited the and scientific prediction independent to dependent variable) • or two variables • your research • your hypothesis question • background • a • apparatus • method • safety correlated range keep variable a variable how you name of variable reasonable of what (or are the you (try to value) derived going to organism think is statement information of the variables dependent measure it considerations. used going to happen. If you use secondary data (or data from models and Once can you add have the an investigative statistical “null” hypothesis, and then “alternative” you test simulations) instead of collecting primary data in the lab, you will need more than one source of data so that the variance between sources can be evaluated. hypotheses: This will make your error analysis and evaluation more • The null hypothesis will state a lack of successful. correlation/association variables or or impact between groups. After • The alternative hypothesis will state a stating include correlation/association or differences or research question you need to suitable background information, the of which between should variables your significant focus on specifics your chosen research groups. question your and methodology . question and existing Describe the context for knowledge. Criterion 1: Personal engagement This criterion exploration assesses and how your you engagement have made it with your the own. Remember, the background information provided for the For this criterion, make • communicate that sure you: investigation should be entirely relevant and enhance • pose a know • do your question the not • the which in you your do investigation. not the understanding of the context of the investigation. already You will and how need to include a statement of the variables answer. use a known modifications in to interest design to of explain why chosen. Ensure method without it—examiners your you are making value any originality method using the helpful you to will use investigation when method you a to writing control table like make your them. this sure You whilst you do may find planning not miss it your any out statement. have Independent variable that the method works, and if it (state the range) does not, modify it and explain how and why Dependent variable you modified it in your what will be measured (be precise) report. Reason for Controlled variable Control method controlling variable The examiners will be looking for the personal significance of your research question. ▲ Table 3. Planning around variables Include Criterion 2: Exploration used will This criterion is about establishing a stating a clear and focused your enable and techniques your in using your awareness considerations. 224 of appropriate method. safety , In list of the investigation. you to collect apparatus Choose reliable and materials apparatus data, for that example, using graduated pipettes and measuring research cylinders question detailed scientific by context, in a concepts addition, environmental and it assesses and ethical to measure volume rather than beakers. You ▼ Bad naming of ▲ apparatus Good naming of need to record independent 3 measuring cylinders 3 × measuring 0.5cm data dependent about the variables to enable meaningful processing should record and interpretation. You cylinders eg, ▲ and 3 ± 25.0cm enough apparatus also fieldwork qualitative should always observations, have some form of Table 4. Good and bad descriptions in an apparatus site description; this could take the form of maps, section sketches photos Make for so sure any that your reader an gained. It idea is a repeat of the good how you chose This narrative data you are method to to help the give part in your explain is sufficient and uncertainties describe and which in investigation developed collecting decision-making, written associated idea and will is the a can be paragraph amount the and be methodology . insight of detail also not “personal engagement” You will in advance need method to how take must for allow many a valid After the is sufficient repeats conditions, the relevant ▼ Bad basic, safety section, safety , to of the such glasses, IB you the your as but animal forms, ensure sites. If you should ethical and best data noting could the also need add This for include experimentation you that under will be Good graph is the y axis straight, Graph a a better but Axes has a curve have title Data t labels points Scale of are graph clearly is marked appropriate Table 5. Good and bad aspects of a graph in a short you might have of waste cannot identify problems, a you have at gloves the policy , and the data, include the any use safety , to uncertainty and evaluate in a the table. You need uncertainty in to the data and and the size and those of any discrepancy between your results application the literature (if they exist). This gives indication of how accurate your data is. on ethics this considered in of impact statement least collected be you are familiar with statistical analyses, you can or the impact of measurement uncertainty on effect your show on t indicates be consider will picture for environmental methodology . disposal environmental Also, photos, each If field ▲ missing of would your an consent one use data. respirometer where graph interpret quite qualitative unnecessary a you supporting for associated issues of if are valid. method about set-up these enough. Once section the written include of your and to to different ▲ measurement not However, that should measurements conclusion, that example Line plan sure of into evidence criterion. photographs. replacing careful Units the or make results using the following techniques: them. • propagate the errors through numerical calculations Criterion 3: Analysis • The analysis that you have interpreted research criterion is selected, the data question in and about providing recorded, ways can that processed are support sufficiently large to the • draw of a line deviation (if you have a data set) best fit on your graph consider including error bars and/or the reach. maximum In standard conclusion • you the and relevant the calculate evidence your analysis, you should include: with the values • raw • sample • qualitative • statistical or minimum data at you each have, data slopes based that on can the be drawn range of point. data Statistical calculations for processed layout and quantitative data of your associated • graphical uncertainty of your data is expected. The this other will depend means, statistics upon medians, can be the tools standard presented at used. deviations the end of data the • of Percentages, or analysis analysis data column or row of data they represent. For more table complex analysis. such as processing correlation of data using coefficient, spreadsheets, t-test and 2 X (chi-squared) other less variance test, orthodox (ANOV A) screenshots processing tests, a are such worked acceptable. as analysis example For of may be necessary . Remember that bar char ts are of limited analytical use and are used only if you have discontinuous variables. 225 INTERN AL A SS E SS M E N T different • Mean: the sum of the the regression predictions values divided by the perfectly t the data. to data evaluate from a sources (secondary reproducibility . database you need If to data you are show examples) using you data have done number of values; ie, the • ttest: a statistical test some average. research into the uncertainties associated with used to determine if there database • Median: value found is a signicant dierence exactly in the middle of a between the means of two data set. groups of data. A t-test is data and applied it. most commonly applied • Statistical signicance: when the data sets follow a In all of this section you need to keep an eye on your these statistical tests are use of both significant figures and decimal places— normal distribution. all about proving that any they need to be consistent. 2 dierence between sets • X of data is not random. The a statistical test used to result of a test is said to be determine whether there statistically “signicant” is a signicant dierence when a test shows that between the expected your data sets are reliably (chisquared) test: • A random error is a measurement possible statistical uctuation (in with the device. frequencies and the either direction) in the dierent, and therefore not observed frequencies in dierent by chance. one or more sets of data. • An outlier is any value measured data due to the that is numerically distant precision limitations of the from most of the other data • Standard deviation: a • ANOVA (analysis of measurement device. points in a set of data. measure that is used to variance) test: a collection • Systematic error is a quantify the amount of of statistical models that variation or dispersion of a help you calculate how set of data values. much of the total variance • Accuracy refers to the problem which persists closeness of a measured throughout the entire value to a standard or experiment that can be comes from variance known value. • Correlation coecient solved through a better between groups of data (r): a numerical measure • Precision refers to the experimental design. and from variance within of some type of correlation. closeness of two or more groups of data. ANOVA is • The uncer tainty of useful for comparing three a measurement is as or more groups of data. It accurate as the tool will show if there are any being used to make statistically signicant this measurement; it is dierences between the one half of the smallest It shows if there is a measurements to each statistical relationship other. between two variables. • Reliability is the degree • Coecient of of consistency of a 2 determination (r ): a measurement. statistic that will give some means of three or more information about the independent groups of goodness of t of a model. data. 2 An r of 1 indicates that Using error bars and lines of best fit on graphs will help you to por tray the data as realistically and honestly as possible. When presenting your data, check you have considered: ✔ degrees of precision of instruments used ✔ variation in the material used ✔ standard deviations Criterion 4: Evaluation ✔ This criterion investigation standard errors ✔ ranges (maximum–minimum) ✔ outlier data. research also Outliers need to be and should not You should check outlier by exclude do not Their be recorded used “fit exclusion the from well” the whether repeating outliers in in but statistical any data is experiment. processing the marked general requires a trend such analysis. really You just as an should because of the not data. Drawing justification. data relevant this by data Completing several trials will make it easier to decide which results are inconsistent. to 226 it would be good to compare the data and your evaluation results in accepted ability is the most conclusion fairly to of relation scientific identify or justifying comparisons much other challenging that is your to the context. limitations more your to the available accepted through scientific However, experimentally data with and/or you can any are trends in line and with checking relationships accepted do determined that you from and correctly conclusion difficult. your but for If It criterion. consistent straightforward, comparing identify can, is is whether you a describing context your your improvements. Evaluation the they question assesses suggest assesses and theory . you Repor t checklist • A correlation indicates • A causal link indicates a predictive relationship that one event is the between two variables. result of the occurrence Complete this checklist before you submit your report. of the other event; ie, the • A trend is a pattern or independent variable Tasks general tendency of a aects the dependent series of data points. The repor t is within the 12-page limit variable. The title page has the candidate name and number on it You must identify improvements to limitations your and There is a contents page and all pages are numbered suggest investigation. Try to identify The research question is specific and address any systematic and random errors in All background information included is relevant to the research detail. Include a discussion of the likely effect of question systematic volume behind of errors; an each for example, enzyme time you with will a if you pipette have a measured and left smaller a the drop The apparatus is listed precisely volume The methods are described clearly (and are repeatable) than recorded. Do not be tempted to suggest things All illustrations have figure numbers that are unnecessary , had sufficient calculate the results such that percentage as more agreed. error of repeats You your if can you Raw data has been included also results. All graphs/tables have units and all graphs have labelled axes Lastly , if you can see a good extension to your Sample calculations have been included for processed data investigation, suggest it here. Data is shown honestly, eg, using lines of best fit or error bars Safety, ethical and environmental issues have been included All sources are correctly referenced ✔ Make sure you have a basis to your conclusion There is a conclusion which you can then compare with secondary data The evaluation makes recommendations for improvements or a scientific theory. ✔ Identify whether errors are random or systematic. ✔ Suggested improvements should address the errors identified. Criterion 5: Communication The communication report and In effectively outcomes general do well in. structured Include this so a can is anything Do not the to that waste information as (if understand it the in by does your process worked that Do not the processed from have to of well. the example data. references It for source. unnecessary include to you examiner your and another not for appropriately information including pictures. examiner so is description citations come space one be) you the your least need how whether focus, criterion report presents at the easiest your include has or assesses investigation. detail and calculation be sure that enough important your will Make methodology , of of criterion communicates read an appendix, it. 227 P R A CT I C E At this point, Biology approach. papers, course. you syllabus. 1, It 2 is will now and 3, Answers have re-familiarized Additionally , time with to to the these you put will these same papers structure are yourself have skills E XA M with picked up to the test; as the external available at in the content some this key PA P E R S from the techniques section you assessment will you topics and find will and skills options to practice complete at refine of the your IB exam examination the end of the DP www.oxfordsecondary.com/ib-prepared-support. Paper 1 SL: 45 HL: 1 minutes hour Instructions • • Answer For all each sheet to candidates the questions. question, (provided at choose the answer you consider to be the best and indicate your choice on the answer www.oxfordsecondary.com/ib-prepared-support). • The maximum mark for the SL examination • The maximum mark for the HL paper examination is [30 paper marks]. is [40 marks] SL candidates: answer questions 1–30 only HL candidates: answer all questions. 1. Which property suitable A. for Their of stem therapeutic cells and 3. them use? chromosomes transfer makes are What a role of ideal for gene A. Reduces membrane permeability B. They can divide C. They can differentiate D. They can produce cholesterol in mammalian cell membranes? cloning by is meiosis into to form gametes specialized B. cells Clogs to transport uidity some and solutes proteins disabling facilitated diffusion antibodies C. Forms part of lipoproteins recognized by antibodies 2. Two epithelial larger these than cells cells the is were other. compared; Which one statement D. was Produces channels for transport through membranes about correct? Questions 4 and 5 refer to the drawing at the top of page 229. A. The to B. small its The cell had less surface area relative The drawing shows how proteins are secreted from a cell. volume big cell produced more waste per unit of 4. Which process is being shown volume C. The small excess D. 228 Less cell was more efcient at A. Diffusion B. Exocytosis C. Osmosis D. Facilitated losing heat waste diffused out of the big cell diffusion in the diagram? OH H − N− C = R − C − C − − C N − H − − H H − − O − C O − − R − − H endoplasmic H − − HO − C − C − N − N − C rough O = R − = H − proteins expelled H R − membrane = O cell surface nuclear pore H H reticulum 5 C. nucleus D. cisternae secretory vesicle ribosome 9. Which statement refers to DNA and RNA? 2 A. cisternae RNA usually comes in three forms and DNA 1 only B. comes They in always one. show complementary base pairing. cis face 4 3 C. They are formed D. Only RNA is by the same nucleotides. trans face proteins a helix. transpor t vesicles Golgi apparatus 10. Which A. It statement always is related requires Taq to DNA replication? DNA polymerase to occur. 5. Which organelle(s) other than the nucleus B. show(s) that this is a eukaryotic DNA polymerase separates I Golgi II apparatus C. Ribosomes III Rough A. I B. III New reticulum only only C. I D. I, D. and II III and The new and a diagram shows occurs between water the interaction DNA strands. bases attach the original one original strand strand. Which graph best the represents substrate the effect concentration of on activity? molecules? − H H − − − O O − H − − H H H H H H − − H H H − − H H B. O − A. O − H − O ytivitca emyzne H ytivitca emyzne H − O H O C. D. substrate concentration substrate concentration A. What is a difference between amylose Only amylose is a larger C. Only amylopectin is molecule. made is of β-glucose. made of glucose ytivitca emyzne Amylose B. ytivitca emyzne A. B. and amylopectin? molecules. D. to backbone. that O 7. that III enzyme − enzyme DNA contains new increasing Which an only 11. 6. the nucleotide sugar–phosphate endoplasmic is cell? Amylose is unbranched while amylopectin substrate concentration substrate concentration is branched. C. 8. Which diagram shows a peptide bond 12. two amino D. between Which molecule is the source of the oxygen acids? produced − − H N − C − photosynthesis? O = H in C − − − A. Ribulose B. Carbon C. Glucose D. Water bisphosphate OH dioxide H R − OH N − C − O = = = C − − C− − − − − H − C − OH 13. What is the relationship between Mendel’s law H H H A. R − N− O R − C− H − − − N − C − O H R H H of segregation and meiosis? B. A. The separation chromosomes of paternal shows no and maternal pattern. 229 PRACTICE B. Only one of E X AM a pair PA P E R S of genes appears in a gamete. C. Dominant and recessive alleles 18. Variation only results after All the D. All of biotic one and the species of abiotic sh in factors. the pond. always separate. D. C. two divisions. What is the direction photosynthesis in A. From fossil B. From plants of the fuels the flow carbon to of carbon by cycle? atmospheric CO 2 14. A man has hemophilia, a condition caused by to atmospheric CO 2 a recessive What is allele the carried possibility on of the X having chromosome. a C. From plants D. From atmospheric to animals hemophiliac CO to plants 2 child if his wife is homozygous normal for the gene? 19. A. 0% B. 25% C. 50% D. 100% The pie chart greenhouse shows gases the that are nitrous oxide 15. In goldfish in colour (TT) are (Carassius pattern. common auratus) The orange recessive crossed, produce they type of Co-dominance B. Non-mendelian C. Non-disjunction D. Dihybrid goldfish (tt) are the In mice (Tt). What is carbon dioxide What grey does colour is due dominant allele (G) and the allele for Most (g) is recessive. Grey mice were albino mice. A total of 6 of the grey and 4 albino. The null suggest production is about the gases? probably due to cattle probably due to burning fermentation. Most production is fossil fuels. offspring C. were graph greenhouse crossed of with of albino B. colour this to gut a area. chlorouorocarbons called? musculus) an methane production (Mus in When A. 16. produced dominant and fish of variation transparent. mottled inheritance A. is homozygous homozygous this there proportion Least production is due to burning of to burning of hypothesis chlorouorocarbons. is that the alleles segregate independently D. (are unlinked) heterozygous. therefore The the grey chi-squared parent value is Least production is due biogas. was 0.4. The Questions 20 and 21 relate to the following data. table below shows the probability values: The number of snails (Cepaea nemoralis) eaten by Probability birds Degrees of and 0.99 0.95 0.05 was early counted during summer (days late 10 to spring 20), (days when 1 the to 10) trees 0.01 freedom turn 1 0.000 0.004 3.84 6.64 2 0.020 0.103 5.99 9.21 greener. background eaten when More is green brown the snails and more background is are eaten brown when snails the are green. 100 0.115 Which of the 0.352 statements is 7.82 correct yad rep netae slians fo rebmun 3 11.35 about the null hypothesis? A. B. It is accepted is less It is than the chi-squared value 3.84. rejected than because because the probability is less 90 80 70 60 brown snails 50 green snails 40 30 20 10 0.05. 0 1 C. It is accepted because the chi-squared 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 value time / day D. is less It is than 5.99. rejected because the chi-squared value is 20. greater than This pattern years. 17. What is a continually probable B. All All the the throughout A. Balanced B. Convergent C. Divergent D. Competition outcome? polymorphism What constitutes a population in a pond ecosystem? A. 230 occurs 0.352. living organisms animals and in plants the in evolution pond. the evolution pond. the 21. What statement refers to green and brown 220 / tluda sa level loretselohc doolb naem snails? belong to a B. They belong to the same C. They belong to the nemoralis D. They belong to the Cepaea Studies the It biochemistry evolutionary was in from found gorillas that in genus. phylum. the by provide of amino chimpanzees evidence between sequence one family . order. relationships differs hemoglobin different hemoglobin acid and of primates. from humans, 210 200 mc 001 gm They 3– 22. A. 190 180 170 160 150 whose 130 sequence is the same. Models were 140 160 150 170 180 constructed mean blood cholesterol level when young / showing the humans, chimpanzees possible relationships between –3 mg 100 cm and gorillas. What Which model according to best represents hemoglobin A. the relationship does cholesterol this graph show about blood levels? structure? A. They increase B. They are C. Low as men grow older. B. human gorilla chimpanzee 3 human chimpanzee never below 160 mg in 100 cm gorilla blood cholesterol levels in youth are healthier. D. They remain lifetime 25. common ancestor What is of true a constant throughout the man. about antigens? A. They are produced B. They are only C. They may in found the in bone white marrow. blood cells. common ancestor C. stimulate the formation of D. antibodies. chimpanzee gorilla human chimpanzee human gorilla D. They can only be found on the walls of bacteria. 26. common ancestor 23. What not A. 24. characteristic in Bilateral present in arthropods but 27. Articulated Calcium D. Notochord legs shell cholesterol group of year. teenage Years levels boys later, were once when a measured month they in 28. a Alveoli B. Bronchi C. Trachea D. Diaphragm During the were results measured were again recorded in in the the represents the level way . graph. as and as an adult for each cycle, progesterone Growth of follicle Growth of uterine C. Menstruation D. Ovulation What occurs during place what in humans? event occurs falls? surrounding the egg lining transmission of a nerve a There is of membrane man a change in the permeability to ions The the in the axon. Each + The resting condition is restored by Li ions young owing teenager of take adults, same scatter cholesterol menstrual level B. B. dot the exchange A. A. they gas impulse? during were does A. as symmetry C. Blood is molluscs? B. one common ancestor Where in out of the neuron. the + C. During depolarization, K ions ow out of study . the neuron. + D. In hyperpolarization, K ions ow into the neuron. 231 PRACTICE 29. What II is true for E X AM type I PA P E R S diabetes but not for type 34. What occurs during chemiosmosis? diabetes? A. A. Glucose can be detected in Oxidation urine. NAD of molecules (NADH) and such reduced as reduced FAD (FADH ). 2 B. High C. Blood insulin levels blood insulin levels. D. levels Insulin of glucose receptors are are detected lower in than blood. B. Electrons normal another, C. are Protons blocked. What is the sinoatrial A. A blood B. The C. A group passed move concentration D. 30. are liberating across compounds a of into one carrier membrane, gradient, Transformation node? from to energy . releasing energy stored down a energy . in organic ATP . vessel 35. wall of of the The diagram and the shows two stems, one untreated ventricle cells that initiate other placed in ink for a day . myogenic contraction D. A node formed by sensory neurons untreated stem placed in stem ink for a day The following questions are for HL candidates only 31. What forms a eukaryotic chromosome? What A. One DNA molecule B. Several and one large A. DNA molecules and causes many One DNA molecule D. Several and DNA molecules many and difference in these stems? Coloured water transported through the proteins xylem C. the protein has passed to the phloem. proteins one B. Coloured C. The water has entered the phloem only . large ink was transpired through the stomata protein of D. the The stems. ink has stained all living tissues. Questions 32 and 33 refer to the following diagram. The diagram fragments in shows the the formation replication of of Okazaki DNA in 36. prokaryotes. Scientists species in investigated of three plants. ways: Each some the of pollination the plants species had their of four was treated flowers leading strand covered 5' were parental DNA to not exclude pollinators, manipulated, pollinate them, and a other allowing third plants birds group was to pollinated 5' Okazaki fragments by hand using a paintbrush. The percentage 3' of the was total flowers that developed into fruit recorded. 3' 32. What enzyme links the Okazaki fragments together? 33. A. Gyrase C. Helicase B. Ligase D. Primase Why is the necessary formation during of Okazaki fragments % / stiurf otni depoleved taht srewol f lagging strand no pollinators allowed 90 pollination allowed 80 hand-pollinated 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 replication? A. B. C. D. species of plant A. DNA polymerase nucleotides in the adds 5′–3′ complementary direction only . Which B. The RNA primer cannot be attached to species pollinated lagging C. more D. replication is faster and efcient. Okazaki coding 232 strand. A discontinuous fragments regions. only replicate non- of plant the by birds? is most efficiently 37. A student carried comparing each of When out of t a in probability the the of 100 data cress seedlings collected Looking up appropriate value between drawn B. investigation environmental the t-test. conclusion an growth different processing carried value the two out table 0.15 from the C. the gave state continuous D. Evolution of What There B. signicant The difference 39. result? What the difference between species between the two seedlings prefer one samples environment is is A. forms over are species long long a steady transformation sequence of a of species periods where a number equilibrated in source the of glucose Bowman’s in the fluid capsule? over Filtrate B. Urine C. Blood D. Cells in in in of the the the the distal convoluted collecting tubule duct glomerulus medulla other There What the A. is insufcient data to carry out a 40. t-test What of 38. a at the conditions signicant Cress D. a environmental not C. is two with uniformly is flowing A. with intermediate a 0.25. occurring Evolution student calculated and this in conditions. Evolution is punctuated Long and periods short happens the sperm immediately into the after the penetration egg? equilibrium? without periods of appreciable rapid change evolution A. Development of the secondary B. Development of the primary C. Acrosome D. Cortical oocyte oocyte reaction reaction Paper 2 SL: 1 HL: hour 2 15 hours 15 Instructions • Answers are minutes minutes to candidates must provided be at is written within the answers boxes (answer sheets www.oxfordsecondary.com/ib-prepared-support). • A calculator required for this paper. • The maximum mark for the SL • The maximum mark for the HL examination paper examination is [50 paper marks] is [72 marks] SL candidates: answer questions 1–4 from section A and one question from section B. HL candidates: answer all questions from section A and two questions from section B. Section A 1. T ransgenic another plants species engineering. a variant Bacillus (a) Some maize The levels gene next to been one Cry protein gene for is the or into modified expresses This the which to more the resist protein pests. from poisonous Cry genes genome, protein to is from using Bt the corn genetic is bacterium certain added insects. to the [3] of for of uptake the for the Cry DNA, thickness results that in introduced corn. amounts and how plants been have thuringiensis. Outline Bt the of are have of the plant, protein were mRNA and the leaves by of band three respective is transcription and measured. order protein an indicator different ladders were on plants the of In translation detected. amounts (1, 2 and following 3) to do The so, the darkness present. are of The shown page. 233 PRACTICE E X AM PA P E R S (b) In order to detect performed. Cry due to promoter. Cry (c) (d) an presence the (an the a extra plant that gene for slightly sequence has the Cry , larger of a PCR gene DNA) larger in gene was for the for the [1] reason the data successful Common cornfields of monarch across Information plant, Region be the detected whether most plant genetic 3. [1] modification plants. [2] is corn-growing (Danaus plants. to the in Bt a produce a is that regions. plexippus) corn plant live exists The and larvae feed corn that has protein that is on been poisonous to pests. research from impact genetically three not (Asclepiassyriaca) modified insect information would confirm butterflies A collaborative the to the milkweed genetically certain in mRNA was milkweed in common of 11 Bt was corn on sought modified exposed to common effort regions the the toxic scientists develop monarch on and by to degree milkweed, a produced formal butterfly percentage amounts to of found of which Bt in corn assessment that is monarch pollen and risk populations. on its around larvae host cornfields. Percentage Percentage of Percentage of Probability of arable land corn that is corn area that of exposure planted with Bt / % is a breeding of monarch site for monarch butterfly to Bt butterfly / % corn pollen corn / % 234 of presented insertion Identify one Evaluate of the plant protein. Suggest was One 1 42 26 19 0.0040 2 42 14 18 0.0026 3 38 7 10 0.0007 4 12 26 4 0.0002 5 13 11 2 0.0001 6 21 8 4 0.0002 7 29 30 8 0.0028 8 12 22 5 0.0002 9 39 26 7 0.0011 10 13 11 0 0.0001 11 26 37 9 0.0004 Mean 26 23 8.6 0.0 011 (e) (i) State the monarch (ii) be corn support another plants (Bt from 1 that is area with [1] region of this current percentage sites. a leaves from monarch Bt pollen corn larvae non-Bt the from with and of greatest where pollen of Bt corn milkweed. 2-year commercial negligible. [1] study Bt that the corn Analyse the on impact of monarch data to conclusion. study , dusted corn with on reason, populations this the breeding a concluded pollen butterfly In with found Scientists Bt with butterfly Identify , could (f) region 2) fed [3] butterfly from and two their milkweed larvae were brands survival plants of fed Bt rate was dusted milkweed corn compared with pollen corn. 1 gnivivrus noitroporp 0.8 0.6 0.4 non-Bt corn Bt corn 1 0.2 Bt corn 2 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 time / hours (g) Compare when (h) Using and using all contrast non-Bt the data, the corn survival pollen discuss the of and monarch Bt effect of corn Bt butterfly larvae pollen. corn on [3] monarch butterflies. 2. Camellia used to sinensis produce mRNA for C. [2] is a species tea. The sinensis are of evergreen nucleotide given in plant whose percentages the in leaves the are DNA and table. Bases / % Adenine Guanine Cytosine Thymine or uracil DNA 31.7 18.6 18.3 31.4 mRNA 25.7 29.8 23.9 20.6 (a) (b) State (i) the base Distinguish DNA and (ii) (c) The where leaves diagram in mRNA but between the not DNA. percentages of [1] bases found in mRNA. Determine Outline the 3. found of a [2] reason for DNA and C. shows this difference. mRNA can be found [1] in sinensis. the structure the cells of [2] of a human heart. 235 PRACTICE E X AM PA P E R S (a) (b) On the (i) left (ii) semilunar (iii) pulmonary 4. The label the: [3] atrium Annotate blood (c) diagram the valve through Explain the vein. diagram the show the direction show parts width of in the different 1) No plants 2) 3) of classification and of plants shown (not ventricles. to [3] scale). in the pictures using the [3] tissue .................................Bryophyta vascular tissue .......................... present.................................... spores Flowers the key . vascular Spores No of D the Presence walls B C dichotomous deoxygenated [2] in A Determine of heart. difference photographs to presence of to 2 Filicinophyta ....................................................... present......................... go go to 3 Angiospermophyta No flowers cones........Coniferophyta Question 5 is for HL candidates only 5. (a) List two structures endosymbiotic (b) Explain present in mitochondria that support the theory . chemiosmosis [2] in mitochondria. [4] Section B Questions 6 and 7 are for SL candidates only. Answer one of the questions. Up to one additional mark is available for the construction of your answer. 6. 7. Starch is produced (a) Draw (b) Explain (c) Describe Bacteria (a) a can the chloroplasts. chloroplast Outline in in how how be how show enzymes useful food to chloroplasts to its in the produce organisms industry to ultrastructure. produce such starch digestive foods as produce but [4] photosynthesis. system can bacteria foods by or digest also be yeast through starch. pathogenic. can be used anaerobic respiration. (b) Bacteria can (c) 236 [4] can develop Explain the [7] [4] be killed by resistance immune antibiotics. to Describe how some antibiotics. reaction to a bacterial bacteria [4] infection. [7] The following questions are for HL candidates only. Answer two of the questions. Up to one additional mark is available for the construction of your answers for each question. 8. Starch is produced (a) Draw (b) Explain a (c) Describe in chloroplasts. chloroplast how to show chloroplasts how enzymes its ultrastructure. produce in the starch digestive by [4] photosynthesis. system starch. 9. Bacteria (a) [4] can be Outline Bacteria 10. Waste toxic (a) the matter develop needs in Compare and excretion by Outline (c) Uric the acid but ethanol can and also be carbon pathogenic. dioxide in antibiotics. resistance reaction a of of labelled to eliminated a how some antibiotics. bacterial to structural tubule ADH normal by to Describe avoid [4] infection. harmful [7] effects from organism. contrast role is be [4] by Malpighian characterized a to the concentrations Draw foods produce killed immune substances (b) produce bacteria be can Explain to respiration. can bacteria (c) useful how anaerobic (b) [7] digest in acid can of of lead inflammation structure functional and aspects of kidneys. [7] osmoregulation. component uric and systems of the urine. to gout. joints, [4] High blood This such as disease the is elbow. elbow. [4] Paper 3 SL: 1 HL: hour 1 hours 15 Instructions • Answers (answer to minutes candidates must be sheets written are within provided at the answers boxes provided www.oxfordsecondary.com/ ib-prepared-support). • A calculator is required for this paper. • The maximum mark for the SL • The maximum mark for the HL examination paper examination is [35 paper marks]. is [45 marks]. Section A SL and HL candidates: answer all questions. 1. In an experiment, solutions water seen and test bath. A positive in tubes Benedict’s varying test densities were reagent. results in the filled The in with tubes an different were orange glucose then heated precipitate, in a which is tubes. 237 PRACTICE E X AM PA P E R S Two food shown in samples the (a) Estimate (b) Suggest the 2. To test glucose with Describe 0.1% tested in the same way and the results are photograph. measuring (c) were a the one concentration reason whether glucose method in this is foods a 1 and precise 2. [2] method of concentration. to obtain the [1] glucose solutions of 1% and concentration. the following effect of light apparatus [3] intensity was set in a the rate of photosynthesis, the laboratory . wide plastic 3 5 cm up on syringe tubing capillary tube thermometer scale (mm) shoot of lodea pond water or potassium hydrogencarbonate solution water bath (a) Suggest this one way light intensity could have been modified in experiment. (b) Identify the (c) Explain how [1] reason the a thermometer rate of is placed photosynthesis in was the water recorded bath. in [2] this experiment. [3] 3. Polyacrylamide separate the nucleic electrophoresis acids in forensic (PAGE) chemistry . is a technique The diagram used to illustrates process. Explain how the electrophoresis. 238 gel nucleic acids separate in the gel during [3] Section B Answer all of the questions from one of the options. Option A: Neurobiology and behaviour SL candidates: answer questions 4–7 only HL candidates: answer questions 4–10. 4. The graph mammal shows during the neurogenesis embryonic stages and and dendritic after growth in a birth. htworg fo tnet xe neurogenesis dendrite growth bir th (a) Neurogenesis is the development of new neurons. Describe neurogenesis. (b) Neurulation stages (c) State are 5. It has mass name of variable rate that was if the occur before neurogenesis. Outline the and has a could are that been not the by from which or synapses [1] evolution accompanied longevity many neurons used. corresponding affect analysed [3] process they hypothesized mammals mortality mass the to neurulation. eliminated been in of [3] needs of by increase is brain mammalian a in increasing reduction body of longevity . mass. Data on the Another brain species. 100 sraey / ytivegnol 10 1 10 1 100 1,000 10,000 brain mass / g Analyse the increasing 6. The data body diagram to see mass whether can illustrates a affect it confirms the hypothesis that longevity . transverse section [3] of a human eye. II IV III 239 PRACTICE E X AM PA P E R S (a) Identify the (i) light (ii) sends (iii) adjusts label matching detection by impulses in function: [3] photoreceptors to order each the to brain bend the light rays to be focused on the retina. (b) Draw an arrow observing (c) The ear cells in is an also the showing the direction of the light rays when object. a [1] sensory cochlea and organ. the hair Distinguish cells in the between the hair semicircular canals. 7. Explain the [2] mode of action of the autonomic nervous system. [4] The following questions are for HL candidates only 8. The diagram shows the reflex arc. Label the parts 1 to 4. [2] 1 2 3 4 9. The number recorded Melospiza of the in of different two species melodia. passerines results are A group and shown songs of in the the and lengths passerines, of birds birds’ bar was songs of these Melospiza bred were songs lincolnii isolated also were and from recorded. the rest The charts. 12 3 Melospiza lincolnii Melospiza melodia 2.5 s / sgnos fo htgnel sgnos tnereid fo rebmun 10 8 6 4 2 Analyse 240 1 0 control 10. 1.5 0.5 0 that 2 the isolated data birdsong Discuss the is to see innate health control whether in the data passerines. effects of cocaine. supports the isolated hypothesis [2] [6] Option B: Biotechnology and bioinformatics SL candidates: answer questions 11–14 only HL candidates: answer questions 11–16. 11. Fermenters by allow microorganisms. mycoprotein produced every (a) by for The production diagram fermentation. human of shows metabolites the Mycoprotein consumption. production is a fungus Mycoprotein is of protein harvested day . State this (b) large-scale two conditions that should be monitored by probes in fermenter. State one [2] reason for the use of paddles. [1] waste gases water out water jacket feedstock lter ex tract mycoprotein air ltrate water in 12. Bagasse juice a is nutrient using (a) the from the fibrous sugar cane. solution fungus State a use of is ordinary that were it is Citric that acid containing Aspergillus citric Fermentation an matter on acid trays much different in of cheaper for after the obtained by extraction of fermentation concentrations of of bagasse niger. the food different fermentation. collected remains was The than evaluation industry . depths was advantage using of a citric [1] of compared tray fermenter. acid with fermentation Samples production. rettam y rd g001 rep g / dica cirtic 30 25 20 fermenter tray (2 cm) 15 tray (6 cm) 10 5 0 bagasse / % (b) Identify the best conditions to obtain citric acid in this experiment. (c) Based on the effectiveness [1] results of of fermentation tray these experiments, of comment bagasse. on the [3] 241 PRACTICE E X AM PA P E R S 13. The is mixture known common (a) S. as of plaque. bacteria mutans used The to It in are saliva is a tooth and cause of biofilms Gram-positive detect thickness was the bacteria, that of measured a for percentage of the 3 tooth are of weeks. decay are The (caries). Describe on The teeth most mutans. the method Gram-positive. Streptococcus bacteria found Streptococcus bacteria. bacteria biofilm live carbohydrates viability over the mutans was total [3] bacteria measured after as exposure to antibiotics. 30 100 25 80 % / ytilibaiv mµ / ssenkciht 20 15 60 40 10 20 5 0 0 1 2 1 3 2 week (b) Suggest reasons 3 week for the change in thickness of the biofilm over time. 14. [2] (c) Calculate (d) Suggest Transgenic genes have for plants different one been difference reasons rice from Explain the the have method by viability change been species genetically in to in viability genetically promote which between these weeks over transgenic to rice and 3. [1] time. modified resistance 2 by [2] adding herbicides. plants could modified. [4] The following questions are for HL candidates only 15. Part of the different the (a) sequence organisms. amino State acid the similar (b) On the to protein cytochrome alignment and whose a is shown space that cytochrome c there c was below. is compared A dash no sequence amino is in shows acid. most humans. sequence, Outline the repeated organism conserved (c) is of The in how all the this [1] use a box to species sequence identify an amino acid that shown. alignment is [1] was obtained using bioinformatics. [2] Human G D V E K G K K I F I M K C S Q C H T V E K Pig – – – – – – – – – – V Q – – A – – – – – – – Fish – – – – – – – – V – V Q – – A – – – – – – N Wheat N P D A – A – – – K T – – A – – – – – N A Yeast S A K – – A T L – K T R – Q L – – – – – – 16. Using an therapy . 242 example, explain the use of viral vectors in gene [6] Option C: Ecology and conservation SL candidates: answer questions 17–20 only HL candidates: answer questions 17–22. 17. Lettuce in coral shallow Colonies into The the U. tenuifolia medium number year of starting (2) tenuifolia) semi-exposed of small, times, (Undaria and and colonies in Southern in in the the dominant Southern classified coral species Caribbean according to the Sea. colony size large. according spring ending reefs were is of the spring to first of their year the size (1), were then second year recorded autumn (3) in a of three the first location in Caribbean. 140 120 seinoloc fo rebmun 100 small colony medium colony 80 large colony 60 40 20 0 0 2 1 3 time / recording (a) State each the (b) Describe (c) Suggest 18. Describe Serratia predator, trends colonies nutrients at in reason recorded numbers for the how the first spring for colonies. in [2] population of small and (first aurelia on this is an trophic (second (small two [1] bleaching level) trophic nasutum food (third chain marcescens only • microcosm 2: S. marcescens and • microcosm 3: S. marcescens, population after density 7 of the P . stress bacterium is level) in (low aurelia aurelia three S. corals. eaten [2] by by a effect closed were set up as andhigh): only and bacterium on eaten The microcosms levels S. of which studied 1: P . a trophic The nutrient is level) was mesocosms). different indication microcosm measured of change • The in corals. Didinium microcosms follows of [1] marcescens Paramecium of the one medium (d) number colony . D. nasutum. marcescens was days. 1 000 000 lm rebmun 1− / snecsecram .S fo ytisned noitalupop 100 000 microcosm 1 10 000 microcosm 2 microcosm 3 1 000 100 low nutrient level high 243 PRACTICE E X AM PA P E R S (a) State S. (b) the effect marcescens Explain adding the a of in nutrient level microcosm effect trophic on the level the density of population 1 S. in on [1] marcescens each population microcosm at a density high of nutrient level. [2] (c) Suggest (d) Using one the between reason data in nutrient for this little change investigation, levels and the at low nutrient predict length of a a levels. [1] relationship chain in a food web. 19. The [1] table sand shows the number of plants of each species counted in a dune. Species Number sea holly (Acanthus ebracteatus) 3 sand couch (Sporobolus virginicus) 6 baby grass (Sporobolus pungens) 1 Total 10 (a) of Calculate the following Simpson data for reciprocal this diversity community , using index the from formula the given below. N (N D 1) [1] = Σn ( n (b) Comment − 1) on the richness and evenness of this sand dune community . The sand where 240 Simpson (c) 20. Discuss pest community organisms diversity Distinguish forest [2] dune were index between the was compared counted of this in forest biodiversity a total was of with of that 10 of a forest species. The 14. the sand dune and the studied. the [2] biological and ethical issues surrounding biological control. [4] The following questions are for HL candidates only 21. The study of species environments can processes to (Quercus due robur) determine (a) in two urban graph nitrogen and 244 and in in the The habitats of leaves of in versus Q. ± that of the could in English areas leaf rural shifts were assessed nitrogen affect ecological oak the nitrogen [2] standard of to content. robur. leaves large, of rural affected soil mean concentration rural urban adjacent the leaves shows in understanding urbanization factors concentration The the urbanization. whether Outline interactions improve Q. medium deviation robur and of the growing small cities. in urban 30 g gm / noitartnecnoc negortin 1− 25 ssam fael y rd 20 urban 15 rural 10 5 0 large medium small city size (b) Describe leaf 22. Explain the effect nitrogen of city size and urbanization on the Q. robur concentration. bottom-up and [2] top-down limiting factors in a pond environment. Option D: [6] Human physiology SL candidates: answer questions 23–26 only HL candidates: answer questions 23–28. 23. Phenylketonuria decreased by the deficiency converts in (PKU) metabolism foods of an the inherited amino phenylalanine phenylalanine that is of contain into disease acid hydrolase, tyrosine. phenylalanine that an Treatment and results phenylalanine. the It enzyme is with addition of a in is caused that diet low special supplements. Serum phenylalanine restricted does not brain did diet follow damage not stick levels therapy . the and to the diet. the are Brain The important damage scattergraph plasma indications might occur shows phenylalanine if the levels for the protein- patient incidence of patients of who diet. 6 stinu y rartibra / noitcnuf niarb 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 −1 phenylalanine plasma levels / mg dl (a) Describe and (b) 24. brain Discuss in Orally relationship use with administered at which of 1 means to the of plasma levels the drug drugs by is drug but protein-free diet to improve brain function PKU. happens all phenylalanine [1] a eliminated this between function. the patients completely bind the do [3] that the called has not are liver the been not by excreted hepatic removed. catabolize in enzymatic it. urine extraction ratio. Competitive The must reactions. graph be The rate A ratio inhibitors shows the 245 PRACTICE E X AM PA P E R S relationship inhibition between by a the hepatic competitive extraction ratio and percentage inhibitor. 1.0 oitar noitcart xe citapeh 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 inhibition / % (a) It has cause been suggested drug damaging plasma the that drug competitive concentrations liver. Discuss this to inhibitors increase, hypothesis can permanently using the data provided. (b) 25. List A study two was investigate (a) a functions of performed the Define For [3] effects the on of liver other patients exercise than with on detoxification. hypertension heart [2] to functions. hypertension. period treadmill. of At the non-exercise recorded in 10 [1] weeks same per group time, conditions. beats a of patients excercised control patients were The mean minute resting heart kept rate using a under was (bpm). 79.0 78.5 78.0 mpb / etar t raeh gnitser 77 .5 77 .0 76.5 76.0 75.5 75.0 74.5 74.0 exercise (b) Describe (c) Outline The (d) the Explain the heart walls how propagation 26. effect how heart Explain control exercise is contract the of of rate nervous during structure stimuli on of resting heart rate. [2] of the [2] heart cardiac through control the measured. the beats. muscle heart cells allows wall. [2] digestion. [4] The following questions are for HL candidates only 27. The human that stimulates bone, and increases promotes Outline 28. Fetal this 246 growth the muscle the mode hemoglobin statement. hormone, growth, mass, is action of different in of glucose body a peptide It hormone strengthens uptake by the liver fat. somatotropin from is childhood. reduces breakdown of somatotropin, especially adult on target hemoglobin. cells. Comment [4] on [6] Index Key terms are in bold. B lymphocytes bacteria abduction 134 60–2, absorption spectrum actin reaction 136, spectrum site active transport 95, 7, 8, 50, 136, 26, 62, 209 138, aerobic 65, 66 agriculture 26 tumefaciens 176 30, allergies 35, alveoli amino ammonia 72, 219 20, amphipathic amylase 60, amylose 17 anabolism 203, respiration structures 11, kidneys production 128–33 141–6 muscles antibodies 68, 67, 134 appetite arteries 128, control 64, assessment atheroma iv , 19, 96, v , 181 system 63–6 vessels 63–4 body mass index Bohr effect 136, 209 96 164 nervous autosomal cells autotrophs 40 auxins 111, 33 26, 62, 160 factors 197, 198 capsule 138, 139 71 of 103, 46–7 72, 176 155, 168, 180, 64 competition 14, carbon 45–7 cycling fixation carbon fluxes carbon sinks cardiac cycle cardiac muscle cells 45, 65 15, 35 226 138 36 v–vi 187 skills 40–3, 227 186–92 187 exclusion competitive inhibitors 186 92 nitrogenous reaction 17, bases 23 20 163 of biodiversity exam questions variation convergent evolution heart 205–6, 124 50 disease 227 correlation coefficient reaction crossing cyanide (CHD) 66, 214 correlation cortical 194–6 243–5 40 continuous over 226 143 118, 119–20 contamination cytokinesis 197 Darwin’s data 60 227 2–13 division 29 190 178–9 11 212–13 134 links 46 46 capacity catabolism 16–19, 100 45, 220 182 competitive coronary carbohydrates cartilage 219 61 105 terms consumers 100 59, determination duct practice chloride cycle 117–22 muscles 175 communication cones 34, 20 collecting condensation 160 32, 47–9 complementary 70, 101 63–5 alleles 88, conservation causal 116 206 30, 58, 189, communities 79 carrying system 205, 100, 54–6 commensalism 203, 159–61 carbon triphosphate) 25, command (BMI) 226 18 colour-blindness 220 area 145 123, 164 collagen 133, 214 carbaminohemoglobin 214 autonomic 110, 133, 223–7 100, nerve 158 132, 205 66, synthase auditory 129, 214 (adenosine 95, blood 66, 132 132, 122, 38 codons 89, 124, 99, 11, change cohesion 66–7, 31, 121, 210 57, codominant 194 220 42–3, 57–8 cladograms clones natality capillaries 67, acids cochlea pressure cancer 181 antigens 241–2 disease 99 162, system climographs questions 82 longitudinal classification 163 170, fatty climate blood calcium 175, 178–80 37–9 161 32 and cladistics 180–2 groups Calvin 128–33, cis protection clotting Broca’s 10, 130–1, circulatory test 69 68, 179 172–85 blood breathing variance) 28 chloroplasts chromatids 174–7 blood brain 128–33 of 178, 160, 119 chlorophyll cholera 193 118, coefficient also Bowman’s 137–40 193 194–5 calcification 52, 192, 172–4 59, bottom-up 226 antibiotics 144 blood 133–7 (analysis birth botulin reproduction antagonistic axons 50 137–40 vaccination 94, 26 182–5 modification cells 53, see 128–46 osmoregulation 180, 6 118 movement 92, 159, heart 95–6, test chromosomes exam 80–1, coronary chemoreceptors circular index birds Martha see chiasma 189 bipolar 61 antibody ANOV A 206–7 199 molecules physiology sexual 204, 15 analogous anaphase biotic 62, 32 hemispheres chi-squared 191 medicine 140 anaerobic 44, practice ammonification 225, 43, 224 71, 89, control industry 42, 201 179–80 environmental 125 hypothesis acids animal 122 200, 176 genetic isolation alternative 123, 119, demand 194–6 108 4–5 77 Chase, CHD of 160 chemiosmosis oxygen agriculture 118, 239–40 161–4 93–7 plants 17 cerebellum 54 50–8, biotechnology 132 allopatric system bioremediation 193 165–7 questions biodiversity biomes 150–1 species alleles exam 26–7, in centromeres learned 7–9 9–10 transport cellulose biochemical biomass 200–1 134 perception 178, of 6–7 135 ultrastructure biomagnification 174–7, Agrobacterium joints cells respiration cervix biological respiration origin 169–70 bioinformatics 105 179–80 203 cerebral biofilms hormone) transport 167–8 binomial (ATP) structure membrane 157–9 biolistics adrenaline ATP 53 membrane development stimuli 100, 103, 155, neuropharmacology practice 140 adhesion ATP 107 triphosphate 96, 153, 157–71 and neural 52 (antidiuretic 139, alien 91 134 adenosine 129, 159–61 innate radiation adduction algae 28 81, 202, socket ethology 21 adaptations diet behaviour 73 energy active adaptive 143 and brain action ADH balanced 137 potential activation 129 101, muscle bacteriophages 28 ball action 94, 209 226 acrosome 128, 80–2, 179–80 absorption accuracy 68, finches analysis data-based databases, 59 practical questions bioinformatics Davson–Danielli 11–13 53, 225–6 defibrillators model 147–56 182 6 214–15 247 INDE X dehydration 140 denaturation ethical 21 denitrification 199 deoxyribonucleic dependent deserts diabetes 149, 223 evenness digestion dihybrid diploid 12, 121, 32, eye, 129 fatty 126 138 24–5, 50 fertilization acid) 82–4, 23–4, transcription translation 32, 37, fertilizers 84–7 gyrase DNA ligase DNA polymerase I DNA polymerase III DNA primase food 39 82 food 82 35 57, of fusion of vaporization 16 B 175, 84 frogs FSH 124 heterotrophs histamines (FCR) 191–2 HIV 172–4 143 plants 59 44, 120, human (FSH) 78 188 (HIV) of 207 50 gas (follicle niches hormone) 78 structure ecology of 40–9, carbon 164 186–201 cycling climate ecosystems human gaseous 47–9 40–3, gastrin 186–8 40–3 flow on ecosystems cycle phosphorus population species elbow, cycle exam emergent 186, of 188–93 96 176 219, glands endonucleases endosymbiotic flow energy 178 model 220 38 9, 10 191 189 60, estrogen 248 61, 91, 178–80 92 77 77, pools 30, 78, 219, 144 2, genetic 221 35–6, 32, 37–9 of respiratory bonds hydrophilic questions 6, 16, 7, 121–4 204, 73 205, solution 160, solution internal immigration 206 8 217, 218 8 immune assessment 197 system 67, immunoglobulins 33 imprinting 114–15 in 190, 191 vitro 128 20 166 fertilization independent (IVF) variables 78 149, 153, 223 138, 139 indicator 75 industry , 61, 218–21 8 hyperpolarization hypotonic gases 85 8 6, hypertension 245–6 77–8 117–20 161 76, 94, 91, 94–5, GM 38, 39 gradualism 74 transport IA see glycolysis 101 161 125–6 inhibitors effect gases production 48 48 191 35–6, 92, 20, integral greenhouse 194, internal 75, 165–7 76, 85, 11, 61–2, 205 6 assessment interphase 172–4 93 proteins intestine 196 121–4 behaviour insulin 187 species biotechnology inheritance innate greenhouse gross 202–7 125–7 33–5, glomerulus crops 34 215–18 215–18 hypothalamus 32–3, 69–72 exam hypertonic 37–9 30, diagrams 26, 176 30–1 size cells 172 175, modification meiosis grazing 160 9, gene 39, 117–27 biotechnology glucose enzymes erythrocytes modification glucagon protection epididymis genetic 30–9, 84–7 66–9 72–4 hydrophobic engineering glial theory 83, 83 genetic Gersmehl 43–5 21–2, tRNAs disease 207–10 75–6, synapses hydrogen expression for genetics 38 30–1 germination environmental epilepsy gene 20, 202–22 63–6 60–2, reproduction inheritance 2, 215 ecosystems energy 2, genes chain practice 125–7 virus 211–12 nutrition 219 208 genome 72, 163 chromosomes 197 emphysema endocrine 243–5 134 properties emigration energy , questions transport electroporation 196–8 186–8 40–3, structure electron 200–1 ecology 40–3, ecosystems 199–200 cells 215–18 212–15 neurons exchange pools genes nitrogen 34 electrophoresis genes 192–3 practice gel gene 43–5 impacts 33, ganglion 45–7 change communities energy gametes 50 112, 60–79, against exchange liver 118, 60–2 system hormones 186 117, 69 physiology heart stimulating 111, 68, digestion 158 fundamental structures 75–6, defence 46 record chromosomes 127 67, blood 169 69 191 absorption 189 82 immunodeficiency immunodeficiency human behaviour fuels hormone content 188, 116 80–1, 30 68, homologous 113–14, stimulating 157, 67, homologous 53, 175 experiment 132 homeotherms 119, 220–1 181 40 (human virus) 219, 211 metabolism ear, 90, 180, resistance heterozygotes ratio 94, 16 140 30, hepatocytes 8 214 82 herbicide 7, 205–6, 16 heat hepatitis 165 75 heat hormones webs fossil alleles 228–46 57 Darwin’s foraging 38 dominant vi, 62 114, energy fossil 30, 66, capacity hemoglobin 200–1 chains food, DNA sequencing disease 64, 212–15 hemodialysis 187–8 follicle 82 DNA profiling heart 67 flowering 82 38, 66, finches, fish 87–90 DNA Drosophila 155 80–4 24–5, 24–5, 51–3 163 conversion fibrin of of 18, fermentation 155 structure 50, 147–8, 63–6, helicase diffusion acids feed (deoxyribonucleic replication 125–7 FASTA sequences 66–9, tubule evolution 50–1 106 William heart heat 125–7 structure 164 Hershey–Chase 124 selection Harvey , 126 against convoluted 86 117–27 papers/strategies facilitated variation 85, 201 selection experiments 17 defence divergent 122 34 selection disaccharides exam 82, 57–8 speciation 207–10 crosses disruptive 13 80, 200, for pools natural 2, 60–2, directional disease, gene 155 nuclei discrete 205 32, 50–8, evidence 204, 9, cells halophytes 196 evolution 40 76, hair eutrophication 73 differentiation 83, DNA 4, cladistics diaphragm DNA see 190 detritivores distal acid 3 169–70 eukaryotes variables depolarization issues ethology 118 209 (IA) 223–7 154, INDE X introns 83, 87 microbiology invertebrates iodine (in vitro 8 78 microvilli capsule 134 mitochondria karyotype keratin 32 kidneys species 186, 187 cycle Kupffer 95, cells 161 DNA and enzymes lactic 61 acid lactose large 17 water leptin 209 166, 75, 76, 165–7 structure 168 ovaries (luteinizing hormone) 78 28–9 movement, animal 46 mucosa 197 121, lipase 60, 61 lipids 14, 16–19, liposome liver locus of lumen lung myoglobin myosin Henlé 133–7 83, 85–9 145, 146 system 71, 138, 114 139, NADP , 140 220–1 137, 30, nerve hormone 67, magnification 3, (LH) 78 4, net 5 Malpighian 17, tubules 61, 137, 138 101 mechanoreceptors medulla 33–5, see peat 46 memory cells Gregor Johann cycle DNA 41–2, 198 mesophyll 108, messenger RNA (mRNA) metabolism metaphase 215–18 118 49 methylation 148 91–3, 11, gene 83, 85–9 nucleus human 74, 79, plants 167 see in phloem 138, inhibitors 139, 140 92 plastic structure 80–90 and replication 84–7 202–7 39, 123, 107–9 113–16 plants 67, 175 103–7 128, 129 193 72, 114 193 antibodies polymerase 181–2, 219 191 178–9, polyclonal 224 112 176 pneumocytes pollutants 43, 58 66 pollination 160 218 126 poikilotherms 87–90 42, 80–4 217, 54–5, 111, pollution platelets 84–7 accumbens 160, transport cells plasmids 85 hypothesis xylem plasma 14 23–4, 113 transport transgenic 137, physiology; 110–12 speciation 23 wastes animal reproduction 199 bases 150–1 103–16 hormones fixation 97–102, physiology gland growth 199–200 163 28–9, classification 199 translation null 167–8 158 expression nutrition 86 157, transcription 25, 162, 98 phytochromes 186 nucleotides 110 mesocosms 161–4 200–1 54–5 pituitary neuropharmacology nucleosomes 179 239–40 18 98 photosystems perception non-competitive 78 6, photoreceptors 72–4 acids 116 cycle 28, physiology nitrogenous 35 photolysis questions 6 128 photosynthesis exam 216–17 122–3 107–9, phyla nucleic contamination meristems methane 129 72, phosphorus 158 reaction 200 167–8 nitrogenous 103 menstrual 157, 180 chain 88 proteins phospholipids 158 20, hormones 157–9 nitrogen 128, phloem 157, 129, 172 bonds phenotypes 157–71 cycle 10 67, 77 development nitrogen 68, 69, 208 7 polymerase pesticides 169–70 nitrification 67, 66, neuropharmacology niches 73 170 159–61 neurulation 168 Louis phagocytes neurotransmitters 76 potential 166, mercury 220 7–9 memory meniscus 160, 6–7 transport Mendel, 66, cell structure membrane 65, 117–20 75, membrane, pruning neurons oblongata melatonin neural stimuli 180–2 126, 160 plasticity practice 226 medicine 51–3, 191 neural neural 162 50, 167–8 system production ethology 226 meiosis PCR system transport peptide 74 impulses brain 218 187–8 peripheral neurobiology 203 96 220 parasympathetic penis 98 selection nervous 128 92 malnutrition median parasitism penicillin 154 197 neonicotinoids 155 96 217, pathogens 52 reduced natality 72 72, lymphocytes maltose phosphorylation Pasteur, 133–7 187 136, natural luteinizing mean 113, 64 malaria 94, oxidative peptide plants cancer lungs 133–7, 31, mutualism 176 25, 30 long-day loop 61, mutations 211–12 140 77 oxidation passive musculoskeletal 62 RNA) 61 muscles 124 77 oxytocin physiology limestone index 154 204 oxyhemoglobin 17 mRNA (messenger genes 121 108, 197 134 linked 131–2 137–40 105, overhydration antibodies ligaments Lincoln 8, 226 oviducts crosses 8 osteomalacia 15–16 mortality 7, 107 137 164 outliers monosaccharides 152 23–4 20–1 monohybrid osmosis ossicles 21–2 monoclonal behaviour learning 24–5 16–19 proteins intestine learned LH 94 and 175 166 21 osmoregulation transcription (ORF) compounds osmolarity 26–7 143 frame osmoconformers 16–19 photosynthesis iv 142, conditioning optimum 14–29 RNA 141, reading organic biology 206 resources operant 96–7 205, 162 oogenesis 95, replication, lipids lacteal 9–10, translation 211 online 217–18 respiration DNA 137–40 179 open carbohydrates cell 178, 11 molecular 22 keystone Krebs 32 174, 110 209 secretion mitosis karyograms 61, 203, odorants 172, micropropagation fertilization) obesity 176 microorganisms solution milk joint 172–4 microinjection 216 isotonic IVF 55 chain 131 reaction (PCR) 37, 83, 185 polyploidy 125, 126 249 INDE X polysaccharides population 17 saprotrophs ecology 196–8 populations 41 pores, vessels blood saturated practice exam practice problems precision 64 papers scurvy 187 structure primary succession progesterone prokaryotes prolactin 77, 4, prophase 132 78, 77, proteome proximal 14, 20–1, 57, 62, 87, 90, 204 20 pseudomonas punctuated of 138 36 energy 44–5 95 quorum sensing 90 rate of errors 226 reaction realized niches red blood 219, redox 163, cells 220 (erythrocytes) 9, 30, reduction reflexes 94 of reliability gene expression 83 82–4, 155 sperm reproduction resolution spider isolation cells 26–7, gases, respiratory system potential rhodopsin 218–21 70 ribulose 88, richness rickets see RNA carboxylase 196 stroma acid) 23–4, 83, 85, 112 sucrose node species sample student Sanger, Frederick 250 3, answers 30, 84 of 144 141, 108 proteins 104, 6, 227 18, 19, 62 rainforests 136, 190 137 I type II pneumocytes diabetes type II pneumocytes 62 unsaturated 72, 204, of 219 205 72, 219 measurement fatty acids 10 126 226 175–6 140 77, 78 128–33, 175 77 blood 4 veins 161–4 52 ventilation rate vertebrates 55, 61–2, visual 71, 155, 160 theory 202, 14 203–4, Willebrand vulva 70, 56 209 cortex vitamins V on 64 64 vitalism 216–17 vessels 65 variations villi 226 106 205 disease 89 77 water 22 xylem web 168 synovial 41 system 208 158–9 fluid systematic biology transport resources whale meat wheat 126 134 errors 226 xerophytes xylem iv 184 106 103–7, 115, 15–16 103–7 187 74, 225 18 140 acid molecular 21, 8 106 valves 142 17 synapses vii 107, type vagina 100 sympathetic 129 176 88 vaccination 168 sustainability sinoatrial Salmonella 186–8 generation 61, 175, 87–90 208 symbiosis SA see data tropical uric 203 summation 20 24–5, transpiration heart 104–5, substrate (ribonucleic organisms uncertainties 8, 77 perception stomata 163 54, 168 19 84–7 125–7 selection 2, 24–5, translocation uterus hormones stomach 62 pump significance cells stimuli 100 18, 176 198 31 164 deviation stimulants 89 acids fatty troponin 20 17–18, steroid 204 rubisco silk statistical bisphosphate oxidase starch stem acid 110 urea 53, structure starvation 73 20 ribonucleic 40–3, standard of 163–4 ribosomes 209 107 50, spontaneous 93–7 transport cells 175, 197, 57 tRNA 83, 208 plants stabilizing respiratory rods 125 totipotent triglycerides nucleotide spermatogenesis 4 respiration, RNA 141–6 113–16 reproductive retina 77–8, 213 219 ducts sperm, animals/human resting 61, perception species 73 82 32 co-transport speciation 24–5, repolarization 66, 131 72, virus factors trends, node neurotransmitters (single source, proteins 107 (SA) somatostatin 226 replication plants binding intestine sound 6 70 mosaic transcription polymorphisms sodium–potassium 165 regulators model 216 75 transmembrane plants sodium 98 197 98 hormones volume traits 98 98 top-down trans chromatids SNPs 94 NADP 125 curve polymorphisms) reactions reduced 30, 31 strand smoking 221 141–6 113 nucleotide smallpox 35 space translation small alleles 113–14, 162 thylakoid transgenic sister 77 membrane tobacco 108–9 slow-acting 162, 170 90 thylakoid tidal growth 186 recessive 35 plants 92 receptors structure Singer–Nicolson sinks, 118 77 thyroxin anemia sinoatrial random 11, 134 Simpson’s reciprocal diversity index 195–6 single 179 164 reproduction single structure telophase thyroid sexual tubes 83 thylakoids 77 dimorphism (SNPs) quaternary 35 hairs sigmoid 54–6 telomeres testes 114 sexual sieve 126 190 taxonomy 129 thermoreceptors vesicles cell taiga tertiary 192 122–3 linkage 226 testosterone dispersal sickle 179 equilibrium grids pyramids tubule 90 168 114, lymphocytes t-test tendons 208 short-day convoluted 216 structure sex 19 204 succession sensory 180 18, 223 messengers seminal 60 6, 203, segregation 118 acids secondary seeds 218 gland fatty 154 secondary seed 32 T method sedatives 144 40 135–6, 77 secretin 192 DNA 86–7 11–12, proteases kits 90 9–10, 217, promoters, pyruvate scrotum second primary Punnett 228–46 vii pregnancy-detection proteins scientific 226 predation prostate sarcomeres 116 220 O X F O R D I B P R E P A R E D BIOLO GY Author Offering an unparalleled level of assessment suppor t at SL and HL , IB Prepared: Biology has been developed directly with the IB to provide Debora M. Primrose the most up-to-date and authoritative guidance on DP assessment. You can trust IB Prepared resources to: ➜ Consolidate essential knowledge and facilitate more effective exam preparation via concise summaries of course content FOR FIRST ASSESSMENT ➜ Ensure that learners fully understand assessment requirements IN 2016 with clear explanations of each component, past paper material and model answers ➜ Maximize assessment potential with strategic tips, highlighted common errors and sample answers annotated with exper t advice What's on the cover? ➜ Build students’ skills and confidence using exam-style questions, Water droplets on a practice papers and worked solutions peacock feather C E C O LO G Y AND C O N S E R V AT I O N Example C.6.1. Key syllabus material is explained Our huge population growth has led to an increase in the a) Outline the impact of waterlogging on the nitrogen cycle. demand for food, which, in turn, alongside key definitions b) has led to intensive methods of Describe nitrogen agriculture. Intensive agriculture insectivorous availability in plants as an adaptation waterlogged for low soils. involves labour-intensive and Solution costly practices in order to obtain a) Waterlogging fills the air gaps in the soil with water. In the high yields per unit of land. absence of oxygen denitrifying bacteria reduce nitrate in the soil Intensive animal farming methods to Assessment tips offer guidance and atmospheric nitrogen. An example of denitrifying bacteria are often criticized for involving is Pseudomonas denitrificans which uses nitrate as an electron low standards of animal welfare, acceptor to produce ATP . which rely on the overuse of warn against common errors b) Insectivorous plants obtain their food through photosynthesis antibiotics to be viable. Issues and make organic products using light. Nevertheless these associated with intensive crop carnivorous plants live in nutrient-poor habitats where there farming methods are the use of are almost no nitrates available, therefore need to trap insects in toxic pesticides which are often order to obtain their nitrogen. carcinogenic and bioaccumulate, harming non-target species, and Assessment questions and sample student the use of chemical fer tilizers Phosphorus is present in all living organisms. It is present in which can cause eutrophication of the responses provide practice oppor tunities phospholipids of cell membranes, is required for making waterways. ATP , DNA after phosphorylation, and Phosphorus and useful feedback fertilizer or turnover in cycle the RNA, can be removed the therefore is found and added by is to proteins cycle availability to and form phosphorus harvesting phosphorus its in needed the agricultural is may carbohydrates bones cycle much than limiting teeth. applying crops. lower become and by The in to rate the of nitrogen agriculture in future. S AMPLE STUDENT ANS WER Eutrophication Also available, from Oxford is the enrichment with nutrients of a body of water leading to the excessive growth of 978 0 19 839211 8 The graph shows the global phosphorus fer tilizer use from 1960 to 2011. plants and algae, causing oxygen 25 depletion. is the amount of dissolved oxygen needed by aerobic organisms to break down organic material. snotagem / su rohpsohp Biochemical ox ygen demand forecast 20 15 developing countries 10 developed countries world 2 2 0 1 6 2 2 2 0 2 1 8 1 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 2 6 4 0 1 1 1 1 9 9 8 1 9 9 9 9 7 8 in 8 soil are 8 the 2 from 6 the the phosphorus fertilizers, 4 make 0 1 fact Suggest whether the data suppor ts the hypothesis that availability of that phosphate may become limiting to agriculture in the future. [6] fertilizers use This answer order enough could have achieved 5/6 marks: last is T urnover removed 1 1 in 1 and 9 crops increased that 9 and 9 for fertilizers year the in The and that 9 needed of years; slow; 7 6 are is 6 turnover most with phosphates agriculture. turnover 6 the addresses associated of for of 4 answer issues future denition 8 the availability the 0 ▲ The of of phosphate refers to the replacement of phosphate to for ve once it has been removed. T urnover of phosphate is slower than marks. nitrogen. levels to When within replenish the the farmers soil remove their continually mineral, therefore crops, deplete the the and need to phosphate there add is no way fertilizer . T he 200 I B D I P L O M A P R O G R A M M E Suppor t material available at www.oxfordsecondary.co.uk/ib-prepared-suppor t ISBN web 978-0-19-842363-8 www.oxfordsecondary.com/ib 9 780198 423638