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Biographical Research: Types & Methods

What is Biological research
research approach aligned to the social interpretive
paradigm of research. The biographical research is
concerned with the reconstruction of life histories and
the constitution of meaning based on biographical
narratives and documents
Perceptions in biographical
Biographical research is preceived in education in
different ways like
It is the study of a single life, focusing primarily upon
an individual who in some way is affiliated with the
professional field of education, broadly conceived
(Garraty, 1957; Oates, 1986).
Perceptions in biographical
Other research methodologies are often bundled within
descriptor of biography and include life history
writing, oral history, memoir, autobiography, and life
narrative (Roberts, 2002; Josselson & Lieblich, 1993).
Types of biographical research
There are five main types of biographical research
1. Scholarly chronicles
2. Intellectual biography
3. Life history writing
4. Memoir biography
5. Narrative biography
Scholarly chronicles
 The scholarly chronicle is the most fundamental (and
common) type of biographical research with its focus on
the historical portrayal of an individual life. This basic
research orientation constitutes telling the subject’s story
development of a quest plot (life pattern-stages) and the
description of acts of recognition (or notoriety)
Scholarly chronicles cont
 as the biographer marches through the life of the
biographical subject. The scholarly chronicle is often
viewed as synonymous with biography; however, this
research orientation is markedly different from other
forms of biographical inquiry.
Intellectual biography
Another genre, intellectual biography, forsakes the
need for basic chronological structure and develops a
narrative of a life through the conceptual analysis of
the subject’s motives and beliefs within the world of
ideas. Those who write intellectual biography have
overcome the interpretive angst of other educational
Intellectual biography cont
 what Rollyson (2005) has deemed “the biographical
apologia,” who include pages of interviewee narrative and
rich description but who refrain from interpreting motives
and feelings. In contrast, the intellectual biographer
recognizes and accepts the invasive yet justifiable analysis
and overcomes the intrusive nature of inquiry with care
resulting in self-reflective thoughtfulness and insight.
Life history writing
 A third form of biographical research is defined as life history writing (and
the narrative study of lives) with strong allegiance to the social science
research traditions of oral history and narrative discourse and, specifically,
great devotion to theoretical constructs from sociology and psychology.
Case study paradigms emerge as life history writers address issues of
generalizability, social interaction-social structure, and reliability and
validity as well as the biographical quest of any study of a life.
Life history writing cont
 This research genre has taken many forms in the field
of education, perhaps resonating most in the area of
teacher education with the narrative study of teachers’
lives scholarship and, to a lesser degree, with the firstyear teacher research that also remains loyal to aspects
of intellectual biography (Goodson, 2008; Bullough,
Memoir biography
 In recent years a fourth genre, memoir biography (still
distinct from autobiography and memoir) has begun to
appear in the field of curriculum studies. Attention is
devoted to the researcher’s motives in relation to the
biographical subject and with emphasis upon the stylistic
presentation of the biographer’s reflections and insights in
relation to the factual account of the life.
Memoir biography cont
 An interpretive narrative of the writer, alongside the
presentation of the biographical subject, becomes part of
the research. A life story is being told, yet in relation to the
transactional experiences of the biographer that in turn
influences and foreshadows similar experiences for the
Narrative biography
 A fifth type, narrative biography, represents a dynamic
portrayal of a life without the need for absolute facticity or
a comprehensive account from birth to grave. Neither is
this style burdened by the ultimate interpretation of the
subject that must be accepted by the reader.
Narrative biography cont
 Facts are recognized and some interpretations are accepted
as being more significant than others; however, the biographer, though consciously aware of his or her personal
emotions and reactions to the subject, acknowledges that
the telling of the story is primarily defined by the subject
in relation to the reader.
 No definitive listing of biographical types can ever be constructed
since, fortunately, new forms—content and process oriented—are
continually being conceived and explored. Other more contentrelated designations include feminist biography (Alpern, et al., 1992;
Ascher, et. al., 1984; Wagner-Martin, 1994) and black biography
(Backscheider, 1997), all with emphasis upon identity and the
Conclusion cont
 Biography’s relationship to autobiography, memoir, and
narrative research in education is well developed and will
continually be redefined (Denzin, 1989; Epstein, 1991;
Rollyson, 2008) Yet, with the emerging interest in
biographical inquiry and with some growing interest in
prosopography (group biography), little consensus of
terminology exists;
Conclusion cont
 for example, it should be noted that while some qualitative
researchers view the term auto/biography as accurate,
there are dramatic differences between biography and
autobiography—much more than any slash or solidus can