Internet Programming Chapter 1 : Client Side Programming : HTML and CSS Q. 1 Explain Web System Architectures - 1, 2, 3 and n. Ans. : Layers or Services A software application is created using programming Ianguages(called as frontend) and databasefcalled as backend). In evety software we have to implement following three layers’. (I) User Layer (presentation layer) It is also called as client layer which contain User interface of our application. This layer is used for design purpdse. In this, data is presented to the user and also input can be accepted from the. user. For example in banking software, the registration form of an account holder can be considerd as user layer. (II) Business Layer This layer is also known as business service. In this layer we can write all business logic like validation of data, calculations, data insertion etc. This acts as an interface between Client layer and Data Layer. This layer is also called the intermediary layer which helps' to make communication faster between client and data layer. (Ill) Data Layer In this layer actual database is comes in the picture. Data Access Layer contains methods to connect with database and to perform insert, update, delete, get data from database based on our input data. Depending upon the implementation of these, three layers there are types of database architectures. A. _ One Tier Architecture User Layer In One Tier Architecture all the three layers i.e. user layer, business layer and data layer are implemented in a single application. This ■- . Business Layer $ architecture is usually used for small applications. t 5 Data Layer Fig. 1.1 : One Tier Architecture Server Client B. Two Tier Architecture The two tier architecture is based on the client server architecture. The direct communication takes place between client and server. The two tier architecture is the architecture in which user interface is run on client side and data layer is stored on the server side. In two tier architecture we can integrate business layer with either presentation layer or database layer or can be distributed in both. Fig. 1.2 : Fat client i) The business layer can be integrated with presentation layer at client side. In this case the size of client application increases, hence it is known as Fat Client. Scanned by CamScanner ; .... . J Inten indej and data layer. Server Adv 2. 3. 4. 5. Business layer User layor 6. 7. 8. Di! Fig. 1 . 3 : Fat server Client ‘ ‘ 1. Server 2, Advantages of two tier architecture 1. 3. In two tier architecture, applications can be easily developed.due to simplicity. 2. In this client and server are directly connected, due to which communication becomes faster. 3. Maximum user satisfaction is achieved with accurate and fast prototvping of applications through robust tools. 4. It contains static business rules which are easily applicable for homogeneous environment. 5. we can distribute business layer physically with the user layer as Data layer User layer Business Business layer I layer Fig. 1.4 -. Two tier architecture well as data layer. Disadvantages of two tier Architecture 1. It can only support to the limited number of . - to tacit of « Two tier architecture is cost ineffective. As C. per security is complicated. world. In this architecture the user layer, business tap Three Tier Architecture cations. The three tier architecture is most and dam layer are implemented inde | Presentation layer ...... Database layer Rasy-solutions Scanned by CamScanner ll’-3 b, I I'lutininiiiilng (MU) . , _______ _ _ _ .......„ llr( | by llic ........ .•....... ’"■ "' ,hfW "" “" '" ) ' W " ....... W "" ....... independently. Advnntngon of throo tier nrchltocturn 1 In three I lei tuchllcelnn wo can tnanngc the (lulu Independently. 2 We can make the change# In presentation layer without nllccllng other two lie in. 3, As each tier Is Independent II Is possible In use different gioiips of developer#. ,|, It is most scenic since (he client doesn't have dliecl access Io Ihd dilhihiwc Inyei. 5, When one lice lulls there Is no data loss, because wo me always secme by accessing the oilier Iler. (», Ihie lo dislribuled deployment of application sei ver, scalability Is Increased. 7. A similar logic can be used in various applications. It Is iciisnblc. 8. Il is robust and secme due lo multiple layers. Dlsadvnntngco of throo tlor nrchltocturo ' » I. Il is mote complex slniclurc. 2. Mote difficult lo set op and maintain, 3. The physical separation of the tiers may affect the performance. I). Buolnow layor N-Tler Architecture Il is Client-Server nrcbllcclure in which user layer, business layer and data layer functions are physically separated. This architecture model provides Software Developers lo create Reusable application/syslems with maximum llexibilily. These three layers can be further subdivided into different suit-layers depending on the requirements. Dtilabnw) laynr Fig. 1.6 : N-ticr architecture Q. 2 Explain 3-tior web nrchltocturo with diagram for online shopping database system? Ans. : ’ 3-tlor web architecture of online shopping system This is the. online shopping diagram for 3 Tier architecture. Here the as a front end Dot Net environment is used while as backend database MS SQL Server 2008 is used. Onllno shopping • 3 leiyor a rchltocluro Prosontatlon layor Business logic layor ASP NET CH NET Data access Inyor ADO NET Datatxxso MS SQL Sorvor 2003 Fig. 1.7 : Online shopping diagram for 3-tlcr architecture Fig. 1.7 shows three layers : 1. Presentation layer : This layer consist of user interface designed tor the interaction with end user This layer is created in ASP Net. It includes the screens which will |>e used by the end user Im shopping. Theses screen show the products with details as per their categories. User can select (he product to purchase and mid them into cart This design is created with advanced controls available in ASP Net Scanned by CamScanner i ====== ___________________________ IP a======== Business Lav == =========== Wrong nunib * ' ' S ' a er cons *s validation checking code related to product selection of user. Accidently user may select s Validate Th'S ,Og° Calroduc *° purchase. For example, if any user is $ wing order to purchase 10000 TV sets, then the order should be code is Dat r’ ' ' implemented using the C# .Net. 3, .■illih.,! ° n s3 . . = EXP aln Domaln ' rams ol user order in < Name lce, Domain Nam. No stands for Domain Name System (DNS) S is an identification scheme for computers, services, or some other sources that are connected to the Internet or a personal ,n s a . variety of information with domain names linked to each and every contributing entity. Most importantly, it translates lona omain names to the number of different IP addresses which are needed for identifying and locating computer devices with ork protocols. The DNS is a necessary part for the use of the Internet which his been in use since 1985. Domain name registration is die method of getting a domain name by a domain name registrar. Domain name registration information is reserved by the domain registries, which deal with domain registrars to supply registration facilities to the people. A client chooses a registrar to offer the registration service, and that particular registrar becomes the elected registrar for the domain selected by the client. Only the selected registrar can delete or modify the information regarding domain names in a central registry record. It is not strange foi a client to change registrars. When a registrar registers a com domain for a client, he must pay an annual fee for it. Most of the Domain Hosting Basics A s web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to make their website accessible via the )Vorld Wide Web. Web hosts are companies that provide space on a server owned or leased for use by clients, as well as providing Internet connectivity, typically in a data centre. Types of hosting 1. > S m a l l e r hosting services The most basic is web page and small-scale file hosting, where files can be uploaded via File Transfer Protocol (FTP) or a Web interface. The files are usually delivered to the Web "as is" or with minimal processing. Many Internet Service Providers (ISPs) offer this service free to subscribers. Individuals and organizations may also obtain Web page hosting from alternative service providers. Free web hosting service is offered by different companies with limited services, sometimes supported by advertisements, and often limited when compared to paid .hosting. Single page hosting is generally sufficient for personal web pages. Personal web site hosting is typically free, advertisement-sponsored, or inexpensive. Business web site hosting often has a higher expense depending upon the size and type of the site. . • 2. Larger hosting services * Many large companies that are not Internet service providers need to be permanently connected to the web to send email, files, etc. to other sites. The company may use the computer as a website host to provide details of their goods and services and facilities for online orders. A complex site calls for a more comprehensive package that provides database support and application development platforms (e.g. ASP.NET, ColdFusion, Java EE, Perl/Plack, PHP or Ruby on Rails). These facilities allow customers to write or install scripts for applications like fomms and content management. Also, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is typically used for websites that wish to keep the data transmitted more secure. Q. 4 Differentiate between HTTP and FTP. Ansi : _____________ _ _ ______________ ~ in i r Functionality ‘ Basic functionality is to access websites. • ~1 ______________ ________ _ _ i-tp FTP transfers files from one host to another. e a s y -solutions Scanned by CamScanner IP-5 IITTP Onlydaiacoiincclion h rM.tblhhej ----- , __ FFP -■ -------- — “ * KIP establishes two connections: one fo for the control connection. III 11' uses Id's port nuinlx'i HO. nyi'i S e 1 ik i ..„d n d Kr lilcs like web pages. .. __ f FTP uses TCP's port number 20 ami ~- -— ----- KIP is efficient in the process of transferring larger ,lk No nerd of authentication, The content tramferred KIP requires a password. llw file transferred to the host device using I I to . device using HTTP I, not saved to the memory of that device. „ , o. 3 W h0t IS c r o s s browser compatibility? in the memory of that host device. --------- ----------- What nro It, | S 5 U C 8 on(l how t0 1 0 6 O | V 0 thorn? AO5 - ‘ t |s cross browser compatibility? wnrtt a website tibility i$ omp* I)cr( nn looks a d M,aws " s “ 011 al1 browsers,' it is known as cross browser compatibility. Ensuring cross browser important aspect for web designers while designing a website. . IS a simple example fonll worked Consider a form on a website which is very important for lead generation. Before launching in the testing phase, l it on the browser. Let us consider on the browsers of 25% visitors, the form is not working properly : it either loo s n > y/hat f r c cross browser com Pa l l b i l i t y l s s u e s ? Th -re are four main elements which leads to cross browser compatibility issues: u Usually all the W3C standards are implemented by all the browsers. But they may not do it all the same way. . <1 -md JavaScript may be treated differently by each browser. . . , " ' In’ ai|ili|ion to basic implementation, all,the browsers handle enhancements or deviations from W3C standards in err own v . ) rTmhics and visual elements arc handled by die each OS in its own way creating differences. p; Tbe screen resolutions related to web and mobile arc always different which affect the look and feel of die webs, . How to ensure cross browser compatibility? sometimes because of complexity, it A Cb a web designecandefinitely ukds efforts bavc "niore or les consistently across browsers. For this purpose, the developer take following steps: so that the site will look and Steps to resolve cross browser Compatibility issues 1. Understand Browser Differences The initial aspect which should be concerned by the we 2. • «« Wwee „ their way to handle browsers teigl , docs „ 01 generate HTML Editor Selection issues. Hence selection of a good editor is very imp 3 - Style Sheets veWements of the wnsbsite. However, some CSS may not The CSS (Cascading Styl Scanned by CamScanner *n ternet Pr Hash nCln ° bro important do not have sup Sers - w eS rt mpal *bility igSUes i- 5 *®ners sbou ld keep in mind is that the browser designed for the blind and some of the mobi While the visual appeal of the site is improved by the sites it can also leads to cross browv, - “Ing images the use of ALT „ a 1111)1116 Ability. is very important otherwise they will generate the same issue of cross brow 6 c - lMn Code Anofc elem * ' thing which n which may be jnler code should be absolutely clean and do not contain any avoidable 11 is responsibility of the web desii? avoiding the cross browser compatibT 8 Cross ‘ acflieve compliance. This is surely a difficult task but it will definitely helps in -Browser Testing I 012 UCbSlte cross-browser testing. Q 6 ' Ans. : Wr,te note maXlmum possible brow on W3C validators. sers. Nowadays there are many free and paid tools available for ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------- W3C validators W 3C Stands for H1P Wnrlrl IV.'J,. vir.f a i ator provided by the World Wide Web Consortium(W3C) that allows Internet users to check HTML and XHTML documents fnr w a l l 1... niTiLL ■ Markup validation is an important step towards ensuring the technical quality of web pages. However, it is not a complete measure of web standards conformance. Though validation is important for browser comparrbility and site usability, it has not been confine what effect tt has on search engine optimization. Mark-up validators are used to check missed dosing tags and other technicalities. DTD-based validators are also limited in their ability to check attribute values according to many specification documents. For example, using an HTML 4.01 DOCTWE, bgcolomW is accepted as valid for the "body- element even though the value W is missing a preceding * character mid contains only five (instead of six) hexadecimal digits. Also, for the "img" element, widfc'really value problems. Pages may not display as intended in all browsers, even in the absence of validation em ensure that pages always display as intended is to test them in all browsers expecud to render (hem correctly. While the WTC and ote HTML and XHTML validators will assess pages coded in those formats, a separate validator like the W3C CSS validator can e-eck fa ' ' there are no errors in the associated Cascading Style Sheet CSS validators apply current CSS standards to referenced CSS documZ Q. 7 Explain the basic structure of HTML document. Ans. : Structure of HTML document ~ • ea sy-sol otions Scanned by CamScanner J <head> Of the I '" eb Page</tj1te> • </head> g Indicates that this Is written In HTML *>tag contains the web Page title. formation contains about the web. <body>tag contains the content of the web page </html> </html>marks the end of Jhe web page. Flg 1. 2. ' U:St ™cfure of HTOn. Documents ' Head Body to display on a web page. All text to be displayed and control creation is done in this section. May15, Dec.15 Ans. : ‘ image map with example - HTML pros ides the <map> tag to define a client-sidd image-map. It is an image with clickable areas. The <map> element has name attribute which is associated with the attribute use map and links the image with the map. The <map> element has sub-tag <area>, which defines the clickable areas in the image map. Program to demonstrate use of <map> tag <!D0CTYPE html> <html> <body> '< map name ="smap"> <area shape="rect" coords="0, 0,82, 126" alt = "Jellyfish" href= "Jellyfish.htm" > <area shape= "circle” coords ="90,58,3" aIt="Koa!a" href= flKoala.htm r > <area shape="circle" coords="124,58,8' alt= 'Penguins href= Penguins. hlnr > </body> ZZ:ZZ 5/htai> casy-soitnions Scanned by CamScanner Q© * Favorites i Suggested Sites -A,,.*.' ■ _ C:\pl htrnl < Web Shce Gallery T . ./z C:\pl.html Ans. : Use of list in HTML : As the name suggests, these elements are used to give list of items. Lists are used everywhere on the websites There are number of things like articles, website navigation menus, and product features on e-commerce websites which makes frequent use of lists. Types of HTML list HTML provides three ways to give the lists : A. A. <ul> - An unordered list. Plain bullets are used for the list items. B. <ol> - An ordered list. Different schemes of numbers are used for the list items. C. <dl> - A definition list. This is used to give list of definitions just like dictionaries. HTML Unordered Lists Use : In this list, plain bullets are used for the list items. Generally this option is used when there is no any standard sequence or order of the list items. The <ul> tag is used to give this list. Every element in the list is marked by a bullet. Different types of bullets are available. The <li> which is the sub-tag of <ul> is used for individual list elements. The <ul> tag has attribute TYPE which is used to specify the type of bullet for the list items. There are following options for the attribute TYPE of <ul> tag. (i) B. Square (ii) Circle (iii) Disc ' . , . HTML Ordered Lists Use : Ordered lists are generally used when we want to specify numbers instead of bullets. The <ol> tag is used for such list.1* j • number starts from 1 and also incremented by one for each successive list element in the ordered list. The <ol> tag has attribute fl# : which is used to specify the type of number for the list items. The de * There are following options for the attribute TYPE of <ul> tag. L - F. • • 1 - Number I - Upper Roman i - Lower Roman A - Upper Alpha a -Lower Alpha . c as v - s o l n i t o n s Scanned by CamScanner .(gft * tribute of «*> te ? ,s htML Definition Lists C' 1 l ' used 10 sU1 W point of umbering. jdered as ignition Lists are used to give the list of definitions just like the di f , present a glossary, list of l. .ms. or some kind of nameAalue pa l 11 ‘“ , am used in definition list pawing tag> pefmes the beginning of the list 1h <d(? . Specify a term ui' , d> _ Specify term definition ini’ dl> Defines the end of the list Chapter 2 : JavaScript Explain characteristics Q1 of JavaScript Ans.: (nr ictics of JavaScript ............ ........... ■ XI- 1 ......... S""*" ” .*———**• ids to fewer loads on 4 ................ 6 interactive interfaces can be ptcaninc eie 8. IrfeO _ d 9. A "S AdVan (1) (2) . „ » = n f client side scripting ’ a9eS lmm; d.ate res he „ s etouser'saetlon- Noneedtogoto it£S "* 1S fast (5) more interactivity for users who> (3) (4) S tcnpl Webw , idgets browser5 Developer get mor Are reusable and obtainable frn (6) Disadvantages of client sid W (2) ’« K<lt ’y e testing as differ ble through other resources. (3) (4) ___ ______________ — Scanned by CamScanner °' 3 ' Wha,are Ans. : differences between client side and server side Client Side Scripting 8cr, ------— Execution The client side script is executed by Wtb B which is located at the user’s computer— Database Client side scripting language cannot connect databases which is located on the web seneu ------ File System Client side scripting language cannot have acc - Access to Setting Client side scripting language can access the and settings that are local at the user s computer — Block User can block the Client side scripting language— n.OTts 11.J P-J whidl is <0 he sent to fa bro ” «« Server side scripting language can connect and die databases which is located on the web server \ Server side scripting language has access to thefijT 5yst 'm whic h js located on tlie web server. Server side scripting language cannot accesT ’ ‘ th£belong to Web server. - Wsercannot block tlie Server side scripting lang ? Response from a server-side script is slow sincethc??? ' n .Response from a client-side script is quick since the are processed on the remote computer. Ph scripts are processed on tlie local computer. PHP.JSP, ASP, ASP.Net, Ruby, Perl, etc ~~ JavaScript, VBScripL etc. — Response Examples Q. 4 P*l "® lan ®liaS9 ___________ Explain JavaScript editing tools. Ans. : JavaScript Notepad can be used to write the scripts. Inside the context of a web brows , to buy a compiler. t,s r no nee( j JavaScript Editing Tools 1. Microsoft FrontPage This is popular product of Microsoft. It provides various JavaScript tools to web developers for assistance to create interactive websites. ' . . ' > Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2. It is very popular' HTML and JavaScript tool used for web development professionally. It provides various JavaScript' components to handle databases, and supports new standards like XHTML and XML. 3. Macromedia HomeSite 5 This is a product of Macromedia which is well-liked HTML and JavaScript editor. It helps to effectively manage personal websites. Q. 5 Write the difference between java and JavaScript. Ans. : Parameter . Java JavaScript Execution Java creates application which can be’executed on JavaScript creates application which can be executed on virtual machine or browser. browser only. . \ Features Java code allows programmer full functionality. Naming The first name of Java was OAK and was JavaScript was earlier known as LiveScript and was developed by James Gosling, Sun MicroSystems. developed by Brendan Eich, Netscape, Type Safety Java is high-level, compiled and strongly typed JavaScript is text based and weakly typed language. language. Variables Variables are created using the data type names Variables are created using the var keyword. like int, char double etc. JavaScript code ‘contains limited number of commands and features. , Scanned by CamScanner 11 Juvn meter psim 1 Java program Ims file compilation it crcatci »j fxte0llon file Objects of Java nrr. class bused. JaviiSirlpt .. ‘ U " " " W — ■— Objects of JavaScript arc prototype Java has block based scope, JavaScript has function basal KOfW context, 0- lilinl” hlV.i.'n ti|it ||r h;r, |||c rifriiil'Hi " j"5 * ” ” r< 1 *‘ — ------ 6 AH 5, • p, w ryp” " nd Vnrlnb,CB Viable is 3 name given to memory location where we can !lore |n „ ime value. Tire value depend, upon the d.(. Iyi« "< C ' " JavaScript there are number of data types used to .tore different types of values. These data type* arc primarily categorized as . 1 JavaScript primitive data types . i..„..c< rint. there arc live types of primitive data tvr™ »< fnii™. . Sr. No. 2. Data Ty pe Description _ __ _ 1. Siring 2. ' Nuinlwr 3. Boolean Represents Boolean value cither true or false 4. Undefined Represents undefined value 5; Null Represents null means no value at all Represents scrpicnce of characters c.g Mita Represents numeric values c.g. 101 _______ JavaScript n Sr. No. Description Data Type ______— 1. Object Represents instance which helps to access membuy 2. Array Represents set of same values 3. RegExp Represents regular expression ______ ____ _____ - ------------ as a While dynamic .ype ««a variable, « var i « o keyword i s considered ie«d by the JavaScript engine. declaring variable can store any type or vaiut . is , he like numbers, strings, dates etc. Examples 2 1. varsname= M*od l ° ______ ______ _______ _______ varmo = 101; //holding number Ans. : are- car, pen, bike, chair, P., A. Examples of objects of objects in JavaScript. (ii) (i) Booleans (when defined with the new keyw (iii) Strings (when defined with the new keyword) • . fvi) Arrays z (v) Regular expressions k /. . Numbers ( (iv) Dates (vii) Functions . 'dis eas y - s o I u I i o n s Scanned by CamScanner Internet Pr< Crea,ln 1 - 9 Objects l n J a v a S c r Script .pt Object by Object Literal Syntax ' S " le S y ntax °f ‘obipnt ( {prOpCr ‘ * Crea t> ng object using object literal : 1;v an observe, the property and value is separated by the separator : (colon). ,<head> < ti tie > Objects </title> </head> <body> •' r <idntstze=5> <script language="JavaScript"> employee = {id:101, name:"Pranav Dilip Dev".salarj :40000} • document. write( + 4’employee. named- + employee .salary), </font> </body> </htinl> ■ Output ■, Object! > 2. © f1le7//c:/pi.html B y creating instance of Object Syntax Following is the syntax of creating instance of object . . ............. . Here, new keyword is used to create object. Program of creating the instance of object <html> <head> '' < ti tie > Objects </title> <body> <fontsize-5> script language="JavaScnpt > mployee=newObjecl(l; 1011 employeei , > n'iine="Pranav Dilip Dev ; i \ vate Scanned by CamScanner enrploy ----------- - employee, salary); ■ z/h11"' 5’ OutPu t 101-Pranav have to create parameterized function, “this” keyword is used to assign each argum Here. , js „ key word refers to the current object pausing • . "this- keyword diead> , ztitle Ohj </'head Dilip Dev-40000 15 ' /lllle> > <body> <fontsize=5> zrflan npt* feOtSlS this.iB= id ’ this.sname= shame; this.marks-marks; I ' , . -A*- = new studentflL ishl ‘ a ’9 / ; fix ,'."+s.sname+ s - L</body ' ' ? _ t'+s .marks); • ..... Output Scanned by CamScanner Q. 8 May 15. Mai Ans. DOM using , P ™ Orra age-neuM interface that allows programs and scripts to dynamically access and update the content, stm style of a document” DOM Document — Hierarchy | — Object Model of objects in web document Document Object Model (DOM) is the method by which the content of document is accessed and modified. In a web document the organization of objects is implemented in a hierarchical structure. 1. Window object It resides at top of the hierarchy. It is the topmost element of the object hierarchy. • 2. Document object All the HTML documents which get loaded into browser are considered as document objects. The contents of the page are storedin the document object 3. Form object Everything which is contained in the opening <form> and c!osing</form> tag sets the form object 4. 1 Form control elements The form object has all the elements which are defined for the objects like text fields, buttons, checkboxes, select box, radio tarn etc. Window DOM Levels top self frame parent The DOM provides all the features to JavaScript to create dynamic HTML : location history document (1) Changes can be made in all HTML elements. (2) Changes can be made in attributes of HTML elements. (3) Changes can be made in all CSS styles in the page. (4) Existing HTML elements and attributes can be deleted. (5) New HTML elements and attributes can be added. (6) Response can be given to HTML events. (7) New HTML events can be created in HTML page. radio textarea password anchor form link reset checkbox! text button select option Fig. 2 . 1 : DOM levels Ans. : Event • Events are the actions performed by the end users while browsing the website. For example mouse move or mouse c <UI event is fired, objects are triggered which are associated with that specific event The event is caught by buttons, whpn wnen an , ■ tf. ft( rfersandin response the related coders executed. . _____ _____ ■ • ■- Scanned by CamScanner IH f, Evcnlx are baxically dauified in four calorie: ; Window Events 1. There arc various types of events regarding window ; fl) on lx,ad - triggered when a new page is starting up (ill) onRttize 2. fll) onUnload - trigger: when a page n tearing down - triggen when a page it resized (hr) onMovt - trigger* when a page it rwri <v) onAbort . triggers when a page it cancelled ( vl) onError - trigger* when an error occur* (vii) onFocus - triggers when the window moves to fon&uund. fviii) rmlllur • triggen when window d riget to badrgrw! Mouse Events • There arc various tyjxis of events associated with mouse ; fl) onMousedown - triggers when mouse button h pressed on an element (ii) onMouseup - triggers v'hen mouse button is released (ill) onMoucemove - triggers when mouse pointer is moved and the pointer it already over an element (iv) onMouseout - triggers when mouse pointer is moved out of an element fv) onMouseover - triggers when the pointer is over an element fvi) onClick - triggers when mouse button is clicked once (vii) onDblclick - triggers when mouse button is clicked twice 3. Keyboard Events There arc various types of events associated with keyboard : (i) on Keydown - Triggers when a key is r sed down (ii) onKcyup - Triggers when a key is released (Hi) onKeypress - Triggers when comply 4. key sequence, down press and «p release happens. Form events There are following types of events associated with form : onRcset - triggers when the reset button on the form is clicked (iii) onSelect - triggers when a content is selected on a page Q. 10 Expl Ans.: ........ JavaScript, cookies can be accessed through eved d through a simple and intuitive interface. A cookie elc. Cookies are a plain text data record of 5 variable-length Gelds.. The path helps to specify a directory where set the e rf)nkie b valjd throughout the entire domain. e a s u - s o i n t i o ns l Scanned by CamScanner JSgfngt Programming (MU) • ------ ~~ Creating Cookie 3° create a cookie a string value to the documentcookie object can be assigned . - ■k.7 1 = va l u d ; k e , 2 = v „ l u<i. ! x t .ire»=.l»H." ; Here the expires attribute is optional. When it is provided with a vah time and later on the cookie value cannot be accessible. , hc Cl) „ kic wmeMpj „ < n < Example <head> <»cnpltype — "text/javascript"> function SetCookieQ { i i■ v ~ document.frm.nm.value ; if(v ! = = " ” ) { alerif’Please return; ; enter name"); <locumenLcookie='’name=" + v; document.write ("Setting Cookies : " + "name=" + y )t } </script> </head> <body> <form name="frm" action Enter name: <input type="texl'' name="nni7> <input lypc="button" value='Set Cookie" onclick = "SetCookieQ; / > </form> </body> </htm!> Output Enter name: Phoenix infoT ech Set Cookie Setting Cookies : name=Phoenix InfoTech 2. Reading Cookies To read cookie we have to read value of the documentcookie object The documentcookie string maintains a list of r* 5 * pairs which are basically separated by semicolons, in which name is the name of a cookie while value is its string value. The string break into key and value using splitQ function. Scanned by CamScanner P-tZ Example <html> <h(‘ad> Cscript lypr --"lcxl/java*cript"> (unction HmIDainQ v.'ir cook it-s - document.cooki'-; dot. umenl.write ( Data of all Cookies ; ' + cookies ); arr — allcookir.s.splitf;'); for(var i-0; i<urr,length; iri•+) name - nrr[ij.spliif'=')[f)J; value - arr[i].split('=')[lj; document.write ("Key is : " + name + " and Value is ; " + value); </script> </head> <body> <fonn name" inn action— > <n> Click to get Cookie Data </p> <input |ype="butl»n" vahie= nGel Cookie" onelir:k="BeadData()7> </form> </body > </html> Output /c:/pl.html /- e © file:///c/pl.html Click to get Cookie Data Get Cookie Deleting a Cookie be deleted by setting the previous expiry date. Sometimes (hem is need lo delete a cookie explicitly. A cookie can Example <html> ■ ■ : <head> <script type— 7ext/javascript"> function DeltecookieQ var dt= new Date(); '-I. ,dtsetMonth( dtgetMonthQ - 1 ); ftasv-soluijons Scanned by CamScanner le> leet" type="text/css" /> location API is not supported"); Here we will check if the browser supports the Geolocation API; if exists, then we will display the location function displayLocation( position ) { var latitude = position.coords.latitud var longitude = position.coords.longitude; div.innerHTML — "V ou are at Latitude: 11 4- latitude + ", Longitude: " + longitude; •; .. This function displays the latitude and longitude when the browser has a location </script> </head > <body> h :A • ■ <div class = "container 1 > ■ ’ < h 3 > How to find location of a user using 1ITML5 Geolocalion? < / h 3 > < d i v id = ’ location" > fYou are at Latitude: , Longitude: </div> ■</body> __ •: _ _ _ eas soluiions Scanned by CamScanner IP-21 Output DoolASo Hrw ti find bczbon cf 11-,« u$if X How (o find location of a user using HBIL5 Geoloation? You zic « Latitude: 1 8.520430299999997. Lonatide- 73.8567437 Explanation . If the API is not supported then , return an an erorTIp'i? we simply erro . f ta w all to getCuneotPositioa —- - <—«.- . nk i rxz -x- - The disoJavLocationO function takes position object as paramete. and p user coordinates. Now lets display the coordinates on Google Maps. Q.4 method and pass diapbyl as a coordinates tionO on thefoncion Web Page. Explain detail --------------------- ------------------------- responsive web d e s i g n w i t h example. Ans. : Responsive w e b d e s i g n on Responsive web design is cons.dered as a P® screen size, regardless of how large or small, mobile or des top and satisfying experience for every user. Desktop compu information so as to fit smaller devices; instead Responsi basica)1 CODCeatrale(1 every m device offering spontaneous resp0 £ websites, guch dejtop! . P n a s v - s o 11) h o n s Scanned by CamScanner rr rs ES Phone Desktop Fig. 3.1 : Responsive Website tec. 15; Mai Viewport a b'l* 3 h 1 only to P C0 n web th* \ screens f° F are 10 com * P This was not P iner USer k cons ers 25 v re’-v P orL The viewport is different for different devices. It is smaller on screen. Before the evolution of tablets and mobile phones, the web sites were basically designed ’ and the viewport is considered as common for all. Then, when mobiles and tablets are being used to surf th* S red rowsers ’ on ose devices scaled down the entire web page t o fit the screen Setting the Viewport fcu X me name- web 10 viewport .< tenl=’OTdlh=deidc widt\imtid-s«je=1.0 to * "- K 00 over “* : ’>' fte ™ wpoiL n is .... h0W 10 CMtroI <“ scaling. £ Media query Qe Mock blOvk of o f TOn 055 MeAaquenh; ■ ' certain condition. is advances L hrnqu- introduced h CSS3. It is used to include properties using ©media rule based or Example < , • 'h*rnl > • • ■ ' ' ............ ' • __________ <fed> body { background-color: pink; @ ' i® a d> SCe an<l (lr u id b {° “ backsrottnd lu-iig!, “ -'' '- 600pt) ( . - Scanned by CamScanner IP-23 </styie> <fnead> ■ - <Lo3y> <h3> | Resize the browser window. V . • ;>• <br> Setting background color as light gray for browser window 600px or less oherwise pink.</h3> </body> : </html> Output B X i • <• ; @ .htffll __________ May 16 Ans. : CSS3 attribute selectors We have used CSS attribute selectors to target rules. For example, consider the following rule: This code targets all the image tags in the markup having an alt attribute. . . . . . „■ ... , . x - . - n s - It can be also made simple by specifying attribute value. ' • ■. For example, consider the following rule: img[alt='’atwi_oscar’1 « { border: 3px dashed #e!5f5f; • This would only target images which have an alt attribute of atwi.oshar. It can be done, in CSS2. Then what CSS3 provides? There are three new "substring matching” attribute selectors in CSS3. CSS3 substring matching attribute selectors CSS3 offer facility to select dements depending on the substring of their attribute selector. Here we can select an element, depending upon contents of lite attribute. The three options are whether the attribute is. 1. Beginning with the prefix •2. Contains an instance of 3. Ends with the suffix Scanned by CamScanner substring r-atehxg - I VT attribute n DiZ The xtest-child selector 15.M3V' An?. : Pseudo !n CSS3 and relative position. Here we will first see basic link used pseudo class : valid color name will be accepted. eafliolMliflni Scanned by CamScanner IP-25 <11011(1? '</atyle> : </liWul> <» hrcf“"">Blub Link</u> </l»ody> </lilrnl> ■ .j Jro Output X /c:/pl.hlml <- ->■<? 6 . © file://; Blue Link Q. 8 Explain In details CSS3 Transitions with example. Ans. : CSS3 Transitions CSS transitions help to modify property values from one value to another over a given duration of lime. To apply a transition effect we have to specify two things : (i) The CSS property to which we want to add effect, fii) Time duration for the effect, (iii) The default value duration is 0, hence if it is not mentioned then there will no effect of transition. Example The following example illustrates 50px * 50px gray <div> element. Transition effect is specified for the width property of The <di v> element. The transition duration will be 3 seconds <!D0CTYPE html> <hlml> <head> < 9 tyle> div { ■ ... ' ■' ' " width: 50px; height: 50px; background: gray; -wehkit-transilion: width 3s, height 6s; /* For Safari 3.1 to 6.0 / 7 tnmsition: width 3s, height 6s; } ■ _ ■ :■ div:hover { width: 200px; height: 200px; ) </style> • </head> ■<fody> . . ' ___ easv-soluiions Scanned by CamScanner Internet Programming (MU) — '7- . —- * * *< “ * s Tl ="r,anie '' ; documentcookie \ (kxiujncntxwkie = ’’expire documentwriteCSelting Cookie* } ■,■..•■ >'■ j:?k ■ ; </script> ' </head> i <body> <fonnnamc=Trm n action- Enter nainc: <»nput type i = > ,ext name r[) e ]e t e C(X)kieO“/ ? </fonn> </body> :</h!ml> Output ith CSS3 Chapter 3 Differentiate between HTML and HTML5. QJ IIT.ML5 Ans. : _ HTML Audio and Parameter Audio and Video Be provided tn __________ ' • ; is by default supported b] Vector SVG and canvas — c .g. Vector Graphics Tracing User Videos are e.g, <audio> and <video>. Audio and Video tags are not provided in HTML4 VML, Sil verlight, Flash etc. ----GeoLocation of end user browsing the JS GeoLocaUou It is difficult to trace true < , .. j P vicp<; location ot user browsing the Location It supports local storage instead of cookies-. Cookies Shapes Browser Support Html use cookies. is easy to draw The different shapes such as circle, rectangle and triangle are not It rectangle, and triangle. possible. Supported by all new browsesr. Supported by old browsers DOCTYPE declaration in Html5 is Syntax <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC n-//PhoenixGlobe//DTD Character Character encoding in Html is very long Encoding <IDOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-// PhoenixGlobe//DTD "<!DOCTYPE html>” Character encoding HTML is very *- ±arset="UTF-8"> HTML <metacl easy-solutions Scanned by CamScanner IP-19 (MU) 1 10 ( inrlmlrttrt •loment# Dec, 1 In I I I M l fl. An* * ( ( | ,|...!.i I' 1 i Huinri.utii 1 Is 3 '’.'thiny but the, i (iiih-iniation) mIhhiI tlntn IIIMI.5% piovhlrn <mrlx> big Io manage metadata of the HTML n not visible on t l r page, but will lie nuuhinc puikublc. I hr meta elements arc usually used to describe page i tlii't i’l tbr di* iiiiieni. List niiHlilird. anti otlirr inrhuljit.i hniwticru can use llir. metadalafhow to display content ,l, " ' l L ' l p-’XH. “’so ';,U*|S l ike nnh engine* (keywords), and other web r.rrvh rn also uses metadata. HTML5 provided a way to allow web ‘" cl ,lir v < w ‘ ’ l’"” 1 ftfli’U’ '’ . t , l M lHn ’ vll,b,c . n,ra ,,f « w H l l’»K«). with the help of the <meta> tag. ......................... . ............ r .................. <html- u control** Electronica > i'.iirlrl l ' fU”r sr"ntoil | " " , l - ilesc’ "nrvd keywords" content n I V, Mobile, A(2"> Kit-i'la ti.nn «r» eve's i <• „, rl « >«"»- •' content- H . b V O Cmrl.1 n!imr« " v . r A ' x i i1l " contrrd- ; , widlhrsdrvier-wid|li, iniliid-Mnle- ].<)"> vir ,"" </1ir;id> <My> 1<p>Met»lnfotinnlio n . Knot v| s| ble - / p - ’ </l'ixiy'' </htinl> Output file:///c/ Meta Information is not visible 0. 3 |May 15] Explain Geo Location w i t h a n example. Ans. : Geo Location Up dll now, the paper maps were Meal soludon to search any iocadons. But now they are replaced by defeated GPS navigation devices and mobile applications. These devices arc found everywhere like in cars, on tablets and smart-phones. The most important feature of a navigation device is to detect the device’s cutrent position and update it as per changes. This assists user to reach from one iocatton to . other by providing directions. Near about ail the current browsers support the geo location. Here we am going to earn the Geolocauon API. which allows applications to detect and hack the location of devices. There are number of applications of det n,g device iocadons. For example on the web giants such as Google. Microsoft, and Yahoo use the user's location to petsonahze the SERPs (Search Engme Results Page) depending upon the location of user. Localization is another important application of geo-locauon. Geolocation API? " The geolocation API allows us to easily fetch the geographical position of a user. If the browser support Geolocation API, one can easily get the Longitude and Latitude just using Javascript The Geolocation API uses multiple sources to determine the most accurate Position of the user. The location accuracy depends upon the best location source available. The most common sources of location . information are IP address, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth MAC address, radio-frequency identification (RFID), Wi-Fi connection location, or Scanned by CamScanner Prog r a r~;.'Ti:r,g (MU) ___________________ ____ h i > Phoenix InfuTech - ' *bl > Hover over the div element below, to see the transition effect: </p> <div></div>. < oody> </html> Output Q. 9 Create a webpage to display border effects by using transition effects In CSS3. Assume sulta p required. Ans. : Code to display border effect with transition effect <html> <head> <style type— "tcxt/css M > , body { padding: lOpx 0 0 lOpx; display :inline-block; • •• P' - ebkit-box-sizing:border-box; r . < j. -W : -moz-box-sizing:border-box; box-sizing:border-box; width:90px; ■■ heigbt.'OOpx; -webkit-border-radiu8:40px; -moz-border-radius:40px; '74 s I ■ border-width:50px; ; ; ! border-color:rgba(0,0,0,0); ; -webkil-transition:0.5s ease: transition:0.5s ease; easy-soluilons Scanned by CamScanner IP-27 — Iransition:().5s ease; 7 u:hover{ • s ' border-widlh:0; border-colonrgba (0,0, 0,0. 5) ; } {border-stylersolid;} a.two {border-styleidashed;} ■" ) Xfstyle? </head> <body> < a clas9=s "one" href="#"> < /a> <br><br> <acla.SS = W h r e f - ’ , #"></ Output fl> /cVpl.hlml* : 0 file:///c/pl.html* Q. 1o Explain CSS3 Transformations with example. Ans. : used to translate, rotate, scale, and skew dements. A transformation effect helps an element to change its shape. size as well as position. CSS supports both 2D as well as 3D transformations. (A) CSS 2D Transforms CSS provides following 2D transformation methods : L The 010 amtateO Y axi5) * function is used to move an element from its current position (based on the arguments given for the X-aois ar.d - ____ _ r div { -ms-transform: translflle(70px, UOpx); /* IE 9 / -webkit-transform: translate(70px, ] J Opx); / * Safari / , tWorm.traneW.nOpa); e a s v soliiiioiisi Scanned by CamScanner K{ <c~.. n>1 .lU , (75,1 1. ;« 1E 9 «/ w * ?bkit-trsnMornn rvt;itc(7;xleg); /* Safari */ traniforin: wtatejfb&tegh ■' ■ 1 •'• -• ''■■■- ' M height). . . ftacta ..._ ; _• ............. ' b toed to tattose or decrease die * <- *■*** " ** div { -webkit-transform: $oale(3, 4): /* Safari */ transform: scale(3. 4); ■■ ' 4. .... SkewXO The skewXO function is used to skew an element along the -ms-transfonn: skewX(35deg); /♦ IE 9 */ -webkit-tr.uis.fonn: skewX(35deg): /* Safari */ transform: skewX(35deg); SkewYQ The skewYQ and SkewQ methods are same as of skewXO- Just skewYO Y-axis while skewQ method skew an element along both X and Y axis. method skew an element along the (B) CSS 3D Transforms CSS provides following 3D transformation methods : fun totoU ete webkit-tnu.rfcrw .eXf . - , . . . • Odeg);/* Safari’/ ...... . Similarly rotateYQ and rotateZO methods am used to rotate an element around its Y and Z axts. Dec. 15 Q. 11 Explain Input elements newly Introduced In HTML5 with example. Ans. : Input element In HTML5 could not understand, a textbox is created. Hie HTML5 provides nine additional input types for more data-specinc u j 1. cjciu Input Type: Color The color . .......... - _ _ easv-soluiioiis Scanned by CamScanner Internet Prot < "*mi> <label> </label> C01M ’ <lnpUI “"color" name="S elM l„rS </form> *?/body> </html> Output 0 «ft///t LhVr,| CdordBI] I• : • nn Qn Si ri a a jh ss§ □□ ii oo an EtSaBBL LZBWMDW BEaaaL LLiiiH l l be LLLBDa SLLQHen « J&’aaaaM 2. 6~ G.-W- C~ S« C Input Type Email " <!DOCTYPE html> .<html lang=',en”> •<£head> X'X“ ■- r: - - — enlered ' - *■ Valid e mail ' »■ ■■■ °r not - - <tide>Email : Input Type</tide> ' ...... ■' ■ ' . ; • . , . ..' ' . ■. ’ • ■ • ■ • ■ ' • ' ■ ' • \ • ' : < style type="text/c3s"> input[type= l,emailn]:valid{ oudine: 3px solid blue; input[type= "email"]invalid{ outline: 3px solid brown; </style> f</headJ> ;*Cbody> : <form> <label> ' ’ Enter your Email ID <input type="email" name="sremail” required? </label> ' ■■ \ ' r n s v - solutions Scanned by CamScanner IQ L Pr °gramming (MU) Output 3. ' » -stticl (he user 10 enter specific values with the help Input Type Number The number input type is used to accept numerical value. We can attributes such as min, max, and step. ~ ~ .. . ,<!DOCTYPEhtml> <head> <lil]e>Ntnnber : Input Type</title> outline: 3px r olid blue; outline: 3px solid brown; tllOO" min s "100" max = "200" step”"5" name1="3rnumber"> i.., Only numbers between 100-200 are ullowed</p> k*i. ■f; ■ • . • ' - ' ' Output Number: Input Type ; 4- ; 4? 0 X ______ ______ {j) SelectNumber:|j5OQ jEI ------- > ' • ~ -~-—y Note: Only rn Please select a value that is no morethan 200. j T a s v - s o i H j Jll Scanned by CamScanner Internet Programming (MU) 4. " 1 IP-31 - Input Type Range This same as of number input just it provides easy control for entering a number. It is used to accept ' Select Number: <ii put type="rang(5"vahic K "IOOn min s ="100"max iC "20() step- J narnc J - Output Select Number: 5. InputType Search This type is used to create search fields. A search field is same as of a regular text field, but in specific browser such as G g Chrome and Apple Safari when user start typing in a search box a small cross appears on the right side of the field that allows user to quickly clear the search field. Search the Website: <input iype=' ,sea rc h" name=”srsearch*> Output 6. Input Type Tel HTMUTel InputType e w ; 7. e fl __ Input Type URL The uri input type is used to accept URL (web address). Browser will cany out validation on URL given by user and displays an error message for wrong URL. Scanned by CamScanner Jto221fg9 ,n r amming (MU) Pa , [ t yFX- = ’’nrl']:in Vf>li<l( outline: 3px solid brown; </style> . ' </head> <body> <form> <label> i Website URL: <input type url" nsme="snir]" required-* </)abel> <lhTa> „ < p > < strong > Note </strong>: Enter UHL in the standard format sue >,„M -4 wK.Pb«nhCI»bc.«>m</p> </body> </html> Output Website URL: 8. Input Type Date The date input type provides a drop-down calendar from which user can select a da.e k!DOCTYPEhtml> ,<html iang="en"> <bead> Date - Input Type</title> ; </head> ;<body> ■■ J <label> Select Date: <input type = "date" name = srdate > </label> ' ea s v - s o l » i i ° n - ' Bi : . s| Scanned by CamScanner IP-33 Output D»tt- Input Type Select Date: Mon Tue W t d 9. Input Type Datetime The datetime provides date time picker from which user can select a date and time along with time zone. Select Date and Time: <inputtype= datetime1 name="srdatetime"> 10. Input Type Datetime-local The datetime-local input type provides facility to select a local date and time. It does not include timezone information. Output 11. Input Type Month ? The month input type provides drop-down calendar from which user can select month and year, select Month: <input type= -'month" name="mymonth"> Output Select Month: Feb ru a ry , 2019 12. Input Type Time The time input type is used to accept time from user. Output HTML5 Time Input Type Select Time: OB : 46 amQ Scanned by CamScanner j£!2[2S!frogrammlng (MU) _ — - -----*------- ■ 13. Input Type W«*k * . ..... .....w ) | j .(|h;|((|(l| . I lie week Input type allows the hum l<» solw I a wt-t'k mill V* Wook; < | n p|) ( iy p n 6 4*>4" .... ....... P7 r«» UTUI * U/mL fnridt IVM X \\ Select Werk:|ii«k * Chapter 4 £ Q. 1 Appllont 1"" Writer ahort noto on Rich Internal Ana. : Rich Internal Application , # A rich Interna application (KIA) h a Web , Illlllr ..... 'I'*"’' whir Im vl.u.l |(|A deaktop application.. K I A I. hull! will, very prwalltl dwl.rpmonl ' *' “ |||(|| h experience .. Interactivity n. ....mpar......... "" ...... ...... Wr possible for programmer. Io ernlwl nearly any functionality which I my 1 |u „ H T M I . at....... W NowndnW. Il I. wlWl |,.|„„ r d arupbirarl IllWha*. " h 1,1 h | 1 ( |, 0 | | # w N ||| ( view and Im..... c i f i t h .........onddcktop........ <....on. Mr............' . hdp of vnrlcty of mlxctl media like .evernl ft...... .......... ■* •>"'* X»m ......... .. . . xz-xzz ... **«*. ....... ...... . A n R I A normally ntni Inside a Web browiernnd Ultully doe« not re I However, .onru R I A . nury only work handle Incut divide. 1lb..« ........ - ...... .......... cat— “"“77rX— limit. ....... X h » *• «• connection Tills approach allows Ilin climil syslmii Io Km dient to th, especially » compared to (be client .aver <in |(|A< ';7„Zj|,«Z''««n portions within n special isolated area o f Hu- operating X .................. ..... ....... > r ........ ( ............ ...... ............... .....: | | r ( , ()l oi dlrn. ,„ ...... . . .......I an KIA t .... np! du.lng . ........ <*■ (|W|| with..... I........... .......... *X‘:— .. .. ............. . .. ....... introduced in a while paper of March » by Mnerornalia (now tnergal Into Adolrn). _ "AX reload p.rt. ol « webpeg. without reloodlnfl th. whole p.(|.. Ana. : AJAX intel tire XMI,llllpK<iprwl object to connnirnlcnlo with the icrver. lire I'ig. 4.1 >ltow» Um flow uf AJAX. Hew yWl exact Idea about the working of AJAX. A n important role I. plnyal by the XMI.IIllpltequc.l by die user through UI (User Interface) and a JavaScript call goes to XMI.HtlpRcqu«*l object In A objrcl. A sing m ' < I HTTP Request sent to the server. Now the server Interacts with Hie database using any of the server side, setlpllng langung Servlet, i ■ I! HKV SOllH I H i m Scanned by CamScanner IP-35 internet Programming (MU) ■ Brows »rt HTTP Request XMLHttpReqi'est Business Logic Callback) XML Data and CSS data Data Store Presentation Fig. 4.1 or JSON through • »• h fmm the database as per the requirement the Server sends the ciaia i n uh, — |Qcc. 1 6| Ans. : Methods In ajax In Ajax, Tw0 we frequently InsertAdjacentHTMT. nre.od. want t o update just part which ch lets us to tnsert tex. ur hvnasstng e c o whi >V * W me(hods cna bj c us to do this : the |nscrtA(I>cntT ext method. le« us to rasert . entHTMLmethod. insertAdjaC „ Aft „ End „ inMtAd This page starts with just a button, as shown in Fig. 4.2. When you trample inserMjacemu click the button, the code inserts a new text field into the Web page, as shown in Fig. 4.3. fol » InH.r«-t»ph '*' a.’.'h-S rl 11 a Updating part of P " gCWMSl f 0 ■ ith the ID div 1: * Fig. 4.2 : The insertAdjacenthtml applied Here’s how it works: the application contains a <di v> element w < bwiy> ■,<center> <hl> ■ . . <r/h 1 > Updating part of a page ■ .• < / d i v > o ns Scanned by CamScanner *.»> •; ■v '.■ ■■ 1:-. / a > -. v * °Fgajg °y ?•-> .<-<«* * >r« . 7 • *'■? •■> -:Cr v * *’- i</body> •, ■. odtoinsert the text field next to the <div> element: InUift update function, we can call the <div> element’s insertAdjacentHTML •'■ .,. .. <1Jl| c> • ........... . . Updating part of a page -„ ->ott •yWTA ~7'7 Z~" • •** ' ' ... ■ ' ■ ’, </title> • y?' ' < script language = ' JavaScript" > . ■ •’ •r r x : - ••■ function update!)v £ ><' ' - ' • : : ' . • ■- • ’ < divl,in8ertAdjaccntHTML(...); } . </script> , </head> Here’s how we can insert the new text field after the end of the <div> element: <heau> ,<b’tle> <scripl Updating part of a page </litle> languages "JnvaScript"> function updatcQ text v a l u e = ' H e l l o ! ' > < / p > ■)» </scnpt > </head> insert HTML and text into a Web page, adjacent to another Web page item. Dec. 16 Q 4 Explain the following AJAX.patterns : 1) submission Throttling 2) Predictive Fetch 3) Fallback patterns Ans. : The three important design patterns of AJAX are following : ■j Submission If Throttling retrieving data from the is one pari of the problem sending data to server is another. Science in AJAX page ,0 be avoided, it is important to know when to send user data to the server. One approach that could be taken is to send data on every user interacdon. But this results in a lot of requests submitted to the server is a short period. In case of submtsston the data to be send to the server is buffered on the client This data is then sent to the server at predefined umes. The J typing to sending data is fine tuned such that it doesn’t seem like a delay to the user. Then a client srde function is m begins buffering the data. It can be sent at a predefined time interval. This determination depends on the use case being us ■ the data is sent, the application continuous to gather data. casy-soluHons Scanned by CamScanner Internet Programming (MU) 2. IP-37 Predictive Fetch In case of traditional web applications, the application reacts only when there is an interaction This is called fetch on demand". The user action Ulis the server what data should be retrieved. In the predictive fetch algorithm, the application gueoet what the user h going to do next and retrieves the appropriate data Determining the future action of the user is just a guess based on the uurn intentions. For eg : say a user i> reading an online article of 3 pages. It can be assumed here that if the user is reading the 1 page for few seconds, the person will also be interested in reading the 2 page. Hence the 2 'A page can be downloaded at the background before the user explicitly clicks on the ‘Next’. Therefore when the user clicks on next, the 2 r ' page instantaneously appean reducing the response time. Similarly the 3 rd page can be downloaded when the user reads 2"1 page for a few seconds. This extra data being downloaded is cached on the client Some approach can be applied in emails. If a person starts composing a mail, it is logical to anticipate that the mail would be sent to someone in the address book so this can be preloaded and kept. By using AJAX to fetch information related to any possible next step, can overload the server. Therefore this algorithm has to be implemented only when it is logical to assume that information will be requisite to completing the user's next request. 3. Fallback patterns AH the methods work fine when there is no problem a! the server side. The following problems can occur: (1) Q 5 The request might never make it to the server. D r a w t h e d i a g r a m o f A J A X application m o d e l a n d traditional applications web model a n d compare them. Ans. : (A) Traditional Web A p p l i c a t i o n s Fig 4 4 represents the ty pical model of client and server interactions in a traditional web application, such as one which includes user registration form. Process request Generate response Generate response Process request Page 3 Form Request 2 — EL f S ! rereading v~ Client (Page Fig. 44 : Traditional ,.<.««« z.x.— Model — ---------- Scanned by CamScanner IP* T Jniemot Program make* th bmw*» window c $ fom . the bmwwr <0 !O«> « m Un 4) an<l (of ’(* * " ” oaRe containing the data from I. n« -* anwhile the client has to wflit for the "/ . 4). in time being when the frequent long period, of waiting imP“« ing on the Kt X’ „.j , ub Wide Wail". If the further user internets »'* «“° i n ,„ designed for n web of hypertext documents. As ut , full «»' e " I ■ it th refer to the V *”’ " ’ **„« miu «>' " I IS "’" „, phtform. *> i0 "I’’’ lhdr ' « underrtanding o . > f sh needs the usen rig. 4.4 leads to irregular application performance. _ contents. Users started to insist a model which *ould g l0d ,ncive feel of desktop t |May 17, Dec, i el with nest diagram. Ans. : . . AJAX web application model ™™ dd a r "7 n „ w 5-..1 « ,wn “ i ayc r kww IL " ““ 4 5) them (B&- - — _, to ' «.«».>• "“.r,* the second n-cx- (S!t p 7 ) whereas lhe client-side may be ready to implemer updated by the callback metlM i-dates are usd kinds of partral W Process request 1 Process'! Generate response reqS as ynchronous requosl H data pagsupdata 7 5 data Client ----------- Server r- ---------------- them feel more like desktop applications. Entire P-Se l s n 0 1 Request object Request object CaVback function inn ;6 Partial pago update User interaction initiates asynchronous isquast Hr.ISiAJAXMoM Scanned by CamScanner Q. 7 Explain detail RUI Implementation IP-39 using AJAX. Ans. : Intcrf onc ' s owly becorr rccen more 8evident, trough a good when they to become more userInterface The a Rich User especially in change E-Commerce Web start design. When Rich User useduse on of a Website, it is t0 * *tOrS 810 the difference in Web design right away. Although it has been promised for a long time it seems that the day of its arrival . . v as come. The applications that provide the new enhanced user interactivity arc much better developed y make a differwice between an ordinary Web design and a quality Web design. Instead of the old-fashioned static approach, ere are now many options that allow developers to put their Webpage years ahead of their competitors. So much more can be done with tooh like AJAX to enhance the beauty, usefulness, and intensity needs to consider between many possibilities. Not only is it morc of a Webpage that a designer eye appealing, but the changing coion of buttons when pressed the boxes that emarge on mouse oven, identifying tags. etc.. a)l work together to make a visitor fee! better. Another good thing is that mom Webs, us are taking advantage of is !ess crowded Web pages. There’s more white space which gives it a mote relaxed and inviting look - causing peop.e to want to stay longer. h is possibie to achieve rich user interfaces with tire help of combination of dynamic HTML elements like HTML and JavaScript But. such an interface has limited scope to client-side behavior and ha, minima! functional implications because it lacks the server-side interactions The power of AJAX is basically included in its capacity to offer richer interface by providing its dynamic user interface supported by powerful functionality by the use of faultless server-side invocation power. AJAX offer features to individual user interface components so that they are ab!e to —icate with the server and exchange data without the necessity of refreshing the entire screen. To achieve this a process is used known as Web Remoting. Them am multiple ways to perform this ptocess. More frequency used approaches by the iatest browsen are IFrame, and XhfLHttpRequesk It is possib!e to complement. Dynamic HTML with either of these methods to create AJAX functionality. - ________________________ ___ Q. 8 ___________ _ _ _ _ / What do vout mean b v JSON? * _____ |Dec. 16] JSON In computing, JavaScript Object Notation or JSON is an open-standard file format that uses human-readable text to transmit data objects consisting of attribute-value asynchronous browser/server pairs and array data types (or any other serializable value). It is a very common data format used for communication, including as a replacement for XML in some AJAX-style systems. JSON is a language-independent data format It was derived from JavaScript, but as of 2017 many programming languages include code to generate and parse JSON-format data. The official Internet media type for JSON is application/json. JSON filenames use the extension .json. Douglas Crockford originally specified the JSON format in the early 2000s; two competing standards, RFC 7159 and ECMA-404, defined it in 2013. The ECMA standard describes only the allowed syntax, whereas the RFC covers some security and interoperability ■ considerations. Uses of JSON 1. JSON is used in JavaScript based applications created for web related features. 2. The data transfer between a server and web applications is done by JSON. 3. Over the network the structured 4. JSON format is used by Web services and APIs to provide public data. 5. Most modern programming data can be serialized and transferred through JSON. languages use JSON easy-soiutibns Scanned by CamScanner iggiammlng Characteristics IP-40 (MU) otJSDN irmaL (2) JS (3) JSON is language independ ent. °Niseasy to read and write. |Pec.l6l Q- 9 Why to use JSON over XML? Ans. : XML Parameter - JSON XML Long form nnds for extensible Markup Language. Operations XML is less easy than JSON. JSON is easy to learn. XML is document-oriented. Orientation JSON is data-oriented. Array J S O N supports array. XML doesn't support array. Readability |bec.*16, Dec.17| Q . 1 0 Define a n d describrmashupmWhaUrrprimaryrMsonafor success of mashups? Ans. : Mashups A mashup new service branches in web development, is a web page, or web application, th displayed in a single graphical with a Google programming map to create Interfax (open API) interface. For examp e a a map mashup. photographs of their library uot e not to and data the raw source data. The main .„„ mqncnt iv access the data of other services, mashups are make existing data more usetui, io* generally client applications m the past years, or hosted online. ... APIs tenable mom and more Web applications have pub ecosystem to easi.y integrate data- be wiring multipart software developers of GUI widgets, services t0 and components have t g of interconnect I, and Amazon («•* web, for two main reasons. oanies, such as Yahoo! First, (, many of the m;;, t njust a minute „f new tools thatma-V available. The other reason for this rapid gro' user can set up and use the data re creating mashups easy for anyone, Scanned by CamScanner IP-41 l-.teme: Frora-rm ~g (MU) Popular Mashups Fig. 4.6 : Google Maps mashup of New York Public Library branches Ths most popular type of mastop is a map mashup. Map mashups make up 36 percent of the mashups tracked by ProgrammableWeb (, the most comprehensive listing of mashups. 0 ihctprv; t tSW) QvxSee (IM) □ nx.'XtS*) □ non ( 4 ) (4%) wojr»— evtvo* Fig. 4.7 : Pie chart showing popularity of different types of mashups Fig, 4.7 stows the distriboaou of mastops Video Chan (vtolvideochartuErulj'medtocom) Video ( video. by type. Omer types of popular mashups mix video and photos. For example, the Viral rile tracks YouTube (, MySpace (www.myspax.cem), and Google in order to identify the most talked about new clips, overall and by category Fig. 4.8. easy-solniioDS Scanned by CamScanner IP-42 jamming (MU) ChtWartrwLton rr*VW.*.4 Fig. 4.8 There are many wonderful mashup services built using photos. Here are three examples . 1) Coir Pickr ( developed by Jim Bumgardner, lets us search Flickr ( photos by color. Flickr is a widely used photo-sharing site (offering both free and professional accounts) that attracts many libraries and librarians. Use Coir Pickr to click on a color in a photo or color wheel, and it will retrieve photos that have a large concentration of that color. 2) There are also mashup tools that use photographs to create books, posters, magazine covers, and so on. Most of us have received photograph booklets comprised of stunning images with short captions. One way to create these photograph books is to use a mashup tool called Bookr (www. Start by searching Flickr to locate images. Then, add these photos to a booklet page and type in the caption. Save work, and email the book to friends or publish it on a blog or library website. 3) A mashup tool called Ad Generator (, created by Alexis Lloyd for his MFA thesis project is intended to inform, enlighten, and entertain site visitors. The mashup randomly combines slogans and images to explore the relationship among language, manipulation, and images. Mashups come in all shapes and sizes, from the very simple to the complex. Some mash up search results, others introduce interesting visualizations, and still others aggregate and combine newsfeeds. Libraries have lots of opportunities to use mashups to help liven up their websites, deliver new and interesting services, or entertain website visitors. Ans. : Simple mashup on web server Web server is an integral part of any web system. Web server has the main responsibility to up the web pages. There are number of Servers such as Apache Tomcat serves java environment. Most of the time the entire process of mashing is handled by the web server easy s o l u t i o n s Scanned by CamScanner AffW M MyMaihup v/ob R«rvor Web Brov/aor * 6. 7, ReoponiJG Mashing Yahoo User l lg. 4.9 : Browser, Server and partner site Interactions with typical mashup The Architecture of Web server Mashups working is as per the following steps : 1. The web browser uses HTTP to send request for a page to the server, 2. The web server constructs the page by connecting to the source or partner sites, which include Google, amazon, Yahoo, etc, fn our example Amazon gets Ute first request from the browser using SOAP over HTTP, 3. The web server gets the SOAP response back from Amazon. 4. Our example has the second request being sent to Yahoo through REST. 5. The web server receives plain old XML over I ITTP from Yahoo. 6. The web server now combines and rationalizes the data in the most suitable manner and sends die response back. 7. The data resulting from the web server is combined in an HTML format and die response is sent back to the browser. Advantages of Mashing o n the Web Server (1) Browser remains entirely separated from the partner sites, which are actually responding to the request by providing data (2) The web server itself works as an aggregator and proxy for the responses. Disadvantage o f Mashing o n t h e Web Server It involves a full page request being sent by (he web server, thereby reducing scalability. Q. 12 Explain i n detail architecture of m a s h u p s In a JSON Implementation t with neat diagram. |May 15. Dec. 15, Dec. 11 Ans. : Dataflow In J S O N I m p l e m e n t a t i o n . - Nowadays, the JSON becomes very popular in mashup community because of its features such as readability and simplicity. JSON, being a notation, provides a way in which objects are written so that human beings can read it easily. It has built-in JavaScript feature that made JSON a viable mashup technology. Here we are going to discuss the communication mechanism of mashup with the help of JSON. i The architecture of mashups in JSON implementation is shown in Fig. 4.10. The flow of JSON mashups that use dynamic Script rnethod goes in the following steps : 1. The flow of the process starts with the browser sending request to the server by using HTTP GET. 2. The Web Server responds with a page that includes the following couple of important JavaScript functions : (a) A parsing function that expects JavaScript objects to be parameters. (b) The Dynamic Script method is the core qf the initiation script through which a new script tag is added to the page, specifying the source for that script tag to be the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) at some partner site. 3. The source code for the new script tag gets loaded by the browser. 4. Amazon receives an HTTP Get request sent from the browser using the loaded script. easy solutions Scanned by CamScanner IP-44 il v n i k f function wraps the JSON script, and the Javn5 Jp i ;n f n Invokes the render method and evaluates lhe JSON script, which is converted in in the rrnfc metal i, ** , to lhc 1)k render metal. which u« a JavaScript object. The data <he new hviScnpc object tn w4e<utkui Aft, Retort of Mashing with JSON Web Browser Default aspx 1. http get Javascript 3. Add <SCRiPT> tag, s r c « Amazon User 6. New <SCRiPT> tag, calls the D splay Function pass; ng the JSON obtained from Amazon MyMaihup web server De'a.ul.asp* 2 Rosponso 4 Browser makes Request to obtam the source for tr,o new Lag Calls Panner response wJh JSON formatted data Ar.ozon 7. Display Fune-on process and display the JSON object's data XHTML 8. Display result Page content Advantages of Mashing with JSON 1. The communication path is considered as the main benefit of JSON approach. The browser can directly communicate with the partner site without any help of server. This results in reduction of loads on the seiver since browser handles the entire process. 2 The built in objects provided by JSON are always easier to handle for the developers as compared to processing XML using XSL or XPath in JavaScript 3. JSON is readable. Disadvantages of Mashing with JSON 1 Since the browser directly communicates with the partner site, there is no possibility of consolidation of data on the server. 2. Number of APIs does not support JSON. Scanned by CamScanner Internet Programming (MU) Chapter 5 : Server Side Programming |p .45 : PHP What are the advantages of PHP over scripting languages? Ans.: 1* Simple PHP is very simple and easy to use scripting language. PHP mostly use syntax of C programming. The rules and regulations in PHP are simple to understand and follow. 2. Interpreted Rather than compiled, the PHP code is interpreted. There is no need of any compiler. 3. Faster The execution speed of PHP is very fast as compare to other scripting languages like ASP and JSP 4. Open Source PHP is open source. Means the software do not have any license charges and it is totally free of cost. It is freely available on internet. 5. Platform Independent Once created, the PHP script can be executed on any machine irrespective of its platform. PHP script can be executed on number of 6. Efficiency The efficiency of PHP is very good. PHP provides various advanced features through OOPS concepts and also a rich set of function library which makes it efficient. 7, Flexibility PHP is very' flexible language. It can be easily embedded with HTML. All the HTML tags can be used in PHP with all their attributes. PHP can also integrate with other scripting languages like JavaScript or VBScript. ■ — q. 2 / Discuss a b o u t various control structures used in PHP. Ans.: Control structure in PHP (I) c o n d i t i o n a l Statements Use can be decided. PHP supports Conditional statements are use (ii) Else if statement - This is also known as e se (iii) switch statement - It is a multi way decision (i) The if...else Statement code is executed. <5$easy-soln ti ons Scanned by CamScanner statements; else Use so know n as else if ladder. It is used to check multiple conditions Syntax ISS ... statements: else ■ statements; . ■■ ■ . (III) The Switch Case Statement Use Syntax switch (expression) < case constant_expression: ■ statements; break; case constantjexpression: statements; break; defauh: submenu; ) Expression It is usually name of a variable, value of which we want to check. Constant_expression These are the constant values with which the value of expression is compared. The statements in the case are executed, whose value matches with the expression. If none of the constant expression is matched with the expression, then the statements written in default sfi executed. (II) Use Loops (Loop statement) . < ' . ■ Loops are used to execute specific task repeatedly in our program. Rather than writing the code again and again we can 0 concept of loop. There are various situations when we may want to execute specific task multiple times. For example student mark Here we want to accept details from student and want to generate the marks sheet. This task is obviously repeated for number of In such situations we use the loops. Scanned by CamScanner IP-47 (i) While loop ' p is considered as an entry controlled loop. That means the condition is given at the beginning of loop. If the given n oes not satisfy, the loop statements never get executed. If the condition is satisfied, then loop statements are repeatedly Syntax (ii) do while loop ' The do while loop is exit controlled loop. That is the condition is checked at the end of loop. Hence even if the condition does not satisfy, the loop statements will be executed at least once. Syntax do { SWements; Jwhilefcondilion); (Hi) For loop In for loop the initialization, condition and increment or decrement of loop variable is implemented in a single statement. This loop is basically used to minimize the code. Syntax for(initializatidn; condition; increment/decrernent) {Statements; J . . ■ •• ■ ' • • ... . ' Q. 3 Explain various built in String functions in PHP. Ans. : PHP string built in function • PHP provides various types of functions to access and manipulate the strings. We will see some important functions. (1) PHP strtolowerQ function The strtolowerQ function converts the string into lowercase format and return it. Syntax jstringl = "ISHITA"; . echofc.nngl; Output . • . (2) PHP ucfirstQ function ■ Ihis function convert the first character of string in uppercase and to & . , ■ ' . . . nrtnn, the smng. _______ jjsy-solu Ho n s Scanned by CamScanner jng (MU) syntax Example slr ”kunu F ; uefir3t(J. t r | ) . coho $,[►] . S rlss ?> Output Kuna! <3 > PHP Icflrsto (unction d Tilts function converts the first character of string >n l o “ ' then return the strins.. rta Syntax * ng Jcfin-t ( siring Ssir) Example <?php "Phoenix": 'trl =lcfinsq$strl); echo $strl; Output phoenix (4) PHP ucwordsfl function rcise in the sentence and return the siring. This function converts the first character of each word in upps Syntax string ucwords ( string Sstr ) Example <?php $strl = "my name i s kunaT; Sstrl =ucwords(Sstrl): echo $sLrl; My Name Is Kunal (5) ..... «. PHP strrev() function The strrevO function reverses the string and return it. ... string strrevf string S s t n n g ) Example ftasv-solunons Scanned by CamScanner IP-49 Output luhaR (6) PHP str pos() function is function searches substring in the main string. If a substring is found, the function returns position of character vf the first I f not foi,nd ’ ’* w i l 1 relurn FALSE. ‘ <?php echo Slrposfl Jello friends!", "friends"); Output 0 (7) PHP str_replace() function Tin’s function replaces the existing characters with n< <?php e c h o str_replaee("friends", "world". "Hello friends"); Output Hello world (fl) PHP chr() function The chr() function returns a character of given ASCII value <?php e c h o chr(52) // Decimal value echo” < b r > chr(052); // Octal value echo " < h r > \ chr(0x52); // Hex value Output 4 R (9) PHP s t r c m p O This function compares two strings. If returns 0 if the two strings are equal. It is case sensitive. The chr() function returns a character of given ASCH value. echo strcmp(“Hello", Hello") . m J- * » < -*< * x * . J■ Output 0 0. 4 Write note on PHP Framework. * Ans.: PHP framework other words, it provides structure. ” ” ' easy-soluuons Scanned by CamScanner (Mu; ‘•'■•’l' build a. . HW, ou* haZ ,n h * * n , ,U> pn.prflmrnrf will r * ’ "I’ r pi< ,y ” * * ’PU ' 1 " 1 | | h fl«» ftt< I t h r - r i t i f . | itndHI’'" ’ ' M,r <,,,r, r "' ‘ '~ f xchnnge brturrn 0,1 s,, ,kl ’ .Irrltl fit! bpl. f h ,| ’ V r , ‘ * * if4tnta*r nn<l itw’t in<l‘ II,,. ».h r> 0 9 | pnstjllinp onto GUI Content VIEW F | g .5.1:MVCArcl'IW"‘>-' . Therefore programmers are able to modify the domain log w ( . „ „ , st j ( 1„H> r<* , removes a lot of confusion and simplifies the entire developmental proccs.. ' M (Model) stands for the raw data, the Vfview/user interface) wpresenls » ' linrmin ___ ! _ _ i i . . __ .n.,,., lnterf *l c s i l’ ncr "' " ,c *‘ M V C wc generally perceive it vjcwc(|( m||ch m amJ c „ . |cnttf re( (con|roJ|cf) K ' ’ **7 ' k ( X / C tvnrk'S. then I i » • • ' Ans. : Aspects of proficient PHP framework 1. Database Support It is one of the most crucial aspects of every PHP development framework. We need to decide the framewotk depending database we are going to use for web application. For Example : 'Codelgniter' supports MySQL, Oracle, and SQLite, whereas the ‘Kohana’ framework doesn't. 2. Community and Documentation The framework should be supported by a strong community, not just in terms of size but also in terms of activity and usefeha Even if it’s a small community, user.should be able to get ample support from the community. A PHP framework should ahohav: I documentation. It should be comprehensive and up-to-date. The user guide should be relatively easy to follow. 3. Model View Controller Architecture A framework should also use the Model View Controller architecture. Most of the good frameworks also offer libraries, helpers, and extensions. It’s good to find a framework that lias at least (wo of these options. Scanned by CamScanner IP-51 Chapter 6 : Web Extensions and Web Services Q. 1 Dec. 15 Ans. ; XML (1) XML stands for extensible Markup Language. (2) (3) (4) XML was designed to be self-descriptive. (5) XML is a W3C Recommendation. e.c Z Unguage is derive. fron , ZT* Language), to make it more suitable for Web- use Q. 2 > tiered Standard * ° ’ formal iike documents. transactions. fonnat callcd d invoices. SGML (Standard Generalized Markup What are the advantages of XML? Ans. : Advantages of XML as follows : 1. Simplicity <_ XML can be easily understood. We can create our ow requirements and with our own conventions This mak” th*° • a P ca on 316 ’ ree t0 ' eve °P system as per our 2. The design process can be segmented to build the nlatform n t on another page. It is possible to create the data create the website in stages and stay organiz 3. Accessibility * a u Can • stored on one •' Pa Se while the formatting rules can be stored °Q nthe enti ’ W ° rk ° n deslgn ' XML aUows US l ° % IS makes the access of data easy and fast whenever there is need of making change in the data. 4. Standardization 5. Multiple Applications X wZ lXws can be viewed anywhere in the world. - us to cZ Fot ™ L data we C “ crcate . «“ r of display pages Q. 3 Explain the concepts of Entity and Attributes in XML. Dec. 1 Ans.: ' ■ Different concept of XML 1. Character An XML document is a string of characters. Almost every legal Unicode character may appear in an XML document 2. Processor and Application The processor analyzes the markup and passes structured information to an application. The specification places requiremei what an XML processor must do and not do, but the application is outside its scope. The processor (as the specification call ■ °ft en referred to formally as an XML parser. Scanned by CamScanner ■Internet p r _ " — 3> Ma (Mu P and Content at The characters m i • .. wrs makino '' lag IS a markup constmct that begins with < a Start-tag. such as (2) 5 flavors: <section> End-tag, such as <section> •’ S U c h as <line-break /> - Element end-tag or consists only of rhing "‘. i S ~V ineZ t 3 '° SiCa ' men tag d0CUmem “'"P™"' 'hat either begins with a start-tag and ends with a■ and ma y contain maikup Charactos ' ' the start-ug and end-tag. if any. are die elemen ngofte r elements which are called as child elements. An example is ■ ...... '<>, w orld!</greeting>. Another is < line-break / > . 6 - Attribute A " a ' ln 'bU,e i s a marku P construct consisting of a name-value pair that exists within a start-tag or emply- "' lag. Example f' . ..... « ry- r s" e the names of the attributes are "src" and ait", and their values are " Rose.jpg and . Another example is <step number="3">Connect A to B.</step>, where the name of the attribute is number M attnbute t of multiple An can only have a single value and each attribute can appear at most once in each element. In the c - values is desired, this must be done by encoding the Hri into a well-formed XML attribute with some XML defines itself. UsuaHy this is either a comma or semi-colon delimited list or. if the individual values are known no to a space-delimited B paces, list can be used. <div class="inner greeting-box”>Welcome!</div>, where the attnbute class has nner ng box and also indicates the two CSS class names "inner" and "greeting-box". 7. XML Declaration XML documents may begin with an XML declaration that describes some information about themselves. An example is <?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>. Q. 4 Differentiate Dec. 16 between HTML and XML. Ans. : I Sr. | No J ' Parameter ' I 1. /Long Form / 2 / 3. ' Purpose .. HTML ' - ■. ■■ . , . . . YMT XML ? .. - ■ . • ■ ■ . . . IhTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. XML stands for extensible Markup Language. HTML was designed to display data which concentrates on XML was designed to store and transport the stored data. look of data.. Markup Language ITML is a markup language itself. > ■ XML provides a framework for defining markup languages. ... 4. Jse . F1TML is used for presentation purpose. XML is not used for presentation purpose. easy-solutions Scanned by CamScanner Sr- > P«r*«wier ■------- ----------- LLJSi XML tmn. eMt- i iT f----- - 1 / T I ‘ /Restrictions / 1 8- l 'hite Space ’XXfL'n cxm: sensitive. 1 ' ------------— ' 1 " ~ met oof) u? - /hTML is Ctexrrk I • the up. /HTML does not pmerve 1 9. {staTac or>: 'HTML ______________ (XML allows user defined up tz> syntax. £.g -no need to closelxML makes it compulsory _______ _ (the tags. wiw space 'XML presenes ___________________ ________ for the user to close all ______ white space. IxML is dynamic. __________________ __________ Explain the term Ans. : DTD DTD I ------Def niton Type vocabai of ** *S 3 W3 XML language An application can tale i •p of a DTD 13 j i Well-formed : An X.'.fL document it Cons '«*=d 4as H-forrned if -pen-ckne tags are - helps to describe specifically the XML language. against the grammadcal rales and regulations of the suitable *s V2l,d Generallv ar. XML document is defined as : tags, and which tags can be nested inside other In the Ft: 6 1 u c can observe that CTti'X.SD Con’ll X'.'i. >ML tecfaoiOfff Preserda’Jon Dx XLS F ig. 6.1 : DTD structure 0. 6 Explain the attributes in XML Dec 16. Ans. : Attributes in XML Awbuti provides some more data about an element or more precisely it defines a property of an element In XML the attribute is in cl c name-value pair. There may be multiple unique attributes to an element Syntax Basic syntax of DTD attributes declaration is as follows : Wefaneatiaii ' ' j Scanned by CamScanner Pr 9LQ£9 m ming (MU) . In syntax, the DTI. attributes start with <!ATTLIST keyword if die dement contains the attribute. <l<nifnt-nainc specifics the name of the clement to which die attribute applies, ntlribute-iiiiine specifies the name of the attribute which is included with die element-name. attribute-value takes a fixed value that the attributes must define. Example <?.xml version *= "!.()"?> < ! D O C T Y P E Syntax FEIST element-name attribute-name attribute-type at tribute-value > 1. .................. ' ■........... element-name - name of the clement to which die attribute applies. 2. attribute-name - name of the attribute which is included in die element-name. 3. attribute-type - type of attributes. 4. attribute-value • fixed value Example < ? x m l version “ <!DOCTYPE Details [ <! ELEMENT empjuunt ( #PCDATA )> <!ATTLIST emp_name id CDATA #HEQi < Details > <enip_name i d = " 1 2 3 " > K u n a l </emp_name> </ Details > *’ Rules of Attribute Declaration It is necessary to declare all lite attributes in Document Type Definition (DTD) using an Attribute-List Declaration which we want to use in XML document. Attributes may appear in either start or empty tags. ATTLIST keyword should be in upper case. Duplication of attribute names is not allowed in the attribute list for a given element. Attribute Types When attributes are declared, we can specify how the processor will handle the data of attribute value. The attribute types are categorized in three different categories : I . String type 0,7 2. Tokenized types 3. Enumerated types Explain the entitles In X M L KgSH Ans. : . Entitles In XML example the less than « ) and the greater than ( > ) sytnM one of these symbol. tire data would Ire t to indicate .tort of an entitv. Dre ta , ,et d To ______a 2 L? a Tr "it t " 7 T ‘* °' “* h ’ SCenw E "" lieS «• UScd H* W™"d (*) symbol is msened LESS T H A N GREATER T H A N & M &RpOS a» e a s y AMPERSAND quotations apostropher solutions Scanned by CamScanner — ......... . . frV, XML Sitemaps? Name some different types of sitemaps. Explain main benefits of utlny tu May 16, 0-» Bl A *: • gitcrnaP s basically the map that contains information of all located resource on a website. It helps users, as well as search er. .’zs, ldn S' \ • a website for their required object. On the other hand it also helps them to improve their search (for wzr) -ard indexing to ’ J e (f°r s e a r c en i n e s XML Sitemaps can have two types. Index Sitemap (how many URL sitemaps a wetnite have;. XML sitemaps are further divided into 3 different categories. 1 Sitemaps for webpages (commonly known as xml sitemap in community) So, final tree of sitemaps categorization we have is; XML Sitemap (1) Index Sitemap (2) URL Sitemap (i) Sitemaps for Webpages (ii) Sitemaps for Images understandable by humans but search engines do un erstan resources availability, importance, type of object, how frequently it gets changed etc. of website with their information. Fast and secure .------------------------- - --------------------------------- Malte a general diagram for any appHcatlon Dec. 16, May 17, Dec. 17 Should show various technoiogles/toois used for creating such application. Ans. : Web services available to develop web-based applications. Some applications, are developed in Java, some in .Net while some are tn Nooe.js. “XiXh WUh ' offers a common p.atform which helps the various applications built on ent plaltorms to comm • A Web Service s a software. compomm , comraunicalio h dev Pc J. pe ~ „ between two ~ ■ Application Web Service .Net Application Fig. 6.2 : Web Service A Web Service is any software component which is avai.ahle on internet. The standardized XML messaging system is used by the Web Service for communication purpose. All communications are encoded through XML. c a s y s o I u 1i o n s Scanned by CamScanner IP-56 Internet Programming (MU) Example An XML message is sent by the client to invoke the Web Service and also waits for XML response. The Web Service is not dependent on any operating system since the communication is done in XML. Application in any platform can interact with any other application of any platform. Web Services are modular, dynamic, distributed and self contained software components which can be easily published, located and also called over the network or internet. Web Services are built on the standard languages like HTML, Java, XML and with standard protocols like TCP/IP and HTTP. Distributed systems Distributed systems have been a part of computer science for decades. They are systems where different components in a network, communicate with each other and coordinate their actions only by passing messages. A component may be a program execution on a computer or a device such as a computer or a printer. It is a rather simple definition, but it covers the entire range of systems that can be called distributed systems. Both the general characteristics and some of the specific characteristics of distributed systems are explored. Web services Web services technology is a relatively new development. It is based upon the principles of distributed systems. A web service is a set of functions that are published to a network for use by other programs. Many people regard web services as a technology only for publishing software services on the Internet via browsers, while others regard them as the new big thing in distributed computing that is working as general purpose architectures. Both the general characteristics and some of the specific characteristics of web services are explored. Evaluation Web services contain many features which satisfy the goals of distributed systems. And in many cases they will probably be the appropriate way of designing a distributed system. Service Broker UDDI f(x) Service Requester Service Provider Fig. 63 : Web Service However there are limits to when web services can be used as foundation for distributed systems. It is probably better to use a distributed solution internally in an organisation or system and to use a web service solution in smaller and less trivial solutions, especially if the web service is made by an external party. Q. 10 Describe the significance and working of WSDL with an example. May 15, Dec. 16 Ans. : WSDL WSDL was developed jointly by Microsoft and IBM. WSDL stands for Web Services Description Language. WSDL is the standard format for describing a Web Service. WSDL is an XML based document which contains the information regarding Web Services like names. of methods, method parameters and how to access the methods. WSDL also contains information regarding which operation the Web Service will perform. WSDL is used for information exchange in decentralized and distributed environments. WSDL is a part of UDDI, an XML-based worldwide business registry. It works as an interface between various Web Service applications. WSDL is pronounced as wiz-dull. The WSDL describes services as collections of network endpoints, or ports. e a s v s o I u 11 o n s Scanned by CamScanner Tbe W5DL frcvkies mom thesr ccocreie siinrss '*'■->- - rws an XML format for documents use or im-anoe tor this purpose. the abstract definitions of port*. And mess Ages ;" v aUovx'mg 2x reuse of be so dehnitions. ,-\ port is d*tme\l b\ Associating anetwoik He Hndimg. ard a col'-eonon of ports defines a service, Messages are abstract descriptions of the data being exchanged* port types m ibsmuo: ool’oo oos of supported operations. The concrete protocol and data format specifications for a particular port type oorsnmtes a reusable boding. la this *ray. WSDL describes <v±jematt> rrcxide •a hat the public interface Web senioes to the NVeb service. WSDL is often used in combination with SOAP and anXML over the IntemeL A client program connecring to a Web senior can read the WSDl hie to determine are available oc the server. Any special dam ppes «r 'vbere the operations and messages are then bound to .1concrete network protocol and message coe of the opemdcms csed are embedded in the WSDL file in the form of XML Schema. The client can then use SOAP to auu.dh listed in the WSDL nle using for example XML over HTTP. Tbe current version of the specification version 1.1 has rsx been approved by me W?C but version 2.0 is a W?C recommendation. irsPL 2.0 »VS?L 1.? description definitions b? es cort Tyoe operation input } cutnut 1 binding service Iend po -nt am Fi£. M : Representation TTwrite of con hort note on : REST. Ans. : REST The acronym concent ’ ■ . ■ transpon 1’ ft'.- . 01 cn resour. protocol r< '■'■ , . VUll erAddiesU/employe l ™• Example IBWeanofGET . ’* K,riCVC C '" V'" >W 'K -an iv| s olx the Scanned by CamScanner ■ ■■ ■ ij REST ttrvia G£f http y/Pr»»xp/.GioCe coo /eo .ployvt __________ _ ____ Service “ Provider 4 f .C.5 Q, 12 What are characteristics of REST WSs? Ans. .* Characteristics of REST Ws 1. Fast : As RESTfuJ Web Services do not have any strict specification Mr* WW. r .‘ > w vz.u t' a >/»;•; *♦<> A.<a :he -Ph -M resources consumed by the RESTfuJ Web Sen ices are very less - 2. Language and Platform independent -. It is possible to write d* H8CTIM »'<* n «v a«r.>”W they can be executed on any platform 3. Can use SOAP : SO.AP can be used by the RESTfuJ Web Sendees 4. Permits different data formal : Io RESTfd Web Serna. the .'zu>beiiicuxt.4<i dt« ri dtttweti’ Jv.oaU tit* Z. /■-<■:. tV," •«'! v»» » can be used. Chapter? : Python V/eb Framework ; Djangc Q. 1 Explain the types of framework architectures, Ans. : Types of framework architecture 1. Modekview-controller Mam tanrwofo ( W VC) foltow the MVC is gemxaDv considemd a ®ood ptaato applications, par.«, * « tr.e l« to* tofo ,.«r i n t ,X as it modtiarizes . Tfe .n tins petmtts diffamnt newo So te pmsamoc,. «t* » «dt d'.e .«««««« atd ,-or pltcicions. 2. PusM&sel vs. pull-besed Mos! MVC frame works follow a pusM«&ed aruhnectstre alz. ualH? required processing, and then ‘push’ the dike io the >:iev ice tichnns th# do he lts,u,w MVC > Stripes. Diamond. CodeSgnrter <re jooc examples of tins .wUtitfctnust Ai aii'.r.uitl'’-’. called "component-based* . These framew'otfcs Atari wrtn tiie >'iev w-yv*,. whn’Jt In this architecture. .multiple cynttoliety- van t*e:m v-itt t hmg’r > /t -v 1ii« ■* ’ irhiuv ir-, lAnteriirte !tirrt 'pill* .whIu- iittm nniUip!**- . titrulleTe 3 ■;«*?. Fv* tpM'c<o.- easy Scanned by CamScanner Internet IP-59 Three-tler organization q In three-tier organization, applications are structure PhySiCal a dM bMe normally an RDBMS. The application contains the h ■ , “ PPnea,ion ’ - Th ' * feb S,neSSl0 c r ■ “ ® ™ " i " S on a ters er and communicates with the client using HTTP. 11-0 Client on web appl.cauons ts a web browser that runs HTM1. „ . . Q. 2 Discuss the features of Web Frameworks. Ans. : Features of web framework J. Frameworks typically set the control flow of a program and allow the user of the framework to ’’hook into" that flow by exposing various events. Web template system : Frameworks provide web template system which is used in web publishing to allow web designers and 2. developers to work with web templates for the automatic generation of custom web pages, such as the results from a search. Caching : Frameworks offer Web caching which is die caching of web documents in order to reduce bandwidth usage, server load. 3. and perceived "lag". 4. Security : Some web frameworks come with authentication and authorization frameworks, that enable the web server y users of the application, and restrict access to functions based on some defined criteria. Dropal is one example that provides rolebased access to pages, and provides a web-based interface for creating users and assigning litem o Database access, mapping and configuration : Many web frameworks create a unified API to a database “ applications to work with a variety of databases — with no code changes, and allowing programmers to work with htgher-level 6. templates. to generate the final code that the application can use to create, read, update zzz:zz:zzzz 7. • xzz— frameworks, such as Drupal and Django, match the prov, some others use rewriting techniques to translate the pr Web services : Some frameworks provide tools for ere 8. rest of the web application. are now providing resource-oni Web resources : A number of newer Web 2.0 RE infrastructure for building collections of resources. 9. Q.3 What are the features of Django? Ans. : Features of Django. Loosely Coupled elements in the stack independent to each other. The basic aim ofDjs II. Less Coding Facilitates less code which leads to quick development. ill. 1 Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) All the elements are developed only in exactly single pl Scanned by CamScanner Internet Programming (MU) Iv. Fast Development The development in Django is effectively fast. v. Clean Design IP-60 A strictly clean design is maintained by Django all over the code and makes it simple to follow best web-development practices. Q. 4 Explain advantages of Django. Ans. : Advantages of Django 1. Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) Support A bridge is provided by Django between the data model and the database engine, and also gives a strong support to a large group of DBMSs such as MySQL, Oracle, Postgres, etc. 2. Multilingual Support Multilingual websites are supported by Django with the help of its inbuilt internationalization system. This helps user to develop website which can support multiple languages. 3. Framework Support There is built-in support in Django for Ajax, RSS, Caching and several other frameworks. 4. Administration GUI An efficient ready-to-use user interface is provided by Django for administrative activities. 5. Development Environment A lightweight web server is provided by Django to support end-to-end application development as well as testing. □□□ Scanned by CamScanner