Chapter 2 : Homogeneous transformation matrices between landmarks 2.1 Introduction The synthesis of the control laws of manipulator robots requires the calculation of certain mathematical models (such as: the direct geometric model (DGM)). The calculation of this model is based on the use of homogeneous transformation matrices between benchmarks. 2.2 Homogeneous coordinates Representation of a point Let P be a point with Cartesian coordinates (Px, Py, Pz). We call homogeneous coordinates of the point P the terms [w.Px, w.Py, w.Pz, w], where w is a scale factor. In robotics, we take w=1. So, we represent the homogeneous coordinates of a point by the vector: Px P P y Pz 1 Representation of a direction The representation of a direction (free vector) is also done by four components, but the fourth is zero: U x U U y U z 1 Representation of a plan The plan α x + β y + γ z = δ is represented by a vector Q, where Q = [α β γ δ]. For any point P belonging to the plan Q. the matrix product: PQ Px P y 0 Pz 1 2.3 Homogeneous transformation transformations of landmarks Let us undergo any transformation, translation and/or rotation, to the frame Ri, a transformation which brings it to the frame Rj. This transformation is defined by the matrix where i s j , i n j , i a j respectively designate the unit vectors along the axes X j , Yj , Z j of the frame Rj expressed in the frame Ri and where i p j is the vector expressing the origin of the frame Rj in the frame Ri. It is also said that iT j defines the frame Rj in the frame Ri and we also say, the matrix iT j represents the transformation making it possible to go from the frame Ri to the frame Rj. We also write: i Aj Tj 000 i i pj isj 1 0 i nj 0 i aj 0 i pj 1 where : the matrix A represents the rotation or orientation matrix of the frame Ri relative to Rj. column p represents the translation of the frame Ri relative to the frame Rj in the case of a pure translation A=I3, such that I is the unit matrix. Properties : the matrix A is orthogonal: A-1=AT jTi iT j1 rot(u,θ )-1 = rot(u,-θ) = rot(-u,θ ) trans(u,θ )-1 = trans(u,-θ) = trans(-u,θ ) sT p T A nT p A p 1 si T then T aT p 000 1 000 1 translation of vectors Let a vector i p j defining the point p1 in the frame Rj We calculate the homogeneous coordinates of the point p1 in the frame Ri by the following equation: 1 p j iT j j p1 The matrix iTj therefore makes it possible to express in the frame Ri the coordinates of a point in the frame Rj Example : We consider the transformation between two benchmarks presented by the following figure: - From this figure, determine the matrix iTj and the matrix jTi by two methods pure transformation matrix Let trans(a,b,c) be a transformation which denotes the translation a, b and c along the x, y and z axes respectively. The transformation in this case is expressed by: We subsequently use the notation trans(u,d) to designate a translation of a value d along an axis u. Property: trans(a,b,c)=trans(x,a)trans(y,b)trans(z,c). rotation matrices around the principal axes - Let rot(x,θ) be a transformation which designates a rotation of θ with respect x axis Find the matrix iTj= rot(x,θ) ? - Let rot(y,θ) be a transformation which designates a rotation of θ with respect y axis Find the matrix iTj= rot(y,θ) ? - Let rot(z,θ) be a transformation which designates a rotation of θ with respect z axis Find the matrix iTj= rot(z,θ) ? Properties : - composition of two matrices : - it is important to remember that the product of two transformation matrices is not commutative T1T2 ≠ T2T1 - if a frame has undergone k consecutive transformations and if each transformation i (i=1,...k) is defined in relation to the current frame Ri-1, then the transformation 0Tk can be deduced from the composition of the multiplications to the right of these transformations: