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Swirl Assignment Reflection: R Programming

Swirl Assignment – Joanna Usifo
Pain Points and Successes.
I basically had next to no pains in carrying out this assignment. I understood the
prompts and then keyed in the right commands.
I’m trying to make sense of why R carries out an addition before a multiplication
when there are several vectors; at the point where I have to determine what
value R would print after performing a calculation, although my first guess was
right, the second guess seemed a bit challenging because it meant I had to do the
calculation in my head before guessing. I wonder if there was a trick to this and
discovered it’s a matter of getting the vector numbers right.
I enjoyed the interactions and I already discovered the trick to the up key before it
was mentioned.
While carrying out the lesson, I discovered the vector aspect can get a little bit
more complex with more numbers, but with the guidance from interactions, and
being able to call variables made that a bit less challenging.