BITS-Pilani K.K. Birla Goa Campus, Physics Department PHY F214: Electromagnetics and Optics Laboratory Hysteresis curve of a ferromagnetic sample Apparatus 1) Two solenoid coils, (Main S and Compensating C), 2) Ferromagnetic rod, 3) Reversible key (R), 4) Current source, 5) Magnetometer, 6) Battery, 7) Rheostat and 8) Transformer. Purpose of the Experiment 1) To study the magnetization (M) of a ferromagnetic material due to an applied magnetic field H and to plot the hysteresis (M vs. H) curve. 2) To calculate the retentivity and coercivity of the material from the hysteresis curve. Basic Methodology A ferromagnetic rod is magnetized by placing it in the magnetic field of a solenoid. The magnetized rod causes a deflection (θ) in a magnetometer. The deflection θ is recorded as the current in the solenoid (I) is varied over a range of positive and negative values to generate thee full hysteresis curve. Theory of the M-H curve: The atomic motions in materials bequeath them with magnetic properties: when placed in an external magnetic field, they respond by aligning themselves in such a way as to reduce the net energy of the system. A “ferromagnet” is a material in which the atoms behave like magnetic dipoles produced by the spins of unpaired electrons. The energy of the interaction is governed by quantum mechanics, and it turns out that this energy is lowered, even in the absence of an external field, if neighbouring electron spins are aligned parallel to each other. However in a large sample, domains form in the interior of the material within which the dipoles align in a given direction but the domains themselves are randomly oriented as shown in the Random orientation of the adjacent figure. Thus the bulk material is generally unmagnetized. domains in a ferromagnet. In the presence of an external magnetic field, the different domain moments tend to align, producing a net magnetization in the direction of the applied magnetic field. The magnetization M, defined as the magnetic dipole moment per unit volume, can be measured by observing the magnetic field produced by the magnetized material. A solenoid produces a fairly strong and uniform magnetic field within it, which is generally used to magnetize a ferromagnetic sample The magnetic field of a solenoid at a point well inside it, on the axis, is given by H = nI, where n is the number of turns per unit length of the solenoidal coil, and I is the current in the solenoid. The specimen in the form of a cylindrical rod of length “l” and cross section “A”, 1 BITS-Pilani K.K. Birla Goa Campus, Physics Department PHY F214: Electromagnetics and Optics Laboratory placed along the axis of the solenoid, acquires a magnetization “M” along its axis. The magnetic dipole moment “m” of the rod is then given by : m = M(lA). The magnetic field produced by the rod at a point along the axis a distance “r” from the centre of the rod is given by HM = (mr)/[2π (r2 – l2/4)2] (in A/m) or BM = (μo/4π)(2mr)/[2π (r2 – l2/4)2] (in tesla) Now the total magnetic field at that point is a combination S of this field, the field of the solenoid and the Earth's magnetic HRes HE field. In our setup, we will offset the magnetic field of the solenoid using a compensating coil. The apparatus is aligned such that the axis of the rod is perpendicular to the horizontal E W HM component of the Earth’s magnetic field, HE, which is along N South-North direction. A magnetometer needle at “r” aligns along the resultant magnetic field making an angle θ with HE as shown in the above figure. Clearly, tan θ = HM/ HE HM = HE tan θ. Hence, M = (4π)[(r2 – l2/4)2/(2r lA)] HE tan θ. Thus, M α tan θ. Also, the magnetizing field H = HM α I, the current in the solenoid. Hence, to obtain the relationship between M and H one can observe the tan θ vs. I plot. About Hysteresis: Ferromagnetic materials have non-linear response, in that the magnetization produced is not linearly proportional to the magnetizing field. Moreover, when the applied field is gradually removed, the material does not return to its original unmagnetized state. Some magnetization is residual. This phenomenon is known as “hysteresis”. A typical M vs. H curve is shown in the adjacent figure. As the applied field H is increased, domains with magnetization along the direction of the applied field grow in size (or number) and the magnetization increases rapidly. For stronger fields, whole domains that are not aligned along the field, change their orientation and M finally, all the internal spins are oriented parallel to the applied field. The magnetization has now reached saturation (point b) and further increase in H will not increase M. As the applied field is reduced, the magnetization curve traces a different path up to zero H applied field (point c) where the magnetization has a residual value. This is because the domains which are aligned with the field now tend to de-align. So even when the applied field is zero, many domains are still aligned, thereby retaining some net magnetic field. This value of magnetization (corresponding to the point c is called the “retentivity”. In order to remove this magnetization, the applied field is increased in the reverse direction (up to point d). This reverse field forces 2 BITS-Pilani K.K. Birla Goa Campus, Physics Department PHY F214: Electromagnetics and Optics Laboratory some domains to align in the new direction to make the net field zero. The field required to achieve this condition is called the “coercive” field or “coercivity”. Further increase in reverse field magnetizes the sample in the opposite direction in a symmetric way and the sample reaches saturation (point e). The loop is completed on decreasing the reverse field and then increasing through zero in the opposite direction. Note that the tan θ vs I curve also has similar shape due to proportionality of M and H with tan θ and I respectively. Note that in air, B= μoH. Hence for applied field, B is also used in place of H. However, it is more correct to use H instead of B, as inside a material H remains unchanged but B changes. Also note that B has the SI unit W/m2 or tesla (T), whereas the SI unit of H is A/m. About Retentivity, saturation magnetization and Coercivity : Retentivity (Mo) is the residual magnetization left in the sample when it is magnetized by applying an external field and when this applied field is reduced to zero. Mo = (4π/μo)[(r2 – l2/4)2/(2r lA)] BE tan θo (A/m) where tan θo = [ IcI + IfI ]/2, points c and f refer { μo= 4π x10-7 H/m, BE in Goa ~ 42 μT} to the tan θ vs. I hysteresis curve. Saturation magnetization (Ms) is the maximum (saturation) magnetization in the sample when the applied field is maximum and magnetization does not increase any more as all the domains in the sample have already aligned themselves with the external field. Ms = (4π/μo)[(r2 – l2/4)2/(2r Al)] BE tan θs (A/m) where tan θs = [ IbI + IeI ]/2, points b and e refer { μo= 4π x10-7 H/m, BE in Goa ~ 42 μT} to the tan θ vs. I hysteresis curve. Coercivity (Ho) is the external field in the reverse direction, required to reduce the residual magnetization in the sample to zero. Ho= nIo (A/m), where Io = [ IdI + IgI ]/2, d and g refer to points on the tan θ vs. I hysteresis curve. {Here n is turns per meter of the solenoid coil} Experimental set-up S : Solenoid C : Compensating coil N : Magnetometer R : Reversing key A : Ammeter (built in the power supply) 3 BITS-Pilani K.K. Birla Goa Campus, Physics Department PHY F214: Electromagnetics and Optics Laboratory Experimental Procedure: 1) Make the electrical connections as per the circuit diagram above. 2) Rotate the dial of the magnetometer until its 0 - 0 position is aligned with the axis of the solenoid. 3) Rotate the wooden arm containing the solenoid, magnetometer and compensating coil, until the magnetic pointer coincides with the 0 - 0 position. In this position the wooden arm is along the E-W direction. The horizontal component of the Earth’s magnetic field HE (along S-N direction) is then perpendicular to the wooden arm. 4) Note down the lengths “l” of the rod, area of cross section “A” of the rod, the distance “r” of the centre of the magnetometer needle from the midpoint of the solenoid. To get the number of turns /meter “n” of the solenoid S, note down the total number of turns N in the solenoid, and divide it by its length L. These values will be required to calculate retentivity and coercivity values. Take the value of Earth’s magnetic field HE (in Goa) to be 42 μT. 5) Now position the compensating coil C to nullify the field due to the solenoid S. For this, pass current (say 1A) through the coils S & C. Vary the position of C along the wooden arm until the defection of the needle is zero. The magnetic field of solenoid S is now nullified (at the position of the magnetometer) by the magnetic field of C. (Please ensure that while doing this, the rod is not inside the solenoid S). 6) Before starting the experiment, the given ferromagnetic rod has to be fully demagnetized. For this purpose, connect the circuit according to the adjacent figure. Set the AC current to maximum. Now gradually reduce the current to zero using the rheostat. (Note: Maximum current corresponds to shorting of the rheostat). Rheostat 7) Now begin the M-H curve measurement: a) To begin with, the current in the solenoid should be switched off. b) Insert the demagnetized specimen rod so that its leading tip is at the edge of the solenoid. [Note: There should be no deflection of the needle at this point. If any deflection is observed, repeat step 6 for demagnetizing the rod]. c) Switch on the current source (whose current can be varied). Caution: From now on, strictly follow the current monotonic variation sequence. Do not back-track the set current. This will lead to incorrect results due to hysteresis. 4 BITS-Pilani K.K. Birla Goa Campus, Physics Department PHY F214: Electromagnetics and Optics Laboratory d) Vary the current from 0 A. Note the deflections θ1 and θ2 of the two ends of the magnetometer needle. e) Change the current in steps of 0.1 A and note the deflections for each setting of current. (No reduction of current once increased, at any stage) f) Continue until saturation is reached (i.e. deflection does not change with increase in the current). g) Now start decreasing the current in steps of 0.1 A and measure the deflection angle, till you reach zero current. Now switch off the current source. h) Reverse the position of the reversible key R, switch on the source, and repeat the measurement of the deflection angle by varying the current in the reverse direction from 0 A to maximum current (saturation). i) Once you reach saturation, start decreasing the magnitude of the current till you reach 0 A. j) Now switch off the current source and reverse the position of the key R again. k) Switch on the source and repeat, varying the current now from 0 A to the maximum (i.e. saturation level). You can now switch off the current source. 8) Plot a graph of tan θ vs. current I, where θ is the average of θ1 and θ2. 9) Calculate the values of b, c, d, e, f and g from this curve. 10) Calculate the retentivity (A/m), saturation magnetic field (A/m), and coercivity (A/m) values. Results: 1) Plot of the tan θ vs. current I. 2) The values of b, c, d, e, f and g from this curve. 3) The retentivity, saturation magnetic field, and coercivity values for the given specimen. 4) Errors in the estimation of the above three values. 5 BITS-Pilani K.K. Birla Goa Campus, Physics Department PHY F214: Electromagnetics and Optics Laboratory General information: 1) The process of demagnetization is shown in the adjacent figure. Due to the 50 Hz AC current, the hysteresis loop is traced out 50 times a second. However, as the current decreases continuously with time, each subsequent loop becomes smaller and smaller in size till it becomes a very small loop near the origin. Thus, the specimen has no magnetization left after this demagnetization process. M Ms Mo Hc H 2) The area under the hysteresis loop indicates the energy lost in each hysteresis cycle. Thin loop (small coercive field), means smaller amount of dissipated energy in repeatedly reversing the magnetization. These materials are called “soft ferromagnetic materials” (See adjacent figure). Such materials are useful for transformer, motor cores etc. where there is continuous cycling of the magnetic field. A fat loop (large coercive field) are called “hard ferromagnetic materials”. Such materials are useful for permanent magnets, where there is no cycling of the magnetic field. 3) An addition to the ferromagnetic material used in the present experiment, there are magnetic materials which are: a) Antiferromagnetic, b) Paramagnetic, c) Ferrimagnetic, and d) Diamagnetic. 4) Antiferromagnetic: These have randomly oriented domains wherein two sets of atoms have almost equal but anti-parallel moments. On applying a magnetic field, the domains try to align with the magnetic field. The M-H curve is linear with a small slope. 5) Paramagnetic: Here each atom has magnetic moment, which are randomly oriented. On application of external field, they try to align with the field, so long as the field is present. On removal of the field, they are all again randomly oriented due to the thermal motion. M-H curve is a straight line like for antiferromagnetic materials. 6) Ferrimagnetic: These atoms are organized in domains having two sets of atoms with unequal moments, arranged in antiparallel sense. Each domain has overall aligned moment. So they show M-H curve like ferromagnets, but with much less magnetization. Iron oxide based insulating ceramic magnetic class of material called “ferrite” is most commonly used ferrimagnetic material. 6 BITS-Pilani K.K. Birla Goa Campus, Physics Department PHY F214: Electromagnetics and Optics Laboratory 7) Diamagnetic: These atoms have no magnetic moment and as such they are not magnetic materials. However, on application of external field, they generate induced magnetic field in opposite sense, so as to repel the external field. They have M-H curve like paramagnetic materials, but with negative slope. 8) Superconductors are most perfect diamagnetic materials. They do not allow any external magnetic field to penetrate inside them, which leads to the “magnetic levitation” effect. 9) In the “Advanced Physics Lab” in the third year, you will have an experiment on measurement of magnetic susceptibility of paramagnetic materials. 10) The table below summarizes the magnetic properties of all five types of materials mentioned earlier, along with examples of each type. Variation of the reciprocal of the susceptibility (χ) with temperature is also shown for each type of material. (Note: M = χ H). Source: END 7