Character Sheet PROFICIENCY Untrained +0 Trained 2+Level Expert 4+Level Master 6+Level Legendary 8+Level Human (Duskwalker) Background Vladimir Taltos Single Action Two-Action Activity Three-Action Activity Free Action Reaction Player Name Rogue Experience Points (XP) Deity 10 +3 DEX DEXTERITY 16 +0 CON CONSTITUTION 10 INT INTELLIGENCE 18 WIS WISDOM 12 SCORE SCORE SCORE SCORE MODIFIER +1 SCORE MODIFIER +1 CHA CHARISMA DC BASE = 10 KEY PROF 4 4 speed 25 T E M L DC BASE feet Dagger 3 B ✘ P S W SPEC ✘ 3 B ✘ P S FORTITUDE +4 B P S W SPEC ITEM STR = 3 PROF WIS PROF 0 4 3 6 1 6 ITEM 0 ✔ STR = 3 PROF T E M L W SPEC 4 T E M L 4 ✔ PROF T E M L B P S B P S W SPEC T E M L 4 ✔ DEX PROF T E M L ✘ MARTIAL T E M L INT PROF CHA +5 = 1 PROF CHA +1 = 1 PROF CHA +5 = 1 PROF INT +8 = 4 PROF INT +8 = 4 PROF WIS +5 = 1 PROF WIS +1 = 1 PROF INT +8 = 4 PROF CHA +1 = 1 PROF WIS +1 = 1 PROF INT +8 = 4 PROF DEX ITEM DECEPTION 0 ITEM DIPLOMACY INTIMIDATION LORE LORE ITEM 0 NATURE OCCULTISM ITEM PERFORMANCE RELIGION OTHER TRAITS SOCIETY W SPEC DEX PROF OTHER T E M L TRAITS Weapon Proficiencies SIMPLE T E M L +8 = 4 CRAFTING TRAITS = SPECIAL ATHLETICS +3 = 0 PROF Agile, Thrown Weapon Damage DICE STR MEDICINE PROF OTHER = SPECIAL PROF TRAITS 20 ft. Weapon Damage DICE INT Outer Planes 0 OTHER T E M L 6 ITEM T E M L 0 ✔ SENSES +8 = 4 ARCANA 0 ✔ PROF OTHER W SPEC 1 ✔ PROF Underworld = 3 PROF T E M L ACROBATICS +6 = 3 ITEM TRAITS STR WIS Low-Light Vision Deadly d8, Disarm, Finesse 7 B ✘ P S 0 ✔ Perception +7 Skills OTHER Dart 0 ITEM T E M L TRAITS DEX SPECIAL RESISTANCES AND IMMUNITIES +7 DEX T E M L WOUNDED CONDITIONS PROF Ranged Strikes 1d4 CURRENT HP WILL +9 TEMPORARY DYING NOTES 0 Weapon Damage DICE MAX CON ITEM = STR 2 Hit Points CURRENT HEAVY T E M L MAX HP BT REFLEX Agile, Finesse, Thrown 10 ft., Versatile S Weapon Damage DICE HARDNESS 24 ✔ MEDIUM T E M L ✘ ITEM Saving Throws OTHER 7 STR 4 LIGHT T E M L Shield + 0 Rapier 1d6 3 T E M L DEX Weapon Damage DICE PROF MOVEMENT TYPES & NOTES 7 STR CAP OR UNARMORED T E M L Melee Strikes 1d4 Not set ✔ Weapon Damage DICE DEX = 10 3 19 0 Class DC 18 AC 12 SCORE MODIFIER Traits Armor Class STRENGTH +4 Alignment N STR MODIFIER Hero Points Size +0 MODIFIER 2 Scion of Slayers Class Ability Scores MODIFIER Level Ancestry and Heritage Character Name OTHER T E M L ITEM 4 4 4 4 4 0 4 4 4 4 0 4 0 0 4 STEALTH +6 = 3 PROF SURVIVAL +1 = 1 WIS PROF DEX PROF THIEVERY +8 = 3 4 0 6 T E M L ✔ T E M L ✔ T E M L ✔ T E M L ✔ T E M L ✔ ITEM 0 ITEM 0 ITEM 0 0 ITEM 0 ITEM T E M L ITEM T E M L ✔ T E M L ✔ T E M L ✔ 0 0 ITEM 0 ITEM 0 ITEM 0 T E M L ITEM T E M L ITEM ✔ 0 0 T E M L ITEM T E M L ITEM T E M L ITEM ✔ T E M L ✔ 0 0 0 ITEM 0 T E M L ITEM T E M L ITEM ✔ ARMOR - -1 ITEM T E M L ✔ ARMOR - -1 ARMOR - -1 0 0 ARMOR - -1 Languages None selected ©2019 Paizo Inc., Paizo, Pathfinder, and the Pathfinder logo are registered trademarks of Paizo Inc. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only. Ancestry Feats and Abilities Class Feats and Abilities SPECIAL 1st HERITAGE 1st Duskwalker Ghost Hunter Surprise Attack FEATURE 1st Low-Light Vision FEATURE 1st FEAT 1st Nimble Dodge FEAT 1st FEAT 5th Quick Draw FEAT 2nd FEAT 9th FEATURE 3rd FEAT 13th FEAT 4th FEAT 17th FEATURE 5th FEAT 6th Skill Feats BACKGROUND FEATURE 7th 2nd FEAT 8th 4th FEATURE 9th 6th FEAT 10th 8th FEATURE 11th 10th FEAT 12th 12th FEATURE 13th 14th FEAT 14th 16th FEATURE 15th 18th FEAT 16th 20th FEATURE 17th Courtly Graces FEAT 18th General Feats 3rd FEATURE 19th 7th FEAT 20th 11th 15th Bonus Feats Alchemical Crafting 19th Inventory WORN ITEMS INVEST (MAX 10) BULK READIED ITEMS BULK OTHER ITEMS BULK Studded Leather BULK 2.2 +5 ENCUMBERED BASE STR =5 +0 MAXIMUM BASE STR +10 =10 +0 9 7 14 0 CP SP GP PP ©2019 Paizo Inc., Paizo, Pathfinder, and the Pathfinder logo are registered trademarks of Paizo Inc. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only. Character Sketch ETHNICITY NATIONALITY BIRTHPLACE AGE GENDER & PRONOUNS Not set Not set HT WT APPEARANCE Personality ATTITUDE BELIEFS LIKES DISLIKES CATCHPHRASES Campaign Notes ALLIES NOTES ENEMIES ORGANIZATIONS Actions and Activities NAME ACTIONS TRAITS PAGE DESCRIPTION NAME ACTIONS TRAITS PAGE ACTIONS TRAITS PAGE ACTIONS TRAITS PAGE DESCRIPTION ACTIONS TRAITS PAGE DESCRIPTION NAME NAME NAME DESCRIPTION ACTIONS TRAITS PAGE DESCRIPTION NAME DESCRIPTION Free Actions and Reactions NAME FREE ACTION TRAITS PAGE NAME REACTION TRIGGER DESCRIPTION FREE ACTION TRAITS PAGE NAME REACTION TRIGGER DESCRIPTION PAGE REACTION TRIGGER DESCRIPTION NAME FREE ACTION TRAITS FREE ACTION TRAITS PAGE REACTION TRIGGER DESCRIPTION ©2019 Paizo Inc., Paizo, Pathfinder, and the Pathfinder logo are registered trademarks of Paizo Inc. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only. Spell Attack Roll 18 = KEY PROF i 4 Spell Slots Per Day T E M L CANTRIP LEVEL ✔ Spell DC DC BASE 18 = 10 KEY PROF i 4 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 T E M L ✔ SPONTANEOUS SPELL SLOTS REMAINING Magic Traditions Spells PREP ARCANE OCCULT PRIMAL DIVINE PREPARED 6 SPONTANEOUS ACTIONS ACTIONS M S V M S V PREP PREP ACTIONS ACTIONS M S V M S V PREP Cantrips PREP PREP ACTIONS ACTIONS M S V M S V PREP ACTIONS M S V PREP PREP ACTIONS ACTIONS M S V M S V PREP ACTIONS M S V PREP ACTIONS M S V PREP ACTIONS PREP PREP ACTIONS ACTIONS M S V M S V PREP PREP ACTIONS ACTIONS M S V M S V PREP PREP ACTIONS ACTIONS M S V M S ✘V PREP PREP M S V PREP ACTIONS ACTIONS ACTIONS M S V M S V PREP PREP M S V PREP ACTIONS M S V PREP ACTIONS M S V Innate Spells ACTIONS Damage undead with positive energy. 2 M ✘S ✘V FREQ ACTIONS M S V Focus Spells CURRENT FOCUS POINTS ACTIONS M S V M S V PREP PREP ACTIONS ACTIONS M S V M S V PREP FREQ Disrupt Undead ACTIONS MAXIMUM 0 PREP ACTIONS ACTIONS M S V M S ✘V PREP PREP ACTIONS ACTIONS M S V M S V PREP PREP ACTIONS ACTIONS M S V M S V PREP PREP ACTIONS ACTIONS ACTIONS M S V M S V M S V PREP PREP ACTIONS M S V ACTIONS M S V ACTIONS ACTIONS M S V M S V PREP PREP ACTIONS ACTIONS ACTIONS M S V M S V M S V ©2019 Paizo Inc., Paizo, Pathfinder, and the Pathfinder logo are registered trademarks of Paizo Inc. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only.