Paper / Subject Code: 46007 / Marketing: E-Commerce & Digital Marketing -fqB*slSGm / "f,t9 Time: 2 /.Hours lnstructions: All Questions are compulsory. Figures to the right indicates maximum marks Ql, A 1 Choose the correct 2 High Levels of inflation affects E-Commerce business that deals with Essential ltems ltems b) Luxurious Flipkart is an example of c) Both a & b d )None category of E-commerce. b) B2C a) 82B 4 (Answer any Eight) E-lnfrastructure and E-markets are the basic components of a) B2B b) B2C c) B2G d) None a) 3 alternative: d) c2c c) C2B includes a) Electronic b) physical delivery of good & rendering of services. E-delivery c) shipment d) manual Business model used both online & offline presences. 6 a) Bricks & Mortar EFT means the Electronic b) online store c) offline store d) Bricks & clicks Fund_. b) f-r:avel c) Transport d) Transfer Disintermediationmeansthereisaneliminationofthe-. a) Transmission a) Traders b) Customers c) Supplier d) Middleman M-governance is not replacement but a) 9 Complement for E-governance. b) Supplement C).Botha - Electronic payment system offers a) Convenience b) Reduced Risk Q.1. d) Nohe c)Botha&b a) Personalized.leaining'b):Gamific-tibn 10 &b, E-commerce in education had lead to c) both A & B d)None d) None (Answer Any Seven) B. State True or False 1 is an example of B2C business Model. 2 E-commerce includes business to business transaction only 3 The electronic payment mode is compulsorily required in E-commerce 4 There is no grace period in case of debit card 5 RTGS system was introduced in March 2004 in lndia. 6 Hacklng means an unauthorized access 7 Viral marketing includes right message to the right person in right environment 8 Digital mar:keting helps to build or repair public opinion on a given issue 9 A good website is one which is scalable Q.2. A What is E-Commerce? How is E Commerce superior to Traditional Commerce in today's business scenarlo? B Discuss the recent trends in E-Commerce in Education & Banking Sector. (oR) Page 1 of 2 58582 I.' I 860E307F3 1 E26F 1028D775F1 ABDT 1 0 ..:.. Paper / Subject Code: 460071Marketing: E-Commerce & Digital .i:::::.a Maiketi4 :..:. -- C Explain the following categories of E Commerce with relevant examples: D Explain M-Commerce and its A Write i. a ii. c2c B2C benefits short notes on benefits of 7 EDI g ::::' ,.." B - C Explain the steps involved in launching an D Explain the advantages & Disadvantages of Payment ..:, .: E-Business g Gateway. - 7 Q.4 Explain Privacy & Security lssues and discuss the issues related to them. g BExplain:SmartCard,CreditCard&.E.Cheques. C )': Explain CRM & SCM. (oR) A :-' (oR) Explain the Digital Marketing on various social media platforms. D g 7 q.s A. 15 attracted more than 290,000 new Facebook fans. 5 5 jQ:3 Exptain,hoWgompan can improve customers' interaction with its Facebook page Page 2 of 2 58582 F 1 860E307F3 l E26F1 028D77sF1ABD7 r 0 5