Uploaded by Stanley Waweru

Group 5 - Atlantic Canada - 19-34 - Trim2 otter ai

So let me just re share that share it like this. So there's two questions here, really. So it's Why do you get some from anywhere other than an authorised retailer? Or why don't you? Why don't you get it? It's two, it's two sides of the same coin here, right? Like What? What? What is your decision to not to buy it elsewhere? So I think I heard Tim price, right? I can safely right that. Okay. Um, how about others? Joe?
Convenience is one for sure.
Okay, let's spell that right. Convenience. And is that mainly like, they come and deliver or it's right around the corner? Or what's the convenience? It's
just close in proximity? Yeah. Okay.
I think to another one might be privacy. I know a lot of people who don't want to admit that they smoke marijuana, but they do. So they'd have a problem parking outside of a store and going in, in case they could see somebody or somebody sees them.
Okay, so there's a bit of stigma there that you feel that? No, no. Okay. I'm Marcus. And then I think Sam also had something to add.
For me. It's just sticking with what I know reacts well with me.
Right. Okay, what you know what works? Yeah. Sam
was mostly going to add to convenience. But as I say, availability, being you know, some people can get it. I think time overall, some people are available for like two or three o'clock in the morning.
Oh, okay. Right. Right. Right. Not bound to store hours. That's what you mean by that. Okay, that makes sense. Yeah, for sure. Can I add like Terry's the convenience of having like ordering online and delord Texting and delivering? Is that part of
Yeah, like, I would think that's part of the convenience thing for me, right. But I do remember like, for me, I was not always like this when it wasn't legal. And so that privacy thing was a huge thing for me and that I know, when it first became legal, I didn't even think of a store for that reason, you know, so I just kept going.
Yeah. Understood. The other reasons
also, I find knowledge the the, my buddy knows a lot like definitely go to and I've heard that will even on here today. You hear that? I think they call them bud tenders. You know, and the honestly, I think they get them just any small off the street and their their knowledge is not there. Like somebody was saying earlier about getting the proper thing. I think it was Marcus saying that so yeah, knowledge sorry. Oh, cool.
Yeah. Yeah, no, no, fair enough. That's it's on the list now. So any other reasons here? That can can everybody get kind of what they want in terms of quality or in terms of THC levels of CBD levels? Or the you know, whatever the combination that you'd like? Is it all available in for unauthorised stores? Or is that a reason to?
I kind of have to agree with him like for his reasoning, the knowledge that the people have in the government stores doesn't really seem to be adequate. I feel like just with my own personal experience consuming it for so long that I know what I like I usually buy like the same thing or close variation. But if I was to ask them for like a recommendation, I really don't think I would trust them are yeah, like I I'm sorry, Marcus that happens.
So there's a certain there's a level of trust there are not trusting the the or dislike,
or yeah, like I trust the product. I just, I wouldn't seek advice from a person that works there because Okay, don't think that they know.
Yeah. So some of you are talking about price. This is mainly Tim but how much difference are we talking about here? What's the price difference? Do you know?
Well, I can again, you notice that I can get announced for Because of its also loyalty, you know, to so I can get my loyalty price because I've been such a customer for such a long time as my buddy. I can get an ounce for usually depends on if it's good quality or not. I can get for about 160.
Me. Okay. So how much? Like if it were the same if it will equal price? Would you still go to your buddy? Or would you then go okay, no, now I'll go to the store.
I still believer and he's, he's, he's my brother for life. So,
right? Uh huh. So,
like that that's the same same thing was big box store versus the little guy and, you know, support support local, right?
Yeah. Sorry, haven't for you.
I just I just thought of something that I think it's worth mentioning. Because, um because I never bought in stores. I see the packaging. I see my friends buying that stuff. But they're all sealed, right? Like when I'm when I'm, like, I can tell when I'm looking at weed what kind of weed I'm getting, right. So that's a thing that I'm thinking of as I'm sitting here. And I'm thinking, oh my gosh, so all these people that are buying their weed from the stores are not even, they don't get to see the flowers, right? Like they don't get to see that. And I know to somebody who doesn't maybe regularly smoke weed, it might not be a big thing. But for me the fact that I can't see the actual flowers because I know that when it first got legalised, there was a lot of jam in the news about you know how it wasn't selling off the shelves like they thought it was going to be and that there was mouldy, mouldy weed and stuff like that in those bags. And like, how would you know that? Yeah, so that's I'm sitting here thinking, Oh, thank God, I go to the stores to buy it right, because I would hate not being able to see the actual flower.
Right? Yeah. So Tim, just to get back to what you just said you said 164 An out or for
ya know for now so I can get about 160 demand if it's if it's a lower, lower and it's just kind of not tomato I hate on that. We're never gonna get that kind of gross shit, but, but sometimes I can get for 140 Depends. But for the really good for really good quality sativa or even like a good hybrid and a lot I can get for about 160
Right, so it's 160 for like 28 grammes then if you're Yeah,
sometimes I hear here's the thing. Here's the kicker I love it isn't like oh, just put just a little bit more. You know, like, appreciate you had a little fun. This is gonna be a little bit more than an hour.
The baker's dozen kind of. There we go. Yeah. Okay, um, so How about how about what Terry just said, those of you? You know, has anyone ever said like, Okay, I don't I want to look at what I'm getting. Like, I don't know, Marcus. Obviously, you've had the experience in the store and you know what you get when you get it from your family. But what's the what's kind of the driver there?
Um, ya know, the
main driver is just, I, I just don't want a repeat of a panic attack, just because they're horrible. Yeah, that's pretty much my sole driver. I'm not willing. It goes back to the trust, as others have said is, I don't trust their knowledge to give me a good recommendation after that experience.
Yeah, yeah, exactly. Okay. Um, anything else to add here? Anything to that we want to discuss, like, how about kind of accessibility? Is there issues with accessing cannabis? Or is it just those who mentioned that kind of the availability I guess we can call it availability or accessibility? It's okay. For those of you who buy it in the store that the store is a nine to five kinda business. That works.
I mean, they have their hours posted. So you just kind of work around that. Unlike back when I had a dealer you never knew. I mean, it was my friend. I never knew they'd be able to get to me that day. I don't know how long I'd be waiting for the entire day. I like to be able to just have control over When I buy it, yeah.
Yeah, no, I understand. Yeah. Okay. And Jill, for you, you buy on a on a reserve? What is the main reason for you to go there? Or
I would say like, probably the same like it. It's convenient. Like if I'm there with my boyfriend, if it's just if he's there, then I would just get it there too. And for price as well as just an extra bonus kind of thing. But Lubbock and Monckton, I don't have access to that. So it's kind of like a nice thing when I get to buy it from there.
Okay, so it's because you're already there. And then the price is a bonus. So it's convenience. Yeah, first, okay. Yeah. And so, oh, Terry is taking a little break. That's fine. And so the main thing, Tim, I know, you mentioned a couple of things that from this list, what will be the main one for you?
Or myself? It definitely is. Price and, and the convenience. It's, you know, I've price convenience and the knowledge the person has.
Okay, if I'm going to be a stickler and tell me Give me one,
one for me. Price is a huge thing for me. Hey,
price. Okay. Um, okay, how about Tasha? What's the main reason you don't buy from an authorised retailer?
the knowledge so I trust the knowledge of my sister.
Okay, yeah. Adele, how about for you? If you were to or do you say okay, I only go to stores at the moment.
I only really go to the stores at the moment. But I mean, I I can see the points around price convenience and especially the not been able to see the products. I think that that would be valuable. Although, I guess for regulations. I'm not sure how or
huh, yeah. So what would be the main one for you at all from this list? Do you think
I would say the price
Megan, how about for you? What would What's the main reason?
Just convenient. Lady. Literally just down the street from me, and also on the way home from work.
Sam, how about for you?
price. Price. Okay.
And Tim? Oh, I told you, I asked you really? Sorry. Martin. Trust for me. The right. Okay. And Terry.
I'd say no, I take rice.
I know I'm putting you in for in front of a choice because I understand that it's kind of a combination of factors. Right to see why. Okay, so, price is definitely important. But there are there are some other other things that are important as well. I under understand that for sure. Okay, um, so talking, I'm going to get rid of this. Thank you all and thank you so much for playing along with me here for this one. So something that Terry touched on briefly earlier, I just want to talk about for a couple of minutes. Like when it comes to getting cannabis from a source other than an authorised retailer, like Does anyone have any concerns for yourself or others with buying it from other sources or getting it from people or just you know, trusting family members or friends? Tasha
No, I trust my sister I know that she she's kind of like Terry where she she's been using for a long long time and and she knows she's an OG and so I rely on what she says And besides that,
so that sounds really like you rely on her for knowing what your what your what you're consuming, right? Yeah,
she's consuming it too. And she's my sister. So
yeah, so any kind of concerns other than just about the quality or the product like any either its health concerns or safety concerns legal consequences.
No, because I I'm like, I'm a recreational user. It's not an everyday thing. So I don't really think about those things, like at all.
No. Okay. How about others? You ever think of that? Whether it's health concerns or legal concerns or safety concerns, anything like that?
Why why not? Why is why is that not a thing? Not that I'm trying to make you concern if you're not just trying to kind of figure out like, if you just never thought about it or thought about it, and when like that, it's probably fine.
It's the beginning, obviously, like, Oh, crap, I'm gonna, you know, serve time and all this stuff. And then after a while, you just start to become desensitised, I guess, or numb on that feeling. It's, oh, no, because it's because again, for me, it's, it's every day. I mean, I'm not going by every day. Last week, a little bit of chronic but I'm not like, you know, like, you know, still Tommy Chong as the the record. But you know, I'm but anyway, sorry. But anyways, it's just because it's just become normal to me an everyday thing. And I think because it's been legalised, I understand. It's not what I'm doing is legal, but it just feels more kosher and a lot so.
So you're saying what you're doing is legal or illegal? Sorry, I didn't hear.
Well, I know it's I don't I know that it's still not legal in that sense, right. Okay. Do you think just numb from it? I've just, it's just become such a repetition for me, that you just start. It's not like, oh my god, this is this is when I started when I was younger. And of course, yeah, you were worried and all that, you know, you'd be looking around the corners and that be like, okay, is this is this the time now? I'm gonna get busted. Do you think you can get
in trouble with the law? Um,
you know, without incriminating myself? Yeah. No, definitely not safe. Right. So yeah, I, I understand I can get until the law but again, I I don't have that fear as much as I did before.
Do you think there is a lot of enforcement like do you think the police where are they on top of these things?
There? I find now it's forgotten to the they're focused on the proper things and going after the the Fed normal not to get off topic. And all that stuff. Instead of focusing on the bogus thing of going after these these dealers. I mean, sure, he dealers are still gonna get shut down here and there. But that's because a they're greedy, and they, they they're doing other stuff. I don't believe that they're just dealing cannabis. Right. So yeah, but anyways, that's, that's, that's what my thing is. They've focused their attention on the hard stuff, because it is a pandemic on the heart stuff, right? Yeah.
Yeah. What do others have you think about kind of law enforcement? Like where are they? When it comes to this, Marcus?
Um, this one, I really don't think they care about it at all. Mostly, because when I was a teenager, my buddies and I were hanging out at our local spot. And some of the people who've been talking for a long time will know this was like, back in the day when like purple Kush was like the most amazing thing you could possibly get your hands on. And a cop came up, saw it on us because we weren't hiding it because we didn't see him coming. And he confiscated all of it. And my buddy who had like a basically a little mini meltdown, complaining that like it was so rare to get it he waited so long to finally get his hands on it. So the cop broke off a piece and that is keep that to smoke with a nine told us to be safe. So ever since then, I kind of just realised you know, cops, as long as you're not doing anything, like just as long as you're not harming anybody who's having a good time. They really don't care is how I feel about it.
Yeah, that's interesting anecdote. Yeah. Okay, Megan.
I almost had like the exact same experience as Marcus growing up like as long as we weren't, you know, driving around if we were just hanging out of side smoking a joint they might, you know, tell us to go elsewhere or be less obvious about it, but it wasn't it was never something super scary. Like I more scared of my parents growing up catching me smoking weed in a car.
Okay, so when you think if they're Megan or gel like you were talking about the reservations, like Um, and knowing now Gillette even though they haven't, they may have some stamps on it that it's still, you know, unless they have everything like that it's likely not legal. Like, what do you feel about that? Like, do you have any concerns? Or do you feel that you you know, there's law enforcement watching this at all or to be legal consequences?
Honestly, on the reservation, I don't really feel like there's much as much law enforcement like in that area, but of course, like cannabis, MV there would be more there. Yeah, I don't know. I feel like, yeah.
Do you? Have you ever thought about it, whether there's a connection between, like getting your cannabis from a non authorised source and organised crime? No,
I haven't. No.
How about others? You ever thought about that at all? Terry?
No, Ask Don't Tell. Okay. Don't Don't Don't
Don't ask.
Yeah, you know,
I just wondering if it's something you think about at all like is, where does this come from? Is there a big organisation behind this? Or is it just you know, a guy who has a big basement or a really warm attic? Like? Terry, have you thought at all?
Don't know, I've never worried about it. Never know. Yeah, I don't know what even like when it wasn't legal. I didn't worry, because they would just slap your hand. But now that it's legal, like I mean, I think I would worry if I was trying to get through the airport with my bag. Yeah, not the only time and I don't even think I would even if it's legal. I don't why would it so?
Okay. All right. All right. So those are the main topics that I had that I wanted to discuss with the with you today. So I'm just going to go do a quick roundtable have every everybody have one more opportunity to to either add something that you haven't been able to say or respond to any questions or to something that you heard here or anything? So I'll just, I'll go kind of in the order that you're Oh, I got one sort of one more question here that just popped in my head. It's like, we talk I talked about organised crime, right. So if you are buying illicit cannabis from somebody who is you know, maybe also dealing other things like some of you mentioned, right, or could be involved in other things like that. Do you feel that you're buying cannabis may be actually fueling the Fentanyl crisis or other drugs being on the street? No, III don't think there's a link there, Tim?
No, no, no,
not from from from the direction I go. And all that. No, definitely not. I, I have no access to, to hard stuff through through my dealer that I know there's dealers out there that are kind of broad spectrum and all that, but, but it's kind
of a leap to be okay. I won't buy it. Because maybe it's related to bigger organisations that also are peddling fentanyl to, you know, the kids around the corner or something like that. Like that's that's not which is valid.
I hear you saying it, but no, I don't
know. Fair enough. It's kind of a last minute thought here. Do you want to add something to that?
No, I just I don't really think about it. I think it's a little far, far fetched in my mind. Yeah. Yeah.
Understood. Okay. So let's do that the roundtable here, that I promised, I'll just go round on the order that you're on my list here. So actually, Tasha here at the top of the list, anything to add that you'd like to know? Oh, good. Okay. Terry. Oh, no, I don't think so. No, partying top thoughts. And Tim, any additional wisdom to share?
No, just this was actually a nice, nice time. You know, top of a bunch of other heads.
Like minded Excellent. Like,
why do you fell save? So thank you. You know, I'm not gonna lie. I was very, very worried of doing this and that so.
Oh, well, I'm happy that we could put you at ease here because I would definitely that's the whole idea of the setting. Yeah. Thank you, Adele. Anything to add?
Nothing to I was nice chatting with
you, Jill.
No, I don't have anything to add either. But thank you for everything.
All right. And let me see now. There you go, Marcus.
Nope, nothing for me. But yeah, like I said, it's nice talking with you.
Thank you, Megan.
Oh, sorry. No, I've got nothing to add. Thank you.
All right. And, Sam, any parting words from you anything you'd like to add to the discussion? No, not really. It
was a great conversation. I enjoyed conversation. Thank you so much.
Well, it was my pleasure. Thank you all for your openness and your willingness to share this has been it's been great. I really, really appreciate it on behalf of course, on behalf of our our client, and I will make sure that those people who recruited you knew know that you're here and get the incentive coming your way in the next little while. So have a good rest of the evening. Take care yourselves. Thanks, you too.
Bye, everybody. Bye
Transcribed by https://otter.ai