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PRIM 2nd Exam Prep: Marketing & Business

It simplifies the pricing process; price competition may be minimized and is
perceived as more fair to both buyers and sellers. ANS: COST BASED
It is an assessment that allows you to determine how suitable a particular
market is for your industry. ANS; MARKET ANALYSIS
An organization's strategy combines all of its marketing goals into one
comprehensive plan. ANS; MARKETING STRATEGY
What does the final selection of the consumer promotional tools need to
A must after implementation of the promotional scheme. ANS;
Play an essential role in helping companies reaches their marketing goals.
What are the 4Ps of Marketing? ANS; PRODUCT PRICE PLACE PROMOTION
A person, group or organization that has interest or concern in an
organization. Stakeholders can affect or be affected by the organization's
actions, objectives and policies. ANS ; STAKEHOLDERS
The amount of money charged for a product or service, or the sum of the
values that consumers exchange for the benefits of having or using the
product or service. ANS ; PRICE
Usually targeted at the fence sitters and brand switchers. ANS; SALES
Company weakness may include which of the following? ANS; ALL OF
A marketing research to assess the effect an advertisement or some other
promotional activity is having, or has had, on sales of the product being
Sets the price for large companies. ANS; DIVISIONAL OR PRODUCT LINE
Which of these is an aspect that cannot be controlled? ANS
What activity can help a company improve and maintain internal factors?
In this field of transportation, more passengers are transferred, than loads.
Ans; air carriers
Which of these is a step in message development? Ans; evaluation and
External factors that cannot be controlled.The correct answer is: Opportunities
and ThreatsAnother term for SWOT Analysis.The correct answer is: InternalExternal AnalysisIt is a marketing research to assess the effect an advertisement
or some other promotional activity is having,or has had, on sales of the product
being advertised.The correct answer is: Sales effect researchIncludes all the
businesses/organizations that provide materials to its processing /manufacturing
plans.The correct answer is: Material Supplies ChannelThis provides the final goods
to the end user/customer, in a fashion ensuring customer satisfaction throughhigh
levels of customer service.The correct answer is: Products/services distribution
channelInternal factors of the marketing SWOT analysis.The correct answer is:
Strengths and Weaknesses
Sets the price for small companies.The correct answer is: Chief Executive Officer
of CEOCould be convention, trade shows, competition among sales people.The
correct answer is: Sales force incentiveAn organization's strategy combines all of
its marketing goals into one comprehensive plan.The correct answer is: Marketing
StrategyIt is defined as the transportation of the product from the point of
production or transshipment to the pointor points where demand has been
recorded, in order to satisfy the expectations of the production enterpriseand the
consumer.The correct answer is: DistributionAlso called going-rate pricing.The
correct answer is: Competition-based pricingA person, group or organization that
has interest or concern in an organization. Stakeholders can affect or beaffected
by the organization's actions, objectives and policies.The correct answer is:
Stakeholders.In this field of transportation, more passengers are transferred,
than loads.The correct answer is: Air CarriersSets the price for large
companies.The correct answer is: Divisional or product line managersThe amount of
money charged for a product or service, or the sum of the values that
consumers exchangefor the benefits of having or using the product or service.The
correct answer is: PriceIt simplifies the pricing process; price competition may be
minimized and is perceived as more fair to bothbuyers and sellers.The correct
answer is: Cost-based pricingA simple but useful framework for analyzing your
organization's strengths and weaknesses, and theopportunities and threats that
you face.The correct answer is: SWOT AnalysisAn assessment which allows you to
determine how suitable a particular market is for your industry.The correct answer
is: Market AnalysisSeeks to determine whether an ad is communicating
effectively.The correct answer is: Communication Effect ResearchA marketing
research to assess the effect an advertisement or some other promotional activity
is having, orhas had, on sales of the product being advertised.The correct answer
is: Sales Effect ResearchIt is the shifting of a load from a production site to
where demand occurs.The correct answer is: TransportationIncludes all business
activities involved with the flow and transformation of goods and information of
goodsfrom raw materials to the consumer.
The correct answer is: Supply ChainCould be samples, coupons, free trial and
demonstration.The correct answer is: Consumer incentivesThe communication
establishes through a direct channel without using any intermediaries.The correct
answer is: Direct MarketingIt includes all business activities involved with the flow
and transformation of goods and information of goodsfrom raw materials to the
consumer.~Stakeholders.The correct answer is: Supply ChainCan help business
managers gauge the level of demand for new products and the amount that the
averageconsumer is willing to pay for a new product.The correct answer is:
Marketing ResearchDefined as the transportation of the product from the point of
production or transshipment to the point orpoints where demand has been
recorded, in order to satisfy the expectations of the production enterpriseand the
consumer. The correct answer is: Distribution ChannelInvolves all sub-processes of
the distribution, which add value to the product from the customer's perspective
and reflect the speed and accuracy with which the order of a customer is delivered
to him. The correct answer is: Customer ServiceIt is an assessment that allows you
to determine how suitable a particular market is for your industry.The correct
answer is: Market Analysis
This seeks to determine whether an ad is communicating effectively. Called copy
testing, it can bedone before an ad is put into media and after it is printed or
broadcastThe correct answer is: Communication effect research.
SQ 16
Obtaining new business is important to the growth of a company, but
maintaining this drives revenue. Ans; customer relationships
Strategic marketing planning isThe correct answer is: Ongoing processOften
retains the barrier between strategists and implementersThe correct answer is:
Consensus ApproachIt is an advantage of Command Approach.The correct answer
is: It makes decision easierCreated a surge in need for products and services that
range drasticallyThe correct answer is: Baby Boomers generationWhich aspect
contributes to strategic marketing planning?The correct answer is: All of
theseWhich of these is a phase in the strategic marketing process?The correct
answer is: All of these
The regional intergovernmental organization and geopolitical union of
nations in South Asia. Ans; saarc
They purchase capital equipment, raw materials, semi-finished goods, and
other products for use in further production or operations or for resale to
others, whereas final consumers usually acquire the finished items for
personal, family, or household use. Ans; organizational consumers
Which of these is a common mistake in the implementation phase?The correct
answer is: Both of theseThe goal of top managers using this approach is to shape
the organization's culture in such a way that allemployees-top managers to janitors
participate in making decisions that help the organization reach itsobjectives.The
correct answer is: Cultural ApproachIt focuses explicitly on implementation.The
correct answer is: Change ApproachWhat is the primary benefit of strategic
marketing plan?The correct answer is: It puts a written guide in place for a
business to follow to reach its goals andobjectives
LA 20
5/5Marketing strategies are evaluated and selected at the top of the organization and
forced downward to lower levels where frontline managers and employees are expected
to implement them.The correct answer is: Command ApproachThe basic premise here
is to modify the organization in ways that will ensure the successfulimplementation of
the chosen marketing strategy.The correct answer is: Change ApproachOnce you
identify a target customer base, you can determine the potential success of a new
productor service, the marketing methods needed to promote and sell it and the
financial impact of aplanned marketing strategy through prerelease group testing.The
correct answer is: Testing ResearchTo perform this, look at the current costs involved
with all aspects of your business including inventory, distribution and the current costs
of your marketing strategies.The correct answer is: Cost Analysis Involves gathering
data about your customers during or after check out and then tabulating thisinformation
in a spreadsheet for comparison.The correct answer is: Customer AnalysisShort Quiz
17 10/10A marketing perspective that emphasizes pushing the productanswer: Salesoriented philosophyWhen it comes to your customers you need to keep in mind
the importance of this.answer: Target marketingThe process of getting the product to
the consumeranswer: Distribution sectionDoing this your target market can help you set
prices for your products and services, serve as guidance when you create promotional
efforts to advertise your brand and help you decide how todistribute your
products.answer: OutliningTo understand your customers' needs and develop a plan
that surrounds those needs.answer: Essence of marketing
The process of dividing an entire market up into different customer segments ANS: Market segmentation
The three ways to classify what the customer wans ANS; NEED WANTS DEMAND
Target marketing provides a focus to this ANS; marketing activities
They have sophisticated options to allow businesses to target users based on market segments: ANS;
They suggested a six step question framework for successful positioning ANS; TROUT AND RIES
They generally relate to external factors ans;strength weakness opportunities threats
This method sets a product's price based on what it costs your business to provide it ANS; COST BASED
Includes fliers, postcards, brochures, letters, catalogs and other material
that is printed and mailed directly to consumers
This method focuses on what the competition charges ans; COMPETITION BASED PRICING
Includes fliers, postcards, brochures, letters, catalogs and other material
that is printed and mailed directly to consumers. Ans; direct mail
The Percentage of a given market population that is buying a product or service from a particular
Exploration is the process when
customer investigates or tests the
supplier's capabilities
and performance or cross verifies
the product or brands usefulness.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True
Set when a retailer wants to reduce the price of a product ANS: MARKDOWN PRICE
Which of these is a type of a distribution strategy? ANS; ALL OF THESE
It consist of selecting a segment of the market as company's target market
and designing the proper mix of product/service, price, promotion and
distribution system. Ans; market strategy
Which of these are mainly transported via air? Ans; all of these
Its objective is to design a marketing mix that precisely matches the expectations of customers in the targeted
Every marketing plan is unique because each business has these ANS; MARKETING GOALS
Involves breaking a market into segments and then concentrating your marketing efforts on one or a
Few key segments consisting of the customers whose needs and desires most closely match your
product or service offerings. ANS; TARGET MARKETING
The process of creating a strong image in the mind of the consumer ANS; PRODUCT POSITIONING
Helps you define the marketing elements for successfully positioning your market offer ANS; MARKETING MIX
It helps you to define your marketing options in terms of price, product, promotion, and place so thatyour offering
meets a specific customer need or demand ANS; THE 4PS OF MARKETING
What is the mathematical formula for the Markup Amount ANS; Wholesale Cost * Markup
A pathway in which the product goes from the producer to one or more intermediaries before
itreaches the consumer ANS; INDIRECT CHANNEL
What are the basic market-segmentation strategies ANS; Behavioral, Demographic, Psychographic, and
What do gaps symbolize in a positioning map ANS: Possible areas for new products
What is the mathematical formula for the Markdown Price ANS; Retail Price - Markdown Amount
Which of these is a basic factor that affects market segmentation ANS; ALL OF THESE
Set when a retail store buys a product from a wholesaler, they add an additional amount to the wholesale cost to
make a profit ANS; MARKUP PRICE
What is the first question in the six-step question framework for successful positioning ANS. What position do you
currently own
What is the mathematical formula for the Markup Price ANS. Wholesale Cost + Markup Amount
What are the segments according to monthly earnings ANS; HIGH MID LOW
The various ways that a product can reach the consumer ANS.DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS
It is based on the theory that the choices that people make when purchasing goods or services arereflections
of their lifestyle preferences or socio-economic class ANS. Psychographic Segmentation
Why is market segmentation and targeting necessary? ANS. To identify and target certain demographic groups
What is the last step in the six-step question framework for successful positioning? ANS. Are your tactics
supporting the positioning objective you set
A small unit within a large market comprising of like-minded individuals. ANS.MARKET
Why is it not feasible to go after all customers ANS. ALL OF THESE
Small businesses often focus on innovate products that meet the needs of
specific niche markets within larger markets. ANS. CONSUMER DEMANDS
What are the things you should base your product on? ANS; BOTH TARGET MARKETS AND POTENTIAL
A pathway in which a product goes from the producer straight to the consumer ANS; DIRECT
After segmenting a market and then targeting a consumer, you would proceed to position a product
within that market ANS; MARKET POSITIONING
A good place to start when you are thinking through your plans for a product or service, and it helpsyou
to avoid these kinds of mistakes ans;the marketing mix
Usually targeted at the fence sitters and brand switchers. Ans; sales promotion
The major function of this office is to handle press releases, support product publicity, create andmaintain the
corporate image, handle matters with lawmakers, guide management with respect topublic issues ans;
public relations
To support corporate and product branding activities is the direct responsibility of this ans; marketing
public relation
Which of these aspects can be considered as external factors in SWOT Analysis ans; all of these
Should describe the approach to creating customer awareness of product or serviceanswer: Promotion
sectionShould include the most likely, best case, and worst case scenariosanswer: Actual sales
forecastBy selecting particular verticals to present your offerings, it is important to consider youranswer:
Virtual segmentationWhich of these can help increase organic growth?answer:All of theseThe most
effective way to grow and expand your business is by focusing on thisanswer: Organic growthLearning
Activity 21 5/5Original intellectual creations, including inventions, literary creations, and works of art,
that areprotected by patents or copyrights.answer: Intellectual PropertyThe basic physical product
and/or service that delivers those benefits.answer:Actual product or serviceThe fundamental benefit or
solution sought by customers.answer: Core product or serviceThe process of locating and describing
potential customers.answer: Marketing AnalysisThe basic product and/or service plus any extra or
unsolicited benefits to the consumer that mayprompt a purchase.answer: Augmented product or
serviceTo cause someone to believe something especially after a sustained effort.ans: PERSUADEThe
amount of money that a company actually receives during a specific period, including discountsand
deductions for returned merchandise.ans: REVENUEIn this section, customers will be motivated to
buy.ans: PROMOTIONThe process of separating something into its constituent elements.ans:
ANALYSISYou develop a break-even computation in this section.
ans: PRICINGSHORT QUIZ 18. 8/10 lang po ako, yung may *** yan po ang sagot. Kayo na bahala sa
dalawangmaling sagot. Thank you!Question 1CompleteMark 1.00 out of 1.00Not flaggedFlag
questionQuestion textWhich of these is a key step in estimating market potential?Select one:a. Define
your target market and market segments.b. Determine the average household income for the area and
state.c. Derive average expenditures for the category.d. All of these ***Question 2Complete
The entire size of the market for a product at a specific time. It represents the upper limits of themarket
for a product.Select one:a. Marketing Planb. Marketing Researchc. Market Segmentationd. Market
Potential ***Question 3CompleteMark 1.00 out of 1.00Not flaggedFlag questionQuestion textWhat is a
Sales Forecast?Select one:a. Essential component of business plan because is critical to assessing the
feasibility of a newventureb. Prediction of how much of a product or service will be purchased within a
givenmarket during aspecified time periodc. None of thesed. Both of these ***Question
4CompleteMark 1.00 out of 1.00Not flaggedFlag questionQuestion textA type of forecasting where sales
is the estimated variable.Select one:a. Indirectb. Starting Pointc. Predicting Variabled. Direct
***Question 5CompleteMark 0.00 out of 1.00Not flaggedFlag questionQuestion textAll potential buyers
in a target market's submarkets areidentified and then the estimated demand isadded up.Select one:a.
None of theseb. Buildup processc. Chain-ratio methodd. Breakdown process (wrong)Question
6CompleteMark 1.00 out of 1.00Not flaggedFlag questionQuestion textWhat is the formula for Market
Select one:a. MP= N – P – Q
b. MP = N + P + Q
c. MP= N – P –Q
d. MP = N x P x Q ***
Question 7CompleteMark 1.00 out of 1.00Not flaggedFlag questionQuestion textWhat is the final step in
the marketing research process?Select one:a. Visualize your datab. Analyze your datac. Collect your
Datad. Communicate results ***Question 8CompleteMark 0.00 out of 1.00Not flaggedFlag
questionQuestion textA qualitative form of research.Select one:a. Marketing (wrongb. Exploratoryc.
Descriptived. CausalQuestion 9CompleteMark 1.00 out of 1.00Not flaggedFlag questionQuestion
textWhich of these is a limitation of forecasting?Select one:a. All of these ***b. Used less frequently by
small businessesc. Forecasting process unfamiliar to management teamd. Business manager may be
unfamiliar with methods of quantitative analysisQuestion 10CompleteMark 1.00 out of 1.00Not
flaggedFlag questionQuestion textThe specific characteristics that distinguish market segments
according to the benefits sought bycustomers.Select one:a. Demographic variablesb. Benefit variables
***c. Segmentation variablesd. None of theseLEARNING ACTIVITY 22 5/5
The most important step in the market research process.Select one:
a. Descriptive Research
b. Exploratory Research
c. Marketing Research
d. Defining the goals of the project ***
The specific characteristics that describe customers and their purchasing power.Select one
a. Demographic variables ***b. Segmentation variablesc. Causal Researchd. Design and prepare your
research instrumentThe most specific type of research is causal research, which usually comes in the
form of a field testor experiment.Select one:a. Causal Research ***b. Demographic variablesc. Design
and prepare your research instrumentd. Segmentation variablesThe parameters used to distinguish one
form of market behavior from another.Select one:a. Design and prepare your research instrumentb.
Segmentation variables ***c. Demographic variablesd. Causal ResearchThis form of research is used
when the topic is not well defined or understood, your hypothesis is notwell defined, and your
knowledge of a topic is vague.Select one:a. Descriptive Researchb. Defining the goals of the projectc.
Exploratory Research ***d. Marketing ResearchPRIM 121 LONG QUIZ 5 mga lodi nahirapan ako dyn kac
nag babago ang tanongpati rin ung 2nd quarter exam
Started on Friday, 27 October 2017, 8:59 AMState FinishedCompleted on Friday, 27 October 2017, 9:09
AMTime taken 10 mins 1 secGrade 25.00 out of 30.00 (83%)Question 1CompleteMark 1.00 out of
1.00Not flaggedFlag questionQuestion textA service offered by companies that focuses on the internal
and external needs of a business'scustomers.answerConsumer OrientationQuestion 2CompleteMark
1.00 out of 1.00
Not flaggedFlag questionQuestion textCarries the participative style of the consensus approach to the
lower levels of the organization.answerCultural ApproachQuestion 3CompleteMark 1.00 out of 1.00Not
flaggedFlag questionQuestion textThis is the process of locating and describing potential
customers.answerMarket AnalysisQuestion 4CompleteMark 1.00 out of 1.00Not flaggedFlag
questionQuestion textIt describes business activities involved in accomplishing specific marketing
objectives within a setperiod.answerMarketing PlanQuestion 5CompleteMark 1.00 out of 1.00Not
flaggedFlag questionQuestion textA strategy that recognizes the existence of several distinct market
segments but focuses on only themost profitable segment.answerSingle-segment strategyQuestion
6CompleteMark 1.00 out of 1.00Not flaggedFlag questionQuestion textIt is the process of thinking about
and organizing the activities required to achieve a desired goal. Itinvolves the creation and maintenance
of a plan, such as psychological aspects that requireconceptual skills.answerPlanningQuestion
7CompleteMark 0.00 out of 1.00Not flaggedFlag questionQuestion textHere, top managers and lowerlevel managers work together to evaluate and develop marketing strategies.answerChange Approach
Question 8CompleteMark 0.00 out of 1.00Not flaggedFlag questionQuestion textBusiness activities that
direct the creation, development, and delivery of a bundle of satisfaction fromthe creator to the
targeted user.answerIntellectual PropertyQuestion 9CompleteMark 0.00 out of 1.00Not flaggedFlag
questionQuestion textInvolves checking out the new products or services offered by your competitors,
examining theirmarketing strategies and determining whether they are succeeding or failing with their
businesses.answerCustomer FeedbackQuestion 10CompleteMark 1.00 out of 1.00Not flaggedFlag
questionQuestion textA strategy that recognizes different preferences of individual market segments
and develops aunique marketing mix for each.answerMulti-segment strategyQuestion 11CompleteMark
1.00 out of 1.00Not flaggedFlag questionQuestion textInvolves the gathering of information about a
particular market, followed by analysis of thatinformation and estimation of projected costs and
compare costs with benefits.answerMarketing ResearchQuestion 12CompleteMark 1.00 out of 1.00Not
flaggedFlag questionQuestion textIt is a comprehensive document or blueprint that outlines a
company's advertising and marketingefforts for the coming year. It describes business activities involved
in accomplishing specificmarketing objectives within a set period.answerMarketing PlanQuestion
13CompleteMark 1.00 out of 1.00Not flaggedFlag questionQuestion text
A description of potential customers in a target market.answerCustomer ProfileQuestion
14CompleteMark 0.00 out of 1.00Not flaggedFlag questionQuestion textThis is the process that the
operational and managerial staff of a company goes through to createand implement effective
marketing strategies.answerMarketing PlanQuestion 15CompleteMark 1.00 out of 1.00Not flaggedFlag
questionQuestion textA marketing control technique similar to testing research, but instead of gaining
insight into futureproducts and services, you evaluate customers' opinions of existing products or
services and themarketing methods you currently use.answerCustomer FeedbackQuestion
16CompleteMark 0.00 out of 1.00Not flaggedFlag questionQuestion textEmphasizes the product as the
single most important part of the business.answerActual product or serviceQuestion 17CompleteMark
1.00 out of 1.00Not flaggedFlag questionQuestion textIn this step of the market research process, it is
time to design your research tool.answerDesign and prepare your research instrumentQuestion
18CompleteMark 1.00 out of 1.00Not flaggedFlag questionQuestion textInvolves combining customer
experiences with the overall direction the company wants and needs totake in order to
succeed.answerStrategic Marketing PlanningQuestion 19CompleteMark 1.00 out of 1.00Not flaggedFlag
question A description of potential customers in a target market.answerCustomer ProfileQuestion
20CompleteMark 1.00 out of 1.00Not flaggedFlag questionQuestion textIt involves the gathering of
information about a particular market, followed by analysis of thatinformation and estimation of
projected costs and compare costs with benefits.answerMarketing Research
SQ 19
Something that can be used as a way to judge the quality or level of other, similar things
– Benchmark
Should be stated as goals the company would like to reach during the plan’s term.
– Objectives,
The organization where sales and marketing people are assigned to specific countries, regions,
A marketing control that involves looking at whether the company’s basic strategies are well
matched to its opportunities
– Strategic,
The sum of all activities involved in the chain of moving products from the producer to end-user.
– Marketing,
A meeting at which a group of people engages in intensive discussion and activity on a particular subject
or project.
– Workshop,
This last section of the Marketing Plan outlines the control measures that will be used to monitor
– Controls,
A series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end.
The organization where a functional specialist heads different marketing activities
A marketing control that involves checking ongoing performance against the annual plan and taking
corrective action when necessary.
– Operating
LA 23 5/5 The process of dividing the total market.SelectA.. Market Segmentation✔ ✔ ✔
Question 2CompleteMark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not flaggedFlag questionQuestion text They stand at the
center of the marketing process.Select one: d. Target customers✔ ✔ ✔
Question 3CompleteMark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not flaggedFlag questionQuestion text The process of
designing strategies for profitably serving chosen segments better than the competition.Select one:a.
Market Positioning✔ ✔ ✔
Question 4CompleteMark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not flaggedFlag questionQuestion text The set of controllable
marketing variables that the firm blends to produce the response it wants in the target market.
c. Marketing Mix✔ ✔ ✔
The total amount of resources that a firm puts into the Marketing Mix in order to stimulate demand for
its goods and services .Select one: b. Marketing Effort✔ ✔ ✔
SHORT QUIZ 20 10/10Public Relations has great _______ because others write it
– Credibility,
The issue with sales collateral
,A fundamental and complex partof a company’s marketing efforts –MarCom,
A large outdoor advertising structure
– Billboard,
The primary method of generating leads, closing sales and servicing accounts.
– Sales,
It is a unified, organized group of programs and promotional messages that have one theme or central
– Campaign,
The creation and placement of paid messages to inform potential customers and solicit sales of your
– Advertising,
A quantitative expression of a financial plan for a defined period.
– Budget,
A marketing program implements this.
– Tactics,
It supplements Face-to-face selling
– Telemarketing
LA 24
The objective externally is to motivate customers to buy now. Internally, it motivates sales force to sell
ANS; Sales Promotion✔ ✔ ✔
Should be designed to expose your product to the largest possible segment of your target market in the
most effective, efficient way. c. Media Plan✔ ✔ ✔
The standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose
of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy.ANS;. North
American Industry Classification System/NAICS✔ ✔ ✔
Some of the reasons for participation are to connect with key media players and editors, evaluate
competition, talk with customers and prospects and sell products b. Trades shows, events and
conferences✔ ✔ ✔
They need to be selected based on whom you are trying to reach, what you are trying to accomplish and
how much you have to do it with. b. Media Mix components✔ ✔ ✔
What are the marketing management functions? d. Analysis, planning, implementation, control ✔ ✔
The process of analyzing market opportunities, selecting target markets, developing the marketing mix,
and managing the marketing effort d. Marketing Process✔ ✔ ✔
Which of these are components of promotional mix?:a. All of these ✔ ✔ ✔
Allows the company to gather information about their customers, competitors and any environmental
changes to determine the market opportunities .:a. Marketing research✔ ✔ ✔
Which of these is a key issue of sales force? c. Both Training and Automation ✔ ✔ ✔
The opening section of the marketing plan that presents a short summary of the main goals and
recommendations to be presented in the plan c. Executive Summary ✔ ✔ ✔
What is the first step in the Advertising Decision Process? c. Set specific advertising goals✔ ✔ ✔
By definition, it is a subset of sales promotion c. Trade shows, events and conferences✔ ✔ ✔
What is the last step in the marketing control process - Take corrective action ✔ ✔ ✔
It is an activity with well-defined responsibilities, deadlines and measurable results c. Marketing
Program✔ ✔ ✔
A primary tool of B-to-B marketing.
a. All of these✔ ✔ ✔
What does a marketing plan do? d. All of these✔ ✔ ✔
An estimated projection of costs required to promote a business' products or services. b. Marketing
Budget✔ ✔ ✔
Please select which of these is a type of advertising. All of these ✔ ✔ ✔
Its purpose is to find out who wants or needs your product and under what conditions will they buy it -.
Marketing Research ✔ ✔ ✔
What is the final step in building a budget? d. Determine programs ✔ ✔ ✔
A written material represents and explains your product to potential customers.- Sales Collateral ✔
When creating a media plan, which of these questions do you need to answer. Both of these✔ ✔ ✔
Can be formulated to meet the needs of the target market. d. Marketing Strategy
It includes advertising, direct marketing, branding, packaging, your online presence, printed materials,
PR activities, sales presentations, sponsorships, trade show appearances and more. d. Marketing
Provides a stable base from which your company can enter the competitive marketplace. b. Marketing
Plan✔ ✔ ✔
Begins with actually differentiating the company's marketing offer so that it gives consumers more value
than they are offered by the competition. d. Effective Positioning✔ ✔ ✔
It is where a product manager develops a complete strategy for a product or brand. c. Product
Management Organization✔ ✔ ✔
The major tool for accomplishing strategic control. b. Marketing audit
It is where a specific market plan is developed for each specific market or customer. a. Customer
Management Organization
What is the first step of the marketing process? c. Analyzing market opportunities
It involves planting commercially significant news in the media. b. Public Relations
Which of these is an element to focus on when selecting media? d. All of these
It uses marketing databases to track responses and results at a customer level. d. Direct Marketing
Most companies enter a new market by c. A single segment
A fundamental and complex part of a company's marketing b. Marketing Communications
Relationship Marketing concentrates on selected customer :True
It is an activity with well-defined responsibilities, deadlines and measurable b. Marketing Program
The process of measuring and evaluating the results of marketing strategies and plans, and taking
corrective action to ensure that marketing objectives are attained a. Marketing Control
Purchase Decision would mean choosing buying alternative which includes product, package, store
,method of purchase. - True
Relationship Marketing is more popularly known as Social Marketing when a firm takes care of its
responsibility. False
This is the entire size of the market for a product at a specific time. It represents the upper limits of the
market for a product - . Market Potential
The establishment of a Market Economy wrought marked changes in the social and economic structure.
It is objective is to design a marketing mix that precisely matches the expectations of customers in the
targeted d. Market Segmentation
The four P's of Marketing: Product, Price, Promotion and PlaceSelect one: True
Relationship with customers cannot change from time to time because it evolved under distinguished
situations. False
Companies must first look at demographic and historical data about their customers to understand who
they are. True
Psychographic segmentation is one which uses peoples lifestyle, their activities, interests as well as
opinions to define a market segment. True
Enhance Customer Relationships : Yes
It isn’t a quick fix or a policy etc. ans; customer service
There is no need to establish criteria for evaluation features the buyer wants or does not want. false
They are often internal to your organization. Ans; strengths and
The confidence of product concept is a radical concept but the confidence
leads to the consumer being overlooked, since the organization has the
great knowledge and skill in making the product, the organization also
assumes it knows what is best for the consumer. Ans; false
What is the final step in the marketing research process?d.Communicate
Commitment is a powerful stage when suppliers learn to adapting business
rules and goal to excel. Ans; true
This is the process of locating and describing potential d. Market Analysis
The focus of Marketing Concept, "The customer is king" It determines what the consumer wants, then
produce the same and sell the same. Avoid having a dissatisfied customer - True
Marketing Environment represents a mix between the internal and external forces which surround an
organization and have an impact upon it, especially their ability to build and maintain successful
relationships with target customers True
It includes all business activities involved with the flow and transformation of goods and informationof
goods from raw materials to the consumer a. Supply Chain
Smaller companies typically invest the most in carrying out sophisticated relationship marketing
campaigns. False
It is a comprehensive document or blueprint that outlines a company's advertising and marketing efforts
for the coming year. It describes business activities involved in accomplishing specific marketing
objectives within a set c. Marketing Plan
Which of these is a characteristic of organization buying? Ans; all of these
One of the main purposes of developing a marketing plan is to set the company on a specific path in
marketing – True
No conscious buying ans; impulse buying
The mission of the customer service department is to retain and to encourage increased business from
customers by efficiently satisfying the needs of the customers- True
This is a model for enhancing the components of your 'marketing mix' - the way in which you take a new
product or service to market b. The 4Ps of Marketing
This is the combination of product, pricing, promotion, and distribution activities.- Marketing Mix
It involves the gathering of information about a particular market, followed by analysis of
thatinformation and estimation of projected costs and compare costs with benefits. Marketing Research
The process that turns marketing plans into marketing actions in order to accomplish strategic
marketing objectives :a. Marketing Implementation
It is defined as the transportation of the product from the point of production or transshipment to the
point or points where demand has been recorded, in order to satisfy the expectations of theproduction
enterprise and the d. Distribution
An organization's strategy combines all of its marketing goals into one comprehensive plan
. Marketing Strategy
Maslow hierarchy of needs covers the following needs: Physiological, Safety, Love and
Belonging,Esteem, Self Actualization True
Your client relies on you for the products and services that you supply regularly, and she may start
tocome to you for items that seem associated with the product line but you do not sell.
Select one: True
Relationship Marketing is a facet of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) that focuses
onCustomer Loyalty and Long Term Customer Engagement. Select one: True
Market Segmentation is the process of defining and subdividing a large homogenous market into clearly
identifiable segments having seminal needs, wants or demand characteristics. True
Primary information is the data that the company has collected directly or that has been collected bya
person or business hired to conduct the research – True
The focus of Business Marketing is on Industrial Goods or Capital Goods
rather than Consumer Products or End Products. Ans; true
Customer Service is the support you offer your customers.Select one:True
Includes all the businesses/organizations who provide materials to its processing /manufacturing plans.
–Material Supplies Channel
Narrow your target market to a manageable size. Many businesses make the mistake of trying toappeal
to too many target markets. d. Information about the TARGET MARKET
Question 39CompleteMark 1.00 out of 1.00Not flaggedFlag questionQuestion textThe classical
economist has assumed markets to be foreign wherein demanders and suppliers knewof each other
presence.Select one:TrueFalse
Question 40CompleteMark 1.00 out of 1.00Not flaggedFlag questionQuestion textStrong Buyer
PersonalitySelect one:YesNo
It is important to build effective customer relationships.Select one:
FalseQuestion 42CompleteMark 1.00 out of 1.00Not flaggedFlag questionQuestion textBusiness Market
Research is the process of collecting data to determine whether a particularproduct / service will satisfy
the needs of your customers.Select one:True
FalseQuestion 43CompleteMark 1.00 out of 1.00Not flaggedFlag questionQuestion textIt is the creation
and placement of paid messages to inform potential customers and solicit sales ofyour productSelect
one:a. Marketing Implementationb. Advertising
c. Marketing Researchd. Market PotentialQuestion 44CompleteMark 1.00 out of 1.00Not flaggedFlag
questionQuestion textThe process of analyzing market opportunities, selecting target markets,
developing the marketingmix, and managing the marketing effortSelect one:a. Supply Chainb. Market
Planning Process
c. Marketing Strategyd. TransportationQuestion 45CompleteMark 1.00 out of 1.00Not flaggedFlag
questionQuestion textBranding is the final component of relationship marketing. A company can form a
long termrelationship with a client if that client feels like the brand they purchase reflects who they are
or whothey want to be.Select one:True
FalseQuestion 46CompleteMark 1.00 out of 1.00Not flaggedFlag questionQuestion text
An estimated projection of costs required to promote a business' products or servicesSelect one:a.
Market Segmentationb. Marketing Budget
c. Marketing Communicationsd. The 4Ps of MarketingQuestion 47CompleteMark 1.00 out of 1.00Not
flaggedFlag questionQuestion textTelemarketing is one of the most effective way of convincing
clients.Select one:True
FalseQuestion 48CompleteMark 1.00 out of 1.00Not flaggedFlag questionQuestion textThis provides
the final goods to the end user/customer, in a fashion ensuring customer satisfactionthrough high levels
of customer serviceSelect one:a. Marketing Programb. Distributionc. Material Supplies Channeld.
Products/services distribution channel
Question 49CompleteMark 1.00 out of 1.00Not flaggedFlag questionQuestion textInteracting directly
with customers, would mean putting on special events, calling a customer to lether know that the style
she's looking for is now in stock or simply spending time chatting wihcustomers about topics that aren't
necessarily related to business.Select one:True
FalseQuestion 50CompleteMark 1.00 out of 1.00Not flaggedFlag questionQuestion textIt is the shifting
of a load from a production site to where demand occursSelect one:a. Market Planning Processb.
c. Marketing Strategyd. Supply Chain
Which of these is a general pricing approach ans; all of these
A regional organization comprising seven Member States lying in the
littoral and adjacent areas of the Bay of Bengal constituting a contiguous
regional unit ans; bimstec
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------The major criteria that customers use to distinguish competing products. All
of these
Social Media Sites allow business to engage their customers in an informal
and ongoing way ; true
If you present your clients with new ideas to help them better manage their
business, then your competition will beat you to it. false
We need to hire people who genuinely care about the company and
customers. Ans; true
What is the principle that Activity based costing is based on? Ans; both of
What is the most important thing you can do to improve relationships with
your customers? Ans; improve customer service
The foundation of a well-written
marketing plan ans; solid
marketing strategy
A process in which the organization gives a single order to a single
organization for supplying a full system.
The decision-making process by which formal organizations establish the
need for purchased products and services and identify, evaluate, and
choose among alternative brands and suppliers ans; organization buying
Includes radio and television commercials, as well as specialized forms like
on screen movie theater advertising. Ans; broadcast
A strong company will already have great customer relationships. But a
smart company will always be asking this question.
Made up of factors that are close to the firm and affect it on a 'day to day'
basis; usually these factors interact with the firm or are involved in the same
industry ans; micro environment
Can pertain to how a group of individuals feels about certain social issues,
which can be of interest to nonprofit or charitable organizations. Ans;
consumer values
Which of these is a category of sea carriers? Ans; both of these
It incorporates many forms of Advertising and Marketing. It is the most
recognizable type of marketing, encompassing the advertisements that we
see and hear every day. Ans; traditional marketing
These factors are related to the buyers and their reactions. Ans; individual
SWOT Analysis can be used to kick-off this. Ans; strategy formulation
Businesses have to sell more than they spend to make profit and stay in
business ans; costs
Demand for a product is greater than supply. A production orientation
maybe deployed when the demand for a product or service is high coupled
with a good certainty that consumer will not rapidly alter.
The customer is the boss: ans; yes/true
A qualitative form of research ans; exploratory
Health of the economy in terms of inflation, income levels, gross domestic
product, unemployment, and job outlook. Ans; economic conditions
Marketing may mean nonsatisfaction of clients.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'
Includes requested calling and
cold calling of consumers over the
Select one:
a. Telemarketing
b. Broadcast
c. Push Marketing
d. Direct Mail
The correct answer is:
Which of the following is an example of research?
The intersection of the total revenue and total cost curves. Ans; break even
Which of these belong to the 4Ps of Marketing? Ans; promotion
In the past, people chose which companies they did business with based on
price or brand, but today this is the driver ans; overall experience
They are unlikely to come forward with their problems, so consider an
anonymous suggestion box or an employee engagement survey to see
what makes your employees tick. Ans; dissatisfied employees
It is the act of determining the needs and wants of the market. Ans;
marketing research
This is where you cultivate an
atmosphere of transparency and
Select one:
a. Interact directly with customers
b. Solicit customer input when
making changes to your product
or services
c. Vary the type of
communications you send your
d. Strive to genuinely improve
your customers' lives
The correct answer is: Strive to
genuinely improve your
customers' lives
Many business products are specialized and require a high degree of
technical customization for specific applications. The widely varying needs
of business customers dictate highly personalized marketing, including
customized products, services and prices. Ans; more complex products
Most common pricing mistake: ans pricing based on costs