Taking Corona Vaccine This survey is conducted only on the student of An university 1. Select the gender Male Female 2. Select the age 15-25 25-35 35-45 45-55 Above 55 3. Do you stay at university managed accommodation (Hall)? 1 yes 2 no 4. (If yes) Mention the name of your hall. ………………………………………. 5. Did you take the both doses Corona vaccine? 1 Yes 2 No 6. (IF NO,) what is the reason? 1st dose vaccine complete and waiting for the second dose registration complete but waiting for vaccine date couldn't get vaccine for not having voter ID Other 7. (IF YES TO Q. 1, ASK:) How satisfied were you with the whole vaccine procedure? Were you . . . 1 Very satisf ed 2 Somewhat satisf ed 3 Somewhat dissatisf ed 4 Very dissatisf ed (IF SOMEWHAT OR VERY DISSATISFIED:) In what way were you dissatisf ed? 8. (ASK EVERYONE:) Did you suffer from any side effects? 1 Yes 2 No SKIP TO Q. 6 9. IF YES, ASK: what were the side effects? …………………………………………….. 10. after taking the vaccine did you ever tested positive of corona virus? 1 Yes 2 No 11. IF YES, ASK: how severe was your condition? 1. Hospitalization required 2. Personalized home care 3. Asymptomatic 12. are you receiving any support from your University in regard to your vaccination? 1. yes 2 . no 13. did Jahangirnagar Universe take any satisfactory steps regarding social distancing? 1. yes 2 . no 14. do you feel safe now that the halls and classes of Jahangirnagar university has opened? 1. yes 2 . no 15. IF No, Explain your reasoning? …………………………………………………………………… Online shopping Select the gender Male Female Select the age 15-25 25-35 35-45 45-55 Above 55 Select your current annual household income 30000-80000 80000-130000 130000-180000 Other Are you a member of social networking site? Yes No (If yes) How many social networking sites are you a member of? None 1-10 11-20 21-50 Above 50 Please select all social networks that you like to do shopping? Facebook youtube pinterest Twitter MySpace Blogger.com Others