Appendix As Annotated Mplus Syntax for Factorial Invariance Testing Across Within-Level Groups Multilevel factor mixture model TITLE: ML FMM for Configural Invariance DATA: file is demo.dat; VARIABLE: names are y1-y5 cluster g; usevariables are y1-y5; cluster = cluster ; !name of the cluster variable classes = cg (2); !name of latent classes with the number of classes within parentheses !number of groups with knownclass option knownclass = cg (g=0 g=1); !latent classes are replaced with observed groups !grouping variable g with 0 for group1 and 1 for group2 ANALYSIS: type = twolevel mixture; MODEL: %within% %overall% fw1 by y1-y5; %cg#2% fw1 by y2-y5; !factor loadings of group2 are relaxed except y1 y1-y5; !residual variances of group2 are relaxed %between% %overall% fb1 by y1-y5; %cg#2% [y2-y5]; !intercepts of group2 are relaxed except y1 TITLE: ML FMM for Weak Invariance DATA: file is demo.dat; VARIABLE: names are y1-y5 cluster g; usevariables are y1-y5; cluster = cluster ; !name of the cluster variable classes = cg (2); !name of latent classes with the number of classes within parentheses !number of groups with knownclass option knownclass = cg (g=0 g=1); !latent classes are replaced with observed groups !grouping variable g with 0 for group1 and 1 for group2 ANALYSIS: type = twolevel mixture; MODEL: %within% %overall% fw1 by y1-y5; %cg#2% y1-y5; !residual variances of group2 are relaxed %between% %overall% fb1 by y1-y5; %cg#2% [y2-y5]; !intercepts of group2 are relaxed except y1 TITLE: ML FMM for Strong Invariance DATA: file is demo.dat; VARIABLE: names are y1-y5 cluster g; usevariables are y1-y5; cluster = cluster ; !name of the cluster variable classes = cg (2); !name of latent classes with the number of classes within parentheses !number of groups with knownclass option knownclass = cg (g=0 g=1); !latent classes are replaced with observed groups !grouping variable g with 0 for group1 and 1 for group2 ANALYSIS: type = twolevel mixture; MODEL: %within% %overall% fw1 by y1-y5; %cg#2% y1-y5; !residual variances of group2 are relaxed %between% %overall% fb1 by y1-y5; Multilevel MIMIC model TITLE: ML MIMIC Relaxed Model for Each Item; DATA: file is demo.dat; VARIABLE: names are y1-y5 cluster g; usevariables are y1-y5 g; cluster = cluster ; !name of the cluster variable within = g ; !grouping variable g is specified as a within-level covariate ANALYSIS: type = twolevel random; algorithm = integration; MODEL: %within% fw1 by y1-y5; fw1 on g; !test a group difference in a within-level factor intract | fw1 XWITH g; !create an interaction between a latent variable !and an observed grouping variable y1 on g intract; !test invariance of intercept and factor loading of y1 !each item should be tested one by one in a separate run %between% fb1 by y1-y5; TITLE: ML MIMIC Constrained Model; DATA: file is demo.dat; VARIABLE: names are y1-y5 cluster g; usevariables are y1-y5 g; cluster = cluster ; !name of the cluster variable within = g ; !grouping variable g is specified as a within-level covariate ANALYSIS: type = twolevel random; algorithm = integration; MODEL: %within% fw1 by y1-y5; fw1 on g; !test a group difference in a within-level factor intract | fw1 XWITH g; !create an interaction between a latent variable !and an observed grouping variable y1 on intract@0; !fix the interaction effect at zero, i.e., factor loading invariance of y1 !y1 on g also fixed at zero by default, i.e., intercept invariance of y1 !replacing y1 with other observed variables does not change the model fit %between% fb1 by y1-y5; Appendix Bs PISA 2003 Mathematics Self-Efficacy Iems Items Q31a Q31b Q31c Q31d Q31h Using a train timetable to work out how long it would take to get from one place to another Calculating how much cheaper A TV would be after a 30% discount Calculating how many square metres of tiles you need to cover a floor Understanding graphs presented in newspapers Calculating the petrol consumption rate of a car Note. The self-efficacy items asked “How confident do you feel about having to do the following mathematics tasks?” on a 4-point Likert scale where 1 = very confident, 2 = confident, 3 = not very confident, and 4 = not at all confident. Appendix Cs Parameter Estimates and Model Fit Indices of Multilevel Factor Mixture Model for PISA 2003 Mathematics Self-Efficacy Measure Configural Weak Strong Parameters Female Male Female Male Female Male λ1 1.000 1.000 1.000 λ2 1.025 1.024 1.025 1.028 Factor λ3 1.092 1.040 1.057 1.053 loadings λ4 0.788 0.840 0.821 0.824 λ5 1.010 0.917 0.951 0.928 Within Factor variance Φ 0.243 0.305 0.250 0.301 0.250 0.304 level 0.356 0.326 0.353 0.327 0.353 0.326 σ2 1 Residual variance Factor loadings Between level Intercepts Model fit indices Factor means Factor variance Free parameters Log likelihood Correction Factor AIC BIC SSBIC SB LR σ2 2 0.397 0.328 0.393 0.329 0.392 0.328 σ2 3 0.394 0.395 0.399 0.394 0.399 0.393 σ2 4 0.541 0.508 0.536 0.511 0.543 0.513 σ2 5 λ1 λ2 λ3 λ4 λ5 τ1 τ2 τ3 τ4 τ5 κ Φ 0.450 0.535 1.000 0.980 0.925 0.912 0.783 2.183 1.943 1.937 2.092 2.058 2.006 2.106 2.453 2.222 0.244 0.000 0.074 36 -27086.597 1.310 54245.194 54474.132 54359.739 4.648 0.458 0.532 0.468 0.542 1.000 0.977 0.964 0.817 1.020 2.163 1.920 2.049 2.054 2.286 0.279 0.000 0.067 28 -27134.208 1.412 54324.417 54502.479 54413.507 98.475** 1.000 0.980 0.925 0.912 0.786 2.183 1.943 1.938 2.092 2.058 2.006 2.106 2.453 2.222 0.245 0.000 0.074 32 -27088.890 1.350 54241.779 54445.279 54343.596 Note. SB LR = Satorra-Bentler scaled likelihood ratio test, * < .05, ** < .001 Appendix Ds Uniform and Nonuniform Factorial Invariance Testing Using Multilevel MIMIC Models for PISA 2003 Mathematical Self-Efficacy Measure Item tested for factorial invariance in a relaxed model Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Item regressed on Interactiona genderb Model fit Free parameters Log likelihood Correction factor AIC BIC ssBIC SB LR Constrained model .053 .037 .008 .038 .035 .033 .056c .107**c .127*c -.202**c 0 0 23 -24217.865 1.277 48481.729 48627.995 48554.910 3.746 23 -24218.164 1.275 48482.327 48628.593 48555.508 3.131 23 -24218.506 1.278 48483.012 48629.277 48556.193 2.274 23 -24208.191 1.274 48462.382 48608.648 48535.563 26.712** 23 -24185.848 1.265 48417.697 48563.962 48490.878 89.579** 21 -24219.523 1.314 48481.047 48614.594 48547.864 Note. aunstandardized regression coefficient as nonuniform invariance, bunstandardized regression coefficient as uniform invariance, c the parameter estimates are from a model with each parameter relaxed at a time from the constrained model, SB LR = Satorra-Bentler scaled likelihood ratio test, * < .05, ** < .001