Lecture (1&2) Fluid Mechanics Applications(MPE303) Institute of Aviation Engineering and Technology Mechanical Power Department Course Instructor Dr. Ahmed El-Degwy Email: mpdfoecu_ahmed@yahoo.com Course Outline 1. General partial differential equations for fluid flow-mass conservation equations (continuity). 2. Linear and angular momentum conservation equations for incompressible and compressible flow. 3. Incompressible viscous flow and applications on lubrication. 4. Incompressible inviscid flow and its applications on ideal flow around submerged bodies. 5. Theory of flow around wings. 6. Boundary layer viscous flow and its applications without ant with heat transfer across the wall. 2 Course Grades The grades are distributed as: Assignments Quizzes & Sections attendance Mid-term Exam Final Exam (20) (20) (20) (90) 3 Textbooks: 1- fundamentals of fluid mechanics, 7th eduction, okiishi. 2- Fluid Mechanics, 4th eduction, Frank Whit. 3- Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, 7th eduction, Fox and McDonal’s. 4- Boundary Layer Theroy, Hermann Schlichting (Deceased) Klaus Gersten, Ninth Edition. 4 Chapter (1) Differential Relations 5 Objectives • Understand how the differential equation of conservation of mass and the differential linear momentum equation are derived and applied. • Obtain analytical solutions of the equations of motion for simple flow fields. 6 Contents of the Chapter: Introduction Acceleration Field Differential equation conservation of mass Stream function Differential equation of linear momentum Inviscid flow Vorticity and Irrotationality 7 1- Introduction Fluid mechanics: is that discipline within the broad field of applied mechanics concerned with the behavior of liquids and gases at rest or in motion. • Fluids essential to life • Human body 65% water • Earth’s surface is 2/3 water • Atmosphere extends 17km above the earth’s surface • History shaped by fluid mechanics • Human migration and civilization • Modern scientific and mathematical theories and methods • Warfare • Affects every part of our lives 8 1- Introduction Fluid Mechanics Gas Liquids Statics F 0 i Air, He, Ar, N2, etc. Compressibility Density Water, Oils, Alcohols, etc. Viscosity Dynamics F 0 , Flows Stability Pressure Buoyancy i Compressible/ Incompressible Surface Laminar/ Tension Turbulent Steady/Unsteady Vapor Viscous/Inviscid Pressure 9 History Faces of Fluid Mechanics Archimedes Newton ( 287-212 B.C) (1642-1727) Leibniz Bernoulli Euler (1646-1716) (1667-1748) (1707-1783) Taylor Navier Stokes Prandtl (1785-1836) Reynolds (1819-1903) (1842-1912) (1875-1953) (1886-1975) 10 Introduction What is the difference between Integral and Differential analyses: Differentiation and Integration are the two major concepts of calculus. Differentiation is used to study the small change of a quantity with respect to unit change of another. On the other hand, integration is used to add small and discrete data, which cannot be added singularly and representing in a single value. 11 INTRODUCTION The control volume technique is useful when we are interested in the overall features of a flow, such as mass flow rate into and out of the control volume or net forces applied to bodies. Differential analysis, on the other hand, involves application of differential equations of fluid motion to any and every point in the flow field over a region called the flow domain. Boundary conditions for the variables must be specified at all boundaries of the flow domain, including inlets, outlets, and walls. If the flow is unsteady, we must march our solution along in time as the flow field changes. (a) In control volume analysis, the interior of the control volume is treated like a black box, but (b) in differential analysis, all the details of the flow are solved at every point within the flow domain. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Assignment (1): 23 CONSERVATION OF MASS—THE CONTINUITY EQUATION The net rate of change of mass within the control volume is equal to the rate at which mass flows into the control volume minus the rate at which mass flows out of the control volume. To derive a differential conservation equation, we imagine shrinking a control volume to infinitesimal size. 24 Derivation Using the Divergence Theorem The quickest and most straightforward way to derive the differential form of conservation of mass is to apply the divergence theorem (Gauss’s theorem). This equation is the compressible form of the continuity equation since we have not assumed incompressible flow. It is valid at any point in the flow domain. 25 Derivation Using an Infinitesimal Control Volume At locations away from the center of the box, we use a Taylor series expansion about the center of the box. A small box-shaped control volume centered at point P is used for derivation of the differential equation for conservation of mass in Cartesian coordinates; the blue dots indicate the center of each face. 26 The mass flow rate through a surface is equal to VnA. The inflow or outflow of mass through each face of the differential control volume; the red dots indicate the center of each face. 27 The divergence operation in Cartesian and cylindrical coordinates. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 There is also a physical interpretation which relates to volume flow. From Fig. 4.8, we can compute the volume flow dQ through an element ds of control surface of unit depth 48 Thus the change in ψ across the element is numerically equal to the volume flow through the element. The volume flow between any two points in the flow field is equal to the change in stream function between those points: Further, the direction of the flow can be ascertained by noting whether increases or decreases. As sketched in Fig. 4.9, the flow is to the right if ψ upper is greater than ψ lower, where the subscripts stand for upper and lower, as before; otherwise the flow is to the left. 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 The Bernoulli Equation For inviscid, incompressible fluids (commonly called ideal fluids), steady flow, and flow along streamline the Bernoulli equation can be write: 68 Continuity and Navier–Stokes Equations in Cartesian Coordinates 69 Continuity and Navier–Stokes Equations in Cylindrical Coordinates 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77