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Adult Health History Form - Patient Assessment

NURS 310 Adult Health History
Rory Lang
Date _______________________
Examiner ______________________________________
54 Date of birth __________
Patient name _____________________________
Age _____
Allergies ______________________
Advanced Directives Y / N :
Do you want to designate a caregiver? Y / N :
Source of information Patient/Chart Family /Healthcare team Reason for seeking care:
Lightheaded, diziness,dehydration
History of Present Illness
Describe History of Present Illness (in patient's own words) __________________________________
While at golf felt dizzy while bending down, urine is very yellow and
Use the eight critical characteristics: Location, character or quality, quantity or severity, timing (onset, duration, frequency),
setting, aggravating or alleviating factors, associated factors, patient’s perception (Jarvis pg 42-43).
Hospitalized in last 30 days? Y / N If yes, describe:
Have you been hospitalized outside of the United States in the last 6 months? Y / N If yes, describe:
Current Medications List all scheduled, as needed and over-the-counter medications
Medication Name
Special Instructions
Ex: Aspirin
One time daily at 9:00am
Don't crush or chew
500mg oral
1x daily, 8:00 pm
q8hr PRN
(Bickley, 2013, Jarvis, 2016) 09/2016 CG; Revised 09/16 DT, 08/23 SN, ED
do not take 2 doses within 12 hours
of eachother
Do not take more than directed on
NURS 310 Adult Health History
Health History General health (describe)
non-smoker, athletic, slightly over weight
Circle all that apply
Neurological : Dementia Cerebrovascular accident Aneurysm Brain tumor Seizure disorder Cardiovascular :
Coronary Artery Disease Heart failure Hypertension Myocardial infarction Angina Pulmonary hypertension Valve
disorder Heart murmur Congenital heart defect
Respiratory : COPD Pneumonia Asthma Tuberculosis
Gastrointestinal : Gastric ulcer GERD Diverticulitis Hepatitis
Genitourinary : Urinary tract infection Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Kidney disease
Endocrine : Diabetes Adrenal dysfunction Thyroid dysfunction Pituitary dysfunction Integumentary : Eczema
Hematologic/Oncologic : Sickle cell disease, Leukemia ,Lymphoma Cancer ______________________
Psychosocial: Alcoholism Substance abuse Mental illness Suicidal ideation
Other medical history not previously listed
Hospitalizations (reason, date)
Emergency gall bladder removal 12/22/19
Surgical history (procedure, date)
12/22/19 , Rotator cuff 4/10/20 , Achilles tendon surgery 8/25/11
Childhood illnesses (illness, age)
childhood illnesses, other than the common cold
Obstetrical history : Gravida _______ Term _______ Preterm ______ Incomplete ______
Para (Children living) ______
(Bickley, 2013, Jarvis, 2016) 09/2016 CG; Revised 09/16 DT, 08/23 SN, ED
Have you had the influenza vaccine this year? Y / N
If no, are you interested in receiving the influenza vaccine this visit? Y / N
Reason for declination or ineligibility _________________________________________________
Have you received the pneumonia vaccine in the last 5 years? (if applicable) Y / N If no, are you
interested in receiving the pneumonia vaccine this visit? Y / N
Reason for declination or ineligibility _________________________________________________
Family History *Construct genogram on separate page
Circle all that apply. Specify relative(s).
Neurological : Dementia Cerebrovascular accident Aneurysm Brain tumor Seizure disorder Cardiovascular :
Coronary Artery Disease Heart failure Hypertension Myocardial infarction Angina Pulmonary hypertension Valve
disorder Heart murmur Congenital heart defect
Respiratory : COPD Pneumonia Asthma Tuberculosis
Gastrointestinal : Gastric ulcer GERD Diverticulitis Hepatitis
Genitourinary : Urinary tract infection Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Kidney disease Endocrine :
Diabetes Adrenal dysfunction Thyroid dysfunction Pituitary dysfunction Integumentary : Eczema Psoriasis
Hematologic/Oncologic : Sickle cell disease Leukemia Lymphoma Cancer ____________
Psychosocial: Alcoholism Substance abuse Mental illness Suicidal ideation
Functional Assessment: Personal and Social History
Highest educational level ______________________
Occupation _____________________________
Home environment : Home Apartment Assisted living Healthcare facility Group home Other ________
Who do you live with at home? Self Spouse Family Other __________
Have you assessed your home for risks of falls and general safety issues? Y / N Do you feel safe at
home? Y / N
If no, do you feel safe going home today? Y / N *If no, complete domestic violence screening
Describe concerns: ____________________________________________________________________
Do you have trouble caring for yourself or your home? Y / N
Are there any activities that you need assistance or are dependent on others to perform? Y / N If yes,
describe: ________________________________________________________________
Do you currently receive external health services? Y / N
If yes, describe: ________________________________________________________________
Are there any spiritual, religious or other beliefs that influence your health or treatment? Y / N
If yes, describe: ______________________________________________________________________
(Bickley, 2013, Jarvis, 2016) 09/2016 CG; Revised 09/16 DT, 08/23 SN, ED
Functional Assessment: Health Promotion *Complete separate Health Promotion History*
Describe your diet:______________________________________________________________
carb, High protein with occasional desserts when going out to dinner
Have you had an unintentional weight loss in the last 3 months? Y / N
If yes, complete nutrition screening assessment
Do you have difficulty obtaining or eating a balanced diet? Y / N
If yes, complete nutrition screening assessment Referral placed ⃞
Describe your typical exercise and frequency walking
daily, biking in summer time, golf every weekend
Do you have any physical limitations that prevent you from getting regular exercise? Y / N
If yes, describe ______________________________________________________
Do you use any mobility aids or assistive devices? Y / N
Manual wheelchair Motorized wheelchair
In the past year, how often have
you used the following?
Once or
Other _______________
Daily or
Tobacco products
Prescription medications for
non medical reasons
Illegal or recreational drugs
Have you ever smoked cigarettes or used tobacco products? Y / N
If yes, what kind?: __________________________
Are you currently smoking? Y / N If no, has it been less than 12 months since you quit? Y/N
Would you like a referral for tobacco cessation counseling? Y / N Referral placed ⃞
Do you currently use recreational drugs? Y / N
If yes, what type? _____________________________ How often? _____________________________
Would you like help cutting down or quitting? Y / N Referral placed ⃞
Do you currently drink alcohol? Y / N
4 glasses
1x per month
If yes, what type? ________________
How much? ________________
How often? ________________
Would you like help cutting down or quitting? Y / N Referral placed ⃞
(Bickley, 2013, Jarvis, 2016) 09/2016 CG; Revised 09/16 DT, 08/23 SN, ED
Date _______________________
Examiner ______________________________________
Rory Lang
Patient name _____________________________
Age _____
54 Date of birth __________
Health Promotion History
Last Date/Frequency
12/22, every year
prescription changed
for near sighted vision
Pap smear
Self breast exam
Testicular self exam
Prostate-specific antigen
Stool guiac
Chest x-ray
no abnormalities found
no abnormalities found
Lipid profile
serum triglcyerides elevated,
high cholesterol - 408 mg/dL
Fasting blood sugar
90 mg/dL
Purified protein
derivative (PPD)
Sun exposure/Sunscreen
sunscreen use,
every time while
at beach
(Bickley, 2013, Jarvis, 2016) 09/2016 CG; Revised 09/16 DT, 08/23 SN, ED
Date _______________________
Examiner ______________________________________
Rory Lang
Patient name ___________________________
Age ________
Date of birth __________
Dr. Lang
Caregiver ____________________________
Allergies ______________
Please give approximate dates for each immunization, if known:
Tetanus boost
Hepatitis B
(Bickley, 2013, Jarvis, 2016) 09/2016 CG; Revised 09/16 DT, 08/23 SN, ED
Date _______________________
Examiner ______________________________________
Rory Lang
Patient name _____________________________
Age _____
54 Date of birth 2/22/69
Allergies ______________________
Advanced Directives Y / N :
Review of Systems
Circle all that apply. Describe (use additional paper)
General : Fever Chills Night sweats Fatigue
Unexplained weight loss Unexplained weight gain
⃞ Patient denies general symptoms
Skin : Pruritus Rash Hair loss Worrisome lesion Moles
Sweating Dry skin Nail change
⃞ Patient denies skin symptoms
HEENT : Headache Dizziness Earache Hearing loss
Tinnitus Vision change Eye pain/sensitivity Excessive tearing
Eyeglasses/contact use Glaucoma Rhinorrhea
Nasal congestion Postnasal drip Sinus pain Nosebleeds
Hay fever Sore throat Mouth sores Hoarseness
Toothache Bleeding gums Dentures
⃞ Patient denies HEENT symptoms
Breast : Pain Lumps Discharge Implants
⃞ Patient denies breast symptoms
Pulmonary : Cough Sputum Hemoptysis Shortness of breath
Pain with respiration Wheezing Cyanosis
⃞ Patient denies pulmonary symptoms
Cardiovascular : Chest pain Palpitations Dyspnea on exertion
Orthopnea Paroxysmal nocturnal orthopnea Diaphoresis
Syncope Heart murmur Leg edema
⃞ Patient denies cardiovascular symptoms
Peripheral vascular : Claudication Varicose veins Phlebitis Coldness of hands/feet Leg ulcers
Non-healing or slow healing wound
⃞ Patient denies peripheral vascular symptoms
Gastrointestinal : Dysphagia Heartburn Change in appetite
Food intolerance Nausea Vomiting Hematemesis
Abdominal pain Bloating Flatulence Diarrhea
Constipation Melena Jaundice Dark urine
Bright red blood per rectum Change in bowel movements
Hemorrhoids Hernia
⃞ Patient denies gastrointestinal symptoms
(Bickley, 2013, Jarvis, 2016) 09/2016 CG; Revised 09/16 DT, 08/23 SN, ED
Genitourinary : Dysuria Urgency Frequency Hematuria
Nocturia Polyuria Suprapubic pain Flank pain
Incontinence Lesions
Male : Hesitancy Dribbling Decreased force stream
Testicular pain Testicular mass Testicular swelling
Penile discharge Erectile dysfunction
Female : Vaginal itch Abnormal vaginal discharge vaginal dryness
Dyspareunia Sexual dysfunction Abnormal vaginal bleeding
⃞ Patient denies genitourinary symptoms
Musculoskeletal : Joint pain Stiffness Back pain
Restriction of motion Swelling Erythema Bony deformity
Myalgia Muscle cramps Weakness Antalgic gait
⃞Patient denies musculoskeletal symptoms
Neurological : Focal weakness Paralysis Numbness
Tremor Seizure Syncope Gait disturbance
Memory loss Aphasia
⃞Patient denies neurological symptoms
Endocrine : Polyuria Polydipsia Polyphagia
Heat/cold intolerance Tremor Lump in throat
Unexplained weight change Hair changes
⃞ Patient denies endocrine symptoms
Hematology : Anemia Easy bruising Swollen glands
Bleeding of skin/mucous membranes Frequent infections Allergies
Delayed healing
⃞ Patient denies hematologic symptoms
Psychosocial : Anxiety Panic attacks Depression
Mood changes Irritability Nervousness Decreased libido
Eating disorder Sleep disturbance Suicidal thoughts
Impaired judgment Hallucinations Confusion
⃞ Patient denies psychosocial symptoms
(Bickley, 2013, Jarvis, 2016) 09/2016 CG; Revised 09/16 DT, 08/23 SN, ED
Health Interview Supplemental Documentation Tool
Identify two actual or potential health problems or a need for health behavior modification
using the subjective data collected during the health interview. (provide your rationale for
problems identified/ need for health behavior modification)
1. _____________________________________________________________________
Fluid Volume Deficit/Dehydration - patient is experiencing fatigue, lightheadedness, diziness
when bending down
2. _____________________________________________________________________
Anxiety - patient exhbits and experiences frequent nervousness, mood changes and irritabilty
when encountering stressful or uncomfortable situations
Write a plan that includes at least two elements that reflect intent for client teaching, referral
or consultation for each identified health problem.
Problem #1 Plan
Interventions will include identifying the cause of the patient's dehydration,
supporting and encouraging oral fluid intake, rest when feeling dizzy, and consult
a dietitian or nutritional services as needed. The client will verbalize he will
increase oral fluid intake, with an addition of added electrolytes. The client will
monitor urine output as well.
Problem #2 Plan
for my patient can include that the patient will verbalize anxiety, concerns, and fears.
The patient will identify factors that contribute to anxiety.
The patient will respond to relaxation techniques with decreased anxiety. Interventions that I will provide is
to provide_______________________________________________________________________
adequate quiet time and decrease environmental stimuli, and educate how to deep breathe and
step away from any activity when feeling overwhelmed. I also referred my patient to speak with a counselor
if he _______________________________________________________________________
feels its neccessary, and to inquire about receiving medication with HCP if anxiety becomes
unmanageable without pharmacology.
(Bickley, 2013, Jarvis, 2016) 09/2016 CG; Revised 09/16 DT, 08/23 SN, ED
Review of Systems
Additional Notes
General - Fatigue
When did you begin to feel fatigued ? - I began to feel fatigued
a few months ago, probably in July of 2023
What location in the body do you normally feel fatigue - I feel
fatigue mostly everywhere and it feels like my body is tired.
How long does your fatigue usually last? - My fatigue usually last
for a couple hours, normally in the middle of the day until
nighttime before I go to bed
Can you describe your fatigue? - My fatigue feel likes weakness and I feel run down
Does anything trigger the cause of your fatigue? - I mostly feel fatigued when I notice I am not drinking enough fluids and when I am tired.
Can you tell me some things you do to relieve the feeling of fatigue? - When I feel fatigued I try to drink more water and get to sleep earlier so
I am well rested for the next day. I also try to get out and walk when I can.
Can you tell me the timing of your fatigue and how often it happens? - Over the
past week I felt fatigued 5 out of the 7 days
Can you describe the severity of the fatigue you are experiencing - My fatigue does not impact my daily life and is bearable, It just makes me feel
HEENT - Headache
When did you begin to feel a headache? - I began to feel headaches over the last year.
What location do you feel your headaches? - I feel my headaches mostly around my forehead.
How long does your headache usually last? - My headaches usualy last for a few hours.
Can you describe how your headache feels? - When I get headaches, sometimes it throb and other days it feels like a dull pain
What usually causes you to get a headache? - I normally get headaches when I don’t drink enough water throughout the day or when I did not get enough sleep the night
How do you relieve your headaches? - I relieve my headaches by taking tylenol and rest. I also sometimes use the steam in my
shower to help relieve the pain.
How often do you get headaches? - I get headaches about three or four times a week.
How severe do your headaches get? What would you rate your pain on a scale of 1-10? - Some days when I feel dull pain I would rate it at a 4, and on
other days when my head feels like its throbbing, I would rate it as a 7 or 8.
Psychosocial - Anxiety
When did you begin to feel anxiety? - I began to feel anxiety about two years ago.
Is there any specific body part that you could recognize a change in when you feel anxious? - I feel it usually in my stomach and my head can start to feel like its spinning. I
also sometimes feel tightening in my chest.
How long does your anxiety last? - It usually depends on the day, but I would say mostly when I am at work.
Can you describe how you feel when you are anxious? - When I am anxious I feel nervous, jittery, and my mood changes very easily. I feel a sense of uneasiness in my
What usually causes your anxiety? - My job causes me the most anxiety. I am in charge of many peeople, and my responsibilities and other people’s actions make
me feel anxious, especially because I am responsible of what happens on the job site.
How do you relieve your anxiety? - Over the last year I have been meditating when I get home from work, which has helped me a lot. I also talk to my wife about the way I am
feeling, that way I am not bottling my emotions inside.
How often do you get anxiety? - Mostly everyday I wake up feeling anxious.
How severe would you say your anxiety is, can you rate it for me on a scale of 1-10? - I would say it is more on the severe side, because I am in a constant state of worry. I
would rate my anxiety levels as an 8 out of 10 on an everyday basis.
(Bickley, 2013, Jarvis, 2016) 09/2016 CG; Revised 09/16 DT, 08/23 SN, ED