Uploaded by Sulik Astutik


Class :
I. Choose the right answer!
1. A piece of writing in which the words are chosen for their beauty and sound are carefully
arranged, often in short lines which rhyme. It is the definition of….
a. song
b. lyric
c. poem
d. prose
e. figurative language
2. the following structure of poem is….
a. beauty
b. meter
c. song
d. lyrics
e. theme
3. What is social function of poem?
a. To give value of life
c. to make famous
e. to give spirit
b. To make funny
d. to make angry
4. The meaning of poem is…
a. Pantun
b. peribahasa
c. saja
d. sajak
e. bunyi
5. A group of lines in a poem or it is often called a verse is
a. Meter
b. rhyme
c. stanza
d. line break
e. rhythm
Class :
I. Choose the right answer!
1. A piece of writing, often in rhyme, in which words are chosen for their sound and beauty as
well as meaning?
a. Prose
b. poem
c. song
d. lyrics
e. short story
2. Social function of poem is except…
a. To give pleasure
c. to give value
e. to entertain
b. To express emotion
d. to make famous
3. A pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables is called…
a. Meter
b. Stanza
c. rhyme
d. line
e. line break
4. Which is kind of poem?
a. Drama
b. lyric
c. characteristics
d. symbols
e. Epic
5. A pattern that end rhymes form in stanza or poem. It is the definition of….
a. Meter
b. rhyme
c. stanza
d. line break
e. rhythm
II. Answer the questions correctly!
II. Answer the questions correctly!
There once was a wonderful star
Who thought she would go very far
Until she fell down
And locked like a clown
She knew she would never go far.
What is kinds of poem?
How many lines in poem?
The person who writes a poem is called…
My heart is like an open highway
The sentence the figurative language is….
5. What is Alliteration?
1. The sky is full of dancing stars
The sentence the figurative language is….
2. Mention 4 kinds of poem
3. Mention 4 kinds of figurative language
4. What is simile?
5. Giving human characteristics to an object or animal. It is definition is….
The sentence above the figurative language is….
a. Metaphor
b. personification
c. hyperbola
II. Answer the questions correctly!
The Poem for number 1-2
There are was a man from Peru,
Who dreamed of eating his shoe,
He awoke with fright,
In the middle of the night,
And found that his dream had come true!
6. What is kinds of poem?
a. Couple
b. ode
c. ball
d. stone
e. tablet
7. Where is haiku poem country?
a. Korea
b. Singapore
c. Malaysia
d. chine
e. Japan
8. Which type is poem tells a story?
a. Narrative
b. Haiku
c. free verse d. ode
e. Acrostic
9. Which type of poem has no set rules?
a. Ballad
b. haiku
c. ode
d. free verse
e. humorous
10. What is type of poem humorous (funny) 5-line with an AABBA rhyme scheme?
a. Haiku
b. ballad
c. limerick
d. ode
e. sonnet
11. What is figurative language?
a. The literal meaning of words
b. Words or phrases that do not mean directly what they say
c. The grammar conventions of English
d. Words of phrases used to describe figures of pictures
e. A group words or phrases which beautiful
12. What is alliteration?
a. Exaggeration
b. Comparing two unlike things
c. Words that sound like sound
d. Two or more words that begin with the same words
e. Two or more words that begin with the same sounds
13. What is simile?
a. Comparing two unlike things
b. Exaggeration
c. Words that sound like sound
d. Comparing two things using like or as
e. Giving a thing the qualities of a person
14. “The night is as cold as a sharp sword”
The sentence above the figurative language is….
a. simile b. personification
c. hyperbola
d. Metaphor
e. alliteration
15. I can’t live without you, I can’t breathe without you
1. What is kinds of poem?
2. Where is the man?
3. “Who dreamed of eating his shoe”
“He awoke with fright”
The Translate is….
4. What is personification?
5. “You’re a sky full of stars”
The sentence figurative language is…..
Do the best !!!
d. simile
e. alliteration