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Oncology Nursing Literature Review: Interventions & Safety

Gideon Cheatwood
Literature Review
1. The purpose statement: (Two sentences total)
a. The aim of my first article was to map the nursing interventions that should be
carried out in preoperative nursing consultations with head and neck cancer
b. The aim of my second article was to gauge the patient safety culture that is
perceived by oncology nurses working in Estonia, Germany, the Netherlands, and
the United Kingdom.
2. Summarize the results the research study selected. One sentence for each study. (Two
sentences total)
a. Two researchers independently searched both the MEDLINE and CINAHL
databases for articles pertaining to head and neck cancer to find recent studies
based around nursing interventions for patients with neck and head cancer,
eventually narrowing them down to the most beneficial interventions.
b. The mean score of the safety grade overall for patients was 61.3 and the change
rated with the highest importance was “teamwork within units” and the lowest
was “more staffing” (L. Sharp 2019) the safety cultures in each country was
different and communication was the largest differing factor.
3. what similarities or differences both study results showed (one sentence). (One sentence
a. Each article emphasized better interventions for oncology nurses to take to
promote patient safety and health.
4. What nursing applications do these results show? (One sentence total)
a. They promote increasing teamwork within the unit and promoting further research
to provide better treatment and protection for cancer patients.
Cruz, C. S. R., Baixinho, C. L., Bernardes, R. A., & Ferreira, Ó. R. (2022). Nursing Interventions
for Head and Neck Cancer Patients That Promote Embracement in the Operating
Room/Surgery Unit: A Near-Empty Scoping Review. Nursing Reports, 12(4), 912–921.
MDPI AG. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/nursrep12040088
Sharp, L, Rannus, K, Olofsson, A, Kelly, D, Oldenmenger, (2019). Patient safety culture among
European cancer nurses—An exploratory, cross-sectional survey comparing data from
Estonia, Germany, Netherlands, and United Kingdom. J Adv Nurs. 75, 3535–3543.