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Facebook Offers for Email List Building

How to Use Facebook Offers to Build an Email List
As a business owner, you probably understand the importance of
developing and maintaining a list of business contacts. These are your
prospects and past customers, people who are highly likely to do business
with you in the future. When you build an email list, people are telling
you they want to hear from you. The intimacy of the one-on-one
perception of email communication makes email marketing so efficient
for generating revenue, with a small or non-existent financial investment.
As far as building an email list, Facebook Offers are tailor-made. All you
have to do is include a link in your offer to a landing page off Facebook.
Set that landing page up to offer an additional incentive on top of your FB
Offer, something that is of such value and importance to your target
audience that they simply cannot say no.
If you are advertising a 50% discount off a product on your Facebook
Offer, think of something that could complement that product. Perhaps
you could produce a video series which shows exactly how and how not to
use the product for the best results. This could be what you offer on your
landing page in return for an email address. On that landing page, you
also let your prospects know that you will continually deliver important
news, product launch information, and substantial discounts and sales in
the future through this newsletter subscription.
This is a powerful way to use Facebook Offers to build your email list. As
you know, the more focused your list, the better chance you have at
connecting with your audience. When your Facebook Offer is aimed at a
very narrow field, and your off-FB landing page complements and adds
value to that offer, the people who join your list are going to be excited
about your future relationship.
Benefiting from The Law of Reciprocity
You are already providing them with extreme value, and this
automatically triggers what is known in psychology and marketing circles
as The Law of Reciprocity.
When you do something nice for someone and make a positive impact in
their life, that person feels unconsciously obligated to return the favor to
some degree. This is why so many online marketers give something away
in return for an email address. They understand that if they help a
prospect improve in some way, and they answer a big question or solve
some serious problem for that person, they are developing a deep
relationship that could create a customer for life.