NERVOUS SYSTEM PART2 by Group 4 QUESTIONS 1. It mainly consists of Myelinated Axons. 2. What are the 3 major plexuses? 3. It is the inferior end of the spinal cord. PART 2 QUESTIONS 4. It is referred to as the fifth lobe. 5. It monitors brain waves, which are a summation of the electrical activity of the brain. PART 2 QUESTIONS 6. It consists of axons that conducts action potentials toward the brain. 7. A group of nuclei collectively scattered throughout the brainstem. PART 2 QUESTIONS 8. It is the two prominent enlargements on the anterior surface. 9. It is the functional bridge between the cerebrum and cerebellum. PART 2 QUESTIONS 10. Endocrine gland that may influence the onset of puberty. 11. It is a mass of white fibers that connects the two hemispheres of the cerebrum. PART 2 QUESTIONS 12. It is a group of darkly pigmented cells in the midbrain. 13. The injection site for epidural anesthesia (spinal nerves) which is given to women during child birth. PART 2 QUESTIONS 14. This cranial nerve serves as the motor for tongue muscles. 15. It is produced by the choroid plexus and reabsorbed in the arachnoid villi. PART 2 QUESTIONS 16. This is the largest part of the diencephalon. 17. It consists of axons that conduct action potentials from the brain. PART 2 QUESTIONS 18. Fluid-filled space in the center of the cord. 19. Formed by the union of the ventral and dorsal roots. 20. Combined to form a dorsal root on the dorsal (posterior) side of the cord at each segment. PART 2 QUESTIONS 21. Phrenic nerve is a branch of? 22. It contains medulla oblongata, pons, and midbrain. PART 2 QUESTIONS 23. This is responsible for maintaining balance and muscle tone in coordinating fine motor movement. 24. Located in the frontal lobe where motor functions are organized. PART 2 QUESTIONS 25. It is the space between the arachnoid mater & pia mater. PART 2 ANSWERS: 1. White Matter 2. Brachial, Cervial, and Lumbosacral 3. Cauda equina 4. Insula 5. Electrocephalogram 6. Ascending tracts 7. Reticular formation 8. Pyramids 9. Pons 10. Pineal gland ANSWERS: 11. Corpus Callosum 12. Substantia Nigra 13. Epidural Space 14. Hypoglossal Nerve 15. Cerebrospinal Fluid 16. Thalamus 17. Descending tracts 18. Central canal 19. Spinal nerve 20. Dorsal rootlets ANSWERS: 21. Cervical Plexus 22. Brainstem 23. Cerebellum 24. Pre-motor area 25.Sub-arachnoid space THANK YOU I hope you can get useful knowledge from this presentation. Good luck !