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Writing Routine & Positive Messages: Strategies & Examples

A. Strategy For Routine Requests
 Open With Your Request
1. Pay attention to tone
2. If appropriate, acknowledge that you are asking for someone’s time and
3. Be specific
 Explain and justify your request
Use the body of your message to explain or justify your request, as needed.
Make the explanation a smooth and logical outgrowth of your opening remarks.
 Request specific action in a courteous close
1. Deadlines and other important information that will help the reader respond
2. Information about how you can be reached (if it isn’t obvious)
3. An expression of appreciation or goodwill
B. Common Examples Of Routine Requests
 Asking For Information Or Action
As you plan your message, think about what you can do to make responding to
the request as easy as possible.
 Asking For Recommendations
Use the body to provide information that will make it easy for the recipient to
comply with your request:
1. The nature of the opportunity you are pursuing
2. The action you are asking for (such as writing a message or agreeing to
answer questions)
3. Information that you would like the recommendation to convey, such as your
work experience, skills, training, character, and fitness for the opportunity
4. Full contact information if you are asking the person to send a letter or email
5. The application deadline or other date by which you need the
 Making Claims And Requesting Adjustments
Open with a clear and calm statement of the problem along with your request. In
the body, give a complete, specific explanation of the details. Provide any
information the recipient needs to verify your complaint. In your close, politely
request specific action or convey a sincere desire to find a solution
C. Strategy For Routine Replies, Routine Messages, And Positive Messages
 Open With The Main Idea
1. Hi Olivia,
Thanks for your proposal to improve our employee orientation process.
You’ve made some great suggestions, and I will meet with the HR team this
week to plan how we can implement your ideas.
2. Dear customer:
To maintain the high level of reliability you’ve come to expect from
SpiderHost, we are transitioning our hosting platform to a new cloud-based
architecture. The change will take place this Saturday between 1:00 a.m. and
3:00 a.m., and your site may be unavailable for a brief period during the
 Provide Necessary Details And Explanations
1. With this new architecture, we will be able to expand bandwidth at the flip of
a switch whenever blog traffic increases. Even if traffic to your site jumps
literally overnight, we can keep delivering as much bandwidth as you need.
We are staging the switchover in a way that should minimize downtime for
customer sites, and we don’t expect any site to be unavailable for more than
two or three seconds. If people do visit your site during that narrow window,
they will see a message asking them to try again in a moment or two.
2. The KitchenAid mixer you ordered is our best-selling model. It should meet
your cooking needs for many years.
 End With A Courteous Close
The close of routine replies, routine messages, and positive messages is usually
short and simple because you’re leaving things on a neutral or positive note and
not usually asking for the reader to do anything.
D. Common Examples Of Routine Replies, Routine Messages, And Positive
 Answering Requests For Information And Action
If the response is straightforward, the direct approach is appropriate. Keep the
message brief and confirm any expectations. If you need to give an unexpected
negative response to a request, consider the indirect approach. For positive
responses, a prompt, gracious, and thorough response will enhance how people
think about you and the organization you represent
 Granting Claims And Requests For Adjustment
Your response to a customer complaint depends on your company’s policies for
resolving such issues and your assessment of whether the company, the
customer, or some third party is at fault. In general, take the following steps:
1. Acknowledge receipt of the customer’s claim or complaint.
2. Sympathize with the customer’s inconvenience or frustration.
3. Take (or assign) personal responsibility for setting matters straight.
4. Explain precisely how you have resolved or plan to resolve the situation.
5. Take steps to repair the relationship.
6. Follow up to verify that your response was correct.
 Providing Recommendations And References
A successful recommendation letter contains a number of relevant
1. The candidate’s full name
2. The position or other objective the candidate is seeking
3. The nature of your relationship with the candidate
4. Facts and evidence relevant to the candidate and the opportunity
5. A comparison of this candidate’s potential with that of peers, if available
6. Your overall evaluation of the candidate’s suitability for the opportunity
 Sharing Routine Information
Use the opening of these routine messages to state the purpose and briefly
mention the nature of the information you are providing. Give the necessary
details in the body and end your message with a courteous close.
 Writing Intructions
Follow these steps to create clear and effective instructions on any topic:
1. Make sure you understand how much your readers know about the subject
2. Provide an overview of the procedure
3. Define any technical terms or acronyms that readers need to understand.
4. Divide the procedure into discrete steps, with each step focusing on a single
5. Tell readers what to expect when they complete each step so they know
they’ve done it correctly (for example, “If the green LED is on, you’ve made a
secure connection”)
6. Test the instructions on someone from the target audience
7. Whenever possible, provide a way for readers to ask for help
 Announcing Good News
To develop and maintain good relationships, smart companies recognize that it’s
good business to spread the word about positive developments. Such
developments can include opening new facilities, hiring a new executive,
introducing new products or services, or sponsoring community events. Because
good news is always welcome, use the direct approach
 Fostering Goodwill
1. Sending Congratulations
2. Sending Messages Of Appreciation
3. Offering Condolences