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Internet Influence on Kids: Positive & Negative Effects

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Internet Influence on Kids
St. Ann’s Degree & PG College for Women, Mallapur
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In the past few years,there has been a rapid increase in internet
users.Among these users,there are many users who are children.Internet
usage by children has been rapidly increased.The internet is useful for
children.However,there are some negative impacts that can directly affect
children.If a proper check is not ensured and guidance not given to
children,then it can lead to some dangerous situations.Not only there are
negative effects of internet Influence but there are some positive effects too.
Positive effects: Before we look into the negative effects of internet Influence
on kids, let's look into some positive effects of Internet influence.Using the
internet by playing games and learning from it increases creativity and
teamwork among children.Internet influence also helps to increase handeye coordination.Using the internet for study increases the knowledge and
that increases the confidence of the students.With the help of proper
guidance and use of the internet, children can learn many new things from it
and it also helps them to perform better at school.It also increases their
visual intelligence as they learn things from online lectures.
Effect on physical health:By sitting long hours in front of the screen using
the internet affects the health of children.First,it affects their eyesight and
increase obesity.Sitting long hours in front of the computer lessened the
time of their physical activity, and they hardly give anytime to play
outside.As a result, they become less active and become lazy.Sometimes,
children do not go outside their house at all because of the internet and they
hardly give anytime to their family and friends.It can also result that the
kids cut themselves out from the rest of the world and can also lock
themselves up in their rooms spending time on the internet, which loosens
their real social connections.
Depression and social maladaption: Chances are there that the kids can fall
into traps because of the internet through their online games or online
games that promote violence attract children's attention easily.Influenced
by the game kids try to do these kinds of stuff is not at all good.Trying these
violence things can lead to accidents and there can be some severe
consequences too.
A year or two back an online game called blue whale killed thousands of
children all around the world.This game provokes children to attempt
suicide at the last stage.It all tells them to make a scratch in their hands
through the blade after every stage.Provoking them to other violent and
harmful stuff.Although the action was taken immediately by the
government.The game was banned by Google and other social media
platforms but somehow the link of the game was sent to the children
through illegal ways.Still , the game took many children's lives,snatching
away happiness from thousands of families.The game was considered a
deadly game.
After this incident stricter rules were made by the government and
guidelines were released on how children should use the internet,so that
such horrible incidents do not happen again.
Even though ,a online game PUBG has released and made youth and
children to addict towards it.