MYP Guidelines: Teaching, Assessment, and Interdisciplinary Learning

Must use the objectives provided in the Subject Guides for years 1, 3 and
5 of the programme.
Subject groups must assess all strands of all four objectives at least
twice in each year of the MYP.
The MYP requires at least 50 hours of teaching time for each subject
group in each year of the programme.
MYP students also complete a Personal Project, where they decide what
they want to learn about, identify what they already know, discovering
what they will need to know to complete the project, and create a
proposal or criteria for completing it.
In the MYP, conceptual understanding is framed by prescribed key and
related concepts. Teachers must use these concepts to develop the
curriculum. Schools may identify and develop additional concepts to
meet local circumstances and curriculum requirements.
Teachers must identify a global context for teaching and learning, or
develop additional contexts that help students explore the relevance of
their inquiry (why it matters).
MYP schools are responsible for enganging students in at least one
collaboratively planned IDU for each year of the programme.
All MYP subject groups are responsible for developing meaningful
ongoing opportunities for ID teaching and learning.
One interdisciplinary unit per MYP year to include two or more subjects.
MYP students are required to engage in an investigation in individuals
and societies in each year of the programme.
For summative assessments, teachers must use objective/criterion B in
combination with at least on other individuals and societies
All MYP design courses must ensure that students:
- Use the design cycle to structure projects
- Work towards meeting the aims and objectives of MYP design
- Complete a design project
MYP physical and health education courses must engage students in
physical education activities for at least 50 percent (50%) of the total
teaching time allocated to this subject.
Students must complete an aesthetic movement routine that is assessed
against criterion B (planning for performance) in every year of the
Lang & Lit
Each MYP language and literature course must include study of a
balance of language and literature.
Language learning in context, language acquisition and literature all play
a key role in constructing the language and literature curriculum and
provide a natural entry point to inquiry-based learning.
Each MYP language and literature course must include study of a
balance of genres.
Teachers must ensure that students have the opportunity to study a
range of different text types;
● short fiction and long fiction
● extracts
● full-length works
● poetry, drama
● non-fiction and visual texts
Each MYP language and literature course must include study of a range
of literature, that includes:
● poetry, prose (short stories and novels)
● mythology
● drama, and
● in some cultures, literature also includes autobiography
● biography, graphic novels
● travelogues
● satires
● essays, letters,
● literary non-fiction
● speeches, oral traditions
● screenplays, film and episodic television
Each year of each MYP language and literature course must include a
world literature component.
In the MYP, world literature means literature from different parts of the
world and works in translation, each of which clearly shows diverse
In every year of MYP sciences, all students must independently complete
a scientific investigation that is assessed against criterion B (inquiring
and designing) and criterion C (processing and evaluating).
Although schools may vary the structure of the sciences curriculum
throughout the five years of the programme, they should offer either
discrete or modular science courses.
Discrete - generally encompass biology, chemistry and physics but may
include other science disciplines.
Modular - include two or more discrete sciences taught in rotation.
Lang Acquisition
It is a requirement that schools provide sustained language learning in at
least two languages for each year of the MYP.
Students must be able to study at least:
- One additional language (or a second language from the
language and literature subject group) sustained across the entire
year in each year of the MYP
- The same additional language in each year of the MYP, or
achieve a satisfactory proficiency in phase 4 in order to transfer to
another language. (It is up to each individual school to determine
the grade deemed as satisfactory for the transfer to be approved.)
Within the prescribed framework, all MYP mathematics courses should
ensure that students:
- Apply mathematics to authentic real-life situations
- Perform investigations to discover patterns
Topics and skills of the framework for mathematics are organised so that
students can work at two levels of challenge: standard mathematics and
extended mathematics.
The Arts
All schools must ensure that:
- In MYP years 1-3, students engage in a minimum of one visual
arts discipline ​and​ one performing arts discipline.
- The sum of arts subject group house in MYP years 1-3 meets the
minimum requirement of 150 hours, of which a minimum total of
50 hours must be dedicated to visual arts and a minimum total of
50 hours must be dedicated to performing arts. The remaining 50
hours may be allocated to any arts subject(s) at the discretion of
the school.
- Students must use the arts process journal in all MYP arts
The process journal is a generic term used to refer to the self-maintained
record of progress that students have made through the arts...It can be
written, visual, audio or a combination of these and may include both
paper and electronic formats. Students may develop their own format
and design, although schools can provide templates or examples in order
to support students’ work.
Students must show evidence of regular use of the process journal,
though not necessarily weekly. Though legibility is important, the
recording of critical and creative thinking and reflection is more important
than neatness and presentation. All four arts objectives [A,B,C,D] must
be evidenced through the arts process journal.
Visual arts - visual art and media
Performing arts - drama, music and dance