Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology Samalkha Computer Science & Engineering Department Practical File of Database Management Systems Lab Code - Submitted to: Ms.Richa Grover Assistant Professor CSE Department Affiliated to Submitted by: Name Roll No. CSE 2nd Year Section – F Cybersecurity Practical No. 1 Problem Statement: Create a database and write the programs to carry out the following operation: Add, Delete and modify a record in the database. Generate queries Data Operations List all the records of database in ascending order Table Used: create table college (C_ID number(3), S_NAME char(20), Gender char(1), Age nummber(2),Course char(6)) insert into college values('319', 'Mudit Gupta', 'M', '19', 'CSE') insert into college values('123', 'Simran', 'F', '19', 'IT') insert into college values('295', 'Nazim Mazumdar', 'M', '21', 'MBA') insert into college values('294', 'John L Songate', 'M', '18', 'IT') insert into college values('319', 'Rishabh Varshney', 'M', '19', 'CSE') insert into college values('302', 'Syed Saquib', 'M', '18', 'CSE') insert into college values('456', 'Yashika Tonk', 'F', '20', 'ECE') Add, Delete and modify a record in the database. Command: INSERT Syntaxinsert into <table name> values (<expression1>,<expression2>) Exampleinsert into College values(‘789’,’Lucy David’,’F’,’21’,’MCA’ ) Output- Command: UPDATE Syntaxupdate tablename set field=values where condition Exampleupdate College set Course = ‘MCA’ where C_ID = ‘789’ Output- After updating- Command: DELETE SyntaxDelete from <table-name> Exampledelete from College where Course = ‘MCA’ Output- After Deletion- Generate queries select * from College Output- select S_Name from College where C_Id BETWEEN 1000 and 1003 Output- Data Operations Command- AND select S_Name, Course from College where C_ID = 319 and Age = 19 Output- Command - OR select S_Name from College where C_ID = 1000 or Age = 19 Output- Command – NOT select S_Name from College where NOT Age = 20 Output- \ List all the records of database in ascending order Command – ORDER BY select * from College order by AGE Output- Practical No. 2 Problem Statement: To perform various integrity constraints on relational database. Primary Key Constraints create table mg(S# number(3) primary key, Name char(20), Age number(2), check(age>18)); select * from mg; Output: insert into mg values('', 'Kimetsu', 20); Output: insert into mg values('319', 'Yaibo', 20); Output: Domain Constraints create table mg(S# number(3) primary key, Name char(20), Age number(2), check(age>18)); select * from mg; Output: insert into mg values('319', 'Lucky', 16); Output: Practical No. 3 Problem Statement: Create a database and perform the following operations:1. Arithmetic and Relational Operations 2. Group By and Having clause 3. Like predicate for pattern matching in database Table creation: create table Employee(E_ID number(5) primary key, Name char(20), Age number(2), Salary number(6)) insert into Employee values('319', 'Mudit Gupta', '19', '45000') insert into Employee values('123', 'Alex', '19', '40000') insert into Employee values('321', 'James', '20', '35000') insert into Employee values('456', 'Lucy', '21', '37000') insert into Employee values('654', 'Peter', '20', '30000') insert into Employee values('789', 'Parle', '21', '33000') select * from Employee Output- Arithmetic OperationsAdd Operator (+) Exampleupdate Employee set Salary = Salary + 500 select * from Employee Output- Subtract Operator (-) Exampleupdate Employee set Salary = Salary - 400 select * from Employee Output- Multiply Operator (*) Example- update Employee set Salary = Salary * 3 select * from Employee Output- Divide Operator (/) Exampleupdate Employee set Salary = Salary / 2 select * from Employee Output- Relational OperationsEqual Operator (=) Exampleselect * from Employee where Salary = 45150 Output- Less than Operator (<) Exampleselect * from Employee where Salary < 55000 Output- Greater than Operator (>) Exampleselect * from Employee where Salary > 55000 Output- Greater than or equal to (>=) Exampleselect * from Employee where Salary >= 50000 Output- Less than or equal to (<=) Exampleselect * from Employee where Salary <= 60000 Output- Not equal to (<>) Exampleselect * from Employee where Salary <> 49650 Output- Group By ClauseExampleselect count(Name), Age from Employee group by Age Output- Having ClauseExampleselect count(Name), Age from Employee group by Age having count(E_ID)>=2 Output- Like predicate for pattern matching in databaseExampleselect Name from Employee where Name like 'P%' Output- Practical No. 4 Problem Statement: Create a view to display details of employees working on more than one project. Table Creation: select * from Company select * from Project Command: create view MultiProj as select Company.Name, Project.Project_Name from Company inner join project on company.ssn = project.ssn where project.ssn in ( select SSN from project group by SSN having Count(SSN)>1) Output: select * from MultiProj Output: Practical No. 5 Problem Statement: Create a view to display details of employees not working on any project. select * from Company select * from Project Command: create view NoProj as select Company.SSN ,Company.Name from Company left join Project on company.ssn = project.ssn where project.ssn is NULL order by Company.ssn Output: Command: select * from NoProj Practical No. 6 Problem Statement: Using two tables create a view which shall perform natural join, equi join, outer joins. select * from emp Output: select * from dept Output: Full Join: Select emp.eid , emp.Name , emp.Salary , emp.DID, Dept.DID , Dept.D_Name from EMP full join Dept on emp.DID = Dept.DID Output: Inner Join: Select emp.eid , emp.Name ,emp.Salary, emp.DID, Dept.DID ,Dept.D_Name from emp inner join Dept on emp.DID = Dept.DID Output: Left Join: Select emp.eid , emp.Name ,emp.Salary, emp.DID, Dept.DID ,Dept.D_Name from emp left join Dept on emp.DID = Dept.DID Output: Right Join: Select emp.eid , emp.Name ,emp.Salary, emp.DID, Dept.DID ,Dept.D_Name from emp right join Dept on emp.DID = Dept.DID Output: