Grade 9 Grade 7 ENGLISH HOME LANGUAGE CREATIVE ARTS Formal Assessment Task: Creative Writing Formal Assessment Rubric: Create in 3D Term 1 Term 3 Name: ______________________________ Date: 23 February 2021 Educator: Ms Nkiwane Name: ______________________________ Moderator: Mrs Maurukira Educator: Mrs. Ramela Total:____/10 Date: September 2022 Time: 60 minutes Total:____/20 Moderator: Ms. Kous Time: 60 minutes Marking rubric Criteria Drawing of the main elements of the image/design on the A4 with a pencil 2. Did the learner draw the building in the middle of the A4 page? 3. Art elements were used correctly and in different forms 4. Monochromatic colour usage was done correctly on the building (e.g. darker and lighter contrasts of tone was used). 5. Background was done in contrasting and different colours. 6. One could see the difference of all the images within the art piece through the use of natural shapes and organic shapes. 7. Different techniques and shapes were cut out to have a pop up effect on the focus point 8. Did some of the shapes overlap others and were the contrast, harmony and proportions used in the correct way? 9. Has the learner used media relief? Mark (1) (1) (5) (2) (2) (2) (2) (4) (1) 1