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English-Ukrainian Non-Finite Verb Translation

Practical Lesson 7
1. What non-finite forms in English and Ukrainian do you know?
2. The ways of translating the English infinitive and the Infinitival Complexes.
3. The Gerund and Gerundial Complex in translation.
4. The Participle and Participial Complexes in translation.
1. Корунець І. В. Теорія і практика перекладу (аспектний переклад), Вінниця: «Нова
книга», 2003, 448 с.
2. Крамар В. Б., Мельник Ю. П., Ємець О. В. Практичний переклад з англійської мови.
Хмельницький: ХНУ. 2007. 215с.
3. Скиба К. М., Долинський Є. В., Мацюк О. О. Theory and Practice of translation (Теорія
і практика перекладу): навч. посібник для студ. ВНЗ. Хмельнийцький: ХНУ, 2015. 209
H/t: 3 sentences from each task.
Task 1. Translate the following sentences with the infinitive in the function
of an attribute into Ukrainian:
1. It was an old woman, with only a cat to care for in all the world.
2. He looked again at the shelves of books to be read and understood.
3. Yet another says that the first European to reach the New World was Leif
Ericson, a Viking sailor from Iceland.
4. Monks were the first to inhabit the rocks of Meteora during the 9th century.
5. The first traffic lights of this type to appear in Britain were in London, on the
junction between St. James’s Street and Piccadilly, in 1925.
Task 2. Translate the following sentences with the Continuative infinitive
into Ukrainian.
1. Health experts worry the virus could combine with human flu to create a drugresistant bug that could cause the world’s next pandemic.
2. He had picked up a Kansas City paper – the Star – only to realize that his worst
fear in regard to all that had occurred had come true.
3. I have spent many weary hours in hunting up words and forms given in
Matzner’s grammar, merely to find that they have no existence.
4. He had had a tremendous quarrel with her in her flat and she had walked out and
left him there, only to discover, when she returned 3 hours later, that he had shot
5. The success of the poem gave Byron every right to write in his diary: “I woke
one morning to find myself famous”.
Task 3. Define the way of translating the Subjective Infinitive Complex in
the following sentences into Ukrainian
1. In real emergencies the Sea King is expected to be in the air within 15 minutes,
but seven is the average.
2. He had shown himself, very publicly, to be a coward.
3. His Arab campaign showed him to have a true insight into the character of
modern warfare.
4. Small feet were considered to be a sign of great beauty.
5. Great changes are expected to take place in the economies of these small
countries in the near future.
Task 4. Define the way of translating the Objective Infinitive Complex in
the following sentences into Ukrainian
1. He saw Bosinney turn to Irene and say something and her face sparkle as he
often saw it sparkle at other people – never at himself.
2. The chief of the expedition allowed the tents to be set up on the slope.
3. We expect this book to appear on sale very soon.
4. We sincerely wish good relations to be established between our two countries,
said one of the delegates.
5. There’s no point in wasting money, and why pay someone to do a simple job
when it costs you nothing to do it yourself?
6. The American government demanded the first advanced military aircraft to be
delivered to the country.
Task 5. Define the function and the way of translating the Prepositional
Infinitive Complex in the following sentences into Ukrainian
1. Here, it seems to me, is another very obvious and vital point for a specialist to
2. I’ll try and arrange for you to see him at Mount Street.
3. For you to go there just now would be to walk into a trap with your eyes open.
4. It would be better for us to go there.
5. He examined the problem and decided that the only solution was for him to
return to the order of his old life.
6. There was need for him to be economical.
Task 6. Define the function of the gerund in the sentences below, translate
them into Ukrainian
1. He is in the habit of getting up very early and waking all his family.
2. Travelling around the above-mentioned African countries I could not help
comparing their development with that of Tajikistan.
3. It is one of the purposes of this book to try to show some of the difficulties of
the novelist in portraying the soul of man.
4. She tore the letter into small pieces without reading it.
5. All the bad news doesn’t necessarily mean that flying has become more
dangerous, and the disasters seem to have had different causes.
6. After having hesitated for some minutes whether to buy the hat or not, I finally
decided that I might find one I liked better in another shop.
Task 7. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Gerundial
1. Without language there is no understanding among people, and without
understanding there is no chance of their being able to work together.
2. We spoke about her having been included in the list.
3. I have no objection to your smoking downstairs, but, please refrain from doing
so on this floor.
4. I object to my money being paid to these people of whom I know nothing, who
have done nothing to earn it.
5. She was surprised at our having won the match.
Task 8. Define a type of the participle complexes used in the sentences given
below. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian
1. The wholesale deforestation of the country by the natives must be reckoned as
having had a detrimental effect on the rain-supply.
2. The chief of the tribe had had a large oven dug, which was lit on the morning of
the day the feast was to take place.
3. ''I'll have this dog poisoned'', he said as he fled from the room.
4. He did his best to have the entire collection transferred to the Bibliotheque du
Roi in Paris, but after fruitless negotiation with the canons, the plan was dropped.
5. I had all my things stolen in the South of France one year.
Task 9. Translate the following sentences with the Absolute Participle
Complexes into Ukrainian
1. A University was established at Constantinople in 425, teaching being conducted
both in Latin and Greek.
2. Hunting being forbidden there, these little islands are a paradise for geese, ducks
and snipe.
3. In the Celtic regions the population is dispersed, each family living separately
with the greater part of its fields around it.
4. With the Romans gone, Britain became a prey to invasion from all sides.
5. Salmon, deer, roots and berries are the principal food of natives, these being
dried for storage.
6. There being no other choice, they decided to break through.