EconSoc Taster Lesson Economics: The Science of Decisions with Chloe (she/her), Louis (they/them) and Mithal (he/him) What is Economics? How do we make economic decisions? Game Theory What is the prisoner’s dilemma? The Prisoner’s Dilemma Game • • • It’s in both prisoner’s best interest to confess This mean’s there is a Nash equilibrium where they both confess (neither will change what they do!) The intersection of dominant strategies is going to be a Nash Equilibrium Player 2 Player 2: Confess! Player 2: Stay Silent Player 1: Confess! (-5,-5) (0,-20) Player 1: Stay Silent (-20,0) (-1,-1) Player 1 Vaccination Game (COVID-19) Ph arm Co aceu mp ani tical es Sell to One Country Sell to Multiple Countries Purchase from One Company (5,5) (1,10) Purchase from Multiple Companies (10,1) (2,2) Gov ernm ents Strategies in the Vaccination Game Ph arm Co aceu mp ani tical Gov es ern Sell to One Country Sell to Multiple Countries Purchase from One Company (5,5) (1,10) Purchase from Multiple Companies (10,1) (2,2) men ts • If both governments and pharma companies cooperate, people can be medicated quickly • If one chooses to defer, the company looses out on profits OR the country gets vaccines a lot slower • The stable point is when vaccines take a while to roll out! • Show us that monopoly power leads to poor distribution Importance of Game Theory in Economics Thanks for listening!