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Computer Generations: History & Evolution

Lecture 2
First Generation (1951-1959)
• Started with UNIVAC I
• Computers in this generation used vacuum
• Programs were written in binary code (0s and
• In 1952, Dr. Grace Hopper from Univ. Of
Pennsylvania developed the first program
Second Generation (1959-1965) • High level
programming languages such as FORTRAN
(Formula Translator) in 1957 and COBOL (Common
Business Oriented Language) • Operating systems
and compilers were developed.
• Used transistors
• Started using magnetic tape and disk for data
Third Generation (1965 – 1970) • Started
with the introduction of IBM 360 (mainframe)
• Marked the start of use of integrated circuits
which reduced the size of computers
• Significant improvements in computer
development took place
Fourth Generation (1970 – ????) • Started
with the use of large scale integration (LSI) and
development of microprocessors and
• Software development vastly improved as more
high level languages were introduced.
• Notable improvements in data communications,
OS, compilers and utility programs