Innovative Technology for Tomorrow‘s Wireless Industry Base Station Antennas and Accessories ANTENNAS EUROPE – ED. 2020 General Description GENERAL DESCRIPTION NGMN-P-BASTA All antennas are measured according to the specifications given in NGMN-P-BASTA white paper version 10.0. Remote Electrical Tilt System Rosenberger antenna products are fully compliant with AISG v2.0 and they are ready to support AISG v3.0. Most products support embedded RET (AISG v2.0 compliant), field exchangeable. Connectors Rosenberger antenna products support both 7-16 DIN and 4.3-10 connectors. Color Coding Rosenberger antenna products are fully compliant with AISG Standard Antenna Port Color Coding v3.2.1. Specifications Rosenberger is continually improving products. Specifications may change any time without notice. Please contact sales for more current information. Environmentally Regulations Our products are compliant to the EU directive RoHS as well as to other environmentally relevant regulations (e.g. REACH). Quality and Environment Ensuring the optimum quality of products and services and taking responsibility for our environment are fundamental elements of Rosenberger’s corporate philosophy. Certifications: §§ IATF 16949 §§ DIN EN 9100 §§ ISO 9001 §§ ISO 14001 §§ DaKKs accreditation according to DIN EN ISO 17025 Rosenberger Antenna Solutions Much More Than Technology The Rosenberger antenna portfolio offers high-end wireless products for all common frequency bands and global standards. Our multi-band, multi-port and hybrid antenna solutions are designed for high traffic macro and micro sites and can be easily integrated in mobile communication networks enabling LTE Advanced, 5G NR 4X4 MIMO, 8T8R Beamforming and massive MIMO. 2 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 3 Contents General Description Contents Driven by Perfection Rosenberger Group 2 4 8 10 8-Port 10-Port 12-Port 14-Port 16-Port 22-Port 30-Port Multibeam Antennas 4-Port 6-Port 8-Port 10-Port 12-Port 14-Port 16-Port 18-Port 24-Port Base Station Antennas and Accessories 14-Port 16-Port 18-Port 20-Port 22-Port 2.5 3.5 1L2H+3.5 2.5+3.5 1L3H+3.5 2L2H+2.5 2L2H+3.5 4H+3.5 2L3H+2.5 2L3H+3.5 2L4H+3.5 2L5H+3.5 Accessories 4 172 Low Band Twin Beam High Band Twin Beam High Band Triple Beam Hybrid Hybrid Dual Band Twin Beam High Band Dual Twin Beam Hybrid High Band Penta Beam Hybrid Hybrid Hybrid High Band Hexa Beam Hybrid Hybrid Hybrid Hybrid Hybrid High Band Nona Beam Hybrid FDD+TDD Multi Band Antennas 8-Port L (Low Band) ≤ 960 MHz H (High Band) > 960 MHz 2L 2H 3H 3L 3H 2L2H 4H 2H2H 5H 3H2H 1L4H 1L2H2H 6H 2L4H 2L2H2H 2L4H 1L2H4H 2L4H2H 9H 2L2H8H 14 20 26 32 38 46 52 58 62 68 92 96 106 120 122 136 140 152 160 168 170 TDD only TDD only FDD+TDD TDD only FDD+TDD FDD+TDD FDD+TDD FDD+TDD FDD+TDD FDD+TDD FDD+TDD FDD+TDD 174 176 182 184 186 190 192 198 202 204 206 210 218 220 222 224 228 230 234 236 Multibeam Antennas 6-Port 12 1 x Lowband 1 x Highband 1 x Lowband + 1 x Highband 2 x Lowband 2 x Highband 1 x Lowband + 2 x Highband 2 x Lowband + 1 x Highband 3 x Highband 1 x Lowband + 3 x Highband 2 x Lowband + 2 x Highband 4 x Highband 1 x Lowband + 4 x Highband 2 x Lowband + 3 x Highband 1 x Lowband + 5 x Highband 2 x Lowband + 4 x Highband 3 x Lowband + 3 x Highband 2 x Lowband + 5 x Highband 2 x Lowband + 6 x Highband 3 x Lowband + 5 x Highband 3 x Lowband + 8 x Highband 3 x Lowband + 12 x Highband 238 240 244 250 256 260 264 268 272 278 282 296 300 FDD+TDD 4-Port 1L 1H 1L1H 2L 2H 1L2H 2L1H 3H 1L3H 2L2H 4H 1L4H 2L3H 1L5H 2L4H 3L3H 2L5H 2L6H 3L5H 3L8H 3L12H Multiband Antennas Multiband Antennas 2-Port 314 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 5 Antenna Index Antenna Coding Type Number of frequency bands. “1” will be omitted. Antenna model 2 G J 2 U 6 690-896 MHz B 790-896 MHz C 870-960 MHz D 617-896 MHz E tbd F 790-960 MHz G 690-960 MHz H 1427-1518 MHz I J 148 ACGJ4WF-21 160 2GJ2W4THC-21 286 ACJ2U2SD-21 144 2B2UMD-20 190 2GJ2W4THD-21 290 ACJ5WF-21 158 2G2J2WC-21 122 2GJ2WC-21 112 ACJWC-21 86 2G2J2WD-21 124 2GJ2WD-21 114 ACJWD-21 88 none Base station antenna 2G2J4WF-21 156 2GJ2WF-21 116 ACJWF-21 90 C Camouflage antenna M Multi beam 2G2JC-21 74 2GMD-21 174 BCUF-21 56 H Hybrid beam and/or TDD+FDD antenna 2G2JD-21 76 2GWD-21 52 G2GHE-21 184 T TDD-only antenna (no hybrid) Q Quasi-omnidirectional antenna 2G2JF-21 78 2GWF-21 54 G2U2SC-21 102 2G2W2W33HC-21 224 2TB-21 42 G2U2SD-21 104 2G2W4RHD-21 268 2W2W33HE-20 198 G2W2O33HF-21 210 2G2W4THD-21 264 2WC-21 38 G2W2W33HD-21 212 2G2W4U4SHE-21 236 2WD-21 40 G2W4O33HF-21 228 2G2WC-21 68 2WMC-21A 176 G2W4THD-21 250 2G2WD-21 70 2WMC-21B 178 G2WC-21 46 2G2WF-21 72 3W2W33HE-20 198 G2WD-21 48 2G3W4RHD-21A 278 3WC-21 58 G2WF-21 50 2G3W4THD-21A 282 3WMC-21 182 G3W4THD-21 260 2G3WC-21 106 4R4TTD-21 256 G3WC-21 62 2G3WD-21 108 4RTD-21 240 G3WD-21 64 2G3WF-21 110 4TTC-21 244 G3WF-21 66 2G4W2W33HD-21 230 4W4THC-21 272 G4UHC-21 204 2G4W4THD-21 296 4WC-21 92 G4WC-21 96 2G4WC-21 126 4WMC-21 192 G4WD-21 98 2G4WD-21A 128 4WME-21A 194 G4WF-21 100 2G4WF-21 130 4WMF-21A 196 G4WHE-21 206 2 S 4 T H RET-system and PIM-specification D 0 Integrated RET + PIM = -150 dBc 1 External RET + PIM = -150 dBc 2 Integrated RET + PIM = -153 dBc 3 External RET + PIM = -153 dBc 4 Fixed tilt + PIM = -150 dBc 5 Fixed tilt + PIM = -153 dBc – 0 1 Band code for each frequency band A 2GJ2U2SD-21 Antenna length A 0 – 0.5 m (including 0.5 m) B 0.5 – 1.0 m (including 1.0 m) C 1.0 – 1.5 m (including 1.5 m) D 1.5 – 2.0 m (including 2.0 m) E 2.0 – 2.5 m (including 2.5 m) F > 2.5 m Type of connector 0 7-16 female 1 4.3-10 female 2 N female 3 NEX10 female 698-806 MHz 4 NEX10 male 2G4WHD-21 220 5WMB-51 202 G4WHF-21 208 1425-2690 MHz 5 NEX10 cluster K 1695-1880 MHz 6 Cluster connector (MQ4/MQ5) 2G4WHF-21A 222 6WMB-51 218 G5WF-21 120 L 617-806 MHz 2G5W4THF-21 302 9WMB-51 234 GC-21 14 M 1920-2200 MHz N 1880-2025 MHz 2G5WD-21A 140 AC2WC-21 80 GD-21 16 O 1695-2360 MHz 2G5WF-21 142 AC2WD-21 82 GF-21 18 P tbd 2G6WD-21 152 AC2WF-21 84 GWC-21 26 Q 2300-2400 MHz R 2300-2690 MHz 2G6WF-21 154 AC4WD-21 132 GWD-21 28 S 2400-2690 MHz 2GC-21 32 AC4WF-21 134 GWF-21 30 T 3200-3800 MHz U 1695-2200 MHz 2GD-21 34 ACG2J3WD-21 162 W2WHC-31 186 V 5175-5850 MHz 2GF-21 36 ACG2J3WF-21 164 WB-21 20 W 1695-2690 MHz X tbd 2GJ2U2S4THC-21 306 ACG2Z4K4R2WF-07 170 WC-21 22 Y 4900-5850 MHz 2GJ2U2S4THD-21 310 ACG8WF-21 168 Z 1427-2200 MHz 2GJ2U2SC-21 146 ACGJ2W-21 136 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 7 Driven by Perfection Rosenberger’s mission is to be an innovation and technology leader within its business segments. The most modern manufacturing technologies, the highest possible levels of efficiency in production and continuous development are our core competencies. This guarantees not just fast delivery and strict adherence to delivery dates, but also the highest levels of product quality. In close cooperation with our customers our offering is complete product development, from the first idea to volume production. We are highly customer-focused in what we do and therefore the definition of development schedule, the selection of production technologies and materials, and the development and production know-how – either through our internal resources or by using external partners. By utilizing its global manufacturing infrastructure, the Rosenberger Group is well-equipped for handling both small and large production volumes. Home of Innovation Rosenberger is one of the world‘s leading manufacturers of impedance-controlled and optical connectivity solutions. We provide solutions in high-frequency, high-voltage and fiber-optic technology for mobile communication networks, data centers, test & measurement applications, automotive electronics, as well as high-voltage contact systems, medical electronics and aerospace engineering. A global network of R&D, manufacturing and assembly locations provides innovation, optimized cost structure and excellent customer services. Around 11,000 employees are involved in the development, production and distribution of our products. 8 The Rosenberger headquarters located in Fridolfing in the southeast part of Bavaria, Germany Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 9 Rosenberger Group Europe §§ Germany: HQ Fridolfing, Augsburg, Laufen, Neuenbürg, Ötisheim, Radeberg §§ Austria: Timelkam §§ Denmark: Lynge §§ France: Eckbolsheim §§ Italy: Vimercate §§ Hungary: Jászárokszállás, Jászberény, Nyírbátor, Taksony §§ Sweden: Kista, Vallentuna §§ Spain: Madrid §§ UK: Bradford 10 America §§ USA: Akron (PA), Lake Charles (LA), Pennsauken (NJ) §§ Brazil: Caçapava - São Paulo §§ Chile: Santiago §§ Mexico: Apodaca Asia §§ China: Beijing, Dianshan Hu, Dongguan, Shanghai §§ India: Manesar, Goa, Pune §§ Japan: Tokyo §§ Korea: Suwon-City Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 11 Multiband Antennas Multiband Antennas 2-Port Type Frequency (MHz) HPBW (°) Gain (dBi) Size (mm) Page 1 x Lowband GC-21 GD-21 698-960 65 GF-21 15 1449 x 320 x 140 14 16.5 1999 x 320 x 140 16 17.4 2546 x 320 x 140 18 16 960 x 180 x 115 20 17.8 1470 x 180 x 115 22 1 x Highband WB-21 1710-2690 WC-21 12 65 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 13 Multiband Antennas 2-Port Antenna GC-21 GC-21 1L / 1.45m Layout (BASTA) 698-960 Frequency(MHz) Gain 698-960 MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors R1 dBi Polarization 698-806 790-896 880-960 14.5±0.5 14.5±0.5 15.0±0.5 ° ±45 ° 65±5 Multiband Antennas Electrical Data Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth F/B Ratio 30 Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° dB 20 Ratio Sector ±60° 10 Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe 13.0±1.0 11.8±1.0 VSWR 14 Connector R1 1-2 Frequency (MHz) 698-960 dB 27 3rd Order PIM dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W 500 RET Type RET Serial* 1 SRET RB……XYYxxxx-R1 Pattern 698-960 1.5:1 Port Isolation Sub Unit # *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number 16 RF Parameters Mechanical Data Array 0-10 dB Suppression 10.5±0.8 (BASTA) Input Connectors 2 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 13.5 kg 29.8 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1449 x 320 x 140 mm 57 x 12.6 x 5.5 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 487 / 282 / 104 N 109 / 63 / 23 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.2 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 15 Multiband Antennas 2-Port Antenna GD-21 GD-21 1L / 2.0m Layout (BASTA) 698-960 Frequency(MHz) Gain 698-960 MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors R1 dBi Polarization 698-806 790-896 880-960 15.5±0.5 16.0±0.5 16.5±0.5 ° ±45 ° 65±5 Multiband Antennas Electrical Data Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth F/B Ratio 30 Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° dB 20 Ratio Sector ±60° 10 Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st 11.5±1.2 10.5±1.0 9.5±0.8 Array Connector R1 1-2 0-10 Frequency (MHz) 698-960 dB Suppression 17 RET Serial* SRET RB……XYYxxxx-R1 Pattern RF Parameters VSWR 16 RET Type 1 *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number Upper Sidelobe 698-960 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB 28 3rd Order dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W 500 PIM Mechanical Data Sub Unit # (BASTA) Input Connectors 2 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 18 kg 39.7 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1999 x 320 x 140 mm 78.7 x 12.6 x 5.5 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 675 / 391 / 153 N 152 / 88 / 34 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 17 Multiband Antennas 2-Port Antenna GF-21 GF-21 1L / 2.5m Electrical Data Layout (BASTA) R1 dBi Polarization 698-806 790-896 880-960 16.8±0.6 17.2±0.5 17.4±0.5 Multiband Antennas 698-960 Frequency(MHz) Gain 698-960 MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors ±45 ° Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio dB Sector ±60° 67±3 64±3 62±3 28 27 26 18 18 18 10 8 7 8.3±1.0 7.3±0.8 6.7±0.6 Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1 Upper Sidelobe 0-10 st dB Suppression Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* R1 1-2 698-960 1 SRET RB……XYYxxxx-R1 *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number VSWR Pattern 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB 28 3 Order PIM dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W 500 rd 18 Connector 17 RF Parameters Mechanical Data Array 698-960 (BASTA) Input Connectors 2 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 23 kg 50.7 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2546 x 320 x 140 mm 100.3 x 12.6 x 5.5 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 911 / 528 / 205 N 205 / 119 / 46 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mechanical Tilt Range (°) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 19 Multiband Antennas 2-Port Antenna WB-21 WB-21 1H / 0.96 m (BASTA) 1710-2690 Frequency(MHz) Gain Layout Y1 dBi Polarization 1710-1990 1920-2200 2200-2490 2490-2690 15.0±0.5 15.5±0.5 15.7±0.5 16.0±0.5 63±5 60±5 ° ±45 Multiband Antennas Electrical Data 1710-2690 MHz Integrated RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant) 4.3-10 Connectors Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 67±5 67±5 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB 27 20 20 20 18 10 9 8 8 12±1.5 11±1.2 10±1.0 9±1.0 Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe 2-12 dB Suppression Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # 1710-2690 1 1-2 *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number 16 RET Type SRET RET Serial* RB……XYYxxxx-Y1 R2 Pattern VSWR 1.5:1 1710-2690 Port Isolation dB 26 3 Order PIM dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W 300 rd 20 Array Y1 RF Parameters Mechanical Data 3 (BASTA) Input Connectors 2 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material UPVC Antenna Weight 5 kg 11.0 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 960 x 180 x 115 mm 37.8 x 7.1 x 4.5 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 173 / 230 / 106 N 38 / 51 / 23 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +65 °C Accessories Item Model Mounting Kit 70-1 Weight (kg) 2.45 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +149 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 21 Multiband Antennas 2-Port Antenna WC-21 WC-21 1H / 1.47 m Layout (BASTA) 1710-2690 Frequency(MHz) Gain 1710-2690 MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connector Y1 dBi Polarization 1710-1990 1920-2200 2200-2490 2490-2690 17.4±0.5 17.8±0.5 18.0±0.5 17.8±0.5 63±5 60±4 ° Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 65±5 65±5 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1 Upper Sidelobe 27 20 20 20 18 10 10 10 10 6.6±0.6 6.0±0.6 5.3±0.4 5.0±0.4 0-10 3 st dB Suppression 16 Y1 RF Parameters VSWR Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # 1710-2690 1 1-2 RET Type SRET RET Serial* RB……XYYxxxx-Y1 R2 Pattern dB 28 3rd Order PIM dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W 300 1710-2690 (BASTA) Input Connectors 22 Connector *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number 1.5:1 Port Isolation Mechanical Data Array 2 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material UPVC Antenna Weight 7 kg 15.4 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1470 x 180 x 115 mm 57.9 x 7.1 x 4.5 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 294 / 391 / 179 N 66 / 88 / 40 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +65 °C -40 ~ +149 °F Accessories Item Model Mounting Kit 70-1 Weight (kg) 2.45 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 C Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 23 Multiband Antennas Multiband Antennas 4-Port Type Frequency (MHz) HPBW (°) Gain (dBi) Size (mm) Page 1 x Lowband / 1 x Highband GWC-21 GWD-21 698-960 1695-2690 65 GWF-21 14.2 16.6 1449 x 350 x 200 26 15.7 18.2 1995 x 350 x 200 28 16.7 18.2 2690 x 350 x 200 30 14.4 1249 x 448 x 188 32 15.6 1999 x 448 x 188 34 16.5 2690 x 448 x 188 36 18 1470 x 295 x 115 38 19.6 2000 x 295 x 115 40 17.5 998 x 180 x 115 42 2 x Lowband 2GC-21 2GD-21 2 x 698-960 65 2GF-21 2 x Highband 2WC-21 2 x 1710-2690 2WD-21 2TB-21 24 65 2 x 3300-3800 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 25 Multiband Antennas 4-Port Antenna GWC-21 GWC-21 1L1H / 1.45 m Layout (BASTA) 698-960 Frequency(MHz) R1 Gain 698-960 + 1695-2690 MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors dBi Y1 Polarization 1695-2690 698-896 880-960 14.2±0.5 14.2±0.5 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 15.3±0.5 15.6±0.5 15.8±0.5 16.6±0.5 ° Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 67.5±3 64±3 63±3 68±5 69±5 66±4 27 28 28 31 31 29 20 21 17 19 19 18 10 13 8 7 6 6 14.5±1.5 13.0±0.8 10.8±0.8 9.6±0.8 8.2±0.2 7.6±0.5 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60 ° dB Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe 0-10 0-10 16 17 dB Suppression VSWR Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* R1 1-2 698-960 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y1 3-4 1695-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 1.5:1 Port Isolation PIM 698-960 27 dB Band Isolation 1695-2690 27 30 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 26 Array Pattern RF Parameters 3rd Order 3 R 500 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 4 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 17 kg 37.5 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1449 x 350 x 200 mm 57.1 x 13.8 x 7.9 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/ Rear / Side) 631 / 337 / 205 N 142 / 76 / 46 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 27 Multiband Antennas 4-Port Antenna GWD-21 GWD-21 1L1H / 2.0 m Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Layout (BASTA) 698-960 Frequency(MHz) R1 Gain 698-960+1695-2690 MHz dBi Y1 Polarization 1695-2690 698-896 880-960 15.5±0.5 15.7±0.5 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 17.6±0.6 17.7±0.4 17.6±0.5 18.2±0.5 ° Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 66±3 63±3 60±5 66±5 69±5 65±5 28 30 28 30 29 30 20 20 17 18 17 18 10 13 8 10 7 7 10.0±1.1 8.7±0.8 6.4±0.4 5.5±0.5 5.0±0.3 4.5±0.3 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60 ° dB Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 0-10 0-10 17 Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # R1 Y1 RET Type RET Serial* 1-2 698-960 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 3-4 1695-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number VSWR Pattern 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3 Order PIM 27 28 698-960 1695-2690 30 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W rd 28 Array 18 RF Parameters Mechanical Data 3 R 500 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 4 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 23 kg 50.6 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1995 x 350 x 200 mm 78.5 x 13.8 x 7.9 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 858 / 459 / 305 N 183 / 103 / 68 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 29 Multiband Antennas 6-Port Antenna GWF-21 GWF-21 1L1H / 2.69 m Layout (BASTA) 698-960 Frequency(MHz) R1 Gain 698-960 + 1695-2690 MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors dBi Y1 Polarization 1695-2690 698-896 880-960 16.5±0.5 16.7±0.5 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 17.6±0.6 17.7±0.4 17.6±0.5 18.2±0.5 ° Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 66±2 63±2 60±5 66±5 69±5 62±5 28 29 28 30 29 30 20 18 17 18 18 20 10 13 8 10 6 7 7.8±1.0 7.0±0.4 6.4±0.4 5.5±0.5 5.0±0.3 4.7±0.3 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe 0-10 0-10 17 17 dB Suppression RF Parameters VSWR Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM 28 Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* R1 1-2 698-960 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y1 3-4 1695-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Connector Pattern 30 698-960 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 30 28 dB Array *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number 1.5:1 Port Isolation 3 500 1695-2690 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 4 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 25 kg 55.1 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2690 x 350 x 200 mm 105.9 x 13.8 x 7.9 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/ Rear / Side) 1245 / 666 / 439 N 280 / 150 / 99 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mounting Kit 85-3 7.3 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 31 Multiband Antennas 4-Port Antenna 2GC-21 2GC-21 2L / 1.25 m Electrical Data Layout (BASTA) R1/R2 Polarization dBi 698-806 790-896 880-960 13.6±0.5 14.0±0.5 14.4±0.5 ° Multiband Antennas 698-960 Frequency(MHz) Gain 2 x (698-960) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 65±5 63±5 60±4 25 26 27 20 21 21 10 10 11 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB 3 R Vertical Pattern Array Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* 3dB Beamwidth R1 1-2 698-960 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM R2 3-4 698-960 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe 17.5±1.2 15.5±1.0 0-10 dB Suppression 14±1.0 *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number 17 Pattern RF Parameters VSWR Port Isolation dB 26 Band Isolation dB 28 3rd Order dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm PIM Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W 500 Mechanical Data 32 698-960 1.5:1 (BASTA) Input Connectors 4 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 17.8 kg 39.2 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1249 x 448 x 188 mm 49.2 x 17.6 x 7.4 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 637 / 474 / 101 N 143 / 107 / 23 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Mounting Kit Model 85-1 Weight (kg) 4.5 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 33 Multiband Antennas 4-Port Antenna 2GD-21 2GD-21 2L / 2.0 m Electrical Data Layout (BASTA) R1/R2 Polarization dBi 698-806 790-896 880-960 14.6±0.4 15.2±0.5 15.6±0.5 ° Multiband Antennas 2 x (698-960) Frequency(MHz) Gain 2 x (698-960) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 68±5 63±5 60±4 27 27 27 20 20 23 11 12 11 10.5±1.0 9.5±0.5 8.6±0.6 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 3 R2 Array 0-10 Connector Frequency (MHz) dB Suppression RET Serial* R1 1-2 698-960 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM R2 3-4 698-960 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 18 Pattern RF Parameters VSWR 34 RET Type *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number 1 Upper Sidelobe st 698-960 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB 27 Band Isolation dB R1//R2 > 30 3rd Order dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W 500 PIM Mechanical Data Sub Unit # (BASTA) Input Connectors 4 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 28 kg 61.7 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1999 x 448 x 188 mm 78.7 x 17.6 x 7.4 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 769 / 886 / 184 N 172 / 199 / 41 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Mounting Kit Model 85-1 Weight (kg) 4.5 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 35 Multiband Antennas 4-Port Antenna 2GF-21 2GF-21 2L / 2.6 m Electrical Data Layout (BASTA) R1/R2 Polarization dBi 698-806 790-896 880-960 15.8±0.5 16.3±0.5 16.5±0.5 ° Multiband Antennas 2 x (698-960) Frequency(MHz) Gain 2 x (698-960) MHz Integrated RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant) 4.3-10 Connectors ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 68±5 63±5 60±4 29 29 28 20 21 21 12 11 11 Array Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* R1 1-2 698-960 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 8.6±0.7 7.6±0.5 7.0±0.4 R2 3-4 698-960 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB 3 R2 Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1 Upper Sidelobe *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number 0-10 st dB Suppression Pattern 18 698-960 RF Parameters VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB 28 Band Isolation dB R1//R2 > 30 3rd Order dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W 500 PIM Mechanical Data 36 (BASTA) Input Connectors 4 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 36.5 kg 80.5 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2690 x 448 x 188 mm 105.9 x 17.6 x 7.4 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 1035 / 1192 / 247 N 237 / 268 / 56 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Mounting Kit Model 85-3 Weight (kg) 7.3 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 37 Multiband Antennas 4-Port Antenna 2WC-21 2WC-21 2H / 1.47 m Electrical Data Layout (BASTA) Y1/Y2 Polarization dBi 1710-1990 1920-2200 2200-2490 2490-2690 17.3±0.5 17.5±0.5 17.7±0.5 18.0±0.5 65±5 63±5 ° Multiband Antennas 2 x (1710-2690) Frequency(MHz) Gain 2 x (1710-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 65±5 65±5 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB 27 20 20 18 18 10 10 10 10 Vertical Pattern 3 R 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe 6.8±0.6 6.0±0.6 5.2±0.5 Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* Y1 1-2 1710-2690 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 3-4 1710-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Pattern VSWR 1.5:1 1710-2690 Port Isolation dB 28 3rd Order PIM dBc -150 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 38 Connector *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number 17 RF Parameters Mechanical Data Array 2-12 dB Suppression 5.0±0.4 4 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material UPVC Antenna Weight 14.5 kg 32.0 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1470 x 295 x 115 mm 57.9 x 11.6 x 4.5 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Side/Rear) 434 / 257 / 79 N 97 / 59 / 18 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +65 °C Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +149 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 39 Multiband Antennas 4-Port Antenna 2WD-21 2WD-21 2H / 2.0 m (BASTA) 2 x (1710-2690) Frequency(MHz) Gain Layout Y1/Y2 dBi Polarization 1710-1990 1920-2200 2200-2490 2490-2690 18.3±0.5 18.6±0.5 18.8±0.5 19.0±0.5 65±5 63±5 ° Multiband Antennas Electrical Data 2 x (1710-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth 65±5 ° 65±5 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio 28 dB ±60° Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Sidelobe Suppression 20 20 18 16 10 10 10 8 5.0±0.5 4.5±0.5 dB 4.0±0.5 Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* Y1 1-2 1710-2690 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 3-4 1710-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number 17 Pattern 1710-2690 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB 28 3rd Order dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W 300 PIM Mechanical Data 40 3.5±0.5 Array 0-8 RF Parameters VSWR 3 (BASTA) Input Connectors 4 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 18 kg 39.7 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2000 x 295 x 115 mm 79.5 x 11.6 x 4.5 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 601 / 357 / 115 N 135 / 80 / 26 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-8 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 41 Multiband Antennas 4-Port Antenna 2TB-21 2TB-21 2H / 1 m 2 x (3300-3800) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Layout Electrical Data (BASTA) 3300-3800 Frequency(MHz) P1/P2 Polarization dBi 17.5±0.5 ° ±45 ° 68±5 Multiband Antennas Gain 3300-3800 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° 26 dB 18 Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth 1st Upper Sidelobe 0-10 dB Suppression Array Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* P1 1-2 3300-3800 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM P2 3-4 3300-3800 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 5.5±0.5 ° Electrical Tilt 3 R 8 *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number 16 Pattern RF Parameters 3300-3800 VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB 26 3rd Order dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W 300 PIM Mechanical Data 42 (BASTA) Input Connectors 4 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material ASA Antenna Weight 8.0 kg Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 998 x 180 x 115 mm 32.3 x 7.1 x 4.5 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph 17.6 lb Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 182 / 241 / 111 N 40 / 54 / 25 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +60 °C Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +140 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 43 Multiband Antennas Multiband Antennas 6-Port Type Frequency (MHz) HPBW (°) Gain (dBi) Size (mm) Page 1 x Lowband / 2 x Highband G2WC-21 G2WD-21 698-960 2 x 1695-2690 65 G2WF-21 14.6 16.6/16.6 1449 x 350 x 200 46 15.7 18.2/18.2 1995 x 350 x 200 48 16.7 18.2/18.2 2690 x 350 x 200 50 15.2/15.2 17.7 1999 x 448 x 188 52 16.3/16.3 17.7 2630 x 448 x 188 54 16.2 16.6 18.0 2690 x 295 x 145 56 18/18/18 1480 x 379 x 115 58 2 x Lowband / 1 x Highband 2GWD-21 2GWF-21 BCUF-21 2 x 698-960 1695-2690 65 790-862 880-960 1710-2180 3 x Highband 3WC-21 44 3 x 1710-2690 65 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 45 Multiband Antennas 6-Port Antenna G2WC-21 G2WC-21 1L2H / 1.45 m Layout (BASTA) 698-960 Frequency(MHz) R1 Gain 698-960+2 x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Y1/Y2 Polarization dBi 2 x (1695-2690) 698-896 880-960 14.4±0.5 14.6±0.5 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 15.6±0.5 16.1±0.5 16.3±0.5 16.6±0.5 68±5 69±5 66±4 31 31 29 ° Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 67±3 64±3 63±3 27 28 28 20 21 17 19 19 18 10 13 8 7 6 8 Array R1 1-2 698-960 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 14.5±1.5 12.3±0.8 10.8±0.8 9.6±0.8 8.2±0.2 7.6±0.5 Y1 3-4 1695-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 5-6 1695-2690 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60 ° dB 3 R Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st 0-10 dB Suppression 15 17 RF Parameters VSWR Port Isolation 698-960 27 dB Band Isolation 46 Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* Pattern 1.5:1 PIM 1695-2690 27 30 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data Frequency (MHz) *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number Upper Sidelobe 3rd Order Connector 500 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 6 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 20 kg 44 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1449 x 350 x 200 mm 57.1 x 13.8 x 7.9 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Accessories Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/ Rear / Side) 655 / 350 / 214 N 147 / 79 / 48 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Item Model Weight (kg) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 47 Multiband Antennas 6-Port Antenna G2WD-21 G2WD-21 1L2H / 2.0 m Layout (BASTA) 698-960 Frequency(MHz) R1 Gain 698-960+2 x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Y1/Y2 Polarization dBi 2 x (1695-2690) 698-896 880-960 15.5±0.5 15.7±0.5 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 17.6±0.6 17.7±0.4 17.6±0.5 18.2±0.5 66±5 69±5 65±5 30 29 30 ° Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 66±2 63±2 60±5 28 30 28 20 20 17 18 17 18 10 13 8 10 7 7 10.0±1.1 8.7±0.8 6.4±0.4 5.5±0.5 5.0±0.3 4.5±0.3 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60 ° dB Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1 Upper Sidelobe 0-10 dB 17 18 VSWR Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* R1 1-2 698-960 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y1 3-4 1695-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 5-6 1695-2690 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3 Order PIM 698-960 27 1695-2690 28 30 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W rd 48 Connector Pattern RF Parameters Mechanical Data Array 0-10 st Suppression 3 R 500 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 6 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 22kg 48.5 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1995 x 350 x 200 mm 78.5 x 13.8 x 7.9 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 858 / 459 / 305 N 193 / 103 / 69 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 49 Multiband Antennas 6-Port Antenna G2WF-21 G2WF-21 1L2H / 2.69 m Layout (BASTA) 698-960 Frequency(MHz) R1 Gain 698-960 + 2 x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Y1/Y2 Polarization dBi 2 x (1695-2690) 698-896 880-960 16.5±0.5 16.7±0.5 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 17.6±0.6 17.7±0.4 17.6±0.5 18.2±0.5 ° Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 66±2 63±2 60±5 66±5 69±5 62±5 28 29 29 30 29 30 20 18 17 18 18 20 10 13 8 10 6 7 7.8±1.0 7.0±0.4 6.4±0.4 5.5±0.5 5.0±0.3 4.7±0.3 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60 ° dB Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe 0-10 dB Suppression 18 18 Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* R1 1-2 698-960 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y1 3-4 1695-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 5-6 1695-2690 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation 3rd Order PIM Pattern 28 dB Band Isolation 50 Array 0-10 RF Parameters 28 698-960 30 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 3 R 500 1695-2690 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 6 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 28 kg 61.7 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2690 x 350 x 200 mm 105.9 x 13.8 x 7.9 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/ Rear / Side) 1245 / 666 / 439 N 280 / 150 / 99 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mounting Kit 85-3 7.3 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 51 Multiband Antennas 6-Port Antenna 2GWD-21 2GWD-21 2L1H / 2.0 m 2 x (698-960) + 1695-2690 MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Layout (BASTA) 2 x (698-960) Frequency(MHz) R1/R2 Gain Y1 Polarization dBi 1695-2690 698-896 880-960 14.8±0.5 15.2±0.5 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 16.7±0.5 17.2±0.3 17.3±0.4 17.7±0.5 ° Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 67±5 64±5 69±5 64±5 65±5 61±5 26 27 25 27 27 27 18 18 18 18 18 18 9 8 9 8 6 6 10.1±1.2 8.5±0.7 6.9±0.5 6.2±0.5 5.5±0.3 5.0±0.3 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Pattern 698-960 Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1 Upper Sidelobe 2-12 2-12 17 18 1695-2690 st dB Suppression RF Parameters VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM 26 R1//R2>26; R1,R2//Y1 >28 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 52 25 500 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 6 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mechanical Tilt Range (°) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 0-10 Compliance Antenna Weight 26.5 kg 58.4 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1999 x 448 x 188 mm 78.7 x 17.6 x 7.4 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 769 / 886 / 184 N 173 / 199 / 41 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 53 Multiband Antennas 6-Port Antenna 2GWF-21 2GWF-21 2L1H / 2.6 m Layout (BASTA) 2 x (698-960) Frequency(MHz) R1/R2 Gain 2 x (698-960) + (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Y1 Polarization dBi 1695-2690 698-896 880-960 15.8±0.5 16.3±0.5 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 16.5±0.5 17.0±0.5 17.2±0.4 17.7±0.5 ° Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 67±5 64±5 69±5 64±5 65±5 61±5 26 27 25 27 27 27 18 18 18 18 18 18 9 8 9 8 6 6 8.2±0.9 7.2±0.4 7.0±0.5 6.2±0.5 5.6±0.3 5.1±0.3 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Vertical Pattern Array 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1 Upper Sidelobe 2-12 2-12 17 18 st dB Suppression RF Parameters VSWR dB Band Isolation 3 Order PIM Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* R1 1-2 698-960 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM R2 3-4 698-960 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y1 5-6 1695-2690 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number 698-960 28 1695-2690 R1//R2>27; R1,R2//Y1 >28 -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 54 28 dBc rd Frequency (MHz) Pattern 1.5:1 Port Isolation Connector 500 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 6 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 33.5 kg 73.9 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2630 x 448 x 188 mm 103.5 x 17.6 x 7.4 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 1012 / 1165 / 242 N 227 / 262 / 54 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mounting Kit 85-3 7.3 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 55 Multiband Antennas 6-Port Antenna BCUF-21 BCUF-21 2L1H / 2.7 m 790-862+880-960+1710-2180 MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Integrated Diplexer Layout (BASTA) Frequency(MHz) R1/R2 Gain B1 Polarization dBi 790-862 880-960 790-862 880-960 16.2±0.4 16.6±0.4 1710-2180 ° 1710-1880 1850-1990 1920-2180 17.7±0.5 18.1±0.4 18.0±0.4 Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 65±2 63±2 62±4 60±4 59±5 27 28 27 29 28 20 20 20 22 17 10 11 7 7 7 7.5±0.4 6.7±0.5 5.9±0.5 5.6±0.5 5.3±0.5 0-10 0-10 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60 ° dB Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 0-10 17 3 R2 Array Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* R1 1-2 790-862 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM R2 3-4 880-960 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM B1 5-6 1710-2180 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 17 RF Parameters VSWR Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3 Order PIM 28 28 -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 790-862 880-960 1710-2180 30 dBc rd 56 Pattern 1.5:1 400 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 6 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 33.5 kg 73.8 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2690 x 295 x 145 mm 105.9 x 11.6 x 5.7 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Side/Rear) 900 / 534 / 253 N 202/ 120 / 57 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mounting Kit 85-3 7.3 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 57 Multiband Antennas 6-Port Antenna 3WC-21 3WC-21 3H / 1.48 m Electrical Data Layout (BASTA) Y1/Y2/Y3 Polarization dBi 1710-1990 1920-2200 2200-2490 2490-2690 17.3±0.5 17.5±0.5 17.7±0.5 18.0±0.5 ° Multiband Antennas 3 x (1710-2690) Frequency(MHz) Gain 3 x (1710-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 65±5 65±5 63±5 60±5 25 26 30 28 20 20 18 18 10 10 10 10 6.8±0.6 6.0±0.6 5.2±0.5 4.8±0.5 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* Y1 1-2 1710-2690 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 3-4 1710-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y3 5-6 1710-2690 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number VSWR 58 Array 18 RF Parameters 1.5:1 Pattern Port Isolation dB 28 Band Isolation dB 30 3rd Order PIM dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W 300 Mechanical Data R 2-12 dB Suppression 3 1710-2690 (BASTA) Input Connectors 6 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Accessories Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 18 kg 39.7 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1480 x 379 x 115 mm 58.3 x 14.9 x 4.5 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 531 / 492 / 64 N 119 / 111 / 14 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Item Model Weight (kg) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 59 Type Frequency (MHz) HPBW (°) Gain (dBi) Size (mm) Page 1 x Lowband / 3 x Highband 14.4 17.8/17.4/17.8 1449 x 379 x 189 62 15.5 18.3/18.3/18.0 1995 x 379 x 189 64 16.8 17.8/17.8/17.4 2690 x 350 x 200 66 13.8/13.8 17.8/17.8 1499 x 448 x 188 68 15.2/15.2 17.8/17.8 1999 x 448 x 188 70 2G2WF-21 16.3/16.3 17.7/17.7 2630 x 448 x 188 72 2G2JC-21 14.0/14.0 17.7/17.7 1499 x 498 x 198 74 15.0/15.0 17.7/17.7 1999 x 498 x 198 76 2G2JF-21 16.1/16.1 17.7/17.7 2690 x 498 x 197 78 AC2WC-21 13.9 14.0 17.8/17.8 1499 x 350 x 200 80 15.1 15.3 18.1/18.1 1995 x 350 x 200 82 AC2WF-21 16.0 16.2 17.7/17.7 2690 x 350 x 200 84 ACJWC-21 14.0 14.0 17.6 17.5 1499 x 350 x 200 86 15.1 15.3 17.6 17.5 1995 x 350 x 200 88 16 16.2 18.1 17.6 2760 x 350 x 200 90 18/18/18/18 1470 x 480 x 135 92 G3WC-21 G3WD-21 698-960 3 x 1695-2690 65 G3WF-21 Multiband Antennas Multiband Antennas 8-Port 2 x Lowband / 2 x Highband 2G2WC-21 2G2WD-21 2G2JD-21 AC2WD-21 ACJWD-21 2 x 698-960 2 x 1695-2690 2 x 698-960 2 x 1427-2690 698-862 880-960 2 x 1695-2690 65 698-862 880-960 1695-2690 1427-2690 ACJWF-21 4 x Highband 4WC-21 60 4 x 1710-2690 65 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 61 Multiband Antennas 8-Port Antenna G3WC-21 G3WC-21 1L3H / 1.45 m Layout (BASTA) 698-960 Frequency(MHz) R1 Gain 698-960 + 3 x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Y1/Y3 3 x (1695-2690) 698-896 880-960 14.1±0.4 14.4±0.4 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 16.7±0.4 17.2±0.4 17.4±0.3 17.8±0.5 16.4±0.5 16.9±0.4 17.1±0.5 17.4±0.5 60±5 68±4 69±4 62±5 68±5 66±4 62±4 60±5 dBi Y2 Polarization ° Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern R1 3dB Beamwidth Y1/Y3 66±3 63±3 ° Y2 F/B Ratio 3 R2 Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60 ° dB Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1 Upper Sidelobe 26 27 29 30 29 28 19 18 17 19 19 17 10 10 9 10 6 8 15.0±1.8 12.5±1.0 7.0±0.5 6.2±0.5 5.6±0.4 5.0±0.4 0-10 0-10 15 17 st dB Suppression Array Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # R1 1-2 698-960 1 RET Type MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM RET Serial* Y1 3-4 1695-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 5-6 1695-2690 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y3 7-8 1695-2690 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number Pattern 698-960 1695-2690 RF Parameters VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM 27 30 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 62 27 500 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 8 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 22 kg 48.4 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1449 x 379 x 189 mm 57 x 14.9 x 7.4 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 558 / 517 / 175 N 125 / 116 / 39 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 63 Multiband Antennas 8-Port Antenna G3WD-21 G3WD-21 1L3H / 2.0 m Layout (BASTA) 698-960 Frequency(MHz) R1 Gain 698-960+3 x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Y1/Y3 3 x (1695-2690) 698-896 880-960 15.3±0.5 15.5±0.5 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 17.3±0.6 17.8±0.4 17.9±0.5 18.3±0.5 17.0±0.6 17.5±0.4 17.6±0.5 18.0±0.5 69±5 68±5 61±5 60±5 69±5 66±4 60±5 58±5 dBi Y2 Polarization ° Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern R1 3dB Beamwidth Y1/Y3 64±3 64±3 ° Y2 F/B Ratio 3 R2 Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60 ° dB Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # 20 R1 1-2 698-960 1 Y1 3-4 1695-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 5 6 Y2 5-6 1695-2690 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 5.2±0.4 4.7±0.4 Y3 7-8 1695-2690 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 29 30 30 30 29 20 22 18 20 20 10 12 10 10 10.0±1.4 8.6±0.8 6.6±0.7 5.6±0.6 dB Suppression Array 28 0-10 0-10 16 17 RET Type RET Serial* MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number Pattern 698-960 1695-2690 RF Parameters VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM 27 30 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 64 27 500 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 8 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 28 kg Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1995 x 379 x 189 mm 78.5 x 14.9 x 7.4 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Accessories 61.6 lb Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 946 / 731 / 298 N 213 / 164 / 67 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Item Model Weight (kg) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 65 Multiband Antennas 8-Port Antenna G3WF-21 G3WF-21 1L3H / 2.69 m Layout (BASTA) 698-960 Frequency(MHz) R1 Gain 698-960 + 3 x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connector Y1/Y2 3 x (1695-2690) 698-896 880-960 16.4±0.5 16.8±0.4 dBi Y3 Polarization 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 16.8±0.5 17.3±0.4 17.4±0.4 17.8±0.5 16.4±0.5 16.9±0.4 17.0±0.4 17.4±0.5 68±4 62±6 28 28 ° Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 67±2 64±2 60±5 67±6 28 30 26 27 20 17 20 17 20 20 11 8 8 6 7 7 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe 8.0±1.0 dB Suppression 6.9±0.6 7.2±0.4 6.4±0.5 5.7±0.2 0-10 0-10 17 17 VSWR Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* R1 1-2 698-960 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y1 3-4 1695-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 5-6 1695-2690 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y3 7-8 1695-2690 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number 698-960 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3 Order PIM 28 1695-2690 28 30 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W rd 66 Array Patterns RF Parameters Mechanical Data 5.2±0.3 3 R2 500 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 8 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 30.5 kg 67.2 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2690 x 350 x 200 mm 105.9 x 13.8 x 7.9 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 1245 / 666 / 439 N 280 / 150 / 99 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mechanical Tilt Range (°) Mounting Kit 85-3 7.3 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 67 Multiband Antennas 8-Port Antenna 2G2WC-21 2G2WC-21 2L2H / 1.5 m Layout (BASTA) 2 x (698-960) Frequency(MHz) R1/R2 Gain 2 x (698-960) + 2 x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Y1/Y2 Polarization dBi 2 x (1695-2690) 698-896 880-960 13.4±0.7 13.8±0.6 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 16.5±0.7 16.9±0.3 17.3±0.4 17.8±0.5 ° Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 67±6 64±6 69±7 64±6 62±6 58±6 25 25 25 27 27 27 18 18 18 18 18 18 Array Connector R1 1-2 R2 Y1 Y2 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB 7 7 6 6 4 4 15.1±1.6 13.3±1 6.9±0.5 6.3±0.5 5.7±0.5 5.1±0.5 Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1 Upper Sidelobe 2-12 2-12 st dB Suppression 15 17 RF Parameters VSWR dB Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM 68 25 RET Type RET Serial* 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 3-4 698-960 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 5-6 1695-2690 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 7-8 1695-2690 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Pattern 698-960 1695-2690 27 LB//LB>25; LB//HB>25;HB//HB>25 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data Sub Unit # 698-960 *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number 1.5:1 Port Isolation Frequency (MHz) 500 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 8 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 23.6 kg 52 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1499 x 448 x 188 mm 59.0 x 17.6 x 7.4 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 765 / 569 / 121 N 172 / 128 / 27 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mechanical Tilt Range (°) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 69 Multiband Antennas 8-Port Antenna 2G2WD-21 2G2WD-21 2L2H / 2.0 m Layout (BASTA) 2 x (698-960) Frequency(MHz) R1/R2 Gain 2 x (698-960) + 2 x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Y1/Y2 Polarization dBi 2 x (1695-2690) 698-896 880-960 14.8±0.5 15.2±0.5 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 16.7±0.5 17.2±0.3 17.3±0.4 17.8±0.5 ° Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 67±5 64±5 69±5 64±5 65±5 61±5 26 27 25 27 27 27 18 18 18 18 18 18 9 8 9 8 6 6 10.1±1.2 8.5±0.7 6.9±0.5 6.1±0.5 5.4±0.3 5.0±0.3 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 2-12 17 18 1-2 R2 Y1 Y2 Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* 698-960 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 3-4 698-960 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 5-6 1695-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 7-8 1695-2690 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation PIM 698-960 25 1695-2690 27 R1//R2>27; R1,R2//Y1,Y2>28 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data Frequency (MHz) Pattern VSWR 70 Connector R1 2-12 RF Parameters 3rd Order Array 500 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 8 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 29 kg 63.9 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1999 x 448 x 188 mm 78.7 x 17.6 x 7.4 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 769 / 886 / 184 N 173 / 199 / 41 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mechanical Tilt Range (°) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 71 Multiband Antennas 8-Port Antenna 2G2WF-21 2G2WF-21 2L2H / 2.6 m Layout (BASTA) 2 x (698-960) Frequency(MHz) R1/R2 Gain 2 x (698-960) + 2 x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Y1/Y2 Polarization dBi 2 x (1695-2690) 698-896 880-960 15.8±0.5 16.3±0.5 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 16.5±0.5 17.0±0.5 17.2±0.4 17.7±0.5 ° Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 67±5 64±5 69±5 64±5 65±5 61±5 26 27 25 27 27 27 18 18 18 18 18 18 9 8 9 8 6 6 8.2±0.9 7.2±0.4 7.0±0.5 6.2±0.5 5.6±0.3 5.1±0.3 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 2-12 17 1-2 R2 Y1 Y2 18 Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* 698-960 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 3-4 698-960 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 5-6 1695-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 7-8 1695-2690 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM 72 Connector R1 2-12 RF Parameters Pattern 28 28 698-960 R1//R2>27; R1,R2//Y1,Y2>28 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data Array 500 1695-2690 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 8 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 37.5 kg 82.7 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2630 x 448 x 188 mm 103.5 x 17.6 x 7.4 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 1012 / 1165 / 242 N 227 / 262 / 54 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C -40 ~ +158 °F Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mounting Kit 85-3 7.3 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 C Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 73 Multiband Antennas 8-Port Antenna 2G2JC-21 2G2JC-21 2L2H / 1.5 m (BASTA) 2 x (698-960) Frequency(MHz) R1/R2 Gain Layout Y1/Y2 Polarization dBi 2 x (1427-2690) 698-806 790-862 880-960 13.5±0.5 13.8±0.5 14.0±0.5 1427-1518 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 15.6±0.5 ° 16.1±0.5 16.6±0.5 17.1±0.5 17.7±0.5 Multiband Antennas Electrical Data 2 x (698-960) + 2 x (1427-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 67±5 62±5 60±5 72±6 69±6 68±6 64±3 59±3 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8 8 8 13 10 8 6 6 15.2±1.5 13.9±1.2 12.4±1 8.1±0.6 6.7±0.4 6±0.4 5.4±0.3 5±0.3 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB 3 R2 Pattern 698-960 Vertical Pattern 3dB R1/R2 Beamwidth Y1/Y2 ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 2-12 2-12 15 17 1427-2690 RF Parameters VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM 26 R1//R2 >25; R1,R2//Y1,Y2,Y3 >28 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 74 25 500 Accessories 300 Item Model Mounting Kit 185-2 Weight (kg) 6.45 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 (BASTA) Input Connectors 8 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 27.5 kg 63.9 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1499 x 498 x 198 mm 59 x 19.6 x 7.8 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 601 / 768 / 157 N 135 / 173 / 35 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2- 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 75 Multiband Antennas 8-Port Antenna 2G2JD-21 2G2JD-21 2L2H / 2 m (BASTA) 2 x (698-960) Frequency(MHz) R1/R2 Gain Layout Y1/Y2 Polarization dBi 2 x (1427-2690) 698-806 790-862 880-960 14.5±0.5 14.8±0.5 15.0±0.5 1427-1518 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 15.6±0.5 ° 16.1±0.5 16.6±0.5 17.1±0.5 17.7±0.5 Multiband Antennas Electrical Data 2 x (698-960) + 2 x (1427-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 67±5 62±5 60±5 72±6 69±6 68±6 64±3 59±3 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8 8 8 13 10 8 6 6 11.4±1.5 10.3±1.2 9.3±1 8.1±0.6 6.7±0.4 6±0.4 5.4±0.3 5±0.3 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB 3 Pattern 698-960 Vertical Pattern 3dB R1/R2 Beamwidth Y1/Y2 ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 2-12 2-12 17 17 1427-2690 RF Parameters VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM 25 26 R1//R2 >25; R1,R2//Y1,Y2,Y3 >28 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 76 500 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 8 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 31 kg 68.3 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1999 x 498 x 198 mm 78.7 x 19.6 x 7.8 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 935 / 1195 / 238 N 210 / 269 / 54 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mechanical Tilt Range (°) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 77 Multiband Antennas 8-Port Antenna 2G2JF-21 2G2JF-21 2L2H / 2.7 m 2 x (698-960) + 2 x (1427-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Layout (BASTA) 2 x (698-960) Frequency(MHz) R1/R2 Gain Y1/Y2 Polarization dBi 2 x (1427-2690) 698-806 790-862 880-960 15.4±0.5 15.8±0.5 16.1±0.5 1427-1518 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 15.6±0.5 ° 16.1±0.5 16.6±0.5 17.1±0.5 17.7±0.5 Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 66±5 62±5 60±5 72±6 69±6 68±6 64±3 59±3 26 26 26 25 26 26 26 27 20 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 10 8 8 13 10 8 6 6 8.5±0.8 7.6±0.6 6.9±0.6 8.1±0.6 6.7±0.4 6±0.4 5.4±0.3 5±0.3 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Vertical Pattern 3dB R1/R2 Beamwidth Y1/Y2 ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 2-12 2-12 17 17 3 R2 Pattern 690-960 1427-2690 RF Parameters VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM 26 R1//R2 >26; R1,R2//Y1,Y2 >28 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 78 26 500 Accessories 300 Item Model Mounting Kit 185-1 Weight (kg) 11.04 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 (BASTA) Input Connectors 8 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 40 kg 88.2 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2690 x 498 x 197 mm 105.9 x 19.6 x 7.8 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 1115 / 1419 / 320 N 250 / 319 / 72 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0- 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 79 Multiband Antennas 8-Port Antenna AC2WC-21 AC2WC-21 2L2H / 1.5 m Integrated RET(AISG 2.0 Compliant) Integrated Diplexer Layout (BASTA) Frequency(MHz) R1/R2 Gain Y1/Y2 Polarization dBi 698-862 880-960 698-862 880-960 13.9±0.3 14.0±0.3 2x (1695-2690) 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 16.8±0.5 17.3±0.5 17.4±0.4 17.8±0.6 ° Multiband Antennas Electrical Data 698-862+880-960+2x (1695-2690) MHz ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 67.5±3.5 67±3 60±5 67±5 68±4 62±5 25 26 26 27 27 27 18 18 17 20 17 20 9 11 8 8 6 7 14.8±2.0 12.5±0.8 7.2±0.5 6.3±0.8 5.6±0.3 5.1±0.4 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 0-10 15 Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* R1 1-2 698-862 2 MRET RB.....XXYYxxxxx-MM R2 3-4 880-960 3 MRET RB…..XXYYxxxxx-MM Y1 5-6 1695-2690 1 MRET RB…..XXYYxxxxx-MM Y2 7-8 1695-2690 4 MRET RB…..XXYYxxxxx-MM 17 *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM 80 Array 0-10 RF Parameters Pattern 26 28 698-862 30 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 3 R2 400 880-960 1695-2690 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 8 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 25 kg 55.1 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1499 x 350 x 200 mm 59 x 13.8 x 7.9 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 655 / 350 / 214 N 147 / 78 / 48 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mechanical Tilt Range (°) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 81 Multiband Antennas 8-Port Antenna AC2WD-21 AC2WD-21 2L2H / 2.0 m Layout (BASTA) Frequency(MHz) R1/R2 Gain 698-862 + 880-960 + 2 x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Integrated Diplexer Y1/Y2 Polarization dBi 698-862 880-960 698-862 880-960 15.1±0.5 15.3±0.5 2 x (1695-2690) 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 17.3±0.5 17.6±0.5 17.7±0.5 18.1±0.5 ° Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 67.5±3.5 64.5±2 62±4 69±5 69±5 65±5 27 28 28 29 29 29 18 20 17 19 21 20 10 12 8 8 6 6 10.0±1.5 8.6±0.8 6.4±0.4 5.6±0.5 5.0±0.3 4.7±0.3 2-12 2-12 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 16 17 Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* R1 1-2 698-862 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM R2 3-4 880-960 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y1 5-6 1695-2690 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 7-8 1695-2690 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM 82 Array 2-12 RF Parameters 28 28 Pattern 698-862 880-960 30 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 3 R2 400 1695-2690 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 8 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 31 kg 68.2 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1995 x 350 x 200 mm 78.5 x 13.8 x 7.9 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 858 / 459 / 305 N 193 / 103 / 69 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C 2.0 - 4.3 in Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mechanical Tilt Range (°) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 83 Multiband Antennas 8-Port Antenna AC2WF-21 AC2WF-21 2L2H / 2.7m Layout (BASTA) 698-862 Frequency(MHz) R1/R2 Gain 698-862 + 880-960 + 2 x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable Integrated Diplexer 4.3-10 Connectors Y1/Y2 Polarization dBi 880-960 698-862 880-960 16.0±0.5 16.2±0.4 2x (1695-2690) 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 16.9±0.5 17.4±0.4 17.2±0.4 17.7±0.6 ° Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 66.5±3 63±2.5 60±5 65±5 69±4 65±5 26 28 26 30 29 29 20 22 17 20 20 20 10 12 8 8 6 7 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Vertical Pattern 3 R2 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1 Upper Sidelobe 8.2±1.2 6.7±0.7 0-10 0-10 7.0±0.5 6.3±0.8 5.5±0.3 5.1±0.4 Array Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* R1 1-2 698-862 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM R2 3-4 880-960 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y1 5-6 1695-2690 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 7-8 1695-2690 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 0-10 st dB Suppression 17 17 RF Parameters VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM 28 28 Pattern 30 698-862 880-960 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 84 *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number 400 1695-2690 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 8 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 36.5kg 80.5 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2690 x 350 x 200 mm 105.9 x 13.8 x 7.9 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 1245 / 666 / 439 N 280 / 150 / 99 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mechanical Tilt Range (°) Mounting Kit 85-3 7.3 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 85 Multiband Antennas 8-Port Antenna ACJWC-21 ACJWC-21 2L2H / 1.5m 698-862 + 880-960 + 1695-2690 + 1427-2690MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Layout (BASTA) 698-862 + 880-960 Frequency(MHz) R1/R2 Gain Y1 698-862 880-960 14.0±0.3 14.0±0.3 1427-2690/1695-2690 1427-1518 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 16.8±0.5 17.4±0.5 17.1±0.4 17.6±0.6 16.6±0.5 17.2±0.4 17.2±0.4 17.5±0.5 60±4 66±5 68±5 66±4 70±5 69±6 66±6 59±6 56±5 dBi Y2 15.2±0.5 Polarization ° Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern R1/R2 3dB Beamwidth ° 67.5±3.5 67±3 Y1 Y2 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 25 26 25 25 27 28 28 18 18 18 17 18 17 18 9 11 11 8 10 6 5 14.8±2.0 12.5±0.8 7.8±0.5 7.0±0.5 6.3±0.6 5.5±0.3 5.1±0.4 2-12 2-12 15 17 3 R2 Pattern 698-862/880-960 1427-2690/1695-2690 RF Parameters VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3 Order PIM 27 28 30 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W rd Mechanical Data 86 26 400 300 Accessories (BASTA) Input Connectors 8 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 26 kg 57.3 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1499 x 350 x 200 mm 59 x 13.8 x 7.9 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 655 / 350 / 214 N 147 / 79 / 48 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2- 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Item Model Weight (kg) Mechanical Tilt Range (°) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 87 Multiband Antennas 8-Port Antenna ACJWD-21 ACJWD-21 2L2H / 2m (BASTA) 698-862 + 880-960 Frequency(MHz) R1/R2 Gain Layout Y1 698-862 880-960 15.1±0.5 15.3±0.3 1427-2690/1695-2690 1427-1518 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 16.8±0.5 17.4±0.5 17.1±0.4 17.6±0.6 16.6±0.5 17.2±0.4 17.2±0.4 17.5±0.5 60±4 66±5 68±5 66±4 70±5 69±6 66±6 59±6 56±5 dBi Y2 15.2±0.5 Polarization ° Multiband Antennas Electrical Data 698-862 + 880-960 + 1695-2690 + 1427-2690MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors ±45 Horizontal Pattern R1/R2 3dB Beamwidth ° 67.5±3.5 65.5±1.5 Y1 Y2 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1 Upper Sidelobe 26 27 25 25 27 28 28 20 22 18 17 18 17 18 10 12 11 8 10 6 5 12.2±1.5 10.2±0.8 7.8±0.5 7.0±0.5 6.3±0.6 5.5±0.3 5.1±0.4 0-10 0-10 15 17 3 R Pattern 698-862/880-960 1427-2690/1695-2690 st dB Suppression RF Parameters VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM 27 28 30 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 88 28 400 300 Accessories (BASTA) Input Connectors 8 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 31 kg 68.4 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1995 x 350 x 200 mm 78.5 x 14.9 x 7.9 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 858 / 459 / 305 N 193 / 103 / 67 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2- 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Item Model Weight (kg) Mechanical Tilt Range (°) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 89 Multiband Antennas 8-Port Antenna ACJWF-21 ACJWF-21 2L2H / 2.76 m Electrical Data Layout (BASTA) 698-862 Frequency(MHz) 698-806 R1/R2 Gain 698-862 + 880-960 + 1427-2690 + 1695-2690MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Integrated Diplexer Y1 880-960 790-862 1427-2690/1695-2690 880-960 1427-1518 1695-1900 1900-2180 2300-2500 2500-2690 16.6±0.4 17.0±0.5 17.3±0.5 17.6±0.5 16.8±0.4 17.2±0.5 17.6±0.5 18.1±0.5 15.8±0.6 16.0±0.6 16.2±0.6 dBi 15.5±0.5 Y2 Polarization Multiband Antennas c ±45 ° Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° F/B Ratio Copolar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Ratio Boresight 0° dB Sector ±60 ° 62±3.8 61±3.6 63±4 71±5 69±6 66±6 59±6 56±5 28 28 28 26 28 28 28 28 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 9 8 8 11 10 10 6 5 Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 8.1±0.9 7.5±0.7 6.7±0.5 7.8±0.8 7.0±0.4 6.2±0.5 5.6±0.3 16 16 16 17 VSWR 18 18 18 dB 3rd Order PIM 90 28 17 Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type 1 2 3 4 MRET MRET MRET MRET R1 1-2 698-862 R2 3-4 880-960 Y1 5-6 1695-2690 Y2 7-8 1427-2690 RET Serial* RB......XYYxxxxx-MM RB......XYYxxxxx-MM RB......XYYxxxxx-MM RB......XYYxxxxx-MM *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number 698-862/880-960 28 1427-2690/ 1695-2690 30 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 5.1±0.3 Connector Pattern 1.5:1 Band Isolation Array 2-12 RF Parameters Port Isolation 3 R2 400 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 8 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 43 kg 94.8 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2760 x 350 x 200 mm 108.7 x 13.8 x 7.9 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 1286 / 687 / 453 N 289 / 154 / 102 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Mounting Kit 85-3 Weight (kg) 7.3 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 91 Multiband Antennas 8-Port Antenna 4WC-21 4WC-21 4H / 1.47 m Layout (BASTA) 4 x (1710-2690) Frequency(MHz) Gain 4 x (1710-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Y1/Y2/Y3/Y4 dBi Polarization 1710-1990 1920-2200 2200-2490 2490-2690 17.3±0.5 17.5±0.5 17.7±0.5 18.0±0.5 64±5 60±5 ° ±45 Multiband Antennas Electrical Data Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 67±5 66±5 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB 27 20 20 18 18 10 10 10 9 6.8±0.6 6.0±0.6 5.2±0.5 5.0±0.4 Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe 2-12 Array Connector Frequency (MHz) RET Type RET Serial* Y1 1-2 1710-2690 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 3-4 1710-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 1.5:1 Y3 5-6 1710-2690 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y4 7-8 1710-2690 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM dB Suppression 3 18 RF Parameters VSWR Port Isolation dB 28 3rd Order PIM dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W 300 Mechanical Data 92 Sub Unit # *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number R Pattern 1710-2690 (BASTA) Input Connectors 8 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 22 kg 48.5 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1470 x 480 x 135 mm 57.9 x 18.9 x 5.3 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 804 / 812 / 71 N 180 / 182 / 16 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C -40 ~ +158 °F Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-14 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 93 Type Frequency (MHz) HPBW (°) Gain (dBi) Size (mm) Multiband Antennas Multiband Antennas 10-Port Page 1 x Lowband / 4 x Highband G4WC-21 G4WD-21 698-960 4 x 1695-2690 G4WF-21 G2U2SC-21 G2U2SD-21 65 698-960 2 x 1695-2180 2 x 2500-2690 14.5 15.9/15.9/15.6/15.6 1499 x 350 x 200 96 15.7 16.5/16.5/16.0/16.0 1995 x 350 x 200 98 16.8 17.8/17.8/17.4/17.4 2690 x 350 x 200 100 14.3 17.4/17.4 17.5/17.5 1499 x 350 x 200 102 15.4 17.4/17.4 17.5/17.5 1995 x 350 x 200 104 2 x Lowband / 3 x Highband 94 2G3WC-21 2 x 698-960 3 x 1695-2690 14.2/14.2 17.6/17.6/17.6 1499 x 498 x 197 106 2G3WD-21 2 x 698-960 3 x 1695-2690 15.2/15.2 16.7/16.7/16.4 1999 x 448 x 188 108 2G3WF-21 2 x 698-960 3 x 1695-2690 16.2/16.2 17.7/17.7/17.3 2630 x 448 x 188 110 2GJ2WC-21 2 x 698-960 1427-2690 2 x 1695-2690 14/14 17.7 17.7/17.9 1499 x 498 x 198 112 2GJ2WD-21 2 x 690-960 1427-2690 2 x 1695-2690 66 15.3/15.3 17.7 17.7/18.1 1999 x 448 x 188 114 2GJ2WF-21 2 x 690-960 1427-2690 2 x 1695-2690 65 16.0/16.0 17.7 17.2/18.1 2769 x 448 x 188 116 65 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 95 Multiband Antennas 10-Port Antenna G4WC-21 G4WC-21 1L4H / 1.5 m Layout (BASTA) 698-960 Frequency(MHz) R1 Gain 698-960 + 4 x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Y1/Y2 4 x (1695-2690) 698-896 880-960 14.2±0.5 14.5±0.3 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 14.9±0.5 15.2±0.5 15.3±0.4 15.9±0.4 14.6±0.5 14.9±0.5 15.0±0.4 15.6±0.4 dBi Y3/Y4 Polarization ° Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 67±3 64±3 60±5 67±5 68±5 64±4 28 28 27 28 28 28 18 20 17 18 18 18 12 10 9 10 6 7 14.5±1.9 12.3±0.8 13.4±1.0 11.8±0.8 10.3±0.6 9.5±0.5 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Vertical Pattern 3 R2 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression Array Connector 3rd Order PIM 1-2 698-960 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y1 3-4 1695-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 15 15 Y2 5-6 1695-2690 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y3 7-8 1695-2690 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y4 9 - 10 1695-2690 5 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 27 26 *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number Pattern 30 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data RET Serial* R1 1.5:1 Band Isolation RET Type 2-12 VSWR dB Sub Unit # 2-12 RF Parameters Port Isolation Frequency (MHz) 500 698-960 1695-2690 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 10 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 22 kg 48.5 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1499 x 350 x 200 mm 59.2 x 13.8 x 7.9 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 655 / 350 / 214 N 147 / 79 / 48 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50- 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories -40 ~ +158 °F Item Model Weight (kg) Mechanical Tilt Range (°) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 0-10 e 96 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 97 Multiband Antennas 10-Port Antenna G4WD-21 G4WD-21 1L4H / 2.0 m Layout (BASTA) 698-960 Frequency(MHz) R1 Gain 698-960 + 4 x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Y1/Y2 4 x (1695-2690) 698-896 880-960 15.5±0.3 15.7±0.5 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 15.4±0.5 15.6±0.5 15.8±0.5 16.5±0.5 15.1±0.5 15.2±0.5 15.4±0.4 16.0±0.5 dBi Y3/Y4 Polarization ° Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 68±2.5 67±2.5 62±5 69±5 69±5 63±5 27 28 28 29 27 29 20 20 18 20 20 18 11 13 10 10 5 5 10.0±1.4 8.6±0.7 10.9±0.7 9.5±1.0 8.5±0.5 7.6±0.5 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 0-10 3 R Array Connector R1 Y1 0-10 16 17 RF Parameters VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM 27 Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* 1-2 698-960 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 3-4 1695-2690 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 5-6 1695-2690 5 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y3 7-8 1695-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y4 9 - 10 1695-2690 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number Pattern 30 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 98 27 Frequency (MHz) 500 698-960 1695-2690 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 10 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 26 kg 57.3 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1995 x 350 x 200 mm 78.5 x 13.8 x 7.9 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 858 / 459 / 305 N 193 / 103 / 69 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C -40 ~ +158 °F Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mechanical Tilt Range (°) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 0-10 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 99 Multiband Antennas 10-Port Antenna G4WF-21 G4WF-21 1L4H / 2.69 m Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Layout (BASTA) 698-960 Frequency(MHz) R1 Gain 698-960 + 4 x (1695-2690) MHz Y1/Y2 4 x (1695-2690) 698-896 880-960 16.4±0.5 16.8±0.4 dBi Y3/Y4 Polarization 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 16.8±0.5 17.3±0.4 17.4±0.4 17.8±0.5 16.4±0.5 16.9±0.4 17.0±0.4 17.4±0.5 ° Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 67±2 64±2 60±5 67±6 68±4 62±6 28 30 26 27 28 28 20 20 17 20 17 20 11 13 8 8 6 7 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe 8.0±1.0 dB Suppression 6.9±0.6 7.2±0.4 6.4±0.5 5.7±0.2 0-10 0-10 17 17 RF Parameters 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM 28 28 Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* R1 1-2 698-960 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y1 3-4 1695-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 5-6 1695-2690 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y3 7-8 1695-2690 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y4 9 - 10 1695-2690 5 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 5.2±0.3 Pattern 698-960 30 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W 100 Array *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number VSWR Mechanical Data 3 R 500 1695-2690 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 10 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 31.5 kg 69.4 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2690 x 350 x 200 mm 105.9 x 13.8 x 7.9 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 1245 / 666 / 439 N 280 / 150 / 99 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C 2.0 - 4.3 in Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mechanical Tilt Range (°) Mounting Kit 85-3 7.3 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 101 Multiband Antennas 10-Port Antenna G2U2SC-21 G2U2SC-21 1L4H / 1.5 m Layout Layout (BASTA) 698-960 Frequency(MHz) R1 B1/B2 Gain 698-960 + 2 x (1695-2180) +2 x (2500-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Integrated Diplexer 2 x (1695-2180) 698-896 880-960 14.1±0.5 14.3±0.3 dBi 2 x (2500-2690) 1695-1880 1920-2180 17.2±0.5 17.4±0.4 Y1/Y2 Polarization 2500-2690 Multiband Antennas Electrical Data 17.5±0.5 ° ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 67±3 64±3 65±4 65±4 68±5 26 27 27 28 26 18 20 17 18 18 10 10 8 8 8 15.0±1.9 12.9±0.8 6.4±0.4 5.5±0.5 4.7±0.4 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60 ° dB Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1 st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 2-14 2-12 15 3 R Array 2-12 17 RF Parameters VSWR dB Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM 27 28 30 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 102 Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* R1 1-2 698-960 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM B1 3-4 1695-2180 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM B2 5-6 1695-2180 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y1 7-8 2500-2690 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 9 - 10 2500-2690 5 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number 1.5:1 Port Isolation Connector 500 2 Pattern 698-960 1695-2180 2500-2690 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 10 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 24 kg 52.9 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1499 x 350 x 200 mm 59.2 x 13.8 x 7.9 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 655 / 350 / 214 N 142 / 79 / 48 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 103 Multiband Antennas 10-Port Antenna G2U2SD-21 G2U2SD-21 1L4H / 2.0 m Layout Layout (BASTA) 698-960 Frequency(MHz) R1 B1/B2 Gain 698-960 + 2 x (1695-2180) +2 x (2500-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Integrated Diplexer 2 x (1695-2180) 698-896 880-960 15.2±0.5 15.4±0.5 dBi 2 x (2500-2690) 1695-1880 1920-2180 17.2±0.5 17.4±0.4 Y1/Y2 Polarization 2500-2690 Multiband Antennas Electrical Data 17.5±0.5 ° ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 67.5±3.5 65.5±1.5 65±4 65±4 68±5 26 27 27 28 26 18 20 17 18 18 10 10 8 8 8 12.2±1.5 10.2±0.8 6.4±0.4 5.5±0.5 4.7±0.4 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60 ° dB Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 2-12 2-12 16 2-12 3 R 2 Pattern 17 698-960 1695-2180 2500-2690 RF Parameters VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3 Order PIM 27 28 30 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W rd Mechanical Data 104 500 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 10 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 28 kg 61.7 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1995 x 350 x 200 mm 78.5 x 13.8 x 7.9 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 900 / 917 / 357 N 202 / 206 / 80 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Mounting Kit Model 85-1 Weight (kg) 4.5 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 105 Multiband Antennas 10-Port Antenna 2G3WC-21 2G3WC-21 2L3H / 1.5 m 2 x (698-960) + 3 x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Layout (BASTA) 2 x (698-960) Frequency(MHz) R1/R2 Gain Y1/Y2/Y3 dBi Polarization 3 x (1695-2690) 698-806 790-862 880-960 13.7±0.5 14.0±0.5 14.2±0.5 ° 1695-1880 1920-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 16.4±0.7 16.8±0.8 17.2±0.5 17.6±0.5 Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° F/B Ratio dB Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° 18 8 Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper sidelobe 67±5 62±5 60±5 69±5 66±5 65±5 61±5 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 18 18 15 20 18 19 18 Array Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* 5 R1 1-2 698-960 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM R2 3-4 698-960 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y1 5-6 1695-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 7-8 1695-2690 5 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y3 9 - 10 1695-2690 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 8 15.4±1.5 dB Suppression 8 13.9±1.2 9 9 12.4±1 6 7.0±0.6 5 6.2±0.5 5.5±0.5 2-12 2-12 15 17 RF Parameters 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3 Order PIM 25 698-960 26 1695-2690 R1//R2>25; R1,R2//Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4>26; dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W rd 106 *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week, xxxxx – Serial Number Pattern VSWR Mechanical Data 5.1±0.4 500 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 10 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 28 kg 61.7 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1499 x 498 x 197 mm 59.0 x 19.6 x 7.8 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 601 / 768 / 156 N 135 / 172 / 35 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Mounting Kit 185-2 Weight (kg) 6.45 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 107 Multiband Antennas 10-Port Antenna 2G3WD-21 2G3WD-21 2L3H / 2.0 m 2 x (698-960) + 3 x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Layout (BASTA) 2 x (698-960) Frequency(MHz) R1/R2 Gain Y1/Y2 3 x (1695-2690) 698-896 880-960 14.8±0.5 15.2±0.5 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 15.3±0.5 16.2±0.4 16.2±0.3 16.7±0.5 15.0±0.5 15.9±0.4 15.8±0.3 16.4±0.5 dBi Y3 Polarization ° Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 67±5 64±5 69±5 64±5 65±5 61±5 Array Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* 25 25 25 26 26 27 R1 1-2 698-960 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 18 18 18 18 18 18 R2 3-4 698-960 5 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 9 8 9 8 6 6 Y1 5-6 1695-2690 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 7-8 1695-2690 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 10.1±1.2 8.5±0.6 10.6±0.7 9.3±1.0 8.3±0.3 7.7±0.5 Y3 9 - 10 1695-2690 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper sidelobe dB Suppression 2-12 2-12 16 17 *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number Pattern 698-960 RF Parameters VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3 Order PIM 25 26 R1//R2>26; R1,R2//Y1,Y2,Y3>28 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W rd Mechanical Data 108 1695-2690 500 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 10 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 34 kg 75 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1999 x 448 x 188 mm 78.7 x 17.6 x 7.4 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Accessories Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 769 / 886 / 184 N 173 / 199 / 41 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Item Model Weight (kg) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 109 Multiband Antennas 10-Port Antenna 2G3WF-21 2G3WF-21 2L3H / 2.63 m 2 x (698-960) + 3 x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors (BASTA) 2 x (698-960) Frequency(MHz) R1/R2 Gain Layout Y1/Y2 3 x (1695-2690) 698-896 880-960 15.8±0.5 16.2±0.5 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 16.5±0.5 17.0±0.5 17.2±0.4 17.7±0.5 16.2±0.5 16.7±0.5 16.8±0.4 17.3±0.5 dBi Y3 Polarization ° Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 67±5 64±5 69±5 64±5 65±5 61±5 26 27 28 28 30 30 18 18 18 18 18 18 9 8 9 8 6 6 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Array Connector R1 1-2 R2 Y1 Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper sidelobe 8.2±0.9 dB Suppression 7.2±0.4 7.0±0.5 6.2±0.5 5.6±0.3 2-12 2-12 17 17 VSWR RET Type RET Serial* 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 3-4 698-960 5 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 5-6 1695-2690 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 7-8 1695-2690 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y3 9 - 10 1695-2690 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number 698-960 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3 Order PIM 28 1695-2690 28 R1//R2>28; R1,R2//Y1,Y2,Y3>30 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W rd 110 Sub Unit # 698-960 Pattern RF Parameters Mechanical Data 5.1±0.3 Frequency (MHz) 500 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 10 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 39 kg 86 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2630 x 448 x 188 mm 103.5 x 17.6 x 7.4 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 1012 / 1265 / 242 N 227 / 262 / 54 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mounting Kit 85-3 7.3 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 111 Multiband Antennas 10-Port Antenna 2GJ2WC-21 2GJ2WC-21 2L3H / 1.5 m (BASTA) 2 x (698-960) Frequency(MHz) R1/R2 Gain Layout Y1/Y2 (1427-2690) / 2 x (1695-2690) 698-806 790-862 880-960 13.5±0.5 13.8±0.5 14.0±0.5 1427-1518 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 dBi Y3 15.6±0.5 Polarization ° 16.1±0.5 16.6±0.5 17.1±0.5 17.7±0.5 16.5±0.5 17.3±0.5 17.5±0.5 17.9±0.5 Multiband Antennas Electrical Data 2 x (698-960) + (1427-2690) + 2 x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 67±5 62±5 60±5 72±6 69±6 68±6 64±3 59±3 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8 8 8 13 10 8 6 6 15.4±1.5 13.9±1.2 12.4±1 7.0±0.5 6.2±0.5 5.6±0.3 5.1±0.3 6.7±0.4 6±0.4 5.4±0.3 5±0.3 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB 3 R Vertical Pattern R1/R2/Y1/Y2 3dB Beamwidth Y3 ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 8.1±0.6 2-12 2-12 15 17 2 Array R1 R2 Y1 Y2 Y3 Sub Unit # 1 3 2 5 4 698-960 VSWR RET Type MRET MRET MRET MRET MRET RET Serial* RB......XYYxxxxx-MM RB......XYYxxxxx-MM RB......XYYxxxxx-MM RB......XYYxxxxx-MM RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 1427-2690/1695-2690 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation PIM 25 26 R1//R2 >25; R1,R2//Y1,Y2,Y3 >28 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 112 Frequency (MHz) 698-960 698-960 1695-2690 1695-2690 1427-2690 Pattern RF Parameters 3rd Order Connector 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9 - 10 500 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 10 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 29 kg 63.9 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1499 x 498 x 198 mm 59 x 19.6 x 7.8 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 601 / 768 / 157 N 135 / 173 / 35 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2- 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mechanical Tilt Range (°) Mounting Kit 185-2 6.5 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 113 Multiband Antennas 10-Port Antenna 2GJ2WD-21 2GJ2WD-21 2L3H / 2.0 m 2 x (690-960) + 1427-2690 + 2 x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Layout (BASTA) 2 x (690-960) Frequency(MHz) R1/R2 Gain Y1/Y2 dBi 1427-2690 / 2 x (1695-2690) 690-806 790-862 880-960 14.3±0.5 14.9±0.5 15.3±0.5 1427-1518 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 Y3 15.8±0.5 Polarization ° 16.5±0.5 17.0±0.5 17.2±0.4 17.7±0.5 16.6±0.5 17.2±0.4 17.5±0.4 18.1±0.5 Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 70±6 62±6 61±5 72±6 69±6 68±5 64±4 59±5 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 20 20 20 18 18 19 19 18 10 8 8 13 11 8 10 6 10.5±1.0 9.6±0.6 8.6±0.6 F/B Ratio Co-polar (180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Vertical Pattern Array R1/R2 3dB Beamwidth Y1/Y2 Y3 ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 7.4±0.6 Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM 114 RET Serial* R1 1-2 690-960 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 5.1±0.3 R2 3-4 690-960 5 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 6.0±0.4 5.5±0.4 4.8±0.2 4.5±0.2 Y1 5-6 1695-2690 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 7-8 1695-2690 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y3 9 - 10 1427-2690 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 2-12 17 17 Pattern 690-960 25 1427-2690/1695-2690 27 R1//R2 >26; R1,R2//Y1,Y2,Y3 >28 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data RET Type 5.6±0.3 1.5:1 dB Sub Unit # 6.2±0.5 RF Parameters Port Isolation Frequency (MHz) 7.0±0.5 2-12 VSWR Connector 500 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 10 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 34 kg 75.1 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1999 x 448 x 188 mm 78.6 x 17.6 x 7.4 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Accessories Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 769 / 886 / 184 N 173 / 199 / 41 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Item Model Weight (kg) Mechanical Tilt Range (°) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 115 Multiband Antennas 10-Port Antenna 2GJ2WF-21 2GJ2WF-21 2L3H / 2.7 m Integrated RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant) 4.3-10 Connectors Layout (BASTA) 2 x (690-960) Frequency(MHz) R1/R2 Y1 Gain 1427-2690 / 2 x (1695-2690) 690-806 790-862 880-960 15.3±0.5 15.5±0.5 16.0±0.5 1427-1518 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 dBi Y2 Y3 15.8±0.5 Polarization ° 16.5±0.5 17.0±0.5 17.2±0.4 17.7±0.5 16.1±0.5 16.6±0.5 16.8±0.4 17.2±0.5 16.6±0.5 17.2±0.4 17.5±0.4 18.1±0.5 Multiband Antennas Electrical Data 2 x (690-960) + 1427-2690 + 2 x (1695-2690) MHz ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 70±6 62±6 61±5 72±6 69±6 68±5 64±4 59±5 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 20 20 20 18 18 19 19 18 10 8 8 13 11 8 10 6 8.5±0.6 7.6±0.6 6.9±0.3 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Vertical Pattern R1/R2 3dB Beamwidth Y1/Y2 Y3 ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 7.4±0.6 7.0±0.5 6.2±0.5 5.6±0.3 5.1±0.3 6.0±0.4 5.5±0.4 4.8±0.2 4.5±0.2 2-12 2-12 17 17 Array Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* R1 1-2 690-960 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 3-4 690-960 5 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y1 5-6 1695-2690 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 7-8 1695-2690 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y3 9 - 10 1427-2690 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Pattern 690-960 VSWR 1427-2690/1695-2690 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation PIM 27 27 R1//R2 >28; R1,R2//Y1,Y2,Y3 >30 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 116 Frequency (MHz) R2 RF Parameters 3rd Order Connector 500 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 10 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 42 kg 92.6 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2769 x 448 x 188 mm 109 x 17.6 x 7.4 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 1065 / 1227 / 254 N 239 / 276 / 57 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mechanical Tilt Range (°) Mounting Kit 85-3 7.3 0-10 Compliance -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 117 Type Frequency (MHz) HPBW (°) Gain (dBi) Size (mm) Multiband Antennas Multiband Antennas 12-Port Page 1 x Lowband / 5 x Highband 16.6 17.8/17.8/17.8/17.5/17.5 2690 x 396 x 190 120 14.2/14.2 17.6/17.6 17.7/17.7 1499 x 498 x 197 122 15.5/15.5 17.6/17.6 18.1/18.1 1999 x 498 x 197 124 14.2/14.2 17.8/17.8/17.8/17.8 1499 x 498 x 198 126 15.2/15.2 16.4/16.4/16.0/16.0 1999 x 448 x 188 128 2G4WF-21 16.2/16.2 17.7/17.7/17.3/17.3 2630 x 448 x 188 130 AC4WD-21 15.1 15.3 16.5/16.5/16.2/16.2 1995 x 350 x 200 132 15.8 16.1 18/18/17.6/17.6 2690 x 350 x 200 134 15.8 15.8 16.2 17.7 17.2/18.1 2769 x 448 x 188 136 G5WF-21 698-960 5 x 1695-2690 65 2 x Lowband / 4 x Highband 2G2J2WC-21 2G2J2WD-21 2 x 698-960 2 x 1427-2690 2 x 1695-2690 2G4WC-21 2G4WD-21A AC4WF-21 2 x 698-960 4 x 1695-2690 65 698-862 880-960 4 x 1695-2690 3 x Lowband / 3 x Highband ACGJ2W-21 118 690-960 690-862 880-960 1427-2690 2 x 1695-2690 65 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 119 Multiband Antennas 12-Port Antenna G5WF-21 G5WF-21 1L5H / 2.69 m Layout (BASTA) 698-960 Frequency(MHz) R1 Gain 698-960 + 5 x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Y1/Y2/Y3 5 x (1695-2690) 698-896 880-960 16.3±0.5 16.6±0.5 dBi Y4/Y5 Polarization 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 16.6±0.5 17.2±0.5 17.5±0.4 17.8±0.5 16.3±0.5 16.9±0.5 17.2±0.4 17.5±0.5 66±5 62±5 60±5 ° Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 63±5 62±5 68±6 29 29 27 28 28 28 18 20 17 19 19 19 10 13 8 9 6 8 7.9±1.0 6.7±0.6 7.0±0.4 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper sidelobe dB Suppression 6.2±0.6 5.5±0.3 5.1±0.3 3 R2 Array Connector Frequency (MHz) R1 1-2 698-960 AISG1-2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-M1 Y1 3-4 1695-2690 AISG2-1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-M2 Y2 5-6 1695-2690 AISG2-2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-M2 Y3 7-8 1695-2690 AISG2-3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-M2 Y4 9 - 10 1695-2690 AISG1-1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-M1 Y5 11 - 12 1695-2690 AISG1-3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-M1 0-10 16 16 RF Parameters VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM 27 27 R1//Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5>30 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data Sub Unit # RET Serial* *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number Pattern 698-960 500 RET Type 1695-2690 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 12 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 39.5 kg 87.1 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2690 x 396 x 190 mm 105.9 x 15.6 x 7.5 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 1355 / 1053 / 383 N 304 / 237 / 86 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Mounting Kit Model 85-3 Weight (kg) 7.3 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Compliance 120 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 121 Multiband Antennas 12-Port Antenna 2G2J2WC-21 2G2J2WC-21 2L4H / 1.5 m Layout (BASTA) 2 x (698-960) Frequency(MHz) R1/R2 Gain Y2/Y3 2 x (1427-2690) / 2 x (1695-2690) 698-806 790-862 880-960 13.5±0.5 14.0±0.5 14.2±0.5 1427-1518 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 dBi Y1/Y4 Polarization 15.3±0.5 ° 16.0±0.7 16.6±0.8 17.0±0.5 17.6±0.5 16.2±0.5 16.8±0.4 17.2±0.4 17.7±0.5 Multiband Antennas Electrical Data 2 x (698-960) + 2 x (1427-2690) + 2 x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 69±6 62±5 60±5 72±6 69±6 68±6 64±3 59±3 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 18 20 20 18 18 19 19 18 10 8 8 13 11 8 6 6 15.4±1.5 13.9±1.2 12.4±1.0 7.0±0.5 6.2±0.5 5.6±0.3 5.1±0.3 6.7±0.4 6±0.4 5.4±0.3 5±0.3 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Vertical Pattern R1/R2/Y2/Y3 3dB Beamwidth Y1/Y4 ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 8.1±0.6 2-12 2-12 15 17 3 R2 Pattern 698-960 1427-2690/1695-2690 RF Parameters VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM 25 LB//LB>25; LB//HB>26; HB//HB>27 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 122 25 500 300 Accessories (BASTA) Input Connectors 12 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 30 kg 66.1 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1499 x 498 x 197 mm 59.0 x 19.6 x 7.8 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 601 / 768 / 157 N 135 / 173 / 35.3 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Item Model Weight (kg) Mechanical Tilt Range (°) Mounting Kit 185-2 6.5 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 123 Multiband Antennas 12-Port Antenna 2G2J2WD-21 2G2J2WD-21 2L4H / 2.0 m 2 x (698-960) + 2 x (1427-2690) + 2 x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Layout Electrical Data (BASTA) 2 x (698-960) R1/R2 Gain Y2/Y3 2 x (1427-2690) / 2 x (1695-2690) 698-806 790-862 880-960 14.3±0.5 14.9±0.5 15.5±0.5 1427-1518 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 dBi Y1/Y4 Polarization 15.8±0.5 ° 16.4±0.7 16.8±0.8 17.2±0.5 17.6±0.5 16.6±0.5 17.2±0.4 17.5±0.4 18.1±0.5 Multiband Antennas Frequency(MHz) ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 69±6 62±5 60±5 72±6 69±6 68±6 64±3 59±3 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 20 20 20 18 18 19 19 18 10 8 8 13 11 8 10 6 13.2±1.0 11.7±0.8 10.6±0.5 7.0±0.6 6.2±0.5 5.5±0.5 5.1±0.4 6.0±0.4 5.5±0.4 4.8±0.2 4.5±0.2 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Vertical Pattern R1/R2/Y2/Y3 3dB Beamwidth Y1/Y4 ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression dB 7.4±0.6 2-12 2-12 17 17 3 R2 Pattern 698-960 1427-2690/1695-2690 RF Parameters VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM dB 25 25 R1//R2 >26; R1,R2//Y1~Y4 >28 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W 500 300 Mechanical Data (BASTA) 124 Input Connectors 12 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 35 kg 77.2 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1999 x 498 x 197 mm 78.7 x 17.6 x 7.4 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 935 / 1195 / 238 N 210 / 269 / 53 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mechanical Tilt Range (°) Mounting Kit 185-2 6.5 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 125 Multiband Antennas 12-Port Antenna 2G4WC-21 2G4WC-21 2L4H / 1.5 m (BASTA) 2 x (698-960) Frequency(MHz) R1/R2 Gain Layout Y1/Y2/Y3/Y4 dBi Polarization 4 x (1695-2690) 698-806 790-862 880-960 13.5±0.5 14.0±0.5 14.2±0.5 ° 1695-1880 1920-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 16.4±0.7 16.8±0.8 17.2±0.5 17.8±0.5 Multiband Antennas Electrical Data 2 x (698-960) + 4 x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 64±5 62±5 65±6 69±5 68±5 65±5 60±5 25 26 26 28 28 30 27 20 20 20 19 22 22 22 11 9 10 8 6 6 4 15.4±1.5 14.2±0.8 12.8±1 7.1±0.6 6.2±0.5 5.6±0.4 5.1±0.5 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 2-12 Array Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* 2-12 15 17 RF Parameters VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM 25 27 LB//LB>25; LB//HB>26; HB//HB>27 -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W 126 1-2 698-960 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 3-4 698-960 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y1 5-6 1695-2690 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 7-8 1695-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y3 9 - 10 1695-2690 5 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y4 11 - 12 1695-2690 6 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week, xxxxx – Serial Number dBc Mechanical Data R1 R2 500 Pattern 698-960 1695-2690 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 12 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 30 kg 66.1 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1499 x 498 x 198 mm 59.0 x 19.6 x 7.8 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 601 / 768 / 157 N 135 / 173 / 35 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mounting Kit 185-2 6.5 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 127 Multiband Antennas 12-Port Antenna 2G4WD-21A 2G4WD-21A 2L4H / 2.0 m 2 x (698-960) + 4 x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Layout (BASTA) 2 x (698-960) Frequency(MHz) R1/R2 Gain Y1/Y2 4 x (1695-2690) 698-896 880-960 14.8±0.5 15.2±0.5 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 15.0±0.5 15.8±0.4 16.0±0.3 16.4±0.5 14.7±0.5 15.5±0.5 15.7±0.5 16.0±0.5 dBi Y3/Y4 Polarization ° Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 67±5 64±5 69±5 64±5 65±5 61±5 25 25 25 26 26 27 18 18 18 18 18 18 9 8 9 6 6 6 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Array Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* R1 1-2 698-960 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM R2 3-4 698-960 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y1 5-6 1695-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 7-8 1695-2690 5 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y3 9 - 10 1695-2690 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y4 11 - 12 1695-2690 6 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe 10.1±1.2 dB Suppression 8.5±0.6 10.6±0.7 9.3±1.0 8.3±0.3 2-12 2-12 16 17 RF Parameters VSWR dB Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM 25 R1//R2>26; 1695-2690 R1,R2//Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4>28 -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W 128 698-960 26 dBc Mechanical Data *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number Pattern 1.5:1 Port Isolation 7.7±0.5 500 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 12 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 33 kg 72.8 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1999 x 448 x 188 mm 78.6 x 17.6 x 7.4 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 769 / 886 / 184 N 173/ 199 / 41 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 129 Multiband Antennas 12-Port Antenna 2G4WF-21 2G4WF-21 2L4H / 2.63 m 2 x (698-960) + 4 x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors (BASTA) 2 x (698-960) Frequency(MHz) R1/R2 Gain Layout Y1/Y2 4 x (1695-2690) 698-896 880-960 15.8±0.5 16.2±0.5 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 16.5±0.5 17.0±0.5 17.2±0.4 17.7±0.5 16.2±0.5 16.7±0.5 16.8±0.4 17.3±0.5 dBi Y3/Y4 Polarization ° Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 67±5 64±5 69±5 64±5 65±5 61±5 26 27 28 28 30 30 18 18 18 18 18 18 9 8 9 8 6 6 8.2±0.9 7.2±0.4 7.0±0.5 6.2±0.5 5.6±0.3 5.1±0.3 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 2-12 17 17 1-2 R2 Y1 Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* 698-960 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 3-4 698-960 5 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 5-6 1695-2690 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 7-8 1695-2690 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y3 9 - 10 1695-2690 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y4 11 - 12 1695-2690 6 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number 698-960 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation PIM 28 1695-2690 28 R1//R2>28; R1,R2//Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4>30 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data Frequency (MHz) Pattern VSWR 130 Connector R1 2-12 RF Parameters 3rd Order Array 500 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 12 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Accessories Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 42 kg 92.6 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2630 x 448 x 188 mm 103.5 x 17.6 x 7.4 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 1012 / 1265 / 242 N 227 / 262 / 54 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Item Model Weight (kg) Mounting Kit 85-3 7.3 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 e -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 131 Multiband Antennas 12-Port Antenna AC4WD-21 AC4WD-21 2L4H / 2.0 m Layout (BASTA) Frequency(MHz) R1/R2 Gain 698-862+880-960+4 x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Integrated Diplexer Y1/Y2 698-862 880-960 698-862 880-960 15.1±0.5 15.3±0.5 dBi Y3/Y4 Polarization 2x (1695-2690) 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 15.4±0.5 15.5±0.4 15.8±0.4 16.5±0.5 15.1±0.5 15.2±0.4 15.4±0.4 16.2±0.5 ° Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 67.5±3 66.5±3 62±4 69±5 68±4 63±4 27 28 28 29 28 29 18 20 17 18 21 20 10 10 9 10 6 6 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe 10.0±1.5 dB Suppression 8.6±0.8 10.9±0.7 9.6±0.9 8.5±0.5 0-10 0-10 15 17 RF Parameters 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM 27 27 7.5±0.4 Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* R1 1-2 698-862 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM R2 3-4 880-960 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y1 5-6 1695-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 7-8 1695-2690 5 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y3 9- 10 1695-2690 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y4 11-12 1695-2690 6 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Pattern 698-862 30 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W 132 Array *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number VSWR Mechanical Data 3 R2 400 880-960 1695-2690 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 12 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 32.5 kg 71.6 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1995 x 350 x 200 mm 78.5 x 13.8 x 7.9 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 858 / 459 / 305 N 193 / 103 / 67 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C -40 ~ +158 °F Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mechanical Tilt Range (°) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 0-10 - Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 133 Multiband Antennas 12-Port Antenna AC4WF-21 AC4WF-21 2L4H / 2.7 m Layout (BASTA) Frequency(MHz) R1/R2 Gain 698-862 + 880-960 + 4 x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Integrated Diplexer Y1/Y2 698-862 880-960 698-862 880-960 15.8±0.5 16.1±0.5 2x (1695-2690) 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 16.8±0.5 17.0±0.5 17.3±0.4 18.0±0.6 16.4±0.5 16.6±0.5 16.9±0.4 17.6±0.6 dBi Y3/Y4 Polarization ° Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 67.5±3.5 64±2.5 62±5 68±6 68±5 62±5 26 27 28 28 28 29 20 22 18 20 20 20 10 12 8 9 6 7 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe 8.2±1.2 6.9±0.6 0-10 0-10 dB Suppression 7.3±0.5 6.3±0.8 5.6±0.4 16 5.1±0.7 17 Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* R1 1-2 698-862 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM R2 3-4 880-960 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y1 5-6 1695-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 7-8 1695-2690 5 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y3 9-10 1695-2690 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y4 11-12 1695-2690 6 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM 28 28 Pattern 698-862 30 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W 134 Array 0-10 RF Parameters Mechanical Data 3 R2 400 880-960 1695-2690 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 12 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 41 kg 90.4 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2690 x 350 x 200 mm 105.9 x 13.8 x 7.9 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 1175 / 561 / 342 N 264 / 126 / 77 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mechanical Tilt Range (°) Mounting Kit 85-3 7.3 0-12 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 135 Multiband Antennas 12-Port Antenna ACGJ2W-21 ACGJ2W-21 3L3H / 2.7 m 690-960 + 690-862 + 880-960 + 1427-2690 + 2 x (1695-2690) MHz Integrated RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant) Independent Tilt Control for 690-862/880-960MHz Layout (BASTA) 690-960 / 690-862 / 880-960 Frequency(MHz) 690-806 790-862 880-960 R1 15.6±0.5 16.0±0.5 16.2±0.5 R2 15.4±0.5 15.8±0.5 dBi R3 Gain 1427-2690 / 2 x (1695-2690) 1427-1518 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 15.8±0.5 Y1 16.5±0.5 Y2 Y3 15.8±0.5 Polarization Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ° 17.0±0.5 17.2±0.4 17.7±0.5 16.1±0.5 16.6±0.5 16.8±0.4 17.2±0.5 16.6±0.5 17.2±0.4 17.5±0.4 18.1±0.5 ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 70±6 62±6 61±5 63±6 69±6 68±5 64±4 59±5 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 20 20 20 18 18 19 19 18 12 8 10 13 11 6 6 7 F/B Ratio 3 R Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Array Connector Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* R1 1-2 698-960 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM R2 3-4 698-960 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM R3 5-6 1695-2690 6 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y1 7-8 1695-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 9 - 10 1695-2690 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y3 11 - 12 1695-2690 5 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Vertical Pattern 3dB R1/R2/R3 Beamwidth Y1/Y2 Y3 8.5±0.6 dB Suppression 6.9±0.3 ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe 7.6±0.6 7.4±0.6 7.0±0.5 6.2±0.5 5.6±0.3 5.1±0.3 6.0±0.4 5.5±0.4 4.8±0.2 4.5±0.2 2-12 2-12 19 17 Frequency (MHz) Pattern 690-960 1427-2690/1695-2690 RF Parameters VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM 28 Y1, Y2>28; Y3>27 R2//R3>30; R1//R2, R3>26; R1,R2//Y1,Y2,Y3 >30 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 136 500 300 (BASTA) Accessories Input Connectors 12 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 47.4 kg 104.5 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2769 x 448 x 188 mm 109 x 17.6 x 7.4 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 1065 / 1227 / 254N 239 / 257 / 57 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Item Model Weight (kg) Mechanical Tilt Range (°) Mounting Kit 85-3 7.3 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 137 Type Frequency (MHz) HPBW (°) Gain (dBi) Size (mm) Multiband Antennas Multiband Antennas 14-Port Page 2 x Lowband / 5 x Highband 2G5WD-21A 2G5WF-21 ACJ2U2SD-21 2GJ2U2SC-21 2GJ2U2SD-21 138 2 x 698-960 5 x 1695-2690 698-862 880-960 1427-2690 2 x 1695-2180 2 x 2490-2690 2 x 698-960 1427-2690 2 x 1695-2180 2 x 2500-2690 65 15.2/15.2 16.3/16.3/16.1/16.1 1999 x 498 x 197 140 16/16 17.7/17.7/17.2/17/17 2690 x 448 x 188 142 15.0 15.2 17.6 17.4/17.1 17.5/17.2 1995 x 379 x 189 144 14.0/14.0 17.9 16.1/16.1 17.1/17.1 1499 x 498 x 197 146 15.3/15.3 18.1 16.7/16.7 17.4/17.4 1999 x 498 x 197 148 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 139 Multiband Antennas 14-Port Antenna 2G5WD-21A 2G5WD-21A 2L5H / 2.0 m 2 x (698-960) + 5 x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Layout (BASTA) 2 x (698-960) Frequency(MHz) Y1/Y2/Y3 Gain 880-960 698-896 14.8±0.5 R1/R2 5 x (1695-2690) 1695-1880 1900-2170 2300-2400 2500-2690 15.0±0.5 15.8±0.4 16.0±0.5 16.3±0.5 14.7±0.5 15.5±0.5 15.7±0.5 16.1±0.5 15.2±0.5 dBi Y4/Y5 Polarization ° Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 67±5 64±5 69±5 64±5 65±5 61±5 25 25 25 26 26 27 18 18 18 18 18 18 9 8 9 8 6 6 10.1±1.2 8.5±0.6 10.6±0.7 9.3±1.0 8.3±0.3 7.7±0.5 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Pattern 698-960 1695-2690 Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 2-12 2-12 16 17 RF Parameters VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM 25 26 R1//R2>25; R1,R2//Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4>28 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 140 500 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 14 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 44 kg 97 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1999 x 498 x 197 mm 78.6 x 19.6 x 7.8 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 935 / 1195 / 238 N 210 / 269 / 54 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 141 Multiband Antennas 14-Port Antenna 2G5WF-21 2G5WF-21 2L5H / 2.69 m 2 x (698-960) + 5 x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Layout (BASTA) 2 x (698-960) Frequency(MHz) R1/R2 Y1/Y5 Gain Y2 5 x (1695-2690) 698-896 880-960 15.6±0.5 16.0±0.5 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 16.5±0.5 17.0±0.5 17.2±0.4 17.7±0.5 16.1±0.5 16.6±0.5 16.8±0.4 17.2±0.5 15.8±0.5 16.4±0.5 16.6±0.4 17.0±0.5 68±5 62±5 59±5 dBi Y3/Y4 Polarization ° Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 69±5 62±5 69±6 25 25 26 28 26 27 18 18 18 18 18 18 9 8 9 8 6 6 8.0±0.9 7.0±0.5 7.0±0.5 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB 3 R2 Pattern 698-960 1695-2690 Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 6.2±0.5 5.6±0.3 2-12 2-12 17 17 5.1±0.3 RF Parameters VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM 27 27 28 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 142 500 300 Accessories (BASTA) Input Connectors 14 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Fiberglass Antenna Weight 47 kg 103.6 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2690 x 448 x 188 mm 105.9 x 17.6 x 7.4 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 1035 / 1192 / 247 N 233 / 268 / 57 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Model Weight (kg) 85-3 7.3 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 c Radome Material Relative Humidity Item Mounting Kit -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 143 Multiband Antennas 14-Port Antenna ACJ2U2SD-21 (BASTA) Frequency(MHz) R1/R2 B1/Y1 Gain Layout Layout B2/Y2 698-862 880-960 698-862 880-960 2 x (1695-2180) 2 x (2490-2690) 1427-2690 1695-1880 1920-2180 2490-2690 1427-1518 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 15.0±0.5 15.2±0.5 Multiband Antennas Electrical Data 698-862+880-960+1427-2690+2 x (1695-2180)+2 x (24902690)MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Integrated Diplexer ACJ2U2SD-21 2L5H / 2.0 m 17.2±0.5 17.4±0.4 17.5±0.5 dBi 16.8±0.6 17.1±0.4 17.2±0.5 15.3±0.5 16.6±0.4 17.0±0.5 17.3±0.5 17.6±0.5 Y3 Polarization ° ±45 Horizontal Pattern R1/R2 B1/Y1 3dB Beamwidth B2/Y2 66±3 63±3 ° 69±5 67±5 60±5 70±5 63±5 60±5 Y3 70±5 69±6 66±6 59±6 56±5 3 R F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60 ° dB Array Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # R1 1-2 698-862 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 18 R2 3-4 880-960 7 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 5 B1 5-6 1695-2180 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM B2 7-8 1695-2180 6 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y1 9 - 10 2490-2690 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 11 - 12 2490-2690 5 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y3 13 - 14 1427-2690 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 26 27 27 30 29 26 28 28 28 28 19 18 17 19 19 18 18 18 18 10 10 8 8 6 11 10 10 6 Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 12.0±2.0 10.0±1.0 6.4±0.4 2-12 2-12 5.5±0.5 4.7±0.4 2-12 7.8±0.8 7.0±0.4 6.2±0.5 2-12 16 17 RET Serial* *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number 2 VSWR Pattern 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM 27 27 698-862 16952180 880-960 24902690 14272690 30 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W 144 5.1±0.3 2-12 RF Parameters Mechanical Data 5.6±0.3 RET Type 400 200 (BASTA) Input Connectors 14 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 42 kg 92.5 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1995 x 379 x 189 mm 59 x 14.9 x 7.5 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 946 / 731 / 298 N 213 / 164 / 67 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 145 Multiband Antennas 14-Port Antenna 2GJ2U2SC-21 2GJ2U2SC-21 2L5H / 1.5 m Layout (BASTA) 2 x (698-960) Frequency(MHz) R1/R2 Gain (1427-2690) / 2 x (1695-2180) / 2 x (2500-2690) 698-806 790-862 880-960 13.5±0.5 13.8±0.5 14.0±0.5 1427-1518 1695-1880 1900-2180 2300-2400 2500-2690 B1/Y1/B2/Y2 dBi Y3 15.6±0.5 Polarization ° 15.6±0.5 16.1±0.5 16.5±0.5 17.3±0.5 17.5±0.5 17.9±0.5 Multiband Antennas Electrical Data 2 x (698-960)+(1427-2690)+2x(1695-2180)+2x(2500-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors 17.1±0.5 ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 67±5 62±5 60±5 72±6 68±6 67±6 64±3 59±3 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8 8 8 12 10 8 6 6 15.4±1.5 13.9±1.2 12.4±1 7.0±0.5 6.2±0.5 6.7±0.4 6±0.4 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth R1/R2 B1/Y1B2/Y2 Y3 ° Electrical Downtilt 1 Upper Sidelobe 8.1±0.6 2-12 2-12 15 17 5.1±0.3 5.4±0.3 st dB Suppression 5±0.3 3 R2 Array R1 R2 B1 B2 Y1 Y2 Y3 dB Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM RET Type MRET MRET MRET MRET MRET MRET MRET RET Serial* RB......XYYxxxxx-MM RB......XYYxxxxx-MM RB......XYYxxxxx-MM RB......XYYxxxxx-MM RB......XYYxxxxx-MM RB......XYYxxxxx-MM RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 1427-2690/1695-2180/2500-2690 26 R1,R2//B1,Y1,B2,Y2,Y3 >28; B1//Y1>28;B2//Y2>28 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 146 25 R1//R2 >25; Sub Unit # 3 4 1 7 2 5 6 698-960 1.5:1 Port Isolation Frequency (MHz) 698-960 698-960 1695-2180 1695-2180 2500-2690 2500-2690 1427-2690 Pattern RF Parameters VSWR Connector 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9 - 10 11 - 12 13 - 14 500 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 14 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Accessories Antenna Weight 31.99kg 70.5 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1499 x 498 x 197 mm 59 x 19.6 x 7.8 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 600/768/156N 135/173/35 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2- 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Item Model Weight (kg) Mechanical Tilt Range (°) Mounting Kit 185-2 6.5 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 147 Multiband Antennas 14-Port Antenna 2GJ2U2SD-21 2GJ2U2SD-21 2L5H / 2.0 m Layout (BASTA) 2 x (698-960) Frequency(MHz) R1/R2 Gain 2x(698-960)+(1427-2690)+2x(1695-2180)+2x(2500-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors (1427-2690) / 2 x (1695-2180) / 2 x (2500-2690) 698-806 790-862 880-960 14.3±0.5 14.9±0.5 15.3±0.5 1427-1518 1695-1880 1900-2180 2300-2400 2500-2690 B1/B2/Y1/Y2 Y3 15.8±0.5 Polarization 16.2±0.5 16.7±0.5 17.4±0.5 16.6±0.5 17.2±0.4 17.5±0.4 18.1±0.5 Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 70±6 62±6 61±5 72±6 69±6 68±5 64±4 59±5 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 20 20 20 18 18 19 19 18 10 8 8 13 10 8 6 6 10.5±1.0 9.6±0.6 8.6±0.6 7.0±0.5 6.2±0.5 6.0±0.4 5.5±0.4 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth R1/R2 B1/B2/Y1/Y2 Y3 ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 7.4±0.6 2-12 2-12 17 17 5.1±0.3 4.8±0.2 VSWR Connector 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9 - 10 11 - 12 13 - 14 Frequency (MHz) 698-960 698-960 1695-2180 1695-2180 2500-2690 2500-2690 1427-2690 Sub Unit # 3 4 1 7 2 5 6 698-960 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM 148 Array R1 R2 B1 B2 Y1 Y2 Y3 RET Type MRET MRET MRET MRET MRET MRET MRET RET Serial* RB......XYYxxxxx-MM RB......XYYxxxxx-MM RB......XYYxxxxx-MM RB......XYYxxxxx-MM RB......XYYxxxxx-MM RB......XYYxxxxx-MM RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Pattern RF Parameters 25 B1, B2,Y1,Y2>26; R1//R2 >25; 1427-2690/1695-2180/2500-2690 Y3>25 R1,R2//B1,B2,Y1,Y2,Y3 >28 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 4.5±0.2 3 R2 500 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 14 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 37kg 81.6 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1999 x 498 x 197 mm 78.7 x 17.6 x 7.4 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 935 / 1195 / 238 N 210 / 269 / 53 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Mounting Kit 185-2 Weight (kg) 6.45 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 149 Type Frequency (MHz) HPBW (°) Gain (dBi) Size (mm) Multiband Antennas Multiband Antennas 16-Port Page 2 x Lowband / 6 x Highband 2G6WD-21 2G6WF-21 15/15 16.4/16.4/16.4/16.4/16/16 2 x 698-960 6 x 1695-2690 2G2J4WF-21 2 x 690-960 2 x 1427-2690 4 x 1695-2690 ACJ5WF-21 698-862 880-960 1427-1518+1695-2690 5 x 1695-2690 65 1999 x 498 x 197 152 16/16 2690 x 448 x 188 17.7/17.7/17.7/17.2/17.2/17.2 154 16.1/16.1 17.5/17.5 18.1/18.1/17.5/17.5 2769 x 448 x 188 156 15.8 16.2 17.9 17.7/17.7/17.2/17.2/17.2 2690 x 396 x 190 158 16.2 15.8 15.8 17.7 17.2/17.2/17.2/18.1 2769 x 448 x 188 160 14.8 14.6 14.7 16.2/16.2 16.1/16.1/16.1 1999 x 498 x 197 162 15.8 15.8 16.2 18.1/18.1 17.3/17.3/17.3 2769 x 448 x 188 164 3 x Lowband / 5 x Highband ACGJ4WF-21 ACG2J3WD-21 ACG2J3WF-21 150 690-960 690-862 880-960 1427-2690 4 x 1695-2690 698-960 698-862 880-960 2 x 1427-2690 3 x 1695-2690 65 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 151 Multiband Antennas 16-Port Antenna 2G6WD-21 2G6WD-21 2L6H / 2.0 m Layout (BASTA) 2 x (698-960) Frequency(MHz) R1/R2 Gain 2 x (698-960) + 6 x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Y1/Y2/Y3/Y4 6 x (1695-2690) 698-896 880-960 14.6±0.3 15.0±0.3 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 15.0±0.5 15.8±0.4 16.0±0.3 16.4±0.5 14.6±0.5 15.4±0.4 15.6±0.3 16.0±0.5 dBi Y5/Y6 Polarization ° Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 63±8 62±3 65±8 60±7 61±6 60±6 24 25 26 28 25 27 23 23 17 19 15 15 7 7 11 6 8 10 10.1±1.2 8.5±0.6 10.6±0.7 9.3±1.0 8.3±0.3 7.7±0.5 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1 Upper sidelobe 2-12 2-12 16 17 Pattern 698-960 st dB Suppression 1695-2690 RF Parameters VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3 Order PIM 25 26 R1//R2>27; R1,R2//Y1~Y6>28 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W rd Mechanical Data 152 500 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 16 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Accessories Antenna Weight 38 kg 83.8 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1999 x 498 x 197 mm 78.7 x 19.6 x 7.8 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 935 / 1195 / 238 N 210 / 269 / 53 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Item Model Weight (kg) Mounting Kit 185-2 6.5 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 153 Multiband Antennas 16-Port Antenna 2G6WF-21 2G6WF-21 2L6H / 2.69 m 2 x (690-960) + 6 x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Layout (BASTA) 2 x (690-960) Frequency(MHz) R1/R2 Gain Y1/Y2/Y3 dBi 6 x (1695-2690) 690-896 880-960 15.6±0.5 16.0±0.5 Y4/Y5/Y6 Polarization 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 16.5±0.5 17.0±0.5 17.2±0.4 17.7±0.5 16.1±0.5 16.6±0.5 16.8±0.4 17.2±0.5 68±5 62±5 59±5 ° Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 69±5 62±5 69±6 25 25 26 28 26 27 3 R 18 18 18 18 18 18 Pattern 9 8 9 8 6 6 8.0±0.9 7.0±0.5 7.0±0.5 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 6.2±0.5 5.6±0.3 2-12 2-12 17 17 698-960 1695-2690 5.1±0.3 RF Parameters VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM 27 28 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 154 27 500 Accessories 300 Item Model Weight (kg) Mounting Kit 85-3 7.3 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 (BASTA) Input Connectors 16 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 45.4 kg Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2690 x 448 x 188 mm 105.9 x 17.6 x 7.4 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph 100.1 lb Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 1035 / 1192 / 247 N 233 / 268 / 57 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 155 Multiband Antennas 16-Port Antenna 2G2J4WF-21 2G2J4WF-21 2L6H / 2.7 m 3 R (BASTA) 2 x (690-960) Frequency(MHz) R1/R2 Gain Layout Y1/Y2/Y5/Y6 690-896 880-960 15.6±0.5 16.1±0.5 1427-1518 dBi Y3/Y4 Polarization 2 x (1427-2690) / 4 x (1695-2690) 15.8±0.5 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 16.3±0.5 16.8±0.5 17.0±0.4 17.5±0.5 16.6±0.5 17.2±0.4 17.5±0.4 18.1±0.5 ° ±45 Pattern Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Multiband Antennas 5Electrical Data 2 x (690-960) + 2 x (1427-2690) + 4 x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors 69±5 62±5 72±6 69±6 68±5 64±4 59±5 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 18 18 18 18 19 19 18 9 8 13 11 8 10 6 8.2±0.9 7.0±0.5 7.0±0.5 6.2±0.5 5.6±0.3 5.1±0.3 6.0±0.4 5.5±0.4 4.8±0.2 4.5±0.2 690-960 1427-2690/1695-2690 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60 ° dB Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth R1/R2 Y1/Y2/Y5/Y6 Y3/Y4 ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 7.4±0.6 2-12 2-12 17 18 RF Parameters VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3 Order PIM >25( typ 27) 26 -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 156 Item Model Weight (kg) Mechanical Tilt Range (°) Mounting Kit 85-3 7.3 0-10 R1//R2>26; R1,R2//Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4,Y5,Y6>27 dBc rd Accessories 500 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 16 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 52 kg 114.6 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2769 x 448 x 188 mm 109 x 17.6 x 7.4 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 1065 / 1227 / 254 N 239 / 276 / 57 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 157 Multiband Antennas 16-Port Antenna ACJ5WF-21 ACJ5WF-21 2L6H / 2.69 m Layout (BASTA) Frequency(MHz) R1/R2/Y1 Gain 698-862 + 880-960 + (1427-2690) + 5 x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Y2/Y3 694-862 880-960 1427-2690 + 5 x (1695-2690) 698-896 880-960 1427-1518 15.8±0.5 16.2±0.5 15.6±0.5 dBi Y4/Y5/Y6 Polarization ° 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 16.4±0.5 17.1±0.4 17.3±0.4 17.9±0.5 16.7±0.5 17.1±0.4 17.3±0.4 17.7±0.5 16.2±0.5 16.6±0.4 16.8±0.4 17.2±0.5 Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 67±4 64±4 72±6 69±5 66±6 62±5 60±5 27 28 25 28 28 28 28 20 20 18 17 18 18 18 10 10 10 8 8 6 6 8.0±1.0 6.9±0.6 7.6±0.6 6.2±0.5 5.7±0.5 5.1±0.3 4.7±0.4 7.0±0.5 6.2±0.5 5.6±0.3 5.1±0.4 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Vertical Pattern R1/R2/Y1 3dB Beamwidth Y2/Y3/Y4/Y5/Y6 ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 2-12 2-12 2-12 17 17 17 3 3 R2Array Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit# RET Type RET Serial* R1 1-2 698-862 5 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM R2 3-4 880-960 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y1 5-6 1427-2690 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 7-8 1695-2690 6 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y3 9 - 10 1695-2690 7 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y4 11 - 12 1695-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM RF Parameters Y5 13 - 14 1695-2690 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM VSWR Y6 15 - 16 1695-2690 8 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM R1,R2>27 Y1>25;Y2,Y3,Y4,Y5,Y6>27 R1//R2>28;R1,R2//Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4,Y5,Y6>28 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 158 400 400 R *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number Pattern 698-862/880-960 1427-2690/ 1695-2690 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 16 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 49 kg Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2690 x 396 x 190 mm 105.9 x 15.6 x 7.5 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 1355 / 1054 / 383 N 305 / 237 / 86 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C -40 ~ +158 °F Accessories Item Model Mounting Kit 85-3 Weight (kg) 7.3 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 159 Multiband Antennas 16-Port Antenna ACGJ4WF-21 ACGJ4WF-21 3L5H / 2.7 m 690-960 + 690-862 + 880-960 + 1427-2690 + 4 x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable Independent Tilt Control for 690-862/880-960MHz Layout 3 R2 (BASTA) 690-960 / 690-862 / 880-960 Frequency(MHz) 690-806 790-862 880-960 R1 15.6±0.5 16.0±0.5 16.2±0.5 R2 15.4±0.5 15.8±0.5 dBi R3 Gain 1427-2690 / 4 x (1695-2690) 1427-1518 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 15.8±0.5 Y1 16.5±0.5 17.0±0.5 17.2±0.4 17.7±0.5 Y2/Y3/Y4 16.1±0.5 16.6±0.5 16.8±0.4 17.2±0.5 16.6±0.5 17.2±0.4 17.5±0.4 18.1±0.5 Y5 15.8±0.5 Polarization ° ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Multiband Antennas Electrical Data 70±6 62±6 61±5 63±6 69±6 68±5 64±4 59±5 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 20 20 20 15 15 15 15 15 12 8 10 10 10 6 6 6 8.5±0.6 7.6±0.6 6.9±0.3 7.0±0.5 6.2±0.5 5.6±0.3 5.1±0.3 6.0±0.4 5.5±0.4 4.8±0.2 4.5±0.2 Pattern F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB 690-960 1427-2690/1695-2690 Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth R1/R2/R3 Y1/Y2/Y3/Y4 Y5 ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 7.4±0.6 2-12 2-12 18 17 RF Parameters VSWR Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM 27 Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4>27; Y5>26 R2//R3>30; R1//R2, R3>26; R1,R2//Y1,Y2,Y3, Y4, Y5 >28 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 160 Accessories 1.5:1 500 Item Model Weight (kg) Mechanical Tilt Range (°) Mounting Kit 85-3 7.3 0-10 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 16 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 49.8 kg 109.8 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2769 x 448 x 188 mm 109 x 17.6 x 7.4 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 1065 / 1227 / 254 N 239 / 276 / 57 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 161 Multiband Antennas 16-Port Antenna ACG2J3WD-21 ACG2J3WD-21 3L5H / 2.0 m Layout (BASTA) 698-960 / 698-862 / 880-960 Frequency(MHz) 698-806 790-862 880-960 14.5±0.5 14.8±0.5 14.7±0.5 dBi 14.4±0.5 14.8±0.5 R1/Y1/Y5 Gain 698-960 + 698-862 + 880-960 + 2 x (1427-2690) + 3 x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable Independent Tilt Control for 698-862/880-960MHz R2/Y2/Y3/Y4 R3 2 x(1427-2690) / 3 x (1695-2690) 1427-1518 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 14.2±0.5 14.9±0.5 15.6±0.5 15.9±0.5 16.2±0.5 14.5±0.5 15.3±0.5 15.7±0.5 16.1±0.5 61±6 62±6 63±4 59±5 68±6 67±5 62±6 60±6 26 26 26 27 Multiband Antennas Electrical Data 14.6±0.5 Polarization ° ±45 Horizontal Pattern R1/R2/R3/Y1/Y5 3dB Beamwidth Y2/Y3/Y4 ° F/B Ratio Co-pol(180°±30°) 25 dB Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° Vertical Pattern R1/R2/R3/Y1/Y5 3dB Beamwidth 65±6 60±5 25 25 69±8 25 16 20 20 17 17 17 17 17 12 8 8 10 10 6 5 4 10.5±1.0 Y2/Y3/Y4 62±6 10.0±1.0 8.5±0.6 12.6±1.6 ° Electrical Downtilt 10.2±0.8 9.0±0.6 8.1±0.5 7.5±0.5 11.2±0.9 9.4±0.7 8.5±0.5 7.8±0.5 2-12 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 16 17 VSWR Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM 162 25 RET Serial* 698-960 1-2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM R2 3-4 698-862 2-3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM R3 5-6 880-960 2-4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y1 7-8 1427-2690 1-1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 9 - 10 1695-2690 2-1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y3 11 - 12 1695-2690 2-2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y4 13 - 14 1695-2690 2-5 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y5 15 - 16 1427-2690 1-3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM LB//LB>25; Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number 698-960 25 LB//HB>28; 1427-2690/1695-2690 HB//HB>25 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data RET Type 1-2 Pattern 1.5:1 dB Connector R1 2-12 RF Parameters Port Isolation Array 500 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 16 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 45 kg 99.2 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1999 x 498 x 197 mm 78.7 x 19.6 x 7.8 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 935 / 1195 / 239.4 N 210.2 / 269 / 53.8 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mechanical Tilt Range (°) Mounting Kit 185-2 6.5 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 163 Multiband Antennas 16-Port Antenna ACG2J3WF-21 ACG2J3WF-21 3L5H / 2.7 m 698-862 + 880-960 + 698-960 + 2 x (1427-2690) + 3 x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable Independent Tilt Control for 698-862/880-960MHz Layout (BASTA) 698-862 / 880-960 / 698-960 Frequency(MHz) Gain 698-806 790-862 880-960 R1 15.6±0.5 16.0±0.5 16.2±0.5 R2 15.4±0.5 15.8±0.5 R3 dBi 2 x (1427-2690) / 3 x (1695-2690) 1427-1518 1695-1880 1900-2200 2300-2400 2500-2690 15.8±0.5 Y2/Y3/Y4 Y1/Y5 15.8±0.5 Polarization Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ° 16.1±0.5 16.6±0.5 16.8±0.4 17.3±0.5 16.6±0.5 17.2±0.4 17.5±0.4 18.1±0.5 ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 70±6 62±6 61±5 63±6 69±6 68±5 64±4 59±5 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 20 20 20 15 15 15 15 15 12 8 10 10 10 6 6 6 8.5±0.6 7.6±0.6 6.9±0.3 7.4±0.6 6.0±0.4 5.5±0.4 4.8±0.2 4.5±0.2 7.0±0.5 6.2±0.5 5.6±0.3 5.1±0.3 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) dB Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° Vertical Pattern 3dB R1~R3/Y1/Y5 Beamwidth Y2/Y3/Y4 ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 2-12 2-12 17 17 3 R2 Pattern 698-960 1427-2690/1695-2690 RF Parameters VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3 Order PIM Y1, Y5>26; R2//R3>30; R1//R2, R3 >26; -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data Y2, Y3, Y4 >27; R1, R2, R3 //Y1~Y5 >28 dBc rd 164 27 500 300 Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mechanical Tilt Range (°) Mounting Kit 85-3 7.3 0-10 (BASTA) Input Connectors 16 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 49 kg 108 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2769 x 448 x 188 mm 109 x 17.6 x 7.4 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 1065 / 1227 / 254 N 239 / 276 / 57 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 165 Type Frequency (MHz) HPBW (°) Gain (dBi) Size (mm) Multiband Antennas Multiband Antennas 22 & 30-Port Page 3 x Lowband / 8 x Highband ACG8WF-21 698-960 698-862 65 880-960 8 x 1695-2690 16.2 15.8 2690 x 498 x 197 15.8 17.9/17.9/17.9/17.9/17.2/17.2/17.2/17.2 168 16.2 15.6 15.8 17.3/17.3 16.0/16.0/15.8/15.8 17.5/17.5/17.1/17.1 17.9/17.9 170 3 x Lowband / 12 x Highband 698-862 880-960 698-960 ACG2Z4K4R2WF-07 2 x 1427-2180 65 4 x 1695-1880 4 x 2300-2690 2 x 1695-2690 166 2769 x 498 x 197 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 167 Multiband Antennas 22-Port Antenna ACG8WF-21 ACG8WF-21 3L8H / 2.7 m Layout (BASTA) 698-862 / 880-960 / 698-960 Frequency(MHz) R1 R2/R3 Gain (698-862)+(880-960)+(698-960)+ 8x(1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Female Connectors Y1/Y2/Y3Y4 dBi 698-806 790-862 880-960 15.6±0.5 15.9±0.5 16.2±0.5 15.3±0.5 15.6±0.5 15.8±0.5 8 x (1695-2690) 1695-1880 1900-2180 2300-2400 2500-2690 16.3±0.5 16.8±0.5 17.3±0.5 17.9±0.5 15.7±0.5 16.1±0.5 16.6±0.5 17.2±0.5 Y5/Y6/Y7/Y8 Polarization ° Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 71±6 62±5 60±5 69±6 68±6 64±4 59±5 25 25 25 27 27 25 27 17 18 18 18 19 19 18 10 8 8 8 7 6 6 8.6±0.6 7.5±0.6 6.9±0.5 7.0±0.5 6.2±0.5 5.6±0.3 5.1±0.3 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) dB Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° Vertical Pattern 3dB R1/R2/R3 Beamwidth Y1~Y8 ° Electrical Downtilt 1 Upper Sidelobe 2-12 2-12 17 17 st dB Suppression RF Parameters VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM 26 R2//R3 >28; R1// R2,R3>26; R1,R2,R3// Y1~Y8 >28; dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 168 25 500 Array R1 R2 R3 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y7 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y8 Connector 1–2 3–4 5–6 7–8 9 - 10 11 - 12 19 - 20 13 - 14 15 - 16 17 - 18 21 - 22 Frequency (MHz) 698-960 698-862 880-960 1695-2690 1695-2690 1695-2690 1695-2690 1695-2690 1695-2690 1695-2690 1695-2690 Sub Unit # 3 6 8 1 5 7 10 2 4 9 RET Type MRET MRET MRET MRET MRET MRET MRET MRET MRET MRET MRET RET Serial* RB......XYYxxxxx-MM RB......XYYxxxxx-MM RB......XYYxxxxx-MM RB......XYYxxxxx-MM RB......XYYxxxxx-MM RB......XYYxxxxx-MM RB......XYYxxxxx-MM RB......XYYxxxxx-MM RB......XYYxxxxx-MM RB......XYYxxxxx-MM RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Pattern 698-960 1695-2690 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 22 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 61.5 kg 135.6 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2690 x 498 x 197 mm 10.9 x 19.6 x 7.8 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 1115 / 1419 / 320 N 251 / 319 / 72 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0- 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Mounting Kit 185-1 Weight (kg) 11.04 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 169 Multiband Antennas 30-Port Antenna ACG2Z4K4R2WF-07 ACG2Z4K4R2WF-07 3L12H / 2.7 m Layout (BASTA) 698-862 / 880-960 / 698-960 Frequency(MHz) R1/B5/B6 R2/Y5/Y6 Gain (698-862)+(880-960)+(698-960)+2x(1427-2180)+4x(16951880)+4x(2300-2690)+2x(1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connector R3/B1/B2/Y1/Y2 dBi 698-806 790-862 880-960 15.6±0.5 15.9±0.5 16.2±0.5 15.3±0.5 15.6±0.5 2x(1427-2180)/4x(1695-1880)/4x(2300-2690)/2x (1695-2690) 1427-1518 1695-1880 1900-2180 2300-2400 2500-2690 15.6±0.5 15.8±0.5 B3/B4/Y3/Y4 Polarization ° 16.8±0.5 17.3±0.5 16.3±0.5 16.8±0.5 17.3±0.5 17.9±0.5 16.0±0.5 17.0±0.5 17.5±0.5 15.8±0.5 16.7±0.5 17.1±0.5 64±4 59±5 Multiband Antennas Electrical Data ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 71±6 62±5 60±5 73±6 69±6 68±6 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) dB Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° Vertical Pattern 3dB R1/R2/R3/B5/B6 Beamwidth RET Serial* AISG1-2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-M1 27 27 25 27 R2 3-4 698-862 AISG1-3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-M1 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 18 R3 5-6 880-960 AISG1-6 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-M1 10 8 8 10 8 7 6 6 B5 15 - 16 1695-2180 AISG1-1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-M1 B6 17 - 18 1695-2180 AISG1-7 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-M1 6±0.4 Y5 27 - 28 1695-2690 AISG1-4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-M1 6.2±0.5 29 - 30 1695-2690 AISG1-5 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-M1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-M2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-M2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-M2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-M2 dB 7.5±0.6 6.9±0.5 8.1±0.6 6.7±0.4 7.0±0.5 7.0±0.5 5.6±0.3 5.1±0.3 Y6 5.6±0.3 5.1±0.3 B1 7-8 1695-1880 B3 11 - 12 1695-1880 B2 9 - 10 1695-1880 B4 13 - 14 1695-1880 Y1 19 - 20 2300-2690 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-M2 Y2 21 - 22 2300-2690 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-M2 Y3 23 - 24 2300-2690 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-M2 Y4 25 - 26 2300-2690 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-M2 2-12 17 17 RF Parameters VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Band Isolation 3 Order PIM 26 R2//R3 >28; R1// R2,R3>26; R1,R2,R3//B1~B6,Y1~Y6 >28; -150 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 170 25 dBc rd Sub Unit # 25 2-12 Suppression RET Type 698-960 25 Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe Frequency (MHz) 1-2 25 ° B1~B4/Y1~Y4 Connector R1 25 8.6±0.6 Y5/Y6 Array 500 AISG2-1 AISG2-3 AISG2-2 *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week, xxxxx – Serial Number Pattern 300 1427-2180/1695-1880/23002690/1695-2690 698-960 (BASTA) Input Connectors 30 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 67 kg 147.7 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2769 x 498 x 197 mm 109 x 19.6 x 7.8 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 1147 / 1461 / 330 N 258 / 328 / 74 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0- 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C -40 ~ +158 °F Accessories Item Model Mounting Kit 185-1 Weight (kg) 11.04 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 171 Multibeam Antennas Multibeam Antennas 4-Port Type Frequency (MHz) HPBW (°) Gain (dBi) Size (mm) Page Low Band Twin Beam 2 x Lowband 2GMD-21 2 x 690-960 33 17.3/17.3 1598 x 579 x 189 174 2WMC-21A 2 x 1695-2690 33 18.7/18.7 1098 x 396 x 190 176 2WMC-21B 2 x 1695-2690 33 19.8/19.8 1460 x 396 x 190 178 172 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | Multibeam Antennas High Band Twin Beam 2 x Highband 173 Multibeam Antennas 4-Port Antenna 2GMD-21 2GMD-21 LB Dual beam / 1.6m Electrical Data 2 x (690-960) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Layout (BASTA) 2 x (690-960) Frequency(MHz) Gain, Average dBi Polarization 690-806 790-896 880-960 16.2±0.5 16.8±0.4 17.3±0.4 ° ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 40±2.3 36±2 34±1.8 ±29 ±26 ±24 28 30 30 20 20 20 16 16 16 Horizontal Beam Direction F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Ratio Main Direction 0° Horizontal Sidelobe Suppression Vertical Pattern dB 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe 13.8±1.0 dB Suppression 12.1±0.9 Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* R1 1-2 690-960 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM R2 3-4 690-960 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 11.1±0.8 0-10 17 Array *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number 17 17 Pattern 690-960_Azimuth RF Parameters VSWR 1.5:1 30 dB Beam Isolation PIM 16 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W 300 Mechanical Data 174 Multibeam Antennas Port Isolation 3rd Order 690-960_Elevation (BASTA) Input Connectors 4 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 32.5 kg Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1598 x 579 x 189 mm 62.9 x 22.8 x 7.4 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Accessories 71.6 lb Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 1180 / 1292 / 172 N 265 / 290 / 39 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Item Model Mounting Kit 185-2 Weight (kg) 6.45 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-12 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 175 Multibeam Antennas 4-Port Antenna 2WMC-21A 2WMC-21A 2x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors HB Dual Twin Beam / 1.1 m Layout Electrical Data (BASTA) 2 x (1695-2690) Frequency(MHz) Gain Bottom Polarization dBi 1695-1900 1900-2180 2300-2500 2500-2690 17.5±0.4 18.4±0.3 18.7±0.3 18.4±0.3 ±45 ° Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Beam Peak Position F/B Ratio Copolar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Ratio @Boresight 0dB dB Sidelobe 36±1 34±1 32±1 32±1 ±30 ±30 ±30 ±30 26 28 30 30 19 25 28 20 16 16 22 20 9.5±0.5 8.4±0.6 7.3±0.3 6.8±0.3 Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression Array 2-12 18 18 18 18 Connector Frequency (MHz) RET Type RET Serial* Y1 1–2 1695-2690 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 3–4 1695-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number 1695-2690 MHz 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB 30 Beam Isolation dB 35 3rd Order dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W 200 PIM Multibeam Antennas VSWR Mechanical Data Sub Unit # Pattern RF Parameters 176 3 (BASTA) Input Connectors 4 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Horizontal Pattern Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 19.5 kg 43.0 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1098 x 396 x 190 mm 43.2 x 15.6 x 7.5 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 523 / 407 / 127 114 / 89 / 27 Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Vertical Pattern Accessories Item Model Mounting Kit 85-1 Weight (kg) 4.5 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 177 Multibeam Antennas 4-Port Antenna 2WMC-21B 2WMC-21B 2 x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors HB Twin Beam / 1.46 m Layout Electrical Data # (BASTA) 2 x (1695-2690) Frequency(MHz) Gain Bottom Polarization dBi 1695-1900 1900-2180 2300-2500 2500-2690 18.8±0.4 19.7±0.3 19.8±0.3 19.5±0.3 ±45 ° Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Beam Peak Position F/B Ratio Copolar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Ratio @Boresight 0dB dB Sidelobe Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 36±1 34±1 32±1 32±1 ±30 ±30 ±30 ±30 26 28 30 29 20 27 27 19 16 16 22 19 6.9±0.4 6.2±0.4 5.4±0.3 5.0±0.3 3 R2 Array Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* Y1 1–2 1695-2690 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 3–4 1695-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 2-12 *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 18 18 18 18 Pattern 1695-2690 MHz RF Parameters 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB 30 Beam Isolation dB 35 3rd Order PIM dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W 200 Mechanical Data 178 Multibeam Antennas VSWR (BASTA) Input Connectors 4 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Horizontal Pattern Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 25.8 kg 56.9 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1460 x 396 x 190 mm 57.5 x 15.6 x 7.5 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Accessories Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 707 / 550 / 181 159 / 124 / 41 Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Vertical Pattern Item Mounting Kit Model 85-1 Weight (kg) 4.5 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 179 Multibeam Antennas 6-Port Gain (dBi) Size (mm) 3 x 1695-2690 21 21.8/21.8/21.8 1470 x 579 x 189 182 G2GHE-21 698-960 2 x 698-960 13.6 16.5/16.5 2480 x 570 x 189 184 W2WHC-31 1695-2690 2 x 1695-2690 17.9 20.2/20.2 1463 x 480 x 115 186 Type Frequency (MHz) HPBW (°) Page High Band Triple Beam 3 x Highband 3WMC-21 180 65 33 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | Multibeam Antennas Hybrid 181 Multibeam Antennas 6-Port Antenna 3WMC-21 3WMC-21 HB Triple beam / 1.47 m 3 x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Layout Electrical Data (BASTA) 3 x (1695-2690) Frequency(MHz) Gain dBi Polarization 1695-1880 1850-1990 1920-2200 2300-2500 2500-2690 20.8±0.5 21.2±0.5 21.6±0.5 21.8±0.6 21.8±0.6 ° ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 21.5±3 19.7±2.5 18.2±2.4 15.2±1.2 14.5±1.1 dB 32 16 32 16 32 16 30 16 28 16 6.8±0.6 6.3±0.6 5.9±0.6 5.2±0.5 4.9±0.4 F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression RF Parameters 16 17 17 17 16 Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* Y1 1-2 1695-2690 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 3-4 1695-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y3 5-6 1695-2690 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number Pattern 1.5:1 1695-2690 MHz dB 25 3rd Order PIM dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W 300 Multibeam Antennas Port Isolation 182 Array 2-10 VSWR Mechanical Data 3 R2 (BASTA) Input Connectors 6 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 34.5 kg 76.1 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1470 x 579 x 189 mm 57.9 x 22.8 x 7.4 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/ Rear / Side) 1080 / 1182 / 155 N 243 / 266 / 35 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Horizontal Pattern Vertical Pattern Accessories Item Mounting Kit Model 185-2 Weight (kg) 6.45 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-12 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 183 Multibeam Antennas 6-Port Antenna G2GHE-21 G2GHE-21 Low Band Twin Beam / 2.48 m 1x (698-960)(65deg) + 2x (698-960)(33deg) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Layout (BASTA) 698-960(65deg) Frequency(MHz) Gain dBi Polarization 698-960(33deg) 698-806 790-896 880-960 698-806 790-896 880-960 13.3±0.5 13.5±0.5 13.6±0.5 15.4±0.5 15.9±0.4 16.5±0.4 ° Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Beam Direction F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Ratio Main Direction 0° dB Sidelobe ±45 68±5 66±5 64±5 40±3 36±3 33±3 / / / ±29 ±26 ±24 27 27 27 27 28 28 17 18 18 18 18 18 / / / 15 15 15 17.4±0.8 15.5±0.7 14.5±0.6 17.4±0.8 15.5±0.7 14.5±0.6 Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 16 16 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Beams Isolation Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* R1 1-2 698-960 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM R2 3-4 698-960 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM R3 5-6 698-960 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number PIM 698-960_Elevation 698-960_Azimuth 698-960_Elevation 698-960_Azimuth 28 / 16 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W 184 Connector Pattern VSWR Mechanical Data Array 0-10 RF Parameters 3rd Order 3 R2 500 Multibeam Antennas Electrical Data 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 6 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Accessories Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 44 kg 97.0 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2480 x 579 x 189 mm 97.6 x 22.8 x 7.5 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 1884 / 2062 / 294 N 423 / 464 / 66 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Item Model Mounting Kit 185-1 Weight (kg) 11.3 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-15 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 185 Multibeam Antennas 6-Port Antenna W2WHC-31 W2WHC-31 1H 65° Beam + 33° Twin Beams / 1.46 m Electrical Data 1695-2690 + 2 x (1695-2690) MHz External RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant) 4.3-10 Connectors Layout (BASTA)) 1695-2690 Frequency(MHz) Gain dBi Polarization 1695-2690 1695-1920 1920-2180 2300-2690 1695-1920 1920-2180 2300-2690 16.9±0.4 17.4±0.4 17.9±0.5 18.9±0.4 19.9±0.5 20.2±0.6 ° ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) 65±5 63±5 62±5 35±2 32±2 26±2 28 28 28 28 30 30 16 17 17 17 17 17 6.7±0.5 5.8±0.6 4.9±0.5 6.7±0.6 5.8±0.5 4.9±0.5 dB Cross-Polar Ratio Main Direction 0° Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 0-12 3 R Pattern 16 1695-2690 _Azimuth 1695-2690(65deg) 16 1695-2690_Elevation RF Parameters 1.5:1 Port Isolation Isolation, Intersystem dB Isolation, Beam to Beam 3rd Order PIM 28 28 30 30 / 16 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 186 300 Multibeam Antennas VSWR 200 (BASTA) Accessories Input Connectors 10 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 23 kg 50.7 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1463 x 480 x 115 mm 57.6 x 18.9 x 4.5 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/ Rear / Side) 787 / 794 / 46 N 177 / 179 / 10 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Item Model Weight (kg) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 187 Multibeam Antennas 8-Port Type Frequency (MHz) HPBW (°) Gain (dBi) Size (mm) Page Dual Band Twin Beam 2 x Lowband / 2 x Highband 2B2UMD-20 2 x 698-960 33 2 x 1695-2180 16.6/16.6 18.5/18.5 1840 x 580 x 190 190 18.8/18.8 18.8/18.8 1050 x 630 x 175 192 18.7/18.7 18.5/18.5 2098 x 396 x 190 194 19.6/19.6 19.2/19.2 2690 x 396 x 190 196 18/18 18.4/18.4 2464 x 320 x 140 198 4WMC-21 4WME-21A 4 x 1695-2690 33 4WMF-21A Multibeam Antennas High Band Dual Twin Beam 4 x Highband Hybrid 4 x Highband 2W2W33HE-20 188 2 x 1695-2690 65 2 x 1695-2690 33 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 189 Multibeam Antennas 8-Port Antenna 2B2UMD-20 2B2UMD-20 Dual Band Twin Beam / 1.84 m 2 x (698-896) + 2 x (1695-2180) MHz Integrated RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant) Layout Electrical Data (BASTA) 2 x (698-896) Frequency(MHz) Gain R1/R2/Y1Y2 dBi Polarization 2 x (1695-2180) 698-806 790-896 1695-1880 1850-1990 1920-2180 15.9±0.6 16.6±0.7 17.7±0.6 18.4±0.6 18.5±0.6 ° ±45 Horizontal Pattern ° F/B Ratio Co-polar (180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 40±3 37±3 32±3 30±2 29±2 26 30 28 28 28 18 18 18 18 18 15 15 18 16 15 12.9±1.5 11.4±1.2 7.6±0.6 7.0±0.6 6.7±0.5 0-12 16 0-10 16 17 17 3 R2 Array 17 RF Parameters VSWR dB 25 Beam Isolation dB 17 3rd Order PIM dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W 190 Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* R1 1-2 698-896 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM R2 3-4 698-896 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y1 5-6 1695-2180 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 7-8 1695-2180 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number 1.5:1 Port Isolation Mechanical Data Connector Pattern 300 698-896_ Azimuth 698-896_ Elevation 1710-2180_ Azimuth Multibeam Antennas 3dB Beamwidth 1710-2180_Elevation 250 (BASTA) Input Connectors 8 x 7/16 DIN Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Packing Weight 38.5 kg 84.9 lb Package Dimensions (H x W x D) 1840 x 580 x 190 mm 72.4 x 22.8 x 7.5 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 1371 / 1502 / 205 N 308 / 338 / 46 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mechanical Tilt Range (°) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 0-12 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 191 Multibeam Antennas 8-Port Antenna 4WMC-21 4WMC-21 4 x (1710-2690) MHz Integrated RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant) 4.3-10 Connectors HB Dual Twin Beam / 1.05 m Layout Electrical Data (BASTA) 4 x (1710-2690) Frequency(MHz) Gain dBi Polarization 1710-1880 1880-2025 2025-2490 2490-2690 17.5±0.4 18.2±0.4 18.7±0.3 18.8±0.5 ±45 ° Horizontal Pattern ° Beam Direction F/B Ratio Copolar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Ratio @Boresight 0dB Vertical Pattern dB 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 37±2 34±2 30±2 26±1 ±29 ±26 ±23 ±19 30 30 30 30 22 22 22 22 9.6±0.7 8.7±0.7 7.7±0.6 6.6±0.6 0-10 18 18 18 3 R2 Array Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* Y1 1-2 1710-2690 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 3-4 1710-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y3 5-6 1710-2690 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y4 7-8 1710-2690 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 18 RF Parameters VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Beams Isolation 3rd Order PIM 16 Pattern dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W 200 Mechanical Data 1710-2690 _Azimuth 1710-2690 Elevation (BASTA) Input Connectors 192 28 *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number Multibeam Antennas 3dB Beamwidth 8 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 27.5 kg 60.6 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1050 x 630 x 175 mm 43.2 x 24.8 x 6.9 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 692 / 891 / 83 N 155 / 200 / 19 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C -40 ~ +158 °F Accessories Item Model Mounting Kit 185-2 Weight (kg) 6.5 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 193 Multibeam Antennas 8-Port Antenna 4WME-21A 4WME-21A HB Dual Twin Beam / 2.1 m Electrical Data Layout (BASTA) 4 x (1695-2690) Frequency(MHz) Gain 4x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Bottom Top Polarization dBi 1695-1900 1900-2180 2300-2500 2500-2690 17.5±0.4 18.4±0.3 18.7±0.3 18.4±0.3 17.3±0.4 18.2±0.3 18.5±0.3 18.2±0.3 ±45 ° Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Beam Peak Position F/B Ratio Copolar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Ratio @Boresight 0dB dB Sidelobe Vertical Pattern 36±1 34±1 32±1 32±1 ±30 ±30 ±30 ±30 26 28 30 30 19 25 28 20 16 16 22 20 3 ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 9.5±0.5 8.4±0.6 7.3±0.3 18 18 18 VSWR 194 Array 2-12 RF Parameters 18 Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* Y1 1–2 1695-2690 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 3–4 1695-2690 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y3 5–6 1695-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y4 7–8 1695-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number 1.5:1 Pattern Port Isolation dB 30 Beam Isolation dB 35 3rd Order PIM dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W 200 Mechanical Data 6.8±0.3 1695-2690 MHz Multibeam Antennas 3dB Beamwidth (BASTA) Input Connectors 8 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 31 kg 68 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2098 x 396 x 190 mm 82.6 x 15.6 x 7.5 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 992 /772 /283 223/174/64 Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Horizontal Pattern Vertical Pattern Accessories Item Model Mounting Kit 85-1 Weight (kg) 4.5 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 195 Multibeam Antennas 8-Port Antenna 4WMF-21A 4WMF-21A HB Dual Twin Beam / 2.69 m Electrical Data Layout (BASTA) 4 x (1695-2690) Frequency(MHz) Gain 4x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Bottom Top Polarization dBi 1695-1900 1900-2180 2300-2500 2500-2690 18.5±0.4 19.4±0.3 19.6±0.3 19.4±0.3 18.1±0.4 19.1±0.3 19.2±0.3 19.0±0.3 ±45 ° Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Beam Peak Position F/B Ratio Copolar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Ratio @Boresight 0dB dB Sidelobe Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 36±1 34±1 32±1 32±1 ±30 ±30 ±30 ±30 26 28 30 29 22 27 25 19 16 16 22 19 7.3±0.4 6.5±0.4 5.6±0.3 5.2±0.3 18 18 18 Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* Y1 1–2 1695-2690 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 18 Y2 3–4 1695-2690 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y3 5–6 1695-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y4 7–8 1695-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number 1.5:1 Pattern Port Isolation dB 30 Beam Isolation dB 35 3rd Order PIM dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W 200 1695-2690 MHz Multibeam Antennas VSWR 196 Array 2-12 RF Parameters Mechanical Data 3 R2 (BASTA) Input Connectors 8 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 43.5 kg Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2690 x 396 x 190 mm 105.9 x 15.6 x 7.5 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 1354/1053/382 304/236/86 Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Horizontal Pattern Vertical Pattern 96 lb Accessories Item Model Mounting Kit 85-3 Weight (kg) 7.3 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 197 Multibeam Antennas 8-Port Antenna 2W2W33HE-20 2W2W33HE-20 2 x (1695-2690) + 2 x (1695-2690) MHz Integrated RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant) 2H 65° Beams + 33° Twin Beams/ 2.46 m Layout Electrical Data (BASTA) 2 x (1695-2690) Frequency(MHz) Gain dBi Polarization 2 x (1695-2690) 1695-1920 1920-2180 2300-2690 1695-1920 1920-2180 2300-2690 17.0±0.4 17.6±0.4 18.0±0.5 17.2±0.5 18.4±0.5 18.4±0.6 ±45 ° Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Horizontal Beam Peak F/B Ratio Copolar(180°±20°) Cross-Polar Ratio Main Direction 0° Vertical Pattern dB 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 66±3 65±3 62±3 37±2 32±2 26±2 / / / ±30 ±25 ±20 26 28 28 28 28 28 15 17 20 18 18 18 6.8±0.5 5.9±0.5 5.0±0.5 9.6±0.6 8.3±0.5 7.0±0.4 16 16 16 0-10 16 16 16 RF Parameters Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* Y1&Y3 1-2&5-6 1695-2690 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2&Y4 3-4&7-8 1695-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number Pattern 1695-2690 _Azimuth 1695-2690_Elevation 1.5:1 28 dB Isolation, Intersystem Isolation, Beam to Beam 3 Order PIM 30 / / / 16 dBc -150 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W rd 300 16 Multibeam Antennas Port Isolation 198 Array 1695-2690(65deg) VSWR Mechanical Data 3 16 250 (BASTA) Input Connectors 8 x 7/16 DIN Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 29 kg 64 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2464 x 320 x 140 mm 97.0 x 12.6 x 5.5 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Accessories Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 875 / 507 / 197 N 197 / 114 / 44 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Item Model Mounting Kit 85-3 Weight (kg) 7.3 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 199 Multibeam Antennas 10-Port Type Frequency (MHz) HPBW (°) Gain (dBi) Size (mm) Page High Band Penta Beam 5 x Highband 5WMB-51 5 x 1710-2690 11 22.6/22.6/22.6/22.6/22.6 896 x 1096 x 116 202 14.3 16.2/16.2/16.2/16.2" 1499 x 350 x 200 204 15.5 18.6/18.6/18.6/18.6 2070 x 350 x 200 206 16.4 19.2/19.2/19.2/19.2 2690 x 350 x 200 208 698-960 2 x 1695-2690 65 2 x 1695-2400 65 698-960 33 2 x 1695-2690 2 x 1695-2690 16.5 17.7/17.7 18.8/18.8 2650 x 350 x 200 210 14.3 15.6/15.6 16.7/16.7 1599 x 350 x 200 212 3 x 1695-2690 65 2 x 1695-2690 33 18.4/18.4/18.4 18.1/18.1 2464 x 396 x 190 214 G4UHC-21 G4WHE-21 G4WHF-21 G2W2O33HF-21 G2W2W33HD-21 698-960 4x1710-2170 698-960 4 x 1695-2690 65 33 Multibeam Antennas Hybrid 1 x Lowband / 4 x Highband Hybrid 5 x Highband 3W2W33HE-20 200 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 201 Multibeam Antennas 10-Port Antenna 5WMB-51 5WMB-51 HB Penta Beam / 0.9 m Electrical Data 5 x (1695-2690) MHz 4.3-10 Connectors Fixed Tilt Layout (BASTA) 5 x (1695-2690) Frequency(MHz) Gain dBi Polarization 1695-1900 1900-2180 2300-2500 2500-2690 20.5±1.4 21.8±1.2 22.6±1.0 21.8±1.8 ±45 ° Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 11.3±2 9.6±2 8.2±1.0 7.5±1.0 36 36 36 36 16 19 19 15 9.2±0.8 8.1±0.8 7.6±0.8 18 18 F/B Ratio (dB) Cross-Polar Ratio @Boresight 0dB Vertical Pattern dB 3dB 10.6±0.8 Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st 6° Fixed Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 18 18 3 R2 RF Parameters Port Isolation dB Beam Isolation 3 Order PIM Pattern 1.5:1 1695-2690 _Azimuth 25 15 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W 200 rd Mechanical Data (BASTA) Input Connectors 202 1695-2690_Elevation Multibeam Antennas VSWR 10 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 27 kg 59.5 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 896 x 1096 x 116 mm 35.3 x 43.2 x 4.5 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h(Front/Rear/Side) 1223 / 1255 / 50 N 275 / 282 / 11 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-12 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 203 Multibeam Antennas 10-Port Antenna G4UHC-21 G4UHC-21 1L 65° Beam + 2 x 33° Twin Beams / 1.5 m Electrical Data 698-960 + 4 x (1710-2170) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Layout (BASTA) 698-960 Frequency(MHz) 698-790 Gain dBi Polarization 13.9±0.4 790-896 14.1±0.4 4 x (1710-2170) 896-960 1710-1850 1850-1990 1990-2170 14.3±0.4 15.3±0.4 15.8±0.5 16.2±0.5 ° ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) 67±5 66±5 65±5 37±2 35±2 33±2 28 28 28 28 28 28 22 20 20 20 20 18 16.6±1.3 15.1±1.3 13.8±1.3 11.8±1 10.4±1.0 9.2±0.8 dB Cross-Polar Ratio Main Direction 0° Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 3 R2 Pattern 2-12 16 1710-2170 _Azimuth 694-894 16 1710-2170_Elevation RF Parameters 1.5:1 Port Isolation Isolation, Intersystem dB Isolation, Beam to Beam 3rd Order PIM 25 25 30 30 / 16 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 204 500 Multibeam Antennas VSWR 200 (BASTA) Accessories Input Connectors 10 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 24 kg 52.9 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1499 x 350 x 200 mm 59.2 x 13.8 x 7.9 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/ Rear / Side) 655 / 350 / 214 N 147 / 79 / 48 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Item Model Weight (kg) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 205 Multibeam Antennas 10-Port Antenna G4WHE-21 G4WHE-21 Hybrid / 2.07 m Electrical Data 698-960 + 4x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Layout (BASTA) 698-960 Frequency(MHz) Gain dBi Polarization 4 x (1695-2690)(33°) 698-806 790-896 880-960 1695-1900 1900-2180 2300-2500 2500-2690 15.1±0.3 15.4±0.3 15.5±0.5 17.1±0.4 17.9±0.5 18.1±0.7 18.6±0.4 ±45 ° Horizontal Pattern ° Beam Peak Position F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Ratio @Boresight 0° Vertical Pattern dB 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 67±5 66±5 67±5 37±2 33±3 29±2 25±2 / / / ±29 ±27 ±23 ±20 28 28 28 28 30 30 30 18 18 18 20 20 15 15 11.4±1.4 10.0±1.0 9.5±0.9 9.7±0.9 8.9±0.9 7.6±0.7 6.7±0.6 2-10 16 16 16 16 16 16 RF Parameters VSWR dB Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM 27 26 30 16 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 206 Array Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* R1 1-2 698-960 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 16 Y1&Y2 3-6 1695-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y3&Y4 7 - 10 1695-2690 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number 1.5:1 Port Isolation 3 R2 500 Pattern 698-960 4 x (1695-2690) (Elevation & Azimuth) Multibeam Antennas 3dB Beamwidth 200 (BASTA) Input Connectors 10 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 29 kg 63.9 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2070 x 350 x 200 mm 81.5 x 13.8 x 7.9 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 899 / 480 / 319 N 202 / 108 / 71 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C 2.0 – 4.3 in Accessories Item Model Mounting Kit 85-1 Weight (kg) 4.5 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 207 Multibeam Antennas 10-Port Antenna G4WHF-21 G4WHF-21 Hybrid / 2.69 m Electrical Data 698-960 + 4x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Layout (BASTA) 698-960 Frequency(MHz) Gain dBi Polarization 4 x (1695-2690) 698-806 790-896 880-960 1695-1900 1900-2180 2300-2500 2500-2690 15.6±0.5 15.9±0.5 16.4±0.5 18.1±0.4 18.8±0.5 19.2±0.7 19.1±0.4 ±45 ° Horizontal Pattern ° Beam Peak Position F/B Ratio Copolar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Ratio @Boresight 0° Vertical Pattern dB 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 67±5 66±5 67±5 37±2 33±3 29±2 25±2 / / / ±29 ±27 ±23 ±20 28 28 28 28 30 30 30 18 18 18 20 20 15 15 8.4±1.4 7.4±1.0 6.8±0.9 6.3±0.9 5.8±0.9 5.2±0.7 4.9±0.6 2-10 18 18 18 18 18 18 RF Parameters VSWR dB Band Isolation PIM 27 Array Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* R1 1-2 698-960 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 26 -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data Y1&Y2 3-6 1695-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y3&Y4 7 - 10 1695-2690 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number 30 dBc 208 18 1.5:1 Port Isolation 3rd Order Layout z 500 Pattern 698-960 200 Multibeam Antennas 3dB Beamwidth 4 x (1695-2690) (Elevation & Azimuth) (BASTA) Input Connectors 10 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 41 kg Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2690 x 350 x 200 mm 105.9 x 13.8 x 7.9 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph 90.4 lb Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 1245 / 666 / 439 N 280 / 150 / 99 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 – 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C -40 ~ +158 °F Accessories Item Model Mounting Kit 85-3 Weight (kg) 7.3 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 209 Multibeam Antennas 10-Port Antenna G2W2O33HF-21 G2W2O33HF-21 1L2H 65° Beams + 33° Dual Beams / 2.65 m Electrical Data 694-960 + 2 x (1695-2690) + 2 x (1695-2400) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Layout (BASTA) \ 694-960 Frequency(MHz) Gain dBi Polarization 2 x (1695-2690) 2 x (1695-2400) 694-806 824-960 1695-1920 1920-2180 2300-2690 1695-2170 2200-2400 16.2±0.4 16.5±0.4 16.7±0.4 17.2±0.5 17.7±0.5 18.0±0.4 18.8±0.5 ° ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 67±5 65±5 64±5 65±6 61±6 32±3 26±2 26 26 28 28 28 26 26 22 22 20 24 22 22 22 / / / / / ±24 ±20 8.6±0.7 7.2±0.6 6.7±0.6 5.8±0.5 4.9±0.6 7.2±0.8 6.3±0.4 F/B Ratio Cross-Polar Ratio Boresight 0° Horizontal Beam Peak. dB ° Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 0-10 16 0-10 16 16 3R2 Array Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # R1 1-2 694-960 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y1 3-4 1695-2690 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 5-6 1695-2690 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y3 7-8 1695-2400 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y4 9 - 10 1695-2400 5 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 0-8 16 16 16 16 RF Parameters VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Isolation, Intersystem 27 dBc Ω Power Handling W 694-960 1695-2690(65deg) 1695-2400 _Azimuth 1695-2400_Elevation -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm 50 400 300 200 (BASTA) Input Connectors 10 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 33 kg 72.8 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2650 x 350 x 200 mm 104.3 x 13.8 x 7.9 in Maximum Wind Velocity Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 210 16 RET Serial* *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number Pattern / Impedance Mechanical Data 25 30 Isolation, Beam to Beam 3rd Order PIM 26 RET Type Multibeam Antennas Co-polar(180°±30°) 241 km/h 1223 / 654 / 431 N Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C 150 mph 275 / 147 / 97 lbf Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mechanical Tilt Range (°) Mounting Kit 85-3 7.3 0-10 2.0 - 4.3 in -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 211 Multibeam Antennas 10-Port Antenna G2W2W33HD-21 G2W2W33HD-21 694-960 + 2 x (1695-2690) + 2 x (1695-2690) MHz Integrated RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant) 4.3-10 Connectors 1L2H 65° Beams + 33° Dual Beams / 1.6 m Layout Electrical Data (BASTA) 694-960 Frequency(MHz) Gain dBi Polarization 2 x (1695-2690) 694-806 824-960 13.9±0.4 14.3±0.4 \ 2 x (1695-2690) 1695-1920 1920-2180 2300-2690 1695-1920 1920-2180 2300-2690 15.2±0.4 15.5±0.4 ° 15.6±0.5 16±0.4 16.5±0.5 16.7±0.5 ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 68±3 67±3 57±3 63±6 66±6 37±2 34±2 29±2 28 27 30 28 26 27 29 30 21 20 15 18 18 20 20 16 / / / / / ±28 ±26 ±21 16.5±1.3 14±1.3 12±0.9 10.6±1 8.8±0.8 10.5±1 9.1±1 7.9±0.8 F/B Ratio Cross-Polar Ratio Boresight 0° Horizontal Beam Peak. dB ° Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1 Upper Sidelobe 0-10 3R2 st dB Suppression 16 RF Parameters VSWR dB Isolation, Intersystem 26 Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # 1-2 694-960 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y1 3-4 1695-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 3rd Order PIM 25 Y2 5-6 1695-2690 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y3 7-8 1695-2690 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y4 9 - 10 1695-2690 5 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 25 30 Isolation, Beam to Beam / 16 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W 212 Connector R1 1.5:1 Port Isolation Mechanical Data Array 500 RET Type RET Serial* Multibeam Antennas Co-polar(180°±30°) *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number Pattern 694-960 1695-2690(65deg) 1695-2690 _Azimuth 1695-2690_Elevation 300 (BASTA) Input Connectors 10 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 23 kg 50.7 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1599 x 350 x 200 mm 63.0 x 13.8 x 7.9 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 701 / 375 / 232 N 158 / 84 / 52 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C -40 ~ +158 °F Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mechanical Tilt Range (°) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 0-10 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 213 Multibeam Antennas 10-Port Antenna 3W2W33HE-20 3W2W33HE-20 3H 65° Beams + 33° Twin Beams / 2.46 m Electrical Data 3 x (1695-2690) + 2 x (1695-2690) MHz Integrated RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant) Layout (BASTA) 3 x (1695-2690) Frequency(MHz) 2 x (1695-2690) 1695-1880 1880-2025 2025-2360 2490-2690 1695-1880 1880-2025 2025-2360 2490-2690 Gain, Average dBi Polarization 17.2±0.5 17.5±0.5 18.0±0.5 18.4±0.5 17.0±0.4 17.8±0.3 18.2±0.3 18.1±0.5 36±1 34±1 31±2 25±2 ±29 ±26 ±23 ±20 ±45 ° Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Horizontal Beam Direction ° F/B Ratio Co-polar ±20° Cross-Polar Ratio Main Direction 0° Horizontal Sidelobe Suppression Vertical Pattern dB 67±5 67±5 66±5 60±5 / 28 28 30 30 28 30 30 30 15 15 15 17 18 19 17 17 18 20 17 16 9.8±0.5 8.5±0.5 7.5±0.6 6.7±0.5 / 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1 Upper Sidelobe 7.0±0.5 6.2±0.5 5.5±0.6 5.0±0.5 0-10 0-10 st dB Suppression 17 16 RF Parameters 1.5:1 Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* Y1 1-2 1695-2690 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 3-4 1695-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y3 5-6 1695-2690 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y4 7-8 1695-2690 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y5 9 - 10 1695-2690 5 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM dB Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM Pattern 28 / dBc -150 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W 250 250 250 200 1695-2690 _Azimuth 1695-2690(65deg) 16 Multibeam Antennas Port Isolation 214 Array *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number VSWR Mechanical Data 3 R 1695-2690_Elevation 200 (BASTA) Input Connectors 10 x 7/16 DIN Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 36.5 kg 80.5 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2464 x 396 x 190 mm 97 x 15.6 x 7.5 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 1214/ 944 / 344 N 273 / 212 / 77 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mounting Kit 85-3 7.3 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-12 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 215 Multibeam Antennas 12-Port Frequency (MHz) Type HPBW (°) Gain (dBi) Size (mm) 22.1/22.7/23/22.1/22.7/23 896 x 1096 x 116 218 15.1/15.1 18.5/18.5/18.5/18.5 2070 x 498 x 197 220 16.2/16.2 18.8/18.5/18.8/18.5 2690 x 498 x 197 222 13.5/13,5 17/17 19/19 1399 x 579 x 189 224 Page High Band Hexa Beam 6 x Highband 6WMB-51 6 x 1695-2690 9 2G4WHD-21 2G4WHF-21A 2G2W2W33HC-21 216 2 x 698-960 65 4 x 1695-2690 33 2 x 698-960 65 2 x 1710-2690 65 2 x 1710-2690 33 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | Multibeam Antennas Hybrid 2 x Lowband / 4 x Highband 217 Multibeam Antennas 12-Port Antenna 6WMB-51 6WMB-51 6x (1695-2690) MHz 4.3-10 Connectors Fixed Downtilt 6° HB Hexa Beam / 0.9 m Layout Electrical Data (BASTA) 6 x 1695-2690 Frequency(MHz) Y1/Y6 Gain Y2/Y5 dBi Y3/Y4 Polarization 1695-1920 1920-2180 2300-2500 2500-2690 19.1 ±0.8 21.1 ±0.8 22.1 ±0.8 21.4 ±0.8 21.2 ±0.8 22.0 ±0.8 22.7 ±0.8 22.5 ±0.8 21.8 ±0.8 22.3 ±0.8 23.0 ±0.8 22.9 ±0.8 ±45 ° Horizontal Pattern Y1/Y6 3dB Beamwidth Y2/Y5 Y3/Y4 ° Beam Direction F/B Ratio Copolar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Ratio @Boresight dB 12.2 ±0.8 10.1 ±0.8 8.4 ±0.7 7.7 ±0.6 10.0 ±0.7 9.0 ±0.8 7.7 ±0.6 7.2 ±0.6 9.4 ±0.7 8.5 ±0.8 7.3 ±0.6 6.9 ±0.6 ±40, ±22.5, ±7.5 ±34, ±20, ±6.5 ±29, ±17, ±5.5 ±26, ±15.5, ±5 33 35 35 35 15 16 20 18 10.6±0.9 9.1 ±0.8 8.0±0.8 7.4±0.7 19 18 3 Pattern Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression dB 1695-2690 (Azimuth) 1695-2690 (Elevation) Fixed 6 16 19 RF Parameters 1.5:1 Port Isolation 25 dB Beam Isolation 3rd Order PIM dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W 200 Mechanical Data 218 Accessories (BASTA) Input Connectors Multibeam Antennas VSWR Item 12 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Mounting Kit Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 31 kg Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 896 x 1096 x 116 mm 35.3 x 43.2 x 4.6 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 1222 / 1255 / 114 N 274 / 282 / 11 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Model 185-2 Weight (kg) 6.5 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-14 68.3 lb -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 219 Multibeam Antennas 12-Port Antenna 2G4WHD-21 2G4WHD-21 Hybrid 2L4H / 2.0 m 2 x (698-960) + 4x (1695-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Layout La Electrical Data (BASTA) 2 x (698-960) Frequency(MHz) Gain dBi Polarization 4 x (1695-2690) 698-806 790-896 880-960 1695-1900 1900-2180 2300-2500 2500-2690 14.7±0.6 15.0±0.6 15.1±0.6 17.4±0.7 18.2±0.5 18.0±0.5 18.5±0.5 ±45 ° Horizontal Pattern ° Beam Peak Position F/B Ratio Copolar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Ratio @Boresight 0dB Vertical Pattern dB 66±5 63±5 33±3.5 30±3 29±3 25±2 / / / ±28 ±27 ±23 ±21 25 26 26 29 28 29 29 20 21 20 22 22 18 17 z 3 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st 72±6 Upper sidelobe dB Suppression 10.3±1.2 9.2±1.0 8.6±1.0 9.5±0.8 8.4±0.6 7.3±0.5 6.9±0.5 Array Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* R1 1-2 698-960 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM R2 3-4 698-960 5 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y1 5-6 1695-2690 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 7-8 1695-2690 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y3 9 - 10 1695-2690 6 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y4 11 - 12 1695-2690 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 2-10 16 16 16 18 18 18 18 RF Parameters VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation 25 25 dB Band Isolation Beam Isolation 25 / 3rd Order PIM -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handing W 220 2 x (698-960) 16 dBc Mechanical Data Pattern 500 4 x (1695-2690) Multibeam Antennas 3dB Beamwidth 200 (BASTA) Input Connectors 12 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lighting Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 38 kg 83.8 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2070 x 498 x 197 mm 81.5 x 19.6 x 7.8 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 858 / 1092/ 247 N 193 / 246 / 55 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Mounting Kit 185-2 Weight (kg) 6.5 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 221 Multibeam Antennas 2G4WHF-21A 12-Port Antenna 2G4WHF-21A 2L2TB / 2.7 m Electrical Data 2 x (698-960) + 4 x (1695-2690) (twin beam) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors (BASTA) 2 x (698-960) Frequency(MHz) 4 x (1695-2690) (twin beam) 1695-1920 1920-2180 2300-2500 2500-2690 Y1 & Y3 17.8±0.6 18.8±0.5 18.5±0.6 18.8±0.5 Y2 & Y4 17.5±0.6 18.5±0.5 18.2±0.6 18.5±0.5 R1 & R2 Gain Layout dBi Polarization 698-806 790-898 880-960 15.6±0.6 16.1±0.5 16.2±0.6 ±45 ° Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 66±6 58±6 58±6 33±3 31±3 30±3 25±3 25 25 25 30 30 30 30 20 20 20 20 20 18 17 10 9 9 / / / / 8.6±0.9 7.6±0.7 7.0±0.5 7.4±0.8 6.6±0.8 5.7±0.7 5.3±0.7 F/B Ratio Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60 ° dB 3 Array Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 2-12 17 17 2-10 17 17 17 17 16 RF Parameters VSWR dB Band Isolation Beam Isolation 26 26 LB//LB>26; -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W 222 RET Type RET Serial* R1 1–2 698-960 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 3–4 698-960 5 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y1 5–6 1695-2690 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 7–8 1695-2690 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y3 9 – 10 1695-2690 6 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y4 11 – 12 1695-2690 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Pattern 698-960 1695-2690 16 dBc Mechanical Data Sub Unit # R2 HB//LB>30 / 3rd Order PIM Frequency (MHz) *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number 1.5:1 Port Isolation Connector Multibeam Antennas Co-polar (180°±30°) 500 200 (BASTA) Input Connectors 12 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 51.5 kg 113.5 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2690 x 498 x 197 mm 105.9 x 19.6 x 7.8 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 1115 / 1419 / 321 N 251 / 319 / 72 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Mounting Kit 185-1 Weight (kg) 11.0 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 223 Multibeam Antennas 12-Port Antenna 2G2W2W33HC-21 2G2W2W33HC-21 2L4H 65° Beams + 33° Twin Beams / 2.0 m Electrical Data 2 x (698-960) + 2 x (1710-2690) + 2 x (1710-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Layout (BASTA) 2 x (698-960) Frequency (MHz) Gain Polarization 2 x (1710-2690) 2 x (1710-2690) 698-806 806-880 880-960 1710-1920 1920-2180 2300-2500 2500-2690 dBi 13.5±0.5 13.7±0.5 13.5±0.5 15.5±0.5 15.8±0.5 16.5±0.5 1710- 1920- 2300- 2500- 1920 2180 2500 2690 17.0±0.5 18±0.5 60±6 34±2 18.4±0.5 18.8±0.5 19±0.5 ±45 ° Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 70±5 69±5 69±5 75±6 72±5 61±6 30±2 29±2 25±2 16 15 F/B Ratio CrossBoresight 0° Polar Ratio Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper sidelobe Suppression dB 25 26 16 16 28 16 16 3R2 ° 16±1.5 14±1.5 13.5±1.2 6.8±0.6 6.4±0.5 5.9±0.6 5.4±0.5 7.1±0.7 6.4±0.6 5.7±0.6 5.2±0.6 Array Connector R1 1-2 0-10 dB 16 RF Parameters VSWR Port Isolation Isolation, Intersystem 3 Order PIM 1.5:1 25 dB 30 -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 224 400 Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 698-960 R2 3-4 698-960 5 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y1 5-6 1710-2690 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 7-8 1710-2690 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y3 9 - 10 1710-2690 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y4 11 - 12 1710-2690 6 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number dBc rd Frequency (MHz) Pattern 698-960 1710-2690(33deg) 1710-2690(65deg) Multibeam Antennas Co-polar (180°±30°) 250 (BASTA) Input Connectors 12 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 36.5 kg 88.5 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1399 x 579 x 189 mm 55.1 x 22.8 x 7.4 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 1024 / 1122 / 146 N 230 / 252 / 33 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Mounting Kit 185-1 Weight (kg) 11.3 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 225 Multibeam Antennas 14 & 16-Port Type Frequency (MHz) HPBW (°) Gain (dBi) Size (mm) Page Hybrid 1 x Lowband / 6 x Highband G2W4O33HF-21 698-960 2x1710-2690 4x1710-2400 65 65 33 16.6 18.1/18.1 19.5/19.5/19.5/19.5 2690 x 448 x 197 228 65 65 33 15.4/15.4 16.5/16.5/16.5/16.5 18.5/18.5 1999 x 579 x 189 230 2 x 698-960 2G4W2W33HD-21 4 x 1695-2690 2 x 1695-2690 226 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | Multibeam Antennas Hybrid 2 x Lowband / 6 x Highband 227 Multibeam Antennas 14-Port Antenna G2W4O33HF-21 G2W4O33HF-21 698-960 + 2x (1710-2690) +4 x (1710-2400) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Hybrid / 2.69 m Layout Electrical Data (BASTA) 698-960 Frequency(MHz) 698-806 Gain Polarization 790-896 1710-2690 1710-2400 880-960 1710-1920 1920-2180 2300-2500 2500-2690 1710-1920 1920-2180 2300-2400 dBi 15.7±0.6 16.0±0.5 16.6±0.5 17.0±0.5 17.6±0.5 17.9±0.5 18.1±0.5 18.5±0.5 19.3±0.5 19.5±0.5 ° ±45 Horizontal Pattern ° Beam Direction F/B Ratio Copol(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Ratio @Boresight dB Sidelobe 68±3 66±3 67±3 68±5 65±5 62±5 57±5 33±3 30±3 27±3 / / / / / / / ±28 ±26 ±22 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 / / / / / / / 18 18 16 Array Connector Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* R1 1-2 698-960 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 5.1±0.6 Y1 3-4 1710-2400 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 5-6 1710-2400 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y3 7-8 1710-2400 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y4 9 - 10 1710-2400 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y5 11 - 12 1710-2690 5 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y6 13 - 14 1710-2690 5 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe dB Suppression 8.6±0.6 7.7±0.5 7.3±0.4 6.3±0.5 5.8±0.5 0-10 17 17 5.1±0.5 4.7±0.5 6.3±0.6 5.8±0.6 0-10 17 18 18 2-10 18 18 18 18 18 RF Parameters VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Beam Isolation 3rd Order PIM *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week, xxxxx – Serial Number 28 28 28 / / 20 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 228 300 Pattern 698-960_Elevation 698-960_Azimuth 1710-2400_Elevation Multibeam Antennas 3dB Beamwidth 1710-2400_Azimuth 200 (BASTA) Input Connectors 14 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 46 kg 101.4 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2690 x 448 x 197 mm 105.9x 17.6 x 7.8 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 1035 / 1192 / 259 N 233 / 268 / 58 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Model Mounting Kit 85-3 Weight (kg) 7.3 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 229 Multibeam Antennas 16-Port Antenna 2G4W2W33HD-21 2G4W2W33HD-21 Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors 2L4H 65° Beams + 33° Twin Beams / 2.0 m Electrical Data 2 x (698-960) + 4 x (1695-2690) + 2 x (1695-2690) MHz Layout (BASTA) 2 x (698-960) Frequency (MHz) 4 x (1695-2690) 2 x (1695-2690) 698-806 824-960 1695-1920 1920-2180 2300-2500 2500-2690 Gain dBi 15.0±0.5 15.4±0.5 Polarization 15.2±0.5 15.8±0.5 16.0±0.5 ° 1695- 1920- 2300- 2500- 1920 2180 2500 2690 16.5±0.5 17.3±0.6 18.4±0.6 18.5±0.6 18.2±0.5 ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 70±6 68±6 62±5 64±6 65±6 60±5 33±3 30±2 28±2 25±2 27 27 26 26 26 26 27 28 28 28 18 18 16 16 16 16 18 18 18 18 11.5±0.7 9.7±0.7 8.8±0.6 8.0±0.5 F/B Ratio Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Vertical Pattern dB 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe 11.3±0.8 9.7±0.8 2-12 2-12 dB Suppression 9.5±0.6 8.3±0.6 7.3±0.3 6.7±0.3 0-8 3R2 Array 16 RF Parameters VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Isolation, Intersystem 26 26 26 Isolation, Beam to Beam 3rd Order PIM 26 / 16 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W Mechanical Data 230 400 Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* R1 1-2 698-960 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM R2 3-4 698-960 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y1 5-6 1695-2690 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y2 7-8 1695-2690 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y3 9 - 10 1695-2690 5 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y4 11 - 12 1695-2690 6 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y5 13 - 14 1695-2690 5 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y6 15 - 16 1695-2690 6 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number Pattern 300 Connector Multibeam Antennas Co-polar (180°±30°) 694-960 1695-2690(33deg) 1695-2690(65deg) (BASTA) Input Connectors 16 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 46 kg 101.4 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1999 x 579 x 189 mm 78.7 x 22.8 x 7.4 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 1498 / 1640 / 226 N 337 / 369 / 51 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C -40 ~ +158 °F Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mechanical Tilt Range (°) Mounting Kit 185-1 11 0-10 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 231 Multibeam Antennas 18 & 24-Port Type Frequency (MHz) HPBW (°) Gain (dBi) Size (mm) Page High Band Nona Beam 9 x Highband 9WMB-51 9 x 1695-2690 6 22/22/22/22/22/22/22/22/22 896 x 1478 x 218 234 65 65 33 33 15.1/15.1 16.5/16.5 17.5/17.5/17.5/17.5 17.9/17.9/17.9/17.9 236 2G2W4U4SHE-21 232 2 x 698-960 2 x 1695-2690 4 x 1695-2180 4 x 2500-2690 2070 x 630 x 175 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | Multibeam Antennas Hybrid 2 x Lowband / 10 x Highband 233 Multibeam Antennas 18-Port Antenna 9WMB-51 9WMB-51 9 x (1695-2690) MHz 4.3-10 Connectors Fixed Tilt HB Nona Beam / 0.9 m Layout Electrical Data (BASTA) 9 x 1695-2690 Frequency(MHz) Gain dBi Polarization 1695-1920 1920-2180 2300-2500 2500-2690 20.8 ±2.0 21.3 ±1.8 21.8 ±1.5 22.0 ±1.7 ±45 ° Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 7.0 ±2 6.4 ±2 5.2 ±1 4.5 ±1 Beam Direction ° ±44, ±33, ±22, ±11, 0 ±40, ±30, ±20, ±10, 0 ±32, ±24, ±16, ±8, 0 ±28, ±21, ±14, ±7, 0 30 30 30 30 17 17 17 16 10.6±1.2 9.2±1.2 8.1±1.2 7.6±1.2 17 17 F/B Ratio Copolar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Ratio @Boresight Vertical Pattern dB 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1 Upper Sidelobe st dB Suppression Fixed 6 17 17 3 R2 Pattern RF Parameters Port Isolation dB 25 3rd Order dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W 300 PIM Mechanical Data 234 1695-2690 (Azimuth) 1.5:1 1695-2690 (Elevation) Multibeam Antennas VSWR (BASTA) Input Connectors 18 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material ASA Antenna Weight 67 kg 147.7 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 896 x 1478 x 218 mm 35.3 x 58.2 x 8.6 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 1640 / 1672 / 114 N 368 / 375 / 25 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Accessories Item Mounting Kit Model 185-2 Weight (kg) 6.5 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-14 -40 ~ +158 °F Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 235 Multibeam Antennas 24-Port Antenna 2G2W4U4SHE-21 2G2W4U4SHE-21 Hybrid 2L2H4T / 2.0 m 2 x (698-960)(65deg) + 2 x (1695-2690)(65deg) + 4 x (16952180)(33deg) + 4 x (2500-2690)(33deg) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant) , Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Internal Diplexer in Twin Beam Band Electrical Data Layout (BASTA) 2 x (698-960) Frequency(MHz) 2 x (1695-2690)(65deg) 698-806 790-896 880-960 Gain 1695- 1900- 2300- 2500- 1900 2180 2400 2690 dBi 14.7±0.6 15.0±0.6 15.1±0.6 15.2±0.5 15.8±0.5 16.0±0.5 16.5±0.5 Polarization 4 x (1695-2180)(33deg) 4 x (2500-2690)(33deg) 1695-1900 1900-2180 2500-2690 16.7±0.6 17.5±0.5 17.9±0.5 ±45 ° Horizontal Pattern ° Beam Peak Position F/B Ratio Copolar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Ratio @Boresight 0dB Vertical Pattern dB 3dB Beamwidth 1st Upper Sidelobe 60±6 62±5 64±6 65±6 60±5 36±3 34±3 28±2 / / / / / / / ±27 ±27 ±27 23 23 24 26 26 26 26 27 28 27 19 20 20 20 20 20 18 20 20 16 2-12 dB Suppression 65±5 10.3±1.2 9.2±1.0 8.6±1.0 9.3±0.8 8.3±0.6 7.1±0.6 6.9±0.6 ° Electrical Downtilt 69±6 16 16 9.3±0.8 8.3±0.6 2-12 16 16 16 Z 3Array 6.9±0.6 2-12 16 16 16 16 16 RF Parameters VSWR 1.5:1 Port Isolation dB Beam Isolation 236 Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* 698-960 3 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM R2 3-4 698-960 6 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM B1 5-6 1695-2180 4 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM B2 7-8 1695-2180 5 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM B3 9 - 10 1695-2180 7 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM B4 11 - 12 1695-2180 8 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y1 13 - 14 2500-2690 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 15 - 16 2500-2690 1 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 25 25 25 / / 25 Y3 17 - 18 2500-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y4 19 - 20 2500-2690 2 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y5 21 - 21 1695-2690 10 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM Y6 23 - 24 1695-2690 9 MRET RB......XYYxxxxx-MM 25 dBc -153 @ 2 x 43 dBm Impedance Ω 50 Power Handing W Mechanical Data Frequency (MHz) 1-2 Y2 Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM Connector R1 500 200 200 Pattern 2 x (698-960) (65deg) (BASTA) Input Connectors 24 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lighting Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 49 kg 108.0 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2070 x 630 x 175 mm 81.5 x 24.8 x 6.9 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 1425 / 1836 / 191 N 320 / 412 / 43 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C -40 ~ +158 °F 2 x (1695-2690)(65deg) Multibeam Antennas 3dB Beamwidth 4 x (1695-2180) + 4 x (25002690)(33deg) Accessories Item Model Mounting Kit 185-2 Weight (kg) 6.5 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 237 FDD & TDD Antennas 8-Port Type Frequency (MHz) HPBW (°) Gain (dBi) Size (mm) Page TDD only 2.5 4RTD-21 4 x 2300-2690 65 17/17/17/17 1600 x 305 x 115 240 4 x 3200-3800 65 16.4/16.4/16.4/16.4 1100 x 295 x 145 244 TDD only 3.5 FDD+TDD 4TTC-21 238 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 239 FDD + TDD 8-Port TDD Antenna 4RTD-21 4RTD-21 2.6G TDD/ 1.6 m Electrical Data 4 x (2300-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connector (BASTA) 4 x (2300-2690) Frequency(MHz) 2300-2400 2490-2690 Polarization ° ±45 Electrical down tilt ° 0-10 RF Parameters Coupling factor (Cal Port to RF Ports) Max Amp. Tolerance (Cal Port to RF Ports) Max Phase Tolerance (Cal Port to RF Ports) Power handling (BASTA) Input Connectors 8 x 4.3-10 Female, Cal:1 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 18 kg 39.7 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1600 x 305 x 115 mm 63 x 12 x 4.5 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 439 / 592 / 114 N 99 / 133 / 26lbf 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in dB 26 Mast Diameter Supported 0.9 Relative Humidity 5% - 95% dB Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C ° 7 Ports VSWR Isolation (Co-polar RF Ports) Isolation (Cross-polar RF Ports) Mechanical Data Layout 1.5 dB 20 dB 25 W 250 -40 ~ +158 °F Single column beam dBi 16.5 17.0 Horizontal 3dB Beam width ° 84±10 72±10 Vertical 3dB Beam width ° 5.2±0.5 4.7±0.5 dB 18 18 dB 16 16 dB 25 25 Gain Cross Polar Ratio (0°) 1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Broadcast 65° beam Gain Horizontal 3dB Beam width Cross Polar Ratio (0°) F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) dBi 16.2 16.5 ° 65±7 65±7 dB 20 20 dB 27 27 dBi 21.5 22.0 ° 21 20 dB 20 20 dB 30 30 dBi 20.5 21.0 ° 23 22 Array Connector Y1 1–2 2300-2690 Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # 1 RET Type SRET RB......XYYxxxxx-Y1 RET Serial* Y2 3–4 2300-2690 1 SRET RB......XYYxxxxx-Y1 Y3 5–6 2300-2690 1 SRET RB......XYYxxxxx-Y1 Y4 7–8 2300-2690 1 SRET RB......XYYxxxxx-Y1 *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number 0° direction Gain 0° direction Horizontal 3dB Beam width 0° direction Cross Polar Ratio (0°) 0° direction F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) 30° direction Gain 30° direction Horizontal 3dB Beam width 240 FDD+TDD Service beam Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 241 FDD + TDD 4RTD-21 Pattern 2300-2690 Column beam Broadcast beam 0° service beam 30° service beam Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) FDD+TDD 0-10 242 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 243 FDD + TDD 8-Port TDD Antenna 4TTC-21 3.5G TDD/ 1.1 m Electrical Data 4TTC-21 4 x (3200-3800) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connector Mechanical Data (BASTA) 4 x (3200-3800) Frequency(MHz) 3200-3800 Polarization ° ±45 Electrical down tilt ° 2-12 RF Parameters Coupling factor (Cal Port to RF Ports) Max Amp. Tolerance (Cal Port to RF Ports) Max Phase Tolerance (Cal Port to RF Ports) dB 26 dB 0.9 ° 7 Ports VSWR 1.5 Isolation (Co-polar RF Ports) dB 20 Isolation (Cross-polar RF Ports) dB 25 Input Power Per Port W 75 dBi 16.4 (BASTA) Input Connectors 8 x 4.3-10 Female, Cal:1 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 13.3 kg 29.3 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1100 x 295 x 145 mm 43.3 x 11.6 x 5.7 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 343 / 113 / 417 N 77 / 25 / 94 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C -40 ~ +158 °F Layout Single column beam Gain ° 75±10 ° 5.4±0.3 Cross Polar Ratio (0°) dB 18 1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) dB 15 dB 23 dBi 15.5 ° 65±8 Array Connector dB 18 P1 1–2 3200-3800 1 SRET RB......XYYxxxxx-P1 dB 25 P2 3–4 3200-3800 1 SRET RB......XYYxxxxx-P1 P3 5–6 3200-3800 1 SRET RB......XYYxxxxx-P1 P4 7–8 3200-3800 1 SRET RB......XYYxxxxx-P1 Horizontal 3dB Beam width Vertical 3dB Beam width Broadcast 65° beam Horizontal 3dB Beam width Cross Polar Ratio (0°) F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Service beam 0° direction Gain 0° direction Horizontal 3dB Beam width 0° direction Cross Polar Ratio (0°) 0° direction F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) 30° direction Gain 30° direction Horizontal 3dB Beam width 244 dBi 21 ° 21 dB 18 dB 30 dBi 20 ° 23 3 Frequency (MHz) Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number FDD+TDD Gain Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 245 FDD + TDD 4TTC-21 Pattern 3200-3800 Column beam Broadcast beam 0° service beam 30° service beam Accessories Item Model Weight (kg) Mounting Kit 85-1 4.5 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) FDD+TDD 0-10 246 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 247 FDD & TDD Antennas 14-Port Type Frequency (MHz) HPBW (°) Gain (dBi) Size (mm) 15 17/17 15.7/15.7/15.7/15.7 2000 x 498 x 197 Page FDD + TDD 1 x Lowband / 2 x Highband + TDD 65 65 75 250 FDD+TDD G2W4THD-21 698-960 2 x 1710-2690 4 x 3300-3800 248 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 249 FDD + TDD 14-Port Antenna G2W4THD-21 G2W4THD-21 1L2H + 3.5G TDD / 2.0 m Electrical Data 1x(698-960) + 2x(1710-2690) + 4x(3300-3800) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Mechanical Data (BASTA) 1 x (698-960) Frequency(MHz) Gain R1 dBi Y1/Y2 dBi Polarization 2 x (1710-2690) 698-806 790-862 880-960 14.5±0.5 14.8±0.5 15.0±0.5 1710-1880 1900-2180 2300-2400 2500-2690 16.0±0.5 16.4±0.5 16.6±0.5 17.0±0.5 ° ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 64±5 65±5 67±6 64±6 63±5 59±5 14 x 4.3-10 Female Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Fiberglass Antenna Weight 32 kg 70.5 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2000 x 498 x 197 mm 78.7 x 19.6 x 7.8 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph 829/1055/238N 186/237/54 lbf 2.0 - 4.3 in 25 25 26 26 26 26 Boresight 0° dB 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm Sector ±60 ° 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C 10.7±1.0 9.7±0.6 8.7±0.6 7.1±1.0 6.2±0.6 5.7±0.6 5.2±0.5 3dB R1/R2 ° Beamwidth Y1/Y2 ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression Single column beam ° 2-12 2-12 dB 16 16 15.7±0.8 Horizontal 3dB Beam width 75±15 Vertical 3dB Beam width ° 5.5±0.3 dB 16 dBi 15.6±0.5 ° 65±10 Electrical down tilt Suppression Broadcast Beam Gain 3dB Beamwidth F/B Co-polar(180°±30°) Boresight 0° Layout 3300-3800 dBi 1st Upper Sidelobe -40 ~ +158 °F 4 x (3300-3800) Frequency(MHz) Gain Cal: 1 x 4.3-10 Female Radome Material 25 Vertical Pattern Cross-Polar Input Connectors Connector Position Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) F/B Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Ratio 67±5 (BASTA) dB 2-12 28 18 Service Beam 0° Gain 0° 3dB AZ Beamwidth 30° Steering Gain 30°Steering 3dB AZ Beamwidth dBi 20.0±0.5 ° 20 dBi 19.0±0.5 ° 23 Coupling(Cal to RF) Max Amp Tolerance Max Phase Tolerance dB ° VSWR -26 ±2 0.9 7 1.5:1 Isolation dB 3rd Order PIM@2 x 43 dBm dBc 25 FDD: -153 Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W LB:500 / HB:300 / TD:250 250 FDD+TDD RF Parameters Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 251 FDD + TDD G2W4THD-21 Pattern 698-960 1710-2690 3300-3800 Column beam Broadcast beam 0° service beam 30° service beam Accessories Item Model Mounting Kit 185-2 Weight (kg) 6.45 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 FDD+TDD e 252 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 253 FDD & TDD Antennas 16-Port Type Frequency (MHz) HPBW (°) Gain (dBi) Size (mm) 15/15/15/15 15.5/15.5/15.5/15.5 1600 x 496 x 169 256 15 15.8/15.8/15.8 15.7/15.7/15.7/15.7 2000 x 498 x 197 260 14.8/14.8 17.5/17.5 15.4/15.4/15.4/15.4 2100 x 498 x 197 264 15/15 17.2/17.2 15.3/15.3/15.3/15.3 1999 x 498 x 197 268 15.7/15.7/15.7/15.7 16/16/16/16 1499 x 498 x 197 272 Page TDD only 2.5 + 3.5 4R4TTD-21 4 x 2300-2690 4 x 3200-3800 75 FDD + TDD 1 x Lowband / 3 x Highband + TDD G3W4THD-21 698-960 3 x 1710-2690 4 x 3300-3800 65 65 75 FDD + TDD 2 x Lowband / 2 x Highband + TDD 2G2W4THD-21 2 x 698-960 2 x 1710-2690 4 x 3300-3800 2 x 698-960 2G2W4RHD-21 2 x 1710-2690 4 x 2300-2690 65 65 90 FDD + TDD 4 x Highband + TDD 4 x 1695-2690 4 x 3300-3800 65 75 FDD+TDD 4W4THC-21 254 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 255 FDD + TDD 16-Port Antenna 4R4TTD-21 4R4TTD-21 2.6G + 3.5G TDD/ 1.6 m Electrical Data 4 x (2300-2690) + 4 x (3300-3800) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connector Mechanical Data Input Connectors (BASTA) Frequency(MHz) 4 x (2300-2690) 4 x (3300-3800) 2300-2690 3300-3800 Polarization ° ±45 Electrical down tilt ° 2-12 RF Parameters Coupling factor (Cal Port to RF Ports) Max Amp. Tolerance (Cal Port to RF Ports) Max Phase Tolerance (Cal Port to RF Ports) dB -26 dB 0.9 ° 7 Ports VSWR Isolation (Co-polar RF Ports) Isolation (Cross-polar RF Ports) Power Handling (BASTA) 20 dB 25 W 250 Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 30.5 kg 67.2 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1600 x 496 x 169 mm 63.0 x 19.5 x 6.7 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 871 / 943 / 135 N 196 / 212 / 30 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C -40 ~ +158 °F Layout 1.5 dB 16 x 4.3-10 Female, Cal:2 x 4.3-10 Female Single column beam dBi 15.0 15.5 Horizontal 3dB Beam width ° 78±15 75±15 Vertical 3dB Beam width ° 5.0±0.4 5.4±0.4 dB 18 18 dB 16 16 dB 23 23 Cross Polar Ratio (0°) 1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) Broadcast 65° beam Gain Horizontal 3dB Beam width Cross Polar Ratio (0°) F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) 3 dBi 16.5 16.5 ° 65±5 65±8 dB 18 18 dB 25 25 dBi 20.5 20.5 ° 26 21 dB 18 18 dB 30 30 dBi 18.5 18.5 ° 29 23 Service beam 0° direction Gain 0° direction Horizontal 3dB Beam width 0° direction Cross Polar Ratio (0°) 0° direction F/B Ratio Co-polar(180°±30°) 30° direction Gain 30° direction Horizontal 3dB Beam width 256 Array Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 P1 P2 P3 P4 Connector 1–2 3–4 5–6 7–8 9 – 10 11 – 12 13 – 14 15 – 16 Frequency (MHz) 2300-2690 2300-2690 2300-2690 2300-2690 3300-3800 3300-3800 3300-3800 3300-3800 Sub Unit # RET Type RET Serial* 1 MRET RB……XYYxxxxx-Y1 2 MRET RB……XYYxxxxx-P1 FDD+TDD Gain *Remark: XX – Year, YY – Week , xxxxx – Serial Number Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 257 FDD + TDD 4R4TTD-21 Pattern 2300-2690 & 3300-3800 Column beam Broadcast beam 0° service beam 30° service beam Accessories Model 185-2 Weight (kg) 6.45 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 FDD+TDD Item Mounting Kit 258 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 259 FDD + TDD 16-Port Antenna G3W4THD-21 G3W4THD-21 1L3H + 3.5G TDD / 2.0 m Electrical Data 1x(698-960) + 3x(1710-2690) + 4x(3300-3800) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Mechanical Data (BASTA) 1 x (698-960) Frequency(MHz) Gain R1 dBi Y1-Y3 dBi Polarization 3 x (1710-2690) 698-806 790-862 880-960 14.5±0.5 14.8±0.5 15.0±0.5 1710-1880 1900-2180 2300-2400 2500-2690 14.2±0.5 15.0±0.5 15.3±0.5 15.8±0.5 ° ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 14 x 4.3-10 Female Bottom Cal: 1 x 4.3-10 Female Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 34 kg Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2000 x 498 x 197 mm 78.7 x 19.6 x 7.8 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph 75.0 lb 64±5 65±5 67±6 64±6 63±5 59±5 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 829/1055/238N 186/237/54 lbf Boresight 0° dB 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Sector ±60 ° 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Vertical Pattern 3dB R1/R2 ° Beamwidth Y1-Y3 ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression Single column beam Gain Suppression Broadcast Beam Gain 3dB Beamwidth F/B Co-polar(180°±30°) Boresight 0° -40 ~ +158 °F 8.7±0.6 11.2±1.0 9.8±0.6 8.6±0.6 2-12 dB 16 16 7.9±0.5 Layout 4 x (3300-3800) 3300-3800 dBi 15.7±0.8 ° 5.5±0.3 dB 16 dBi 15.6±0.5 ° 65±10 75±15 Electrical down tilt 1st Upper Sidelobe 9.7±0.6 2-12 Horizontal 3dB Beam width Vertical 3dB Beam width 10.7±1.0 ° Frequency(MHz) Cross-Polar Input Connectors Connector Position 67±5 F/B Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Ratio (BASTA) dB 2-12 28 18 Service Beam 0° Gain 0° 3dB AZ Beamwidth 30° Steering Gain 30°Steering 3dB AZ Beamwidth dBi 20.0±0.5 ° 20 dBi 19.0±0.5 ° 23 Coupling(Cal to RF) Max Amp Tolerance Max Phase Tolerance dB ° VSWR -26 ±2 0.9 7 1.5:1 Isolation dB 3rd Order PIM@2 x 43 dBm dBc 25 FDD: -153 Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W LB:500 / HB:300 / TD:250 260 FDD+TDD RF Parameters Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 261 FDD + TDD G3W4THD-21 Pattern 698-960 1710-2690 3300-3800 Column beam Broadcast beam 0° service beam 30° service beam Accessories Model 185-2 Weight (kg) 6.45 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 FDD+TDD Item Mounting Kit 262 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 263 FDD + TDD 16-Port Antenna 2G2W4THD-21 2G2W4THD-21 2L2H + 3.5G TDD / 2.0 m Electrical Data 2x(698-960) + 2x(1710-2690) + 4x(3300-3800) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors (BASTA) 2 x (698-960) Frequency(MHz) Gain R1/R2 dBi Y1-Y3 dBi Polarization Mechanical Data 2 x (1710-2690) 698-806 790-862 880-960 14.5±0.5 14.7±0.5 14.8±0.5 1710-1880 1900-2180 2300-2400 2500-2690 16.2±0.4 16.8±0.5 17.1±0.4 17.5±0.4 ° ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 60±5 60±5 61±5 65±6 60±6 60±5 60±5 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 Boresight 0° dB 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Sector ±60 ° 8 8 8 8 8 5 5 F/B Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Ratio Vertical Pattern 3dB R1/R2 ° Beamwidth Y1-Y5 ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression Single column beam Gain 3dB Beamwidth F/B Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° 6.2±0.5 5.6±0.4 dB 16 16 5.2±0.4 Input Connectors 16 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Cal: 1 x 4.3-10 Female Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 37 kg 81.6 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2100 x 498 x 197 mm 82.7 x 19.6 x 7.8 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 870 / 1108 / 250 N 196 / 249 / 56 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C -40 ~ +158 °F Layout 4 x (3300-3800) 3300-3800 15.4±0.8 90±15 ° 5.6±0.4 dB 16 dBi 16.0±0.5 ° 65±10 Electrical down tilt Suppression Broadcast Beam 7.1±0.5 2-12 dBi 1st Upper Sidelobe 8.5±0.6 2-12 Horizontal 3dB Beam width Vertical 3dB Beam width 9.3±0.6 ° Frequency(MHz) Gain 10.3±1.0 (BASTA) dB 2-12 28 15 Service Beam 0° Gain 0° 3dB AZ Beamwidth 30° Steering Gain 30°Steering 3dB AZ Beamwidth dBi 21.0±0.5 ° 26 dBi 20.0±0.5 ° 28 Coupling(Cal to RF) Max Amp Tolerance Max Phase Tolerance dB ° VSWR Isolation -26±2 0.9 9 1.5:1 dB 3 Order PIM@2 x 43 dBm dBc rd 25 FDD: -153 Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W LB:300 / HB:250 / TD:75 264 FDD+TDD RF Parameters Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 265 FDD + TDD 2G2W4THD-21 Pattern 698-960 1710-2690 3300-3800 Column beam Broadcast beam 0° service beam 30° service beam Accessories Item Model 185-2 Weight (kg) 6.45 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 FDD+TDD Mounting Kit 266 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 267 FDD + TDD 16-Port Antenna 2G2W4RHD-21 2G2W4RHD-21 2L2H + 2.3-2.7G TDD / 2.0 m Electrical Data 2 x (698-960) + 2 x (1695-2690) + 4 x (2300-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Mechanical Data (BASTA) 2 x (698-960) Frequency(MHz) Gain dBi Polarization 2 x (1695-2690) F/B Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Ratio Sector ±60° dB 16 x 4.3-10 Female Bottom Cal: 1 x 4.3-10 Female Lighting Protection DC Ground 790-862 880-960 1695-1880 1900-2180 2300-2400 2500-2690 Radome Material Fiberglass 14.6±0.5 14.8±0.5 15.0±0.5 16.0±0.4 16.4±0.5 16.8±0.4 17.2±0.4 Antenna Weight 38 kg 83.8 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1999 x 498 x 197 mm 78.7 x 19.6 x 7.8 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 935 / 1195 / 238 N 210 / 269 / 54 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in ±45 Horizontal Pattern ° Input Connectors Connector Position 698-806 ° 3dB Beamwidth (BASTA) 60±5 60±5 62±5 68±6 66±6 62±3 58±3 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8 8 8 10 8 6 6 10.4±1.0 9.5±0.6 8.7±0.6 7.1±0.4 6.2±0.4 5.7±0.2 5.2±0.3 Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C -40 ~ +158 °F Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth Electrical Downtilt ° 1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression dB Single column beam 2-12 2-12 16 16 4 x (2300-2690) Frequency(MHz) 2300-2690 dBi 15.3±0.8 Horizontal 3dB Beam width 90±10 Vertical 3dB Beam width ° 6.9±0.4 Gain Electrical down tilt 1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression dB Broadcast Beam Gain 3dB Beamwidth F/B Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Layout 2-12 16 dBi 16.5±0.5 ° 65±10 dB 25 18 Service Beam 0° Gain 0° 3dB AZ Beamwidth 30° Steering Gain 30°Steering 3dB AZ Beamwidth dBi 21.0±0.5 ° 22 dBi 20.0 ° 24 RF Parameters Max Amp Tolerance Max Phase Tolerance dB ° VSWR Port Isolation Band Isolation 3rd Order PIM@2 x 43 dBm -26 ±2 0.9 7 1.5:1 dB 25 28 dBc FDD: -153 Impedance Ω 50 Power Handing W LB:500 / HB:300 / TD:250 268 FDD+TDD Coupling(Cal to RF) Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 269 FDD + TDD 2G2W4RHD-21 Pattern 698-960 1695-2690 2300-2690 Column beam Broadcast beam 0° service beam 30° service beam Accessories Model Mounting Kit 185-2 Weight (kg) 6.45 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 FDD+TDD Item 270 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 271 FDD + TDD 16-Port Antenna 4W4THC-21 4H + 3.5G TDD / 1.5 m Electrical Data 4W4THC-21 4x(1695-2690) + 4x(3300-3800) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors (BASTA) 4 x (1695-2690) Frequency(MHz) Gain dBi Polarization 1695-1880 1900-2180 2300-2400 2500-2690 14.5±0.5 15.0±0.5 15.3±0.5 15.7±0.5 ° ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth F/B Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° ° dB Mechanical Data (BASTA) Input Connectors 16 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Cal: 1 x 4.3-10 Female Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 33 kg 72.8 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1499 x 498 x 197 mm 59 x 19.6 x 7.8 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 601/768/156N 135/173/35 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in 26 Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C 69±6 68±6 64±3 59±3 26 26 26 18 18 18 18 13.6±1.0 11.5±1.0 10.5±0.5 9.5±0.6 -40 ~ +158 °F Vertical Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° Electrical Downtilt 1st USLS Single column beam 2-12 dB 16 4 x (3300-3800) Frequency(MHz) Gain 3300-3800 dBi 16.0±0.5 Horizontal 3dB Beam width 75±10 Vertical 3dB Beam width 5.4±0.3 Electrical down tilt ° 3dB Beamwidth F/B Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° 2-12 16 1st USLS Broadcast Beam Gain Layout dBi 15.5±0.5 ° 65±10 dB 28 18 Service Beam 0° Gain 0° 3dB AZ Beamwidth 30° Steering Gain 30°Steering 3dB AZ Beamwidth dBi 21±0.5 ° 21 dBi 20±0.5 ° 23 RF Parameters Max Amp Tolerance Max Phase Tolerance dB ° VSWR 272 -26 ±2 FDD+TDD Coupling(Cal to RF) 0.9 7 1.5:1 Isolation dB 3rd Order PIM@2 x 43 dBm dBc FDD: 25 // TDD: 20 co-pol,25 x-pol FDD: -153 Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W HB:300 / TD:250 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 273 FDD + TDD 4W4THC-21 Pattern 1695-2690 3300-3800 Column beam Broadcast beam 0° service beam 30° service beam Accessories Model 185-2 Weight (kg) 6.45 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 FDD+TDD Item Mounting Kit 274 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 275 FDD & TDD Antennas 18-Port Type Frequency (MHz) HPBW (°) Gain (dBi) Size (mm) Page FDD + TDD 2 x Lowband / 3 x Highband + TDD 2G3W4THD-21A 2 x 698-960 3 x 1710-2690 4 x 3300-3800 2GJ2W4THC-21 2 x 698-960 1427-1518 2 x 1695-2690 4 x 3300-3800 2GJ2W4THD-21 2 x 698-960 1427-1518 2 x 1695-2690 4 x 3300-3800 65 65 90 65 65 65 75 14.8/14.8 16.4/16.4/16.4 15.3/15.3/15.3/15.3 14.8/14.8 16.4/16.4/16.4 15.4/15.4/15.4/15.4 278 2100 x 498 x 197 282 13.9/13.9 15 17.4/17.4 15.6/15.6/15.6/15.6 1499 x 498 x 197 286 15/15 14.8 17.5/17.5 15.6/15.6/15.6/15.6 2000 x 498 x 197 290 FDD+TDD 2G3W4RHD-21A 2 x 698-960 3 x 1710-2690 4 x 2300-2690 276 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 277 FDD + TDD 18-Port Antenna 2G3W4RHD-21A 2G3W4RHD-21A 2L3H + 2.6G TDD / 2.0 m Electrical Data 2x(698-960) + 3x(1710-2690) + 4x(2300-2690) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors (BASTA) 2 x (698-960) Frequency(MHz) Gain R1/R2 dBi Y1-Y3 dBi Polarization Mechanical Data 3 x (1710-2690) 698-806 790-862 880-960 14.5±0.5 14.7±0.5 14.8±0.5 1710-1880 1900-2180 15.0±0.5 ° 2300-2400 15.7±0.5 16.0±0.5 2500-2690 16.4±0.5 ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 18 x 4.3-10 Female Cal: 1 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 39 kg 86.0 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2100 x 498 x 197 mm 82.7 x 19.6 x 7.8 in 60±5 61±5 62±6 60±6 65±6 62±5 Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 Boresight 0° dB Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 870 / 1108 / 250 N 196 / 249 / 56 lbf 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Sector ±60 ° 8 8 8 8 8 5 5 Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C 10.3±1.0 9.3±0.6 8.5±0.6 Vertical Pattern 3dB R1/R2 ° Beamwidth Y1-Y3 ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression Single column beam Gain Suppression Broadcast Beam Gain 3dB Beamwidth F/B Co-polar(180°±30°) Boresight 0° 8.6±0.6 2-12 dB 16 16 7.9±0.6 -40 ~ +158 °F Layout 4 x (2300-2690) 2300-2690 dBi 15.3±0.8 ° 5.3±0.3 90±15 2-12 Electrical down tilt 1st Upper Sidelobe 9.7±0.8 2-12 Horizontal 3dB Beam width Vertical 3dB Beam width 11.1±0.8 ° Frequency(MHz) Cross-Polar Input Connectors 60±5 F/B Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Ratio (BASTA) dB 16 dBi 16.9±0.5 ° 65±10 dB 28 18 Service Beam 0° Gain 0° 3dB AZ Beamwidth 30° Steering Gain 30°Steering 3dB AZ Beamwidth dBi 21.0±0.5 ° 26 dBi 20.0±0.5 ° 29 Coupling(Cal to RF) Max Amp Tolerance Max Phase Tolerance dB ° VSWR -26 ±2 0.9 7 1.5:1 Isolation dB 3rd Order PIM@2 x 43 dBm dBc 25 FDD: -153 Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W LB:300 / HB:250 / TD:75 278 FDD+TDD RF Parameters Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 279 FDD + TDD 2G3W4RHD-21A Pattern 698-960 1710-2690 2300-2690 Column beam Broadcast beam 0° service beam 30° service beam Accessories Model 185-2 Weight (kg) 6.45 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 FDD+TDD Item Mounting Kit 280 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 281 FDD + TDD 18-Port Antenna 2G3W4THD-21 2G3W4THD-21 2L3H + 3.5G TDD / 2.0 m Electrical Data 2x(698-960) + 3x(1710-2690) + 4x(3300-3800) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Mechanical Data (BASTA) 2 x (698-960) Frequency(MHz) Gain R1/R2 dBi Y1-Y3 dBi Polarization 3 x (1710-2690) 698-806 790-862 880-960 14.5±0.5 14.7±0.5 14.8±0.5 1710-1880 1900-2180 15.0±0.5 ° 2300-2400 15.7±0.5 16.0±0.5 2500-2690 16.4±0.5 ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° F/B Co-polar(180°±30°) Boresight 0° Cross-Polar Ratio dB Sector ±60 ° R1/R2 ° Beamwidth Y1-Y5 ° Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression Single column beam Suppression Broadcast Beam Gain 3dB Beamwidth F/B Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 39 kg 86.0 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2100 x 498 x 197 mm 82.7 x 19.6 x 7.8 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 870 / 1108 / 250 N 195 / 249 / 56 lbf 2.0 - 4.3 in 62±6 60±6 65±6 62±5 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 8 8 8 8 8 5 5 Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C 10.3±1.0 9.3±0.6 8.5±0.6 11.1±0.8 9.7±0.8 8.6±0.6 2-12 dB 16 16 7.9±0.6 Cal: 1 x 4.3-10 Female -40 ~ +158 °F Layout 4 x (3300-3800) 3300-3800 dBi 15.4±0.8 ° 5.6±0.4 dB 16 dBi 16.0±0.5 ° 65±10 90±15 Electrical down tilt 1st Upper Sidelobe Connector Position 61±5 2-12 Horizontal 3dB Beam width Vertical 3dB Beam width 18 x 4.3-10 Female 60±5 ° Frequency(MHz) Gain Input Connectors 60±5 Vertical Pattern 3dB (BASTA) dB 2-12 28 15 Service Beam 0° Gain 0° 3dB AZ Beamwidth 30° Steering Gain 30°Steering 3dB AZ Beamwidth dBi 21.0±0.5 ° 26 dBi 20.0±0.5 ° 28 Coupling(Cal to RF) Max Amp Tolerance Max Phase Tolerance dB ° VSWR Isolation -26±2 0.9 9 1.5:1 dB 3 Order PIM@2 x 43 dBm dBc rd 282 FDD+TDD RF Parameters 25 FDD: -153 Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W LB:300 / HB:250 / TD:75 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 283 FDD + TDD 2G3W4THD-21 Pattern 698-960 1710-2690 3300-3800 Column beam Broadcast beam 0° service beam 30° service beam Accessories Item Model 185-2 Weight (kg) 6.45 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 FDD+TDD Mounting Kit 284 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 285 FDD + TDD 18-Port Antenna 2GJ2W4THC-21 2GJ2W4THC-21 2L3H + 3.5G TDD / 1.5 m Electrical Data 2x(698-960) + (1427-1518) + 2x(1695-2690) + 4x(3300-3800) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors 2 x (698-960) R1/R2/G1 dBi Y1/Y2 dBi Polarization 698-806 790-862 880-960 1427-1518 1695-1880 1900-2180 2300-2400 2500-2690 13.4±0.5 13.7±0.5 13.9±0.5 15.0±0.5 16.0±0.5 16.7±0.5 17.0±0.5 17.4±0.5 ±45 Horizontal Pattern ° F/B Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Ratio 64±5 60±5 63±5 58±6 68±6 64±6 63±3 63±4 23 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 Boresight 0° dB 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Sector ±60 ° 8 8 8 8 9 7 7 5 Vertical Pattern 3dB R1/R2/G1 ° Y1/Y2 ° Beamwidth Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression Single column beam Gain 3dB Beamwidth F/B Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° 8.9±1.0 7.1±1.0 6.1±0.8 dB 15 16 4 x (3300-3800) 3300-3800 ° 5.7±0.3 dB 16 dBi 16.5±0.5 ° 65±10 dB 5.6±0.8 5.2±0.5 56 mm -26 ±2 dB Max Phase Tolerance 0.9 9 ° VSWR 1.5:1 Isolation dB FDD: 25 // TDD: co-pol 25, cross-pol 20 3rd Order PIM@2 x 43 dBm dBc FDD: -153 Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W LB:300 / HB:250 / TD:75 Mechanical Data (BASTA) Input Connectors 18 x 4.3-10 Female Cal: 1 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 36 kg 79.4 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1499 x 498 x 197 mm 59 x 19.6 x 7.8 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 601/768/226N 135/173/35 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C -40 ~ +158 °F 15.6±0.8 65±15 Electrical down tilt Suppression Broadcast Beam 12.8±1 2-12 dBi 1st Upper Sidelobe 14.3±1.2 2-12 Horizontal 3dB Beam width Vertical 3dB Beam width 15.9±1.5 ° Frequency(MHz) Gain Column spacing Max Amp Tolerance (1427-1518) / 2 x (1695-2690) ° 3dB Beamwidth RF Parameters Coupling(Cal to RF) (BASTA) Frequency(MHz) Gain Layout 2-12 28 18 0° Gain 0° 3dB AZ Beamwidth 30° Steering Gain 30°Steering 3dB AZ Beamwidth 286 dBi 21.0±0.5 ° 20 dBi 20.0±0.5 ° 23 FDD+TDD Service Beam Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 287 FDD + TDD 2GJ2W4THC-21 Pattern 698-960 1427-1518/1695-2690 3300-3800 Column beam Broadcast beam 0° service beam 30° service beam Accessories Item Model 185-2 Weight (kg) 6.45 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 FDD+TDD Mounting Kit 288 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 289 FDD + TDD 18-Port Antenna 2GJ2W4THD-21 2GJ2W4THD-21 2L3H + 3.5G TDD / 2.0 m Electrical Data 2x(698-960) + (1427-1518) + 2x(1695-2690) + 4x(3300-3800) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors 2 x (698-960) R1/R2/G1 dBi Y1/Y2 dBi Polarization 698-806 790-862 880-960 1427-1518 1695-1880 1900-2180 2300-2400 2500-2690 14.8±0.5 14.9±0.5 15.0±0.5 14.8±0.5 16.0±0.5 17.0±0.5 17.2±0.5 17.5±0.5 ±45 Horizontal Pattern ° 60±5 60±5 63±5 58±6 68±6 62±6 65±5 63±5 23 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 Boresight 0° dB 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Sector ±60 ° 10 8 8 6 10 8 6 6 F/B Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Ratio Vertical Pattern 3dB R1/R2/G1 ° Y1/Y2 ° Beamwidth Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression Single column beam Gain 3dB Beamwidth F/B Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° 7.1±1.0 7.2±1.0 6.2±0.8 dB 16 16 4 x (3300-3800) 3300-3800 ° 5.7±0.5 dB 16 dBi 16.5±0.5 ° 65±10 dB 5.7±0.8 5.2±0.5 56 mm -26±2 dB Max Phase Tolerance 0.9 9 ° VSWR 1.5:1 Isolation dB FDD: 25 // TDD: co-pol 25, cross-pol 20 3rd Order PIM@2 x 43 dBm dBc FDD: -153 Impedance Ω 50 Input Power Per Port W LB:300 / HB:250 / TDD:75 Mechanical Data (BASTA) Input Connectors 18 x 4.3-10 Female Cal: 1 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 40 kg 88.2 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2000 x 498 x 197 mm 78.7 x 19.6 x 7.8 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 935 / 1195 / 238 N 210 / 269 / 54 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C -40 ~ +158 °F 15.6±0.8 65±15 Electrical down tilt Suppression Broadcast Beam 8.7±0.6 2-12 Horizontal 3dB Beam width 1st Upper Sidelobe 9.7±0.6 2-12 dBi Vertical 3dB Beam width 10.7±1.0 ° Frequency(MHz) Gain Column spacing Max Amp Tolerance (1427-1518) / 2 x (1695-2690) ° 3dB Beamwidth RF Parameters Coupling(Cal to RF) (BASTA) Frequency(MHz) Gain Layout 2-12 28 18 0° Gain 0° 3dB AZ Beamwidth 30° Steering Gain 30°Steering 3dB AZ Beamwidth 290 dBi 21.0±0.5 ° 20 dBi 20.0±0.5 ° 23 FDD+TDD Service Beam Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 291 FDD + TDD 2GJ2W4THD-21 Pattern 698-960 1427-1518/1695-2690 3300-3800 Column beam Broadcast beam 0° service beam 30° service beam Accessories Item Model 185-2 Weight (kg) 6.45 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 FDD+TDD Mounting Kit 292 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 293 FDD & TDD Antennas 20-Port Type Frequency (MHz) HPBW (°) Gain (dBi) Size (mm) 14.5/14.5 16.1/16.1/16.1/16.1 16/16/16/16 2000 x 498 x 197 Page FDD + TDD 2 x Lowband / 4 x Highband + TDD 65 65 75 296 FDD+TDD 2G4W4THD-21 2 x 698-960 4 x 1710-2690 4 x 2300-2690 294 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 295 FDD + TDD 20-Port Antenna 2G4W4THD-21 2G4W4THD-21 2L4H + 3.5G TDD / 2.0 m Electrical Data 2x(698-960) + 4x(1695-2690) + 4x(3300-3800) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors (BASTA) 2 x (698-960) Frequency(MHz) Gain R1/R2 dBi 4 x (1695-2690) 698-806 790-862 880-960 14.0±0.5 14.4±0.5 14.5±0.5 Y1/Y2/Y3/Y4 dBi Polarization 1695-1880 1900-2180 14.7±0.4 ° 2300-2400 15.6±0.5 15.7±0.4 2500-2690 16.1±0.4 ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° F/B Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° dB 67±6 61±5 65±5 67±6 65±6 65±4 60±4 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 13.5±1.0 11.6±0.6 11±0.6 11.2±0.8 9.8±1.0 8.6±0.5 7.9±0.5 Vertical Pattern R1/R2 ° Y1/Y2/Y3/Y4 ° 3dB Beamwidth Electrical Downtilt 1st USLS Single column beam dB ° 3dB Beamwidth F/B Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 41 kg 90.4 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2000 x 498 x 197 mm 78.7 x 19.6 x 7.8 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 935 / 1195 / 238 N 210 / 269 / 54 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C -40 ~ +158 °F Layout 16.0±0.5 5.4±0.3 2-12 16 1st USLS Broadcast Beam Gain 16 DC Ground 75±10 Horizontal 3dB Beam width Electrical downtilt 16 Lightning Protection Cal: 1 x 4.3-10 Female 3300-3800 dBi Vertical 3dB Beam width 2-12 20 x 4.3-10 Female Bottom 4 x (3300-3800) Frequency(MHz) Gain 2-12 Input Connectors Connector Position dBi 15.5±0.5 ° 65±10 dB 28 18 Service Beam 0° Gain 0° 3dB AZ Beamwidth 30° Steering Gain 30°Steering 3dB AZ Beamwidth dBi 21±0.5 ° 21 dBi 20±0.5 ° 23 Coupling(Cal to RF) Max Amp Tolerance Max Phase Tolerance dB ° VSWR Isolation -26 ±2 0.9 7 1.5:1 dB 3rd Order PIM@2 x 43 dBm dBc 296 FDD+TDD RF Parameters FDD: 25 // TDD: 20 co-pol,25 x-pol FDD: -153 Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W LB:500 / HB:300 / TD:250 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 297 FDD + TDD 2G4W4THD-21 Pattern 698-960 1695-2690 3300-3800 Column beam Broadcast beam 0° service beam 30° service beam Accessories Item Model 185-2 Weight (kg) 6.45 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 FDD+TDD Mounting Kit 298 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 299 FDD & TDD Antennas 22-Port Type Frequency (MHz) HPBW (°) Gain (dBi) Size (mm) Page FDD + TDD 2 x Lowband / 5 x Highband + TDD 2G5W4THF-21 2GJ2U2S4THC-21 2 x 698-960 1427-1518 2 x 1695-2180 2 x 2500-2690 4 x 3300-3800 65 65 90 65 65 65 65 75 16/16 17.5/17.5/17.5/17.5/17.5 2690 x 498 x 197 15.4/15.4/15.4/15.4 302 13.9/13.9 15 16.3/16.3 16.8/16.8 15.6/15.6/15.6/15.6 1499 x 498 x 197 306 15/15 14.8 16.3/16.3 16.8/16.8 15.6/15.6/15.6/15.6 2000 x 498 x 197 310 FDD+TDD 2GJ2U2S4THD-21 2 x 698-960 5 x 1710-2690 4 x 2300-2690 300 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 301 FDD + TDD 22-Port Antenna 2G5W4THF-21 2G5W4THF-21 2L5H + 3.5G TDD / 2.69 m Electrical Data 2x(698-960) + 5x(1710-2690) + 4x(3300-3800) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors R1/R2 dBi Y1-Y5 dBi 698-806 790-862 880-960 15.6±0.5 15.8±0.5 16.0±0.5 1710-1880 1900-2180 16.2±0.4 ° 2300-2400 16.8±0.5 17.1±0.4 Max Phase Tolerance 2500-2690 17.5±0.4 ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° 9 ° VSWR 1.5:1 Isolation dB 3rd Order PIM@2 x 43 dBm dBc 25 FDD: -153 Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W LB:300 / HB:250 / TD:75 60±5 58±5 65±6 60±6 60±5 60±5 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 Boresight 0° dB 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Sector ±60 ° Input Connectors 22 x 4.3-10 Female 8 8 8 8 8 5 5 Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Vertical Pattern R1/R2 3dB Beamwidth Y1-Y5 Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression ° 8.5±0.8 7.6±0.6 ° 6.9±0.6 7.1±0.5 6.2±0.5 2-12 2-12 dB 16 16 4 x (3300-3800) Frequency(MHz) Gain Gain 3dB Beamwidth F/B Co-polar(180°±30°) Boresight 0° 15.4±0.8 ° 5.6±0.4 dB 16 dBi 16.0±0.5 ° 65±10 Electrical down tilt Suppression Broadcast Beam (BASTA) Cal: 1 x 4.3-10 Female Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 56 kg Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2690 x 498 x 197 mm 82.7 x 19.6 x 7.8 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 1115 / 1419 / 321 N 251 / 319 / 72 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C 123.5 lb -40 ~ +158 °F Layout 90±15 Horizontal 3dB Beam width 1st Upper Sidelobe 5.2±0.4 Mechanical Data 3300-3800 dBi Vertical 3dB Beam width 5.6±0.4 ° Single column beam Cross-Polar 0.9 63±6 F/B Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Ratio -26 ±2 dB Max Amp Tolerance 5 x (1710-2690) 42 mm Coupling(Cal to RF) 2 x (698-960) Polarization RF Parameters Column spacing (BASTA) Frequency(MHz) Gain dB 2-12 28 15 0° Gain 0° 3dB AZ Beamwidth 30° Steering Gain 30°Steering 3dB AZ Beamwidth 302 dBi 21.0±0.5 ° 26 dBi 20.0±0.5 ° 28 FDD+TDD Service Beam Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 303 FDD + TDD 2G5W4THF-21 Pattern 698-960 1710-2690 3300-3800 Column beam Broadcast beam 0° service beam 30° service beam Accessories Item Model 185-2 Weight (kg) 6.45 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 FDD+TDD Mounting Kit 304 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 305 FDD + TDD 22-Port Antenna 2GJ2U2S4THC-21 2GJ2U2S4THC-21 2L5H + 3.5G TDD / 1.5 m 2x(698-960)+(1427-1518)+2x(1695-2180)+2x(25002690)+4x(3300-3800) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors Electrical Data (BASTA) R1/R2/G1 2 x (698-960) 698-806 dBi 13.4±0.5 790-862 13.7±0.5 (1427-1518) / 2 x (1695-2180) / 2 x (2500-2690) Polarization PIM@2 x 43 dBm dBc ° 3dB Beamwidth ° ±45 FDD: 25 // TDD: co-pol 25, cross-pol 20 FDD: -153 Impedance Ω 50 Power Handling W LB:300 / HB:250 / TD:75 Mechanical Data (BASTA) 64±5 60±5 63±5 58±6 68±6 63±6 64±4 23 25 25 25 26 26 26 Input Connectors 22 x 4.3-10 Female Boresight 0° dB 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Connector Position Bottom Sector ±60 ° 8 8 8 8 9 7 5 Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Antenna Weight 39.5 kg 87.1 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 1499 x 498 x 156 mm 59 x 19.6 x 7.8 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 601/768/226N 135/173/35 lbf Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C F/B Co-polar(180°±30°) Vertical Pattern R1/R2/G1 ° B1/Y1/B2/Y2 ° 3dB Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression Single column beam Gain Gain 3dB Beamwidth F/B Co-polar(180°±30°) Boresight 0° 8.9±1.0 7.1±1.0 6.1±0.8 dB 15 16 4 x (3300-3800) 3300-3800 5.2±0.5 Cal: 1 x 4.3-10 Female -40 ~ +158 °F Layout 15.6±0.8 65±15 ° 5.7±0.3 dB 16 dBi 16.5±0.5 ° 65±10 Electrical down tilt Suppression Broadcast Beam 12.8±1 2-12 Horizontal 3dB Beam width 1st Upper Sidelobe 14.3±1.2 2-12 dBi Vertical 3dB Beam width 15.9±1.5 ° Frequency(MHz) Cross-Polar 1.5:1 13.9±0.5 16.8±0.5 9 VSWR dB 16.3±0.5 0.9 ° 3rd Order 15.6±0.5 -26 ±2 dB Isolation Horizontal Pattern Beamwidth Coupling(Cal to RF) 880-960 1427-1518 1695-1880 1900-2180 2300-2400 2500-2690 15.0±0.5 56 mm Max Phase Tolerance B1/Y1/B2/Y2 dBi Cross-Polar Ratio Column spacing Max Amp Tolerance Frequency(MHz) Gain RF Parameters dB 2-12 28 18 0° Gain 0° 3dB AZ Beamwidth 30° Steering Gain 30°Steering 3dB AZ Beamwidth 306 dBi 21.0±0.5 ° 20 dBi 20.0±0.5 ° 23 FDD+TDD Service Beam Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 307 FDD + TDD 2GJ2U2S4THC-21 Pattern 1427-1518/1695-2180/25002690 698-960 3300-3800 Column beam Broadcast beam 0° service beam 30° service beam Accessories Model 185-2 Weight (kg) 6.45 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 FDD+TDD Item Mounting Kit 308 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 309 FDD + TDD 18-Port Antenna 2GJ2U2S4THD-21 2GJ2W4THD-21 2L3H + 3.5G TDD / 2.0 m Electrical Data 2x(698-960) + (1427-1518) + 2x(1695-2690) + 4x(3300-3800) MHz Embedded RET (AISG 2.0 Compliant), Field Exchangeable 4.3-10 Connectors (BASTA) 2 x (698-960) R1/R2/G1 Y1/Y2 Polarization dBi (1427-1518) / 2 x (1695-2690) 698-806 790-862 880-960 1427-1518 1695-1880 1900-2180 2300-2400 2500-2690 14.8±0.5 14.9±0.5 15.0±0.5 14.8±0.5 dBi 16.0±0.5 ° 17.0±0.5 17.2±0.5 17.5±0.5 ±45 Horizontal Pattern 3dB Beamwidth ° F/B Co-polar(180°±30°) Boresight 0° dB Cross-Polar Ratio Impedance Ω 50 Input Power Per Port W LB:300 / HB:250 / TD:75 Mechanical Data Frequency(MHz) Gain Sector ±60 ° (BASTA) Input Connectors 22 x 4.3-10 Female Connector Position Bottom Lightning Protection DC Ground Radome Material Fiberglass Cal: 1 x 4.3-10 Female Antenna Weight 44.5 kg 98.1 lb Antenna Dimensions (H x W x D) 2000 x 498 x 197 mm 78.7 x 19.6 x 7.8 in Maximum Wind Velocity 241 km/h 150 mph 60±5 60±5 63±5 58±6 68±6 62±6 65±5 63±5 Max. Wind Load @150 km/h (Front/Rear/Side) 935/1195/238N 210/269/53 lbf 23 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 Mast Diameter Supported 50 - 110 mm 2.0 - 4.3 in 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C 10 8 8 6 10 10.7±1.0 9.7±0.6 8.7±0.6 7.1±1.0 8 6 6 -40 ~ +158 °F Vertical Pattern 3dB R1/R2/G1 ° Y1/Y2 ° Beamwidth Electrical Downtilt 1st Upper Sidelobe Suppression Single column beam 2-12 dB 16 16 Gain 3dB Beamwidth F/B Co-polar(180°±30°) Cross-Polar Boresight 0° 5.2±0.5 3300-3800 15.6±0.8 65±15 ° 5.7±0.5 dB 16 dBi 16.5±0.5 ° 65±10 Electrical down tilt Suppression Broadcast Beam 5.7±0.8 4 x (3300-3800) Horizontal 3dB Beam width 1st Upper Sidelobe 6.2±0.8 2-12 dBi Vertical 3dB Beam width 7.2±1.0 ° Frequency(MHz) Gain Layout dB 2-12 28 18 0° Gain 0° 3dB AZ Beamwidth 30° Steering Gain 30°Steering 3dB AZ Beamwidth 310 dBi 21.0±0.5 ° 20 dBi 20.0±0.5 ° 23 FDD+TDD Service Beam Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 311 FDD + TDD 2GJ2U2S4THD-21 Pattern 1427-1518/1695-2180/25002690 698-960 3300-3800 Column beam Broadcast beam 0° service beam 30° service beam Accessories Item Model Mounting Kit 185-2 Weight (kg) 6.45 Mechanical Tilt Range (°) 0-10 FDD+TDD Compliance 312 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 313 Accessories Accessories Type L99-C130-XXX Description Page RET Control Cable 316 698-2700MHz Smart Bias Tee 318 S-Wave ACU-004 Antenna Control Unit 320 S-Wave PCU-ANT-001 Portable Control Unit 325 SBT-8F-64-XX SBT-8F-D-01 314 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 315 Accessories RET Control Cable L99-C130-XXX L99-C130-XXX Part Numbers of Cables (“XXX” stands for cable length in mm) Main Features AISG 2.0/AISG 1.1 Compliant RET Control Cable Feeds Data & DC Power to RET Components RoHS Compliant Electrical Data Protocol 3GPP/AISG 2.0/AISG 1.1 Voltage, Rated 300 V Current, Rated >4A Characteristic Impedance 100 ± 20 (Ω) Environmental Data Operating Temperature Range -40°C to +70°C | -40°F to +158°F Relative Humidity 5% - 95% Weather Protection IP67 Mechanical Data 316 AISG Connector A 8-Pin DIN Female, Straight, IEC 601309 AISG Connector B 8-Pin DIN Male, Straight, IEC 601309 Braid Coverage Coverage Rate ≥85 % Data Conductor Type 0.32 mm² (24 AWG) twisted pair Data Conductors, Quantity 2 Power Conductor Type 0.75 mm² (20 AWG) stranded Power Conductors, Quantity 3 Total Conductors, Quantity 5 Shield Material Aluminum Jacket Material PVC(Anti-UV) Color Black Diameter Over Jacket 7.50 mm Typical Part Numbers Length L99-C130-1000 1m L99-C130-2000 2m L99-C130-3000 3m L99-C130-5000 5m L99-C130-10000 10 m L99-C130-20000 20 m L99-C130-30000 30 m L99-C130-40000 40 m L99-C130-50000 50 m L99-C130-60000 60 m L99-C130-70000 70 m L99-C130-80000 80 m L99-C130-90000 90 m L99-C130-100000 100 m L99-C130-130000 130 m PIN Assignments 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. +12 V DC nominal not connected RS485 B not connected RS485 A +24 V DC nominal DC Return not connected Female Male Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 317 Accessories 698-2700MHz Smart Bias Tee SBT-8F-64-XX SBT-8F-64-XX Mechanical Data Main Features AISG modem inside Low PIM Low insertion loss and high output power Feeding DC to supply cable Built-in lighting protection Simple installation Support AISG1.0 and AISG2.0 Dimension 124×70×56mm Weight 0.65kg Connectors type Port1 4.3-10 Port2 4.3-10 Port DC/AISG 8-pin Packing Connector Definition 1Pce in box Outline Drawing Port 1 = Port for BTS and Antenna Port 2 = Port for Feeder Cable Port DC/AISG = Port for DC and AISG signal Connector Data Part Number SBT-8F-64-01 SBT-8F-64-02 SBT-8F-64-03 SBT-8F-64-04 Application Antenna-Feeder BTS-Feeder Antenna-Feeder BTS-Feeder Port1 4.3-10 male 4.3-10 male 4.3-10 female 4.3-10 female Port2 4.3-10 female 4.3-10 female 4.3-10 male 4.3-10 male Port DC/AISG female male female male Electrical Data Frequency 698-2700MHz VSWR ≤1.25 Insertion loss ≤ 0.3dB Power consumption 0.6W typical DC isolation Port1 – Port2 >60dB Port1 – Port DC/AISG >60dB Port2 – Port DC/AISG 0dB Power handling Port1 or Port2 ≤ 200W AVG, 2000W Peak Port DC/AISG ≤ 2.5A / +10~+30VDC Intermodulation (3rd order) ≤ -155dBc@2 x 20 W Modem communication 3GPP TS 25.461 Impedance 50 Ω Environmental Data Operating temperature range -40°C to +65°C Storage temperature range -50°C to +85°C Relative humidity 5%- 95% Barometric pressure 55KPa -106KPa MTBF >500,000 hrs Lightning protection 3kA 10/350us Applications IP67 318 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 319 698-2700MHz Smart Bias Tee SBT-8F-D-01 SBT-8F-D-01 Mechanical Data Main Features Accessories AISG modem inside Low PIM Low insertion loss and high output power Feeding DC to supply cable Built-in lighting protection Simple installation Support AISG1.0 and AISG2.0 Dimension 141.3×70×55mm Weight 0.65kg Connectors type Port1 7/16 Din Port2 7/16 Din Port DC/AISG 8-pin Packing 1Pce in box Connector Definition Block Diagram Port 1 = Port for BTS and Antenna Port 2 = Port for Feeder Cable Port DC/AISG = Port for DC and AISG signal Connector Data Application Antenna-Feeder Port1 7-16 male Port2 7-16 female Port DC/AISG female Electrical Data Frequency 698-2700MHz VSWR ≤1.10 Insertion loss ≤ 0.2dB Power consumption 0.6W typical DC isolation Port1 – Port2 >70dB Port1 – Port DC/AISG >70dB Port2 – Port DC/AISG 0dB Power handling Port1 or Port2 ≤ 750W Port DC/AISG ≤ 2.5A / +10~+30VDC Intermodulation (3rd order) ≤ -155dBc@2 x 20 W Modem communication 3GPP TS 25.461 Impedance 50 Ω Outline Drawing Environmental Data Operating temperature range -40°C to +65°C Storage temperature range -50°C to +85°C Relative humidity 5%- 95% Barometric pressure 55KPa -106KPa MTBF >500,000 hrs Lightning protection 3kA 10/350us Applications IP67 320 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 321 Accessories Antenna Control Unit S-Wave ACU-004 Main Features Antenna Control Unit (ACU) for Rosenberger antennas with adjustable electrical downtilt and appropriate mechanical interface Compliant to 3GPP/AISG 2.0 standards Compatible with AISG compliant BTS/NodeB/eNodeB Remote control and adjust at site or from OMC Compatible with other major vendors control units Compact size. Daisy chain feasibility Designed for outdoor operations Remote software upgradable Electrical Data Protocol 3GPP/AISG 2.0 Tilt Accuracy ±0.1° Input voltage range 10…30 V(pin 1, pin 6) Power consumption < 2 W (stand by); <13 W (motor activated) Hardware interfaces Adjustable time (full range) RS 485A/B(pin 5, pin 3); power supply (pin 1, pin6); DC return(pin7) 100 sec (typically, depending on antenna type) Adjustable cycles > 50,000 Electrical Safety standard EN 60950 Lightning Protection IEC 61000-4-5, ≥ 8kA (8/20µs) Environmental Data Operating temperature range -40°C to +60°C Storage temperature range -45°C to +70°C Protection class IP65(with antenna). Mechanical Data 322 Input 2 × 8 pin connector according to IEC 60130-9 Connector Position Bottom Color RAL 7035, light grey Dimensions 175 x 50 x 54 mm Weight 340g Housing material Profile: Aluminum; Cover: Zinc die cast Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 323 Accessories Portable Control Unit S-Wave PCU-ANT-001 Main Features AISG v1.1 and 3GPP/AISG v2.0 capable Portable and lightweight Rechargeable LI-ION battery No external power source required Backlit LCD display Pushbutton control Electrical Data Power Supply Power-rechargeable Battery 14.4V Li, 2000mAh Power Supply To PCU DC24V, 2.7A Output Voltage to Antenna AISG Female Pin 1: 12V ± 1V AISG female Pin 6: DC 24V ± 1V, Battery 15V ± 1V Maximum Output Current 2.0A Output Protection Over-current and low-voltage protection AISG Characteristics Signaling Protocol AISG1.1 / 3GPP AISG2.0 Interface to Antenna Tilt Reading Resolution RS485 (AISG female pins 3 and 5) @ 9600 baud Power supply (AISG female pin 6/ pin 1) 0.1° steps Connectors / Display AISG Output 8 pin female DIN 60130-9 Power 2-pole socket, 5.7mm/2.0mm Display Monochrome graphic LCD Environmental Data Operating temperature range 0°C to +45°C Storage temperature range -20°C to +65°C Mechanical Data Dimensions 211.5 x 92 x 34.5 mm Weight 550 g Housing material ABS Version 2 – Status March 2020 – Technical modifications and errors excepted. Similar images. 324 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 325 Rosenberger 326 Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG | 327 Website For more information refer to our website: Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG Hauptstraße 1 | 83413 Fridolfing P.O. Box 1260 | 84526 Tittmoning Germany Phone +49 8684 18-0 Technology Co., Ltd. No. 6, Shen’an Road | Dianshanhu | Kunshan Jiangsu PR China, 215345 Phone +86 512 8689 6789 Fax +86 512 8689 0666 Certified by IATF 16949 · DIN EN 9100 · ISO 9001 · ISO 14001 Order No. pA# 446313 • Info6AntennaCatEN 50/2020 Rosenberger® is a registered trademark by Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG. All rights reserved. © Rosenberger 2020