Acceptance Declaration Client: PGS Responsible for test: Persson, Karolina <karolina.per CS-Order: 40043372 Company: EON Transport request DG1K9A080R + Test case - Responsible for test (client) Persson, Karolina <> Create MRP controllers 5404 cc 0205 Status Approved! + - Annotations: Test result / Result: Result approved: Yes No Date: 20.02.17 Karolina Persson Elektroniskt undertecknad av Karolina Persson SN: c=DE, o=E.ON SE, serialNumber=K20327, cn=Karolina Persson Datum: 2017.02.20 14:35:06 +01'00' Signature *) *) With this signature I confirm that I am authorized to release the concepts, system / table settings, developments, forms and jobs which were created or made in this part of a project / project.