Uploaded by Nishant Sharma

ORA cxmF8v

Date: 22nd Sep, 2021
Emp ID : 31899
Nishant Sharma
Dear Nishant,
It gives me great pleasure to inform you that you have been awarded Stock Options under the ESOP Scheme of
Oravel Stays Private Limited (“ESOP 2018”). The stock options are granted in recognition of your potential
and/or your contribution and continuous support to the Company and in view of the critical role you are
expected to play in achieving future growth and corporate objectives.
Congratulations. Being an option holder, you would be entitled to become a shareholder of the Company as
per the terms of ESOP 2018. This would provide you with an opportunity to share the rewards of the efforts
you put in to surge the Company ahead.
The details of the grant are provided as an Annexure to this letter. Please note that pursuant to the ESOP 2018
and the applicable laws, the Company may vary the terms of the ESOP 2018 in relation to the options granted
to you.
For any clarifications on the subject, please feel free to speak/write to esops@oyorooms.com.
We are confident that you will drive the business with a sense of ownership and commitment to pursue the
Company’s mission of creating more and more affordable and quality living spaces across the world.
Please sign and return the duplicate copy of the letter in acceptance of this grant.
With best wishes,
Dinesh Ramamurthi
Nishant Sharma
Oravel Stays Private Limited - ESOP 2018
Details of stock option grant
Name of the Option Grantee: Nishant Sharma
Date of Grant:1st Jan, 2021
We are pleased to grant you options to purchase shares of Oravel Stays Private Limited, subject to the terms
and conditions of ESOP 2018 to be executed by you. The details of the grant are as follows:
Exercise price per Option (INR)
Total number of options granted
Reference share price per Option (INR)
Exercise period (from the respective date of vesting)
As per ESOP 2018
Vesting Schedule
Number of Options
January 1st, 2022
Best Regards,
Dinesh Ramamurthi
Nishant Sharma