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PASUC Advisory: 2nd National REDi Congress

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PASUC ADVISORY NO. 125, s. 2023
All SUC Presidents/Heads
Dr. Tirso A. Ronquillo
Subject :
October 23, 2023
This is to endorse the 2nd National REDi Congress, organized by the Romblon State
University (RSU). The conference, with the theme “Navigating the Frontiers of
Innovation: Fostering Sustainable Development and Gender Inclusivity in Higher
Education Institutions (HEIs)”, will take place from November 29, 2023, via Zoom.
This virtual conference will serve as a unifying space for university professors, educators,
postgraduate students, and specialists from diverse areas. Its goal is to recognize the
milestones achieved in research, academic dialogues, knowledge sharing, and capacity
enhancement during the challenges of the new normal. Ultimately, the Congress strives
to energize, uplift, and connect members of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) as they
work towards a promising future through innovative research, inclusive strategies, and a
commitment to sustainable development.
The organizers will be accepting abstract submissions until November 10, 2023.
Presenters and interested participants may pre-register via the following link:
https://bit.ly/2ndNATREDiRegform. To access more information about this activity,
they may also visit the organizer’s official website https://bit.ly/2ndNatlREDiCongress.
Enclosed is the event briefer, for your ready reference. Your office may contact the
organizers through Ms. Jewelle V. Olarte, via e-mail at rsu.rep@gmail.com or through
mobile numbers 0906-0319862/ 0950-4567983, for further inquiries.
2nd National REDI Congress
“Navigating the Frontiers of Innovation: Fostering Sustainable Development and Gender
Inclusivity in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)”
Concept Note
In the context of the "new normal," where virtual gatherings have become the norm, the
theme also emphasizes the adaptability and resilience of HEIs in coping with the challenges
brought about by unprecedented circumstances. By embracing technological advancements
and virtual platforms, 2nd REDi National Congress ensures that knowledge exchange and
capability building continue unhindered.
The chosen theme aims to encapsulate the essence of the REDI Congress organized by
the RSU-REDi unit. It emphasizes the pivotal role of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) as
"nebulae of innovations" where research and development (R&D) activities flourish, creating
a galaxy of new ideas and discoveries. These innovations are confined within the academic
realm and extended through extension activities catering to marginalized and underserved
Furthermore, the theme highlights the all-encompassing nature of the congress, where all
papers produced by faculty, staff, and students are considered for presentation. Regardless of
whether the research is externally, institutionally, or privately funded, initiated by individuals
themselves, or stems from academic pursuits like theses, dissertations, and term papers, each
contribution holds equal value in advancing the frontiers of knowledge.
Overall, the theme "Navigating the Frontiers of Innovation: Fostering Sustainable
Development and Inclusivity in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)" aims to motivate,
inspire, and unite stakeholders within HEIs in their collective endeavor to create a brighter
future through cutting-edge research, inclusive practices, and a commitment to sustainable
The REDI Congress, which began in 2020, is an annual activity of the RSU-REDi unit in
its commitment to highlight quality and high-impact R&D and extension outputs in the
congress. Believing that a congress like this can help sustain the culture of sharing towards
future-ready HEIs, it aims to virtually gather university faculty, teachers, graduate students,
and experts for scholarly interactions, knowledge exchange, and capability building in the
new normal.
All papers completed by faculty, and staff, including externally funded research,
institutionally funded projects, and privately funded initiatives, as well as theses,
dissertations, term papers, and advisee's theses/dissertations (with consent of primary
researchers), are considered for presentation at the congress.
General Guidelines
The conference is open to SUCs/HEIs, research institutions, government and non-government agencies,
graduate students and postgraduate researchers, and professionals.
Submission of Entry
1. The members/participants shall be encouraged through an invitation to submit technical papers on the
following research and extension tracks that are related to the theme of the congress:
Thematic Areas
a. Engineering, Development, and Innovation
Cybersecurity and Privacy
Digital Transformation and Industry
Green Building and Infrastructures
Plant Biosystems and Biotechnology
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
Sustainable Development
and other related
b. Environment, Agriculture, and Natural Sciences
Agricultural Production System
Climate Change and Adaptation
Ecosystem Rehabilitation and Restoration
Environmental Conservation
Waste Management
Sustainable Agriculture
and other related
c. Supervision, Administration, Leadership, and Management
Agribusiness and Financial Management
Environmental Governance
Ethical Guidance and Social Equity
Human Resources Management Practices
Policy Integration
Strategic Planning
and other related
d. Social Sciences, Humanities, and Education
Cultural heritage and Sustainability
Curriculum Development and Pedagogy
Environmental Education
Economics and Economic Policy
Philosophy, Literature and History Studies
Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
Public Awareness and Communication
and other related
2. The paper should be an original and unpublished research result of the author (s).
3. The abstract of the paper should be in Microsoft Word Format (docx.), single-spaced with a font of 12
in Times New Roman on an 8 1⁄2” X 11” bond paper. It should be well-organized, concise, and should
contain information on the following: Title, Author/s, and their Designation and Agency, Address, and
Contact Numbers)
● The title of the paper should all be in capital letters. In case the title exceeds one (1) line, it should
be in an inverted pyramid form.
● The underlined full name (s) of the author (s) starting from the first/given name
● An asterisk must be placed over the name of the author who will present the paper.
● In cases where the paper has many authors presenting one or different institutions, superscript
numbers should be used to indicate the author’s corresponding position, institution if applicable,
and address.
● The use of the abbreviation is not accepted.
● Abstract (The length should not exceed one and one-half pages and the number of words must not
exceed 200).
● Entries/Abstracts must be submitted upon registration on/before October 12, 2023 at
https://bit.ly/2ndNATREDiRegform or kindly scan the QR code provided. The file name must
follow this format, Presenter’s Surname_Title of Paper (e.g. Rizal_Noli Me Tangere). Note: The
deadline for submission will be strictly followed.
● Participants are not allowed to make changes to the content of their submissions beyond the
1. All participants/presenters must register for the conference through the designated online
registration portal. (https://bit.ly/2ndNATREDiRegform). Registration is open until October 12,
2. Registration is made official once proof of payment is uploaded. Upload your proof of payment in
Google Drive using https://bit.ly/payment2ndNATREDi following this syntax: Proof of
Payment_NATREDi_Surname_presenter/non-presenter”. The deadline for payment is on
November 6, 2023. Kindly refer to the payment procedures and registration rates mentioned
3. Participants who are not presenters are advised to register as PARTICIPANT in the provided
registration portal.
NOTE: The presenters will pay a registration fee upon receiving the notification of acceptance.
Payment Procedures: To streamline the registration process and ensure a seamless experience, we have
outlined the following payment guidelines:
We accept payments through the following methods:
a. Bank transfer:
LANDBANK of the Philippines
Account Name: Aira F. Fallurin
Account number: 1167025770
Aira F. - 09958555074
Please find below the registration rates for your reference:
Romblon State University constituents: FREE
RSU Graduate Education and Professional Studies students: Php 250.00
Other institutions: Php 500.00
Other institutions: Php 200.00
Upon successful payment, you will receive an email confirmation of your registration. A detailed receipt,
including payment information, will be provided.
Selection of papers for competition:
● All papers submitted will be screened and evaluated for presentation during the congress.
● Official communication/Notification of acceptance will be sent to the author (s) of the papers that
have been considered for the competition and will be advised to revise the paper (if necessary).
Notice of Acceptance (NOA) will be sent until October 27, 2023. Failure to pay the registration
fee merits withdrawal of entry.
Presentation of papers:
● The use of visual materials (e.g. PowerPoint presentation, transparencies, slides, recorded video
presentation, etc.) is encouraged.
● All presenters must submit to the Secretariat a copy of their presentation upon receiving their
notification of acceptance by November 17, 2023, through email at rsu.rep@gmail.com.
For video presentations, the file must be in MP4 format, a maximum of 10 minutes.
Email submission should follow the filename in the Subject (Video/PPT_Surname_Title of
paper eg. PPT_Protacio_Noli Me Tangere).
Video/PPT not received on or before the deadline will not be considered for presentation.
● Text of slides and transparencies should be easily read.
● The actual time allowed for the presentation is 20 minutes including the question and answer
Virtual Presentation Guidelines:
Zoom will be the platform to be used. Zoom credentials together with the Zoom background will
be sent to your respective email address 5 days prior to the scheduled event.
Participants and Presenters are encouraged to join the opening ceremonies and are advised to join
the meeting 20 minutes before the start of the program.
The naming/syntax for Zoom: (category_school_surname, eg. EANS_RSU_Protacio)
Selection for Best Presenter for Research and Extension
Aspects of the Research Paper that will be relevant in judging the Best Presenter:
*This shall be open to all presenters
1. Problem Definition and Methodology (30%)
● Statement of the research problem, the objectives, and the significance of the research should be
clearly stated.
● Use of a research methodology appropriate to the objectives of the research.
2. Theoretical/Conceptual Framework (20%)
● A discerning selection of the relevant, current, and related literature (primary references e.g.
journal articles)
3. Results and Conclusion (30%)
● Results and analysis address the research problem and objectives.
● The research paper provides new insights and discusses the implications of the results with
reference to the significance of the research
4. Oral presentation (20%)
● Clarity of presentation with appropriate visual aids.
● Thorough presentation of the highlights of the research within the prescribed time limit.
● Ability to respond to the questions or points of clarification by the panel or the audience.
Aspects of the Extension Project that will be relevant in judging the Best Presenter:
● Participation of extension cooperators/recipients in appropriate technology generation (negotiated
expectations and objectives, recognition of local knowledge and cultural practices). (25%)
● Promotion of sustainable practice (introduction of a variety of research-based methods and
materials – preferably SUC - generated). (20%)
● Adherence to the extension project management cycle (e.g. extension project design/planning->
implementation -> evaluation -> modification of project design) (20%)
● Prudent use of budget/funds but not sacrificing effective and efficient implementation of the
extension project. (15%)
● Ability to draw external recognition (e.g. awards, external funding). (10%)
● Project implementation documentation. (10 %)
Scores for each phase and the decision of the evaluators are final and irrevocable.
Prizes and Certificates:
Winners for each category shall receive a cash prize amounting to:
1st – Php 5,000.00
2nd – Php 3,000.00
3rd – Php 2,000.00
A certificate of recognition will be given to the presenters of the 2nd National REDi Congress. Whereas a
certificate of participation will be given to non-presenters.
A. Data Privacy
Romblon State University shall ask for information to be an eligible participant in this competition. In
doing so, RSU will comply with the implementing rules and regulations of Republic Act 10173 - Data
Privacy Act of 2012. Rest assured that RSU will not share nor sell personal information to any other third
B. Intellectual Property
RSU has no rights to ownership of the proposed solutions of the teams. Participants are recognized as
authors of their submitted solutions; thus, they have full rights to ownership of their solutions. The use
and implementation of these solutions are the decision of the participants.
Note: A Non-disclosure Agreement will be secured.