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Enzyme Kinetics - Becker's World of the Cell

6.3 Enzyme Kinetics
So far, our discussion of enzymes has been basically qualitative. We have dealt with the activation energy requirement
that prevents thermodynamically feasible reactions from occurring and with catalysts as a means of reducing the activation energy and thereby facilitating such reactions. We have
also encountered enzymes as biological catalysts and have
examined their structure and function in some detail. Moreover, we realize that the only reactions likely to occur in cells
at reasonable rates are those for which specific enzymes are on
hand, such that the metabolic capability of a cell is effectively
specified by the enzymes that are present.
Still lacking, however, is a means of assessing—in a quantitative fashion—the actual rates at which enzyme-catalyzed
M06_HARD7694_09_GE_C06.indd 161
Enzymes: The Catalysts of Life
How can an enzyme recognize and bind one specific
substrate in a cell containing thousands of different molecules? How will extremes of temperature and pH affect
this specificity?
reactions will proceed, as well as an appreciation for the
factors that influence reaction rates. The mere presence
of the appropriate enzyme in a cell does not ensure that a
given reaction will occur at an adequate rate. We need to
understand the cellular conditions that are favorable for
activity of a particular enzyme. We have already seen how
factors such as temperature and pH can affect enzyme activity. Now we are ready to appreciate how enzyme activity
also depends critically on the concentrations of substrates,
products, and inhibitors that prevail in the cell. In addition,
we will see how at least some of these effects can be defined
First will begin with an overview of enzyme kinetics,
which describes quantitative aspects of enzyme catalysis
(the word kinetics is from the Greek word kinetikos, meaning
“moving”) and the rate of substrate conversion into products. Specifically, enzyme kinetics concerns reaction rates
and the manner in which reaction rates are influenced by
factors such as the concentrations of substrates, products,
and inhibitors. Most of our attention here will focus on the
effects of substrate concentration on the kinetics of enzymecatalyzed reactions.
Then we will focus on initial reaction rates, the rates of
reactions measured over a brief initial period of time during which the substrate concentration has not yet decreased
enough to affect the rate of the reaction and the accumulation
of product is still too small for the reverse reaction (conversion of product back into substrate) to occur at a significant
rate. This resembles the steady-state situation in living cells,
where substrates are continually replenished and products
are continually removed, maintaining stable concentrations
of each. Although this description is somewhat oversimplified compared to the situation in living cells, it nonetheless
allows us to understand some important principles of enzyme
Understanding enzyme kinetics is not merely a theoretical exercise. In cells of all organisms, numerous processes
crucially depend on enzyme kinetics. Having detailed knowledge of an enzyme’s kinetic properties can help researchers to understand the nature of enzyme activity in certain
human diseases. This knowledge can also aid the design of
drugs that act as enzyme inhibitors, for example, in the treatment of cancer. Understanding enzyme kinetics also has important commercial applications. Examples include optimizing industrial processes, maximizing production of proteins
for research, and developing enzyme-based assays for diagnosis of human disease.
Chapter 6
Ribosomal RNA. Since these initial discoveries, additional examples of ribozymes have been reported. Of special significance is the active site for a crucial step in protein
synthesis by ribosomes. The large ribosomal subunit (see
Figure 4-24) is the site of the peptidyl transferase activity
that catalyzes peptide bond formation. The active site for this
peptidyl transferase activity was for a long time assumed to be
located on one of the protein molecules of the large subunit,
with the rRNA providing a scaffold for structural support.
However, in 1992, Harry Noller and his colleagues at the University of California, Santa Cruz, demonstrated that, despite
the removal of at least 95% of the protein from the large ribosomal subunit, it retained 80% of the peptidyl transferase
activity of the intact subunit. This strongly suggested that one
of the rRNA molecules was the catalyst.
Furthermore, the catalytic activity of the ribosome was
destroyed by treatment with ribonuclease, an enzyme that degrades RNA, but was not affected by proteinase K, an enzyme
that degrades protein. Thus, the peptidyl transferase activity
responsible for peptide bond formation in ribosomal protein
synthesis is due to the rRNA, now known to be a ribozyme.
It appears the function of the ribosomal proteins is to provide
support for and stabilization of the catalytic RNA, not the
other way around! This supports the idea that RNA-based catalysis preceded protein-based catalysis.
The discovery of ribozymes has markedly changed the
way we think about the origin of life on Earth. For many years,
scientists had speculated that the first catalytic macromolecules must have been amino acid polymers resembling proteins. But this concept immediately ran into difficulty because
there was no obvious way for a primitive protein to carry information or to replicate itself, which are two primary attributes of life. However, if the first catalysts were RNA rather
than protein molecules, it becomes conceptually easier to
imagine an “RNA world” in which RNA molecules acted both
as catalysts and as replicating systems capable of transferring
information from generation to generation.
Monkeys and Peanuts Provide a Useful
Analogy for Understanding Enzyme Kinetics
Enzyme kinetics can seem quite complex at first. If you found
the Mexican jumping beans helpful in understanding free energy in Chapter 5, then you might like another analogy. In
this case, we will consider a roomful of monkeys (“enzymes”)
shelling peanuts (“substrates”), with the peanuts present
in varying abundance representing differences in substrate
concentration. Try to understand each step first in terms of
monkeys shelling peanuts and then in terms of an actual
enzyme-catalyzed reaction.
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The Shelling Begins. For our first assay, we will start with
an initial peanut concentration of 1 peanut per square meter, and we will assume that, at this concentration of peanuts,
the average monkey spends 9 seconds looking for a peanut to
shell and 1 second shelling it. This means that each monkey
requires 10 seconds per peanut and can thus shell peanuts at
the rate of 0.1 peanut per second. Then, because there are ten
monkeys in the gallery, the velocity (v) of peanut-shelling for
all the monkeys is 1 peanut per second at this peanut concentration, which we will call [S]. All of this can be tabulated as
[S] = Concentration of peanuts (peanuts/m2)
Time required per peanut:
To find (sec/peanut)
To shell (sec/peanut)
Total (sec/peanut)
Rate of shelling:
Per monkey (peanut/sec)
Total (v) (peanut/sec)
The Peanuts Become More Abundant. For our second assay, we will triple the number of peanuts to a concentration
of 3 peanuts per square meter. Now the average monkey will
find a peanut three times more quickly than before, in only
3 seconds. But each peanut still takes 1 second to shell, so
the total time per peanut is now 4 seconds, and the velocity
of shelling is 0.25 peanut per second for each monkey, or 2.5
peanuts per second for the roomful of monkeys. This generates another column of entries for our data table:
[S] = Concentration of peanuts (peanuts/m2)
Time required per peanut:
To find (sec/peanut)
To shell (sec/peanut)
Total (sec/peanut)
Rate of shelling:
Per monkey (peanut/sec)
Total (v) (peanut/sec)
What Happens to v as [S] Continues to Increase? So
what eventually happens to the velocity of peanut shelling as
M06_HARD7694_09_GE_C06.indd 162
the peanut concentration in the room gets higher and higher?
All you need do is extend the data table by assuming everincreasing values for [S] and calculating the corresponding v.
Notice that a tripling of peanut concentration increased the
rate by only 2.5-fold. A second tripling will result in only a further doubling of the rate. There seems, in other words, to be a
diminishing return on additional peanuts.
As we increase [S], the time to find a peanut decreases
proportionally, but the time to shell it doesn’t change. So no
matter how high [S] is, it will always take at least 1 second for
the shelling reaction, and the overall rate for the ten monkeys
can never exceed 10 peanuts per second. Problem 6-13 will
allow you to further explore the kinetic parameters of this
monkey-catalyzed shelling reaction.
Most Enzymes Display
Michaelis–Menten Kinetics
Now that you have learned about how “reaction velocity”
depends on substrate concentration in the fictional case of
monkeys and peanuts, you should be ready for a more formal treatment of enzyme kinetics. Here we will consider how
the initial reaction velocity (v) changes depending on the
substrate concentration ([S]). The initial reaction velocity
is rigorously defined as the rate of change in product concentration per unit time (for example, mM/min). Often, however,
reaction velocities are experimentally measured in a constant
assay volume of 1 mL and are reported as mmol of product per
minute. At low [S], a doubling of [S] will double v. But as [S]
increases, each additional increment of substrate results in a
smaller increase in reaction rate. As [S] becomes very large, increases in [S] increase only slightly, and the value of v reaches
a maximum.
By determining v in a series of experiments at varying
substrate concentrations, the dependence of v on [S] can be
shown experimentally to be that of a hyperbola (Figure 6-8).
An important property of this hyperbolic relationship is
Initial velocity (v)
The Peanut Gallery. Imagine ten monkeys, all equally adept at finding and shelling peanuts; also imagine a Peanut
Gallery, a room with peanuts scattered equally about on the
floor. The number of peanuts will be varied as we proceed, but
in all of our “assays,” there will be vastly more peanuts than
monkeys in the room. And because we know the number of
peanuts and the total floor space, we can use peanut density as
the “concentration” of peanuts in the room. In each case, the
monkeys start out in a room adjacent to the Peanut Gallery.
To start an assay, we simply open the door and allow the eager
monkeys to enter.
Vmax [S]
Km + [S]
Substrate concentration [S]
Figure 6-8 The Relationship Between Reaction Velocity
and Substrate Concentration. The initial velocity of an enzymecatalyzed reaction tends toward an upper limiting velocity Vmax
as the substrate concentration [S] tends toward infinity. Km is the
substrate concentration at which the reaction is proceeding at onehalf of the maximum velocity.
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that as [S] tends toward infinity, v approaches an upper limiting value known as the maximum velocity (Vmax). This
value depends on the number of enzyme molecules and can
therefore be increased only by adding more enzyme. The inability of increasingly higher substrate concentrations to
increase the reaction velocity beyond a finite upper value is
called saturation. At saturation, all available enzyme molecules are operating at maximum capacity. Saturation is a
fundamental, universal property of enzyme-catalyzed reactions. Catalyzed reactions always become saturated at high
substrate concentrations, whereas uncatalyzed reactions
do not.
Much of our understanding of the hyperbolic relationship between [S] and v is due to the pioneering work of
two German enzymologists, Leonor Michaelis and Maud
Menten. In 1913, they postulated a general theory of enzyme action that has helped us quantify almost every aspect
of enzyme kinetics. To understand their approach, consider
one of the simplest possible enzyme-catalyzed reactions, a
reaction in which a single substrate S is converted into a
single product P:
where Ef is the free form of the enzyme, S is the substrate,
ES is the enzyme-substrate complex, P is the product, and
k1, k2, k3, and k4 are the rate constants for the indicated
Starting with this model and several simplifying assumptions, including the steady-state conditions we described near
the end of Chapter 5, Michaelis and Menten arrived at the relationship between the velocity of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction and the substrate concentration, as follows:
Vmax 3S 4
Km + 3S 4
Here, v is the initial reaction velocity, [S] is the initial substrate concentration, Vmax is the maximum velocity, and Km is
the concentration of substrate that gives exactly half the maximum velocity. Vmax and Km (also known as the Michaelis
constant) are important kinetic parameters that we will consider in more detail in the next section. Equation 6-7 is known
as the Michaelis–Menten equation, a central relationship
of enzyme kinetics. (Problem 6-12 gives you an opportunity to
derive the Michaelis–Menten equation yourself.)
What Is the Meaning of Vmax and Km?
To appreciate the implications of the relationship between
v and [S] and to examine the meaning of the parameters Vmax
and Km, we can consider three special cases of substrate
M06_HARD7694_09_GE_C06.indd 163
Vmax 3S 4
Km + 3S 4
Vmax 3S 4
Thus, at very low substrate concentration, the initial
reaction velocity is roughly proportional to the substrate
concentration. This can be seen at the extreme left side of
the graph in Figure 6-8. As long as the substrate concentration is much lower than the Km value, the velocity of an
enzyme-catalyzed reaction increases linearly with substrate
Case 2: Very High Substrate Concentration ([S] g Km).
At very high substrate concentration, Km becomes negligibly
small compared with [S] in the denominator of the Michaelis–
Menten equation, so we can write
Vmax 3S 4
Km + 3S 4
Vmax 3S 4
3S 4
= Vmax
Therefore, at very high substrate concentrations, the velocity of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction is essentially independent of the variation in [S] and is approximately constant at a
value close to Vmax (see the right side of Figure 6-8).
This provides us with a mathematical definition of
Vmax, which is one of the two kinetic parameters in the
Michaelis–Menten equation. Vmax is the upper limit of v
as the substrate concentration [S] approaches infinity. In
other words, Vmax is the velocity at saturating substrate
concentrations. Under these conditions, the enzyme molecules are active almost all of the time because the substrate
concentration is so high that as soon as a product molecule
is released, another substrate molecule is bound at the
active site.
Vmax is therefore an upper limit determined by (1) the
time required for the actual catalytic reaction and (2) how
many such enzyme molecules are present. Because the actual reaction rate is fixed, the only way that Vmax can be increased is to increase enzyme concentration. In fact, Vmax is
linearly proportional to the amount of enzyme present, as
shown in Figure 6-9, where k3 represents the reaction rate
Enzymes: The Catalysts of Life
Ef + S ∆
ES ∆
Ef + P
According to the Michaelis–Menten hypothesis, the enzyme E that catalyzes this reaction first reacts with the substrate S, forming the transient enzyme-substrate complex ES,
which then undergoes the actual catalytic reaction to form
free enzyme and product P, as shown in the sequence
Case 1: Very Low Substrate Concentration ([S] f Km).
At very low substrate concentration, [S] becomes negligibly
small compared with the constant Km in the denominator of
the Michaelis–Menten equation and can be ignored, so we can
Chapter 6
¡ P
Enzyme (E)
concentration: very low substrate concentration, very high
substrate concentration, and the special case of 3S 4 = Km .
Case 3: ([S] = Km). To explore the meaning of Km more
precisely, consider the special case where [S] is equal to Km. If
[S] = Km, then Km + [S] = 2[S], and the Michaelis–Menten
equation can be written as
Vmax 3S 4
Km + 3S 4
Vmax 3S 4
2 3S 4
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Vmax = k3[E]
Enzyme concentration [E]
Figure 6-9 The Linear Relationship Between Vmax and
Enzyme Concentration. The linear increase in reaction velocity with enzyme concentration provides the basis for determining
enzyme concentrations experimentally.
This equation demonstrates mathematically that Km is
that specific substrate concentration at which the reaction
proceeds at one-half of its maximum velocity. The Km is a
constant value for a given enzyme-substrate combination
catalyzing a reaction under specified conditions. Figure 6-8
illustrates the meaning of both Vmax and Km.
Why Are Km and Vmax Important to Cell
Now that we understand what Km and Vmax mean, it is fair
to ask why these kinetic parameters are important to cell biologists. The Km value is useful because it allows us to estimate where along the Michaelis–Menten plot of Figure 6-8
an enzyme is functioning in a cell (providing, of course, that
the normal substrate concentration in the cell is known). We
can then estimate at what fraction of the maximum velocity the enzyme-catalyzed reaction is likely to be proceeding
in the cell. The lower the Km value for a given enzyme and
substrate, the lower the substrate concentration range in
which the enzyme is effective. As we will soon see, enzyme
activity in the cell can be modulated by regulatory molecules
that bind to the enzyme and alter the Km for a particular substrate. Km values for several enzyme-substrate combinations
are given in Table 6-2 and, as you can see, can vary over
several orders of magnitude.
Table 6-2
The Vmax for a particular reaction is important because
it provides a measure of the potential maximum rate of
the reaction. Few enzymes actually encounter saturating
substrate concentrations in cells, so enzymes are not likely
to be functioning at their maximum rate under cellular
conditions. However, by knowing the Vmax value, the Km
value, and the substrate concentration in vivo, we can at
least estimate the likely rate of the reaction under cellular
Vmax can also be used to determine another useful
parameter called the turnover number (kcat), which expresses the rate at which substrate molecules are converted
to product by a single enzyme molecule when the enzyme
is operating at its maximum velocity. The constant kcat is
the quotient of Vmax divided by [E], the concentration of
the enzyme:
kcat =
3E 4
Because Vmax is expressed as concentration/time and [E]
is a concentration, kcat has units of reciprocal time (sec-1 or
min-1). Turnover numbers vary greatly among enzymes, as is
clear from the examples given in Table 6-2.
The Double-Reciprocal Plot Is a Useful Means
of Visualizing Kinetic Data
The classic Michaelis–Menten plot of v versus [S] shown in
Figure 6-8 illustrates the dependence of velocity on substrate
concentration. However, it is not an especially useful tool for
the quantitative determination of the key kinetic parameters
Km and Vmax. Its hyperbolic shape makes it difficult to extrapolate accurately to infinite substrate concentration in order
to determine the critical parameter Vmax. Also, if Vmax is not
known accurately, Km cannot be determined.
To circumvent this problem and provide a more useful graphic approach, Hans Lineweaver and Dean Burk in
1934 converted the hyperbolic relationship of the Michaelis–
Menten equation into a linear function by inverting both sides
of Equation 6-7 on page 163 and simplifying the resulting expression into the form of an equation for a straight line:
Km + 3S 4
3S 4
Vmax 3S 4
Vmax 3S 4
Vmax 3S 4
b +
Vmax 3S 4
Km and kcat Values for Some Enzymes
Enzyme Name
Km (M)
kcat(sec − 1)
9 × 10-5
1.4 × 104
Carbonic anhydrase
1 × 10-2
1 × 106
5 × 10-6
8 × 102
Triose phosphate isomerase
5 × 10-4
4.3 × 103
2 × 10-5
2 × 103
M06_HARD7694_09_GE_C06.indd 164
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1 = Km
+ 1
x-intercept = -
/V m
y-intercept =
Figure 6-10 The Lineweaver–Burk Double-Reciprocal Plot.
The reciprocal of the initial velocity, 1/v, is plotted as a function of
the reciprocal of the substrate concentration, 1/[S]. Km can be calculated from the x-intercept and Vmax from the y-intercept.
Thus far, we have assumed that substrates are the only substances in cells that affect the enzyme activity. However, enzymes are also influenced by products, alternative substrates,
substrate analogues, drugs, toxins, and a very important class
of regulators called allosteric effectors. Most of these substances
have an inhibitory effect on enzyme activity, reducing the reaction rate with the desired substrate or sometimes blocking
the reaction completely.
This inhibition of enzyme activity is important for
several reasons. First and foremost, enzyme inhibition
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Enzymes: The Catalysts of Life
Enzyme Inhibitors Act Either Irreversibly or
glucose + ATP ++
¡ glucose@6@phosphate + ADP
Chapter 6
Equation 6-12 on page 164 is known as the Lineweaver–
Burk equation. When it is plotted as 1/v versus 1/[S], as in
Figure 6-10, the resulting double-reciprocal plot is linear
in the general algebraic form y = mx + b, where m is the
slope and b is the y-intercept. Therefore, it has a slope (m)
of Km/Vmax, a y-intercept (b) of 1/Vmax, and an x-intercept
(y = 0) of - 1/Km. (You should be able to convince yourself
of these intercept values by setting first 1/[S] and then 1/v
equal to zero in Equation 6-12 on page 164 and solving for the
other value.) Therefore, once the double-reciprocal plot has
been constructed, Vmax can be determined directly from the
reciprocal of the y-intercept and Km from the negative reciprocal of the x-intercept. Furthermore, the slope can be used to
check both values.
Thus, the Lineweaver–Burk plot is useful experimentally
because it allows us to determine the parameters Vmax and
Km without the complication of a hyperbolic shape. (Key
Technique, page 166, shows an experimental set-up for
determining these kinetic parameters for hexokinase, the enzyme catalyzing the phosphorylation of glucose on carbon
atom 6 to begin the degradation of glucose in the glycolytic
plays a vital role as a control mechanism in cells. Many enzymes are subject to regulation by specific small molecules
other than their substrates. Often this is a means of sensing
their immediate environment to respond to specific cellular
Enzyme inhibition is also important in the action of
drugs and poisons, which frequently exert their effects by
inhibiting specific enzymes. Inhibitors are also useful to enzymologists as tools in their studies of reaction mechanisms
and to doctors for treatment of disease. Especially important inhibitors are substrate analogues and transition
state analogues. These are compounds that resemble the
usual substrate or the transition state closely enough to
bind to the active site but cannot be converted to a functional product.
Substrate analogues are important tools in fighting infectious disease, and many have been developed to inhibit
specific enzymes in pathogenic bacteria and viruses, usually
targeting enzymes that we humans lack. For example, sulfa
drugs resemble the folic acid precursor para-aminobenzoic
acid. They can bind to and block the active site of the bacterial enzyme used to synthesize folic acid, which is required in
DNA synthesis. Likewise, azidothymidine (AZT), which is an
antiviral medication, resembles the deoxythymidine molecule
normally used by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
to synthesize DNA using viral reverse transcriptase. After
binding to the active site, AZT is incorporated into a growing
strand of DNA but forms a “dead-end” molecule of DNA that
cannot be elongated.
Inhibitors may be either reversible or irreversible. An
irreversible inhibitor binds to the enzyme covalently, causing permanent loss of catalytic activity. Not surprisingly, irreversible inhibitors are usually toxic to cells. Ions of heavy metals are often irreversible inhibitors, as are nerve gas poisons
and some insecticides. These substances can bind irreversibly
to enzymes such as acetylcholinesterase, an enzyme that is vital
to the transmission of nerve impulses (see Chapter 22). Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase activity leads to rapid paralysis
of vital functions and therefore to death. One such inhibitor is
diisopropyl fluorophosphate, a nerve gas that binds covalently to
the hydroxyl group of a critical serine at the active site of the
enzyme, thereby rendering the enzyme molecule permanently
Some irreversible inhibitors of enzymes can be used as
therapeutic agents. For example, aspirin binds irreversibly
to the enzyme cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1), which produces
prostaglandins and other signaling chemicals that cause
inflammation, constriction of blood vessels, and platelet
aggregation. Thus, aspirin is effective in relieving minor
inflammation and headaches and has been recommended
in low doses as a cardiovascular protectant. The antibiotic
penicillin is an irreversible inhibitor of the enzyme needed
for bacterial cell wall synthesis. Penicillin is therefore effective in treating bacterial infections because it prevents the
bacterial cells from forming cell walls, thus blocking their
growth and division. And because our cells lack a cell wall
(and the enzyme that synthesizes it), penicillin is nontoxic
to humans.
In contrast, a reversible inhibitor binds to an enzyme
in a noncovalent, dissociable manner, such that the free and
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Determining Km and Vmax Using Enzyme Assays
PROBLEM: Hexokinase is an important enzyme in energy
metabolism because it catalyzes the first step in the exothermic
degradation of glucose. Understanding the kinetics of this reaction will help us to better understand its role in energy production in the cell. But how do scientists experimentally determine
the kinetic parameters of Km and Vmax for an enzyme such as
SOLUTION: Researchers can determine Km and Vmax
by performing an experiment in which the enzyme concentration and all other variables are held constant as the substrate
concentration is varied in a series of enzyme assays (individual
measurements). By measuring the velocity (v ) at each substrate
concentration [S] and graphing the results, we can find the
numerical values of Km and Vmax.
Details: Hexokinase catalyzes the phosphorylation of glucose
on carbon atom 6 as shown in the following equation:
glucose + ATP ++
¡ glucose@6@phosphate + ADP
To analyze the kinetics of this reaction, we must determine
the initial velocity at each of several substrate concentrations.
When an enzyme has two substrates, the usual approach is to
vary the concentration of one substrate at a time while holding that of the other one constant at a level near saturation to
ensure that it does not become rate limiting.
In the experimental approach shown in Figure 6B-1,
glucose is the variable substrate, with ATP present at a saturating
Tube number:
[S] = [glucose] (mM):
v (mmol/min):
v = Initial velocity of glucose
consumption (mmol/min)
Key Tools: Purified enzyme and substrate; a color indicator to
allow measurement of the amount of product; a spectrophotometer for measuring the accumulation of product.
bound forms of the inhibitor exist in equilibrium with each
other. We can represent such binding as
E + I ∆ EI
with E as the active free enzyme, I as the inhibitor, and EI as
the inactive enzyme-inhibitor complex. Clearly, the fraction of
the enzyme that is available to the cell in active form depends
on the concentration of the inhibitor and the strength of the
enzyme-inhibitor complex.
The two most common forms of reversible inhibitors
are called competitive inhibitors and noncompetitive
M06_HARD7694_09_GE_C06.indd 166
The enzyme in these assays produces a yellow product, so the
intensity of the color is proportional to the total enzyme activity in
each assay.
Vmax [S]
Km + [S]
[S] = Glucose concentration (mM)
Figure 6B-1 Experimental Procedure for Studying the
Kinetics of the Hexokinase Reaction. Test tubes containing varying concentrations of glucose and a saturating concentration of ATP
were incubated with a standard amount of hexokinase. The initial
velocity, v, was then plotted as a function of the substrate concentration [S]. The curve approaches Vmax as the substrate concentration increases.
inhibitors. A competitive inhibitor binds to the active site
of the enzyme and therefore competes directly with substrate
molecules for the same site on the enzyme (Figure 6-11a).
This reduces enzyme activity because many of the active sites
of the enzyme molecules are blocked by bound inhibitor molecules and thus cannot bind substrate molecules at the active
site. A noncompetitive inhibitor, on the other hand, binds to
the enzyme surface at a location other than the active site. It
does not block substrate binding directly but inhibits enzyme
activity indirectly by causing a change in protein conformation that can either inhibit substrate binding to the active
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1/v (min/mmol):
0.14 0.15 0.18 0.20 0.25
1/v (min/mmol)
= m
v Vmax [S] Vmax
1/[S] = 1/[glucose](mM -1)
Figure 6B-2 Double-Reciprocal Plot for the Hexokinase
Data. For each test tube in Figure 6B-1, 1/v was then plotted as a
function of 1/[S].
is -6.7 mM –1. From these intercepts, we can calculate that
Vmax = 1/0.1 = 10 mmol/min and Km = -(1> -6.7) = 0.15 mM.
If we now go back to the Michaelis–Menten plot of Figure 6B-1,
notice that reaction velocity is rising hyperbolically to a Vmax of
10 mM/min. Considering that the graph reaches one-half of this
value at a substrate concentration of 0.15 mM, we can verify
that 0.15 mM is the Km of hexokinase for glucose.
Enzymes: The Catalysts of Life
M06_HARD7694_09_GE_C06.indd 167
[S] (mM):
1/[S] (mM -1):
v (mmol/min):
site or greatly reduce the catalytic activity at the active site
(Figure 6-11b).
The ability to engineer chemicals that act as specific inhibitors of enzymes is an important component of modern
drug design and has been aided greatly by modern computers.
In this approach, the three-dimensional structure of an enzyme active site is analyzed to predict what types of molecules
are likely to bind tightly to it and act as inhibitors. Scientists
can then design a number of hypothetical inhibitors and test
their binding using complex computer models. In this way, it
Tube number:
Chapter 6
concentration in each tube. Of the nine reaction mixtures set up
for this experiment, one tube is a negative control, designated
the “reagent blank” (B), because it contains no glucose. The
other tubes contain concentrations of glucose ranging from 0.05
to 0.40 mM. With all tubes prepared and maintained at some
favorable temperature (25°C is often used), the reaction in each
tube is initiated by adding a fixed amount of hexokinase.
The rate of product formation in each of the reaction mixtures can then be determined in several ways. In one common approach, a spectrophotometer can be used to measure
progress of the reaction. The spectrophotometer measures
how much light of a particular wavelength is absorbed by a solution. If a reactant or product absorbs light at a characteristic
wavelength, an increase in the products or a decrease in the
reactants provides a measure of the progress of the reaction.
Another common approach is to allow each reaction mixture
to incubate for some short, fixed period of time, followed by a
chemical assay for either substrate depletion or product accumulation. In this approach, the reaction’s progress is often indirectly
assessed using a colored indicator that can again be measured
using a spectrophotometer. The measurement in Figure 6B-1
uses this second approach.
As Figure 6B-1 indicates, the initial velocity of the glucose consumption reaction for tubes 1–8 ranged from 2.5 to
7.3 mmol of glucose consumed per minute, with no detectable
reaction in the blank. Plotting these reaction velocities as a
function of glucose concentration generates the hyperbolic
curve shown in Figure 6B-1. Although these data are idealized for illustrative purposes, most kinetic data generated
by this approach do, in fact, fit a hyperbolic curve unless the
enzyme has some special properties that cause departure from
Michaelis–Menten kinetics.
Because neither Vmax nor Km can be easily determined
from the values as plotted, reciprocals were calculated for each
value of [S] and v in Figure 6B-1 by dividing 1 by each value.
Thus, the [S] values of 0.05–0.40 mM generate reciprocals of
20–2.5 mM –1, and the v values of 2.5–7.3 mmol/min give rise to
reciprocals of 0.4–0.14 min/mmol. Because these are reciprocals, the data point representing the lowest concentration (tube
1) is farthest from the origin (0, 0), and each successive tube is
represented by a point closer to the origin (Figure 6B-2).
When these data points are connected by a straight line,
the y-intercept is found to be 0.1 min/mmol, and the x-intercept
QUESTION: The points on the graph representing [S] in
Figure 6B-1 are equally spaced along the x-axis. Why may
this not be the best set of concentrations for finding Km and
Vmax? Can you suggest an improvement? Feel free to consider
both the curve in Figure 6B-1 and the double-reciprocal plot
in Figure 6B-2 in providing your answer.
is not necessary to rely only upon inhibitors that are found
in nature. Hundreds or even thousands of potential inhibitors
can be designed and tested, and only the most promising are
actually synthesized and evaluated experimentally.
You work at a biotechnology company and are working with
an enzyme that produces an anti-cancer compound from a
proprietary substrate. To maximize production, how would
you want to manipulate Vmax, Km, and kcat?
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Active site
of enzyme
Active site
(a) Competitive inhibition. Inhibitor and substrate both bind to
the active site of the enzyme. Binding of an inhibitor prevents
substrate binding, thereby inhibiting enzyme activity.
Little or no
(b) Noncompetitive inhibition. Inhibitor and substrate bind
to different sites on the enzyme. Binding of an inhibitor
distorts the enzyme, inhibiting substrate binding or
reducing catalytic activity.
Figure 6-11 Modes of Action of Competitive and Noncompetitive Inhibitors. Both (a) competitive
and (b) noncompetitive inhibitors bind reversibly to the enzyme (E), thereby inhibiting its activity. The two kinds
of inhibitors differ in which site on the enzyme they bind to.
6.4 Enzyme Regulation
To understand the role of enzymes in cellular function, we
need to recognize that it is rarely in the cell’s best interest to
allow an enzyme to function at an indiscriminately high rate.
Instead, the rates of enzyme-catalyzed reactions must be continuously adjusted to keep them finely tuned to the needs of
the cell. An important aspect of that adjustment lies in the
cell’s ability to control enzyme activities with specificity and
We have already encountered a variety of regulatory
mechanisms, including changes in substrate and product
concentrations, alterations in temperature and pH, and the
presence and concentration of inhibitors. Regulation that
depends directly on the interactions of substrates and products with the enzyme is called substrate-level regulation.
As the Michaelis–Menten equation makes clear, increases in
substrate concentration result in higher reaction rates (see
Figure 6-8). Conversely, increases in product concentration
reduce the rate at which substrate is converted to product.
(This inhibitory effect of product concentration is why v needs
to be identified as the initial reaction velocity in the Michaelis–
Menten equation, as given by Equation 6-7 on page 163.)
Substrate-level regulation is an important control mechanism in cells, but it is not sufficient for the regulation of most
reactions or reaction sequences. For most pathways, enzymes
are regulated by other mechanisms as well. Two of the most
important of these are allosteric regulation and covalent modification. These mechanisms allow cells to turn enzymes on or
off or to fine-tune their reaction rates by modulating enzyme
activities appropriately.
Almost invariably, the enzyme that is most highly regulated catalyzes the first step of a multistep sequence. By
increasing or reducing the rate at which the first step functions, the whole sequence is effectively controlled. Pathways
that are regulated in this way include those required to break
down large molecules (such as sugars, fats, or amino acids)
M06_HARD7694_09_GE_C06.indd 168
and pathways that lead to the synthesis of substances needed
by the cell (such as amino acids and nucleotides). For now, we
will discuss allosteric regulation and covalent modification at
an introductory level. We will return to these mechanisms as
we encounter specific examples in later chapters.
Allosteric Enzymes Are Regulated by
Molecules Other than Reactants and Products
The single most important control mechanism whereby the
rates of enzyme-catalyzed reactions are adjusted to meet cellular needs is allosteric regulation. To understand this mode
of regulation, consider the pathway by which a cell converts
some precursor A into some final product P via a series of intermediates B, C, and D in a sequence of reactions catalyzed by
enzymes E1, E2, E3, and E4, respectively:
A ¡
B ¡
C ¡
D ¡
Product P could, for example, be an amino acid needed
by the cell for protein synthesis, and A could be some common cellular component that serves as the starting point for
the specific reaction sequence leading to P.
Feedback Inhibition. If allowed to proceed at a constant,
unrestrained rate, the pathway shown in reaction sequence
6-15 can convert large amounts of A to P, with possible adverse effects resulting from a depletion of A or an excessive
accumulation of P. Clearly, the best interests of the cell are
served when the pathway is functioning not at its maximum
rate or even some constant rate, but at a rate that is carefully
tuned to the cellular need for P.
Somehow, the enzymes of this pathway must be responsive to the cellular level of the product P in somewhat the same
way that a furnace needs to be responsive to the temperature
of the rooms it is intended to heat. In the latter case, a thermostat provides the necessary regulatory link between the
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furnace and its “product,” heat. If there is too much heat, the
thermostat turns the furnace off, inhibiting heat production.
If heat is needed, this inhibition is relieved due to the lack of
heat. In our enzyme example, the desired regulation is possible
because the product P is a specific inhibitor of E1, the enzyme
that catalyzes the first reaction in the sequence.
This phenomenon is called feedback inhibition and is
represented by the arrow that connects the product P to enzyme E1 in the following reaction sequence:
Initial substrate
Active site
Allosteric site
Enzyme 1
(threonine deaminase)
Feedback inhibition of E1 by P
Intermediate A
Intermediate B
Enzyme 3
Intermediate C
Enzyme 4
Intermediate D
Enzyme 5
Enzymes: The Catalysts of Life
Allosteric Regulation. How can the first enzyme in a pathway (for example, enzyme E1 in reaction sequence 6-16) be
sensitive to the concentration of a substance P that is neither
its substrate nor its immediate product? The answer to this
question was first proposed in 1963 by Jacques Monod, JeanPierre Changeux, and François Jacob, who studied the regulation of lactose uptake and degradation in bacteria. Their
model was quickly substantiated and went on to become the
foundation for our understanding of allosteric regulation.
The term allosteric derives from the Greek for “another shape
(or form),” thereby indicating that all enzymes capable of allosteric regulation can exist in two different forms.
In one of the two forms, the enzyme has a high affinity for its
substrate(s), leading to high activity. In the other form, it has little
or no affinity for its substrate, giving little or no catalytic activity.
Enzymes with this property are called allosteric enzymes. The
two different forms of an allosteric enzyme are readily interconvertible and are, in fact, in equilibrium with each other.
Whether the active or inactive form of an allosteric enzyme is favored depends on the cellular concentration of
the appropriate regulatory substance, called an allosteric
effector. In the case of isoleucine synthesis, the allosteric
effector is isoleucine and the allosteric enzyme is threonine
deaminase. More generally, an allosteric effector is a small
organic molecule that regulates the activity of an enzyme for
which it is neither the substrate nor the immediate product.
Enzyme 2
Chapter 6
Feedback inhibition is one of the most common mechanisms used by cells to ensure that the activities of reaction sequences are adjusted to cellular needs.
Figure 6-12 provides a specific example of such a
pathway—the five-step sequence whereby the amino acid
isoleucine is synthesized from threonine, another amino acid. In
this case, the first enzyme in the pathway, threonine deaminase,
is regulated by the concentration of isoleucine within the cell.
If isoleucine is being used by the cell (in the synthesis of proteins, most likely), the isoleucine concentration will be low and
the cell will need more. Under these conditions, threonine deaminase is active, and the pathway functions to produce more
isoleucine. If the need for isoleucine decreases, isoleucine will
begin to accumulate in the cell. This increase in its concentration will lead to inhibition of threonine deaminase and hence
to a reduced rate of isoleucine synthesis.
M06_HARD7694_09_GE_C06.indd 169
Feedback inhibition loop
(end-product is allosteric
inhibitor of enzyme 1)
Figure 6-12 Allosteric Regulation of Enzyme Activity.
Feedback inhibition is seen in the biosynthetic pathway by which the
amino acid isoleucine is synthesized from the amino acid threonine.
The first enzyme in the sequence, threonine deaminase, is allosterically inhibited by the end-product isoleucine, which binds to the
enzyme at an allosteric site distinct from the active site.
An allosteric effector influences enzyme activity by binding to one of the two interconvertible forms of the enzyme,
thereby stabilizing it in that state. The effector binds to the
enzyme because of the presence on the enzyme surface of an
allosteric (or regulatory) site that is distinct from the active
site at which the catalytic event occurs. Thus, a distinguishing
feature of all allosteric enzymes (and other allosteric proteins,
as well) is the presence on the enzyme surface of an active site
to which the substrate binds and an allosteric site to which the
effector binds. In fact, some allosteric enzymes have multiple
allosteric sites, each capable of recognizing a different effector.
An effector may be either an allosteric inhibitor or an
allosteric activator, depending on the effect it has when
bound to the allosteric site on the enzyme—that is, depending
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Little or no
Low-affinity form
of enzyme
High-affinity form
of enzyme
Little or no
Low-affinity form
of enzyme
(a) Allosteric inhibition. An enzyme subject to allosteric inhibition
is active in the uncomplexed form, which has a high affinity for
its substrate (S). Binding of an allosteric inhibitor (red) stabilizes
the enzyme in its low-affinity form, resulting in little or no
High-affinity form
of enzyme
(b) Allosteric activation. An enzyme subject to allosteric activation
is inactive in its uncomplexed form, which has a low affinity for
its substrate. Binding of an allosteric activator (green) stabilizes
the enzyme in its high-affinity form, resulting in enzyme activity.
Figure 6-13 Mechanisms of Allosteric Inhibition and Activation. An allosteric enzyme has one or more
Review Enzymes &
catalytic subunits (C) with an active site and one or more regulatory subunits (R) with an allosteric site. One
form of the enzyme has a high affinity for its substrate and therefore a high likelihood of product formation.
The other site has a low affinity for substrate and a correspondingly low likelihood of product formation. The
predominant form of the enzyme depends on the concentration of its allosteric effector(s).
on whether the effector is bound to the low-affinity or highaffinity form of the enzyme (Figure 6-13). The binding of
an allosteric inhibitor shifts the equilibrium between the two
forms of the enzyme to favor the low-affinity state (Figure 613a). The binding of an allosteric activator, on the other hand,
shifts the equilibrium in favor of the high-affinity state (Figure
6-13b). In either case, binding of the effector to the allosteric site stabilizes the enzyme in one of its two interconvertible
forms, thereby either decreasing or increasing the likelihood
of substrate binding.
Most allosteric enzymes are large, multisubunit proteins
with an active site or an allosteric site on each subunit. Thus,
quaternary protein structure is important for these enzymes.
Typically, the active sites and allosteric sites are on different
subunits of the protein, which are referred to as catalytic
subunits and regulatory subunits, respectively (notice
the C and R subunits of the enzyme molecules shown in
Figure 6-13). This means, in turn, that the binding of effector
molecules to the allosteric sites affects not just the shape of the
regulatory subunits but that of the catalytic subunits as well.
Allosteric Enzymes Exhibit Cooperative
Interactions Between Subunits
Many allosteric enzymes exhibit a property known as cooperativity. This means that, as the multiple catalytic sites on the
enzyme bind substrate molecules, the enzyme undergoes conformational changes that affect the affinity of the remaining
sites for substrate. Some enzymes show positive cooperativity, in
which the binding of a substrate molecule to one subunit increases the affinity of other subunits for substrate. For example,
when one subunit of hemoglobin binds oxygen, this increases
the binding of oxygen to the other subunits. Other enzymes
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show negative cooperativity, in which the substrate binding to
one subunit reduces the affinity of the other sites for substrate.
The cooperativity effect enables cells to produce enzymes
that are more sensitive or less sensitive to changes in substrate
concentration than would otherwise be predicted by Michaelis–
Menten kinetics. Positive cooperativity causes an enzyme’s
catalytic activity to increase more rapidly than expected as the
substrate concentration is increased, whereas negative cooperativity means that enzyme activity increases more slowly
than expected.
Enzymes Can Also Be Regulated by the
Addition or Removal of Chemical Groups
In addition to allosteric regulation, many enzymes are subject to control by covalent modification. In this form of
regulation, an enzyme’s activity is affected by the addition
or removal of specific chemical groups via covalent bonding.
Common modifications include the addition of phosphoryl
groups, methyl groups, acetyl groups, or derivatives of nucleotides. Some of these modifications can be reversed, whereas
others cannot. In each case, the effect of the modification is to
activate or to inactivate the enzyme—or at least to adjust its
activity upward or downward.
Phosphorylation/Dephosphorylation. One of the most
frequently encountered and best understood covalent modifications involves the reversible addition of phosphoryl groups.
The addition of phosphoryl groups is called phosphorylation
and occurs most commonly by transfer of the phosphoryl
group from ATP to the hydroxyl group of a serine, threonine,
or tyrosine residue in the protein. Enzymes that catalyze the
phosphorylation of other enzymes (or of other proteins) are
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